HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06-2017 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 6, 2017 1. Call to Order Chairwoman Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 06 C 3. Roll Call r.O 4 Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Reyes C fA Vil Mr. Simmons (a) Mr. Hughan (a) C o o$00 Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Alvarez t13 C Ms. Kautenburg (L Not Present: Mr. McManus CIS Mr. Carter oM Also Present: Mr. Frank Watanabe, City Engineer D 'C Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner N p a a rn �aU) c0N Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was not present 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications Ms. Bosworth stated that Mr. McManus and Mr. Carter may be running late. If they did not arrive, Mr. Hughan and Mr. Simmons would be voting in their place. 5. Approval of minutes A. Regular Meeting of March 16, 2017 Ms. Kautenburg called for additions, deletions or corrections to the March 16, 2017 minutes. Mr. Roth noted that the discussed suggestion of incorporating the fishing village theme into the site was not part of the motion. He asked if the developer had indicated if that would be done. Ms. Bosworth responded that the suggestion was not part of the motion. She also reported that no information had been received indicating that the developer was planning to take such action. A motion to accept the March 16, 2017 minutes as presented was made by Mr. Reyes, seconded by Mr. Simmons and passed unanimously by voice vote. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 6, 2017 6. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearinas A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Riverfront Overlay District Waiver — Wendy's Restaurant — 1625 U. S. Highway #1 — Temporary Waiver Request for Required Screening of Rooftop Mechanical Equipment — LCD Section 54-4-21.A.5(e)(1) Ms. Kautenburg asked if the Commissioners had any ex -parte communications that needed to be reported, hearing none she swore in those presenting information this evening. She requested the applicant come forward and make their presentation. Mr. Mike Allen, owner of the Wendy's Restaurant, stated that recently the air conditioning system on the roof was replaced. Due to a truss issue on the roof it had to be installed at the front of the building rather than the rear. He noted that all requirements and codes have been complied with. He explained that he is planning to remodel the restaurant and is requesting the Waiver to allow him time until the remodel could be accomplished or determined to not be practical. Ms. Bosworth stated that the visibility issue became apparent in the closing out of the Building Permit. She explained that the Overlay District requires screening of roof top equipment. She stated that staff agrees that doing permanent screening at this time, then a remodel within 18 months could impose an unnecessary cost on the applicant. Should the applicant decide to not accomplish the remodel, they would be given until the end of the year to provide the required screening. She stated that staff recommends approval of the application. Mr. Qizilbash asked why the applicant is being given 18 months to comply when the requirement states 12 months. Ms. Bosworth responded that the extra time is being allowed because the applicant is in the process of remodeling two other locations and the extended time may ease the financial burden. Mr. Qizilbash expressed concern of possible extensions being issued after the 18 months. Ms. Bosworth stated that there would not be extensions issued, but the Commissioners could make that stipulation a part of their motion. Mr. Simmons asked if this type situation is normally identified at the permitting stage. Ms. Bosworth responded that the permit issued was to install the equipment at the rear of the building, but due to the truss issue with the roof it had to be installed at the front of the building which creates the visibility issue. Mr. Alvarez asked for details on what the remodeling will include. Mr. Allen responded that the final plan will be determined at the time the plans are drawn, but it is his desire to increase the height of the parapet wall to shield the equipment from view. He requested the Commission include in their motion to make the 18 month time frame to be through the permitting process and not completion of the project. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 6, 2017 Mr. Reyes stated that it seems to him the 12 months should be more than sufficient, because the planning and contracting should already be in process. Ms. Bosworth stated that in staffs opinion the 18 months would allow time for Mr. Allen to decide if he does in fact want to do the remodel and if he does not, the screening will have to be in place before the end of the year. Mr. Allen stated that he does not have any remodel plans, construction information, etc. in place at this time. Mr. Reyes observed that the equipment on the roof at the rear of the building is visible. Ms. Bosworth responded that the restaurant was built before the Overlay District was created and at the rear of the building is the railroad and a conservation area. Mr. Roth asked for clarification on the condition that the screening has to be done before the end of the year. Ms. Bosworth explained that if Mr. Allen decides to not do the remodel that provision will set a time certain to get the screening in place. Mr. Reyes suggested that when the remodel is done the fishing village theme be incorporated. Ms. Bosworth responded that with the remodel he will be eligible for the FSL grant if he incorporates the theme. Ms. Kautenburg called for any further questions or comments, hearing none she opened the Public Hearing. She called for anyone from the public wishing to speak in favor of the application, hearing none she called for anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the application. Hearing none she closed the meeting to the Public and called for staff summary. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff recommends approval of the temporary waiver until October, 2018. She asked the Commissioner's direction regarding issuance of extensions. She stated that all building permits must be issued and the remodel construction begun. If the remodel does not take place proper screening of the rooftop equipment must be completed by the end of 2017. MOTION: by Simmons/Alvarez "I move to accept staff recommendations with the change of the word "should" to the word "will" in the last sentence of the staff report." Ms. Kautenburg stated for the record that Mr. Simmons and Mr. Hughan will be voting. ROLL CALL: Mr. Hughan (a) —Yes Mr. Qizilbash —Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Total vote was 7-0. Motion Carried. 7. Unfinished Business — None 8. Public Input —None Mr. Reyes — Yes Mr. Roth —Yes Mr. Simons (a) — Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 6, 2017 9. New Business PAGE 4 A. Accessory Structure Review LDC Section — 1518 Pleasantview Lane — 682 SF Shed — Justin Dabelow Ms. Kautenburg called for the applicant to come forward. Ms. Bosworth noted that Mr. Dabelow was planning to be present this evening, but since he is not she requested the application be tabled until the next meeting. Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. MOTION: by Roth/Hughan "I move that we table the accessory structure review at 1518 Pleasantview Lane and it be put on the agenda for the next meeting after the request by the petitioner." The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Roth stated that he had driven by the property earlier and there was work being conducted. Ms. Bosworth stated that permits had been issued for tree removal, land clearing and driveway work, but the permit for the shed had not been issued. 10. Commissioners Matters Mr. Roth stated that a number of years ago the creation of a book regarding the fishing village theme the City would like incorporated into development was discussed, but has not been accomplished. He suggested that this be addressed again because it would provide specific direction to developers about what is approved or recommended. Ms. Bosworth stated that she was aware that in the past photos and suggestions of the fishing village theme had been provided to those contacting the City regarding development. She noted that the Overlay Districts have been in place for a number of years and suggested possibly reviewing each to determine if updates are needed. Ms. Bosworth stated that in plan review staff looks at the buildings individually, as to size, type, etc. before making across the board requirements. Ms. Kautenburg supported reviewing the fishing village theme requirements to determine if they are consistent with today's concept of the theme. Ms. Bosworth suggested developing a document which gave direction on what elements the City would like to see incorporated into new construction or remodel if the Commission would like to and if the City Council approves of the project. Mr. Reyes supported the suggestion to look into ways to further the fishing village theme. He asked for an update on the drainage and road issues from Mr. Watanabe. Mr. Watanabe provided details on the road overlay and reconstruction projects. He stated that the drainage on Jefferson Street is a joint City FDOT project; a stormwater grant is being applied for; the Police Evidence Locker and Hangar C projects are underway; restrooms at the Working Waterfront and the Barber Street Complex are being addressed. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 6, 2017 Mr. Reyes asked about stormwater treatment efforts related to the road repair. Mr. Watanabe responded that the work being done on the road is classified repair fully funded by FDOT and does not include the installation of a baffle box for filtering, the drainage is grandfathered in. Mr. Reyes expressed concern that no effort will be made to filter the stormwater that goes into the lagoon. Mr. Watanabe responded to Mr. Reyes' question concerning peeling paint at City Hall by explaining that the bid opening has been scheduled. Mr. Roth asked for details on the railroad crossing at Barber Street. Mr. Watanabe stated that the working being done is a required crossing maintenance by FEC. The cost share to the City will be approximately $100,000. He explained that although it is not connected to upgrades for All Aboard Florida, if those are made in the future this work would be removed and replaced. Mr. Watanabe stated that he supports upgrades relating to safety, etc. He stated that the City has received no further word as to the status of All Aboard Florida. He explained that the railroad bridge over St. Sebastian River is adequate for the current freight train usage, but if All Aboard Florida becomes a reality a dual bridge will be constructed on either side of the existing bridge and the existing will be demolished. Mr. Hughan asked about the road work proposed for CR512. Mr. Watanabe explained that it is a County project that will be for a full deck reconstruction; west bound will be from US #1 to Roseland Road; east bound will be Easy Street to US #1. Mr. Reyes asked why there is a stop sign at Larkspur. Mr. Watanabe responded that there had been complaints about motorists not exercising caution at that intersection and in order to increase safety an all way stop was installed. 11. Citv Attornev Matters — None 12. Staff Matters — None 13. Items for Next Agenda Mr. Simmons requested that when the Applicant for the Accessory Structure Review is contacted he be requested to provide a photo of the side of the house facing the shed and one of the front of the house. Ms. Bosworth responded that will be done. 14. Admiourn Chairwoman Kautenburg called for any further business, hearing none she adjourned the meeting at 6:27 pm. /sm