HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-2017 NRB MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2017 1. Chairwoman Ring called the Natural Resources Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Chairwoman Andrea Ring Bob Progulske James Clifton Rose Glaser Gilbert Gordian, Jr. Vicki Tunker Members Not Present: Ann Lucier — Excused Dick Krull (Alternate) Also Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 4. Agenda Modifications Ms. Ring called for agenda modifications, hearing none she stated that the meeting will continue until the arrival of Mr. Jacoby at which time he will make his presentation, then the meeting will continue. 5. Approval of Minutes December 6, 2016 Meeting Minutes Ms. Ring asked if there were any corrections or modifications to the minutes. Hearing none she called for a motion. A motion to approve the December 6, 2016 minutes as presented was made by Mr. Progulske, seconded by Ms. Glaser and passed unanimously by voice vote. Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2017 January 3, 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Ms. Ring asked if there were any modifications to the minutes. Ms. Tunker stated that on page 3 she is shown as having taken the banner home, when in fact it was Ms. Lucier who took it. She requested this modification be made to the minutes. Ms. Ring called for any further modifications, hearing none she called for a motion. A motion to approve the January 3, 2017 minutes as modified was made by Ms. Tunker, seconded by Mr. Progulske and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Presentation SJRWMD — Charles Jacoby, PhD, MBA, Supervising Environmental Scientist, Estuaries Section Lead Scientist, Indian River Lagoon Basin. 7. Unfinished Business Item A Earth Day Saturday April 22 2017 Update by Rose Glaser Ms. Glaser reported that so far she has scheduled 24 vendors, 2 being food vendors, Waste Management, KIRB, the Chalk Art contest will be done by Jody of the Den, she has requested some children's books from Fish and Wildlife and some of her friends will do activities with the children. She has two bands arranged, but will need two more. Regarding the stuffed animals for the Burrow, she suggested budgeting up to $150, but that the prices indicated in the supply list seem high and she wanted to look into locating them at a lower cost. Ms. Ring asked about the status of the brochures requested at the last meeting. Mr. Watanabe responded that staff has been in contact with Fish and Wildlife and is attempting to get as many of a variety as is available. They have also requested the gopher tortoise coloring books. Ms. Ring inquired if budgeting funds should be done at this time. Mr. Watanabe responded that his recommendation is to wait until the next meeting to allocate funds. He suggested trying to get as many items donated as possible. Mr. Progulske asked what had been determined regarding parking on the grass. Mr. Watanabe responded that he had discussed the question with the City Manager who agrees with allowing only the food vendors to park on the grass. The Board needs to provide a parking plan so that arrangements can be made to protect the areas from damage. He suggested using one of the City's maps of the park to indicate the number of food trucks and where they will be parking. Ms. Glaser asked if there should be a vote regarding budgeting up to $150 for the burrow project. Following discussion regarding getting donations, shopping for a better price on the stuffed animals, it was decided that up to $150 would be allocated to the stuffed animals. Natural Resources Board Page 3 of 5 Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2017 A motion to allow up to $150 for the stuffed animals for the burrow was made by Ms. Tunker, seconded by Mr. Clifton. Ms. Ring asked if there was any further discussion, there being none she called for a vote. Roll Call: Ms. Ring —Yes Ms. Tunker —Yes Mr. Clifton —Yes Mr. Progulske Yes Ms. Glaser —Yes Mr. Gordian — Yes The vote was 6/0. Motion Carried. Ms. Ring stressed that she would like to allocate money for the building the burrow in the event the supplies are not donated. She stated that the toys could be used in one of the activities for the children. Ms. Glaser responded that the request for materials has been submitted to Home Depot and she suggested waiting to see how much they could help before allocating a dollar amount. Following a detailed discussion regarding the funds needed to cover all the event costs, the consensus was that no action would be taken until the next meeting allowing time to get a better idea of what the overall cost of the burrow would be. Ms. Ring requested this item be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Mr. Clifton requested that a detailed list of expenses be provided at that time. Item B Spoil Island Update by Mr. Clifton Mr. Clifton reported that he and Ms. Tunker, last Friday, went to IR8 and cut down the Australian Pine and Brazilian Pepper. They cut the debris into manageable sizes and piled on a high part of the island to prevent its being washed into the lagoon. He requested assistance from the City in removing the debris. He explained they had treated the stumps and would monitor the area to prevent any regrowth. He stated that he is arranging to have signs made to designate the island for conservation and not recreation. Mr. Watanabe suggested the Board make a motion regarding installation of signage and removal of debris and he would speak with the City Manager about having staff handle both tasks. A motion to request the City to remove the debris and install signage on IRB was made by Mr. Clifton, seconded by Ms. Tunker and passed unanimously by voice vote. Ms. Ring asked if since the clearing is done is the City finished with its involvement. Mr. Clifton responded that there will have to be conversations with DEP as to what direction they want to take as far as adding native vegetation. He stated that there is one other island within the City and DEP may be interested in the City's doing reclamation of that island as well. He stated that he would speak with them and report back. Ms. Ring asked the topic be placed on next month's agenda. Natural Resources Board Page 4 of 5 Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2017 Item C. Teachers request to add local Composting Program to NRB website. Mr. Watanabe explained that he had included the information in the Board's packet for their review. If it is the desire of the Board he will then have the IT Department place the information on the NRB Website. Ms. Ring stated the matter would be placed on next month's agenda for action. Item D. NRB Calendar of Events a) March, 2017 — Pelican Island Event Ms. Glaser stated that she had received notification that the City's application had been accepted and their location would be provided either a day or two ahead or the morning of the event. The Board reviewed their previously agreed upon work schedule. Mr. Watanabe stated the City staff will set up their tint and provide chairs and tables. Ms. Ring asked if there were any other events planned for March. Hearing none she continued to April. b) April, 2017 — Shoreline Clean-up with KIRB Ms. Glaser stated that KIRB has a clean-up scheduled in April, but it is the same date as their celebration and the City would not be able to participate. Ms. Ring asked if there were any other events the Board wanted to add to the Calendar. Hearing none she continued with the agenda. Item E. Stormwater Park — Access along the pathways. Mr. Watanabe explained that the intent was for the Board to check the park and pathways and alert City staff if they noted any mowing or other maintenance items that required attention. He clarified that the part of the park that is of concern is the entrance off South Easy Street because the paths are smaller and there is less access. Mr. Progulske stated that he will make a point to visit the park. Ms. Ring requested it be placed on next month's agenda. Public Input Mr. Mark Bonde, 997 George Street, thanked the Board for their efforts on behalf of the City. He distributed a report on the City's stormwater and stated that Mr. Watanabe will be providing his group with water quality information for study and analysis. He stated that he will be providing such reports in the future for the Board's review. Mr. Bonde expressed concern about the septic to sewer in Wabasso coming in 100% over budget because there was federal funding involved and contractors did not want to participate. He also noted that Vero Beach has just rejected the stormwater per household assessment. He explained that these items of are concern to him because Sebastian has similar issues. At Mr. Progulske's request Mr. Bonde provided more details about Natural Resources Board Page 5 of 5 Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2017 the issues in Wabasso. He provided sample brochures and stated they are available at the Indian River Lagoon office. Mr. Bob Steven, 150 Concha Drive, invited the Board to come to his house and view the park and also the damage that is being done from the spraying of the waterways by his house. He expressed concern about the carbon foot print of Sebastian and how it impacts the lagoon. Mr. Progulske stated that in studies he has seen items like mowers and weed eaters contribute to the carbon problem. Ms. Ring called for any further public input. Hearing none, she expressed her disappointment that the guest speaker had not arrived. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will check tomorrow with Mr. Jacoby to determine the next time a presentation can be scheduled. 9. Staff Matters Item A. Gopher Tortoise: Build -a -Burrow by Ann Lucier Ms. Ring requested the item be placed on next month's agenda since Ms. Lucier is not present this evening. Mr. Watanabe apologized again for the speaker not being present. He stated that he will contact him and hopefully the presentation can be scheduled for next month and if so the meeting will be televised. 10. Member Matters Ms. Glaser stated that she had received an email from a resident regarding invasive vines that are growing in various areas of Sebastian. Mr. Progluske stated that he is dealing with it in his own yard and it is difficult to stop it. The consensus was that the Board needed to so something to try to correct the situation. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will add the topic to next month's agenda for further discussion. 11. Items for Next Agenda — Identified during meeting. 12. Adiiourn — There being no further business Chairwoman Ring adjourned the meeting at 6:53 p.m. By; 1 4"/ ' 1. u Chairwoman Andrea Ring /sm Date: v