HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-2017 NRB Agendacm Lf SEPTI_ N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY — February 07, 2017 - 6:00 P.M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES December 6, 2016 - Meeting Minutes January 3, 2017 — Meeting Minutes 7. PRESENTATION SJRW MD - Charles Jacoby, PhD, MBA, Supervising Environmental Scientist, Estuaries Section Lead Scientist, Indian River Lagoon Basin 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Item A. Earth Day — Sat April 22, 2017, Update by Rose Glaser Item B. Spoil Island update on permit by Jim Clifton Item C. Teachers request to add local Composting Program to the NRB website Item D. NRB Calendar Events a) March 2017 —Pelican Island Event b) April 2017 — Shoreline Clean-up with CURB Item E. Storm Water Park — Access along pathways 8. PUBLIC INPUT 9. STAFF MATTERS Item A. Gopher Tortoise: Build -a -Burrow by Ann Lucier 11. MEMBER MATTERS 12. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 13. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DA YS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 FS). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (772)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. CITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 06, 2016 1. Chairwoman Ring called the Natural Resources Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Chairwoman Andrea Ring James Clifton Rose Glaser Ann Lucier Dick Krull — Alternate Keerthi Weragoda —Alternate Members Not Present: Gilbert Gordian, Jr. — Excused Bob Progulske — Excused Vicki Tunker— Excused Also Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Susan Mann, Recording Consultant Ms. Ring stated that Mr. Progulske and Ms. Tunker are excused. She noted that Mr. Gordian's absence is not excused and requested the record reflect that this is his second consecutive absence. 4. Aaenda Modifications Ms. Ring made a motion to modify the agenda, Mr. Krull seconded the motion. Ms. Ring stated that under Unfinished Business she wanted items A through G removed. Following discussion it was agreed that items A through C would be removed and items D through G would be left on the agenda because they are ongoing projects. Ms. Ring called for any further discussion, hearing none she called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5. Approval of Minutes — November 8, 2016 Meeting Minutes Ms. Ring asked if there were any corrections or modifications to the minutes, hearing none she called for a motion. Mr. Clifton made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Ms. Glaser seconded the motion. Natural Resources Board Page 2 of 6 Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2016 Mr. Weragoda stated that he was at the meeting, but his vote was not reflected in the minutes. Ms. Ring explained that there was only one Board member absent so only one alternate's vote is recorded even though both alternates were present. The consensus of the Board was that the minutes were correct as written. Ms. Ring called for a vote, the motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Unfinished Business Item D. Earth Day — Saturday April 22, 2017 Ms. Glaser reported that she has requested staff update the information to reflect the 2017 event. When she receives the update back she will send an email to all the vendors. She stated that the time was changed to 9am until 4pm and the deadline for registration was changed to mid-March. Ms. Lucier asked about entertainment. Ms. Glaser responded she has 2 bands out of 4 approved. Ms. Glaser stated that she has established a better line of communication with Home Town News and they will help with getting the word out for "save the date' and then when the event is closer they will publish a full page schedule. Item E. Spoil Island Update by Mr. Clifton Mr. Clifton reported that all that is pending is authorization from DEP to cut down the two trees. He stated that it should come via email and was given the impression it would be very soon. Mr. Watanabe stated that he has not received any communication from DEP either but as soon as he receives it he will forward to the Board. Item F. NRB Mission Goals & Objectives Ms. Ring suggested the Board establish a calendar listing their events in order to be able to plan and keep track of what is happening. The Board discussed the location of the banner and other supplies used during NRB events. Mr. Watanabe explained that he has been unable to locate the larger banner but there are some supplies in the office. He suggested that if necessary Total Print be contacted and another banner be made. He also suggested that one of the Board members take control of the Board's event supplies to prevent their being misplaced. Ms. Lucier suggested considering undertaking an island clean up should one become available. She stated that having guest speakers and being able to televise their presentations could be a great educational tool for the City. She stated that the presentation put on regarding sewer and septic was very informative. Mr. Watanabe responded that the presentation has been made to the City recently and suggested waiting to request it again. Ms. Lucier suggested having the company who does the waterway spraying come and explain the process. Mr. Watanabe responded that the agency that needs to be contacted is the regulatory agency, not the vendor who performs the service. He offered to provide Ms. Lucier contact information for the Natural Resources Board Page 3 of 6 Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2016 agency with whom the City works. He suggested placing the presentation on the next agenda for approval by the Board and forwarding to the City Manager for his approval. This would also provide time for staff to have the televising process in place. Ms. Glaser expressed concern about the overabundance of Pepper Trees in the City. She stated that they are not only on City property, but on private property which in many cases the owners take no action to restrict their growth. She stated that she is concerned about the amount of plastic and styrofoam that is in the river. She also stated that she would like to see more progress made on managing the spraying in the waterways. Mr. Watanabe explained that the majority of the problem Pepper Trees are on vacant lots and the owners are absentee. When the tree falls onto City property the City crews remove the tree and the owner is cited. This, however, can be a long process. Ms. Ring suggested the Board volunteer to go to some of these properties and remove the Pepper Trees. Following an in-depth discussion and input from Mr. Watanabe it was agreed that the possibility of a property owner accepting the liability of someone coming onto their property to cut down trees would be very slight. Mr. Watanabe explained that if the tree posed a safety problem that could be addressed, but just lack of upkeep of a vacant lot is the owner's responsibility. Ms. Ring asked about additional island projects. Mr. Clifton responded that after the initial removal of the trees is completed the Board can return and remove the seedlings as they sprout. He stated that after DEP sees the service the City can provide he is sure there will be other projects that can be undertaken related to the islands within the City limits. Ms. Ring asked about cleaning up Pelican Island. Mr. Watanabe explained that as individuals the Board Members can go outside the City limits, but City assets cannot be used to accomplish the project. Ms. Ring asked for the Board's thoughts on cleaning up the islands. Ms. Glaser responded that there are plenty of areas that need to be cleaned up without going outside the City limits. She explained that there is so much debris along the river that needs removal that could be a major project that could be accomplished by just walking along the banks or using a boat. Ms. Ring stated again the Board needs to set up a calendar and asked what activities are planned for January. Following discussion it was agreed that the shore line clean up would be undertaken in January. Mr. Watanabe explained that the project needed to be placed on the Board's next agenda for action. Saturday, January 7th was selected for the project and it would be approved at the meeting on January 3`d. Ms. Lucier stated that she would contact KIRB who would provide the necessary supplies. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will arrange for City staff to pick up the bags of debris so the Board can leave them on the shore. Natural Resources Board Page 4 of 6 Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2016 Ms. Ring asked what activities could be scheduled for February and March. It was agreed that Mr. Lucier will contact the agency regarding the chemical spraying for a February presentation. In March the Board would participate in the Pelican Island Festival. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will have the three projects on the January Agenda for Board approval. Ms. Lucier stated that the Board needs to establish a calendar of events and participation in the City's events needed to be placed on the agenda for discussion and determination which events the Board would participate in. Ms. Glaser stated that the Pelican Island Festival in March will be the 25th anniversary. The consensus was that would be a great opportunity. Ms. Ring suggested doing only Earth Day in April. She called for suggestions for May and June and stated that the Board can think about activities. The consensus was that the Board should participate in some event each month. She continued on to July noting that the July 4th parade is scheduled. It was agreed that the summer months are too warm to have outside activities, but possibly some presentations could be scheduled. Ms. Lucier suggested that the Board think of some suggestions for the following months and stressed the need for a calendar to prevent missing an opportunity because one of their meetings is cancelled. Ms. Ring stated that her objective in joining the Board was to encourage the implementation of sewage. She requested the contact information for the County Representative and stated that she will request another presentation be made soon. Item G. Gopher Tortoises Day, April 10th Ms. Lucier stated that she has contacted Ms. Williams who will handle downloading the Proclamation for City Council adoption at their March 22, 2017 meeting. She suggested the Board be present at that meeting. She also suggested that the Mayor and Council be invited to the opening ceremonies at Earth Day. Mr. Watanabe stated that the invitation should be included on the Board's next agenda as an action item. That would alert the Council of the Board's desires. Ms. Lucier volunteered to handle fabricating the Gopher Tortoise burrow for the kids to enjoy. 7. Public Input Ms. Ring called for anyone, from the Public, wishing to speak before the Board to do so at this time. Mr. Mark Bondy, 997 George Street, asked if there is a City ordinance prohibiting noxious vegetation from being allowed to invade neighboring properties. Ms. Glaser explained that there is an ordinance which addresses the sides of a property, but not the front and rear. Mr. Bondy inquired about the where the sewer brochures are displayed. Mr. Watanabe responded that he will ensure they are in the lobby area. Natural Resources Board Page 5 of 6 Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2016 Mr. Bondy stated that he is present this evening representing the Friends of St. Sebastian River and the Indian River Neighborhood Association. He provided a packet of information regarding the negative environmental impact of septic systems. He stated that the same packet will be presented to the City Council and it will be updated monthly. He expressed concern that the City is not working harder to find a way to convert to a sewer system as is being done in Brevard County. Ms. Glaser asked what the associations are doing to address the chemicals being discharged into the waterways and lagoon. Mr. Bondy responded that they have not addressed chemicals yet but they have focused on invasive vegetation. He explained that they are aware of a water farm south of CR510 into which the water from the farms will be discharged, filtered then released into the lagoon. He stated that his organizations are planning to make personal visits to the property owners along the St. Sebastian River to make them aware of the issues of the invasive species. Ms. Ring stated that she had attended a County Commission meeting in which sewer connection was discussed and it is a County issue, not a City issue. Mr. Bondy responded that because of the cost that will impact each property owner it is essential for the public to be educated about the need for conversion for the good of the environment. Mr. Bob Stephen, 150 Concha Drive, apologized for being late, stating the meeting start time was shown as 7:00pm and not 6:00pm on the schedule he viewed on his phone. He stressed the importance of the City attending the Indian River Lagoon Council meetings in order to stay informed. He stated that a presentation on the chemical issue in the waterways will be presented at the Board's next meeting by Mr. Cox. Ms. Ring stated that the sheets showing the chemicals is a part of the April Board Meeting record. Mr. Stephen observed that although the City may not be able to make large projects like the sewers happen overnight, any action even small ones that can help improve the waterways will make a difference. Ms. Ring called for any other comments from the Public, hearing none she continued with the agenda. 8. New Business Item A. NRB Banner Ms. Ring asked what the plan is for the NRB Banner. Mr. Watanabe responded that it is up to the Board, but he recommended contacting Total Print, who had made the previous one, and purchase a new one rather than continuing to look for the existing banner. He stated that the cost is part of the Board's marketing budget and there are sufficient funds available. A motion to purchase a new banner was made by Mr. Clifton, seconded by Ms. Lucier. Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2016 Page 6 of 6 Ms. Ring asked if there was any further discussion, there being none she called for a vote. Roll Call: Ms. Ring —Yes Ms. Lucier —Yes Ms. Glaser —Yes Mr. Krull (A) —Yes Mr. Clifton —Yes Mr. Weragoda (A) —Yes The vote was 6/0. Motion Carried. Ms. Ring stated that she will handle securing the new banner. Mr. Watanabe responded that he will provide her with the contact information she will need. He suggested that once they have created the banner it should be proofed for content and accuracy. In response to Ms. Lucier's question about the whole Board needing to approve it, he explained that because there will be no changes it will not have to come to the Board. Ms. Ring asked if any action needed to be taken regarding televising the Board meetings if there is a speaker. Mr. Watanabe responded no action is necessary at this time but he will have it agendized for the next meeting. 9. Staff Matters — None 10. Member Matters Ms. Glaser expressed concern that error in the meeting start time pointed out by Mr. Stephen be looked into to ensure that all start times are 6:00pm and not 7:00pm. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will see that if a correction is needed that it is implemented quickly. Ms. Ring stated that she had received a request, via the City Clerk, from a teacher in Texas looking for information on composting and earthworms. The teacher reached out to the City because she knows the City's website is safe for the children to visit, whereas some other sites could contain undesirable information. Mr. Krull responded that he will do some research. 11. Items for Next Agenda — Identified during meeting. 12. Adiiourn — There being no further business Chairwoman Ring adjourned the meeting at 7:12 p.m. By: Chairwoman Andrea Ring /sm CITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 3, 2017 1. Chairwoman Ring called the Natural Resources Board Meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Chairwoman Andrea Ring Bob Progulske Rose Glaser Gilbert Gordian, Jr. Ann Lucier Vicki Tunker— arrived late Dick Krull (Alternate) Members Not Present: James Clifton Keerthi Weragoda (Alternate) Also Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 4. Aaenda Modifications Ms. Ring called for agenda modifications, hearing none she complimented staff on the excellent job they had done on revising the agenda presentation. 5. Approval of Minutes — December 6, 2016 Meeting Minutes Ms. Ring asked if there were any corrections or modifications to the minutes. Mr. Gordian requested the minutes be corrected to show him as excused because he did notify staff that he would not be present. Mr. Watanabe responded that Mr. Gordian did notify staff that he would not be in attendance, but he had not received the information until after the meeting. Ms. Ring stated that the minutes would be corrected and placed on next month's agenda for approval. 6. Unfinished Business Item A. Earth Day — Saturday April 22, 2017 Ms. Glaser reported that she has sent out the invitations to vendors and has received a good response. She noted that A Tree for Me will not be present; Waste Management Natural Resources Board Page 2 of 5 Meeting Minutes of January 3, 2017 will have the dumpsters for recycling electronics as well as the equipment for document shredding; only one food vendor has registered, Bruno's Nachos. She expressed disappointment that the vendor who conducted the chalk art activity would not be present and suggested that possibly some other arrangement could be made. The consensus was to contact the art teachers at the elementary schools or any one that may be interested in the activity. She continued that the fat tire bicyclist would not be participating this year. She stated that the Board needs to find some activities to fill the open spaces. Following discussion with various ideas presented it was agreed that finding more activities will need to be addressed. Ms. Glaser reported that in addition to arranging the vendors she is working on the fire and food permits that are required and needs to secure a first aid kit. Mr. Watanabe responded he will provide one. Mr. Gordian asked for details about the arrangement of the food vendors within the park. Mr. Watanabe responded that it is up to the City Manager whether or not to allow food trucks into the park, but that it is a similar situation to Clambake where it is not convenient to not allow them to park on the grass. Mr. Watanabe stated that if the Board approves a motion to allow food vendors in the park he will take it to the City Manager for consideration. A motion to ask the City to allow the Board to have food trucks in the park, on the east side, for the Earth Day Event was made by Ms. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Gordian and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will take the request to the City Manager tomorrow. Ms. Glaser reported that all four of the bands contacted have shown interest, but she does not have anything definite arranged yet. Item B. Spoil Island Update by Mr. Clifton Ms. Ring asked if anyone had any information in Mr. Clifton's absence. Mr. Watanabe responded that it was his understanding that Mr. Clifton was waiting for the permits which were supposed to be sent to the City, but nothing has been received. Following discussion about the actions that had transpired, it was agreed that the understanding was that Mr. Clifton had applied for the permit and it was to be sent to the City. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will send Mr. Clifton an email inquiring about the status of the permit application. He will also get the contact information and will communicate with them directly. He will then advise the Board via email. Natural Resources Board Page 3 of 5 Meeting Minutes of January 3, 2017 Item C. Gopher Tortoises Day, April 10th Ms. Lucier reported that the City Clerk will download and prepare the Proclamation for City Council adoption at their meeting on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 6:00 pm. She suggested the as many of the Board members as possible be present. 7. Public Input None 8. New Business Item A. NRB Banner— Purchased Mr. Watanabe stated that he has the banner with him and it is exactly as the previous one. He requested that a member of the Board be the custodian so that it would not be misplaced and available for events. Ms. Tunker volunteered to take the banner. Item B. Teachers request to add local Composting Program to the NRB website a) Message from Denise Morales Mr. Krull reported that he had done some research on line of appropriate sites, and sent the information to her. He apologized for not bringing a copy of his email. Mr. Watanabe requested that all emails be sent to him or Michelle so they can keep the Board informed. Mr. Watanabe suggested letting him have the opportunity to package the information regarding the websites and bring back next month for approval. Item C. NRB Calendar of Events Ms. Ring explained that the benefit of having a Calendar of Events the Board could track upcoming activities and even if they don't have a meeting they will still have the event planned and details worked out. a) January, 2017 — Shoreline Cleaning Ms. Glaser stated that cleaning up along the shoreline is planned for this weekend. Ms. Ring asked what will be done if the forecasted thunderstorms develop. There was discussion regarding planning to do the clean-up monthly or quarterly and possibly joining KIRB or other groups that clean up the waterways. Concern was expressed regarding the members of the Board working together outside of a meeting. Mr. Watanabe explained that he had asked for clarification from the City Attorney regarding the Sunshine Law and learned that the Board can work together on a project, talk with each other, but cannot discuss any upcoming action items. Ms. Tunker suggested securing a copy of the KIRB schedule and presenting it at the next meeting for approval and inclusion in the Calendar of Events. Following discussion regarding the shoreline clean-up it was agreed that Mr. Watanabe would provide the necessary supplies, the group would meet at 8AM at Mulligans and Natural Resources Board Page 4 of 5 Meeting Minutes of January 3, 2017 work northward. Ms. Ring stated that will pick up the supplies and handle texting those participating letting them know if it will take place or has been cancelled due to weather. b) February, 2017 — Presentation on spraying waterways — Ann Ms. Lucier stated that she contacted the Indian River Lagoon Council representative suggested by Mr. Watanabe and they do not do presentations. She then contacted Mr. Charles Jacoby, Lead Scientist, Bureau of Water Resources, SJRWMD and he will do a presentation on the Lagoon in February. Ms. Ring asked if the presentation will be televised. Mr. Watanabe responded that it will be necessary for the Board to pass a motion to approve the presentation and he will forward that to the City Manager. A motion to have the speaker identified above make a presentation in February was made by Ms. Lucier, seconded by Mr. Gordian. Ms. Ring called for discussion. She asked for details on the presentation. Mr. Watanabe responded that he believes the presentation is a standard one, but he will provide the speaker's bio to the Board. He stated that although the presentation may be general in nature the Board could ask their specific questions. Ms. Ring called for any further questions. Hearing none she called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Following discussion it was agreed that the meeting should be kept short allowing approximately 25 minutes for the presentation at the beginning. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will place the speaker after approval of minutes and will set the agenda as suggested. c) March, 2017 — Pelican Island Ms. Glaser stated that Pelican Island Festival is March 18th, and the City receives free space. She explained that it will be in Riverview Park, from 10:00 AM Until 4:00 PM, and this is an anniversary year. Following discussion it was agreed that having the Natural Resources' brochures on display would be helpful. Mr. Watanabe offered to have Michelle contact the agencies she had contacted in the past and request a variety of brochures be sent to the City. In response to the suggestion regarding coloring books or other child related items, he stated he would have her ask about them. A tentative schedule was set with Mr. Gordian covering 10 AM until Noon, Ms. Tunker covering Noon until 2 PM and Ms. Ring and Ms. Lucier covering 2 PM until 4 PM. It was agreed that if no one else is available Ms. Ring and Ms. Lucier would help all day. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will have staff set up and take down the booth. Natural Resources Board Page 5 of 5 Meeting Minutes of January 3, 2017 Ms. Ring continued on to April events and it was agreed that Earth Day will be the event for that month. The consensus was to discuss the events for May forward at the March meeting to allow time to receive the information from KIRB regarding clean ups. 9. Staff Matters Item A. Stormwater Park — Access along the pathways Mr. Watanabe stated that it was brought to his attention that the Stormwater Park trails are becoming over grown. He explained that because it is a natural park there is no regular schedule for mowing or trimming so as to protect the natural state and the species which inhabit the area. He stated that the City Manager had suggested possibly the Board Members could routinely monitor the park and report back when something is found to need attention. He stated that the main entrance is off Englar Drive, it is open to the public and is heavily used. The entrance that requires attention is the one at the rear which is off Easy Street and Schumann Drive. He provided details of the park size, configuration and how it goes from retention ponds and trails into wetlands. Mr. Gordian suggested looking into establishing a community garden to get the public more involved with the park. It was agreed that would be a good idea to plan for the future. The consensus was for the Board members to visit the park and discuss their participation in monitoring it at the February Meeting. 10. Member Matters Ms. Lucier stated that she will not be present at the February meeting because she will be on vacation. Ms. Lucier suggested that if someone volunteers to do a certain task that they send an email out confirming that they have done it. Mr. Watanabe responded that was a good idea. He stated that the email needs to be outgoing only and requested that he and Michelle are copied. 11. Items for Next Agenda — Identified during meeting. 12. Ad'ourn — There being no further business Chairwoman Ring adjourned the meeting at 7:12 p.m. Chairwoman Andrea Ring /sm Compost Use In Florida Produced by the Florida Centerfor Solid and Hazardous Waste Management for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, December, 1888 Printed on reerc/ed paper 0 CONTENTS Contributors....................................................................................5 Figures and Tables............................................................................6 Introduction Beyond the Backyard Compost Pile..................................................7 Part I: The Basics Chapter l: Compost and Waste Management in Florida..................9 Mitch Kessler and Allison Searccy Chapter 2: What Is Compost?......................................................12 Margie Lynn Stratton and Jack E. Rechcigl Chapter 3: Developing a Market for Compost Products ................15 Aziz Shiralipour Part II: Regulatory and Quality Assurance Issues Chapter 4: Regulations Affecting Compost Production and Use ....18 Francine Joyal Chapter 5: Compost and Quality Assurance ..................................21 George E. Fitzpatrick Chapter 6: How to Produce High Quality Compost ......................24 Patrick D. Byers Part III: Agricultural Uses for Compost in Florida Chapter 7: The Effects of Compost on Soil....................................27 Aziz Shiralipour Chapter 8: The Benefits of MSW Composts in South Florida ........30 Dean Richardson Chapter 9: How Compost Benefits Citrus Crops ............................32 J.H. Graham Chapter 10: Growing Field Crops with Compost ............................36 R.N. Gallaher Chapter 11: Use of Composts on Florida's Vegetable Crops ............39 Monica P. Ozores-Hampton and Thomas A. Obreza Chapter 12: Compost Uses for the Landscape and Nursery Industries......................................................43 George E. Fitzpatrick and Dennis B. McConnell Chapter 13: Use of Compost on Turfgrasses....................................45 John L. Cisar and George H. Snyder Chapter 14: Compost Use on Forest Lands....................................48 H. Reikerk Chapter 15: Reclamation of Phosphate. Mine Lands. withCompost................................................................51 James Ragsdale Glossary....................................................................................... 55 References......................................................................................57 COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 3 CONTRIBUTORS Patrick Byers Thomas A. Obreza Solid Waste Authority University of Florida, of Palm Beach Institute of Food and i County, West Palm Agricultural Sciences, Beach, Fla. Southwest Florida i Research and [ Education Center, Immokalee, Fla. John L. Cisar University of Florida, Monica P. Ozores- Fort Lauderdale Hampton Research and University of Florida, Education Center,Institute of Food and Fort Lauderdale, Fla. _ Agricultural Sciences, 104- t' u Southwest Florida George E. Research and Education Center, Fitzpatrick ; Immokalee, Fla. University of Florida, i Fort Lauderdale Andrew S. Pike (not pictured) Research and Sun -Ray and Southern Farms, Education Center, Lake Placid, Fla. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. , ItR.N. Gallaher Department of Agronomy, University of Florida, al Gainesville, Fla J.H. Graham University of Florida, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, Fla. Joyali Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Fla. Mitch Kessler (not pictured) TIA Solid Waste Management Consultants, Inc., Tampa, Fla. Dennis B. McConnell University of Florida, Environmental Horticulture i. Department, f M Gainesville, Fla. James Ragsdale Sanitation Department, City of St.Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Fla. Jack E. Rechcigl :z University of Florida, '? Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Ona, Fla. H. Reikerk ), a School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla Dean Richardson Reuter Recycling of Florida, Pembroke Pines, Fla. and Tropical Treescapes, Miami, Fla Searcy (not pictured) TIA Solid Waste Management Consultants, Inc., Tampa, Fla Azlz Shiralipour University of Florida, Center for Biomass Programs, Gainesville, Fla. George H. Snyder (not pictured) University of Florida, Everglades Research and Education Center, Belle Glade, Fla. Margie Lynn Stratton (not pictured) University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Ona, Fla Produced by the Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, University of Florida, College of Engineering, Gainesville, Fla, Executive Director, John Schert Technical Editor. Diana Tonnessen Graphic Design, Production Ink COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Center for Biomass Programs, of the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences coordinated the development of the guide by identifying contributors, editing the papers, obtaining illustrative photographs and served as the general liaison with the authors in developing their papers. Specifically, we would like to note the day-to-day efforts of Dr. Aziz Shiralipour and Ms. Sharon Thurlow, staff of the Center for Biomass Programs. COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 6a FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1-I: Composition of Florida's Waste Stream.. . ............... 10 Figure 2- 1: Food Web of the Compost Pile..............................13 Figure 5- 1: Compost Used as a Growing Medium with Container Plants....................................................22 Figure 9- l: Increased Growth of Compost -Treated Tangelo Trees...................................................................... 35 Figure 9-2: Applying Compost to Citrus Trees .......................... 35 Figure l 1-1: Watermelon Grown in Sandy Soil With and Quality Limits for Compost .................................... Without Compost Application .... .-..... I .................. 41 Figure 1 1-2: Compost Application Eliminates Ashy Stem Blight in Bush Beans ............................... I....................... 41 Figure 12- 1: Compost Used as a Growing Medium for Table 14 l: Container -Grown Dwarf Oleanders ........................44 Figure 12-2: Compost Used as a Growing Medium for Physical Properties of Compost used in Container -Grown West Indian Mahogany ..............44 Figure 14-1: Compost Applied as a Topdressing Between Tree Rows in a Slash Pine Forest ................................... 49 Table 3-1: Steps for Successful Compost Market SCOMPOST USE IN FLORIDA i Development..........................................................16 Table 4- 1: Quality Limits for Compost .................................... 19 Table 4-2: Classification of Compost Made from SolidWaste............................................................19 Table 14 l: Compost Use and Com Silage Yield .....................38. Table l 1-1: Physical Properties of Compost used in Vegetable Production..............................................40 Table 13-1: Effects of Compost on Nutrients in Turfgrass ........46 Table 13-2: Relationship Between Turfgmss Topdressing Rates and Depth ...................................... ... I .......... 6 SCOMPOST USE IN FLORIDA i PART I: THE BASICS/INTRODUCTION Beyond the Backyard Compost Pile The use of compost is proving to be an environmentally - friendly, potentially profitable business for Florida 's agricultural interests. n 1992, to address the problem of decreasing space in Florida's landfills, the State of Florida prohibited the disposal of grass clippings and other yard refuse in lined landfills. However, the ban also gave rise to a promising industry based on a natural process as old as life itself: composting. Compost, a mixture consisting largely of decayed organic material, occurs naturally every time trees shed their autumn leaves. As the dead leaves decompose, they protect and enrich the soil underneath. Now this simple, natural process is being transformed into a sophisti- cated science, one that extends far beyond the backyard compost heap and that offers numerous benefits for Florida's agricultural interests and the environment. Given Florida's year-round growing season and porous, sandy soils, the humus -like substance which results from composting has numerous practical applications in the state. These include field crops and vegetables, landscaping and horticulture, citrus groves, golf courses, forest lands, and phosphate mine reclamation. Florida now has 12 permitted composting facilities and dozens of mulching facilities, which help to recycle more than 1.3 million Wn.unnF ElavxL ,Cara, 1 rm BuREAu OF SOLID AMC, HAzAacous WASTE tons of urban plant debris annually. And solid waste managers are targeting other organic materials as potential candidates for composting, including food, liquid, and animal residues. This guide presents an overview of some of the benefi- cial uses of composts in Florida and discusses the factors that influence the production, quality, and use of compost Included are the results of 10 scientific studies by researchers at the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), demonstrating how compost can have a positive impact on agricultural operations in Florida. The information is intended to help agricultural interests, regulatory agencies and the general public better under- stand composting and the use of compost products, and its great potential in improving Florida's soils and environment. O FLoaroA DEPARTMEM OF ENVDLONME Al, PNOTECTIDN TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA AND JOrw D. ScaERT, EZEcu DmEcroR. FLORIDA CENTER FOR SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGJU 4 UNLVERsm OF FLORIDA GAuasVH.LE, FUoRE A Wa10.N HINFLFI fnxx D. 5_.-._-..-r A note about terminology Ona considered refuse or waste, yard trimmings and other organic materials are increasingly being viewed as valuable resources to be reused and recycled. Hence, through- out this publication, the terms "eaban plant debris" (UPD), "residuals, -and 'Wasolids" have replaced the more commonly used terms 'yard waste" and ".sewage sludge" to refket the changing public perception about these mauriahL Other helpful terminology is defined in the glossary on page 55. COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 7 PART I: THE BASICS/CHAPTER 1 Compost and Waste Management in Florida Florida's growing population, year-round growing season, and large agricultural industry provide a unique environment for the development of organic recycling/ composting programs. Mrrcx KE$$LE0. AND ALLISON $FA0.CY TIA SOLID WASfE MANAGEMENT CONSULTAmS INC. TAMPA, FLORIDA loiida is the fourth most populous state and one of the fastest-growing in the United States. Its mild climate and year-round sunshine attract hundreds of new residents to the state every day and over 40 million tourists each year. For Florida's solid waste managers, this booming population, plus the load from tourists, translates into a growing waste stream. In 1995, Florida's population was more than 14 million, and the total municipal solid waste (MSW) generated that same year was close to 23 million tons — a waste generation rate of approxi- mately 9 pounds per person per day. These figures are approxi- mately twice the national average of about 4.3 pounds per person per day. Keeping Pace With a Growing Population To manage this burgeoning waste stream, Florida relies on a variety of methods, including waste reduction and recycling, landfilling, and combustion. Waste reduction programs are designed to limit the production of waste, reducing the need to manage it. Recycling programs recover valuable materials from the waste stream so that the materials can be reused. Landfills serve as disposal facilities for non - recovered materi.als. In an effort to maximize the recovery of valuable materials from the waste stream, in 1988, the Florida legislature enacted the Solid Waste Management Act that mandated a 30 percent recycling goal for Florida counties. The impact of this legislative initiative has been impressive. In response, counties have implemented curbside and drop-off recycling programs, encouraged recycling participa- tion within the commercial sector, and developed a variety of urban plant debris mulching and composting programs. Today, Florida has more than 300 curbside recycling programs, 12 permitted composting facilities, and numerous other mulching facilities. According to Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) statistics, more than half of Florida's 52 counties have achieved recycling rates of 25 percent or higher. Expanding the Focus From 1989 to present, the amount and percentage of materials recycled in Florida has increased steadily. Despite the success of existing recycling programs, Florida's solid waste managers have their eyes on the next decade. They continue to expand their programs to target new materials and to explore i other sources for the recovery of i additional materials. To maximize recovery rates, solid waste profes- sionals have turned their attention to materials which have been relatively neglected. 'These include paper, comprising 26.3 percent of all municipal solid waste (Figure 1-1), and construction and i demolition debris, comprising 1 22.6 percent of the waste stream. With Florida's warm climate and lush subtropical landscapes, urban plant debris (UPD) presents the most interesting potential for increased recycling in the state. As Figure 1-1 indicates, UPD represent 14.4 percent of Florida's MSW stream. In 1992, to encourage recycling of this i valuable organic material, the Florida Legislature passed a law prohibiting the disposal of UPD i in landfills designed to accept i municipal solid waste. In response, the majority of Florida's counties have imple- mented source -separated UPD collection systems. Researchers estimated that by 1995 more than i 3.3 million tons of UPD were generated in Florida every year. Yet studies indicated that only i approximately 53 percent of these € organics were recycled. COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 9 CHAPTER I: COMPOST AND WASTE MANAGEMENT IN FLORIDA Office Paper OtherPaper 100% Food Waste Conugaled Pacer 5.4% 8.2% I Testilse 2.g% ONer plastics A.2% Miscellaneous 8.1% Ferrous Metals Aluminum Cans 7.7% 0.7% Newspapers ....,.:. 5.2% Non-Femous •.:.-,` Metals .. Steel Cans 1.8% 0% Glass 2.7% Yard Trash plastic Bottles 14.4% I 1.0% While Goods C&D Debris 0.9% Irea 22.6% Rgum 1-1: Composition of Florida's Waste Stream (Jan. 1, 1995J)m. 31, 1995) Undeniably, there was room for improvement. That improvement began in 1995, when the FDEP approved the deregulation of UPD com- posting, a move that cleared the way for industry expansion. At the same time, composters have begun focusing their efforts on establishing consistent product definitions, quality control standards, and uniform testing. If Florida's emerging compost industry is to flourish economi- cally, buyers of composted organic material need to know exactly what they are buying and be assured that each product's quality is consistent. At the same time, researchers have focused their attention on evaluating the composting process and exploring opportunities for expanding its use. The commer- cial marketing of compost products has been encouraging. Compost has found one niche in agricultural applications in the cattle and citrus industries. Additionally, favorable govern- ment purchasing policies have helped to expand markets. For 10 COMPOST USE IN F L 0 A 1 0A example, the Florida Department of Transportation has adopted specifications for composted materials and mulches made from urban plant debris, and has demonstrated the cost effective- ness and superior performance of organic compost materials in its Right -of -Way landscaping and maintenance programs. In this supportive environment, Florida can expect to experience contin- ued growth in urban plant debris processing and composting. Anticipating Future Trends Florida's growing resident and non-resident population, year-round growing season, and large agricultural industry combine to provide a unique environment for the development of other organic recycling/ composting programs. In addition to UPD, other organic materials are gaining notice as potentially recoverable portions of the waste stream. This renewed interest in organics has spawned a variety of innovative research and develop- ment projects, including MSW composting and vermi- composting projects. Other recent projects have moved beyond traditional urban plant debris processing and composting to target other organic materials, including food, liquid, and animal residuals. Florida's organic recycling programs continue to expand with the support of innovations in collection methods (especially co -collection of organics in split collection vehicles), and increased on-site processing. For organics recycling to occur, compost safety standards most be defined, and safe, eco- nomically sound uses for compost must be identified through coordi- nated research programs. Such a market development research effort is under way through a partnership involving the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, and the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Perhaps the most important factor influencing developments in Florida's solid waste manage- ment practices is the increasing pressure to improve the efficiency and accountability of municipal solid waste management programs. Variable rate collection programs are expected to grow, driven by the push for greater reduction in sources, and an increase in return on investment. In Florida's present economic, legislative and regulatory environ- ment, the future for recycling organics looks particularly bright. In sum, Florida's composting industry is like a sleeping giant about to awaken to a coming decade of healthy growth and energetic activity, when recycling of organics will play an increas- ingly important role in managing Florida's MSW stream. O CHAPTER I: COMPOST AND WASTE MANAGEMENT IN FLORIDA Compost Operations in Florida Florida, home to some of the largest and most suawfil commercial composting facilities in the United States, is among the ration's leaders in com- posting. Forexampk; theEnvim- Compfacility inTacksonvilk, which produces 400, 000 tons of compost per year is one of the largest ammpostingfacilides of urban plant debris (UPD) in the country. Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority, produc- ing 60, 000 tons of compostper year, operates one of the nation's largest and most sumwfid co- composnbgfaatlides (biosolids and urban plant debris). Another of Florida's claims to fame: the Sumter County compostingfacilay begun in 1988, has the longest continuous Operating ezpesience in MSW composting. In alt Florida has 83 compost facilities (Ken McEntee, personal communka- tion; Composting News, Ohio), which compost everythingfrom food residuals to industrial waste. Food refuse composting. Three Florida composting facilities reporza* compostfood residuals (Goklstem and Bhsck, 1997a). One, a munkipalfacility operated by the Soil and Water Conservation District in Homestead Florida, processes wastesfrom a correctional facility. Another Reedy Creek Energy Services of Lake Buena Pinta, Florida processesfood mfusefrom Disney Wold (GoAlstem and Black, 1997a). A third, Environmental Earthworm Project, Inc in Orlando, processesfntit and vegetable trimmings from food processors and urban plant debris. An additional food r foe composting facility is being considered in Central Florida. If this site is developed, it is expected to handle the urban plain debris, food refuse, and biosolidsfor 7correctional facilities. Biarsolids composting. As of December 1997, nine operational biosolids composting facilities were reported in Florida (Goldstein and Block 1997b). They include Cooper City Utilities, Eustis, Meadowood - Utility, Miami -Dade Water Sewer, South Plant, Nocatee, Ocoee, Palm Beach County, Reedy Creek, and Sarasota Two facilities, Apopka and Miami, are in the planning stages. LrdasMal composting. Industries in Florida includefood processing, scafood processing, phosphate, clay, sandand gravel mining, softwood lumbering, manufacture of transportation equipment electrical equipment, chemicals and chemical fertilizers; metals, paper and papergood; primed materials, and agars, all of which may be potential compasters of by- products. At this time it is not reported how marry manufac- turing plants compost by- products However much food processing r f Tse in Florida is fed to livestock (Barker, et al., in press). Agrlct/tural composting. Agriculture is one of the most prominent economic industries in Flottda. Citrus crops, vegetables (particularly tomatoes), sugar- cane, soybeans, peanuts and pecans, watermelons, cantaloupe, and strawberries are the mafor crops With the exception of sugarcane bagasse, which is usually burned forfad orsome- M.Laca Lrn STRAMN ANa Jnca E. EECaCTOL times stubble -mulch planted, most crop residues are used to feed livestock. Crop residues can also be composted and used on-site. Backyard composting. The Florida Master Composter program, designed by Dr. George Fitzpatrick (UF/IFAS), teaches backyard composting in several Florida counties. Hillsborough County, which developed the program during the ptstfive years, has actively run workshops with 30 households in five sites throughout the county, and has about 30 graduates. Amuch newer program in Brevard County has just a handful of graduates. Master Composters are trained during afire -week 25 - hour course using a comprehm- sive handbook and interesting, varied compasting demonstra- tions and workshops Graduates then donate 25 hours of time helping to teach composting to others. Graduates also receive a backyard compost bin. (Polly Ryan, Hillsborough County Cooperative Extension Service, personal communication). Compost education. Along with the Master Composter Program, associations such as Florida Organic Recyckrs Association (FORA), and institutions such as the University of Florida/Institute forFaod and Agric ltural Sciences publish and supply buJklimu reports, and handouts for workshops and conferences with the goal of educational outreach. Much more outreach is expected in compost education in the near future. COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 11 PART I: THE BASICS/CHAPTER 2 What is Compost? Once considered waste products, composted urban plant debris and other organic materials have the potential to breathe new life into Florida's sandy, nutrient poor soils. Composting is a biological process in which microor- ganisms convert organic matter into a stabilized, humus - like substance. Many of the organic materials used for com- posting are inappropriate in their raw form for use on land or around living organisms because of the presence of odors, weed seeds, human pathogens, and storage and handling constraints. Composting helps to break down organic residues, stabilize nutrients, destroy weed seeds, and control possible toxins or diseases (Barker, 1997; Stratton et al., 1995; Hoitink and Keener, 1993; Haug, 1993). The resulting com- post has numerous horticultural and agronomic benefits and is environmentally safe for use on soils around plants, humans, and animals (Stratton et al., 1995; Barker, 1997). Controlled decomposition occurs as the result of the activi- ties of naturally occurring macro - and microorganisms (Figure 2- 1). Bacteria, actinomyces, and fungi are the primary microorganisms involved in decomposition. To grow and multiply, these micro- organisms require carbon as an energy source, nitrogen to build proteins, moisture, and oxygen. Enzymes, the active proteins, are produced by bacteria and assist in 12C0MP0ST USE IA FL 0PI DA MAAGIE LYNN S.C. AND JACK E. RECRC10L UNIVERSM Or FLORLDVINSTrUTE Or FOOD AND ADRICOLTORAL SCIENCE. RANCE CATTLE RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CENTER ONA, FLORIDA breaking down complex carbohy- drates into simpler forms, which bacteria can use for food The nutrients that become available during decomposition remain in the compost within the bodies of new microorganisms and as humus. Not all decomposition is microbial; in fact, it starts with macroorganisms, including earth- worms, grubs, millipedes, spring tails, and centipedes, which assist in the process by digging, chewing, and mixing compostable materials, The composting process does not stop at a specific point but continues until the remaining nutrients are consumed by the last remaining organisms and until most of the carbon is converted into carbon dioxide and water (Rynk, 1992). Compost has many beneficial uses. Compost improves soil aeration, soil drainage, the water - holding capacity of sandy soils, the percentage of organic ' materials in soils, and the ability of soils to absorb and hold nutrients. Cornposting Past and Present The simplest form of com- posting — the decomposition of plant materials where they fall — has been occurring naturally for millions of years. In natural settings, such as under forest canopies, composting occurs as leaf litter decomposes into humus. With the advent of crop cultivation and animal husbandry, the resulting plant residues and animal manures were sometimes decomposed by gathering them into mounds or piles to allow composting to occur. Farmers, greenhouse operators, nursery crop managers, landscapers, orchardists, backyard and organic gardeners have been making small compost heaps informally for decades, often simply to save the cost of transporting and disposing the materials. During the past few decades, composting has become a sophisticated and somewhat well -researched science. And while composting is still practiced on a backyard or small -farm scale, more and more often, it is now carried out on a large scale as part of local municipal waste manage- ment programs. On a municipal level, composting operations usually require sophisticated machinery and engineering (Stratton et al., 1995; Hoitink and Keener, 1993; Haug, 1993). The first recorded method of composting community wastes was developed in India by Sir Albert Howard in 1925. This method called the Bangalore or Indore system, simply involved alternate layering of wastes in trenches. Over time, as the scope and scale of composting increased with the amounts and types of waste products handled, innovative methods were devised to speed or ease the process. The layers were mounded, spread, aerated with forced air, turned, enclosed, exposed, chopped, ground, dried, wet, sifted, dumped from platforms, conveyed up belts, or separated at the source, for example. For the most part, the various processes were named for the company or inventor involved with the latest innovation and are summarized in a review article by Stratton et al. (1995). In the United States during a recent 5 year period, composting facilities have increased from 2,200 to almost 3,500 (Christopher and Asher, 1994; Fli ure 2-1; Food Web of the Compost Pile Ken McEntree personal commu- nication). During the 14 years prior to 1997, biosolids com- posting facilities have increased from 90 total projects nationwide (61 operating facilities) to 332 total projects (262 operating facilities) as reported by Goldstein and Block (1997'0). Seven states reported a decrease in biosolids composting from 1996 to 1997 (Goldstein and Block, 1997b). Compost Materials Any number of materials, or feedstocks, can be composted, including grass clippings and other types of urban plant debris, biosolids (commonly known as sewage sludge), and other organic materials. Recently, there has been an increased interest in composting municipal, industrial, and agricultural by-products (Stratton and Rechcigl, 1998). Municipal solid waste, commonly called trash or garbage, has been CHAPTER 2: WHAT IS COMPOST? composted and applied to many crops, including forage pastures, with improved yields and other benefits (Shiralipour et al., 1992a; Stratton and Rechcigl, 1997). Coal bottom and fly ash, cement kiln dust, biosolids, water treat- ment sludges, food processing by-products, animal and plant residues, by-products from metal smelting, paper and wood indus- tries by-products, tannery sludges, textiles production by-products, rock dusts, chemical and drug production by-products have all been composted and land -applied (Stratton and Rechcigl, 1998). Unfortunately, not everything that can be composted is com- posted. Barker (1997) estimates that 827 million tons of com- postable materials are produced each year, largely by agriculture, municipalities, and industry. However, only 140 million tons, or 17 percent, of those are collected for composting. Source: Dr. Daniel Dindal, cited in Michigan Department of Natural Resources (1989). Yard Waste Composting Guide COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 13 CHAPTER 2: WHAT IS COMPOST? Cornposting Methods biosolids. With proper mixing Currently, some of the best i and ratios, and attention to processes for composting aeration, particle size, moisture municipal solid waste or biosolids i content and other engineering include separating the source i considerations, the resulting materials at their point of origin carbon -to -nitrogen ratio helps to (source separation), reducing the speed and enhance the compost - size of the materials (size ing process while also producing reduction), and carefully mixing, a high quality end product aerating, and curing the compost (Stratton et al., 1995; Haug, 1993; for a few to several months to Barker, 1997). In Florida, the ensure compost maturity and Palm Beach County Solid Waste stability. Authority's composter is such a The composition and method '; facility. of processing compost varies For each combination of greatly with the feedstock i materials, compost mixes and composted (Stratton et al., 1995; i ratios of feedstocks, as well as Barker, 1997). If two or more methodology and processes, are materials are composted together, specifically engineered for the a method known as co -composting, materials being composted and the composting process may be may be site-specific (Haug, 1993). accelerated and the composition i Much research is currently of the final product may be directed at composting of greatly enhanced as a soil amend- previously disposed resources and ment and conditioner (Stratton by-products of several industries and Recbcigl, 1997). For example, (Stratton and Rechcigl, 1998). two materials composted together Compost maturity has been may include one high in carbon, € determined in a number of ways such as woody plant materials, by a number of different and one high in nitrogen, such as researchers. In general, maturity 14COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA refers to properties of the ` compost that include, but are not limited to ■ lack of plant toxins, such as acetic acid, phenols, and ammonia ■ stabilization (temporary immobilization) of nutrients such as nitrate -N, phosphorus, iron or other elements which could otherwise enrich ground or surface waters ■ the absence of detrimental bacteria, fungi and noxious odors ■ the presence of desirable microorganisms, and ■ a noticeable reduction of heating upon rewetting (Stratton et al., 1995). Several quick bioassays have been developed to check compost maturity. An easy method is a seed germination test on compost extract. (A. Shiralipour, University of Florida, personal communication). Others prefer carbon dioxide release (Graetz, 1996) or oxygen uptake measurements. Developing a Market for Compost Products The potential market for compost products in Florida is great The challenge is convincing the consumer to use compost. he growth of the compost industry in the United States and Florida is being driven by the increasing cost of land- filling waste, public support for resource conservation, and legislative mandates for waste diversion — not by demand for compost products. Yet if compost is to become a valuable resource to be managed for profit, new markets for its use must be developed. How Much Compost Can Florida Handle? In 1996, about 23 million tons of MSW were collected in Florida (FDEP, 1997). Researchers estimate that, if the organic fraction of this waste stream were to be biologically decomposed, about 5.5 million tons of compost would be generated. But key questions remain. Specifically, is the market capacity in Florida sufficient to use the compost produced? What is the present market capacity for composted products? And how can Florida build markets for composted products? According to one study (Slivka et al., 1992), the state's agricultural industry alone could use more than 20 million tons of compost each year. And PART I: THE BASICS/CHAPTER 3 statewide, as many as 42 million tons of compost could be used annually within a 50 -mile radius of urban centers with populations of more than 100,000. The researchers imposed the distance constraint of a 50 -mile radius based on the perceived limited economic viability of shipping farther than 50 miles. In other words, the potential use for composted products in Florida is more than 7.5 times the amount of compost that could be produced each year. In 1992, the average annual rate of compost penetration in U.S. markets was less than 2% of its potential uses (Slivka et al., 1992). If the rate of compost penetration in the Florida market follows the national trend, compost use in the state is only ` about 840,000 tons a year. Clearly, Florida has a market development challenge, not a lack of market. Developing a Viable Market For any type of compost to be marketable, regardless of origin, it must pass minimum product standards for protection of public health and the environ- ment. And commercial compost must consistently meet the Am SFmUI.n'OuR Cemneuom BIOMASS PRoaRAR9 UNIVERSnY OF FLORIDA GAIN MLE, Fw;uoA requirements of end uses, which may vary widely. Many commu- nities are finding it necessary to meet or exceed all the require- ments, and then put additional efforts into marketing strategies that involve education and market development. The long-term feasibility of commercial composting depends largely upon building a market by demonstrating safe use and estab- lishing benefits, both practical ani financial. Table 3-1 outlines the steps recommended for successful compost market development. Establishing Market Niches and Overcoming Barriers New commercial cornposters are discovering that not all com- post users are created equal. Each requires a specific product, and the range of quality may vary widely. For example, high-value end -uses, such as a growing medium for landscape nurseries, require refined, mature, high quality composts. On the other hand, lower -value end -uses, including use as a landfill cover or in reclamation of surface mines, can accept any class of general - use compost. Experienced com- post marketers have discovered that a low -quality compost will COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 15 CNAPfER 3: DEVELOPING A MARKET FOR COMPOST PRODUCTS Table 3l. Steps for Successful Compost Market Development I. Conduct Market Assessments A. Identify market requirements for compost product(s) B. Assess market capacity (current and potential) H. Conduct chemical analyses on compost and plant tissues A. Demonstrate the limits in heavy metals and toxic material content B. Demonstrate the absence of odors and pathogens C. Define methods to assure maturity and stability M. Demonstrate the benefits of compost application and the values associated with these benefits: Benefits Associated values Increased water -holding Water conservation capacity Increased cation -exchange Fertilizer saving capacity Improved plant growth Yield increase response Suppression of diseases Pesticide reduction IV. Develop ongoing working relationship with end- users through educational programa A. Workshops B. Field days C. Fact sheets D. Media outreach to grower associations E. Publication of findings in regional newsletters and trade journals not be marketed successfully to high-value end-users, nor will a low -value end-user pay the premium price for high quality compost Yet both groups will require a safe and reliable product. Easing Concerns Over Compost Quality Quality is a function of the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of compost. Desirable physical characteristics 16 COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA of compost include a dark color, uniform particle size, a pleasant earthy odor, the absence of physical contaminants (such as glass or plastics), consistency, and moisture content of approxi- mately 50%. Desirable chemical characteristics include balanced nutrient levels (nitrogen - phosphorus -potassium, and other elements) and low levels of heavy metals, PCBs, pesticides and salts. In terms of desirable biological characteristics, the compost must be mature, with high organic -mat- ter content, and be free of pathogens and weed seeds. One of the most important steps in improving compost quality is minimizing the presence of hazardous materials such as heavy metals. The highest quality compost with the lowest levels of potentially harmful contaminants — particularly heavy metals and physical contaminants — is derived from source -separated organic materials that were not mixed with other materials during collection or composting. Following the trend in Europe, the United States is beginning to move away from mixed MSW and toward source -separated organic composting. (For more on quality assurance of compost, see page 21.) Meeting the Needs of the Consumer As with all successful products in the marketplace, compost must meet the requirements of the end-user. Three factors are of particular importance to compost users: availability, cost, and quality. Compost must be consistently available for end-users when they need it. If they choose to haul it themselves, it must be in an easily accessible location. The cost of compost is a composite of the costs of the product, its trans- portation and its application. Although availability and cost are important factors in the development of compost markets, it appears that quality may be the decisive factor. It is often stated that high-quality compost will always find a market. Teaching Consumers to Trust Compost Communities with commer- cial composting facilities have discovered that producing the finest product and making it conveniently available are not enough to entice some potential consumers to try compost. A solid educational program is necessary in order to substantiate the benefits of using the product. Fortunately, scientists and educa- tors at the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida (Smith and Shiralipour, 1997) have done much work in communities to build convincing arguments that commercial composts are safe and can be used beneficially CHAPTER 3. DEVELOPING A MARKET FOR COMPOST PRODUCTS (Gallaher 1995b). First, the IFAS team designed a set of projects to demonstrate the absence of pesti- cides in commercial composts and is now studying the process for biological remediation during composting. Additionally, the scientists proved that they could measure compost maturity and stability and indicate nitrogen availability. Next, they demon- strated low levels of compost toxic metal contents and the low levels of these metals in crop parts. Finally, they established that applying compost improved physical and chemical properties of soils for vegetable crops, assisted in retention of water and nutrients in turfgrass soils, and helped establish woody ornamen- tals in landscape beds. Through the efforts of IFAS scientists, communities now have the educa- tional tools they need to convince potential consumers that applying mature compost is a beneficial and economically viable alternative to conventional soil treatments. QF COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 17 PART 2: REGULATORY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ISSUES/CHAPTER 4 Regulations Affecting Compost Production and Use Federal and state regulations focus on safety of compost products. Regulations affecting compost and its use address both product procurement provisions and environmental requirements. Procurement provisions are aimed at encouraging markets for recycled products. Environmental regulations set limits needed to classify compost so it can be used safely. Both federal and state regulations address these issues. Federal Regulations for Product Procurement The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guide- lines for procurement of compost are contained in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 247. Only one provision specifi- cally mentions compost — Section 247.15, which concerns landscaping products. This provision includes compost "made from yard trimmings, leaves, and/or grass clippings for use in landscaping, seeding or grass or other plants on roadsides and embankments, as a nutritious mulch under trees and shrubs, and in erosion control and soil reclamation." This section also includes hydraulic mulch products containing recovered wood used for hydroseeding and as an over -spray for straw mulch in 18 COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA RL"cmE Jova. FtoRmA DEPARTMENT 0. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TALLAHASSEE, FLORmA landscaping, erosion control, and State Requirements for soil reclamation. Title 40 Product Procurement regulations can be accessed at the Florida recognizes that EPA web site at compost is an important h t t p: //www.epa.gov/epacfr40/ component of recycling. Section (Environmental Protection CFR 403.7065, Florida Statute (ES.), Pilot). requires state agencies, as well as The EPA has also developed j others who use state funds, to a series of fact sheets for its procure products or materials "Buy -Recycled" program. The with recycled content where they fact sheet for landscaping are reasonably available. Note p r o d u c t s, EPA530-F-97-034, that the definition of "recycled and other information, including :content" includes composted a list of manufacturers, may be ;materials. Further, specific accessed at provisions for state procurement of compost are found in Section 403.714, ES. This section specifies that state agencies must "procure compost products when they can be substituted for, and cost no more than, regular soil amendment products, provided the compost products meet all applicable state standards, specifications, and regulations." This provision further requires the development of uniform product specifications for procurement and use of compost by all state agencies. Copies of these specifications may be obtained by contacting the Florida Department of Management Services, Division of Purchasing at 4050 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950. http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/ non-hw/procure. him. Federal Regulations for Environmental Requirements The two federal regulations concerning compost are 40 CFR Part 257 and Part 503. Section 257.3-5 contains provisions for the application of municipal solid waste to land used for growing food -chain crops. This section appears to need revisions to reflect adoption of federal biosolids regulations. 40 CFR Part 503 addresses biosolids (also known as sewage sludge or domestic wastewater residuals). These regulations can be accessed at the EPA web site mentioned above. State Environmental Requirements Two Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulations specifically address compost use in Florida, depend- ing on the feedstock processed into the compost product. These are Chapter 62-709 (Criteria for the Production and Use of Compost Made from Solid Waste) and Chapter 62-640 (Domestic Wastewater Residuals), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Copies of these rules can be obtained from the Department's web site at: http://www.dep.state.fl.us or from one of the DEP District Offices. Solid waste State regulations governing the use of compost made from solid waste are found in Chapter 62-709, F.A.C. The majority of this chapter contains requirements for the compost -producing facility itself. However, this rule also con- tains a classification scheme and use restrictions based on the type of compost produced. Compost made from solid waste is classified based on the type of waste processed, compost maturity/stability, the presence of foreign matter, the size of holes in the sieve used to screen the com- post, the organic matter content, and the concentration of heavy metals. The concentration codes used in the classification scheme are identified in Table 4. 1. The values for "Exceptional Quality" limits specified in the federal reg- ulation are included in this table for comparison. Table 4-2 illustrates the classi- fication scheme for composted materials. The requirements for Type Y and Type YM are identi- cal. However, a classification for "yard trash only" was mandated by the Florida legislature. CHAPTER 4: REGULATIONS AFFECTING COMPOST PRODUCTION AND USE TABLE 4-1 Quality Limits for Compost DEP Solid Waste Compost— Concentration Coda EPA etatas IN ata/3100 - Pao 503 Parameter 1 2 3 4 Biosolids Cadmium <15 15-<30 30-100 >100 39 CoPPQ <450 - - 450-<900 ; .. :: .900-3,000, >3,000 1,500 Lead <500 500-<1,000 1,000-1,500 >1,500 300 Nickel<50 - 50-1001 ."100-500 >500 420 Zinc <900 900-<1,800 1,800-10,000 >10,000 2,800 TABLE 4-2 Classification of Compost made from Solid Waste ' This material may not contain any foreign matter, such as glass or metal shards, of a size and shape that can cause injury. Compost maturity, for purposes of this regulation, is determined by whether the compost will reheat to more than 20 degrees Centigrade (36 degrees Fahrenheit) above ambient temperature and the percent reduction in organic matter. Classification of a compost made from solid waste affects how it can be used. Only such composts classified as Y, YM or A have unrestricted distribution. Types B and C are restricted to use by commercial, agricultural, institutional or governmental operations. In other words, the only restriction placed on Types B and C is that they cannot be distributed for use by the general public. Further, only Type B can be used in situations, such as in a park, where contact with the general public is likely. Compost classified as Type D can only be used at landfills or land reclama- tion projects where contact with the general public is not likely. COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 19 Types of Compost Made from Solid Waste Classification criteria Y YM A B C D E Type'of.waatepaoaraed „. Yard trash only X X Mamve or yard trash with maame X X Other than only yard trash or manure X X X X X Product nurhad#.: _ Mature X X X X X ..- semkoatume X X X X Fresh X Fads, mattes contort <2% dry weight X X X' >2%, but <4% dry weight X* >4%, but <10°/ dry weight X X Steve sin and organic matter content <I Omni: organic mniter>25°;,(ttme) X X X X X X <15mm; organic matter>3WO (medium) X< .. X . X X X 125mm; organic matter >35% (coarse) X X X X E f ia" metal concentration by code I X X X X X X _ 2 - X X X 3 X X 4 X ' This material may not contain any foreign matter, such as glass or metal shards, of a size and shape that can cause injury. Compost maturity, for purposes of this regulation, is determined by whether the compost will reheat to more than 20 degrees Centigrade (36 degrees Fahrenheit) above ambient temperature and the percent reduction in organic matter. Classification of a compost made from solid waste affects how it can be used. Only such composts classified as Y, YM or A have unrestricted distribution. Types B and C are restricted to use by commercial, agricultural, institutional or governmental operations. In other words, the only restriction placed on Types B and C is that they cannot be distributed for use by the general public. Further, only Type B can be used in situations, such as in a park, where contact with the general public is likely. Compost classified as Type D can only be used at landfills or land reclama- tion projects where contact with the general public is not likely. COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 19 CHAPTER 4: REGULATIONS AFFECTING COMPOST PRODUCTION AND USE Finally, any solid waste compost classified as Type E must be disposed of in a landfill unless it can be demonstrated that its use will not harm the public or the environment. Most compost products made from solid waste have been classified as Types Y, YM or A. There are also restrictions regarding the total amount of heavy metal that can be applied to soils. These restrictions, expressed as pounds per acre, are cadmium — 4.45; nickel and copper — 111; zinc — 222; and lead —445. As these values are based on the most restrictive soil cation exchange, the rule also contains a provision that allows a user to demonstrate, through an analysis of the cation -exchange capacity and other physical and chemical characteristics of the receiving soil, that a higher application rate would still provide an equal degree of protection. While this section discusses the current requirements, the concentrations for heavy metals in the classification scheme were established in 1989 and were based on the criteria used to regulate biosolids prior to adoption of 40 CFR Part 503 by the Environmental Protection Agency. These EPA standards were also used in the DER's Residuals Rule, Chapter 62-640, F.A.C. Further, not only are the classification concentrations in the Solid Waste Compost Rule out-of-date, they are also based on different risk assumptions and methods of calculation than are the Soil Cleanup Target Levels used for other reuse -type decisions within the Division of Waste Management. Given that Rule 62-709.600(8), F.A.C., stipulates that "compost shall not be used in any manner that will endanger public health and welfare and the environment," and given the need for consistency within the Division for approving reuse projects, it is anticipated that rule development will be initiated to update this rule and to incorporate the Soil Cleanup Target Levels for heavy metals in compost. Biosolids State of Florida regulations governing the use of biosolids are contained in Chapter 62-640, F.A.C. The DEP Division of Water Facilities provided a summary of regulations affecting residuals use in Biosolids Managewent in Florida Beneficial Use of Domestic Wastewater Residuals (DEP May 1997).* Chapter 2 of that document "Regulations Affecting the Beneficial Use of Residuals," addresses residuals classified as "Class A" or "Class B" under both state and federal regulations, and residuals classified as "Class AA' under state regulations. In summary, only biosolids that have received the highest degree of treatment for pathogen reduction and that also meet the most stringent pollutant limits specified in the regulation are designated as Class AA. Most or all of the biosolid compost currently produced in Florida meets the Class AA requirements. These residuals are subject to the "Exceptional Quality" limits specified in the federal regulations and the Class AA limits listed in the state rule. While use of bicsolids meeting these criteria does not require an Agricultural Use Plan, nutrient content information and recommended application rates must be provided to the user. A Matter of Safety It is important to remember that the criteria established in the environmental regulations address product safety and not the requirements of a particular end-user. 0 *Copies are available free of charge from the DEP's Bureau of Water Facilities, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399. 2000MPOST USE IN FLORIDA PART 2: REGULATORY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ISSUES/CHAPTER 5 Compost and Quality Assurance Compost products made with an emphasis on quality and consistency will have no shortage of uses or users. omposts are made from a changing assemblage of organic feedstocks. For this reason, there can be a great deal of variation in the chemical and physical parameters of compost. The quality of the compost can influence the soil's pH, soluble salt levels, exchange capacity, aeration, particle size distribution, bulk density and water -holding capacity. Consequently, the highest quality compost products frequently compare favorably with peat and other high value organic substrates. The low quality compost materials may retard plant growth, and, in extreme cases, may contribute to plant mortality. Plant producers should be aware that certain quality parameters can make the difference between successful and unsuccessful use of compost products. Assessing Compost Quality Parameters Compost products are used in four general ways: (1) as a stand- alone container growing medium, (2) as a component in a container growing medium mixture, (3) as an organic top dressing, and (4) as an incorporated soil amendment. Although there is no perfect GEORGE E. FmFATatcR UNIVERSITY OF FLORaM FORT LAUDERDALE RESEARCn Amr EDUCATION CENTER FORT LAUDERDALE, FLoRau growing medium for all crops under all growing conditions, numerous authors have described general recommendations. For example, for container grown foliage crops, Joiner (198 1) recommends the following general parameters: bulk density: 0.30 grams per centimeter cubed (g/cm3) (dry), 0.60-1.20 g/cm3 (wet); percent pore space: 5-30%; percent water -holding capacity: !. 20-60%;pH: 5.5-6.5; soluble salts: 400-1 ,000 ppm; cation - exchange capacity: 1 0-100 meq/ 100 Cm3. A variety of plant species are sensitive to high salt concentra- tions. Salts in the growth medium disrupt water uptake or directly affect the physical functions of plants. If these types of plants are exposed to high salt concentm- i tions, their growth might be suppressed or seized. Therefore, composts with high salt concentrations could cause i toxicity in sensitive plant species. ` Even a high rate of compost application with low salt content might cause injury in such plants. Thus, a high quality compost physically may be low quality if the salt concentration is high. Of the four general uses for f compost, the stand-alone container growing medium category requires the highest quality compost. When compost products are used as components i in growing medium mixtures or are applied directly to agricultural soils, a lower quality of compost product may be acceptable. For example, Rynk et al. (1992) indicate that a soluble salt concentration of less than 2.5 decisiemen per meter (dS/m) is I necessary for a stand-alone container medium, but a value of i less than 6.0 (dS/m is acceptable when the compost product is to i be used as a component in a growing medium mixture, and a € value of less than 20 dS/m is i acceptable when the compost product is to be used as an incorporated soil amendment. If i salt levels are a concern, it is wise i to wait until a rain or other watering event occurs to dilute the salts. Numerous factors can influence the likelihood that any compost product will have i sufficient quality as a rooting i medium. These include the parent material from which the compost product was made, the pre- processing and postprocessing procedures to which the substrate i was subjected, the amount of time of active composting and the maturity of the compost product, the amount of inert material in the compost product, the COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 21 CHAPTER 5: COMPOST AND QUALITY ASSURANCE concentration of regulated elements (heavy metals), and the presence of pathological microbiological organisms. Parent Material The composition of the parent material can sometimes influence the quality of the compost product. The parent material may affect the particle size, nutrient content and soluble salts in the final product Very fine composts tend to separate and block drainage in pots, while a compost with coarse, fibrous properties creates a porous medi- um that facilitates drainage. For example, a compost made from biosolids (sewage sludge) supports more rapid growth in container - grown vibumum (Viburnum suspension) than do composts made from nitrogen -poor materials such as garbage, urban plant debris, and stable sweepings (Fitzpatrick and Verkade, 199 1). Preprocessing and Postprocessing Procedures employed at the composting facility before and after the active composting period can sometimes influence compost quality. For example, sludges frequently are stabilized and conditioned prior to composting. If a sludge is stabilized by treat- ment with ferric chloride and lime, a common practice in many wastewater treatment facilities, the level of soluble salts in the finished compost product may be significantly higher than in compost made from sludge that had been stabilized using a wet - air oxidation process. When com- posts made from sludges treated with stabilization and conditioning preprocessing procedures were used to grow the non -salt -tolerant container crops Spathiphyllum `Mauna Loa' and Schefflem arboricola, plants grown 220OMP08T USE IN FLORIDA in the compost with higher solu- ble salt levels were significantly smaller than plants grown in composts with lower soluble salts (Figure 5-1). However, both compost products resulted in plants that were significantly larger than those grown in a control medium consisting of 40% peat, 50% pine bark and 10% sand (Fitzpatrick, 1986). Other processing procedures, such as screening, can influence the physical quality of the com- post products by making them more homogenous and, conse- quently, easier for the grower to mix and apply. Smaller plants usually require composts that have passed through small diame- ter screens. Plants grown in large tubs or in soil with incorporated composts may do well with coarser material. Active Cornposting Time and Compost Product Maturity The earliest references on i composting time published in the modern era (e.g., Howard and Wad, 193 1) indicate an optimum composting time of approxi- mately 6 months for mixtures containing 25% of high nitrogen i material, such as animal manure, i and 75% of high carbon material, such as plant debris. Many current commercial compost producers promise a stabilized end product in a much shorter period because of the capability for preprocessing, mixing, aerating and managing moisture content. Producers may feel a strong economic incentive to accelerate active composting into i the shortest possible time period. ! If the processing time is too short, an immature compost may result. Commercial plant producers who purchase compost products from such sources must be mindful of the negative effects associated Figure 5-1.5pathiphyqum 'Mauna Loa' groton in a compost product tlmt laid an average electrical conductivity of 3.9 dS/rn (left) attained an average size of 1.39 Hines the control. Plants gmvn in compost ruith 7.5 dS/m conductivity (middle) attained an average size of 1.19 Hees the control. Control medium conductivity averages 3.5 dS/nu (Fitzpatrick, 1986). with immature composts. These include biological blockage of nitrogen uptake (nitrogen -rob), deformity or death of plant parts by phytotoxic chemicals in imma- ture composts, increased mobility of certain toxic elements in the soil, and similar effects (Jimenez and Garcia, 1989). Many growers who use compost products store newly delivered material for 6-12 months, allowing it to decompose further, as insurance against possible phytotoxic effects. Inert Material Content Certain types of parent materials are often likely to contain noncompostable sub- stances, such as particles of glass, plastic, and metal objects. These materials may be unsightly and hazardous, particularly if the inert materials have sharp edges. If a compost is made exclusively from materials such as yard trim- mings, leaves, or other plant debris, inert material usually is not a problem. If, however, a compost is made from municipal solid waste, inert materials might cause problems, particularly if the parent materials had not been subjected to sufficient preprocess- ing to segregate inert materials. Some states have passed environ- mental regulations limiting the amount of inert materials allowed in compost products. In Florida, state regulations mandate that inert materials may not exceed 2%, by weight, in compost prod- ucts marketed for unrestricted horticultural uses. In other areas, compost producers and brokers have developed self-regulation programs. For example, compost producers in Ohio will not sell a compost product for nursery use if the inert material level exceeds OS%, by weight (Tyler, 1993). Regulated Elements One of the almost universal concerns related to compost use is the question of regulated ele- ments. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued recommendations for the maximum permissible levels of 10 heavy metals in compost products: arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium and zinc. Many states have passed their own regulations, using the federal recommendations as guidelines. While there can be substantial differences in heavy metal concentrations between different types of compost products that may be attributable to the parent material and the relative level of preprocessing, the overwhelming majority of compost products available at the present time fall well within federal and state guidelines (Chaney and Ryan, 1993). In fact, commercial composts in Florida are required to meet these guide- lines. The safety of compost products is further assured by the reduction of toxic heavy metals in waste streams brought about by the implementation of industrial pretreatment programs, as well as by quality control programs CHAPTER 5: COMPOST AND QUALITY ASSURANCE practiced by commercial compost producers and monitored by governmental regulatory authorities. Biological Status A common concern held by many people relative to compost use is the possible presence of pathogenic organisms. The high temperatures reached during active composting (from 130 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit) have been shown to reduce to insignifi- cant levels any pathogens that might have been present in the parent material (Burge, 1983; Haug, 1993). However, since commercial composting is frequently conducted on a large scale, involving hundreds of tons per day, questions have been raised about whether cool spots exist in places within active com- post piles and whether pathogenic organisms could reinoculate the final product. These issues are normally addressed by examining representative samples of compost products and conducting microbiological screenings. Usually, the pathogens themselves are not cultured. Rather, the compost samples are tested for the presence of indicator organisms, such as fecal coliform bacteria. Indicator organism tests are simple, reliable and are required by both federal and state regulations. They serve as an additional safeguard to insure the maintenance of compost quality, and safety. Another microbiological issue of concern is the presence of the ubiquitous thereto -tolerant fungus Aspergilimfumigaars, a saprophyte frequently found in decaying organic materials. A. fumigatus is one of the relatively few fungi that can be pathogenic to humans, since the human body temperature, 37 degrees C, is the optimum temperature for its growth (Oliver, 1994). However, the relatively small number of confirmed cases of aspergillosis, coupled with the ubiquity of A. fumigatus in the environment, implies that the susceptibility of humans is rather low. A recent review of the literature indicates that humans with suppressed immune systems may become ill after only minimal exposure to A. fumigatus. But healthy individuals from the general population appear to show no significant health impacts from exposure to this fungus (Maritato et al., 1992). Moreover, the average hor icul- rural worker is exposed to many substrates containing A, fumigatus, such as soil, peat, sawdust, wood chips, and other products. If horticultural workers do not experience any aspergillosis symptoms from contact with these kinds of products, it is not any more likely that they would experience symptoms as a result from exposure to compost products. Weed seeds are also a concern. Shiralipour (1990) and McConnell placed weed seeds in plastic mesh bags, which were then placed in composting piles. Exposure of the weed seeds to [ temperatures of 150 degrees Fahrenheit for only a few hours was adequate to kill the weeds. Growing Possibilities for Quality Compost The potential for using compost by agricultural interests is great. If compost products are made with an emphasis on quality and consistency, it is likely that use of these materials will continue to expand in crop production. O COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 23 PART 2: REGULATORY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ISSUES/CHAPTER 6 How to Produce High Quality Compost The right mix of raw materials combined with state-of-the- art technology yields a high quality end product. Acompost recipe usually is a combination of organic materials, or feedstocks, capable of producing a balanced end product, one that is nontoxic to plants, people, that improves soil Common fodder includes tree bark, manure, leaves, PATRICK D. BYERS SOLID WAsra AUTHORITY Or PALM Bum COUNTY WFsr PALM BEACH, FLORIDA homogenous mix. Many combi- nations can be tried and mixes can be changed often, based on the availability and uniformity of the raw materials and the needs of and animals and the market. quality. for composting Common cardboard, food waste, soiled paper, wastewater residuals (biosolids), grass clippings, tree trimmings — in effect, just about anything organic and biodegrad- able in nature. A balanced recipe must also factor in such parame- ters as proper moisture levels, carbon -to -nitrogen ratio, particle size, and porosity of the final mix. Sometimes, it is necessary to analyze the physical and chemical characteristics of individual organic sources to help develop recipes. Certain organic materials, for instance, may contain contam ination from sources such as heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, or salts. Care must be taken to limit the contamination of mw materials. After the raw materials have been selected, they must be combined prior to composting. Mixing can be done in special units designed for this purpose or by front end bucket loaders that pick up and toss materials into a 24COM OST USE IN FLORIDA Cornposting Systems Composting technology can he as simple as using a pitchfork and people power, or as sophisti- cated as computer -controlled, state-of-the-art machines will allow. Generally speaking, the better the technology that is used, the higher is the quality of the compost. Three types of compost technologies currently are the most widely used: Windrow composting, the least sophisticated of the three, involves placing a mixture of organic waste materials into long, narrow piles approximately six feet high by twelve feet wide and as long as is necessary. The compost process is accelerated by frequent turning of the windrow with a front-end loader or custom designed machinery built for this purpose. Turning fluffs the pile and increases porosity of the mixture, which helps to improve the introduction of ambient air into the windrow. Aerated static pile composting provides for mechanical i introduction of ambient air and requires no turning of the organic i mixture once the pile is formed. By controlling air mechanically, this process allows the use of larger piles. When composting with this method, an air plenum is constructed and the organic mixture is placed in piles on top of the air plenum. Piles are built as high as equipment allows, normally eight to twelve feet. Air is either pushed into or pulled from the pile by a blower connected to the air plenum system. Aerated static piles can be constructed individually or in extended piles. Individual piles, constructed all at once, allow the processing to occur in batches. ` Extended piles consist of a series of cells created over the course of many days and stacked against each other to form one long rectangular pile. A temperature sensor placed within the pile works in conjunction with the blower to control temperature and oxygen concentrations within the pile. In -vessel composting involves confining the compost process to a variety of containers or vessels. Different in -vessel systems use a variety of methods to enhance and accelerate the compost process. However, each system usually includes some method for CHAPTER 6: HOW TO PRODUCE HIGH QUALITY COMPOST aeration, mixing, compost process been met and the desired compost more on block stockpiling, see temperature control, and contain- produced. Common test methods page 26.) ment of odors. In -vessel systems measure the carbon -to -nitrogen generally are the most costly of ratio, respiration rate, moisture, Finishing the three major technologies pH, and weed seeds. Additional Finishing, or post -processing, because of high capital construc- tests are run based on regulatory, i is usually undertaken to provide a tion costs. Most are proprietary environmental, or end-use uniform and customized product systems that require greater requirements. that is acceptable and marketable operation and maintenance to customers. Considerations expenses and a higher skill level Curing include particle size, moisture to operate. The curing process further content, carbon -to -nitrogen ratio, Once a recipe has been assures that a uniform and well- color, texture, removal of contain - established, the mixture will be digested compost is produced. inants, and nutrient and bacterial incorporated into the compost The length of the curing period content Finishing can include technology chosen, either depends on how well the organic screening, blending, introducing windrow, aerated static pile, or materials were decomposed additional nutrients and bacteria, in -vessel composting. These during the digestion process and drying, and bagging. technologies were designed to on the ultimate end-use of the The most common finishing accelerate the decomposition compost. practice is screening, which can process of organic materials. How During the curing period, the significantly improve the value these processes are managed will compost continues to decompose and quality of compost to be dis- either speed up or slow down the but at a slower rate than that tributed. Screening can improve decomposition process, ultimately which occurs during digestion. the appearance, texture, nutrient influencing the quality and cost of This continued decomposition content, and carbon -to -nitrogen the product. improves the compost characteris- ratio of the compost, as well as tics and is an important part of remove unwanted materials. Digestion the overall composting process Screening also creates fractions During the composting quality control program. i for specific end uses. process, microorganisms occur- Maintaining aerobic condi- The economics of finishing ring naturally in organic materials i tions in curing piles is usually also should be considered. The transform them into compost difficult to achieve. Anaerobic costs of finishing should be through digestion. That is, the conditions can develop which evaluated along with the value microorganisms break down the may lead to odors and the and demand for the product. various organic materials into development of compounds that simple compounds that are more could be detrimental to plants. If Storage uniform and biologically less compost is to be distributed from Maintaining some inventory active. In order to accelerate the curing piles, it should be turned of finished compost products is composting process, these two to three times to release : usually inevitable. Storage of organisms need an environment odors and reintroduce aerobic i compost materials may also be that allows them to flourish. conditions prior to distribution. i accomplished throughout the The main aspects for proper Curing can occur outside or curing, finishing, and distribution management in the composting under -cover. Under -cover i processes. process include temperature, operations usually have fewer Storage of materials can be aeration, and moisture control problems because rainfall does under -cover, in containers, or Low temperatures are indicative i not factor into the curing process. outside. Under -cover and of reduced microorganism When curing outside, considera- container .storage will help activity and could indicate a lack tion should be given to the effects prevent the effect of weather of oxygen or inadequate moisture of rainfall, which can be either conditions on materials. conditions. Most often, low beneficial or detrimental, Container storage will also allow temperatures are the result of lack depending on the moisture the potential for control of odors, of oxygen. i content of the compost. Good if necessary. Outside storage Once the composting process drainage, a solid base for usually is the least costly but can is believed to be complete, testing equipment operations, and large be the most problematic. Outside should be performed to ensure block curing stockpiles will storage considerations include the that the composting goals have maintain compost quality. (For type of storage pad stormwater COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 2S CHAPTER 6: HOW TO PRODUCE HIGH QUALITY COMPOST drainage and collection, odor i use of block stockpiling. Block potential, and Mother Nature. An stockpiling is the process of improved area that manages making piles as high as possible stormwater to reduce the effects without running equipment up on on the materials is essential. I the sides of stockpiles, and as Movement of materials when the long and wide as possible, taking wind direction is away from into consideration fire prevention homes, businesses, or other needs. Block stockpiling reduces receptors is important. the surface exposure of materials Sizing of stockpiles to to outside weather conditions. prevent weather conditions from i Because of the insulating affecting materials includes the characteristics of compost 260OMPOST USE IN FLORIDA materials, higher heat levels are i also maintained within the storage pile to prevent the reintroduction of weed seeds and € human disease -causing bacteria. Typically, the heat generated from the composting process will also prevent rainfall from i affecting the compost. Most j moisture that falls on the block stockpile will evaporate within a few days. (1) PART 3: AGRICULTURAL USES FOR COMPOST IN FLORIDA/CHAPTER 7 The Effects of Compost on Soil When used as a soil amendment, compost can improve soil quality, help conserve watev, and may reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides. hen used in sufficient amounts, compost has both an immediate and long-temr positive impact on soil properties. Compost products provide a more stabilized form of organic matter than raw wastes and can improve such physical properties as water -holding capacity, water infiltration, water content, aeration and permeabili- ty, soil aggregation and rooting depth. Compost products also decrease soil crusting, bulk density, runoff, and erosion. The chemical properties of soils that have been treated with compost are often improved, as well, as soil biological activities. water -holding capacity increased by 43 percent (McConnell et al., 1993). In Gallaher's usage of compost in a corn crop, the compost treatment increased soil water storage by an amount equivalent to two acre -inches of rainfall or irrigation (Gallaher and McSorley, 1994). In sandy soils of Florida wit low water retention, both the frequency of irrigation in agricultural farms and energy consumption resulting from wat pumping should decrease as a result of compost application. are Soil Bulk Density Water -Holding Capacity The application of compost products can markedly increase the water -holding capacity of soils. The increase is attributed to improved pore size distribution (Pagliai et al., 1981). Pores in the range of OS -50 micromillimeters (mm), called storage pores, hold water necessary for growth of plants and microorganisms. Most mineral soils used for an agricultural purpose should receive compost rates of 10 to 15 tons/acre to increase water - holding capacity by five to 10 percent. When 146 tons/acre of MSW compost was applied, the h er The use of heavy equipment for crop planting and harvesting increases soil bulk density of agricultural soils due to compaction. This causes limitation of pore spaces, which decreases the aeration and water - holding capacity of soils. The incorporation of compost products in compacted soils, on the other hand decreases bulk density and increases pore volume, the rate of water infiltration and the volume of air in the soil medium (McConnell et al., 1993). The reduction in bulk density of mineral soils depends on the rates of compost application, the soil type, and the degree of soil compaction. Azrz SmISALWoua C.R BIOMASS PaooFAas U�asrry OF FLoRmA GAQiF.Svn _S, FYoamA Soil Erosion Compost plays an important role in control of erosion by both water and wind. The degree of soil erosion by water depends on the strength of soil aggregates to withstand raindrop impact and surface flow. Composts with high organic matter content perform well for controlling erosion by water. For controlling wind erosion, long-term research has shown that use of normal-size MSW compost is more effective than the very fine variety' Small particle size and lightweight compost products are susceptible to wind erosion under and conditions. Soil PH Soil pH affects the availability and absorption of nutrients by plants, particularly micronutri- ents. Most compost products have a near neutral or slightly alkaline pH with a high buffering capacity. Elevation of pH by compost application can bring about strong absorption of and, in some cases, precipitation of cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in soil particles, result- ing in lower accumulations of these elements in plant tissues. Most agronomic crops grow well when the soil pH is between 6.0 and 7.0. Addition of compost COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 27 CHAPTER 7. THE EFFECTS OF COMPOST ON SOIL to acid soils and subsequent pH low. One reason is that release of technology used to produce the elevation reduces or eliminates nitrogen from an organic source compost. The nitrogen - aluminum (Al) or manganese such as compost is in a mineral phosphorous -potassium (N -P -K) (Mn) toxicity, which can occur form that is unavailable to plant ratio of most composted MSW is when soil pH is below 5.5. roots. Compost nitrogen is a such that application to soils at a (Hernando et al., 1989). valuable slow released nitrogen : rate selected to satisfy the The change in pH values of source. The rate of microbial nitrogen needs of a crop might mineral soils by compost applica- mineralization and release of result in excess additions of tion depends upon the composted available nitrogen from structural phosphorus and insufficient levels material and the initial soil pH forms in the compost depend on of potassium. Consequently, the and the soil's buffering capacity. the local climate and the soil type. use of supplemental fertilizes Incorporation of compost at rates The first year rate may vary from may be required to bring the of 10 to 20 tons/acre usually I 5% to more than 75% (Sommers nutrient levels in balance with increases by 0.5 to 1 .O and Giordano, 1984). crop demand. As with all fertil- unit in acid soils (Hernando et al., : Because of the warts and ization practices, the amounts of 1989). humid climate and sandy soils in nitrogen, phosphorus and Florida, the rate of nitrogen potassium required for crop Cation -Exchange Capacity mineralization is very high; there- production are best determined Cation -exchange capacity fore, plant response to compost by soil testing. (CEC) is the sum total exchange- nitrogen is much quicker than in The quantity of other macro able cations that soil can absorb. cold regions of the U.S., such as and microelements in compost Cation -exchange capacity of soils the northeast, with lower annual products depends on the feed - is important in retaining nutrients rainfall and heavier soils. stock's type and origin and the against leaching by irrigation Incorporation of compost method of compost production. water or rainfall. Sandy soils tend types with high carbon -to- Their availability is also to show the greatest increase in : nitrogen ratios will elevate the .' controlled by mineralization or CEC by compost application. In a carbon -to -nitrogen ratios of soils. compost decomposition rate. Florida sandy soil, a compost A soil carbon -to -nitrogen ratio : Nevertheless, keep in mind that application rate of 15 tons/acre above 30 causes nitrogen composts are seldom used as increased CEC by about 10% i immobilization, or nitrogen -rob, fertilizer but as an overall soil (Hortenstine and Rothwell, 1973). and nitrogen deficiency in plants. conditioner. High rates of compost application Nitrogen -rob occurs when micro - (more than 10 tons/acre) organisms consume the available Soil Microorganisms increased soil CEC, while low plant nitrogen in the soil in order The activity of soil micro - rates (less than 10 tons/acre) did to decompose the compost. organisms is affected by compost not change or had minimal effect Application of nitrogen as a application. Microorganisms play on CEC. Research results indicate mineral fertilizer usually corrects an important role in decomposi- that application rates of 15 to 30 this type of nitrogen deficiency. tion of soil organic matter, which tons/ acre would increase the Alternatively, if cropping can be i leads to formation of humus and CEC of most mineral soils used delayed a few months, the available plant nutrients. An in - for agricultural purposes by a compost will stabilize in the soil, crease in soil organic matter con - minimum of 10% (McConnell et correcting the problem. tent through compost application a1., 1993). Application of compost as a can promote mot activity, as spe- soil amendment reduces nitrogen cific fungi function symbiotically Nutrient Content leaching from soil. Therefore, with roots, assisting them in the Although compost products utilization of compost as a soil extraction of nutrients from soils. contain a considerable quantity of amendment could reduce the macro and microelements, the amount of commercial nitrogen Earthworms nutrient content of compost prod- fertilizer applied and decrease the The population of earth- ucts is lower than commonly used possibility of nitrate groundwater worms is also increased by the chemical fertilizers. And although contamination (Shiralipour et al., addition of sufficient levels of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) : 1992b). compost products. The soil contents of compost are higher The nitrogen content of a movements and tunneling by the than most agricultural soils, the composted product depends on earthworms results in enhanced availabilities of these nutrients are the feedstock and processing aeration and water infiltration. 2g COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA Soil -Borne Plant Pathogens Application of compost has been advocated by `organic' farmers for many years as a way to reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides and soil fumigants. Indeed, suppression of soil -borne plant pathogens by organics has been well documented by some investigators (Hoitink et al., 1993). This occurs through a CHAPTER T: THE EFFECTS OF COMPOST ON SOIL phenomenon known as antagonism or amensalism. Microorganisms that produce substances toxic to competing populations will naturally have a competitive advantage. For example, a species of bacteria commonly found in compost produces antifungal volatiles (Fiddaman and Rossal, 1993). Hoitink et at. (1993) have shown that wood waste compost was at least as effective as fungicides in controlling Phytophthom root rots. In such cases, it appears that composts increase host vigor and their ability to resist infection by pathogens. Thus, compost application can eliminate or reduce the use of pesticides. O COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 21� PART 3: AGRICULTURAL USES FOR COMPOST IN FLORIDA/CHAPTER 8 The Benefits of MSW Composts in South Florida Compost use offers an economical way to enrich the nutrient poor soils of South Florida. outh Florida has a combina- tion of geographical and environmental conditions that make it unique to the conti- nental United States. Because South Florida is situated on a formerly submerged coral shelf, there is very little naturally occurring topsoil. In addition, the region's subtropical environment ensures a constant, rapid, and continuous degradation of any naturally occurring organics With the exception of the Everglades agricultural region, this has prevented an accumula- tion of rich soils preferred by agricultural producers. However, plenty of warmth, sunlight, and water help compensate for the lack of rich soils. Through the addition of relatively large amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides, bounti- ful good quality crops, including vegetables, tree crops, ornamen- tals, turf, and landscape materials, can be grown successfully. Researchers are now discovering that the addition of composts, especially municipal solid waste composts, can be particularly beneficial in this region. Using MSW Compost in South Florida During the 1992-1993 crop year, approximately 20,000 tons 3000MPOST USE IN FLORIDA of Second Nature MSW compost, produced by Reuter Recycling of Florida, was distributed over 315 acres of South Florida farmlands distributed from Florida City to Boca Raton. Two different compost rates (20 and 40 tons per acre, plus a control rate of 0 tons) were applied at four different locations, with diverse soil types, ranging from sandy to rocky, that produced a variety of crops, including beans, eggplant, pep- pers, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, herbs, and others. In the compost test areas, average crop yield increases of between 28% and 44% were experienced in con- trolled, large-scale research plots in the fields. Results also demonstrated increased nutrients, decreased crop water require- ments, nematode and pathogen suppression, a reduction of the impact of crop production on groundwater supplies, and a reduction in weed populations in compost -amended areas. There were also indications of possible pest suppression in compost - treated areas. While the crop responses to the compost applications were crop -specific, a general trend toward larger plants was observed for most crops. There were also cavy -over crop benefits seen during the following season, with DEAN RICIIARDSON REUTER RECYCLING OF FLORm& PE.�Rou PINES, FLORmA TRoeiw. TItMCAPES MI , FY.oRRM indications of further carry-over through to the third season. Further, the reduction in chemical dependency for crop production will favorably impact both the farmer and the environment in the near future. All of these observations are consistent with results recorded throughout the history of compost production, of the benefits of amending native soils with composts. South Florida is also home to one of the largest ornamental plant production areas in the United States. Tremendous amounts of potting soils and topsoils used in landscaping and container plant production are consumed in South Florida each year. One of the basic compo- nents of potting soils is peat moss. The major topsoil component used for landscaping is muck, a highly degraded form of naturally occurring sedge peat found in limited areas of Florida. The normal function of this material in nature is as a natural water filtration medium that cleanses surface water as it percolates through the ground into the underground aquifers that make up our groundwater. Removal of this sedge peat or muck surface substrate for usage as a potting media or topsoil effectively removes a like amount of natural water purification capability, thus reducing the water quality as well as the amount of clean water available for public consumption. Finding a suitable substitute for the muck and sedge peat fractions of potting medias and topsoils is a critical task. It is becoming increasingly clear that MSW composts appear to have CHAPTER 8: THE BENEFITS OF MSW COMPOSTS IN SOUTH FLORIDA the ability to act as that substitute. Research ongoing at the University of Florida has clearly demonstrated the ability of MSW compost to replace peat moss one-for-one in potting soils. Demonstration projects at a number of different commercial nurseries verified the study results. Landscape topsoil production using MSW composts as one of the major components proved to be a successful commercial endeavor, with the end product having already been i successfully used on numerous landscape projects. Project expansions into turf production and public works are also planned. COMPOST USE IN FLORIOR 31 PART 3: AGRICULTURAL USES FOR COMPOST IN FLORIDA/CHAPTER 9 How Compost Benefits Citrus Crops Applying compost to Florida citrus trees stay reduce disease, stimulate treegrowth and increase crop yield. ttNs is the most economi- cally important and widely planted crop in Florida, covering about 675,000 acres in Central and South Florida. Between 1992 and 1994, more than 10.3 million new trees were planted on sandy soils, mostly low in organic matter, and poor in nutrient exchange and water - holding capacity. Recent studies have demonstrated that compost- ed municipal solid waste (CSMW) and composted urban plant debris (CUPD) may be beneficial to citrus by reducing the incidence of root infection, stimulating growth of young trees, and increasing yield and fruit size in Central Florida citrus groves. The center of the citrus industry is within a 100 -mile radius of a densely populated area of the state, where more than 7 million people produce 5 kg of solid waste per person per day, one that holds the potential for providing the citrus industry with low-cost compost. Potential Uses of Compost in Citrus Groves In citrus nurseries and groves, Phyiophthora nicotianae Breda de Haan (synonym = P. parasitica Dastur) is often an endemic root pathogen that causes girdling of 32CCi-n?03T USE IN FLORIDA the trunk as a result of bark infection, and slow decline in canopy vigor and fruit production ! as a result of rotting of fibrous roots (Graham and Timmer, 1992). Applications of fungicides ! control fungal infection of bark and roots and increase fibrous root density (Timmer et at., 1989). Although fungicides sup- press the pathogens, which leads to increased yields and fruit size of orange and grapefivit trees on Phytophthora-susceptible root- .stocks, yield response is often variable. Therefore, fungicides are i not recommended unless populations of P. nicotianae exceed i a threshold of 10 to 15 propagules per cm3 of soil. When fungicides are used, they usually are applied to the soil through the irrigation system two to three times over several seasons. However, soil -applied pesticides are prone to loss of efficacy after prolonged use and since they are water soluble, have the potential to leach into the groundwater after excessive irrigation or rainfall (Kookna et al., 1995). Fungal resistance to the metalaxyl has been found in Florida nurseries, raising concerns about the long-term usage of this fungicide in citrus groves (Timmer et al., 1998). An alternative strategy to J. H. GRAHAM UNn'ERSITY OF FLoaUuA Cmus RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CENrER LARE ALFRED, FioamA fungicides for sustained control of soil -borne diseases is to periodi- cally apply composted organic materials as amendments to suppress fungal root pathogens. Composted bark, when incorpo- rated into potting media, sup- presses soil -borne diseases of ornamental plants (Hoitink and Grebus, 1994). In Australian avocado groves, root rot caused by P. cinnamoml has been effec- tively controlled by intensive mulching with organic amend- ments and applications of gyp- sum (Broadbent and Baker, 1974). In our studies of citrus, composted waste from different sources reduced the incidence of root infection of citrus seedlings through direct suppression of R nicotianae in soil (Widmer et al., 1998a). We conducted green- house and field studies to examine the potential for compost to suppress Enicotianae and improve root health. Responses of Young Trees to Composted Municipal Waste Three trials from 1991 to 1996 demonstrated that mulch treatments of compost are highly effective for growth stimulation of young citrus trees in newly established groves (Widmer et al., 1996,1998b). Responses were seen CHAPTER R: HOW COMPOST BENEFITS CITRUS CROPS for soils typical of both the ridge interface between the mulch and (Eichelberger, 1994), so mulches and flatwoods production areas. the mineral soil, as was soil did not increase nitrogen status of While greenhouse bioassays i temperature. The proposed major the tree (Widmer et al., 1997). predicted that compost might benefit of CMSW and CUPD, The mulches substantially suppress the pathogen (Widmer et increased soil water availability to improved moisture -holding al., 1998a), populations of P. tree roots, will be further substan- capacity of the soil, as demon- nicotianae were either not affected tiated by measures of soil and stmted for compost applications or even increased by compost. plant water relations. to other Florida crops in similar Despite pathogen activity in Responses of Bearing soils (Obreza and Reeder, 1994; compost -amended soils, the trees Turner at al., 1994). Under more performed nearly as well as those Trees to Compost favorable conditions for water in noninfes[ed soils and signifi- Composted municipal waste uptake, apparently fewer roots cantly better than those in applied as 5- to 10 -cm thick were required to take up water nonamended soils. Stem diameter i mulch layers increased the yield and water mobile nutrients (e.g. and root mass of young trees and fruit size of Marsh grapefruit nitrogen and potassium), bringing increased 20-30% in response to and fruit size of Valencia orange about a 30% decrease in root post -plant treatments with surface i two and three years after applica- density after compost application mulches as well as incorporation tion (Widmer et al., 1997). The in well -drained sand soak soil. treatments at planting. The responses occurred in groves with Hence, trees were able to produce growth response is best explained € marginal soils and ill -adapted more and larger fruit instead of by increased tolerance to the rootstocks that were predisposed supporting the high density of disease rather than pathogen to damaging populations of P. roots required by a tree in the low suppression. Tolerance is nicotianae. The effect of compost water- and nutrient- holding attributed to improvement of on root density was site-specific. capacity sand. conditions in the root zone for i Compost increased root density of ' In finer textured, high pH more efficient water and nutrient the Valencia sweet orange trees calcareous sand, where root uptake. on Carrizo citrange rootstock in a density was 25-35% of that in the Operationally, the CMSW high pH, limestone -rich soil. sandy soil, compost apparently and CDPD is most effectively and ':, However, compost decreased root worsened the soil conditions efficiently applied with a New density of the Marsh grapefruit (high calcium and somewhat Holland 3000 side -discharge i trees on sour orange rootstock in alkaline pH) that normally limit spreader as a 5- to 10 -cm thick i a low organic matter sand soil ,' performance of certain rootstocks mulch layer within the tree now to i (depressional sand soak). The like Carrizo citrange (Castle et al., cover about 80% of the root i roots in the organic mulch layer 1993). Although the mulch layer system. Although the application Fere usually lighter in color and i provided a favorable site for root rates are quite high, ranging from healthier in appearance than growth in calcareous soil, yield of 150-170 metric tons per hectare, those in the mineral soil below. trees was not increased even after the mulch lasts up to 2 years The mulch layer provided a zone 3 years, before reapplication is necessary. of favorable conditions for growth i Thus, as for young trees, the Reduction of mulch layers to 2-5 and function of fibrous roots. principal effect of the compost cm thick decreased the tree The increase in yield of trees was improvement of soil water - response and may reauire yearly in very sandy, slightly acid soils holding rapacity. This condition re-application to be effective. versus the non -response in i enhanced pathogen reproduction Current trials are designed to calcareous, alkaline soils may be in the mulches because P. establish the optimum rate of related to the root density effect nicotianae was favored by high soil CMSW and CUPD and the of compost at the different sites. moisture (Duncan at al., 1993). mechanism for the growth Trees in the very well drained However, compost appeared to enhancement of young citrus in sand soak soil treated with increase tolerance to low organic matter sandy soils. i CMSW were more densely Phytophthom root rot. The Young trees received foliated and showed little sign of benefits of compost for increasing adequate fertilizer and scheduled water stress compared to the water and nutrient availability in irrigation so compost did not stressed, nontreated trees. CMSW .soils low in organic matter substantially increase their and CUPD have slow mineralize- enhanced root health and uptake nutrient status. Soil water -holding tion rates, due to their moderate efficiency, and thereby reduced capacity was elevated at the to high carbon -to -nitrogen ratios the impact of fibrous root disease COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 33 CHAFFER 9: HOW COMPOST BENEFITS CITRUS CROPS Observations of Cumposted Municipal recently been initiated. A grower/cooperator conducted a Wastes on Florida Citrus preliminary trial with CUPD in Anvxew S. Foca 1996 and reported that the mater- sux-1GY AUtm SourtrEEery FA.nnts ial was very fibrous, containing LAZE Pt'"CM''OEJ]D" palm branch wastes and other Sum -Ray and Southern farms are citrus grove operations of coarse woody residuals that made spreading difficult. The CUPD 9,000 acres in Highlands County, Florida. During the past five material also may have been high years, composted wastes have been applied to "sand soak" in salts. Thus far, residual salts in areas — sandy soils low in organic matter and pour exchange the Bedminster CMSW have not capacity. The following are some of the observations from these been a problem for citrus, due to applications, • the very sandy soils that facilitate rapid leaching of salts and to the Timing long term nature of the response These materials are best applied during a period with on perennial citrus trees (at least frequent rainfall. The summer period, particularly the month of one year to detect growth August, is best. When cumpust is applied during a wet all responses). The CUPD material far better result is acquired, spread in 1997 did not share the problems experienced with the 1996 material, but this points out We have applied municipal wastes composted with biosolids, the need for compost to be consis- urban plant debris campusted with biusulids, wuud mulch tent in quality through time if composted with biusulids, and various forms of composted they are to be used commercially. chicken manure. The campusted wood mulch with biosolids Another major limitation to proved to be the must consistent, and the tree response was proceeding with further trials is lunger lasting. Chicken manure proved to be a good short term the availability of a commercial green -up to carry the trees through stress. applicator with the New Holland or equivalent spreader in south - Placement central Florida. Two cooperators Applications in the tree row seem to give better response than representing about 25,000 acres of applications trunk to trunk across the bed, The tree row commercial grove land are at application should be at a rate of at least two tans per acre. present unable to use compost because they are unwilling to Economics i purchase a spreader, given the A consistent cumpust product is required to enable an high capital cost (approximately efficient application. Suffteient benefit can be achieved if the $10,000-14,000) and the uncertain compost product can be applied under the tree for less than $30 availability of high quality per ton. compost. Nevertheless, our results ' have stimulated their interest in further trials of local compost and probably other soil stresses (approx. 90%) with waste water sources, especially in sandy soils as well. residuals (10%) from Sevierville, with low organic matter. Tennessee, supplied by Our current evaluation of the Current Status Of Bedminster Bioconversion. Co- benefits of compost used as Research on Citrus composted CMW has a favorable mulches focuses on both young Some limitations in the use of carbon -to -nitrogen ratio (19: 1) and old groves in sand soak soils, compost have been encountered. and slow rate of N mineralization where citrus trees have not Foremost is the availability of a (Eichelberger 1994), so nitrogen responded to extra water and high quality source of compost leaching is not a concern. nutrient inputs and, thus, near the citrus industry that can i The local CMSW (Reuter) probably are not manageable be supplied with minimal delivery i tested in the early 199Os is no without soil amendments. cost. Most of the research has longer available because the plant Reduced rates of compost been conducted with a co- shut down. Evaluation of CUPD produced by local municipalities composted municipal solid waste from another source has only in close proximity to the citrus 34comPosT USE IN FLORIDA CINPTER 9: HOW COMPOST BENEFITS CITRUS CROPS Ram 9•1. Composted municipal waste increased growth of young Orlando Tangelo trees on Cleopatra mandarin rootstock 17'% (trees on right) compared to nontreated controls (trees on left) 2.75 years after application to a typical ridge soil (Candler fine sand) of the Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred. Fl9um 9.2. Composted municipal waste (CMU9 is applied to hewing citrus trees with a New Holland 8000 side4scharge spreader as a 5dOcm thick mulch layer within the row to cover about 80% of the root system. The mte at this location ranges from 150-170 metric tans per hectare of treated soil area industry are now under evalua- don to further quantify the benefits and costs of compost applications. Although the responses are positive, it is i unlikely that the horticultural benefits will offset the high cost of production and transport of € compost. However, if landfill space becomes a problem in the future, the cost of production and transport of compost eventually may be home by the municipali- ties. For example, Los Angeles County now pays citrus growers to accept urban plant debris for use in their citrus groves (J. A. Menge, University of California, Riverside, personal communication). 0 COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 35 PART 3: AGRICULTURAL USES FOR COMPOST IN FLORIDA/CHAPTER 10 Growing Field Crops with Compost The use of urban plant debris compost can increase crop yield and decreaseforage costproduction. n Florida, tropical corn is better adapted to local soils than conventional corn varieties usually developed for the midwest. Tropical com acreage in the southern United States increased from about 1,500 acres in 1985 to approximately 45,000 acres in 1991. Recent estimates indicate a potential of 150,000 to 200,000 acres of tropical com with the primary use as a late season planted silage crop. Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench)] is another valuable silage crop that is adapted to late sowing conditions. In Florida, about 18% of the 142,000 acres of full -season com and 5% of the 42,000 acres of double -crop com is grown with conservation tillage management. A significant acreage of soybean (Glycine max L. Men.), cotton (Gossypiurn hirsutum L.), small grains, forages and other crops, such as vegetables, peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), tobacco (Nicotiarm tabacum L.), etc., are also grown on Florida's infertile and highly leachable sandy soils. Land on which these crops are grown offers an opportunity to recycle urban plant debris (UPD, also known as yard waste) in a safe and effective manner, while at the same time increasing crop yield and decreasing cost of 36COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA production. Mulching and addi- tion of organic material also may increase the tolerance of plants to nematode damage. Impact of UPD Compost on Soil Properties Large applications of UPD can have a major impact on improvement in soil quality, often associated with a positive crop response. Soil nutrients. The UPD used in one study had a carbon - to -nitrogen ratio of approximately 35: 1 (Gallaher and McSorley, 1995a). In order to alleviate nitro- gen -rob (N -rob) of crops, the compost needs to be incorporated into the soil a minimum of 3.5 to 4 months before planting to allow equilibration to occur (D.A. Gmetz, Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, personal communica- tion). Nitrogen -rob does not appear to be a major problem when the UPD is used as a mulch and the required addition of nitrogen fertilizer is placed below the mulch (Gallaher and McSorley, 1995a). The cumulative applications of UPD totaled 360, 300, and 240 tonstacre for some treatments depending on the experiment during a 3 -year period. Soil organic matter more than doubled R.N. GALLAHER DEPARTHENT OF AGSONow UNIVE95nY of FYoamA GAINESVILLE, Ror3w in some treatments over a 3 -year period. Significant increases were also measured in soil pH, extractable plant nutrients, cation - exchange capacity and water - holding capacity. Tests are now underway to determine if a reduction in the costly input of fertilizers and lime may be offset by the addition of compost. Soil water storage. UPD compost applied as a mulch resulted in the greatest amount of soil water storage in the top 2 feet of soil in three Florida UPD- treated com experiments. In one experiment, the UPD mulch treat- ment had 2.3 l acre -inches more water stored in the top 2 feet than the control. The estimated value of this soil water storage over the control ranged from $23.92/acre to $41.46/acre, depending on the type of irrigation that would be required to apply the same amount of water. Use of UPD as a mulch conserved 6 to 10% more soil water than the same amount of UPD incorporated, and 40% to 75% more stored soil water compared to no UPD (Gallaher and McSorley, 1994). Long-term effects. All of the soil properties, including organic matter, nitrogen, and cation - exchange capacity, were dramati- cally increased from application of UPD, the magnitude of which CHAPTER 10: GROWING FIELD CROPS WITH COMPOST was highly correlated with the There is evidence that the addi- conventional tillage versus no - amount of UPD applied. Organic tion of certain organic Com- tillage after soil properties have matter reached a peak in the third pounds may stimulate fungal par- been enhanced from use of UPD. year after UPD application and asites of nematodes (Rodriguez- From this same study, it was seemed to be maintained for the Kabana, 1991). However, the concluded that the main benefit next two years at the highest i most important effect of organic ; of UPD against nematodes did UPD rates. Soil nitrogen amendments on plant -parasitic not appear to be reduction of appeared to peak one year after nematodes may be the reduction nematode populations, but the last application of large i of populations from toxic byprod- improved growth and tolerance of amounts of UPD. Extractable ucts of decomposition. Ammonia host plants in nematode -infested nutrients were also increased by and urea were shown to suppress sites. Sweet corn yields were application of UPD (data not several nematode species in tests, equal for UPD treatments both shown). Data seemed to fluctuate and the decomposition of some conventional tillage -incorporate somewhat for phosphorus, forms of organic nitrogen Can and no -tillage -mulch, and both perhaps as a result of more than release byproducts which are i gave yields superior to the Ion- one mechanism, such as farmer toxic to nematodes (Rodriguez- ventional tillage control without fertilization, soil fixation versus Kabana, 1986). The most effective i UPD (Gallaher and McSorley, extractable, and crop uptake. It is of these amendments are those 19956). clear that large quantities of with low carbon -to -nitrogen ratios phosphorus was applied in UPD. that can release ammonia into the Response of Corn to Extractable potassium peaked soil (Rodriguez-Kabana, 1986). j UPD Compost the year of the last application of Regardless of the mechanism ! There was a consistent trend UPD then declined. This may be involved, the addition of organic for Com forage yields to increase consistent with what would be amendments may serve to allevi- i as the cumulative total UPD expected, since large quantities of ate some of the adverse effects on application rate increased. A high potassium are taken up by a corn i crop growth caused by plant- correlation was found between crop, potassium is highly leach- parasitic nematodes. Of the Com forage yield (Table 10-1) and able in a sandy soil, and it is '; plant -parasitic nematodes found all of the soil property variables somewhat replaceable on at some UPD Florida field cam i presented. These data also show exchange sites even though, in ? research sites, Paratrichodoms 1 that the effects of UPD applica- this case, the cation -exchange minor was significantly decreased 1 tion, at the high rates used in capacity had increased. from application of UPD these studies, had a long-term Extractable calcium and (McSorley and Gallaher, 1996). benefit on soil quality and crop magnesium appeared to peak and Other nematodes, such as yield, extending well beyond the be maintained, or in the case of Meloidogyne incognita, were not last year of UPD application calcium, may have even increased consistently affected by compost (1994). It has not yet been deter - after the last year of UPD 1 applications. Effects of the high ! mined how long these benefits applications. i carbon -to -nitrogen -ratio compos[ will persist. The cation -exchange capacity on these agricultural sites may I Increased corn forage yields seemed to peak one year after the provide beneficial effects only from use of UPD ranged from 2.5 last application of large amounts after several years of UPD ton/acre to 6 ton/acre, valued at of UPD. Continued soil analyses application. 34/ton (based on 30% dry of these plots in future years In another study, transplanted i matter), depending upon the would be useful in determining seedlings of squash (Cucur6ita experiment. Increased yield was the duration of the impact that pepo) and okra (Hibiscus escalenhls) positively correlated with the UPD has on continuing changes and the use of conventional increased soil organic matter, in soil variables. tillage incorporated UPD improved soil fertility conditions, appeared to result in best yields and greatly increased soil water Compost Effects On (Gallaher and McSorley, 1995b). storage capacity. Mulched Nematodes i These results were based on limit- no -tillage UPD treatments The increased nutrient levels ed data and a limited time for soil consistently had greater amounts and water -holding capacity of properties to be impacted by of stored soil water compared to soils amended with compost may compost and to translate into the conventional tillage - increase plant tolerance to nema- crop response. Totally different incorporated UPD treatments tode damage (Watson, 1945). results may be found between (Gallaher and McSorley, 1994). COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 37 CHAPTER 10: GROWING FIELD CROPS WITH COMPOST 25 0 ton YWC/a 23 3 0 1993 1999 1995 1996 1997 YEAR Tame 10-E Compost Use and Corn Silage Yield. Cornsilage yield from use of yard waste compost (YLPC) on Haufler Farm, Gainesville, Florida (values of YWC are in ton /acre cumulative from. applications in 1992, 7993 and 1994. In California, test blocks showed that when the organic matter level is raised through large scale addition of organic amendments, impressive changes take place (Woolley, 1995). When the organic matter is doubled to 4%, there is a four- to five -fold increase in water retention, resulting in a 10% to 25% reduction in irrigation required in a normal min year. Further research is required to determine what periodic level of re -treat- ment with compost will sustain these benefits. Economics of Composting In 1989, Florida produced an average of 16 tons per acre corn silage on nearly 20,000 acres of corn silage harvested. Economic benefits from reduction of fertilizer inputs and increased water conservation to coon silage alone could amount to $200 per acre. For example, depending on the nutrient concentrations and ratios in composted waste materials, a typical net return of 3p COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA $322 per acre (30 tons silage per year) from double -cropped cont for silage was reported by Gallaher et al. (1991). If nutrients from biodegrad- able solid waste were used instead of fertilizer to replenish soil nutrients removed by the conn silage crops, the net return would increase to $536 per acre, a net $2 14 per acre increase. If UPD provided these nutrients on 5,000 acres of double -cropped corn silage, a fertilizer savings of over $1,000,000 would be realized the first year alone. These savings were calculated based on the assumption that, because of societal benefits, municipalities wish to recycle biodegradable solid waste on farmland and, therefore, there would be no cost to the farmer for materials, hauling and spreading. Purchase and transportation costs might result in no financial advantage to the farmer for disposal of or use of UPD on sandy soil farmland, even though soil properties and corn forage yields increased. If the cost of UPD and its transport to the field were to be as much as $2/ton, then the advantages of the UPD essentially disappear, and cost would exceed the price of silage at the fanners storage pit (Hildebrand et al., 1997). The challenge for future researchers and policy -makers is to balance societal and economic benefits. PART 3: AGRICULTURAL USES FOR COMPOST IN FLORIDAICHAPTER 11 Use of Composts on Florida's Vegetable Crops When used with care, compost can give Florida's vegetable crops a boost lorida is a major vegetable - producing state, with 418,000 acres under cultivation each year (Florida Agricultural Statistics Services, 1997). Sandy soils used to grow Florida vegetables have low native fertility, so they require relatively high fertilizer inputs. However, minimizing fertilizer leaching or runoff has become important as a result of potential negative environmental impacts. If water and fertilizer conservation could be increased, grower input costs and negative environmental effects could potentially decrease. In recent years, composts produced from a wide range of waste materials have become available in Florida on a large scale (Smith, 1995). While environmental regulators are mainly concerned about trace metal concentrations in compost, growers have different interests once compost has passed regulatory health and safety standards (Ozores-Hampton et al., 1998a). From a commercial vegetable grower's point of view, compost quality is judged by its moisture and nutrient concentration, pH, soluble salts, organic matter concentration, carbon -to -nitrogen (C:N) ratio, water -holding capacity, bulk density, cation -exchange capacity, MONICA P. Ozones-HAnmroN AND THoNr s A. 0IUU2A UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA/INSTrfUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES SOUTHWEST FrmuHA RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CENTER IAMOm EE, FLORIDA particle size, presence of weed seeds, and odor (Ozores- Hampton, et al. 1998a). Pros and Cons of Applying Compost to Vegetable Crops When compost is incor- porated into soil, observed benefits to crop production have been attributed to improved soil physical properties. Compost usually contains large quantities of plant -available micronutrients (Ozores-Hampton or al., 1998a). However, soil improvements are mainly attributed to increased organic matter concentration rather than increased nutrient availability. (Gallardo-Lara and Nogales, 1987). Significant quantities of nutrients (particularly nitrogen, phos- phors, and micron rients) become bioavailable with time as compost decomposes in the soil. Amending soil with compost provides a slow-release source of nutrients, as opposed to mineral fertilizer, which is usually water- soluble and is immediately available to plants. Crop injury has been linked to use of poor -quality compost, such as that from early stages of the composting process (Zucconi et al., 1998a). The type and degree of plant injury is directly related to compost maturity and soluble salt content. Optimum chemical and physical parameters for composts that might be used in vegetable crop production are listed in Table 1 1-1. In Florida, soil application of immature compost consistently resulted in "N -immobilization," where available forms of inorganic N were converted to unavailable organic N followed ' by growth inhibition of vegetable crops such as beans, com, peppers, tomatoes, and squash (Kostewicz, 1993; Gallaher and McSorley, 1994; Bryan et al., 1995). When immature compost is applied and a crop is planted immediately, growth inhibition and stunting may he visible for 40 to 60 days. When using compost with C:N ratios higher than 25 or 30, N fertilizer should be applied, or planting delayed for 6 to 10 weeks to allow the compost to stabilize in the soil (Obreza and Reeder, 1994). Research on vegetable compost utilization in Florida has established several potential applications: soil amendments, soil -borne disease suppression, biological weed control, alternative to polyethylene mulch, and as a transplant media. COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA SO CHAPTER 11: USE OF COMPOSTS ON FLORIDA'S VEGETABLE CROPS TABLE 11.1 Physical properties of compost used in vegetable production'. Physical Properties Optimal Range Effect Moisture (%) 35-55 Higher moisture, increased handling/transportation costs Organic [natter (%) 50 or more - _ Higbei organic matter lowers application rate PH 5.0-8.0 In acidic soil, alkaline compost will raise pH Water holding capacity (WHC) ('A) .20-60 - - Efiliber WHCia& to lower uigarfon frepency Soluble salts (dS-m i) less than 6.0 Higher than 6.0 means potential toxicity Bulk density (lb/cu yd fresh weight) : .5004000 Higher moisture convent meaas a greater bulk density Particle size Passes I inch screen Increase soil porosity -.15-25:1 H*aC:Nratiomum "N-immobt7vation" Maturity (G.I.') Over 60 GI lower than 60 indicates phytotoxicity .Corp stability... -... Stable Lrstab[L'iy can cause"N-hamob[7ization" Weed seeds None Uncomposted materials disseminate weeds Z FDACS, 1995. °G.I= (% seed germination x root length growth in %of control)/ 100. Compost as a Soil Amendment Amending Florida soils with composted materials such as biosolids, MSW, and urban plant debris (UPD) has been reported to increase crop yields of bean, black-eyed pea, okra, tomato, squash, eggplant and bean, water- melon and tomato, corn, and bell pepper (Bryan and Lance, 1991; Ozones -Hampton and Bryan 1993a, 1993b; Ozores-Hampton et al., 1994b; Obreza and Reeder, 1994; Gallaher and McSorley, 1994). In calcareous soil, application rates of biosolids compost as low as 3 to 6 tons/acre resulted in crop yield increases for tomatoes, squash, and beans (Bryan and Lance, 199 1; Ozores-Hampton et al., 1994b). In sandy and calcareous soil, MSW compost application rates of 40 tons/acre resulted in crop yield increases for bean (Obreza and Reeder, 1994). (Figure 1 1- 1) Contradictory crop response results were found when a compost with low nutrient content was compared to a traditional fertilizer program. However, combining such compost and inorganic fertilizer has generally been more effective in producing a positive plant 4000MPOST USE IN FLORIDA response than separate applica- tion of either material alone. One concern of using biosolids or MSW -based composts is the possible presence of unwanted elements in the compost and their uptake by crops. Compost that does not meet EPA 503 standards for metals concentration in biosolids cannot be marketed and is thus unavailable to be applied to agricultural land. Research in Florida on tomatoes and squash grown on calcareous soil where biosolids, MSW, and co - composted biosolids-MS W that met the 503 standards were applied showed no trace metal accumulation in the edible plant parts (Ozores-Hampton et al., 1994b and 1997). If all of Florida's organic fraction of solid waste was converted to compost, it could easily be assimilated by the Florida vegetable industry. If only 20 tons/acre of compost (fresh weight) were applied to each of the 418,000 acres of vegetables annually grown in Florida, 8.4 million tons of compost could be recycled each year (Smith, 1994). The actual rate and frequency of compost use should be deter- mined by compost properties such as nutrient concentration or N mineralization rate, and soil physical and chemical properties. Soil -borne Disease Suppression The colonization of compost by beneficial microorganisms during the latter stages of composting appears to be responsible for inducing disease suppression. Compost does not kill the pathogens that cause disease as fungicides do. Instead, compost controls the pathogens by keeping the beneficial micro- organisms active and growing. Therefore, pathogenic agents either will not germinate or will remain inactive (Ozores-Hampton et al., 1994a). In Florida, few experiments in vegetable crop production under field conditions have investigated the use of compost in controlling soil -borne. pathogens. Municipal solid waste (MSW) was incorporated into calcareous soil in Dade County at 36 and 72 tons/acre and compared to an untreated control (Ozores-Hampton, et al., 1994a). A two -crop rotation of bush beans and southern peas were seeded. Bean emergence and yield were improved by 25% in the CHAPTER 11: USE OF COMPOSTS ON FLORIDA'S VEGETABLE CROPS compost treatment compared to the untreated control. Ashy stem blight of bean caused by Macrophoutiota phasolhta was severe in areas with no compost application, but was almost completely eliminated where MSW compost had been applied (Figure 1 1-2). MSW compost reduced the damage by Rhizoctouia root rot in southern pea considerably compared with the untreated control. In the areas with no compost application, severe infections caused plant stunting and premature death, with significant yield reduction. Biological Weed Control Weed growth suppression is an important attribute of surface - applied mulch. An organic mulch suppresses weeds by its physical presence as a surface cover, or by the action of phytotoxic com- pounds contained in it (Ozores- i Hampton et al., 1998b). Weed seed germination inhibition by burial under mulch is due to the i lack of growth -promoting factors such as light, temperature, or moisture. Chemical effects of phytotoxic compounds (volatile fatty acids and/or ammonia) in compost can decrease weed seed germination. In Florida, a water extract of 3 -week-old UPD and i immature MSW compost i decreased germination of several perennial and annual weeds in i petri dishes (Shiralipour et al., 1991). Under field conditions, application of immature 4 -week- old MSW compost at 3 inches (45 i ton/acre) or greater thickness completely inhibited weed germination and growth for 240 days after treatment in vegetable i crop mw middles. Inhibition of germination or subsequent weed growth may be attributed to both the physical effect of the mulch and the presence of phytotoxic i compounds (fatty acids) in the immature compost (Ozores- Figure 11-2: MS W compost application rales of 72 tons/acre ftnomady eliminated ashy stem blight, Compared with the no compost application (back) on bush beans. COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 41 CI11rrER 11: USE OF COMPOSTS ON FLORIDA'S VEGETABLE CROPS Checklist for Compost Utilization on Vegetable Crops 1. Use of immature compost can cause detrnnemad effects on plant growth. H&h C:N ratio compost can result in N -immobilization if it is below 25:1 to 30:1. We recommend assaying compost for the presence of phytotoxic compounds using a cress seedgenrmurlion test. In this test, a compost sample is saturated with water, and the extract is squeezed from the sample. A portion of the extract is used to moisten filterpaper in a petri dish, on which mess see& are placed and allowed to stout fur 24 hours. The germination index (GI) is measured as GI = ((% cress seed germination x root length in % of the coutrol)100). If GI is less than 60, allow about 90 days between the time of compost application and planting of the crop,., apply nitrogen fertilizer. For example, if cress germination and root length on compost was 40% and 1 inch, and the control 80% and 2 inches, respectively, therefore we obtained a 50% cress seed germination and 50 % root length as % of the control Thus, the GI = 25, indicating immature compost. An alternative measure is to continue contrposting the material to maturity before it is applied. 2. Most vegetable crops are sensitive to high soluble salts, especially when they are direct -seeded We recommend measuring the soluble salts concentration of a saturation extract. If the electrical conductivity (EC) is below 6.0 dS/tn, no salt toxicity should occur. If the EC is above 6.0 DIS/in, the amended soil should be leached by rain or irrigation with water before planting seeds (only a few crops can tolerate this salt Level). 3. Lack of equipment to spread cn tpust in vegetable fields is a concent. We encourage nnnpust facilities to play au active role in developing spreading equipment. Source. Ozores-Hampton et at., 1998a. Hampton et al., 1998a). Similar weed reduction was obtained with i mature MSW compost (100 tons/acre) in row middles of bell pepper compared with an untreated control, but herbicide provided improved weed control over mature compost (Roe et al., 1993b). Alternative to Polyethylene Mulch Polyethylene mulch regulates i soil temperature and moisture, reduces weed seed germination . and leaching of inorganic fertilizer, and is a barrier for soil fumigants. Removal and disposal i of polyethylene mulch has been a 42COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA major production cost to Florida growers. Therefore, utilization of composted waste materials in combination with living mulches in a bell pepper production system was investigated (Roe et al., 1992, and 1993a). Traditional raised beds were covered with polyethylene mulch, MSW, wood chips, or biosolids-UPD co - compost (100 tons/acre), and bed sides were either planted with a St. Augustine grass living mulch or not planted. Bell pepper yields were higher on compost mulch plots than on unmulched plots but lower than on polyethylene - mulched beds. Compost as a Transplant Medium The vegetable transplant industry relies on peat moss as a major ingredient in soilless media (Vavrina and Summerhill, 1992). Peat is an expensive, non- renewable resource. In Florida, alternative soilless media has been investigated to grow tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, and citrus seedlings (Vavrina, 1994; Roe and Kostewicz, 1992); Stoffela et al., 1996). Seed emergence and seedling growth was similar to traditional peat: vermiculite media when peat was partially replaced with compost. Negative growth effects were reported when the medium was 100% compost, especially when immature, unstable compost was used or the compost did not have adequate fiber content to assure a desirable bulk density. O PART 3: AGRICULTURAL USES FOR COMPOST IN FLORIDAICHAPTER 12 Compost Uses for the landscape and Nursery Industries High quality compost frequently compares favorably with GEORGE E. nn ATRiCR ARD peat as a growing medium for Florida's nursery and DENNIS B. MCCONNELL landscape !ants. ENVIRON ICENTAL HoancocT DEPARTN6NT P P U?aVERSMorFLORmA GAues u, Fy.OMA Of all the different agricul- tural uses for compost products, use as a growing medium component in orna- mental crop production frequently receives high priority because of the relatively high value of nursery and greenhouse crops and the continual cultural requirement for organic matter for rooting substrates (Slivka et at., 1992; Tyler, 1993; Tyler, 1996). Every time a container plant is sold, the rooting substrate is sold with it, necessitating the need for new potting mixtures to start new crop production cycles. The attractiveness of ornamental crops as outlets for compost product marketing does not come without cost, however. Since the plant's root system is in direct and continual contact with the compost product, any con- cerns regarding compost quality are most acute with container crops. Plant producers must keep in mind that the way compost products should be used is not necessarily the same way that nat- ural humus products, such as peat, are used. Using Compost for Ornamental Crop Production Compost materials have been used successfully to grow a wide spectrum of nursery crops, from flowering annuals (Wootton et al., 1982) to container -grown tropical trees (Fitzpatrick, 1985). In a demonstration project conducted in 1979-1980 at a commercial nursery in southern Florida, a number of container -grown ornamental species grew to marketable size significantly faster than plants grown in a growing medium composed of 6 peat: 4 sawdust: 1 sand, by volume (Fitzpatrick, 198 1). One of the species tested, dwarf oleander Nerium oleander, grown in 10 -inch diameter containers for 5 months, averaged approximately 1.25 times larger when grown in the compost mixture as compared to the control (Figure 12-1). Moreover, compost products have been successfully used in field nurseries as soil amendments to increase productivity in various tree species (Gouin, 1977 — Gouin and Walker, 1977). Numerous other research studies and reviews have been published on how compost products can be used to improve production of nursery crops. Sanderson (1979) reviewed a large number of published studies and reported significant increases in productivity across a wide variety of nursery crops. More recently, Shiralipour et al. (1992a) reviewed published studies on compost use in a wide variety of crops, including nursery crops, and reported significant increases in crop productivity. Unlike other applications of compost in agriculture, the stand- alone container medium category requires the highest quality of compost. One example of the influence of compost quality on compost performance as a component in a horticultural growing medium is the level of total salts in the substrate. The level of soluble salts in composts made from sludges stabilized with ferric chloride and lime may be considerably higher than in compost made from sludge that has been stabilized using a wet -air oxidation process. One study compared the use of these two types of sludges for growing the non -salt tolerant container crops Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa and Schefflera arboricola. The plants grown in the compost with higher soluble salt levels were signifi- cantly smaller than plants grown in composts with lower soluble salts. However, both compost products resulted in plants that were significantly larger than plants grown in a control medium consisting of 40% peat, 50% pine bark and 10% sand (Fitzpatrick, 1986). COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 43 CHAPTER 12: COMPOST USES FOR THE LANDSCAPE AND NURSERY INDUSTRIES Growers also should be aware provide all of an ornamental that while many compost i crop's requirement. For example, products contain significant levels in one study in which tropical of certain plant nutrients, they i trees were grown in containers, rarely contain these nutrients in the compost products did not sufficient concentrations to provide sufficient nutrients when 44COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA used without fertilization, especially in fast growing trees such as schefflem (Brassaia actinophylla) and West Indian mahogany (Swietienia mabagoni) (Figure 12-2) (Fitzpatrick, 1985). In this same study, slower growing trees, such as pink tabebuia (Tabebuia pallida) and - ;pigeon -plum (Coccoloba "- diaersifolia), grown in biosolids compost and irrigated with secondary treated sewage effluent, grew at rates that were not ': significantly different from rates observed in trees grown in a peat, • '�" pine bark and sand medium s fertilized at normal nursery crop Figure 12-1. Dwarf oleanders (Nerium oleander) grown in 1 0 -inch diameter containers i levels. Apparently, the levels of for 5 months in a trial conducted at a commercial nursery averaged 1.25 times larger nitrogen (N) in the effluent than plants grmvn in a control growing medium comprised of the numnj s standard (average 6.8 mg/L, SD=5.8) were mix of 6 pent:4 sawdusfa sand, by volume (Fitzpatrick, 1987). sufficient to augment nutrients provided by the compost medium i in the slower growing trees, but not in the faster growing species. . Expanding Horizons Careful attention to growing € medium characteristics can allow i faster and more economical production of ornamental crops. Since nursery crops have a recurring need for a growing medium as each growing cycle is completed, compost marketers i have the opportunity to develop products that can be very i attractive to ornamental plant growers. Provided the compost products are made with emphasis Figure 72.2. West Indian mahogany Swietenia mahagoni grown in compost alone with on quality, it is likely that use of no fertilization and irrigated with well water (second from right) did not achieve growth compost materials will continue comparable to trees grown in a peat, pine bark and sand medium fertilized at normal ! to expand in nursery crop nursery crop rates (control (fightO. Trees grown in compost medium with no fertilization and !production. irrigated with sewage effluent (secondfiom left) grew larger thin trees grmun in peat, pine bark and sand medium, with no fertilization and irrigated with secondary effluent. Compost medium did not supply sufficient nutrients in fast growing tress such as nwlwgany and sdief- flem. In slower growing trees, the compost and effluent supported growth rates comparable to the rates observed in the control (Fitzpatrick, 7985). Growers also should be aware provide all of an ornamental that while many compost i crop's requirement. For example, products contain significant levels in one study in which tropical of certain plant nutrients, they i trees were grown in containers, rarely contain these nutrients in the compost products did not sufficient concentrations to provide sufficient nutrients when 44COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA PART 3: AGRICULTURAL USES FOR COMPOST IN FLORIDA/CHAPTER 13 Use of Compost on Turfgrasses Compost may help build better tuitrasses on some 148,888acres ofgolf courses in Florida. here are more than 5 million homes with turfgrass lawns in Florida, and more than 1,300 golf courses, an increase of more than 15 percent since 1994, The average Florida golf course is 114 acres in size. Thus, more than 148,000 acres in Florida are dedi- cated to golf courses. Golf course maintenance expenditures average $3,585 per acre annually. Money generally is available and will be spent by golf courses for mainte- nance practices that are proven to be beneficial. Beneficial Effects of Composts on Turfgrasses in Florida Numerous articles recently have discussed the potential use of compost on golf courses. Most of these focus on using compost for topdressing, and some discuss the use of golf course -generated organic waste as compost feed- stock. However, there is little doc- umentation of actual compost use on golf courses, other than as mulch around ornamental plant- ings. The use of compost as a soil amendment during golf course construction is rarely discussed. Because of a lack of scientific studies aimed specifically at utiliz- ing compost in golf courses in Florida, discussions on the subject will be based upon inferences JOHN L. CIsAR UmvEREm OF FLORIDA FORT LADUEEDA E RESEARCH ANO EDUCATION CENTER FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA A.No GEORGE A. SNYDER UNtvERe[TY Or F ORUDA EVEROLADEE REREARCH AHO EDUCATION CENTER BE= GLIDE, FwmA from uses of composts in other turfgrass situations and from other regions. Detailed, specific, proven recommendations for compost use on golf courses in Florida cannot be given at this time. Of the research that has been conducted on golf courses in Florida, most has related to using compost as a soil amendment to improve the native sand soils which generally are droughty, infertile, and have little capacity to retain nutrients and other agro- chemicals. We have consistently demonstrated that overall turf - grass quality, in terms of visual appearance and vegetative density, is improved by the incorporation of composts in the root zone at rates up to approximately 30% by volume (Cisar and Snyder, 1995; Snyder and Cisar, 1996). In these studies, various municipal com- posts were spread over the soil surface at a depth of approxi- mately two inches and incorporat- ed by rototilling to a depth of approximately six inches. Particularly in the months shortly following compost appli- cation, drought resistance has been observed (Cisar and Snyder, 1995). The time following a min - fall or irrigation event until turf - grass wilting was observed to be increased in those plots that received the compost incorpora- tion. In greenhouse studies, leaching of several organophos- phate insecticides was reduced by compost addition, and the addition of compost did not increase leaching of nitrate or phosphorus (Cisar and Snyder, 1995). Compost clearly provides much needed plant nutrients for turfgrass growth, which is reflected as increased uptake of nutrients by turfgrass grown in compost -amended soils (Table 13- 1). In one compost source study that is still underway, the positive turfgrass growth and visual turf - grass quality effect of compost incorporation has been observable for more than 2.5 years. We believe the major nutri- tional benefit of the compost is due to the quantity of nitrogen it contains, which is slowly released to the turfgrass over time. In this regard, some sources of compost contain more nitrogen than others. Those that are amended with biosolids have analyzed higher in nitrogen than composts made exclusively from urban plant debris, and turfgrass growth has been greater in soils amended with such materials (Snyder and Cisar, 1996). The composts contain other nutrients as well, but some fertilizer may be needed COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 45 CHAPTER 13: USE OF COMPOST ON TURFGRASSES TABLE 13-1 Effects of Compost on Nutrients in Turfgrass Date Element No compost With compost Statistical significance, D/M/Y 0.1 ----(m m`)---- 0.07 8/4/93 .,._N..,"-` -31 ". 37 1.0 0.32 P 9 10 ns - K 19 ` 26 27/4/93 N 23 58 ** .22 *.. 20/5/93 N 205 658 P 45 162 ** K 144 493 7/6/93 N 172 825 "* P 34 189 K 121 649 ** 29/7/93 N 339 855 ** P 98 222. 30/9/93 N 1693 3119 P: 649 1119 K 1342 2811 '*, ", and ns represent P<0.01, 0.05, and P>0. 10, respectively. TABLE 13.2 Relationship Between Turfgrass Topdressing Rates and Depth. Application rate Application depth Yd'/ 1000 ft' inches 0.05 .0.015 0.1 0.03 0.2 0.07 0.3 0.09 0.4 - 0.13 1.0 0.32 to provide a balance of nutrients with respect to the nitrogen content of the compost. In this regard, potassium may be relatively low in some composts. Potential Uses of Compost Amendments in Golf Turf A number of articles have appeared in golf course trade magazines in recent years encour- aging the use of compost on golf courses. However, in most cases, little information is presented that specifically describes the use of compost. For example, Wilkinson (1994) listed many benefits of 46COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA using compost on golf courses, but provided few examples of its use or specifics about using compost on various portions of the course. Thus it appears that the task still remains to combine existing data on the benefits of compost to turfgrass with a consideration of the various possible uses on a golf course in order to suggest methods and markets for compost uses on golf courses. Golf courses can be compart- mentalized into four main sectors: greens, tees, fairways, and roughs. On an area basis, fairways and roughs account for more than 90 percent of the golf course. Although greens and tees constitute only a small portion of the entire area, they receive a vast majority of the overall mainte- nance dollars and effort expended on the course. Greens Construction Modem greens generally are constructed according to rigid specifications delineated by the United States Golf Association (USGA). The specifications allow for inclusion of organic matter in the form of sphagnum peat, but the use of other materials is not recommended. It may be possible to substitute compost for sphag- num peat, but any such mixture should be analyzed in the labora- tory before use to confirm adher- ence to USGA-specifications for the root zone mix. For this rea- son, no blanket recommendation can be made for the use of com- post in greens construction. Topdressing Routine soil application on the surface of greens (topdressing) to control thatch and increase surface smoothness and ball roll on mature and new golf course greens is an essential golf course cultural management operation. Topdressing adds a thin layer of soil, usually no more than 1/8 - inch depth at the surface of the turf, after which it is incorporated by mechanical and physical action with brushes or mats. At this rate, approximately 0.4 cubic yards of topdressing per 1000 ft2 of surface area are required (Table 13-2). Frequency and rates of topdressing are based on targeted use. In Florida, top - dressing is applied to bermuda- grass as often as bi-weekly. Light rates of topdressing are preferred for quality greens (Beard, 1982). Topdressing rates range from 0.05 yards per thousand square feet for well -performing greens with minimal thatch to 0.4 cubic yards per thousand square feet for bermudagrass greens with a thatch problem (Beard, 1982). Greens in Florida generally comprise 6 to 8 thousand square feet each. Topdressing materials should closely match the texture of the existing soil medium if soil root zone modification is not the goal. Soil layering should be avoided as this reduces water and air move- ment through the profile. Thus, topdressing may not consist purely of compost. Instead, topdressing materials generally consist of sand- and soil -sized particles, in addition to organic materials (Beard, 1982). Furthermore, organic matter addition to topdressing is an area i of controversy. Some experts recommend pure sand for top - dressing of greens, as sufficient organic matter is found in thatch (McCarty and Elliott, 1994). On the other hand, Adams and Gibbs (1994) recommend topdressing applications with a low amount of ! organic matter to dilute the resid- ual organic matter and to avoid the increased surface hardness from pure sand applications. Regardless of the philosophy on the benefits of including organic matter in topdressing, many golf course superintendents routinely apply topdressings that have organic matter mixed in as an additive to improve nutrient and water retention. A number of ' organic materials have been used in soil mixtures, with peats being the most popular. Composted leaf ' blade materials generated by the course also have been used. Following current management practices, more compost would be utilized in topdressing for greens than for any other porton of course, because topdressing is not routinely used on the remainder of the course. Greens are mowed ! very closely, so compost used in topdressing must be very fine, and not contain fragments of metal, glass, and plastic. Tees Tees probably could be constructed with 10% by volume compost, or perhaps somewhat more, and there would be an agronomic benefit for the grass. Initial "grow -in" likely would be faster, less fertilizer would be CRAPfER 13: USE OF COMPOST ON TURFGRASSES required for maintenance, and irrigation might be reduced somewhat. Fairways Fairways constitute the bulk of the golf course acreage. Compost probably could be used beneficially in fairways during construction, with incorporation in the surface soil at rates of IO to 20% by volume, and up to 30% in well drained areas. Bunkers and fairway mounds often are droughty and difficult to manage, and compost use in bunker and mound construction might be especially valuable. Utilization of compost in fairway contraction could aid in "grow -in" and main- tenance, reducing the required amount of fertilizer and possibly water for at least several years. Roughs Roughs are second in area only to fairways. Compost incorporation into areas devoted to roughs could be especially useful, since fertilization and irrigation probably could be reduced. In all but poorly drained areas, compost incorporation at rates up to 30% by volume should be permissible. The Role of Compost in Disease Management on Golf Courses Intensively managed golf greens are particularly exposed to stresses caused by plant diseases. In recent years, alternative methods of disease control, including the use of composts and biological control agents, have been suggested (Nelson, 1992). The mechanism of control is thought to be through suppression of disease by either a direct effect of microorganisms in the compost on the pathogen or from more favorable soil conditions which encourage soil microflom diversity, leading to suppression. Cornposting Golf Course Wastes Using golf course leaf blade clippings and other plant -derived materials as an organic amend- ment to topdressing has been an "in-house" practice of some superintendents for a number of years. However, there has been lit- tle scientific study to base recom- mendations for using such materials. Potential problems arising with incorporating organic matter from such sources include introduction of pathogens, weeds, nutrient -rob from poorly composted materials, source inconsistency, and play interrup- tion from poorly sized organic materials. Golf courses may also be limited by low storage capacity and availability of composted topdressing and labor support to adequately prepare the top - dressing materials. Companies that could conduct the compost operation at the golf course, and vendors who could supply composted topdressings, as needed, could fill this marketplace niche (Ostmeyer, 1993). For golf courses that want to do on-site preparation of composted topdressings, few guidelines exist. The dry soil topdressing mix should be sieved to remove large objects and may require fumigation to kill off pathogens, weed seeds, and undesirable vegetative propagules (Beard, 1982). The organic matter fraction portion should be sized to avoid segregation after application to the turf surface. According to Beard (1982), the final preparatory step for the topdressing mix should be composted for a period of up to eight to ten months to regenerate soil flom and fauna. Composted topdressing should be stored in a well -ventilated shed and be sufficiently dry at the time of application (Beard, 1982). O COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 47 PART 3: AGRICULTURAL USES FOR COMPOST IN FLORIDAICHAPTER 14 Compost Use on Forest lands Using compost on Florida's forest lands may be an acceptable means of recycling organic residuals. �. he recycling of composted residuals through forest lands is generally beneficial because of increased growth of limber with a low health risk for the remote human food -chain. Composted waste utilization on forest lands has been documented nationwide and in Florida as an acceptable alternative for waste recycling (Cole et al., 1986; Riekerk, 1986; Jokela et al., 1990). Recycling the slow-release materials carefully and sparingly on the highly absorptive porous forest soils maintains acceptable ecological conditions and runoff water quality. The added organic matter increases the absorptive capacity and decreases the acidity of Florida's forest soils. These processes, in tum, increase the retention of heavy metals against leaching into the water table (Fiskel l and Pritchett, 1979). Compost Utilization in a Slash Pine Plantation Forest This project built upon a previous study of the benefits of compost application to a slash pine flatwoods site prior to planting. In that case, composted MS W application nearly doubled the yield of wood without mea- surable adverse effects (Jokela et al., 1990). The main objectives of 48COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA H. ILIEUM DEPARTMENT OF FOREST RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION UN IVERSITY OF Ft mucA GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA the silvicultural municipal solid waste (MSW) compost utilization study was to investigate the effects of composting on water -holding capacity, soil chemistry, soil/ ground water quality, and tree survival and growth (Riekerk, 1995) and to demonstrate conservation of water by increasing the soil retention capacity with amendments of organic waste products. The sites were in the Austin Cary Memorial Forest near the University of Florida in a cleared area of sandy soil with a 3 ft deep water table, and in a six-year old. slash pine (Pinus elliottii) planta- tion forest on poorly -drained soil. This site design was chosen to evaluate the effects of leaching depth on groundwater contamination, and of weed competition on tree survival. Five -row plots within each site received on average a low (59), medium (96), and high (127) dry ton/acre of compost during the fall of 1992. Half-length 50 ft plots received 100 Ib mixed fertilizer+ 100 lb urea +200 Ib lime (nutrient -only) or 68 dry ton/acre wood chips (carbon - only) to separate their combined effects in compost. The nutrient application with wood chips aver- aged about 50% of the low com- post rate, and that with fertilizer was about 75%. The carbon -to - nitrogen ratio of the compost on the seedling site was 30, on the forest site 34, and of wood chips 58, while the moisture contents were 33%, 26% and 45%, respec- tively. The urea had 46% nitrogen, the lime 28% calcium, and the mixed fertilizer 10% each of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The compost on the cleared site was disked into the soil and then planted with slash pine seedlings, but that on the forested site wasonly top -dressed between tree rows to avoid root damage (Figure 14- l). Compost, surface soil, soil/ground water sampling and analysis lasted only for a year, but periodic tree measurements were continued over 5-1 /2 years. Water -Holding Capacity The data from the seedling site indeed showed reduced soil bulk density, which increased field soil water content of all treatments. The high -rate compost application significantly increased saturated water -holding capacity in the seedling site. Similar results were reported for MSW compost applications up to 20 ton/acre in a young slash pine plantation (Bengston and Comette, 1973). Soil Surface Chemistry The compost treatments increased the pH, mineral and organic matter levels, as could be expected from the relatively high application rates. Similar results have been reported by others (Fiske) l and Pritchett, 1979; Fiskel l et al., 1979). Post-treat- ment organic matter analyses showed a 1.5-2.0 fold increase in organic matter for the high com- post treatments with up to 3% organic matter in the topdressed forest soil. The wood chips with the high i soluble phosphorus content increase the phosphorus in the surface soil as much as it was expected. The high levels of phos- ! phoms in percolating soil water suggest significant leaching, but the lack of a treatment response of the phosphorus level in ground water (at both sites) may have been caused by mineral and biological fixation in the sodic horizon (Fiskel I and Pritchett, 1979). Soil and Ground Water Quality All treatments increased phosphorus levels in soil water of the seedling site, including a Ing- CHAPTER 14: COMPOST USE ON FOREST LANDS nificant rise in phosphorus by the reduced nitrate -nitrogen levels high -rate compost. In contrast, under the wet, organic -rich and the addition of similar rates of neutral pH levels of the high -rate compost to agricultural soils compost, but significant nitrogen under laboratory conditions immobilization may have been reduced water -extractable phos- the dominant process under the phonrs levels by fixation (Graetz, wood chips with a very high car - 1994), bon/nitrogen ratio of 58 (Crmetz, Because of an unexpectedly 1994). The relatively low nitrate high phosphorus level in soil nitrogen level in soil water under water from the control plot of the wood chips of the forest site also forest site, significantly increased suggested nitrogen immobiliza- phosphorus levels could not be tion, but nitrification is low in the demonstrated for the treatments. acid soil of this site (Burger, However, the phosphorus level in 1979). soil water from the control of an The high pH and conductivi- earlier study on the site was about ty levels under the compost layers 0.24 ppm (Burger, 1979), suggest- were generated by the significant- ing significant increases by the ly increased amounts of potassi- treatments. um and calcium in soil water, The highly variable nutrient which in tum were exceeded by levels of soil water were increased those of water-soluble laboratory mostly by an initial flushing € compost extracts. The soil/ effect, with the exception of ground water ratio for copper nitrate -nitrogen in the high -rate (Cu) was similar to that in a compost and wood chip plots of loamy soil column leaching study the seedling site. A comparison of where the process of Cu mobility the average nitrate -nitrogen levels was associated with the soluble in water -extracts with those in soil Cu supply from compost rather water showed much lower ratios than being complexed by dis- under compost than wood chips, solved organic matter that was suggesting nitrification of the trapped by the subsoil large amount of water-soluble (Giusquiani et al., 1992). ammonium -nitrogen in the com- The chemistry of soil water post. Denitrification apparently may be important for tree nutrition; however, that of ground water is of environmental concern. While soil water under all the compost treatments had ' higher levels of nutrient elements than the control, only the high - rate compost application generated ground water quality levels that exceeded accepted standards for a significant time i interval. The main contaminant was nitrate -nitrogen, as was expected from its ionic mobility and its documentation by previous studies (Riekerk, 1986). : Tree Survival and Growth The addition of nutrient -rich MSW compost obviously has a fertilizer effect on plant growth. Figure 141. Applying rompost to an existing pine plantation. COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 49 CHAPTER 14: COMPOST USE ON FOREST LANDS The effect of compost on average - tree volume was a 42% increase by high, 33% by medium and 25% by low applications, while that by wood chips was 33% and fertilizer was 29% after 66 months. The latter responses sug- gest that about half of the com- post effect was derived from the added organic matter (water -hold- ing capacity) and half from improved nutrition. Tree mortality in the fertilizer plot created a plot volume 63% higher than that of the control while the others grouped around 37% more. This compares to about 70 per- cent of biomass weight after 16 years in an earlier study, which is in part due to increased wood 5000MPOST USE IN FLORIDA density with age (Jokela et al., 1990). Recommendations for Compost Application on Forest Lands The information from this study suggests that for a large- scale application, better methods are required for a more even distribution of the compost over the site. Top dressing in an existing pine plantation is feasible with a straight -walled live -bottom wagon, but incorporation may damage the roots. Application of paper -mill sludge pellets with a centrifugal fertilizer spreader has been done operationally in northeast Florida. Compost application rates for tree growth improvement can be as high as 130 dry tonlacre, but transport and application costs and increased tree mortality makes a medium rate of 100 dry ton/acre more effective. In addition, established limits of environmental water quality standards in Florida restrict the application rate for poorly - drained sandy pine flatwoods to 400 lbs/acre of nitrogen per year, or about 100 dry ton/acre of compost every five years. Earlier trials in a plantation establish- ment showed that optimal growth could be realized at 100 tonstacre or less. O PART 3: AGRICULTURAL USES FOR COMPOST IN FLORIDAICHAPTER 15 Reclamation of Phosphate Mine lands with Compost The phosphate mining industry annually reclaims an average of 4,000 to 5,000 acres of mine lands in Florida, making it a viable market for compost products. 1 0h phosphate industry in Florida produces more than 75 percent of the United States' supply of phosphate. The industry is concentrated in five southwest Florida counties that include Hillsborough, Polk, Hardee, Manatee and Desoto, where over 90 percent of Florida's phosphate is mined. In 1996, the mining industry began reclamation at a 100 percent equivalency that requires one acre to be reclaimed for every acre mined. The phosphate mining industry on average reclaims between 4,000 and 5,000 acres a year of mine lands in Florida. Statutory and Economic Considerations The cost to reclaim phos- phate land is between $3,000 and $8,000 per acre. Earth -moving contributes the largest single expense. Mining reclamation costs for `old -lands" — those mined before July 1, 1975 — are subsidized by the State Comptroller from the Minerals Trust Fund, which is funded by a phosphate severance tax. After that date, state statutes required mandatory reclamation of mine lands by the phosphate industry itself. The Comptroller reimburses the industry for reclamation of the old lands at a rate of $4,000 an acre for mined -out areas and $2,500 an acre for clay settling areas and other land fortes. Of the 87,000 acres of old lands mined before 1975, almost half remain to be reclaimed. Traditional Use of Organic Material by the Mining Industry In Florida, the level of organic matter required by the Department of Transportation for establishment of vegetation is 1 percent. Soil found on mined phosphate lands usually has less than one half of one percent organic matter. The mining indus- try manages its soil to recover its organic content. Topsoil found in overburden is set aside for future use. Peat is seldom available. Muck is the primary material used, but its availability varies. Muck is found in wetland areas with depths ranging from a few centimeters to several meters. As part of a permit to mine wetlands, mining companies typically are required to remove and stockpile muck prior to mining and to use it later to reclaim wetlands. At the present time, the pri- mary reclamation activity where organic material may be required is in the re-creation of wetlands. The main reasons to save muck Jw RAGSDALE SANITATION D. -T -T CRY OF ST. PETERSBURG ST. PBTBRSBURO, FLORIDA found on phosphate lands are its ability to provide a low cost source of wetland seeds for plant establishment and its ability to retain moisture during the dry season. Some of the problems experienced by the industry with the mining of muck are: 1) it is not uniform in particle size, 2) it may contain nuisance plant seeds, 3) while stockpiled, its moisture level should be maintained to preserve seed and to avoid wind disbursement, and 4) muck may be found with a relatively low organic content level (around 20 percent.) Wetland creation involves the additional expense of soil recontouring of elevation to create hydrological conditions needed to form wetlands. Another associated cost to the mine com- pany is the processing of muck that includes excavation, transfer, stockpiling and application. Blending of recycled urban plant debris with muck in order to obtain biological diversity of seed is one option for future field trials. To use recycled urban plant debris organic material in wetlands miti- gation projects, it should have the following parameters: 1) be free of weed seed, 2) have a preferred pH range between 5.0 to 6.3) contain a particle size that will not float, COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 51 4) have a level of maturity that releases nitrogen, 5) have an organic content range between 35 and 65 percent. Mining Industry% Past and Present Use of Recycled i Organic Material The industry has had limited exposure to the use of urban plant debris organic material. Historically, there have been a few small scale field experiments where urban plant debris organic material was used in demonstra- tion projects. It has been used in turf establishment on quartz sand slopes and on phosphogypsum stacks. The industry now requires that organic material be particle size -reduced, managed for weed seed and delivered by motor carrier to the reclamation site. Mining activity in Florida is located on the northern edge of the southern climate zone, which is subject to invasive, nuisance plants. For this reason, a weed seed -free material is required. Another concern by the industry is the availability of a sufficient quantity of acceptable material to meet its reclamation needs. i The Industry's Conversion to the Use of Recycled Organic Material The most important indicator i of successful reclamation is plant performance. State regulations allow one year for revegetation and one year for vegetative establishment. Soil that has been mined needs improvement to support vegetation. Addition of organic material results in increased soil fertility and the ability of vegetation to become established and self-sustaining. The use of recycled urban plant debris organic material by the phosphate industry will increase following successful demonstra- 52COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA CHAPTER 15: RECLAMATION OF PHOSPHATE MINE LAND WITH COMPOST tion projects. The industry is now exploring the development of a low cost means of land applica- tion of organic material that does not exceed its present reclamation costs per acre. Future Uses and Benefits of Recycled Yard Waste Organic Material The lands with the greatest potential for use of urban plant debris organic material as a soil amendment are the more sterile upland areas that receive sand tailings and the clay settling areas, where the organic content is less than one half of one percent The successful establishment of turf in upland areas acts as a buffer to fil- ter storm water runoff that reduces water turbidity in wet- lands. Organic material also can be substituted for the application of clay that is placed in sand, where it is used to improve the cation -exchange capacity and moisture retention. The establishment of vegetation aided by the use of organic material will improve the properties of soil structure and reduce soil erosion. The addition of organic material aids the soil's physical and chemical properties by improving cation -exchange capacity, increasing water -holding capacity, reducing the acidity in soils, and providing plant nutri- ents. Soil biological properties are improved by reintroduction of a microbial population in the soil. Sheet cornposting. State regulations regarding the duration of time allowed for completion of reclamation is determined by the size of the land and the character of the soil. On a 400 -acre tract of land, the state normally allows a total of six years, including four years for earth -moving, one year for revegetation and one year for plant establishment A longer reclamation period is allowed for upland soils that contain sand tailings and clay settling. Sheet composting offers a large-scale processing potential but requires, as a precondition, the availability of a large tract of land and ample time. The sheet composting process involves the formation of windrows with specially designed delivery trailers containing live bottoms. The windrows are strategically positioned for the future even distribution of material when spread to a depth of one or two feet over large land areas. At two feet of depth, the sheet composting process accelerates decomposition by creating a lower temperature than found in windrows. This provides a broader range of microbial activity while improving the avail- ability of oxygen and retaining rain water that accumulates on the bottom six inches. At a future date, the remainder of the decom- posed material is cut into the soil prior to plant revegetation. The significance of the scale of operation is illustrated by the fact that, at two feet of depth, an acre will hold 1,000 tons and a 100 -acre tract will hold 100,000 tons. Sand dam. The phosphate industry has reduced its depen- dence on deep well water and now relies heavily on recycling the water used to transport the slurry mix of mined ore. It also uses water as a medium to separate non -phosphate material. Quartz sand is removed from the matrix of ore material and is used to construct dams found in an elaborate network of retention lakes and canals used to remove clay and reuse the water. Quartz sand is low in nutrients and organic matter and has poor water retention qualities. To comply with the requirements of turf establishment on dams constructed of sand, the industry applies a mixture of bahia and CHAPTER 15: RECLAMATION OF PHOSPHATE MINE LAND WITH COMPOST bermuda seed to the dam face wall. The industry reports that, within three years, sympathetic weed growth inundates the seeded areas. Contributing to this condition is the four -to -one slope of the dam and the mid-range size of the quartz sand particle that allows water to percolate, creating and conditions for turf establishment. The industry is interested in experimenting in a field trial over a two -acre area of a sand dam face. Urban plant debris organic material will be blended with the sand at 0, 30 and 50 percent ratios and applied to one foot depth. The year-long demonstra- tion project will attempt to show that, as the material decomposes, it will provide moisture and nutri- ent retention needed to assure extended turf establishment, help- ing to further stabilize the slope. Phosphogypsum stacks. This is another area where the mining industry may be able to use large amounts of urban plant debris organic material. Very little research is available using urban plant debris as a medium amend- ed on slopes. Here the objective is to create soil conditions that improve the establishment and survival of turf grass on phospho- gypsum stacks and that help remediate the effluence impact of surface water runoff that may include soluble salts, fluoride and radon. The establishment of turf on gypsum stacks has proven difficult as a result of a very acidic pH range between 3.0 and 5.0. Composted urban plant debris organic material with a higher pH range of around 8.0 is expected to raise the soil pH while also improving moisture and nutrient retention qualities to the soil. Roadway stabilization. Phosphate mines use long pipeline routes to transport the mined ore slurry to benefaction plants where the phosphate rock is separated. The pipelines require service roads and the routes cross areas high in sand content. Yard waste organic material provides a temporary stabilization material for the road surface while providing texture to the sand and reducing dust. Erosion control. There are watershed areas from rainfall that erode upland areas. Recycled urban plant debris mulch has been effective in reducing erosion when placed in a row or small berm across the top of the area subject to erosion in upland areas. 0 COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 53 GLOSSARY Biosolids: The solid material removed from wastewater after domestic sewage has been processed at wastewater treatment plants. Also known as "residuals" or "sewage sludge" (adapted from Biosolids Management in Florida, 1997). Compost- "Solid waste that has undergone biological decomposi- tion of organic matter, has been disinfected using composting or similar technologies, and has been stabilized to a degree which is potentially beneficial to plant growth and which is used or sold for use as a soil amendment, arti- ficial top soil, growing medium amendment or other similar uses" (Rule 62-701.200(21), Fla. Administrative Code). Contamination: Unwanted material. Physical contaminants can include sbarps, metal fragments, glass, plastic, and stones; chemical contaminants can include trace heavy metals and toxic organic compounds; biological contaminants can include pathogens. In excessive amounts, a contaminant can become a pollutant (adapted from Composting Council, 1994). Curing. The last stage of composting that occurs after most of the readily metabolized material has been decomposed or stabilized. It provides additional biological stabilization (Composting Council, 1994). Feedstock: Organic materials that can be composted. Commonly - used feedstocks include grass clippings and other urban plant debris, biosolids and municipal solid waste. Heavy Metals: A group of metallic elements with concentrations that are regulated because of the potential for toxicity to humans, animals, or plants. Trace elements include copper, nickel, cadmium, lead, mercury, and zinc if present in excessive amounts (Composting Council, 1994). Humus: A complex amorphous aggregate, formed during the microbial decomposition or alteration of plant or animal residues and products synthesized by soil organisms; principal con- stituents are derived of lignins, proteins, and cellulose combined with inorganic soil constituents; dark or black carbon -rich relatively stable residue resulting from the decomposition of organic matter (Composting Council, 1994). Macronutrients: Nutrients used by plants in high quantities. Mature Compost: Material that has gone through the windrow or in -vessel process for "sanitation" and has been sufficiently cured for stability so as not to introduce phytotoxic acids. Mature compost will not deplete soil nitrogen to support additional biological i decomposition but will be beneficial to soil and plants grown in the amended soil (adapted from Composting Council, 1994). the soil against erosion from rain- fall (adapted from Composting Council, 1994). Nitrogen Immobilization (N -rob): A condition in which microorganisms in immature compost consume the available plant nitrogen in the soil to decompose the compost. Allowing the compost to stabilize for a few months before planting or applying nitrogen as a mineral fertilizer usually corrects the problem. i Organic Matter: Any carbons- [ ceous material (exclusive of carbonates) of animal or € vegetable origin, large or small, dead or alive, consisting of hydro- carbons and their derivatives. Pathogens: Organisms or micro- organisms, including bacteria, mold, fungus, virus, and protozoa capable of producing an infection or disease in a susceptible host. Measures to control pathogens include industrial hygiene, effective design and operation for biodegradation of pathogen nutrients and adequate and uniform aeration and tempera- ture/time to assure pathogen destruction (adapted from Composting Council, 1994). Phytotoxins: Toxins that may endanger plant viability or functionality. (Composting Micronutrients: Nutrients ; Council, 1994). required by plants in small quantities but toxic at high levels, Screening: A production step to including boron, chlorine, copper, mechanically classify materials by iron, manganese, molybdenum, i size through the use of screening and zinc. equipment. Mulch: A soil surface cover used to retain moisture by retarding evaporation, discourage weed growth, stabilize temperatures by insulating the soil, and stabilize Soil Conditioner: (Soil Amendment) A soil supplement that physically stabilizes the soil, improves resistance to erosion, increases permeability to air and COMPOST USE IN FLORIDA 55 water, improves texture and resistance to crusting, eases cultivation, or otherwise improves soil physical quality (Composting Council, 1994). Stability: A level of biological activity in a moist, warm, and aerated biomass sample. Unstable biomass consumes nitrogen and oxygen to support biological activity and generates heat, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Unstable, active compost demands nitrogen if applied to 56 C O M P O S T USE IN FLORIDA the soil and can cause nitrogen deficiency in the soil mix and be detrimental to plant growth, even causing death of plants in some cases (Composting Council, 1994). Urban plant debris: Grass clippings and other yard trimmings. i Water Table: The upper surface i of ground water (Cornposting Council, 1994). ;Windrow: An elongated formation of urban plant debris i where the dimension of construction, the particle size, and the manner of rotation provides a state to control i temperatures. Windrows have a large exposed surface area which encourages passive aeration and drying. REFERENCES Adams, W.A. and R. J. Gibbs. (1994) Natural Turf fOrSport and Amenity: Science and Practice. CAB International. Wallingford, UK. Atkinson, C. (1997) NASA tests composters for space. 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Stephens, and Susan Webb' Vegetable gardening offers fresh air, sunshine, exercise, enjoyment, mental therapy, nutritious fresh vegetables, and economic savings, as well as many other benefits (Figure 1). Vegetables can be grown year-round in Florida if attention is paid to the appropriate planting dates (Table 1). Planting dates and other vegetable gardening information are also available as a free mobile app called `Florida Fresh.' Access an app provider for your mobile phone or download it from http://ni.ifas.utl.edu. \%Z Figure 1. Credits: kazoka30/iStock/Thinkstock.com While this guide provides recommendations primarily for traditional home gardens, the information may be useful SP 103 in other situations, such as community gardens, market gardens, and unconventional approaches like container and raised bed gardens (see EDIS publication EN -H1211 Gardening in Raised Beds (http://edis.ifas.uf.edu/ep472). Steps in Gardening Site For convenience, locate the garden near the house on a well -drained site close to a source of water and in a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. With proper care, vegetables may also be included in the landscape among ornamental plants. Coastal sites are also suitable. Where possible, rotate the garden from place to place to help control soil diseases and other pests. Plan Before planting, draw a garden plan that includes the name, location, and planting date(s) of the vegetables you want to grow. Use the planting guide (Table 1) to develop your plan. Make a list of supplies and order or purchase seeds early if you intend to grow your own transplants. The planting guide lists which vegetable seedlings transplant easily and which do not. Vegetables that are difficult to transplant should be seeded directly into the garden or started in containers first. 1. This document is SP 103, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, UFAFAS Extension. Original publication date December 1999. Revised October 2015. Visit the EDIS website at http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu. 2. Sydney Park Brown, associate professor emerita, Environmental Horticulture Department, and adjunct professor, Center for Landscape Conservation and Ecology; DanielleTreadwell, assistant professor, Horticultural Sciences Department, and organic farming specialist, J. M. Stephens, professor emeritus, Horticultural Sciences Department; and Susan Webb, associate professor, Entomology and Nematology Department; UFAFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL 32611. The use of trade names in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information. UFAFAS does not guarantee or warranty the products named, and references to them in this publication do not signify our approval to the exclusion of other products of suitable composition. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational Information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-dlscriminatton with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. For more information on obtaining other UFAFAS Extension publications, contact your county's UFAFAS Extension office. U.S. Department of Agriculture, UFAFAS Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A & M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. NickT. Place, dean for UFAFAS Extension. Soil Preparation Gardeners often plant on whatever soil type is available, but it is usually worthwhile to improve the garden plot with additions of organic matter (see below). Spade or plow the plot at least three weeks before planting. At planting time, rework the soil into a smooth, firm surface. ORGANIC MATTER Most Florida soils are low in organic matter and therefore benefit from the addition of organic matter such as animal manure, rotted leaves, compost, commercial soil mixes, and/or cover crops. Composted organics may be applied at planting time; un -composted organics (such as fresh grass clippings) should be mixed into the soil at least a month before seeding. Due to low and inconsistent levels of nutrients in compost, accompanying applications of inor- ganic or organic fertilizer may be beneficial (See Fertilizing below). Thoroughly mix liberal amounts of un -composted organics in the soil well in advance of planting, preferably at least a month before seeding. Animal manure if used should be spread at a rate of 25-100 pounds per 100 square feet and should be worked into the soil 90-120 days before harvesting any vegetables. See EDIS Publication HS 1215 Organic Vegetable Gardening in Florida (http://edis.ifas.ufl. edu/hs1215). COMPOST Create your own "garden gold" by converting yard wastes to compost (Figure 2). Composting is easy to do and yields a manure -like, organic fertilizer/soil conditioner, which highly benefits Floridas infertile native soils. See EDIS Publication ENE 1065 Compost Tips for the Home Gardener (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/EP323). Figure 2. Credits: OF/IFAS Florida Vegeta Mc Gardening Guide 1. Buy a compost unit or build one from recycled wood Pallets, concrete block, sturdy wire, etc. The minimum size should be 3'x3'x3' 2. Make successive, 12 -inch -thick layers of plant waste— such as leaves, lawn clippings, shredded branches, and wood chips. Kitchen scraps may also be used. 3. Animal (not pet) manure, finished compost, blood meal, or fertilizer can be added to each layer if desired. 4. Moisten each layer and keep the pile moist. 5. Turn the pile frequently to add oxygen and help the decomposition process. 6. Depending on how intensively it is managed, compost should be ready for use in two to twelve months, when plant parts are decomposed. 7. Cover the pile to keep rain from leaching nutrients from it. COVER CROPS (GREEN MANURE) Cover crops can be planted in off-seasons to suppress erosion, weeds, or nematodes. The following cover crops are recommended for Florida gardens: • Summer: cowpea, velvet bean, soybean, and sunflower • Winter: cereal rye (FL 401), crimson clover, and Austrian winter pea. When a cover crop is turned into the soil, the decaying organic matter (green manure) supplies organic matter and nutrients. For more information, see EDIS Publication ENY012 Managing Nematodes for the Non -Commercial Vegetable Garden (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/NG005). ADJUSTING SOIL PH Soil pH is important because it determines how available nutrients are to plants. The best pH range for vegetable gardens on sandy soil is between pH 5.8 and 6.3. If your soil PH is between 5.5 and 7.0, no adjustment in pH needs to be made. If your soil pH is below 5.5, apply lime at a rate recom- mended by a reliable soil testing facility, such as the IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory (http://soilslab.ifas,utl. edu/). Two to three pounds of finely ground dolomitic limestone per 100 square feet will usually raise the pH one point. Caution: Application of lime when it is not needed may cause plant nutritional problems. Lime is best applied two to three months before the garden is to be planted. However, lime may be applied as late as one or two weeks before planting. Make sure the lime is thoroughly mixed into the soil to a depth of 6 of 8 inches, then water the soil to promote the chemical reaction. If your soil pH is naturally above 7.0 (alkaline), where limestone, marl, or shells are present, there is no practical way of permanently lowering soil pH. Additions of acidic organic matter will help, but only temporarily. Use a fertilizer that contains micronutrients. If the high pH is the result of previous over -liming, application of granular sulfur (1 Ib/100 sq ft) will lower soil pH. Fertilizing Unless very large quantities of organic matter are applied, commercial synthetic fertilizer is usually needed for Florida gardens. Gardeners find it convenient to use commonly available fertilizer grades such as 10-10-10. However, some Florida soils contain adequate phosphorus (the middle number), and additional amounts should not be added as phosphorus is a pollutant in surface water such as lakes and rivers. A soil test will provide guidelines for the amount of phosphorus and other nutrients to apply. See EDIS Publica- tion Cir 1248 OF/IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SS312). Using the amount of fertilizer recommended on the prod- uct or based on your soil test results, broadcast fertilizer over the entire garden plot just before planting. During the growing season, 2 or 3 light applications of fertilizer can be applied as needed. Apply the fertilizer just beyond the outside leaves. Leafy vegetables such as lettuce, kale, and collards benefit from side dressings of nitrogen -containing fertilizer such as ammonium nitrate. Tuber and root crops, like carrots and potatoes, respond to potassium fertilizer such as muriate of potash. More information on organic fertilizers and nutrient management can be found in EDIS Publication HS1215 Organic Vegetable Gardening in Florida (http://edis.ifas.ufl. edu/hs1215). Irrigation and Drainage Vegetables cannot tolerate standing water from excessive rainfall or irrigation. At the same time, vegetables need soil moisture to grow and produce. Frequency of irrigation depends upon the age of the crop and your soil type. Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide Young plants need frequent but light irrigation; maturing crops need more water but less often. Sandy soils demand more frequent irrigation than clay, muck, or amended soils. Conserve water by using mulch, organic matter, and techniques such as drip irrigation. Make a slight depression at the base of plants to hold water until absorbed by the soiL Extending the Gardening Season Gardeners can extend the growing season with protective covers and structures that reduce plant stress and damage from hot and cold temperatures. Commercial growers use shade houses, high tunnels, and row covers; gardeners can adopt modifications of these approaches (Figure 3). To learn more, see the following EDIS publications Veggies and Herbs Made in the Shade http://edis.ifas.uf.edu/hsl228 and Row Covers for Growth Enhancement https://edis.ifas.uf. edu/cvl06). Remove covers when plants that need bees for pollination begin to flower (see vegetables listed in Table 1 as members of the Squash/Cucurbitacae family). Figure 3. Credits: OF/IFAS Pest Management Pests in the vegetable garden include weeds, insects, mites, diseases, nematodes, and even animals such as raccoons and birds that might consume the vegetable crop (See http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/VH036). A gardener has many options for reducing pest problems (http://edis.ifas.uf.edu/in 197). Pesticides can be harmful to people, pets, beneficial insects, and the natural environment and should be used only after all other pest -management steps have been taken. No -Pesticide Approaches • Follow recommended planting date(s) listed for each vegetable in Table 1. However, be aware that vegetables planted in late summer or early fall (August or Septem- ber) will be susceptible to insects and diseases that thrive in hot weather. Likewise, cold -tender vegetables planted in late winter or early spring may be damaged by frosts or freezes if not protected with covers (see "Extending the Gardening Season" above for more information on covers). Rotate vegetables so that the same vegetable (or members of the same vegetable family) are not planted repeatedly in the same areas. The plant family for each vegetable is listed in Table 1. Till or hand -turn the soil well in advance of planting to discourage soil insects—especially when the garden is a converted lawn area. The garden soil should be turned and free of weeds, grass, and woody material at least 30 days before planting. Control weeds in and around the garden because they can be a source of insects and diseases. Weed control is best accomplished by mulching and hand -pulling or hoeing small weeds. Recommended mulches are straw, fallen leaves, and unfinished compost. Wood mulches and un -decomposed sawdust should not be used. Weeds around the outside of the garden and between rows can be reduced by putting down several layers of newspaper and then covering them with leaves. Choose adapted varieties with resistance or tolerance to nematodes and common diseases. Purchase healthy transplants that are free of insects and disease symptoms (such as leaf spots or blights). Avoid transplants that are already flowering. Consider growing your own transplants from seed (Figure 4). Figure 4. Credits: WendellandCarolyn/i5tockfrhinkstock.com Protect plants from cutworms by placing a collar around the plant. The collar can be made from a bottom- less plastic cup or a waxed cardboard carton. The collar should extend a few inches above and at least an inch below the surface of the ground. . Keep plants growing vigorously and in a state of good health by supplying appropriate amounts of water and fertilizer. A healthy plant is often able to survive insect attacks. Too much nitrogen, however, can make plants more inviting to aphids and whiteflies. Monitor or scout the garden twice weekly for pest problems. This includes inspecting the plants from the bud to the soil, including both upper and lower leaf surfaces. Record notes on pest problems and the performance of different varieties. Include photographs of insects, diseases, and beneficial insects that you find. Identify beneficial insects (praying mantis, spiders, big -eyed bugs, assassin bugs, lady beetles (also called ladybugs or ladybird beetles), and all wasps). Some of these insects can be purchased, but keep in mind that many beneficial insects exist naturally in Florida, and purchased beneficials will leave if there are no insects for them to eat. • Plant flowers in the vegetable garden. They provide nectar and pollen that attract beneficial insects. • Remove large insects by hand and destroy. Place them in a container of soapy water, where they will sink and drown. • Watch for early disease symptoms. Remove any diseased leaves or plants to slow spread. • Do not panic and start spraying at the first sign of insect damage. Most plants that produce fruits, pods, or ears can stand a 10-20% loss of leaves without loss of potential yields. • Harvest ripe crops promptly. Allowing over -ripe fruits to remain on the plants often invites additional insect problems. • Remove unproductive plants and compost or dispose of them. • Use soil solarization to reduce nematodes—microscopic worms that attack vegetable roots and reduce growth and yield. This technique uses the suns energy to heat the soil and kill soil -borne pests. To solarize soil, first remove vegetation, then break up and wet the soil to activate the nematodes. Cover the soil with sturdy, clear -plastic film. Weight down the edges with additional soil to keep the plastic in place. Soil solarization should be done during the warmest six weeks of summer. High temperatures (above 130°F) must be maintained for best results. Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide 4 • Add organic matter to the soil to help reduce nematode populations. Organic matter improves the capacity of the soil to hold water and nutrients and, in turn, improves plant vigor and resistance to pests. • See also EDIS Publication HS1215 Organic Vegetable Gardening in Florida (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs 1215). Using Pesticides Wisely If you choose to use pesticides, refer to Tables 3 and follow pesticide label directions carefully. • Use pesticides only when a serious pest problem exists. Your county Extension office can provide information about insect identification. Organic gardeners can use certain products (Bt, for example and others http://edis. ifas.ufl.edu/inl97). • Protect bees and other pollinators. Apply insecticides late in the day when they are less active. Malathion, Carbaryl, and pyrethroids are especially harmful to bees (Figure 5). Figure 5. Credits: OF/IFAS . Spray the plant thoroughly, covering both the upper and lower leaf surfaces. • Do not apply pesticides on windy days. • Prevent spray burn; make sure the plants are not under moisture stress. Water, if necessary, and let leaves dry before spraying. Avoid using soaps and oils when the weather is very hot. Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide • Control slugs with products containing iron phosphate. Products with metaldehyde as the active ingredient are extremely toxic to animals, such as dogs and wildlife that may be attracted to the bait. • Prevent fungus diseases. Purchase fungicide -treated seed. Many common diseases can be controlled by spray- ing with fungicides if control efforts begin early—ideally before symptoms appear. Look on the label for these chemical names under "active ingredients": chlorotha- lonil, maneb, or mancozeb fungicide. Powdery mildews can be controlled with triadimefon, myclobutanil, sulfur, or horticultural oils. Rusts can be controlled with sulfur, propiconazole, or tebuconazole. Sprays are generally more effective than dusts. Read the label. • Not every off-the-shelf pesticide can be used on every vegetable or on vegetables at all. Make sure the veg- etable and the pest are on the label before purchasing the product. • Follow label directions for measuring and mixing. • Pay close attention to "waiting periods"—the time that must elapse between the application of a pesticide and harvest. For example, broccoli sprayed with carbaryl (Sevin) should not be harvested for two weeks after application. • Follow all safety precautions on the label and keep others and pets out of the area until sprays have dried. OF/IFAS Extension Agents are located in every county to advise you further. Contact information can be found at Find Your Local Office (http://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/map/index. shtml). Acknowledgements Retired or relocated faculty that contributed to the first and second revision of this publication include R. A. Dunn, retired professor, UFAFAS Entomology and Nematology Department; G. Kidder, retired professor, OF/IFAS Soil Science Department; D. Short, retired professor, OF/IFAS Entomology and Nematology Department; G. W. Simone, retired professor, OF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department; and Amanda Gevens, former assistant professor, OF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department. Yield Table 1. Planting Guide for Florida Vegetables. Spacing (inches) Seed Transplant Plant Family° per 10 ft per 10 Harvest Plants Crop Planting Dates in Florida (outdoors)' - k' North Central South R 00 2.5 30-40 35-60 3-4 Arugula Sept -Mar Sept -Mar Oct -Mar 30-60 Beans, bush Mar -Apr Feb -Apr Sept -Apr c 8 Aug -Sept Aug -Sept 3-5 36 Beans, pole Mar -Apr Feb -Apr Sept -Apr 60-80 3-6 Aug -Sept Aug -Sept 111 (Bean)Fabaceae 7.5 Beans, lima Mar -Apr Feb -Mar Sept -Apr 1h -1 1 (Beet)Chenopodiaceae Aug Aug -Sept 75-90 10-15 Beets Aug -Feb Sept -Feb Oct -Jan Broccoli Aug -Feb Sept -Feb Oct -Jan Brussels Aug -Feb Sept -Feb Oct -Jan 24 Sprouts 1 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae (70-90) Cabbage Aug -Feb Sept -Feb Sept -Jan 12 Cantaloupes Feb -Apr Jan -Mar Dec -Mar '/4-1/2 Carrots Aug -Mar Aug -Mar Sept -Mar Cauliflower Aug -Feb Sept -Feb Sept -Jan 4-6 Celery Aug -Feb Sept -Mar Oct -Mar 111 (Squash) Cucurbitaccae Chinese Aug -Feb Sept -Apr Sept -Apr cabbage 10 40-120 70-120 Collards Aug -Feb Sept -Feb Sept -Jan 8 Corn, sweet Feb -Apr Jan -Apr Oct -Mar 1/4-1h Cucumbers Feb -Apr Jan -Mar Sep -Feb July -Aug Sept 15 10-20 Eggplant Feb -Mar Jan -Feb Aug -Feb II (Carrot) Apiaceae Aug Aug -Sept Endive/ Jan -Feb Aug -Feb Sept -Mar 70-90 Escarole Aug -Oct 1/4-1/2 1 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae Kale Aug -Feb Sept -Feb Sept -Jan Kohlrabi Sept -Mar Oct -Mar Oct -Feb 12-24 Lettuce Jan -Feb Sept -Feb Sept -Feb 50-70 Sept -Oct a 12 15-20 64-90 6-8 Yield Plants Daysto Spacing (inches) Seed Transplant Plant Family° per 10 ft per 10 Harvest Plants Rows" depth Ability (pounds) k' (inches) 2.5 30-40 35-60 3-4 10 1/4 1 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae 4.5 30-60 45-60 2-4 18 1-1'h III (Bean) Fabaceae 8 24-40 50-70 3-5 36 1-1'h 111 (Bean)Fabaceae 5 20-40 60-80 3-6 18 1-1'h 111 (Bean)Fabaceae 7.5 30-60 50-70 2-4 12 1h -1 1 (Beet)Chenopodiaceae 5 8-12 75-90 10-15 24 '/4-1/2 1 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae (50-70) 10 5-7 90-120 18-24 24 1/4-1/2 1 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae (70-90) 12 8-13 85-110 9-16 24 '/4-1/2 1 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae (70-90) 15 4-6 85-110 20-36 60 1h-1 111 (Squash) Cucurbitaccae (70-90) 10 40-120 70-120 1-3 10 1/4 II (Carrot) Apiaceae 8 7-10 75-90 12-18 24 1/4-1h 1 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae (50-70) 15 10-20 75-90 6-12 18 On II (Carrot) Apiaceae surface 10 7-9 70-90 14-18 14 1/4-1/2 1 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae (60-70) 15 5-10 70-90 12-24 24 '/4-'/2 1 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae 50-70 12 15-20 64-90 6-8 28 1-11/2 III (Grass) Poaceae 10 10-20 40-65 6-12 48 1h-3/4 III (Squash) Cucurbitaceae 20 3-7 90-115 18-40 36 '/2-3/4 1 (Tomato) Solanaceae (70-90) 7.5 8-9 60-80 14-16 18 1/4 1 (Aster) Asteraceae 7.5 9-10 50-70 B-12 18- 1/4-'h 1 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae 10 24-40 70-80 3-5 24 1h I (Cabbage) Brassicaceae (50-55) 7.5 10-15 60-80 8-12 18 1/4 1 (Aster) Asteraceae „ Crop Planting Dates in Florida(outdoors)' Yield Plants Daysto Spacing (inches) Seed Transplant Plant Family” North Central South per 10 ft per 10 Harvest' Plants Rows• depth Ability' (pounds) ft' (inches) Mustard Aug -Feb Sept -Feb Sept -Jan 10 12-24 40-50 5-10 12 1/4-'/2 11 (Cabbage) Brassicaceae R s Okra Mar -June Feb -Aug Jan -Mar 7 12-30 60-70 4-10 36 'h-1 III (Hibiscus) Malvaceae R Aug -Oct n ` Onions, Bulbing Mid -Sept- Oct Oct 10 30 100-130 4-6 14 '/4-'/2 III (Lily) Liliaceae R Mid -Nov Onions, Aug -Mar Aug -Mar Sept -Mar 10 30 50-75 2 (green) 14 1/4-1/2 111 (Lily) Liliaceae c Bunching (green) 6-8 (Green and 75-100 (shallots) Shallots) (shallots) Peas, Snow or Jan -Mar Nov -Feb Nov -Feb 4 20-60 60-80 2-6 12 1-11/2 III (Bean) Fabaceae English Peas, southern Mar -July Feb -Aug Sept -Apr 8 20-60 75-90 2-6 12 1-1'h III (Bean)Fabaceae Peppers Feb -Mar Jan -Mar Aug -Feb 5 8-13 90-100 9-15 15 '/4-1/2 1 (Tomato) Solanaceae July -Aug Aug -Sept (65-75) Potatoes, Irish Jan -Feb Nov -Feb Oct -Jan 15 12-24 85-110 5-10 36-42 3-4 (seed II (Tomato) Solanaceae pieces) Potatoes, sweet Mar -Jun Feb -Jun Dec -Sept 30 10-12 85-130 10-12 36 — I (Morning Glory) Convolvulaceae Pumpkin Early July MldJuly Early Aug 30 2-4 80-100 36-60 60 11h-2 111 (Squash)Cucurbitaceae (70-90) Radish Sept -Mar Sept -Mar Oct -Mar 4 120 20-30 1 6 '/4 III (Cabbage) Brassicaceae Spinach Sept -Mar Sept -Mar Oct -Feb 4 20-60 45-60 2-6 12 1h II (Beet) Chenopodiaceae Squash, Feb -Apr Jan -Apr Aug -Mar 15 5-10 40-50 12-24 36 1-1'h III (Squash)Cucurbitaceae Summer Aug -Sept Aug -Sept Squash, Winter Feb -Apr Jan -Apr Aug -Mar 30 2-4 85-120 36-60 60 1'h -2 III (Squash) Cucurbitaceae Aug -Sept Aug -Sept Strawberry Sept 15 -Oct 15 Sept 25- Oct 25 Oct 1- Dec 1 9-12 8-10 (30-60) 12-16 12 --- I (Rose) Rosaceae Swiss Chard Sept -May Sept -May Sept -Mar 8-12 10-20 45-60 6-12 18 1/4-1/2 1 (Beet) Chenopodiaceae Tomatoes Feb -Apr Jan -Feb Aug -Feb 2 4-7 90-110 18-32 48 1/4-1/2 1 (Tomato) Solanaceae (supported) July -Aug Aug -Sept (70-90) Turnips Aug -Feb Sept -Feb Sept -Jan 15 20-60 40-60 2-6 12 1/4-1h III (Cabbage) Brassicaceae Watermelon Feb -Apr Jan -Mar Dec -Mar 40 3-5 80-100 24-48 60 11/2-2 III (Squash)Cucurbitaceae (60-90) 1 North = all of Florida north of State Road 40; central =the section of Florida between State Roads 40 and 70; south = all of Florida below State Road 70. 2 Use transplants (if appropriate) or buy the amount of seed needed to grow this many plants per 10 feet of row. Most seed packets state the number of seeds the packet contains. ' Days from seeding to harvest: values in parentheses are days from transplants to first harvest. 4 Minimum distance between rows (when planting In rows). Row spacing can be reduced or ignored as long as plants are spaced correctly. 'Transplant ability (the ability of a seedling to be successfully transplanted): I = easily survives transplanting; 11 = survives transplanting with care; III = only plant seeds or containerized transplants with developed root systems. ' Rotate plant families = avoid successively planting vegetables from the same family in the same area of the garden. Table 2. Suggested varieties for Florida gardens. CROP Arugula Beans, Bush Beans, pole Beans, lima Beets RECOMMENDED VARIETIES' Speedy, Astro Snap: Bush Blue Lake, Contender, Roma II, Provider, Cherokee Wax Shell: horticultural, pinto, red kidney, black bean, navy, garbanzo Plant at 2-3 week intervals from fall through spring for a continual harvest. The dark green, spicy leaves can be steamed, pureed, or used raw in salads and sandwiches. Harvest individual leaves as needed or the entire plant when it is 8-10 inches tall. High temperatures cause arugula to flower and become bitter. Bush beans mature early and do not need staking. Fertilize at 1/2 the rate used for other vegetables; too much nitrogen limits production. Flowers self - pollinate. Plant rust -resistant varieties. McCaslan, Kentucky Wonder, Blue Lake Fertilize at 1/2 the rate used for other vegetables; too much nitrogen limits production. Support vines. May be grown with corn for vine support. Plant rust - resistant varieties. Fordhook 242, Henderson, Jackson Wonder, Dixie (Speckled) Butterpea, EarlyThorogreen Tall Top, Early Wonder, Detroit Dark Red, Cylindra, Red Ace, Yellow Detroit Broccoli Early Green, Early Dividend, Green Sprouting/Calabrese, Waltham, Packman, De Cicco, Broccoli Raab (Rapini) Brussels Jade Cross, Long Island Improved Sprouts Cabbage Rio Verde, Flat Dutch, Round Dutch, Wakefield types, Copenhagen Market, Savoy, Red Acre Cantaloupes Athena, Ambrosia, Galia (green flesh) and Honeydews Carrots Imperator, Nantes, Danvers, Chantenay Cauliflower Snowball Strains, Snow Crown, Brocoverde Celery Utah strains Chinese Michihill,bokchoy,Napa, baby bok Cabbage choy, pak-choi, joi Choi Collards Georgia, Georgia Southern, Top Bunch, Vates Corn, sweet Silver Queen (white), How Sweet It Is (white), Sweet Ice (white), Sweet Riser (yellow), Early Sunglow (yellow) Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide Pole and bush -types exist; provide trellis support for pole -type varieties. Control stinkbugs that injure pods. Fertilize at 1/2 the rate used for other vegetables; too much nitrogen limits production. Slightly more heat tolerant than bush or pole beans. Plant rust -resistant varieties. Beets require ample moisture at seeding or poor germination will result. Leaves are edible. Thin early to so beet roots have room to enlarge. Very cold tolerant. High in vitamins and iron. Harvest heads before flowers open. Many small side shoots develop after main head is cut. Very cold hardy and nutritious. Broccoli Raab is not related to broccoli. Cool weather (58-60°F) is required or sprouts will open and not be solid. Sprouts are picked when they are walnut -sized and firm.The first sprouts near the bottom of the plant will be ready first. Pull off the leaves below the mature sprouts, then remove the sprouts by twisting them from the stem. Pick the sprouts at about 2 -week intervals and keep refrigerated. High in vitamins, especially vitamin C. Long fall/winter planting season. Buy dean plants to avoid cabbage black -rot disease. Needs ample moisture and fertilizer. Frost tolerant. Watch for caterpillars. Bees needed for pollination. Disease prone. Mulch to reduce fruit -rot and salmonella. Overwatering or heavy rainfall reduces sugar content of maturing fruit. Harvest when thefruit cleanly separates from the vine with light pressure. Grow carrots on a raised bed for best results. Sow seeds shallowly.They are slow to germinate. Keep soil consistently moist throughout the germination and growing periods.Thin seedlings to recommended spacing when they are an inch tall. Excellent source of vitamin A Can be difficult to grow. Plants are cold hardy; heads are not.Tie leaves around the head (called blanching) when it is 2-3 inches to prevent discoloration or plant self -blanching varieties. Can be a difficult crop in the home garden. Requires very high soil moisture during seeding/seedling stage. Needs 3 months or longer to mature. Look for early -maturing varieties. Easy to grow. Two types exist: Heading (Pekinensis) or Open -leaf (Chinensis). Bok Choy is open -leaf type, while Michihili and Napa form tighter heads. Cold and heat tolerant. Cool -season greens are more flavorful. Greens are ready for use 2 months after planting. Harvest lower leaves; never remove more than 1/3 of the plant at one time. Respond, well to nitrogen fertilizer. Requires space; plant in blocks of at least 3 rows for good pollination. Isolate different varieties by cross-pollination. Plant where it will not shade other vegetables. Sucker removal not beneficial. Harvesting in early morning maintains sugar content. Scout for corn earworm. CROP RECOMMENDED VARIETIES' NOTES/REMARKS Cucumbers slicers: Sweet Success, Poinsett, Ashley, Two types: slicers and picklers. Pickling types can also be used fresh. Burpless MarketMore 76, Straight Eight, Space varieties exist. Many hybrids are gynoecious (female flowering; only female Master flowers set fruit). Bees are required for pollination. Picklers: Eureka, Boston Pickling measured in Scoville units. Eggplant Black Beauty, Dusky, Long, Ichiban, Requires warm soil and weather. Harvest into summer. May need staking. Bitter Cloud Nine (white) fruit caused by high temperatures or drought conditions. Endive/Escarole Endive: Green Curled Ruffec Excellent ingredient in tossed salads or can be cooked as greens. Bitterness can Escarole: Batavian Broadleaf be reduced by blanching 2-3 weeks before harvest. Escarole (Batavian endive) is Caribbean Red Habanero a broad-leaved selection. Kale Vates Dwarf Blue Curled, Tuscan (lacinato), Winterbor, Redbor Kohlrabi Early White Vienna, Purple Vienna Lettuce crisphead: Great Lakes Butterhead: Ermosa, Bibb, Tom Thumb, Buttercrunch Loose Leaf: Simpson types, Salad Bowl, Red Sails, New Red Fire, Oak Leaf, Salad Bowl, Royal Oak Romaine: Parris Island Cos, Outredgeous Mustard Southern Giant Curled, Florida Broad Leaf,Tendergreen, Giant Red, Green Wave, Mizuna Okra Clemson Spineless, Emerald, Annie Oakley II, Cajun Delight Onions Bulbing: Granex (yellow) Green: Evergreen Bunching, White Lisbon Bunching Multipliers: Shallots Leeks: American Flag Peas, English or Wando, Green Arrow, Sugar Snap, Snow Oregon Sugarpod 11 Peas, Southern California Blackeye Nos, Pinkeye Purple (aka Field Peas, Hull, Texas Cream Cow Peas, Crowder Peas, Cream Peas) Good source of greens late fall through early spring in north and central Florida. Harvest outer leaves, but no more than 1/3 of the plant at one time. Ornamental types are edible, but not very tasty. Easy to grow. Red and green varieties exist. Use fresh or cooked. Leaves are edible. Harvest stems when 11h to 3 inches in diameter. Leaf types grows well in Florida; grow crisphead type only in coolest months. Damaged by freezing temperatures. Warm temperatures cause bitterness. Sow seeds very shallow as they need light to germinate. Intercrop lettuce with long - season and/or taller vegetables. Good cooking green fall through spring; harvest outer leaves. Broadleaf types require more space. Damaged by freezing temperatures. Warm temperatures create bitter flavor. Soak seeds in water for 6 hours for better germination. Requires warm soils and temperatures. Very heat tolerant. Highly susceptible to root -knot nematodes. Harvest pods a few days after flower petals have fallen or pods become tough and stringy. Depending on type, onions may be grown from seed, sets, transplants, or division. Bulbing onions must be planted in fall and be short -day varieties. Green/bunching onions may be grown fall through spring. Plant close and harvest (thin) as needed. Insert sets upright for straight stems. Divide and reset multiplier types every year. Fertilize at 1/2 rate used for other vegetables; too much nitrogen limits production (as does warm temperatures). May need support depending on type. Consume soon after harvest for best quality. Highly nutritious. Fertilize at 1/2 rate used for other vegetables; too much nitrogen limits production. Good summer cover crop. Cowpea curculio is a common pest. Maintain consistent soil moisture. Peppers Sweet: California Wonder, Red Knight, Transplants often more successful than seeds. Mulching especially beneficial. Big Bertha, Sweet Banana, Giant Will often produce into summer. Pepper"heat"depends on variety and is Marconi, Cubanelle measured in Scoville units. Hot: Early Jalapeno, Jalapeno M; Cherry Bomb, Hungarian Hot Wax, Big Chile II, Mariachi, Numex, Ancho,Thai, Anaheim Chile, Long Cayenne, Habanero, Caribbean Red Habanero Potato, Irish Red Pontiac, Yukon Gold, Gold Rush Plant 2 -ounce certified seed pieces with at least one eye. Each will produce 6-8 potatoes. Do not start with "store bought. "Require cool temperatures, moisture, and large amounts of fertilizer. Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide CROP RECOMMENDED VARIETIES' NOTES/REMARKS Potatoes, Sweet Centennial, Beauregard, Vardaman, Start with certified -free transplants (slips). Use vine tip cuttings for a second Boniato crop and prolonged harvest season. Types: moist -flesh (yams) and dry -flesh (e.g., boniata). Bush types conserve garden space. Sweet potato weevils are a serious problem; rotate the planting site. Pumpkin Big Max, Connecticut Field, Prizewinner, Requires a lot of space but can be grown under taller vegetables. Bees required Jack Be Little, Jack 0 Lantern, calabaza for pollination. Foliage diseases and fruit -rot are common. Radish Cherry Belle, White Icicle, Sparkler, Champion, Dalkon Spinach Melody 3, Bloomsdale Longstanding, Tyee, Space Squash Summer: Early Prolific Straightneck, Summer Crookneck, Early White Scallop, chayote Zucchini: Cocozelle, Spineless Beauty, Black Beauty, Chayote, Calabaza Winter: spaghetti, Table King, Table Queen &Table Ace (Acorn), Waltham, Early Butternut (butternut) Strawberry Chandler, Oso Grande, Sweet Charlie, Selva, Camarosa, Festival Swiss Chard Bright Lights, Bright Yellow, Fordhook Giant, Lucullus, Red Ruby Tomatoes Large Fruit: Celebrity, Heat Wave II, Better Boy, Beefmaster, BHN444- Southern Star', Amelia*, BHN 640`, Tasti-Lee'" Small Fruit: Sweet 100, Juliet, Red Grape, Sun Gold, Sugar Snack, Sweet Baby Girl Heirloom: Green Zebra, Cherokee Purple, Eva Purple Ball, Brandywine, Mortgage Lifter, Delicious Turnips Roots: Purple Top White Globe Greens: Seven Top, Shogoin Easy and fast-growing; thin early and inter -crop with slow-growing vegetables to save space. Plant every two weeks during the growing season for a continuous supply. Spicy, bitter flavor caused by hot weather and over -maturity. Winter/Oriental radishes (such as Dalkon) also grow well in Florida. Grows best only during the coolest months. Quick maturing. Harvest entire plant or by removing outer leaves. New Zealand spinach and Malabar spinach, although not true spinach, grow well during wane months in Florida. Plant New Zealand spinach or Swiss Chard for summer greens. Summer squash and zucchini are usually bush types; winter squash have a spreading, vining habit. Calabaza is similar, but is a heat -and disease -resistant hard -shelled squash, similar to a butternut or acorn in taste. Chayote is a vine that needs support. All cucurbits have male and and female flowers separated on the plant and pollination by insects is required for fruit set. Crossing between types occurs, but is only evident when seeds are saved. Leaf and fruit diseases are fairly common. Winter types store well. Grown as an annual crop in Florida starting with disease-free plants in the fall. Plant only varieties adapted to Florida. Seeds can be sown in the fall as well as in late winter/early spring. An excellent alternative green for warm weather. Harvest outer leaves when 8-10 inches long. Very susceptible to root -knot nematodes. Staking/supporting and mulching are beneficial. Flowers self -pollinate. Blossom drop is usually due to too high or too low temperatures and/or excessive nitrogen fertilization. Serious problems include blossom -end rot, wilts, whitefly, and leafminers. Cherry types are heat resistant *Resistant to TSWV (Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus) Quick -growing, cool weather crop. Grow for roots and tops (greens). Broadcast seed in a wide -row or single file. Thin early to allow for root expansion. Smaller roots (27 are milder in flavor. Watermelon Large: Jubilee (aka FL Giant), Crimson Vines require lots of space. Smaller ice-box"types exist. Plant disease resistant Sweet, Charleston Grey 133 varieties. Bees required for pollination.`Seedless'types must be interplanted Small: Sugar Baby, Mickeylee with regular types to dependably bear fruit. Harvest when melon underside begins to turn yellow or when fruit tendril shrivels. ' Other varieties may produce well also. Suggestions are based on availability, performance, and pest resistance. ' Information on New Zealand and Malabar spinach, Calabaza, Chayote, and many other minor vegetables can be found at: httlaWedis.ifas.ull. edu/topic—minor—vegetables Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide 10 Table 3. Products currently labeled for insect and mite management in home vegetable gardens. Pest Neema° Spinosa&d BN° Carbaryld Malathion Pyrethroids° Soapy Hort. Imidaclopridd Acetamipridd Oil" Aphids X X X X X X Armyworm X X X Bean leafroller X X X Cabbagelooper X X X X Colorado X X X potato beetle Corn earworm/ X X X fruitworm Cowpea X X X curculio Cucumber X X X X X beetle Diamondback X X moth caterpillar Flea beetle X X X X X Leafminers X Leafhoppers X X X Melonworm, X X X X pickleworm Mexican bean X X X X beetle Spider mites X X Squash vine X X borer Stink bugs X X Thrips X X X Tomato X X X hornworm, pinworm Whiteflies X X X X X X An X means the product is at least somewhat effective for controlling the listed pest. (Refer to the active ingredient'on product labels to determine which pesticide(s) the product contains. Also note the specific vegetables for which the product can be used. Pay close attention to the waiting period indicated on the label. This is the amount of time that must elapse between pesticide application and harvest.) 'Bacillus thuringiensis bIncludes bifenthrin, cyhalothrin, cyfluthrin, esfenvalerate, and permethrin. Labeled pests and crops vary by product. Read labels carefully. Test on a few plants first because of the potential for leaf burn; do not use in hot weather. dTo protect bees and other pollinators, do not apply this insecticide when the plant is blooming -Least toxic products Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide 11 (3reen woi�s Orlando r%.P li 1 yL BACKYARD COMPOSTING 1 yL BACKYARD COMPOSTING YOUR GUIDE TO BACKYARD COMPOSTING WHAT IS COMPOSTING? Composting is the process of turning kitchen and yard waste into usable, nurrieut rich suit through natural decomposition. Inside the competitor, organic waste is broken down through a controlled process by mioo organisms. By utilizing the wetter material. these micro organisms will create atoll product that is incredibly nutrient dense and great for your garden plants. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF COMPOSTING? Diverts food and yard waste front the landfill, leading to reduced greenhouse gas emissions • Creates an enriched soil which can be used in your garden • Suppresses plant diseases and pats • Saves you money by reducing the need for chemical fertilizer 40' of id municipal 2 stream is Q stream se comprised at food waste and yard trimmings. Recycling and composling are good ways to keep mateoal out of the landfillL WHAT IS COMPOSTING? WHAT CAN YOU 00 WITH COMPOST? • Amend your garden soil by working compost into it • Sprinkle compost on your lawn to foster healthy and robust it .p dressing • Improve she soil around trees and shrubs by spreading compost near the base of the tta trunk A typical household throws away approximately 474 pounds of food waste per year. or 1.3 pounds per person per day. WHERE SHOULD YOU PUT YOUR BACKYARDCOMPOSTER? • Place 71he Earth Machine on exposed soil in a dry. shady or moderately sunny spot drat is near a source of clan water. • Use the tbur provided plastic screws to secure the backyard composto to the ground. • Make sure it's convenient to get to the composter, as you'll be taking your food waste our often! COMPOSTING 101 WHAT CAN I COMPOST? Composting requires a mix of nitrogen and carbon to create the proper environment for decomposition. Green waste such as food scraps, bring nitrogen whereas brown waste, leaves and paper products, add carbon to the mix. GREEN r Fruit and vegetables Crushed egg shells Tea bags r I Grass clippings Houseplants Coffee grounds and filters - 4,04-V Shredded newspaper & cardboard 1.� y y. �r Hay, straw, wood chips Shredded cotton & wool rugs Nuts, shells, bread, gmins Yard trimmings, leaves Dryer & vacuum cleaner lint Ej Hair and fur "NO" LIST "0)96 Meat, Bones Fars, grease, lard, oils w t Dairy (butter, milk, eggs) Diseased plants Charcoal ashes rr1 Toxic materials Nonbiodcgradable materials Car or dog waste, litrnr STEPS FOR COMPOSTING HOW 001 COMPOST? Beginning a home composting project can be easy, fun and educational by following a dew simple steps: WASTE TREATMENT Chop, shred or [car items into smaller pieres.'This will help speed up the decomposition process. KITCHEN COLLECTION line your container with newspaper to soak up liquids, and when you empty the bin into the comlwsrer she newspaper can go along with id EMPTY INTO COMPOSTER Wlsewver the bin is full, simply empty the container with the newspaper into The Earth Machine. Nl ADO YARD WASTE Cover fresh food waste with a layer of leaves, ocher dry yard trimmings, or soil. STIR AND HARVEST periodically stir the conminer to aerate the compost and encourage decomposition. Aber a few months. the soil will be ready for harvest. Your eomposr should be the moisture ofFa wrung -out sponge. HARVESTING YOUR SOIL HOW 001 HARVEST THE SOIL? Compost ran be harvested after about 4 to G months, You'll know it's ready worn d¢ soil is a crumbly moist texture and gives of an earthy aroma. SMALL HARVESTING Usc the harvea door at the base of The Earth Machine and remove as much soil as you need using a shovel or garden trowel. TROUBLESHOOTING YOUR PILE Ronan cyy rmdl Ammon :moll Pile ds.a nor hens up m rkcomp.w, dowdy bunllir;.am air.., m„ mea. Ta...chniongcn pikrrosmdll _ lmutTiai res maanuv Lacko1 unu'. Nor rnough in Cold wiarher LARGE HARVESTING If you would like to aeries the whole pile. simply unscrew the four anchoring screws and lift the container over he pile. Place any large and inner food scraps back in The Earth Machine m begin the next composting cycle. 4im pee .,ml lnmq•nmm wars Frowns (rnwdun, hued Innnpon,c cogs hmwn. Add more nrg..ni, mrtmr Tum pili, end xdd wuccr Lnorymnm Itvnl cover I'um pile Incampila sim„Fimulan YOUR GUIDE TO RECYCLING LOCALLY The City of Orlando uses single stream recycling, so put all of your recyclables into the cart! Large boxes can get stuck and cause recycling to stay in your cart. Break boxes down so they come out of the cart easily. Items accepted: Steel, Tin & Aluminum Cans Paper Cardboard, Dairy & Juice Containers sIF s� _ - - Office Paper, Brown Paper Plastic Bottles & Containers #1-5, 7 Flattened Cardboard & Paperboard Bags, Newspapers Junk Mail & Magazines Revistas, correspondencia no Keep food waste, plastic bags, polystyrene foam cups & containers, aluminum pans and other plastic film out of the recycling cart. Plastic bags harm recycling machinery, empty the recycling directly into the cart. 4 ` 'Al Y _. O F/y � • 71'6[P���t •' 1 Solid Waste Division, 1028 Woods Avenue, Orlando, FL 32805 407.246.2314 • 8 a.m. — 5 p.m., Monday — Friday SWcustomersvc@cityoforlando.net • ciryoforlando.net/solidwaste Build a Burrow Instructions `n - Florida !' Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission n,, Build a Burrow Burrow Supply List • %, " PVC pipe (need 5, 10' long pipes @ 1.75 each = $8.75, Lowe's will cut pipe for free) o Four 3'pieces o Seventeen 2' pieces o Four4' pieces • Five 4' PEX pipe (bendable white pipe similar to PVC, comes in 5'sections @ $1.78 each = $9) • Twelve %: inch 90° PVC T -joints ($1.50 each = $18) • Eight''/: inch regular PVC T -joints ( $0.45 each = $3.68) • Two % inch straight PVC joints ( $0.36 each = $0.72) • Eight'/: inch threaded PVC adapters (not needed if T -Brackets are not threaded inside, ( $0.45 each = $3.68) Disregard information on adapters if not needed • Zip ties (100 ct. _ $9) • Burlap ( Approximately 13 yards of fabric @ $4 a yard = $52) • Outdoor carpet ( 13' long X 7' wide @ Lowe's = $40) • Aluminum wire (1 roll = $3) • Plant decorations (craft or hobby store such as Michael's or Joann's = $35) • Commensals (ordered on Amazon.com) o Aurora Plush Sachet Skunk - $10 o Aurora Plush Bandit Raccoon -$30 o Safari LTD Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake - $17 o Plastic frogs -$14 o Mini Pet Mouse -$8 o Vinyl Snakes - $8 o Big Bunch O' Bugs - $7 0 13" Tortoise Hand Puppet - $18 0 10 Piece set of wild insects - $10 o Giant Microbes Tick -$10 o Burrowing Owl -$39 • Total = $150 • Additional supplies include: Sewing machine, thread, pins, tape measure, and scissors. Total cost - $320 (cost may vary based on many factors such as location, stores, etc.) For reference, the images below represent the 3 different types of PVC joints used. 90' T Flat T Straight Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Page 2 of 10 Build a Burrow Assembly STEP 1: Construct the front tunnel. • Locate nine (9) 2' PVC pipes, four (4) 90° T -joints, and six (6) flat T -joints. • Each side of the tunnel will consist of 4 2' pipes connected with either a 90 degree or a flat T -joint and a single pipe connecting each side at the entrance of the burrow (See Figure 1 below). • Once all the 2' PVC pipes are connected, install the 5 PEX pipes. o Bend the PEX pipe prior to joining with the frame of the tunnel to minimize the amount of bowing that will occur. Figure 1. Burrow tunnel 90 Degree 1/2 inch T -Junction ■ Flat l/tion T -Junction 1/2 inch Flexible PVC 1/2 Inch PVC Each black pipe is 2 feet long The red flexible pipe i54feet long The open end of the tunnel with the 2 blue connectors, connects to the end chamber Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Page 3 of 10 MMMOV-31INd •. STEP 2: Construct the end chamber. • It is best to build the end chamber separately, and then connect to the burrow tunnel to prevent pieces from coming apart. • It is easiest to assemble the foundation of the end chamber first, and work your way up. • The assembled end chamber will be 2' tall, 6' wide, and 4' deep. • To make assembly easier, refer to the PVC labeling system identified in Figure 2. o Label each PVC piece with a letter in permanent marker. Figure 2. End chamber diagram 2 foot pipes 2foot pipes ■Connectors (see • Connector diagram) (labeled G) (labeled H) 3 foot pipes 4footpipes p;, 2foot pieces (labeled E) ■(labeled 1) . =- (labeled F) Florida Fish and wildlife Conservation Commission Page 4 of 10 Build o Burrow STEP 3: Figure 3 illustrates the location of each PVC joint placement. • Please note, 90° T -joints located at the entrance to the end chamber, are the same joints that are attached to the tunnel. o This is where the end chamber and tunnel will connect. • Again, if all of your joints are not threaded (meaning, do not cork -screw inside) you will not need the adapters. o Adapters are needed to connect a threaded joint, to a smooth pipe, disregard if you do not need adapters. • Connect the end chamber to the tunnel. • Once the end chamber and tunnel are connected, you should have used all of the pipes and joints. Figure 3. PVCjoint placement ■degree Tq T -junctions (labeled J) Straight junctions (labeled K{ FlatTqunctions (labeled L) Adapters (labeled M) All connectors are 1/2 inch in diameter Adapters may not be needed if the 90 degree T-junction is not threaded on all 3 sides )we were unable to find that at our local Lowes) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Page 5 of 10 Build a Burrow Covering the Burrow Now that all of the pipes have been assembled, the burrow shape should be apparent. Covering the burrow frame can be as simple or difficult as you chose to make it (*this is where creativity comes in). STEP 4: Tailor the burlap to the burrow frame. • First cover the tunnel with the fabric. • To fit the burlap on the burrow easily, 2 separate pieces are recommended. STEP 5: Measure the tunnel; It should be just over 8' long and 4' in diameter. • Depending on how wide your fabric is, you may need to sew two pieces of burlap together lengthwise to cover each side of the burrow. • Burlap is easily frayed, so you will need to hem all of the rough edges once it is cut to the size you want. • To keep the fabric on the burrow, we recommend creating a pocket that the front entrance PEX pipe AND the last PEX pipe can slide through (like a curtain rod), as seen in the image below. This will securely attach at the front and end of the tunnel structure. Figure 4. Creating a pocket for the tunnel opening STEP 6: Now that the tunnel is covered, cover the end chamber. • To start you will need 3 pieces of fabric that are 9' long (the burrow is 2' tall (front) +4' across + 2' tall (back) + extra fabric for hemming edges). Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Page 6 of 10 Build a Burrow • Next, sew those 3 pieces together, length wise (along the 9' side) to create a very large sheet of burlap. o Drape the burlap over the end chamber (with the edges that are sewn together facing outwards). o Pin the burlap on each corner to fit it to the frame, and sew a line from the top corner to the bottom corner. o Hem all edges. o Turn burlap inside out, so the sewn edges are now on the inside of the burrow. STEP 7: Conned the tunnel to the end chamber. • Cut out a portion of the burlap that covers the entrance to the end chamber (again be sure to hem this edge so the fabric does not fray). • Use the zip -ties to conned the last PEX pipe to the entrance of the end chamber (See zip ties in Figure 5, be sure to cut the ties to remove when disassembling). the tunnel and end chamber 7 -PA STEP 8: Create a burrow exit. • To facilitate one-way burrow traffic, it is highly recommended that an exit be created. • Simply cut a straight line through the burlap at the back portion of the burrow, and hem the edges (see Figure 6). Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Page 7 of 10 Build a Burrow • Secure the burlap to the frame in a few locations using the zip ties. o This will hold the burlap in place and alleviate the need for fixing the burrow each time a group of children crawl through. STEP 9: Decorate the burrow. • We use aluminum wire to tie the commensal species to the burlap, twist ties would also work • Attach the plants along the outside of the burrow for decoration. STEP 10: Test it outl o For kids of all ages and for the kid at heart! 'Orange "Gopher Tortoise" cones can be ordered from: SC Supply Company LLC (SCSupply.com); Phone: 1-800-640-1843 The cone costs approximately $15.00 each + shipping. Specs: Item #R570032CT3M6-c-28" 7LB Orange, Black Base Traffic Cone with 6" reflective collars; "Gopher Tortoise" Stencil on file. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Page 8 of 10 Build a Burrow Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Page 9 of 10 Build o Burrow Os - **Meow, ; \ Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Page 10 of 10