HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-2017 BAC AgendaCrn.f SEBA" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. MONDAY—June 19, 2017 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes: Meeting of June 5, 2017 5. Presentation by Ken Kiligore, Administrative Services Director and Committee discussion of the Draft Budget and Capital Improvement Plan Recommendations. 6. PUBLIC INPUT 7. STAFF MATTERS (Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director) 8. BOARD MATTERS a. Comments/Discussion by Individual Committee Members b. Discussion of Topics for Next Meeting on July 10, 2017 9. ADJOURN Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of June 5, 2017 Draft Budget and Capital Improvement Plan (Public Copy is on City's Website) HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. ALL CITIZENS BUDGET ADVISORY BOARD MEETINGS ARE AIRED LIVE ON COMCAST CHANNEL 25 ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 5, 2017 1. Chairman Napier called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Ed Herlihy Mr. Larry Napier Mr. Michael Frank Mr. Sergio Mota Mr. Harry Hall Mr. Bruce Hoffman Ms. Andrea Ring Members Not Present: Mr. Tim Slaven — Excused Ms. Victoria Flaherty — Excused Also Present: Mr. Kenneth Killgore, Administrative Services Director Ms. Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 4. Approval of Minutes A. Meeting of February 21, 2017 Mr. Napier called for any corrections to the minutes; hearing none he called for a motion. A motion to approve the February 21, 2017 meeting minutes as presented was made by Mr. Herlihy, seconded by Mr. Frank and carried unanimously by voice vote. 5. Welcome to New Alternate Members — Victoria Flaherty and Andrea Ring Mr. Napier welcomed Ms. Ring to the Committee. He stated that Ms. Flaherty has an excused absence for this evening. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Page 2 Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2017 6. Review of Second Quarterly Report — FY 2017 Mr. Killgore stated that the Second Quarterly Report along with the Resolution amending the budget, that will forwarded to the City Council, was provided to the Board for review this evening. He noted that Exhibit A outlines the Budget Adjustments and provided detail on the large line items. He continued to the Executive Summary and reported that General Fund at March 31, 2017 ended with revenues at 57% of budget and expenses at 47% of amounts allocated. He explained that as compared to last year, the revenues are higher and the expenditures are less, primarily due to the early retirement program. He provided details on the revenue and expenses, explaining each one that was in excess of 50% of budget at the end of the first six months of the year. He stated that he did not see any problems in the General Revenue Fund. He continued to the Special Revenue Funds and Capital Projects by explaining that the revenue sources are very close to what was budgeted with no significant increases over last year. He reviewed the Debt Service Funds and Long -Term Debt by explaining that the Discretionary Sales Tax Bank Note funds which were used for City Hall and the Police Station was satisfied on 4/1/2017 although it is not reflected in the financial reports being reviewed. He stated that the Golf Course revenue is more than budgeted because the report covers the portion of the year when there is more use. He noted that maintenance is being performed on the greens reducing it to nine holes available for play and explained that will continue through the summer and result in reduced revenue. He stated that the Airport and Building are both adding to their reserves. He continued to the Fund Summaries explaining that report provides more detail on accounts and categories. He stated that the Capital Project Status Report had been changed in an effort to make the report more useful to the Board. He pointed out that the Hurricane Matthew Expenses are for the repairs reported to FEMA for reimbursement, but those expenses do not include repairs to the docks. He continued to the General Fund Cash Reserves and explained that there are additional projects which occurred after March 315' and the dock repairs which will reduce this balance further. He reviewed the Quarterly Investment Report and noted that the investment in the Florida Trust is showing a positive trend. Mr. Hoffman asked if there was any labor included in the Hurricane Matthew Expenses. Mr. Killgore responded that no labor is included, it is primarily for the debris removal and materials for the repairs. He stated that it is what FEMA should reimburse the City for. Mr. Killgore provided details on how the City's insurance is structured and stated that they had received a small payment for one facility. He stated that the docks are not insured at this time, but he will look into what the premium would be to insure them. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Page 3 Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2017 Mr. Hoffman asked for the status of the All Aboard Florida funds shown on the Summary of Budget Changes. Mr. Killgore responded it is planned to use those funds for upcoming railroad repairs. Mr. Hoffman referred to the bar chart and asked for an explanation of the DST, noting that it appeared to be decreasing. Mr. Killgore explained the methodology of the bars and stated that the DST revenue will be more than budgeted. He noted that the DST has been renewed so the City will continue to have that source of revenue. Mr. Hoffman noted that the building revenue seemed high in the prior year. Mr. Killgore responded that the building was very good last year and the revenue peaked. He explained that there will be building revenue this year, but it will not be as much as previously. He stated that the revenues were collected last year and the associated inspection work, etc. will be done this year. Mr. Hoffman asked for details on the Equipment & Facilities Renewal and Replacement Reserve cap of $275,000 approved by the City Council. Mr. Killgore explained that if that account has reserves they will be used to bring the account back to the $275,000, but if not, no funds from other sources will be used to bring the balance back to the cap. Mr. Herlihy asked if the building permit revenue was increased as a result of Pelican Landing facility. Mr. Killgore responded it was included, but there was also a good deal of houses permitted. Mr. Herlihy stated that although they are not as large, there are structures being built at the corner of Jackson Street and US 1. Mr. Herlihy referred to the amounts budgeted for paving and reconstruction in the 2017 budget and asked if that work was going to be done. Mr. Killgore responded that the work has already been completed and the expenses have been paid. Mr. Napier called for further questions or input from the Board; hearing none he continued to Public Input. 7. Public Input Mr. Napier called for anyone wishing to speak to please come forward at this time. Mr. Michael Marsh, P O Box 691061, Vero Beach, FL, stated that he is present to urge the Advisory Board to support the implementation of body cameras for its law enforcement officers. He cited a personal incident in which a friend of his was killed and noted that if body cams had been in use the truth about what happened would have been available and not just verbal reports from the officers involved. He provided information on how much has been paid out by the Indian River County Sheriff's Office and stated that these costs could have been significantly reduced or eliminated by the body cams. He stated that he is aware that they are expensive, but the benefit would make it worth it. He closed by urging the Board to consider the expense of the body cams as part of an officer's uniform, just as much as their guns, Tasers, etc. are. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Page 4 Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2017 Mr. Napier stated that it would up to the Chief of Police to include such an expense in the proposed budget for the department for the coming year. Mr. Marsh responded that he is aware that there are other expenses that have to be considered, but suggested possibly setting up a committee to explore the technology. Mr. Napier called for any further Public Input; hearing none he closed the meeting and continued with the agenda. 8. Staff Matters — Ken Killgore Administrative Services Director A. Update on Progress of Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Preparation Mr. Killgore stated that staff is working on the budget. He noted that although the tax rolls were published in the newspaper there are still some details that are required before the revenue can be set. He stated that expenses have been reviewed to determine what items may be able to be removed. He stated that the Capital Improvements Budget will go to the Planning and Zoning Committee for their review; he anticipates having the budget package to the Board on June 12th. He explained that way the Board will have time to review it prior to the next meeting. Mr. Herlihy stated that he will start updating the Power Point presentation of the budget and may bring the preliminary to the next meeting for review. Mr. Hall asked what the format of the Capital Improvement Budget would be in. Mr. Killgore responded that it would be detailed as to project, funding source, historical details, etc. Mr. Hall asked if there is included with the budget a summary of items that staff would want to see if funding should be available. Mr. Killgore responded that there is not such a list kept, all items are discussed and prioritized as to need. He did explain that the Capital Improvement Budget does show items that staff would like to see funded in the out years, so if funding did become available the item could be moved into an earlier year. Mr. Hall asked for the status of the Pickle Ball Courts. Mr. Killgore responded that he did know that the bids came in higher than expected and some adjustments are being made, but he is not involved in the details of the project. Mr. Hall asked if there was any knowledge on the status of the Bark Park. Mr. Napier responded that type request would come from the Parks and Rec Committee to the City Council. Mr. Hall provided an explanation of the Citizens' concerns regarding the Bark Park and stated that the angrier they get the more expensive their requests will become. He suggested providing some stackable chairs and dog bowls, which would be a small expense, in an effort to meet the current needs in the park. Mr. Killgore responded that he knows the City Manager is aware of the situation and efforts are being taken in an attempt to resolve the problem. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Page 5 Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2017 Mr. Hall stated that he is aware the body cams would be helpful and asked that if after the budget package is distributed if the Board could look at possibly a "pilot program" for the equipment. Mr. Hall asked for an update on the traffic situation at Joy Haven and Barber Streets. Mr. Killgore responded that from the last report for the City Engineer funding sources were not available, but he knew it was being researched further. He stated that he will request an update and forward it to the Board. Mr. Napier asked if there is a procedure for closing out the prior year Capital Improvement projects. He referred to the Presidential Streets Project from FY 2012, which still had a balance of $35,200. Mr. Killgore responded that the monies are there because there is monitoring and testing that are required on the project even after it is completed. He explained that the funds designated for the project must be used for related expenses, consequently the projects are left open until all the final costs are paid. Mr. Napier reviewed several other projects from prior fiscal years that have balances and asked if it is the same situation as the Presidential Streets. Mr. Killgore responded that is correct. 9. Committee Member Matters A. Comments/Discussion by Individual Members — None B. Proposed Topics for Next Meeting — None 10. Committee Member Next Meeting Date (Monday, June 19 2017) 11. Adiiourn — There being no further business Chairman Napier adjourned the meeting at 6:51 p.m. Chairman Larry Napier FOR Date: