HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-02-2017 NRB MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 2017 1. Chairwoman Ring called the Natural Resources Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Chairwoman Andrea Ring James Clifton Gilbert Gordian, Jr. Vicki Tunker Rose Glaser Ann Lucier Members Not Present: Vice Chairman Bob Progulske — Excused Also Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 4. Agenda Modifications — None 5. Approval of Minutes —April 4, 2017 Meeting Minutes Ms. Ring asked if there were any corrections or modifications to the minutes. Hearing none she called for a motion. A motion to approve the April 4, 2017 minutes as presented was made by Mr. Clifton seconded by Ms. Tunker and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Unfinished Business Item A Earth Day — Saturday April 22, 2017 Update of event by Rose Glaser Ms. Ring thanked Ms. Glaser for making Earth Day a success. The Board expressed their thanks and gave Ms. Glaser a round of applause. Mr. Glaser provided a detailed report on the event naming the participants and the activity they provided. She stated that everyone had a great time and the event went smoothly. She reviewed the expenses in detail and noted that the total spent was $973, Natural Resources Board Page 2 Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2017 so the additional $200 that was approved was not required. She noted that the rock painting was a great success, but the chalk art was not as good as in prior years. She stated that the advertising this year was much better. She explained how she had placed information on Facebook which was viewed many times and forwarded. She felt this is why the turnout was so good. Ms. Lucier stated that she believes that being able to pay the entertainment rather than getting volunteers has made it easier to get good performers. Ms. Glaser agreed, but stated that what they are paid is far less than their usual rate. Ms. Lucier suggested getting small signs to put around the park advertising Earth Day. She noted that the marque is blocked by the flags and the banner is not seen unless you are going down toward the river. Ms. Glaser stated that Earth Day next year will be on April 21St. Ms. Lucier stated that getting the word out early might make it easier for participants to save the date so they will not have conflicts. Mr. Clifton stated that this is the 3`d year he has participated and it has gotten easier each year. He asked Ms. Glaser to provide the information she has developed to the Board so it could stay with the Board in case she were to resign. Ms. Glaser responded that she has provided on going reports and lists throughout the planning stage and she will provide a final report and vendor list to the Board via email. Ms. Ring called for a motion to set Earth Day for April 21, 2018. A motion to designate April 21, 2018 as Earth Day was made by Ms. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Gordian and passed unanimously by voice vote. Item B. Gopher Tortoise Burrow: Update on Build -a -Burrow by Ann Lucier Ms. Lucier reported that the kids really had a good time going through the burrow and seeing what animals share the burrows with the tortoises. She stated that she had made the burrow a little larger than was recommended which allowed larger children to go through it. She stated that she has the burrow disassembled with all its parts in containers ready for next year. The Board thanked her for building it. She responded that it was fun and she enjoyed seeing how much the kids liked it. Item C. NRB Calendar of Events a) May, 2017 — None c) June, 2017 — None Ms. Glaser stated that the next event will be July 4th. She reported that she walked along the shore line and there is not enough debris that a clean-up would be needed. Natural Resources Board Page 3 Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2017 7. New Business Item A. Discuss raising the board's budget from $1,000 to $1,500 As a result of discussion it was agreed to pass a motion to raise the budget and request Mr. Watanabe to present it to the City Manager for approval by the City Council. A motion to request an increase in the Natural Resources Board budget from $1,000 to $1,500 was made by Ms. Tunker, seconded by Mr. Clifton. Roll Call: Ms. Ring —Yes Ms. Tunker —Yes Mr. Clifton —Yes Mr. Gordian —Yes Ms. Glaser — Yes Ms. Lucier —Yes The vote was 6/0. Motion Carried. Mr. Watanabe stated that he will forward this to the City Manager for inclusion in the budget which will go to the Council for approval for the fiscal year starting in October, 2017. Item B. Discuss storage of NRB equipment (booth, banners, other materials Ms. Ring explained that the Board needs to determine a way to store its materials in one secure place. Mr. Watanabe responded that this discussion is the result of the lost banner. He stated that now the banner and some other items are being stored in a room at City Hall. The problem is that the room is not secure and it is difficult to prevent someone from removing the items. Following a detailed discussion the consensus was that the items are City property and should be stored at the City rather than at someone's home. Mr. Watanabe suggested placing all the items in a box or container and marking it clearly NRB. He stated that he will research the cost of plastic bins for storage and report back at the next meeting. Item C. Discuss the requirements for asking senior high school students to help at future Earth Day events. Ms. Ring stated that in years past students helped at the Earth Day Events. Mr. Watanabe stated there is a procedure that must be followed to have students participate at non -school functions that takes a good deal of time to complete. He provided details on his past experience with the process. He stated that he will get the necessary paperwork and help, but suggested that the Board appoint a member to Natural Resources Board Page 4 Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2017 handle the communications, etc. He stated that there is a Youth Commission which may be able to help. The consensus was that help is needed for the event. It would let the Board members circulate and visit with the vendors rather than being restricted to their particular activity. Mr. Gordian stated he will contact the Boy Scouts and the High School. 8. Public Input — None 9. Staff Matters Item A. Attached is the NRB roster Mr. Watanabe stated that he included in the agenda package the NRB roster. He explained that there are two positions available and the City has received two applications which should be approved by Council before the next NRB meeting. 10. Member Matters — None 11. Items for Next Agenda 12. Adjourn — There being no further business Chairwoman Ring adjourned the meeting at 6:34 p.m. By(/<l'LZG� Date: �i ��I % Vice Chairman Bob P o ulske /sm