HomeMy WebLinkAbout05041994 HANDell A G E N D A HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 41 1994 - 5 P.M. CITY HALL - CONFERENCE ROOM 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 6, 1994 3. COMMITTEE MEMBER ISSUES 4. OLD BUSINESS -HANDICAPPED PARKING REVIEW STATUS FORM -CODE ENFORCEMENT - CITY OF MIAMI 5. NEW BUSINESS -RESULTS OF ON-SITE REVIEW OF THREE PARKS -Schuman -Barber Street Complex -Hardee 6. OTHER BUSINESS - 7. ADJOURN City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 MINUTES HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE MAY 4, 1994 1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by John Kanfoush, Chairman. Present: Wendy Widmann John Kanfoush Harry DiSalvio Phillip Foster Susan Nalepa Joanne Sandberg - Recording Secretary Absent: Edra Young (excused) Bea Thibault (resigning) Guests Present: George Schum Norma Damp - Council Member, arrived at 5:20 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 6, 1994 Motion by Harry DiSalvio and seconded by Phillip Foster to approve the minutes of April 6, 1994 as written. 3. COMMITTEE MEMBER ISSUES Beatrice Thibault is resigning from the committee due to pending surgery. The committee discussed the rules and regulations that must be followed regarding advertising and filling the vacancy. A press release notice was presented to the members for their approval. A motion was made by Harry DiSalvio and seconded by Susan Nalepa to accept the press release as written and present it for advertising as soon as possible. A voice vote was taken with all members in favor. HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 4, 1994 PAGE 2 The subject of holding meetings in the summer was brought up and it was decided the committee would meet in June and then take a break until October. Mr. Kanfoush discussed his meeting with Mr. Koford, city Manager regarding his views on the Handicapped Committee and their goals and was pleased to hear his positive response and willingness to help. OLD BUSINESS - HANDICAPPED PARKING REVIEW STATUS FORM Mr. Kanfoush has reviewed eight businesses that were not in compliance and presented the review form to Bruce Cooper three weeks ago for his follow-up, but to-date nothing has been done due to other priorities. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the follow-up enforcement letter, who should send out the letter, what it should contain, and how to best handle this problem. Committee members were asked to give their opinions on this issue and the consensus was that Bruce Cooper should handle sending the letter out, since he committed to it and knows the legal aspects. If nothing is done by June 1st Mr. Koford will be invited to attend our June meeting. Also, Norma Damp, committee liaison, will bring the issue up at the May 25th Council Meeting, under her matters, if nothing has been accomplished. - CODE ENFORCEMENT - CITY OF MIAMI Wendy Widmann handed out information received from the City of Miami regarding handicapped parking, which was mainly for businesses that need to establish parking. Discussion continued on the subject of the letter and drawings of parking spaces. A motion was made by Harry DiSalvio and seconded by Susan Nalepa to give Bruce Cooper until May 25th to respond or appropriate action will be taken with our liaison, Norma Damp. Also a written reminder should be sent to Bruce Cooper that we expect the letter before that date. Voice vote taken - All in favor. Discussion continued on marking of handicapped parking. George Schum brought up the fact that the front doors at the First Union Bank are still not handicapped accessible. Mrs. Damp will ask Bruce Cooper about this problem at the City Council Meeting tonight. NEW BUSINESS -RESULTS OF ON-SITE REVIEW OF THREE PARKS Wendy Widmann made a on-site review of the following parks and gave the committee her findings and recommendations. HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 4, 1994 PAGE 3 Hardee Park - Is not handicapped accessible but since it 'is a designated jogging park it need not be geared toward the disabled. It does have an accessible port-o-let , which should probably be traded with one at another park. A public telephone should be installed at the park. Schumann Park is nothing but dirt and very rustic. The parking area should be paved and brought up to regulation since a lot of children and young adults use the recreation facilities at the park. Barber Street Sports Complex is the nicest of the parks but still needs some work. Wendy suggested that two of the handicapped parking spaces at the ball field and Creative Playground be made van accessible. The port-o-let should be traded with the accessible one at Hardee Park. Discussion followed on projects that need to be done. A motion was made by Susan Nalepa and seconded by Phillip Foster to accept Wendy Widmann's recommendations regarding the parks. Voice vote taken - all in favor. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Kanfoush inquired if anything has been done on moving the door to the men's restroom in City Hall to bring it into compliance and Wendy stated she would be forwarding a work order to Dan Eckis so they could get started. There was discussion that this committee should make themselves known that, as a group, they are determined to see that ADA regulations are met throughout the City. Harry DiSalvio would like to be excused from the June Meeting due to other commitments. The next meeting is scheduled for June 1, 1994 at 5:00 p.m. ADJOURN Motion by Susan Nalepa and seconded by Phillip Foster to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 p.m. - all in favor. Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 1, 1994 at 5:00 p.m, HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 4, 1994 PAGE 4 Approved on the ..... /~Z~ day of ~ 1994 Handicapped Self-Evaluation Committee Meeting. Wendy ~id~anW, Coordinator America~With Disabilities Act (ADA)