HomeMy WebLinkAbout01071998 HANDCity, of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET I::i SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (S61) 589-5330 o FAX (561) 589-5~70 AGENDA HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE MEETING JANU~Y 7, 1998 - -~:00 P.M. CITY H~LI. - CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM 1225 MAiN STREEt, SEBASTIAN, FLOR]DA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - NOVEMBER $, 1997 · ~,. OLD BUSm-Y~ A. INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATIC DOORS - PAT BRENNAN B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM 1997 4. NEW BUSINESS A. COALS Ah-D OB~C~S FOR (A ?t~ OF (BR~G YOUR A~PO[t~rMEh~ BOOK) C. CO~4MrrmE REVmW OF ADA [t~FORMAT[ONAL MATERIZ~ 5. ADJOURN City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ~ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA a2efi8 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 t~ FAX (561) 589-5570 MINUTES HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE JANUARY 7, 1998 1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Harry DiSalvio, Chairman. PreSent: Haro/DiSalvio Catherine Ackerman Herbert Albrecht Keith Miller Robert Browning Phillip Bowers - Human Resources Director Patrick Brennan - Public Works Director ~loanne Sandberg - Recording Secretary Absent: Edra Young - excused 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. November 5, 1997 Motion by ~ AlbreCht and seconded by Catherine Ackmnan to approve the minutes of November 5, 1997 as Written. 3. OLD BUSINESS A. INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATIC DOORS Pat Brennan gave a status report on the recent installation of automatic doors in city Hall, Council Chambers'and Community Development where a concrete ramp for wheelchairs was built to acco~~ the handicapped. Handicapped Self-Evaluation Committee Meeting- January 7, 1998 Page 2 B. UNF1NIS~D BUSINESS FROM 1997 Pat Brennan has sent Edra Young a copy of the expansion plans for the Yacht Club, as requested, but he has not heard anything from her. There are no immediate plans to renovate the Yacht Club. Ventilation in the restrooms at Riverview Park has been a concern, especially during the summer when there are large crowds. Pl~s have been nmde to install a fan in the re~troom cupola along with a ~kylight in ~he ceiling wl~h should help. The bene~ in Riverview Park are now back i~, place, are very nice and appreciated by all. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 1998 The trotter of a sidewalk leading to the Riverfront being installed at the new housing proj~ on Louisiarma Avenue Las been looked into and it seems the right-of-way is not large enough for a sidewalk and there are no plans to pursue this project. A shuttle service is being considered. Discussion followed on rental fees, etc. on these K~,h Miller lu~ been actively trying to get the County to make the restrooms in the North County Office complex handicapped ac, ces~le and available to the general public, since they are now asked to use the restroom facilities at Bealls Outlet Store which are ~ himdicapl~ a~le either, He will comim~e this projcct. A lengthy ~ followed. Herbert Albrecht spoke on the County Transportation Department and their ability to provide daily pick-up service for individuals like his son who is disabled and uses a electric wheelchair. A discussion followed with Harry DiSaivio suggesting Herb call the Transporation Department every time his son needs a ride since sometimes a constant need for a particular service brings results. B. A.D..A INFORMATIONAL MATERIAL A ~ manual on the ~ With Di~abiiitie~ Act was received from the Equal Employmont Opportunity Commission along with brochures on various subjects. Handicapped Self-Evaluation Committee Meeting- january 7, 1998 Page 3 This information will be kept in the Human Resource Office at City Hall and will be available to anyone who is interested. A sign-out sheet will be prepared so committee members may take tums signing the manual out. Brochures may be ordered ss requested. Harry DiSalvio distributed a pamphlet from the Depamnent of Regulations regarding recent eligibility guidelines for obtaining Disabled Parking Permits. Discussion continued on n~alations, marking of iumdicapped spaces .and if parking violations are being properly Tbe i~e of the Recycling Cente~ being open was discussed along with monthly charges for garbage pickup. C. PROPOSED MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 1998 A motion was made: by Catherine A~~ and secoa~ by Keith Miller to have the Commit~ meet on the first Wedaesday of ~e~ other month with the next meeting to be held on March 4, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. A un~imous voice vote was taken to approve this ~. If anything significant came up between meetings that needed to be discussed a speci~ meeth~ could be called. A motion wss made by Keith ~ seconded l~y Catherine Ackerman to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 p,m, Unanimous voice approval.