HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-21-2017 BAC AgendaCITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 21, 2017 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes: a. Meeting of January 30, 2017 5. Review of First Quarterly Report- FY 2017 6. Two Alternate Member Council Appointments to the Committee 7. Budget Goals and FY 2018 Capital Improvement Plan a. City Council Meeting of February 8, 2017 - Motion Approved: "not one penny more than we have to - to maintain our quality of life - will be budgeted in the next budget' b. Email from Joseph Griffin to City Council on Capital Reserves and Events 8. Public Input 9. Staff Matters - Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director 10. Committee Member Matters a. Comments/Discussion by Individual Members b. Proposed Topics for Next Meeting 11. Committee Member Next Meeting Date (Monday, June 5, 2017) 12. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Item 4. Minutes for Meeting of January 30, 2017 Item 5. First Quarterly Report - FY2017 Item 6. Alternate Members Item 7. Griffin Email to Council on Capital Reserves and Events. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE C17Y'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 46 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 30, 2017 1. Chairman Herlihy called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Alleqiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Ed Herlihy Mr. Tim Slaven Mr. Larry Napier Mr. Michael Frank Mr. Sergio Mota Mr. Harry Hall Members Not Present: Mr. Bruce Hoffman — Excused Also Present: Mr. Kenneth Killgore, Administrative Services Director Ms. Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 4. Introduction of Members Mr. Herlihy noted that Mr. Napier is new to the Board and welcomed him. He introduced Mr. Frank, himself, Mr. Herlihy, Mr. Moto, Mr. Hall and Mr. Slaven as returning members of the Board. He stated that Mr. Hoffman has rejoined the Board and will be present at the next meeting. 5. Selection of Chairperson Mr. Killgore noted that the order of business at the first meeting is to elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. He stated that Mr. Hoffman had sent an email nominating Mr. Herlihy for Chair, but since he is not present the nomination is not valid. He requested nomination for Chair. A motion to nominate Mr. Napier the Chairman was made by Mr. Frank, seconded by Mr. Hall and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Herlihy passed the gavel to Mr. Napier Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Page 2 Of 4 Meeting Minutes of January 30, 2017 6. Selection of Vice Chairperson Mr. Napier called for nominations for Vice Chairperson. A motion to nominate Mr. Herlihy the Vice Chairman was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Frank and passed unanimously by voice vote. 7. Approval of Minutes a. August 1, 2016 Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the Minutes of August 1, 2016 as presented was made by Mr. Herlihy, seconded by Mr. Hall and passed unanimously by voice vote. b. August 8, 2016 Meeting Minutes Mr. Killgore explained that although the minutes of August 8, 2016 indicate the minutes of August 1, 2016 were approved they were not complete at the time of the meeting and this is the first time the Board has had the opportunity to review them. Mr. Napier asked if Mr. Herlihy had had the opportunity to review the minutes. Mr. Herlihy responded to the affirmative. A motion to approve the Minutes of August 8, 2016 was made by Mr. Herlihy, seconded by Mr. Slaven and passed unanimously by voice vote. 8. Review of Fourth Quarteriv Report — FY2016 Mr. Killgore noted that the report before the Board is for the Fourth Quarter of FY-2016. He explained that in accordance with the procedure that has been followed in past years he will provide details on any changes that have occurred. He stated that the largest change was the funding for the early retirement program. He provided details on how the program was funded. He stated that the procedure was presented to the Budget Review Board and City Council and was approved. He explained that included in the Board's package are graphics regarding the various funds and that he did not plan to review each, but would answer any questions the members have. Mr. Napier asked about the balance carry forward and the millage rate. Mr. Killgore explained the millage rate and that it was designated to repay the retirement program. He explained that revenue for the previous fiscal year was 101% of budget and expenses were 98% of budget and provided details on how this impacted the balance. He noted that included in the information provided is a list of capital improvement projects. He explained that this is ongoing through the year with some being completed and some being added. He called the Board's attention to the report concerning investments and financial accounts. He explained that he had received approval to open an account at Florida Trust after October 1st in the amount of $500,000 which is Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Page 3 Of 4 Meeting Minutes of January 30, 2017 not shown in the reports being reviewed. The account was opened with the anticipation that the income received from it would be higher than the other accounts held by the City. He noted that the return on investment has been below their historic record resulting in reduction of the initial investment, but he believes that on the long term the performance will improve. Mr. Killgore explained the 4t" Quarter Accomplishments by Department and advised the Board that if they wanted any changes in format or content to let him know and he would advise the departments. Mr. Napier asked if the City publishes monthly financial statements. Mr. Killgore responded that there are no financial reports provided to the public, but there are internal reports on a monthly basis that are available. Mr. Killgore stated that the normal procedure is for the Quarterly Report to be presented to the Board for review prior to presentation to the City Council. However, due to the timing he had presented the report to the Council for their approval. He noted that he has the preliminary fiscal year financial reports from the auditors which include the yearend adjustments and modifications. Mr. Herlihy asked about the usefulness of the Departmental Accomplishments report. Mr. Killgore responded that he does not know who reviews the information. He is aware that it is time consuming for the departments to assemble their portion of the report and would be happy to discuss the matter with the City Manager. Following discussion it was agreed that although it is not used by all members, the report would still be included with the reports provided to the Board. Mr. Napier stated that he would find monthly financials more useful then quarterly. Mr. Killgore responded that he will look into providing the data monthly and possibly revamping his reports to provide the information in a more useful format. Mr. Hall asked if it would be possible to get preliminary information from staff regarding the items that will be discussed during the budget preparation. Mr. Killgore responded that the Council had published a revised Budget Review calendar which provides details on how the process will proceed though the coming months. 9. General Discussion by Members — Thouahts and Ideas for Upcoming Budqet Year. Mr. Herlihy stated that he provided a memorandum listing the items of concern and discussion by the Board. He reviewed each of the items with a brief explanation. He stressed the need to look at the capital items, such as the IT Department to prevent aging equipment from impacting the City's ability to provide the necessary services. Mr. Hall asked for an update on the safety related items in the capital improvements budget for roads. Mr. Killgore responded that he anticipated having a presentation by Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Page 4 Of 4 Meeting Minutes of January 30, 2017 the City Engineer at the Board's next meeting to provide details on those projects, funding, grants, etc. Mr. Killgore stated that it is necessary to make every effort to maintain the reserves and cited the recovery expenses from the recent hurricane. He provided details on the repairs and stated that the City is looking into FEMA to help with some of them. Mr. Napier stressed the need to insure everything that can be insured at a reasonable cost. Mr. Killgore responded to Mr. Herlihy's question regarding total hurricane cost by stating that it is approximately $2,000,000 and the City was not hit with the full force of the storm, but some of it may be covered by insurance or FEMA reimbursements. He explained that is why he supports maintaining a reserve of $5,000,000 to cover the related costs if City were to suffer a direct hit. He provided details on the costs encountered by the City for the police department, public works, etc. Mr. Napier stated that he supports allocating a portion of the balance to hurricane recovery so as to separate it from the total available funds. Mr. Frank stated that he would reserve his comments until input is received from City Council and the City Manager. Mr. Moto and Mr. Slave concurred with Mr. Frank's position. Mr. Napier thanked Mr. Herlihy for his report and stated he will review it with Mr. Killgore. Mr. Hall asked for an update on the equipment that was to be purchased to do the swale maintenance. Mr. Killgore responded that is has been on order for some time, but it is still being assembled by the vendor. Mr. Killgore stated that the City Engineer could provide more details on the status. Mr. Herlihy stated that a similar situation exists with the pot hole patching machine the City ordered and has not received. 10. Review Budqet Calendar and Discuss Next Meeting Date (Monday. February 13, 2017) Mr. Herlihy stated that he will not be available on February 13th and asked if the meeting could be delayed until the following week. Mr. Killgore stated that he will determine what day would be available and will email the Board. 11. Adiourn — There being no further business Chairman Napier adjourned the meeting at 7:16 p.m. in Chairman Larry Napier /sm Date: =a s HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM TITLE: RECOMMENDATION: 08 February 2017 City Board Alternates Appoint Alternates to Budget Committee. BACKGROUND: During the past Budget `Season,' the Budget Committee failed to establish a quorum in order to conduct multiple meetings. Vice Mayor Coy has requested this agenda item for Council consideration. Sebastian Code of Ordinances Section 2-167 and Section 2-171 control Council's actions on the subject matter. IF AGENDA ITEM REOUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: N/A Administrative Services Department/CFO Review:'/1 V ATTACHMENTS: Copy of SCO See. 2-167, Sec.2-171 City Manager Authorization: / Date: 30 January 2017 60 of 73 Sebastian, FL Code of Ordinances Page 1 of 2 Sec. 2-167. - Appointments. The city council shall make all appointments and reappointments to the boards and committees of the city. Unless waived by the city council and the applicant, the city council shall interview persons requesting consideration for appointment at a public meeting. Following such interview, the city council shall fill the vacancy from the list of applicants. All boards and committees shall have at least one alternate member, with a maximum of two alternate members. No person shall serve on more than one city board or permanent committee simultaneously. (Ord. No. 0-97-56, § 2, 9-25-97; Ord. No. 0-98-05, § 2, 7-8-98; Ord. No. 0-04-16, § 1, 9-15-04) Sec, 2-171. - Terms. Except as otherwise provided by ordinance or by state law, board members shall be appointed to fill specific three-year terms of membership, which shall be staggered, so that no more than three members of a particular board shall be appointed in any given calendar year. In the event that an appointment is made to fill an unexpired term, the member shall serve until the end of the unexpired term. Terms of all members of any board or committee shall remain active until such time as council appoints a new member. (Ord. No. 0-97-56, § 6, 9-25-97; Ord. No. 0-98-05, § 3, 7-8-98; Ord. No. 0-11.18, § 1, 11-16-11,'Ord. No. 0-12-12, § 2, 12-12-12) DIVISION 4. - BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARDt121 Footnotes., ._ (f2)... Editor's note— Ord. No. 0-98-14, .ff 1-3, adopted Oct 1$ 199$ did notspechymanner ofcodlfication; hence, such provisions have been designated by the editor asdiv. 4, If 2-227-2-223. CMSS reference— Finance and budget, 52-86 etseq. Sec. 2-221. - Established. There is hereby established a citizens' budget review advisory board. The board shall be composed of seven residents of the city. 61 of 73 about. -blank 212K2017 Ma $EBASTL4 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM TITLE: RECOMMENDATION: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL 08 February 2017 FY 2017-18 Budget Objectives & Review. Consider FYI 7/18 Budget Objectives. BACKGROUND: At the 25 January 2017 Council Meeting, a motion was approved as follows: "MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Mr. Hill to include on February 8'h of the budget calendar that Council finalize objectives; and, review and identify any items on the 2017/2018 Capital Improvement Plan that they don't feel are a high priority." The subject motion calls, initially, for Council to "finalize objectives" for the FY17/18 Budget. Therefore, this Agenda Item is presented for approving objectives for the FY17/18 Operating Budget. A following Agenda Item is presented regarding discussing items on the Capital Improvement Plan. The attached Draft Minutes include the comments offered during the discussion of the above motion. Council Member Dodd has submitted Attachment 2 as input for Council discussion. IF AGENDA ITEM REOUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: N/A Administrative Services Department Review: l ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Meeting Draft Minutes--25 Jan 17 pages 2&3 2. Council Member Ed Dodd Input City Manager Authorization: f Date: 31 January 2017 62 of 73 Regular City Council Meeting January 25, 2017 Page Two Brief Announcements 1/27/17 - Chamber Concert in Riverview Park- Crooked Creek - 5:30 - 8:00 pm 214117- Cratt Club Show in Riverview Park- 10 am - 3 pm 214117 - Indian River County Historical Society's Mullet Fry at Working Waterfront- 12 - 2 pm Mayor McPartlan announced the events and Vice Mayor Coy added the Four Chaplain Commemoration would be held February 11 at 2 p.m. in Riverview Park. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion, There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. If a member of the public wishes to provide input on a consent agenda item, he/she should request a Council Member to remove the item for discussion prior to start of the meeting or by raising hislherhand to be recognized. A. Approval of Minutes - January 11, 2017 Regular Meeting 17,022 B. Resolution No. R-17-02 - 41h Quarter Budget Amendment (Transmittal, R-17-02, Report) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2015 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 17,023 C. Approve 2017/2018 Budget Calendar (Transmittal, Calendar) 17.024 D. Approve Forfeiture Fund Distribution to the Executive Roundtable of Indian River County (Transmittal, F.S.932.7055, Letter) 17.025 E. Approve Forfeiture Fund Distribution to Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers (Transmittal, F.S.932.7055, Letter) 17.026 F. Approve the Purchase of 145 Windows Enterprise Licenses from SHI International Corp, Under the Florida Dept. of Management Services Contract #43230000-15-02 in the Amount of $26,226.15 (Transmittal, Quote, Contract) 17.027 G. Approve Alcoholic Beverages for Ratelle Event at Community Center on February 3, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. DOB Verified (Transmittal, Application, Receipt) MOTION by Vice Mayor Coy and SECOND by Mayor McPartlan to approve consent agenda items A, B, E, and G, ROLL CALL: Motion carried 5-0. Vice Mayor Coy - Aye Mr. Dodd -Aye Mr. Hill - Aye Ms. Kinchen -Aye Mayor McPartlan -Aye Item C - Budaet Calendar Mr. Dodd pulled this item and said in the past Council has reviewed items late in the budget cycle and then discussed whether to indrease or decrease the millage rate. He would like to add the date of February 8 for Council to finalize some objectives for the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee and staff to work towards prior to the fall budget adoption. 63 of 73 Regular City Council Meeting January 25, 2017 Page Three For example, he is interested in staying at the 2016/2017 rolled -back rate; taking five years to pay the remaining retirement payout benefit from reserves to address some current staffing needs; and, prioritize the projects in the 2017/2018 Capital Improvement Program, The City Attorney advised he was concerned about their having discussion of the millage and giving instructions given that state law provides a specific process for setting the millage, advertising, and holding public hearings to get the millage rate. He said they could discuss any budget issues except for the millage rate; and Council could phrase a request to staff and the Committee that they work towards a comparable 2016/2017 revenue stream. Ms. Coy suggested inviting the Committee to the discussion. Mr. Dodd said he sympathized with the Committee but Council could still provide the framework or working document for them. He would like the parties involved to start with income and then spend what they have instead of identifying expenses and then figuring out where to get the money. Mr. Dodd said the general fund is the fix and the Capital Improvement plan is the discretionary spending so if there are items that are a lower priority, the parties can use that in their process. MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Mr. Hill to include on February 8' of the budget calendar that Council finalize objectives; and, review and identify any items on the 2017/2018 Capital Improvement Plan that they don't feel are a high priority. ROLL CALL: Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Dodd —Aye Ms. Kinchen—Aye Vice Mayor Coy - Aye Mr. Hill —Aye Mayor McPartlan - Aye Item D - Forfeiture Fund Distribution Mayor McPartlan pulled this item and advised that he had to abstain from the vote because he serves on the committee in his role with the Florida Department of Children and Families and is currently the vice chairman. MOTION by Vice Mayor Coy and SECOND by Ms, Kinchen to approve Item D of the Consent Agenda, ROLL CALL: Mr. Hill —Aye Ms. Kinchen—Aye Mayor McPartlan - Abstained Vice Mayor Coy — Aye Mr. Dodd -Aye Motion carried 4-0. Item F- Windows Enterorise Licenses Ms. Kinchen pulled this item and asked there are 145 computers or are some licenses being purchased for spares. The MIS Manager reported there are 139 active computers with the remaining about to be pushed into service. MOTION by Ms. Kinchen and SECOND by Mr. Hill to approve Item F of the Consent Agenda. 64 of 74 Sebastian City Council Council Member Ed Dodd Input for Fiscal 2017-2018 Budget Goals 1. Ad Valorem tax revenue will be budgeted at the same income level used in the 2016/17 budget. 2. The remaining Reserve Fund loan for the early retirement buy out will be repaid at 20% per year over the next five budget cycles. 3. Identify and budget for staff to support city Mission Statement budget strategies of: 1. Development a Growth Management plan.... 2. assess the City's recreational and cultural activities.... 3. and to aid in getting Grants to assist the city with water and sewer connections. 4. Align the Capital Improvement Plan priorities to concentrate on projects which fall into the following areas. 1. Storm water drainage. 2. Road maintenance. 3. Sidewalk repair and construction. 65 of 73 Q T HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM TITLE: RECOMMENDATION: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL 08 February 2017 FYI 7/18 CIP Review. Consider FY17/18 CIP Items that are not a High Priority. BACKGROUND: At the 25 January 2017 Council Meeting, a motion was approved as follows: 4iMOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Mr. Hill to include on February 8°' of the budget calendar that Council finalize objectives; and, review and identify any items on the 2017/2018 Capital Improvement Plan that they don't feel are a high priority." A previous Agenda Item was presented to discuss, and approve, objectives for the FYI 7/18 Operating Budget. This 'present' Agenda Item is offered to discuss items on the FY17/18 Capital improvement Plan that Council does not feel are a high priority. The attached Draft Minutes include the comments offered during the discussion of the aforestated motion. A copy of the summary page summarizing purchases and improvements included in the Capital Improvement Plan, adopted by the City Council on 28 September 2016, has also been attached. IF AGENDA ITEM REQUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: N/A Administrative Services Department/CFO Review:' t% ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Meeting Draft Minutes-25 Jan 17 pages 2&3 2. Summary of Capital Purchases and Improvements—FY 17-22. City Manager Authorization: { I 4 1 Date: 31 January 2017 66 of 73 Regular City Council Meeting January 25, 2017 Page Two At Brief Announcements 1127117 - Chamber Concert in Riverview Park- Crooked Creek - 5:30 - 8:00 pm 214117 - Craft Club Show in Riverview Park- 10 am - 3 pm 214117 - Indian River County Historical Society's Mullet Fry at Working Waterfront- 12 - 2 pm Mayor McPartlan announced the events and Vice Mayor Coy added the Four Chaplain Commemoration would be held February 11 at 2 p.m. in Riverview Park. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacled by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. If a member of the public wishes to provide Input on a consent agenda item, he/she should request a Council Member to remove the item for discussion prior to start of the meeting or by raising his/hei hard to be recognized. A. Approval of Minutes - January 11, 2017 Regular Meeting 17.022 B, Resolution No. R-17-02 - 4" Quarter Budget Amendment (Transmittal, R-17-02, Report) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2015 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 17.023 C. Approve 2017/2018 Budget Calendar (Transmittal, Calendar) 17.024 D, Approve Forfeiture Fund Distribution to the Executive Roundtable of Indian River County (Transmittal, F.S.932.7055, Letter) 17.025 E. Approve Forfeiture Fund Distribution to Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers (Transmittal, F.S.932.7055, Letter) 17.026 F. Approve the Purchase of 145 Windows Enterprise Licenses from SH International Corp. Under the Florida Dept. of Management Services Contract #43230000-15-02 in the Amount of $26,226.15 (Transmittal, Quote, Contract) 17,027 G. Approve Alcoholic Beverages for Ratelie Event at Community Center on February 3, 2017 from 5:00 P.m. to 9:00 p.m. DOB Verified (Transmittal, Application, Receipt) MOTION by Vice Mayor Coy and SECOND by Mayor McPartlan to approve consent agenda items A, B, E, and G. ROLL CALL: Vice Mayor Coy - Aye Mr. Dodd - Aye Mr. Hill -Aye Ms. Kinchen-Aye Mayor McPartlan - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Item C - Budaet Calendar Mr. Dodd pulled this item and said in the past Council has reviewed items late in the budget cycle and then discussed whether to increase or decrease the millage rate, He would like to add the date of February 8 for Council to finalize some objectives for the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee and staff to work towards prior to the fall budget adoption. 67 of A Regular City Council Meeting January 25, 2017 Page Three For example, he is interested in staying at the 2016/2017 rolled -back rate; taking five years to pay the remaining retirement payout benefit from reserves to address some current staffing needs; and, prioritize the projects in the 2017/2018 Capital Improvement Program. The City Attorney advised he was concerned about their having discussion of the millage and giving instructions given that state law provides a specific process for setting the millage, advertising, and holding public hearings to get the millage rate. He said they could discuss any budget issues except for the millage rate; and Council could phrase a request to staff and the Committee that they work towards a comparable 2016/2017 revenue stream, Ms. Coy suggested inviting the Committee to the discussion. Mr. Dodd said he sympathized with the Committee but Council could still provide the framework or working document for them. He would like the parties involved to start with income and then spend what they have instead of identifying expenses and then figuring out where to get the money. Mr. Dodd said the general fund is the fix and the Capital Improvement plan is the discretionary spending so if there are Items that are a lower priority, the parties can use that In their process. MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Mr. Hill to include on February 81h of the budget calendar that Council finalize objectives; and, review and identify any items on the 2017/2018 Capital Improvement Plan that they don't feel are a high priority. ROLL CALL: Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Dodd —Aye Ms. Kinchen —Aye Vice Mayor Coy - Aye Mr. Hill —Aye Mayor McPartian - Aye Item D - Forfeiture Fund Distribution Mayor McPartlan pulled this item and advised that he had to abstain from the vote because he serves on the committee in his role with the Florida Department of Children and Families and is currently the vice chairman. MOTION by Vice Mayor Coy and SECOND by Ms. Kinchen to approve Item D of the Consent Agenda. ROLL CALL: Mr. Hill —Aye Ms. Kinchen —Aye Mayor McPartlan -Abstained Vice Mayor Coy —Aye Mr. Dodd - Aye Motion carried 4-0. Item F-Windows Enterprise Licenses Ms. Kinchen pulled this item and asked there are 145 computers or are some licenses being purchased for spares. The MIS Manager reported there are 139 active computers with the remaining about to be pushed into service. MOTION by Ms. Kinchen and SECOND by Mr. Hill to approve Item F of the Consent Agenda. 68 of A CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA FISCAL YEAR 2017.2022 SUMMARY OF CAPITAL PURCHASES AND IMPROVEMENTS List of Projects FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY3018.19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020.21 FY 2021.22 Totals General Government Audio Visual Equipment $ K000 $ 30,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 80,000 Computer Replacements - - 180.000 - - 180,000 Computer Upgrades 50,000 35,000 35.000 35,000 35,000 35.000 225.000 MIS Servers 40,000 - - - - - 40,000 Police Department Police Operations Equipment 15,000 15,000 6,000 - - - 36,000 Police Detective Equipment 6,000 5.000 - - - - 11,000 Police Vehicles & Equipment 380,000 264,000 270,000 430,000 300,00E 300,000 1,944.000 Roads. and Special Projects Public Works Roads Equipment 95,000 150,000 130,000 185,00E 80,00E 115,000 755,000 Public Works Roads Equipment - 30,000 40,000 - - 70,000 Sign Replacement 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 Street Reconstruction 150,000 50,000 - - - - 200,000 Street: Repaving 750,000 350,000 450.000 250,000 250,000 250,000 2,300,000 Sidewalk Construction 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 240,000 Road Striping 20,000 20,000 20.000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Working Waterfront Phase 3. 400.000 - - - - 400,000 Stormwater Stormwater Equipment 10,00E 10,000 106,000 55,000 10,000 45,000 236,000 Road Crossing/Sideyard Pipes 100,000 90,000 80,000 70.000 60,000 50,000 450,000 Tulip Drive Road Crossing - 50,000 - - - - 50,000 Tractor - - - 165,000 - - 165,000 Track Excavator - - - - 145,000 - 145,000 Pipe Sliplining 140,000 - - - - - 140,000 Dump Trucks 150000 160,000 - 125,000 - 435,000 Transport Truck/Traller -- - 215,000 - - 215.000 Parks & Recreation Public Works Parks Equipment -. 85,000 30,000 52,000 48,000 - 215,000 Riverview Park Fencing 25.000 - - - 26,000 Friendship Park Improvements 250,000 - - - - - 250,000 Cemetery Columbarlums 55.000 - - - - - 55,000 Facilities Maintenance, City Hall Parking Lot - 50,000 - - - 50,00E Fleet Management Public Works Fleet. Equipment 4,000 19,000 40,000 5,000 14,000 - 82,000 Golf Course Golf Carl Fleet - 334.059 - - - - 334,059 Golf Course Small Equipment - - 8,785 - - - 8,785 Rebuild Greens 165.000 - - - - - 165,000 Airport Airport Vehicle - $0,000 - - 30.000 Weather Observation System - 106,000 - - - 106,000 Airport Master Plan Design 216,000 - - - - - 216,000 Airport Taxiway C,D,E 276,882 1,600,000 2.000,000 - - - 3,876,882 Construct Access Road West 8e0,000 - - - - 800,000 Airport Shade Hangars - 400,000 - - 400,000 Totals $ 3,417,882 $ 4,753,059___-$-- 3,68%7$5 $ 1,462 000_ $ 1,032,00E $ 886,000 $ 16,230,726 69 of 73 cn�x SEBAST_" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2017 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Mayor McPartlan called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pastor Grant Foster, Riverside Church gave the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll Call: Mayor Bob McPartlan Vice Mayor Andrea Coy Council Member Ed Dodd Council Member Jim Hill Council Member Linda Kinchen Citv Staff Present: City Manager Joe Griffin City Attorney Bob Ginsburg City Clerk Jeanette Williams Administrative Services Director Ken Killgore Asst. Administrative Services Director Cindy Watson City Engineer Frank Watanabe Community Development Manager Dorri Bosworth Airport Director Scott Baker Procurement Manager Randy Moyer Police Commander John Blackledge 5. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS - None 6. PROCLAMATIONS. AWARDS. BRIEF ANNOUNCEM TS Presentations of proclamations, certificates and awards, and brie time y announcements by Council and Staff. No public input or action under this heading. 17.032 A. Proclamation - 211 Awareness Week — February 13-18 — Paae Woodward, Communitv Relations Specialist. 211 of the Treasure Coast Mayor McPartlan read and presented the proclamation to Ms. Woodward. 17.033 B. Collier Creek Water Proiect Presentation by Indian River Countv Utilities Director Vincent Burke Vincent Burke, Director of Utility Services, displayed a PowerPoint on the Collier Creek Water Assessment Project. (See attached) He noted there are over 70.92% residents in favor of this improvement; the estimated assessment will be $6,250; notices have been sent out to the property owners; and, there will be an informal meeting for all interested parties held on March 7 at 6:00 p.m. at the Sebastian Yacht Club. The public hearing will be March 14, 2017. Regular City Council & CRA Meeting February 8, 2017 Page Two 6:27pm Mayor McPartlan asked the City Manager to post the hearing dates on COSTV Channel 25 Mr. Hill asked why it was not required for the subdivision to install water at the time of development for safety and quality of life purposes. Mr. Dodd said his research found there is way for half -acre lot subdivisions to opt out of water installation in the County's code. Mr. Burke added the Collier Creek Homeowners Association by-laws provide that the County can initiate an assessment providing a threshold of supporting property owners is met; the County's current regulations require new construction to hook-up. Mr. Burke advised subdivisions without water would still have to go through the assessment process to allow public input, but should there ever by a safety issue the County could make a decision without a super -majority referendum. Mr. Burke said when the installation began, certain areas were built -out which provided a lower assessment, but for the private subdivisions, the County had to borrow funds so there had to be a pledge to pay down the debt. Mr. Burke said in response to a concerned citizen, the County Attorney researched Cross Creek's by-laws and found the assessment could be initiated through the County's code. Brief Announcements • 2/10/17 — Chamber Concert in Riverview Park— Z Street Speakeasy Band— 5:30 — 8 pm • 2/11/17 — Storybook Forest in Riverview Park— 10 am —I pm • 2/11/17 — Four Chaplains Commemoration at Veterans Memorial— 2 pm • 2118117 —Sebastian River Art Club Show in Riverview Park — 10 am — 4 pm Mayor McPartlan announced the upcoming events. 7. Recess Citv Council Meetina and Convene as Communitv Redevelopment Aaencv A. Call to Order Mayor McPartlan called the CRA meeting to order 6:28 p.m. B. Approval of September 28. 2016 CRA Minutes MOTION by Mr. Hill and SECOND by Chairman McPartlan to approve the Sept. 28, 2016 CRA minutes passed with a voice vote of 5-0. 17.002 C. Approve Septic to Sewer Grant Program Application (Transmittal. Application, Summary) The City Manager reported the application was revised to include the revenues from the Indian River Lagoon Council grant award. MOTION by Mr. Hill and SECOND by Vice Chairwoman Coy to approve the Septic to Sewer grant program application. 2 Regular City Council & CRA Meeting February 8, 2017 Page Three ROLL CALL: Vice Chairwoman Coy — Aye Mr. Dodd —Aye Mr. Hill —Aye Ms. Kinchen —Aye Chairman McPartlan - Aye Motion carried 5-0. D. Chairman McPartlan adjourned the CRA meeting at 6:29 p.m. 8. Adiourn Communitv Redevelopment Aaencv Meetina and Reconvene as Citv Council 9. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. If a member of the public wishes to provide input on a consent agenda item, he/she should request a Council Member to remove the item for discussion prior to start of the meeting or by raising his/her hand to be recognized. A. Approval of Minutes — January 25, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting 16.130/17.034 B. Resolution No. R-17-03 FDOT Supplemental JPA —Environmental Study for the Airport Master Plan (Transmittal R-17-03, JPA) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY FOR THE SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT: PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT: PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. 16.116/17.035 C. Resolution No. R-17-04 FDOT Supplemental JPA — Design of Taxiways C, D & E (Transmittal, R-16-14, R-17-04, JPA) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REFLECTING AMENDED AMOUNTS FOR THE DESIGN TAXIWAY C, D & E PROJECT AT THE SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. 17.028 D. Resolution No. R-17-05 — Final Plat —Jackson Street Corners (Transmittal, R-17-05, Final Plat, Application) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR A SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS JACKSON STREET CORNERS, BEING A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF OCEAN BREEZE HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 17.036 E. Approve the Purchase of One 2017 Nissan Frontier 4WD Pickup for the Engineering Department in the Amount of $33,494.75 Under the National Joint Powers Alliance Bid #2017-120716-NAF (Transmittal, Repair Log, Quote, NJPA Bid) 17.037 F. Approve Alcoholic Beverages for Pinkney Event at the Yacht Club on February 25, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. DOB Verified (Application, Receipt) 17.038 G. Approve Alcoholic Beverages for Maldonado Event at Community Center on March 4, 2017 from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. DOB Verified (Transmittal, Application, Receipt) Regular City Council & CRA Meeting February 8, 2017 Page Four Ms. Kinchen asked to pull Item E. MOTION by Vice Mayor Coy and SECOND by Mr. Dodd to approve consent agenda items A through D, F and G. ROLL CALL: Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Dodd —Aye Ms. Kinchen—Aye Vice Mayor Coy - Aye Mr. Hill —Aye Mayor McPartlan — Aye Item E — Nissan Frontier Ms. Kinchen asked the City Manager to find a way for department heads to plan for non - budgeted, large items in the next budget. The City Manager said it was extraordinary item and stood by the request. MOTION by Mr. Hill and SECOND by Vice Mayor Coy to approve item E of the consent agenda. ROLL CALL: Mr. Hill —Aye Ms. Kinchen —Aye Mayor McPartlan — Aye Vice Mayor Coy — Aye Mr. Dodd -Aye Motion carried 5-0. 10. OMMITTEE REPORT`S & APPOINTMENTS ity committee reports and Councit Member regional committee reports. No public input or action except for City committee member nominations and appointments under this heading. Mayor McPartlan reported at the MPO meeting, the moving of the North County Hub to the conservation area was discussed. There was consensus for it to be a well -lit area, have cameras, and a police presence. He said that area was the most efficient way to hook up the four transit lines. Mayor McPartlan also reported there will be a walking overpass over Interstate 95 so this will also be a congregate point for walkers and joggers. Mr. Dodd asked if it would be possible for the MPO to consider restructuring the north side of the exchange of CR512 and CR510 because it is over extended and the hub will increase the traffic. The City Engineer explained Watervliet only has one lane in each direction so having three movements in one lane causes the buses to stack up. The plan is to move the staging area further from the intersection and make a loop pattern in the conservation area. Mr. Hill said if the corner is to be developed at the northeast side, counts should be done to see if the intersection should be revamped. Mayor McPartlan asked the City Engineer to relay those concerns to the MPO. 6:41 pm 4 Regular City Council & CRA Meeting February 8, 2017 Page Five 17.014 A. Citizens Budaet Review Advisory Board Consider the Appointment of Alternates (Transmittal, Code § 2-167, 2-171) The City Clerk advised the Code provides that each board may have up to two alternates. MOTION by Mr. Hill and SECOND by Vice Mayor Coy to add two alternate members to the Budget Review Advisory Board as soon as possible. ROLL CALL: Ms. Kinchen —Aye Mayor McPartlan — Aye Vice Mayor Coy - Aye Mr. Dodd - Aye Mr. Hill -Aye Motion carried 5-0. 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None 13. PUBLIC INPUT New information or requests to city council not otherwise on the prepared agenda Andrea Ring, 407 Quarry Lane, said the City has been subsidizing the Eagles Nest Restaurant for 26 years and is eating up the Golf Course's profit. She asked Council to let the City Manager continue with the RFP to let someone else respond, noting the final decision will be made by City Council. Mayor McPartlan advised her that the City Manager is in negotiations and he believes the City will receive fair market value. Jim Sunnycalb reported the blue light in the Easy Street pond is well received on Facebook. Mr. Sunnycalb said he lives in Collier Creek and the water assessment was voted down twice, it should have been installed when the subdivision was built; he would prefer to have a choice in hooking up to the water. 14. NEW BUSINESS 17.023 A. Consider FYI 7/18 Budaet Obiectives (Transmittal. Draft Minutes. CM Dodd Inout) 17.023 B. Consider FY17/18 CIP Items (Transmittal. Draft Minutes, CIP Summarv) The City Manager asked to combine discussion on these agenda items. Mr. Dodd said the intent was to see if Council was amenable to producing a statement of goals and cited his items on page 65 of the agenda backup. He said he isn't opposed to raising taxes for a good reason but he is opposed to raise taxes just to raise taxes. Mr. Hill said he agreed with Mr. Dodd; does not want to spend one penny more than needed to maintain the quality of life; he agreed with his capital improvement objectives. He would like to see lighting and landscaping added to the parking lot on CR512. Regular City Council & CRA Meeting February 8, 2017 Page Six 7:10 pm 17.039 Vice Mayor Coy said she supported Mr. Hill's statement, not to spend because it allows for fluctuations. She said Council is capable to argue with the Budget Committee on any items that are not necessary. She said by not budgeting any more ad valorem revenue, which is sort of obscurely setting the millage rate, implies they anticipate zero growth, or growth will pay for itself, and doesn't take into account contractual obligations such as pay raises for staff. The City Manager said there will be labor negotiations this year for wages but there is no automatic increase. Mr. Dodd asked when the last time the Budget Committee came back to Council not to increase the millage at least above the rolled -back rate; he would like to establish goals without saying they are going to the rolled -back rate. Mayor McPartlan said they should always stay within their means and asked if they were taking away the City Manager's ability to navigate through key projects. He is willing to go item by item in the budget. Mr. Dodd said they could pay back the retirement loan tomorrow if they wanted to; at the end of the last budget cycle a $240K operational surplus was put into the R& R fund and yet taxes were raised without paying back the retirement loan —making it even more important to provide some goal setting. Mr. Dodd said one of the Budget Committee members mentioned they did not want to borrow from the reserve to pay an operational expense. He said there are some staffing issues that the City Manager needs and they should concentrate on addressing that. MOTION by Vice Mayor Coy and SECOND by Mayor McPartlan to advise the Budget Review Committee that not one penny more than we have to —to maintain our quality of life- -will be budgeted, in the next budget. ROLL CALL: Mayor McPartlan —Aye Vice Mayor Coy - Aye Mr. Dodd — Nay Mr. Hill —Aye Ms. Kinchen -Aye Motion carried 4-1. C. Consider Parks and Recreation Master Plan Proposal from Tindale Oliver Desion in the Amount of $50.000 and Authorize the Citv Manaoer to Execute Aporooriate Documents (Transmittal. Aareement) The City Manager stated Tindale Oliver has submitted an agreement for a master plan and staff recommended consideration. MOTION by Ms. Kinchen and SECOND by Mr. Hill to approve the Tindale Oliver master plan. Mr. Dodd asked if this could be done in-house or could they use the money to hire an employee to address this and some of their planning needs. The City Manager said this was brought forward at the request of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and didn't necessarily agree with it. Regular City Council & CRA Meeting February 8, 2017 Page Seven Mayor McPartlan cited the $10,000 charge for community outreach and recalled the unused plan developed for a new community center. At that time only two Council Members and four citizens provided input. Ms. Coy noted the agreement will provide the City a flyer to acquire the input instead of the consultant. She suggested it should be done in-house. Mr. Hill noted there is not enough staff at this time and to hire someone will be more than $50,000; if they didn't like the project, the project should be nixed but to be careful about adding professional staff. ROLL CALL: Vice Mayor Coy - Nay Mr. Dodd — Nay Mr. Hill —Aye Ms. Kinchen —Aye Mayor McPartlan - Nay Motion failed 3-2 to hire Tindale Oliver to develop a parks master plan. 15. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS - None 16. CITY MANAGER MATTERS The City Manager asked to withdraw the proposal to reduce the fishing piers and docks that he brought forward at the last meeting except for the Boudrot pier. He recommended reconstructing the piers to their original length and offered to bring back a demolition estimate for the Boudrot pier to the next meeting. 17. CITY CLERK MATTERS - None 18. CITY COUNCIL MATTERS A. Mavor McPartlan Mayor McPartlan reported that April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and requested that CASTLE be allowed to install a Memory Field in Riverview Park from April 19-28. There was no objection. He will advise Council of date for the ceremony. B. Vice Mavor Cov Vice Mayor Coy asked that Sebastian's participation in the Indian River Lagoon Coalition be placed on the next agenda. She noted the City Manager receives a lot of requests and she would like him to have unanimous support before he carries out a request. For example, the blue light was installed at the Easy Street pond based on two people; it should be clear where the City Manager's support is coming from. C. Council Member Dodd Mr. Dodd said he wasn't sure how the procedure for installing the blue light happened and Mr. Hill said it seemed like a maintenance decision. Vice Mayor Coy explained that people who live on road weren't consulted, the request came from Mr. Sunnycalb and a Parks and Recreation board member; it wasn't voted on and a decision was made. Mr. Hill noted the light is a management issue. Vice Mayor Coy said she wanted to reinforce that is okay for the Manager to say no and appreciates his decision to keep the light blue until April. Regular City Council & CRA Meeting February 8, 2017 Page Eight D. Council Member Hill - None E. Council Member Kinchen - None 19. Being no further business, Mayor McPartlan adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Approved at the February 22, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting. Mayor Bob McPartlan ATTEST., Jeanette Williams, MMC — City Clerk Kenneth Killqore From: Joseph Griffin Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 5:28 PM To: council Cc: Kenneth Killgore; Jeanette Williams; Robert Ginsburg Subject: FW: Capital Reserve and Events Attachments: R&R Resolutions.pdf; Budget & Audit Reports.pdf Council This AM, I sat with Ken Killgore to go over last night's meeting. Last night, there were a few things I held back on concerning purchases with the R&R fund and also budget performance ---specifically statements about repayment of the Early Retirement Program and a truck purchase. The R&R fund was created by Council for the "repairing or replacing essential General Fund Equipment or facilities in instances were those items have NOT (my emphasis) been budgeted. " There are 2 Resolutions on the issue and City Council minutes have been available to Staff, Council, and the public. As to the issue of the engineering truck, I firmly do not believe we buy anything frivolously but since there was some consternation about the R&R purchase, and since I have not signed the P.O. as of yet, I am willing to forego that truck purchase and budget the item in the 17/18 budget. The vehicle being used by the affected individual is a surplus staff and Council vehicle (CM2) that we could make work (in a pinch) until next October. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Please consider the question as to the "why" the GF surplus couldn't repay the Early retirement nut. R-16-02 directs GF operating surplus be assigned to the R&R fund. Please note our GF surplus on 20 June 16 was $83,000 --- and we don't know 'exactly' what the surplus will be (if any) until about 1 November. Of course, Council can always change/by-pass a resolution. In addition, I asked Ken to 'evaluate' our budget performance relating to revenue/expenses and how close we were to projections at FY16 end. My 'on the fly' estimate was about 90-95%. Please note the last 2 sentences in Ken's Further Notes #2. The 2016 amended budget numbers (revenues/expenses) were off by just 1.4% --- frankly, that is fairly amazing considering a $11.5M budget with a lot of moving parts. That means Ken Killgore, and his staff, along with Dept. Heads, did an outstanding job in building the budget AND adhering to the budget while maintaining levels of service. On 'Council meeting day/ I try to keep it open to receive your calls about any agenda items. I am here to help. Many thanks; Joe Griffin City Manager City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 772-388-8200 office 772-581-0149 FAX www.citvofsebastian.org From: Kenneth Killgore Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:42 PM To: Joseph Griffin Subject: Capital Reserve and Events Kenneth Killqore From: Kenneth Killgore Sent: Thursday, February 09, 20171:42 PM To: Joseph Griffin Subject: Capital Reserve and Events Attachments: R&R Resolutions.pdf; Budget & Audit Reports.pdf It was suggested at last night's City Council meeting that Staff knew when the 2017 millage was adopted that a surplus would occur from the results of 2016. To clarify how this was not the case, I am providing this background on the Capital Reserve and a recap of events. The Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve: The Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve was adopted on March 26, 2014 in recognition that severe budgetary cutbacks occurred during the economic slowdown, resulting in the deferral of maintenance and replacements of equipment and facilities. A second Resolution was adopted on January 27, 2016 to clarify some of the language in the first Resolution. We provide details with each quarterly budget report on every item funded from this balance. We created it with a surplus from 2013 of $467,286 and spent $129,314 during 2014; added the 2014 surplus of $263,874 and spent $241,231 during 2015; there was no surplus in 2015 but we spent $104,686 during 2016. Before adding the 2016 surplus, we had a balance of $255,929. Recap of Events June 20, 2016 Staff submitted the Recommended Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget. Based on our projections at that time, we estimated a surplus of $83,076. With over 3 months remaining in the fiscal year, the final results were obviously still uncertain. September 28, 2016 The Millage and Operating Budget was approved by the City Council. January 20, 2017 Staff submitted the Quarterly Budget Report and other agenda materials to the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee, including the detailed report on the Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve, estimating an unaudited 2016 surplus of $222,556. January 25, 2017 The same Quarterly Budget Report was on the City Council consent agenda and was approved. January30, 2017 Staff made a presentation of the Quarterly Budget Report to the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee. Scheduling issues prevented us from following our normal practice of their review prior to City Council consideration of approval. February 7, 2017 Final audited numbers were provided, reflecting a 2016 surplus of $158,834. There were a couple of items that caused a difference from the $222,557 unaudited numbers. $50,000 repaid to the General Fund from the Airport fund was treated as revenue in the unaudited numbers and $13,723 was determined by the auditors to be an additional 2016 expense. End result is that the Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve increases by the $158,834 for a balance of $414,763. Further Notes: 1. The Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve is a very valuable budgeting tool. If only Staff had the "crystal ball" to identify precisely what repairs or replacements would be necessary over the 15 months following our budget recommendations, it would be a perfect world. But we don't! Perhaps some budgets could be inflated, just in case items are needed, however this encourages setting revenues and the millage at a higher rate than may actually be required. With the Reserve, we only budget for repairs and replacements that we are relatively sure have to be done. 2. Staff feels that our forecasting methods have been fairly successful. The originally adopted budget for 2016 revenue and expenditures were $11,414,805. With audited revenues totaling $11,740,854, our projections were different by a favorable $326,049 or 2.9%. With audited expenditures totaling $11,582,021, our projections were different by an unfavorable $167,216 or 1.5%. When the 2017 budget recommendation was submitted to City Council, the 2016 amended budget numbers differed from the final audited revenues by $153,441 or a favorable 1.3% and expenditures by $77,684 or an unfavorable .67%. These differences are within a generally acceptable range but are also why we would not recommended a lower millage based on the assumption that a projected surplus would actually occur. RESOLUTION NO. R-14-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING FINANCIAL POLICIES ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION R-13-25 TO RENAME THE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE TO CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT RESERVE; DIRECTING THAT THE GENERAL FUND OPERATING SURPLUS BE ASSIGNED THERETO; AU'rHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO USE SUCH FUNDS IN CERTAIN INSTANCES SUBJECT TO CITY CODE SECTION 2-10; PROVIDING FOR REPORTING THE USE OF SUCH FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-13-25 on September 25, 2013 readopting amended financial policies; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian has deferred maintenance of equipment and facilities and desires to make funds available to the City Manager to immediately proceed with repairing or replacing essential equipment or facilities in instances where those items have not been budgeted; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian reported a General Fund operating surplus for the period ending September 30, 2013 and has the funds to be initially assign for these purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby amends the Financial Policies governing the Operating Budget, Financial Reserves, Use of Surplus, Performance Measurement, Capital Improvement Program, Debt Management, Revenue, and Investment to rename the Equipment Replacement Reserve to Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve. Section 2. The City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby directs that the General Fund operating surplus (revenues in excess of expenditures) in any year be assigned to the Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve. Section 3. The City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby authorizes the City Manager to utilize the Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve to immediately proceed with repairing or replacing essential General Fund equipment or facilities in instances where those items have not been budgeted. Such expenditures shall be governed by the purchasing thresholds set by City Code Section 2-10 and shall be reported to the City Council within the next Quarterly Financial Report. Section 4. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective i neduuely upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Bob McPartlan �/Il Vice -Mayor Jim Hill Councilmember Andrea Coy L Councilmember Jerome Adams Councilmember Richard Gillmor The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duty passed and ado ed this 26t4 day of March 2014. CrrY OF, EBIASTIAN,"RIDA Mayor Bob McPartlan ATTEST Approved as to forth and content for reliance.by the City of Sebastian only: f� Sally A. Maio, M>IC Robert A. Ginsburg City Clerk / City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. R-16-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING FINANCIAL POLICIES ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION R-15-29 TO MODIFY AND CLARIFY THE FUND BALANCE POLICIES SECTION REGARDING THE CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT RESERVE; DIRECTING THAT THE GENERAL FUND OPERATING SURPLUS BE ASSIGNED THERETO; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO USE SUCH FUNDS IN CERTAIN INSTANCES SUBJECT TO CITY CODE SECTION 2-10; PROVIDING FOR REPORTING THE USE OF SUCH FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-15-29 on September 23, 2015 readopting amended financial policies; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian desires to make funds available to the City Manager to immediately proceed with repairing or replacing essential equipment or facilities in instances where those items have not been budgeted; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian has previously established the Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve and the process for its funding, authorized uses and reporting: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby amends the Financial Policies governing the Operating Budget, Financial Reserves, Use of Surplus, Performance Measurement, Capital Improvement Program, Debt Management, Revenue, and Investment to modify and clarify provisions of the Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve. Section 2. The City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby directs that the General Fund operating surplus (revenues and transfers in that exceed expenditures and transfers out except for expenses from the Reserve) in any year be assigned to the Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve. Section 3. The City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby authorizes the City Manager to utilize the Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve to immediately proceed with repairing or replacing essential equipment or facilities assigned to any department in instances where those items have not been budgeted. Such expenditures shall be governed by the purchasing thresholds set by City Code Section 2-10 and shall be reported to the City Council within the next Quarterly Financial Report. Section 4. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. This Resolution shall become effectiv immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Richard Gillmor (� Q Vice -Mayor Jerome Adams Councilmember Andrea Coy Councilmember Jim Hill N Councilmember Bob MCPartlan p_ J The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 27'h day of January 2016, AT-TT Suliy A. Maier, MC Gity' cFerK Approved as to form and A. N9g2SLwur QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 At September 30, 2016, the total of the City's cash and investments were $11,155,627.72. Of this, $7,521,011.75 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank and $3,634,615.97 was invested with the State Board of Administration. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not hold any investments in government securities. Approval was granted to deposit some of these funds with Florida Trust, which invest longer -term in government securities, which should increase investment earnings. An initial deposit of $500,000.00 was made on October 5, 2016. SEACOASTNATIONALBANK CASH BALANCE ALLOCATION Genarsl Fund Local Option Gas Tan Fund Doernorury Sides Tu Fund Rrvufrant Redevelopment Fund Parkins In-Lleu-Of Fund Rer .o.e Impact Fee Fund Stormweter Utility Fund Lew Bnforcement Fafeuure Fund Discretionary Sala Tax, Debt germs Fund Srormwater Se un 2003 Debt Service Fund Capita Promos Fund Capval improvements Fund Tmnspormnan Fund See.uniter Praiecta Fund Golf Course Fund Golf Cou Frjecee Fund Anpon Fueul Airport lam,. Fund Building Dnpvmtent Fund Cemetery T. Fund Pertarmance Depos,o Fund Total Bank Balancn CURRENT BALANCE S 3,501.831.93 315.02401 $57,32409 363,515 90 611.954,69 485,424.60 2,410,69 354,61 E 41 168,34E97 (107,87543) (34,609o5) (69.535 03) 32A8163 (414,08&50) (II i.91494) (101,175 24) M7,421 14 245,755 37 921,s6852 32,841.00 73211011.15 PERCLNT 46 56% 4.19% It 40'A AS3% 000% 814% 645% 0.03% 4.71% 2 UoA ,143% -0 46% -092% 043% .5,51% 4 49% -1,35% 621% 3 M. 12 26% 044% 100,011% STATE BOARD) OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) CURRENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION BALANCE Geneul Fund S 1,0135%54 Local Option Gas Tao Fund D,xiebanasy Sdee T. Fund linveraom Redevelopment Fund Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund Recreation IN. Fee Fund Stm tneider Utility Fund Law Bnforeement Forfeiture Fund Dinutlionary Sales Tex, Debt sem. Fund Ste mwata Series 2003 Debt Service Fund Capital Projew Fund C,iu1 Improvements Fund Tremporution Fund Stawwaer Pm)ects Fund Golf C.. Fund GalfCoum P.ineen Fund An,un Fund Attired Pr jeee, Fund Building Department Fund Cemetery Tenet Fund Performanu Deponu Fund Tabl SBA Belanee REPORT ON GENERAL FUND CASH RESERVES 3.204,376 88 97,16920 T2,n758 29Z,901 so 34,259,54 71[,380.89 74,353 85 73,75000 S 3,634,61597 FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 PERCENT 29 54% 0.00% 3314% 2 67% 201% 906% 000% 0.0% OW% 0W% 0WoA 0 Wee 000% 000% 000% 0.W% OW% 0W% 1957% 2 05% 203% 101100% General Fund Cash Reserves are maintained to minimize the impact on the City's operations of unforeseen or emergency events, such as natural disasters, significant revenue shortfalls or unanticipated expenditures. City policies require reserves equal to 30% of the annual General Fund total expenditures budget, less debt service, interfund transfers and capital expenditures. Should there be an event(s) causing City-wide damages of 30% or more, it is preferable to have a reserve balance of at least $5 million dollars. Some of this balance has been committed to funding unanticipated repairs and replacements from surpluses added during FY2012- 13, FY2013-14 and FY2015-16. Nothing was set aside for FY2014-15 due to a shortfall of $80,738. General Fund Reserves Available for Emergencies Equipment and Facilities Repair and Replacement Reserve 09(30113 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,065,242 09/30/13 initial Assignment ofFY2012-13 Surplus $467,286 $461.286 09/30/14 Changes to Assigned Reserves 19,789 06/30/14 Replace 3 Mowers & Dump Truck -96,915 370,371 09/30/14 Surplus for FY2013-14 263,874 09/10/14 Replace Excavator -28,056 342,313 09/30/14 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,348,905 09/18/14 Replace Police Authentication System -4,343 337,972 01//14/15 Audit Fee for new GASB -2,000 09/30/14 Assignment of FY2013-14 Surplus +263,974 601,846 01/28/15 Building Department Software-19,800 10/06/14 Repairs for Sinkhole at Rolling Hill Ditch -18,554 583,292 05/13/15 Seawall Engineering Assessment-50,000 10/10/14 Repairs to Pedestrian Bridge -30,215 553,077 09130115 $50K Airport Advance Repaid 50,000 11/07/14 Ditch Work - Barber, Caravan & Crowberry -9,598 543,479 09/30/15 Changes to Assigned Reserves 40,106 12/10/14 Replace Bucket Truck -94,641 448,838 09/30/15 Surplus forFY2014.15-80,738 06/24/15 Repairs to City Garage Roof -8,651 440,187 09/30/15 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,286,473 06/24/15 Pipe Repair-CoolidgeQndian River Drive -14,980 425,207 10/01/15 Clear Village project carryover-12,600 06/24/15 Sidewalk Repairs at Barber Street Bridge -1926 423,281 08/05/16 Voluntary Early Retirement Costs-307,365 0826/15 Community Center/Yacht Club Pumps/Wells -5,140 418,141 09/30/16 Surplus for FY2015-16 222,557 0826115 Cemetery Irrigation due to lighting strike .387 417,754 09/30/16 Per Unaudited Financial Statements $5,189,065 082&15 Repairs to Main Street Dock -1,500 416,254 09/30/16 Less Equipment and Facilities 07/l5/15 Communications Dispatch Console -29,583 386,271 Repair and Replacement Reserve-478,486 07/24/15 Repairs to Tennis Court Fencing -850 385,421 09/30/16 Net Available for Emergencies $4,710,579 0724/15 Repairs to Police Department generator -1,000 394,421 07/30/1.5 Replace Parks mower -10,525 373,896 08/06/15 City HaIVCommunity Center air conditioners -13,281 360,615 Note: Subsequent to year-end, unanticipated payroll and repair 09/30/15 Assignment of FY2014-15 Surplus 0 360,615 cost of Hurricane Matthew estimated to exceed $2,085,000 may 12/31/15 Contract for CRA Landscaping Services -10,600 350,015 be paid out of General Fund Reserves. This total includes debris 12/31115 Replacement of benches/trash receptacles -7,495 342,520 pickup for $530,000, pier and dock repairs for $1,400,000, 12/31/15 Repairs to Cemetery office building -6,250 336,270 repairs to other facilities for $55,000 and additional overtime pay 02/ l6(16 CanBam electrical repairs -24,600 311,�0 and benefits for $100,000 A large portion of this is expected to 03/03/16 Replacement Roller -14,450 297,220 be recovered from FEMA and the State but As much as $260,000 05/19/16 Post -Hale Diggers -2,944 294,276 of the "City -share" is anticipated [o permanently reduce the net 06/02/16 Cemetery Replacement Pump -3,300 290,976 available for future emergencies 06/14/16 City Council Air Conditioner -32,247 258,729 08/17/16 Paint Airport Maintenance Building Columns -2,800 255,929 09/30/16 Assignment ofFY2015-16 Surplus +222,557 478,486 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2015/2016 ANNUAL BUDGE'III Table G-3 lists General Fund expenditures by department/division. Table 0-4 lists individual department/division details broken down by salaries & benefits, operating expenses and capital outlay. TABLE G-3 Change Amended FY 15116 From % on FY 11112 FY IV13 FY 13114 FY 14r15 FY 14115 Adopted FY 14715 l"Mase Cade Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Pmlected Budget Budget (Decrease) 010001 City Council S 49,225 S 49,609 5 49.940 S 53122 5 52.640 S 53,733 S 511 1.0% 010005 City Managr 223.999 22SJ75 264.716 258,726 256.559 267,702 8.976 3.5% 010009 City Clerk 301,394 269,991 287.119 349.168 330,24E 334,448 (14,720) 4.2% 010022 Aatio Visual 0 0 0 0 0 164.317 164J17 0.0% 010010 City ASIMCY 94,719 95,775 102,9S9 102202 102,103 1011730 (472) -0.5% 010020 Adminisuative Semiocs 478,043 485,361 555.312 553.751 520.522 485,096 (69.665) .12.4% 010021 Management intotmanon Svs. 161.526 161,617 143,139 207,999 185.789 199,195 (9,804) 41% 010041 Police Administration 770,531 732.520 787,195 761.727 765.580 811.674 49,947 6.6% 010043 Police Operations 2.406,696 2,417,234 2,428,384 2.378.307 2,354368 2,404.184 2$,877 1.1% 010047 Police Dtttctive Division 700,007 649.979 731,151 722,301 725,173 757,853 33,552 4.9% 010049 Police Dispatch Unit 473.149 472.719 516,266 548,S91 532,236 566,713 19,122 3J% 010045 Code Fnromement Division 165366 162,310 170,742 177,991 170,993 M119 11099 0.6 % 010052 Roads and Maimenance 737,117 767,7S2 867,289 879,766 $34,794 759,447 (119,3191 •116% 010053 Stamwater Utility 923303 SO4,434 011,943 1,104.rA 1,142,698 1.227.077 22.717 1.9% 010054 Fleet Malmgernent 194,713 203,063 192,637 216,664 212.103 237,152 20.488 9.5% 010056 Facilities Maimenollce 24BA74 253,974 243.779 316."0 302,478 353,259 .36.279 11.4% 010057 Parks and Recreation 888,613 864,540 923.996 954,D97 943,671 945,161 (91936) .0.9% 010059 Cemclery 119,707 1",466 1",363 192,515 193,717 118,622 (3,893) -2.0% 010080 Conuvarniy Dcvelopmcnl 237,374 235,651 248.946 234,133 213.951 204JS2 (29,711) •12.7% 010099 Non-Depvinuntal 610.95E 75I.M 69&967 1.054,474 1,121,068 1.174,011 119J37 IIJ% Total General Fund Expenditures S 9.785,294 S 9,750,930 S 10.295.841 S I IJ65,904 S Ig961,067 S 11,414,805 5 249,901 22% Total Revenues and Transfets 9.685.014 10118,239 10.S56,072 (0,931.124 10,191,401 11.414,805 477.611 4.4% Change in Fund Balance S (100.280) S 467,289 S 260J31 S (228.1801 5 169.639) S . S 223,780 M 'CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2016/2017 ANNUAL BUDGET' Table G-3 lists General Fund expenditures by department/division. Table G-4 lists individual department/division details broken down by salaries & benefits, operating expenses and capital outlay, TABLE G-3 SUMMARY OF GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT/DIVISION Change Amended. FY 16/11 From % org FY 12113 FY IN14 FY 14115 FV 15116 FY I5/16 Adapted FY 15/16 Increase Code Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget Budget (Decrease) 0twel City Council S 49,609 S 49,940 $ 50,522 S 33.733 S 50.179 $ 53,889 5 156 0.3% 010005 City Manager 228.375 264,716 257,182 267,702 291.204 351.843 $4,141 31.4% 010009 City Clerk 269,991 287,118 343.530 328.628 352,749 188,919 (139,709) .42.51. 01 D022 Audio Visual 0 0 0 164,502 158,903 121,939 (42.563) -25.9% 010010 City Attorney 95.775 102.959 103,870 101,730 91,730 101,720 (10) 0.0Y. 010020 Administrative Services 485,361 5551312 558,4S9 490.416 $35.013 487,416 (2,940) -0.6•A 010021 Management Information Svs. 161.617 143.139 184,979 204,450 194.290 233.201 28.751 14.1% 010041 Police Administration 732.520 787,195 990,607 830.164 991.133 724,996 (103,168) •12.7% 010043 Police Operations 2,417,234 2,428,384 2,372.752 2,404.754 2,445.131 Z,598,232 193,493 8.07. 01 D047 Police Detective Division 649.979 731.151 729,334 779.908 798.337 794,027 14,219 1.3% 01 D049 Police Dispatch Unit 472,719 516,266 541,846 566,713 541,635 581,361 14.648 2.6% 010045 Code Enforcement Division 162,810 170.742 167,851 178,074 181.255 166,499 (11,575) .6.5% 010051 Engineering 0 0 0 0 0 S34,121 534,121 UP. 010052 Roads and Maintenance 767.752 967,289 945.587 753.039 737,446 391,718 (16U20) -21A'A 010053 s/0rmwyer Utility 804,434 900313 021,517 1,220.617 1,121.335 923,036 (297,581) .24.4% 010054 Fleet Management 203,063 192.637 211,966 237,152 230,900 240.449 3,296 1.4% 010056 Facilities Maintenance 253.974 243,779 306,265 346,924 282.757 265.031 (81.787) .23.6% 010057 Parks and Recreation 864.540 923.996 937,017 882,432 916,979 925,234 42,952 4.9% 010039 Cemetery 144,486 194,333 1&8.657 190.252 178,850 147,816 (42.436) -22.3% 010080 Community Development 235,651 248.946 211,731 1",207 260,601 261,729 69,522 35,1% 010099 Non -Departmental 751,060 698.%4 1.106.055 1136.981 1.242,903 1350.972 63,991 5.0% Total General Fund Expenditures 5 9,750,950 S I0r97,178 S 11.230,729 S 11,486,177 S 11,304,337 S 11,650.293 164,106 IA. Total Revenues and Transfers 10.218.239 10,556.07E 11,143.927 11,399.129 11,787A13 11,336.057 436.918 3.9. Change in Fund Balance S 467,289 S 258,994 S (86,901) S (87,(148) S 13,076 S 195.774 S 2T2,822 48 DRAFT CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Governmental Funds For the Year Ended September 30, 2016 Revenues Taxes: Property Public utility Sales Motor fuel Franchise fees Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Impact fees Charges for services Fines Investment earnings Contributions and donations Other revenues Total revenues Expenditures Current: General government Public safety Physical environment Transportation Economic environment Culture and recreation Debt service: Principal Interest and fiscal charges Capital outlay Total expenditures Revenues (under) over expenditures Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in Transfers out Total other financing sources (uses) Net changes in fund balances Fund balances, beginning of year Fund balances, end of year Nonmajor Total Discretionary Riverfront Governmental Governmental General Sales Tax Redevelopment Funds Funds $ 3,603,024 $ - $ 339,024 $ 2,686,322 - 3,052,152 1,257,430 - 136,614 2,654,806 - 326,775 72,011 - 28,859 28,449 72,681 - 226,579 11,065,101 3,080,601 3,051,521 4,959,610 1,234,117 951,380 949,789 3,019 36,000 378,043 2,033 331,589 191,903 15,084 11,238,320 - 348,706 (173,219) 3,080,601 29,337 675,753 (343,700) (2,785,072) 332,053 (2,785,072) 158,834 295,529 5,652,594 2,413,576 $ 5,811,428 $ 2,709,105 $ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these basic financial statements, 646,132 54,260 163,800 1,064,720 1,048 16,990 7,900 53,660 2,008,510 8,648 82,580 217,539 1,935,000 92,907 1,573,371 3,910,045 (1,901,535) 5 3,942,048 2,686,322 3,052,152 646,132 1,257,430 136,614 2,709,066 163,800 1,391,495 73,059 77,317 80,581 316,239 16,532,255 3,053,554 4,968,258 1,316,697 1,168,919 331,589 849,789 1,935,D00 92,907 1,780,358 15,497,071 1,035,184 10,600 3,007,926 3,694,279 (28,612) (1,241,962) (4,399,346) (18,012) 1,765,964 (705,067) 11,325 (135,571) 330,117 446,728 3,007,311 11,520,209 458,053 $ 2,871,740 $ 11,850,326 40 Oct 2016-Jan 2017 REVENUES 02/10/2017 14:16 JSmith FOR 2017 04 1111wHW,1nk"A fa14k117 001501 GENERAL FUND REVENUE CITY OF SEBASTIAN YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED KID EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES P 1 glytdbud AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 311000 REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXE -3,793,025 -3,793,025 -3,336,605.76 -150,633.42 .00 -456,419.24 88.0% 311001 DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES -2,500 -2,500 -2,134.85 .00 .00 -365.15 85.4% 313100 ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE -1,232,891 -1,232,891 -283,682.78 -77,877.37 .00 -949,208.22 23.0% 313700 SOLID WASTE FRANCHISE FEE -80,080 -80,080 -22,775.45 -8,990.41 .00 -57,304.55 28.4% 313900 OTHER FRANCHISE FEES -13,000 -13,000 -3,970.92 -1,498.09 .00 -9,029.08 30.5% 314100 ELECTRIC UTILITY SERVICE TAX -1,645,240 -1,645,240 -405,122.72 -116,250.80 .00 -1,240,117.28 24.6% 314300 WATER UTILITY SERVICE TAX -271,400 -271,400 -67,509.65 -24,317.78 .00 -203,890.35 24.9% 314400 GAS UTILITY SERVICE TAX -10,816 -10,816 -2,768.84 -1,069.51 .00 -8,047.16 25.6% 314800 PROPANE UTILITY SERVICE TAX -33,280 -33,280 -8,361.13 -2,653.01 .00 -24,918.87 25.1% 314950 CST REVENUE SHARING -788,800 -788,800 -182,517.68 -62,664.40 .00 -606,282.32 23.1% 321000 BUSINESS TAX -90,000 -90,000 -77,708.94 -2,326.60 .00 -12,291.06 86.3% 321100 BUS. TAX -PENALTIES/TRANSFERS -3,000 -3,000 -1,293.88 -254.65 .00 -1,706.12 43.1% 322060 DRIVEWAY PERMITS -26,000 -26,000 -7,000.00 -1,100.00 .00 -19,000.00 26.9% 322080 RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT 0 0 -250.00 -250.00 .00 250.00 100.0% 322900 OTHER PERMITS AND FEES -2,600 -2,600 -1,059.90 -267.90 .00 -1,540.10 40.8% 329100 ZONING FEES -6,000 -6,000 -1,790.50 -150.00 .00 -4,209.50 29.8% 329200 SITE PLAN REVIEW FEES -5,000 -5,000 -350.00 .00 .00 -4,650.00 7.0% 329300 PLAT REVIEW FEES -3,000 -3,000 -1,0.00.00 -500.00 .00 -2,000.00 33.3% 329400 PLAN REVISION FEE -500 -500 -75.00 .00 .00 -425.00 15.096 329450 ENGINEER REVIEW FEES -1,200 -1,200 .00. .00 .00 -1,200.00 .0% 329500 ALARM PERMITS -2,200 -2,200 -980.00 -190.00 .00 -1,220.00 44.5% 331200 FED GRANT -PUBLIC SAFETY 0 0 -877.00 -877.00 .00 877.00 100.0% 335120 MUNICIPAL REVENUE SHARING -598,584 -598,584 -145,508.11 -48,502.70 .00 -453,075.89 24.3% 335122 8TH CENT MOTOR FUEL TAX -210,808 -210,808 -45,422.37 -15,140.79 .00 -165,385.63 21.5% 335140 MOBILE HOME LICENSES -10,500 -10,500 -9,402.87 -2,684.33 .00 -1,097.13 89.6% 335150 ALCHOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE -15,000 -15,000 .00 .00 .00 -15,000.00 .0% 335180 LOCAL HALF -CENT SALES TAX -1,684,408 -1,684,408 -397,629.49 -148,063.23 .00 -1,286,778.51 23.61; 341920 CERT. COPYING/RECORD RESEARCH -1,600 -1,600 -784.92 -216.65 .00 -815.08 49.1% 341930 ELECTION QUALIFYING FEES -300 -300 .00 .00 .00 -300.00 .0% 342100 PD OVERTIME SERVICE FEES -21,000 -21,000 -4,829.70 -3,347.50 .00 -16t170.30 23.0% 343805 CEMETERY FEES -12,000 -12,000 -3,300.00 -1,000.00 .00 -8,700.00 27.5% 347550 SKATE FACILITY FEES -6,000 -6,000 -918.00 -224.00 .00 -5,082.00 15.3% 347555 TENNIS FACILITIES FEES -23,000 -23,000 -6,676.00 -1,771.00 .00 -16,324.00 29.0% 347556 COUNTY FACILITY IMPACT ADM FE -12,000 -12,000 -2,942.82 -456.13 .00 -9,057.18 24.5% 347557 COMMUNITY CENTER REC REVENUES -25,000 -25,000 -5,293.30 -2,053.80 .00 -19,706.70 21.2% 349140 ADMIN SERVICE FEES - RRD -13,202 -13,202 -4,400.64 -1,100.16 .00 -8,801.36 33.3% 349410 GOLF COURSE ADMINISTRATIVE FE -96,000 -96,000 -32,000.00 -8,000.00 .00 -64,000.00 33.3% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 2 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED 349450 AIRPORT ADMINISTRATIVE FEE -45,500 -45,500 -15,166.64 -3,791.66 .00 -30,333.36 33.3% 349455 MAINTENANCE SERVICE FEES -AP 0 0 -757.62 -235.98 .00 757.62 100.0% 349480 BUILDING DEPT ADMIN FEES -65,000 -65,000 -21,666.64 -5,416.66 .00 -43,333.36 33.3% 349485 Maintenance Service Fees -Bldg -500 -500 -124.20 -99.36 .00 -375.80 24.8% 351100 COURT FINES -13,000 -13,000 -3,793.97 -924.66 .00 -9,206.03 29.2% 351115 POLICE EDUCATION-$2.00 -1,200 -1,200 -371.47 -86.93 .00 -828.53 31.0% 351140 PARKING FINES -600 -600 -360.00 -290.00 .00 -240.00 60.0% 354100 CODE ENFORCEMENT FINES -40,000 -40,000 -13,046.37 -4,293.48 .00 -26,953.63 32.6% 359000 OTHER FINES/FORFEITURES -200 -200 -79.25 -14.00 .00 -120.75 39.6% 361100 INTEREST INCOME -30,000 -30,000 -6,341.79 116.55 .00 -23,658.21 21.1% 361105 SBA INTEREST EARNINGS -3,500 -3,500 -2,522.51 .00 .00 -977.49 72.1% 361150 OTHER INTEREST -500 -500 .00 .00 .00 -500.00 .0% 362100 RENTS AND ROYALTIES -12,000 -12,000 -6,057.50 -1,438.50 .00 -5,942.50 50.5% 362150 NONTAXABLE RENTS -90,000 -90,000 -28,470.20 -15,920.24 .00 -61,529.80 31.6% 364100 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS -35,000 -35,000 .00 .00 .00 -35,000.00 .0% 365000 SALE OF SURPLUS MATER/SCRAP -5,000 -5,000 -269.00 .00 .00 -4,731.00 5.4% 366000 CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS -1,000 -1,500 -1,400.00 -100.00 .00 -100.00 93.3% 366150 75th ANNIVERSARY REVENUES -100 -100 -390.00 -150.00 .00 290.00 390.0% 366200 CONTRIBUTION-ARDEN GREER TRUS 0 -12,000 -12,000.00 -12,000.00 .00 .00 100.0% 366604 DONATIONS -PUB SAFE EMPL FUND -2,500 -2,500 -3,205.00 -430.00 .00 705.00 128.2% 366605 DONATIONS-GEN EMPLOYEE FUND -2,500 -2,500 -525.15 .00 .00 -1,974.85 21.0% 366805 4TH OF JULY DONATIONS -5,000 -5,000 .00 .00 .00 -5,000.00 .0% 369100 MOTOR FUEL TAX REBATE -12,000 -12,000 -4,349.19 -999.98 .00 -7,650.81 36.2% 369200 INSURANCE PROCEEDS -39,454 -39,454 -2,121.92 -938.12 .00 -37,332.08 5.4% 369400 REIMBURSEMENTS -25,000 -25,000 -1,813.75 -540.00 .00 -23,186.25 7.3% 369900 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE -2,500 -2,500 -23.29 -6.87 .00 -2,476.71 .9% 369955 VEND MACH SALES-GEN EMPL FUND -500 -500 -89.82 -40.92 .00 -410.18 18.0% 381163 INTER TRFR FROM 163 STORMWATE -650,000 -650,000 -216,666.64 -54,166.66 .00 -433,333.36 33.3% 381450 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 450 AIRPT -10,000 -10,000 -3,333.32 -833.33 .00 -6,666.68 33.3% 381601 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 601 CEM T -3,569 -3,569 .00 .00 .00 -3,569.00 .0% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB 0 -115,856 .00 .00 .00 -115,856.00 .0% TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE -11,836,057 -11,964,413 -5,411,888.46 -787,032.03 .00 -6,552,524.54 45.2% TOTAL GENERAL FUND -11,836,057 -11,964,413 -5,411,888.46 -787,032.03 .00 -6,552,524.54 45.2% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 3 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 120 LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX 120010 LOGT FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 312400 LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX -665,600 -665,600 -172,227.60 -58,483.56 .00 -493,372.40 25.9% 334492 FDOT LIGHTING AGREEMENT -12,532 -12,532 .00 .00 .00 -12,532.00 .0% 361100 INTEREST INCOME -97 -97 -440.12 5.13 .00 343.12 453.7% 381001 INTERFUND TRANSFER FROM 001 G -200,000 -200,000 .00 .00 .00 -200,000.00 .0% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB -209,509 -209,509 .00 .00 .00 -209,509.00 .0% TOTAL LOGT FUND REVENUE -1,087,738 -1,087,738 -172,667.72 -58,478.43 .00 -915,070.28 15.9% TOTAL LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX -1,087,738 -1,087,738 -172,667.72 -58,478.43 .00 -915,070.28 15.9% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 4 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 130 DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX 130010 DST FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 312600 DISCRETIONARY SALES SURTAX -3,004,788 -3,004,788 -666,301.69 -247,964.19 .00 -2,338,486.31 22.2% 361100 INTEREST INCOME -14,418 -14,418 -1,460.13 27.15 .00 -12,957.87 10.1% 361105 SBA INTEREST EARNINGS -13,000 -13,000 -2,640.65 .00 .00 -10,359.35 20.3% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB 0 -2,007,195 .00 .00 .00 -2,007,195.00 .0% TOTAL DST FUND REVENUE -3,032,206 -5,039,401 -670,402.47 -247,937.04 .00 -4,368,998.53 13.3% TOTAL DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX -3,032,206 -5,039,401 -670,402.47 -247,937.04 .00 -4,368,998.53 13.3% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 5 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 140 RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND 140010 RRD REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 338200 TAX INCREMENT REVENUE -343,707 -343,707 -342,240.96 .00 .00 -1,466.04 99.6% 361100 INTEREST INCOME -1,100 -1,100 -757.93 16.26 .00 -342.07 68.9% 361105 SBA INTEREST EARNINGS -222 -222 -213.63 .00 .00 -8.37 96.2% 362100 RENTS AND ROYALTIES -36,000 -36,000 -12,000.00 -3,000.00 .00 -24,000.00 33.3% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB 0 -235,455 .00 .00 .00 -235,455.00 .0% TOTAL RRD REVENUE -381,029 -616,484 -355,212.52 -2,983.74 .00 -261,271.48 57.6% TOTAL RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FU -381,029 -616,484 -355,212.52 -2,983.74 .00 -261,271.48 57.6% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 6 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 150 PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND 150010 PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUES AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 361100 INTEREST INCOME 0 0 -1.63 .00 .00 1.63 100.0% 361105 SBA INTEREST EARNINGS -107 -107 -167.95 .00 .00 60.95 157.0% 363400 PARKING IN LIEU OF FEE -19,730 -19,730 -6,576.52 -1,147.97 .00 -13,153.48 33.3% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB 0 -58,495 .00 .00 .00 -58,495.00 .0% TOTAL PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUES -19,837 -78,332 -6,746.10 -1,147.97 .00 -71,585.90 8.6% TOTAL PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND -19,837 -78,332 -6,746.10 -1,147.97 .00 -71,585.90 8.6% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 7 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 160 RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND 160010 RECREATION IMPACT FEE REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 361100 INTEREST INCOME -2,000 -2,000 -754.76 13.37 .00 -1,245.24 37.7% 361105 SBA INTEREST EARNINGS -112 -112 -734.79 .00 .00 622.79 656.1% 363270 RECREATION IMPACT FEE -135,200 -135,200 .00 .00 .00 -135,200.00 .0% 363271 RIF ZONE A 0 0 -4,875.00 -1,625.00 .00 4,875.00 100.0% 363272 RIF ZONE B 0 0 -6,825.00 -1,950.00 .00 6,825.00 100.0% 363273 RIF ZONE C 0 0 -5,200.00 -1,625.00 .00 5,200.00 100.0% 363274 RIF ZONE D 0 0 -13,650.00 -3,575.00 .00 13,650.00 100.0% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB -137,688 -162,908 .00 .00 .00 -162,908.00 .0% TOTAL RECREATION IMPACT FEE REVEN -275,000 -300,220 -32,039.55 -8,761.63 .00 -268,180.45 10.7% TOTAL RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND -275,000 -300,220 -32,039.55 -8,761.63 .00 -268,180.45 10.7% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 8 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 163 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND 163010 Stormwater Fund Revenue AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 361100 INTEREST INCOME -3,875 -3,875 -1,092.67 23.63 .00 -2,782.33 28.2% 363630 STORMWATER UTILITY FEE -993,000 -993,000 -842,894.88 -43,987.31 .00 -150,105.12 84.9% 363631 DELINQUENT STORMWATER FEES 0 0 -679.09 .00 .00 679.09 100.0% 381001 INTERFUND TRANSFER FROM 001 G -100,000 -100,000 .00 .00 .00 -100,000.00 .0% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB -63,125 -153,152 .00 .00 .00 -153,152.00 .0% TOTAL Stormwater Fund Revenue -1,160,000 -1,250,027 -844,666.64 -43,963.68 .00 -405,360.36 67.6% TOTAL STORMWATER UTILITY FUND -1,160,000 -1,250,027 -844,666.64 -43,963.68 .00 -405,360.36 67.6% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 9 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 190 LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND 190010 LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 351200 CONFISCATED PROPERTY -1,000 -1,000 -25,911.00 .00 .00 24,911.00 2591.1% 361100 INTEREST INCOME -25 -25 -44.18 .65 .00 19.18 176.7% 361105 SBA INTEREST EARNINGS -120 -120 -75.32 .00 .00 -44.68 62.8% TOTAL LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE REVE -1,145 -1,145 -26,030.50 .65 .00 24,885.50 2273.4% TOTAL LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND -1,145 -1,145 -26,030.50 .65 .00 24,885.50 2273.4% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 10 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 230 DST SER 2003 DEBT SVC FUND 230010 DST SER 2003 REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 361100 INTEREST INCOME -1,591 -1,591 -84.28 2.12 .00 -1,506.72 5.3% 381130 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 130 DST -352,927 -352,927 -117,642.32 -29,410.58 .00 -235,284.68 33.3% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB -356,036 -356,036 .00 .00 .00 -356,036.00 .0% TOTAL DST SER 2003 REVENUE -710,554 -710,554 -117,726.60 -29,408.46 .00 -592,827.40 16.6% TOTAL DST SER 2003 DEBT SVC FUND -710,554 -710,554 -117,726.60 -29,408.46 .00 -592,827.40 16.6% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET 263 STORMWATER 2003 DEBT SERV FUND 263010 STORMWATER DEBT FUND REVENUES YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES I 11 Iglytdbud AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 361100 INTEREST INCOME -112 -112 -274.20 3.42 .00 162.20 244.8% 381130 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 130 DST -402,963 -402,963 -134,321.00 -33,580.25 .00 -268,642.00 33.3% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB -57 -57 .00 .00 .00 -57.00 .0% TOTAL STORMWATER DEBT FUND REVENU -403,132 -403,132 -134,595.20 -33,576.83 .00 -268,536.80 33.4% TOTAL STORMWATER 2003 DEBT SERV F -403,132 -403,132 -134,595.20 -33,576.83 .00 -268,536.80 33.4% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 12 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 310 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 310010 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 381001 INTERFUND TRANSFER FROM 001 G -54,604 -54,604 -16,150.00 .00 .00 -38,454.00 29.6% 381130 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 130 DST -1,843,125 -1,723,449 -387,385.42 .00 .00 -1,336,063.58 22.5% 381148 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 480 BLDG -41,962 -41,962 -27,579.00 .00 .00 -14,383.00 65.7% 381163 INTER TRFR FROM 163 STORMWATE -312,900 -312,887 -162,886.58 .00 .00 -150,000.42 52.1% 381601 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 601 CEM T -70,000 -70,000 -10,683.90 .00 .00 -59,316.10 15.3% TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND REVEN -2,322,591 -2,202,902 -604,684.90 .00 .00 -1,598,217.10 27.4% TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND -2,322,591 -2,202,902 -604,684.90 .00 .00 -1,598,217.10 27.4% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 13 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 320 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 320010 CAPITAL IMPROVE FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 334500 STATE GRANT -ECONOMIC ENVIRONM -246,200 -246,200 -25,520.75 .00 .00 -220,679.25 10.4% 337705 FIND GRANTS -74,903 -74,903 .00 .00 .00 -74,903.40 .0% 381130 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 130 DST -366,767 -366,767 .00 .00 .00 -366,767.00 .0% 381160 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 160 RIF -325,220 -300,220 .00 .00 .00 -300,220.00 .0% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVE FUND REVENU -1,013,090 -988,090 -25,520.75 .00 .00 -962,569.65 2.6% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND -1,013,090 -988,090 -25,520.75 .00 .00 -962,569.65 2.6% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 14 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 330 TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS FUND 330010 TRANS PROJ FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 334704 DEP Grant -186,840 -186,840 .00 .00 .00 -186,840.00 .0% 381001 INTERFUND TRANSFER FROM 001 G -132,925 -132,925 .00 .00 .00 -132,925.00 .0% 381120 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 120 LOGT -755,923 -750,000 .00 .00 .00 -749,999.70 .0% 381130 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 130 DST -881,257 -862,492 -6,100.60 .00 .00 -856,391.05 .7% 381140 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 140 RRD -188,730 -188,730 .00 .00 .00 -188,729.55 .0% 381150 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 150 PILO -13,792 -13,792 .00 .00 .00 -13,792.00 .0% TOTAL TRANS PROJ FUND REVENUE -2,159,466 -2,134,778 -6,100.60 .00 .00 -2,128,677.30 .3% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS FUN -2,159,466 -2,134,778 -6,100.60 .00 .00 -2,128,677.30 .3% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 15 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 363 STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS FUND 363010 STORMWATER IMPROV FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 381001 INTERFUND TRANSFER FROM 001 G -50,000 -50,000 .00 .00 .00 -50,000.00 .0% 381163 INTER TRFR FROM 163 STORMWATE -240,000 -240,000 .00 .00 .00 -240,000.00 .0% TOTAL STORMWATER IMPROV FUND REVE -290,000 -290,000 .00 .00 .00 -290,000.00 .0% TOTAL STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS FUN -290,000 -290,000 .00 .00 .00 -290,000.00 .0% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 16 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 410 GOLF COURSE FUND 410010 GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 347501 GREENS FEES -450,000 -450,000 -136,492.91 -55,897.57 .00 -313,507.09 30.3% 347502 CART RENTALS -650,000 -650,000 -203,873.80 -76,302.85 .00 -446,126.20 31.4% 347510 DRIVING RANGE FEES -41,000 -41,000 -12,846.15 -4,688.03 .00 -28,153.85 31.3% 347512 CLUB STORAGE FEES -2,900 -2,900 -2,607.88 -94.00 .00 -292.12 89.9% 347513 CLUB RENTAL FEES -2,500 -2,500 -655.87 -182.18 .00 -1,844.13 26.2% 347521 MEMBERSHIP FEES -92,250 -92,250 -82,607.28 -2,589.54 .00 -9,642.72 89.5% 347522 HANDICAP FEES -4,800 -4,800 -4,220.00 -500.00 .00 -580.00 87.9% 347523 RESIDENT CARD FEES -30,000 -30,000 -26,245.44 -4,963.08 .00 -3,754.56 87.5% 347530 NON-TAXABLE SALES -50 -50 -19.50 -9.00 .00 -30.50 39.0% 347540 PRO SHOP SALES -60,000 -60,000 -16,006.91 -4,364.17 .00 -43,993.09 26.7% 361100 INTEREST INCOME 0 0 222.82 -3.08 .00 -222.82 100.0% 362100 RENTS AND ROYALTIES -31,000 -31,000 -8,895.11 -2,340.10 .00 -22,104.89 28.7% 366000 CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS -5,000 -5,000 -5,423.00 -10,000.00 .00 423.00 108.5% 369900 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE -1,000 -1,000 19.78 3.06 .00 -1,019.78 -2.0% 369941 SALES TAX COMMISSION -360 -360 -120.00 -30.00 .00 -240.00 33.3% 369945 PRO LESSON FEES -3,000 -3,000 -1,140.00 -590.00 .00 -1,860.00 38.0% 381415 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 415 GC CI -18,463 -18,463 .00 .00 .00 -18,463.00 .0% TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE -1,392,323 -1,392,323 -500,911.25 -162,550.54 .00 -891,411.75 36.0% TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND -1,392,323 -1,392,323 -500,911.25 -162,550.54 .00 -891,411.75 36.0% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 17 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 415 GOLF COURSE PROJECTS FUND 415010 GC PROJECTS FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 361105 SBA INTEREST EARNINGS 0 0 90.83 .00 .00 -90.83 100.0% 381148 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 480 BLDG -509,816 -509,816 -17,839.91 .00 .00 -491,975.81 3.5% 389910 INTRAFUND TRFR FROM 410 GC RE 627,218 627,218 .00 .00 .00 627,217.82 .0% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB -74,276 -74,276 .00 .00 .00 -74,276.00 .0% TOTAL GC PROJECTS FUND REVENUE 43,126 43,126 -17,749.08 .00 .00 60,875.18 -41.2% TOTAL GOLF COURSE PROJECTS FUND 43,126 43,126 -17,749.08 .00 .00 60,875.18 -41.2% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 18 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 450 AIRPORT 450010 AIRPORT REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 344100 FUEL SALES -75,000 -75,000 -17,959.30 -4,229.27 .00 -57,040.70 23.9% 361100 INTEREST INCOME 0 0 -347.64 4.67 .00 347.64 100.0% 362150 NONTAXABLE RENTS -391 -391 .00 .00 .00 -391.00 .0% 362501 VELOCITY -40,800 -40,800 -13,633.33 .00 .00 -27,166.67 33.4% 362502 KENNETH MISHLER LEASE -4,800 -4,800 -1,567.48 -391.87 .00 -3,232.52 32.7% 362503 SEBASTIAN AFRO SERVICES -5,800 -5,800 -2,920.12 -1,471.65 .00 -2,879.88 50.3% 362506 SKYDIVE SEBASTIAN LEASES -17,500 -17,500 -7,393.65 -2,957.46 .00 -10,106.35 42.2% 362507 SWING -1,700 -1,700 -853.59 .00 .00 -846.41 50.2% 362508 SHELTAIR SEBASTIAN LAND LEASE -33,100 -33,100 -10,875.04 -2,779.48 .00 -22,224.96 32.9% 362510 Steven Phillipson Lease -51,100 -51,100 -25,386.94 -12,881.06 .00 -25,713.06 49.7% 362512 PILOTS PARADISE USA -575 -575 -241.27 -96.97 .00 -333.73 42.0% 362514 NATIONAL APERTURE -33,200 -33,200 -16,730.76 -8,365.38 .00 -16,469.24 50.4% 362515 LOPRESTI LEASE -49,800 -49,800 -16,600.04 -4,150.01 .00 -33,199.96 33.3% 362599 SEBASTIAN GOLF COURSE LEASE -100,000 -100,000 -33,333.32 -8,333.33 .00 -66,666.68 33.3% 365000 SALE OF SURPLUS MATER/SCRAP -1,000 -1,000 .00 .00 .00 -1,000.00 .0% 369400 REIMBURSEMENTS -13,200 -17,675 -8,481.03 -1,708.62 .00 -9,193.97 48.0% 369900 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE -59,640 -59,640 -20,122.96 -5,080.74 .00 -39,517.04 33.7% 369941 SALES TAX COMMISSION -250 -250 -93.85 -23.15 .00 -156.15 37.5% 381001 INTERFUND TRANSFER FROM 001 G 0 -5,526 .00 .00 .00 -5,526.00 .0% TOTAL AIRPORT REVENUE -487,856 -497,857 -176,540.32 -52,464.32 .00 -321,316.68 35.5% TOTAL AIRPORT -487,856 -497,857 -176,540.32 -52,464.32 .00 -321,316.68 35.5% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 19 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 455 AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 455010 AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 331451 FED GRANT -AIRPORT FAA -429,480 -429,480 -88,662.05 -88,662.05 .00 -340,817.95 20.6% 334451 AIRPORT - FDOT JPA REVENUE -59,220 -59,220 -39,731.38 -39,731.38 .00 -19,488.77 67.1% 334705 FDOT Grant -1,150,609 -1,150,609 -109,300.01 -109,300.01 .00 -1,041,308.56 9.5% 369900 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE -250 -250 .00 .00 .00 -250.23 .0% 381001 INTERFUND TRANSFER FROM 001 G 335,000 335,000 .00 .00 .00 335,000.00 .0% 381130 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 130 DST -424,993 -424,993 -105,322.53 -105,322.53 .00 -319,670.82 24.8% 389950 INTERFUND TRFR FROM 450 AP RE -224,136 -224,136 .00 .00 .00 -224,135.56 .0% 389995 APPROPRIATED PY RET EARNINGS -133,907 -133,907 .00 .00 .00 -133,906.67 .0% TOTAL AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND REVEN -2,087,595 -2,087,595 -343,015.97 -343,015.97 .00 -1,744,578.56 16.4% TOTAL AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND -2,087,595 -2,087,595 -343,015.97 -343,015.97 .00 -1,744,578.56 16.4% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 20 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 480 BUILDING 480010 BUILDING REVENUES AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 321050 PROFESSIONAL LICENSES -13,000 -13,000 -10,150.00 -260.00 .00 -2,850.00 78.1% 321150 CONTRACTOR LIC. - PENALTIES -2,500 -2,500 -804.00 -117.00 .00 -1,696.00 32.2% 322050 BUILDING PERMITS -390,000 -390,000 -95,103.50 -26,361.50 .00 -294,896.50 24.4% 322055 ROOFING PERMITS -50,000 -50,000 -20,450.00 -7,275.00 .00 -29,550.00 40.9% 322065 ALUMINUM STRUCTURE PERMITS -21,000 -21,000 -7,275.00 -2,150.00 .00 -13,725.00 34.6% 322070 SHED PERMITS -6,300 -6,300 -3,300.00 -1,200.00 .00 -3,000.00 52.4% 322075 REINSPECTION FEES -22,500 -22,500 -2,700.00 -495.00 .00 -19,800.00 12.0% 322100 LAND CLEARING PERMITS -15,500 -15,500 -3,700.00 -875.00 .00 -11,800.00 23.9% 322200 ELECTRICAL PERMITS -32,000 -32,000 -8,716.47 -2,202.42 .00 -23,283.53 27.2% 322225 PLUMBING PERMITS -25,000 -25,000 -6,788.47 -1,983.42 .00 -18,211.53 27.2% 322230 POOL PERMITS -18,000 -18,000 -5,760.00 -765.00 .00 -12,240.00 32.0% 322240 SOLAR SYSTEM PERMITS -3,000 -3,000 -2,025.00 -150.00 .00 -975.00 67.5% 322250 MECHANICAL PERMITS -59,000 -59,000 -14,912.47 -4,793.42 .00 -44,087.53 25.3% 322300 FENCING PERMITS -17,000 -17,000 -6,525.00 -2,025.00 .00 -10,475.00 38.4% 322500 SIGN PERMITS -3,000 -3,000 -675.00 -495.00 .00 -2,325.00 22.5% 322600 EXPIRED PERMIT FEES -8,000 -8,000 -2,850.00 -900.00 .00 -5,150.00 35.6% 329400 PLAN REVISION FEE -42,000 -42,000 -10,776.45 -1,677.20 .00 -31,223.55 25.7% 341920 CERT. COPYING/RECORD RESEARCH -600 -600 -228.70 -97.50 .00 -371.30 38.1% 347556 COUNTY FACILITY IMPACT ADM FE -12,000 -12,000 -2,942.82 -456.13 .00 -9,057.18 24.5% 359000 OTHER FINES/FORFEITURES -4,000 -4,000 -1,700.00 -800.00 .00 -2,300.00 42.5% 361100 INTEREST INCOME -6,777 -6,777 -210.02 3.14 .00 -6,566.98 3.1% 361105 SBA INTEREST EARNINGS -1,543 -1,543 -1,563.41 .00 .00 20.41 101.3% 369900 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE -2,500 -2,500 -1,011.26 -415.40 .00 -1,488.74 40.5% 381001 INTERFUND TRANSFER FROM 001 G -25,000 -25,000 -8,333.32 -2,083.33 .00 -16,666.68 33.3% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB 0 -359,198 .00 .00 .00 -359,198.00 .0% TOTAL BUILDING REVENUES -780,220 -1,139,418 -218,500.89 -57,574.18 .00 -920,917.11 19.2% TOTAL BUILDING -780,220 -1,139,418 -218,500.89 -57,574.18 .00 -920,917.11 19.2% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 21 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 601 CEMETERY TRUST FUND 601010 CEMETERY TRUST FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 343800 CEMETERY LOT SALES 0 0 -7,200.00 -4,200.00 .00 7,200.00 100.0% 361100 INTEREST INCOME 0 0 -1,431.87 22.18 .00 1,431.87 100.0% 361105 SBA INTEREST EARNINGS 0 0 -163.47 .00 .00 163.47 100.0% 389991 APPROPRIATION FROM PY FB 0 -59,316 .00 .00 .00 -59,316.00 .0% TOTAL CEMETERY TRUST FUND REVENUE 0 -59,316 -8,795.34 -4,177.82 .00 -50,520.66 14.8% TOTAL CEMETERY TRUST FUND 0 -59,316 -8,795.34 -4,177.82 .00 -50,520.66 14.8% 02/10/2017 14:16 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 22 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 620 POLICE OFFICERS PENSION TF 620210 POLICE OFF PENSION TF REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 335200 POLICE PENSION STATE SHARED R 0 0 -337,201.00 .00 .00 337,201.00 100.0% 361100 INTEREST INCOME 0 0 -19,767.37 .00 .00 19,767.37 100.0% 361200 DIVIDEND INCOME 0 0 -26,148.41 .00 .00 26,148.41 100.0% 361300 NET INC/DEC IN FV OF INVESTME 0 0 -348,054.64 .00 .00 348,054.64 100.0% 368100 PD PENSION -EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 0 0 -62,625.06 -13,905.12 .00 62,625.06 100.0% 369900 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 -91.53 .00 .00 91.53 100.0% TOTAL POLICE OFF PENSION TF REVEN 0 0 -793,888.01 -13,905.12 .00 793,888.01 100.0% TOTAL POLICE OFFICERS PENSION TF 0 0 -793,888.01 -13,905.12 .00 793,888.01 100.0% GRAND TOTAL -29,396,713 -32,200,599 -10,467,682.87-1,846,977.11 .00 -21,732,915.86 32.5% ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Jennifer Smith ** Oct 2016-Jan 2017 EXPENSES 02/10/2017 14:18 JSmith FOR 2017 04 001 GENERAL FUND 010001 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SEBASTIAN YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 19,800 19,800 512100 FICA TAXES 2,913 2,913 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 51 51 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 24,000 24,000 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 900 900 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 0 0 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 100 100 534800 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 300 300 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 550 550 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 1,500 1,500 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 200 200 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 125 125 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 3,450 3,450 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 53,889 53,889 YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES P 1 glytdbud AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 6,600.00 1,650.00 .00 13,200.00 33.3% 963.91 240.98 .00 1,949.09 33.196 14.52 .00 .00 36.48 28.5% 6,899.72 1,745.72 .00 17,100.28 28.7% 337.09 299.49 .00 562.91 37.516 160.60 160.60 .00 -160.60 100.0% .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 190.46 17.49 .00 109.54 63.5% 314.81 155.65 .00 235.19 57.2% 540.21 359.98 759.98 199.81 86.7$ .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% .00 .00 .00 125.00 .0% 600.00 .00 .00 2,850.00 17.4% 16,621.32 4,629.91 759.98 36,507.70 32.3% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 2 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED 010005 CITY MANAGER 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 261,600 261,600 62,940.03 15,692.77 .00 198,659.97 24.1% 512100 FICA TAXES 20,013 20,013 4,384.32 1,202.18 .00 15,628.68 21.9% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 23,544 23,544 5,664.65 1,412.36 .00 17,879.35 24.1% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 22,405 22,405 4,517.19 1,113.21 .00 17,887.81 20.2% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 17,375 17,375 3,071.56 767.89 .00 14,303.44 17.7% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 72 72 20.00 4.00 .00 52.00 27.8% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 679 679 150.90 .00 .00 528.10 22.2% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 600 600 248.62 147.94 .00 351.38 41.4% 534120 POSTAGE 50 50 .47 .00 .00 49.53 .9% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 1,480 1,480 577.59 123.02 .00 902.41 39.0% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 500 500 140.80 110.00 .00 359.20 28.2% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 675 675 165.20 48.43 .00 509.80 24.5% 534800 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 1,500 1,500 125.00 .00 .00 1,375.00 8.3% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 400 400 201.83 16.61 .00 198.17 50.5% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 0 0 7.99 .00 .00 -7.99 100.0% 535260 GAS AND OIL 500 500 531.08 97.24 .00 -31.08 106.2% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 450 450 .00 .00 .00 450.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 0 0 50.00 .00 .00 -50.00 100.0% TOTAL CITY MANAGER 351,843 351,843 82,797.23 20,735.65 .00 269,045.77 23.5% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 3 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED 010009 CITY CLERK 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 111,750 111,750 33,577.61 8,394.41 .00 78,172.39 30.0% 511300 Temporary Salaries 4,000 4,000 852.50 170.00 .00 3,147.50 21.3% 512100 FICA TAXES 8,855 8,855 2,563.38 635.02 .00 6,291.62 28.9% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 10,058 10,058 3,022.00 755.50 .00 7,036.00 30.0% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 14,720 14,720 4,452.36 1,108.22 .00 10,267.64 30.2% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 3,008 3,008 1,059.24 264.81 .00 1,948.76 35.2% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 48 48 20.00 4.00 .00 28.00 41.7% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 300 300 85.42 .00 .00 214.58 28.5% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,000 2,000 470.48 206.52 .00 1,529.52 23.5% 533490 CODE CODIFICATION SERVICES 4,800 4,800 2,008.09 908.09 .00 2,791.91 41.8% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1,200 1,200 .00 .00 .00 1,200.00 .0% 534120 POSTAGE 310 310 96.57 25.22 .00 213.43 31.2% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 770 770 251.23 53.51 .00 518.77 32.6% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 12,850 12,850 10,666.73 92.00 .00 2,183.27 83.0% 534910 CLERK OF COURT FILING FEES 150 150 161.10 .00 .00 -11.10 107.4% 534920 LEGAL ADS 2,300 2,300 485.95 301.15 .00 1,814.05 21.1% 534990 ELECTION EXPENSES 9,500 9,500 9,487.50 .00 .00 12.50 99.9% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 500 500 81.05 10.90 .00 418.95 16.2% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 500 500 20.99 .00 .00 479.01 4.2% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 550 550 335.00 .00 .00 215.00 60.9% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 650 650 .00 .00 .00 650.00 .0% TOTAL CITY CLERK 188,919 188,919 69,697.20 12,929.35 .00 119,221.80 36.9% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 4 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 010010 LEGAL 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 534115 ONLINE SERVICE FEES 534120 POSTAGE 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS TOTAL LEGAL ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 100,000 100,000 23,900.00 8,300.00 .00 76,100.00 23.9% 1,070 1,070 276.00 92.00 .00 794.00 25.8% 50 50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 .0% 150 150 150.00 .00 .00 .00 100.0% 450 450 300.00 .00 .00 150.00 66.7% 101,720 101,720 24,626.00 8,392.00 .00 77,094.00 24.2% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 5 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010020 FINANCE/ACCOUNTING AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 307,350 307,350 102,897.80 28,649.01 .00 204,452.20 33.5% 511300 Temporary Salaries 5,000 5,000 1,521.57 256.77 .00 3,478.43 30.4% 511400 OVERTIME 400 400 .00 .00 .00 400.00 .0% 512100 FICA TAXES 23,925 23,925 7,989.07 2,209.56 .00 15,935.93 33.4% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 27,698 27,698 8,637.68 2,162.98 .00 19,060.32 31.2% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 26,975 26,975 6,817.33 1,689.50 .00 20,157.67 25.3% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 1,576 1,576 947.91 303.18 .00 628.09 60.1% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 120 120 54.00 12.00 .00 66.00 45.0% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 722 722 247.99 .00 .00 474.01 34.3% 533120 CONSULTANTS 0 0 3,900.00 .00 .00 -3,900.00 100.0% 533175 EMPLOYEE BACKGROUND & TESTING 6,750 6,750 4,983.25 4,313.25 .00 1,766.75 73.8% 533200 AUDIT FEES 36,000 36,000 31,320.00 31,320.00 .00 4,680.00 87.0% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,000 10,000 1,584.89 1,232.14 .00 8,415.11 15.8% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1,000 1,000 16.74 .00 .00 983.26 1.7% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 1,320 1,320 145.77 73.04 .00 1,174.23 11.0% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 450 450 144.28 72.14 .00 305.72 32.1% 534120 POSTAGE 2,200 2,200 625.33 131.21 .00 1,574.67 28.4% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 1,755 1,755 684.83 145.86 .00 1,070.17 39.0% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 25,000 25,000 23,713.43 22,973.95 .00 1,286.57 94.9% 534700 PRINTING AND BINDING 400 400 .00 .00 .00 400.00 .0% 534800 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 2,250 2,250 .00 .00 .00 2,250.00 .0% 534825 ADVERTISING EXPENDITURES 300 300 .00 .00 .00 300.00 .0% 534920 LEGAL ADS 700 700 .00 .00 .00 700.00 .0% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 2,880 2,880 1,512.59 258.23 .00 1,367.41 52.5% 535205 BANK CHARGES 145 145 90.00 90.00 .00 55.00 62.1% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 100 100 7.99 .00 .00 92.01 8.0% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 1,210 1,210 348.99 319.00 .00 861.01 28.8% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 50 50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 1,200 1,200 .00 .00 .00 1,200.00 .0% TOTAL FINANCE/ACCOUNTING 487,476 487,476 198,191.44 96,211.82 .00 289,284.56 40.7% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 6 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010021 M.I.S. DIVISION AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 106,000 106,000 21,180.25 6,213.27 .00 84,819.75 20.0% 511300 Temporary Salaries 0 0 210.00 210.00 .00 -210.00 100.0% 511400 OVERTIME 1,000 1,000 23.58 23.58 .00 976.42 2.4% 512100 FICA TAXES 8,186 8,186 1,630.47 491.00 .00 6,555.53 19.9% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 9,540 9,540 1,793.01 446.01 .00 7,746.99 18.8% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 14,683 14,683 2,271.08 563.09 .00 12,411.92 15.5% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 2,950 2,950 14.32 3.58 .00 2,935.68 .5% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 48 48 12.00 4.00 .00 36.00 25.0% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 274 274 78.01 .00 .00 195.99 28.5% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,000 5,000 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 .0% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 300 300 71.82 62.10 .00 228.18 23.9% 534101 TELEPHONE SERVICE 8,050 8,050 .00 .00 .00 8,050.00 .0% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 1,440 1,440 211.19 118.69 .00 1,228.81 14.7% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 1,400 1,400 432.84 216.42 .00 967.16 30.9% 534120 POSTAGE 20 20 .00 .00 .00 20.00 .0% 534130 EXPRESS MAIL CHARGES 60 60 .00 .00 .00 60.00 .0% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 50,100 50,100 27,220.67 6,488.40 .00 22,879.33 54.3% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 10,100 10,100 62.15 59.38 .00 10,037.85 .6% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 1,050 1,050 189.42 65.68 .00 860.58 18.0% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 11,800 11,800 3,875.00 .00 .00 7,925.00 32.8% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 300 300 .00 .00 .00 300.00 .0% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 500 500 399.95 200.00 .00 100.05 80.0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 400 400 100.00 25.00 .00 300.00 25.0% TOTAL M.I.S. DIVISION 233,201 233,201 59,775.76 15,190.20 .00 173,425.24 25.6% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 7 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 010022 AUDIO VISUAL 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 511300 Temporary Salaries 512100 FICA TAXES 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION IIffily'10W:1I103Ko1vi088111! ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 74,600 74,600 22,694.78 5,297.10 .00 51,905.22 30.4% 11,000 11,000 2,347.50 645.00 .00 8,652.50 21.3% 6,854 6,854 1,909.11 452.68 .00 4,944.89 27.9% 5,265 5,265 1,617.76 404.44 .00 3,647.24 30.7% 7,362 7,362 2,257.48 560.37 .00 5,104.52 30.7% 48 48 18.00 2.00 .00 30.00 37.5% 233 233 66.33 .00 .00 166.67 28.5% 200 200 .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 720 720 153.11 74.41 .00 566.89 21.3% 3,300 3,300 1,217.73 506.84 .00 2,082.27 36.9% 66 66 25.87 5.51 .00 40.13 39.2% 1,545 1,545 3.35 .77 .00 1,541.65 .2% 200 200 51.24 .00 .00 148.76 25.6% 5,140 5,140 1,740.83 1,150.24 .00 3,399.17 33.9% 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 4,706 4,706 3,262.41 100.55 .00 1,443.59 69.3% 100 100 94.54 .00 .00 5.46 94.5% 500 500 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .0% 121,939 121,939 37,460.04 9,199.91 .00 84,478.96 30.7% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 8 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010041 POLICE ADMINISTRATION AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 424,400 424,400 163,332.19 40,352.31 .00 261,067.81 38.5% 511300 Temporary Salaries 12,500 12,500 1,332.00 336.00 .00 11,168.00 10.7% 511400 OVERTIME 1,000 1,000 258.12 .00 .00 741.88 25.8% 512100 FICA TAXES 33,623 33,623 12,439.31 3,062.02 .00 21,183.69 37.0% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,620 1,620 697.50 180.00 .00 922.50 43.1% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 11,835 11,835 3,981.51 981.20 .00 7,853.49 33.6% 512250 CH. 185 POLICE PENS. CONTRIB. 41,964 41,964 41,314.97 .00 .00 649.03 98.5% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 41,730 41,730 14,474.71 3,754.77 .00 27,255.29 34.7% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 11,250 11,250 4,157.36 1,039.34 .00 7,092.64 37.0% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 168 168 80.00 16.00 .00 88.00 47.6% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 13,344 13,344 3,799.18 .00 .00 9,544.82 28.5% 533100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,500 3,500 600.00 600.00 .00 2,900.00 17.1% 533415 JANITORIAL SERVICES 10,092 10,092 3,724.00 841.00 .00 6,368.00 36.9% 533500 INVESTIGATIONS 500 500 190.00 .00 .00 310.00 38.0% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 3,000 3,000 334.00 .00 .00 2,666.00 11.1% 534101 TELEPHONE SERVICE 7,400 7,400 2,587.62 668.30 .00 4,812.38 35.0% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 2,100 2,100 840.60 433.70 .00 1,259.40 40.0% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 1,800 1,800 1,596.42 360.70 .00 203.58 88.7% 534120 POSTAGE 1,100 1,100 366.74 72.11 .00 733.26 33.3% 534310 ELECTRICITY 29,000 29,000 10,088.47 2,597.81 .00 18,911.53 34.8% 534320 WATER/SEWER 3,100 3,100 964.20 238.41 .00 2,135.80 31.1% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 3,020 3,020 1,181.28 251.60 .00 1,838.72 39.1% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 1,500 1,500 227.25 22.33 .00 1,272.75 15.2% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 45,000 45,000 23,440.20 22,784.91 .00 21,559.80 52.1% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 2,000 2,000 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 .0% 534650 R & M-RADIOS 200 200 .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 534800 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 1,000 1,000 747.65 747.65 .00 252.35 74.8% 534820 Greer Designated Expenditures 0 12,000 316.26 .00 .00 11,683.74 2.6% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 5,000 5,000 1,385.99 171.27 .00 3,614.01 27.7% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 50 50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 .0% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 500 500 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .0% 535260 GAS AND OIL 4,600 4,600 1,138.60 291.38 .00 3,461.40 24.8% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 500 500 1,381.62 .00 .00 -881.62 276.3% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 2,500 2,500 1,399.97 119.98 .00 1,100.03 56.0% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 1,000 1,000 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 1,322.50 .00 .00 1,677.50 44.1% TOTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 724,996 736,996 299,700.22 79,922.79 .00 437,295.78 40.7% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 9 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010043 POLICE PATROL AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 1,478,000 1,478,000 437,969.10 112,319.94 .00 1,040,030.90 29.6% 511400 OVERTIME 150,000 150,000 92,225.33 26,684.41 .00 57,774.67 61.5% 512100 FICA TAXES 125,699 125,699 39,826.46 10,413.36 .00 85,872.54 31.7% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 15,120 15,120 4,477.50 1,125.00 .00 10,642.50 29.6% 512250 CH. 185 POLICE PENS. CONTRIB. 231,176 231,176 226,028.34 .00 .00 5,147.66 97.8% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 185,701 185,701 48,439.47 12,824.46 .00 137,261.53 26.1% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 47,639 47,639 18,759.53 4,856.55 .00 28,879.47 39.4% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 672 672 256.00 56.00 .00 416.00 38.1% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 69,068 69,068 19,664.35 .00 .00 49,403.65 28.5% 533500 INVESTIGATIONS 0 0 52.09 .00 .00 -52.09 100.0% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 3,000 3,000 594.00 .00 .00 2,406.00 19.8% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 5,460 5,460 1,286.47 651.94 .00 4,173.53 23.6% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 16,000 16,000 5,417.87 2,338.81 .00 10,582.13 33.9% 534120 POSTAGE 150 150 .00 .00 .00 150.00 .0% 534130 EXPRESS MAIL CHARGES 150 150 .00 .00 .00 150.00 .0% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 1,067 1,067 328.53 .00 .00 738.47 30.8% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 50,000 50,000 17,495.96 6,550.35 .00 32,504.04 35.0% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 3,000 3,000 256.54 76.57 .00 2,743.46 8.6% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 6,000 6,000 1,314.15 547.86 .00 4,685.85 21.9% 534650 R & M-RADIOS 2,000 2,000 65.00 .00 .00 1,935.00 3.3% 534800 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 200 200 .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 534810 K-9 Expenditures 4,000 4,000 859.27 155.80 .00 3,140.73 21.5% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 46,000 46,000 2,969.90 695.09 5,834.40 37,195.70 19.1% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 50 50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 .0% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 3,000 3,500 1,928.96 .00 .00 1,571.04 55.1% 535260 GAS AND OIL 100,000 100,000 24,471.09 6,235.28 .00 75,528.91 24.5% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 29,000 29,000 4,872.94 1,034.22 2,135.14 21,991.92 24.2% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 5,500 5,500 2,830.29 734.06 .00 2,669.71 51.5% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 600 600 .00 .00 .00 600.00 .0% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 1,000 1,000 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 4,000 4,000 3,773.00 .00 .00 227.00 94.3% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 15,000 15,000 .00 .00 12,721.80 2,278.20 84.8% TOTAL POLICE PATROL 2,598,252 2,598,752 956,162.14 187,299.70 20,691.34 1,621,898.52 37.6% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 10 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010045 CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 108,500 108,500 33,725.97 8,317.99 .00 74,774.03 31.1% 511400 OVERTIME 100 100 205.97 .00 .00 -105.97 206.0% 512100 FICA TAXES 8,409 8,409 2,589.33 629.24 .00 5,819.67 30.8% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,320 1,320 600.00 90.00 .00 720.00 45.5% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 9,774 9,774 3,053.88 748.62 .00 6,720.12 31.2% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 16,887 16,887 5,224.94 1,298.73 .00 11,662.06 30.9% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 741 741 1,328.64 332.16 .00 -587.64 179.3% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 72 72 30.00 6.00 .00 42.00 41.7% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 2,310 2,310 657.68 .00 .00 1,652.32 28.5% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 400 400 .00 .00 .00 400.00 .0% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 600 600 150.96 74.66 .00 449.04 25.2% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 950 950 288.56 144.28 .00 661.44 30.4% 534120 POSTAGE 5,000 5,000 1,216.46 230.16 .00 3,783.54 24.3% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 66 66 25.87 5.51 .00 40.13 39.2% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 1,000 1,000 1,669.02 1,322.01 .00 -669.02 166.9% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 50 50 17.89 4.17 .00 32.11 35.8% 534650 R & M-RADIOS 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 534910 CLERK OF COURT FILING FEES 3,200 3,200 590.00 120.00 .00 2,610.00 18.4% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 800 800 267.82 164.09 .00 532.18 33.5% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 50 50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 .0% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 535260 GAS AND OIL 5,000 5,000 1,999.33 553.35 .00 3,000.67 40.0% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 500 500 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .0% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 70 70 35.00 .00 .00 35.00 50.0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 400 400 .00 .00 .00 400.00 .0% TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 166,499 166,499 53,677.32 14,040.97 .00 112,821.68 32.2% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 11 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010047 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 406,000 406,000 102,017.34 25,282.57 .00 303,982.66 25.1% 511300 Temporary Salaries 43,200 43,200 18,555.73 3,525.66 .00 24,644.27 43.0% 511400 OVERTIME 30,000 30,000 14,873.95 2,662.13 .00 15,126.05 49.6% 512100 FICA TAXES 37,315 37,315 10,160.80 2,348.26 .00 27,154.20 27.2% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 8,580 8,580 3,222.50 270.00 .00 5,357.50 37.6% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 3,240 3,240 996.05 263.77 .00 2,243.95 30.7% 512250 CH. 185 POLICE PENS. CONTRIB. 56,800 56,800 54,424.62 .00 .00 2,375.38 95.8% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 51,671 51,671 14,050.77 3,341.16 .00 37,620.23 27.2% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 15,172 15,172 5,340.54 1,353.64 .00 9,831.46 35.2% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 168 168 60.00 12.00 .00 108.00 35.7% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 14,641 14,641 4,168.45 .00 .00 10,472.55 28.5% 533100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 67,889 67,889 33,944.26 16,972.13 .00 33,944.74 50.0% 533500 INVESTIGATIONS 500 500 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .0% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 6,000 6,000 1,511.00 695.00 .00 4,489.00 25.2% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 4,620 4,620 953.33 568.68 .00 3,666.67 20.6% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 2,700 2,700 721.44 360.74 .00 1,978.56 26.7% 534115 ONLINE SERVICE FEES 2,500 2,500 397.65 133.90 .00 2,102.35 15.9% 534120 POSTAGE 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 534130 EXPRESS MAIL CHARGES 100 100 21.85 21.85 .00 78.15 21.9% 534400 RENTS AND LEASES 391 391 .00 .00 .00 391.00 .0% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 482 482 188.65 40.18 .00 293.35 39.1% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 5,000 5,000 1,247.01 12.47 .00 3,752.99 24.9% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,608 1,608 345.58 74.01 .00 1,262.42 21.5% 534650 R & M-RADIOS 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 534800 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 400 400 .00 .00 .00 400.00 .0% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 3,000 3,000 808.19 127.70 .00 2,191.81 26.9% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 50 50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 .0% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 500 500 184.59 .00 .00 315.41 36.9% 535260 GAS AND OIL 13,500 13,500 3,385.27 917.79 .00 10,114.73 25.1% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 1,000 1,000 308.83 .00 .00 691.17 30.9% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 1,000 1,000 97.50 32.50 .00 902.50 9.8% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 300 300 25.00 .00 .00 275.00 8.3% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 500 500 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 9,000 9,000 1,950.00 405.00 .00 7,050.00 21.7% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 6,000 6,000 .00 .00 .00 6,000.00 .0% TOTAL POLICE INVESTIGATIONS 794,027 794,027 273,960.90 59,421.14 .00 520,066.10 34.5% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 12 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010049 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 382,000 382,000 118,083.72 29,765.76 .00 263,916.28 30.9% 511400 OVERTIME 40,000 40,000 27,759.70 6,898.82 .00 12,240.30 69.4% 512100 FICA TAXES 32,283 32,283 10,802.87 2,701.57 .00 21,480.13 33.5% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 37,980 37,980 12,859.91 3,299.81 .00 25,120.09 33.9% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 62,935 62,935 17,623.35 4,610.90 .00 45,311.65 28.0% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 10,585 10,585 6,034.95 1,504.67 .00 4,550.05 57.0% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 240 240 96.00 20.00 .00 144.00 40.0% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 1,062 1,062 302.36 .00 .00 759.64 28.5% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1,000 1,000 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .0% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 660 660 155.94 85.08 .00 504.06 23.6% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 450 450 144.28 72.14 .00 305.72 32.1% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 966 966 378.00 80.51 .00 588.00 39.1% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,100 2,100 205.68 53.37 .00 1,894.32 9.8% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 200 200 .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 534650 R & M-RADIOS 500 500 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .0% 534800 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 200 200 .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 1,700 1,700 1,518.92 60.30 .00 181.08 89.3% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 50 50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 .0% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 1,000 1,000 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .0% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 200 200 .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 1,000 1,000 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .0% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 250 250 .00 .00 .00 250.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 4,000 4,000 2,150.00 75.00 .00 1,850.00 53.8% TOTAL POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 581,361 581,361 198,115.68 49,227.93 .00 383,245.32 34.1% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 13 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010051 ENGINEERING AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 203,600 203,600 63,401.00 15,586.13 .00 140,199.00 31.1% 511400 OVERTIME 2,000 2,000 5,642.66 86.76 .00 -3,642.66 282.1% 512100 FICA TAXES 15,747 15,747 5,218.03 1,180.82 .00 10,528.97 33.1% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 240 240 120.00 .00 .00 120.00 50.0% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 18,504 18,504 6,213.97 1,410.57 .00 12,290.03 33.6% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 22,188 22,188 5,186.73 1,690.59 .00 17,001.27 23.4% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 485 485 881.37 293.79 .00 -396.37 181.7% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 72 72 30.00 6.00 .00 42.00 41.7% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 23,794 23,794 6,774.39 .00 .00 17,019.61 28.5% 533150 ENGINEERING SERVICES 5,000 5,000 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 .0% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,000 15,000 176.00 96.00 .00 14,824.00 1.2% 533410 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3,000 3,000 .00 .00 .00 3,000.00 .0% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1,000 1,000 455.28 199.74 .00 544.72 45.5% 534101 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,550 1,550 519.78 129.95 .00 1,030.22 33.5% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 1,200 1,200 572.18 272.90 .00 627.82 47.7% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 935 935 234.24 60.70 .00 700.76 25.1% 534120 POSTAGE 400 400 33.73 27.60 .00 366.27 8.4% 534130 EXPRESS MAIL CHARGES 500 500 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .0% 534310 ELECTRICITY 850 850 15,578.56 .00 .00 -14,728.56 1832.8% 534315 STREET LIGHTING 191,000 191,000 48,993.74 15,624.08 .00 142,006.26 25.7% 534320 WATER/SEWER 50 50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 .0% 534380 TRASH PICKUP/HAULING, ETC. 140 140 .00 .00 .00 140.00 .0% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 66 66 25.87 5.51 .00 40.13 39.2% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 2,300 2,300 401.55 .00 .00 1,898.45 17.5% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 400 400 1.53 1.18 .00 398.47 .4% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 2,200 2,200 .00 .00 .00 2,200.00 .0% 534683 R&M - ROAD MAINTENANCE 300 300 .00 .00 .00 300.00 .0% 534830 SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSE 400 400 .00 .00 .00 400.00 .0% 534920 LEGAL ADS 200 200 .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 5,500 5,500 456.23 26.95 .00 5,043.77 8.3% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 500 500 212.42 .00 .00 287.58 42.5% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 1,800 1,800 452.84 66.96 .00 1,347.16 25.2% 535260 GAS AND OIL 3,200 3,200 746.57 220.35 .00 2,453.43 23.3% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 450 450 326.91 130.00 .00 123.09 72.6% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 450 450 44.82 .00 .00 405.18 10.0% 535310 ROAD MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5,600 5,600 204.35 105.55 .00 5,395.65 3.6% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 350 350 .00 .00 .00 350.00 .0% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 650 650 4.99 .00 .00 645.01 .8% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 2,500 2,500 1,100.25 650.25 .00 1,399.75 44.0% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 0 0 27,097.45 27,097.45 .00 -27,097.45 100.0% TOTAL ENGINEERING 534,121 534,121 191,107.44 64,969.83 .00 343,013.56 35.8% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 14 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010052 ROADS AND DRAINAGE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 323,000 323,000 73,319.99 17,709.14 .00 249,680.01 22.7% 511400 OVERTIME 7,000 7,000 4,272.03 211.25 .00 2,727.97 61.0% 512100 FICA TAXES 25,300 25,300 5,870.69 1,344.83 .00 19,429.31 23.2% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 720 720 670.00 90.00 .00 50.00 93.1% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 29,700 29,700 6,629.24 1,443.08 .00 23,070.76 22.3% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 58,348 58,348 10,064.06 2,226.25 .00 48,283.94 17.2% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 4,679 4,679 1,277.05 420.26 .00 3,401.95 27.3% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 192 192 56.00 12.00 .00 136.00 29.2% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 28,739 28,739 8,182.29 .00 .00 20,556.71 28.5% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,000 2,000 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 .0% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 500 500 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .0% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 1,860 1,860 449.01 184.46 .00 1,410.99 24.1% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 450 450 144.28 72.14 .00 305.72 32.1% 534120 POSTAGE 100 100 3.26 .47 .00 96.74 3.3% 534310 ELECTRICITY 2,150 2,150 836.34 161.62 .00 1,313.66 38.9% 534320 WATER/SEWER 300 300 89.55 24.00 .00 210.45 29.9% 534380 TRASH PICKUP/HAULING, ETC. 1,500 1,500 730.34 690.02 .00 769.66 48.7% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 1,000 1,000 259.30 59.02 .00 740.70 25.9% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 20,000 20,000 2,942.72 2,045.00 .00 17,057.28 14.7% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 950 950 623.39 177.08 .00 326.61 65.6% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 14,000 14,000 1,218.81 617.21 865.00 11,916.19 14.9% 534830 SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSE 1,805 1,805 .00 .00 .00 1,805.00 .0% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 15,000 15,000 1,451.11 96.58 .00 13,548.89 9.7% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 2,500 2,500 123.01 .00 .00 2,376.99 4.9% 535260 GAS AND OIL 22,000 22,000 4,343.65 640.80 .00 17,656.35 19.7% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 2,375 2,375 403.72 135.73 .00 1,971.28 17.0% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 2,000 2,000 220.11 99.69 .00 1,779.89 11.0% 535310 ROAD MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 15,000 15,000 1,516.06 1,186.38 .00 13,483.94 10.1% 535350 CEMENT 5,000 5,000 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 .0% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 450 450 310.00 .00 .00 140.00 68.9% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 .00 .00 .00 3,000.00 .0% TOTAL ROADS AND DRAINAGE 591,718 591,718 126,006.01 29,647.01 865.00 464,846.99 21.4% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 15 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED 010053 STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 237,275 237,275 66,765.50 16,439.47 .00 170,509.50 28.1% 511400 OVERTIME 5,000 5,000 10,856.64 1,067.27 .00 -5,856.64 217.1% 512100 FICA TAXES 19,504 19,504 6,058.03 1,350.76 .00 13,445.97 31.1% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 960 960 840.00 .00 .00 120.00 87.5% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 22,946 22,946 7,220.47 1,606.34 .00 15,725.53 31.5% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 53,124 53,124 16,090.17 3,472.27 .00 37,033.83 30.3% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 283 283 1,599.15 58.20 .00 -1,316.15 565.1% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 192 192 74.00 16.00 .00 118.00 38.5% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 28,582 28,582 8,137.59 .00 .00 20,444.41 28.5% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11,000 11,000 .00 .00 .00 11,000.00 .0% 533410 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1,500 1,500 .00 .00 .00 1,500.00 .0% 533420 PEST/WEED CONTROL 45,000 45,000 4,758.25 311.28 30,241.75 10,000.00 77.8% 533425 CONTRACT MOWING SERVICES 330,000 330,000 47,064.00 25,588.00 252,892.00 30,044.00 90.9% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 0 0 41.04 .00 .00 -41.04 100.0% 534101 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,550 1,550 519.78 129.95 .00 1,030.22 33.5% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 1,020 1,020 71.23 56.56 .00 948.77 7.0% 534120 POSTAGE 0 0 1.43 .00 .00 -1.43 100.0% 534310 ELECTRICITY 1,000 1,000 277.78 48.01 .00 722.22 27.8% 534320 WATER/SEWER 1,200 1,200 191.29 85.74 .00 1,008.71 15.9% 534380 TRASH PICKUP/HAULING, ETC. 5,000 5,000 1,150.00 .00 .00 3,850.00 23.0% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 20,000 20,000 644.12 361.72 .00 19,355.88 3.2% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 20,000 20,000 8,926.89 1,246.45 .00 11,073.11 44.6% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,500 2,500 3.88 1.26 .00 2,496.12 .2% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 25,000 25,000 1,472.41 615.82 .00 23,527.59 5.9% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 4,500 4,500 656.62 114.15 .00 3,843.38 14.6% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 1,100 1,100 .00 .00 .00 1,100.00 .0% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 2,500 2,500 382.17 111.87 .00 2,117.83 15.3% 535260 GAS AND OIL 25,000 25,000 10,925.03 2,510.51 .00 14,074.97 43.7% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 2,500 2,500 571.55 209.53 .00 1,928.45 22.9% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 2,500 2,500 19.98 .00 .00 2,480.02 .8% 535310 ROAD MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 10,000 10,000 735.30 .00 .00 9,264.70 7.4% 535320 SOD 10,000 10,000 4,815.00 3,615.00 .00 5,185.00 48.2% 535350 CEMENT 10,000 10,000 189.30 189.30 .00 9,810.70 1.9% 535355 CULVERT PIPES 20,000 20,000 .00 .00 .00 20,000.00 .0% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 300 300 310.00 .00 .00 -10.00 103.3% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 2,000 2,000 395.00 395.00 .00 1,605.00 19.8% TOTAL STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION 923,036 923,036 201,763.60 59,600.46 283,133.75 438,138.65 52.5% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 16 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010054 CENTRAL GARAGE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 151,000 151,000 40,184.78 12,591.51 .00 110,815.22 26.6% 511400 OVERTIME 3,000 3,000 2,115.43 241.08 .00 884.57 70.5% 512100 FICA TAXES 11,799 11,799 3,273.48 986.08 .00 8,525.52 27.7% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 240 240 320.00 .00 .00 -80.00 133.3% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 13,882 13,882 3,190.25 713.35 .00 10,691.75 23.0% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 24,180 24,180 5,161.84 1,287.04 .00 19,018.16 21.3% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 96 96 36.00 8.00 .00 60.00 37.5% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 4,951 4,951 1,409.60 .00 .00 3,541.40 28.5% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 750 750 .00 .00 .00 750.00 .0% 533410 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 800 800 119.76 119.76 .00 680.24 15.0% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1,520 1,520 20.00 .00 .00 1,500.00 1.3% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 600 600 234.64 111.97 .00 365.36 39.1% 534310 ELECTRICITY 2,600 2,600 1,004.05 222.09 .00 1,595.95 38.6% 534320 WATER/SEWER 300 300 89.55 24.00 .00 210.45 29.9% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 900 900 352.13 75.00 .00 547.87 39.1% 534610 R & M-BUILDINGS 2,600 2,600 .00 .00 .00 2,600.00 .0% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 2,000 2,000 190.70 29.50 .00 1,809.30 9.5% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,000 2,000 365.59 46.49 .00 1,634.41 18.3% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 4,000 4,000 1,114.95 296.97 100.00 2,785.05 30.4% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 3,200 3,200 1,598.16 197.14 .00 1,601.84 49.9% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 2,500 2,500 578.40 .00 .00 1,921.60 23.1% 535260 GAS AND OIL 1,000 1,000 317.92 53.21 .00 682.08 31.8% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 780 780 343.42 235.73 .00 436.58 44.0% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 400 400 .00 .00 .00 400.00 .0% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 1,250 1,250 62.50 62.50 .00 1,187.50 5.0% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 4,000 4,000 .00 .00 .00 4,000.00 .0% TOTAL CENTRAL GARAGE 240,448 240,448 62,083.15 17,301.42 100.00 178,264.85 25.9% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 17 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010056 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 63,000 63,000 20,142.02 4,830.99 .00 42,857.98 32.0% 511400 OVERTIME 2,500 2,500 2,010.05 .00 .00 489.95 80.4% 512100 FICA TAXES 6,330 6,330 1,695.73 364.64 .00 4,634.27 26.8% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 240 240 240.00 .00 .00 .00 100.0% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 5,917 5,917 1,993.69 434.79 .00 3,923.31 33.7% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 14,585 14,585 4,434.51 1,104.65 .00 10,150.49 30.4% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 48 48 20.00 4.00 .00 28.00 41.7% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 4,057 4,057 1,155.07 .00 .00 2,901.93 28.5% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 27,000 27,000 18,736.29 13,634.92 .00 8,263.71 69.4% 533410 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1,000 1,000 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .0% 533415 JANITORIAL SERVICES 70,000 70,000 22,964.98 5,840.00 .00 47,035.02 32.8% 533420 PEST/WEED CONTROL 3,150 3,150 412.50 .00 .00 2,737.50 13.1% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 360 360 50.26 18.15 .00 309.74 14.0% 534610 R & M-BUILDINGS 40,000 74,107 47,754.71 7,212.95 3,660.00 22,692.29 69.4% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 1,500 1,500 1,621.20 337.38 .00 -121.20 108.1% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 450 450 .00 .00 .00 450.00 .0% 534920 LEGAL ADS 200 200 .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 2,500 2,500 90.62 .00 .00 2,409.38 3.6% 535220 CLEANING SUPPLIES 14,000 14,000 6,346.77 4,245.36 .00 7,653.23 45.3% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 2,000 2,000 10.87 .00 .00 1,989.13 .5% 535250 BUILDING SUPPLIES 2,000 2,000 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 .0% 535260 GAS AND OIL 2,000 2,000 775.79 194.40 .00 1,224.21 38.8% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 1,000 1,000 248.55 88.35 .00 751.45 24.9% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 300 300 .00 .00 .00 300.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 900 900 .00 .00 .00 900.00 .0% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 0 32,247 35,047.00 32,247.00 .00 -2,800.00 108.7% TOTAL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 265,037 331,391 165,750.61 70,557.58 3,660.00 161,980.39 51.1% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 18 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010057 PARKS/RECREATION AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 331,500 331,500 98,083.49 24,580.96 .00 233,416.51 29.6% 511300 Temporary Salaries 67,000 67,000 16,420.81 3,888.00 .00 50,579.19 24.5% 511400 OVERTIME 7,500 7,500 11,539.69 1,467.77 .00 -4,039.69 153.9% 512100 FICA TAXES 31,123 31,123 9,555.93 2,242.22 .00 21,567.07 30.7% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 840 840 1,160.00 .00 .00 -320.00 138.1% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 30,586 30,586 9,130.04 1,965.77 .00 21,455.96 29.9% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 37,951 37,951 12,151.22 2,740.11 .00 25,799.78 32.0% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 10,790 10,790 3,816.91 1,121.37 .00 6,973.09 35.4% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 216 216 90.00 18.00 .00 126.00 41.7% 512400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 21,608 21,608 6,152.02 .00 .00 15,455.98 28.5% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 164,450 164,450 55,696.50 13,037.00 104,302.00 4,451.50 97.3% 533415 JANITORIAL SERVICES 2,595 2,595 989.00 341.00 .00 1,606.00 38.1% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 800 800 .00 .00 .00 800.00 .0% 534101 TELEPHONE SERVICE 4,500 4,500 1,597.09 440.78 .00 2,902.91 35.5% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 840 840 244.66 102.05 .00 595.34 29.1% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 650 650 164.85 .00 .00 485.15 25.4% 534120 POSTAGE 50 50 .71 .00 .00 49.29 1.4% 534310 ELECTRICITY 83,000 83,000 24,561.25 6,739.45 .00 58,438.75 29.6% 534320 WATER/SEWER 12,000 12,000 3,860.29 905.25 .00 8,139.71 32.2% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 1,300 1,300 1,246.83 5.51 .00 53.17 95.9% 534615 R & M- DOCKS & PIERS 1,500 1,500 .00 .00 .00 1,500.00 .0% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 5,000 5,000 2,282.63 1,680.98 .00 2,717.37 45.7% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 50 50 .29 .00 .00 49.71 .6% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 19,000 19,000 3,961.16 2,428.81 .00 15,038.84 20.8% 534680 R & M-IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 5,000 5,000 297.60 141.49 .00 4,702.40 6.0% 534685 R & M-GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 14,000 14,000 1,864.69 14.19 .00 12,135.31 13.3% 534686 R & M-PARK FACILITIES 30,000 30,000 3,672.76 2,246.24 15,556.45 10,770.79 64.1% 534830 SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSE 3,500 3,500 762.82 .00 .00 2,737.18 21.8% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 3,000 3,000 863.65 228.19 .00 2,136.35 28.8% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 85 85 141.14 .00 .00 -56.14 166.0% 535221 FERTILIZER/CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 5,000 5,000 1,722.31 714.93 .00 3,277.69 34.4% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 15,000 15,000 445.75 205.78 .00 14,554.25 3.0% 535260 GAS AND OIL 10,000 10,000 2,869.05 806.69 .00 7,130.95 28.7% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 2,500 2,500 957.61 338.50 .00 1,542.39 38.3% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 250 250 302.33 224.69 .00 -52.33 120.9% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 1,000 1,000 862.00 .00 .00 138.00 86.2% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 1,225.00 445.00 .00 -225.00 122.5% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 0 3,757 3,757.00 3,757.00 .00 .00 100.0% TOTAL PARKS/RECREATION 925,284 929,041 282,449.08 72,827.73 119,858.45 526,733.47 43.3% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 19 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010059 CEMETERY AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 88,000 88,000 26,739.04 7,823.74 .00 61,260.96 30.4% 511400 OVERTIME 1,000 1,000 635.98 272.03 .00 364.02 63.6% 512100 FICA TAXES 6,827 6,827 2,014.64 591.84 .00 4,812.36 29.5% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 240 240 120.00 .00 .00 120.00 50.0% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 6,626 6,626 2,648.50 728.62 .00 3,977.50 40.0% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 7,413 7,413 2,839.92 1,117.11 .00 4,573.08 38.3% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 4,679 4,679 1,681.04 420.26 .00 2,997.96 35.9% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 48 48 16.00 4.00 .00 32.00 33.3% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 7,598 7,598 2,163.22 .00 .00 5,434.78 28.5% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,000 8,000 1,245.00 .00 6,750.00 5.00 99.9% 534101 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,650 1,650 400.70 266.85 .00 1,249.30 24.3% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 120 120 39.26 35.00 .00 80.74 32.7% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 700 700 288.75 176.85 .00 411.25 41.3% 534310 ELECTRICITY 1,900 1,900 696.66 206.42 .00 1,203.34 36.7% 534610 R & M-BUILDINGS 1,000 1,000 84.15 .00 .00 915.85 8.4% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 750 750 .00 .00 .00 750.00 .0% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 2,800 2,800 1,576.60 283.02 200.00 1,023.40 63.5% 534685 R & M-GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 1,230 1,230 200.00 .00 .00 1,030.00 16.3% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 3,835 3,835 195.40 35.98 .00 3,639.60 5.1% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 250 250 61.24 .00 .00 188.76 24.5% 535220 CLEANING SUPPLIES 200 200 .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 500 500 328.92 .00 .00 171.08 65.8% 535260 GAS AND OIL 1,600 1,600 505.62 100.50 .00 1,094.38 31.6% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 600 600 195.42 129.06 .00 404.58 32.6% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 250 250 .00 .00 .00 250.00 .0% TOTAL CEMETERY 147,816 147,816 44,676.06 12,191.28 6,950.00 96,189.94 34.9% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 20 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010080 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 157,000 157,000 30,353.02 7,779.62 .00 126,646.98 19.3% 511400 OVERTIME 4,000 4,000 1,552.42 373.62 .00 2,447.58 38.8% 512100 FICA TAXES 12,317 12,317 2,255.66 568.78 .00 10,061.34 18.3% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 14,490 14,490 2,754.48 733.79 .00 11,735.52 19.0% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 22,016 22,016 3,814.15 1,079.48 .00 18,201.85 17.3% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 7,487 7,487 3,402.47 911.30 .00 4,084.53 45.4% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 72 72 20.00 4.00 .00 52.00 27.8% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 412 412 117.30 .00 .00 294.70 28.5% 533120 CONSULTANTS 10,000 10,000 1,201.00 .00 .00 8,799.00 12.0% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 416.00 256.00 .00 -416.00 100.0% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1,610 1,610 .00 .00 .00 1,610.00 .0% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 300 300 21.92 3.95 .00 278.08 7.3% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 35 35 .00 .00 .00 35.00 .0% 534120 POSTAGE 1,500 1,500 200.33 62.17 .00 1,299.67 13.4% 534130 EXPRESS MAIL CHARGES 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 1,345 1,345 525.85 112.00 .00 819.15 39.1% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 700 700 1,759.37 1,712.00 .00 -1,059.37 251.3% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,300 1,300 976.85 106.51 .00 323.15 75.1% 534825 ADVERTISING EXPENDITURES 20,000 20,000 47.96 .00 .00 19,952.04 .2% 534830 SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSE 1,000 1,000 101.18 17.44 .00 898.82 10.1% 534910 CLERK OF COURT FILING FEES 20 20 .00 .00 .00 20.00 .0% 534920 LEGAL ADS 2,500 2,500 656.70 397.65 .00 1,843.30 26.3% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 1,500 1,500 301.80 55.76 .00 1,198.20 20.1% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 2,610 2,610 .00 .00 .00 2,610.00 .0% 535260 GAS AND OIL 600 600 28.01 28.01 .00 571.99 4.7% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 1,790 1,790 492.75 492.75 .00 1,297.25 27.5% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 1,000 1,000 59.88 .00 .00 940.12 6.0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 2,025 2,025 .00 .00 .00 2,025.00 .0% TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 267,729 267,729 51,059.10 14,694.83 .00 216,669.90 19.1% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 21 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 010099 NON -DEPARTMENTAL AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 101,000 101,000 39,980.95 8,121.59 .00 61,019.05 39.6% 512307 HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCT 165,000 165,000 56,289.17 21,071.71 .00 108,710.83 34.1% 512500 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 4,000 4,000 .00 .00 .00 4,000.00 .0% 533110 PROF. SERVICES - LABOR ATTY 10,000 10,000 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00 .0% 533120 CONSULTANTS 0 0 900.00 900.00 .00 -900.00 100.0% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,000 5,000 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 .0% 533425 CONTRACT MOWING SERVICES 30,000 30,000 12,253.00 3,100.00 .00 17,747.00 40.8% 534101 TELEPHONE SERVICE 20,035 20,035 5,029.34 1,873.08 .00 15,005.66 25.1% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 18,005 18,005 7,404.85 1,589.99 .00 10,600.15 41.1% 534120 POSTAGE 1,975 1,975 2,715.00 .00 .00 -740.00 137.5% 534310 ELECTRICITY 40,000 40,000 12,374.03 3,032.25 .00 27,625.97 30.9% 534320 WATER/SEWER 5,800 5,800 1,333.12 346.70 .00 4,466.88 23.0% 534500 INSURANCE 212,000 212,000 96,729.43 41,066.00 .00 115,270.57 45.6% 534501 CLAIMS 10,000 10,000 1,752.30 .00 .00 8,247.70 17.5% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 9,600 9,600 .00 .00 .00 9,600.00 .0% 534700 PRINTING AND BINDING 6,800 6,800 .00 .00 .00 6,800.00 .0% 534805 4TH OF JULY EXPENDITURES 20,000 20,000 .00 .00 .00 20,000.00 .0% 534815 75th ANNIVERSARY EXP 200 200 100.00 .00 .00 100.00 50.0% 534825 ADVERTISING EXPENDITURES 2,950 2,950 1,266.00 .00 .00 1,684.00 42.9% 534830 SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSE 1,000 1,000 824.00 .00 .00 176.00 82.4% 534835 SPECIAL EMPLOYEE EVENTS 5,000 5,000 4,038.49 .00 .00 961.51 80.8% 534944 PUBLIC SAFETY EMPL EXP FUND 1,500 1,500 2,250.97 498.83 .00 -750.97 150.1% 534945 GENERAL EMPLOYEE EXP FUND 3,500 3,500 .00 .00 .00 3,500.00 .0% 534980 PMT-RIVERFRONT REDEVLOPMENT F 181,097 181,097 181,631.19 .00 .00 -534.19 100.3% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 1,700 1,700 1,095.08 43.90 .00 604.92 64.4% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 2,700 2,700 2,851.00 .00 .00 -151.00 105.6% 535454 PBA TUITION REIMB PLAN 15,000 15,000 4,725.99 690.00 .00 10,274.01 31.5% 535455 CWA TUITION REIMB PLAN 1,000 1,000 1,353.08 .00 .00 -353.08 135.3% 535710 NON -AD VALOREM TAXES 18,185 18,185 18,322.27 .00 .00 -137.27 100.8% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 0 1,765 1,765.00 1,765.00 .00 .00 100.0% 606900 INFRASTRUCTURE 132,925 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% 909120 INTERFUND TRANSFER TO 120 LOG 200,000 200,000 .00 .00 .00 200,000.00 .0% 909131 INTERFUND TRFR TO 310 CAP PRO 0 38,454 .00 .00 .00 38,454.00 .0% 909133 INTERFUND TRFR TO 330 TRANSPO 0 132,925 .00 .00 .00 132,925.00 .0% 909145 INTERFUND TRFR TO 450 AP 0 5,526 .00 .00 .00 5,526.00 .0% 909163 INTERFUND TO 163 100,000 100,000 .00 .00 .00 100,000.00 .0% 909480 TRANSFER TO FUND 480 BUILDING 25,000 25,000 8,333.32 2,083.33 .00 16,666.68 33.3% 909901 CONTINGENCY 185,774 185,774 .00 .00 .00 185,774.00 .0% TOTAL NON -DEPARTMENTAL 1,536,746 1,582,491 465,317.58 86,182.38 .00 1,117,173.42 29.4% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 22 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED TOTAL GENERAL FUND 11,836,057 11,964,413 3,860,997.88 985,173.89 436,018.52 7,667,396.60 35.90 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 23 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 120 LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX 120051 LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 533452 Road Maintenance Service 20,000 20,000 .00 .00 .00 20,000.00 .0% 534695 RAILROAD CROSSING MAINTENANCE 5,103 5,103 .00 .00 .00 5,103.00 .0% 535310 ROAD MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 40,000 40,000 .00 .00 .00 40,000.00 .0% 535380 SIGNALIZATION SUPPLIES 30,000 30,000 4,432.07 671.82 .00 25,567.93 14.8% 707105 PRINCIPAL -PAVING LOAN 215,000 215,000 .00 .00 .00 215,000.00 .0% 707205 INTEREST -PAVING LOAN 27,635 27,635 14,336.60 .00 .00 13,298.40 51.9% 909133 INTERFUND TRFR TO 330 TRANSPO 750,000 750,000 .00 .00 .00 750,000.00 .0% TOTAL LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX 1,087,738 1,087,738 18,768.67 671.82 .00 1,068,969.33 1.7% TOTAL LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX 1,087,738 1,087,738 18,768.67 671.82 .00 1,068,969.33 1.7% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 24 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 130 DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX 130051 DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 909123 INTERFUND TRFR TO 230 DSF 352,927 352,927 117,642.32 29,410.58 .00 235,284.68 33.3% 909131 INTERFUND TRFR TO 310 CAP PRO 615,000 1,372,334 36,270.62 .00 .00 1,336,063.38 2.6% 909132 INTERFUND TRFR TO 320 CIF 230,000 366,767 .00 .00 .00 366,767.00 .0% 909133 INTERFUND TRFR TO 330 TRANSPO 150,000 862,492 6,100.60 .00 .00 856,391.40 .7% 909263 INTERFUND TRANSFER TO FUND 26 402,963 402,963 134,321.00 33,580.25 .00 268,642.00 33.3% 909455 INTERFUND TRF TO FUND 455 AP 23,910 424,512 105,322.53 105,322.53 .00 319,189.47 24.8% 909990 UNAPPROPRIATED 1,257,406 1,257,406 .00 .00 .00 1,257,406.00 .0% TOTAL DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX 3,032,206 5,039,401 399,657.07 168,313.36 .00 4,639,743.93 7.9% TOTAL DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX 3,032,206 5,039,401 399,657.07 168,313.36 .00 4,639,743.93 7.9% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 25 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 140 RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND 140051 RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT EXP AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 533100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,000 5,000 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 .0% 533201 ADMIN SVCS PROVIDED BY GF 13,202 13,202 4,400.64 1,100.16 .00 8,801.36 33.3% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50,000 50,000 .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 .0% 534400 RENTS AND LEASES 4,710 4,710 .00 .00 .00 4,710.00 .0% 534699 OTHER CAP PROJ MAINT EXPENSE 24,000 24,000 1,337.37 291.75 .00 22,662.63 5.6% 534830 SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSE 36,000 36,000 28,246.00 .00 .00 7,754.00 78.5% 534920 LEGAL ADS 1,500 1,500 978.62 978.62 .00 521.38 65.2% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 175 175 175.00 .00 .00 .00 100.0% 535710 NON -AD VALOREM TAXES 2,500 2,500 2,066.71 .00 .00 433.29 82.7% 820100 Aids to Private Organization 40,000 86,726 .00 .00 .00 86,726.00 .0% 820200 SEWER CONNECTION GRANTS 194,500 194,500 .00 .00 .00 194,500.00 .0% 909133 INTERFUND TRFR TO 330 TRANSPO 0 188,729 .00 .00 .00 188,729.00 .0% 909990 UNAPPROPRIATED 9,442 9,442 .00 .00 .00 9,442.00 .0% TOTAL RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT EX 381,029 616,484 37,204.34 2,370.53 .00 579,279.66 6.0% TOTAL RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FU 381,029 616,484 37,204.34 2,370.53 .00 579,279.66 6.0% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 26 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 150 PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND 150051 PARKIN G IN LIEU OF EXPENDITUR AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 606908 PARKING LOTS 0 44,703 44,703.00 44,703.00 .00 .00 100.0% 909133 INTERFUND TRFR TO 330 TRANSPO 0 13,792 .00 .00 .00 13,792.00 .0% 909990 UNAPPROPRIATED 19,837 19,837 .00 .00 .00 19,837.00 .0% TOTAL PARKIN G IN LIEU OF EXPENDI 19,837 78,332 44,703.00 44,703.00 .00 33,629.00 57.1% TOTAL PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND 19,837 78,332 44,703.00 44,703.00 .00 33,629.00 57.1% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 27 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 160 RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND 160051 RECREATION IMPACT FEE EXP AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 909132 INTERFUND TRFR TO 320 CIF 275,000 300,220 .00 .00 .00 300,220.00 .0% TOTAL RECREATION IMPACT FEE EXP 275,000 300,220 .00 .00 .00 300,220.00 .0% TOTAL RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND 275,000 300,220 .00 .00 .00 300,220.00 .0% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 28 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 163 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND 163051 Stormwater Utility Fund AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 534310 ELECTRICITY 10,000 10,000 3,491.20 29.36 .00 6,508.80 34.9% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 10,000 10,000 .00 .00 3,142.50 6,857.50 31.4% 909101 INTERFUND TRFR TO 001 GF 650,000 650,000 216,666.64 54,166.66 .00 433,333.36 33.3% 909131 INTERFUND TRFR TO 310 CAP PRO 150,000 240,027 90,026.58 .00 .00 150,000.42 37.5% 909363 INTERFUND TRFR TO SIF FD 363 340,000 340,000 .00 .00 .00 340,000.00 .0% TOTAL Stormwater Utility Fund 1,160,000 1,250,027 310,184.42 54,196.02 3,142.50 936,700.08 25.1% TOTAL STORMWATER UTILITY FUND 1,160,000 1,250,027 310,184.42 54,196.02 3,142.50 936,700.08 25.1% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 29 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 190 LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND 190051 LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE EXP AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 533100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 1,101.04 .00 .00 -1,101.04 100.0% 534966 D.A.R.E. EXPENDITURES 0 0 960.75 960.75 .00 -960.75 100.0% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 0 0 .00 .00 9,293.50 -9,293.50 100.0% 909990 UNAPPROPRIATED 1,145 1,145 .00 .00 .00 1,145.00 .0% TOTAL LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE EXP 1,145 1,145 2,061.79 960.75 9,293.50 -10,210.29 991.7% TOTAL LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND 1,145 1,145 2,061.79 960.75 9,293.50 -10,210.29 991.7% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 30 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 230 DST SER 2003 DEBT SVC FUND 230051 DST SER 2003 EXPENDITURES AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 707130 PRINCIPAL -DST SERIES 2003 706,000 706,000 .00 .00 .00 706,000.00 .0% 707230 INTEREST -DST SERIES 2003 4,554 4,554 .00 .00 .00 4,554.00 .0% TOTAL DST SER 2003 EXPENDITURES 710,554 710,554 .00 .00 .00 710,554.00 .0% TOTAL DST SER 2003 DEBT SVC FUND 710,554 710,554 .00 .00 .00 710,554.00 .0% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET 263 STORMWATER 2003 DEBT SERV FUND 263051 STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES I 31 Iglytdbud AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 707163 PRINCIPAL-STORMWATER 2003 BON 363,000 363,000 .00 .00 .00 363,000.00 .0% 707263 INTEREST-STORMWATER 2003 BOND 39,358 39,358 126,678.75 .00 .00 -87,320.75 321.9% 707300 OTHER DEBT SERVICE COSTS 774 774 .00 .00 .00 774.00 .0% TOTAL STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURE 403,132 403,132 126,678.75 .00 .00 276,453.25 31.4% TOTAL STORMWATER 2003 DEBT SERV F 403,132 403,132 126,678.75 .00 .00 276,453.25 31.4% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 32 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 310 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 310151 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,804 10,804 .00 .00 .00 10,804.00 .0% 534501 CLAIMS 0 0 78,124.19 63,660.31 49,519.25 -127,643.44 100.0% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 16,054 42,280 16,054.24 .00 26,226.15 -.39 100.0% 606200 BUILDINGS 510,000 403,270 38,561.00 2,662.00 6,200.00 358,509.00 11.1% 606220 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 117,000 123,156 73,156.05 .00 .00 49,999.95 59.4% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 1,529,520 1,623,392 501,505.28 21,929.67 929,163.57 192,723.15 88.1% TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 2,183,378 2,202,902 707,400.76 88,251.98 1,011,108.97 484,392.27 78.0% TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 2,183,378 2,202,902 707,400.76 88,251.98 1,011,108.97 484,392.27 78.0% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 33 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 320 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 320151 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 606200 BUILDINGS 146,354 146,354 460.00 .00 .00 145,894.00 .3% 606300 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 250,000 250,000 .00 .00 15,200.00 234,800.00 6.1% 606310 IOTB-FENCING 25,000 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% 606900 INFRASTRUCTURE 400,000 400,000 .00 .00 .00 400,000.00 .0% 606908 PARKING LOTS 50,220 50,220 .00 .00 .00 50,220.00 .0% 606920 DRAINAGE 58,608 58,608 5,592.00 .00 .00 53,016.35 9.5% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 930,182 905,182 6,052.00 .00 15,200.00 883,930.35 2.3% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 930,182 905,182 6,052.00 .00 15,200.00 883,930.35 2.3% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 34 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 330 TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS FUND 330151 TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS FUND AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES -10,769 -10,769 .00 .00 .00 -10,769.00 .0% 606300 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS -1,281 -1,281 .00 .00 .00 -1,281.30 .0% 606325 IOTB-IRRIGATION SYSTEMS -1 -1 .00 .00 .00 -.50 .0% 606905 STREETS/ROADS 1,680,392 1,775,240 680,539.60 478,971.60 293,806.80 800,893.69 54.9% 606908 PARKING LOTS 309,835 329,147 273,771.60 268,846.80 15,550.57 39,824.78 87.9% 606910 SIDEWALKS/BIKEPATHS 5,923 0 .00 .00 .00 -.30 .0% 606920 DRAINAGE -7,936 -7,936 .00 .00 .00 -7,935.70 .0% 606990 INFRASTRUCTURE -ENGINEERING 3,885 3,885 .00 .00 .00 3,884.56 .0% 909300 UNAPPROPRIATED BUDGET SAVINGS 89,007 89,007 .00 .00 .00 89,006.86 .0% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS FUN 2,069,055 2,177,292 954,311.20 747,818.40 309,357.37 913,623.09 58.0% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS FUN 2,069,055 2,177,292 954,311.20 747,818.40 309,357.37 913,623.09 58.0% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 35 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 363 STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS FUND 363151 STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS FUND AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 533410 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 32,909 32,909 16,668.68 .00 .00 16,240.35 50.7% 606920 DRAINAGE 340,000 340,000 15,712.50 15,712.50 .00 324,287.50 4.6% TOTAL STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS FUN 372,909 372,909 32,381.18 15,712.50 .00 340,527.85 8.7% TOTAL STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS FUN 372,909 372,909 32,381.18 15,712.50 .00 340,527.85 8.7% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 36 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 410 GOLF COURSE FUND 410010 GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 347541 COST OF SALES 35,000 35,000 16,828.42 1,746.74 .00 18,171.58 48.1% 369995 CASH OVER/SHORT -100 -100-106.42 -74.24 .00 6.42 106.4% TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE 34,900 34,900 16,722.00 1,672.50 .00 18,178.00 47.9% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 37 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 410110 ADMINISTRATION AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 189,000 189,000 57,837.96 14,922.84 .00 131,162.04 30.6% 511300 Temporary Salaries 16,000 16,000 3,948.14 1,239.31 .00 12,051.86 24.7% 511400 OVERTIME 1,500 1,500 570.05 320.38 .00 929.95 38.0% 511500 GC LESSON BONUS 2,250 2,250 247.50 90.00 .00 2,002.50 11.0% 512100 FICA TAXES 15,969 15,969 4,639.98 1,225.16 .00 11,329.02 29.1% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 13,703 13,703 4,213.41 1,055.89 .00 9,489.59 30.7% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 15,047 15,047 4,560.06 1,129.76 .00 10,486.94 30.3% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 12,165 12,165 4,355.32 1,088.83 .00 7,809.68 35.8% 512307 HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCT 8,000 8,000 1,654.03 309.38 .00 6,345.97 20.7% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 120 120 50.00 10.00 .00 70.00 41.7% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 4,980 4,980 1,417.86 .00 .00 3,562.14 28.5% 533100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,082 2,082 67.50 67.50 .00 2,014.50 3.2% 533200 AUDIT FEES 3,446 3,446 2,880.00 2,880.00 .00 566.00 83.6% 533201 ADMIN SVCS PROVIDED BY GF 96,000 96,000 32,000.00 8,000.00 .00 64,000.00 33.3% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,975 3,975 .00 .00 .00 3,975.00 .0% 533420 PEST/WEED CONTROL 450 450 75.00 .00 .00 375.00 16.7% 533440 ELECTRONIC SECURITY SERVICES 894 894 478.70 89.85 .00 415.30 53.5% 534101 TELEPHONE SERVICE 3,500 3,500 855.52 293.61 .00 2,644.48 24.4% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 360 360 107.07 42.42 .00 252.93 29.7% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 850 850 611.13 63.75 .00 238.87 71.9% 534120 POSTAGE 0 0 6.84 1.40 .00 -6.84 100.0% 534310 ELECTRICITY 34,000 34,000 8,447.11 1,991.35 .00 25,552.89 24.8% 534320 WATER/SEWER 14,000 14,000 2,442.75 650.92 .00 11,557.25 17.4% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 1,032 1,032 352.13 75.00 .00 679.87 34.1% 534445 AIRPORT PROPERTY LEASE 100,000 100,000 33,333.32 8,333.33 .00 66,666.68 33.3% 534500 INSURANCE 8,217 8,217 1,748.02 .00 .00 6,468.98 21.3% 534610 R & M-BUILDINGS 4,000 4,000 922.50 127.50 .00 3,077.50 23.1% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 600 600 151.51 41.54 .00 448.49 25.3% 534845 GC PROMOTIONS 6,000 6,000 .00 .00 .00 6,000.00 .0% 534846 ADVERTISING 6,800 6,800 741.00 .00 .00 6,059.00 10.9% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 3,000 3,000 1,413.54 559.74 .00 1,586.46 47.1% 535205 BANK CHARGES 21,000 21,000 7,559.49 1,941.40 .00 13,440.51 36.0% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 535220 CLEANING SUPPLIES 2,500 2,500 1,475.87 927.87 .00 1,024.13 59.0% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 0 0 99.00 .00 .00 -99.00 100.0% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 500 500 987.34 .00 .00 -487.34 197.5% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 510 510 .00 .00 .00 510.00 .0% 535710 NON -AD VALOREM TAXES 3,322 3,322 3,322.40 .00 .00 -.40 100.0% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 0 0 1,907.15 1,907.15 .00 -1,907.15 100.0% 909901 CONTINGENCY 33,939 33,939 .00 .00 .00 33,939.00 .0% TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 629,811 629,811 185,479.20 49,385.88 .00 444,331.80 29.4% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 38 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 410120 MAINTENANCE 533445 GROUNDSKEEPING SERVICE 534310 ELECTRICITY 534610 R & M-BUILDINGS 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 534680 R & M-IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 534685 R & M-GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 535220 CLEANING SUPPLIES 535250 BUILDING SUPPLIES 707245 INTEREST -GOLF COURSE LOAN TOTAL MAINTENANCE ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 535,632 535,632 178,544.00 44,636.00 .00 357,088.00 33.3% 12,000 12,000 3,482.04 856.52 .00 8,517.96 29.0% 500 500 66.40 66.40 .00 433.60 13.3% 500 500 616.75 455.00 .00 -116.75 123.4% 2,000 2,000 337.92 11.70 .00 1,662.08 16.9% 6,000 6,000 47,158.78 6,040.91 .00 -41,158.78 786.0% 500 500 205.99 .00 .00 294.01 41.2% 100 100 24.94 .00 .00 75.06 24.9% 1,000 1,000 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .0% 5,527 5,527 .00 .00 .00 5,527.00 .0% 563,759 563,759 230,436.82 52,066.53 .00 333,322.18 40.9% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 39 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 410130 GOLF COURSE CARTS 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 511300 Temporary Salaries 511400 OVERTIME 512100 FICA TAXES 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 534610 R & M-BUILDINGS 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 535220 CLEANING SUPPLIES 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 707145 PRINCIPAL -GOLF COURSE LOAN 707245 INTEREST -GOLF COURSE LOAN TOTAL GOLF COURSE CARTS TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 42,000 42,000 12,950.29 3,458.54 .00 29,049.71 30.8% 51,000 51,000 10,743.39 2,707.44 .00 40,256.61 21.1% 1,000 1,000 1,101.23 601.94 .00 -101.23 110.1% 7,191 7,191 1,896.79 517.78 .00 5,294.21 26.4% 96 96 40.00 8.00 .00 56.00 41.7% 2,260 2,260 643.45 .00 .00 1,616.55 28.5% 1,500 1,500 3,280.08 2,807.53 .00 -1,780.08 218.7% 1,000 1,000 390.39 .00 .00 609.61 39.0% 250 250 9.45 9.45 .00 240.55 3.8% 50 50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 .0% 100 100 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 52,000 52,000 17,108.55 4,289.40 .00 34,891.45 32.9% 5,406 5,406 2,026.93 494.47 .00 3,379.07 37.5% 163,853 163,853 50,190.55 14,894.55 .00 113,662.45 30.6% 1,392,323 1,392,323 482,828.57 118,019.46 .00 909,494.43 34.7% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 40 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 415 GOLF COURSE PROJECTS FUND 415151 GOLF COURSE PROJECTS FUND AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 534610 R & M-BUILDINGS -27,609 -27,609 .00 .00 .00 -27,608.97 .0% 534685 R & M-GROUNDS MAINTENANCE -73,755 -73,755 .00 .00 .00 -73,754.59 .0% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT -5,814 -5,814 .00 .00 .00 -5,814.36 .0% 606220 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 2,000 2,000 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 .0% 606300 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 29,969 29,969 20,915.75 6,530.00 .00 9,053.12 69.8% 606325 IOTB-IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 303,772 303,772 4,740.27 1,286.11 1,075.00 297,957.05 1.9% 606399 IOTB-CAPITAL ASSETS-EF 10,242 10,242 .00 .00 .00 10,241.60 .0% 606400 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT -12,179 -12,179 .00 .00 .00 -12,179.45 .0% 606900 INFRASTRUCTURE 165,000 165,000 .00 .00 .00 165,000.00 .0% TOTAL GOLF COURSE PROJECTS FUND 391,625 391,625 25,656.02 7,816.11 1,075.00 364,894.40 6.8% TOTAL GOLF COURSE PROJECTS FUND 391,625 391,625 25,656.02 7,816.11 1,075.00 364,894.40 6.8% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 41 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 450 AIRPORT 450010 AIRPORT REVENUE 347541 COST OF SALES TOTAL AIRPORT REVENUE ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 56,250 56,250 14,192.63 56,250 56,250 14,192.63 2,758.13 .00 2,758.13 .00 AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 42,057.37 25.2% 42,057.37 25.2% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 42 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 450110 ADMINISTRATION AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 140,600 140,600 44,359.31 11,670.37 .00 96,240.69 31.6% 511400 OVERTIME 500 500 655.39 .00 .00 -155.39 131.1% 512100 FICA TAXES 10,499 10,499 3,240.49 836.63 .00 7,258.51 30.9% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 240 240 120.00 .00 .00 120.00 50.0% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 12,352 12,352 3,928.27 1,019.56 .00 8,423.73 31.8% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 21,940 21,940 5,525.05 1,649.38 .00 16,414.95 25.2% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 4,679 4,679 1,681.04 420.26 .00 2,997.96 35.9% 512307 HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCT 6,400 6,400 628.61 241.31 .00 5,771.39 9.8% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 72 72 26.00 6.00 .00 46.00 36.1% 512400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 6,545 6,545 1,863.42 .00 .00 4,681.58 28.5% 533200 AUDIT FEES 1,264 1,264 1,080.00 1,080.00 .00 184.00 85.4% 533201 ADMIN SVCS PROVIDED BY GF 45,500 45,500 15,166.64 3,791.66 .00 30,333.36 33.3% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,750 2,750 2,135.00 1,865.00 .00 615.00 77.6% 533415 JANITORIAL SERVICES 480 480 .00 .00 .00 480.00 .0% 533420 PEST/WEED CONTROL 850 850 150.00 .00 .00 700.00 17.6% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 3,600 3,600 330.00 330.00 .00 3,270.00 9.2% 534101 TELEPHONE SERVICE 4,100 4,100 1,276.16 401.50 .00 2,823.84 31.1% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 780 780 212.32 96.69 .00 567.68 27.2% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 550 550 304.99 180.39 .00 245.01 55.5% 534120 POSTAGE 250 250 4.86 .00 .00 245.14 1.9% 534130 EXPRESS MAIL CHARGES 150 150 6.13 .00 .00 143.87 4.1% 534310 ELECTRICITY 25,000 25,000 8,136.79 1,888.78 .00 16,863.21 32.5% 534320 WATER/SEWER 2,000 2,000 932.76 274.87 .00 1,067.24 46.6% 534500 INSURANCE 30,000 30,000 8,531.42 .00 .00 21,468.58 28.4% 534610 R & M-BUILDINGS 10,000 10,700 1,710.19 1,615.00 .00 8,989.81 16.0% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 2,800 2,800 257.35 11.89 .00 2,542.65 9.2% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 25.00 25.00 .00 -25.00 100.0% 534640 R & M-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 14,500 14,500 6,046.00 1,235.72 .00 8,454.00 41.7% 534681 R & M-FENCING 2,000 6,475 49.00 .00 5,125.00 1,301.00 79.9% 534685 R & M-GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 2,000 2,000 1,270.28 156.85 .00 729.72 63.5% 534700 PRINTING AND BINDING 250 250 .00 .00 .00 250.00 .0% 534800 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 0 0 348.05 .00 .00 -348.05 100.0% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 1,250 1,250 761.26 268.73 .00 488.74 60.9% 535205 BANK CHARGES 2,000 2,000 552.18 129.94 .00 1,447.82 27.6% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 500 500 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .0% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 750 750 1,464.81 .00 .00 -714.81 195.3% 535260 GAS AND OIL 6,000 6,000 2,227.55 388.35 .00 3,772.45 37.1% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 650 650 156.39 77.84 .00 493.61 24.1% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 200 200 .00 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 500 500 330.00 .00 .00 170.00 66.0% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 43 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 4,500 4,500 535710 NON -AD VALOREM TAXES 13,900 13,900 606300 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 0 4,826 707246 INTEREST - DST FUND ADVANCE 24,500 24,500 909101 INTERFUND TRFR TO 001 GF 10,000 10,000 909901 CONTINGENCY 14,205 14,205 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 431,606 441,607 TOTAL AIRPORT 487,856 497,857 YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 25.00 .00 .00 13,911.08 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,826.25 .00 .00 .00 3,333.32 833.33 .00 .00 .00 .00 132,762.11 30,495.05 9,951.25 146,954.74 33,253.18 9,951.25 AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 4,475.00 .6% -11.08 100.1% -.25 100.0% 24,500.00 .0% 6,666.68 33.3% 14,205.00 .0% 298,893.64 32.3% 340,951.01 31.5% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 44 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 455 AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 455050 AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 535900 DEPRECIATION 606200 BUILDINGS 606299 BLDGS - CAPITAL ASSETS - EF 606300 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 606399 IOTB-CAPITAL ASSETS-EF 606499 VEH & EQUIP -CAPITAL ASSETS-EF 606900 INFRASTRUCTURE 606905 STREETS/ROADS 606999 INFRASTRUCTURE -CAP ASSETS-EF TOTAL AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND TOTAL AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 213,200 213,200 13,727.19 .00 .00 199,472.81 6.4% -1,126,871 -1,126,871 .00 .00 .00 -1,126,871.08 .0% 1,323,307 1,323,307 202,656.35 67,385.87 999,275.67 121,374.69 90.8% 982,717 982,717 .00 .00 .00 982,716.69 .0% -6,925 -6,925 .00 .00 .00 -6,924.94 .0% 2,980 2,980 .00 .00 .00 2,980.00 .0% 106,420 106,420 .00 .00 .00 106,420.18 .0% 230,129 230,129 50,914.90 9,345.75 .00 179,213.80 22.1% 232,447 232,447 79,114.89 .00 .00 153,332.21 34.0% 1,104,604 1,104,604 .00 .00 .00 1,104,604.34 .0% 3,062,008 3,062,008 346,413.33 76,731.62 999,275.67 1,716,318.70 43.9% 3,062,008 3,062,008 346,413.33 76,731.62 999,275.67 1,716,318.70 43.9% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 45 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 480 BUILDING 480110 BUILDING EXPENDITURES AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 511200 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 341,500 341,500 101,740.62 25,188.96 .00 239,759.38 29.8% 511400 OVERTIME 1,500 1,500 1,221.69 96.20 .00 278.31 81.4% 512100 FICA TAXES 26,267 26,267 7,730.80 1,887.41 .00 18,536.20 29.4% 512215 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 360 360 240.00 .00 .00 120.00 66.7% 512225 DEFFERED COMPENSATION 29,317 29,317 9,376.72 2,275.67 .00 19,940.28 32.0% 512301 GROUP LIFE/HEALTH INSURANCE 27,084 27,084 8,209.89 2,029.48 .00 18,874.11 30.3% 512305 DEPENDENT HEALTH INS PREMIUM 10,024 10,024 4,421.32 1,105.33 .00 5,602.68 44.1% 512307 HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCT 9,600 9,600 1,451.18 156.69 .00 8,148.82 15.1% 512309 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 144 144 50.00 10.00 .00 94.00 34.7% 512400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 8,335 8,335 2,373.10 .00 .00 5,961.90 28.5% 533200 AUDIT FEES 948 948 720.00 720.00 .00 228.00 75.9% 533201 ADMIN SVCS PROVIDED BY GF 65,000 65,000 21,666.64 5,416.66 .00 43,333.36 33.3% 533400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,500 4,500 .00 .00 .00 4,500.00 .0% 534000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 788 788 .00 .00 .00 788.00 .0% 534101 TELEPHONE SERVICE 450 450 67.15 33.61 .00 382.85 14.9% 534105 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 1,130 1,130 627.21 321.19 .00 502.79 55.5% 534110 INTERNET SERVICES 2,750 2,750 584.40 116.88 .00 2,165.60 21.3% 534120 POSTAGE 800 800 96.85 2.78 .00 703.15 12.1% 534310 ELECTRICITY 3,200 3,200 944.03 238.28 .00 2,255.97 29.5% 534320 WATER/SEWER 350 350 94.27 24.67 .00 255.73 26.9% 534420 EQUIPMENT LEASES 1,400 1,400 528.35 112.53 .00 871.65 37.7% 534500 INSURANCE 7,000 7,000 1,801.38 .00 .00 5,198.62 25.7% 534620 R & M - VEHICLES 1,000 1,000 177.31 152.47 .00 822.69 17.7% 534630 R & M-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 26,500 26,500 1,589.36 494.77 .00 24,910.64 6.0% 535200 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 1,150 1,150 395.99 90.92 .00 754.01 34.4% 535210 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 1,080 1,080 959.97 700.97 .00 120.03 88.9% 535230 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 200 200 60.14 9.88 .00 139.86 30.1% 535260 GAS AND OIL 3,500 3,500 1,025.91 263.66 .00 2,474.09 29.3% 535270 UNIFORMS AND SHOES 365 365 .00 .00 .00 365.00 .0% 535275 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 50 50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 .0% 535410 MEMBERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DUE 1,060 1,060 210.00 210.00 .00 850.00 19.8% 535420 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 300 300 171.02 171.02 .00 128.98 57.0% 535450 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 949 949 368.00 368.00 .00 581.00 38.8% 909131 INTERFUND TRFR TO 310 CAP PRO 0 14,383 .00 .00 .00 14,383.00 .0% 909541 INTERFUND TRFR TO 415 GC PROJ 165,000 509,815 17,839.91 .00 .00 491,975.09 3.5% 909901 CONTINGENCY 36,619 36,619 .00 .00 .00 36,619.00 .0% TOTAL BUILDING EXPENDITURES 780,220 1,139,418 186,743.21 42,198.03 .00 952,674.79 16.4% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 46 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 480 BUILDING TOTAL BUILDING ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET 780,220 1,139,418 YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 186,743.21 42,198.03 .00 AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 952,674.79 16.40 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 47 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 601 CEMETERY TRUST FUND 601011 CEMETERY TRUST FUND AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 534959 CEMETERY REFUNDS 0 0 520.00 .00 .00 -520.00 100.0% 909131 INTERFUND TRFR TO 310 CAP PRO 0 59,316 .00 .00 .00 59,316.00 .0% TOTAL CEMETERY TRUST FUND 0 59,316 520.00 .00 .00 58,796.00 .9% TOTAL CEMETERY TRUST FUND 0 59,316 520.00 .00 .00 58,796.00 .9% 02/10/2017 14:18 ICITY OF SEBASTIAN IP 48 JSmith YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2017 04 ORIGINAL REVISED APPROP BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES 620 POLICE OFFICERS PENSION TF 620250 POLICE OFFICERS PENSION TF AVAILABLE PCT BUDGET USED 533105 PROF. SERVICES - LEGAL 0 0 6,429.29 .00 .00 -6,429.29 100.0% 533120 CONSULTANTS 0 0 3,375.00 .00 .00 -3,375.00 100.0% 533162 PD PENSION INVESTMENT EXPENSE 0 0 2,045.89 .00 .00 -2,045.89 100.0% 534960 PD DISABILITY BENEFITS 0 0 6,070.71 .00 .00 -6,070.71 100.0% 534961 PD PENSION RETIREMENT BENEFIT 0 0 117,370.62 .00 .00 -117,370.62 100.0% TOTAL POLICE OFFICERS PENSION TF 0 0 135,291.51 .00 .00 -135,291.51 100.0% TOTAL POLICE OFFICERS PENSION TF 0 0 135,291.51 .00 .00 -135,291.51 100.0% GRAND TOTAL 30,576,254 33,652,278 7,824,808.44 2,386,190.65 2,794,422.78 23,033,046.94 31.6% ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Jennifer Smith ** 'MY SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 8, 2017 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution Accepting 1"Quarter Financial Report and Adopting Necessary Amendments to the FY 2016-2017 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve Resolution R-17-06. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. A capital project status report, investment report, report on General Fund Reserves and accomplishments are also included. City Council already approved an adjustment during the quarter to allocate funds to move up a purchase of a dump truck scheduled for future replacement in the Capital Improvement Plan. Formal approval by the City Council is normally requested on the use of balances in the Equipment and Facilities Renewal and Replacement Reserve but no unbudgeted repair or replacement items were required during this quarter. The City Manager has discretion to use that Reserve and request formal approval with the next Quarterly Financial Report. In accordance with the authority given by the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager has approved other budget transfers between accounts within Departments and made adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council". Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included reestablishing capital project budgets and making budget changes to reallocate funds to and from expenditure accounts and capital projects as necessary during the quarter. All the above adjustments are summarized in Exhibit "A" that is an attachment to the Resolution. IF AGENDA ITEM REQUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: Total Cost: As per Exhibit "A" of Resolution Amount Budgeted in Current FY: N/A Amount of Appropriation Required: As per Exhibit "A" of Resolution Fund to Be Utilized for Appropriation: N/A Administrative Services Department Review: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. R-17-06 and Exhibit "A" Quarterly Financial Report for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2016 City Manager Authorization: Date: RESOLUTION NO. R-17-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2016 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A'; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months that ended on December 31, 2016 indicated that no further adjustments needed approval by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager have previously approved any other necessary adjustments in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017 be amended as necessary, a summary of such amendments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A", the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are hereby made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Bob McPartlan Vice Mayor Andrea Coy Councilmember Jim Hill Councilmember Linda Kinchen Councilmember Ed Dodd The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 8th day of March 2017. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA M. Mayor Bob McPartlan Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Robert A. Ginsburg, City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" of RESOLUTION R-17-06 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 Amounts Chances Authorized by City Manaaer: Adjustment for capital projects active and in progress at the end of the previous fiscal year. $ 2,863,497 Adjustment to reflect reimbursement for repairs to a damaged Airport gate, $ 4,475 Adjustment to carry forward remaining balances of amounts budgeted for sign grants. $ 46,726 Adjustment to reflect donation from the Senior Activity Center for computer accessories/graphics. $ 500 Adjustment combining unspent balances from 2016 with current year Computer Upgrades project. $ 62,440 Adjustment to add funds and close project for Police Department Roof Repair project. $ 613 Adjustment to cancel project for Riverview Park Fencing. $ 25,000 Adjustment to reduce budget and close Brushfoot Bikepath project. $ 5,923 Reduction of adjustment reinstating projects active and in progress at end of the previous fiscal year. $ 53,910 Adjustment to apply funds to street reconstruction that were the difference in restoring only one-half $ 132,925 of amounts advanced from Reserves for the Early Retirement Program and the millage reduction. Chanaes Aooroved by City Council: Amounts Adjustment to cancel PW Compound projects and add funds to enable purchase of two Dump $ 84,000 Trucks versus the one originally scheduled for this year. Additional Chanaes Submitted for Citv Council Aooroval: Amounts None. n/a CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OVERVIEW THE FIRST QUARTER FOR GENERAL FUND ENDED WITH 39% OF BUDGETED REVENUES RECEIVED AND DEPARTMENTS SPENDING 24% OF AMOUNTS ALLOCATED. THE R&R RESERVE DID NOT NEED TO BE USED DURING THE QUARTER, HOWEVER EXPENDITURES WERE AFFECTED BY HURRICANE MATTHEW. REDUCTIONS IN GOLF COURSE REVENUES AND INCREASED MAINTENANCE EXPENSES RESULTED IN A HIGHER NEGATIVE AMOUNT OF RESERVES. REVENUES AND EXPENSES AT THE AIRPORT DO NOT INCLUDE GRANT RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES, AS THESE ARE NOT BEING MATCHED WITH AIRPORT FUNDS. BUILDING FUND RESERVES WERE LOANED TO THE GOLF COURSE IN ORDER TO FINANCE NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS. GENERAL FUND The graph below and left compares General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Total Cash Reserves at the end of the 1st quarter to the end of the prior fiscal year. With property tax receipts, revenues are typically much higher than expenditures in the I� quarter. The graph below and right compares the I' quarter of this year to the I" quarter of the prior 2 years. Revenues are somewhat higher, while expenditures are less than the same period of the prior years. 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,006 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 1913012016 10112016 4,620,819 I 2,875 476 I 7,272,017 5.000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 - 3;500,000 3,000,000 2,50000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Revenues Expended +I -Reserves 111213112014 4,052,596 2,528,958 1,523,638 112C3112015 4,480,592 3,087,917 1,392,675 IN12610016 4,620,819 2,875,476 1,745,343 The graph below and left shows collections through the 1' quarter of the three main sources of General Fund Revenue and of those three as a total. Those three sources and property taxes are 71% of budgeted revenue. $66,030 more was received from those three sources through the ls` quarter of this year, as compared to the same period last year. The graph below and right shows the percentage of budgeted expenditures by department at the end of the quarter. In total, departments expended 24% of amounts budgeted. 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 1stQtr2016 1siQU2017 18eftFraertlee IEleddc00ityTax 2017 Budget 2017 Projection INalkWalesiex OTofelsofteRn 100.0% 75.0% 50.0% 25.0% 0.0% 6\110 6P PJ�cgss QG6PoQ"e�dA Gm e0Z" da G Page 1 of 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AND CAPITAL PROJECTS Special Revenue Funds provide most of the monies needed for capital projects. The graph below and left shows collections the current year compared to last year and shows the current annual budget and projected collections for Local Option Gas Taxes (LOGT), Discretionary Sales Tax (DST) and Stormwater Fees. The graph below and right shows totals budgeted for capital projects, as compared to amounts spent through the 151 quarter of this year. It reflects large unexpended amounts for the Police Evidence Garage, Working Waterfront, Friendship Park, Street Reconstruction, Street Repaving, Stormwater Improvements, Golf Course and Airport Projects. 3,500,000 3,0DDV 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500000 1,000,000 HUD AT DST StrmmWrFee 11OM6 119MM7 07eu7]EI 12N7PmPckn DEBT SERVICE FUNDS AND LONGTERM DEBT 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,00 2,000,000 1,000,000 xe\Po 0q \�e�s °\0���ea\�d \��Ge#1 C d \ qv e \OP PP sko� C!% ge otyte�ed� VOEe The City's long-term debt includes the Discretionary Sales Tax Bank Note ($706,000 outstanding, maturing 4/01/17) and the Stormwater Revenue Bank Note ($2,275,000 outstanding, maturing 5/01/22). The City refunded previously issued bonds with Bank Notes on December 18, 2013. The City has a Bank Note for Street Repaving ($1,267,000 outstanding, maturing 12/01/22) and a Bank Loan on Golf Carts ($162,777 outstanding, maturing 10/31/17). The City is in compliance with requirements on all these obligations. GOLF COURSE The graph below and left compares Golf Course Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through the end of this year to the end of the prior two years. Negative Reserve balances and the amount of change in Reserves are greater due to less revenue being recorded and because of expenses incurred for necessary maintenance. 1,500,000 1,300,000 1,100,000 900,000 700,000 SOR000 300,000 100,000 POOR (300,M) W301P016 I JIMI12016I 400,000 - 35R000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 0,000 50,000 0 (50,000� Revenues ExDked ese I171014 1,3,972 1,49,639 (5. I1121Y2 2,A 34,809 20,027) I111f31201fi 1 RevetueesExtentlad 36R809 320,765 a,521 M8,753 323,A 364,809 *Reserc 46,044 (23,232) (41,414) Page 2 of 3 AIRPORT The graph below and left compares Airport Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through this year to the prior two years, plus the positive or negative impact to Reserves. I I 600,000 500,000 400,000 30Q000 200,000 100,000 (100,000) { (200,000) 1930120% 1 1126100161 BUILDING L_ =I E. el Reserves 900R51e3u43 471I 42,482 112,515 102,267 52,730 330,000 _ 2501,000, 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 - 0 (50,000) Reverues Eacendei +FReswes 111MV014 132,042 97,568 34,474 1112 Q0151 288,837 1 295,222 (6,386) 111251QO161 112,515 I 102267 10P48 The graph below and left compares Building Department Revenues, Expenses and Reserves through the end of this year to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues and Expenses through this year to the prior two years, plus the positive or negative impact to Reserves. Revenues are consistently exceeding expenses. I 1,40Q000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 (20Q000) �9'3012016 112131QOI6 Revenues 816,,301 160,297 1 144,545 1 1,208,014 1 250,000 Al 200,000 150,000 -1 100,000 7 50,000 0 Revenues Engirded +I -Reserves J 1125172 014 168,978 135,801 33,177 KINIR015 216,796 152,229 64,567 I112512016 160,297 144,545 15,752 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 12/31/16 2013/2014 201412015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2016/2017 2016/2017 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GENERALFUND TAXES -3,002,636.56 -3,277,912.33 -3,630,269.13 -3,869,494.99 -7,871,032.00 49.16% LICENSES & PERMITS -80,635.18 -106,039.46 -87,442.66 -86,469.07 -139,500.00 61.98% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -324,853.06 -350,657.93 -382,453.53 -383,571.79 -2,519,300.00 15.23% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -89,843.52 -81,787.25 -77,074.34 -71,147.58 -321,102.00 22.16% FINES AND FORFEITS -17,177.74 -17,799.08 -33,899.20 -12,041.99 -55,000.00 21.89% MISC. REVENUE -56,660.15 -39,576.03 -77,181.96 -33,093.19 -267,054.00 12.39% TRANSFERS IN -156,277.50 -178,823.52 -192,271.38 -164,999.97 -663,569.00 24.87% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 -38,454.00 0.00% GENERAL FUND REVENUE -3,728,083.71 -4,052,595.60 -4,480,592.20 -4,620,818.58 -11,875,011.00 _ 364N CITY COUNCIL 12,430.11 10,591.91 10,782.38 11,994.41 53,889.00 22.26% CITY MANAGER 85,827.74 52,695.94 63,764.18 62,061.58 361,843.00 17.64% CITY CLERK 87,114.50 88,106.88 103,385.84 56,767.85 188,919.00 30.05% LEGAL 15,978.10 16,152.76 13,028.00 16,234.00 101,720.00 15.96% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 104,972.58 86,393.95 102,148.85 101,979.62 487,476.00 20.92% M.I.S. DIVISION 35,226.38 30,643.68 49,840.14 44,585.56 233,201.00 19.12% AUDIO VISUAL/BROADCAST 0.00 0.00 24,571.60 28,260.13 121,939.00 23.18% POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,014,320.34 1,009,670.07 1,431,318.26 1,391,701.53 4,865,635.00 28.60% ENGINEERING 0.00 0.00 0.00 126,137.61 534,121.00 23.62% ROADS AND DRAINAGE 182,689.77 163,605.33 181,527.48 96,359.00 591,718.00 16.28% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVIS 171,717.50 297,634.82 278,266.73 142,163.14 923,036.00 15.40% CENTRAL GARAGE 50,909.49 46,872.51 53,772.18 44,781.73 240,448.00 18.62% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 35,887.89 63,334.46 46,011.56 95,193.03 265,037.00 35.92% PARKS/RECREATION 212,729.09 214,526.25 206,554.56 209,621.35 925,284.00 22.65% CEMETERY 45,151.46 39,662.31 51,714.17 32,484.78 147,816.00 21.98% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 45,656.30 57,318.28 45,504.92 36,364.27 267,729.00 13.58% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 339,567.69 351,748.82 425,725.66 378,786.18 1,575,200.00 24.05% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 2,440,178.94 2,528,957.97 3,087,916.51 2,875,475.77 11,875,011.00 24.21% LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -91,230.75 -101,383.41 -108,172.47 -113,744.04 -665,600.00 17.09% INTERGVT'L REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12,532.00 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -12.49 -166.14 -321.30 -306.46 -97.00 315.94% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -200,000.00 0,00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 -209,509.00 0.00% LOGT FUND REVENUE -91,243.24 -101,549.55 -108,493.77 -114,050.50 -1,087,738.00 10.49% OPERATING EXPENSES 48,522.01 55,885.47 51,040.72 3,760.25 95,103.00 3.95% DEBT SERVICE 121,360.30 121,391.20 121,383.30 14,336.60 242,635.00 5.91% TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750,000.00 0.00% LOGT FUND EXPENDITURES 169,882.31 177,276.67 172,424.02 18,096.85 1,087,738.00 1.66% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES -362,912.48 -386,176.69 -410,403.45 -418,337.50 -3,004,788.00 13.92% MISC. REVENUE -1,371.09 -1,413.32 -1,276.00 -2,472.91 -27,418.00 9.02% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,028,541.00 0.00% DST FUND REVENUE -364,283.57 -387,590.01 -411,679.45 -420,810.41 -5,060,747.00 8.32% TRANSFERS OUT 448,184.27 416,710.76 993,140.78 231,343.71 3,803,341.00 6.08% TO FUND BALANCES 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,257,406.00 0.00% DST FUND EXPENDITURES 448,184.27 416,710.76 993,140.78 231,343.71 5,060,747.00 4.57_% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -487.09 -9,291.91 -6,560.06 -9,472.71 -37,322.00 25.38% TRANSFERS IN -272,060.44 -296,420.01 -349,624.18 -342,240.96 -343,707.00 99.57% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -235,455.00 0.00% RRD REVENUE -272,547.53 -305,711.92 -356,184.24 -351,713.67 -616,484.00 57.05% OPERATING EXPENSES 43,912.23 58,554.52 61,373.28 34,833.81 137,087.00 25.41% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 11,208.90 0.00 0.00 n/a GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 15,000.00 3,791.25 0.00 281,226.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 15,000.00 15,150.00 16,250.01 0.00 188,729.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,442.00 0.00% RRD EXPENDITURES 58,912.23 88,704.52 92,623.44 34,833.81 616,484.00 5.65% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 12/31/16 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 201612017 2016/2017 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND " MISC. REVENUE -3,958.32 -6,591.21 -12,523.21 -5,538.10 -19,837.00 27.92% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -13,792.00 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU REVENUE -3,958.32 -6,591.21 -12,523.21 -5,538.10 -33,629.00 16.47% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 -2,834.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 rva TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,792.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,837.00 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU EXPENDITURES 0.00 -2,834.00 0.00 0.00 33,629.00 0.00% RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND MISC. REVENUE -39,461.27 -34,534.13 -51,957.06 -22,691.03 -137,312.00 16.53% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -162,908.00 0.00% REC. IMPACT FEE REVENUE -39,461.27 -34,534.13 -51,957.06 -22,691.03 -300,220.00 7.56% OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 3,280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TRANSFERS OUT 21,618.41 4,750.00 0.00 0.00 300,220.00 0.00% REC. IMPACT FEE EXPENDITURES 21,618.41 8,030.00 0.00 0.00 300,220.00 0.00% STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE -764,390.70 -748,392.38 -773,193,53 -800,062.44 -996,875.00 80.26% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -100,000.00 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -153,152.00 0.00% STORMWATER FUND REVENUE -764,390.70 -748,392.38 -773,193.53 -800,062.44 -1,250,027.00 64.00% OPERATING EXPENSES 10,922.60 7,846.34 -11,929.60 3,461.84 20,000.00 17.31% TRANSFERS OUT 253,430.01 225,534.00 199,076.88 252,526.56 1,230,027.00 20.53% STORMWATER EXPENDITURES 264,352.61 233,380.34 187,147.28 255,98840 1,250,027.00 20.480/o LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND FINES AND FORFEITS 0.00 -700.00 0.00 -25,911.00 -1.000.00 2591.10% MISC. REVENUE -120.55 -18.53 -27,562.36 -76.18 -145.00 52.54% FORFEITURES FUND REVENUE -120.55 -718.53 -27,562.36 -25,987.18 -1,145.00 2269.62% OPERATING EXPENSES 592.56 1,256.94 0.00 1,101.04 0.00 n/a CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 15,158.69 0.00 0.00 n/a GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,145.00 0.00% FORFEITURES EXPENDITURES 592.56 4,256.94 15,158.69 1,101.04 1,145.00 96.16% DST DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE -39,742.12 -117.78 -144.41 -29.00 -1,591.00 1.82% TRANSFERS IN -253,123.26 -256,471.74 -216,777.99 -88,231.74 -352,927.00 25.00% FROM FROM BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -356,036.00 0.00% DST DEBT SERVICE REVENUE -292,865.38 -256,589.52 -216,922.40 -88,260.74 -710,554.00 12.421M. DEBT SERVICE 1,842,278.95 516,739.00 515,404.60 0.00 710,554,00 0.00% DST DEBT EXPENDITURES 1,842,278.95 516,739.00 515,404.60 0.00 710,554.00 0.00% STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE -39,047.49 -157.74 -207.54 -184.82 -112.00 165.02% TRANSFERS IN -110,430.00 -100,533.99 -100,285.26 -100,740.75 -402,963.00 25.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -57.00 0.00% STORMWATER DEBT REVENUE -149,477.49 -100,69173 -100,492.80 -100,925.57 -403,132.00 25.04% DEBT SERVICE 327,905.61 25,794.30 22,749.50 126,678.75 403,132.00 31.42% STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES 327,906.61 25,794.30 22,749.50 126,678.75 403,132.00 31.42% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 12/31/16 201312014 201412015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2016/2017 2016/2017 1stQTR 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE -338,798.30 -360,272.77 -328,268.91 -320,903.64 -1,298,500.00 24.71% MISC. REVENUE -479,862.92 -6,536.34 -7,252.28 -2,490.98 -40,460.00 6.16% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -18,463.00 0.00% GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE -818,661.22 -366,809.11 -335,521.19 -323,394.62 -1,357,423.00 23.82% PERSONAL SERVICES 47,104.72 48,894.26 62,577.93 62,102.76 278,734.00 22,28% OPERATING EXPENSES 85,133.01 79,173.89 78,883.27 73,990.56 317,138.00 23,33% CAPITAL OUTLAY 132,440.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TRANSFERS OUT 16,324.67 15,102.51 16,621.12 0.00 0.00 n/a TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,939.00 0.00% TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 281,002.40 143,170.66 158,082.32 136,093.32 629,811.00 21.61% OPERATING EXPENSES 140J65,49 141,160.83 143,229.14 178,370.2§ 558,232.00 31.95% DEBT SERVICE 5,002.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,527.00 0.00% TOTAL MAINTENANCE 145,158.20 141,160.83 143,229.14 178,370.29 563,759.00 31.64% PERSONAL SERVICES 15,914.84 17,445.70 22,347.19 20,081.45 103,547.00 19.39% OPERATING EXPENSES 1,256.14 100.08 645.48 862.94 2,900.00 29.76% DEBT SERVICE 4,783.87 14,351.61 14,351.61 14,351.61 57,406.00 25.00% TOTAL GOLF COURSE CARTS 21,954.85 31,897.39 37,344.28 35,296.00 163,853.00 21.54% GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENDITURES 448,180.41 320,764.54 358,753.21 364,809.14 1,392,323.06 26.20% AIRPORT FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE -2,336.36 -825.50 -2,569.01 -2,295.53 -18,750.00 12.24% MISC, REVENUE -104,519.64 -131,216.49 -286,267.55 -110,219.39 -417,331.00 26.41% AIRPORT REVENUE -106,856.00 -132,041.99 -288,836.56 -112.514.92 -436,081.00 25.809/6 PERSONAL SERVICES 36,347.95 28,536.70 30,462.19 46,184.07 203,827.00 22.66% OPERATING EXPENSES 78,266.16 56,247.86 61,722.97 53,583.00 183,549.00 29.19% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 183,390.00 0.00 0.00 n/a DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,500.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 12,500,01 12,499.89 2,499.99 10,000.00 25.00% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,205.00 0.00% AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION 114,614.11 97,284.57 288,075.05 102,267.06 436,081.00 23.45% OPERATING EXPENSES 12,637.50 282.99 1,126.98 0.00 0.00 n/a CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 6,019.90 0.00 0.00 n/a ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 12,637.50 282.99 7,146.88 0.00 0.00 n/a AIRPORT EXPENDITURE 127,251.61 97,567.56 �95,221.93 102,267.0� 436,061.00 n.45% BUILDING FUND LICENSES & PERMITS -154,943.07 -162,912.68 -212,078.27 -148,786.40 -727,800.00 20.44% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -2,508.55 -3,089.94 -3,240.61 -2,617.89 -12,600.00 20.78% FINES AND FORFEITS -2,472.00 -1,785.86 0.00 -900.00 -4,000.00 22.50% MISC. REVENUE -1,270.93 -1,189.47 -1,477.16 -1,742.83 -10,820.00 16.11% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 -6,249.99 -25,000.00 25.00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -359,198.00 0.00% BUILDING REVENUES -161,194.55 -168,97T95 -216,796.04 -160,297,11 -1,139,418.00 14.07% PERSONAL SERVICES 73,140.11 86,767.07 101,864.76 104,065.68 454,131.00 22.92% OPERATING EXPENSES 21,872.47 22,710.60 24,343.07 22,639.69 124,470.00 18.19% CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,277.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 26,323.50 26,021.49 17,839.91 524,198.00 3.40% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,619.00 0.00% BUILDING EXPENDITURES - 111,290.07 135,801.17 152,229.32 144,545.18 1,139,418.00 12.69% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 12/31/16 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2016 2016/2017 2016/2017 2016/2017 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,687.94 5,700.21 5,697.44 5,687.45 22,764.00 24,98% OPERATING EXPENSES 6,742.17 4,891.70 5,084.94 6,303.96 31,125.00 20.25% TOTAL 12,430.11 10,591.91 10,782.38 11,991.41 53,889.00 22.25% CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES 85,410.40 51,119.78 61,848.28 60,556.24 345,688X0 17.52% OPERATING EXPENSES 417.34 1,576.16 1,915.90 1,605.34 6,155.00 24.46% TOTAL 85,827.74 52,695.94 63,764.18 62,061.58 351,843.00 17.64% CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES 42,498.15 59,009.33 50,902.31 34,300.55 152,739.00 22.46% OPERATING EXPENSES 44,616.35 24,001.55 52,483.53 22,467.30 36,180.00 62.10% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 5,096.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 87,114.50 88,106.88 103,386.84 66,767.85 188,919.00 30.05% LEGAL OPERATING EXPENSES 15,978.10 16,152.76 13,028.00 16,234.00 101,720.00 15.96% TOTAL 15,978.10 16,152.76 13,028.00 16,234.00 101,720.00 15.96% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES 87,195.95 85,463.28 94,366.91 93,830.36 393,766.00 23.83% OPERATING EXPENSES 17,776.63 930.67 7,781.94 8,149.27 93,710.00 8.70% TOTAL 104,972.58 $6,393.95 102,148.85 101,979.62 487,476.00 20.92%, M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 30,587.12 22,501.22 32,087.30 19,258.19 142,681.00 13.50% OPERATING EXPENSES 4,639.26 8,142.46 17,752.84 25,327.37 90,520.00 27.98% TOTAL 35,226.38 30,643.68 49,840.14 44,585.56 233,201.00 19.12% AUDIO VISUAL/BROADCAST PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 19,850.64 23,549.37 105,362.00 22.35% PE TING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 4,720.96 4,710.76 16,57T00 28.42% TbTAL 0.00 0.00 24,571.60 28,260.13 121,939.00 23.18% POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110,908.52 136,204.17 196,448.59 196,145.21 593,434.00 33.05% OPERATING EXPENSES 35,058.00 20,356.36 27,954.18 23,632.22 131,562.00 1796% CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,000.00 0.00 11,765.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 148,966.52 166,660.63 236,167.77 219,777.43 724,996.00 30.31%, POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES 493,075.88 474,168.20 716,489.45 719,366.36 2,303,075.00 31.24% OPERATING EXPENSES 57,201.03 56,087.12 42,844.42 49,496.08 280,677.00 17.63% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 2,089.00 5,104.00 0.00 15,000,00 0.00% TOTAL 550,276.91 632,344.32 764,437.87 768,862.44 2,598,752.00 29.69% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 32,164.30 32,888.05 38,832.86 35,993.67 148,113.00 24.30% OPERATING EXPENSES 5,792.49 3,897.45 3,115.53 3,642.68 18,386.00 19.81% TOTAL 37,966.79 36,785.50 41,948.39 39,636.35 166,499.00 23.81%, POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 136,651.53 148,364.39 213,238.50 188,811.56 666,787.00 28.32 % OPERATING EXPENSES 32,272.61 27,692.73 34,866.66 25,728.00 121,240.00 21.22% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 6,062.88 0.00 6,000.00 0.00% TOTAL 168,924.14 176,047.12 254,168.04 214,539.66 794,027.00 27.02% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 105,340.56 105,581.55 132,344.36 144,759.13 567,085.00 25.53% OPERATING EXPENSES 2,855.42 2,351.05 2,251.83 4,126.42 14,276.00 28.90% TOTAL 108,196.98 107,932.60 134,696.19 148,885.65 681,361.00 26.61% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 12/31/16 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2016/2017 2016/2017 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET ENGINEERING PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 73,213.49 286,630.00 25.54% OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 52,924.12 247,491.00 21,38% TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 126,137.61 534,121.00 23.62% ROADS AND DRAINAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 152,123.81 118,271.27 155,803.50 86,884.54 477,678.00 18.19% OPERATING EXPENSES 30,565.96 45,334.06 21,933.05 9,474.46 114,040.00 8.31% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 3,790.93 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 182,689.77 163,606.33 181,527.48 96,359.00 591,718.00 16.28% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 98,913.21 111,647.79 152,781.50 93,631.24 367,866.00 25.45% OPERATING EXPENSES 72,804.29 157,931.13 122,182.33 48,531.90 555,170.00 8.74% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 28,055.90 3,302.90 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 171,717.50 297,634.82 278,266.73 142,163.14 923,036.00 15.40% CENTRAL GARAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 47,760.19 39,472.76 50,763.92 39,864.32 209,148.00 19.06% OPERATING EXPENSES 3,149.30 4,613.75 3,008.26 4,917.41 27,300.00 18.01% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 2,786.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00% TOTAL 50,909.49 46,872.51 53,772.18 44,781.73 240,448.00 18.62% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 25,411.63 35,727.06 26,695.58 24,952.00 96,677.00 25.81 % OPERATING EXPENSES 9,045.24 27,457.40 19,315.98 67,441.03 168,360.00 40.06% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,431.02 150.00 0.00 2,800.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 35,887.89 63,334.46 46,011.66 95,193.03 266,037.00 35.92% PARKS/RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 143,189.32 152,791.22 153,540.65 130,075.91 539,114.00 24.13% OPERATING EXPENSES 56,061.98 61,735.03 53,013.91 79,546.44 386,170.00 20.60% CAPITAL OUTLAY 13,477.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a TOTAL 212,729.09 214,526.25 206,554.56 209,621.35 925,284.00 22.65% CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 32,350.29 34,560.64 40,347.87 27,900.74 122,431.00 22.79% OPERATING EXPENSES 12,801.17 5,101.67 11,366.30 4,584.04 25,385.00 18.06% CEMETERY 45,151.46 39,662.31 51,714.17 32,484.78 147,816.00 21.98% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 37,070.43 48,246.87 43,447.05 32,818.91 217,794.00 15.07% OPERATING EXPENSES 8,585.87 9,071.41 2,057.87 3,545.36 49,935.00 7.10% TOTAL 45,656.30 57,318.28 45,604.92 36,364.27 267,729.00 13.58% NON -DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 21,461.78 943.12 39,881.37 66,727.80 270,000.00 24.71% OPERATING EXPENSES 318,105.91 330,127.82 375,244.29 305,808.39 623,047.00 49.08% TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 10,600.00 6,249.99 496,379.00 1.26% GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 20,677.88 0.00 0.00 185,774.00 0.00% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 339,567.69 361,748.82 425,725.66 378,786.18 1,575,200.00 24.05% ALL DEPARTMENTS PERSONAL SERVICES 1,687,801.01 1,662,650.91 2,225,368.08 2,098,327.03 8,028,832.00 26.13% OPERATING EXPENSES 734,469.12 807,452.28 821,922.72 768,095.55 3,139,026.00 24.47% CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,908.81 38,176.90 30,025.71 2,800.00 25,000.00 11.20% TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 10,600.00 6,249.99 496,379.00 1.26% GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 20,677.88 0.00 0.00 185,774.00 0.00% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,440,178.94 2,528,957.97 3,087,916.51 2,875,472.67 11,876,011.00 24.21% CITY OF SEBASTIAN CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2016 Project Project Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budget To Date Expended Encumbrances Remaining FY2012 A1231 Presidential Streets $ 971,021 $ 935,823 96.38% $ - $ 35,198 FY2013 A1351 Main Street Access Road $ 1,622,163 $ 1,577,930 97.27% $ 3,678 $ 40,556 FY2014 A1411 Computer Overhaul (CLOSED) 263,039 263,039 100.00% - - A1434 Tulip Drive 330,380 263,427 79.73% 25,466 41,487 A1451 AP Hangar 1,725,003 427,868 24.80% 1,040,809 256,325 Total $ 2,318,422 $ 954,335 41.16 % $ 1,066,275 $ 297,812 FY2015 A1515 Diesel Fuel Tank Software 25,000 - 0.00% - 25,000 A1518 Clear Village Software 61,762 43,729 70.80% 17,283 750 A1521 Community Center Parking 52,000 1,780 3.42% - 50,220 A1531 Police Station Parking 29,397 62 0.21 % 29,335 - A1532 Cue Corp Parking 238,395 18,195 7.63% 239,512 (19,312) A1540 Golf Course Irrigation 1,188,290 887,972 74.73% 833 299,485 A1562 Indian River Lagoon 300,000 33,760 11.25% - 266,240 Total $ 1,894,844 S 985,497 52.01 % S 286,963 $ 622,383 FY2016 A1601 Armadillo Purchase (CLOSED) 162,887 162,887 100.00% - - A1602 Patch Truck 156,125 - 0.00% 156,125 - A1603 Payroll Automation 10,804 - 0.00% - 10,804 AI606 Dispatch Consoles 63,479 187 0.29% 63,778 (486) A1610 Network Improvements (CLOSED) 24,521 24,521 100.00% - - A1611 Police Evidence Garage 333,270 25,215 7 57% - 308,055 A1613 Police Roof Repair (CLOSED) 73,156 73,156 100.00% - - A1614 Paint City Hall 50,000 - 0.00% - 50,000 A1615 Public Works Compound Shelters (CLOSED - - 0.00% - - A1616 Columbariums 70,000 10,684 15.26% 6,200 53,116 A1620 Working Waterfront Drainage 140,000 86,984 62.13% - 53,016 A1621 Working Waterfront Phase 2A 177,102 31,208 17.62% - 145,894 A1630 Bmshfoot Bikepath(CLOSED) 44,077 44,077 100.00% - - A1632 Street Repaving 733,500 216,804 29.56% 478,119 38,577 A1641 Golf Course Puking Lot Lights 51,285 24,627 48.02% 4,380 22,278 A1655 Taxiway C,D,E, Design 262,200 73,640 28,09% - 188,560 A1656 AP Master Plan Update 215,000 15,527 7.22% - 199,473 Total $ 2,567,406 $ 789,517 30.75% $ 708,601 $ 1,069,287 FY2017 A1710 Hurrican Matthew Expenses - 14,464 0.00% 12,118 (26,582) A1711 Audio Visual Equipment 50,000 - 0.00% - 50,000 A1712 Network Upgrades 112,440 1,267 1.13% - 111,173 A1713 MIS Servers 40,000 - 0.00% - 40,000 A1714 Police Vehicles & Equip 380,000 - 0.00% 285,422 94,578 A1715 Dump Trucks 234,000 - 0.00% 233,254 746 A1717 Backhoe 95,000 - 0.00% 84,169 10,831 A1720 Working Waterfront Phase 3 400,000 - 0.00% - 400,000 A1721 Riverview Park Fencing (CLOSED) - - 0.00% - - A1722 Friendship Park Improvement 250,000 - 0 00% - 250,000 A1730 Street Reconstruction 282,925 749 0.26% - 282,176 A1731 Street Repaving 750,000 - 0.00% - 750,000 A1740 Rebuild Greens 165,000 - 0.00% - 165,000 AI760 Road Cross ng/Sideyard Pipes 100,000 - 0.00% - 100,000 A1761 Pipe Sliplining 140,000 - 0.00% 15,713 124,288 Total $ 2,999,365 $ 16,480 0.55 % $ 630,676 $ 2,352,209 Grand Total $ 12,373,221 $ 5,259,582 42.51% $ 2,696,194 $ 4,417,444 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 At December 31, 2016, the total of the City's cash and investments were $13,943,188.53. Of this, $9,801,027.16 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank, $3,642,161.37 was invested with the State Board of Administration and $500,000 is deposited with Florida Trust, which invest in longer -term bonds. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not hold any investments in government securities. SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK STATE BOARD OF ADFHNISTRATION (BHA) CURRENT CURRENT CASH BALANCE. ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT General Fund $ 4,849,91719 4948% General Fund $ 1,075,978,48 2954% Local Option Gas Tax Fund 460,28437 4 M% Local Option Gas Tax Fund - CEM Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 1,145.99378 1169%a Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 1201,93977 3300% Rrverfmnt Redevelopment Fund 677,56163 6.91% Rrverfront Redevelopment Fund 9737093 2.67K Park,ng N-Lieu-Of Fund - 000% Parking ln-1eu-0fFund 79,51263 2161% Recreation Impact Fee Fund 633,99326 647% Recreation Impact Fee Fund 293,600.35 806% Stormwater Utility Fund 918,63017 937% Stomtweter ublity Fund - 0W/. Lew Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 27,24909 0.281/. Law Enforcement Forfntare Fund 34,33066 094% Discretionary Sales Tex, Debt Service Fund 88,26157 090q Drmrstiou Sales Tax, Debt Servme Fund - 0WA Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund 142,682.46 146% Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund - 0.00% Capital Projects Fund (14,377.32) -0A5% Capitol Projects Fund - 0.00°/ Capital improvements Fund (76,77190) 4.78% Capital Improvements Fund - 0.00% Transportation Fund (246,895,30) -2.52% Transportation Fund - 000% Stormwater Proj acts Fund 66,24035 068% Stormwater Pro, acts Fund - 000% Golf Course Fund (93,44313) -095% Got f Course Fund - 000% Golf Course Projects Fund (34,81770) -036% Golf Course Projects Fund (90.76) 000% AnportFund (832,720, 73) -85T% AiryortFund - 00M. Au,mit Projects Fund 1027,34570 1048% Aupnt Pv arm Fund - 0.00'/ Building Department Fund 130,652.74 133% Bottom, Department Fund 712,261,39 19.56% Cemetery Trust Fund 924,310,93 9.43% Cemetery Trust Food 74,508,22 2.05% Performance Deposits Fund 6,93000 0,07% Performance Deposits Fund 73,75000 202M Total Bank Balance $ 9.901,027.16 100.00% Total SBA Balance $ 3,641161.67 100.00% REPORT ON GENERAL FUND CASH RESERVES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 General Fund Cash Reserves are maintained to minimize the impact on the City's operations of unforeseen or emergency events, such as natural disasters, significant revenue shortfalls or unanticipated expenditures. City policies require reserves equal to 30% of the annual General Fund total expenditures budget, less debt service, interfund transfers and capital expenditures. Should there be an event(s) causing City-wide damages of 30%R or more, it is preferable to have a reserve balance of at least $5 million dollars. Some of this balance has been committed to funding unanticipated repairs and replacements from surpluses added during FY2012- 13, FY2013-14 and FY2015-16. Nothing was set aside for FY2014-15 due to a shortfall of $80,738. General Fund Reserves Available for Emergencies Equipment and Facilities Repair and Replacement Reserve 09/30/13 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,065,242 09/30/13 Initial Assignment of FY2012-13 Surplus $467,286 $467,286 09/30/14 Changes to Assigned Reserves 19,789 06/30/14 Replace 3 Mowers & Dump Truck -96,915 370,371 09/30/14 Surplus for FY2013-14 263,874 09/10/14 Replace Excavator -28,056 342,315 09/30/14 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,348,905 09/18/14 Replace Police Authentication System -4,343 337,972 01//14/15 Audit Fee for new GASH -2,000 09/30/14 Assignment of FY2013-14 Surplus +263,874 601,846 01/28/15 Building Department Software-19,800 10/06/14 Repairs for Sinkhole at Rolling Hill Ditch -18,554 583,292 05/13/15 Seawall Engineering Assessment-50,000 10/10/14 Repairs to Pedestrian Bridge -30,215 553,077 09/30/15 $50K Airport Advance Repaid 50,000 I I/07/14 Ditch Work -Barber, Caravan & Crowbeny -9,598 543,479 09/30/15 Changes to Assigned Reserves 40,106 12/10/14 Replace Bucket Truck -94,641 448,838 09/30/15 Surplus for FY2014-15-80,738 06/24/15 Repairs to City Garage Roof -8,651 440,187 09/30/15 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,286,473 06/24/15 Pipe Repair-Coolidge/Indian River Drive -14,980 425,207 09/30/16 Changes to Assigned Reserves 81,368 06/24/15 Sidewalk Repairs at Barber Street Bridge -1.926 423,281 09/30/16 Surplus for FY2015-16 158,834 08/26/15 Community Center/Yacht Club Pumps/Wells -5,140 418,141 09/30/16 Per Audited Financial Statements $5,526,675 08/26/15 Cemetery Irrigation due to lighting strike -387 417,754 09/30/16 Less Equipment and Facilities 08/26/15 Repairs to Main Street Dock -1,500 416,254 Repair and Replacement Reserve 414,763 07/15/15 Communications Dispatch Console -29,983 386,271 09/30/16 Net Available for Emergencies $5,111,912 0724/15 Repairs to Tennis Court Fencing -850 385,421 07/24/15 Repairs to Police Department generator -1,000 384,421 07/30/15 Replace Parks mower -10,525 373,896 08/06/15 City Hall/Community Center air conditioners -13,281 360,615 Note: Subsequent to year-end, unanticipated payroll and repair 09/30/15 Assignment of FY2014-15 Surplus 0 360,615 cost of Hurricane Matthew estimated to exceed $2,009,000 may be 12/31/15 Contract for CRA Landscaping Services -10,600 350,015 paid out of General Fund Reserves. This total includes debris 12/31/15 Replacement of benches/trash receptacles -7,495 342,520 pickup for $454,000, pier and dock repairs for $1,400,000, repairs 12/31/15 Repairs to Cemetery office building -6,250 336,270 to other facilities for $55,000 and additional overtime pay and 02/16/16 Cart Bain electrical repairs -24,600 311,670 benefits for $100,000. A large portion of this is expected to be 03/03/16 Replacement Roller -14,450 297,220 recovered from FEMA and the Stine but As much as $250,000 of 05/19/16 Post -Hole Diggers -2,944 294,276 the "City -share" is anticipated to permanently reduce the net 06/02/16 Cemetery Replacement Pump -3,300 290,976 available for future emergencies. 06/14/16 City Council Air Conditioner -32,247 258,729 08/17/16 Paint Airport Maintenance Building Columns -2,800 255,929 09/30/16 Assignment ofFY2015-16 Surplus +158,834 414,763 cm OF SEBASTIM HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Joe Griffin, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Administrative Services Director Date: February 15, 2017 Re: I"Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2017 Enclosed please find the 1st Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended December 31, 2017. CITY CLERK Leeislative Sunnort Matters • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded three Regular City Council meetings • Completed follow up of approved Council matters — contracts, letters, emails, scanned to LF and indexed • Four resolutions adopted by Council • One Executive Order was issued by the Mayor • Five proclamations prepared for presentation by Mayor • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press • Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations • Notified regional boards of Council membership • Placed one courtesy ad for public regarding rescheduled Council meeting Records Manaeement Proeram • Responded to 30 public records requests • 19 bags and 21 boxes of duplicate and OSA records destroyed by shredding vendor • 143 employee records were scanned utilizing Laserfrche for permanent and long term records • Created retention folders in Outlook for employee email retention • Records Clerk instructed employees how to drop retention emails Election Matters • Placed one legal ad regarding referendum in Press Journal • Seven candidates and one PAC submitted M9, GI, G2, G3 treasurers reports; provided to press as requested • Assisted Supervisor of Elections with Early Voting in Chambers • Prepared outgoing plaques for two Council Members • Administered oath for three Council Members Citv Board Matters • Noticed vacancies, prepared three board appointment, notified and provided info to appointee, updated Board Handbook and distributed pages and posted on O:drive • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded one Board of Adjustment meetings within Council Meetings • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded one Veterans Advisory Committee meeting • Records Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded one Veterans Advisory Committee meeting • Records Clerk published all scanned City board packets to City website and Laserfiche and provided to press and Council • City Clerk attended/recorded one Indian River Lagoon Coalition meeting Cemetery Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 2 locations for a total of $3000. • Scanned all cemetery records as sold or amended for permanent retention • Created a map of all lots available in Units 2 & 4 Personnel/Educational Matters • City Clerk and Records Clerk joined MCCI Laserfiche online Training Center • Records Clerk attended 3 project management meetings • Records Clerk attended 5 meetings for the Events Committee • Administered oath to two Police Officers Community Matters • City Clerk volunteered at the Clam Bake November 5" 2016 • Records Clerk volunteered at the Clam Bake November 5" 2016 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Attended County Emergency Management Department briefing on Hurricane Matthew. • Consolidated employee time and vehicle use records and prepared FEMA reimbursement request for Hurricane Matthew. • Attended meetings with FEMA representatives to receive guidance and review reimbursement submittal procedures. • Closed accounting records at year-end. • Responded to questions from the Auditors. • Prepared agenda and attended the quarterly meeting of the Police Pension Board of Trustees. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. • Maintained listing of current capital projects and held frequent meetings with project managers to monitor progress. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with the ICMA representative. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Worked on review and revision of City personnel policies. • Recruited, interviewed and hired replacements for vacant positions. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. • Hired 3 Police Officers. • Developed an Administrative Supervisor position and promoted one civilian employee. • Developed a second Commander position and promoted one Sergeant. • Reorganized a few areas in the police building to address the new positions. • Administration attended 4 Council meetings. • Attended over 75 Law Enforcement related meetings and 40 public meetings and/or speaking engagements. • Administrative personnel attended over 50 hours of training. • Continued to collect statistical data to include; personnel, community, crime, etc. • Hosted a Leadership seminar for regional law enforcement personnel. • Participated in `Shop with a Cop" to benefit underprivileged families. • Hosted our annual Community Night Out, • Continued our Community Outreach Program focusing on enriching our relationship with our citizens. • Continued participating in a mentoring program aimed at attendance in our elementary schools. Volunteers • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 2,398.5 hours during this quarter. • 49 bank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Hall so employees do not have to leave their assigned duties. • 0 traffic control detail was assigned. These consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 578 house watches/close patrols were completed. • 66 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs, etc. • 30 business checks were made. These business checks are conducted to help the patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which helps reduce crime. • 43 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 26 Airport checks were made. The visibility helps to deter crime. • 137 special details were assigned. • 0 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. • 114 paper runs i.e.: State Attorney's Office, Sheriffs Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney paper work, and miscellaneous items as needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 2 traffic crash scenes. • 0 warnings for handicapped parking tickets issued and 0 warnings for other parking infractions issued. • 25 citizen contacts. • 419 Miscellaneous jobs. • 47 hours of Funeral Escorts were completed. • 0 hours of patrolling on the boat and checking waterways and businesses along the waterway (by volunteers). School Resource Officer • Officer Penn maintained a presence at the schools in Sebastian to ensure a safe environment. • Officer Penn began teaching GREAT classes at Sebastian Charter Junior High. • Officer Penn organized and conducted a DARE graduation for Pelican Island Elementary 5th graders. • Officer Penn organized a code red classroom training for teachers at Pelican Island Elementary and Sebastian Charter Junior High. • Officer Penn assisted students in the Walk to school events for Sebastian Elementary. • Officer Penn managed the crossing guards and their schedules. • Officer Penn provided training for new crossing guards. • Officer Penn completed numerous area/building checks of the schools. • Officer Penn continued teaching DARE at Pelican Island Elementary. • Officer Penn began teaching safety classes for Sebastian Elementary kindergarten classes. • Officer Penn assisted road patrol duties to handle calls for service, accidents and covering shift shortages. • Officer Penn manages the RUOK program. • Officer Penn arranged a Code Red drill walk through at 1 of the schools to assess the safety of the schools. • Assisted in Community Night Out preparation. • Officer Penn managed incoming Shop with Cop applications and selection of participants. • Officer Penn organized the Shop with a Cop event that took place December 21, 2016. Road Patrol and Special Ouerations • Officers were dispatched to 2,824calls for service, and self -initiated 2,744 events. • 57 adult and 6 juvenile arrest were made. • Officers issued 130 citations, 5 parking citations and 453 written warnings. • Officers completed 561 offense reports and 115 crash reports. Citations Warnings Incident Reoorts Arrests Traffic (462) 28 27 38 2 K-9 Ofc's (41/38/46/37) 6 37 46 4 TOTALS 34 64 84 6 Boat Ofc The boat has been deployed several times each month with both officers and volunteers during this quarter. K-9 Unit • K-9 Usage/Activity Reports: 6 • K-9 Training Hours: 110 • Additional Training Hours: 40 • K-9 Demonstrations: 8 • K-9 Apprehensions: 9 misdemeanors & 0 felonies • K-9 Narcotic Searches: 12 • Agencies Assisted: Brevard County, Fellsmere PI) and Indian River County Road Patrol and Special Operations have continued to professionally serve the community by patrolling the city in order to deter crime and maintain the community policing philosophy. Officers and sergeants maintain their skills by attending mandatory and advanced training throughout the year. Investigations October November December Subpoenas 3 5 6 Arrests 5 2 4 Warrants 8 3 6 Training/Meeting Hours 54 66 68 Follow -Ups 61 64 50 Active Cases 41 41 38 Assigned Cases 17 20 22 Cleared Cases 7 17 14 Inactive Cases 4 9 8 Supplements 26 29 25 Communications Division 9,881 calls entered into CAPERS CAD, of that a. 4,490 were dispatched calls for service b. 1,443 were Code Enforcement Self -Initiated calls c. 2,756 were Officer Self -Initiated calls d. 589 were Volunteer Self -Initiated calls e. 603 were duplicate calls, call dispatch handled without LE & calls entered in error Total 911 calls received 2,364 of that the breakdown of the lines are as follows: a. Wireless 911 calls —1,848 (cell phones) of which: i. Phase 2 calls — 774 ii. Phase 1 call -1074 b. Land -Line 911 calls — 516 (residential and/or business landlines) of which: i. VOIP 911 calls — 207 ii. Residential— 188 iii. Business —115 iv. Blank call type -6 Of which: 1. 1,030 were transferred to other agencies 2. 163 were 911 hang-ups Total Admin Lines answered 911 phone systems (Solacom) 9,592 a. Incoming calls -7,303 b. Outgoing calls — 2,289 Of which: i. Transferred out of dispatch — 3,340 ii. Unknown total calls received on the Siemens phones also answered by dispatch. • Training attended: a. (9) Dispatchers completed Police Legal Science monthly Training b. (9) Dispatchers completed APCO monthly training articles c. (1) FDLE Full Access Certification Training • Radio and playback equipment repaired • Solacom phone equipment repaired. • (3) New Xybix Workstations and Monitor Rack installed • (3) Old Dispatch Workstations removed from dispatch • (1) Set of dispatch interviews completed • Electrical work completed to move CPU towers and for new workstations • Dispatchers worked out of the EOC building in Vero for 10 days During this quarter as in all quarters, Communications/Records assisted the citizens of Sebastian with house watch requests and cancellation services, citation sign offs, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies and/or Departments for them. Communications receives and dispatches all non -emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Code Enforcement, and Volunteer services. When on calls for services, Communications will assist the Officers, Detectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls to citizens, parents of juveniles, State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Driver's License Office, key holders and other Law Enforcement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. This includes sending teletype messages to DHSMV, FCIC/NCIC, running driver's license, tags, guns, boats, articles, and criminal history requests. Communications helps officers to search for information, phone numbers, etc. Communications provides services to non-residents by answering questions, giving phone numbers, referring them to the proper agency, etc. Communications also assists other agencies with information and/or requests they may have. Code Enforcement Division Of the 1,550 code calls for the quarter the following is a breakdown of some specific calls made: • Issued 240 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 74 property inspections for title companies and 104 sign violations. • 668 Code Services. • 434 re -inspections, 32 violations were not complied with, 126 were posted for abatement, 51 abated by vendor. • 228 violations complied. • 26 Liens filed, 21 liens released. 131 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. 0 There was one call for water violation during the first quarter. Alarm Assessment • $740.00 in alarm permits (new and renew) • $300.00 in false alarms fines • 190 alarm responses by officers, 82 of these were false. • 43 New permits issued. • $650.00 in alarm permits (new and renew) • $220.00 in false alarms fines • 146 alarm responses by officers, 63 of these were false. • 46 New permits issued. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Roads Division • 4 Road Crossings • 47 Tons of Asphalt put down • Citizen Complaints • Cutting back branches • Clean Fill Pipe • 3 Pallets of cold patch asphalt for pot holes • 10 Pallets of sod installed Sign Shop • Decals made 38 • New type signs made 39 • Total made 125 • Total Post and anchors installed 16 • Clean sign shop Stormwater Division • Vac Truck • Armadillo (12,678) Catch basin (3-6) Swale (27.5) Road crossing (36) • Side Pipe (16) driveway (198.5) • 740' LF of pipe installed • Total 36 Cubic vards • Road Crossing Pine Back Ditch Pine 12" HDPE 80' 42" HDPE 140' 15" HDPE 80" 18" HDPE 80" • Armadillo drainage work • 12,678 L.F. of front Swale drainage Parks Division • Set up and maintained Riverview Park • Bought 12 carts for the vendors • Added new surface materials on 2 court at Friendship Park Tennis Courts • Installed new tot swings at BSSC & Filbert St. Park • Replaced 2 tennis nets at Schumann Park • Installed Christmas decorations at Clock in Riverview Park • Trimmed trees and shrubs throughout the City Cemetery • The Cemetery crew did routine mowing, weed eating and edging. • Cleaned and filled pump house. Dug cremains holes, put cones out and picked up cones and signs after service. • Cleaned, organized truck and irrigation area b/c of new stucco. Pre -bid (new columbarium). • Followed contractor repair maintenance building Facilities Maintenance • Continued Daily Maintenance, cleaning and repairs of all Public Works • Continued monthly maintenance schedule on lift stations, A/C filters, gates, etc. • Continued monitoring of contracts with pest control, A/C. elevators, fire sprinklers and fire alarms • Touch up paint Engineers office City Hall • Replace Senior Center lighting and Water Heater (Maxwell) • Repair Community Center Interior lighting & exterior lighting City Hall • Install Exterior handrail Old School House (Shoreline Shutters) • Carpet clean Public Work and City Clerk areas (Nash) • Install drinking fountains Creative and Yacht Club • Repair Generator roof files Police Dept. (Leeward) • Repair ballfield pump station for irrigation (Maxwell) • Repair A/C unit Crab E Bills for kitchen (Pelican Island) • Install concrete slab, install wiring circuit, jet pump, remove fountain, and plumb for Fisherman Landing project. Fleet Maintenance The Fleet Management Staff completed 272 repair work orders, 42 preventive maintenance services 15 service calls and15 road trips to pick up parts. In addition to in-house vehicle/equipment work orders, 15 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. • Took delivery of the following units: • (2) Police Vehicle (PD-03) and (PD-35) • (1) Speed Trailer (PD-83) • (2) Info Trailers (PD-42) and (PD-44) • (2) Building Dept. vehicles (BD-203) and (BD-202) • (1) Stormwater Truck (SW-601) • (1) Cat Excavator (AP-25) • (1) Public Works Roller (PW-98) • Completed the prep (Lights, Rack, Graphics, etc.) on the following • (2) Police Units (PD-17) and (PD-35) • (1) Building Dept. (BD-203) • (2) Ingo TrailerPolice(PD-42) and (PD-44) • (1) Speed Trailer -Police (PD-85) • (1) Lightbar (AP-1) • (1) Pick-up (SW-601) • (1) Pump (SW-698) Purchased Equipment/Vehicles • (1 Tractor/Ditcher/Mower (SW) • (1) Pump (SW-698) • (2) Trailers (P) • (1) Air Compressor (AP) • (1) Mower (AP-05) Fuel Cost as of the Mar. 31, 2016 is as follows: • $1.70 per gallon of gasoline increase 1 % over the past 90 days $1.58 per gallon of diesel fuel decrease of 4% over the past 90 days AIRPORT • Completion of Golf Course Maintenance/Storage Building • Joint Funding Agreements in Place and work started on the following projects: • Design of Taxiways C, D & E • Airport Master Plan Update • Preliminary Application submitted for FAA Funding for Construction of Taxiways D and E GOLF COURSE Revenue 16-17 15-16 Difference Total Revenue $343,074 $355,692 -$12,618 YTD Tot. Rev. $343,074 $355,692 -$12,618 Total Rounds 10,131 11,325 -1,194 YTD Tot. Rds. 10,131 11,325 -1,194 Green Fee $80,596 $80,162 -$434 Cart Fee $127,571 $136,009 -$8,439 Ann. Mem. $80,596 $80,162 $745 Ann. Mem. YTD $80,596 $80,162 $745 USGA Hdcp. $3,720 $4,020 -$300 YTD Discount Card $21,283 $21,073 +$210 YTD Driving Range $8,159 $8,270 -$111 Club Rental $474 $640 -$166 Club Storage $2,514 $2,640 4126 YDT Golf Shop Retail $11,643 $16,295 -$4,652 YTD PGA Pro Lesson $550 $340 +$210 YTD Restaurant Rent $6,555 $6,786 -$231 Comments: Minor difference in total rounds and revenue, month of October 17 was down, mainly due to Hurricane Matthew. Months of November and December were very similar compared to Fiscal 16-17 vs 15-16. Minor increase in Annual Memberships; obtained 6 new annual members, however, also lost 5 current annual members due to health issues, moving away, etc. Decrease in golf shop sales; intemet sales have greatly impacted hard -good sales. Increase in Pro Lessons. • Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for I' quarter (16-17) included Central Baptist Church (40 players), Sebastian Italian -American Club (113 players), Sebastian Tiki Bar (128 players), 2016 Sebastian Amateur (40 players), Sebastian Rotary Golf Tournament (40 players) and McCarthy Birthday Outing (38 players). • Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for 2°d quarter (16-17) include 2017 New Year's Day Tournament, Pahn Bay Golf Association, 2017 St. Baldrick's Golf Tournament, Sebastian Charter Middle School Golf Tournament, Brevard Golf Association Golf Outing, Sebastian Eagles Golf Tournament, Knights of Columbus / St. Sebastian Church Golf Tournament, 6" Annual Michael Nichols Memorial Golf Tournament, Sebastian Elks Golf Tournament & Vista Del Mar Ladies Golf Outing. • Parking lot lighting installed and completed. • Continued cart path repair. • Continued landscaping improvements, oak trees relocated onto golf course property. • Golf Course Maintenance Storage Bam officially receives C/O & Irrigation tower installed at storage barn. Old Golf Maintenance barn in process of public works storage conversation. • Offered free golf clinics for Sebastian River Middle School & local Elementaries through a conjunctive effort with the Indian River Golf Foundation. • 2017 green re -grassing project moving forward. • Golf Course closed October 6" through October 9t° due to Hurricane Matthew. Cleanup completed quickly, course re- opened on Monday, October IOd'. • Numerous weekly leagues showing good repeat -play numbers including Wojo's Monday League, Men's and Women's Golf Associations and a variety of winter leagues, etc. BUILDING DEPARTMENT • In the first quarter of this fiscal year, a total of 26 new single-family homes were issued building permits. Single family residential permitting has reduced by 50% from the fourth quarter of last fiscal year. Other permits of significance include 3 new manufactured homes, 2 new commercial buildings, 0 commercial additions, 7 commercial alterations, 0 commercial build outs, 2 residential additions and 15 residential alterations. In all, 813 building permits were issued in the first quarter. The number of building permits issued this quarter indicates a reduction of approximately 20%. This is after the two previous quarters which had very strong numbers. I believe for the most part that builders were concentrating more on getting their current inventory finished by the end of the calendar year rather than concentrating on getting new permits. • Total number of inspections for the fourth quarter was 2,883 for an average of 48 inspections per working day. The number of inspections this quarter has also reduced as compared to the fourth quarter. • The number of Certificates of Occupancy issued for the fourth quarter included 33 new single family residences, 0 new manufactured homes, 0 commercial certificates of occupancy and 1 commercial certificates of completion. • The following lists the Business Tax Receipt activity for the fourth quarter: New Businesses-41, Renewals -156, Transfers-2, Duplicates-1, Home Based Businesses-84, Commercial Businesses-69, and Solicitor Registrations-4. In addition, there have been 51 requests from lien/title companies for permit records on properties within the city. • The building department still remains very busy even though the number of permits and inspections are down this quarter. We use the time when we are not as busy to get caught up with filing and scanning completed projects for permanent record keeping.