HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-2017 PR AgendaCITY OF $ESASTIA�N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX (772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Monday, June 26, 2017 6:00 PM 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting May 22, 2017 6) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Item A: Friendship Park Special Needs Playground Location Public Input Request Slide Item B: Pickle Ball Status Revised Construction Cost Estimate from Project Engineer Item C: Playground Inspections Update Item D: Dog Park Status June 14" City Council Draft Minutes 7) NEW BUSINESS: 8) PUBLIC INPUT 9) STAFF MATTERS 10) BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 11) ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE 12) ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING MAY 22, 2017 1. Call to Order — Chairman Sims called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present Mr. Matthew Sims Mr. Greg Paschall Ms. Corrine Gilroy (A) Not Present Ms. JoAnn Webster — Excused Ms. JoAnne White — Excused Ms. Rosemary Flescher Also Present Mr. Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Ms. Margarita Hernandez, Parks Administrator Ms. Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 4. Agenda Modifications Mr. Sims stated that since there is not a quorum present, no action would be taken. 5. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting March 27, 2017 — No Action Taken 6. Unfinished Business Item A: Friendship Park Special Needs Playground Status Ms. Hernandez stated that as a result of input at the last meeting, both from the public and from a Committee member regarding a more desirable location for the Special Needs Playground the matter is being brought back for further discussion; but since there is not a quorum, it will have to be delayed until the next meeting. She explained that the bid documents have been put on hold pending selection of the location. In response to Mr. Sims question about the previous ADA playground location she explained that Friendship Park was selected because much of the infrastructure is already in place and it is near where the former ADA playground was located. Mr. Paschall suggested that the public be notified so they can have input into location before the next meeting. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of Workshop Meeting of May 22, 2017 Page 2 Mr. Sims called for input from the public; hearing none he continued with the agenda. Item B: Pickle Ball Status May 10th City Council Draft Minutes CSA -2 Agreement Ms. Hernandez reported that the City Council approved CSA -2 Agreement which allows for the permitting and the final design for 8 Pickle Ball courts with the construction of 4 now and 4 at a later date. The Council would still have to approve the construction of the courts. She clarified for Ms. Gilroy that the action taken at this time is to permit all 8, but construct only 4. Mr. Paschall stated for the record that the input he has received from residents is that they would like to have all 8 constructed. He suggested looking at removing some of the proposed amenities which already exist close by, so that these savings could be put toward constructing all 8 rather than just 4. Ms. Hernandez responded that the consensus and approval of Council was to do the ground work for 8 and build 4 now. Mr. Paschall stated that with rising construction costs if the difference between building all 8 now as opposed to 4 now and 4 later could be addressed. Ms. Hernandez responded that staff will take that into consideration. Mr. Sims asked if the timeframe in which the future 4 courts was established. Ms. Hernandez responded that no timeframe was discussed. He stated that he would really like to see the construction of all 8, but understood the financial aspect; 4 would be a good addition to the recreational facilities the City offers. Mr. Sims called for input from the Public on the Pickle Ball Courts. Mr. Ben Hocker, City of Sebastian, stated that with the summer heat and the City's visitors return to the North he has not seen a great deal of use of the tennis courts and doubts that there would be use of the Pickle Ball Courts. He provided details on how the Recreational Impact Fees are allocated and that the Ordinance clearly stated that those fees are to be used in the section in which they were collected. Mr. Hocker expressed concern about how the use of the Impact Fees is determined. Mr. Sims called for further public comment; hearing none he closed the meeting to the public and called for Committee comments. Ms. Gilroy referred to the City Ordinance concerning compliance and distribution of Impact Fees and stated that she would like a legal opinion if the distribution is in compliance. She stated that she has provided staff a copy and anticipates receiving the information shortly. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of Workshop Meeting of May 22, 2017 Item C: Recreational Impact Fees Update Page 3 Ms. Hernandez explained that a question about the Barber Street Netting in the amount of $14,875 budgeted in FY 2015/2016 was asked. She reported that it was completed and paid for in FY2016. Mr. Sims called for public input; hearing none he continued with the agenda. Item D: Playground Inspections May 10th City Council Draft Minutes Ms. Hernandez reported that the City Council, at their May 10th meeting, approved the Playground Inspections and selected Playground Guardian to provide the service. She explained that the inspections are scheduled for June 12th through June 14th; upon receipt of the inspection report she will provide that information to the Committee. She confirmed that the inspections will include ADA equipment. 7. New Business Item A: Dog Park Status Ms. Hernandez reported that on May 1 st notices were posted directing the removal of all personal property from the park; on May 15th all property still remaining was removed by the City. She explained that property not belonging to the City cannot be documented or controlled; if someone were to be injured as a result of using someone else's property the City could be liable. She stated that the City urges those using the park to bring chairs, bowls, etc. for their enjoyment, but to remove those items upon leaving the park. She explained that there will be more signage in an effort to prevent conflicts between either dogs or their owners. Additionally, the park will be closed on Wednesday mornings from 7:30 am until 9:30 am for maintenance. There has been a suggestion box installed and she urged the people using the park to take advantage of it as a way to communicate their ideas to the City. She stated that the City will make every effort to accommodate as many of the suggestions as is feasible. Mr. Sims stated that he supported the removal of all non -City items from the park. He explained that with the high winds that occur the unsecured items could be blown around and cause damage possibly to surrounding buildings which would result in a law suit against the City. Mr. Sims called for questions or comments from the Committee; hearing none he opened the meeting for public comment. Barry Lawson, 143 South Wimbrow Drive, stated that he was confused by the removal of the chairs and their return 3 days later. He suggested posting a sign that you enter and use the park at your own risk, preventing the concern of City liability. He also Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 4 Minutes of Workshop Meeting of May 22, 2017 stated that many of the people who use the park need walkers, etc. and carrying a chair or dog bowl would be difficult to impossible. Louise Beane, 1125 Breezy Way, stated that for the last 3 years she has gone to the park every day for 2 hours. She explained that the park has become family to her and the other regulars and they are very upset that the City removed the chairs, and especially the water bowls and pools. She stated that some people don't come anymore because there is limited seating in shaded areas. She agreed with the statement that many of the people who come to the park are handicapped and unable to carry chairs, etc. Sandra Ashton, 11375 Kashi Court, stated that there was no notice given before the chairs and dog bowls were removed which caused concern. She suggested that the City provide sufficient shaded seating in both the large and small dog park. She requested the installation of a dog fountain in the small dog park which would remove the need to bring bowls. She explained that the grass is nothing but sand and asked if it could be reseeded. She concurred with that statements that a lot of the people who use the park are unable to carry in chairs, etc. Armand Courchesne, 677 Wimbrow Drive, stated that one of the reasons he purchased in Sebastian was the dog park. He stated that he feels that it provides safety for both dogs and their owners, giving them a place to exercise without concern about traffic. He explained that the owners maintain control over their dogs and if there is a problem they step in to prevent it. He suggested possibly charging for use of the park, although it would probably not be well received. He expressed his appreciation for what is available in the City for residents' enjoyment. Harry Hall, 214 Joy Haven, stated that as he sees it the main issue is seating and dog bowls. He stated that he is aware that building a pavilion or planting more trees would be very expensive. He suggested that the City consider placing some plastic chairs and dog bowls in the park. He asked if it could be placed on the City Council agenda for their action. Deborah Schneider, 107 Mabry Street, expressed concern about the limited parking. She stated that parking should be limited to those who are using the park only and possibly increasing the handicapped parking. Geri Garzia, 295 Wimbrow, asked if the rumor is true that the City is planning to close the park. Mr. Sims and Mr. Paschall responded that the park will not be closed. Ms. Garzia expressed her appreciation for the park. Jeanne Westwater, 9355 105th Avenue, stated that she has been going to the park since it first opened. She noted that access, on her scooter, is difficult because of the unevenness of the sidewalks. She explained that the lawn has not been maintained resulting in more sand than grass which results in the dogs getting very dirty. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 5 Minutes of Workshop Meeting of May 22, 2017 Barry Lawson stated that if the park has been open for 10 years with the chairs, bowls, etc. being left there, why is there a change being made at this time. Mr. Sims responded that, he does not know the specific reason, but possibly the City saw the need for change now to prevent a possible problem in the future. Mr. Sims urged Mr. Lawson to plan to attend the next City Council meeting and pose his question to them during Public Input. Mr. Sims stated that it is necessary to adhere to the rules posted at the park. He suggested that those using the dog park consider visiting other dog parks to see what amenities are offered. Maureen Baxter, 125 Miller Street, stated that any time she has contacted the City with concerns about the dog park Ms. Hernandez has been very helpful in resolving them; when repairs were done the workers were very pleasant. She explained that what is being discussed is not just a dog park it is a "community treasure" enjoyed by not only the dogs, but the owners too. She stated that she has a petition signed by the people who enjoy the dog park, many of whom could not attend the meeting this evening. She gave the petition to Ms. Hernandez. Hamilton Edwards, 182 Easy Street, stated that he understands the liability to the City for personal items being left in the park. He asked how the City plans to replace those items with ones that will not pose a hazard. He asked if seating, dog bowls, etc. will be provided by the City. Jim Sunnycalb, Sebastian, stated that he maintains the Bark Park website and has received comments both positive and negative. He suggested installing a fountain to provide water to the dogs; he noted that the drinking fountain in the large dog park indicates it is handicapped accessible but a wheel chair can't access it. He suggested that the water fountains provide cold water; installation of more ADA compliant picnic tables inside the park; installation of a picnic table outside the park for those needing to eat. He suggested that if the City established a way to enforce the rules that might increase the number of people who follow them. Mr. Sims closed the meeting to the public and thanked them for their input. He asked Ms. Hernandez if it would be possible for Code Enforcement to monitor the use of the parking lot. Ms. Hernandez responded that she will look into it. She stated that the information received this evening will be reviewed by staff and a presentation will be made at the next meeting with possible solutions to the problems identified. She urged those using the park to place their suggestions in the suggestion box so the City will know what their ideas are. She stated that the City is happy to implement as many of the suggestions as is practical. Mr. Sims asked if the dog park could be inspected as part of the playground inspections. Ms. Hernandez responded that the inspections are of playground equipment only and the dog park is not included because it does not have any playground equipment. Mr. Sims expressed concern that all parks conform to ADA requirements. Mr. Watanabe responded that he is on the Disabilities Committee and this concern will be addressed. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 6 Minutes of Workshop Meeting of May 22, 2017 Mr. Sims asked if it would be possible for the City to provide some chairs for the park. Ms. Hernandez responded that staff will look into what improvements can be made, such as providing additional benches and trying to locate them in the shade. Mr. Paschall thanked the public for coming and for their comments. He explained that the City did not take action in order to be disruptive to those using the park; the Committee was not aware of a problem until this evening. He stated that it is the City's desire to make the dog park a pleasant and safe place for residents and their dogs as well as the surrounding neighbors. Ms. Gilroy expressed appreciation for the public input and considering the dog park a "community treasure". She stated that she does not see any of the suggestions being unreasonable and she will support implementing those suggestions as quickly as possible. 8. Public Input — Conducted under Agenda Topics 9. Staff Matters Ms. Hernandez stated that at the May 10`h City Council Meeting, the City Council approved a group named Autism Warriors planting a Magnolia Tree in Riverview Park. Currently staff is working with them on planting and location; it will be lighted during April for Autism Awareness Month. 10. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Sims thanked the public again for coming forward and expressing their concerns and suggestions. He reiterated his suggestion that if residents have questions or concerns they attend a City Council Meeting and present those to the Council. 11. Items for Next Agenda and Date — The next meeting date is June 26, 2017 12. Adiourn Chairman Sims called for any further business, hearing none he adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm. Bv: Matthew Sims, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee s/m Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 26, 2017 Unfinished Business: Agenda Item A Public Input Requested F Please call us with recommendation your as to which -' park in the City of Sebastian should be the site for a new, all-inclusive playground. Contact Margarita Hernandez for more info: 772-228-7054 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting of June 26, 2017 Unfinished Business: Agenda Item B Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Engineer's Site Construction Cost Estimate For: Friendship Park - 4 Pickelball Courts 6/13/2017 ITEM UNIT QTY. nn UNIT PRICE TOTAL PAVING / GRADING / EARTHWORK 1 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 18" ADS N-12 LF Mobilization LS 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Clear/ Grub LS 1 $ 6,125.00 $ 64@6.99 Embankment CY -2-,nr— $ 7.50 $ 20527.50 Export CY 4381' $ 4.50 $ 5,791.50 Final Gradin SY-94H4-0.25 $ 2,202.75 Site Erosion Protection LS 1$ 4,100.00 $ 4,100.00 8" Stabilization forparking) SY 1,502 $ 4.50 $ 6,759.00 6" Cogulna Rock forparking) SY 1,316 $ 13.00 $ 17,108.00 1-1/2"As halt Paving forparking) SY 1,316 $ 9.25 $ 12,173.00 5'Wide Sidewalk SF 2,870 $ 4.00 $ 11,480.00 6' Wide Sidewalk SF 897 $ 4.00 $ 3,118 Handicap Signing EA 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 Handicap Striping EA 2 $ 500.00 $ 1 000.00 12" Solid White EA 30 $ 3.00 $ 90.00 6" Solid White LF 427 $ 1.50 $ 640.50 Traffic Signs (Stop, One Way, etc. EA 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 Relocate Existin Sin EA i $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Sod Embankment SY 2,082 $ 2.70 1 $ 5,621.40 Seed Pond Bottom/Future 4 -Courts SY 2,841 1 $ 0.501 $ 1,420.50 Testin-Geotech I LS 1 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 Subtotal $ 108,127.15 STORM DRAINAGE I I I I nn ZhC� Raise eAsting Inlet EA 1 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 18" ADS N-12 LF 44 $ - 38.00 $ 1,672.00 Mitered End Section EA 2 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 Modi MES/Pipe End EA 1 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 LF 100 $ 12.00 Subtotal $ 4,872.00 PICKELBALL COURTS I I I I nn ZhC� ` 2yov ISOP `Courts 2Dual =4 LS 1 $ 98,300.00 $ 98,300.00 Windscreens LS 1 $ 3,300.00 $ 3,300.00 Equipment LS 1 $ 1,030.00 $ 1,030.00 3'-6" Fence (Optional) LF 100 $ 12.00 $ 1,200.00 Subtotal $ 103,830.00 -courts mcluaes: coquina case, asphalt case, perimeter concrete curcmg, court coatings, playing surtaces, line markings & 8' perimeter fence. OTHER/ MISCELLANEOUS I I I I nn ZhC� ` 2yov ISOP Pavilion (15'x 15' $50/s LS 1 $ 11,250.00 $ 11,250.00 Landsca in LS 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10000.00 Irrigation LS 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 6' Fence at Baseball Field)(Optional) LF 350 $ 26.00 $ 9,100.00 Subtotal $ 40,350.00 q elvy 2 yac2 500 15.DJ In, 420c� _sac v 0 v 2SO J O y 7 35v 12GO Io00 udo 5v0 IIrz50 O InyO 2 �O O I od0 O Q d 0 J O 36'1 y 630_" r3o0 'tISO4 509 W500 O O O o 1'750 0 0 350 O 1000 -7000 0 I V 0 100%, 0) 0 -% 1072 ' U Z 1 1000 20L I I Ott I I I I nn ZhC� ` 2yov ISOP 30,Ooa �� lam O P 7 7 u J),Y OW ELECTRICAL TOTAL Paving / Gradin / Earthwork $ 108,127.15 Water System $ 3,000.00 Option 2 - IES Spec Lighting LS 1 $ 48,840.60 $ 48,840.60 Panels Relays LS 1 $ 5,135.00 $ 5,135.00 Parking Lot Lighting LS 1 $ 15,061.00 $ 15,061.00 Pavilion Fixtures LS 1 $ 3,792.00 $ 3,792.00 Pavilion & Court Receptacles LS 1 $ 7,078.40 $ 7,078.40 Pavilion Water Cooler Receptacles LS 1 $ 805.00 $ 805.00 Subtotal $ 80,712.00 Contingency 10% $ 38,589.12 Grand Total $ 435,480.27 1 j, �q6 211,4 TOTAL Paving / Gradin / Earthwork $ 108,127.15 Water System $ 3,000.00 Storm Drainage $ 4,872.00 Pickelball Courts $ 103,830.00 Professional $ 55,000.00 Electrical $ 40,350.00 Other/ Miscellaneous $ 80,712.00 TOTAL $ 395,891.15 Contingency 10% $ 38,589.12 Grand Total $ 435,480.27 1 j, �q6 211,4 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting of lune 26, 2017 Unfinished Business: Agenda Item D Regular City Council Meeting June 14, 2017 Page Five 12. NEW BUSINESS 17.109 A. The City Manager said the pip ailing and he would like to repair it before there are problems with Schumann D itself and asked for approval. MOTION by Mr. and SECOND by Ms. Kinchen to approve the Schumann Drive pipe slip -line by S ndoah Construction. RO ALL: Ms. Kinchen — Aye Mayor McPartlan — Ay DRAFT Vice Mayor Coy — Aye Mr. Dodd — Aye Mr. Hill — absent Motion carried 4-0. 0000 17.110 B. Discuss Dog Park Operations and Direct Staff Accordingly (Transmittal, Vero Beach & FVBBDEA Lease Agreement) The City Manager said there have been issues at the dog park and asked for direction. He provided the Vero Beach dog park agreement to begin the conversation and contrary to a recent newspaper headline, he did not want to privatize the dog park but hopefully improve operations. Mayor McPartlan noted the City of Vero Beach has their own animal control office that makes sure the dogs are vaccinated at their park. He said he was not in favor of people leaving their personal items in the park. He said he would like to see a group monitor the park. Mr. Dodd said the Vero Beach dog park had similar issues until the Friends of Vero Beach Exercise Area took over. He said he would support having a group self -police the park and mirror what is being done in Vero Beach. Jerry Garcia, Sebastian, said there was someone getting pushy and now the problem is gone; she takes care of her dog; and there will never be any grass in the big dog area. Ben Hocker, Sebastian, suggested having an employee at the park to enforce the functions on the park's sign. He did not favor the Vero Beach lease. Carl Fritz, Sebastian, asked to leave the dog park as it is; said he has yet to see a skirmish; the recent chair problem was blown out of proportion. _?_ said she has moved here recently from City of Pt. St. Lucie who has a successful dog park where people just go in and enjoy. Armand Cashine, 677 Wimbrow Drive, said he has been going since November and enjoys the park; sometimes things are blown out of proportion. He said he would like to see things calm down over time. Regular City Council Meeting June 14, 2017 Page Six Deborah Schneider said she has been going to the park for two years; it is not the dogs making the problems but the inconsiderate people not abiding the regulations. Ted Pankiewicz, Director of For the Love of Paws, said they take pets from seniors who cannot care for them, has a lot of dog experience would like to get involved if the City needed assistance. Joan Deerhe, 580 Balboa Street, said she has been going to the dog park since it opened; the problems have calmed down. She suggested banning people that cause problems instead of calling the police. The dog park is a wonderful community resource. Vice Mayor Coy asked why people were calling the police. Ms. Deerhe said in the beginning people were bringing un -socialized dogs that were causing problems and eventually those individuals quit coming. She stated things have settled down and individuals have started self -policing each other. Damien Gilliams, Sebastian, said he visited the park earlier in the day and was impressed. He said people are rushing to judgement and overreacting; enforcement is not needed. He said more dog parks are needed for the community. The City Manager said additional dog park facilities would be considered in the upcoming parks and recreation master plan. Andrea Ring reported as a member of the Handicapped Advisory Committee, the park has a very nice handicapped bathroom. Louise Bean, 125 Breezy Way, said she did call the police when a couple of large dogs came into the small dog part because the owner would not leave and the small dogs could not enjoy the park. This past week there was someone smoking and she had an asthma attack and almost fainted. She said smokers will not relocate to another area or put out their cigarettes and asked what could be done. The City Attorney advised a violation of one of the City's codes carries a fine of up to $500 and 60 days in jail. Sunada Ashton said she goes to the dog park every day; the park taught her dog to be socialized; she enjoys the socialization. She called the number posted at the park to report people smoking but it was after hours and asked what they could do. She also said one more solid bench and water fountain would be nice in small dog part. Mayor McPartlan asked if there was a time the frequent smokers could be found smoking in the park. Jim Sunnycalb, Sebastian, suggested having a meeting at the Yacht Club once a month to discuss needed changes and take those items to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and then bring it to Council. He said there seems to be a conflict between the big and small dog parts. He also suggested having a picnic table outside the park for the smokers. Hamilton Edwards, 182 Easy Street, said the big reason to keep the park is to bring people out to socialize. She suggested having an Eagle Scout candidate adopt areas of the park. 0 Regular City Council Meeting June 14, 2017 Page Seven Mayor McPartlan said he didn't know if a workshop was needed. The groups could bring their concerns to the Parks Administrator and if an issue needs to be addressed, it could go to the Parks and Recreation Committee. She suggested people purchasing benches in memory of deceased pets. Mr. Dodd said the City Manager should be the enforcement element for those not following the regulations; the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee could allocate funds to expand the facility. Mayor McPartlan suggested a grass roots effort could identify violators for the City. Vice Mayor Coy suggested taking pictures. She said it was encouraging to see the concerned speakers and urged them to work things out. She and Council Member Kinchen offered to come out to help as needed. 17.104 C. Approve Florida League of Cities Items (Transmittal. FLC Info) i. Council Delegate to FLC Annual Conference Business Meeting It was the consensus of Council to have Mr. Hill serve as Sebastian's delegate if to attend the conference; if he does not, Mayor McPartlan will serve. ii. Resolutions to be Submitted to FLC Mayor McPartlan requested a resolution that for every bill the I stature might propose, they mark the bill if it is an unfunded mandate or impedes home e. The City Attorney said he gave a speech to the cities and the counties; there are 14 different government. He suggested that cities and cou awards who vote against these preemption bills; I be identified and hired by the Florida League 90 He said given this past session, business in cities but want state-wide rule. Florida go on the legislature's relation to wayVfie legislature can preempt local ritiSeunite and recognize legislators with > anding together, the best lobbyists can ,ities and Florida Association of Counties. dustry doesn't want to deal with individual Mayor McPartlan said the Treasur oast Regional League of Cities and Council of Local Governments are looking at gr ng the legislators and calling them out when they are defying home rule; letting t know that the appropriations they bring home doesn't compare to the loss ofa valorem provided by additional homestead exemptions and unfunded mandates. Mr. Dodd stated t average voter doesn't understand the impact of home rule; legislators tout they are thy0hero by providing additional homestead exemption but in reality they are saying tom ipal governments that they have to raise the millage. He suggested giving Razzies rds to the legislators. Thy Attorney asked Council to notice the state isn't lowering the sales tax as opposed >016 perly, tax. Vice Mayor Coy clarified the state is trying to usurp local government authority by taking away amenities such as the dog park. 7