HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-22-2017 PR Agenda - No QuorumCITY OF SEBAS-T�" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX (772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Monday, May 22, 2017 6:00 PM 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting April 24, 2017 6) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Item A: Friendship Park Special Needs Playground Status Item B: Pickle Ball Status May 10" City Council Draft Minutes CSA -2 Agreement Item C: Recreational Impact Fees Update Item D: Playground Inspections May 101" City Council Draft Minutes 7) NEW BUSINESS: Item A: Dog Park Status 8) PUBLIC INPUT 9) STAFF MATTERS 10) BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 11) ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE 12) ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OFTHIS MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 24, 2017 1. Call to Order — Vice Chairman Paschall called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present Mr. Greg Paschall Ms. Rosemary Flescher Ms. JoAnn Webster Ms. JoAnne White Ms. Corrine Gilroy (A) Not Present Mr. Matthew Sims — Excused Also Present Mr. Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Ms. Margarita Hernandez, Parks Administrator Ms. Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 4. Agenda Modifications — None 5. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting March 27, 2017 Ms. White stated that page 2, paragraph 3, should be corrected to state that Ms. White pointed out, not Ms. Webster. A motion to approve the March 27, 2017 minutes as corrected was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. White and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Unfinished Business Item A: Friendship Park Special Needs Playground Status Proposed Playground Specs. Ms. Hernandez stated that she had met with the Physical Therapist for Indian River County regarding the playground. With that input as well as that of the City Engineer she prepared the All Inclusive Playground Specs for Bid Process which was provided to the Committee in their agenda package. She stated that items highlighted in yellow represent the refinements made by the City Engineer to better clarify what the City is looking for. She noted that the design and structure guidelines were expanded to be more specific as related to ADA requirements. Mr. Paschall asked if there are any guidelines as to playground size and amount of equipment for ADA compliance. Mr. Watanabe responded that in addition to the size of the piece of equipment Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 2 Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 24, 2017 there are requirements for safety zones around each piece and that is what dictates the overall size of the playground. Mr. Paschall asked for details on how the project would progress and if the bid recipient would handle the installation. Mr. Watanabe responded that the plan is for the company who is awarded the bid to handle the entire project. He explained that the contractor who is selected will be certified in this type installation and when it is completed they will inspect the equipment and site to insure compliance with ADA and safety requirements. He stated that when the bids are received and opened they would be brought to the Committee for review and selection. Mr. Paschall urged the public to have input into the selection. Ms. White noted that there are some students observing the meeting and provided an explanation of the discussion concerning the playground and equipment. Item B: Pickle Ball Status Site and Cost Estimate Ms. Hernandez stated that Mr. Schulke is present and the Committee received the site plan and cost estimate in their agenda packets. Mr. Schulke, Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, stated that as a result of direction provided at the previous meeting he and staff worked together to prepare the site plan and cost estimate provided to the Committee. He explained that it is for four finished courts and the ground work and infrastructure for an additional four courts which would be built at a future date. He provided details on what is included in the plan and the estimate. Ms. White asked if the engineering costs will be incurred for the future four courts. Mr. Schulke responded that he has prepared the plans in such a way that there would be no further engineering costs. He provided details on the lighting, electrical, pavilion and water cooler. Ms. Gilroy stated that there were a number of areas that the pricing seemed out of line when going between four courts and eight courts. Mr. Schulke responded that the estimate was from a pickle ball contractor who is not present to provide a detailed explanation of the variances. He provided a detailed explanation of what the current proposal addresses versus what the prior estimate addressed. He stated that the entire eight courts will be permitted, with four built now and four built at a later date. Ms. Gilroy stated that she supports four courts rather than eight because of the cost of upkeep to the City. She stated that the cost estimate seems very high and asked it the project would go to bid. Mr. Watanabe responded that what Mr. Schulke has presented is a conceptual plan based on direction by the City. He explained that when the City finalizes their plan for the project, that will come back to the Committee for their final approval, it will then go to City Council for their approval, and then it will go out for bid. Mr. Paschall stated that he supported preparing the entire site so that it would not be necessary to destroy work that is already in place in order to build the additional four courts in the future. He inquired if there would be any additional engineering work required for the future courts. Mr. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 3 Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 24, 2017 Watanabe responded all the engineering work is already done and nothing further would be needed. In response to Ms. Gilroy's question regarding the cost estimate Mr. Schulke explained that the conceptual plan in as per the USAPBA recommendations for fencing, lighting, etc. Mr. Paschall clarified that what is before the Committee at this time is the conceptual plan, not the results of biding the project. The information provided is from an engineering position to determine what work needs to be done so bids can be requested. Mr. Watanabe agreed. Mr. Paschall concluded the discussion by stating that the matter before the Committee is the engineering phase of the project and not the bid phase. He stated that he is aware there are members of the public present and their comments will be welcomed under the Public Input item on the Agenda. A motion to move forward with the project was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. White and passed unanimously by voice vote. Item C: Recreational Impact Fees Ms. Hernandez stated that the latest report on the Recreation Impact Fees was provided in the agenda package. Mr. Watanabe explained that there are a number of projects that have not been completed but stay in the CIP listing. He noted that with the increase in construction costs the cost of projects may exceed the amount of the impact fees. He explained that since there are no large areas left in the City to develop the future fees will decrease. Ms. White asked about the amount of the impact fee for a residence. Ms. Hernandez stated that it is $975. She also explained that there is no time limit on how long the impact fees are available; they remain in the account until used. Ms. White thanked Ms. Hernandez for providing the report and the information. 7. New Business Item A: Playground Inspections CPSI Quotes Ms. Hernandez explained that because the Indian River Regional Planning Council will be assisting with the City's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan it has been agreed that the City will provide them with inspections of each of the playgrounds and the bids to conduct the inspections were included in the agenda package. She provided information on what the bidders were offering and the proposed frequency. Following discussion it was agreed that the Orlando firm would not be considered and the selection between the other two candidates would be left up to staff. The consensus was that implementing inspections of the parks is a very good idea. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 24, 2017 8. Public Input Page 4 Mr. Ron VanCamp stated that he supports the Pickle Ball Courts and suggested the City consider installing six now and the additional two later. Mr. Ben Hocker stated he did not agree with the proposed location of the ADA playground behind City Hall. He suggested considering a more convenient location such as the Park on Easy Street. He urged the City to reach out to the community and seek their input on the location. Mr. Hocker stated regarding the Pickle Ball Courts that it is a large amount of money to invest when some of the other recreational needs have not been addressed. He provided details on his experience with the pickle ball being conducted in Sebastian. Mr. Paschall stated that the Pickle Ball courts were presented at the City Council meeting and there was strong public support for moving forward with their installation by the City. Mr. Robert Hatch stated that he supports the Pickle Ball Court construction. He provided details on his experience playing Pickle Ball and how much he, along with many others in the City, enjoy the sport. Mr. George Cedars stated he supports the construction of the Pickle Ball Courts. He suggested that the City consider eliminating some of the other proposed items such as the drinking fountain and put that money toward more courts. He suggested that possibly tournaments could be held. Mr. Paschall stated that the City would like to have input from the Pickle Ball players when the bids come in to review various specifications that would be associated with conducting tournaments. Mr. Les Peterson stated that he supports the position of installing the infrastructure for eight courts to reduce the overall cost. He explained his experiences stating that he plays in Florida and also at his northern home. He provided details on the sport stating that it is one of the fastest growing in the country. 9. Staff Matters — None 10. Board or Committee Member Matters Ms. White thanked Ms. Hernandez for her efforts in organizing the Easter Egg Hunt. She stated that she heard from several people how much fun it was. 11. Items for Next Agenda and Date — The next meeting date is May 22, 2017 12. Adjourn Vice Chairman Paschall called for any further business, hearing none he adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm. By: Matthew Sims, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee s/m Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting of May 22, 2017 Unfinished Business: Agenda Item B Regular City Council Meeting May 10, 2017 Page Four MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND b Mayor Coy to approve an agreement with Playground Guardian, Inc. to con ety inspections and inventory of City equipment. ROLL CALL: odd — Aye Mr. Hill —Aye Ms. Kinchen —Aye Mayor McPartlan — Aye Vice Mayor Coy — Aye Motion carried 5-0. ���'i' 7.093 B. (Transmittal. CSA 1, Plans Cost Estimates CSA 2 Zone Allocations Available Funds) The City Manager said he included the conceptual plan for the pickle ball courts and projected impact fee balances, noting the estimate is about $200K over from the initial estimate. He explained other recent bids have come in over budget giving reason that Mr. Schulke's estimate might be in line. Mayor McPartlan confirmed the amount was $19,700. Vice Mayor Coy said she thought they were doing four courts now and four later. The City Manager explained that after determining the purchase of property wasn't necessary, he and the City Engineer determined the type of amenities needed and four courts would be built now with the land prepped for more courts later. Mr. Hill said it they should make plans for the additional four, reminding them that several tennis courts were originally planned for Friendship Park but not built, and now the courts are not usable, for example, as a tournament site. Mr. Dodd said there will be a larger cost to come back later to make the remaining courts. He went over the proposed expenditures and noted that although approximately $170,000 will be refurbished in the next budget cycle, they should consider any work that might be needed to bring playground equipment up to ADA compliance or safety compliance. He noted there will be a $150,000 deficit in the fund. He proposed they approve this engineering cycle, close the project for this budget year and add it to the CIP FYI 7/18 cycle with all the amenities. MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Mr. Hill to approve the engineering study as presented, remove it from FY16/17 budget and move it as a new project to FYI 7/18 cycle. Ben Hocker cited part of the recreation impact fee code, noting the funds must be used in the zone collected. He asked for the code that provides that multiple zones can pay for the pickle ball courts. Mr. Hill explained regional parks can share the fees collected. The City Manager said there is enough money in this budget cycle but the fund would be dwindled fairly low because the football field restroom could come in high. Regular City Council Meeting May 10, 2017 Page Five Mr. Dodd said he wanted to break it into two budget cycles because more affordable alternatives have not been discussed. Vice Mayor Coy said the project could be modified while in progress. Mr. Hill and Ms. Kinchen commented that Mr. Dodd's motion would not slow down the project. Mr. Hill withdrew his SECOND to Mr. Dodd's motion. MOTION by Mayor McPartlan and SECOND by Vice Mayor Coy to approve the Continuing Services Agreement #2 to the Schulke, Bittle, & Stoddard, LLC Continuing Engineering Services Agreement to provide final design, construction documents and permitting for four pickle ball courts. ROLL CALL: Ms. Kinchen —Aye Mayor McPartlan — Aye Vice Mayor Coy — Aye Mr. Dodd —Aye Mr. Hill -Aye Motion carried 5-0. 11. PUBLIC INPUT 1�r New information or requests to city council not otherwise on the prepared agenda 17.051 A. Carey Timinsky — Light Up Blue Awareness Ms. Timinsky, Secretary to Autism Awareness, said as part of their fundraiser las onth, a magnolia tree was donated to the organization and they would like to donate it e City for planting at Riverview Park with a dedication sign and have it lit up blue eve pril. Vice Mayor Coy thanked them for the tree but requested they takenership for anything the group would like to see around the site in perpetuity. Ms. Ti ' sky agreed to take care of the site. Roy Woodall, 7895 134'" Street, Sebastian, said there,A a lot of sand on the Main Street boat ramp caused by people gunning their engines t et their boats on and off their trailers. He said the revving also affects the nearby sma docks which are unusable at the Yacht Club and undermines the piers stabXwees he City begins to repair the docks, he suggested requiring the use of powernd the formation of a volunteer group to help get boats on and off their trailers. Mayor McPartlan suggested thSoeity Manager send the City Engineer out to look at the washed out sand and maybe st a 'help your neighbor' sign. The City Manager said sand does need to be rem ovedpffiodically from the Main Street boat ramp and washes out at the Yacht Club boat ramp,,pffich can be looked at as they begin the repair. Ben Hocker sai rricane Matthew was the cause of the sand accumulation on top of the boat ramp. spoke of Casey Gilliams' participation in Habitat for Humanity's Bike and Build ProjwFwhich indicates the caliber of citizens the City has in the community. Jim nnycalb displayed a sign that is available to remind individuals not to leave their dren and animals in hot cars. He asked if the sign could be made into a decal and placed on City vehicles to promote awareness. Mayor McPartlan noted it is on channel 25 and posted in the dog park. 5 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA WORK AUTHORIZATION FORM CONSULTANT SERVICE AGREEMENT (CSA) Work Authorization No: #CSA -2 Project Identification: City of Sebastian — Friendship Park Recreation Improvements Description of Assignment: Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC will provide engineering for final site plan design and permitting for the site development of new improvements to Friendship Park including 8 pickle ball courts, building plans for gazebo (roofed open structure), 24 +/- parking spaces and driveway, lighting, and necessary modifications to existing pavement and drainage facilities. See detailed Scope of Work (Exhibit A). Deliverable and Fee: The project plans and documents will be delivered as follows: Final Design, Construction Documents and Permitting, Reimbursement Expenses (prints, copies, application fees) $19,700.00 See detailed Fee Schedule (Exhibit B) Period of Services: 60 days to 90 days AGREED: tants / City of ebastian: 11 Date: 5/�I� Date:l� y Tddard, LLC o Griffi Ci y Manager /J Q Approved as to Form and Content for / j�Xx.CA,nd Reliance by the City of Sebastian Only: MMC, City Clerk -- Robert A. Ginsburg, City Attorney SCOPE OF WORK — EXHIBIT A General Description Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard shall provide civil engineering for the site development of new improvements to Friendship Park including 8 pickle ball courts, 10 +/- parking spaces and driveway, lighting, and necessary modifications to existing pavement and drainage facilities. Final Design, Construction Documents, and Permitting 2.0 Final Engineering 2.1 Final Site Plan: Based on the approved Conceptual plan, formal engineering plans and site plan application will be prepared in accordance with the City of Sebastian's Land Development Regulations. This submittal will include the following required elements: a. An engineering site development plan depicting in more detail, features as developed on the conceptual plan, incorporating all existing information readily available, including surveys, record drawings, aerials, maps and documents, etc., and on-site observations. The plan will include proposed and existing site data and conditions required under City of Sebastian's Land Development Regulations, including dimensional lay -out, signage/ striping, parking/ pavement / grading, access, appropriate details and cross sections of the site, site data / area calculations, etc. b. A landscape plan in accordance with City of Sebastian's Land Development Regulations. C. Stormwater Management Plan and Engineering report in compliance with City of Sebastian Land Development Regulations and SJRWMD regulations. d. Utility Plan: Utilities plan for water system service connection. 2.2 Lighting Plan: Provide electrical engineers plan for new and/or modified site lighting (street lights, baseball field lighting, and pickle ball court lighting). Electrical construction documents to include: a. Locate all electrical (i.e. receptacles, switches, transformers, motors, and panels) and lighting (i.e. specify fixtures and lighting controls) components. b. Circuit and homerun all components, creating appropriate panel schedules. c. Create a one -line riser diagram showing all major equipment with feeder schedule. d. Design a lighting control system that meets Florida Energy Code with detail drawings. 2.3 Gazebo: Structural/building plans for roofed open shade structure. 3.0 Permitting 3.1 Construction plans, engineering calculations and reports, and supporting documentation will be submitted to the appropriate agencies for the following construction permits: a. St. Johns River Water Management District (40C-42) b. City of Sebastian Site Plan C. City of Sebastian Land Clearing and Tree Removal d. City of Sebastian Stormwater Management Permit (assume water fountains will be provided) e. City of Sebastian Building Department — Plan Review 3.2 Follow up with permitting agencies via telephone, e-mail or written correspondence. Review and address and review comments and revise the plans accordingly. Resubmit as required. 3.3 Upon issuance of the above permits, the site plan shall be released and construction may commence with site work. Page 1 of 1 FEE SCHEDULE — EXHIBIT B Final Desian. Construction Documents, and Permittin 2.0 Final Engineering 2.1 Final Site Plan 2.2 Electrical Construction Documents 2.3 Gazebo/Building Plans 3.0 Permitting "Reimbursables Direct Reimbursement $7,500.00 $2,200.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $2,500.00 (Estimate) Contract administration, contract procurement/bidding services, and inspections are not included within the above scope and fee. The following consultants will be retained by SBS to provide all necessary services. The consultant fee is included in SBS cost above: • Electrical Engineer — Treasure Coast Engineering $3,600.00 • Surveyor— Meridian Land Surveying $ 500.00 Reimbursables will be billed direct to the client at cost or paid direct by the client, and include permit application fees, surveying, soils and/or other required field tests, prints, copies, mailings/ FedEx, mileage, archeological or environmental consultation and studies, traffic analysis/ consultation, traffic counting, etc. Prints - $2.00/sheet Xerox Copies - $0.15/page Mileage - $0.54/mile Other Reimbursables —at cost Invoices shall be submitted monthly, and the invoice amount shall be in proportion to the percentage of the Scope of Work complete. All payments must be received by the Engineer within 30 days of the date of an invoice. Any payments received after said date will be subject to a late interest fee of one and one half percent (1-1/2%) per month. The client shall be responsible for all attorney's fees, court costs, and related expenses incurred in the event that payment is not timely made and proceedings are brought by the Engineer to collect sums owed. RATE SCHEDULE The following rates will apply to actual time devoted by Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, L.L.C. staff to this project computed to the nearest % hour. Personnel Hourly Rate Principal $200.00 Project Manager/Engineer $150.00 Design Tech $120.00 Construction Manager $ 85.00 Draftsman $ 85.00 Inspector $ 75.00 Clerical $ 60.00 Page 1 of 1 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting of May 22, 2017 Unfinished Business: Agenda Item D Regular City Council Meeting May 10, 2017 Page Three The City Clerk announced Andrea Ring was interested in serving and avble to be interviewed. MOTION by Vice Mayor Coy and SECOND by Ms. KZtoappointdrea Ring to the alternate position passed with a unanimous support. 17.092 B. Construction Board (Transmittal, Application, Ad, List) i. Interview, Unless Waived, Submit Noxpired Regular Member, Contractor Position — Term t The City Clerk announced Jock CZwasested in serving in the contractor position on the Construction Board. MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECinchen to approve Mr. Crockett to the contractor position with a term to eassed with a unanimous support. 17.046 C. >, Ad, List) Waived, Submit Nominations for One Expired Regular — Term to Expire 5/1/2020 The City Clerk ported that Mr. Qizilbash was not present but would like to serve again. In addition, MLOPughan and Mr. Krull were interested in the position. G by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Vice Mayor Coy to appoint Mr. Qizilbash for another the Planning and Zoning Commission passed with unanimous support. Vice Mayor Coy said she met with Indian River County Commissioner Susan Adams and the Mental Health Association of Indian River County on Monday. The Association is looking to expand services in the north County area and would like to hold a symposium in Council Chambers to receive community input. There was no objection from Council. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 17.068 A. The City Manager said this agreement would allow the inventory and inspection services to be completed as required by the recently executed interlocal agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council with their development of a parks master plan. He. recommended approval. The Parks Administrator said there would be an annual cost of $1,500 for the software. Regular City Council Meeting May 10, 2017 Page Four MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Vice Mayor Coy to approve an agreement with Playground Guardian, Inc. to conduct safety inspections and inventory of City equipment. ROLL CALL: Motion carried 5-0. 17.093 B. Funds Mr. Dodd — Aye Ms. Kinchen —Aye Vice Mayor Coy — Aye Mr. Hill—Aye Mayor McPa�lan — Aye The City Manager said he included the conceptual plan for the pi ball courts and projected impact fee balances, noting the estimate is about $200 over from the initial estimate. He explained other recent bids have come in over bud giving reason that Mr. Schulke's estimate might be in line. Mayor McPartlan confirmed a amount was $19,700. Vice Mayor Coy said she thought they were doing four co now and four later. The City Manager explained that after determining the purchase property wasn't necessary, he and the City Engineer determined the type of ameniti needed and four courts would be built now with the land prepped for more courts later Mr. Hill said it they should make plans for tennis courts were originally planned for F are not usable, for example, as a tournamei onal four, reminding them that several Park but not built, and now the courts Mr. Dodd said there will be a larger At to come back later to make the remaining courts. He went over the proposed expen res and noted that although approximately $170,000 will be refurbished in the next b get cycle, they should consider any work that might be needed to bring playground ipment up to ADA compliance or safety compliance. He noted there will be a $1 000 deficit in the fund. He proposed they approve this engineering cycle, close t project for this budget year and add it to the CIP FY17/18 cycle with all the amenities. MOTION by Mr. Add and SECOND by Mr. Hill to approve the engineering study as presented/Ile it from FY16/17 budget and move it as a new project to FY17118 cycle. Ben part of the recreation impact fee code, noting the funds must be used in the zoHe askedfor the code that provides that multiple zones can pay for the pickleMr. Hill explained regional parks can share the fees collected. City Manager said there is enough money in this budget cycle but the fund would be died fairly low because the football field restroom could come in high.