HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 07 - Construction SpecificationsCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS
1. Review project concepts with Water and
Prior to obtaining County building permit,
comply with County "Procedure of Sequence
Sewer Department.
developer must
for Utility Develop -
F r
2. A Florida registered Professional Engineer shall prepare
plans and specifications in accordance with specifications
found herein.
3. Submit plans for review and approval to Utilities Depart-
4. Submit construction applications to the Florida Department
of Environmental Regulation for water main extension, force
main construction and/or gravity sewer extension.
DER permits in City of Vero Beach service area will be
submitted to Vero Beach prepared for signature of City Manager
and City Clerk.
DER permits in Indian River County service area will be
first submitted to Indian River County for signature of County
Administrator. If treatment for this project is provided by
Vero Beach, the applications executed by Indian River County
will then be forwarded to Vero Beach for their review and
5. Submit permit applications to Florida Department of
Transportation and/or the County Road Department for construc-
tion in right-of-ways.
6. The engineer of record shall nctify the Utilities Depart:-ent
prior to commencement of construction, to schedule service
outages if reeuired, and get main locations st least ;3 hours
in advance of construction.
7. The engineer of record shall have a full time,on-site
inspector at the job site. Daily construction reports must
be submitted to the Utilities Department not later than a
week after the work has been completed. If the work is within
,the City of Vero Beach right-of-way, a copy of the inspection
reports must also be submi-tted to the City Engineer. If work is
within the Indian River County service area right-of-way, a
copy of the inspection reports must be also submitted to the
Road and Bridge Department, The Utility reserves the right to
-� inspect the construction work at any time.
8. All outages shall be made by Utility personnel and scheduled
at the discretion of the Utilities Department and Commercial
Services Department, -All outages will require at least 24
hour notice to the public.
9. All connections to existing facilities shall be made by or
under the direction of the Utilities Department.
10. The owner, engineer of record and contractor shall agree
to hold the City or County harmless for any suits, claims
and liabilities arising from said construction in exchange
for the commitment to provide utility services.
11. Submit "As -Built" drawings to the Water and Sewer Department
as a pre -requisite to final acceptance before service is provided,
12. Water from Utility used for flushing and testing shall
be estimated by the Engineer of Record so Utility will bill
the contractor.for the consumption.
I. GENERAL - The contractor shall furnish all new materials
which meet or exceed the following specifications or require-
:pents.. The work must include all appurtenances so as to be
complete. Plans and specifications shall be submitted to
the Utilities Department for review and approval prior to
advertising for bids to construct.
II. DESIGN - All design muyt be in accordance with the Citv
of Vero -Beach Master Sewage Collection Plan and Indian River
County :faster Plan. The sewer system shall be designed using
a tanning Roughness Coefficient, n=0.013 for vitrified clay .
and ductile iron pipe, and n=0.009 for polyvinyl chloride
pipe. Slopes calculated using the appropriate roughness
coefficient must result in a minimum velocity of 2 ft/second
when the pipe is flowing full or one-half full. The use of
slopes resulting in velocities less than 2 fps must be.
specifically approved by the Utilities Department.
Collection system and force mains shall be designed based
upon 150 gpcd and a velocity of 2 fps to 5 fps in the force
The minimum pipe size shall be 3" for main lines and
6" for service laterals except for a lateral service one
single family residence which may be 4". All service laterals
shall be PVC (DR35) from the main to the property line. The
type of connection between vitrified clay or ductile iron,
and the PVC lateral must be submitted to the Utilities Depart-
ment for review and approval.
Manholes must be constructed at all changes in grade or
alignment, at all junctions (except service laterals), at the
end of any sewer and ever; 400 feet or less along the align-
Ill. K-=" IALS
A. Gravity Sewer Pipe
1. Vitrified Clav Pipe - V.C.?, shall be extra strength,
durable and well burned throughout it's entire thick-
ness, conformin,r to ASTM C700. The pipe may be soc'::et
and spigot or plain end pine. Joints and ccuplings
shall co—oly with ASTM C4'25.
-3 -
Cause for for Rejection of Pineof Pine
1. Cracks, lumps, blisters in the pipe or joint
2. Differences in maximum and minimum diameter of
barrel or socket.
3. Deviation along longitudual axis
line) . (from a straight -
4. Any broken pieces.
Clay pipe shall be -.as manufactured by Dickey Company,
4 U. S. Concrete Pipe Company, Griffin Pipe Company _
or approved equal.
2. PVC Pipe (DR35) - PVC pipe shall meet ASTM D-3034
requirements. 'The joints shall consist of an integral
bell with elastomeric gasket. The gasket shall be
locked securely in the bell. The pipe shall be
approximately 12.5' or 20' lengths. The pipe, must
meet or exceed the testing procedure per ASTM D-24121
D -3212-73T and D-2444.
3. Ductile Iron Pipe - 150 psi working pressure - D.I.
pipe for gravity sewer applications shall meet the
same requirements given in water distribution speci-
fications, except the thickness shall be adequate
for laying condition Type 4.
B. Force Main Pipe
1. PVC - PVC pipe for force mains shall be DR21 or
DR 25.having a working pressure of 200 psi and 100
psi, respectively. The pipe shall have thickened,
integral bells with elastomeric gaskets. The DR21
pipe shall be designed with a two to one safety factor
over the rated pressure. The DR21 pipe shall compl
with ASTM D-2241 and Commerical Standard CS 256.
The DR25 pipe shall meet all the requirements of
AIvFv,'A Standard C900 and have a total system pressure
- safety factor of four to one.
2. Fiberglass Composite Pipe -The pipe shall be a
fiberglass composite pipe composed of an interior
core of PVC encased in a continuous roving fiberglass
bonded with epoxy resin. The pipe shall be manufac-
tured to cast iron outside dimensions. The design
shall be in accordance with ASTM D-2992 and D-2996.
The pipe shall withstand a quick burst test of 1500
psi. The pipe shall have a working pressure of 150
psi with a safety factor of four to one.
3.- Ductile Iron - Ductile iron pipe shall meet all the_
requirements for D.I. pipe in the water distribution
C. Fittings
1. For PVC Pipe
a. DR35 Pipe - Fittings for PVC gravity sewer pipe
shall be supplied by the pipe manufacturer to be
compatible with all DR35 PVC pipe. The fittings
shall have integral bells with elastomeric joints.
Various adapters to connect PVC with clay, concrete,
asbestos -cement or iron pipe are available from:
(1.) Joints, Incorporated
1522 west 135 Street
Gardena, California
(2.) Ferno Joint Sealer Company
593 Pleasant Avenue
Ferndale, Michigan 48220
b. DR21 Pipe - Cast iron fittings meeting MY7 A
Standards C110 and C111 with transition gaskets
for steel pipe size PVC, or PVC fittings with
integral bell with elastomeric gaskets.
C. DR25 Pipe (equal to cast iron pipe O.D.) - Cast
iron fittings meeting AidwA Standards C110 and C111_
2. Fiberglass composite (equal to cast iron pipe O.D.) -
Cast iron fittings meeting AG:'CA Standards C110 and
3. For Ductile Iron - Cast iron fittings meeting AtvTdA
Standards 0110 and C111.
D. Valves - Valves for force main installation shall meet
the specifications for valves in the Pump Station section.
All valves outside a valve vault shall have a valve box per
specifications in the water distribution section except the
lids shall be marked "S" or "Sewer" and painted red.
E. ifanholes --manholes shall be constructed of brick, precast
concrete on fiberglass capable of withstanding the AASHO H-20
vertical, dynamic wheelload. All manholes shall be minimum
of 48" inside diameter. Drop manholes shall be constructed
wherever the drop from pipe invert to floor exceeds 24". -
Invert channels shall be constructed smooth and even, with:
curves having a radius as large as possible.
1. Frames and Covers - Shall be heavy cast iron construe. -
tion suitable.for traffic loading and approved by the
City Water and Sewer Department. Lids shall be stamped
"Sanitary Sewer".
2. Precast MH's - Concrete for precast manholes shall
be Type II acid resistant cement and attain compress-
ive strength of 3500 psi in 28 days. Precast manholes
shall have two protective coatings of bitumastic paint
on interior surface and one on the exterior surface
Coatings must be applied with methods approved by the
manufacturer to the recommended thickness.
3. Brick Manholes - Manholes constructed with brick and
mortar shall be plastered with a 3/4" layer of cement
mortar or coated per specifications for precast man-
holes. Cement for mortar shall be Type II acid resis-
tant cement.
4. Clay and ductile iron pipe may be grouted into the
manholes. The first joint shall be not more than
12" from the outside of the manhole. PVC pipe must
enter the manhole through a manhole couplinb as
manufactured by Toilr.s-Afanville or aooroved equal.
IV. INSTALL•1TIOV - All gravity sewer installation procedures
must be i� accordance with pipe manufacturer's reco--mendacions.
All gravity sewers and force mains shall be installed to have
a Minimum cover of 36". Installation of gravit•r sewers shal•1 be
controtled by usu of a laser to maintain proper grade.
Installation f force mains shall be in accordance with AWWA
Standard C600 and the installation specifications for water
lines in the water distribution section, irrespective of the
type of pipe selected.
:�. Trench - Trench width shall be kept to a minimum necessary
for installation of the pipe. The trench bottom shall be
graded uniformly to match the slope of the pipe.
B. Backfill - Only good quality backfill, free of stones,
roots, rocks, broken cement or other material which might
be damaging to the pipe, shall be used. Backfill shall _
be put in the trench in uniform lifts.
C. Compaction - All pipe must be compacted by hand tamping,
from under the pipe up to the centerline. Backfill shall
be compacted in lifts up to the surface to achieve a minimum
compaction of 95% of maximum density in accordance with
AASHO T-180 and ASTM D-2167.
D. Wellpointing - Construction shall be accomplished in a dry
trench. Wellpointing will be required as necessary. Upon
completion of the construction, the wellpoint holes shall
be filled with grout.
E. Sheeting - Sheeting and shoring shall be installed as may
be necessary for the protection of the work, preservation
of adjacent property and structures, and the safety of
F. Testing and Inspection
1. Defect - Upon completion*of construction, the gravity
sewer will be inspected by the Utility at Contractor's
expence using a television camera. Any sand or dirt
found in the sewers shall be removed by the contractor.
All leaking joints or fittings shall be replaced.
encased with concrete or sealed from the inside with
grout as determined by the Utility. All cracked or
defective pipe shall be replaced by the contractor.
2. Infiltration/E:cfiltration Tests - The sewer main and
house laterals shall be subjected to infiltration and
ex -Filtration tests. The allowable-leakaae shall -
not exceed:
a. Cla%- pi^e - 100 gallons/day/inch of diameter/mile
b. Ductile Iron - 50 gallons/day/inch of diameter/mile
C. PVC - DR35 - 50 gallons/day/inch of diameter/mile
3. Air Leakage - Air leakage tests may be required in
lieu of infiltration/exfiltration at the option of the
Utility. The testing shall be by compressed air from
manhole to manhole. Plugs, caps and branch connections
must be secured against blow -off during the test.
The pipe and manholes shall be free of wa_er during
the test. The pipe shall be tested at 3.5 psi in
excess of the groundwater pressure above the pipe.
For each foot of water above the pipe at the deepest
point the air pressure shall be increased by 0.43 psi.
-The minimum time -for the air pressure to drop by
0.5 psi shall be: -
Pine Size Time In Minutes
6 inch 4.0
8 inch 5.0
10 inch 6.5
12 inch 7.5
15 inch 9.5
4. Force Main Pressure Tests - Pressure tests of force
mains shall be conducted in accordance with the
procedures for testing in the appendices, e.x:t:ept the
test pressure shall be 100 psi.
V. PLXP STATIONS - Plans and specifications shall be submitted
to the Utilities Department for detailed review and approval.
A. General - All pump stations shall be submersible design
having two or more pumps as required. The stations shall
consist of pumping units, valves, piping, motor controls,
wetwell and separate valve vault -plus apourtenances-to
make a complete and operable system. Spare parts must
include replacement seal and impeller.
B. Wet --,,ell and Valve Vault
1. Wetwell may be precast concrete or fiberglass barrel
with top and bottom concrete slabs. The wetwell must
be designed for AASHO 11-20 wheelloading if located
within a roadway or shoulder of a- road01111.
dia,,nter shall be 72" Ct:ment for concrete, and
2 coats intorior and exterior coatings of coal tar
epoxy for concrete shall meer. spe::ificatior.s given for
monho1es. Wetwell shall be sized for s:ininum DU=
c_:c1e ti: -.Ie of 10 m>nutes. (,taxi:rum, 6 pu: p starts
per hour)
2. Lids - Cast iron lids suitable for traffic shall be
used in road -.rays; aluminum or stainless steel lids s::all
be used yor ail other locations. Lids shall be provided
with a means of locking and be hinged.
3. Vent -
in the
a 1800
r -
A vent of 2" PVC pipe shall be constructed
top slab of the wetwell. The vent shall have
bend with the opening pointing vertically down. -
4. Valve Vault - A separate valve vault shall be construe -
ted to house the gate valves, check valves and the
emergency pump connection. The vault shall be poured
concrete or concrete block construction and include
a drain to the wetwell with a trap in the drainline.
The vault shall be of sufficient size to allow for
installation, removal and maintenance of the valves.
The vault will be subject to the same wheelloadirg-
design as the wetwell. Lid shall match the lid of.
the wetwell.
5. Hardware - All hardware, bolts, anchors, accessories
in the wetwell and vault shall be stainless steel.
C. Pumps - All pumps shall be submersible and installed on
rail systems. The pumping units shall be designed to
operate submerged or unsubmerged. The motors shall have
moisture detectors in the oil reservoir and thermal sensors,
when available from the manufacturer, and on all pumps
over 20 HP. The pumps shall be non -overloading at any
point on the pressure, volume, characteristic curve.
All motors shall be 3 phase, 230 volt. All mounting
hardware for the rails, electric cable clamps, bolts. and
nuts, and the lift cable shall be stainless steel. The
rails shall be stainless steel, or approved equal. The
Pumps shall be as manufactured by Flygt Corporation or
approved equal.
D. Electrical - All electrical wiring components, wire,
cabinet, etc. shall meet the standards of the Electrical
Building Code as adopted by the City of Vero Beach, and
the National Electrical Code.
1. Control Panel - The panel shall have a dead front
safety door and devices shall be mounted on a rear
swing -out subpanel or be surface wired. No concealed
wiring is acceptable. Th,1 panel shall be stainless steel
with minimum dimensions of 30" high, 30" wide, 8" deep.
A red failure light with protective cage and an alarm buzze
with car•cel overripe shall be mounted on the top or
eaeh panel. Lightninn" arresters will be mounted ahead
of main breaker.
�. 00_�, -10-
2. Switchgear - Each pump shall have a separate starter,
.breaker, phase monitor relay, (Time Mark model 258
for 230V; Diversified Electronics, Part #SLA2 for
48OV, or approved equal), solid-state current overload
relay with manual reset (equal to Furnas Class 948), H -O -A
rotary switch, elapsed time meter and push -to -test
light to indicate status of unit (ie, off or on).
An automatic alternator shall be supplied to alternate
the pumps into the lead position. All -relays shall
be manufactured by Potter -Brumfield (plug-in) or
aooroved equal. -'-Switchgear shall be manufactured by
Furnas, Allen-Bradley or Square "D". All contactors
and relays will operate on 120 volts. Rotary H -0-A pump
controls will be required. An auxiliary Power
connector (Pyle National Catalog No. JRE 4100) shall
be installed on the panel.
3. Conduit - All conduit shall be PVC; minimum of 2"
diameter to each pump. Conduit shall be sealed with
Zinc Chromate duct seal, below the panel.
4. Level Control System - Level control system must be
designed to provide adjustable "on" or "off" levels
of each pump. Indian River County prefers floats with
mercury switches. Vero Beach requires air (bubbler)
pressure switches. When bubbler system is provided,
the panel shall also include a depth gauge.
c. Piping and Valves
1. All piping from the pump discharge through the valve
vault shall be cement lined ductile iron pipe conforming
to the specifications given in the water distribution
secticn. The pipe shall be grooved for use with
couplings manufactured by Victaulic Company. Where
connections are to be made to flanges on the pump
o: valves, a grooved pipe coupling to flanoe pipe
adapter shall be used (Vic -flange).
2. Valves - A check and gate valve shall be installed
on each pump discharge line. Tne check valve must be
installed horizontally and upstream of the gate valve.
Valves .;a,: have flanged,'victaulic or mechanical join[
e^ s.
a. Plug Valves - Non -lubricated eccentric plug valves
may be substituted for gate valves. Valves shall
be supplied with semi -steel body, stainless steel
bearings, resilient plug and lever actuator.
Rated working pressure shall be 175 psi or greater.
Valves shall be as manufactured by DeZurik or Henry
Pratt Company.
b. Gate Valves - Valves shall conform to specifications
..for gate valves in the water distribution section.
s ,
c. Check Valves - Check valves shall have outside
lever and weight, The valves shall be fully
bronze mounted in an iron body. The hinge pin
on the shaft shall be stainless steel. The rated
water pressure shall be 175 psi.
d, Emergency Pump Connection - Each pump station
shall have a four (411) emergency pump connection
in the valve vault consisting of a connection to
the force main, a gate or plug valve and a riser
with 4" female screw connection with a plug insta-
I. DESIGN - Design shall be based upon an average daily con-
;sucaption of 250 gpcd with the maximum day equal to 150% of
the average and the peak day 20T/'of the maximum day. In
addition, each design must be in accordance with the Vero
Beach.and/or Indian River County Master Water Distribution
Plan. All distribution systems must be properly -looped and
valved to provide maximum flexibility in providing service.
Plans and specifications must be submitted to the Utilities
Department for review and approval prior to advertising for
bids to construct.
A. Water distribution pipe and water service tubing
1. Pipe 4" and Larger - Working pressure - 150 psi
a. Ductile Iron Pipe
(1.) Shall meet all the requirements of the latest
AWWA Standards C150 and C151 (Class 51)
(2.) Joints may be push -on or mechanical joint,
either of which shall meet the latest AN14A
Standard C111.
(3.) All D.I. pipe shall be cement -mortar lined
in accordance with the latest AWWA Standard
C104. The outside surfaces shall be coated
with bituminous coating approximately 1 mil.
(4.) Polyethylene film encasement will be required
for all ductile iron pipe laid in corrosive
soils as determined by the Utilit::. Materials
and installation shall be in accordance with
the latest AWWA Standard C105.
b. Pol,,— invl Chloride Pine (PVC)
(1.) PVC pipo shall be DR1S manufactured to cast
iron pipe outside dimensions. The pipe
shall have thickened inte,ral bells with
elastomeric baskets. Pipe design, manufac-ure
and testing shall conform to the latest 1[,:a
Standard CH O.
2. Pipe 3" and Smaller
a. PVC -All polyvinyl chloride pipe in these sizes
shall have a working pressure rating of 200 psi.
The pipe shall be DR21 and have thickened integral
bells with elastomeric gaskets. The pipe shall
be designed wi-th a two to one safety factor over
the rated pressure. Pipe shall be manufactured
to steel pipe outside dimensions. Pipe shall
comply with AST,1 D2241, Commercial Standard CS
256, and NSF requirements for potable water.
b. Ductile Iron Pipe (3") - Shall meet all the
requirements for D.I. pipe as specified for 4"
and larger pipe,
c. Galvanized steel pipe will not be acceptable.
3. Water Service Tubing - 3/411, 1", 1211, 2"
a. Copper - All copper tubing shall be rated for
160 psi working pressure or greater for use with
compression fittings. Copper tubing shall be
Type K, conforming at ASTM B88-55, AWWA 75 -CR
b. Polybutylene - Polybutylene tubing shall be copper
tube size for use with stainless steel liners
(inserts) and compression fittings. The tubing
shall be rated for 160 psi at 73.40F. The material
shall meet the requirements of ASLI D-2581 and
shall be Type II Grade I (PB2110). The tubing
shall be marked with size, manufacturer's name or
symbol, working pressure, NSF approval, AST.1
specification and production code.
c. Where serrrice lines pass under paving they will
be installed through appropriately. sized black
iron or PVC casing (normally 2" D) - see sketch.
B. Fittings
1. Fittings for Pipe 4" and Larger - Fittings shall be
cast or ductile iron meeting all the requirements
of the latest A441%'A Standards C110 and C111. The
joints must be mechanical joint in accordance with
the latest AWWA Standard C111.
2. Fittings for Pipe 3" and Smaller
a. PVC Pipe
(1.) PVC fittings with integral bells and
elastomeric gaskets rated for 200 psi
working pressure.
MY PVC fittings rated for 200 psi working
pressure, with solvent weld joint for
meter laterals. 90's and tee's_only -
not for pipe runs.
b. Ductile Iron Pipe (3")
(1.) Cast or ductile iron fittings with mechanical
joints meeting the requirements of the latest
A1,94A Standards C110 and C111.
3. Fittings for water service tubing (PB and Copper
a. Brass compression curb stops and corporation stops,
compression to threaded adapters, compression by
compression couplings for use with copper tubing
or CTS (copper tube size) polybutylene. The com-
pression fittings shall be Mueller Company, Ford
Meter Bos Company or approved equal. Brass com-
position shall conform to latest AIdVA Standard
Note: Stainless steel liners (tube inserts with flared
end) must be inserted into the end of the poly-
.butylene tubing prior to fitting the compression
b. Service Tap Fittings - Services shall consist of
a corporation stop, water service tubing and a
lock wing curb stop at the end of service line
adjacent to the meter.
(1.) Direct taps - 6" pipe and larger onlv
Note: No direct taps over 1" diameter will
be allowed in PVC pipe. The pipe manufac-
turer's recormiendations shall be adhered
to for taps in ductile iron pipe. Corpora-
tion stops shall be brass :•rith Mueller (CC;
inlet thread and'compression outlet for CT
and CTS -PB. Corporation stops shall conform
to latest AWI4 A Standard C800.
(2.) Taps and service clamps (saddles)
(a.) PVC pipe 3" and smaller - Service
clamp shall be-bronzV with double
strap and elastomeric gasket for
use on DR21 PVC pipe (steel pipe
size PVC) - Service clamp with Mueller
("CC") thread outlet and corporation
stop with Mueller ("CC") -thread inlet
and compression outlet.
-or- Service clamp with I.P. thread outlet,
Schedule 80 PVC or brass threaded
close pipe nipple, corp stop, threaded
to compression adapter for CT or CTS
PB service tubing.
-or- Service clamp with I.P. thread outlet
and corporation stop with I.P.•thread
inlet and compression outlet.
(b,) 3" D.I. pipe, all 4" and larger pipe -
Service clamps (saddles) shall be
bronze with double strap and el.asto-
meric gasket for cast iron O.D. PVC
(DR18) and malleable or ductile iron
with double strap for ductile iron.
Service clamp with Mueller ("CC")
threaded outlet and corporation stop
with Mueller thread inlet and compression
-or- Service clamp with I.P. thread outlet
and corporation stop with I.P, thread
inlet and compression outlet
d. All fittings and pipe in service lines shall be
non -corrosive; ie. PVC, brass, bronze, stainless
steel, polybutylene, copper.
1. 4" and Larger
a. Butterfl,r Valves - Butterfl%_ valves shall be Eor'
direct burial with rubber seats and :mechanical
joint or compression ends. The valves shall meet
the latest AWWA Standard CSO•'+, Class 150B. Ivafer
type valves are not acceptable.
2. 2" through 8"
a. Gate Valves - Gate valves shall comply with all
the applicable sections of AWWA Standard C500.
The valves shall be bubble tight at a 200 psi
water working pressure. The valves shall have
mechanical joint ends'for sizes 4" through 8".
Valves 2" through 3" shall have push -on ends for
PVC or mechanical joint ends with transition
gaskets for PVC. The valves shall be "resilient
wedge" or "resilient seat" gate valves manufactured
by Clow Corporation, Mueller Company or approved
equal. Hand wheel operators are not acceptable.
Note: 4" through 8" may be butterfly or gate
3. Tapping Valves 4" - 12"
a. Valves shall comply with the same specifications
as for gate valves, above, except the ends shall
be mechanical joint by flange to adapt to a standard
tapping sleeve.
4. Valve Boxes - All valves shall have a velve box installed
to the ground surface. The box shall be a two piece
for valves 2" through 12", and three piece for valves
14" and larger. The box shall be a screw type with
5 " shaft. The lid shall be marked "Water.." and must
be painted yellow for City, Blue for County. A concrete
pad must be poured around the top of the box to prevent
damage.or movement. The box shall have extensions as
required. Boxes shall be'as manufactured by %I & H
Valve & Fitting Company, Mueller Company or approve!
5. Operators - Operators shall be suitable for .buried
service, equipped with a 2" square operating nut
and open left.
D. Sleeves
1. Repair or Coupling - Sleeves shall be long body.
Material shall be cast or ductile iron with-:echanical
joint ends. Steel couplings will not be acceotable. -
2. Tapping Sleeves - `aterials shall be as required for
repair sleeves above. Sleeves ust be r•.echaaical
joint ends for the run with a 91an:�e outlet to ^ate
to a standard tapping valve.
E. Hydrants
1. Placement and number of hydrants shall be at the
discretion of the Chief of the Vero Beach Fire
Department, or comply with County requirements on
County system.
2. Hydrants shall be traffic model, compression type,
to open left, with 54" valve opening with one 4�"
pumper.nozzle and two 23," hose nozzles, all National
Standard Threads. liydrants shall have mechanical
-joint 6" inlet connection and National Standard
pentagon operating nut. Color must be yellow for
City; red for County. Hydrants shall be Dresser
"500" Traffic Model manufactured by M & H Valve &
Fitting Company or Centurion A423 manufactured by
Mueller Company. Hydrants shall meet or exceed the
requirements of the latest AWWA Standard C504.
Gate valves upstream of hydrant must be connected to
elbow or tee by tie rods coated with bitumastic or
approved equivalent such as tapping tees. Every
hydrant must have a valve to allow hydrant repair and
F. Meter Installations - Utility personnel shall perform all
meter installations for 2" meters and smaller. The owner/
contractor shall perform meter installation for meters
3" and larger and be subject to utility inspection. All
meter installations 3" and larger shall have a by
incorporated in the design which shall be not less than
one pipe size smaller than the meter.
1. Meter Vault - The meter and bypass shall be installed
in a meter vault. The vault shall be constructed of
concrete or concrete blocks, of adequate size to permit
ease of working in the pit. The vault shall have a
bottom of gravel at least 12" deep. Aluminum treadplate
or folding aluminum door shall cover the opening of
the vault. See standard meter vault drawing.
2. Valdes - Valves in the vault shall meet the specifications
for gate valves given in the valve section above.
G. Installation of Mains - Installation must be in accordance
with the latest AWVA Standard C600 irrespective of the type
of pipe selected. All installation procedures must also
be in conformance with the pipe manufacturer's recommen-
dations. Minimum cover shall be 36" from the centerline
of the pipe, Magnetic I.D. tape shall be placed in the
trench over -PVC pipe, 12" below grade. Allowable deflection
at the pipe joints and curvature of -PVC pipe shall not
exceed the manufacturer's specifications. -
1. Trench - Trench widxh shall be kept to a minimum
necessary for pipe installation. The trench bottom
shall be graded and alignment shall be parallel with
the roadway where possible,
2. Backfill - Only'good quality backfill, free of stones,
roots, rocks, broken cement, or other material which
might be damaging to the pipe shall be used. Backfill
must be put in the trench in lifts.
3. Thrust Blocks - Concrete thrust blocks must be installed
against undisturbed soil at each bend, under valves and
hydrants, behind tees and hydrants, at reducers, crosses
and at the end of a line. Thrust blocks shall be designed
to resist forces created by 200 psi.
4. Compaction - All pipe must be compacted by hand tamping,
to the center line, under the pipe. Backfill shall
be compacte in lifts up to the surface to achieve a
minimum compaction of 95`/ of maximum density in accordance
with AAS -HO T-130 and AST:f D-2167.
5. Wellpointing - Construction shall be accomplished in
a dry trench. Wellpointing will be required as necess-
ary. Upon the completion of the construction, the
wellpoint holes shall be filled with grout.
6. Sheeting - Sheeting and shoring shall be installed as
may be necessary for the protection of the work, preser-
ation of adjacent property and structures and the
safety of employees,
7. Testin.- - Pressure test prcced:sres are set forth in the
appendix: to these specifications. Pressure tests shall
be four ('.) hours in duration at an average pressure
of 150 psi. Allowable leakage shall be as specified
in X!d a Standard Co00 irrespective of the pipe material
selected. Chlorination and flus:;ink procedures are
set for-th in appendix to these specifications.
-19 -
I. System will be flushed before pressure test -with a full
pipe diameter opening. All air, dirt, etc, must be removed
at this time.
A. Minimum velocity for flushing shall be 2.5 f.p.s.
B. Install a corporation stop on any high spot in pipe
to release air.
C. Notify Utility; request permission to flush. When
ample water is available, time will be set.
II. Contractor shall furnish pump and equipment capable of
maintaining average pressure of 150 psi 3b" valve- will
be installed in the piping to accept a pressure gauge
which shall be provided on load by the Utility. g
A. Contractor must notify Utility a minimum of 24 hours
before final pressure and leakage test is to be made.
B. The contractor shall perform a preliminary pressure
test at 150 psi to determine tightness of pipe and
fittings prior to requesting the official pressure and
leakage tests.
C. Pressure will be maintained at an average of 150 psi
for four hours.
D. Total water necessary to maintain pressure must not
exceed AIvZdA C600 specifications (curt attached) .
Contractor's Engineer must certify test uses less
than the allowable loss.
E. Facilities will be provided by contractor to measure
accurately, the amount of :rater used.
F. The leakage allowance shall be based upon the nominal
lL-r.",th of pipe. No allowance for other fitting shall
be included.
III, It is the responsibility of the contractor to make any
repairs necessary to complete this test in a satisfactory
IV. The pressure test must be completed prior to disinfection
of*the main.
The pressure test must be c9mpleted prior to disinfection.
It is the contractor's responsibility to install an adequate
sample point at the end of the line; ie. a stand pipe with a
hose bib or a fire hydrant, with adapter and a hose bib.
*After construction is completed, the main shall be flushed
thoroughly at a scouring velocity (through full pipe diameter).
A 3/4" valve or corporation stop must be installed nest to the
inlet gate valve on new main. Chlorine must be pumped through
entire section of new main being tested. The chlorine and
water must be added to the line at the same time to provide
uniform mixing and sufficient disinfection.
*With the main isolated from the system, select the proper
chlorine dose. Keep in mind that there will be considerable
chlorine demand. To achieve a minimum of 50 mg/l chlorine
residual after 24 hours of retention time, there should be a
minimum dose of 200 mg/l fed in the following manner. Using
the water main diameter and length (see attached chart) the
weight of H.T.H. (calcium hypochlorite) or other approved
chlorine containing chemical, is determined and mixed in 50
gallon drums. Because of the solubility, not more than 5
pounds of chemical can be dissolved in one drum. Thus a drum
of water is used for each successive 3 pounds of dry. chlorine
(H.T.H.) used. This chlorine solution is then pumped into the
new main and retained in the main for 24 hours.
;After the 2" hours, sample will be checked by City personnel
to -ake sure there is a minimum of 50 mg/1 chlorine residual.
Flush the main until normal system chlorine residual is observed
at the discharge end of tho pipe. Bacteriological samples :ail1
be taken on two consecutive days.
Following successful disinfection, line pressure will be main-
tained in the system. For any loss of pressure, the ;Hain will
be subject to re -sampling for bacteria.
*Note: This operation is to be repeated if the two successive
bacteriological samples do not test negative.
LWA 0;,00 Section 1'^.7 (at 150 psi 4 hour test/1000' 18' sections of pipe)
fir. F 1 C 1
Le^nth 20' Length
0.76 .
= 0.68
1.12 1%01
1.48 1.33
2.20 1.98
1 2 `:6 2.66
f - ' 3.68
4.40 3.a1
5.16 :6
i6 55.38
�� 6.64 5.98
7. 6.62
2Y 8.84 7 06
r ,t
-='- -- _-_ � of pile OI' aflttloc can be fie--u2•ed with the
_cllO i.=�; _e=mula:
L= h D V p
L = r•zc::v�e Allowable, in Gallons D6r Hour
'*'=.ber of Joints
D = `:oma: ; l Pipe Diameter, in inches
= FcOn:dS Per Square Imch Ave^s-e (ie, most of the time)
=.�_o- __o_ ..e•.. it::., C600 StaaAar-, 1977
CCLY;tt•��1r••. ww ...... �.
i'.1.::.� .wJN L.J CE 7C;5 C�.T_,CIU;i ?�OC':-�,CRIlE('_�I.T.H.) PiEE,DED TO D05: 9T 200 i
10" -
5 ES
" .08
- .38
. -45
1.1 -
10" -
5 ES
To avoid conflict and to assure the Utilities Department that
+= they rec-eived utilities unencumbered, warranted and to speci-
fications, the following itmes shall be presented to the City
or County before they accept responsibility for operation
and maintenance of said utilities. The individual services
shall not be attached to'these facilities'until such time as
the requirements have been met.
1. Dedication of adequate easements to the Utility System on
which the utilities have been placed. The easement form
prepared by the City Attorney shall be utilized for this
2. Conveyance of the utility shall be made on the form
prepared by the City Attorney.
3. A letter from the Contractor stating that all labor and
materials incorporated for this project have been paid.
4. A letter from the Contractor warranting said project for
one year from the date of acceptance by the Utilitv
Department for all labor and material incorporated therein.
5. A letter from the [dater & Sewer Department that the work
involved is satisfactory.
6. A letter from the Engineer of Record for the project certifying
the following:
a. Tests as required by the Utility Department on water
and sewer have been perEormod and meet or escoed the
criteria as established.
b. That bacteriological tests have been per=ormed and ar_
c. A letter stating that all specification requirements
for the Utilities have been met.
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