HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-2017 PZ Minutes1 2 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NE 1 2017 Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was not present 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications Mr. Roth stated that with the absence of Ms. Kautenburg and Mr. Reyes, Mr. Hughan and Mr. Simmons would be voting this evening. Mr. Roth called for any agenda modifications; hearing none he continued. He recognized four members of the Sebastian Boy Scout Troop #505 and their leader. He explained that they are working on a communication project. He wished them luck on their project and welcomed them to the meeting. 5. Approval of minutes A. Regular Meeting of April 20, 2017 A motion to accept the April 20, 2017 minutes as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Qizilbash and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearings — None 7. Unfinished Business — None 8. Public Input— None JU Call to Order Vice Chairman Roth called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. OC\ C '— �C m C � a Roll Call � E Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Hughan (a) a E Mr. Simmons (a) Mr. McManus Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Carter U Mr. Alvarez 3 Not Present: Ms. Kautenburg — ExcusedC �>` Mr. Reyes — Excused 0 Q 0 ex CL WN CL <4L a Also Present: Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner Ms. Susan Mann, Recording Consultant Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was not present 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications Mr. Roth stated that with the absence of Ms. Kautenburg and Mr. Reyes, Mr. Hughan and Mr. Simmons would be voting this evening. Mr. Roth called for any agenda modifications; hearing none he continued. He recognized four members of the Sebastian Boy Scout Troop #505 and their leader. He explained that they are working on a communication project. He wished them luck on their project and welcomed them to the meeting. 5. Approval of minutes A. Regular Meeting of April 20, 2017 A motion to accept the April 20, 2017 minutes as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Qizilbash and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearings — None 7. Unfinished Business — None 8. Public Input— None PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 1, 2017 9. New Business A. Accessory Structure Review LDC Section — 708 W. Fischer Circle — 750 SF Detached Garage — James Huston Mr. James Huston, 708 West Fischer Circle Sebastian, stated that he is the homeowner. Mr. Michael Valentino, Valentino Builders, stated that he is the contractor on the project. Mr. Huston stated that they are building a 750 SF garage/workshop. It has been approved by the HOA, but no work has begun on the project. He explained that the only concern the HOA had was that the roof would be metal, not of the same material as the residence. However after discussion they did approve the project as presented. He stated that the approval with the metal roof was based on the fact that the residence will be need to be re -roofed in the next few years, at that time a metal roof matching the garage/workshop will be installed. Ms. Bosworth stated that the application is for a 750 SF detached garage. She explained that the application is before the Commission as required by code because of structure's size. She stated that the building meets all City codes. On the builder's contract she had highlighted some of the items that may be of interest to the Commission. She also noted, based on the year the house was built, it was grandfathered in with regards to the number of trees required. Because the proposed garage was one foot less than 751 SF, the hedging for the accessory structure technically was not required, unless the Commission felt it was necessary. She stated that Staff recommends approval conditional on the Commissioner's decision regarding the metal roof and the hedging. Mr. Qizilbash asked for the width of the existing driveway. Mr. Huston responded that it is wide enough to park two cars side by side and the driveway to the proposed building will be a little narrower. Mr. Qizilbash asked about the existing two palm trees. Mr. Huston stated that those will remain along with a philodendron. Mr. Qizilbash asked about the well and if the structure would be air conditioned. Mr. Huston responded that the well has already been moved and the structure will not be air conditioned. Mr. Hughan asked if a condition requiring a metal roof be installed on the house could be placed on the applicant. Ms. Bosworth responded it would not be legal to place a condition requiring a metal roof be installed on the residence. That is why the Commissioners need to decide if they will approve the structure with a metal roof, which doesn't match the residence, by a verbal assurance from the applicant that he will comply with replacing the house roof with metal in the future. Mr. Carter asked if there are plans to have landscaping in addition to the existing trees described earlier. Mr. Huston stated that the existing trees will be in the front of the structure and shrubs will be planted on the other three sides. Mr. Carter asked about PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 1, 2017 the proposed electrical service. Mr. Huston explained that they plan to have a kiln for glass work they do as a hobby; nothing is being made for the purpose of sale. Mr. Roth asked about there being no air conditioning. Mr. Huston responded that fans will be installed and if it is too warm, the building will not be used. Mr. McManus stated that the information provided by Mr. Valentino is the most complete package that has been presented to the Commission. He thanked him for his comprehensive presentation. Mr. Roth asked if staff recommends additional landscaping. Ms. Bosworth responded that the building is one foot smaller than what is required to have additional landscaping. Since Mr. Huston indicated that landscaping would be planted around the building she did not feel it needed to be a condition of approval. The question remaining is the metal roof and since the HOA approved the plans, she felt comfortable with approving the application as presented. Ms. Bosworth stated that she has seen the emails from the HOA approving the proposed building. Mr. Roth called for any further questions or discussion; hearing none he called for a motion. MOTION: by Carter/Hughan "I make a motion that we approve the Accessory Structure — LDC Section 54-2-7.5 at 708 W. Fischer Circle for the detached garage." ROLL CALL: Mr. Simons (a) — Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Mr. Hughan (a) — Yes Mr. Qizilbash — Yes Total vote was 7-0. Motion Carried. Mr. McMannus —Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Roth —Yes Mr. Roth thanked Mr. Huston and Mr. Valentino for their presentation and wished them luck on the project. Mr. Roth explained to the Boy Scouts that what they have been watching is how the City likes to handle applications from residents. He stated that this application was very well done which resulted in very few questions. He wished them luck on their project and thanked them for being present this evening. 10. Commissioners Matters Mr. Alvarez expressed concern about two residents on Barber Street continuing to work on vehicles and sell them from their homes. He asked if there is not some Ordinance that would prevent such an activity. Ms. Bosworth stated that the Ordinance requires that the vehicle be licensed to an occupant of the residence and must be insured. She PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 1, 2017 requested the addresses and stated she will check with Code Enforcement to see what can be done. Mr. Carter suggested that the agenda packages be separated by item and not all stapled together. He explained that it would be easier to follow. Ms. Bosworth responded that staff will return to the previous way of assembling the packages. Mr. Hughan asked when the construction on CR512 is scheduled to begin. Ms. Bosworth stated that she has the schedule in her office and will email the Commissioners that information. 11. City Attorney Matters — None 12. Staff Matters Review of LDC Article XXI, Performance Overlay Districts — Status (no back-up) Ms. Bosworth explained that she had discussed with the City Manager the Review of Article XXI and the creation of a guide for builders; it was agreed that this project should go before City Council for their approval. However, since that discussion there have been a number of site plans come in as well as other inquiries about development. She explained that in the upcoming budget additional staff will be requested; she felt with new staff there would be new ideas brought to the City. She requested approval of waiting until after the new fiscal year to address the review. The consensus was to provide the Commissioners a copy of Article XXI for their review over the summer and plan to address it at their meetings in the fall. Ms. Bosworth reported that there are two projects under full construction. One is at the corner of US 1 and Jackson Street and the other is StoreRight on CR512. She explained that the StoreRight had made some changes which resulted in an increase in the size of the building, but it was caught at the form survey stage. The plans were revised, two units were eliminated, bringing the overall building back to a little smaller than was originally approved and the width of the drive isles going to the RV storage area were reduced slightly. Since this was not a major change in appearance or design the changes were approved by staff. She noted that the change is not visible from CR512; the elimination of two units results in more landscaping. 13. Items for Next Agenda — None 14. Adjourn Vice Chairman Roth called for any further business, hearing none he adjourned the meeting at 6:30 pm. /sm