HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-2017 PR MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 26, 2017 Call to Order — Chairman Sims called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present Mr. Matthew Sims Ms. JoAnn Webster Ms. Corrine Gilroy Not Present Ms. JoAnne White — Excused Mr. Greg Paschall Also Present Mr. Joe Griffin, City Manager Ms. Margarita Hernandez, Parks Administrator Ms. Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 4. Agenda Modifications — None 5. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting May 22, 2017 and April 24, 2017 A motion to approve the May 22, 2017 minutes as written was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. Gilroy and passed unanimously by voice vote. Ms. Hernandez explained that the April 24, 2017 minutes were not approved at the May meeting because there was not a quorum and asked if they could be approved as well. A motion to approve the April 24, 2017 minutes as written was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. Gilroy and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Unfinished Business Item A: Friendship Park Special Needs Playground Location Public Input Request Slide Ms. Hernandez explained that this item was presented at the previous meeting and since there was not a quorum it was not acted upon. However, staff was directed to seek public input as to the location. A slide was placed on channel 25 on June 2"d asking for public input. As of this time no public input has been received. She stated Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 2 Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 26, 2017 that the location must be finalized before the bid requests can be published. In response to Mr. Sims' question as to staffs recommendation she explained that staff had chosen Friendship Park because there are restrooms, shade, adequate parking, etc. As to specific location she stated that the playground would be placed where the Bocce Ball courts are now. Following discussion the consensus was to place the Special Needs Playground at Friendship Park. Mr. Sims stated for the record, that this recommendation is based on agreement of the City Council and Staff. A motion to install the Special Needs Playground at Friendship Park at the site designated by staff was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. Gilroy and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Sims called for public input on the Special Needs Playground; hearing none he continued with the agenda. Item B: Pickle Ball Status Revised Construction Cost Estimate from Project Engineer Mr. Joe Griffin, City Manager, explained that as a result of the high cost of the Pickle Ball Courts and the improvements to the area included in the original estimate he contacted the engineer and had removed from the estimate all items that were not absolutely necessary to build the four courts, i.e. increased parking, improvements to the ball field, etc. by doing this the cost is estimated to be $212,806.00 which will be budgeted in the upcoming fiscal year. In the following fiscal year the remaining four courts will be budgeted at a cost of $172,000. Mr. Griffin reviewed the Recreation Impact Fee Fund Report, explained the proposed projects, their cost and schedule for completion. He noted that included in the proposed projects is $234,739 which covers the Pickle Ball Courts and the related engineering cost. He stated that the Sports Lighting at BSSC is $375,000 which is all funded in this budget year in order to reduce the cost that would result in spreading it over two budget years. He explained that after deducting all the proposed projects the Unallocated Balance would be $36,431.74 which is quite low. Mr. Griffin stated that the Pickle Ball Courts would qualify for funding from the Discretional Sales Tax Fund. He explained that this approach would take some time to work out the details and would require City Council approval. The result of changing the funding source would increase the Recreation Impact Fee Fund by the $234,739 budgeted for the Pickle Ball Courts. He expressed that he felt that is a safer amount considering possible cost over runs on the other projects. Following discussion the consensus of the Board was that Mr. Griffin's approach to use the baseball field for the courts and fund the project through the DST was a very good solution to allow the City to move forward with the courts. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 3 Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 26, 2017 A motion to follow Mr. Griffin's revised plans and funding source was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. Gilroy and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Sims called for public input on the Pickle Ball Courts; hearing none he continued with the agenda. Item C: Playground Inspections Update Ms. Hernandez reported that the inspections were performed on June 14th and 15`h. The reports are being prepared by the inspector and will be presented to the Committee at the next meeting. Mr. Sims called for public input on the Playground Inspections; hearing none he continued with the agenda. Item D. Dog Park Status June 14th City Council Draft Minutes Ms. Hernandez reported that four benches are awaiting installation; no smoking signs have been placed in the park; no personal property has been added to the instructional signage; the ADA water fountain with dog bowl should be ordered this week; a picnic table will be placed outside the dog park fence; the procurement of an ADA picnic table is being looked into; Public Works will be installing a shade structure and replacing the sod in the sand areas. She stated that she checked and Code Enforcement cannot monitor the use of the parking lot. The park was inspected by staff and it was determined that it is in compliance with ADA standards. Ms. Gilroy stated that she has visited the park on a number of occasions and is impressed with what it offers. She reported that she visited with a number of residents while there and they expressed how much they enjoy it. She stated that more shade would be helpful and that is being addressed by the proposed structure. She concluded by stating that she views it as a treasure. Mr. Sims called for public input on the Dog Park. He asked anyone wishing to speak to come forward. Mr. John Tenerowicz, 310 South Wimbrow, reported that there are still some lights out along the walking path on Easy Street. Regarding the dog park, car stops on the south side need to be repined, the parking lot needs to be resurfaced, two additional handicapped spaces need to be installed, something needs to be done to prevent driving on the walk path around the lake, and steps need to be taken to make owners control their dogs upon exiting the park, not let them run loose and into his yard. Hamilton Edwards, 182 Easy Street, thanked Ms. Hernandez for her report. He asked if those who use the park could have input on where the benches are placed to take full advantage of the shade. He noted that there is no water fountain in the small dog park Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Page 4 Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 26, 2017 and asked if one that is lower to the ground to accommodate their smaller size could be installed. He suggested contacting the Eagle Scouts to determine if they could construct some more benches at a reduced cost to the City. Mr. Sims asked if there is opportunity for public input at this time. Ms. Hernandez responded that regarding the water fountain, it is in progress, and she will verify that it will accommodate the small dogs. She reiterated her previous requests that the public use the Suggestion Box to make their thoughts know. She stated that the input so far has been very helpful to staff. Ms. Ashton, 11375 Kashi Court, expressed her appreciation for the City's efforts on behalf of the dog park supporters. Ms. Ashton asked if the public could have input as to location of the benches. Following a detailed discussion it was agreed that possibly meeting with Ms. Hernandez or the Parks Supervisor, on a Wednesday morning when he is at the park, to explain the desired location would be an option. Ms. Ashton stated that making the benches movable would allow the users to locate them as necessary for shade. Ms. Ashton expressed concern that although there are No Smoking Signs people are still smoking in the park. She also asked about the shaded structure's location. Ms. Hernandez responded she was not positive about its location but thought it may be installed in such a way that it would serve both sides of the park. Mr. Sims reiterated the public use the suggestion box or visit the park on Wednesday morning and speak with the Parks Supervisor with their suggestions on location of the items being installed. Mr. Sims called for any further public input; hearing none he continued with the agenda. 7. New Business — None 8. Public Input Mr. Sims called for Public Input. He requested that anyone wishing to speak to come forward at this time. Jim Sunnycalb, Sebastian, requested that the handicapped tables outside the park not be placed where smoke will impact those entering the park, to provide receptacles for cigarette butts and possibly plant a tree for shade. He requested that the trail around the lake be sprayed for weeds and grass; install a doggie bag dispenser along the trail; install distance signs along the trail so people will know how far they have walked. The boardwalk behind City Hall requires cleaning and maintenance. Install doggie bag dispensers at the Yacht Club to accommodate those visiting the area who bring their dogs. He asked for the status of the Pete Harris plaque. Ms. Hernandez responded that she is aware it was ordered and received. She stated she will investigate when it will be installed. Regarding the light installed at the Easy Street Park fountain, there are a variety of colored lenses available that could be installed to recognize different causes. He stated that he has observed that people are really enjoying the fountain and the light. Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 26, 2017 Page 5 Mr. Sims called for anyone else wishing to speak; hearing none he continued with the agenda. 9. Staff Matters — None 10. Board or Committee Member Matters — None 11. Items for Next Agenda and Date — The next meeting date is July 24, 2017 12. Adiourn Chairman Sims called for any further business, hearing none he adjourned the meeting at 6:57 pm. By: Matthew Sims, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee s/m Margarita Hernandez From: Brad White <myfloridateam@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 8:44 PM To: Margarita Hernandez Subject: Parks and Rec Meeting on Monday HI, I would like to give some input to the meeting topics on Monday. The special needs playground I think should be located in a park with other playground equipment for all children. How about Friendship Park which would have sidewalk access and bathrooms. A family may have more than one child and have children who have special needs or maybe not. My second choice would be George Street Park and then Filbert Park. The Bark Park- yes we should have water bowls for the dogs that are hooked up to a water line and permanent. Benches for the park could be by donations/memorials that the public would pay for like we do for Easy St Park and Riverview Park. We could use a handicap table at Bark Park but it should be outside the gate so it has sidewalk access. No personal items like chairs, bowls, toys and so on should be left in the park. If you bring it you take it out with you. Too many problems when left there. Saw the increase in building the pickle ball courts. It sure is a lot more than thought it would be. I am still in favor of starting with 4 courts and then adding 8 courts if they are needed. Need my input on anything else? Thanks for all you do for the committee, JoAnne White From: Frank Watanabe Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 10:03 AM To: Margarita Hernandez Cc: Joseph Griffin Subject: ADA Inspection of the Dog Park Margarita, Per my ADA inspection of the City Dog Park this morning 6/22, 1 verified that the two entrances gates into both the small and large dog areas meet ADA standard of 3 ft. (gates are all 5 ft.), the two parking spaces meet ADA standard, the slope to the public restroom meet the 20:1 grade or 8% (existing slope is 2%) and the restrooms are ADA compliant. Attached are photos of these items. "•.'�i ,.. _J .epi 5 ,. Yr y 1 The only item missing is the fine signs ($250 Fine) under the ADA parking signs which will be installed later today. All is good and the dog park is in compliance with ADA standards. Frank Watanabe City Engineer City of Sebastian (772) 388-8228 City of Sebastian Recreation Impact Fee Fund Balance $ 936,890.74 Less Currently Allocated Amounts Community Center Paving $ (50,220.00) Friendship Park Improvements $ (234,739.00) BSSC Football Field Restrooms $ (128,100.00) Update P & R Comprehensive Plan $ (19,600.00) Certified Playground Inspections $ (12,800.00) $ (445,459.00) Current Unallocated Balance $ 491,431.74 Less Planned Future Allocations: Sports Lighting @ BSSC $ (375,000.00) ADA Playground $ (80,000.00) $ (455,000.00) Unallocated Balance $ 36,431.74 Additional Possible Allocations: Friendship Park Improvements(additionalfunds needed) $ (100,000.00) BSSC Football Field Restrooms (additional funds needed) ? 6/26/2017