HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-30-2017 BAC AgendaSEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. MONDAY — JANUARY 30, 2017 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Introduction of Members 5. Selection of Chairperson 6. Selection of Vice -Chairperson 7. Approval of Minutes: a. Meeting of August 1, 2016 b. Meeting of August 8, 2016 8. Review of Fourth Quarterly Report— FY 2016 9. General Discussion by Members -Thoughts and Ideas for Upcoming Budget Year 10. Review Budget Calendar and Discuss Next Meeting Date (Monday, February 13, 2017) 11. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of August 8, 2016 Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2016 Memo from Ed Herlihy Budget Calendar ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F. S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY's ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 6:00 P.M. MONDAY—AUGUST 1, 2016 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 Ed Herlihy called the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee to order at 6:05 pm. Present: Ed Herlihy -Chair Harry Hall Sergio Mota Excused Absence: Dionna Farmer Michael Frank Tim Slaven Terry Tayler Also Present: Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director Jennifer Smith, Accounting Manager Cynthia Watson, Assistant Administrative Services Director/HR Manager Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Ed Herlihy made a motion to put off the minutes until the next meeting because there wasn't a quorum. Mr. Watanabe presented a power point regarding Street Paving Capital Projects between 2015 and 2016. A pavement assessment was completed in March 2016. He showed what was completed and where we are headed. He commented the streets that have been completed ---Melrose, Part of Benedictine, Concha, and Part of Bevan. Street paving for 2017 and 2018 would include Day Drive, Damask, and Rolling Hills Drive. Street paving for 2018 and 2019 would include Indian River Drive. Mr. Mota questioned speeding on Concha. Residents concern is speeding since the repaving. Residents are asking about the installation of a stop sign on Concha. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will look into investigating the speeding on Concha. He stated that speeding is expected due to the repaving. He stated MUTCD rules and regulations must be followed before a Stop sign can be installed unless an engineer has a legitimate reason to install a stop sign without meeting warrants. Mr. Mota also questioned Barber Street repaving. He wants to make sure that Barber Street has a long life span and that stormwater and corroding doesn't ruin the new paving. Mr. Watanabe stated that the northern part of Barber Street will begin paving the week of August 8, 2016. He also mentioned that residents and schools have been notified. Mr. Hall questioned the safety of Joy Haven and Barber towards Shumann. It is posted at 25 mph but speeding still takes place. Mr. Watanabe stated there was a sight distance problem at Joy Haven and Barber Street ---at the bridge. Vehicles have to pull out into the intersection to see if any traffic. He indicated there is a MPO Safe Routes to School Grant Program that could help us put a traffic light at the intersection however at this point the intersection doesn't meet a stop sign warrant. Mr. Killgore spoke about the millage and gave an update on general liability and workers compensation insurance. We were fortunate in receiving several competitive bids however we are only looking at two. Those two are submitting with a savings in the premium. The 20% savings is because of the factors in the marketplace. This is equivalent to $100,000. However, the state has changed the Workers Compensation regulations regarding how much attorneys receive when taking a case. The state feels they should be paid more. Mr. Killgore recommends that we only reduce our budget by $50,000 due to the uncertainty of the rate changes coming from the State. The applications were reviewed by a Committee and it was determined, after scoring, that there two companies we are interested in --- FMIT or PGIT. They are both players in the market and are well represented. We will have a decision August 2, 2016. Mr. Killgore presented information regarding the Group Health Insurance. There was a 15% budget increase. It was recommended to keep the same carrier but change to a different structure ---a 20% copay after the deductible. It was recommended that we increase our HRA card to $2,500 from $2,000. Mr. Killgore is recommending grants for sewers and stormwater improvements in the CRA District. He would like to recommend the Stormwater fee of $5.00/month applied to offsetting some of the Stormwater Maintenance Cost. The intent of the fee is to improve the stormwater system or stormwater utilities. The savings from insurance and liability insurance plus the $75,000 from the stormwater fee equals $176,000. The grand total would free up $176,000 funds from the General Fund. The $176,000 is the difference between the 3.8556 mills that we base the budget on and the rollback to 3.887. Staff would like to stick to the 3.8556 millage because we would like that difference to be saved in the event of a rainy day because we have not seen a hurricane plus we are going into a new political regime. This is a minimal increase. We are going to take this to Council. Mr. Killgore stated that we are taking this budget to Council on August 10, 2016. Mr. Herlihy stated a vote can't be taken tonight instead it will be made at the next meeting on August 8, 2016 since Council meets on August 10, 2016. He seemed to think that Council will keep the millage rate at 3.8556. Mr. Hall asked if the savings permitting the rollback rate was coming from the insurance rate and is that increasing the employee portion of the insurance monthly premium. Mr. Killgore stated we are not required to negotiate the actual monthly premium provision. We only negotiate their share of the monthly premium rate and that is established in a percentage. Right now any employee hired after October 1, 2011 pays 75% of the monthly premium cost for the spouse and family. Anyone hired prior to October 2, 2011 pays 50%. Mr. Hall stated that if Council would go back to the rollback rate wouldn't the employees think that it was on their backs? Mr. Killgore stated Council can direct the savings to go anywhere however we are recommending saving the money for a "rainy day". Mr. Herlihy is recommending staying with the same millage of 3.8556. He is also recommending increasing the amount given to sewer along the lagoon. Mr. Killgore stated we are fortunate to have $5M in the bank ---in reserve-- but we can't control "Mother Nature" so anything over the $5M is great. Mr.Hall stated that we have had several meetings where we haven't had a quorum. If we would not have a quorum next week then does our recommendation of 3.8556 still stand? Mr. Helihy stated, "Yes". Mr. Hall stated that we need to stress to the Budget Committee that it is important to attend the August 8`h meeting. There was no public input. Mr. Killgore noted we have had two meetings with the union to negotiate the contract and it is going very well. Mr. Herlihy asked if Mr. Killgore would have the Third Quarter Report. Mr. Killgore stated he will have it in the mail after Wednesday and it has to be completed for the Agenda Packets for Council. The next Budget Committee Meeting will be held Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m. Edward Herlihy, Chairman Date CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 6:00 P.M. MONDAY —AUGUST 8, 2016 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 Ed Herlihy called the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee to order at 6:00 pm. Present: Ed Herlihy -Chair Harry Hall Sergio Mota Tim Slaven Terry Taylor Excused Absence: Dionna Farmer Michael Frank Also Present: Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director Jennifer Smith, Accounting Manager Cynthia Watson, Assistant Administrative Services Director/HR Manager Ed Herlihy made a motion to approve the minutes from meetings June 28, 2016, July 11, 2016 and August 1, 2018. Mr. Hall made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Mota seconded. All approved. Mr. Killgore presented the same PowerPoint Presentation as was presented in June 28, 2016. Staff is still recommending the millage rate of 3.8556 and our rationale behind that. There is a budget decrease of $75,623. Pay and Benefits are still allocated at 3%. Those negotiations are still continuing. There changes to the Personnel Costs. What we are proposing and presenting to City Council for our medical and dental insurance is a $230,000 savings which is less than we allowed for in the budget 15% rate. There are no changes in Operating Costs, Capital Transfers, Balancing the budget and the Assumptions and presumptions we made. As far as what is left out is the 3% pay raises subject to negotiation. WE have the $230,000 savings from the Employee Health Insurance and we also completed the proposal for Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance. The company we are recommending is on $50,000 savings by going through that process. The RFP did result in a downward slope to our premium. The Golf Course and Airport and Building Fund and Enterprise Fund are not changing. Since Council requested additional information, we are also presenting to Council 3 options --- one keeping it at 3.8556 one at the rollback rate and one in the middle at 3.7 mills. There is a way to get down to the $176,000 as suggested and that is to apply $50,000 of the health insurance savings, $50,000 liability and workers comp savings and the other piece which is the increase we transfer from the stormwater fee revenues. Right now we transfer 62% to the General Fund. We are recommending transferring 70% which would increase the revenues to the General Fund by $50,000. So the sum of the three items wouldn't effect really what we have recommended for the General Fund. Understand this is not staffs recommendation and we are still sticking with the 3.8556 millage rate. The CRA Fund pays for the electric bill for lights, janitorial services for the park and landscaping contract. The Stormwater Utility Fund allocates funds to sewer grant program. There is no change to some of the other funds Debt Service Fund, Property Tax 3.8556 is still the same. To summarize, we still have the Labor Negotiations to be determined which is hopefully completed before September. The Item still pending is the vote on Discretionary Sales Tax. Mr. Taylor questioned if the City Council understood the need to save money. Mr. Killgore stated he didn't really have a chance to discuss this with them because they wanted to see other options. $5M will not go extremely far if the whole City is affected. The presentation presented will be presented again when the recommendation is made and the need to save the money will be stated again. Mr. Taylor questioned the union negotiations. Mr. Killgore stated staff is in the negotiation process. Mr. Hall asked about the DST and what kind of loss that would be if we didn't have it. Mr. Killgore stated Right now we take in $2.8M a year and most is allocated to the police cars and special projects, grant matching costs at the airport. If we had to live without it the impact would be back on the General Fund and between Utility taxes and Franchise fees. We would have to take some severe corrective measures to handle it. Mr. Hall questioned the health insurance premium increase of 15%. The benefits to the employees are they being changed or are they at the same level or is the premium going up. Mr. Killgore stated to keep with the same policy there was a 16% increase. The alternative which made the most sense was to change the Plan to a copay even after the deductible is met. Right now they receive an HRA card to meet the first deductible ($2,000 or $4,000 spouse and family) but they also have a maximum out of pocket amount ($4,000 or $8,000 spouse and family) of which 20% is paid by the employee. This is the plan we are proposing to Council. Mr. Hall questioned a couple members of Council's "wishlist" or "Pet projects"? Mr. Killgore stated he has not. Mr. Slaven or Mr. Moto did not have any questions. Mr. Herlihy stated how the City got through the recession but through that we ran equipment into the ground. We have fixed those things. He stated our City is growing. Houses are being built. Our Building Department is buried and busy and doing very well. The growth puts more pressure on City services. There are more things that need to be done and we have problems especially with the lagoon. We have talked about it so going forward we will need funds for the Sewer Grant Program which is the City's greatest secret. People don't know about it and we need to publicize it. We need to put more money into it. DST will probably not be passed. It will be interesting to see what the School Board gets since they want a piece of the action. We would really be stuck if the DST would go away. We don't know where we are headed in the next election. There are indicators that the economy will slow down. He is recommending we stay with the 3.8556. Mr. Helihy stated that this committee needs to say that we are going to stick with the 3.8556 even after Council hears staffs recommendation. He is going to present a PowerPoint to Council stating why we need to stick with the 3.8556. He's going to present the following reasons why: lagoon, sewer fund grant, City growth, and possible economic recession. SE HOME OF PELICAN ISIAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 25 January 2017 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 4c' Quarter Financial Report and Amendments to the FY 2015- 2016 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution R-17-02. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. A capital project status report, investment report, report on General Fund Reserves and accomplishments are also included. City Council previously approved several adjustments during the quarter to allocate funds to proceed with landscape work on the CavCorp property; proceed with Airport projects; upgrade the Police Dispatch Center work stations; increase the budget for roofing repairs at the Police Station; and adjusts the budget for the payouts on the Voluntary Early Retirement Program. Formal approval by the City Council is requested on the use of balances in the Equipment and Facilities Renewal and Replacement (R&R) Reserve to cover the protective painting of the columns at the Airport Maintenance Building. The City Manager has discretion to use the R&R Reserve and, therefore, will request formal approval with the next Quarterly Financial Report. In accordance with the authority given by the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager has approved other budget transfers between accounts within Departments and made adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council." The City Manager's adjustments included budget changes to reallocate funds to/from expenditure accounts, and capital projects, as necessary during the quarter. All the above adjustments are summarized in Exhibit "A" that is an attachment to the Resolution. IF AGENDA ITEM REOUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: Total Cost: As per Exhibit "A" of Resolution Amount of Appropriation Required: As per Exhibit "A" of Resolution Administrative Services Department/CFO Review: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution No. R-17-02 and Exhibit "A" 2. Quarterly Report; Quarter Ended September 30, 2016 City Manager Authorization: l Date: 17 January 2017 RESOLUTION NO. R-17-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2015 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-15-27 on September 23, 2015 approving the City's 2015-16 budget, also referred to as the Annual Budget Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-16-05 on March 23, 2016 amending the City's 2015-16 budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-16-11 on June 8, 2016 amending the City's 2015-16 budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-16-21 on August 10, 2016 amending the City's 2015-16 budget; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months that ended on September 30, 2016 indicated that an additional adjustment needed approval by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager have previously approved any other necessary adjustments in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2015 and ending September 30, 2016 be amended as necessary, a summary of such amendments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A", the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are hereby made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Bob MCPardan Vice Mayor Andrea Coy Councilmember Jim Hill Councilmember Linda Kinchen Councilmember Ed Dodd The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 25th day of January 2017. ATTEST: Sally A. Maio, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Mayor Bob McPartlan Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Robert A. Ginsburg, City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" of RESOLUTION R-17-02 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 Amounts Chanaes Authorized by City Manager: Adjustment for insurance proceeds for wind damage to Airport wind turbine applied to repairs to $ 28,116 poles for nets and an entrance gate that had also had wind damaged. Adjustment to close remaining balance of Project to do roofing work and shutters at Golf Course. $ 1,515 Adjustment to increase funding and close Project for Police vehicles and equipment. $ 1,348 Adjustment to close remaining balance of Project to purchase Tractor. $ 5,775 Adjustment to close remaining balance of Project to purchase Armadillo. $ 13 Adjustment between various Police Department accounts to cover budget overages. $ 1,510 Adjustment to increase funding and close Project for road crossings/side-yard pipe repairs. $ 827 Adjustment to increase Police Department Roofing Project for reinstallation of lightning protection. $ 1,768 Adjustment to increase funding and close Project for Golf Course Restroom Improvements. $ 1,309 Adjustment between various Golf Course accounts to cover budget overages. $ 3,055 Adjustment between Parks Division accounts to cover budget overages and Facilities Maintenance $ 23,112 Division accounts for doors required at the ArtlSeniors restrooms to meet Code.. Adjustment between Cemetery Division accounts to cover budget overages. $ 200 Adjustment to close remaining balance of Project to purchase Chipper. $ 1,001 Adjustment between Roads Division accounts to cover budget shortage for street signs. $ 3,867 Adjustment to recognize receipt of State Funds that must be contributed to Police Pension Plan. $ 169,027 Adjustment to close remaining balance of Project on Working Waterfront Fish House Improvements. $ 42,447 Adjustment between MIS Division accounts to cover budget overages. $ 8,000 Adjustment between Building Department accounts to cover budget overages. $ 1,227 Adjustment to recognize receipts from asset auctions to repair vehicles and replace a forklift. $ 61,844 Adjustment between Community Development Department accounts to cover budget overages. $ 1,500 Adjustment between Facilities Maintenance Division accounts to cover budget overages. $ 25,000 Adjustment to close remaining balance of Project on Airport Service Pathway. $ 2,896 Adjustment between Parks Division accounts to cover budget overages. $ 21,684 Adjustment to apply Sidewalk Construction Project funds to the Brushfoot Sidewalk Project. $ 60,000 Adjustment to close remaining balance of Project to purchase Stormwater Equipment. $ 1,039 Adjustment to Police Evidence Building Project using DST Funds available from re -budgeting $ 33,270 Columbarium Project from Cemetery Trust Fund accounts. Adjustment between Fleet Management Division accounts to cover budget overages. $ 1,600 Chanoes Approved by City Council: Amounts Adjustment to set up City matching on project for Airport Master Plan Updates. September 14, 2016. $ 10,750 Increase in funding for upgrades to Police Dispatch Center Work Stations. September 14, 2016. $ 63,479 Adjustment to set up City matching on project for Airport Taxiway Improvements. July 27, 2016. $ 13,110 Voluntary Early Retirements Program payouts. December 16, 2015 + January 13 and 27, 2016. $ 371,548 Adjustment to set up City matching on project for Airport Design of Hangar "C". July 13, 2016, $ 36,400 Increase in funding to bid amount on project to Re -roof the Police Department. June 8, 2016. $ 3,775 Allocate unused Shoreline Stabilization Project funds to CavCorp improvements. June 22, 2016. $ 22,000 Additional Chanoes Submitted for Citv Council Approval: Amounts Adjustment from Equipment & Facilities Reserve to paint columns at Airport Maintenance Building. $ 2,800 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OVERVIEW THE FINAL QUARTER FOR GENERAL FUND ENDED WITH 101% OF BUDGETED REVENUES RECEIVED AND DEPARTMENTS SPENDING 96% OF AMOUNTS ALLOCATED. THE R&R RESERVE WAS INCREASED BY $222,556 FOR UNANTICIPATED REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS. REDUCTIONS IN GOLF COURSE REVENUES AND INCREASED MAINTENANCE EXPENSES RESULTED IN A HIGHER NEGATIVE AMOUNT OF RESERVES. REVENUES AND EXPENSES AT THE AIRPORT DO NOT INCLUDE GRANT RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES. BUILDING FUND REVENUES INCREASED OVER LAST YEAR AND RESERVES WERE LOANED TO THE GOLF COURSE IN ORDER TO FINANCE NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS. GENERALFUND The graph below and left compares General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Total Cash Reserves at the end of the 4s' quarter to the end of the prior fiscal year. Revenues and amounts Expended are higher than prior years. The graph below and right compares the 4 s quarter of this year to the 01 quarter of the prior 2 years. The difference is used to increase the amount set aside as the Renewal and Replacement Reserve. 12,000,000 12,000,000 - 10,000,000 10,000,000 8,OOQ000 8,000,000 61000,000 610001000 4,OW,000 ` i 4,000,000 2,000,000 , ANEW 0 2,000,000 •2,000,000' 0 Revenues Expended +I•Reserves Revawes Fxpaded Reserves 1191302014 10556,011 0273,156 282,915 1=0151 11,198,671 11229,411 5,286,473 119M015 11,198.671 11226,157 (27,486) 19'J020161 11,790,848 11,568202 5,509,029 1 119M016 11,790,848 11568292 222556 The graph below and left shows collections through the 4 s quarter of the three main sources of General Fund Revenue and of those three as a total. Those three sources and property taxes are 70% of budgeted revenue. $131,621 more was received from those three sources through the 46 quarter of this year, as compared to the same period last year. The graph below and right shows the percentage of budgeted expenditures by department at the end of the quarter. In total, departments expended 95.7% of amounts budgeted. 4,5oUN 41000,000 3,500,000 �- 31000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 �- 11500,000 1,000,000 500,000 100.0% — 75.0% iUt 50.0% 25.0% 0.01/, . "_. 4 Qir 2015 4 Qlr 2016 2016 Budget 2016 Actual OMekar5&e I61ec9icL1gTax INaWSaksTax OiaukelteThree Oc\Of 00\ ' � C\ef.` "� as`J\5\& 4�me(N 0,z 9� o�a� '09 c� Page I of 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AND CAPITAL PROJECTS Special Revenue Funds provide most of the monies needed for capital projects. The graph below and left shows collections the current year compared to last year and shows the current annual budget and collections for Local Option Gas Taxes (LOGT), Discretionary Sales Tax (DST) and Stormwater Fees. The graph below and right shows totals budgeted for capital projects, as compared to amounts spent through the 41' quarter of this year. It reflects large unexpended amounts for the Tulip Drive, CavCor Parking, Golf Course Irrigation, plus the Airport's Hanger project. 3,500,000 3,0 000 2,50g000 1,OOQ000 1,60D,000 100000 500000 LOGT DST Slmm *rFee eOOM 140116 e2TO D4M IMMI DEBT SERVICE FUNDS AND LONG—TERM DEBT 5,000,000 - 4,500,000 4,000,000 3.500.000 3.000,000 2,500,000 - 2,000,000 - 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 Rr& �t,d` 09 ?-1 q r gu d t cP e 01 The City's long-term debt includes the Discretionary Sales Tax Bank Note ($706,000 outstanding, maturing 4/01/17) and the Stormwater Revenue Bank Note ($2,275,000 outstanding, maturing 5/01/22). The City refunded previously issued bonds with Bank Notes on December 18, 2013. The City has a Bank Note for Street Repaving ($1,267,000 outstanding, maturing 12/01/22) and a Bank Loan on Golf Carts ($162,777 outstanding, maturing 10/31/17). The City is in compliance with requirements on all these obligations. GOLF COURSE The graph below and left compares Golf Course Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through the end of this year to the end of the prior two years. Negative Reserve balances and the amount of change in Reserves are greater due to less revenue being recorded and because of expenses incurred for necessary maintenance. 1,500,000 / — 1,300,000 1,100,000 — 900,000 10a00o 500 0 300,000 100,000 Aaoa) , Revem ExXded Reserves 9(A015 1,299,009 1,326,646 (264,946) 19'302016 1,135,972 1,4490 (578,613) 1,600,000 - 1,400,000 131000 1,000,000 608,000 600000 400,000 200,000 0 I200,OWI I400,000I Page 2 of 3 AIRPORT The graph below and left compares Airport Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through this year to the prior two years, plus the positive or negative impact to Reserves. 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,Q10 200,000 100,000 (100,000) / (200,W0) R,;vmes Earded Resm 93072015 477,920 37�868 4,539 I 930316 517,343 479,400 42,482 BUILDING 000,000 :O AO 400,000 300,000 200,000 100.000 0- Rewnms Exwnded rt9'3U1014 0,676 1 271,111 jona15 415,239 1 25a500 I®933Q016I 517,343 1 479,400 16a565 1 IR739 I 37,943 I The graph below and left compares Building Department Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through this year to the prior two years, plus the positive or negative impact to Reserves. Increased revenues are having a positive impact on reserves. 1,200,000 1 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 (200,000) I93072015I I930O16I Revenues 717,270 815,301 E--r 1,Ota962 1,192,262 900,000 810,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200000 100io a 0' Reveres 116130314 516,916 Iafi130315I 24,159 Iu930316I 815301 Wonted 368,635 493,069 637,001 +7-Resaves 1401 I 31,090 I i1a300 I Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2016 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2015/2016 2015/2016 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GENERAL FUND TAXES -6,608,301.56 -6,747,713.28 -7,178,016.00 -7,546,774.01 -7,533,327.00 100% LICENSES & PERMITS -45,499.50 -138,562.87 -147,218.23 -136,614.26 -145,500.00 94% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -2,215,443.45 -2,363,935.70 -2,515,809.77 -2,654,804.99 -2,566,871.00 103% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -370,905.70 -375,125.28 -320,953.80 -326,773.66 -334,534.00 98% FINES AND FORFEITS -60,189.17 -52,239.15 -60,685.29 -72,009.68 -85,300.00 84% MISC. REVENUE -352,499.75 -247,747.05 -257,681.61 -328,119.61 -266,459.00 123% TRANSFERS IN -565,399.00 -630,748.00 -718,306.00 -725,752.16 -727,151.00 100% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -424,651.00 0% GENERAL FUND REVENUE -10,218,238.13 -10,556,071.33 -11,198,670.70 -11,790,848.37 -12,083,793.00 98°% CITY COUNCIL 49,608.05 49,939.28 50,522.35 48,719.52 53,733.00 91% CITY MANAGER 228,375.27 264,715.45 257,181.01 287,768.63 284,442.00 101% CITY CLERK 269,992.27 282,115.78 343,529.92 353,079.53 359,164.00 98% LEGAL 95,774.86 102,958.45 103,869.65 94,682.00 101,730.00 93% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 485,361.87 555,310.57 558,458.95 550,158.51 555,034.00 99% M.I.S. DIVISION 161,616.17 143,139.13 184,978.63 199.,227.08 205,583.00 97% AUDIOVISUAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 163,252.96 164,502.00 99% POLICE DEPARTMENT 4,435,260.97 4,614,694.85 4,700,070.98 5,006,600.08 5,055,413.00 99% PUBLIC WORKS 3,038,250.18 3,312,372.86 3,711,008.83 3,406,025.10 3,761,439.00 91% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 235,652.38 248,945.54 213,731.43 253,528.88 252,972.00 100% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 746,341.72 698,964.43 1,102,805.02 1,205,249.38 1,289,781.00 93% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 9,746,233.74 10,273,156.34 11,226,156.77 11,568,291.67 12,083,793.00 96% LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -551,238.83 -555,934.25 -633,095.83 -646,132.08 -590,000.00 110% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -9,474.00 -9,758.00 -10,050.00 -10,352.00 -10,352.00 100% MISC. REVENUE -46.75 -2,918.31 -239.45 -1,792.39 -84.00 2134% TRANSFERS IN -14,500.00 0.00 -207,000.00 -200,000.00 -200,000.00 100% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -282,592.00 0% LOGT FUND REVENUE -575,259.58 -568,610.56 -850,385.28 -858,276.47 -1,083,028.00 79% OPERATING EXPENSES 219,338.94 205,872.69 220,332.92 214,567.87 352,517.00 61% DEBT SERVICE 243,199.81 242,740.90 242,783.29 242,748.10 242,748.00 100% GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 444,255.40 450,178.00 99% TRANSFERS OUT 266,095.50 228.80 136,742.10 0.00 37,585.00 0% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A LOGT FUND EXPENDITURES 728,634.25 448,842.39 599,858.31 901,571.37 1,083,028.00 83% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES -2,587,903.75 -2,738,405.05 -2,916,092.42 -3,052,153.22 -2,931,500.00 104% MISC. REVENUE -26,111.19 -22,836.70 -29,239.63 -9,072.97 -23,353.00 39% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.,952,220.00 0% DST FUND REVENUE -2,614,014.94 -2,761,241.75 -2,945,332.05 -3,061,226.19 -4,907,073.00 62% TRANSFERS OUT 1,921,864.28 2,472,550.18 3,534,495.65 2,783,842.78 4,892,473.00 57% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,600.00 0% DST FUND EXPENDITURES 1,921,864.28 2,472,550.18 3,534,495.65 2,783,842.78 4,907,073.00 57% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -7,511.61 -27,182.22 -37,891.69 -39,019.14 -36,440.00 107% TRANSFERS IN -266,323.21 -272,060.44 -296,420.10 -349,624.18 -335,699.00 104% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -391,697.00 0% RRD REVENUE -273,834.82 -299,242.66 -334,311.79 -388,643.32 -763,836.00 51% OPERATING EXPENSES 104,472.40 146,992.57 134,396.84 253,927.54 278,497.00 91% CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,562.18 0.00 26,095.86 15,083.90 8,500.00 177% GRANTS AND AIDS 20,583.00 0.00 29,717.60 79,696.15 256,422.00 31% TRANSFERS OUT 66,175.09 327,132.56 74,352.00 28,611.68 220,417.00 13% RRD EXPENDITURES 197,792.67 474,125.13 264,562.30 377,319.27 763,836.00 49% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2016 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2015/2016 2015/2016 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND MISC. REVENUE -13,972.08 -18,219.12 -20,013.88 -26,487.45 -19,830.00 134% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -35,091.00 0% PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUE -13,972.08 -18,219.12 -20,013.88 -26,487.45 -54,921.00 48% OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.60 0.00 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 29,321.50 2,800.00 0.00 41,129.00 0% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,792.00 0% PARKING IN LIEU OF EXPENDITURES 0.00 29,321.50 2,800.00 61.60 54,921.00 0% RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND MISC. REVENUE -169,869.04 -170,154.19 -137,176.65 -168,152.56 -101,830.00 165% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -15,914.00 0% REC. IMPACT FEE REVENUE -169,869.04 -170,154.19 -137,176.65 -168,152.56 -117,744.00 143% OPERATING EXPENSES 2,430.00 0.00 8,200.00 0.00 0.00 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,522.91 0.00 0.00 14,874.50 0.00 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 306,210.69 123,409.79 101,759.35 17,524.00 117,744.00 15% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A REC. IMPACT FEE EXPENDITURES 314,163.60 123,409.79 109,959.35 32,398.50 117,744.00 28% STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE -1,007,220.94 -986,955.63 -988,635.86 -994,456.28 -987,351.00 101% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 -100,000.00 -100,000.00 100% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 -47,626.00 0% STORMWATER REVENUE -1,007,220.94 -986,955.63 -988,635.86 -1,094,456.28 -1,134,977.00 96% OPERATING EXPENSES 72,980.87 47,395.69 143,214.45 50,699.07 127,100.00 40% TRANSFERS OUT 1,007,374.83 989,065.06 799,607.85 769,499.49 859,526.00 90% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 148,351.00 0% STORMWATER EXPENDITURES 1,080,355.70 1,036,460.75 942,822.30 820,198.56 1,134,977.00 72% LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND FINES AND FORFEITS 0.00 -1,900.00 -2,350.00 -1,048.33 -1,000.00 105% MISC. REVENUE -492.82 -7,403.88 -246.39 -27,743.61 -110.00 25221% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A FORFEITURES FUND REVENUE -492.82 -9,303.98 -2,596.39 -28,791.94 -1,110.00 2594% OPERATING EXPENSES 1,219.00 12,286.31 14,268.73 5,647.86 0.00 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 11,000.00 0.00 15,158.69 0.00 N/A GRANTS AND AIDS 500.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 N/A TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,110.00 0% FORFEITURES FUND EXPENDITURES 1,719.00 23,286.31 17,268.73 23,806.55 1,110.00 2145% DST DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE -4,817.66 -40,444.03 -822.47 -914.74 -2,144.00 43% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -159,369.00 0% TRANSFERS IN -1,012,795.20 -935,293.04 -1,027,125.00 -867,111.96 -867,112.00 100% DST DEBT SERVICE REVENUE -1,017,612.86 -975,737.07 -1,027,947.47 -868o026.70 -1,028,625.00 84% OPERATING EXPENSES 675.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A DEBT SERVICE 1,017,481.76 2,013,940.20 1,029,306.50 1,028,624.80 1,028,625.00 100% DST DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES 1,018,156.76 2,013,840.20 1,029,306.50 1,028,624.80 1,028,625.00 100% STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE -617.68 -39,285.34 -558.09 -918.42 -133.00 691% TRANSFERS IN -439,829.63 -408,360.00 -401,736.98 -401,141.04 -401,141.00 100% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A STORMWATER DEBT REVENUE -440,447.31 -447,645.34 -402,295.07 -402,059.46 -401,274.00 100% DEBT SERVICE 439,089.50 463,413.09 403,588.60 400,499.00 400,500.00 100% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 774.00 0% STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES 439,089.50 463,413.09 403,588.60 400,499.00 401,274.00 100% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2016 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2015/2016 2015/2016 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4th QTR 4th QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET OF BUDGET CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES 22,723.76 22,722.72 22,747.13 22,821.49 22,762.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 26,894.29 27,216.56 27,775.22 25,898.03 30,971.00 84% TOTALS 49,608.05 49,939.28 50,522.35 48,719.52 53,733.00 91% CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES 224,306.41 258,428.74 250,296.36 277,444.59 275,850.00 101% OPERATING EXPENSES 4,068.86 4,208.76 6,884.65 10,324.04 8,592.00 120% CAPITALOUTLAY 0.00 2,077.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTALS 228,375.27 264,715.45 257,181.01 287,768.63 284,442.00 101% CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES 229,172.94 226,343.81 287,661.84 287,489.64 287,045.00 1DO% OPERATING EXPENSES 36,816.29 52,802.01 41,270.37 65,589.89 72,119.00 91% CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,003.04 2,969.96 14,597.71 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTALS 269,992.27 282,115.78 343,529.92 353,079.53 359,164.00 98% LEGAL OPERATING EXPENSES 95,774.86 102,958.45 103,869.65 94,682.00 101,730.00 93% TOTALS 95,774.86 102,958.45 103,869.65 94,682.00 101,730.00 93% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES 400,429.11 464,034.68 480,509.59 452,107.90 451,565.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 84,932.76 89,756.02 77,949.36 98,050.61 103,469.00 95% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 1,519.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTALS 485,361.87 555,310.57 558,458.95 550,158.51 555,034.00 99% M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 114,081.27 115,440.50 121,978.70 130,874.64 135,275.00 97% OPERATING EXPENSES 47,534.90 27,698.63 32,471.30 68,352.44 70,308.00 97% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 30,528.63 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTALS 161,616.17 143,139.13 184,978.63 199,227.08 205,583.00 97% AUDIO VISUAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 102,068.78 105,796.00 96% OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,365.03 19,990.00 127% CAPITALOUTLAY 0.00 O.DO 0.00 35,819.15 38,716.00 93% TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0,00 163,252.96 164,502.00 99% POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 635,683.87 682,404.30 770,837.41 873,843.67 874,944.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 89,335.18 92,290.13 114,750.31 122,937.29 146,317.0D 84% CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,500.00 12,500.00 3,700.00 23,302.61 14,161.00 165% TOTALS 732,519.05 787,194.43 889,287.72 1,020,083.57 1,035,422.00 99% POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,183,233.99 2,162,610.75 2,135,684.38 2,238,074.07 2,207,030.00 101% OPERATING EXPENSES 229,517.47 236,267.30 219,761.15 211,527.70 250,765.00 84% CAPITALOUTLAY 4,483.00 10,464.70 17,306.75 8,241.00 8,836.00 93% TOTALS 2,417,234.46 2,409,342.75 2,372,752.28 2,457,842.77 2,466,632.00 100% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 139,892.30 148,218.95 153,223.82 162,772.10 162,299.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 22,917.22 22,522.25 14,626.79 15,944.75 19,546.00 82% TOTALS 162,809.52 170,741.20 167,850.61 178,716.85 181,845.00 98% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 549,229.56 628,633.25 622,918.41 669,523.48 659,327.00 102% OPERATING EXPENSES 100,748.36 102,518.27 105,415.60 125,100.40 127,330.00 98% CAPITALOUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,444.18 18,145.00 85% TOTALS 649,977.92 731,151.52 728,334.01 810,068.06 804,802.00 101% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 9/30/2016 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2015/2016 2015/2016 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4th QTR 4th QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET OF BUDGET POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 464,848.47 503,610.17 503,013.64 531,446.20 555,017.00 96% OPERATING EXPENSES 7,871.55 12,654.78 8,849.94 8,442.63 11,696.00 72% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 29,982.78 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTALS 472,720.02 516,264.95 541,846.36 539,888.83 566,713.00 95% ROADS AND DRAINAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 617,722.51 564,601.96 590,308.87 631,615.62 631,021.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 111,451.84 196,989.97 121,191.92 83,688.14 118,994.00 70% CAPITAL OUTLAY 38,579.25 105,695.13 134,086.03 29,106.61 29,107.00 100% TOTALS 767,753.60 867,287.06 845,586.82 744,410.37 779,122.00 96% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 469,592.91 416,003.99 565,754.22 615,511.81 653,627.00 94% OPERATING EXPENSES 331,059.18 479,488.38 609,807.30 448,749,18 571,007.00 79% CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,782.92 4,820.11 45,955.90 3,302.90 1,283.00 257% TOTALS 804,434.91 900,312.48 1,221,517.42 1,067,563.89 1,225,917.00 87% CENTRALGARAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 181,492.67 156,028.16 186,513.81 202,532.69 205,920.00 98% OPERATING EXPENSES 17,640.89 25,045.06 22,666.08 26,331.08 32,192.00 82% CAPITALOUTLAY 3,929.00 1,565.00 2,786.00 28,524.99 28,940.00 99% TOTALS 203,062.56 182,638.22 211,965.89 257,388.76 267,052.00 96% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 129,976.23 139,339.89 143,605.92 101,865.18 112,486.00 91% OPERATING EXPENSES 105,835.02 93,796.94 147,260.86 159,783.93 182,863.00 87% CAPITALOUTLAY 18,161.80 10,639.22 15,397.97 6,986.00 79,233.00 9% TOTALS 253,973.05 243,776.05 306,264.75 268,635.11 374,582.00 72% PARKS/RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 617,928.86 651,473.23 660,978.30 615,126.36 614,547.00 100% OPERATING EXPENSES 227,422.97 237,323.18 224,214.65 234,660.75 268,792.00 87% CAPITAL OUTLAY 19,190.32 35,199.55 51,824.29 37,874.92 37,875.00 100% TOTALS 864,542.15 923,995.96 937,017.24 887,662.03 921,214.D0 96% CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 107,068.99 146,637.57 155,229.57 146,746.72 156,985.D0 93% OPERATING EXPENSES 37,414.92 37,607.18 33,427.14 30,318.22 33,267.00 91% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 10,118.34 0.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 100% TOTALS 144,483.91 194,363.09 188,656.71 180,364.94 193,552.00 93% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 200,069.38 217,865.20 188,832.07 235,558.82 234,026.00 101% OPERATING EXPENSES 35,583.00 31,080.34 24,899.36 17,970.06 18,946.00 95% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTALS 235,652.38 248,945.54 213,731.43 253,528.88 252,972.00 100% NON —DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 134,451.31 141,821.12 131,047.75 230o284.00 253,404.00 91% OPERATING EXPENSES 548,329.41 557,143.31 625,417.44 631,265.38 674,973.00 94% TRANSFERS OUT 63,561.00 0.00 346,339.83 343,700.00 361,404.00 95% TOTALS 746,341.72 698,964.43 1,102,805.02 1,205,249.38 1,289,781.00 93% TOTALGENERALFUND 9,746,233.74 10,273,156.34 11,226,156.77 11,568,291.67 12,083,793.00 96% CITY OF SEBASTIAN CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT AS OF SEPT 30, 2016 FUND 310 GENERAL. C.APITAI, PROJrR Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Desrr istipn Boded To Dale EaoendM Encumbrances Rymcinine A 1411 Computer Overhaul 300,00000 263,039,49 87,68% - 36.960.51 A1513 Police Vehicle Replacement (CLOSED) 317.298. DO 317.297,94 100.00M - 0.16 AI515 Diem[ Fuel Tank Software 25,00000 - 0.00% - 25,000.00 A1516 Stormwater Equipment (CLOSED) 103,702.00 103.702.02 100.00% - (0.02) AI518 Clear Yllage Software 61.76200 43,729.00 7080% 17,283.00 750,00 A1601 Amledillo Purchase 162,987.00 72,860.00 44,73% 0,026.58 0.42 A1602 Patch Truck 156,12500 - 000% 156,125.W - A1603 Payroll Automation 10,804.00 - 0.00% - 10,804.W A1604 Chipper(CLOSED) 60,999W 60.999.15 100 WA - (0.15) A1605 Touter (CLOSED) 49,225,00 49,22441 IOO.INWA - 0.59 A1606 Dispatch Consoles 63,479.W - 0.000t, 61,895.61 I,SW.39 AI610 Nawork hnprovemems 50,000.00 24,520.93 4904.E - 26479.07 AI611 Police Evidence Garage 333,270.W 22.914.85 6113% - 3PL355.15 AI612 Police Vehicle Replacement(CLOSED) 243,920.00 243,919.89 1W.0D-A - 0.11 AI613 Police RoofRepalr 72.543.00 40,639.53 56.02%. 31,903.62 (0.15) AI614 Paint City Hall 50,000.00 - O.OUA - 50,000.0D A1613 public Works Compound Shch. W,ODO.W - 0.00% - W,OW,W A1616 Columbrriums 70,OW.W 10,683.W 15.26% 6,20D 00 53,11610 A1617 City Hall Parking Lot (CLOSED) - - 0.00% - - A1618 Cemetery Storage Building (CLOSED) - - O.00Y. - - A1619 Stormweter Equipment (CLOSED) 47,961.00 47.960.98 100 W% - 0.02 2,D9.975.00 1301,491.99 58.13% 363,423.81 574,059.20 FUND 320 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECI:C ProJat Project Esloodlmsys Percent Funds Numb, g Desrriatios Budeer To Date Emended Enrnmhrnnas R... Ind. e A1320 Fish He. lmpoi uromS(CLOSED) 507,319.00 507,319.01 100.00% - (0.01) A1521 Community Center Peking 52,OW.W 1,78000 3.42% - $0,22000 A1522 Rshemmn's landing Shoreline (CLOSED) - - O.W/. - - A1620 Working Water6ont Dramatic 10,000.00 81.39165 58.14% 5,592.00 53,016.35 A1621 Working Water6ont Phase 2A 177,102,00 30.748.00 1736% - 146,354W A1622 Perks Equipment Building (CLOSED) 16,584.00 16,584.00 WILMA - - g93,005.00 637,11=66 71.42% 5.59D)o 249,59034 FUND 330 TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS Projert Project Expenditures Percent Funds NOW,, Description Budget To Dae Expended Encumbrances Ror6in10g A1231 Presidential Streets 971,021.00 935,823.33 96.38% - 35,197.67 A1434 Tulip Drive 330,380.00 63,035.10 19.08% 216,728.00 50,61690 A1531 Police Station Parking 29,397.0 6160 0.21% 29.335.00 0.40 A1532 City Corp Parking 238,395.00 13,270.45 5.57°/. 225,30080 (176.25) A1536 Main Street Paving (CLOSED) 372,744.00 372,744.30 100.0014. - (0.30) A1537 Riverview Park Sidewalks (CLOSED) - - 0.00yrr - - A1538 Highway Beautification (CLOSED) - - 0,00% - - A1630 Brushfoot Bikapath 50,000.DO 44.077,30 SRI$% - 5,922.90 A1631 Schmtwm Sidewalk (CLOSED) D,828.00 23.927.88 I W.DO% - 0.12 A1632 Street Repaving 733,5W.W 216,377.42 29,50% 478,119.50 39,004.08 AI633 Sidewalk Corarvction(CLOSED) - - 0.001!4 - - A1634 US Ffighway l Landscaping (CLOSED) - - 0.DO% - - 2,749,265.00 1,669.21733 60.12% %9,48230 130,56532 FUND 363 STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT FUND Project Project Expendituro Percent Funds Number Destination Radial TO Date Eimandent Encumbrionr Remotion, AI562 Indian River Lagoon 150,000.00 17,090.97 IL3Y/a - 132,9D903 AI661 Road Crootg/Sideyard Pipe. (CLOSED) 50,827.00 50,827.40 100.W% - (DAD) 000,827.00 67,918.37 33.82 % - 132,908.0 FUND 415 GOLF COARSE PROJECTS—� --- Project Projecr Expenditures Percent Funds Number Destriotion Budget To Data Essential! Encumbrances Remadmin A1540 Golf Course inigata. 1,188,290.00 $84,517.68 74,44% 933 45 302,938.87 AI541 Golf Course Restrooms(CLOSED) 103,535.W 103,53SA2 IOILOUA - (0,12) A164D God,Coursc Roofing& Shunere(CLOSED) 6LWO.00 61,940A5 IDODD'/. - (045) A7641 CrolfCournc Parking Lot lights 5I,285.00 10,241.60 19,97A 18.327.73 22,715.67 1,405,050.00 1,060,734.35 7546.E 19,161.18 3M.W.97 FUND 4555 AIRPORT PROJECTS Project Project Eapendimm Percent Funds Number Descrinlioo Budget To Do, y Enatmbnnns Remy A1351 - Main St., Access Road 1,61LI63W 1,493,969.58 92.1P/. 31,730,07 96,464.35 A1451 AP Manger 1,725,013.W 297,443,61 17.24% 1,367,779.11 59,780.29 A1651 Runway Markings (CLOSED) 36,537.00 36,536.93 IW005: - 0.07 A1652 Automated Weather Observation Symem(CLOSED) - - O.OVA - - A1653 Conduit Boring (CLOSED) 4,000.00 4,000,W 100.009. - - A1654 gamine Pathway 12,IW.00 12.IN 00 1Do my/. - - A1655 Taxiway C,D,E, Design 262,200.00 32,071.30 1223% - DO, 128, 70 A1656 AP Motu Plan Update 215,000.00 I,800.00 084% - 2I3,200.00 A1660 Excavator Purchase (CLOSED) 126,40000 126,400.W 1DO % - - 4,003,407.00 2.004324.42 50.07% 1399.509.19 599,573.40 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 At September 30, 2016, the total of the City's cash and investments were $11,155,627.72. Of this, $7,521,011.75 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank and $3,634,615.97 was invested with the State Board of Administration. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not hold any investments in government securities. Approval was granted to deposit some of these funds with Florida Trust, which invest longer -term in government securities, which should increase investment earnings. An initial deposit of $500,000.00 was made on October 5, 2016. SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK CASH BALANCE ALLOCATION control Fund Leal Option G. Tat Fund Disaniosur, Sal. Tax Fund Rivafmnt Redevelopment Fund ParklnSIn-Lieu-Of Fund Rarcatipn Toyota Fa Fund Stermweter Utility Fund law Enforcement Forfeimm Fund Manor., Sal. Tax, Debt Swim Fund Stormwater Series 2003 Deb Service Fond Cepuel projects Fond Capital Impmveroents Fund Transportation Fund Smtmwater Pr jells Fund Golf Count Fund Golf Count Pr9jecta Fund Airpon Fund Airport Projects Fund Building Department Fund Country, Trust Fund P.forounce Depr im Fund Total Bank Exton. CURRENT BALANCE 3,501 831.93 315,024.01 857,324.09 363,51590 611.954.63 485,424.60 2.410.69 354.611.41 168,342.97 (107,875.43) (34,609.05) (69.535,03) 32.081.63 (414,086,50) (111,914.94) (101,375.24) 467,42L14 PERK 4656V 4.19% 11.40% 4.83% D.o636 814 % 645% 003% 4.71% 2.24% 4.43% 446% 0.92% 043% -5.51% -1.49 -1.35% 6.21% 3 7% STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) CURRENT INVEST6IF.NT ALLOCATION BALAN E General Fund Local Option Gas Tex Fond Discredonay Sales Tax Fond Riverfiont Redevelopment Fund lsrkingti-Lieu-OfFord Rtcnadon Isi Fos Fund Stonnwater Utility Fund Law Pnfoo:emml Forfeimm Fund Dixretions, Sala Tax, Debt Service Fund Smnnwner Series 2003 DeN Sovia Fund Capita Projects Fond Capita Mp.rano nu Fund Trvsspanntion Fund Storroxi Pmj.m Fund Golf Course Fund Golf iture Pmjeds Fund Aim Fund Airport purism Fiord 1,073,596.54 1,201,376.8E 97.16910 72,927.58 292,90150 34,259.54 245,755,37 2 Building DeparOnent Fund 711,280.53 921,868.52 1126% Coori Trust Fund 74,35385 32,84L00 0,44% Peromwm Deposits Fund 73,75000 S 7.521.011,75 100.00% Tonal SBA Balance 8 34M.615.97 REPORT ON GENERAL FUND CASH RESERVES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 PERCENT 29.54% 0.00% 33.14% 2srA 101% &116% am 0.94% a 00% 0.00% 0.0m 000% 0.00% 000% 000% 0.0m 0.00% 0.00% 19.5m 105% 2.03% 100.00% General Fund Cash Reserves are maintained to minimise the impact on the City's operations of unforeseen or emergency events, such as natural disasters, significant revenue shortfalls or unanticipated expenditures. City policies require reserves equal to 30% of the annual General Fund total expenditures budget, less debt service, interfund transfers and capital expenditures. Should there be an event(s) causing City-wide damages of 30% or more, it is preferable to have a reserve balance of at least $5 million dollars. Some of this balance has been committed to funding unanticipated repairs and replacements from surpluses added during FY2012- 13, FY2013-14 and FY2015-16. Nothing was set aside for FY2014-15 due to a shortfall of $80,738. General Fund Reserves Available for Emergencies Equipment and Facilities Repair and Replacement Reserve 09/30/13 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,065,242 09/30/13 Initial Assignment of FY2012-13 Surplus $467,286 S467,286 09/30/14 Changes to Assigned Reserves 19,789 06/30/14 Replace 3 Mowers & Dump Truck -96,915 370,371 09/30/14 Surplus for FY2013-14 263,874 09/10/14 Replace Excavator -28,056 342,315 09/30/14 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,348,905 09/18/14 Replace Police Authentication System -4,343 337,972 01//14/15 Audit Fee for new GASB -2,000 09/30/14 Assignment of FY2013-14 Surplus +263,874 601,946 01/28/15 Building Department Software-19,800 10/06/14 Repairs for Sinkhole at Rolling Hill Ditch -18,554 583,292 05/13/15 Seawall Engineering Assessment-50,000 10/10/14 Repairs to Pedestrian Bridge -30,215 553,077 09/30/15 $50K Airport Advance Repaid 50,000 11/07/14 Ditch Work -Barber, Caravan & Crowberry -9,598 543,479 09/30/15 Changes to Assigned Reserves 40,106 12/10/14 Replace Bucket Truck -94,641 448,838 09/30/15 Surplus for FY2014-15-80,738 0624/15 Repairs to City Garage Roof -8,651 440,187 09/30/15 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,286,473 0624/15 Pipe Repair-CoolidgeMdian River Drive -14,980 425,207 10/01/15 Clear Village project carryover-12,600 0624/15 Sidewalk Repairs at Barber Street Bridge -1.926 423,281 08/05/16 Voluntary Early Retirement Costs-307,365 0826/15 Community Center/Yacht Club Pumps/Wells -5,140 418,141 09/30/16 Surplus for FY2015-16 222,557 08/26/15 Cemetery Irrigation due to lighting strike -387 417,754 09/30/16 Per Unaudited Financial Statements $5,189,065 0826/15 Repairs to Main Street Dock -1,500 416,254 09/30/16 Less Equipment and Facilities 07/15/15 Communications Dispatch Console -29,983 386,271 Repair and Replacement Reserve 478,486 0724/15 Repairs to Tennis Court Fencing -850 385,421 09/30/16 Net Available for Emergencies $4,710,579 07/24/15 Repairs to Police Department generator -1,000 384,421 07/30/15 Replace Parks mower -10,525 373,896 09/06/15 City Hall/Community Center air conditioners -13,281 360,615 Note: Subsequent to year-end, unanticipated payroll and repair 09/30/15 Assignment of FY2014-15 Surplus 0 360,615 cast of Hurricane Matthew estimated to exceed $2,085,000 may 12/31/15 Contract for CPA Landscaping Services -10,600 350,015 be paid out of General Fund Reserves. This total includes debris 12/31/15 Replacement of benches/tmsh receptacles -7,495 342,520 pickup for $530,000, pier and dock repairs for S1,400so 0, I2/31/15 Repairs to Cemetery office building -6,250 336,270 repairs to other facilities for $55,000 Bud additional overtime pay 02/16/16 05/19/16 Cart Bam electrical repairs Replacement Roller -24,600 •-2,944 311,670 20 294,276 and benefits for $100,000. A large portion of this is expected to Post -Hole Diggers -2,944 76 290,976 be recovered from FEMA and the State but As much as $260,000 06/02/16 06/14/16 Cemetery Replacement Pump -2,247 258,729 of the "City -share" is anticipated to permanently reduce the net 08/17/16 City Council Air Conditioner -32,800 255,929 available for future emergencies. 08/17/16 Paint Airport Maintenance Building Columns -2,800 255,929 09/30/16 Assignment of FY2015-16 Surplus +222,557 478,486 QIr of HOME OFPELICAN ISLAND To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Joe Griffin, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Administrative Services Director Date: January 18, 2017 Re: 4' Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2016 Enclosed please find the Wh Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended September 30, 2016. CITY CLERK Leeislative Su000rt Matters • Prepared agenda, attended/recorded five regular City Council meetings and two budget hearings for City Council. • Completed follow up of approved Council matters — contracts, letters, emails, scanned to Laserfiche and indexed. • Fifteen resolutions adopted by Council. • Five ordinances adopted by Council. • Five proclamations prepared for presentation by Mayor. • Six legal ads placed in Press Journal, • One courtesy ad placed in Press Journal. • Provided monthly city calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press. • Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations. • Prepared travel reimbursement for four Council members who attended FLC Annual Conference. • Distributed two code supplements. Records Manaeement Proeram • Responded to 36 public records requests. • 17 consoles, 61 boxes and 1 - 96 gallon container of duplicate and OSA records destroyed by shredding vendor. • Personnel records were scanned for long term retention (5 boxes completed by police officer assigned to light duty). • Transferred and documented Finance Dept. boxes for storage. • Records Clerk scanned purchase orders into Laserfiche. Election Matters • Sebastian PAC monthly campaign reports submitted and provided to press as requested. • Qualified seven 2016 candidates. • Collected treasurer's reports from candidates and provided to press as requested. • Submitted ballot to Supervisor of Elections. • Mailed election assessment checks to State Election Commission Trust. • Prepared Council transmittal for Chamber of Commerce Candidates' forum. Citv Board Matters • Noticed vacancies, prepared transmittal for four board appointments by Council, notified and provided info to appointee, updated Board Handbook and distributed pages and posted on O:drive. • Prepared one certificate of appreciation for outgoing Sebastian representative. • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded one CRA meeting within Council Meetings. • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded two Board of Adjustment meetings within Council Meetings. • City Clerk prepared agenda for one Veterans Advisory Committee. • Records Clerk recorded and transcribed one Veterans Advisory Committee meeting. • One legal ad placed for CRA meeting. • Published all scanned City board packets to website and Laserfiche and provided to Council, press and standing requestors. • Records Clerk attended/recorded one Indian River Lagoon Coalition meeting. • Organized the hiring of a recording consultant for certain City boards/committees. Cemetery Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 19 locations for a total of $28,200. • Scanned all cemetery records as sold or amended for permanent retention. • Entered into Pontem database all burials and lots/niches sold. Personnel/Educational Matters • City Clerk and Records Clerk attended MCCI Laserfiche Webinar July 14th, Organizing Email, Practical Strategies for Records Management. • City Clerk and Records Clerk attended Neel -Schaffer Hurricane Debris Readiness Workshop, July 140'. • City Clerk and Records Clerk attended MCCI Laserfiche Webinar July 27 h, What's New in Laserfiche 10. • City Clerk and Records Clerk held a records management webinar and training for the City Hall and Police Department staff on September 12a'. • Records Clerk became a member of the Events Committee and attended 2 meetings. Communitv Matters • Responded to or forwarded cityseb emails to appropriate departments. • Prepared two articles for Pelican News newsletter. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Prepared Yd Quarter 2016 Budget Amendment and made presentation to Budget Committee and City Council. • Prepared agenda and presentations for three meetings of the Budget Review Committee. • Presented power point to City Council on draft operating budget and recommended proposed millage. • Presented power point to Planning and Zoning Board on capital improvement program. • Attended meetings on FEMA approved debris management procedures in preparation for storm events. • Participated in meetings on detailed City-wide Disaster Preparedness Plan. • Evaluated and selected new carrier after an RFP process for General Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance. • Prepared agenda and attended the quarterly meeting of the Police Pension Trustees. • Negotiated the three year PEA and PBA Labor Agreements. • Evaluated and selected company for the employee health insurance program. • Presented power point on recommended budget and capital improvement program at City Council budget workshop. • Presented recommended millage, budget and capital improvement program at the first and final public hearings. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. • Maintained listing of current capital projects and held frequent meetings with project managers to monitor progress. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with the ICMA representative. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Worked on review and revision of City personnel policies. • Recruited, interviewed and hired replacements for vacant positions. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. • Hired an Evidence/Crime Scene Technician. • Hired a Clerk II for the Records Section. • Administration attended 4 Council meetings and 1 special meeting. • Attended over 100 Law Enforcement related meetings and 49 public meetings and/or speaking engagements. • Administrative personnel attended over 80 hours of training. • Graduated over 20 participants in our 2016 Citizens Academy. • Continued to collect statistical data to include; personnel, community, crime, etc. • Participated in preparation meetings for employee labor agreement negotiations and attended negotiation sessions. Volunteers • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 2,374 hours during this quarter. • 57 bank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Hall so employees do not have to leave their assigned duties. • 0 traffic control detail was assigned. These consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 1,288 house watches/close patrols were completed. • 28 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs, etc. • 75 business checks were made. These business checks are conducted to help the patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which helps reduce crime. • 55 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 34 Airport checks were made. The visibility helps to deter crime. • 71 special details were assigned. • 0 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. • 144 paper runs i.e.: State Attorney's Office, Sheriffs Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney packets, and miscellaneous items as needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 15 traffic crash scenes. • 0 warnings for handicapped parking tickets issued and 2 warnings for other parking infractions issued. • 41 citizen contacts. • 424 Miscellaneous jobs. • 13 hours of Funeral Escorts were completed. • 0 hours of patrolling on the boat and checking waterways and businesses along the waterway. School Resource Officer • Officer Penn planned and managed the Christmas in July event to benefit Shop with a COP. • Officer Penn trained new crossing guards and recertified the other crossing guards. • Officer Penn managed the crossing guards. • Officer Penn assisted in the hiring process for a new crossing guard. • Officer Penn completed numerous area/building checks of the schools. • Officer Penn began teaching DARE at Pelican Island Elementary. • Officer Penn began teaching safety classes for Sebastian Elementary kindergarten classes. • Officer Penn conducted anti -bullying trainings at the elementary schools. • Officer Penn assisted road patrol duties to handle calls for service, accidents and covering shift shortages. • Officer Penn provided police service to the students and parents of Pelican Island Elementary and Sebastian Elementary by being present for any problems, questions or concerns before and after school. • Officer Penn manages the RUOK program. • Officer Penn arranged a Code Red drill walk through at 2 of the schools to assess the safety of the schools. • Officer Penn was part of the Emergency Management planning meeting for the Indian River County School District. • Officer Penn took part in a Back to School Bash as a representative of the Sebastian Police Department. • Officer Penn has been part of community outreach events throughout the area. • Officer Penn managed incoming Shop with a COP applications. Road Patrol and Special Operations • Officers were dispatched to 2,694calls for service, and self -initiated 3,321 events. • 72 adult and 8 juvenile arrest were made. • Officers issued 202 citations, 14 parking citations and 591 written warnings. • Officers completed 709 offense reports and 104 crash reports. Citations Wamines Incident Reports Arrests Traffic (462) 57 68 1 3 K-9 Ofc's (41/38/46/37) 42 114 58 11 TOTALS 99 182 59 14 Boat Ofc The boat has been deployed several times each month with both officers and volunteers during this quarter. Investieations July Aueust September Subpoenas 4 4 5 Arrests 2 1 2 Warrants 5 5 9 Training/Meeting Hours 65 35 187 Follow -Ups 71 86 79 Active Cases 45 42 31 Assigned Cases 13 20 12 Cleared Cases 7 8 12 Inactive Cases 10 16 10 Supplements 25 49 27 Communications Division • 11,014 calls entered into CAPERS CAD, of that • 4,246 were dispatched calls for service • 1,614 were Code Enforcement Self -Initiated calls • 3,228 were Officer Self -Initiated calls • 1,537 were Volunteer Self -Initiated calls • 389 were call dispatch handled without LE & calls entered in error • Total 911 calls received 2,240 of that the breakdown of the lines are as follows: • Wireless 911 calls — 1,754 (cell phones) of which: a. Phase 2 calls — 791 b. Phase 1 call -963 • Land -Line 911 calls — 486 (residential and/or business landlines) of which: • VOIP 911 calls —177 • Residential — 188 • Business —120 Blank call type -1 Of which: 1,030 were transferred to other agencies and 153 were 911 hang-ups Total Admin Lines answered 911 phone systems (Solacom) 10,156 • Incoming calls -5,686 • Outgoing calls — 2,517 • Of which: Transferred out of dispatch — 3,620 • Unknown total calls received on the Siemens phones also answered by dispatch. Training attended: • (9) Dispatchers completed Police Legal Science monthly training • (9) Dispatchers completed APCO monthly training articles • (1) CJIS Training Symposium • (1) FDLE Regional Workgroup Meeting • (1) APCO Conference • (5) FDLE Full Access Certification Training Radio and playback equipment repaired Solacom phone equipment repaired Backup battery replaced at workstations one and two • (1) Dispatcher transferred to Records • (1) Dispatcher hired • Purchased new dispatch furniture • Purchase orders issued for electrical and technical support for new furniture During this quarter, as in all quarters, Communications/Records assisted the citizens of Sebastian with house watch requests and cancellation services, citation sign offs, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies and/or Departments for them. Communications receives and dispatches all non -emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Code Enforcement, and Volunteer services. When on calls for services, Communications will assist the Officers, Detectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls to citizens, parents of juveniles, State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Driver's License Office, key holders and other Law Enforcement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. This includes sending teletype messages to DHSMV, FCIC/NCIC, running driver's licenses, tags, guns, boats, articles, and criminal history requests. Communications assists officers with searching for information, phone numbers, etc. Communications provides services to non-residents by answering questions, providing phone numbers, referring them to the proper agency, etc. Communications also assists other agencies with information and/or requests they may have. Code Enforcement Division Of the 1,752 code calls for the quarter, the following is a breakdown of some specific calls made: • Issued 447 written warnings. This ranged from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 105 property inspections for title companies and 112 sign violations. • 469 Code Services. • 603 re -inspections, 46 violations not complied with, 168 were posted for abatement, 43 abated by vendors. • 376 violations complied. • 34 Liens filed, 3 liens released. • 180 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. • There were no calls for water violations during the third quarter. Alarm Assessment • $650.00 in alarm permits (new and renew) • $220.00 in false alarms fines • 146 alarm responses by officers, 63 of these were false. • 46 New permits issued. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Roads Division • 4 Road Crossings • 47 Tons of Asphalt put down • Citizen Complaints • Cutting back branches • Clean Fill Pipe • 3 Pallets of cold patch asphalt for pot holes • 10 Pallets of sod installed Sian Shoo • Decals made 38 • New type signs made 39 • Total made 125 • Total Post and anchors installed 16 • Clean sign shop Stormwater Division • Vac Truck • Armadillo (12,678) Catch basin (3-6) Swale (27.5) Road crossing (36) • Side Pipe (16) driveway (198.5) • 740' LF of pipe installed • Total 36 Cubic vards • Road Crossing Pine Back Ditch Pine 12" HDPE 80' 42" HDPE 140' 15" HDPE 80" IS" HDPE 80" • Armadillo drainage work • 12,678 L.F. of front swale drainage Parks Division • Set up and maintained Riverview Park • Bought 12 carts for the vendors • Added new surface materials on 2 court at Friendship Park Tennis Courts • Installed new tot swings at BSSC & Filbert St. Park • Replaced 2 tennis nets at Schumann Park • Installed Christmas decorations at Clock in Riverview Park • Trimmed trees and shrubs throughout the City Cemetery • The Cemetery crew did routine mowing, weed eating and edging. • Cleaned and filled pump house. Dug cremains holes, put cones out and picked up cones and signs after service. • Cleaned, organized truck and irrigation area b/c of new stucco. Pre -bid (new columbarium). • Followed contractor repair maintenance building Facilities Maintenance • Continued Daily Maintenance, cleaning and repairs of all Public Works • Continued monthly maintenance schedule on lift stations, A/C filters, gates, etc. • Continued monitoring of contracts with pest control, A/C. elevators, fire sprinklers and fire alarms • Touch up paint Engineers office City Hall • Replace Senior Center lighting and Water Heater (Maxwell) • Repair Community Center Interior lighting & exterior lighting City Hall • Install Exterior handrail Old School House (Shoreline Shutters) • Carpet clean Public Work and City Clerk areas (Nash) • Install drinking fountains Creative and Yacht Club • Repair Generator roof tiles Police Dept. (Leeward) • Repair ballfield pump station for irrigation (Maxwell) • Repair A/C unit Crab E Bills for kitchen (Pelican Island) • Install concrete slab, install wiring circuit, jet pump, remove fountain, and plumb for Fisherman Landing project. Fleet Maintenance The Fleet Management Staff completed 272 repair work orders, 42 preventive maintenance services 15 service calls and 15 road trips to pick up parts. In addition to in-house vehicle/equipment work orders, 15 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. • Took delivery of the following units: • (2) Police Vehicle (PD-03) and (PD-35) • (1) Speed Trailer (PD-83) • (2) Info Trailers (PD-42) and (PD-44) • (2) Building Dept. vehicles (BD-203) and (BD-202) • (1) Stormwater Track (SW-60 1) • (1) Cat Excavator (AP-25) • (1) Public Works Roller (PW-98) • Completed the prep (Lights, Rack, Graphics, etc.) on the following • (2) Police Units (PD-17) and (PD-35) • (1) Building Dept. (BD-203) • (2) Ingo Trailer —Police (PD-42) and (PD-44) • (1) Speed Trailer -Police (PD-85) • (1) Lightbar (AP-1) • (1) Pick-up (SW-601) • (1) Pump (SW-698) Purchased EquipmentfVehicles • (1 Tractor/Ditcher/Mower(SW) • (1) Pump (SW-698) • (2) Trailers (P) • (1) Air Compressor (AP) • (1) Mower (AP-05) Fuel Cost as of the Mar. 31, 2016 is as follows: • $1.70 per gallon of gasoline increase 1% over the past 90 days 0 $1.58 per gallon of diesel fuel decrease of 4% over the past 90 days AIRPORT • Golf Course Storage Building construction completed by Kern Construction, including a chemical storage shed. • Construction of vehicle service path parallel to runway 05-23 completed and now serves as a safe avenue for tenants traversing between the east and west sides of the Airport. • Joint funding agreements (Federal, State/City) were awarded and approved for: o Design of three new taxiways to serve Runways 05-23 and 28. o Construction of Hangar C, which is 15,000 square feet in size and will house a future airport tenant. o Purchase and installation of an upgraded automatic weather observation system (AWOS). • Federal and State applications submitted for joint funding of a new Airport Master Plan update. GOLF COURSE Revenue 15-16 14-15 Difference Total Revenue $147,242 $155,814 -$8,572 YTD Tot. Rev. $1,121,060 $1,325,883 -$204,823 Total Rounds 7,475 8,154 -679 YTD Tot. Rds. 43,146 49,411 -6,265 Green Fee $35,462 $40,737 -$5,275 Cart Fee $86,871 $89,973 -$3,102 Ann. Mem. $0 $0 $0 Ann. Mem. YTD $83,208 $64,282 +$18,926 USGA Hdcp. $20 $0 +$20 YTD Discount Card $5,421 $5,450 -$29 YTD Driving Range $34,410 $39,512 -$5,102 Club Rental $427 $504 -$77 Club Storage $0 $0 $0 YDT Golf Shop Retail $58,462 $60,324 -$1,862 YTD PGA Pro Lesson $2,536 $3,218 -$682 YTD Restaurant Rent $28,473 $29,139 -$666 Comments: 4" quarter total revenue/rounds down slightly mainly due to September weather, Year to Date revenue/rounds down slightly due to rains of January 2016 & irrigation project. Annual Memberships increased due to elimination of Initiation Fee. Golf shop retail showed modest increase for 0 quarter and increase for Year to Date. • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for P quarter (14-15) included The P Annual Donald O'Connor Memorial Golf Tournament benefitting Friendship Community Church (44 players), Sebastian Elks Lodge (54 players), Melbourne Golf Association (68 players), Sebastian Rotary (50 players), Brevard Golf Association (30 players), Sebastian Chamber of Commerce (128 players) and Brevard Rugby (136 players). • Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for 4a' quarter (15-16) included Indian River Airboat Association Golf Tournament (144 players), Palm Bay Golf Association (30 players) and The Sebastian River High School Boys and Girls Golf Team Benefit (96 Players). • Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for I' quarter (16-17) include Central Baptist Church, Sebastian Italian -American Club, Sebastian Tiki Bar, Bethpage High School Class Reunion Outing, 2016 Sebastian Amateur and Sebastian Rotary Golf Tournament. • Parking lot lighting initiative has begun. • New fencing installed around FPL equipment and cart -wash area. • Continued landscaping improvements, additional newly planted oak trees and Simpson Stoppers. • Golf Course storage barn completed. • Cart path repair project moving forward. • Golf Course club house, starter station and beverage bam received new tin roof and hurricane shutters. • Organized and executed the 2016 Sebastian River Boys and Girls Golf Team Fundraiser, which netted $4,580 for the high school golf teams. • Offered free golf clinics for Sebastian River Middle School through a conjunctive effort with the Indian River Golf Foundation. • Beginning to plan for 2017 green and tee re -grassing project. • Closing out 2016 irrigation project, adding 12 more irrigation heads for increased coverage. BUILDING DEPARTMENT • In the fourth quarter of this fiscal year, a total of 42 new single-family homes were issued building permits. Single family residential permitting is identical to the third quarter results. Other permits of significance include 1 new manufactured home, 0 new commercial building, 1 commercial addition, 6 commercial alterations, 3 commercial build outs, 2 residential additions and 11 residential alterations. In all, 1022 building permits were issued in the fourth quarter. The number of building permits issued this quarter has remained essentially the same as in the third quarter. • Total number of inspections for the fourth quarter was 3547 for an average of 56 inspections per working day. The number of inspections this quarter has also remained essentially the same as in the third quarter. • The number of Certificates of Occupancy issued for the fourth quarter included 63 new single family residences, 10 new manufactured homes, 2 commercial certificates of occupancy and 2 commercial certificates of completion. • The following lists the Business Tax Receipt activity for the fourth quarter: New Businesses-19, Renewals -790, Transfers-6, Duplicates-0, Home Based Businesses-292, Commercial Businesses406, and Solicitor Registrations-9. In addition, there have been 68 requests from lien/title companies for permit records on properties within the city. • Building Department personnel sent out in excess of 1000 Business Tax Receipt renewal notices for the new business year. This is a huge undertaking every year to send out the notice letters, receive the renewal fees, log them into the system and send back their renewed Business Tax Receipt for 2017. This process is being streamlined through our new on-line renewal system, allowing renewals and payments to be done on-line. In addition, the same process is done every year for all of the licensed contractors in our data base who have local licenses requiring an annual renewal fee. Mr. Helihy made a motion to stick with the 3.8556. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. There was no Public discussion. All approved the motion to stick with 3.8556. Mr. Herlihy stated he will prepare the PowerPoint and he has asked all members to review it by 4:30 Tuesday, August 9th because he has to have it to the City on Wednesday. If any comments, get them to Ken so he can get them back to me so I can make changes. Mr. Killgore made comments regarding the Third Quarter Annual Report. Most changes were due to unexpected repairs. He listed new and additional approvals by City Council. General revenues collected are at 76%. Capital Projects will be presented and debt service and obligations are being paid on schedule are in compliance. The Golf Course figures are distorted because of the major irrigation project. As you recall the Golf Couse had a loan from the Building Fund but it is inflating the expenditures. It's not necessarily a cash flow problem but a deficit. Airport Fund has had a successful year. They have increased their reserve amounts to about $46,000 because they are mostly supported by the DST funds. Building Fund is having a good year because of Building Permits. If you recall, the Building Department wants to add a Part-time Inspector which will help with their work load. Included are the Detail Summaries. On page 83 of 321 shows you the 75% expended and you can look at each department and where they stand individually. On pages 84 of 321 there is the Capital Project Status Report is included and some are carried over from year to year because of the operating budget. About 63% of our projects are in process and we are awaiting some of our grant funding. Page 325 shows the Amount of Cash Investments. We still have $11M available in cash investment. I still haven't set up the third investment with Florida Trust. He stated he still needs to get comfortable with their procedures. The status of the Cash Reserves is $5, 033,000. The Balance of the report is each Department's activities. I would call special attention to the Golf Course, page 92 of 321. They explain why they have less revenue than the year before. They have done some promotion and added members. Mr. Herlihy commented on how we are down $193,000 on the golf course and this could have been due to the heat in July and August. It will be tough for them to make that up. Mr. Helihy requested a motion to approve the Third Quarter Budget and make that recommendation to the City Council. There was a motion and a second. All approved the Third Quarter Budget. There was no public input. Mr. Killgore noted that Dionna Farmer resigned from the Committee. Mr. Herlihy commented on the email from the City Manager regarding attendance. He stated he reassured Mr. Griffin that in November members will be told of their obligations. It is important to be at the meetings because City Council wants our opinions. They want to hear what we think. There are normally seven of us and that gives a fair representation of the whole City. It was noted that there will probably not be another meeting before the two September Public Hearings. This Council Meeting is the last meeting in August because the Council Chambers are going to be used for Early Voting. Assuming that Council is happy with the 3.8556 then that is what will be carried into the Budget Hearings, although they can make changes at that meeting. There won't be any meeting scheduled unless there is a major decision and Council goes in another direction then this Committee might want to regroup. The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Edward Herlihy, Chairman Date Memorandum To: Budget Committee Copy: Ken Killgore From: Edward H. Herlihy Date: 1/20/2017 Re: The 2017-18 Budget Year As we start the new budget year, please welcome our newest member, Larry Napier. Larry recently retired as Finance Director for Fellsmere. Bruce Hoffman has' rejoined the Budcom after a two-year absence. Welcome Bruce. The following are topics that occur to me that could be considered in this budget year. Several are "carryovers" from previous years and some are new. Please feel free to add or subtract from this list when we discuss our plans for the budget year. I have no "pride of authorship". 1. The Golf Course 2. The Airport. More income? 3. Police Pension Fund funding 4. More road spending?? 5. Stormwaterprojects? 6. Canal bulkheads? 7. IT updates? 8. Department manning and costs 9. General Fund reserve. "Loan" payback 10. "Working Waterfront" project spending?? 11. "Cavcorp" parking lot enhancements?? i ..f Y I. 34I INN �F iC ;,i4 p J A , j sit , y-M i • id,• .. ,Yz� ;.tf�,��.Hi ;i 1 January 20, 2017 12. South parking lot rebuild?? 13. Capital funding?? Attached you will find the proposed Budcom calendar for this year. Please look it over and especially note the meeting dates in June, July and August. We need all of our members present to carry out the work of the Budcom. Last year we had two critical meetings without a quorum. This makes it very difficult to complete our recommendations to the City Council. Please try to attend all of our meetings. If you cannot attend, please let Ken Killgore know as far in advance as possible. Please remember that if you have any questions regarding the budget and the budget process, contact Ken Killgore, Finance Director. He is our contact with the City staff. Ken can be reached at 589-5330 x8205 or kkilleoreaa citvofsebastian.or¢ DATE DAY 01/25/17 Wednesday 01/30/17 Monday 02/10/17 Friday 02/13/17 Monday 03/03/17 Friday 03/08/17 Wednesday 04/14/17 05/12/17 05/26/17 06/01/17 06/05/17 06/06/17 06/12/17 Friday Friday Friday Thursday Monday Monday Monday 06/12/17 Monday 06/14/17 Wednesday 06/19/17 Monday 06/23/17 Friday 07/06/17 Thursday 07/10/17 Monday 07/12/17 Wednesday 07/24/17 07/28/17 07/31/17 08/09/17 08/14/17 08/23/17 09/04/17 09/06/17 09/13/17 09/18/17 09/23/17 09/27/17 Monday Friday Monday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Saturday Wednesday 09/28/17 Thursday CITY OF SEBASTIAN FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 BUDGET CALENDAR EVENT City Council @6:00pm — Approve Budget Calendar and 4" Quarter Budget Report Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Kick-off Meeting and Review of 4d' Quarter FY2016 Budget Report Departments Receive Instructions for Capital Improvement Program Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Review I' Quarter Budget Report Departments Submit Capital Improvement Program Request to Administrative Services City Council @6:00pm — Approve 1't Quarter Budget Report Departments Receive Instructions on Operating Budget Preparation Departments Submit Operating Budget Request to Administrative Services Complete Administrative Services Review and Balancing of CIP and Draft Budgets Estimate of Property Values Received from Property Appraiser Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Review 2"d Quarter Budget Report Complete City Manager Review of CIP and Draft Budgets City Council and Budget Review Advisory Board Receive Recommended CIP and Operating Budget Planning and Zoning Board Receives Capital Improvement Program City Council @6:00pm — Approve 2nd Quarter Budget Report Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Presentation of Draft Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget and Consider Recommendations to City Council DR-420 Certified Property Values Received from Property Appraiser Planning and Zoning Board @7:00pm —Approval of Capital Improvement Program Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Approve Chair's Presentation of Recommendations to City Council City Council @6:00pm — Receive Budget Review Advisory Board Recommendation and Approve Proposed Millage to be Submitted to Property Appraiser Parks & Recreation Board @6:00pm - Review of Capital Improvement Program Deadline to send DR-420 Proposed Millage Form to Property Appraiser Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Approve Changes to Recommendation to City Council on Draft Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget (if needed) City Council @6:00pm — Presentation and Workshop on Budget Recommendations Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm — Review Yd Quarter Budget Report City Council @6:00pm — Approve 3rd Quarter Budget Report Final Adoption of School Board Budget First Public Hearing on County Budget Final Adoption of County Budget City Council @6:00pm — Special Meeting for First Public Hearing on Millage and Budget/Approval of Capital Improvement Program/Financial Policies Advertise the Tentative Millage and Proposed Budget CRA/City Council Meeting @6:00pm — Approve Community Redevelopment Agency Budget/Final Public Hearing on Millage and Budget Send Resolution Adopting Final Millage to Property Appraiser