HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-06-2016 NRB MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 06, 2016 1. Chairwoman Ring called the Natural Resources Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Chairwoman Andrea Ring James Clifton Rose Glaser Ann Lucier Dick Krull —Alternate Keerthi Weragoda — Alternate Members Not Present: Gilbert Gordian, Jr. — Excused Bob Progulske — Excused Vicki Tunker — Excused Also Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Susan Mann, Recording Consultant Ms. Ring stated that Mr. Progulske and Ms. Tunker are excused. She noted that Mr. Gordian's absence is not excused and requested the record reflect that this is his second consecutive absence. 4. Agenda Modifications Ms. Ring made a motion to modify the agenda, Mr. Krull seconded the motion. Ms. Ring stated that under Unfinished Business she wanted items A through G removed. Following discussion it was agreed that items A through C would be removed and items D through G would be left on the agenda because they are ongoing projects. Ms. Ring called for any further discussion, hearing none she called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5. Approval of Minutes — November 8, 2016 Meeting Minutes Ms. Ring asked if there were any corrections or modifications to the minutes, hearing none she called for a motion. Mr. Clifton made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Ms. Glaser seconded the motion. Natural Resources Board Page 2 of 6 Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2016 Mr. Weragoda stated that he was at the meeting, but his vote was not reflected in the minutes. Ms. Ring explained that there was only one Board member absent so only one alternate's vote is recorded even though both alternates were present. The consensus of the Board was that the minutes were correct as written. Ms. Ring called for a vote, the motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Unfinished Business Item D. Earth Day — Saturday April 22, 2017 Ms. Glaser reported that she has requested staff update the information to reflect the 2017 event. When she receives the update back she will send an email to all the vendors. She stated that the time was changed to 9am until 4pm and the deadline for registration was changed to mid-March. Ms. Lucier asked about entertainment. Ms. Glaser responded she has 2 bands out of 4 approved. Ms. Glaser stated that she has established a better line of communication with Home Town News and they will help with getting the word out for "save the date" and then when the event is closer they will publish a full page schedule. Item E. Spoil Island Update by Mr. Clifton Mr. Clifton reported that all that is pending is authorization from DEP to cut down the two trees. He stated that it should come via email and was given the impression it would be very soon. Mr. Watanabe stated that he has not received any communication from DEP either but as soon as he receives it he will forward to the Board. Item F. NRB Mission Goals & Obiectives Ms. Ring suggested the Board establish a calendar listing their events in order to be able to plan and keep track of what is happening. The Board discussed the location of the banner and other supplies used during NRB events. Mr. Watanabe explained that he has been unable to locate the larger banner but there are some supplies in the office. He suggested that if necessary Total Print be contacted and another banner be made. He also suggested that one of the Board members take control of the Board's event supplies to prevent their being misplaced. Ms. Lucier suggested considering undertaking an island clean up should one become available. She stated that having guest speakers and being able to televise their presentations could be a great educational tool for the City. She stated that the presentation put on regarding sewer and septic was very informative. Mr. Watanabe responded that the presentation has been made to the City recently and suggested waiting to request it again. Ms. Lucier suggested having the company who does the waterway spraying come and explain the process. Mr. Watanabe responded that the agency that needs to be contacted is the regulatory agency, not the vendor who performs the service. He offered to provide Ms. Lucier contact information for the Natural Resources Board Page 3 of 6 Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2016 agency with whom the City works. He suggested placing the presentation on the next agenda for approval by the Board and forwarding to the City Manager for his approval. This would also provide time for staff to have the televising process in place. Ms. Glaser expressed concern about the overabundance of Pepper Trees in the City. She stated that they are not only on City property, but on private property which in many cases the owners take no action to restrict their growth. She stated that she is concerned about the amount of plastic and styrofoam that is in the river. She also stated that she would like to see more progress made on managing the spraying in the waterways. Mr. Watanabe explained that the majority of the problem Pepper Trees are on vacant lots and the owners are absentee. When the tree falls onto City property the City crews remove the tree and the owner is cited. This, however, can be a long process. Ms. Ring suggested the Board volunteer to go to some of these properties and remove the Pepper Trees. Following an in-depth discussion and input from Mr. Watanabe it was agreed that the possibility of a property owner accepting the liability of someone coming onto their property to cut down trees would be very slight. Mr. Watanabe explained that if the tree posed a safety problem that could be addressed, but just lack of upkeep of a vacant lot is the owner's responsibility. Ms. Ring asked about additional island projects. Mr. Clifton responded that after the initial removal of the trees is completed the Board can return and remove the seedlings as they sprout. He stated that after DEP sees the service the City can provide he is sure there will be other projects that can be undertaken related to the islands within the City limits. Ms. Ring asked about cleaning up Pelican Island. Mr. Watanabe explained that as individuals the Board Members can go outside the City limits, but City assets cannot be used to accomplish the project. Ms. Ring asked for the Board's thoughts on cleaning up the islands. Ms. Glaser responded that there are plenty of areas that need to be cleaned up without going outside the City limits. She explained that there is so much debris along the river that needs removal that could be a major project that could be accomplished by just walking along the banks or using a boat. Ms. Ring stated again the Board needs to set up a calendar and asked what activities are planned for January. Following discussion it was agreed that the shore line clean up would be undertaken in January. Mr. Watanabe explained that the project needed to be placed on the Board's next agenda for action. Saturday, January 7kh was selected for the project and it would be approved at the meeting on January P. Ms. Lucier stated that she would contact KIRB who would provide the necessary supplies. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will arrange for City staff to pick up the bags of debris so the Board can leave them on the shore. Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2016 Page 4 of 6 Ms. Ring asked what activities could be scheduled for February and March. It was agreed that Mr. Lucier will contact the agency regarding the chemical spraying for a February presentation. In March the Board would participate in the Pelican Island Festival. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will have the three projects on the January Agenda for Board approval. Ms. Lucier stated that the Board needs to establish a calendar of events and participation in the City's events needed to be placed on the agenda for discussion and determination which events the Board would participate in. Ms. Glaser stated that the Pelican Island Festival in March will be the 25`h anniversary. The consensus was that would be a great opportunity. Ms. Ring suggested doing only Earth Day in April. She called for suggestions for May and June and stated that the Board can think about activities. The consensus was that the Board should participate in some event each month. She continued on to July noting that the July 4`h parade is scheduled. It was agreed that the summer months are too warm to have outside activities, but possibly some presentations could be scheduled. Ms. Lucier suggested that the Board think of some suggestions for the following months and stressed the need for a calendar to prevent missing an opportunity because one of their meetings is cancelled. Ms. Ring stated that her objective in joining the Board was to encourage the implementation of sewage. She requested the contact information for the County Representative and stated that she will request another presentation be made soon. Item G. Gopher Tortoises Day, April 10th Ms. Lucier stated that she has contacted Ms. Williams who will handle downloading the Proclamation for City Council adoption at their March 22, 2017 meeting. She suggested the Board be present at that meeting. She also suggested that the Mayor and Council be invited to the opening ceremonies at Earth Day. Mr. Watanabe stated that the invitation should be included on the Board's next agenda as an action item. That would alert the Council of the Board's desires. Ms. Lucier volunteered to handle fabricating the Gopher Tortoise burrow for the kids to enjoy. 7. Public Input Ms. Ring called for anyone, from the Public, wishing to speak before the Board to do so at this time. Mr. Mark Bondy, 997 George Street, asked if there is a City ordinance prohibiting noxious vegetation from being allowed to invade neighboring properties. Ms. Glaser explained that there is an ordinance which addresses the sides of a property, but not the front and rear. Mr. Bondy inquired about the where the sewer brochures are displayed. Mr. Watanabe responded that he will ensure they are in the lobby area. Natural Resources Board Page 5 of 6 Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2016 Mr. Bondy stated that he is present this evening representing the Friends of St. Sebastian River and the Indian River Neighborhood Association. He provided a packet of information regarding the negative environmental impact of septic systems. He stated that the same packet will be presented to the City Council and it will be updated monthly. He expressed concern that the City is not working harder to find a way to convert to a sewer system as is being done in Brevard County. Ms. Glaser asked what the associations are doing to address the chemicals being discharged into the waterways and lagoon. Mr. Bondy responded that they have not addressed chemicals yet but they have focused on invasive vegetation. He explained that they are aware of a water farm south of CR510 into which the water from the farms will be discharged, filtered then released into the lagoon. He stated that his organizations are planning to make personal visits to the property owners along the St. Sebastian River to make them aware of the issues of the invasive species. Ms. Ring stated that she had attended a County Commission meeting in which sewer connection was discussed and it is a County issue, not a City issue. Mr. Bondy responded that because of the cost that will impact each property owner it is essential for the public to be educated about the need for conversion for the good of the environment. Mr. Bob Stephen, 150 Concha Drive, apologized for being late, stating the meeting start time was shown as 7:00pm and not 6:00pm on the schedule he viewed on his phone. He stressed the importance of the City attending the Indian River Lagoon Council meetings in order to stay informed. He stated that a presentation on the chemical issue in the waterways will be presented at the Board's next meeting by Mr. Cox. Ms. Ring stated that the sheets showing the chemicals is a part of the April Board Meeting record. Mr. Stephen observed that although the City may not be able to make large projects like the sewers happen overnight, any action even small ones that can help improve the waterways will make a difference. Ms. Ring called for any other comments from the Public, hearing none she continued with the agenda. 8. New Business Item A. NRB Banner Ms. Ring asked what the plan is for the NRB Banner. Mr. Watanabe responded that it is up to the Board, but he recommended contacting Total Print, who had made the previous one, and purchase a new one rather than continuing to look for the existing banner. He stated that the cost is part of the Board's marketing budget and there are sufficient funds available. A motion to purchase a new banner was made by Mr. Clifton, seconded by Ms. Lucier. Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2016 Page 6 of 6 Ms. Ring asked if there was any further discussion, there being none she called for a vote. Roll Call: Ms. Ring —Yes Ms. Lucier —Yes Ms. Glaser —Yes Mr. Krull (A) —Yes Mr. Clifton —Yes Mr. Weragoda (A) — Yes The vote was 6/0. Motion Carried. Ms. Ring stated that she will handle securing the new banner. Mr. Watanabe responded that he will provide her with the contact information she will need. He suggested that once they have created the banner it should be proofed for content and accuracy. In response to Ms. Lucier's question about the whole Board needing to approve it, he explained that because there will be no changes it will not have to come to the Board. Ms. Ring asked if any action needed to be taken regarding televising the Board meetings if there is a speaker. Mr. Watanabe responded no action is necessary at this time but he will have it agendized for the next meeting. 9. Staff Matters — None 10. Member Matters Ms. Glaser expressed concern that error in the meeting start time pointed out by Mr. Stephen be looked into to ensure that all start times are 6:00pm and not 7:00pm. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will see that if a correction is needed that it is implemented quickly. Ms. Ring stated that she had received a request, via the City Clerk, from a teacher in Texas looking for information on composting and earthworms. The teacher reached out to the City because she knows the City's website is safe for the children to visit, whereas some other sites could contain undesirable information. Mr. Krull responded that he will do some research. 11. Items for Next Agenda — Identified during meeting. 12. Adiourn — There being no further business Chairwoman Ring adjourned the meeting at 7:12 p.m. By:0,,b� 12e Date: z LF Chairwoman Andrea Ring /sm