HomeMy WebLinkAbout09131991 POPT M II'IU'T't;]i~ OF:' '¥'1"11~; MEET' i NG OF:' T'HE :('."K]~i:;tD OF:' 'TI:;tUSTlii:Iii:S (::il::' THE SI!i:BAST :1: AI'I POI...:I:CE: OF:'F':I: CliEF;:S ' I:;.:E:T :l: l:;,: Mlii: l'l"f' "i"I:;~I...I,ST F:'UI,ID FIEI...D 01"1 F:'I:;tIDAY:, ,SE:F:"i"li~:rqBlii:F;t :1.:.~,, 1991 Meet:i. ng was calle(:l -I:.o order i:)y Cha:i. rman Gore a*l.: 9:50 A.H. F're:~er~'l.'. were Gregory Gore,., Ch:i. ef Earle I::'e't:ty:, Gene Iii:weft and I,,,arry W,, I,lap:i. er,, Cl'~:i. ef I!Earle F:'e't'.'l:.y made a mo'l=:i, on~, sec:or~ded by Gene Iii:wet'l.:, -I.:o ac:c:el:)'l.'. 't.:he m:i. nu'l:es o'f~ 'l:.he meei',:i, ng o'f: ,'.Tu:l.y 22;, :1.99:1. as j::,r(.:.:~.i~er,~,l.'.ed ,, Mo'l.'.ion carr:i, ed ,, "l"rea~,:~urer repor'l.'.ed ICC re(::ommer~c:led Dean Ohi'l.-.'l:.er t!~eynold:i~,,, :l:r~c:., as Brol<er.. Cl'~a:i. rmar~ Gore rec:ommended .i...o c:hec:l,.', w:i.'l:.h A,, G,, liiZdwards.,, Merr:i. ll i.,,yr~cl'~ I::':i. erce I::'er~r~er & Sm :i, 'l.',l'~ and Dean Wh:i.'t,'l,:er I:;,:eyr'~o:l. ds.,, :l:nc,, for Mot:i. or~ was made I:)y Iii:.. F:'e'l:.ty an(:l ~.i~ecor~(:le¢t I:)y D. F:'usc:her to pay J:i.m Sheldon his portior~ of F:'ol:i. ce Off:i.c:er's Ret:i. rement F:'und (::or~'~.r':i. butior~, Have an (:)r~-.-(~joir3(.:j r'e~{~o].utior~ to direct '¥reasurel" to ref employee as r~ee(:led ,, Af'~.el" Ltn al'~ :i. II~ o u ~; ]. y. Cl'~a:i. rmar~ [..;ore asl<ed 'for mo'l,::i, on .I.:o ad.:iourr~,mo't.::i, on made by all meml:)er<.~ and mee't:ir'~g ad.:iourr~ed a't'. :1.0:20 A..M, AGENDA SEBASTIAN POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND September 13, 1991 2. 3. 4. Call to Order Approval of Minutes Treasurer°s Report Old Business New Business Retirement refund for Sheldon Seminar October 16th & 17th Annual Trustee°s School, September 23rd Chairman ° s Matters Trustee°s Matters Adjourn