HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-15-2016 PZ Agenda2. 3. 4. 5. SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2016 — 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/C Modifications and additions req, APPROVAL OF MINUTES unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. Regular meeting of November 10, 2016 Regular meeting of July 21, 2016 6. QUASI-JUDICIAL and PUBLIC HEARINGS • Chairman opens hearing, attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title • Commissioners disclose ex -parte communication • Chairman or attorney swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant or applicant's agent makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Commissioners asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone In favor and anyone opposing the request (anyone presenting factual information shall be sworn but anyone merely advocating approval or denial need not be sworn in) • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion • Commission Action A. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Preliminary Plat for Jackson Street Corners [Commercial] Subdivision — A Re -plat of a Portion of Ocean Breeze Heights Subdivision — SW Corner of the intersection of Jackson Street & U.S. Highway #1 — 6.11 Acres - Commercial Riverfront (CR) Zoning District B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan & Waiver — Jackson Street Corners — 6,863 SF Medical Building & 9,996 SF Retail Store — 1801 & 1807 U.S. Highway #1 - Commercial Riverfront (CR) Zoning District — Requested Waiver from LDC Section 54-4-21.A.7(c)(2): Riverfront Overlay Landscape Requirements UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Accessory Structure Review — LDC Section 54-2-7.5 — 644 Atlantus Terrace - 20' X 30' Shed — Kurt & Jayne Nagel 10. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 11. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 12. STAFF MATTERS 13. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 14. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. All Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings are Aired Live on Comcast Channel 25. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 2016 1. Call to Order – Chairman Roth called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Chairman Roth Mr. McManus Vice Chairman Reyes Mr. Hughan (a) Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez (a) Mr. Dodd Excused: Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Qizilbash Also Present Mr. Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Mr. Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Ms. Dord Bosworth, Planner Ms. Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was not present 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications 0 0)C I c.0 m C CO C ._ caE (LE C U =^ 0®a$ (nN aai Mr. Roth explained that with the excused absences of Ms. Kautenburg and Mr. Qizilbash, Mr. Alvarez and Mr. Hughan would be voting in their place. Mr. Roth called for any modifications to the agenda, hearing none he preceded with the agenda as written. 5. Approval of minutes MOTION: by Dodd/Carter to approve the September 15, 2016 minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. MOTION: by Carter/McManus to approve the March 3, 2016 minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. MOTION: by Dodd/Carter to approve the January 7, 2016 minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearings A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Conditional Use Permit — New Model Home — 1686 Addie Street— Ando Building Corporation. t r PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2016 Mr. Ginsburg read the Project Description Narrative for the Record. Mr. Roth asked if there was any ex -parte communications that needed to be reported — no one responded. Mr. Ginsburg swore in those planning to testify before the Commission. Mr. Andre Dorawa, Jr., 361 Del Monte Road, Unit B, Sebastian stated that he is requesting approval to build a model home at 1686 Addie Street and use it for approximately 5 years. He stated that he had no additional information to provide. Mr. Roth called on staff to make their presentation. Ms. Bosworth explained that the application is for a Conditional Use Permit for a model home. She stated that because this is model home in a residential area there are certain conditional use criteria that have to be met, she reviewed those criteria. She provided details on the parking arrangements noting that an ADA space will be provided. They will receive credit for two spaces in the driveway and will provide three additional spaces by the street. She explained that the builder will install a culvert so customers will not be parking in a swale. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff recommends approval of the model home permit with the four conditions as stated on page three of the staff report. She explained that the permit expires one year from date of approval and may be renewed. At the time it is no longer used as a model the contractor is responsible for removal of the parking area, striping and all signage. Mr. Roth called for anyone from the public wishing to speak in favor of the application. Hearing none he called for anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the application. Hearing none he closed the meeting to the public and called for questions or comments from the Commissioners. Mr. McManus asked if the applicant is aware that the approval is for one year. Ms. Bosworth responded that the initial permit application is for one year, but extensions can be applied for which do not go before the Commission. Mr. Roth explained that if any problems occur with the usage, making the permit for one year those problems can be addressed sooner. Mr. Reyes asked if ADA restrooms would be available. Mr. Dorawa responded that as per code one of the bathrooms will be ADA compliant. Ms. Bosworth clarified that the prior model home that came before the Commission was one in which the garage was made into a sales office which effected the code requirements. Since this model will not have an office the code requirements are that of a single family home. Mr. Reyes commented that the driveway is close to the intersection and asked if that had been reviewed. Ms. Bosworth responded that Engineering has reviewed the plan and placement of the driveway does meet code. Mr. Roth asked if the drain field is for the septic system. Mr. Dorawa responded in the affirmative. Mr. Roth asked if there was sewage available in the area and expressed concern that if it is it should be used. Ms. Bosworth responded sewage is not available. Mr. Roth called for any further discussion, hearing none he called for a motion. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2016 MOTION: by Reyes/Hughan "I make a motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for the new model home at 1686 Addie Street by Ando Building Corporation as submitted" Mr. Ginsburg clarified that "as submitted" included the conditions in the Staff Report. ROLL CALL: Mr. Hughan (a) — Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Dodd — Yes Mr. McManus —Yes Total vote was 7-0. Motion Carried Mr. Alvarez (a) — Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. Carter —Yes B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan & Conditional Use Permit — StoreRight Self Storage — 68,910 SF Mini -Storage Facility — 9220 Sebastian Boulevard — Commercial General (CG) Zoning District. Mr. Ginsburg swore in all those planning to provide testimony regarding this application. He read the Project Description Narrative for the Record. Mr. Roth asked if there was any ex -parte communications that needed to be reported — no one responded. He requested the applicant come forward and make their presentation. Mr. Warren Dill, Attorney, 1565 U. S. Hwy 1, Sebastian, stated that he represents the applicant, StoreRight (Sebastian XIII), LLC. He introduced Mr. Shaun Puri, StoreRight Construction Manager; Mr. Brian Good, Kimley-Horn & Associates, traffic engineer; Mr. Montoya, General Contractor; Mr. Steve McConn, Chastain, Skillman, Inc., site engineer; Mr. Scott Kelly, company CEO and President of the Florida Self Storage Association. He explained that they are before the Commission to request site plan approval and approval of a conditional use permit for a mini -storage facility to be located at 9220 Sebastian Blvd. He noted that the application is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning District and the additional requirements of the CR512 Overlay District. He stated that the project has met all the requirements. He provided details on the upgraded aesthetics of the buildings and site. He explained that the property has been vacant since it was annexed into the City in 2004; the overall intensity of the project is very low; the traffic generated will be very low. He stated that the project will not be visible from Sebastian Crossings Subdivision, the only development near the site, because of the large amount of shrubs and vegetation. He showed and explained numerous photos of the jogging trail, the natural buffering and the other establishments near the proposed site. He explained the purpose was to provide a visual of how the proposed facility would look from various angles. Mr. Nick Zent, Project Architect, 132 West Plant Street, Winter Garden, distributed renderings of the proposed project and provided a detailed description of how the site will be landscaped using both the existing trees and shrubs and installing new plant PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2016 materials to enhance the overall appearance of the site and reduce the visibility of the buildings. Mr. Dill stated that he is aware of the objections of the residents of Sebastian Crossings. He explained that the lighting of the site will be located on the buildings and not pole lights that would spill onto surrounding properties. The dumpster will be located internal to the site and will not be visible to residents entering or leaving Sebastian Crossings. He provided a history of the surrounding area and a previously proposed storage facility which never was built stating that this application is in no way similar to the previous application. He requested that the Commission consider approval of the Site Plan and Conditional Use based on staffs thorough review and recommendations. Mr. Steve McConn, Chastain, Skillman, Inc., 4705 Old Highway 37, Lakeland stated that access to the site will not be via Sebastian Crossings Boulevard but by using the access road shared with AutoZone and Dollar General; all drainage will be into the retention pond shared with these businesses and will not impact Sebastian Crossings Boulevard. He stated that great effort has been made to address and comply with all concerns raised by staff to make this project conform to the area both aesthetically and functionally. Mr. Brian Good, Kimley-Horn and Associates, 445 24th Street, Vero Beach, stated that as documented by the Indian River County traffic data a self -storage facility is the very lowest traffic generator of any allowed use for the site. He explained that their traffic study has been reviewed and accepted by both Indian River County and City staff. He stated that the study shows the traffic generated poses no adverse impact. Ms. Bosworth explained that at the time the Public Notice went out there was proposed to be 74,700SF of storage; that has been reduced to 68,910SF. The notice also stated that the 47 outside storage spaces would be covered, they will not be covered. She provided a history of the site by stating that there was a proposed site plan which staff was developing their report to recommend denial, however the project was pulled and it was never brought to the Council or Commission. She stated that a building setback variance had been requested on this application but as a result of the denial by the Board of Adjustments the plans before the Commission have been revised and do meet all the setbacks. Ms. Bosworth provided details on the number of buildings and their heights. She noted that although the taller interior buildings do not meet the required 5/12 pitch, staff and the applicant felt they would be more attractive at a lower height. As a result they will be 17' 8.5" rather than the approximate 25' which would have resulted using the 5/12 pitch. She stated that the site plan meets parking requirements, a copy of the master storm water permit including this property is on file with the City. She concluded her report on the site plan application by stating that it meets all the applicable requirements. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2016 Ms. Bosworth continued with the Conditional Use application. She stated that the conditional use is where the Commissioners have the opportunity for input. She reviewed the Conditional Use criteria (#23 a -e) item by item and provided details on how this application meets those requirements. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff and the applicant have worked together to make the aesthetics of the site as pleasing as possible. The effort to maintain the "fishing village" theme was followed as closely as can be considering the nature of the project. She showed the color samples of the paints to be used. She advised the Commissioners that a Gopher Tortoise is located on the property and a condition of site plan approval is receiving a copy of the relocation permit and verification that the tortoise has been removed prior to issuance of a land clearing permit. Ms. Bosworth concluded by stating that the proposed mini -storage conditional use is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code and the site plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code and CR512 Overlay District. As a result staff recommends approval of both the site plan and the conditional use permit with the condition as stated in the staff report. Mr. Roth thanked Ms. Bosworth for the detailed report. He called for questions or comments from the Commissioners. Mr. McManus asked about hours of access; the availability of the restroom facility to the public; location of entry/exit from the site and if there would be more than one access point. Mr. Dill responded that access is controlled and provided the hours of operation; he explained that the restroom facility is within the controlled area and is for customers only; the only entrance will be off CR512 and noted that there is an existing road which will not be used as an entrance off Sebastian Boulevard. Mr. Reyes asked for details on the lighting. Mr. Zent explained that there are three type lights; can lights will be used over the office entrance, wall mounted lights will be used on the perimeter buildings and sheppard hook lights will be used on the interior buildings. He stressed that there will be no pole lights used. Mr. Alvarez asked what type lighting is proposed. Mr. Zent responded that it will be high efficiency LED lighting which would be white and not yellow. Mr. Reyes asked about the conservation easement and if there may be an eagle's nest. Ms. Bosworth responded that the land was deeded to St. Johns WMD in the original plat and is possibly part of the wet lands and slough. Mr. Reyes asked about the trail which abuts the site. Ms. Bosworth explained that is part of the Rails to Trails project under taken by Indian River County. Mr. Roth asked for additional details on the can lighting. Mr. Zent explained that they would be recessed in the overhang at the office door, would shine down and would be no more than about 8 feet high. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2016 Mr. McManus asked if the project would have to conform to the CR512 Overlay District landscaping requirements. Ms. Bosworth responded that the very smallest part of the site falls under the overlay district landscaping requirements and the remainder of the landscaping requirements are part of the conditional use permit. Mr. Dodd asked about the number of parking spaces. Ms. Bosworth responded that the parking spaces used to meet code do not include those intended for storage but are for customers parking to load or unload at their storage units and for visiting the office. Mr. Dodd expressed concern about the possible congestion caused by RVs exiting the site in order to go east bound on CR512. Mr. Watanabe explained that the congestion at Sebastian Crossings Blvd and CR512 has been examined during prior applications but Indian River County traffic engineers did not feel it posed a safety hazard, it is more of an inconvenience and delay in getting through the light. Mr. Dodd asked if the roof height not complying with the 5/12 pitch requirements needed a variance. Ms. Bosworth responded that the requirement addresses various types of roof styles and based on that factor a variance would not be necessary. Mr. Roth called for any further questions or comments from the Commission, hearing none he opened the meeting for public comment. He called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the application to do so at this time. There being no one wishing to speak in favor of the project he called for those wishing to speak in opposition to do so at this time. Mr. Douglas Vitunac, Attorney, Collins Brown, 756 Beachland Boulevard, Vero Beach stated that he represents About Storage, Acorn Mini Storage and Sebastian Self Storage and he is present to provide a history of the site and explain how the proposed use does not meet the City's Comprehensive Plan. He expressed concern that the inaccuracies in the Public Notice and the date change may be the result of a staff shortage at the City. Mr. Roth stated that the date change was due to the Chambers being used for voting. Mr. Vitunac provided a detailed history of the property when it was in the county and then as it was annexed into the City. He stated that the developer presented the City a plan for residential, commercial general and retail development. He stated that this was the City's vision to make CR512 an inviting gateway into the City. Mr. Vitunac played a portion of the City Council Meeting related to the annexation of this property. He noted that the consensus of the Council was the importance of the creation of jobs, residences and an attractive prosperous entry into the City. He quoted the statement that the applicant made regarding the City's retaining control of development of the property and urged the Commissioners to exercise that control in considering the application being presented. He concluded by stating that a mini -storage facility is more industrial than commercial general and definitely not the retail use that the City had envisioned for this prime piece of property which is the gateway into the City and a visitor's first impression. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2016 Mr. Dick Krull, 360 Sebastian Crossings Boulevard stated that he represents the Sebastian Crossings Home Owners Association and home owners in Fischer Lake Islands subdivision. He presented a petition signed by 128 residents of Sebastian Crossings in opposition to the proposed _facility. Mr. Krull-howedLtultiple-slides-and__ photos depicting the traffic problems that exist in the area and stated that adding this facility would only make the maneuverability more difficult and hazardous. He expressed concern about the greater possibility of flooding. He read parts of the CR512 Overlay District Code and stated that this use does not meet the intent to provide a pleasing entry into the City. He stated that although there is landscaping the buildings and RV storage would be visible from Sebastian Crossings Boulevard and the trail which was developed because of the path's historic value to both Sebastian and Fellsmere. He concluded by urging the Commissioners to deny this application. Ms. Debbie Duncan Sargent, 103 Carlisle Way was sworn in by Mr. Ginsburg. She stated that her home was purchased with the knowledge that the property along CR512 was commercial and they hoped there would be shopping, restaurants, etc. She requested that the Commission deny the application for the mini -storage, which is more industrial, and keep the area as it was originally intended to be. Mr. Steve Philipson, owner of About Storage, was sworn by Mr. Ginsburg. He stated that mini -storage facilities are appropriate for industrially zoned areas and not commercial general areas. He commented that approving this conditional use would be a serious misuse of a prime location. He urged the Commissioners to deny the application and maintain the original intent for development of the property. Mr. Roth called for anyone else wishing to speak in opposition to the application. Seeing none, he asked if Mr. Dill wanted the opportunity to address the concerns expressed. Mr. Dill stated that he was not aware that there were three mini -storage facilities in the City who oppose competition. He responded to Mr. Vitunac's statement that the use is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan when City staff had determined that it did. He provided details on the original plan for development by explaining that Publix declined being an anchor tenant in a shopping center that was not `on a hard corner" as a result of this the developer determined a storage facility may be more appropriate. He provided details on what was presented on the original plat by stating that it did show a mini -storage facility when this property was annexed. He stressed the fact that due to the size the property would not be developed for retail and if it were the residents would be facing a far greater traffic problem than what the proposed facility would create. Mr. Scott Kelley, 6225 Tigerflower Court, Land O Lakes, FL stated that he has been in the mini -storage field for many years and has done many studies regarding supply and demand of storage facilities. He noted that because of the weather conditions and the number of HOAs in Florida the demand for offsite storage is higher. He explained that the nature of storage facilities has changed over the years and is now part of commercial rather than industrial zoning districts because they are used by women and the commercial environment is safer and more attractive than going into an industrial PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2016 area. He provided detailed statistics on how the market is evaluated and the relationship of this site to the three other self -storage facilities in the City. He noted that in his research he determined that the existing facilities are close to capacity which supports the need of additional self -storage units. He concluded by asking the Commission approve the application. Mr. Dill asked if there were any questions, there being none he concluded by stating that the site plan and conditional use applications do meet the City's code and requested the Commission approve the applications. Mr. Roth stated that comment and discussion is concluded and called on staff to present their summary and recommendations. Ms. Bosworth stated that the site plan does meet all the regulations and staff recommends approval. Ms. Bosworth stated, regarding the conditional use permit, that the code does allow a conditional use for mini -storage facilities in the Commercial General Zoning Districts and that is what was used in formulating the staff recommendations. She read the conditional use criteria and advised the Commissioners that they have the discretion to approve or deny based on their interpretation of compliance with these criteria and input during the Public Hearing. She explained that the proposed facility that came to the City in 2006 did not meet what staff considered the aesthetics that were wanted for the CR512 gateway, but due to various reasons the application was never brought to the Commissioners. She stated that staff feels that requirements of the conditional use permit and site plan are met and staff recommends approval with the condition that addresses the gopher tortoise. Mr. Roth thanked staff and stated that he has done research and in fact this application is eligible for a conditional use permit. He called for comments or questions from the Commissioners. Mr. Dodd asked Mr. Ginsburg if there were any provisions in the annexation ordinance that prohibits or restricts this type use of the property. Mr. Ginsburg responded that there were none with respect to this parcel. Mr. Dodd stated that he feels that there could be a better use of the property since it is the gateway into the City, but the decision has to be based on the code. He expressed concern about the traffic and congestion that will be created and ask staff, that if this application is approved, if they could look into some possible remedies. Mr. Dodd asked if the motion for the conditional use permit should include language stating that the storage spaces be specifically identified as RV storage to prevent the possibility storage of rental trucks. Mr. Ginsburg responded that condition could be included in the motion. Mr. Reyes commented that he feels that the proposed facility will be an improvement to the area as a gateway into the City. He stated that the actual storage will be toward the rear of the property and what would be visible from CR512 would be the entrance. He stated that as far as the traffic, in his opinion those exiting the site would go west bound PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2016 on CR512 then make a u -turn if they wanted to proceed east. He expressed concern about the bus traffic, but stated that is not part of this application and needs to be addressed with the City and County. Mr. Reyes stated that, from personal experience, there is a need for additional storage facilities because of the restrictions on boat and RV storage at residences. He stated that he is in favor of approval of the applications. Mr. Roth asked if the restriction prohibiting storing flammable or explosive materials in the facility is in the lease. Mr. Dill responded that it is a condition of in the lease agreement which is probably very similar to the other storage facilities in the City. Ms. Bosworth stated that storage of hazardous materials is also reviewed by the Fire Department and if that were allowed the cost of fire walls between units would be extremely high. Mr. Roth called for any further discussion, hearing none, he called for a motion. MOTION: by Dodd/Reyes "I move that we approve the conditional use permit for Store Right Sebastian consisting of 68,910 SF mini -storage facility at 9220 Sebastian Boulevard within the Commercial Zoning District." Mr. Roth called for any further comments, hearing none he called for a vote on the conditional use permit. ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Alvarez (a) — No Mr. McManus — Yes The vote was 6 - 1. Motion Carried. Mr. Dodd — Yes Mr. Hughan (a) — Yes Mr. Carter —Yes MOTION: by Reyes/Dodd "I will make a motion that we approve the site plan for Store Right Sebastian for a 68,910SF mini -storage facility at 9220 Sebastian Boulevard with the staff condition for the gopher tortoise removal." Mr. Roth called for any further comments, hearing none he called for a vote on the site plan. ROLL CALL: Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. McManus —Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. Dodd — Yes Mr. Alvarez (a) — No Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. Hughan (a) — Yes The vote was 6 - 1. Motion Carried. Mr. Roth thanked everyone for their patience and input this evening. He stated that the meeting was still in process and asked all those wishing to have a discussion to exit the Chambers. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 10 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2016 7. Unfinished Business — none 8. Public Input — None 9. New Business — None 10. Commissioners Matters Mr. Roth congratulated Mr. Dodd for his election to the Sebastian City Council and wished him the best of luck. He thanked Mr. Dodd for his years of service on the Planning Commission. Mr. Carter reported that the light in the front of City Hall is still not working. Staff responded they would correct the problem. Mr. Reyes asked for an update on the City's clean-up efforts. He stated that according to the City's website there was to be one, but so far he has not seen any progress. Ms. Bosworth responded that the contractor the City hired has had problems with their trucks as a result their ability to handle the clean-up has been impacted. Mr. Dodd stated that he has enjoyed the time he has served on the Planning Commission and thanked the Commissioners for their support. Mr. Watanabe responded to Mr. Reyes question about the clean-up efforts by reporting that the initial pick up was done right after the storm, a second pick up was done and it is anticipated that the final pickup will be completed by next week. Mr. Reyes asked about how the cost is being covered. Mr. Watanabe responded that FEMA will pay 80% of the cost, the State will pay 10% of the cost, leaving the city to pay 10% of the cost of clean-up. Mr. Roth asked for an update on the crosswalk at the Tiki Bar. Mr. Watanabe responded that at the time of approval of the parking it was discussed that a mid -block cross walk is discouraged and there is a crosswalk a very short distance from the facility that is at an intersection which is a safer place to cross. He stated that the City did install a speed hump and will monitor the activity to determine if any further action is necessary. Mr. Roth asked if staff had received the diagram from Harry B's Golf Carts showing the location of the display golf carts. Ms. Bosworth responded it was received and emailed to each of the Commissioners as an attachment to an update email. She stated that she will resend it. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 11 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2016 11. City Attorney Matters Mr. Ginsburg reported that the City Council Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 16th has been rescheduled to November 23� because the certification from the Supervisor of Elections is necessary for the swearing in of the new Council Members. Mr. Ginsburg explained that the memo with its attachments he provided the Commissioners this evening are his suggestions on how the City may need to amend their Land Development Code as it relates to the recently passed approval of medical marijuana. He stated that he is recommending that the Council review the issue and pass it to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendations back to the Council. He stated that he is just providing the information for consideration. 10. Staff Matters Ms. Bosworth reported that a Site Plan for the last parcel at the corner of Jackson Street will come before the Commission at the December 1st meeting. She stated that depending upon the results of the Council Meeting on the 23`d, the medical marijuana may be on the agenda possibly as a workshop item. 13. Items for Next Agenda — Reported under Staff Matters 13. Adjourn Mr. Roth thanked staff for their hard work on the application presented this evening and their support of the Commission during its review and discussion. Chairman Roth called for any further business, hearing none he adjourned the meeting at 8:59 pm. /sm CITY OF SEBASTIAN LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 21, 2016 1. Call to Order— Chairman Roth called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Chairman Roth Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez (a) Ms. Kautenburg Excused: Vice Chairman Reyes Mr. Dodd Mr. McManus Mr. Hughan (a) Also Present Mr. Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Ms. Marissa Moore, Community Development Director Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Recording Secretary Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was not present 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications 0 Cn � ca M C S2 ® L ca E f ICL E cc U �a+ 01 C � O O CL WN Q< Mr. Roth announced that Mr. Reyes, Mr. Dodd, Mr. McManus and Mr. Hughan have excused absences. He stated that Mr. Alvarez will be voting this evening. Mr. Ginsburg reported that Ms. Simchick had requested an excused absence. 5. Approval of minutes — none 6. Public Hearings Mr. Roth explained that the Public Hearing this evening is to review the Sign Ordinance and proposed changes. He stated Mr. Ginsburg would present his recommendations and there would be opportunity for questions from the public, staff and Commissioners. Mr. Ginsburg explained that the Commission is convened this evening as the Local Planning Agency to review the proposed ordinance and make recommendations to the City Council. He read the Ordinance by title in order to initiate the Public Hearing. '�4 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2016 PAGE 2 A. Public Hearing — Review and Make a Recommendation to City Council Regarding Ordinance 0-16-05 which Proposes to Amend the Land Development Code, Article XVI Signage and Advertising — Specifically Sections 54-3-16.3 Exempt Signs; Section 54-3-16.5 Permitted Signs; Section 54-3-16.9 Substitution and Severability; and Section 54-5-22.2 Definitions. Mr. Ginsburg explained that in the past signs could be regulated as long as the regulation was content neutral, but as a result of legislation by the Supreme Court a year ago a sign cannot be read in order to classify it. If a governmental agency wanted to regulate a sign based on content, their ordinances would come under the "strict scrutiny' review which would be almost impossible to pass. He stated that there have been no model ordinances published so he has used verbiage from some other cities in Florida as well as his own input. He stated that is what is before the Commission for review and he felt there could be more changes as the review process moves forward. Mr. Ginsburg stated that he felt the three categories that would come under scrutiny are Special Event Signs, Political Signs and Civic Event Signs. He asked if the Commissioners would prefer to open the hearing to the public first or have him present the information first. Mr. Roth responded that he would prefer Mr. Ginsburg make his presentation first as that may answer some of the questions that could arise. Mr. Ginsburg thanked the Commissioners for being present this evening since this is the only topic on the agenda. Mr. Ginsburg explained that in the Purpose, Intent and Scope of the Sign Ordinance he added a considerable amount of verbiage because the more detailed information that the court is provided the better the City's position would be. Mr. Ginsburg directed the Commissioners to Section 4 of the Ordinance and explained that Substitution and Severability are new sections he has added. These are very important because they provide a court with a detailed description of how the City Council developed its sign code as it relates to the First Amendment. He explained that the extensive portion of the ordinance which addresses Intent at the beginning and Substitution at the end is what frames the ordinance. Mr. Ginsburg explained that because of the deletion of portions of the ordinance it was necessary to change the definitions to be content neutral, i.e. Abandoned Signs. Mr. Roth asked if with the new ordinance the City can remove the abandoned sign or if they have to contact the owner. Mr. Ginsburg responded that the process in Sebastian is to contact the owner and request the sign be removed and allow a few days for compliance before citation. However, if there is no one to contact the City is allowed to pick up the abandoned sign. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2016 PAGE 3 Mr. Ginsburg continued that one of the most difficult categories to address is the political signage. He explained that the Supreme Court views all temporary signs the same, but lower courts view them as a separate category. He stated that allowing political signs to be displayed has historically been 60 days which has been struck down. He explained that he had retained the 75 day display allowance in the ordinance which allows the Candidates to start advertising from the day they qualify. He stated that political signs have to be regulated separately from the other temporary signs because of the way courts view politically related materials. Mr. Roth stated that he agrees with the political sign ordinance because it allows the candidate to display the sign from the day they are qualified through the end of the election period. Mr. Ginsburg explained that he removed reference to the special event signs, the political signs except for the definition and civic event signs because it would be difficult to determine what category a sign would fall into without reading it. He stated that there is an extensive sign code as well as two overlays that address those signs. He explained that what is before the commission is procedural in nature, he has not made any changes to allow or prohibit anything that is not being allowed or prohibited in the existing code. He stated that the changes he has made should make the sign code acceptable to the court following the recent decision. He asked the Commissioners to review the proposed sign ordinance and provide him their input. When the ordinance goes to the City Council, he would include their changes as amendments to the proposed ordinance. He explained that there are some documents that he had provided in the past which is not included in this package and he did not provide copies of the entire sign code. Mr. Ginsburg explained that there has been much controversy over sign codes though the years and pointed out that even the Justices had some disagreement as to what was constitutional and what was not. He stated that he framed the proposed ordinance in an attempt to protect the City in the case litigation which would be very expensive with the City bearing the entire cost of such an action. He stated that if litigation should arise he would make the necessary revisions to the code to prevent the case from going on for years. He explained that this is his first effort at the revisions and he may need to bring to the Commission additional revisions in the future to improve the City's compliance with the Court's decision. He stated that this was a very difficult undertaking but the same situation faces other municipalities. Mr. Roth asked how this revision would address the recent request the City had from a cable company to place a sign in the right-of-way. Mr. Ginsburg explained what is designated a Public Sign and noted that cable is listed separately because they are not a public utility. He stated this section defines the exceptions to the no sign in the public right of ways ordinance. Ms. Kautenburg commended Mr. Ginsburg for doing such a fine job in creating a document that is clearly stated and easy to understand. Mr. Roth concurred with Ms. Kautenburg's statement. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21. 2016 Mr. Roth called for any further questions from the Commissioners, hearing none he opened the Public Hearing. He called for anyone wishing to offer comments, suggestions, etc. hearing none he asked if staff or the attorney had any further comments. Mr. Ginsburg responded that he would be happy to answer any questions the Commissioners have. Mr. Roth closed the Public Hearing and called for any suggestions or further questions or comments from the Commissioners hearing none he called for a motion. MOTION: by Kautenburg/Alvarez "I will make the motion that this body recommend to the City Council this proposed ordinance changes be adopted." ROLL CALL: Mr. Qizilbash —Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Total vote was 5-0. Motion Carried Mr. Roth thanked Mr. Ginsburg for all his efforts in making the changes to the Sign Ordinance. 7. Unfinished Business — None 8. Public Input — None 9. New Business — None 10. Staff Matters — None 11. Commissioners Matters — None 12. Items for Next Agenda — None 13. Adjourn Mr. Carter asked why the meeting information is only posted on the east side of the sign in front of City Hall and not on the west side. Ms. Bosworth responded that she would ask the City Clerk and provide him an answer. Chairman Roth called for any further business, hearing none; he adjourned the meeting at 6:43 pm. /sm MOF SE n.AN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Preliminary Plat Review Staff Report t. Project Name: Jackson Street Corners [A re -plat of a portion of Ocean Heights Subdivision] 2. Requested Action: Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval 3. Project Location a. Location: Property located on the southwest corner of the intersection of U.S. Highway #1 and Jackson Street b. Legal: Provided — See Survey C. Indian River County Parcel Numbers: 30-38-30-00001-0080-00001.0 30-38-30-00001-0080-00006.0 30-38-30-00001-0090-00002.0 30-38-30-00001-0090-00003.0 30-38-30-00001-0090-00004.0 4. Project Owners: Remington Stewart, LLP Mr. Steven Neveleff 817 Douglas Avenue, Suite 177 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 5. Project Engineer: Earl Masteller/Scott Harmody Masteller & Moler, Inc. 1655 27`h Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772)567-5300 Fax: (772) 794-1106 6. Project Surveyor: David Taylor, PSM Masteller, Moler & Taylor, Inc. 165527 th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772)564-8050 1 Project Description: a. Narrative of proposed action: The subject property was originally platted in 1925 as Ocean Breeze Heights for a residential subdivision. A portion of the original streets, throughout the years, have been formally abandoned for development, and for the construction of U.S. Highway #1, which ultimately divided the subdivision in half. The applicant purchased his property in 2012, and inadvertently subdivided a larger parcel without properly platting. If approved, the current application will bring the division, and lots, into compliance. C1 C. The applicant is proposing a 6.11 acre, three -lot commercial subdivision located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Jackson Street and U.S. Highway #1 west to the Florida East Coast Railway. All lots will have access from Jackson Street, U.S. Highway #1, or Davis Street. A master stormwater system is not being proposed as each lot will be developed site specific. All lots are able to receive utility services, and traffic impacts will be reviewed on an individual basis for each lot through the site plan process when a use is proposed. Current Zoning: CR (Commercial Riverfront) Adjacent Properties: d. Site Characteristics: (1) Total Acreage (2) Current Land Use(s) (3) Soil: (4) Vegetation: (5) Flood Hazard: (6) Water Service: (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: 6.11 acres vacant Satellite fine sand, St. Lucie sand, wetlands, aquifer recharge area Sand Pine scrub to the east Willow & Elderberry Wetlands to the west Zone X Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities -tonin Current Land Use Future Land Use North: CR restaurant RMU East: CR restaurant RMU South: CR Retail/office RMU West: C conservation C d. Site Characteristics: (1) Total Acreage (2) Current Land Use(s) (3) Soil: (4) Vegetation: (5) Flood Hazard: (6) Water Service: (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: 6.11 acres vacant Satellite fine sand, St. Lucie sand, wetlands, aquifer recharge area Sand Pine scrub to the east Willow & Elderberry Wetlands to the west Zone X Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities (8) Parks: Friendship Park — '/z mile (9) Police/Fire: Sebastian Police —'/2 mile IRC Fire -'/2 mile 8. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: Consistent b. Traffic Circulation: Consistent C. Housing: n/a d. Public Facilities: Consistent e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: Consistent g. Recreation and Open Space: n/a 9. Contents of Preliminary Plat: a. name of subdivision: Jackson Street Corners b. vicinity sketch: provided C. legal description including section, township and range: provided d. north arrow graphic scale: provided e. date of preparation: provided f. name, address, and telephone of applicant: provided g. name, address, and telephone of owner of record: provided h. name, address, and telephone of mortgage holder: final plat info i. statement that they will join in the dedication: final plat info j. name, address, and registration number of engineer: provided k. name, address, and registration number of surveyor: provided I. name of adjacent subdivisions, if any, including plat book and page number reference: provided 3 M. names of owners of record of adjacent acreage: on file n. contour map including a perimeter strip up to 150 feet in width. Site plan info o. all existing watercourses, drainage ditches and bodies of water, marshes, and other significant, natural or man-made features: provided P. name, aliment and width of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, rights-of-way or easements including name, right-of-way width, street or pavement width and established center line elevations: provided q. all existing and proposed property lines, easements and right-of- ways, their purpose, their effect on the property to be subdivided, and the proposed layout of lots and blocks: provided r. access points to collector and arterial streets showing compliance to the access requirements: All proposed lots are adjacent to collector or arterial streets — Jackson Street, U.S. Highway #1, and Davis Street - and can meet compliance. Location will be determined through the site plan process for each individual lot. S. all existing drainage district facilities and the ultimate right-of-way requirements: provided t. utilities such as telephone, power, water, sewer, gas, etc., on or adjacent to the tract: provided U. a statement that all utilities are available and have been coordinated with all required utilities: The property is located in the Urban Service Boundary for water and sewer, and existing lots were previously serviced for electric, telephone, and cable V. sites proposed for parks, recreational areas and schools: n/a W. location of all temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use: n/a X. if borders public water, delineate the mean high water line: n/a Y. plan for stabilizing shoreline with natural vegetative cover or other environmentally sensitive manner acceptable to DEP and the city: n/a Z. permanent reference monuments shall be shown at all block corners, at all points of reverse or compound curvature, and at all 0 10. points of tangency occurring with block limiting lines: to be provided on final plat aa. block perimeter returns at block corners or other block line intersection: to be provided on final plat Required Supplemental Information: a. existing land use policy and proposed policy changes: n/a b. on-site wastewater disposal data: on future site plans C. surface water management plan: on future site plans, but a statement regarding maintenance of the systems, and outfall onto adjacent properties will need to be addressed in the subdivision Covenants and Deed Restrictions document, required by final plat. d. traffic impact analysis: Traffic information will be provided individually for each site plan review. e. required park land and/or facility improvements: n/a f. required potable water improvements: Indian River County Utilities g. required wastewater improvements: Indian River County Utilities h. erosion and sedimentation control improvements: provided reference to required improvements L access: future site plans ii. alleys: n/a iii. blocks: We iv. bridges: n/a V. comprehensive stormwater management system: future site plans vi. easements: provided vii. lots: provided viii. seawalls, bulkheads, piers and docks: n/a ix. soils: provided X. streets: n/a xi. bicycle/pedestrian paths: n/a xii. off-street parking areas: n/a xiii. utilities: future Av. utility installation: future xv. central water system: future xvi. central wastewater system: future xvii. individual sewage systems: n/a xviii. water and sewage treatment and processing plants: n/a .9 xix. median strips and entranceways: future xx. traffic control devices: n/a xxi. monuments: final plat xxii. commercial and industrial subdivisions: provided xxiii. mobile home subdivisions: n/a j. schedule of multiple phases: n/a 11. Zoning district dimensional regulations: All lots in compliance: a. minimum lot size b. minimum width: c. minimum depth: 12. Fee paid: yes 13. Additional considerations: 10,000 square feet provided 75 feet provided 125 feet provided The western portion of the proposed subdivision largely consists of wetlands, as shown by the delineation line marked on the plat through Proposed Lots 2 & 3. A thorough environmental report for Proposed Lot 1 was submitted earlier with an application for site plan approval for that lot, and it indicates the subdivision is within a radius of protected Scrub Jay families. As each lot is developed, through the site plan process, staff will require confirmation by all applicable jurisdictions that their environmental concerns, regulations, and requirements have been addressed and or completed properly. Because this is a re -plat of Ocean Breeze Heights, existing utility easements established by its plat will be abandoned, and newly proposed easements as depicted on the Jackson Street Corners plat, will be dedicated through the final plat process. When the eastern portion of Madison Street's ROW was abandoned in 2013, an agreement was executed by the two adjacent property owners, and an ingress/egress easement was dedicated to the southern property. This easement is proposed to remain, and is also shown on the proposed plat. In the past, two of the smaller existing parcels had mobile homes placed on them, but have since been removed along with the septic tanks. Unused power poles, and an existing flow well, will be removed and capped during development of Lot 1. 14. Other Matters: The applicant has indicated that the application for final plat approval of Jackson Street Corners will be submitted in the very near future. Providing that all reviews of the final plat have been completed, it is the intent of staff to present both the preliminary plat resolution of approval, as well as the final plat resolution of approval to City Council at the same meeting. This is possible because there are not any comprehensive subdivision improvements required at this time as each lot will be developed site specific, and overall subdivision construction plans are not necessary. 15. Conclusion: The proposed three -lot subdivision [replat] is consistent with the Land Development Code, Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 16. Recommendation: Staff has completed a thorough review of the proposed Jackson Street Corners subdivision preliminary plat and recommends approval with the following condition: 1. A policy and/or a statement addressing maintenance of the individual stormwater systems and outfall onto adjacent properties shall be included in the subdivision's Covenants and Deed Restrictions, which is required with final platting. PREPARED BY 7 /a 7 1(0 DATE MASTELLER, MOLER & TAYLOR, INC. - PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS & MAPPERS - February 9, 2016 Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician City of Sebastian Current Development 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 RE: c92t,6+' R Q r19AWP NO. `J71Ck50nJ sM&6r c eAJ6r_5 Preliminary Plat Submittal Dorri; Tft Sli a Q*.WLes Enclosed please find our application for the preliminary plat for the proposed ____._-:_.. __.....m _e Cemfi-r. This plat is a re -plat of an older subdivision, Ocean Breeze Subdivision which included fifty foot wide lots not suitable for commercial development. As you are aware, this property is vacant except for a small portion on the south which contained 2 residential units that were demolished in 2013. During the years, the majority owners, Remington Stewart, LLP acquired different parcels to comprise the overall boundary of the lands to be subdivided. In May Of 2015, Remington Stewart deeded a 3.3 acre portion to the Sebastian Land Group. As representative of these co-owners of the overall property, we are requesting to formally re -subdivide the property and properly identify the limits of three (3) proposed commercial lots. This plat will create three (3) lots for future development with no proposed easements at this time. However, an existing ingress/egress easement that allows access to the Plaza One property that lies south of the proposed plat shall remain in place. A site plan for Lot 1 is being designed at this time and we expect a submittal within a few weeks. The remaining two lots will remain vacant until future plans are conceptualized. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincere MAL R, M SRA& T INC. Yr` .dM . Taylor, PSM President Enclosures cc: Stephan Neveleff, Remington Stewart, LLP RECEIVED L' f ZT6 City of Sebastian communay Dcvelrprncnt Dept. 1655 27" Street, Suite #2 1 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone: 772.564.8050 1 Fax: 772.794.0647 dt5243(Dbellsouth.net I www.mmrtsurvey.net dIR City of Sebastian xor.�aracurlsuwu Development Order Application Permit Application No. Applicant If not owner, written authorization notarized from owner is required) Name: David M. Taylor Address: 1655 27th Street, Suite #2, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone Number:( 772) 564 - 8050 FAX Number: ( 772 ) 794 - 0647 E -Mail: dt5243@bellsouth.net Owner If different from applicant) Name: Remington Stewart LLP Address: Post Office Box 953578 Lake Ma Florida 32795-3578 Phone Number: ( 407 ) 767 - 6474 FAX Number: ( 772 ) 629 - 1140 E -Mail: sneveleff stewartrealt advisors.com Title of permit or action requested: Preliminary Plat PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY I V COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): Sebastian Commerce Center B. Site Information Address: SW Intx of Jackson Street & U.S. Highway No. 1 Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: Block 8 Amended Plat of Ocean Breeze Heights Indian River County Parcel #: 30383000001008000001.0 & 6.0, 30383000001009000002.0, 3.0 & 4.0 Zoning Classification: Future Land Use: CR - Commercial Riverfront Riverfront Mixed Use Existing Use: Proposed Use: Vacant Commercial Commercial Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): See attached letter DATE RECEIVED'oZ__/l0 /!-U- FEE PAID: $ MW .00 RECEIVED On rbL_p R7,?- 4_4 . - lm pw Permit Application No, D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: David M. Taylor Address 1655 27th Street, Suite 2, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 .... 011,010 Phone Number: ( 772) 564 - 8050 FAX Number: ( 772) 794-0647 E -Mail: dt5243@bellsouth. net Attorney: Name: To be determined Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Engineer: Name: Earl H. Masteller Address 1655 27th Street Suite 2 Vero Beach Florida 32960 Phone Number: ( 772) 567- 5300 FAX Number: ( 772) 794-1106 E -Mail: mastmolr@bellsouth.net Surveyor: Name: David M. Taylor Address 1655 27th Street, Suite 2, Vero Beach Florida 32960 Phone Number: ( 772) 564 - 8050 FAX Number: ( 772 ) 794-0647 E -Mail: dt5243@bellsouth.net 11 S Gb11Yd/1 %)') fl_ , BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: X I AM THE OWNER _ I AMTH L�RESENTATIVE SOF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURA E AND TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. SIGNATURE �7�3.,s7'�49M-2i 2t c&rg t4A0/56'25 DATE F)S X) M,an-0Cv11`3 p/92T/I4-2_ SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY 1 44g i r, M N e 1 �-F WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PRODUCED'() - lty \ AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS �'I i4. DAY OF 20_j6_. NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OFf�IBRY COMMISSIO hR'{E,1�Y+•y"�'�,nl� A^r.l 1Z LO�q SEAL:n..... .-.FSr 985; .... 011,010 f1i GRAPHIC SCALE M P66P ) lmm=49 a \ \ \ 0 RC 1\ \ \ 7 \ FDBR \ g 13 A� 9 EXISTING SITE DATA: OWNERS: REMINGTON STEWART, LLP ATTN: STEPHAN NEVELEFF 817 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 177 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32714 SEBASTIAN LAND GROUP, LLC ATTN: ELISE WINTERS 1006 DREW STREET CLEARWATER, FL 33755 SIZE ADDRESS: VARIES TAX ID J'S, 30-38-30-00001-0080-00001.0 30-38-30-00001-0080-00006.0 30-38-30-00001-0090-00002.0 30-38-30-00001-0090-00003.0 30-38-30-00001-0090-00004.0 SITE AREA: 6.11 ACRES ZONING: CR COMMERCIAL RIVERFRONT FUTURE LAND USE RIVERFRONT MIXED USE EXISTING LAND USE VACANT COMMERCIAL PROPOSED LAND USE: COMMERCIAL 6 / II- � �PO Flm ersomms PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR JACKSON STREET CORNERS BEING A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF OCEAN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION AND LYING IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 38 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL X30-38-30-OOOOI-0080-00001 0 LOIS I THROUGH 22. INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 8. AND ABANDONED PARK AVENUE ADJACENT TO LOT i AND LOT 22. OF BLOCK 8; TOGEMER WITH ME BOOM 40 FEET OF ABANDONED RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 11th STREET CONTIGUOUS TO ME 1IMMERLY LOT LINES R LOTS 9, 10 AND 11, BLOCK 8, AND THE NORM 40 FEET OFABANDONED RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR IOth STREET. LYING CONTIGUOUS TO THE SOUTH LOT LINES BE LOTS 14 THROUGH 19, BLOCK B, AS DESCRIBED IN THE CITY OF SEBASTAN RESOLUTION NO. R-05-07 AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1840, PACE 180, PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, ELRIDA. LESS AND EXCEPT PARCEL IB #JO -38-30-00001-0080-00006.0 PARCEL 10 830-38-30-00001-0080-00006 0 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 10, BLOCK 9, ACCORDING TO THE AMENDED PLAT OF OCEAN BREEZE HEIGHTS, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Z PAGE 7 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN FIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. THENCE N5252"12"W ALONG THE NORTHEAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF PALM AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 699.93 FEET TO TIE CENTERLINE OF ABANDONED JACKSON STREET (11TH AVENUE PER PLAT) AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1640, PAGE 160. PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE N64 "4646"E ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, A DISTANCE OF 220.76 FEET; THENCE S25"'3'12"E. A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO ME SOUTHWEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID JACKSON STREET THENCE N64M6MBT ALONG ME SAID SOUTHVIEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF JACKSON STREET, A DISTANCE OF 136.00 FEET THENCE S25'13Y2'E A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET.' MENGE N64'46'48"E A DISTANCE OF 44.77 FEET. THENCE S25'13'12"E A DISTANCE OF 315.00 FEET TO \ SOUTH LINE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 9 OF SAID OCEAN BREEZE HEIGHTS MENCE N64'46'48'E ALONG ME SOUTH LINE OF LOTS 5 AND 4 R SAID BLOCK 9 A DISTANCE OF 69.23 FEET OF SAID BLOCK 9 TO ME NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 12 OF SAID BOCK 9; MERGE 52513'12"E ALONG ME EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 12 A DKHAI CE OF 125.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST RIGHT -OF-WAY LINE OF DANS SMEEi (9TH STREET PER PLAT); THENCE S64'46'46"W ALONG SAID NORTHWEST RIGHT -OF-WAY LINE OF OAKS STREET, A DISTANCE OF 145.95 \ FEET BACK TO RHE POINT OF BEGINNING. \\ \ / / PARCEL ID 830-38-30-00001-0090-0000 0 LOT 2, BLOCK 9; ft THE SCIH 40 FEET OF ABANDONED \ RIGHT R 10th STREET 10th STREET LYING COBE TO ME NORM LOT LINES \ GH OF LOT 4 THROUGH 7, BLOCK 9, AS DESCRIBED IN ME CITY OF SEBASTIAN INT RESOLUTION N0. R-05-07 AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1840, \ PAGE 180, PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. \ 00030 10 89. 01 -009TH 00030GEMER O� WITH LOT 3, BLOCK 9; TOGETHER TNM ME SOUTH 40 FEET OF ABANDONEDM LOT 1. BLOT 1. B TOGS ER WITH ME SOUTH \ \ CONTIGUOUS IN i0 TY NORM LOT LINES RIGHT -OF -TYRO FOR 10th STREET, LONGAS OF LOT 4 THROUGH 7, BLOCK R, AS DESCRIBED IN ME CITY OF / / O / 16AN RESIDE ON NO. R-05-07 AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BCOK IH4O, BOOK / PACE HBO. PUBLIC RECTOS OF INDIAN ft11kR COUNTY, FLORIDAFLO \\\\\ \ 1 PARCEL ID X30-38-30-00001-0090-00004.0 \ LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 9; TOGETHER TNM ME SOUTH 40 MET OF ABANDONED RIGHT-OF-WAY FR 10th STREET LYING CONTIGUOUS TO THE NORM LOT LINES Or LOT 4 THROUG\\\\\ E GUY OF SEBASTIAN RESOLUTION NO. ft- 05 070 CK AS RECORDED 9, ASCINBEOFFICIAIN LIRECORDS BOOK 1640, \ PACE 180. PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. ' \ LESS AND EXCEPT PARCEL 10 /(30-38-30-00001-0980-00006.0 ALL OF ME ABOVE MENTONEO LOTS LUNG IN AMENDED PLAT OF OCEAN \ f \ BREEZE HEIGHTS SUBMIASIR, AS PER PLAT BOOK 2, PACE 7, PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID FAINTS LWHC AND BEING IN CITY OF SEBASTIAN, COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER, STATE OF F_ORIDA \ 5 P\ c2£ \ \ 2 Z \ 14vk// \\ Vol f \ sa \ 6 14 E B ,z m ttt'���8 008 2• PC' / w o �� '/_'/.�s� oy des 5 1 'k �0 10 �gsTg%�'j �1 - ©vr G 5 2016 TOAD / 6e ne 1 s5 City of Sebastian �— CcmmuD;t, DeVCICpr. ;-J Dept. 1 L"_AY 1 OMT PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR BEING JACKSON STREET CORNERS PORTION OCEAN DIVISION AND LYING IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 38 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST LEGAL DESCRIPTION METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION FOR OVE u PROPERTY BEGINNING AT ME SOUMI4EST CORNER OF LOT 10, BLOCK 9, ACCORDING M W AMENOEO PIAT OF OC£ML BREEZE HEIGHTS, AS - RECORDED IN PIAT BOOK $ PAGE 7 CF ME PUBLIC RECORDS OF- INDIAN FINDIAN RINK COUNTY, FLORIDA MENCE N52'52'12'W ALONG ME GRAPHIC SCALE \ NORTHEAST RIGHT -OF OF -WAY LINE PALM AVENUE A DISTANCE OF - 699.93 FEET TO ME CENIERUNE OF ABANDONED JACKSON STREET (HITT AVENUE PER PLAT) AS RECORDED IN O C1AL RECORDS BOOK w ® \\ l0 1840, PAGE 180, PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER C NN,, R -MDA; THENCE 1164.46.48'E ALONG SAID CENTERIINE A DISTANCE OF 220.76 FEED, THENCE S2573'121E A DI_ST_A_NC_E OF 40.00 TEET TO ME .._... ... .......... .._ .. _.. .. fL WITH ME f1£SIERLY RICHT OF WAY UNE OF U.S. HIdIWAY NUMBER 1; MEN(E S3640'44'E ALONG 5410 WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE A OISTANCE OF 536.71 FEET TO AN INTERSECDON MM ME NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID BLOC( 9: THENCE S6446'48'W ALONG ME SAID NORMERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 152.90 FEET TO AN INTERSECDON WM THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 2 OF SAID BLOCK 9: MENCE S2573'12'E ALONG ME SAID EASTERLY UNE A DISTANCE OF 12&00 FEET TO ME SOLDIERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2; MENDE S64'46'46'W ALONG SAID SOUM LINE A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO AN INTERSECRON TNM ME EASTERLY UNE OF LOT 12 OF SAID BLOW 9; THENCE S2573'12'E ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 125.00 EEET TO ME SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 9; THENCE S64'46'46"W ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 145.95 FEET TO ME POINT OF BEGINNING SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 266,099.0 SQUARE FEET OR 6.11 ACRES MORE OR LESS. APPLICANT: RS SEBASTIAN DEVELOPMENT, LLC ATTN: STEPHAN NEVELEFE 817 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 177 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32714 SURVEYOR: MASTELLER, MOLER & TAYLOR, INC. 1655 27TH STREET, SUITE 2 VERB BEACH, R 32960 ENGINEER: MASTELLER & MOLER, INC. 1655 27TH STREET, SUITE 2 VERO BEACH, FL 32960 LOCATION MAP: 1" = 200' SEBASTIAN AIRPORT 4� \ ty9E9E$�p'6 / \ EET 601 Ci n \ \ 12 \ 00 / w (vR RI�,j ,°0 pl'°551N 1 fi g4�Ag N y4i / / 5YJ'12'E 40.00' m 4 5 \ \Ns T v 01 )v EA gEs� \ / OFF � 1 18 564'46'48 17 g - i 20 e o�� 19 voc � o zs 9IgoNSTgEaCg045 x'02, 'F2 > / 14 16 dlg \�10.� Va'9 e �`� GIA `3s FST, is \ � z N 13 14 50 114 .4 5� \ 9t \ 4,_ 0 ,00 \ ASN 4 22 vol �5 \N PD, -0 610 f%\Z�C55 ,,,GRG5 VS.. gyB 26g3, DRg. �� g0 Me 152' N66 AB N m N, f 2 3 $ 12 b �'yd9G 15 \ \ $'r g aCE t3 \\ ti4���1 �bEN94 ���� 2• / / ESER Y 9N POINT OF / BEGINNING V V M y V a� Tvro�� d � m J8 p qe. L C b .. m� E 5251 PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR JACKSON STREET CORNERS BEING A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF OCEAN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION AND LYING IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP M SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEGINNING AT THE SWRIMEST CORNER OF LOT 10, BLOCK 9. AGCOROING TO WE AMENDED PLAT OF OCEAN BREEZE HBG OL AS RECCROED IN PLAT BOOK Z PAGE 7 OF ME PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RAWR CWMTY, FLORIDA, THENCE N5252Y2•W ALONG TIE NORTHEAST RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF PAUL AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 699.93 FEET TO ME GENTERUNE BE ABANDONED JACKSON STREET (VIM AVENUE PER PLAT) AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1840, PAGE 180, PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN M IIT COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE N64'46'4B'E ALONG SAID CENTERLINE A DISTANCE OF 220.76 FEET,, THENCE S2513'12Z A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO TIE SOUTHWEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID JACKSON STREET THENCE N64.464BE ALONG TIE SAID SOMMWST RIGHT -OF -WRY UNE OF JACKSON STREET A DISTANCE OF 436.00 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WFTH THE WESTERLY RIGUT OF WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY CONTAINING 266,099.0 SQUARE FEET OR 6.11 ACRES, MORE OR LESS PROJECT DESCRIPTION MIS PROACT PROPOSES TRE REPLATRNG CN Y L EXISRMG RESOENRAL LOTS INTO MREE (3) COMMERCIAL LOTS GENERAL NOTES I. MERE ME NO MU¢TCACE NOIOERS FOR ME SUBJECT PROPERTY. 2. PRWOSEO LOTS 2 ANN 3 ARE NOT BEING DEVELOPED AT THIS Me AND ALL EXISTING ANO REWIRED m0i"B'S IMPRO NENIS, INCLUDING ROADWAY FBDNTAGE UPLITES AND STORM DRAINAGE. 3 ALL PUBUG UBURE$ INLYUOING WATER. SEINER. PGM ,, TELEPHONE AND GAS ARE AVAILABLE AND HAW BEEN CALRO OTE0 MM ME RESPECBLE PROWDERS 4. ALL EXISTING SELLS AND RP1TC SnDXIS HAW ON SHALL BE A9ANOSNM AS REWIRED BY ME APPR.M GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES 5. EACH LOT SHALL BE RESPMABL£ FOR MAINTENANCE OF METS RE9'ECTIW STPPMWATR SYSTEM. C. ME SUBJECT PRWERtt HIES IN TLOOD ZONE "X' BASED UPON ROBB INSURANCE RALE MAP BMN.NS3 h. VA. 12-4-12. UTILITY PROVIDERS eG WATER/SENFR INDIAN RIVER CWNTY ELECTRIC FLORIDA POMER & LIGHT CABLE N CO CAST FET£PNCNE ATT Site Information 2gm 6Ba 1.11A� T V w I.00TATOO1. LGMMBAGI+L �B Zonina Criteria (CR) CommerGlal Riverfront THE / 0�0 \ 3 Sys n 4 ` P�EP9gE89o�6 ' 5 \ Y \ 01 8 \ / — � /�� / � szs•H3.1z•E 40.00• E9 L $k <k Cj LDS 1 S Yg�yo BET ,, mmnFlN evGomms _-�aI h°ers ol \`\\AvV s 2496° F0 1� Ny N1aBBL IN �/ E \\: "BpA64W \ £ t O1� \ \ RVES� 6 \ A �Ro' e sR \ •/IJP 993• I ti CCNSmurn N NOTES f� T 1. ALL URL( PES MUST DE PLACED UNOEFCROUND PURSUANT TO ME CITYOF SEBASPAN LANG DEVELOPMENT REWLARISN BOB). Fq ZINE BSTMUPPoWi SHALL RaD LOCAA.T ALL EVSnNO UTILITY LINES AND STRUCTURESTO SORER rASEMENTS AS REQUIRED SHALL BE RECORDED AS SEPARATE INSTRUMENTS OR PRONGED FOR QJ ME FINAL PLAT. \ GT 4 WGI`OSM INDIAN LAWS CWNTY POBIIC WATER. 5. PRWOSEO INDIAN TITHER CWNTY PUBDC SERER. 6. ALL CONSTRUCTION CIN SITE TO DE GAVE PER ALL GUY P` SEBASTAN STANDARDS AND SPEPFlCAnONS. \ ]. ALL UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PV DIE TO BE DOVE PER I.A.C. UTILITY STANDARDS - \ AND SPEaF7CA7I0W .. a ALL TRAFFIC SIGNS SNALL MEET ME STANDARDS OF ME MANUAL ON UNIFORM \ TRAMC CONIRCL DEVICES' "MST EITIIIPV. �+ 9. NYY ABANDON FTOW BELS FTNNO ON SITE SHALL BE PLOGC£0 WRSUANT M D.O.H AND SJR. REGULATIONS. \ 10. ALL CROSS WAIXS SRALL HALE TRUNCAIEO OWE WARNING SURFACE SYMBOL PV - \ ME SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO ME PAVED OWWWAY KR FOOT INDEX N0. 304. \ A-1 )\ 15 \\ 14 060 13 \ QTR s q P��\y94' STS- NB6A6 \ // V' POINT OF \ BEGINNING \ f Zp pm \ \ / GRAPHIC SCALE V ( Tx neer ) 1 loch = 40 (L v H V��BB -M La o�S�y�4s d'L W 0. AT �, gid. � gFI= Toa^_ d'y TD sa ddb RE ulfillk 1 1•=40' 1 OMT eG a iormmIF tEs lnss aaoYSL sw.oY MW.YNW 6A%ltl(6: IIIA. Mx WSBYILGINGNI,Gl . BS WUC ANN. ]5 \ ]SnAx wLLeNL OLIIAUMAO FmAW66YNACF. BM MKOMNSPACD Iiwz awwulFn mTa: A Bm. as% F% Cj LDS 1 S Yg�yo BET ,, mmnFlN evGomms _-�aI h°ers ol \`\\AvV s 2496° F0 1� Ny N1aBBL IN �/ E \\: "BpA64W \ £ t O1� \ \ RVES� 6 \ A �Ro' e sR \ •/IJP 993• I ti CCNSmurn N NOTES f� T 1. ALL URL( PES MUST DE PLACED UNOEFCROUND PURSUANT TO ME CITYOF SEBASPAN LANG DEVELOPMENT REWLARISN BOB). Fq ZINE BSTMUPPoWi SHALL RaD LOCAA.T ALL EVSnNO UTILITY LINES AND STRUCTURESTO SORER rASEMENTS AS REQUIRED SHALL BE RECORDED AS SEPARATE INSTRUMENTS OR PRONGED FOR QJ ME FINAL PLAT. \ GT 4 WGI`OSM INDIAN LAWS CWNTY POBIIC WATER. 5. PRWOSEO INDIAN TITHER CWNTY PUBDC SERER. 6. ALL CONSTRUCTION CIN SITE TO DE GAVE PER ALL GUY P` SEBASTAN STANDARDS AND SPEPFlCAnONS. \ ]. ALL UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PV DIE TO BE DOVE PER I.A.C. UTILITY STANDARDS - \ AND SPEaF7CA7I0W .. a ALL TRAFFIC SIGNS SNALL MEET ME STANDARDS OF ME MANUAL ON UNIFORM \ TRAMC CONIRCL DEVICES' "MST EITIIIPV. �+ 9. NYY ABANDON FTOW BELS FTNNO ON SITE SHALL BE PLOGC£0 WRSUANT M D.O.H AND SJR. REGULATIONS. \ 10. ALL CROSS WAIXS SRALL HALE TRUNCAIEO OWE WARNING SURFACE SYMBOL PV - \ ME SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO ME PAVED OWWWAY KR FOOT INDEX N0. 304. \ A-1 )\ 15 \\ 14 060 13 \ QTR s q P��\y94' STS- NB6A6 \ // V' POINT OF \ BEGINNING \ f Zp pm \ \ / GRAPHIC SCALE V ( Tx neer ) 1 loch = 40 (L v H V��BB -M La o�S�y�4s d'L W 0. AT �, gid. � gFI= Toa^_ d'y TD sa ddb RE ulfillk 1 1•=40' 1 OMT cmOr SE TSN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Site Plan Review Staff Report 1. Project Name: Jackson Street Corners 2. Requested Action: Approval of a site plan consisting of a 6,863 SF medical building and a 9,996 SF retail building along with required parking, stormwater, and landscaping. 3. Project Location a. Address: 1801 & 1807 U.S. Highway#1 b. Legal: Currently being platted - proposed description: Lot 1, Jackson Street Corners Subdivision, to be recorded in the public records of Indian River County, Florida C. Indian River County Parcel Number: 30-38-30-00001-0080-00001.0 1 (current) 4. Project Owner: Remington Stewart, LLP 817 Douglas Avenue, Suite 177 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 5. Project Agent: Mr. Steve Neveleff RS Sebastian Development, LLC P.O. Box 953578 Lake Mary, Florida 32795 (407) 767-6474 6. Project Engineer: Mr. Earl Masteller/Scott Harmody Masteller & Moler, Inc. 165527 1h Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 567-5300 Fax: (772) 794-1106 7. Project Surveyor: Mr. David Taylor, PSM Masteller, Moler & Taylor, Inc. 165527 th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 564-8050 1 8. Project Description a. Narrative of proposed action: RS Sebastian Development, LLC has filed a site plan application for a 6,863 SF medical building and a 9,996 retail store to be located on US Highway #1 in the [to be platted] Jackson Street Corners Subdivision located in the SW corner of the Jackson Street and U.S. Highway #1 intersection, west and across the street from the Ay! Jalisco restaurant. The project consists of two, one-story structures together with associated parking, water and sewer service, drainage, and landscaping. Access to the site will be via a new driveway on Jackson Street, and from an existing driveway on U.S #1. Water and wastewater service to the site is accomplished via connection to Indian River County Utilities. The site consists of 2.81 acres, of which 1.62 acres will be impervious (57.6%) and 1.19 acres will be open space (42.4%). b. Current Zoning, Future Land Use and Overlay District: 1. Zoning: CR (Commercial Riverfront) 2. Future Land Use: RMU (Riverfront Mixed Use) 3. Performance Overlay District: Riverfront C. Adjacent Properties Zoning Current Land Future Land Use Use North: CR restaurant RMU East: CR restaurant RMU South: CR retail/office RMU West: C conservation C d. Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: 2.81 acres (2) Current Land Use(s): Vacant (3) Soil: (4) Vegetation: (5) Flood Hazard: (6) Water Service (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: E Satellite fine sand, St. Lucie sand (aquifer recharge area) Sand Pine scrub Zone X Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities (8) Parks: Friendship Park -'/2 mile (9) Police/Fire: Indian River County Fire -'/2 mile Sebastian Police -'/2 mile 9. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: consistent b. Traffic Circulation: consistent C. Housing: n/a d. Public Facilities: consistent e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: consistent g. Recreation and Open Space: consistent 10. Contents of Site Plan: a. lot configuration: provided b. finished ground floor elevation: Proposed - 30.00' C. contours and designating number of dwelling units: N/A d. square footage of site: provided - 122,579 SF e. building coverage: 16,859 SF = 13.8% (Maximum 30%) f. square footage of impervious areas and open area: Impervious 70,644 SF = 57.6% (80% maximum) Open 51,935 SF = 42.4% (20% minimum) g. setbacks: provided - in compliance with zoning regulations. 3 Minimum Setback Provided - Medical Bldg Provided - Retail Bldg Front - US Hwy #1 0' 83.28 102.52' Secondary Front - Jackson St 6' 73.83' 186'± Side (south) 10' 187'± 54.50' Rear (west) 10' 82.39' 72.34' 3 h. scaled drawings of the sides, front and rear of the building or structure: provided generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure: provided -developer responsible to construct shell of medical building, tenant to pull interior permits j. Building exterior construction materials and color: provided k. building height: 23'2" & 25'2" (maximum 35') I. location and character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display: provided - four (4) rear dumpsters, screened by 6' high masonry enclosures with gates M. location and dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways: provided n. number of spaces with their location and dimensions: provided Parking Required: One space for 200 SF of retail floor area: 8,379 SF - 200 = 42 spaces One space for 175 SF of medical office: 6,863 SF = 175 = 40 spaces Parking Required: 82 spaces Parking Provided: 71 regular spaces 4 H/C spaces 13 compact spaces 88 spaces o. details of off-street parking and loading areas (including requirements of Article XV): provided - Based on aggregate gross floor area of the retail building, one loading space meeting required size dimensions, has been provided. No large truck deliveries are expected for the medical building, with smaller trucks to park in the parking spaces provided, and no parking allowed behind the office. P. all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering: provided q. surface materials: provided r. number of employees: not provided S. type of vehicles owned by the establishment: none t. If there is a combined off-street parking facility, required agreements: n/a rd U. Location of all pedestrian walks, malls, yards and open spaces: provided V. location, size, character, and height or orientation of all signs: provided - location only. All signs will require separate zoning reviews and building permits, and comply with the Overlay District design and color standards. W. location and character of landscaped areas and recreation areas: provided X. location, design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities: provided Y. location, height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping: provided Z. surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida: provided — The SJRWMD permit has been applied for and received. Outfall of the system drains onto Lot 2 to the west, as approved by St. Johns and DEP. A condition of approval for the subdivision preliminary plat was to provide a policy and/or statement addressing the maintenance of the system, and the outfall onto adjacent properties in the Covenants and Deed Restrictions document. aa. location of existing easements and right-of-way: provided bb. Land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor: provided CC. Verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property: provided 11. Site location and character of use: provided 12. Appearance site and structures: a. harmonious overall design: Yes b. location and screening of mechanical equipment, utility hardware and waste storage areas: provided — dumpsters, roof -top mechanical equipment (as shown on the architectural plans), the generator, and irrigations pumps have all been screened C. commercial and industrial activities conducted in enclosed buildings: Yes 5 d. exterior lighting: provided — see separate photometric plan/sheet 13. Access, internal circulation, off-street parking and other traffic impacts: a. internal circulation system design and access/egress considerations: provided - A separate Delivery Truck Circulation Plan has also been submitted. The site plan indicates traffic signs will be placed to not allow large trucks to use the drive aisles in front of the buildings, looping the site, as exhibited on the plan. b. separation of vehicular and pedestrian areas: provided 14. Traffic impacts: Based on the number of new trips generated by the project, a traffic impact study was required. The study has been provided and reviewed. The city engineer concurs with the study that existing Levels of Service can be maintained with implementation of adjusted signal timing for the Jackson Street/US #1 intersection, and the Main Street/US #1 intersection. A letter/email from the IRC Traffic Engineering Dept. stating that the adjustment to the timing will be done before the project is completed is needed before building permits can be issued. 15. Open space and landscape (including the requirements of Article XIV): a. Name, address and phone number of the owner and designer: provided b. North arrow, scale and date, minimum scale of one inch equals fifty (50) feet: provided C. Property lines, easements, and right-of-way with internal and property line dimensions: provided d. Location of existing or proposed utility service: provided e. Location and size of any existing or proposed structures: provided f. Location and size of any existing or proposed site features, such as earthen mounds, swales, walls and water areas: provided — retaining wall underneath dumpster pads. g. Location and size of any existing or proposed vehicular use area: provided h. Location and size of any existing or proposed sidewalks, curbs, and wheel stops: provided Location of sprinkler heads, hose bibs, or quick cupplers and other information on irrigation: Irrigation system will be provided. Location of sprinkler heads will be field designed. C: j. Calculations of required type, dimensions and square footage of landscape materials and of required landscape areas, including: total site area, parking area, other vehicular use area, percentage of non- vehicular open space, perimeter and interior landscape strips, and required number of trees: provided k. Location of required landscape areas and dimensions: provided Location, name, height and size of all existing plant material to be retained: provided - four (4) tree credits and some existing palm trees to be relocated M. Location, size, height and description of all landscape material including name, quantity, quality, spacing, and specified size and specification of all plant materials: provided n. Height, width, type, material and location of all barriers of nonliving material: provided o. Location, dimensions and area of landscaping for freestanding signs: provided P. Show all landscaping, buildings, or other improvements on adjacent property within five (5) feet of the common property line: provided q. Riverfront Overlay District special landscape requirements: The applicant has requested a waiver from the Riverfront Overlay District's landscape requirements. They are requesting to plant 28 canopy trees, or seven less than the 35 trees needed to be in compliance with the Foundation Planting regulations due to overcrowding, which may prevent long term viability of the trees. All other canopy tree requirements have been met. 16. Required screening of abutting residential and nonresidential uses: provided — The 100' of property abutting the residential use to the south will be screened with a 6' high PVC opaque fence, as required by the LDC. 17. Flood prone land and wetland preservation: Wetlands adjacent and west of the property have been marked and delineated on the site plan. The applicant and civil engineer have worked diligently with SJRWMD and DEP, and are in compliance with their jurisdictional requirements regarding the wetlands, including the wetland buffer landscaping plan. 18: Surface water management: provided 19: Available potable water: Indian River County Utilities 20: Wastewater service: Indian River County Utilities 21: Soil erosion, sedimentation control and estuary protection: provided 7 22. Performance Overlay District Requirements: provided 23. City Engineer's review: Applicant has addressed all engineering comments. 24. Additional considerations: The following agencies/staff have reviewed the site plan. Unless otherwise noted, all comments have been addressed. Indian River County Utilities Department Indian River County Fire Department Environmental Health St. Johns River Water Management District Sebastian Police Department Sebastian Building Director The environmental study that was submitted with the application was dated 2013. Staff requested an updated study, and a new report was received. There were no active tortoise burrows found on the project's property, but the report indicates the lot is within a radius of protected Scrub Jay families, and its vegetation is conducive to scrub jay habitat. The applicant has applied for and received a permit, with conditions, from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to clear the property, and applicable requirements of that permit should be met before the City's landclearing permit is issued. Based on the type of soils, the Comprehensive Plan lists this property as an Aquifer Recharge Area. As such, Section 54-3-11.3, Aquifer recharge protection, regulates restrictions on development within recharge areas, notably not allowing excavation which cuts below the seasonal high water table, and preserving the predevelopment conditions with regards to drainage rates, soil type, etc. The civil engineer has provided information along with a statement in the Stormwater Management Report that all regulations for recharge protection have been adhered to. The existing sidewalk along U.S. #1 is located on the project's property and not within FDOT's right-of-way. A separate pedestrian easement for the sidewalk is required, along with a general access easement for the drive aisles to allow interconnectivity for traffic from the adjacent site to the south. 25. Staff Conclusion: The proposed site plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Land Development Code, and the Riverfront Overlay District. The landscape plan will require a waiver. 1:1 26. Recommendation: Hold public hearing regarding the proposed site plan and landscape waiver: A. Staff recommends approval of the Jackson Street Corners site plan, with the following conditions: 1. Approval for the preliminary plat and final plat of the Jackson Street Corners Subdivision is granted by City Council, and the final plat is recorded in the public records of Indian River County. 2. Artesian well to be abandoned and copy of Dept. of Health permit received before landclearing permit can be issued. 3. Verification that the contribution to The Nature Conservatory as required by the USFWS permit (scrub jays) has been paid and a copy of the Habitat Conservation Plan is received before landclearing permit can be issued. 4. Copies of recorded pedestrian and cross access easements are to be received before the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. 5. Traffic signal timing adjustments are made to the lights at the Jackson Street/US #1 intersection and the Main Street/US #1 intersection before the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. B. Staff recommends approval of the request for a waiver from the Riverfront Overly District landscaping requirements to reduce the Foundation Planting canopy trees by seven. PREPARED BY DATE 01 Olya SEBAST1 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND City of Sebastian Development Order Application Permit Application No. Applicant if not owner, written authorization notarized from owner is required) Name: RS Sebastian Dev, LLC — Stephan M. Neveleff, Manager Address: P.O. Box 953578, Lake Mary, FL 32795 Phone Number: ( 407 ) 767 - 6474 FAX Number: E -Mail: sneveleff@stewartrealtyadvisors.com Owner If different from applicant) Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Type of permit or action requested: SITE PLAN APPROVAL PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project's Name (if applicable): Sebastian Commerce Center B. Site Information Address: Jackson Street and US Highway #1 Lot:1 Block: 8 Unit: Subdivision: Indian River County Parcel #: 30-38-30-00001-0080-00001.0 Zoning Classification: CR Future Land Use: RMU Existing Use: Vacant Commercial Proposed Use: Retail Sales Center Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): Develop 2.81 acre parcel to support a retail sales center with related parking and supporting infrastructure DATE RECEIVED: 9 /aQ/ l(o FEE PAID: $ —DD�n®-eD RECEIVED ck� Pwrmit Annlinnfinn Nn D. Project Personnel: Agent: Same as Owner/ Applicant Name: RS Sebastian Dev, LLC — Stephan M. Neveleff, Manager Address P.O. Box 953578, Lake Mary, FL 32795 Phone Number: ( 407 ) 767 - 6474 FAX Number: E -Mail: sneveleff@stewartrealtyadvisors.com Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Engineer: Name: Masteller & Molar, Inc. - Earl H. Masteller, PE, BCEE, President Address 1655 271h Street, Suite #2, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number:( 772 ) 567 - 5300 FAX Number: ( 772) 794-1106 - E -Mail: mastmolr@bellsouth.net Surveyor: Name: Masteller, Moler & Taylor, Inc. - David M. Taylor, PSM, President Address 1655 27th Street, Suite #2, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: ( 772 ) 564 - 8050 FAX Number: ( 772 ) 794 - 0647 E -Mail: dt5243@bellsouth.net I, STEPHAN M NEVELEFF, BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: —I AM THE OWNER _X— I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURATE AND TRUE TO THE BES OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. = 411 OC / (o 9 SIGNATURE DATE 0000 SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY STEPHAN M NEVELEFF -9WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TOME OR PRODUCED 1^I o r rel c j f c. j L � n � 2 AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS �' DAY OF r I .20 1 6 o NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY '�rti t �, 0 0 COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION d S '/r/ U U SEAL: a ' o 4pb Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendment (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, _ THE OWNER(S) -) THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WA VER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PRO I ES MADE, BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIALO THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. l/li 4� /Q / �o SIGNATURE DATE Sworn to and subscribed before me by Stephan M Neveleff who is personally known tome or produced _ 'd J1 —z C I c�A&e as identification, this l y day of Ads I -,20 16 . Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary Commission No./Expiration 47F- a D86 / '9 Seal Fred Rey r°`0r P `t state of Roft 4�o.F 1 My Commission Expires 0510712019 Commission No. FF 228619 APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FIEW5 Permit Application No. SE�°�STiAtV Supplemental Information WMEa PEUCMi ND Site Plan Approval X 1. Site size in acres or square foot: 122,579 sf X 2. Area of impervious surface in square foot: 68,742 sf X 3. Area of previous surface in square foot: 53,837 sf _ 4. Attached the following: a. TWELVE complete sets of site plan with lot configuration, finished ground floor elevations, contours and designated number of dwelling units, and setbacks to scale indicating compliance with regulations. (Two sets must be sealed.) b. A scaled drawing of the sides, front and rear of the building or structure, generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure, building exterior construction material and color, and building height. c. A surface -water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida (3 SETS) d. TWELVE copies of land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor. _ e. A traffic impact analysis, if required (3 SETS) f. An erosion/sedimentation control plan (3 SETS) g. A copy of the landscape plan to meet the requirements of Article XIV, Tree Protection and Landscaping, or Article XXI Performance Overlay Districts, as stated in the Land Development Code. h. A verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property except publicly held corporations whose stock is traded on a nationally recognized stock exchange, in which case the name and address of the corporation and principal executive officers will be sufficient. Permit Application No. 5. The following information is required on all site plans: a. Locate on the site plan and describe the character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display. b. Locate on the site plan and show the dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways, including the number of spaces with their location and dimension, details of off-street parking and loading areas, all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering, surface materials, number of employees and number and type of vehicles owned by the establishment. Any combined off-street parking facilities shall be submitted with an agreement specifying the nature of the arrangement, its anticipated duration, and signatures of all concerned property owners. c. Locate on the site plan all pedestrian walks, and height or orientation of all signs. d. Locate on the site plan and describe the character of landscaped areas and/or recreation areas. e. Locate on the site plan and describe the design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities such as water and wastewater disposal facilities, underground or overhead electric lines, gas transmission lines, or other similar facilities or services. f. Locate on the site plan and describe the height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping, including berms and other required screening devices, and any other plans for protecting adjacent property owners. g. Locate on the site plan existing easements and rights-of-way. CONSTRUCTION PLANS for Qffnl I a @gn L n in the CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA JANUARY 2016 INDEX OF SHEETS IA. TITLE SNEET 6. SURVEY 2. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 3A. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 3B. EROSDN CONTROL PLAN 4. SITE PLAN 5. STORM WATER/CRAONC PLAN 6. UTILITY PLAN 7. JACKSON STREET RE—STRIPING PLAN e. LANDSCAPE PIAN g. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 10. WATER DETAILS 11. SEWER DETAILS12. LFT STATION DETAILS UTILITIES I.OLATMI OF UrtttE4 TY/N! LN iIC9E FLNb iDE PI4fR9 fRC IFQY M O FURfIIEa BT UR1fY CRGNFS 0.`U PItE PPR20%HATE Lf LY. LQItRA4'FOR 6 i0 FNINRITE H6ffF WM A`U VERFY COIUlIW6 Ai 91E. LOMROLIOft 9W11 AugY.FNt NpIIRT Ai TIE LifILE OF AT VfM LQVAK9 AW ItA1LYA1 AUIIKRrtC3 t0 OE1E@ TIE E%ALT LOLA110N Of IIM1IiY 9(PULILQf3. 11E LONfRACfIXt wm NOfFY. N YRaNa, TIE XM LL19 m M ' AIIfY AM OWIERS NAT OF TE NAi14E AW 9GWE OF TE FRO�ELT, ND OF IN RSRAMRB TIWT AFFECT TIER FACLR9 Gf PROFF.RTY. Call 48 hours before you dq n Florida h'a Nw Iml DIAL 811 9wM ^wnu Uv Cd d F M. RECEIVED DEC G 5 2096 City of Sebastian Community Developn gent Dept. VICINITY MAP (NOT TO OWNER REfNCTON STEWART, LLP P.O. BOX 953578 LAKE MARY, FL 32785 Phone: (407) 767-6474 APPLICANT RS SEBASTIAN DEVELOPMENT, LLC P.O. BOX 853578 LAKE MARY, FL 32795 Phone: (407) 767-6474 MASTELLER AND MOILER, We 1655 27TH STREET, SUITE 2 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 Phm . (772) 567-5300 / Fax: (772) 794-1106 naetnolydbd.mhnet ARCHITECT CUHACI & PETERSON ARCHTECTS ENGFEERS PLANNERS 1925 P03PECT AVENUE ORLANDO, FLORDA 32614 Phmre: (407) 661-9100 SURVEYOR MASTELLER, MOLER, AND TAYLOR, WC 1655 27TH STREET, SUITE 2 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 Ph... (772) 564-8050 JACKSON STREET CORNERS NMMASTELLER & MOILER, INC. 60G7�3N16q��Gl©©LJB IB55 ZI6 STREET, / FAX4( 0 BEACH, FLORIDA, 32960 MT1 CATS 00 / FAX (T/2) 79 eR 4 C(RTFICATE OF AViNORKAiION M1VMBER4204 'u rte 1-0 EARL LLER,R.E. FL#26658 C REPORT OF SURVEY • TYPE OF SURVEY.' BOUNDARY 8 TOPOGRAPHIC. \ d r V-7- 7 WAT / / / gpg A • MASIELLER, MIXFF h TAYLOR INC MAIRCAM OF AUMORIZARON LR. 46H \ q S \ ¢ ° 1655 2]M)SODDED SURE 2, (ERO BEACH,940 FLORIDA 32960 G�,• 'y 3 \ PHONE (]]2) 564-8050 FAX (D2) 794 0647 P� -F • MIS SURVEY AND REPORT IS NOT VAPID N1MWT AND MAPPER AM ME SIGNATURE AND ME ORIGINAL RA15E0 SEN. CFA `•X � GS`�SGC' `\ 'o_ �g d � }� OF SSUTERPIDRLICENSED OMEFRTOM THE 9.'No PARTY OR PAVMS RTIES ISRPCOHKINEO MP4OUT WRITTEN S TO ME SURVEY MAP ONSENREPORT OC S,Q..S1 lG` yvG wI 4 -toe' g/ / °�b,Y'rj3 °±• pS 3 WE SAWING PARTYOR PARRES. M19�Q�i�±;�2 4� • HORIZONTAL CONTROL ACCURACY.' WE EWECl USE OF RIE SUR1 UM AND REPORT FOR WE LAND, Aj�f1�` 9 A5 CIASSOIS) IN WE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE Rpt BROWUWG (5J-1], FLORIDA AOMINISMARW CODE) IS W' � $4� QGG COMMERCIAL/HIGH RISK WE MINIMUM FEURK DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR MIS TYPE OF BOUNDARY C.. SURVEY Is 1 FOOT IN I WDO FEET WE ACGIRALY OBTAINED BY MEASUREIAENT ANO CALCULAW TOFA CLOSED GOOMEINC FIGURE OR REWNDANCY OF MEASUREMENT WAS FOUND TO MEET OR EXCEED WIS 6 REQUIREMENT, • HORIZONTAL FFATURE ACCdUNAQO TOPOGRAPHIC FANO FEATURES (SIGWS, INLET£ VALVE£ MAlI80XE£ !y / �p���"..y, 3 }' \D, D, /\J�\\ pONf]tPOIES DRIVEWAY£ CUL WITS AND SIMILAR fEANRES) HALE A HQPI20NTAL FEATURE ACCURACY OF T �/ / ' Q• ^ d , °� \ e. M1••g _ "w Y PLUS OR MINUS D.25Pd+ `. • •+ bbb ®yoS 01 • VERTICAL CONTROL ACCORACC VERTICAL CONTROL AS E5TABIl5XE0 FOR MIS PROJECT SITE IS ACCURATE G / / % '{Q ° q d"�A a\ N PLUS OR MINUS 0.05 FEET TIMES ME SQUARE RODT OF WE DISTANCE IN MILES q_ / Q_ I 'Y/ p •PPM"? , R } CO` • ELEVARW3 W WEYL-IDENFFlEO FEA CURES CONTAINED IN MIS SURVEY AND MAP HALE BEEN MEASURED 10 D 4 �P' p A'i,j) ' �•' AN ESPMARO VERDCAL PDAMON ACCURACY OF PLUS OR MINUS OUT FEET. [ I q ' y�Q..j .DV ��A�s� o' / v,� � � +} \}T�\ \ •I„ • DATA ACQUISMON WAS CWAPI£IE° ON ME FOLLOYANC GATE 11-6-i6 /'6?? •EHE BEARING BASE FOR MI5 SUFIEY IS A5 FOLLOPIS +� O L p •%' "" \\ 0 Md w SN`�g ° Y 's H" Y A)ORD NORM; lO °+y° / / 3 .'A*�C � .a'�/�/' 300 p0 S f• +5' OMS \\��,� \�.1. +3 B) SWWMEST R/W EINE OF MCROON ST., JJ �/ \} C) ME BEARING BEING N6446'48•E d}.y i` fa / j % +may p �I)' sZM } } J `{{��T \ d • NO INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD REFLECTING EASEMENTS RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND/0.P OMN"OP"P MERE FURNISHED '•° -\p• •?' // % / ¢.N �i S 2 't TO THIS SURVEYOR EXCEPT AS PRONDED IN RRE COMMITMENT /5122`S3 PkEPPREO BY FIDELITY ROD \ / / j �' �P "°9 w + �• \ INSURANCE COMPANY AND DATED JANUARY 22, 2015.. NO RILE OPINION IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. 11 �� 0 > WW 'ZJ¢ " + \ P / /4 x-d G `p' �T LQT w qi,. 6+6,,' A \\\ \} Cd • MIS SURVEY DOES NOT CERTIFY TO ME EXISTENCE OR LOCATION OF ANY FDUNDARPY$ DRLIDES w :r // °' °'!h ° '='J A e +' �i Y C'�3'o \ ? * D•r `` O \ \-9\\` UNDERGROUND ENCROACHMENTS OR IMPROVEMENTS EXCEPT AS SHOW. 11 J�t'rV + e•' %' t . {I E 'P13 • ME PARCEL CF LAND SHOWN HEREON IS LOCATED IN FLOOD LONE 'X• PER 11000 INSURANCE RATE MAP #�, " gOlrlOn Arg } +.� + �? � * �•r \ 2 1201i1C0103 H, OAIEO DECEMBER 4TH. 2012. - /AC +i / / �\ +,,S y / �" +S,Ou }" (� 1 +,N +on N+ . UNLESS A COMPARISON IS SHOWN, PIAT VALUES & MEASURED VALUES ME ME SAME 12 • ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN ETFT AND DECIMAL PARIS HEREOF AND ARE IN ACCOROgNCE WIN WE STANDARDS OF ME UNITED STARS / � OI �54� 13608 • R� y +p? +1, , +00? +•yy .4, y ++a w 0�'sEOj{ � y ®{0® °a', R�� \ \ +�• � � � m .MI5 MAP IS INTENDED TO BE OISPUYLD AT A SCALE OF 1•=4O OR SUAL . }% /' / a •pryE �• w o +d +oo ?r 'F¢ PRD+ +r'' ol o ° 52513'f2'E 40.00' SIP ^C� \ , +r•? +,-0 gA+ m + p r-8 a ,x. "•lea dw +ra i4+' +s w^3'� — ��:. "Ap Yr =� - '°`'ry6"A"' #\�+ " , ++a + +" - � Tea£ss ++ e. p+ r a eh, e,s +'v%� — :+r✓ +y y6ga.Y+g, +-., a� \ 3 .° e, M +'J XtlR a> ' w�Yyj '�rm �s + D'Rg "°aY- n SPAM IIS SZAI \ W A vF � �+ ;+ +'° ser4s•4e•w 4ATY LEGAL DESCRIPTION — PROPOSED LOT i + +°" �+, + BEGINNING AT ME SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 10, BE= 9. ACCOROINC TO ME AMENDED } 0 9i<9y o + g Jy °}� ry[MNOS .g XxR 9 ry PLAT OF OCEAN BREEZE HEIGHTS AS RECORDED IN PIAT BOOK - PAGE ] OF ME PUBLIC 9y \ p rown m Br oTxws d ti y46 RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA; HENCE NORM 64F 2' EAST ALONG ME +e 40 'F2) + + }r t[P izw '°�°+ w N6 04. NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY ZINE OF DANS STREET, A DISTANCE OF 24SB5 FEET 10 ME !O .39, 4 T IN EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 14 OF SAID BE" 9; THENCE' NORM 25'13'12• WEST ALONG SAID a'. \ A�, s+' UB y 'vnu PIs uxT' s EASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 125.00 FEET M THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE SCUM ++'7L \ �F �. z } �D01Ep 64'46'46' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 169.23 FEE P, MENCE NORM 2513'12• WEST, A DISTANCE ++a 6 J A� �w } D BWM OF 315.00 FEET, HENCE SWM 6448'48• HEST, A DISTANCE OF 44.>J FEET, HENCE ` d \ ' N NA NORM 2513'12• WEST: A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO ME SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY ` \ s'F� 4 V + �'E Zq9 \ e+• +d LINE OF JACKSON SM£EP, MENDE NCRTH 6446'45• EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINEA ++ * 4'1D \ 4 DISTANCE OF 300.00 EEE, TO ME WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 1; '¢• lj pL5 }s? w�ae rs N• L 0.V % MENCE BOOM 36'40'44• EAST ALCNG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF + }' }e®" £ 0 LSg 336.]1 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION LMM ME SOUTHERLY LINE OF ABANDONED MADISON 5RtEET, MENCE SWM 64'46'4 MST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY UNE A DISTANCE OF+R° \ ,$�,, ••s +?e' dV 'H"x='s�N,po R e�Aa 152.90 FRE, TO ME EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 12 OF SAID BLOCK 9, HENCE BOOM 2513'12• EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 125.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF +r \ ♦ } Tar 'a' w:w / \ �•" N =. BEGINNING. - - op ' mC. CONTAINING 122,665.35 SQUARE FEET DR 2.6165 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Q + \ LQ 1 }' a �p , 4 L •i � T. + ,xz"¢Rbrdg �5f(u, 41 NpIA ei 0BE9S'!• -Y va,t xwa° 2'A N" �4 EO nes, gE ,+a ,Ps \66' M o , 1'4 ABBREWARONS AND SYMBOLS �C �RO•�F "h p°qW LB u¢Rsm dDINESsX93„ ' a 69?3 y +•? nN� _ F��.LQ Ytic ND. 0. ® OAK ® SANI]MY MVAAAX T SIGN } \ / + \ T✓✓ IL Y CA ANS, or WAY �/ / N ((9 GG / W 4L0.YOiElENCNUMENT %NC ® DRMNAC£MPNNIXE ❑ DGXTPDX -+�./�•+ \ �J+n' UpSE1 " +� SB N p1G`G^'F Gi 0. .D.E PFV DC DN nDAND BRAWAGE EPATIFNT V81L ® MNL CR PapER BOX r �� QI• v �T W"�1��`1G(] G� / R.B. CfEttIAL RELQPo S. PAW ® • CryyyUxlC9nIXTs BOX lOO, . . 3j$ o MX9 + N, [��•9 l� T1' y Q• P.Rµ PTRMANWT REFERENCE NCNIINEYT © �RPo( X19RPNi 30 + BN P. PERMANENT CCNIROL PANT O LAB!£ N 60X IjE d } �f � �• b �'a � ,A 14y. GG o FA: FlNii ilDae}° MAPIr W WaTEx ¢uuE w vaxm PaE /JO. � �. ck F +` +. WATER MEIFR .p�L R L ad Dx amus Yp auxWr PU,' CBDx CERTIFIED-TO J �'' "5'>•" +@ +s° +, _ ° Vo 8 .;" uxoFAGHWxD ununEs afA! A " L LED CARD EW ® CA1YH BA9x '� I) PREFERRED DEVELOPMENT SptNCE$ LLC yv++4+�yq }°A +°° IOFNTMdnd! ® MOYIIARIN6 MEL 2) KEEN ENGINEERING INC <Jy J' ',waNL' y4 52 „tlg•'Er1jL / A INP IOWJMW SU m¢ r WRB WILT TaRY VALK 3) FlDELTY NATIONAL RR£INSURANCE COMPANY 9} 4+} N �wwea ,POM PV' CJ'i Ac�gV 0IM12016 AC CAN. ,y 6Low-CFF BLOOD WARR VALVE w �1 1. .\ 07, av qsj Qa 1�(nff EA / SCALE Md co. 6EMlxc AY ptPoGAnWI v.LLK 8 TEIFPHpIE MAxx9£ Rf'}+ DA,,(�145' �• DP �f) / 1•=40' c) CALCIAAiFO © PDLL Box P0.5i MO]D CR sFEEt '/Y L('R% ° + ( e? E +_ ,O? / EHE NO. (M) MEa5VRF0 ® IARD ORIIN + nwa (P) PIAT N CAS VPLK a PRLP0.5ID DRAIIUGE O IXAVOiEIE POM' PIXF • +. }yO s NbA 1 CF I (0) LEN_ _ FIRE DEPARFMENi BENCHMARK NODE' ry'+ p,N", / FlIE x0. IS 1� V. R.RPo PND CM ® SFP9C TGYK � LCNNECRIXI � IRAN3QiMEft CAD + \ +N QI Rf `, u 'B' / 6251-Plat siOp UGvi BALK rtOW PREYENIER TDE6L8I'ATJONSASSHOIY/✓ONT/OSS(BT3P9R@BASPD ONT/IBNMRPBAMERJCIN NpT552 / DRAM BY IPW m'I�Pq WT TE:P]2C9LDAPMMOPI9B&THBPFAL4RPJUoR MA ZCZ&FZEDPORTDJSSURF'RY6 a \ pBM , POINl�OF P.R.D. 'S,CIMCR UA` L OELELQWFRT PI FEV6E WARP HERR Y" BRINNIEP HEPD 63V46SM%VF1E VEZ-d40£LEYA]JONLBS: S?BBP,NL%LbAR&f'ARBASSAORT: 3i? + �Obz / DMT IT. aRLA. MIND PAD nLE mRFACE Po„ R do.O, " <+ BEGINNING AA SMMMING POLL EWIPMFNT PAD pF APPRDDa BY PLS PRM59WAL LKSNSIN NCWYAR ® BRICK PAVER FRFALE s+ \ \q'+ Oj +?PO ` \ / / DRAINNG NAME PRC££59. SDRLERM B MAPPER R.LS RETJSRRED IMU SACCoM 6251- 1°I.Ow GENERALNOTES I. THE COMRec RSMLLNOTIFYT EOwx RV7wr 7WiAro EMII.tER(mlm AMMM.wc MHdmS c: THE PLOGOEM6 w[fEARs FOEROADMDMIIWEc S WCTIONHINTd MEDMM.AW WA ESLAAGNM n YCEMOxsiFdRmF AwuCwBIE. CONTRACTOR IS AWvn I LS ED TO FAM ARRE HIMSELF HTIE RALLFA OVESPE OF WORK M BE MOSSBACK FLOW TO INCTINSAII GRAPARSON INPUT BE SURNATRED TO S ENGINEER FOR RESLEWAYEAPPLURAL OWN 0. sHOP�ILLCVE PMENROGERIPMME vl0v[S[NF ARG881NLL W COMPACTED PER F O 0 T. SWMND $RE CROSSBOWS, SAGEOR RE ALL. TO NERS OF THE WOMAN CESURSTY FOR ADLED HIM 6 HANSON ON OF EARNED CH OURES ASPITHED ON THE PLAINS STOKES LL SCONEWARCE WIN GMANISSPPoWTOSTARi OF CONSTRUCTORAND VEERE TEXATCT CONOR OF FLLEXCLUSDFTUG HONNORWTSM-MiI.IN DAMAGE DUAING IRS CONSTRUCTION G51FQFU� AM REPLACE OR REOPEN GRACE TO TYR CAURFACELANT OR THA TRULY CAL NOASdnrnON R 0 WTER 5rxG i ALL GENUAND METUMS OF INSTALLATION SHALL FE SUBJECT TO TS ASCI I OF IEE CWIER AND FUGITEER M NECFRD. 0 1 NSPECTRON OF ON DOME TO INSPECT AM WITE FLATS OR WOM By THE MVIBR PEMN M AGENCIES. M ENGINEER OF FEEGOEUSU�HWL IN AN µnEIAVFLGRIN NANSA.Y PPEERU EVE ME COIRRUSTOR OF MTAC 3 RE SPCN51M OFF TO PERFORM E MEEIN ACCORNCE AM LAWL 10 OWNER SHLLFEREPON1MEFWOBTAINIMA AMUF MHSN MMIIWOSYT(ECNJER NdECi.[damncttW 11 CONTRACTOR FALL CORRECTIONS OTIONS ATER PLAN PIPING AM AM OEOUALORBEITEFAG� HER THAN WS VF EST TOFGMSs vucnMx FADUTI DSnR DSH SER�AMEO 13 MOLARI£MAA.ERSW EISIILWNRVERCOLMYTIBPWATMNTWERUTILYSEWISSBRCCAS) 14 CCn =RSO PRWIWIMINTENWCECFIMAFFIOPECTSIR WHOM PHILIP AMHCtlGTONFROM PROJECT US CONTRACTOR SUMUL NOT RENOVE AM TRESS FROM 16 VZ cwrvncTOresiuM$ED LLDSHwBBSARFAs WMOSEEDCMULOHMAYBEAPPDEo AOR DMT EWMER 1S CONTRACTOR SMALL MVMAIN TRANI AT AMBI TODDLER THE WE OF TEWdWRY NONE Nd0R SOMALI xt CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AM HICEeG,Y M ORRO B AMedIDS REOMRD BY THA OWNER FORMS PROJECT. SURVEY MIN SAINNIN THE PROJECT UNITS, ANY SURVEY FUNGOUS- LESTAKED OR SESTROYED By GG GENTRALUTOR SHUT WNI STE ENGINEER BUD SAUDESSO INFORMATION FORTER OF AM NSRJD UPOK CONFIRM DECTUREOD OR 1. CAMEN OF NUM RETORTED 1. THE MRSAI TURE ASCII IMPOUND OR CENTER SECTION ATTS, NCI DAYAND TELEPHOFORTHRILNE (in)Vu3C31S 24 PMV OAMAGELLOMTMTAnsAKWTIETUn CGAPAMESPMGROSTMTOFCONSTRUCIIPYHNOLLDNTO CA CONTRACTOR STALL BE RESPONUMLE MR CROSSWORD AM AM ALL REQUIRED FORD SPROUSTIND PERMITS 27. CONTRACTOR STUALL ENSURE THAT ALL DEPUTY ME SURE NETWORK FAR SPERM FLY AN REFLON 28 PRE SENATE RUN OF AM EXCAVATOR ARABS AM THE 0 SPOSAL OF WATER SHARE FE IN SHUTT ACCORDANCE WTH THE LATEST EXTUS US OF ALL LOCAL AND STATE CLASS PRO W-LATURS THIS CONTRACTOR SURIALL HE B HOURS OF TIOW LIMITATIONS Oi.00— THROUGH FRIDAY. ABC SM AAM MICRON 503 PM HOURSY BE ALLOWED NUM MG M UP CFID AM AM PRO WOR SATURDAY PAVEMENT I STRIP THE PROPOSED CONSTRUDSON LIMITS. INGUNCEM A SUALBUT OF AT LEAST FIVE BEYOND PAVEMENT EDGES.. F VEGETATION. RUNUTS. FRANK BUD CLEAR AMETERSONG WTEMALS WE SAPECTAVASPE CLEARING ABC GRIMM TO .F -M OP UP TO SO TO 17 IN MOSTARAP OF THE FUNALWASSI. EXAT SWEL LOCATIONS, GROUNDS DEPTH$ OF Up TO SUVEFALFEAT MY BE NEFOUSSAW LC EXPREFF POPOSERS SF SAME ENTLE AMISH LARGE STUCK TITS SJUSEGIEMRLLI.AM AXrSTWGLuPI.EBLEAKMaEESTRUMPERAND OWNING SURFACE SIT 0 BE E�MIWC `ETRUTEA� ENGINEER COMPHEEBE<vLA"M"SEDENT FROM PORTED PROCCEDROPASWILYSMANOINDUALSE�M EwW rtEE PROEF-ROwxE srvWlOoccw IMERPERSONN AlpeFE RE CEo AOEANCw GA DSNOG lR THE m(ADEM D3 CONTINUES c 1155TON SAGBEVEOTOADEPMOFrPE THESTPoFORTS UOLL A SOIL DENSITY OF AT PEDSMFACED MODELS THE RVE FEET MARGIN DEPENDING OR WEATHER OWNSFULONSOROTHERFASTGUR. THEAREARSOMORMSEAMAGEORWARAS WAY ENG BE NEPXS�ANV IFTHSE MINDS DENSITYRNUIRNEMSARENOTAFFEVEO LITHE BEUREO ME FILL BMAi W➢ FE STRUCTURAL WT W AL LOSE SETS AND COMMODORE)TORRSCE MEDNED PRaiORwSMUM My DENSITYµAMMO T1m,AERS DSUN 1 5 THE OWNER RESERVES THE MOST M REQUEST FRONTED OGNTFAVCLGN-U—LNG CONSCREETE PLANNALF FOUSUME SIX TO ASSUME COMPLIANCE NTH ED 0 T SEGREGATIONS & RAPPOSSEER DRAINAGS OF SWUNG AWAS AND DRAINAGE WOLFE WILL MIT SE ACCEPTED ANY PORCEING OR CAMENTFIX UFFIRSDAREAS MALL RE COMPLETELY SURPROCI ONTARIO RIDGLYPENCIA OR SLACAVER HATTLAIL VERSIONS MAURICE 16 I TANCIFIRSOCANT"C" MESSAGE STATE BE EFECTUDANUFAVEMENT RECTUNAS SHOT BE FONT- A. RECTUREN MY RIOMSMUTAY DATE BE EXTPoRC ALKYD BASE TIEPMCPTUALNG ORMAGAME AND THE GWUSMSW AUTHORITY SPENNIFLOSTONS AD PAFFlCMAVEMEM WRNWB WP1euc DRAINAGE & STRUCTURES I MEBBEERREI NFORCaO DGMSEEM MI(RRUJUL CLASS 111 OR CORRUGATED ALLOW MIM NOR RUNS REEPSTITWULY, AS HFURN ON THE S PGBFKNON.X OWN SEEN AM STOW RPE Is TO BroOMMpertO N OF HER MECHANICAL STAMPED OR OTHER .SFOR AVANDETABLEF TO THE «E: mEAFERExPE AWSMA SPEGNGnDNG SUALL ME SEUMNED FROM ,°EG CRENCTE OREA`EEELF OF:: rzcHE:I BELOW TIES METHOD OF HER OPE. SCRANCESCH SUALL OF TO NEW MAGI OR INK WEER FAMENG OR PROPOSED PAVING) N AMOREAxCE MAIN ASSETS Tm. THE CONTRACTOR SHALLPFCAUSS THEcnpvESTRESOLHS ATm IRIEWFUSATER COMES INCY BE INCLUDED TIE cFIa CMN SID, NO STAIRS GSIRA�LL As MANOR W TIE E4ADJUSTMENT OF INLET AM UNTRUE TONS I V FHT RM16HxEMb ARE xECEssexv. E WP)SwLL ESnRLMBBEONw AMMIW'Sx OIz UTILITIES 1 W. JOINING AM PASSING INFORMIX. ��E�L CONNING AND THINGS. FIRITNEC. AM OIECT SPALL FE IN CONFORADVEMET THE CORNE5FOWNO AWNS, STANDARDS AM NEE BERALESSUCHRE AS A1FCWWNC DGESUMENTS, SHOP WN GSTALL B ME SUMTIED TO TOWNER AM ENGINEER FOR ALL SEWER AW WATER INSTALLEDAPPROUN-1. PRION TO 3AM RISE AM HEWES A$ WELL AS BOARDS AM REA OR MEE INT E CLAMURNSTRAN OF THE PROTECT ARE TO COMPLY MEN USTRAS NO CA C WOUT WAAM NOTING, 4. AM FEE PIPE � - 0' DIAMETER FISH PCHUMBLE WATER MAINE BRADY BE THATTAFER CLASS NFUI6 MESSRS AxWA Gin AM SUALL N� BLUE R ARNFLACEII EQUALL VAN WAFFLE FRE SINGLE W �TAF VOTH BLUE LGANDIFELSSOME AFERGANG AM 5 AD PVC PJP� � OR ARALMR FOR WATER MANS SHALL BE TACKNEAS CLASS SNETY MEETING ASURS TOWN AM GAVE .1 CLUE OR Nro 6. ALL DP FOR WATER EPAIRS SHARE BE PPE$ SUFE SMAS$ Sa SEELM AWNS CHEM 7 AM PVC MYS FOR GRAVITY FEWER MAK SAME BE SEI MEETING ASHIS C46 AMEN STALL AS GREEN OR APPROVED USUAL ALL PISS ARE FOR SEWAGE FORCE WIN SINLLBE WAYS CBAPR.ISAM SNAu HE OMEN UNAPPROVED EOGL E AM PE ROPE FT THROUGH 63' DIAMETER SMALL 6E AWNS GES. PEJ , DNI I OR APPROVED EQUAL, DACUS & FARM WATE RE FEE ONALL SORROW TO AM BEAR THE WINNING OF NSF COMMAND 51 OF SME SRAHL FACE A 3NK AS FOLLOWS BN£ FOR POTAB(E WATER, WHR FM HAW WATER, PURPLE FOR HOUSES WATER. AM GREEN FOR WASTEMPAREFF I CE NESSARY TO AVdMIN GONFUCT PROPOSED OR EXISTING STRUCHURFI Ai OIL RONMER.LE MINIMUM CMGA MO SETEDS 11. WATER WINS LL BE CGMFIRUSD SOTO ACOIDExMSTFORCE SHALF FRCRNGAMMUMAN FUEIYMPAnLYRBMM $ 12, THE CARRI OVER AM WATER WIN, —1 —IS AND VA.—' OCCUR .. 1. BE COMPACCAUS IN I LIFF .1. ER MEANS ACREPTARES TO THE OWNER ABASH ENGINEER UNERUSTAWLY GZBU $TUE5 EERRNW NAMES SPECUTT�GTONSI Sw BUGGY THE BOTTOM RME I SEAM ME TO SW MOUNTED PLANGTOR IN ANATERNAMON MYTH AFRUNG �TXGL THE CONTRACTOR THE FROVIB EE OWER MR COMPACTM TEST RESISTS AT NO INTERVALS AT MS 13 AM PRESSURE AM SEAFTERSOLDANGUL TESTING FOR WATER WARS. �NNFILTFFUYON TESTS FOR GRAVITY SUSAN AM PSCSSUK MST FOR FORK MATME SCALE AS COMPLETES AT THA CONTRACTORS EXPENSE AM CONGFORMINED WTHUEGARVERANDEANNEEN TI 14 NTAEE SPwLLPE HiSAUE00VERNLRw TWA ERMAINeENA9EWA EGORCEMAIN3. CTORS CASE IN IS THE OWNER WILL PROMISE THE CONTRACTOR MYTH A EASSURRY AM A 8MACHAVIN FOR THE THE CARTATTV SSMAY AM oTABU WATHE SYSTEM AT HIS O FXPMWE ANY ASTARSONAL SURVEY WORKRGF H SUCH AS CLAM SEAS. SET STTAI AGO SOF SECTS A IONTBnG CCTOR REALL 05TAIN A DUST ON THE DEP. wAreR PERMITS Aro PERFORM 6AMPRNG a TESTING IN COANMMUNING 17 WATER WIND AM FORCE MAN SHALL BE FUREPRED AT A MINI" VELOCITY OF E 5 FPS PFROM TO PRESSURE TESTING ATIMANSFECTOR IS THE CONTRACTOR STALL SINFECT THE WATER SYSTEM IN ORMANCE WRET DMIL ESSA, AM SAM AS pycABIE MUSPi TwTGBAciEwOLWIGLVEVALWTG6 TO VEPPYFPROPER D51NFElTOVA STROLL BE CONDUCTED IN AONOREANCE SHCH A2 SEES NO FAG FEE COMPACTIONS SMALL RACE WATER SALVOES TEATEFT AT HIS EXHUNNOSE —MN 1.M SAT PROVIDED RORY C FLUCHEN TO TWOB(2) COYSEWHVEA SAYS, AT THE SUESPERSE, AM RESULTS SMALL ME PROVIDED TO FRE ENGINEER IF THE SYSTEM PRESSURE NOT'S FOLLOWING ON SYSTEMSUGGENSFAL GENFECTROM THE WATER SYSTEM SETALL OF SUBJECT TO RESESSING TESTING LESMAYOUS MAL- SE 19 WATER Sa O ME LEFTY LEFTY OWNERM BE SUMMOSTED IN THE PRESENCE OF T TRANSE ENGINEER OR HIS REPRESENTALVE FEW T HOME WMnON 51. ALLOWABLE MANAGE WILL BE cOMwLAD BASED ON AWMM W15FM WC NR AFOAWVM EXCESS USES FOLLOWS L- MR IS WHENCE L LEAFFAUGGALLEAREMEGM E.00 - WRAND, PIPEFIRMTME, CODES P . AVEIAG E EST MRN sL.E SAH, GANGS SO LEAUMSIVALLBEALLw.ED_ PIPE SLASH TESTED AFTER IHsinwn+ C.IP DARTMOOR SUM AR` BE w nawU m ,G; EGGS SY FORCE S (SOUTHEAST SERER a RECGIME% SHFULL ME PRESSURE TESTED TE ANNE AS WATER MANS EXCEPT FS USEPTLANGLYWATERNFRAPPRESSUBLETAXIS SO m Cc DOFPvc.PIPEUME38 EDOTHERMSE. AT GRAVITY SSAXER AM WNM1JS ANAL. BE BLAMED OF AM REFFERS, (UNT AMY BE MOULAN By THE wSOM AT HIS EXPENSE IN THE CORI OF THE MUSENCE ON THE N ' UPOSUFALLUS 'GRUMMAN ET R F AINSTRUCSYSTEM TION E D W GALLONSTAYANCH AGAINST HE ENGINEER ANDPOW OMER FOR THESE ADJUSTMENTS. IF YJ HATEMPAS AM SHOLUCTRUS SENALL BE INSTALLED AS MINI By APPLICANTS PULAMENG OUNCES FFAM LY THE 6AOWNER *WiRMAnuniERnLLew£sTMVAwne WIN AM TERMINAL HEFDRMATSHAUBEAPPRwED,YTEOmE, PMAM FIRETMAINW FIRE BLAINS. IF DEPICTED, ARE SHOWN FOR HORIMNTAL LOCATION ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVECHECK VNB) THE TREND MO CONSTRUCTION OF THE FIRE ALVE(S) BY A LICENSED FLORIDA FIRE MAIN DESIGNER PND COSCLUMSYSTEM ONMULTURN gLOIa PHRIFLF�TTHFUUL ADEIECTOR NSTALIATION SHALL COMPLY WITH PLL APPHCARLE CODES. u MASTELLER & MOLER, INC. M 600 G9@U[L ffo I@ ©mamig©m 1655 27th STREET, SUITE #2, VERO BEACH, HOODS, 32960 (772) 567-5300 / PAX (772) 794-1106 CERTIFICATE M AUTHORQATION BLANDER 420 FDEP SEPARATION NOTES HWECML SEPE.UNDERGROUND WATER xMY OR NDSWUNG OR9iSaRKNONRENEWED WR PwEESAMSAGITE MESSAGE TREATMENT ASWELM SYSIE MET O ASPRIOAG.UNDERGROND WATER CALLS SHUT ON LASTS PROVIDE A HORSCANAL UMTAxCE OF AT LEAST THREE FAST BETWEEN THE OMslce ME THE WATER MAW Aro THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED SOMAS EWER, XFORNA ATER FORKS MAIN. OR NBu UIE CONVERM RECLAIMED WATER REGwreO UNDER PART BI OF SEARTURSTEIGIS (VIEW OR RELOCATED UUMEMaIll WATER MAINS slNu PE LAID TO PPMIDE A HORIZONTAL THY OUTSIDE TS MUST AM PRESUMABLY PAN FEET BETWEEN THE IDE OF TLE WATER OSS (RNSWOREXISENSCRREEeSSAYS, LWC aaRawD MASTER xaiasRSlwu Bsw00 HERAHMAHOMN deiAMi REST LEAST BETWEENSIX FEU� AM MOROSELY MIN FEEL, THE OUTSIDE RE THE WATER MVx AW THE OUTSIDE OF AM ESTEEM OR PROPOSED OFAMETY ORMAIN OR MINDED CONVEYMG BNSREGULATED AW OGVIIY�-TIII B 8Aa a INETIC SHPLL FE REDUCED O THREE FFAC THE MINIMUM MILECATTAT EET WrcRE UP N UNCON 1. W ECR aELOG ED MUN RcxgiOAWATERTWAS SMALL BEWO TOE�TPWI¢ AOF TRA SARROL HGBZCMAL DEMANDS CT AT LEAST MIN EAST BETWEEN TME OUTSIDE � THE WATER WIN AM xTE SEWAGE EMPRESS M AW dPo sSAL SYSTEM AS AS BURNED IN SECTION LLENRI. F8 PARTS CE aW EXISTINGAM aI PUE&Ed 0'2 FA c. (S,1 HO Greg uE w PROPOSED MAIRTY OR MACUSTALLUME SANITARY OUTSIDE WATER MAIN S AT LEAST SIX HOLES. AND SUFFEFABLY 12 HOWEVER. IT IS PRBERACUT OIUYEiIEw En SAWASSAW TIE OABOVE OR AT LEAST 12 m RSYSTR SELOW ME OF THE OTHER NPEUFE E1 1E THE OLUDICE ON THE OTHER PRINCE. BANEVER. ITIS PREFERABLE T01AYna WATER MEIN ABOVE CRATER SHOUL WE HAID $0 THE OT—NA OR THE WASSIN WIN IS AT LEAST 12 TIE OTHEABOVE R NTPEUU� IONGM (GATER SOON MI HAT THE TGR"" ALALONEGS FARMERS IS ON BELOW ME oma NPNEUIBNS US nEEWATERABOVE, ONE TOM LENGTH MAW GMS WIN B AS WAR AS POSSIBLE FROM THE OTHER PIPELINE. ALREARREVELY, AT SUCH XMI TO PIPES SHOLL BE ARNI SO MAT AM WATER MIN S IN WERTHL ME 8 STONSCFORK SPOINE OR MUFFLES COURARYING RESEEDED WATER REGULATED UNDER PA T � OU CHAPTER STARK FRIA ENG. AND Al LEAST SIX FEET MIND AD HOOTS IN GFESSI OR GRATURANY SCARPS. SAMEWATER KONG WINS, ORCUREARRE CONVEYING RECLAI MED WATER MIT EMBOSSER OMER PART IS OF CHAPTER RE SEPARONCEN BETA NVMTER MAINS ADD SAMMY GAR STORM SEWER IMNpIEs. OND WAER MAW SIDE PAss THROwH OR mxE IWOmMANT W SLANY PAM CFA ANNUALLY SMASH EMBLEM RN E BUYS SCAM GTIME AUGUST 2MBE WATER ANNE SHOU. NO O PART OF A STOW SEWERMAMETUP UP INFUT STRUCTURE E IT IS N07 TECH GH OR COWB SERVER TO COMPLY WEB THIS (I S RESURGENT . B. WHERE THEME Is A CONFUNT IINATE LLY TB TELLING FI EAWIN AM A STORM SEWER ME) WHERE ALERNARVE ROROxG OF TE WARMS MAIN OR SHIP STORM SUMER IS NOT TREFSKAHLY FLEACTICHE OR IS OT BUT). THE SUMCBEFROUSE TO THISM C.E. THE DEPANRMMENT SYTM iM= CONSTRU GTOR OFF CONFECT CWHI BUT MAKFUSSO OF WATER ROR PEREM" PROPoSIwACCORCETO CdYSTWN CT CONCI MUMMIES MOST FIRST SEEMS A EXPECTS IL PACT V OF THE CHAPTER AM MUST wIOE W THE PRELIMINARYRE DESIGN PORT DS oR ORAs,ISRGFlCT ONSA NN CLEAR OATH ABC—BRUME THEIR PEROT AWLIGRON THE 2, A STATEMENT ISCOUTHEING THE FARM IrtSPWsaE FOR MANSAININE WAR GCSUR BOTTOM PUMICE LOTH THE JUNE. AM COVSTRUM. FUNDAMENTS IN NEXT CONS FAERAPES A JOINTA EACH WATER WIN PASSING FURNACE A ONSUMUST MANFORE STAR. WRI A FLEXISM WASSFURNALT ON EACH GRADE SSAIR FIT MATHINEACHN CONTROL GMANECI THE WRITER WIN PASSING THROUGH THE FARM SHOUL UB INSTALLED IN A WATHFULGM GslxE PRE HAVING HIGH IMPACT STRENGTH C E, HAVING AN OwACt STRENGTH ATTRACT EQUAL O TAT RELE STALL E. FISH EASY ILEATUNG OF O.CROWD CRAFT E C, SAM OFFRUCT ws AUEO AT ALLSORM SEWER OPIUMAGATEAS AM uUPPSTRwu OF EACH COMSHALL AS SIZECL u T MANI TO PREVENT HE EPARATW SEMEN FRE HYUuxT DUNS AM CARTMY OR STOW SENES, FORESWORN OR STORMNER FMEDFGNH CITRUS RA S. AIMED WATER PIPALWAX ARMY EAMEENT ATED MANCUSO SYSTEM FEW OR BORROW WIN EXISTING OR SEiO0SAVORS AGGE EDROM AM ROPOSED SORM6EWER STOWNSNTES MdVE AND UK IMMUNE COWFYIO TER SO THAT THO FRANS BAR AT ECIA MWAERREGEO V�R FASO III OF MATTER ESTATE. MAD AT LEAVE THREE FEET. AND PREFFELVENLY TEN MET, FOU" OR OM PWNN=- NARROW DRAWN AT LEAST SIX FEEL AM PREFERABLY TANY ATUNG CAR FRASK M. B." ON PFCCENTSCHOSPE SAMEARS SUMER WASTEWATER DRG W IN. OER PISCENE FEELpcONM YE IMO RECUIMEO WALSH UST REGULATED RUDER FAULT IN HE COMPLES NATO. MAC ANN AT USAGE PEN FEET FROM N EXISTING OR PROPOSED YQNKNTF� SEWER TREATMENT AM S SPOBAL SYSTEM AS REFINED IN SECTION BUSHELS. US., ANTI RULE FT IN ry EVE 7TFOEPA LOGLTUn STAw.wOsCwMU .TMMORESTRwFITBTutu SMB APAY Coll 48 hours before you dq IT Florida h'S eM I.RMI DIAL 811 BEFORE YOU DIC SOMI SUSSI OAF, COV of FMFtlo, INC CONSTRUCTION NOTES ;DZ �CI�77�(�01�Fry1�� @vn9WT C��OFFGFF3[�1C�G,3@I I G9&@DKQ3@1N1 CaJ�WL5I5� (S,3 MID M Ll LEGEND DESCRIPTION BLOCKNUMBER BUILDING OR STRUCTURE CENTERUNE HEADWALL CURB CRT ME PATCH GARMENT THE FENCE MS INDIOATEO) LOT LINE LOT NUMBER PHASE FOR PROPERTY UNE RAILROAD TRACKS RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SIGNPOST MOUNTED) TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW ASPHALT DRIVE GRAVEL DRIVE CONCRETE DRIVE EDGE OF PAVEMENT MAILBOX/NE ARPYNPER BOX TREE BENCH MARK CONCRETE FLUME CONCRETE MITER END coNTOURS CURB INLET DRNNAGEFLOWARROW FINISH FLOOR INLET BAND CEMENT RIRRM SOIL BORING LOCATION AND NUMBER SPOT ELEVATOR STORM DRAIN FIFE STORM MARKUP STRUCTURE NUMBER SWALE BASINOIVIDE SILT FENCE CLEANOUT UNDERDRAIN DITCH BLOCK PLUG. BLOWOFF B TERMINI RESTRAINTS REDUCER FIRE HYDRANT W/ GATE VALVE VALVE BOX. HYDRANT TEE& PENTHOUSES GATE VALVE & ECK WATERSIVI COVER TYPICAL 1 SERVICE LATERALVW METER BOX 1-0S ERVICELATERALVW G METERBOXES RESTRAINED JOINTTEE RESTRAINED BEND TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX TELEPLroNE UNE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE OVERHEAD VANE LIGHT POLE WATER WELL POWER POLE GUY WIRE UNPLUG PROPOSED 0 O 0 R QR ANN, M1nrAFN IS BEEN. E, Tw hrlNMa w PmW u W In.r a#F1F n b FE mY .F y AD CD AR _ W _ e VdRI _ a O p F.F. S.M F.F. R0.00 }R }R 5-T —AN -(1-0— -p Y-�----- 7 — _ ` W CABLE BOX %-...� GASMEN IF�/j'�ryy��(�ynps UNOERGROUNOCRALFMEHt�.°�3¢eHnAYN//YI�IY —urv— TAY u f . MtlH OM' Wa' FWHM^NHeLMT.NNA,,,—NN • ^WV— ANN, M1nrAFN IS BEEN. E, Tw hrlNMa w PmW u W In.r a#F1F n TED FE mY .F ON— ANNUAL, I` NgRM I . IS MA PC pFaga aA W . "MNgh AR W CABLE BOX %-...� GASMEN IF�/j'�ryy��(�ynps UNOERGROUNOCRALFMEHt�.°�3¢eHnAYN//YI�IY —urv— TAY u f . MtlH OM' Wa' FWHM^NHeLMT.NNA,,,—NN • ^WV— ANN, M1nrAFN IS BEEN. E, Tw hrlNMa w PmW u W In.r a#F1F n c �o. - .-.' IS FE mY .F eWa � O�, ANNUAL, I` NgRM I . IS MA PC pFaga aA W . "MNgh W. OROS, rusTNAPR x IxBEk Mc. VdRI _ a I— 2 I 12 1 Sanm d a, iYMM Fa,�k��oeEw F F/�,�,�erMEgaix�IS. Inti. Pv FI bMmn'1 STORMWATER POLLUTION nn //��/,� ��II NJ[ ���LV CRY OF BERACTIAN Pas FI. &apaN PLAN. 0 M 0 QLVLSQ� Mfr D ° gain. rimmao K ral & Iktr. Is. , w,N • ^� ti ^� ,°i'r"" ;;n W'°�dK.". ,Ln .vr rm: '^, mar ^' mr mp a �A „N m M mwN Pagel As a°gm rola. W. maeN re w rwY,n e,Prm, E.K.m °M X a ° 4a rule aearm„Y (Fme !"^a lw s. 7 n W VBED BLDG A TO 1111IGAI 8 F9ASTLW CpttNf9 sH ars FinarmJw T.M17 m u.. r r SrraolN ..s Pae gena TM, NIM 1¢IM 6rOsnb� yYJWiaq .tug REVISIONS TYPE lI TYPE l d s-SQvl raPN� lrF sx ➢fir sb plwl. .r FkO s r.m. r. wre°&'an neo Fe.r sale. Tmr u Feer urrev Spael oepm Drklw syeuiwlb mlpT Tw m Trema uoeemnef eyme RA.-rYT ATRL RWMEN/S fF TPFSI AVO II YkYY 9YIL69 (q MGIICLL MIaTHE lUlG3 FWGTPFS I nT�� aE PS CEO "' Re �EEflM K lnf USFF FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS NOTES. Feay. 1. wv M ev veva m all srolele Who, of Irnvr Tvgxmlax Poi �a ever ae�Ma ssiv.r EM -Fn.. 2. NumMT wd sryw'/ry of awbrs Oe➢er XV enl Yehcflles. J. DAW Senl of&,/ery of ➢Hc/.". UZ pm.nya,ensaurp ny'Wry b mMnA.l lrtcllM 0➢erN/Ons. S 'ey /YC FJ.k fYAyl TWI sw 4. Na15Mlm rmY rlp,lre seilovs. q brrly X wnslrtcilm o➢erOliul3. S. For OMINomI /nlOrimllm see SmNm ,09 _ u Of MO slOrMaN sOOO/flmrlon3. STAKED TURBIDITY BARRIER NPDES NOTES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS'. THIS PROJECT IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PEDES) AS ADMINISTERED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (FDEPA THE CONTRACTOR SHALL THEREFORE COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF EGER'S 'GENERIC PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGE FROM LARGE AND SMALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES" PER FDEP DOCUMENT NUMBER 62521 300(4) Rd ITIS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN BMPS AT THE SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF THE'GENERIC PERMIT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE THE "OPERATOR" AS DEFINED HEREIN. THE OPERATOR IS DEFINED AS: THE LEGAL ENTRY THAT OWNS OR OPERATES THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND THAT HAS THE AUTHORITY TO CONTROL THOSE ACTIVITIES AT THE PROJECT NECESSARY TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT. THE OPERATOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES ARE AS A MINIMUM AS FOLLOWS: 1. PREPARE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN AND MAINTAIN THE SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THAT PLAN. 2, FILE A "NOTICE OF NiIDEP FORM 62,6213DIN) (0), INCLUDING APPLICABLE PERMIT PROCESSING FEES 46 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. A COPY OF THE "NOI" OR A LETTER FROM THE FDEP CONFIRMING COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT SHALL BE POSTED ON SITE FOR PUBLIC VIEWING. 3. PROVIDE A "QUALIFIED INSPECTOR" TO PERFORM THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA GENERIC PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGE FROM LARGE AND SMALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, DEP DOC #6252H4HA) 4. BEFORE CONDUCTING ANY PROJECT ACTIVITIES THE OPERATOR AND ALL SUBCOWRACTORS SHALL SIGN AND PROVIDE TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, THE OWNEADEVELOPER AND THE ENGINEER A COPY OF THE FOLLOWING: "I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I UNDERSTAND AND SHALL COMPLY WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA GENERIC PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGE FROM LARGE AND SMALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVIT IES(EDE P DOC#62821- CLOR)(Ag AND THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PIAN." THE CERTIFICATION MUST INCLUDE THE NAME AND TITLE OF THE PERSON PROVIDING THE SIGNATURE: THE NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF THE CONTACTING FIRM. AND THE DATE THE CERTIFICATION IS MADE. 5. WITH IN 14 DAYS OF A DIFFERENT OPERATOR TAKING RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES A "NOTICE OF TERMINATION" (DEP FORM 62$213006 SH(LLL BE SVBMITIEU.IFA"NOT. IGSUBMITTEDDUETOACHANGE OF OPERATOR, WITHIN 96 HOURS BEFORE ASSUMING CONTROL OF THE CONSTRUCTIONS ACTIVITIES, THE NEW OPERATOR SHALL FILER SIGNED 'N OI" IN ACCORDANCE NTH THIS PERMIT, 6. WITHIN 14 DAYS OF THE FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE SITE, OPERATOR SHALL FILE A "NOTICE OF TERMINATION" (DEP FORM 62521-300(6), TO THE FD E P. WITH COPIES TO THE OWNER AND ENGINEER. EROSION CONTROL NOTES F ar.�a„rr mmas 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN FDEP NPDES (NCI) PERMIT. PROOF OF NOI SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO PRELONSTRUCTION MEETING. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EROSION CONTROL USING BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE PROJECT HAS BEEN CERTIFIEO AS COMPLETE, 3. ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE FACT THAT SMP's ARE PERFORMANCE-BASED. IN THE EVENT THAT INSTALLED BMP'e FAIL TO CONTROL EROSION ARMIN STORM -WATER POLLUTION ADDITIONAL BMP'e MAY BE REQUIRED. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLIES PERMITTING, INSPECTION. REPORTING, AND COMPLIANCE, 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL $DD ALL OPEN SPACE AREAS TO BE GRASSED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING FINAL GRADING AND COMPLETION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. HYDROSEED S MULCH MAY BE APPLIED IF APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 6. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION_ T. SILT FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY IF DAMAGED. e. ALL SIDE SLOPES OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREAS SHALL BE SODDED ON COMPLETION OF FINAL GRADING. 9. ALL INLETS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM COLLECTION OF ERODED MATERIALS BY INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY FILTER FABRIC ANGOR HAY BALES. 10. FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN ALL WATER BODIES DOWNSTREAM OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WHERE TURBID WATERS DISCHARGE MAY OCCUR. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DUST CONTROL, SUCH AS AN ONSITE WATER TRUCK. LAND CLEARING AND ENVIRONMENTAL NOTES ALL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY SHALL COMPLY NTH THE Cltt OF SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 52-2-715. DEVELOPERSONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA IN ARTICLE XI GOVERNING HNATIVE HABITAT PRESERVATION (REF SECTIONS 54311.1543-11.4, d 54-Y115): 2) SOIL EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENTATION (REE SECTION 54-3-112): 3wOUTER RECHARGE PROTECTION (REF SECTION M 3-113), FLOOD PREVENTION (REF. SECTION 543 1a, AND 4) PROTECTION OF NATIVE VEGETATION TO REMAIN (REF SECTION 54 3115) All PROTECTED TREES TO BE STAKED Mn ORANGE FENCING PRIOR TO LAND CLEARING. FENDING TO REMAIN UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR PROTECT ED TREES TO REMAIN GRUBBING, TREE REMOVAL AND LAND CLEARING SHALL BE CONDUCTED UNDER THE PROJECT'S ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT AND THE Cltt OF SEBASTIAN SITE PLAN PERMIT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A COPY OF THE PERMITS AT THE SITE DURING HAND CLEARING AND TREE REMOVAL OPERATIONS, PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND CLEARING OPERATIONS THE ENGINEER, ONMER, AND CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE SITE TO IDENTIFY PRESERVATION TREES AND OTHER RESOURCES. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL BMP'S PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT. PROTECTED,LISTED SPECIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF LAND CLEARING THE OWNER SHALL CONDUCT A LISTED SPECIES SURVEY AND REMOVE ANY LISTED SPECIES FROM RIE CONSTRUCTION AREA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS OF ALL ENVIRON MENTAL PERMITS. IF PROTECTEOLISTED SPECIES ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE DEVELOPMENT AREA AT ANY TIME CURING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER. PRESERVATION TREES EXISTING NATIVE VEGETATION TO BE SAVED IS INTENDED TO BE INCORPORATED INTO THE LANDSCAPE PLAIN PROTECTIVE BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO LAND CIEARINGTO PREVENT DAMAGE TO VEGETATION TO BES WED. SPECIMEN TREES SPECIMEN TREES HE: IARGE OAK TREES, ETC) IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT BE DISTURBED OR DAMAGED. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR FINES, MITIGATION AND OTHER PENALTIES INCURRED BY DAMAGE TO SPECIMEN TREES PROHIBITED AND UNDESIRABLE EXOTIC VEGETATION ALL PROHIBITED AND UNDESIRABLE EXOTIC VEGETATION MUST BE REMOVED AT THE TIME OF CLEARING. PROHIBITED AND UNDESIRABLE EXOTIC VEGETATION SHALL NOT BE USED TO MEET THE TREE OR LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE.. tu�ki�2 f' 21 �rPxF%481fi1iz "k-W.36�.•: STORM INLET PROTECTION SECTOR -A-A' STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Nature of Constmcdon Activity. CONSTRUCT COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. PAVEMENT, UTILITIES, AND DRY RETENTION STORMWATER PONDS Sequence of Construction Events: 1. Install silt fence and other erosion control devices. 2. Clear and gmb site 3. Rough 9.ding. 4. Construct stormwater management system. 5. Construct underground W lines. B. Construct paved areas and buildings 7. Final gmdingllandscaping Total Area of Ne Site: 2 81 acres Area to be Disturbed: 2.81 acres Soil Description St. Lucie Sand Satellite Fine Sand Drainage Area Size: 2.81 acres Besi Management Practices (BMPs) Silt fence, Inlet protection. Construction sequence minimizes time for potential erosion, gravel entrance limits soil on adjacent paved roadways. Potential Pollutants: Portable toilet chemicals will be properly handled and disposed. Inspections: Site will be inspected for erosion problems daily and after each rainfall event greater than D5 inches. A rain gage shall be installed on site to monitor rainfall. Contractor is responsible for installing additional erosion Control as necessary to meet Slate and Local requirements. Operator/Responsible Authority: CONTRACTOR ITS NOTES Trim ms-asI as, .MIT T SHOULD DEWATERING BE NECESSARY, A SEPARATE DEWATERING PERMIT THROUGH THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN IS REQUIRED. ANY SPECIMAN TREES ON-SITE SHALL NOT BE DISTURBED CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PUBLIC ROADS AND SIDEWALKS ARE CLEAR OF ANY DEBRIS DAILY. PER CITY OF SEBASTIAN NPDES ORDINANCE 61311, THERE SHALL BE NO ILLICIT DISCHARGE OR POLLUTANTS INTO THE STORMWATER SYSTEM. ALL PROTECTED TREES TO BE STAKED WITH ORANGE FENCING. (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR PROTECTED TREES TO REMAIN). ALL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY OF SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 54-2-7.15. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA IN ARTICLE GOVERNING: 1) NATIVE HABITAT PRESERVATION (CROSS REFERENCE SECTIONS 54-3-11.1, 54-3-114, AND 54-3115); 2) SOIL EROSION CONTROLAND SEDIMENTATION (CROSS REFERENCE SECTION 54311.2); 3) AQUIFER RECHARGE PROTECTION (CROSS REFERENCE SECTION 54-311 3); FLOOD PREVENTION (CROSS REFERENCE SECTION 54-3-11.6); AND 4) PROTECTION OF NATIVE VEGETATION (CROSS REFERENCE SECTION 54-311.5). SWALE PROTECTION 1k Taarsnrtw oeiuL IW,mx Pm Pwl/k,..�- _tsI.. ,°.a-" 1 ,r :n ,W, 6 w. Mabmav Nm }I, 1111 Y � Sc AS FOJr Sy¢IF�/nv FWk m P ELEVATION SECTION TYPE 111 5/L7 FENCE y f. `\ \ - © • NeM =Twriixryp ar St6f ` Y Iw.,S P,M DIY 3i Fele PmlMla TpeEr 51 TTPe mem Fag orm"ewM, aub. m era me maser lm/nn rem+r,n ale am mvv n,/ Ea aPd M 'a51e Tvuee wrvNad u[0 n wbrl Inv otl lry drrlen SILT FENCE APPLICATIONS IM Porhu9 fFf /yryY `VF.T YxeNFevea mRln.) lame FMel ry /bavOY04, T�e Slee//9TIb/b Yl MYx. Mkr SCAM FDJI R>'.1 a Fnva FC k Fnlr Pma 4 m OMS ELEVATION ov FroHe SECTION 'FeTYPE N SILT FENCE A -•YVAd6p/fYyNez,•e,-.+:+w-. ��wYr �.^xmmwyry nrrr.rw, v .mmwT.."i.'>.".rv"amw aww'n"wM I. lie" e^p4 FAj) =Se.Op +��C�YtL �'fe aYw Grjo� N0.26658 4. g,9/BRWUSERBIR �m2B� u MASTELLER & MOLER INC. STORMWATER POLLUTION nn //��/,� ��II NJ[ ���LV CRY OF BERACTIAN PREVENTION o ��Q��� �4GD3CG4 PLAN. 0 M 0 QLVLSQ� Mfr D ° gain. rimmao K ral & Iktr. Is. , w,N • ^� ti ^� ,°i'r"" ;;n W'°�dK.". ,Ln .vr rm: '^, mar ^' mr mp a �A „N m M mwN Pagel As a°gm rola. W. maeN re w rwY,n e,Prm, E.K.m °M X a ° to w HE ® '� ,qj °; >' '• EARL . A A e- 4 .�.c, i e y L s P -ft#26658 SH 3H s. 7 n W VBED BLDG A TO 1111IGAI 8 F9ASTLW CpttNf9 sH 2. 7/6/9 VBED PRo�ECT NAFE 8 PER a.RWfo ealYaJrs BH .B / f l M @@M@MN40M® L9Mp0MQ0903b3 1655 27th STREET, SURE #2, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, 32960 772 567 300 FAX 772 794-1106 CERTIFICATE OF AVTHOR2A ON NREER 4204 'dLaC�[�O[til 6 7/7/* IREVII PHIL IRC U11ILTY DEPT. W. ogre DESCRIPTION oa/AJv .tug REVISIONS HD GRAPHIC SCALE 1. -4 fin. ON \ \ \\\WoI \ \ \ BILG. O ' B G. e �\ \ � 2 m 0010 No.MS? M MASTELLER & MOLER, INC. EROSION CONTROL PLAN n CJ ° @ M OO Rfl ' jf Q g g 4 @ O Q W g Q /� � [ 1 � � Op � 4 � � � 4 j �] °tt m sEea m ° ° a°RioA ""�`" ""' °"" m�:n�a ��e>aT �n °�°�'" °" `° p �{d °aq�ay ( C' EAR H. MA S ELL E. FL#26658 6H 3. ]/]%/K lM1SCU EIA: A 1O fEOI h 9E8A3]LW LOM s 9M/B11 Z lie/a GRO�EGT Mnre . GEA 3azvro cwrvtr3 WX M GOO G9�M64iIG'�C�] ©G'IpR OG7©©Gid 1655 27th STREET, SLM #2, VERO MACK R ORVA, 32960 (772) 567-5300 / PAX (772) 794-1106 F OAT N MttEER 4204 CER CA E OF AU RZ L ]/]/I6 REV GER RC ° wm Rtl G q �n P ,.�, 3e a La REVISIONS =,. l,, ZONING: CR W DOSE: RMU /11qup yos� / 1MOR 0 O"er p SIT RAIL FENCE E— N O E X / // It \ \ /i S.wYrLIK 9 / o w corer.'szmRCE x / hb 45 E / / RS PCE STOP PC \ SP v. iA I � 4 I LOCATION LAND USE: RMU CON5L 3' HI_ SFLT RAIL FFNCE SITE DATA g5 P Owner p Engineer Surveyor RENIROL.SrewANF.uR qua \ "LOxssare P .O.. zINE EE TmaTREETSUTEz zr5HLLAR1sum r� BLDG. A� SScNrSxw CLPMFLRYA BRA >oR 5 COn on Schedule Construction ZONING: CR IAND USE: RMU 6,863 SF STA TIPPY (SEE CSTAYI V` SRl-1. Site Information L 7/7/e MAS00 PFR RC OrLLfi DEBT. MARILPe NESURANCERATESSYRNAPACES aa.EFFECTNE mrelxlmre 51Rp[giE55.1. TO ♦31309 N: f SECASTAN w RIe. Ax.,m. ear � _ IAvN+r ERM, F=IYL.a ..w. AS rwNt. a SITE. N SAMINSEATIGIVE OR * TPE PROTECT IS LOCATED AC.ACCAR TO ENTALLY W � IiR� / jj /1 jVj (C OI \jl i� �C i�r ski rrN C.NEIW.1 F�YWS]ID Iml L.IS .NERPTO R n>• ` ���2r ZO ras. // ea ER STOP, \ Pnaevlwwla 9p �' H. IAA_ � Z� %NER >e wv5wml 15'R F � '6 ' i / O C Nllsfrw'mnv POR.ItDtJ R ro uLAmY � AY BLDG. B i $. 9.996 sr 31 a ZONING: CR\ LOCATION LAND USE: RMU CON5L 3' HI_ SFLT RAIL FFNCE SITE DATA g5 P Owner APPLICANT Engineer Surveyor RENIROL.SrewANF.uR V \ � GRAPWC SCALE \f ° \\ INF6Er)m G \ \ ) .d 30 n. ZONING CR IAND USE: RMU t o \\ \ \ OQ ®®® \ ZONING CR IAND USE, RMU AL CONAT .1 \ \ s� 4 ZONING CR G LAND U6E:RMU /y\ C\F\ rSIeR \ \ F \ BE CAME 5 P \ \ l f\ \ \ LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) SITE DATA g5 P Owner APPLICANT Engineer Surveyor RENIROL.SrewANF.uR R EBACTIAvetWNExr.0 M>sreLLERe NaEn.xc. "LOxssare P .O.. zINE EE TmaTREETSUTEz zr5HLLAR1sum r� !v/d, SScNrSxw CLPMFLRYA BRA l n� TNORn 5 COn on Schedule Construction ZONING: CR IAND USE: RMU RMATC ,TARAL STA TIPPY (SEE CSTAYI V` SRl-1. Site Information L 7/7/e MAS00 PFR RC OrLLfi DEBT. MARILPe NESURANCERATESSYRNAPACES aa.EFFECTNE mrelxlmre 51Rp[giE55.1. TO ♦31309 N: f SECASTAN w RIe. Ax.,m. ear � _ IAvN+r ERM, F=IYL.a ..w. AS rwNt. a SITE. N SAMINSEATIGIVE OR * TPE PROTECT IS LOCATED AC.ACCAR TO ENTALLY 'LTAMI P. jj /1 jVj (C OI \jl i� �C i�r CCO'E. C.NEIW.1 F�YWS]ID Iml L.IS .NERPTO eE IN 4 a 12 REVISIONS / o rc ccae ne ( j L(, �J �f j fJ �j pI A �NSTEIIOOeLF 6' ZONING CR G LAND U6E:RMU /y\ C\F\ rSIeR \ \ F \ BE CAME 5 P \ \ l f\ \ \ LEGnLcesewPnox: LlxeSumv MR FA UPI m. ,BPI.rxl Zoning Criteria (CR) .1 TO. MCDOIF LKERIC MIN LOCTME. ASS I CIA N=E'PARYARDSETRA: sfw VIA MET. a.E ICCIC FLIA. AISR-SREAI: GAT AA'_' SLIME GPE�PACE: MPS axax suuxx61Ely RMS1 OVAEW A: ISAM f6.m Site Improvements Coverage Summary CLEALREA =TI. I,—, OREARELOPMENTARSTA MSF aR.) LAKE A. NA IMPENT"m$ AREA, u.% PAVED PARPME. SOCINS.M. ETC VAI (nsnl PRALIApl.) WEN SPACE. s. F l41<p Parldnq Requirements LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) SITE DATA uFwcnLom¢. 6495F 1"I'S'TOTAL Owner APPLICANT Engineer Surveyor RENIROL.SrewANF.uR R EBACTIAvetWNExr.0 M>sreLLERe NaEn.xc. "LOxssare P .O.. zINE EE TmaTREETSUTEz zr5HLLAR1sum uxE10I !v/d, SScNrSxw CLPMFLRYA TELLn,EIRT l n� TNORn 7. IT ISLETS. COn on Schedule Construction Ps 1sEETFwncawn RMATC ,TARAL STA TIPPY (SEE CSTAYI 11 SRl-1. Site Information L 7/7/e MAS00 PFR RC OrLLfi DEBT. MARILPe NESURANCERATESSYRNAPACES aa.EFFECTNE mrelxlmre 51Rp[giE55.1. TO ♦31309 ALL SECASTAN w RIe. Ax.,m. ear � _ IAvN+r ERM, F=IYL.a ..w. AS rwNt. a SITE. CIITACR�C SAMINSEATIGIVE OR * TPE PROTECT IS LOCATED AC.ACCAR TO ENTALLY 'LTAMI P. jj /1 jVj (C OI \jl i� �C i�r CCO'E. C.NEIW.1 F�YWS]ID Iml L.IS .NERPTO eE IN 4 a 12 LEGnLcesewPnox: LlxeSumv MR FA UPI m. ,BPI.rxl Zoning Criteria (CR) .1 TO. MCDOIF LKERIC MIN LOCTME. ASS I CIA N=E'PARYARDSETRA: sfw VIA MET. a.E ICCIC FLIA. AISR-SREAI: GAT AA'_' SLIME GPE�PACE: MPS axax suuxx61Ely RMS1 OVAEW A: ISAM f6.m Site Improvements Coverage Summary CLEALREA =TI. I,—, OREARELOPMENTARSTA MSF aR.) LAKE A. NA IMPENT"m$ AREA, u.% PAVED PARPME. SOCINS.M. ETC VAI (nsnl PRALIApl.) WEN SPACE. s. F l41<p Parldnq Requirements f}> PARSIME -1 REG. PPPKING P SF- e]ASF?YU'l,AYI uFwcnLom¢. 6495F 1"I'S'TOTAL R(w'aN'E IrrE3k�At r a xFOuiuums pPTCEs PICSTOME... PROMOTED EWP. fEwER MHO STENSIw1 EENFRAL�bRBAAiT+ � � p v e`T =M RAFdGPSPACG 9H/Citi TORLOMPLAREE, SESPALEs !v/d, Traffic Projections 60o G'I@M64fIG8@ QGI�OG7QQGl� CEPTOR Alcq AV. ITBIC PER CRY 9,055E RRETAIL_omcE Ps 1sEETFwncawn 6pA 5F STA TIPPY (SEE CSTAYI Notes TOTAL SRl-1. Ella O 1 18 L 7/7/e MAS00 PFR RC OrLLfi DEBT. MARILPe NESURANCERATESSYRNAPACES aa.EFFECTNE mrelxlmre 1655 27th STREET, SUM #2, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, 32960 ALL w RIe. Ax.,m. ear � _ IAvN+r ERM, F=IYL.a ..w. AS rwNt. a N). ogre tcscwrcN * TPE PROTECT IS LOCATED AC.ACCAR TO ENTALLY (772) 567-5300 /FAX (772) 794-1106 wury CONRAN S TO MOwn CASE 1MENLSEp1>E+s. jj /1 jVj (C OI \jl i� �C i�r TO BE ALIGNED CONSUMES EMPH THE PITS)ECT EMI ON � . "`. P"AIL 1° n` r a,a c°p"y" eE IN 4 a 12 REVISIONS .A NAM.CANPN.PAP..CClACECtIMUT.PFVV— SPACES BLAUBE.L.LINGCOPIONTHECOLT IrSEEL 9TOPs roe vxon� ONALL n�MG sPFCFS MOTMOLLMNG RMAST AAA`_ Ia.Arc EGx SREOUND CFORRp TM ;Fn f}> Jurisdictional Permitting Requireitie tg�✓w. CITYM'SECALLIALL r Eas n As"t R(w'aN'E IrrE3k�At r a coax.. LgpmECC.*TMJ.L.NPERVN EMANOq�y� RMMRRMLMl.l ftAR1A_.4^� r EWP. fEwER MHO STENSIw1 EENFRAL�bRBAAiT+ � � p v e`T 4. 119K aEwFnvet9E9A9tMNCReblfIETrFROFIO MASTELLER & MOLER INC. SITE PLAN NA "�. k .` `"- � � p v e`T =M REYEE-0 &DC A i0 repCAL k 9EBAef4N CIXfE1119 9H/Citi 2. 7/0/6 UVISEP Faxen Nue xxu M" catcwlrs !v/d, nwuw��e M 60o G'I@M64fIG8@ QGI�OG7QQGl� Q GL;��WCJOW C�J�LRl��� Q �OLn1 LfV�LR1 CEJ Un Rpe}N ellr NI.. d w e011•••, P �r •T mPw aa, r eRw um+Fm m° �Sr+ Ella O 1 18 L 7/7/e MAS00 PFR RC OrLLfi DEBT. MARILPe SN/BI'I 1655 27th STREET, SUM #2, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, 32960 w RIe. Ax.,m. ear � _ IAvN+r ERM, F=IYL.a ..w. AS rwNt. a N). ogre tcscwrcN tc/wF (772) 567-5300 /FAX (772) 794-1106 jj /1 jVj (C OI \jl i� �C i�r j� j) jl [j � . "`. P"AIL 1° n` r a,a c°p"y" 4 a 12 REVISIONS CERTFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NJNBER 4204 o rc ccae ne ( j L(, �J �f j fJ o ❑ (�3 LJ I pI A 07oy nsw a s n u, e. FARI H. IAA_ #1.L'. " .'RI lk9fi6riR NOTE: = ALL ROOF DOh PG TO 6E DIRECTED TO PAVED PARKING + 20' F]. ; - n� 27 ---r. o Er "Ilk \ I � +. r.sme.w.a \�a a O IF 119E III 9Li iFNR EllSL 4RR[E - / l.,e l SECTION "A—A" z = 1/' +°P % a ` \ \ d GRAPHIC SCALE EVS rrFE F' ww Retwcer'- �A •i Y "RV N A\wm,�,,95fi Sd a e v SCALE: 1°=10' / 5,.�.vg.9Espb� ; s ✓ / z9.n\ +.: +�m +i / 1 Cg54a 4 i •s.. }s*'' "�' a xa • ,,s- ��\moo \\ + 1914 �f R fl f \\ < 9.g x \ d 6 3.1' 6.4' 24.6' 3.5' rr•, � y,s G ,,; .s + �x b� z 9 4zs xflfi •a ) t lai=r � \ \ yt /, r 4 � ' r n 4x e \ "3TIRc* / I `ltr>-. In sLr rtlla lLnar wilt � SEtS ay \\ i - / -�--__ \\ z SECTION "B—B"5 / SCALE: 1"=10• -------------- are - \- �"i.oa'�`cuae mFi o. sM� r e •• ` \ \ \ \ \ -� - w + \\ __ ' as?\L11 \\ ^` + 21.3' 4' 20' \\ \ rt'-/sNni,m nei 2e l m. -!O 1 w � i a \ fT _ - xx.m gir.alvinaX-� .. \ M1\ \\ , ., _ BLDG. H F.F.=3000 j � \ _1\ ] \ * �( .PRM CMI SET PLS 5213• \ SECTION "C—C" , ' -F W \ \ \ SCALE: 1"=10' 4�1Fwsr. Par.vm ute ` f 4446"`\ e 1 :$ + \ \ R \\ `\N \ \ m., xfl ��' 6xm •�,.) SETI�3..14 ' PLS • .. 20' S' T N PRM 5243 VOD \\: \\ \� \\ % \ \ \ Rfl RllaK�T a6 ,y1�Tp. Xrl£ \ \ I —Ins[ � Fp5). qNE ].Ol my aE mtI 4:1 ME II 9L] mm Qxa,n�111y e \\\ \ SECTION "D—D" I + \ \ SCALE: 1=10'- � X. sff 41 Lnn. mead___ 14- +�'v L \ \ ,:1 t maErtnnpv ro mua mr SECTION "E—E" I \ S II/90/ REY1411 PER LYIY xifTNG 6 11/21/K 9H/Elfl 1W u m,wn. wa ba w SH TNtle N NUM b h6r. H F wsaM 4. 119K REN"L9 PER SrEA911"1 x:LfTfM IHlGC OFp 5H M MASTELLER & MOLER, INC. STORMWATER GRADING PLAN ,�Y Dew -€` <° 5H 9. J K Ln9f9 EIDG A f0 12-0ICAL k SF9A91I4N LYMEM9 9H/CM'I 2. 7/9/K REVl9E0 PR0.R4T NPtE &PER ARYTD cRIFMs Av/.6 0 dLA@M@@GV] @V[21�C�4 /,s M GOO GI�M640G® Db®Db©OGl� a"M�" I I "l I cry L J!J/5 aEVLEO PER rsG Vn'f!Y oEPf' IURNl1'3 2`/E2I 1655 27th STREET, SUrM #2, MO BEACH, HARDA, 32%0 oAtt as�Prex w/� (772) 567-5300 / PAX (772) 794-1106 ��,,I6fI11II ////Q��'\�� 11//tt����\\,, IPfILL..��``jj (``(���� MM (`�� II�� 1I�� IP�1 III (`�� /y�� rru., ro. w.a" u w FF,etl capFgx VLn1� [Z@@LJ\.l @vlf2g � w (n V V LJ 5'a 32 REVISIONS CERTF SATE OF AVf OR LATKN NHBER 4204 OTf Cl' SMASIIAN " ❑ °_ FWtIEA 0'°"" "`"" R"' EARL H. MASTELLE P.E. FL#26658 RaF<r_t54s 11 0 . 5T. 4- nvc vn. i Y�O��w a i'�iw vu`re i 940 1 epXGNo Qo S / BLDG. A 77 7 CRAPHIC SCALE (wrcrr) i.n=ao n. BLDG. B E 1100' R� 1 J, X7 4. 1v *REV a� �,.� sOAT vu/6 3H M MASTELLER & MOLER INC. UTILITY PLAN ,-,IIfI1II e 11//11 \\==IfNI'V.``/7 `/`/���� MM !`��CI 1� o IIS= IIS= CI I� '/I�-' o o ,MADKVOLIV @ IJ 121KE LIwe�m.� anamArn1 M O K �M2919V raoA �ryn N Iba,N k M1In 1a a wtN fbWw k fMe. le Tnr kawu w v ,• w ...r ary . ••••«a ••n w �.. ti..w. �.. .T.p.. w°�k"^ "'�^ ✓ �"'°^' k .'a: •• • • •' ; -, ` m' ' .e44 3 _ - .1 511 3. LAW K REVEED IiC Uil1fY 0f9i. 5YdE0 C011[Nf9 M C5 pOG'b3M640G'I� Db®�4'JC�C�f.,"l� 1655 27th STREET, SWE 4'2, VERO BEACH, KORDA, 32960 (772) 567-5300 / FAX (772) 794-1106 CERTMATE OF AUTVATION NBER 4204 61M 2. 7/RS/ akveto einc A TO rrvLcu sH L 7/7/K REVE6D Kit RO UfI!(Y CDLTCiJfS SH 9Ht 1/16 1'.30' w. onm odeimlal ux/,�m REVSIONS EARL 2 GRAPHIC SCALE o IM -2010 R. / / q / /Sp13405 / SPA0/ / ®L ; 11 IM 6 kq BLDG. A / r / o a \ BLDG. B '� W' ✓,g u a mn.nu .Ian wv w SH u MASTELLER & MOLER, INC. JACKSON STREET RE -STRIPING PLAN �R R h.' SH +. n 4 a cevern Fee sleaslwN caTSHr terrza a a xe H sH M _ n(I1I /� 1/1�=II'-y`/ M /`wry I�Ij IIS= ,/I�= M (\�� a M Ma4p.Y.t MY • ua '✓ 9. ) IS RElM1YO ELDGA TO reLKAI &:.EBA9MN LQTENf9 9M VLr-.l �l4JU�OLJV l�/ LI �L��� VO�LItJ��\'l Yamda�m d.M1r mt :w,e �•+m s•^ 1/161M 2. 7/e/� aEvrrn aaa�cr Here s wz wznry carerrs sH/,e M C5'OO G7�M640GJ® QG9QOfaQQG{� e o o •r ata �,.,,., w.,Ya. , {', r' L 7///Is FEQ 1't' Mf1xT oF9t. tuR%Lis ° /EN'I 1655 27th STREET, SLIME /j2, VERO REACH, FLORIDA, 32960 p w.w Man arm e F x (772) 567-5300 / PAX (772) 794-1106 —jnj /\ 1l/r^��--, II�'j�/,\J (�j `^� I D� I� hj J�, �I I� `^� [� rw. k. w.� Y• w raa t�,.y. . REVISIONS CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOPWATION WMER 4204 VQ VLJU�OO L(\J V�� � LJ l:S V V IJ r 7 a 12 aT tFs®AS)1AN RM A EARL H. MAS £$ER E. FL#26658 *=1sas STRIPIM5 KEY OA = 6" SOLID WHITE QK = b" pCUBLE YELLOW O = H' SOLID WHITE © = b" SKIP YELLOW WP (10'-309 © = 12" SOLID WHITE © = b" SKIP YELLOW TYP (6-109 OD = le" SOLID WHITE Q = 6" SKIP YELLOW NP (2'-4) OE = 24' SOLID WHITE © = RPM MONO -DIRECTIONAL WHITE90LEAR Q = 6" SKIP WHITE TYP (10'-309 = RPM BI-DIREGTIOHAL A ER/AM R QG = 6" SKIP WHITE TYP (b'-109 ® = FDP WHITE HO = b" SKIP WHITE WP (2'-49 Q = FDP YELLOW IO = b" SOLID YELLOW = RPM 61 -DIRECTIONAL WHITE42ED Q = 18" SOLID YELLOW / / q / /Sp13405 / SPA0/ / ®L ; 11 IM 6 kq BLDG. A / r / o a \ BLDG. B '� W' ✓,g u a mn.nu .Ian wv w SH u MASTELLER & MOLER, INC. JACKSON STREET RE -STRIPING PLAN �R R h.' SH +. n 4 a cevern Fee sleaslwN caTSHr terrza a a xe H sH M _ n(I1I /� 1/1�=II'-y`/ M /`wry I�Ij IIS= ,/I�= M (\�� a M Ma4p.Y.t MY • ua '✓ 9. ) IS RElM1YO ELDGA TO reLKAI &:.EBA9MN LQTENf9 9M VLr-.l �l4JU�OLJV l�/ LI �L��� VO�LItJ��\'l Yamda�m d.M1r mt :w,e �•+m s•^ 1/161M 2. 7/e/� aEvrrn aaa�cr Here s wz wznry carerrs sH/,e M C5'OO G7�M640GJ® QG9QOfaQQG{� e o o •r ata �,.,,., w.,Ya. , {', r' L 7///Is FEQ 1't' Mf1xT oF9t. tuR%Lis ° /EN'I 1655 27th STREET, SLIME /j2, VERO REACH, FLORIDA, 32960 p w.w Man arm e F x (772) 567-5300 / PAX (772) 794-1106 —jnj /\ 1l/r^��--, II�'j�/,\J (�j `^� I D� I� hj J�, �I I� `^� [� rw. k. w.� Y• w raa t�,.y. . REVISIONS CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOPWATION WMER 4204 VQ VLJU�OO L(\J V�� � LJ l:S V V IJ r 7 a 12 aT tFs®AS)1AN RM A EARL H. MAS £$ER E. FL#26658 *=1sas 9 EXIST PALMS TO REM41H - I . TONANO PEST F IMETEi RE¢IIREMENTS i`F PKOPOSEO Y RANIIt155 PiANTI1l5! q y� t 4 - / / 4 40 \/ �F ! \\�\� GRAPHIC SCALE (Wrcc+) 16IIT MIN \\ '>•.c N91, \ \ Uc. t C\ \ n 4 STANOING SI,. \ ol T RAI 3 3G3' 0.'OR— \ `•YSETIRu 4A ®\ * P \ PI + 4 yy . '1 •v TIME µT1115 r `FB+ ®® T \ JS�i ie \® inn 6A' ri dT X 4"2t�e.:. M.it4 933'0002 -\ape, BLDG B \ +A \ +4� 4, 4 4E�E�e NMMASTELLER & MOLER, INC. 60Oimmum mmomigggm 1655 27th STREET, STATE k2, VERO BEACT{ PLORUA, 37%0 (772) 567-5300 / PAX (772) 794-1106 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION HLNBER 4204 {e ,FFOPOSED FFNEE \ ` \ STAI91N6 5T6µ hI \ PLS S 5 1AJ' \ M \ \ X:� EXISALMS TO REMAIN \ \ T X 5243 X, +a ` COI5T, I�LF 6' we FFNCE 81EDCRRHEM / 1 f/JMBILff To KNAL / iAL OF 4 FEET IN HEI6H! / d / ANDS --APE REGUIREMENTS A i� Le�IFlIYn NDFIH PENII ee REQIIkFD. (.wcr 5TFFE!) 10' FEtIFETER STRIP PEAU -FIEF = 300 - 35TaW = 265' CANOPY TRECS: 2651F X 51 / IW LF = 14 TNEES MOEZSTORY )REFS; 265 LF X & TREES 1100 LF = 16 MEE5 SHAGS. COWNIAMS 36• TALL HEMS 24. OL. 0133E 5FI9,Br) FAST FFVIMETER REQUIRED. (US HIfMWAY iH 10 MFNIM T STRIP FERIMEl82 - 331 2BYaw = 304 C.ANOPT TREES, BO4 IF X 5 MESS / IOD LF - 16 MEE5 N6ERSTORY lRE[5 3 LF X b IREEi / 100 LF = 14 TREES SISIBS: Cgt IN 36• TPLL FECEE - 24. OL. (155 SHRIB`) SOUTH PE,IMEIEF REGMIRED: 10' PERIMETER STRIP FEdMEIER = 152' - 5OT4W r 125'r Ila - 417' GNGPY Te' , 4" LF X 5 WEE5 / IM LF = 21(REFS U&ERSTOFY IRECS: 411 LF X b IREfS / 100 LF = 25 TREE5 ..CgNTlN 35' TALL HELVE - 24' OL. (209 SHRUBS) HEST PERM ER REQJIREO. 10 PERIMETER STRIP T£¢IME = Ib i 45' a 315' = SOT CANOPY WEE5. 500 LF X 5lREGa / IW LF = 0 WEE5 NIDERSTORY )REFS. 5OO LF X 6 TiEE / 100 LF = 30 TREES SNPo.BS. CONHNXXY 36' TALL HEME 24' OL. (250 SHRLBS) FEVIIM RTOTALS: 16 CANOPY THEE5 40 LNGH25TORY TREES R.ANTINS AREA RE211RED: B4'XALES X IS SF /SPACE = 1}35 $F flANIIIG PREA R>OPOSED: 2,933 SF LNgP'( TREE$ REpIIRED. &1 SPACES X I TREE / 5 SPAGCS = IB TREES LAWRY TREES PRGPOeiED. IB IAELG PMI<I%AFFA TOTALS 2,433 SF pI1F 18 CA1bPY TREE5 OgIL wK exa aurcrawly REWIRB2 I CANOPY lRff FLR 2pOO SF OP@I SPACE PROPO=� OPEN (S E = SL935 x TREE / Ts SF = 26 T22 26 TZES TAR - (SEE Pf�-'ERVATION CREDITS BF10Vy1 = 22 TREES LPtTI SPPLE TOTALS: 22 LAIYAT TREES r 4 MEE CREDITS Der+A�, TON1455. M -VIN5 A. P821ME1H2 31['x 40k = 1244' 911L01µ6 A HEI6M = 12 La 25 = 124.4'x 10'r 1]44 5F FlANIINb ARRA FEWINF 5OB2 SF FROP6J8] REbPR® I GMOFY TRFF FEZ IO LF =1244'/1=13 GANOFP TRQS 10 CANOPY 1R0-5 R2 . REPIIR®. I NOEZ5TOZY TREE lRff FER 20 Y = 124.4' / 20 = l MOH25TLRY iFffS l L4OEFSTORY WEE5 RtLPOe� 51W M46HED. 3'.MM.85 FB2105F P✓JITIFLS ARRA=1]445Fx3 /10=31491RUB5 314.Br RlLPOe.£D BJILOIN5 B: PHEIL-EI[R 354 x40%= Wb' BIILDINS B: H06HT Ovee 25 _ 153b' x 15' = 21'04 SF ft lw AREA REQUIRED 2833 5F Rte POe.� RFSAIIR®: LAID' PT TREE PER l LF = 1534' / l = 22 CNIMY TREE=i IB LMgPY TZEE5 PZOPOSED' ZEtlIIRED. I UIOE6TOZY lPg TREE MEN 10 LF = 1536' / 10 = 16 LNOEISTORY iREFS 161)NOFF STORY TREE+ HiOPCf.HI ffftlIIZED: 3 SIIfd4l Pd210 SF ftANT1115 PREA = 2,q4 $F z 3 / 10 =692 SIWIB" 692 51� PZOPOA2 FPMDATION TOTALS: '35 LAWNY TREEe (DEVBL FTQUEST A WAIV FROM SEVBI 0) FPABJATION 6MOPY TREES LL£ TO P/ERLROMDI% F,2E 145 LOx6 TEFM 6RPJIH VIABILRY) 25 CANOPY TREES (WAIVER) 23 NOERSTOZY TREES Ip:6 eJ2.135 GANOP! 1R6=-'.. 11 Toll PI -0 La In Rem I : All S l Palms W Ne relccaletl Mn Ift g sM1ovl REQIIRED REPLALEMEM: ONE FOR ONE 81515 R'OPOSEO MMSATEV ON -51M. Il CANOPY TREES DIAMElE20F TREE QUANTITY LREDITS/IFEE TOTPLCRF01T5 2 x2 = 4 TONT 4 (Appll WO5Pa ) 'ALL 5A5AL PALN6 TO BE RELCLATFD ON 51M AS 5IYJItl1. 1-0TE Etl� ova 1Fff O.FF. LAN05GAPIN6 NOTES I. THE LONIFEK.TL SHALL BE FEY' ONSIBLE TO CONS T ALL IMPROVEMENTS AS NIDILATEO IN TE ORAWINS5 ANO IN ALUJftOANLE KIM Tiff CITY OF SEBASTIAN SPEC FICATIONS M9 REtl11I E S MY DEVIATION FROM TUE PETU91T1ED LANDSCAPE PLAN MZT BE APPRAIED BY PRIOR TO CON5T TION 2. LAI9L AND IFRIOATION LLNTRPLTOR 15 RESPONSN.E FOR LOCAT%9 ALL N68;BRGR9 JNLITIFS FROM THE GENERAL CANT TOM - W AFF AND IFRI&ATILN CCMRACTOR WILL BE FELO RESPONSIBLE FGR DAMPLE TO. ANY UTILITY THAT HAS BEEN ALGMATELY LOCATED BY THE FiENERAL COMFK.TOR. 3. IWI&ATION SYSTEM' Iff£T TUE LFtt IA OF THE LIT' OF SEBASnAN 11µp GtYELOFFff1!! LODE. 4. ALL R.ANL MATERIAL IJSEO WILL COISOFM TO TIE STANOMR FOF 0. IOA.l ORADE. 5. AT MINIMUM, TREE SFEGIES HEIGHT SHALL BE AS SW M IN FI -ANT SCHBX.I.E WITH MINIMUM 6' SY2EAp IMIEOIATELY AFIH2 ft 146. 6. LANOSLAF£ LOMRPLTOR IS RE6,PCHGIHY &.E FOR MAINTAINING ALL RANT MAIEFIAL U 11- FINAL AGGETPfIGE. 1. ALL R.AN! MAT IAL 15 TO BE FERTILIZED FRIM TO FlNAL PLGEYIANGE. b. IRON FINAL INSFE TION PNY RN1i MATERIAL T T A4'cAIG TO DEFECTIVE Q31µ rJ10GK WILL DE REMOV® ATO REP w WITN PLANT MATERIAL THAT IS NOT DE£LTIVE PRIGR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OLCA4ANCY. 4. LAN DSCAMNS 9NALL NOT IMERFERE WIT) RETENTION, DRAINASE, OJERIEADPOYEFLIHES. OR FL9LIc TETCHY EASEMENTS. IO. LMO'X,APINS FIW.L COMPLY WITH G` LP 5®ASTIAN LNO G£VELORBL! C/..9E SECTIPG ANO S 3}14 1 51421A.7. II. ALL LAN6L.AF® AREAS r HAVE A cPc�. tANIX! IFRI&ATION SYSTEM FER SEBASTIAN LAFO DEVFLOFT4TIT C SECTION 54814.13, IRRIGATION SYSTEM 5HALL BE L£ri16NEO BY A COMRALTGA IR &ATIOH5Y5TEM WILL FEWIFE A SEPARATE 811L01µ5 FUFM T FOR THE CITY OF FiEBASTIAN 12. E PALA IgLLY CANOPIE5 NOT TO BE SHAPED OR LOLLYPOR'EO' WT REMNN ACAIYWY T.QEE TO MEET 26FGOi LPIbPT' IRREE RE(-011RBMENT. PIdNT SCI�DUIE CANORY mR. SYY. M. NAME Am NAME R8MPo6 O B P Cuertw n9m ono INE OR WIML IT HIGHYN. YUNIY CPA& ALL OPEN AREAS SHALL BE SODDED (A. BAHIA) qX Cuervru nema4/meeim 8' SPRFIb YW. 1� 42 flV0 ➢ Wwm m q m w IT HIGH MR PHOPoSm SW¢I qly B' SPRFM YM O+ 12 Beer mertm 1 nM. a, BE SPPFM M. �e�, IY Hpµ YM. '.t J] E P�IIgLY l/er r m/enucm 8' SPRF/B NPL =-) yw' (W! 1° BE GGIT E MM^e<^ R IY NpN YN. EUN YtlNpN 9mro/mm 6 SPPF/D C) IB PR,IF°SFD ✓ ^v raelm.'a IT HIGH YW. jy,ff frf.D MCIAB 8• $RIFT➢ MN. SIM. R IAUIEL °V( t)uecw nemvpwwav tlL1PPl15 A5 SHGyN N FEMAN AS 6 ms x 1]µ IME: P/nw e/fwNv- ULp{1S A4 9gMN m a uMlam PMPMTY E b seem P°N:elro W1am5 As SwxN .ffl➢fldm ex f•ee•x PMM seeor Permeero cuaFRs As swxx - ElI6T. WF])11 PNM 6 . SE]YLV m 5)opw mmesselmw tl.IFDB ]5 wm BEMA D �* 1 E1f6T. °LFII! sJvyme mno,umlwm GILPERS Ai $HgYN PMM RF]DGIGnfD 12 MSC fd15 //% CVI.FRS AS 5t10.1µ roa 3 STRAIIDS N3 &ALV. WIRE et NWfIt01lA�1tOD canacaryw 1-1e L 1 fµ..6' 1E.Y1 Y.RVEYLR FLa6FiI1K Wim:/em PSOM$ $fOPP Ml+v'en mY^^x MAC52 I m Myna c Yxo 1' fIL.S' NGI 3 STRAIIDS N3 &ALV. WIRE �LMfUBB TnRmxuu nemom oeewwm EAFIH same 61813 4WWE c ra ]e'min Mf4'0.0 I Y.RVEYLR FLa6FiI1K Wim:/em PSOM$ $fOPP Ml+v'en mY^^x 95• 1. wsx TAg 6 11- YUNIY CPA& ALL OPEN AREAS SHALL BE SODDED (A. BAHIA) 2'2' °F �'� CONTRACTOR MAY MODIFY SPECIES LIST AS LONG IS TREE COUNTS AND 1� CITY OF SEBASTM TECHNICLL STANDARDS PRE MET AND MODIFICATION S. IS nm APPFOVEO BY COMMUNDY DEVELOPME OEPAISTMENT TREE PLANTING DETAIL NT9 LANDSCAPE PLAN [.perAt N MnA,r 41tiv, Pe a rneM �Y rbimr 4 1W.. Ae. tM. w Pe•YM to w .,m .N.6 .: dLaC�C��O[�] �4G3C C 4 CLOG [ti1C G3� M w,e me.,.. er o'n+ . eryrc,Nr IAN�Ln1 �/LIUV OLJV V lJ �L�L�� ° VOVo "` LJ Flwme �.Le. v'o'ce wFwm ewmM 0]OK Itl4lFL£4 H ICIER. NC. IPSEGAND BUF6'6Tt PLANTBIG S=UE sM.. w4Le unx xuLE RENWAS PRO D YUNIY CPA& M Ir 1VL: J' 0.0 boMli 1 Iwxo c1u5s PHOPoSm ] fiPl: NY °G MM Ylnll£ SH d 6 SH a EHI 1/16 1'= ff. B a ; EARL H. MASTELL�R;, 'E L#26658 naxx.71M B TI TYPICAL PAVING SECTION (N.T.S.) n� ¢¢ �xaWMwweulra:�c TYPE D HEADER CURB DETAIL (N.T.S.) �vwm vA.�nm SIDEWALK/PAVING DETAIL (N.T.S.) RRH+QCE PO.T. IMEX 313 F4R [ilhVilnL9 M... 1. UNLESS MURDERS NOTED ALL EMMETE USED MAU HAVE A NEWIRED MINIMUM CUMPRESSYE STSEHCIX BE D. P.S.I. IN 3U DAYS 2. SIDEWAI% TO BE C THICKNESS Si NDAPD AND e THICKNESS AT ddKWAYS AND IN CITY R.D.W. 3. PROMDE AMM PATO 5AND AT All P.C.', h P.T.'x AT DUE.. SEDEI SIDEWALK DETAIL (N. T. S.) SEGTON RELQ i?BSHJ.1. PIPE SIZE: ]b'WALL-IB'PIHE 3'-I' ILJL- 34' %f£ TYPE 'C• INLET (N.T.S.) TIRE STOP DETAIL (N.T.S.) _rwo, w xrrmmrw..v MITERED END SECTION DETAIL A L A rn ^^%5nWE T SOIL EROSION WNtR0 CONTROL NI T OR PLAN AP�O�o EwEmHAL w soo nJ SECTION A—A ' n4 BARS b' CA. DETAIL O iila%%1 sna..sna.. s6�T. 9 O0 � 3' A rn ^^%5nWE T SOIL EROSION WNtR0 CONTROL NI T OR PLAN AP�O�o EwEmHAL w soo nJ SECTION A—A ' n4 BARS b' CA. DETAIL HANDICAP STRIPING DETAIL (N.T.S.) TOP R1—1 (30" x 30") Fee Die OP 2S el 9p8 v I MIOMn` m 0 SIGN DETAILS N.T.S. 12" 12" �� BI 11 1 7 24. NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONCRETE USED SHALL HAVE A REQUIRED MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3.000 P.S.I. IN 28 DAYS. MODIFIED MIAMI TYPE GUTTER (N.T.S.) 00 u MASTELLER & MOLER, INC. M CODG119NJIS4 m ©pagaggm 1655 27th STREET, SUITE #2, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, 32960 (772) 567-5300 / PAX (772) 794-1106 CERTMATE 0, AUTHORIZATION N-MRR 4204 SECTIONAL. ELEVATION ll . SErn°N TYPICAL DOUBLE SWIM OPAQUE PVC GATE PLAN DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE DETAIL (N.T.S.) O iila%%1 sna..sna.. s6�T. /role: O0 � E5 lowm O a' wNH1E (TYP) TaAle I d A b ® ss L WS` HANDICAP STRIPING DETAIL (N.T.S.) TOP R1—1 (30" x 30") Fee Die OP 2S el 9p8 v I MIOMn` m 0 SIGN DETAILS N.T.S. 12" 12" �� BI 11 1 7 24. NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONCRETE USED SHALL HAVE A REQUIRED MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3.000 P.S.I. IN 28 DAYS. MODIFIED MIAMI TYPE GUTTER (N.T.S.) 00 u MASTELLER & MOLER, INC. M CODG119NJIS4 m ©pagaggm 1655 27th STREET, SUITE #2, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, 32960 (772) 567-5300 / PAX (772) 794-1106 CERTMATE 0, AUTHORIZATION N-MRR 4204 SECTIONAL. ELEVATION ll . SErn°N TYPICAL DOUBLE SWIM OPAQUE PVC GATE PLAN DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE DETAIL (N.T.S.) MINIMUM STORM CULVERT COVER N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS JLQC�C��((��OGvI @4G IC v @OMll9lf2@ eJ�° �Wc�J�LV @lTQR9v (A 90@13 0`0 I N.rs oma-Im.. ImKKSsmXaTI A za I iila%%1 sna..sna.. s6�T. /role: _ S ..:o ,, e ? E5 lowm O rYrin nave Ry TaAle I A b ® ss L WS` ° Yry/m 5b ss S �. u.msrri•n���s i r'o.' am'i °r�ww ASTMYE BEIWFEN SWYS Speq S W IB 1 _�. eP//m mv_ /se �M) M,vut w q m TR I SIT 6 19/ 5] � 9 ME1. Ip (.WS EST 11 ME EMS ` i 's :ria a MIo•Y mem DbT° YS � 9TH NMe—. eee, °i>ym ss —N Nee ...'"r:, x".r•^ ^^” qv Wnw.wre. ra GENERAL NOTES DURATION NOTES N eww: NWe: rn ne FXTM MATERIAL FCX LflLS WLV£$ /I °//NIM enaW keel pmW'I,— awql nlMessM. A/mWI/Mur M l0M °{mbl NVAh. In IVN !PowS[IM!mq vblA) UCERbPAVEExTS .Apllypq ll[ub me a/dp °INIW4e/ry IwM,%.f e¢¢drsM rta.ne% S sfppNN //wanldfoupyM1wl nMwa . mmeee : eb: 2 erwntr Ae 011e rtKK/q ya, m,6 °mvo .blapirklai m/G "le'mI'Me e.1/ ryk r9f /kllrip. u-AmY I/MlD tpeMlq. ry IM wlR weo 1. Ne aAmed FIAWFR alpr 4all IMM tw Me WPG'EM Lpr. Fw kmllm v/ a,,v ` r�.T B � rte/% FlusEa ape,..ev nwx x°. Eve. SYMBOLS .� ....��. �.-.r.e..•rer.. rr... ...w.:.... r.r. r e s wavxE.vs Ivo q a-IN9 mreq l+Me ll° xc:R Mire anmM.:. ® pk aedw. CONDITIONS 1. ShnIICER W[wS e � M ssm w m °XerMN ro y( 51gn WIIM1 lB° x lX' lYln. l ILelge • rnr sree..•su M�W(M:fR a�bl ly m Me side wMrt Me �/ F� AAd Type B IIPAI KKr IrwR Ii Miry WXER£ ANY VENIC!£. EWIPYENT. _ e.• pelrL WMEREXS LW THEIR ACTNITIES EMMA. THE AREA 7.07 S WMn a elh r[q /nhmMs lee hWee, MMm IM THE tyrv. °Yl//wnITTC devke: emX M 1. /n ®:dsve • C/wine/]ilq Orvlce /See IMex No. K01 THAN ISSUE AOT CUESR THAN eMe "es Me'.TCZ kderei r. THE SOME CF TflAV£L WAY. eFv pmenl iCZ eMllreaenM mtl °Normal m/°rwllm B Wok Zeee 510 rtM e, lee -x°. ®. b Ln1(12n/l ESUn. Dlroeeile rTnfTl;'- O M a t s... _ MINIMUM STORM CULVERT COVER N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS JLQC�C��((��OGvI @4G IC v @OMll9lf2@ eJ�° �Wc�J�LV @lTQR9v (A 90@13 0`0 SH IN a e:w., MN. Mm Ne w.dR x seam Y rM., le.. m:N tbrM' k Iktrs„. 1Mn mY�im M�P'ML AM � us Mx OxMna 6y °e:Nw eTnb N nbx N YmuM' k M'. P�aen :a W fiaN CagRYn HM bT(� m °W �5$ E VF nw's p✓ �4j Jb vr� sAli e! `� x } . EARL FL 26658 SH 1 2 3 4 5 2'-0' VARIES 2'-0 RAM I VAN. x�WNf w"IumR BhsRW MINI (MIN) InMAL DATE VALVE C om"RE Ip s m �SWEµE (SIE ) POOzsP T91. "x wPers Y. RED IF DISTANCE \WX NOTE I(R101q NN--- MIN, L— MIRE THAN ' k r N•%SY %Y INIX EBHW:IE PADATgM DOUBLE DETECTOR q . O� \ ^ Vuic R S w Pur. uais (110 PNrt"°^ j"'ICTPA HIC CHECK VALVE / \ IY Ixµ) ' Zµ'Wk Nom' %C tT UNP�fw6%ARMSIE�FPµ)ni FMI WIING ) E "WNxE NENERR"` vuvE RRxNUD I. X"IE) S PR�"nnOWm` Rei IwAN".D m RE -F ) I^"E") �COMINVOUs /ID srRAHDm wI �). MECA-WC PEBIP A \®/S /� R� N SI¢ € COPPER TRACE WIRE V. LOCKING CURB \ RVP ml" GM om ¢ ALL smws 0. Fx STOP VALVE eB `I' CHECK VALVE VAPoES DE pFlEN R NYS NLA �� TM' ELEVATION -SERVICE NEPAL AxaDR 1Ee FaR a' PLAN VIEW TRAMORN vuW �i x AT L BT -PASS METER DETECTOR BYPASS VECQA JMNT D' EE SPE PUIBFR NOIDE 1 3'-D CUSTOMER PIPING PLAN VIEWFAONC ROAnwar Y"LRE `v Box A. UTILITY PIPING TO PROPERTY LINE FINISHED GRACE W TWE I / DETECTOR CHECK VALVE + PI INLET GATE � I b q v.LLTf MS RP(ME. a) VALVE Iglu A ONE ON EACH O,I.P DATE VALVE ; + e'°ATE VALK _ VUSc .M. MARE PIAN VIEW RE Hox fl'F ql EACH 9GE W/ INDICATOR . sW.Ev I 0E (ME x 0 Ci CHECK VALVE B' DIP PIPE ASSEMBLY 90' BEND \ c�E vuvE - / TYPE I I P m:wmUNT AT ANN RE I q .moi re SER W ON NNCFEE YHPAVEO AIIFA P NN/AWYTMT II ASNNJ.i YY' B WATER MAIN WATER MAN 1B MINIMUM p3TANCE :..._ 3 nLL vxl4 REWwE n ART k LWc x DEwiE¢ k Nxvl6 CHERN pPECT GCNNECIKK! \ IPE) `UNpSNRBFD NOTES !/ / /\ NFEARS SET♦Uaw10 PHF.MIE PLAN VIE WAIFA MAN 1. ALL. wN SP..EEM MUSE XAVE AN wtWS APPR.W. DETER. CNECN VKK NOTES �O RHS A HE WSYAYED ON MON OWN PROPERTY. DERCTCR PECKS WH BE G AL XM1N FOR ESI EgFl M. .VO VMMb 9VLL H 5}.VIIFS SRW. VMIE - Wfll LSE ON ... WADER' AE MMEGAREE `B. IYINIANCXOH ELEVATION 9aL INSTMIW W AttMOAX¢ WIX TIE siAR PRE MARW WL tlpE .WO IRWVs STANDARD, Cryfp2 VMyE AXO M. SN.UL BE YgMRD MO`h DRpIXD. SERB Rm Y. m NNERE \\%\ I. VMIE BO% SXAll CMFLY RM fCOi STANDARDS AS MPIICMIE WPP6 L�� xDSf BE 0.FAY ¢SERB TImS, 9MW; 1DAA4¢tlET4 UINY WkC EVIL) 1D NRRARDS Np PpRTdE RMC6 91NL ENE NMAWE ¢ Td IN FRWF Np N TE 506 MAHE - GROWH 7. W% UD EBV.TLD w PAMMR SIAL BE A MINIMUM M IGS WM A WIYNE S' (EMIL TMDAII 5 NO VMLE MXOs ARE N BE Ilsq. Z M IME nLLALL SYS TIE w iM W .. PER. IN, TNCF NNE, W K R 3. ALL YATERIAES ARE M BE PEK IRMUS APPROVED MAHFACNRdY PRWUCE USE. WATER Liu. ARMED DWTI RRAY LES UN 'REUSE WANE AS APPNLMEE. '""¢""`"RWaY`"°"'" ELEVATION NOTES REE)IMN M`E bda yM.WtED:`NNW.....'ONXE, AMPAYM M MPUCMIE GAME I1. NLOWM V,YERS Ci ...D WMR ME VALE SD%PARR NITIEE S/v. WRRwS"S MBF MX RWW NWJIm VNRFICIMFR'IPMUCE E6E. G.M� F NOTES _ THE VALE RD% p ggHH A9IAH RIVER Ld.N1Y �M� a HN SMALSE L EINE a6'ATR ME rA cm" AL" L...L.. SUa.s Sul°.. ENNNEE EDM NA swnON"la Q14ANMx AND EVIL AT T°EiE GRE _ __ °P"xPNO W_10 CRETE suPPOR (OR APPPOVED BY ROWS) 5. B¢pW IRPINB IxsTNUENNI IN n VAULT MAY BE CONSIDERED E L HYRANT MAtl9 TD H 1 OA EIq xLLVAR SELL pl plC1E£ Pwl RE Md /ATE aHq lEw ap BY favus ru TD -'MM` ¢'MM` sYIE AN.—I I IPOIIAN WIVLR LONRYs EPAR sA oR VALVE AND BOX a NOTES 1. vME Box ARD gnLL BE PAN.. eELE - SATS GREES - MARS \ VALVE BOX PAD °HOYH4 INCIAN RIVER LQMY oANF1,4IeFror ID. ARL AGI AND SEE EWJ WRNMS SNAL ¢ N/a' IEENG, zTE(¢RE LAMER WM1ErnRI SWL EtT INYW AIDN TIE4¢ME tF1AgT WMo NO' L xL VKVF RCIR 91ALL 6E ST.VMESS 6 -IE¢ xM BRh44 Hua PLP �¢ - SE A. ASSEMBLY ,�_ ELEVATION , ILIDIAN RIVR GOIMTT' cUNNN sEroW RLVDWAY ER FlN91 AIME nL xIDRMTs WNLL a RMTc WRAXAWAr TPE Inlunm Eexvlces r� z PFRMAYOU LAND MARKERS ARE TO DE OWB ARL VMLES u MMM BY IRMUS (SEE M -B) BRINE - BRONH z Ix IxPAMT wRE7s sfE Y-5 TEE e A MA6 vMM IxwcA Is To BE PPMtl6 R - BaYuvi}¢ WATER MAIN WATER MAN {, Eryg1TE µpHEWFp Eq XIRfAVi ASgIEIY MAY E VRI3➢ IN IIDI ¢ MM£ 3 nLL vxl4 REWwE n ART k LWc x DEwiE¢ k Nxvl6 IN /.CRIA1 ¢ VMH L�ATON AxD DEBCAPISx. (sR Ex.WPIE AB00E) FVATN)NF HDV q?All NOTES 3 REE. NKAWf SWVRD ff PER IRMI IY ERwI FIX£ ¢PAM IN WIDE NSVRE e. %u YATERWS AR ro ff PFR ER916 IPrRNID YAYIFMMNw' PMYICE USE, J TU¢ WE m BE N... A5 PER CETM Y -IJ. T. WME N]F WIDWR x MAYNG IHIIE.) a' SEE WACER MRE RETAIL. Y -IS 5. flPus ARE IO BE LOCnIFD IN RBMwnY fCfl ALL vu4S ESEE w -I) B RFiIECIM1E NAMES Opt FIRE HNRIM (MUNI - PW WA)FA YAW VAL - WYR gpCATMMSTALL M xLSX MIX PAO/PAM11EHi. } VMIE W% W LOCATED IN PAl9W! SMALL BE A dMRE IRh! STAY -PN WMR. ERHIYUN SA Effi YIq A MINIMUM r LONGT RM AND 41ALL BE YAdW WIM A. TITERS 'XwIFIY.'SEXXFR'. WAIFA MAN 1. ALL. wN SP..EEM MUSE XAVE AN wtWS APPR.W. DETER. CNECN VKK NOTES �O RHS A HE WSYAYED ON MON OWN PROPERTY. DERCTCR PECKS WH BE G AL XM1N FOR ESI EgFl M. .VO VMMb 9VLL H 5}.VIIFS SRW. VMIE - Wfll LSE ON ... WADER' AE MMEGAREE 1.1WCE XFE 6 PFYIMDI CX NL PRS INSTMIW W AttMOAX¢ WIX TIE siAR PRE MARW WL tlpE .WO IRWVs STANDARD, Cryfp2 VMyE AXO M. SN.UL BE YgMRD MO`h DRpIXD. w uANTNN T-8' R.WEN ¢ XttAWT PDPD9MA41D RJMWAi ¢ MB EACE (gAWE N. ARN VILVE - PUPoyE I. VMIE BO% SXAll CMFLY RM fCOi STANDARDS AS MPIICMIE 2 KTAL sHOVM CAN °E YCGRIED A4D APPRDYID BY IRCWS iCR FACN INgNWM PRPEC2 xDSf BE 0.FAY ¢SERB TImS, 9MW; 1DAA4¢tlET4 UINY WkC EVIL) 1D NRRARDS Np PpRTdE RMC6 91NL ENE NMAWE ¢ Td IN FRWF Np N TE 506 MAHE - GROWH 7. W% UD EBV.TLD w PAMMR SIAL BE A MINIMUM M IGS WM A WIYNE S' (EMIL TMDAII 5 NO VMLE MXOs ARE N BE Ilsq. Z M IME nLLALL SYS TIE w iM W .. PER. IN, TNCF NNE, W K R 3. ALL YATERIAES ARE M BE PEK IRMUS APPROVED MAHFACNRdY PRWUCE USE. ¢ TE RIE IIMNVL Wq A 4'MEMNI¢ TD ME REAR ¢TiE XTMI.WT RIpIMT TO RS ARMED DWTI RRAY LES UN 'REUSE WANE AS APPNLMEE. R. W ME E, PAVER M. THE VALI£ BQR PI. NCP DEVATIX! SXALL BE EVER WTI ME RMt MM [MC! WA CpM1:E00.5. REE)IMN M`E bda yM.WtED:`NNW.....'ONXE, AMPAYM M MPUCMIE GAME I1. NLOWM V,YERS Ci ...D WMR ME VALE SD%PARR NITIEE S/v. WRRwS"S MBF MX RWW NWJIm VNRFICIMFR'IPMUCE E6E. G.M� ELEVATION Y' REGROUP NWUs gpNE69R AFPROVM _ THE VALE RD% p ggHH A9IAH RIVER Ld.N1Y �M� a HN SMALSE L EINE a6'ATR ME rA cm" AL" L...L.. SUa.s Sul°.. ENNNEE EDM NA swnON"la Q14ANMx AND EVIL AT T°EiE GRE DOUBLE—DETECTOR CHECK VALVE °P"xPNO W_10 RADIAN RIVGlG0.MY DIAN Q OP 5. B¢pW IRPINB IxsTNUENNI IN n VAULT MAY BE CONSIDERED FIRE HYDRANT DETAILS °PAN¢NC IPOIIAN WIVLR LONRYs EPAR sA oR VALVE AND BOX DRNW0.P'D INOEM'RIVGR LOLTT'Wm HEPAR ENFaP MATERIALS AS APPROVED BY RCDUS. VALVE BOX PAD °HOYH4 INCIAN RIVER LQMY oANF1,4IeFror ID. ARL AGI AND SEE EWJ WRNMS SNAL ¢ N/a' IEENG, TRACE WIRE WMo NO' Imunm reavlcm W S BE g, ui IpZ BAIX EI.W PREMX1Lv5 5xA11 BE CFATFlE° BY REPROVED 161FR ANO MPRCPRIAIE ASSEMBLY ,�_ ImuneB lNeevlceE ILIDIAN RIVR GOIMTT' cUNNN sEroW W-2 Inlunm Eexvlces r� M-5 ununeD sexvHces PREVENTER �� M-6 Inlunes BeRVlces TEMPORARY SAMPLING POINT DETAILS .a� M-13 SIAM RIVER GGUNI' MSAR7S4M pW Imunes xI¢vlces REVISIONS RESTRAINING SCHEDULE AND NOTESv YERTS SXML RE LOCATOR GESfWIATFLY 1 a IN LAME uu aEaJ L INSIDE TIE RIGHT-OF-WAY UNLESS P)t CASING SEEM �M¢ BY REDS L -- OTfRMSE DIRECTED BY RIDGESS WAIFA MAN FLOW FLOW �R APPROVED MMI® BO%Es CHAD -RE F -EW Cp1. OE]E IN WATER MAIN DOUBLE STRAP ELEVATION B: FlHIi(RAs WM NO-xalE ARD 3£ N. Tt. h REDUCED PRESSURE PLAN VIEW e SFE Y-] PPE-PWYBW YE]fR BOX C B¢ BACKFLOW PREVENT:R 'MIH GATE VALVES I. L WWYIRM RNN IIMI R REP SPRNRIER PRDIECSYMMS W0.VpNG CHOSE FAWLY NGECM AL FINISHED G9.RCE7 STP ¢ 2 ALL SERNOES IEOURE M' WNYVY COME C WATER MAIN 070K. IUSTEMM k TgeIF. NC. 3 YRDIUY 4TNCE $ SEDC. BE I WS .1'A WM SERN25 CWL ED A .. 1-1/YI. RIM REED PRE—RE ZONE IEANRE M M:IWEINM BV' NMTY. TRPIE 4ANO6. SE A. Y. AN. W.MAIPIE WRACTS CWL RE M4XJEB BY RMIIS H' eL-SF4HSLY SRWRS ME REWIRED TB INSTALL AZ WATER MAIN A 1.1 k1=awNNRM.EAYYxNLnQASMGEYErILDGSERN. . G.M� ELEVATION S UDA9RCA9X0 PPE 9V11 H Sg6UE W P.VG 0. ML NIERS r.. sYNLfH CWL BE xSaLID BY . NMN N ARhRiB NARE 1.RES MINWFD OWNS HANXB MILL ULSC, UAND ARWA CEUMCAED G SAY S BE IN. M.Y ATTER CYCFC AS.. L BY I.S. p ggHH NOTES HN SMALSE L EINE a6'ATR ME rA cm" AL" L...L.. SUa.s Sul°.. ENNNEE EDM NA swnON"la Q14ANMx AND EVIL AT T°EiE GRE •. WIXIFEM,s .psE.11.1 s°Y LAR MY IN RE "B°RUWD4,PIPEN. ..'BY RE ACMATR. NL WATER YNXS ON AT SUM RIE M SENIORS BY RWUS 5. B¢pW IRPINB IxsTNUENNI IN n VAULT MAY BE CONSIDERED 7. PERS51(Ps 91NL BE TIE SAYc SII AS TE IETRS TUT ME NSOVIEB. LER APPROVAL IF PREMED MADE ¢ BOTOM CT VMLT w AT IEABT I' -V µME NE HIM MEER LEVEL 1. 7EMPORARY SAMPLING PUNT MAY BE CONSTRUCTED OF ALIERNAM S. NA¢ W"E TO ED w3TNUD M PDt DETAL M -IS B. PINING 2 I/Y OR CREAM 94u BE ELµMD NRR UE LAND PR. MATERIALS AS APPROVED BY RCDUS. .. LO#TE.. R415 ME m BE M® R,UL lE1FA. MENS n'LPMI9M'I6 ]. ALL MATERIALS ARE N BE PER IRCDUE AP. R P). un, 2 NO SAMPLING PUNT SHALL DE CCE AT FIRE HIDRANLU ID. ARL AGI AND SEE EWJ WRNMS SNAL ¢ N/a' IEENG, e. ALL LAs¢x65 BE SDs (R 11. (are µare DMD Eau). M MAUND 3, WHEN SERNCE SHALL ABANDONED AND AT MMM. E. RK-RUYBFD YEIFN BaE510 6 M'x Ra5 MROEn YIMRACNIEl6' pp[a1C! 16T, W S BE g, ui IpZ BAIX EI.W PREMX1Lv5 5xA11 BE CFATFlE° BY REPROVED 161FR ANO MPRCPRIAIE 4. FIELD NSPELTQY BT HRCDUS IS REWIRED BEFONE UIIUTE3 ARE ACCEPTED. N BY URC U EJ INSPECTION E ACCO miORE. FOBS MAN. 1. RW ILIDIAN RIVR GOIMTT' cUNNN sEroW WATER SERVICE Y"AjgG IN9IAN RIVM GOMT' xY"CWOBACKFLOW PREVENTER °PXo."C IIJDIAN RIVER LgMTv Ge/ARTMINTOP TEMPORARY SAMPLING POINT ORM Na Inlun®exWVlc� R W-4 urlurlES E�VIC25 W-11 MTIurles seRNlceE (BACTERIOLOGICAL) W -F a . 5 I, k � _ R "S R 8 I N a E eT a K a 9 B p A V R R H 4 a: € 14 gWFQI�-- � a 2 R a R IIR n SIAM RIVER GGUNI' MSAR7S4M pW Imunes xI¢vlces REVISIONS RESTRAINING SCHEDULE AND NOTESv YERTS SXML RE LOCATOR GESfWIATFLY 1 a IN LAME uu aEaJ L INSIDE TIE RIGHT-OF-WAY UNLESS P)t CASING SEEM �M¢ BY REDS L -- OTfRMSE DIRECTED BY RIDGESS WAIFA MAN FLOW FLOW �R APPROVED MMI® BO%Es CHAD -RE F -EW Cp1. OE]E IN WATER MAIN DOUBLE STRAP ELEVATION B: FlHIi(RAs WM NO-xalE ARD 3£ N. Tt. h REDUCED PRESSURE PLAN VIEW e SFE Y-] PPE-PWYBW YE]fR BOX C B¢ BACKFLOW PREVENT:R 'MIH GATE VALVES I. L WWYIRM RNN IIMI R REP SPRNRIER PRDIECSYMMS W0.VpNG CHOSE FAWLY NGECM AL FINISHED G9.RCE7 STP ¢ 2 ALL SERNOES IEOURE M' WNYVY COME C WATER MAIN FINISHED GRADE A CORPORATION SNP SHALL BE INSTALLED MM A LENGTH OF 1'0 COPPER TUBING EXTENDING ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE. THE TUBING SHALL BE INSTALLED NCIH A 180' DOWNTURNED BEND. /-1'0 COPPER TUBING 1' GATE VALVE FINISHED GRADE /I LT S]:T m I I I (DUWTIE51 1 1 IN LAME uu aEaJ L P)t CASING SEEM �M¢ BY REDS L -- STOP WAIFA MAN FLGW FLOW (WITHOMUPORAINONF (WITH PWG FOR DOUBL TBA¢ LAME (sT NOTE e) p�PIIVNrdN ABANDONED SERWCE) DOUBLE STRAP ELEVATION ELEVATION 9ERNCE SMNE e NOTES NOTES I. L WWYIRM RNN IIMI R REP SPRNRIER PRDIECSYMMS W0.VpNG CHOSE FAWLY NGECM AL 1. ONCE TAPS WI° T£ WATT MAIN N.- 6 A IN.RE I"' ON W1RA + 2 ALL SERNOES IEOURE M' WNYVY COME AL ARE REl TO INSTALL MU°lE BECK BAWZGW PREAM ER 070K. IUSTEMM k TgeIF. NC. 3 YRDIUY 4TNCE $ SEDC. BE I WS .1'A WM SERN25 CWL ED A .. 1-1/YI. RIM REED PRE—RE ZONE IEANRE M M:IWEINM BV' NMTY. TRPIE 4ANO6. SE A. Y. AN. W.MAIPIE WRACTS CWL RE M4XJEB BY RMIIS H' eL-SF4HSLY SRWRS ME REWIRED TB INSTALL AZ WATER MAIN A 1.1 k1=awNNRM.EAYYxNLnQASMGEYErILDGSERN. . G.M� ELEVATION S UDA9RCA9X0 PPE 9V11 H Sg6UE W P.VG 0. ML NIERS r.. sYNLfH CWL BE xSaLID BY . NMN N ARhRiB NARE 1.RES MINWFD OWNS HANXB MILL ULSC, UAND ARWA CEUMCAED G SAY S BE IN. M.Y ATTER CYCFC AS.. L BY I.S. p ggHH NOTES HN SMALSE L EINE a6'ATR ME rA cm" AL" L...L.. SUa.s Sul°.. ENNNEE EDM NA swnON"la Q14ANMx AND EVIL AT T°EiE GRE •. WIXIFEM,s .psE.11.1 s°Y LAR MY IN RE "B°RUWD4,PIPEN. ..'BY RE ACMATR. NL WATER YNXS ON AT SUM RIE M SENIORS BY RWUS 5. B¢pW IRPINB IxsTNUENNI IN n VAULT MAY BE CONSIDERED 7. PERS51(Ps 91NL BE TIE SAYc SII AS TE IETRS TUT ME NSOVIEB. LER APPROVAL IF PREMED MADE ¢ BOTOM CT VMLT w AT IEABT I' -V µME NE HIM MEER LEVEL 1. 7EMPORARY SAMPLING PUNT MAY BE CONSTRUCTED OF ALIERNAM S. NA¢ W"E TO ED w3TNUD M PDt DETAL M -IS B. PINING 2 I/Y OR CREAM 94u BE ELµMD NRR UE LAND PR. MATERIALS AS APPROVED BY RCDUS. .. LO#TE.. R415 ME m BE M® R,UL lE1FA. MENS n'LPMI9M'I6 ]. ALL MATERIALS ARE N BE PER IRCDUE AP. R P). un, 2 NO SAMPLING PUNT SHALL DE CCE AT FIRE HIDRANLU ID. ARL AGI AND SEE EWJ WRNMS SNAL ¢ N/a' IEENG, e. ALL LAs¢x65 BE SDs (R 11. (are µare DMD Eau). M MAUND 3, WHEN SERNCE SHALL ABANDONED AND AT MMM. E. RK-RUYBFD YEIFN BaE510 6 M'x Ra5 MROEn YIMRACNIEl6' pp[a1C! 16T, W S BE g, ui IpZ BAIX EI.W PREMX1Lv5 5xA11 BE CFATFlE° BY REPROVED 161FR ANO MPRCPRIAIE 4. FIELD NSPELTQY BT HRCDUS IS REWIRED BEFONE UIIUTE3 ARE ACCEPTED. N BY URC U EJ INSPECTION E ACCO miORE. FOBS MAN. 1. RW ILIDIAN RIVR GOIMTT' cUNNN sEroW WATER SERVICE Y"AjgG IN9IAN RIVM GOMT' xY"CWOBACKFLOW PREVENTER °PXo."C IIJDIAN RIVER LgMTv Ge/ARTMINTOP TEMPORARY SAMPLING POINT ORM Na Inlun®exWVlc� R W-4 urlurlES E�VIC25 W-11 MTIurles seRNlceE (BACTERIOLOGICAL) W -F MNMASTELLER & MOLER, INC. @@m@MIS4f)GY@ 19GSI@0mI9I9 @ 1655 27LR STREET, SUTE #2, VERO BEACH, FLORDA, 32960 (772) 567-5300 / PAX (772) 794-1106 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION WWR 4204 POTABLE WATER DETAILS �" "F°"� vMy Mu,Ns k Ikb. Le. H u Wr .mr' a6 p�PIIVNrdN O0 C V LIZL V LJU V LJ V `/ L� L� V B Vl B LI FLORIDA 070K. IUSTEMM k TgeIF. NC. -_ by be I SH tl ..1... OF SH H Z ISE z 1 Q W p ggHH 7 EGX 5 .LAY III I,aara R AMa -_ by be I SH tl ..1... OF SH A B 1 REVISIONS 2 3 4 5 914WARNERP5ABTED-2) MANHOLE NOTES (SFE NOTE 5 N 5-2) £OF ROAD GROWN B CAP i NEVAnW C£ ROAD PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 1. REINFORCING AREA OF OGG S0. IN./FL FOR WALL SECTOR. MINIMUM TO IR�O"LBIE �" MEET OR EXCEED A.S.T.M. A 185,(p��y� SEEN 8 CLEAN BUT MANHOLE COVEN - LETTERS TO g W-WOA' • E5 F"' b BE MARKED'SANITARY SEWER' 2. ALL CEMENT TO BE TWE I OR TYPE II. 6 MINIMUM SLOPE 1/C PEA FT S b $ INSTALLED PWG (TW) 3. ALL CONCRETE FOR PRECAST MANHOLES TO BE MINIMUM 3.000 P.S.I. i0 USE WFATFH ELOPE FINISHED MADE MEET OR EXCEED A.S.T.M. C 476. L, a MERE P .09'181£ (4'.FAN Wn% _ 4. BDTTOMS AND CHANNELS OF ALL NAME. TO BE OF 4.50] P.SL FILL 13 Y CONCRETE FINISHED SMOOTH NIM STEGE TROWEL. SEC { y� S. CONCRETE MANHOLES A HAVE A MIN. WALL RYTHICKNESST O 8'. L/yM�g P.PA1 m BE I "` g. INSIDE h MERGE Of MANHOLE SHALL BE COALED N11H TWO NA15 OF EW -1 m rM RBE REUB AB 0 R WATER BASED EPDXY. (1) COAT RED. (1) MAT BLACK, FOR A TOAR OF INV GOATS. (l)P) fF10 ASmm vaum ELEVATION 44•_Jg• COVER - SECTION 7. CHANNELS TO BE FORMED IN ALL MANHOLES TO ACCEPT T.V. CAMERA. AND OREIR UM6 DF) 551 I E5_ B. ORIENT ECCENTRIC CONE AS REWIRED BY ENGINEER IN HEW. $$$$ giQ INSTALLED PWG X BOTTOM SECTOR TO BE MO:WTUC POOR EXCEPT WHERE DROP D.9Ufl WMCE SING LACE I 8 (g• WEEN WSJ CONNECTOR REWIRED. gY, Um-µ 0000 BS -15/18' 10. CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLE AND LET STATION WET BELL _ STRUCTURES SHALL BE BY MEANS OF BgiMG A PENETRATION IN ME STANDARD 'r MAN - - STRUCTURE. RATHER MAN PUNCHING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE TO BE TED IN TIE FLEW POSITIVE MEASURES TO PREKNT ANY MNIGHTE OR CONSTRUCTOR 6•R• Wh gWYGGK DEBRIS FROM ENTERING ME WASTEWATER SYSTEM. INST PWC NRAP NA1H� 1 B'.4' ME A9CENTK Y-0' �Y 11. BUOYANCY CALCULATIONS SHALL BE REWIRED FOR. ALL MANHOLES. DLTEcnaN rAI>E + 12. N0. 4ID BARS 9' D.C. EACH GOAT IN SLAB (TOP AND BOTTOM). ST. 13. SLOPES OR CHANNEL BOTTOMS i0 EQUAL SLOPES BE LINES ENTERED BENDS AS CONCEALED WATERTCAT AND E%ITNG MANHOLES. PONDS AS W POISE FOR RSA PIPE (TW) PICKHOIE VAM1A0 aw m DYT) ISMS CWTRACIUR REWORSIBIE 14,2 COMBINE BRICK MINIMUM, 6 COURSES BRICK MAXIMUM BETWEEN ALL L • WI PRECAST MANHOLETOPE AND CASTI e N £a sETYER Aux 1O BE PaR EENFP uTERnls PLAN MEW pq-S 4, „Iz ON £OF SIREEP UNLESS i 15.3/4' CRUSHED STONE FOUNDAnONS FOR A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 1S Sffi "BUSH SE AWR0. � q'jh WATERTIGHT BOOT SHALL BE PROVED) AS REWIRED BY IROWS. 61r SQUALL WIE 6YYEAGA. BY IRMUS $ pgpg RAIN WARD 16. MANHOLE UO SHALL BE TRAFFIC SEARING (H-20 LOADING). g.4 OWL£ BM RE90d1IR PLAN VIEW a B DETAIL (AS REQUIRED) FRAME - SECTION 17. SEWN PIPE INVERTS AT BOTTOM OF MANHOLES SHALL HAVE M INVERT ELEVATOR DIFFERENTIAL OF 0.1 FEET FOR A CHANCE IN DIRECTION AND 0.05 FEET FOR A STRAIGHT RUN. GIDdRARO'LL 18.A WATERTIGHT RAIN GUARD BOOT. TO BE PER IRCDUS APPROVED MANUFACTURERS NOTES PRODUCT LOT. SHALL BE PRONGED FOR ALL MANHOLE FRAME/COVERS. NOTE 1. All SENLR LAIFPNS OBSEE, MUYIE DEP W SHATWp 9WL NAVE A WEA PPE NOTES 19. MATERIALS FOR LINING MANHGLFS. WHERE REQUIRED. TO BE PER IRCDUS 1. SWrtARY 2AIX V,RRNS SIAL RE A MLYW W e' M OIAIEIEA MEN ... AS 1¢pmrtu FOR SHO.OBMOXCNS MN Mm A C MUM OLJMUR APPROVED MANUFACTURERS PRODUCT LIST. MANHOLE UNERS SHALL BE 2 MAR RETE GERST N r SIAL RE NUMBED OMR .VL 4A N¢ IA1pWS Ar FWSXO LRIOE A WAMOBINT BOOT RAX DBMS Slut BE PPONBEO RP ALL MPNXLVE iPsyL/COLLEGES INSiAL1ED ON ALL MANHOLES RECEIVNG PUMPED SEWAGE, PLUS 5 MANHOLES 3. ALL. wnaA15 ARE TO WE rtx LWAS XWEROMn MANUFA RDFROW FR LW OT M. a. PLL4MINC GORMA. RILL US PFSp156E FOR MSR PPE Mm LNO EE41 BERNBE LtlMFLMkI Mo M... Bx HEAR EB. COUNTY APARTMENT m TO., SFANxc IN EACH DIRECTORS. (AS DIRECTED BY IRCDUS.) R. YAMFR BAL4 m gE TAITD m e14' Mrt R4' L]OlY F.M.E. EYTC NIDI FCB COMING Y SEWER REARWr m FRON GAME HUD, TO QRAEPESE. 1 ALL MAIEAIYS ME TO BE PER IPMUC MPROAG MANUFACTURERS PRODUCT UST. S PW1910 IXNIRµTW OPLL R ABSCHSLE PM W9l WERE MM BERG FCR SWY.CE BORRiW. 1 YMOP AL4 m BE TMOD m FW W BLON PNC® CRUDE M. PUMP OUT MANHOLE STALL BE LOACIED WITHIN 20' OF LIFT STATION D)'0 CONSTRUCTED OUT OF RIGHT CF WAY. AND FOR ORIIXO SEWER LFNIWi m iLCi (RODE %tlCQ m CIYLEGIICN. (SE 5-3 RFMJ A ALL w1RW9 ARE m R FFA W WITS IFPPOMD YMUFAC1MFfl5 PMGICT LISP. BMWNO RUNNp DRRMxc LIRB 1rmluR LlveE caMrr STANDARD LATERAL "" MAN "^'GM1 LO1'"''Y• SEWER LATERAL RISER .. 1-Rl-camrr STANDARD HO INDIAN RI rcutly xR OQbBiKaJT °' °EPAI.'"L"r °" �'A"+K�+TaAS � MANHOLE NOTES S-5 ImLmm xlEvlcm (SHALLOW SEWER) �a S-) MRLmmITILEVIem (DEEP OR SHALLOW SEWER) S-3 ununes saavlcefi MANHOLE CASTING S-4 ImLlnm unsmam u MASTELLER & MOLER, INC. M @ M@UN Tam@ QG8umig©Gin 1655 27th STREET, SIDE AL2, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, 32960 (772) 567-5300 / FAX (772) 794-1106 CERTFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NRDER 4204 MANHOLE FRAME FINISH GRADE AND COWS DETECTON TAPE (SEE NOTE NO 6) FROMM TRENCH SLOPE AS RED'D TRENCH WOM! MECHANICALLY TRENCH WOM W + 4' MIN PROVDE TRENCH SAw EXISTNc SURFACE gE$TOUTON 2. CONCENTRIC SLOPE AS READ FINISHED GRACE PAw"E"T BASE NG CONE RR muNK z MN • ., . . _.' .' . u SEE PIPE OPENING / E4 J/4' _ DETAIL (S-11) / w� 8'MAX LAYERS / SLf e SEE MANHOLE OR DIMER APPflOVEO gg N / / / / / / / / / / / / / S g r / EFFLUENT k j MAINTAIN WENCH EL.I METHOD TO ACHIEVE DETECTOR TAPE / / / / / / / / / / / GE FILL CONCRETE v INFWENi DETAIL + Wp1H 2'-0' ABOVE 6 SBR COMPACTION UOFR BASE (BEE NOTE NO B) / / / / / / / / / OR BRICK W/TYPE :% OR TYPE II / TCP OF PIPE •I (SEE NOTE 4) IN 3 UFT£ AT 5 95R d CEMENT MORTAR - PIPE INVERT 8' (MAX) LAYERS i0 - 8. 4-0' ID 8. ACHIEVE BBX COMPACT CN (SEE NDE 8) 6' 6' / ry y 6'-4' ODI MAYJMUM WATER LEVEL } 8' MAX • MAXIMUM WI+ 6' MAX -1 DYERS ALLOWABLE DURINGIN! LEVEL ALLOWABLE LAYERS CONSIRUCT( 4' AT BBR ELEVATION lL ! 9 DURING caxsmU_. AT 98% I \ A SECTION A -A 'A' Y/iT 3/q' DIA BEDDING SEEN 13' PIPE 12 U 3/4' DIABEDDING ROCK 14' PIPE 12 OR PEA ROCK MERE UNDISTURBED SOL OR PEA RGCK YMERE UNOLSNRBED CONDIRONS flEOUIRE OD M CONDITIONS REWIRE SOIL 1HENCH W18TR iR8NO1 RI01N •W ELEVATION ELEVATION NOTES MANHOLE FRAM AND COVER I. MES �nKK OT R YM'iANEO AS SXOM ABOM, ProVCE AP. NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY NOTES 4... PLAN VIEW 2 RIL BE EawREB As GENRYNEB IN 11E Pm. 1. AREAE . GRAQU lS GXHOT R MAI EMM AS SHOWN ARM PAONR APYMD J. 9�1.11tSW INMPAD /!p P. E WIR 11'GERM I"RWRIT0.) W�TWL 1wME N EF Sp}I@ TO BE USED WHEN CUT CLASSIFICATION IS 6'-0" OR LESS MLTNBB RBLL BE.UBE°N 2 SISLmp RILL R AEWIRFD AS RIERYIXEN W RIE PELO. 3. CRIPALTW RARNTA25 SNOMR EF ER To AA9rt0 11. + YEOW4G1 LVPACMN AQ ILOXEO. R6. BRUE . RAHE NM. BEAK B. ..7" W - PIR OG. PLUS V-0' E T RIR DIDECTBN TAX NIIR REDEEM BABYING To R INMkLLED OVER MAIN T BELOW SURFACE TAPE m R MARRED-'CAUTM WAnR IME M -01t. CAIIIICN: EER£ S. ALL gpSARRR,DOT RMPARAMB191AM L OBALY R P'QAR HMIY A CWMPAWS ALTEI OTE9 A MN R'PN NMAEdY R"VS' >. 1RPNn MOUR 'W - PK BE PEES Yb'. B. Y WOE BEIEMOR TAR Mm REBELS SAB RING m BE INSTAl1ED OM MN 1' NOTES 1. SEE YMIIE£ NOTES ER OMMNG NO 5-5 2 SEEI. ..B. GASTRO BRAWN. N0..1 MAN BLOW. OR -CAEQM ROM WAIFR MAIN BLOW. WAGE ARE GRADE ALSO BE R. SIUEAW TAX m RE MASg6 GAUTXN: AMER E .. CDMA: FORKE 3. RE %R DEERIXG DETAL ... DSO SAPRUDSLY - ALL HPE I. BOX, M-.3 MAX BELOW. W 'GLRONE RISE WATER YAX BLOW. MAGE PRE SILL R USED Al 111 7. All RFSE XPEDON IN EAMER. OR WROG, BE WAY OF WHEN RWM. BY OTTER 0.yNUW WLL PPE Y ON A (SEE [REAL M-13). . 3£ NMXLYE E JMT Y NROENT RTXL .RAAHG X0. S-12 XSSNCTRML A.ENR6 SHALL CONFORM m WOWS SEDDER' TGNS M TIE S. BBS CGMPAB1KN N SHOULDER OF RIGHT OF WAY. OTTER JIIR.IC R. AGENCYSPEEi.. YMICX. IS M M MUNLL IfL ALE RE m R IOCML RAMP, K'$'.OG-lwbo)'EXp L. BE PAIEINXI. All A All PK m R Itl' RD S OG (ME.) ERGO ME D PANMFM. PL TOOLS MR. mt pESmUTgI (S.NG191,LLE MY. EAST MEP'. INDIAN RIVDA GONNM MANHOLE mMRxMRB I"� µ TRENCH DETAIL �� IKSUAN �' TRENCH DETAIL "�"A°X` crMTnair o T �'' Imunm iM9VIElE STANDARD SHALLOW S-6 WILITles seavlces (UNPAVED EASEMENTS) M-) urlunm 6EMvmes (PAVED AREAS &SHOULDERS) M-2 SANITARY SEWER DETAILS tlMkk: �LC3L^Q�40L^QGvI @OWwCm@g @KiTTga (� n �7 (7 (� . ry� ,n J� F•Md�f�ltgYMi " sEBArnui L;.1�WCJOLfV C�JVE919V (n VD@0 FLORIDA cm, HASES xnaFR. Nc. EARL H. �N PHNOM t�s� Wit. IBP W4A 77, o tt _LER, P.E. FL 26658 = CONTROL PANEL N PUMPING STATION DATA TABLE LIFT STATION NUMBER- PUMP sTATON 'A' N%NC CAPA0 2_ 64 OTAL N. (t) EF£T BB NEW TOMPANRMAINPOMR MIN. W GG PAS 14FELIFR IINCHES wINOFR PUMP YODEL NUYBEF WN W PUMP IMPELLER 196 PUMP NPEEX (OE9w) R.P.4. 3510 •VO.iAGE: %LASE MOTIXt xAYF X.P. M.P. H.P. WE MAX. PUMP BRPY.E N.P. H.P. - MAX. NPEHR PY fFET MOIOR "FEED R.P,M, AWE AVG INFLUENT ROW HO G 0.N, 18 YIN. PUMP CRY£ TME MIN£ 13 INFLUENT PIPE INW ELEV. K 23.95 A. ... ON EIEV. TI[W'C 73.70 IAO PUMP ON UL LLL .'C 2145 HEAD WYP w pEV. OEV.V 23.05 %IMPS EfF ELEVATw FIEV.Y 22.55 eOTmM OE AFT, vv1 'p 21.05 FUMP MMOTACNRER SULZEfl MmTI G ALAM LOOT MTH CAGE (W IDLE WD IN AN UPRIGHT POSTON PUMP STATION GENERAL NOTES 1. WNIMGTOR SHALL WE NELEGI %SGAUnws AGAINST ELOATATON CE NET NflE UNTIL ML BAIX FlLL HS IN MC£ Z ALL BWRCHET .. ME POMI STATION GRE BE C9WL BE Bd3tt. 1 NAT WELL HALL 9VIL PoNTUN A MIN. HE G....NNGR FOGY RUNLOWEMwT IN ME VRTICAL AND HXGUYMTA- .G.T.£ 4. ALL PIPING AT ME PUMP STAnw SITE SHALL BE RESIXNNED, S MMPs SMALL W SllHIIA. 5 26/TN FIRMA WIINUM PUMPS N. .FI. E. GAGLE NIXCEA EMAIL BE ..w lE SITE HE MET W91 FROM ME INFLUENT %PE T. BUOYANCY GOLWLAPwS MMU- BE DIMMED FCR ALL PUMP STAT IS ALONG MON ME REWIRED PUMP STATIN LQUTMS. H NO UNIT -RAMS PIPE CONNECTws ALLOYED, P, YNXTNN MINIMUM HE G' BEIM£w MY PIPING, %TRNG% ETC AND PRECAST CONCRETE NL BE PRONGED MM M. APPROPRIATE. UwTwING MUNCOpt GENET ALL ORINR ..I. PONT N.G. 11. PUMPLS}TATTON XDVs VE BOX HATCHUG m OF HHUMEO .ON12CM1KK1- P VWL TO NAW DURPBIE WEATHER RE9NTMT SON EGGING EIAERCVHCY DMTACT XU... µNUNCIAMG NIGHT AS REQUIRED FMEMINcr rDNFRaTeR l REACIE DIE I'P "NE PUNCHED SPECIHCATGM PER fHECIRICPI g oP uaPrAaE uwa i 1$ m"ECnw HOLE ALUMINUM ACCESS OPENING ALUMINUM ACCESS OPENING ALVE o c WITH HOLD OPEN ARM WITH HOLO OPEN PRM VAULTS �1 3' VENT " n xESr I -J I -J 9LEXCEP pp Ruu NOlcanxG uwTB VALVE VAULT Moron GABLE (m) o ®o xoA 48"X48" UFTING CABLE LEAD ON EFV.D )MPS OFF ELEV. E n .. ELEV. F CO LTO BB% MAXIMUM DENSITY w 2' PVC STUB 2 PLACES — � 1 1/4" DRAIN PIPE & CONNECTIONS\ 1 1/4" CHECK VALVE COMPACT TO 96%MAXIMUM DENSITY —2"9 SCH 40 GUIDE PIPE. SS 2PIPE CONCRETE BALLAST BY CONTRACTOR LBSOS CTOR TOR 1' COLLAR AROUND STATION 2.0' IN DEPTH WELENTIONT .x6G. - WMETPRNELY... m Maiw D1RIL GUNNIMEO WON PUMP) EOR NOTES L. ALARM HORN CHAll BE SEALED TO PREVENT L£PT(ALE. 2. BOTTOM OF PANEL TO BE 28' TO 3V ABOVE GROUND. 3. DISCONNECT BETWEEN METER AND PANEL TO BE STANLESS STEEL NON FUSABLE. 4. ALL HARDWARE AND FASTENERS TO BE STAINLESS STEEL. S CONTROL PANEL SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF S RNCE ENTRANCE BY PROPERLY BURNED . SMALL BE UL .1 GE EXTRANDE RATED. DISCUIMER - THE MUNEER'S CERTRCAn. BUM PERTAINS ONLY TO THE NFORMATDN PA:YIIIEI IN THE PUMPING STATION DATA TABLE AND THE EI£VATCNS AND PIPE GEES DETAILED IN THE MOSS SEcn. AND PVN MM. ALL ET£GTRICAL DETAILS AND S.EMAMM HAW BEEN SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES .LY. GANNE PAN. OWN. UMSIINI .GG V 6EVD. ,MRN¢ .'WMWGT /3A BAR. ME GFgMD. THEN GNUE I�r PW TH G.oulm m PuuPlxc �1 I� srAn. (S£ PVN) R mES WT GOLDENM �}N EYA]WQ itt SS EyA Woxrt FyyEvpin4Y xExa"PA"EL TYPICAL SERVICE ENTRANCE STRUCTURE r0 (MIN) / / / 1 / 21/ ] \ 2 PW CINTH DETAILS I .. H£4ELSMTOH6 \`CqICwflPM MTI PUMP MOALPACNRFA�T NEW TOMPANRMAINPOMR BE.W. TYPICAL CONTROL PANEL (N.T.S.) CA81EGONLTOL J..T PANEL 3X "1" CPIPUNG (SLNNHESS SOTO (2) 4 ALUMNUM SM. SGIP.T GEO GE gSCwNECT (SONNIES SRR) CONNECTOR DETAIL EN GM EN PIAN -MEfY NOTES L. ALARM HORN CHAll BE SEALED TO PREVENT L£PT(ALE. 2. BOTTOM OF PANEL TO BE 28' TO 3V ABOVE GROUND. 3. DISCONNECT BETWEEN METER AND PANEL TO BE STANLESS STEEL NON FUSABLE. 4. ALL HARDWARE AND FASTENERS TO BE STAINLESS STEEL. S CONTROL PANEL SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF S RNCE ENTRANCE BY PROPERLY BURNED . SMALL BE UL .1 GE EXTRANDE RATED. DISCUIMER - THE MUNEER'S CERTRCAn. BUM PERTAINS ONLY TO THE NFORMATDN PA:YIIIEI IN THE PUMPING STATION DATA TABLE AND THE EI£VATCNS AND PIPE GEES DETAILED IN THE MOSS SEcn. AND PVN MM. ALL ET£GTRICAL DETAILS AND S.EMAMM HAW BEEN SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES .LY. GANNE PAN. OWN. UMSIINI .GG V 6EVD. ,MRN¢ .'WMWGT /3A BAR. ME GFgMD. THEN GNUE I�r PW TH G.oulm m PuuPlxc �1 I� srAn. (S£ PVN) R mES WT GOLDENM �}N EYA]WQ itt SS EyA Woxrt FyyEvpin4Y xExa"PA"EL TYPICAL SERVICE ENTRANCE STRUCTURE PUMP STATION •A• DETAILS (N.T.S.) "1" F �S fA•.^a •R•'V� � M MASTELLER & MOLER INC. 8 SANITARY SEWER ll ID DETAILS @@ID �Q� ttP/ph N MAE. k WYt W. ,naN rWMIMY , w PWWlMl I. HIM ••..+P � � 1 s �•EMMMs �s'� 'avjZ/LI�L, `' ,�,.._ SHE EHI f M COOG'I�M640GBQ ©L�JQOG'J©©GiB o1/1e 1655 27th STREET, SUITE #2, MO BEACH, FLOWA. 32460 /FAX 744-1106 4204 .1 jj l,� %E7 (7vj Oj�jj CMJW L�'j L(L\ LN.J Ern LSF IJ Lfl] �J f� j jj ['I (�,3 LJo J rw k. Raine Le w EAI,k.x�caPNy' NOTION, ME, - Nrs .FHM. ts4s CERTIFICATE TIO14 CERTIFICATE OF AUT140RIZA710N HUPBER o CITY C£ SEBASTIAN FLORIDA EARL H. MASTELLER, P.E. FL#26658 GRAPHIC SCALE M J IM v9t0o R. / / \ / / \ RECL-iY'ED / \ \ A'OV 13 Wi / �cly orsw s�y.� u MASTELLER & MOLER, INC. DELIVERY TRUCK CIRCULATION PLAN n 0 � 0 � � ��V�`I OLJV �J ll.���� �JO�LJV L��V n /1 jVj �O j'�jj ��n ��� () n �j t.y [� CV( j L Lhf L(1] (03 vo 0 4 L crn oP xeAmAR rtpeioA ••eww.�+owe. �1e, � � •� mer..a h�Y gym+ a em�+Y .�� � x �� � •'<' v"^' w w r.eee coil q, QwKw,�P. w -' :. �r,� JJ�(V�/e _ M 60Ofk1�7M640GJ® aG9C�30G9LaL3�3 n 1655 27th 57REET. SUTE g2, VERO BEACH, FLORI7A, 32960 (772) 567-5300 / FAX (772) 794-1106 GERTYCA E OF AV HORZA90N N TBER 4204 FSIM e� ,/+s L 111/7/6 1 REVlEC9 PER 9EBA9Tl4N CGTEM9 4Hwv ,o.e �.e�• .I VAM 1 r R REVISIONS EARL H MAST LLER, P.E. FL 26658 .ss 3.: is #.C��O�eosc a .4 8a _o ..v.a :., V_. 0 % C ° BLDG. d \ '_ z i.z i z.�':e �-.e •. .', '� ia�eezwr"` Ln I"^ I I z�� L..,.... I Photometdcs RIEC VED DEC 0 5 2016 G i!y of SP; Ccmmu.titc C..,.. .:t Jep(. �O.vCENSF. OA No. 76917 ,`�N pro; Ci t ' g 2016 D -Series Size 0 i[DA-1 `11 4tJ E003 's �b = � a`p _.. _z -a a R.a .. _I ., _ _. • �... ,_. BLDG. a Aag, x d s \ 5 . 1 a.. . o s � '...e `.v t•. 5.a': _, 5., :.s to Q.p 1v� Photometdcs RIEC VED DEC 0 5 2016 G i!y of SP; Ccmmu.titc C..,.. .:t Jep(. �O.vCENSF. OA No. 76917 ,`�N pro; Ci t ' g 2016 D -Series Size 0 i[DA-1 `11 4tJ E003 � u 05- [f � � --� � Key Plan �??y V1212 2yP�n \ \ \ �Roof Plan Building & \ � � -- --e � ��. _ z - \� } ?y Plan A151-1 7 a, 1 RTU Screening - Bldg. A II I I I I Building B - Roof Plan SCALE' 1RT=1'd' — —0 - lJ - —(El N t,5LL II C 1 "0", "�,-1 IF s a 3 a vY v `Y z ddSP � 7�i Key Plan NTS g' 7 T 1 RTU Screening - Bldg. B SCN E: 1/4-=l-0' StNDIHGSFMIAEJK ROJF ` [i Fan NDdff➢KVA� M1—w DTrlms `L PaMEoslIP�J SiCPFFRJMSY3IBA PaMEdiO WJLN &W 9Mt IQ"OMJLIN 1 Building A North East Elevation SCkE: lQ2W PNMEUBRpSIJ `FISFA CEMEM VP9dNG WIIfIr IXPIaFlE SiNLI1GSENI I.EIK ROF nr-a' I j!1lllllmld'Umji.m y A 11 rimmom m 3 FlSERCEAENIW SgHG 'MIIITIX0.31AE C O �00��ommson omO� �l son i IS loom LL w ` [i Fan NDdff➢KVA� M1—w DTrlms `L PaMEoslIP�J SiCPFFRJMSY3IBA PaMEdiO WJLN &W 9Mt IQ"OMJLIN 1 Building A North East Elevation SCkE: lQ2W PNMEUBRpSIJ `FISFA CEMEM VP9dNG WIIfIr IXPIaFlE SiNLI1GSENI I.EIK ROF nr-a' 19 1W -O' y A 11 111700mj�0MOmom 3 FlSERCEAENIW SgHG 'MIIITIX0.31AE C O Fl�LEIRM W wmrPxPww PNNIEO.. PaN1EDSNSCO 2 Building A South East Elevation SC&E ,�•_,.�• S y 111700mj�0MOmom 3 C O �00��ommson omO� �l son N PaN1EDSNSCO 2 Building A South East Elevation SC&E ,�•_,.�• PNXIEOSNSD —� � PaMEGSRCIO clEwuuwnquw. PNNISGsncw sroPVRGMsyslae 3 Building A South West Elevation Color Building A North West Elevation WC E VB'=1'O' SCXE: A201-1 S y 3 C O F N LL w $ y Ky yj Y7 SiN{Ra'EFAM I.EfK NGL£ � JG MUP � m [Q FIFER d j g � N1MTIX0.GLPEtlpN3 ��&pMa _ _ PNNIEOSIIIG'C� PNMFOSRpN — 1W O A^e PNXIEOSNSD —� � PaMEGSRCIO clEwuuwnquw. PNNISGsncw sroPVRGMsyslae 3 Building A South West Elevation Color Building A North West Elevation WC E VB'=1'O' SCXE: A201-1 EEIN.RMNPAi 1 Building B North East Elevation K&E: SioPFFFWISYSIB.1 RWF9EYg0 KLLIXIMFiFLP%Mi 4 Building B South West Elevation SSE, ,re._,.V FlBd LEKM VPddNG MIIIITIXNFIIE SioPEEFdlf5Y91FM SfNAING&FANI.4TNRWF PNMEOSRCCU xx�awylu000P FlPEPCEMEMI/S9dlG ximrEx�wE PNMEPSTILLo fIBFALFAplVP9d1G 'MIXTFNK&WE PNIIIEOSPILN I To � Fl&ACFAOIfIMddfG NTIPE]MSIAE puMPosnvn 3 Building B South East Elevation S &E: L NW.SIUIIERS PNNIEOSIICW v EIPFALEVFMIOPWpNG NTITE%RYIIIE 2 Building B North West Elevation as A202-1 E [ME p !m !E � Fl&ACFAOIfIMddfG NTIPE]MSIAE puMPosnvn 3 Building B South East Elevation S &E: L NW.SIUIIERS PNNIEOSIICW v EIPFALEVFMIOPWpNG NTITE%RYIIIE 2 Building B North West Elevation as A202-1 sr�wGs�w�a� 1 Building A North East Elevation wmrExxens- 3 Building A South West Elevation SCXE. IV=IV N11XiIXPo5ME 2 Building A South East Elevation &E: w 4 Building A North West Elevation SSE: ,0_,.-0' SW 9W[ILm MSA1R EFE iceouoaw aaoaer �4AMW 1 Building B North East Elevation SCALE: LH'=V-0 sraaxansisa FlBERCEAENIW SANG vnMrewsime sroflvflaxrsrsiaisiian RSh �I'UO Si010W3sFMIMErK F il&Rl9.Bix VP9pNG WMrE4WIRIE FlBEfl Q1.EM VGSdIG NIMrFNPS' IAE NJLL0.YMEfi1 W]fl �— NIAI.SMrthAS PNMENSIIKLU IKKLGW MEiflL� � PNXR➢SRGGG PNxrtoMMmcx swmartan Mode 3 Building B South West Elevation SCALE: iR'=1'd' 2 Building B South East Elevation SCALE: 10 =1'-0' 4 Building B North West Elevation SCALE: 1f'=1'-0' m View 2 m View 3 m View 4 AMU $EgAST1AIV HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Accessory Structure Staff Report 1. Property Owner: Kurt & Jayne Nagel 2. Contractor: Smalley Sheds 3. Requested Action: Approval of a 20'X 30'(600 SF) shed 4. Project Location: 644 Atlantus Terrace Lots 7 & 8, Block 261, Sebastian Highlands Unit 10 5. Current Zoning: RS -10 Current Land Use: Single-family Residence 6. Required Findinzs: Does Comply Does Not Comply A. No accessory structure shall be constructed until the construction of the principal structure has been started. 1. House completed 11931 ; or house under construction 2. Accessory structure to be located on same lot as principal structure ; or located on second lot that has been combined with principal lot by a unity of title tCAI l TV O F T17-LIE- 1i LEB. B.No accessory structure shall be located in any required yard (setback): 1. Front yard: No detached accessory structure shall extend beyond the front building line of the principal structure that is located on the same real estate parcel or lot. Principal structure setback is 0' Accessory structure setback is 50 ` 2. Front yard on corner lot: Accessory structures may not be located in the secondary front yard of an improved corner lot unless the corner lot is joined in unity of title with an interior lot that contains the principle structure. However, said accessory structures shall not be located closer than 25 feet N/A from the secondary front property line in the RS -10 zoning district, and in all other zoning districts shall meet required front yard setbacks. Secondary front yard setback is , and proposed accessory structure front yard setback is Does Does Not Comply Comply 3. Side yard: Required side setback is 10 ( ✓ Accessory structure side setback is yy ±' 4. Rear yard: The required rear yard is PO' A detached accessory structure may encroach into the required rear yard, provided it meets all the following: a. It is a minimum 10 feet from the rear property line. Proposed accessory structure has a 55*' setback. ✓ b. It is not in an easement. Rear easement is 10 and proposed setback is SS' c. It does not exceed 400 square feet in lot coverage. Proposed ✓ accessory structure is &CO square feet. d. It does not exceed 12 feet in height. Proposed accessory structure is (a" feet in height. Accessory structures which are attached, or do not meet the above four requirements must meet the standard rear setback which is Proposed accessory setback is SSS C. No mobile home, travel trailer or any portion thereof, or motor vehicle shall be permitted as an accessory structure. ✓ D. Applicant must expressly designate the type of the accessory structure (i.e. garage, shed, etc.) SiFeD E. Must comply with all city codes. F. The height of accessory structure cannot exceed height of / principal structure. House is approximately s and accessory structure will be (Z` M G. Attached or detached Quonset -type or style accessory ✓ structures are prohibited. H. A residential lot is allowed 5 square feet of accessory building area (cumulative) for every 100 square feet of lot area, up to a maximum 1000 square feet. Property square footage a0, 000 x.05 = Allowable sq.ft. of accessory structures 1. Doo SF Existing accessory structures — Proposed accessory structure (0 00 S F Total existing and proposed OOC) SP 7. Planning and Zoning Commission Review: Any attached or detached accessory building, carport or breezeway over 500 square feet in area must be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission utilizing the following criteria: Review fee has been paid: YES NO Additional Considerations: HOMEOWNER HAS STATED THE SHED WILL BE PAINTED TO MATCH THE COLORS OF THE HOUSE. THE SHED WAS ORDERED WITH THE SAME COLOR ROOF AS THE HOUSE SHINGLES. THE SECOND LOT HAS NUMEROUS TREES, AND THE DOUBLE LOT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NUMBER OF TREES REQUIRED FOR 20,000 SF (12). IT WAS NOT DETERMINED IF ANY TREES WERE BEING REMOVED FOR THE PLACEMENT OF THE SHED. HOMEOWNER SHOULD VERIFY. Prepared by Date 3 Does Does Not Comply Comply A. Accessory structures may not be constructed or maintained from corrugated metal or corrugated metal -looking products. B. The roof of the accessory building must have a minimum pitch of 3:12. C. Accessory structures 501 sq.ft. to 750 sq.ft. in size shall be compatible with the overall general architectural design of the primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, roofing materials and pitch. D. Accessory structures 751 sq.ft. to 1000 sq.ft. in size shall be of the same architectural design of the primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, and roofing materials and pitch. Foundation plantings shall be required on all sides of the accessory structure excluding entranceways and doorways, as follows: 1 shrub for every 3 lineal feet and 24 inches in height at planting. Lineal dimension totals - 3 = Total Shrubs Required Review fee has been paid: YES NO Additional Considerations: HOMEOWNER HAS STATED THE SHED WILL BE PAINTED TO MATCH THE COLORS OF THE HOUSE. THE SHED WAS ORDERED WITH THE SAME COLOR ROOF AS THE HOUSE SHINGLES. THE SECOND LOT HAS NUMEROUS TREES, AND THE DOUBLE LOT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NUMBER OF TREES REQUIRED FOR 20,000 SF (12). IT WAS NOT DETERMINED IF ANY TREES WERE BEING REMOVED FOR THE PLACEMENT OF THE SHED. HOMEOWNER SHOULD VERIFY. Prepared by Date 3 — _-6oail _—t,,—_—_--__—. ATLANTUS TERRACE C p vH'i YW e a —� �Q A wz „ 159a9N.1 yd i c z � � 5 V LOT BLOCK 261 LOT24 BLOCK 261 ISaeioinawnr, ATLANTUS TERRACE �(-im. 160.(W'P. 16'M.1 —� N55'39'O FIdIQW p. 390.W P. —� FfPNIildVbpEXi „ 159a9N.1 yd i � � 5 In55•a�mubxie'N.1 N 55°39'40" E 160.00'p."w.E o LOT 25 BLOCK 261 WA SAI �g LOT BLOCK 261 I.r Els' n BB a N 9'2 _t }9 32T Ig, 3.0' 2,S' 2.2' 2.5'' ONE STORY WOOD o FRAME RESIDENCE e #644 m 6 33.6' APFEN a 11211 = PAIro _ ^ —18_ Z6.1' r'y yo2` 23.5' pmA ' I 11� I m l AA 6 IV pL.b0.E a' ew000leua—mW —cui-� --r�— S 55039'40° W 160.00'p. — -- -- -- —_ -- - LOT26 BLOCK 261 I BOUNDARY SURVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 7 AND 8, BLOCK 261, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 10, ACCORDING TO THE PIAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PIAT BOOK 6 PAGES 37 MR 370 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ATLANTUS TERRACE AS N 55°39.40' E AS PER PLAT. 2. NO INSTRUMENT OF RECORD REFLECTING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS OF WAY AND/OR OWNERSHIP WERE FURNISHED TO THIS SURVEYOR EXCEPT AS SHOWN. NO TITLE OPINION 6 EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. 3. THIS SURVEY IS NOT INTENDED TO LOCATE ANY EXISTING ABOVEGROUND AND UNDERGROUND WELLS, SEPTIC SYSTEMS, FOUNDATIONS, ENCROACHMENTS OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 4. THE LOT SHOWN HEREON IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE' X' PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 12061 C0113 H, DATED DECEMBER 4. 2012. S. DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR THI5 TYPE OF BOUNDARY SURVEY 5 SUBURBAN, I FOOT IN 7,500 FEET, UNITED STATES STANDARD FEET ABBREVIATIONS: P -PLAT MMEASUREO RAV-RLGHT OF WAY J -CEN ERLME COV, -COVERED M -AIR CONDITION LOT O.U.L.-OVERHEADUTILITYUNES CONC.-CONCRETE BLOCK261 P118DE-PUBLIC UTILITY 6- DRAINAGE EASEMENT PL PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR LB -LAND SURVEYING BUSINESS CERTIFIED T0: KURT F. NAGEL IEdJAYNE K. NAGEL LEGEND: 0- FOUND 5/W IRON REBAR WITH CAP STAMPED'PLS 4896' O -FOUND 5/8' IRON REBAR WITH CAP WE I PLS 4416° 9 -FOUND 12' IRON REBAR WITH CAP STAMPED'LB 3602' 0- FOUND 1/2' IRON REAM WITH CAP STAMPED SMITH 1761 ° 0 -FOUND NAIL S, 1.1/4' STEEL DISK, NO IDEWIHCATION PREPARED BY: CECRLE LAND SURVEYING, INC. FLORIDA LAND SURVEYING BUSINESS #6637 10749 HIGHWAY LLS. 1, SUITE SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 PHONE772-M805ZO FAX772-388-2012 CERTIFED CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF IN CONFORMITY WITH THE FLORIDA STANDARDS OF PRATICE SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF LAND SURVEYORS, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 5J-12.050 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, M15 SURVEY N PREPARED AND LOT27 CERTIFIED FOR THE EXCUSIVE USE OF THE CLIENT OR BLOCK 261 CLIENTS NAMED HEREIN, THE SURVEY MAP AND REPORT OR THE COPIES THEREOF ARE NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LI NSED SURVEYORA DMAPPER, 11-302016 THOMAS RANDALL CEOE, P.L.S. 4896 IWe Move Sheds Financing Available James—"Smalley L Utility Buildings, Inc. 8845 U.S. 1 • Wabasso, FL 32958 P.O. Box 700989 • Wabasso, FL 32970 (772) 589-1500 James Smalley SmalleySheds.com BillySmalley83@att.net STUCCO al PLEKO finish offers elasticity, prevents Ing, weatherproof, very low maintenance obile home door, 22'x27' VS window(s) ;lass shingles over 518"plywood sub -roof I with light(s) and outlets) rvailable with a Classic Frame ad with Classic Frame, 12'x12" wall 22"x27' White Frame VS windows, ouble mobile home door a VINYL SUBURBAN •45" Tube door, keyed lock and spring chain -Vinyl w/Energy Shield structural grade backer • Also available with the Classic Frame • Wired with light(s) and outleds) • 18'x27' VS window(s) come standard • Color Choices: Colonial, Grey, Polar, Blue • Pictured with a Classic Frame, pressure - treated ramp, double mobile home doors, and Terracotta Permatile Roof GUARDHOUSE • 36'x80" steel door, fixed pane • 90" interior height • Double strength horizontal slide windows & vinyl floor covering • Wired lights, outlets, switchs • Aluminum exterior over plywood • Additional Options Shown: Ever- green Permatile Roof, Sliding oc 36" vertical slide window, & P cc0 arterior TRANSVERSE • 7' inside 2'x4' stud walls (Also available with 8.2'x6'stud walls) • 45" tube door • (4) 22"x27" VS windows • Wired for (2) lights, (2) outlets, & 111 switch •7/16" OSB & felt under heat reflective corrugated roof • Additional features shown: insulated garage door, windows, louvered vent, and 6" overhang Optional Features WINDOWS -I tl"07' Vertical Slide •22"x27' Vertical Slide •36'x36" Vertical Slide • 22"x21" Vertical Slide IDark & White Frame) • 36"x36" Double Strength Horizontal Slide • 62"06" Double Strength Horizontal Slide DOORS` • Tube Doors: 45"02", 61"x72", Double Doors • Mobile Home Doors: 32"x72", 36"02", 42"x 72", 36"x80", 64"x72" Double Door, 72"x72" Double Door. • Garage Doors: 8'x6' 6' Non -Insulated Sectional, 8'x6' 6' Insulated Sectional, 8'x6' Roll -Up Door • Additional Doors: Commercial Glass Door Residential Insulated Steel Door (blank or fixed panel Sliding Glass Door ADDITIONAL OPTIONS • Skylight •Wind Turbine • Louvered vent w/screen • Ridge Vent •Concession Door -Air Conditioner Hole • Pressure Treated Frame • Extra Floor Joists for heavyloads • Steel Stud Frame • Higher Ceiling • Insulated Floors, Walls, & Ceilings • Partition Wall Switches & Outlets Custom Shelving • Shingle Roof • Deadbolt on Mobile Home Door • Permatile Roof (Terracatta or Evergreen) • Pegboard • Painted Aluminum Hoof •Pegboard • Custom Shelving • Service Ramp •220 Dryer & Air Conditioning Outlets • Double Swivel Floodlight • Fluorescent lights in a variety of sizes • Exterior Outlet w/ Cover • GFI Outlet • 100 Amp Breaker Box • OSB or Plywood Lined Walls • Burglar Bars • Handicap Bathroom E N D E L E V A IT I 0 N S NDI CORRUGATED ALUMINUM PANELS (S OTE //ll) OVER 7/16" OSB OR ASPHALT "1A�P/P�'RaO{�/�VE. iV6Lii B"Eld T�'^ - F ^- ELT OVER SHEATHING RATED FOR 24" O.C. DocuIY1 - t WI DOWB/DOOR4 ARE NOT TH SE UNITS BUT MA_ ALL TE 17 1 ov a .:G 4 MAX, WOOD BASE 12'-0" MAX. - �—_-- 12'-0" MAX. 12'-0" MAX. q % 40'-0" MAX. eK3 a THE QUANTITY OF INTERIOR UNITS MAY VARY BUT THE JL OVERALL LENGTH OF THE BUILDING MUST FALL SJ FkP Na��I"" IN THE RANGE OF 16'-Q" MIN. TO 40 -0" MAX. A� S I D E E L E V A T I O N mum� '� a Abio4r BWIA.4g Piava 1:1mm1uee F3orttla CuH®cNa �7Cffi2 : a GARAGE DOOR(S) (2) 2 R 6 HEADER DESIGN LOADS: +30 PSF & -32 PSF 6* 9 (TYP)W/ 7/2" PLYWOOD TEST LOADS: +35 PSF & -48 .PSF 3 & c (TYP) (3) 2 X V z STUDS HINGED DOORS SEE NOTE #18 FOR ar GARAGF DOORS ate4 G] o s � VARIOUS SIDING -:I w m E z n LOCATION AND OPTIONS �o z_ g z SIZE MAY. VARY, (SEE DETAILS AND 03 R.. m " NOTE #14 & #20) SECURE 2 X PLATE Z a fp o z WOOD SE SUPPORTING STUDS W// X 3' NAILS ® 7" O C � I p � c a p y � .120 STAGGERED (TYP � £ y o V sz, " 16'-0" MIN. 24'-0° MAX > � A ¢ .TCI --- ri Gct 5FIYu LES_ 4 -- i ------------- fAil A'% t 4 5u(NG[rE5, y x 4 5141uq L s -- s.0 G f /' Ll SCfz eu utw Tr a" LFL LLV inet Ls-rw Q EA Q L L,t--V ,,8-' -,; a - i G G' zz4 nob Fas I%ft ohm �m bem . - 0 d ar d •adre�'� *W" ircwr camry t W.1 *Sept T"4C/OraIMNW/��sllnLLp!__. SepO:Pertniulc. .c:zll e,.__cm.$gtlOT➢nk aiera_a=L cm„ ,rc ITIIMI�� f r.:.I 1't.i o In Y�' •MM IraMaL�f &Q Ft flW G`r::�.�nnq. &LKO TAW( MUST BE INSIa ED PFR1R TO DOvoTmicroN FIBtR�i Lf.55 $U1fx��eS oN IS•L'!LY _ SON II2^PIXWO.pNt ATM WfT �Q[•F&O WOM -r nU S. LQ2'O'a4 _ 96e. FAbQICNTEXi`. Wy.CAjWW- Fat DtT•) 4co", 2.2X6 P"TEtVt!" W qP92" f�'P. ��a/zm ewcn 2°t2 11 __ _ Q EA Q L L,t--V ,,8-' -,; a - i G G' zz4 nob Fas I%ft ohm �m bem . - 0 d ar d •adre�'� *W" ircwr camry t W.1 *Sept T"4C/OraIMNW/��sllnLLp!__. SepO:Pertniulc. .c:zll e,.__cm.$gtlOT➢nk aiera_a=L cm„ ,rc ITIIMI�� f r.:.I 1't.i o In Y�' •MM IraMaL�f &Q Ft flW G`r::�.�nnq. &LKO TAW( MUST BE INSIa ED PFR1R TO DOvoTmicroN FIBtR�i Lf.55 $U1fx��eS oN IS•L'!LY _ SON II2^PIXWO.pNt ATM WfT �Q[•F&O WOM -r nU S. LQ2'O'a4 _ 96e. FAbQICNTEXi`. Wy.CAjWW- Fat DtT•) 4co", 2.2X6 P"TEtVt!" W qP92" f�'P. ��a/zm ewcn 2°t2 MOF SEBAST" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET • SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE: (772) 589-5537 • FAX (772) 589-2566 PERMIT APPLICATION ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO FS 713.135 PERMIT # C7 TRACKING # q� % DATE: INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PARCEL ID # RECEIVED BY: LOT: BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: FLOOD ZONE: TYPE OF WORK: []NEW STRUCTURE O.4DDITION ALTERATION REPAIR DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER WORK INCLUDES: STRUCTURAL QELECTRICAL QPLUMBINGCHAMCAL IN ROOFG - SLOPE:_ POOL Q ALUMINUM STRUCTURE g—SMD [] SLAB OR DECK F-1 OTHER WORK DESCRIPTION: .20<3Q Wjyj ,vA) ESTIMATED JOB VALUE: $ 0 1CSD —TOTAL SIF ZOO UNDER AD2 /1`O.Lt JOB NAME: eel S JOB ADDRESS:�Alsij/!/� SUITE/UNIT NO. PROPERTYOWpVEB ME. �y/Lf /l9 Or/ PHONE: s AnnRas• CITY/STATE: CONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME: JAMF ; a a 3 F- LICENSE #: ADDRESS: pa 0'Ax 204 CONTACT PHONE: pd' CITY/STATE: ea) „-..� -: CONTACT E-MAIL ADDRESS. .�,.,,� �.� ZIP CODED ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: - PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: ZIP CODE: CONTACT E-MAIL ADDRESS: PRESENT PROPOSED USE: 57 NUMBER OF: ®STORIES QBAYS LDJNITS QBEDROOMS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: OCCUPANT LOAD: [HEIGHT GROUP OCCUPANCY: IS THE BUILDING PRESENTLY EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM? AYES QNO BONDING COMPANY: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: MORTGAGE LENDER: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: FEE SfNIPLE TITLE HOLDER: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK AND INSTALLATIONS AS INDICATED. I CERTIFY THAT NO WORK OR INSTALLATION HAS COMMENCED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE PERFORMED TO MEET THE STANDARDS OF ALL LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION IN THIS JURISDICTION. I UNDERSTAND THAT A SEPARATE PERMIT MUST BE SECURED FOR ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RECORDED NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT SIGNED BY THE OWNER, SHALL BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY IF THE VALUE IS $2,500 OR MORE, EXCEPT HEATING OR AIR CONDITIONING CHANGE OUTS LESS THAT $7.500. NOTICE: IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE COUNTY, AND THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. ANY CHANGE IN BUILDING PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE RECORDED WITH THIS OFFICE. ANY WORK NOT COVERED ABOVE MUST HAVE A VALID PERMIT PRIOR TO STARTING. IN CONSIDERATION OF GRANTS, THIS PERMIT, THE OWNER, AND THE BUILDING CONTRACTOR AGREE TO ERECT THIS STRUCTURE IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE BUILDING AND ZONING CODES OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN NOTE: THIS PERMIT APPLICATION IS VOID AFTER 180 DAYS UNLESS THE WORK, WHICH IT COVERS, HAS COMMENCED. ALL CONTRACTORS MUST HAVE A VALID STATE CERTIFICATION, STATE REGISTRATION, OR COUNTY COMPETENCY PLUS A COUNTY —WIDE LICENSE PRIOR TO OBTAINING PERMIT (ALL ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS OR REPAIRS MUST HAVE OWNER'S SIGN URE ON APP TION 0 P OVIDE COPY OF CONTRACT) SIGNATURE OF OWNER/AGENT QUALI IER'S SIG A E PRINTED NAME OF OWNER/AGENT PRINTED NAME OF QUALIFIER DATE: DATE:3u /6 Individuals who sign as the owner's agent must first obtain owner's written authorization to sign on their behalf STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF "NOTARY IS FOR QUALIFIER'S SIGNATURE" that on this Iday By ,�tu/n&A , 20� personally appeared Q Q o �.. who is personally known to me or has produced identification. Public Notary Seal