HomeMy WebLinkAbout11021994 HAND City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) $89-5330 [] FAX (407) $89-5570 AGENDA HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1994 - 5 P.M. CITY HALL - CONFERENCE ROOM 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JUNE 1, 1994 3. COMMITTEE MEMBER ISSUES 4. OLD BUSINESS -CODE ENFORCEMENT - HANDICAPPED PARKING -STATUS OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING BOARD -STATUS OF ADA RENOVATIONS 5. NEW BUSINESS -GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 1995 -MEETING DAYS/DATES/TIMES FOR 1995 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURN 'F City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 MINUTES HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 2, 1994 1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Wendy Widmann, ADA Coordinator. Present: Wendy Widmann Phillip Foster Edra Young George Schum Harry DiSalvio - arrived at 5:30 p.m. Joanne Sandberg - Recording Secretary Absent: John Kanfoush - excused Susan Nalepa - excused Guests Present: Norma Damp, Council Member, arrived at 5:15 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JUNE 1, 1994 Motion by George Schum and seconded by Edra Young to approve the minutes of June 1, 1994 as written. 3. COMMITTEE MEMBER ISSUES Phillip Foster brought up the fact that he is still having problems with parking accessibility at businesses within the City and County and runs across a lot of barriers with his daughter in her wheelchair. He inquired whether this problem could be addressed by this committee, and to what degree. Wendy responded that Code Enforcement could be asked to speak to the committee about what is and is not enforceable. In new buildings and renovations they do have the authority to make sure they are accessible and meet Florida codes. HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 1994 PAGE 2 Edra Young stated that the upstairs restrooms at the new county publiclibrary are not accessible and the handicapped must use the ones downstairs, which are not much better. As a committee we have no jurisdiction over the county, but as a private citizen a complaint could be filed. Edra suggested that members buy their own cellular phones in order to report illegal parking directly to the police department if the committee can get a direct line to them. wendy stated a volunteer committee is now being trained to issue tickets for illegal parking. Edra mentioned that the new Senior Center does not have enough handicapped parking spaces for the amount of people that use the Center even though they probably meet code requirements. It was suggested that we ask them to add more handicapped parking spaces. The city building inspectors are now also code enforcers which should make it easier to make sure codes are being enforced. The subject of air pollution was brought up and discussed. Edra feels that many of the laws are not being enforced. George Schum asked that all members take notice of handicapped parking spaces that are not in code and report back to the committee. Wendy suggested that the city be divided into territories so each member would have an area of responsibility for overseeing code violations. Discussion continued on lack of enough handicapped parking at various locations and how voluntary compliance can be accomplished. 4. OLD BUSINESS CODE ENFORCEMENT - HANDICAPPED PARKING: Members reviewed a summary sheet Submitted by Lea Smith, Code Enforcement Board, of non-compliance cases reported by this committee, police department, etc. and the status of these complaints. George Schum requested members receive a copy of the code and Wendy reminded everyone that the Code Enforcement Officers are responsible for enforcing any violations. STATUS OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING BOARD: The proposed Ordinance for handicapped parking violations will be reviewed by the City Attorney may be ready by January. The Police Department's volunteer handicapped parking ticket enforcers should also be trained by that time. HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 1994 PAGE 3 STATUS OF ADA RENOVATIONS: The City should be in compliance by January 26, 1995 but there are still things to be done and Wendy thought it would be beneficial if a handicapped person in a wheelchair could come to City Hall and try to access all the doors to buildings, rest rooms, etc. to see how accessible they are and determine whatstill needs to be done to be in compliance. 5. NEW BUSINESS: Wendy brought up the fact that John KanfoUsh would not be able to attend meetings on the first Wednesday of the month so it was discussed and decided that we would meet on the second Wednesday starting in 1995. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 1995: Wendy opened the floor for discussion to see what this group would like to accomplish in 1995. Edra brought up the cellular phone subject, in regards to handicapped parking, with Harry DiSalvio suggesting the city reimburse phone call expenses if these cellular phones are implemented. Discussion followed. Wendy stated that all city owned buildings, other than the new Utilities building, have been reviewed for compliance. The Chamber of Commerce building is undergoing renovations and will also be reviewed, since it is owned by the City. Norma Damp questions if the committee had any identification available for members with Edra displaying her badge which is available for all members. 6. OTHER BUSINESS: Norma Damp gave information regarding special equipment/services for coin phones that she acquired from service representatives. Vaious equipment is available with volume control, height variation, blind access, etc. and it is available without cost from Repair Service. When locations for these phones are established we call and tell them we want to be in compliance with ADA coin phone regulations and they will be installed. Discussion follwed regarding signs and food distribution at the Senior Center. ~ The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for December 7th at 5:00 p.m. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m. HANDICAPPED SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 1994 PAGE 4 Committee Meeting. Wendy Wi~m~_nn, C~rdinator A~erican~With Disabilities Act (ADA)