HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-27-2017 PR AgendaaTv LSF ts SETI I __" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX (772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Monday, March 27, 2017 6:00 PM 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply 5) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting Feb 27, 2017 6) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Item A: Citywide Parks and Recreation Master Plan Status Minutes from March 8th City Council Meeting Item B: Friendship Park Special Needs Playground Status Item C: Pickle Ball Status Joe Schulke, P.E., Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard LLC Item D: Pete Harris Plaque Status Item E: Restrooms at Barber Street Sports Complex Update 7) NEW BUSINESS: Item A: Comprehensive Plan Parks and Recreation Element — Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 1. TCRPC Letter 2. Continuing Services Agreement 3. Project Task Order #1 8) PUBLIC INPUT 9) STAFF MATTERS 10) BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 11) ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE 12) ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 27. 2017 1. Chairman Sims called the meeting to order at 6:OOpm. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present Mr. Matthew Sims Mr. Greg Paschall Ms. Rosemary Flescher Ms. JoAnne White Ms. Corrine Gilroy (A) Ms. Tammy Nelson (A) Absent Ms. JoAnn Webster Also Present Mr. Joe Griffin, City Manager Ms. Margarita Hernandez, Parks Administrator Ms. Cathy Testa, Recording Secretary 4. Agenda Modifications — None 5. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting January 23, 2017 A motion to approve the January 23, 2017 minutes as presented was made by Mr. Paschall, seconded by Ms. White and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Unfinished Business Item A: Citywide Parks and Recreation Master Plan Status — Tindale Oliver Minutes from February 8, 2017 City Council Meeting. Chairman Sims said he attended the Council meeting on February the 8". He apologized for not speaking up. He was taken back because during the course of the night Council had discussion first then asked the public to speak but when it came to the Master Plan Council asked for public input first, then Council had their discussion and voted. It threw him off and he again apologized to the board members. 1 Ms. White stated she wished she would have been able to attend the City Council meeting. She believes Council did not understand where the Committee was going with their request for a Master Plan. She suggested that perhaps in the past City Council thought that a Master Plan was a waste of time and money. She wants to explain to Council how important having direction would be since there is a lot of building going on now. She expressed that there is money going into Parks & Recreation and knows it can only be used for certain things. The Master Plan would help show where the money should be used when ideas are given by the Board. She asked if the Master Plan could be brought in front of Council again. The Parks Administrator responded by saying that a Council Member had requested that this be re -introduced at the next Council Meeting on March 8th for reconsideration. Mr. Sims suggested that Committee Members attend the meeting on March 8th to present their viewpoints to Council about the Master Plan. The City Manager said he and the Parks Administrator have been talking about what Tindale Oliver might offer as an enticement for Council to approve the Plan. He said one idea that was brought up was for Tindale to do playground and play equipment safety inspections. Mr. Sims said that land acquisition was a driving point in the Master Plan. He asked the Parks Administrator if land acquisition was part of the original Master Plan and if not, could that be added to the Plan. The Parks Administrator said Tindale Oliver did include a proposal for future planning. She said they specified three components: future planning, looking at the facilities and the current status of our parks. Mr. Paschall apologized for not being at the Council Meeting. He felt that one of the objections from the Board was the amount of money being spent. He said if the Master Plan is going to be re -introduced then the Plan needs something workable or tangible, something more than just thoughts and ideas. The Parks Administrator said she has been speaking with Tindale Oliver about working with the contract to see if the inspections could be included. The thoughts are to have them do the initial inspection and then give the city guidelines or a checklist so we can continue the inspections. Ms. Gilroy said she was at the Council Meeting. She saw that a representative from Tindale Oliver was in attendance. She wondered why the representative did not get up and speak. After Council voted she noticed the representative got up and walked out of the meeting. Mr. Sims asked the Parks Administrator if while speaking with Tindale Oliver, they seemed interested in doing something about the safety issue. 2 The Parks Administrator said yes they did, in fact Tindale Oliver proposed that if they would perform the safety inspections, they would also include an ADA inspection which would be done by a certified inspector. Item B: Friendship Park Special Needs Playground Status Mr. Sims had the opportunity to go to the United Church of Sebastian. He was impressed that they already have a plan in place to come and pick up the equipment from Friendship Park. The Parks Administrator said the Disabilities Committee was in support of the replacement of the ADA playground but did not give any specifics as to type or size or features. The City Manager said the City Engineer and the Building Official would be liaisons for the Disability Committee because they have more knowledge about ADA law. Mr. Griffin stated that the Disabilities Chairman, Mr. lovino, had discussion with City Council regarding ADA access in the different city building facilities. The City Manager explained that one of the issues brought up was the condition of the restrooms at the Sports Complex football field on Barber Street. He added that they are in bad condition and they do not have ADA access. Council is very interested in getting the restrooms remodeled and would like to start the bidding process in this budget year, even though it is not a budgeted item for this year. A plan was prepared by the City Engineer and his idea is to build a free standing restroom just like the one built over at the working waterfront. The old restrooms would be demolished and the building converted into a storage area for the football team and the cheerleaders. Mr. Paschall said they are in favor of the renovation of the bathrooms. In fact he said the Board suggested the a few years ago and the project was pushed aside. Item C: Friendship Park Pickleball Courts Status The City Manager said he talked to the consultant engineer, Mr. Shulke last week. Council requested this project be done in stages. Mr. Shulke is still in the first stage, he anticipates being done next week. The big question is going to be if we have to buy more property and we don't know that yet. Item D: Dog Park Fire Hydrant Update The Parks Administrator explained that it was not possible to move any of the fire hydrants from the Airport. The city bought two fire hydrants, one for the large dog area and one for the small dog area. Unfortunately, the hydrant was stolen from the large dog area the same week it was installed. Ms. White suggested putting in some timber posts in the ground covered with creosol and painted orange so people would not walk into them. 3 Item E: Pete Harris Plaque Update The Parks Administrator informed the Board that she made an inquiry to everyone in City Hall and no one has seen the Pete Harris Plaque. The Board requested the City Manager to look into what it would cost to replace the Plaque. 7. New Business Item A: Restrooms at Barber Street Sports Complex This item was discussed earlier with the special needs playground. 8. Public Input —None 9. Staff Matters — None 10. Board or Committee Member Matters Ms. Nelson thanked the City for replenishing the maps at City Hall. She also thanked the City for putting the blue light in at Easy Street Park she is very happy and proud. Ms. White thanked the City for repairing the lights at Easy Street Park. Mr. Paschall wanted to mention to the Board that if the Tindale Oliver Master Plan does not work out, the Committee may have to consider partnering with volunteers in the community and take one or two parks per month and come up with ideas. The City Manager stated that he has instructed the Purchasing Contract Manager to start an inventory of the properties the city owns. If there are properties out there that are unusable, the city can look into reducing the inventory to provide taxable income for the city. 11. Items for the Next Agenda and Date Mr. Sims stated that the next regularly scheduled meeting would be Monday, March 27, 2017. 12. Adiourn Chairman Sims called for any further business, hearing none he adjourned the meeting at 6:49pm. Matthew Sims, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee G Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting of March 27, 2017 Unfinished Business: Agenda Item A Regular City Council & CRA Meeting March 8, 2017 Page Six 17.039 The City Attorney advised he didn't think would be allowed under the City's zoning Code. The Community Deve nt Manager pointed out that Section 54-2- 6.4(27)b provides that only rel roducts will be allowed to be sold. ROLL CALL: carried 5-0. 9GG. Dodd — Aye Ms. Kinchen —Aye Vice Mayor Coy - Aye The public hearing closed at 6:59 p.m. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 0 Mr. Hill—Aye Mayor McPartlan — Aye Appropriate Documents (Transmittal. Proposal Draft Minutes) The City Manager explained that Council rejected a master plan in February and since then Council Member Kinchen asked that the plan be tweaked and be re -introduced; Tindale Oliver agreed to add certified playground inspections and make a five year CIP plan; the Parks and Recreation Committee requested that Council consider the revised master plan proposal. Mayor McPartlan said he would like to see a master plan outlining what they are going to do given the current trends and how many people are using the facilities that exist. He could not see spending the money to do an inventory. He noted there is a City employee that will take the two-day training to become certified to inspect playground equipment. Vice Mayor Coy agreed, it would be good to have a staff member available to inspect equipment at any given moment and there already is an inventory of what is available. She said the County is currently working with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) to turn the old Gifford trash dump into a playground and suggested maybe they could consult with us. Mr. Dodd said there is an asset list but not a replacement schedule for the equipment which should be considered because there is a finite level of funds and a five-year CIP would help them and the Committee make decisions. He noted the City Manager has indicated there isn't staff available to devise such a plan and outside help would be needed. He also said he was a supporter of master plans but didn't see any usages, statistical growth, how many visitors are from inside and outside the City in Tindale Oliver's proposal. MOTION by Mr. Dodd to have the City Manager to contract for a parks facilities assessment up to amount not to exceed $20,000 to accomplish items 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 of the Tindale Oliver proposal, prepare a maintenance schedule identifying safety issues requiring repair and a five-year replacement plan to go into the FY18 budget cycle and present the finding to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee by the City Manager. There was no second to Mr. Dodd's motion. Regular City Council & CRA Meeting March 8, 2017 Page Seven Mr. Hill said Council should decide what direction the way they want to go with the input of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and he is in favor a master plan. The Parks Committee would be Council's eyes and ears to provide a framework of what should be in the master plan. Mr. Dodd said he could deny the proposal as long as the City Manager could complete the safety inspections and prepare a CIP. He said needs should be identified. Ms. Kinchen noted the recreation portion of the City's comprehensive plan has not been updated since 1999. Vice Mayor Coy said she would like maximum input from the public starting with the Parks Committee. The City Manager noted there were three master plans submitted to the Parks Committee and Tindale Oliver was chosen by the committee and what was before them tonight was a revision of their original proposal. The City Attorney advised if an employee is certified, and doing what he is instructed to do, the City would defend him so there should be no personal liability concern. JoAnn White, Senior Member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee said new committee members aren't aware of what was discussed before so a plan would help to direct the committee. She said the committee receives a lot of requests and the plan would identify reasons behind what is happening and what is to happen; the revised proposal is losing what the committee wanted the plan for; the original proposal would conduct interviews, identify needs and provide direction because there is impact fee money collected to apply in designated zones; the plan would provide for continuity. Vice Mayor Coy asked how they could receive the maximum participation. Mr. Hill suggested they have a workshop, distribute flyers in kid's back backs or in person at the sports field to get input. Ms. Kinchen suggested a questionnaire like they did for the skate park. The City Manager said he would have the inspections done internally and he would begin discussing master planning with the TCRPC tomorrow and report back to them. Mayor McPartlan said the Little League charges $110 for a child to play and it was only $35 a couple of years ago and he would like to know how that happened as the City provides the fields and lights. The City Manager said he would have the Little League address Council. Mayor McPartlan said the master plan should provide the foresight of what's going to happen and what can happen for example the activities that the Trans -Florida Railroad Trail from 195 to Fellsmere will provide, the latest sport such as pickle ball; not just an inventory. MOTION by Vice Mayor Coy and SECOND by Mayor McPartlan to disapprove the parks and recreation master plan from Tindale Oliver. ROLL CALL: Mr. Hill — Aye Ms. Kinchen — Aye Mayor McPartlan — Aye Vice Mayor Coy — Aye Mr. Dodd - Aye Motion carried 5-0. VA Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting of March 27, 2017 New Business: Agenda Item A March 15, 2017 Joseph Griffin, City Manager City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Subject: Working with Regional Planning Councils Dear Joe: Thank you for your inquiry about working with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Following provides the basis in Florida law for contracting directly with regional planning councils (RPCs) in compliance with the requirements of Section 287, Florida Statutes, also known as the Consultant's Competitive Negotiations Act. RPCs are created and recognized as government entities and agencies under Section 186.502 and 120.52, Florida Statutes. RPCs are a local government-owned entity and established as a government agency. RPCs are available to assist in the planning and implementation of state, federal, and local govermnent programs. Council staff represents a wide variety of skill sets and experience for this purpose. In 1976, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties established the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council as their own through an Interlocal Agreement authorized under 163.01, Florida Statutes, known as the "Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969" and Section 163.400, Florida Statutes, entitled the "Cooperation of Public Bodies." The Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969 encourages governmental units to enter into interlocal agreements of mutual benefit with other governmental entities to make the most efficient use of their powers and resources. Government agencies or entities can enter into contracts with each other without RFP (Section 287.057, Florida Statutes). Services or commodities provided by governmental agencies are not subject to competitive -solicitation requirements (Section 287.057(3)(e)12). Contracting with the RPCs can be done through interlocal agreement, purchase order, or contract. "Bringing Communities Together"- Est.7976 421 SW Camden Avenue - Stuart, Florida 34994 122 of 246 Phone (772) 221-4060 - Fax (772) 221-4067 . www.teryc.oyra Joseph Griffin March 15, 2017 Page Two Council looks forward to working with the City to update its Parks and Recreation Element. If there are questions or you require further information, please call. Sincerely, Is Michael J. Busha, AICP Executive Director MJB:slh cc: Commissioner Doug Smith, Chair, TCRPC Tom Lanahan, TCRPC 123 of 246 J.- r T R'Ei5 -~ OR P ��_Y L f� I rrJ t -3 iAFiT R March 15, 2017 Joe Griffin, City Manager City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 IN Subject: Continuing Services Agreement Dear Mr. Griffin: Thank you for considering the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council to provide the City of Sebastian with technical support related to the City's Comprehensive Plan, as well as capital and land development planning assistance. Council is submitting this proposed agreement setting forth a general scope of services, together with a proposed fee structure to perform such services. Scope and Schedule The services described herein shall be for the provision of technical support related to the City's Comprehensive Plan, as well. as capital and land development planning assistance. The services described herein shall begin upon execution of this contract and shall continue, on an on-going basis, for the duration of mutual agreement between the City of Sebastian, hereafter referred to a City, and Council. Work Products and Deliverables Council will provide specified technical support and services as requested from time to time through written Task Orders from the City Manager or his designee on behalf of the City. All work will be described in detail and shall be accompanied by appropriate back-up materials to outline the work requested. An estimate of the number of hours required for the completion of the assigned task and a due date for related project deliverables shall also be provided to Council with the Task Order. Council shall review the Task Order and will indicate acceptance of the work requested therein with a signature form Council's Executive Director. The Task Order will be returned to the City upon execution to indicate Council's acceptance of the work and timeframe described therein. Any modifications by Council to the original Task Order provided by the City shall require signature by the City authorizing acceptance and execution of a modified Task Order. `Bringing Communities Together"- Est.1976 421 SW Camden Avenue - Stuart, Florida 34994 124 of 246 Phone (772) 221-4060 - Fax (772) 221.4067 - www.tcripc.org Joe Griffin March 15, 2017 Page Two Council shall be paid for professional services at a rate not to exceed $200 per hour. This includes travel, out-of-pocket expenses (printing and reproduction costs), mail, couriers, and other costs incidental to the provision of services as described herein. No Task Order in excess of $25,000 shall be assigned without the express approval of the City Manager. Such approval shall be exclusively through a written agreement. Termination Policy The agreement may be terminated with thirty days written notice by either party. Read and approved on the day of , 2017, by Michael J. Busha Joe Griffin As its Executive Director City Manager Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council City of Sebastian 125 of 246 DRAFT City of Sebastian accordance with Continuing Service Agreement with Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council doted March 15, 4017) ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES As part of Project Task Order #1, Parks and Recreation Element Update, TCRPC will provide the following services as described below. SUB -TASK DETAIL TIMEFRAME TCRPC staff will review the existing Parks and Recreation Element of the Comprehensive Plan; consolidate City asset Inventory data and field verify for all parks; individually interview City Council members; jointly interview Parks Board members; create a table of existing amenities and level of service; project City population growth; begin Sub -Task 1: work on creating an Interactive GIS map cataloguing all City parks, Parks and amenities, locations, and hours of operation; study impact of growth Recreation within and adjacent to Sebastian; and create strike -out and underline Month 1-2 Element Update Element for review and comment by City staff. In addition, TCRPC staff will provide a status summary on EAR requirements applicable to the City's Comprehensive Plan, DELIVERABLE: Draft revised Parks and Recreation Element Interactive GIS Parks Map Status Summary of EAR Requirements TCRPC staff will review the park lnspectlon reports provided by the City In comparison to the existing park assets and incorporate any Sub -Task 2: deficiencies in amenities provided as identified In Sub -Task 1 above Capital and create a schedule of necessary capital repair, replacement and Improvement enhancements for the next 5 years utilizing cost estimates to be Month 2-3 Plan provided by the City. DELIVERABLE: Draft Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan for Parks TCRPC staff will make revisions as necessary to the draft revised Parks and Recreation Element as required by City staff and create a document suitable for adoption. The GIS parks map will be completed, Sub -Task 3: including the ability to display current park amenities, location, and Adoption Ready hours of operation in suitable format for posting to the City's website. Element, CIP, The Parks and Recreation Element will be presented to the Parks Board Month 4 Map and and the City Council. Presentations DELIVERABLES: Final Revised Parks and Recreation Element Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan for Parks Interactive GIS Parks Map 126 of 246 DRAFT City of Sebastian (in accordance with Continuing Service Agreement with Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council dated March 15, 2017) PROJECT TASK ORDER DATE OF REQUEST: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 PROJECT NAME: Parks and Recreation Element Update PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A review and update of the Parks and Recreation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, including information gathering with City staff, Parks Board and City Council; creation of an interactive GIS inventory map of City parks; and consideration of current level of service, potential deficiencies, and the impacts of growth within and adjacent to Sebastian. A 5 -year capital improvement plan will also be created and the results of the entire project presented to the Parks Board and the City Council. See Attachment 1 for more detail. PROJECT DELIVERABLES: Proposed revised Parks and Recreation Element of the Comprehensive Plan in "adoption -ready" strike -out and underline format. Interactive GIS park network map suitable for posting to City website, Capital Improvement Plan for Parks covering a 5 -year time period. Status summary of state - mandated Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR) requirements applicable to the City's Comprehensive Plan. BASE DATA TO BE PROVIDED BY CITY: Current Comprehensive Plan, asset listing and inventory of city parks, current equipment replacement schedules, park inspection reports, cost estimates, current adopted City Budget. ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE: Project should be completed within 16 weeks from execution of this Task Order and transmittal of base data to TCRPC. Time estimate is dependent on timely reviews by City staff and public official availability for Interviews and meetings. TCRPC TIME/COST ESTIMATE: Projected Hours: 146 Project Fee: $19,600 (Not to Exceed) Project Completion: 16 weeks from execution (project updates provided bl-weekly through project completion) AUTHORIZATION: City of Sebastian: Joe Griffin, City Manager DATE, TCRPC Michael Busha, Executive Director DATE: 127 of 246