HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-07-2017 NRB AgendaCnLf SEBAS-TN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY — March 07, 2017 - 6:00 P.M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 7, 2017 — Meeting Minutes PRESENTATION SJRWMD - Charles Jacoby, PhD, MBA, Supervising Environmental Scientist, Estuaries Section Lead Scientist, Indian River Lagoon Basin UNFINISHED BUSINESS Item A. Earth Day — Sat April 22, 2017, Update by Rose Glaser Item B. Gopher Tortoise: Build -a -Burrow by Ann Lucier (Approved $150 for stuff animals) Item C. Spoil Island update — City boat is out of service Item D. NRB Calendar Events a) March 2017 — Pelican Island Event (Tent, Table and Chairs) b) April 2017 —Shoreline Clean-up with KIRB (April 2017) Item E. Storm Water Park—Access along pathways PUBLIC INPUT 9. STAFF MATTERS Item A. Earth Day Brochure 11. MEMBER MATTERS 12. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 13. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 FS). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (772)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. CITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2017 1. Chairwoman Ring called the Natural Resources Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Chairwoman Andrea Ring Bob Progulske James Clifton Rose Glaser Gilbert Gordian, Jr. Vicki Tunker Members Not Present: Ann Lucier — Excused Dick Krull (Alternate) Also Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 4. Agenda Modifications Ms. Ring called for agenda modifications, hearing none she stated that the meeting will continue until the arrival of Mr. Jacoby at which time he will make his presentation, then the meeting will continue. 5. Approval of Minutes December 6, 2016 Meeting Minutes Ms. Ring asked if there were any corrections or modifications to the minutes. Hearing none she called for a motion. A motion to approve the December 6, 2016 minutes as presented was made by Mr. Progulske, seconded by Ms. Glaser and passed unanimously by voice vote. Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2017 January 3, 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Ms. Ring asked if there were any modifications to the minutes. Ms. Tunker stated that on page 3 she is shown as having taken the banner home, when in fact it was Ms. Lucier who took it. She requested this modification be made to the minutes. Ms. Ring called for any further modifications, hearing none she called for a motion. A motion to approve the January 3, 2017 minutes as modified was made by Ms. Tunker, seconded by Mr. Progulske and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Presentation SJRWMD — Charles Jacoby, PhD, MBA, Supervising Environmental Scientist, Estuaries Section Lead Scientist, Indian River Lagoon Basin. 7. Unfinished Business Item A Earth Day Saturday April 22 2017 Update by Rose Glaser Ms. Glaser reported that so far she has scheduled 24 vendors, 2 being food vendors, Waste Management, KIRB, the Chalk Art contest will be done by Jody of the Den, she has requested some children's books from Fish and Wildlife and some of her friends will do activities with the children. She has two bands arranged, but will need two more. Regarding the stuffed animals for the Burrow, she suggested budgeting up to $150, but that the prices indicated in the supply list seem high and she wanted to look into locating them at a lower cost. Ms. Ring asked about the status of the brochures requested at the last meeting. Mr. Watanabe responded that staff has been in contact with Fish and Wildlife and is attempting to get as many of a variety as is available. They have also requested the gopher tortoise coloring books. Ms. Ring inquired if budgeting funds should be done at this time. Mr. Watanabe responded that his recommendation is to wait until the next meeting to allocate funds. He suggested trying to get as many items donated as possible. Mr. Progulske asked what had been determined regarding parking on the grass. Mr. Watanabe responded that he had discussed the question with the City Manager who agrees with allowing only the food vendors to park on the grass. The Board needs to provide a parking plan so that arrangements can be made to protect the areas from damage. He suggested using one of the City's maps of the park to indicate the number of food trucks and where they will be parking. Ms. Glaser asked if there should be a vote regarding budgeting up to $150 for the burrow project. Following discussion regarding getting donations, shopping for a better price on the stuffed animals, it was decided that up to $150 would be allocated to the stuffed animals. Natural Resources Board Page 3 of 5 Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2017 A motion to allow up to $150 for the stuffed animals for the burrow was made by Ms. Tunker, seconded by Mr. Clifton. Ms. Ring asked if there was any further discussion, there being none she called for a vote. Roll Call: Ms. Ring —Yes Ms. Tunker —Yes Mr. Clifton —Yes Mr. Progulske —Yes Ms. Glaser —Yes Mr. Gordian — Yes The vote was 6/0. Motion Carried. Ms. Ring stressed that she would like to allocate money for the building the burrow in the event the supplies are not donated. She stated that the toys could be used in one of the activities for the children. Ms. Glaser responded that the request for materials has been submitted to Home Depot and she suggested waiting to see how much they could help before allocating a dollar amount. Following a detailed discussion regarding the funds needed to cover all the event costs, the consensus was that no action would be taken until the next meeting allowing time to get a better idea of what the overall cost of the burrow would be. Ms. Ring requested this item be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Mr. Clifton requested that a detailed list of expenses be provided at that time. Item B Spoil Island Update by Mr. Clifton Mr. Clifton reported that he and Ms. Tunker, last Friday, went to IR8 and cut down the Australian Pine and Brazilian Pepper. They cut the debris into manageable sizes and piled on a high part of the island to prevent its being washed into the lagoon. He requested assistance from the City in removing the debris. He explained they had treated the stumps and would monitor the area to prevent any regrowth. He stated that he is arranging to have signs made to designate the island for conservation and not recreation. Mr. Watanabe suggested the Board make a motion regarding installation of signage and removal of debris and he would speak with the City Manager about having staff handle both tasks. A motion to request the City to remove the debris and install signage on IR8 was made by Mr. Clifton, seconded by Ms. Tunker and passed unanimously by voice vote. Ms. Ring asked if since the clearing is done is the City finished with its involvement. Mr. Clifton responded that there will have to be conversations with DEP as to what direction they want to take as far as adding native vegetation. He stated that there is one other island within the City and DEP may be interested in the City's doing reclamation of that island as well. He stated that he would speak with them and report back. Ms. Ring asked the topic be placed on next month's agenda. Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2017 Page 4 of 5 Item C. Teachers request to add local Composting Program to NRB website Mr. Watanabe explained that he had included the information in the Board's packet for their review. If it is the desire of the Board he will then have the IT Department place the information on the NRB Website. Ms. Ring stated the matter would be placed on next month's agenda for action. Item D. NRB Calendar of Events a) March, 2017 — Pelican Island Event Ms. Glaser stated that she had received notification that the City's application had been accepted and their location would be provided either a day or two ahead or the morning of the event. The Board reviewed their previously agreed upon work schedule. Mr. Watanabe stated the City staff will set up their tint and provide chairs and tables. Ms. Ring asked if there were any other events planned for March. Hearing none she continued to April. b) April, 2017 —Shoreline Clean-up with KIRB Ms. Glaser stated that KIRB has a clean-up scheduled in April, but it is the same date as their celebration and the City would not be able to participate. Ms. Ring asked if there were any other events the Board wanted to add to the Calendar. Hearing none she continued with the agenda. Item E. Stormwater Park — Access along the pathways Mr. Watanabe explained that the intent was for the Board to check the park and pathways and alert City staff if they noted any mowing or other maintenance items that required attention. He clarified that the part of the park that is of concern is the entrance off South Easy Street because the paths are smaller and there is less access. Mr. Progulske stated that he will make a point to visit the park. Ms. Ring requested it be placed on next month's agenda. 7. Public Input Mr. Mark Bonde, 997 George Street, thanked the Board for their efforts on behalf of the City. He distributed a report on the City's stormwater and stated that Mr. Watanabe will be providing his group with water quality information for study and analysis. He stated that he will be providing such reports in the future for the Board's review. Mr. Bonde expressed concern about the septic to sewer in Wabasso coming in 100% over budget because there was federal funding involved and contractors did not want to participate. He also noted that Vero Beach has just rejected the stormwater per household assessment. He explained that these items of are concern to him because Sebastian has similar issues. At Mr. Progulske's request Mr. Bonde provided more details about Natural Resources Board Page 5 of 5 Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2017 the issues in Wabasso. He provided sample brochures and stated they are available at the Indian River Lagoon office. Mr. Bob Steven, 150 Concha Drive, invited the Board to come to his house and view the park and also the damage that is being done from the spraying of the waterways by his house. He expressed concern about the carbon foot print of Sebastian and how it impacts the lagoon. Mr. Progulske stated that in studies he has seen items like mowers and weed eaters contribute to the carbon problem. Ms. Ring called for any further public input. Hearing none, she expressed her disappointment that the guest speaker had not arrived. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will check tomorrow with Mr. Jacoby to determine the next time a presentation can be scheduled. 9. Staff Matters Item A. Gopher Tortoise: Build -a -Burrow by Ann Lucier Ms. Ring requested the item be placed on next month's agenda since Ms. Lucier is not present this evening. Mr. Watanabe apologized again for the speaker not being present. He stated that he will contact him and hopefully the presentation can be scheduled for next month and if so the meeting will be televised. 10. Member Matters Ms. Glaser stated that she had received an email from a resident regarding invasive vines that are growing in various areas of Sebastian. Mr. Progluske stated that he is dealing with it in his own yard and it is difficult to stop it. The consensus was that the Board needed to so something to try to correct the situation. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will add the topic to next month's agenda for further discussion. 11. Items for Next Agenda — Identified during meeting. 12. Adiourn — There being no further business Chairwoman Ring adjourned the meeting at 6:53 p.m. By: Date: Chairwoman Andrea Ring /sm St. Johns River Water Management District C. Jacoby _ S u p e r v i - Estuaries Section Bureau of Water Resources n. St. Johns River Water Management District Questions • What is the lagoon? • What is a shared challenge? • How are we doing? =-'. • What happened? • What are we doing? 4 'A St. Johns River Water Management District What is the lagoon? • Valuable (East Central Florida and Treasure Coast Regional Planning Councils) $196409311,564 TOTAL ANNUAL ECONOMIC VAEUE St. Johns River Water Management District What is the lagoon? • Complex - 3 receiving waterbodies Volua/a — long (156 mi) cOunry Mosquito Lagoon — shallow (-Ton average) - wind and tide driven Brevard county Banana River (not a river) Lagoon - segmented (flushing wks to mos) Indian River in - sensitive°°niY Lazo =b — diverse St Lucie o ecology County o politics 0000----� 0 challenges Martin cuunty St. Johns River Water Management District What is the lagoon? • Challenged for some time 15,000 ya Native settlers 1763 English rule 1843 Armed Occupation Act 1892 Flagler railroad 1916 Drainage Act -' 1940s Military support 1950 Space program ,+ t 1970-1990 population up 124% t. 1987 SWIM waterbody 13 years 30. 2000 PLRG 4-5 years 2013 BMAPs 1513 Ponce de Leon 1768-1778 New Smryna canals 1865 Intracoastal steamboats 1910 Population of 8,792 1939 Rivers & Harbors Act 1940s Links to barrier island 1950s -1960s Development 1976 WMDs created 1990 IRLNEP & CCMP 8-9 years 2008 & 2009 T M D Ls :1 ia6 I 0 I •r= for the lmpla nbrbn a Taal lletlTpll MY lam ra NMI"% PWWM by brie Florida 0epanmenl a FmlloNmnul HaMlon M1 Innownr Mm atax mw.. otlly Wm. NYPenn MWind by IN, FIWIM pepnment of Fnvhonmemel plaealon Ix IMMgNnxaanwlaiaW Wxmum pYyLwnrla nMMm angXa00yM Flwwa1)tpnNnnld[m9mnnynW rlda[Gon FINAL GnIlly IIIIIIIf111eI111111Up nl I I mal Vakirmin 14Th bind, fir Nwrivm. Indian River Lagoon Basin Indian River Lagoon Basin Inlna,dd,r: Indian River Lagoon Basin and O\"r,1lln Central Indian River The Flnrido Deparllnrnl oEurinnllnenlnl l'rnlrtliml Banana River Lagoon North Indian River Lagoon n Thrf Lagoon M. Lurie R,eraml F.•m.n llarin H+ab b' - panaM River Lapoon SIMMWEna in roq• mnn'n Ildxda L)Ppa:tlslxll WEnwronmemx Rrmerdon Dinsnn of Fnvnomnansw Asxeumanl a m Rxurron. FumuWWmMMn TaYeNssx, Rand.. 323N 33JPo H Wmrye013 n.» I"me North IMlan River LIi MakelldWxe m[wxexdm vM im Flowpa DepaNnenrMFmlm 1. Rroteawa. Orvvron olFnvvcnman rlrnaamantaM:xRa perTO xWxenHd.32399mn TaNeneWe. flwke J33pp Jamx:y"" .'n.. in ma hnv.l ksaan Rkne Lapoon SukMadm na[[Ca,mn Mn:M FlwMla pepeMMm a En W:onmemx vmd«wn P.vw xen mTeWdnxwSllxiwA. v..exmem3Rwg412JaM flWwaron Hnuvy301) JxeAgd h, ile v. Lodr Nuel.ml l•a.p Iu•I.'I xhnhal kdaArhnld... w.ynxmn rnh Lha nl•hbi.a Cn•d....... vvmnLW1 Nmm�tlnn 11W..nf WndnJ w R,nrt. m I IonJe lkpmdnxml aft-innabi pnewdiw 1'nllalma.ee. hl. n3V4 MaJ 711J St. Johns River Water Management District How are we doing? m 60,000 30,000 CO NqP N(00 Ngg2 Nogg Ng96 Zod" pdb oCSI Z��9 (Historic coverage) Good management Good luck Mapping years Vero WWTP discharge 4 IRFWCD discharge 11 Drought Mini- Drought drought '04 hurricanes TS Fay surge and flushing flushing St. Johns River Water Management District How are we doing? Initially two phytoplankton (microalgal) blooms Low 0 20 Superbloom in thnorth — record magnitudeand duration 2012' Other bloom in CIRL— lower magnitude and long duration u60,000 St. Johns River Water Management District How are we doing? —42% loss " 30,000 N Cn 0 No NO NI) Ngo,`L1go,D� Nq N�o�0��p3�Op52�p620p'l p�rip (Historic coverage) Mapping years St. Johns River Water Management District How are we doing? brown tide (Aureoumbra lagunensis) r. W :: D. Scheidt, IHA K. Young, Volusia County St. Johns River Water Management District How are we doing.17 ra lagunensis Mouth Banana Creek; 9/6/13; photo by T. Miller Banana River; 8/28/13; photo by D. Scheidt Takayama tasmanica IRL across from Turkey Creek; 9/20/13; photo by T. Miller Other? y J n IRL east shore by 528 Cswy; 9/6/13; photo by T. Miller r_ e St. Johns River Water Management District How are we doing? 90,000 U) o 60,000 M c� N L ca Cn c� C 30,000 a� U) 0 (Historic coverage) Mapping years ^-42% loss -15% gain -12% gain .4 St. Johns River Water Management District What happened? "All models are wrong, some models are useful." (attributed to George Box) "Ecosystems are not only more complex than we think, they are more complex than we can think." (Egler, Frank. 1977. The nature of vegetation: its management and mismanagement. Aton Forest Publishers, Norfolk, Connecticut) "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." (Yogi Berra) St. Johns River Water Management District What happened? z r Increased 111 ' nutrient delivery I 1 Enhanced growth phytoplankton and macroalgae Increased shading and benthic respiration Adapted from C.M. Duarte (1995) Seagrass loss Eutrophication progression scheme St. Johns River Water Management District What are we doing.17 • IRL Algal Blooms Investigation River \ \ Lagoon \ Banana Rive \ " Lagooy Eau Gallie Project location = 2011 superbloom area Timeframe = 5.5 years seagrassloss 2009 2011 I--- South \ \ Mosquito XIagoon \ Titusville \\ \ North \ Indian \\ '' e \ I \ River \ \ Lagoon \ Banana Rive \ " Lagooy Eau Gallie Project location = 2011 superbloom area Timeframe = 5.5 years seagrassloss 2009 2011 I--- --- -- North.. i •- IIRL Banana I River I I I I Lagoon I I I I I - L — — — — — � I --- — =— St. Johns River Water Management District What are we doing? 11 l:. • Goals - understand i," o nutrient inventory and cycling o processes that regulate blooms - evaluate, recommend and track actions o ameliorate blooms 1„. ■mag nitude ■ duration ■ frequency o facilitate seagrass growth and expansion o enhance diverse trophic web St. Johns River Water Management District What are we doing? • Legacy loads => internal load (especially ammonium used by brown tide) • Drift algae => key role in cycling (loss/lack of growth made nutrients available) • Small phytoplankton => more efficient blooms (growth rates and nutrient uptake) • Small phytoplankton => use organic N and P (e.g., amino acids) • Small phytoplankton =:> less grazing (eaten but not preferred) I St. Johns River Water Management District What are we doing? • Remove legacy loads (e.g., dredge 625,000 yd3 from Eau Gallie River, > 20,000 good-sized dump trucks) Z a Confluence of the Eau Gallie River with the Indian River Lagoon St. Johns River Water Management District What are we doing? • Restore wetlands (e.g., reconnect impoundments or fill dragline ditches) New Smyrna ' Beach .'�► Impoundment Areas Google earth 0 St. Johns River Water Management District Take-home messages • Events matter • Restoration underway and planned (e.g., Brevard County's $300+M over 10 yrs) �" • It took us a while to get here ... it'll take us a while to get where we want to go St. Johns River Water Management District Thank you 2017 Sebastian NRB Earth Day Celebration Plans Where- Riverview Park Sebastian, Florida When -April 22, 2017 Time- 9:OOam-4:OOpm Set up- 7:30am-8:30am Email- nrbearthday@gmail.com Vendors- 22 Food vendors -2 Food Vendors- Food Vendors will be located east off of the center circle of the park, near the bath house. Vendors will not be listed on the website or flyer. They will be added to the program. Rules and Regulations- Will be sent to participating vendors, with their location, in the park. Waste Management- Amy Boyson 321-409-6620 Amy will supply us with the paper shredding and recycling from 9-12 and a recycling bin to be placed in the boat parking lot like last year. Recycling dumpster -North west corner of boat parking lot behind Speedway Returned application to Waste Management and it is approved. Dumpster being delivered Friday and picked up on Monday(8 yard, 6'8" X 6'8" x 7'6" high). Paper Shredding & Electronic Disposing traffic to be directed by the Lyons Club. There was some confusion with the lineup last year. I request we include Bruce to join us for the city meeting, the week before the event, so everyone is on the same page. K.I.R.B. I have asked Daisy Packer to supply the recycling bins and trash bags for us to use in the park. Last year we had 12 and this year I am asking for 6 I.R.C.Fire Rescue Permit Application and $30.00 check to be delivered to 1801 27th Street Building A Vero Beach, 32960, a week prior to the Celebration and a map of the park layout is requested. State Food Vendor Permit State of Florida Division of Hotels and Restaurants need to be notified three days prior to an event for Food Vendors to participate. Barbara Schoenly- Senior Inspector 400 W. Robinson St,N-802 Orlando, FI. 32801-1757 Voice: 850-487-1395 Fax: 407-317-7839 www.MyFloridaLicense.com/dbr) Park Layout - *A couple locations on the inside circle, close to the bathrooms were in full sun. Next year we probably don't want to use 33, 33A and 34. Items from the City of Sebastian Tim Walker Street Banner- Hang on Monday because it states "this Saturday" Stage, PA System & Bleachers. Barricades and signage for street closing Barricades are needed for the Waste Management Recycling Staging Area Cones to save the parking on Sebastian Blvd for unloading Saturday morning Signage to Direct Guest to the Food Vendors 5 Tables ( we will need extra tables and chairs for the children's activity area) 8 Chairs 1 pop up tent Plus any table, chairs and tents for the cities two booths NRB 3 Tents - One for Board, (board tent) One for Door Prizes and Scavenger Hunt ( Bob Progulske tent) ? One for Youth Council (city's tent) Budget- $ 30.00 I.R.C.Fire Rescue Permit *Medical Kit- We need to purchase a medical kit to have at our booth. Sandwich Boards - NRB Website- City of Sebastian Barbara x 8246 Said to send information to Michelle for her approval. Raffle- Activities- All Day Chalk Art Contest- Alex sent me her contest plans and Jodi Baldanza, of the Den, is going to carry on the competition in Alex's absence, this year. Here are the basics of how I ran the contest: Categories(age groups): 5-7; 8-10; 11-13; 14-18; and adults. Only a prize for first prize was given to each group. And then the grand prize was given to the "Best in Show" which was just the absolute best (hasn't always been an adult!) Prizes for all first place winners were family pack of tickets to the ELC, and tour passes to the Vero Beach Marine Lab (which have since been shut down sadly) Grand Prize was a kayak company donating free kayak rentals or tours for two. Chalk is the most expensive part. I'd always get mine from Walmart and then pre-baggie the sticks so that each contestant got the same colors/amount of chalk. There is really no "wrong" way to run it! It's easy and all age groups have seemed to love it! The only thing I ask is that you use a different theme than "A Healthy Lagoon" since this contest is now associated with the County Stormwater, I cannot be there to represent. Pine Cone -Bird feeders Entertainment - Chris Discepolo will get some to do Zumba, again Heart of Oak Daddy Wags Activities ?9:00-12:00 Residential paper shredding and electronic recycling ?9:00-1:00 "A Healthy Lagoon: Let's Chalk About it" IRC Stormwater-Will be named something else, this year, since the i.r.c. stormwater will not be participating Paper/ Magazine Advertising - Our event made the short list of best things to do on the Treasure Coast, published in The Stuart News, The Press Journal, The Tribune and TC Palm.com Vero Beach Flash advertised our flyer in their weekly Newsletter A Tree For Me sent out our information twice to their mailing list of 1500. Facebook shared the Event and Schedule Sebastian River News/ Vero News Please send press releases at least 2 weeks in advance to better ensure they will run online and staff can determine whether the event can be covered. 'calendarCaDveronews.com- People/Society Editor Mary Schenkel 'marvelz(a)comcast.net- info(cDveronews.com-sent info Vero Beach/Indian River County Newsweekly and TCPalm Please send dates. Also, please contact Ian.Love(aTCPalm.com.- lisa.rvmerCcDtcpalm.com- Indian River County: (772) 978-2248 Submit your stuff Online: https://www.tcpalm.com/subm it Hometown News has all three flyers to use Indian River (772-465-5551) www.HometownNewsOL.com 800-823-0466 eFlashNewsletter has all three flyers to use Please Send information Valerie Watkins VeroBeachFLASH@gmail.com- Vendor Contact About Kayaks Steve Phillipson A Florida Outdoor Center Kristen Beck A Healthy Lagoon (let's chalk about il)chalk art Alexis Thomas Animal love Anita and Bruce Antique Stone, LLC Anvileye Robert Johnson Artistic Rain Barrels Sue Rand Art Photography Paul M. Stevens A Tree For Me Cardy & Jill Lindsey Beach Bum Boutique Biogreen Lawn Beautification Shane Wright Bluebird Concessions Theresa Bowen Buenos Nachos Lou Cordo Bungalow Beach Designs Tim and Deb Cutright Butterfly Flowers Tim Harrison City Of Sebastian Michelle Stromberg City of Sebastian Youth Council Ryan Rafuls Coconut Palm Baskets Ruth Hill Color Dancers Art Studio Victoria Geller Cooper Wall Art Jeff Hinkley Computer Healthcare James Galentine Cottage Street Station Jeanne Clears Debby's Organic Farm Debby Logue Phone# Email Address elec. raffle 772-589-3469 aboutkayaks@comcest.net 15 772-202-0220 fun@afloc.org 15 16 no 772-226-1565 aperalta@ircgov.com 15 16 no animallove@bellsouth.net 772-979-2278 ceststonenick@gmail.com 25 North Myrtle St. Fellsmere, Fl. 772-913-6238 anvileye@bellsouth.net 15 321-536-8647 bigsue77@gmail.com 2245 Abalone Ave. Indialantic, Fl. 32903 16 no yes cbpholo4u@yahoo.com 772-388-9242 into@atree4me.com 1100 Main St. Sebastian, FI. 32958 15 16 no 212-4894060 beachbumbotiqueNY@gmail.com B&A Flea Market2885 BE Federal Hwy Stuart, FI. 16 no yes 772-882-7989 shanew@biogreen.com 419-908-8728 bluebirdconcesslons@yahoo.com 772-333-5386 lou@buenosnachos.net 518 Fleming St Sebastian, Fl. 32958 16 yes 321-729-9919 barefoobaygirls3@yahoo.com 16 no yes 321-626-7386 nativebutterflyflowers@yahoo.com 441 Vine St West Melbourne, FI. 32904 16 no yes 772-388-8223 M.Stromberg@cityofsebastian.org 1225 Main St. Sebastian, FI. 32958 15 16 no no 772-581-9522 foods32958@gmail.com 16 no no 772-7666760 turtleruth@yahoo.com 8536 102 Ave.Vero Beach, FI.32967 15 772-633-6884 colordancers@aol.com 4 Sunset Dr. Sebastian, FI. 32958 15 16 no yes 772475-8565 thirdchimes@aol.com P O Box 3323 Stuart, Fl. 34995 772-581-0368 info@computerhealthcare.net 3218724722 jeannecleere@cfl.rr.com 769 Brookson Ave. NW Palm Bay, Fl. 32907 16 no yes 772-571-6349 debbylogue@aol.com cancelled/death in family 16 no yes Designs By Nikki Designs By Patrice Doctor Kirchner Doggie Dingles.Com Dotena Essential Oils Ecotone Environmental Learning Center Face Painter Fancy Leaf Caladiums Fantasy Garden (art) Feldner' Studio Finder Keeper (mosaic turtles) Florida Dept. of Health (5210 program) Florida Organic Aquaculture Florida Water Land Legacy Friends of Pelican Island Refuge Friends of St. Sebastian River From Kristins Kitchen gams) Fun Stixsl Door delights G's Vending Gifts By Rose Good Eats and Sweets Granny Pucker's Twisted Pickles H.A.L.O, Healthy Reflections Nicole Brooks 321-499-5830 nbrooks7575@hotmail.com 615 Periwinkle Sebastian, FI 32958 Patricia Hair 407-006.1114 patjess28@gmail.com Port Charles, Florida Rudy Kirchner 772-321-4212 doctorkirchner@hotmail.com 8401 -Ft Walton Fort Pierce, FI. 34951 772-664-0095 info@doggiedinghies.com Micco, FI.32976 Angela Douds 772-360-2406 pray4zion@juno.com 410 Georgia Blvd. Sebastian, FI. 32958 Tamara Tomidy 772-713-9276 ecotonefanns@gmail.com 13945 89th St. Fellsmere, FI. 32948 Nancy Puglis 772-589-5050 xt nancy@discoverELC.org 255 Live Oak Dr. Vero Beach, 32963 Judy Sherako 772-713-4077 pokej@aol.com Merry Savoy 772-485-2734 tulufancy@yahoo.com Box 2168 Palm City, FI. 34991 Ellen Fishel fantasygardenart@gmail.com Mark Feldner 772-571-8909 markfeldner@yahoo.com 12198 Co. Rd. 512 Suite 3 Fellsmere, FI. Deb Southedand 772-202-7002 Peter Benincasa 772-794-7440 peter.benincasa@fl.health.gov 1900 27th Sl. Vero Beach, FI. 32960 Melissa Johnson 561-632-9507 melissa@flaquaculture.com 15369 CR -512 Fellsmere, FI. 32948 Laura C. 850-6294656 laura@floridawateriandlegacy.org Sandee Dowdy 321-704-9809 dawdyss88@gmail.com Tim Glover 772-589-0636 info@fssr.org Kristen Froth 321-848-5953 fromkristinskitchen@yahoo.com 5765 Garretts Rd Sherry Samuelson 772-388-2827 shersamuel@bellsouth.net George & Barbara Vlahos 772-263-0483 gvandb@comcast.net 1117 N E Kubin Ave Jensen Beach, Fl. 43957 Pete and Rose 772-359-3817 GiftsByRose@aol.com P O Box 12285 Fl. Pierce, FI. 34979 David and Naen 772-9794227 goodeatsandsweets@hotmail.com Ft Pierce, FI. Todd, Claire,Janet Jessup 772473-1972 cjessup@bellsoulh.net Sally Beals 772-3214326 slbealsl2@bellsouth.net 710 Jackson St. Sebastian, FI. 32958 Robin Graves 772-571-7745 mugwort2u@yahoo.com 1069 Main Sl#218 Sebastian, FI. 32958 16 no yes E 16 no yes E 16 no yes no 15 16 no no 15 16 no yes E 15 15 no 16 no yes 15 16 no no 15 16 15 16 no no 16 no yes 16 no 16 yes 15 16 no yes Humane Society of I. R. C. Gloria Allen Intentional Living Diane Bainter I. R.Bee Company John Truckner I. R. Lagoon Aquatic Preserves Brian Snarpe I. R. County Brenda Davis I. R. Lagoon National Estuary Program Maria Lombardo R Democratic Party Debra Messer J M Ceramics Jackie Meyers Jett & Jett Firehouse 5 Loretta Jett Jimmy's Custom Tiki Carving Jimmy Dean Keep Indian River Beautiful Daisy Packer Kroegel Produce U.S. Carey Timinski le Claray Crepes Claudia Burgdott Lisa's Unique Boutique Lisa Hensley Love My Oils Leah Otero -Bunker Marine Industries Ass. of the Treasure Coast April Price Marine Resources Council Beth McMillen Moon Shadow Soaps Dawn Finney Moon Street Bay Sun Catchers John & Shevawn Cobb Mrs Z's Accessories/ Double Booked Den and Deb Zamber Natural Blessings Goal Milk Soap Ricky and Brandi Dean New York Nick's (hot dogs) Nick Romano Oak Street Baskets and Leaves Debbie Spadt Painted Feather Track Sam Evelyn Baskay Plant Jewelry Natalie Stanger 772-571-6412 gallen@hsvb.org P O Box 644 Vero Beach,Fl. 32961 16 no yes 772-633-1886 Intentionallivingvdthdiane@gmail.a 8285 100th Ct. Vero Beach, FI. 32967 16 no no 772-538-5489 johntruckner@comcast.net 122 Coply Ter. Sebastian, Fl. 32958 15 16 no yes 772-429-2995 Brian.Snarpe@dep.state.fl.us 15 772-770-5005 BRENDADAVIS@IRCGOV.COM 321-4468567 lagoonleam@gmail.com 3275 Dixie Hwy N E Palm Bay, FI. 32905 15 772-321-7478 dmess@aol.com 4325 U S Hwy 1 Vero Beach, Fl. 32967 16 no no 772-589-1036 jmceramics@bellsouth.net Vero Beach, Fl. E no yes 772-257-6210 Lorettajett@gmail.com 15 321-543-7064 tikibeardoil@gmail.com 1170 Hanson Ave.S W Palm Bay, Fl. 32908 16 no no 772-226-7738 dpacker@KIRB.org 15 16 no 772-589-8718 catiminski@aol.com 11230 S.Indian River Dr Sebastian, Fl. 32958 15 16 no yes 772-708-3730 burgdoff5@aol.com 604 Amaryllis Dr. Sebastian 32967 16 yes no mredson@ymail.com E lovemyoilsl 6@gmail.com 772-2851646 apriceassoc@aol.com 1586 SE Clearbrook Sl. Pod Saint Lucie, FI. 34983 321725-7775 beth@mrciri.org 15 moonshadowsoaps@gmaii.com 704-502-5357 moontreebay@gmail.com 678 Bayhrbor Terr. Sebastian, Fl. 32958 16 no - 772-388-2868 mmzsaccessories@aol.com 7785 90th Ave. Vero Beach, FI. 32967 16 no yes 321-626-6227 naturalblessingssoap@gmail.com 3835 Heild Rd N W Palm Bay, A. 32907 16 no no 561-502-6865 ryannicholasr@aol.com 8756 103rd Cl. Vero Beach, Fl. 32967 15 16 no yes 321-482-6118 john9h@gmail.com 9871 Oak St. Sebastian, Fl. 32958 16 no no 321-952-5704 dogconnection@aol.com 170 Buzby St SE Palm Bay, Fl. 32909 15 954-740-4504 nstanger58@gmail.com 307 Arcadia Ave.Sebastian, Fl. 32958 15 Pelican Island Preservation Society Pirates In Paradise, LLC Pond Science Riverview Memorial Walkway Sarah Kantzf Freelance Artist Sea Our Design Sea Turtle Preservation Society Scout Contest Screamin' Tiki Sebastian Inlet State Park Sebastian Yoga Shady Grove Nursery Simply Savory S. R. H. S. Green Club Solar Energy Loan Fund Saint John's River Waste Management Sebastian Fitness Snowballs Stems and Stones Sustainable Aquaculture Initiative Sustainable Kashi The Sweet Karma Bar Synergy Institute The Captains Creations Tootles By Nancy Steve Massey 772-202-0697 info@firstrefuge.org P O Box 781903 Sebastian, FI. 32978 Maria Muscarella 719-3314963 piratesinparadisellc@gmail.eom 932 Gables Way Sebastian, FI. 32958 Laura Parkel 772-559-3120 laura@pondsciencellc.com 5680 Live Oak Ave David Wortmann 954-818-7405 davidwortmann@comcast.net 412 Arbor St. Sebastian, Ft. 32958 Sarah Kantz 352-208-7906 sarah.kantz@gmail.com Samford, Florida Charlotte and Rochelle Sall 407-516-6958 CRDesignLLC@yahoo.com Fellsmere, FI. Celeste McWilliams 321-676-1701 stps@seaturtlespacecoast.org Sarah Dutton 321-750-3802 sugarfairyl 137@live.com June & Bill Brown 321-2715720 screamintiki@gmail.com 184 Galveston St. Palm Bay, Fl. 32908 Terry OToole 321-984-4852 Terry.OToole@dep.state.fi.us 9700 South AIA Melbourne Beach, Fl. 32951 772-913-0138 1557 US Highway 1 772-589-1945 shadygrovenursery@yahoo.com Tracy simplysavory@gmx.com Katelyn Lanctot 772-360-7768 Ianctotk2015@gmail.com Julian Nazario 772468-1818 jnzario@solarenergyloanfund.org Kathy Hill 321-7225363 khill@sjrwmd.com Chris Discipolo 772-3884916 cdiscep@yahoo.com 345 Sebastian Blvd. Bradley Cadiere Sr. sunsidefun@yahoo.com Lisa Hansen 321552-1432 orchidnanny@gmaii.com 307 Arcadia Ave. Melbourne, F1. 32901 Freddy,Prahl&Chris Averse 772-783-5103 Chris@flaquaculture.com Terry Meer 321418-2707 terrymeer@gmail.com 11155 Roseland Rd Mance Middleton 772-321-9464 maricemiddleton@yahoo.com 110 Malry St. Sebastian, FI. 32958 Cheri Abrams 772-5714509 Cheri@cicadasounds.com 735 Commerce Center Dr.Sebastian, Fl. 32958 Wendy Grow 772-696-2772 wendy@eocofirc.net 434 23rd St. BE Nancy Buckingham nancy@loodlesbynancy.com 16 no yes 16 no yes 16 15 16 no ? 16 no no 16 no yes 15 16 no no x 15 15 16 no no 16 yes 15 16 no no 15 16 no yes 16 no yes 15 Treasure Coast Community Health Colette Heid 772-571-1989 cheid@tcchinc.org Tropi-Naut Joanne Harris 772-633-5018 info@tropinaut.com Waters Edge Creations (gold buyers) Terri Cosner 772-633-1951 terricosner@gmail.com Who Got Game (Wholistic Growth) Kraig McHardy 772-201-2238 kmchardy@whogotgame.org Vero News Flash Valerie Watkins verobeach8ash@gmail.com Waste Management Amy Boyson 321409-6620 Wgilroy"s Seaside Gallery Whitney Gilroy 321-543-9323 wgilroyphotography@live.com Wolfe City Brick Oven Pizza Cheryl 603-998-3940 info@wolfetrap.com Tiki Dudes Chuck Masek 321-986-7487 tikidude69@9maiLcom Yami's Ice Cream Shop Baloo 772-571-8130 umndejas@gmail.com 2182 Ponce de Leon Circle Vero Beach, FI. 32960 401 Maple St. Sebastian, Fl. 32958 another event scheduled No booth but yes on recyclingl 102 N Broadway Fellsmere, FI. 32948 16 no yes E 16 no no 16 no yes 15 16 yes i 13l8iS NOSI88VH -- _ _ T -FV IV rn°s 7 - �ald� fad D FrvDa,�S YL.bw sJ// /16:lf mwvn M L a�un 0 � � q0�9 ll31nNW M Thank You Natural Resource Board loth Annual Earth Day April 22, 2017 Riverview Park boo US Highway 1 arva SEAT_" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Introduction and Welcome • Chair Andrea Ring at Io am Pledge of Allegiance • Opening Ceremonies • Mayor Bob McPartlan Vice Mayor Andrea Coy • Council members • Tortoise Proclamation • Mayor Bob McPartlan • Earth day events from io am to 2 pm "'M EXHIBITORS