HomeMy WebLinkAbout07161993 POPT MINUTES OF TEE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE SEBASTIAN POLICE OFFICERS RETIREMENT TRUST FUND HELD ON FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1993 The meeting was called to order at 10~15 A.M., by Chairman Gore. Present were E. Bwert, D. Puscher, E. Petty and G. Gore. Motion to approve minutes of last meeting by E. Ewert seconded by D. Puscher. (Passed) A review of investments was given by representatives of The Investment Counsel Company. The members generally expressed approval of the reports and the status of investments made through the company. G. Gore inquired about the possibility of future investments in stocks and bonds rather than the present situation involving only bonds and money instruments. The board was advised that future growth would be needed in the fund in order arrive at that investment mixture. By resolution the members requested G. Gore to Correspond with the City in order to arrange for the appOintment of a new Secretary/Treasurer in the absence of Larry Napier. The members discussed the desirability of meeting with all officers of the police department in order to answer any questions any might have regarding the fund. Motion to adjourn made by E. Ewert seconded by D. Puscher. Meeting was then adjourned. may be reimbursed from the -Fund for all necessary expenses which they may actually expend through service on the Board. (g) Each trustee shall be entitled to one (1) -vote on the Board. A quorum shall- consist . - of ' at.. least three (3 ) members and three . (3) - affirmative votes - shall be necessary for a decision by the. trustees, at any meeting of the Board. The Chairman shall have the right to one (1) vote only: Trustees may not.cast proxy votes. (h) Subject to the limitations of this article, the Board shall, from time to time, establish uniform rules and regulations for the administration of the Fund created by this article and for transactions of its business, including provisions for expulsion due to non-attendance of its elected members which could result in a vacancy. (i) The Board shall engage such actuarial, accounting, legal and other services as shall be required to transact the business of the Retirement System. The compensation of all persons engaged by the Board and all other expenses of the Board necessary for the operation of the Retirement System shall be paid by the Fund at such rates and in such amounts as the Board shall agree. Funds may be distributed by a disbursing agent as determined by the Board, but only upon written authorization by the Board. The City Attorney shall give advice to the Board in all matters pertaining to their duties in the administration of the System whenever requested; and he shall represent and defend the Board as its attorney in all suits and actions at law or in 16 Eof equity that may be brought against the Board and bring all. suits �1 and• actions on behalf of the Board that may be required or determined upon by the Board. However, if the Board so elects, it may employ independent legal counsel at the expense of the System for the purposes contained herein, together with such other professional, technical or other advisors as the Board deems necessary. (j) Any elected or appointed trustee who neglects the duties of his or her office, as determined by the Board, may ' be removed by four (4) concurring votes among,.the Board. (k) For all acts and determinations of the Board, the secretary shall prepare minutes. (1) The duties and responsibilities of the Board shall (0011) include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: (1) construe the provisions of the System and determine all questions arising hereunder (2) determine all questions relating to eligibility for benefits hereunder. (3) determine and certify the amount of all retirement allowances or other benefits hereunder. (4) establish uniform rules and procedures to be followed for administrative purposes, benefit applications and all matters required to administer the System. (5) distribute to the members annually pertinent financial information concerning the System. (6) receive and process all applications for f� 17 participation and benefits. (7) authorize all. payments. whatsoever from the Fund, and to notify the disbursing agent, in writing, of approved benefit payments and other -expenditures arising through operation of the System and Fund. (8) have actuarial studies and actuarial* valuations performed and make recommendations regarding any* and all changes in the provisions of the System. (9) make the final determination of a member's eligibility for the disability benefits provided herein. (10) perform such other duties as are specified in this article. (m) The Board shall furnish to the city auditor such available investment and actuarial information regarding the System as shall be requested. At its option, the Board may select the City's independent auditor for purposes of -preparing an independent audit of the System provided said auditor meets the requirements of Chapter 185, Florida Statutes." Section 7. FINANCES AND FOND MANAGE MM A new Section 2-126 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sebastian is hereby created to read as follows: "(a) -All of the contributions and assets whatsoever attributable to the System shall be deposited to the Fund. (b) The actual custody and supervision of the Fund (and assets thereof) shall be vested in the Board. 'Payments of benefits and disbursements from the Fund may be made by the 18 0 f0� disbursing agent but only upon written authorization from the Board. (c) The Board shall be required to appoint a national or state bank with trust powers for the purpose of serving as custodian of the Fund, and all assets of the Fund shall be promptly and continually deposited therewith. in order to fulfill its investment responsibilities as set forth herein, the Board shall be required to retain the services of the custodian bank, an investment advisor registered under Investment Advisory Act of 1940, an insurance company, or a combination of these, for purposes of investment decisions and management. Such investment manager shall have full discretion in the investment of assets subject to limitation of this agreement and any guidelines as prescribed by the Board. (d) All funds and securities of the System may be commingled in the Fund, provided that accurate records are maintained at all times reflecting the financial composition of the Fund, including accurate current accounts and entries as regards the following: (1) receipts and disbursements of the Fund; (2) benefit payments; (3) all cash investments realized and unrealized gains or losses whatsoever;. (4) all interest, dividends and capital .gains (or losses) whatsoever attributable to contributions and deposits to the Fund; 19 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 March 4, 1994 Ms.Linda Hinson, Accountant Municipal Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Funds Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center Building C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1560 Dear Ms. Hinson: In response to your letter of February 11, 1994 regarding our 1993 Annual Report for the Sebastian Police Officers' Pension Fund, I offer the following: Page 3, Section 2 - You will be sent a copy of our Annual Audit as soon as it is completed (approximately March 31, 1994). Page 5, Line 4 - "explanation of this entry" - • The City's report has been revised to delete line 4 as that contribution was for a prior year; was not included in the total revenue as shown in line 10. Page 5, Line 10 - "Sum of lines 1-9 is $122,525.72. Make appropriate correction." • As explained in the preceding item, the amount of $2,003.28 was from a prior year and was listed in line 4 in error by the City of Sebastian. When this line item is deleted, the total revenue for page 5, line 10 is $120,522.44 as stated. A revised page 5 is included. Page 6, Section 4 - "Investment expenses - explain item portion." • Key Trust charges the Sebastian Police Officers' Pension Trust a quarterly investment management fee of $187.50 for a total of $625.00 for the fiscal year. It is a fee for investment (money) management services. Page 14, Column (i) -"Verify that the salary amount is bi-weekly." . While the State Report form clearly states* "monthly salary" for column (i) on page 14, -the City of Sebastian erroneously used bi- -weekly amounts since our payroll data is compiled and reported in that manner. ro"N Please advise if we need to revise page 14 to reflect monthly amounts. (004� Ms. Linda Hinson, Accountant Page Two Finally, your second item listed as page 5, line 3 deals with a calculation schedule attached to the State Report. I have attached as ENHD3IT A-1 and EXHIBIT A-2, pages from the last Actuarial Report which gives the City detailed instructions on how to compute the required contribution (City and State funds) as well as the employee amount. The City's calculation worksheet (named EXEMIT B) did contain an error. The City did have an employer contribution requirement that exceeded the actual contribution leaving an unfunded deficit of $15,661.10. The City intends to fund this deficit during the current fiscal year by amending its 1994 fiscal year budget to provide for a higher percentage contribution per pay period by the employer (City of Sebastian). The interest to be paid to the Police Officers' Pension Trust will be based on the rate of return for the period being earned by the Pension Fund. We expect to make the 1993 deficit deposit on March 24, 1994 and will report these deposits separately to you.. I hope this corrects and clarifies the City of Sebastian's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended 9-30-93. Please call me at 407 - 589-5330 if you have any questions. Sincerely, i Marilyn Swichkow, CPA Finance Director MS:mp enc OMS -P1 (5) Revised 09/93 • k SEBASTIAN t CITY NAME Sebastian Police Officers' Retirement Trust Fund ' NAME OF PENSION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES & CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 09 30 93 Month/Day/Year REV NUES , 1. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM POLICE OFFICERS (Fr om pg. 14) 34, 989.67 2. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM STATE OF FLORIDA .(From pg. 6) 18, 463.51 • * 3. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CITY (From pg. 6) 34, 962.44 4. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CITY - FOR POLICE OFFICERS . .r• S. BUYBACKS/REPAYMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS 471.42 6. interest for Line 2 7. UNREALIZED GAINS/LOSSES _ 8. INTEREST AND DIVIDENDS _ 24, 912.29 -- 9. GAIN FROM SALE OF INVESTMENTS 6; 723.11 •' 120,522.44 10, - TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES 11. RETIREMENT PENSION PAYMENTS (From pg. 12) 12. DISABILITY PENSION PAYMENTS (From pg. 12) 13. BENEFICIARY PENSION PAYMENTS (From pg. 12) - 14. TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS (From pg. 12) 15. TERMINATION PAYMENTS ( From pg. 13) 2,011.83 16. INSURANCE PREMIUM PAYMENTS 17. EXPENSES (From pg. 6) 625.00 18. 19. 20. LASS FROM SALE OF INVESTMENTS 2,636.83 21. TOTAL EXPENDITURES 22. NET INCREASE OR (DECREASE) FOR THE YEAR 117,885.61 23. FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR: October 1 19 92 245.798.00 September 30 93 p 19 363, 683.61 •24. FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR: , * Money received not deposited in proper time frame due to personnel changes -in Finance Dept. f� OMS -P1 (5) Revised 09/93 (6) Revised DMS-Pl ' 1. TOTAL CALENDAR YEAR POLICE DEPARTMENT PAYROLL: $ 960 ,167.29 * * IiiPORTANT * * This .figure must be on a calendar year basis. Police Department Payroll - Police (pleaseaexplainlspatchers, includes a7 employees oig i an police officers, etc.). last year,ment 2. STATE OF FLORIDA PREMIUM TAX MONEX Amount received during Reporting Period: $ 94 18,463.51 - Date deposited into Police Pension Fund:01 is Month/Day/Year 3. CITY CON'T'RIBUTION Data of Deposit Amount Date of Deposit Amount 10-09-92 1211.43 04-09-93 1276.91 -V284_4' 10-23-92 1183.6 05-07-93 1320.51 11-06-92 1339.11 • 1360.39 n6-04-93 06-04-93 1305-66 1498.02 .11-20-92 � �n 06-19-93 1266.29 z•,,,n•, �.5fi� 12-18-92 1231.13 449 as 07-02-93 07-20-93 1621.47 -s 31 01-15-93 1353.07 JIM; q3 97-29-93 08-11-93 1L14.U1 1252.18 U-03_93 _ 02-17-93 1270.21 - - 09-13-93 1385.44 02-26-93 1585.96 _ - 15 03-12-93 73W1411.54 03-26-93 TOTAL CITY CONTRIBUTION ( Page St Line 3 ) 34, 962.44 4. DETAIL OF EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES I° Item Amount Paid NI Item Amount Paid Sub -Total Admin. Expenses INVESTMENC EXPENSES • Item Amount Paid Item Amount Paid Administrative fee 187.50 - 187.50 250.00 Sub -Total Invest. Expenses 625.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 625.00 (Page 5, Line 17) (6) Revised DMS-Pl CITY OF SEBASTIAN POLICE PENSION TRUST CITY CONTRIBUTION REQUIREMENT CALCULATION FYE 9-30-93 total required contribution: ,tal annual payroll of covered members at beginning of year % of payroll total required contribution less employee contributions City required contribution less State contribution Balance = City requirement less City actual contribution City deficit $654,568.65 Note: This amount does not include Martin Miller or James Moran who were not employed at 15.9% the beginning of the year. $104,076.42 (34,989.37) 69,087.05 (18,463.51) $50,623.54 (34,962.44) $15,661.10 (001"N, EXHIBIT B _ T •� •t .h �.a ! .'j�.j, •.t..:: t•.r.r _ JFK. .i. � � •• �• �i ti�� •..� • ... �: �''" .t 't.'. tjir� ri ,.: t %.:. .:i .i ..t._ `• r�Vr .Y. �a Lr f ` � . 17