HomeMy WebLinkAbout02041982 GC City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 127 [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (305) 589-5330 C. its~mal ladd, Jr. P. O. A. Professional/Manager Sebastian MU¥if'C.~POl: $olf Course. Board of Directors Heeting was conducted on Thursday, February4,1982. Roll Call All members were p;esent .... gr. Den Rella, Mr. Harry Ftorrts, Hr. Arthur Trowhrldge, Hr. John VanAntwerp, Hr. Btll Roux, 14r. Clay Prtce, Hr. Don Ytckers, #r.'~6O~don Car111e, and I~. Ray Ladd. Call to Order Hr. John VanAntwerp called the meettng to order at 4:00 Approval_ pf mtnutes of pr~_vtou~ meeting... The mtnutes of the pre- vtous meettng were approved as subut.tted to'all.Berbers,Unanimous vote of all menbers, .... ' Old B~tness. It was reported to the committee that Mr. the contractor of the clubhouse, had agreed to butld the canopy and that he weuld be patd for thts addttton when the funds become available. The Gom~tttee was tnfomed that the F~nance 'Dtreck~r~guld do hts best ,to have the requtred tnfomatton to us at the next meettng which ts scheduled for February18, 1982. =1- PRO ..Fi. anager Requests and ~Reports... gr. Ladd tnfomed the COmmittee of the need to make a dectston pertaining to the FLAG organization. After much discussion a mutton gas rode by Harry #orrts and seconded by Fir. (:lay Prtce to Jotn thts organization. There gas ~o further discussion pertaining to thts morton and tt gas unantmuusly approved. Carpeting of the clubhouse gas the next toptc of conversation. After much discussion Fir. John VanAnt~erp tnformed the co"~tttee ~' 'he ~ould check wtth C:tty Count1] to see tf ga had to go to btd for the purchase of the carpet. Fir. Ladd tnformed the comfttee that a dectston had to be. rode con- cerntng the preparation of food, t..e., fast,food or full restaurant. Th~s dectston ~as Important pertaining to many 1terns pert~'~ttng to the enttre operstton. Thts subject was discussed at length and tt..twas ftnally determined that the golf ~ourse should only he,~a faSt-food business. ( The suggesttoo from the CO,l, Jttee gas that all food. be fresh and prepared datly. Example fresh hamburger, etc.). A morton gas made by Mr. Btll Roux that the golf course only be tn the fast-food bustness and thts mutton gas seconded by Fir. Cl~y Prtce. There gas no further discussion and thts morton ws approved unafltlmusly. Also that the hours of operation of the food ~nd bever~ge concession ~ou]d be from 1~1 :iX) A.#. to 7:00".P,#.- d~.t -l~.~:'exce~t f~.Wtal~~S:. The food end of the operstton to close datly at Z:,30 P.FI. (Club v111 conttnue to serve sand~tcbes untt1 early eventng; howver,they, wtll be fram the mtcro gave oven), gr. Tro~brtdge made a mutton that the above hours of operstton be approved and thts motlon gas se(~ by )Ir. Btll Roux, There res.no further discussion on thts.sul~lect and the mottoo ~as unanlmuusly passed. Board tMmbers request Business. ....Before the adjournment Fir. Ii~rrts requested that a complete table of organization be prepared along wtth salaries, etc. of all employees, tr. Ladd tnformed all concerr~l that thts report vmuld be ready at the next meettng. gr. Ladd tnfomed all the members of the Beard that at the next meetlng ~e ~ould have to dtscuss the large Pro-Am tournament and the parktng lot. )Ir. Vtckers requested that the memberS be tnfomed agatn vta a ne~s- letter as to ~ust exactly Mint t.s. trensptrtng et tim club~ The next meettng ~as scheduled for February 18,1982, at the sate ttme 4:00 14eettng was adjourned. Respectful ly sul~Lltted, -3-