HomeMy WebLinkAbout01301990 PRCity of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 A G E N_ D A PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1990 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of November 15, 1989 5. OLD BUSINESS: a) Tom Mead, North County - Possible Report b) Winter Wonderland - Unused $800.00 c) Appoint Committee Member as North County Representative from P & R d) Anchor Port -o -let Ramp at Hardee Park e) Wal-Mart Fundraiser, Softball Tournament - Status f) Eugene Doty Contract Status g) Barber Street Sports Complex Status h) Number of Committee Member Limitations i) Teen Center Status (Mr. O'Neill) J) Pelican Island School Playground Status (Mr. O'Neill) k) Collier Creek Locking Device Status H 6. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS a) Follow-ups on various matters b) Procedure - Applicants c) Individual Interviews done by Press Journal 8. COMMITTEE MATTERS a) City of Sebastian~s Manners 9. PUBLIC MATTERS 10. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS a) Follow-up on Memos 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Tennis Courts for Hardee Park b) Carswell's Resignation c) Application for Committee Membership Opening - William J. Rogers d) .Application for Committee Alternate Membership Opening e) Riverfront Property (behind Chamber of Commerce)- Parking Fees f) Appearance by Gary McCarthy - Request for Jogging ~ Trail Lights in Hardee Park 12. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. 2 City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 D SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETINO TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1990 - ?:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chairman Irene Traficante called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by George Schum. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Irene Traficante George Schum Eugene Dory Excused: Cliff Hoose Robb McClary, City Manager Also Present: Peter Jones, City Planner Councilman Robert McCollum George Reid Glenn McLaren Eunice Mercier, Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - November 15__a, 1990 Corrections: by George Schum - Page 8, Item llg, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence: change to "low water" rather than "no water"; and add "for the fear of the sea wall collapsing" to the end of that sentence. by Irene Traficante - Page 12, Item llc: add to MOTION "with the usual plaque". MOTION by Schum/Doty to approve the Minutes of 11/15/89, as corrected. All in favor; motion carries., OLD BUSINESS: a) Tom ~ North Countx - Possible ~ Mrs. Traficante stated that Mr. Me'sd was not able to ~ttend this meeting; to be placed on next month's agenda. b) Winter Wonderland - Unused $800.00 Chairman Traficante reported that Jo Kelley informed her that the unused 8800 was returned tO the P & R budget because Winter Wonderland was not done ac¢ordi,ngto the previous plans; she has therefore resigned from the Sebastian Jr. Women's Club and wrote a letter to Mr. McClary stating th&~ they would not use the funds. c) ~int Committee Member as North ~ Representative from P & R Irene Traficante stated new member needed - placed on next month's agenda. d) Ancho. r Port-0Tle~ .~ a__t Hardee Park Irene Traficante said that sen~or citizens requested the ramp be anchored. This was requested last month also. MOTION by GS/GD ANCHOR DOWN THE RAMP LEADING TO THE HANDICAP I~T- O-LET AT HARDEE PARK. Irene Traf~cante George Schum Eugene Dory All in favor; motion carries. e) Wa!-MaFt Fundraiser, softball, Tournamgnt: Status Mr. Dot~ read Cliff Hoose's report ae follows: 1) The tournament is still on 'fo~,~the end of February. put it together fast enoug~ for ~riS%mas. Couldn't Chairman Traficante Mr. Doty.whethe= the C~ty Council approved a fee-waiver; however, M=. iDoty d~id~not know'. Mrs. Trafioante requested the secr~ry f) Eugene Dory,ContraCt Status .... Mr. Dory stated that he has not been contacted at a11. Cha~.rman 2 Traficente directed a follow-up on. this by the secretary. -(.NOte: Item g un~ntentionally skipped at th/s polnt.~ returned to later in the meeting.) h) NUmber of Committee Member Limitations Mrs. Treficante in~t~ she had ~eo~.iVe~: e ll~t committees fr°m the'.'seCr~t.a~/ ae?e~usS~ed'... She." previously P & a had eleven members on this ~ommittee~ then through resignatio~ and other cuts by council, the~rsh~p was eventually rea~ot~ to. 7 and i (8/12/87 Council..Ne~ti~ Mr. McCarthy's a~ Me~calf's"mo~on)~ and then 5 and 1~ O~.e we ~ropped to that f~gure. ~a~an Traf~cante stated that previously all other city ~ttees had se~n (?) m~bera and ~e'(~): alternate. PreSently ~ere are four ~:) ~rs.~ the ~ard~ we appl~oatio~ for ~tb openings. Mrs.. Traftcante re~r~ ~atwe had a request f~ applicants 'for th~'e oo~lttee since November. This was ~t acted u~ until the investigative re,rte:Were th~s ~nth. Therefore, we could not do anything for two (2) months to get additions.1 co~tttee members. She further questioned the necessity of the Ctty'e new ~lic~ to f~.rat have the applicants~ back~d choked ~fore the reoo~atione - ~ue to ~e ti~ ~d cost ln~l~. Mrs. Traficante then asked the co~aittee to decide if'they wished to request the City Council to return our status to ? plus 1 due to work, other conflicting meetings, etc. MOTION by George Schum to request the City Council increase, our committee to 7 members plus ! alternate was not seconded at this point. Mr. Dot~ stated that he could not understand why the COuncil wou.ld not want seven and I members when it doe.e not cost the city anything. AMENDED MOTION by GS/GD REQUEST THE CITY COUNCIL TO RESTORE THE PA~K~, AND RECREATIONS COMMITTEE TO S~N (7) RE~R M~ERS ~ O~ (1) ALT~TE. Roll Call: Irene Traficante George Schum Eugene Dory All in favor~ motion carries. Teen CenteF Status ~Mr. O'Neill) To be placed on next month's agenda, as Mr. O'Neill not present. J) pel!can !slaOd School Playground statu~ IMr. O'Neill). 3 To be placed on next month's agenda, as Mr. O'Neill not present. Mr. Jones inquired of Chairman Traftcante regarding the Barber Street Sports Status (Item 5g), to which Mrs. Traficante apologized and then proceeded onto §g) Barber Street SDort~ Complex Status Peter Jones, City Planner, reported the following items in the works: 1) Poles and lights are on order~ 2) The rough-grading is underway right now~ installation of the sprinkler system within the next couple of weeks~ 3) The existing well will suffice at this time for that system~ however the system Will be zoned such that all three systems (fields) won~t..be at the same time~ 4) We are working with FPL as far'as bringing power to the field~ it will be a three-phase service.whiCh will give us a better ratio in that respect. 5) The next big steps will be the lighting, the lights.,gOing up, the sodding and fencing. 6) It looks like there will definitely be completion of the two (2) fields that are under construction in March. A schedule has been worked out with Mrs. Brock regarding the Little League schedule so that when the completion of the two (2) fields are in place, there effectively will be three (3) fields - i Softball field, i Senior League field, and i Little League field. 7) AT the completion of the fields in March, there will be a temporary facility for.switohgear room for all the ligh~ing~ however, at that t~me we will have gone out to bid for t~e concession stand and combination restroom facility. Th~s will not be complete at that time but in the works. There is an existing concession stand and restroom facility there at the current field to. handle that interim situation. Chairman Traficante expressed that she. was pleased with Mr. Jones~ report and also clarified for the record that M=.~s. Joan Brock Is President of the Little League for this see~on. 5k) Coll.~er Creek Locking Device Status Mr. Schum stated that he had requested an answer from the City Engineer for this meeting.~ however, neither Mr. Schum nor Mrs. Traficante received a reply. Mr. Fisher (City Engineer) had said that indeed there could'be a locking device made. Mr. Schum stated the idea is that the. boards in the da~ cannot be taken out, thereby lowering Collier Creek to such an extent that it would endanger the sea walls. This has been done in previous years. The engineer had agreed with Mr. Schum and was going to devise some type of a look that coul,d be put on the top-boards so that they can not be removed by anyone except city personnel. Mrs. Traficante directed this be a follow-up on next month's agenda with the word "follow-up" after it. Mr. Schum further explained that by damming Collier Creek the way it is, it gives fresh water fishing end boating for the residents of the City of Sebastian - probably the only fresh water boating that there is~ the :rest is all salt water. 6. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT: Mr. Schum reported that he still trying to get the exercise pool for the arthritis group in the Sebastian area but has not yet come up with one nor has the County who are also involved in this. There is a pool at Days Inn in Vero, Rt. 60, 1-95, Which they have been using~ but the people here cannot make that trip. Insurance seems to be the problem. The County approved the Environme~tal Center which will be placed on Wabasso Island below the 510 causeway. The County la now fully staffed with certified full-time lifeguards~ we ~re using 7 full-time lifeguards in Vero and6 full-time lifeguar~s in the County, with 2 part-timers located at ~olden Sands Beach, Wabasso and the tracking station. The ones at Veto area are the. JC Humison and the South Beach. b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESEN~..ATIVE REPORT: There was no meeting in December - so no report. o) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S R~PORT: Mr. Dory reported: (1) The Men~s League started tonight and he had to ttL~n away four teams because we don~t have the field, the time, or the.days to play them on. We have eight teams, playing 4 games a night on Tuesdays.and Thursdays. (2) The Women's League' will be starting in approximately 'three weeks~ we have seven teems lined up for that right now. They will play on Mondays and Wednesdays. 3) There were 11-calls for tOuch'fOotball again from Ft. Pierce to Melbourne~ he is.Working~.th&t on~'~Friday and"'Sunday, lef~ns. We have eight teams playing/ri.~ht ~ow, starting tonight. ' softball Mrs. Traf~can~e clarified withMr. Dory t~at'this football, starting from 14 years of age and up. a) FOllow-ups on various ~ - to be on next ~onth's agenda. We have covered-~~t~Doty has to leave. ~at~°?~d~r~_:~PP}.!cants - _._.Cgvered under 5h. Mrs. Traftcante ea ~na~ sne Jus~ noticed that '.Mayor Harris h&d:.a.~O agreed that our Committee should h~e .been reduced to..5".'.'~r~'~'~ and.,that the motion was amended by MoC~r~h~/Metoalf. She s~ated thSt the committee would like that motion from the. council withdrawn as we voted on before and restored to the 7 and 1. c) Indivtdu@~ ~nt~rvi.ews done by Pree.s Journ91 Chairman Trefioante informed the co~m.ittee that the interviews were done separately rather tha~ as a oo~m.ittee. Also,' Mr. McClary told her ~hat he was extremely p~eased with ~he article and with this co~mittee and the way'we.~conduct ourselves. She expressed that she wee very proud of that. However, Chairm~n Traficante said .she noticed that o~tttedwas her statement that she enjoyed working with this committee, .they are all serious about it~ and wa'have no problems amongst ourselves o~ with anyone else. Mrs. Traficante. r~POrted that she has .since received)~ls, fro~ residents with their input and one interested in ~"~ion the committee. She d/rected for next.~mOnths,,s agenda: and Telephone Calls Received Regarding.Requests Information, etc., of P & R. Tabling because the residents are not present. 8. COMMITTEE MATTER_. a) City of Sebasti.an,s Manners Chairman Tra.ficante stated she was ,requested to put thee on the agenda. She said the criticism iSalso from Other iet though they..-~pay for i~.eme_relattng to P&R and g~v~'~..tlle~r own me. '"~#The point i~ the cl=y nas~er..said 'thank You'. ~o any volunteer committee that we ever know of, and it would-be nice at least once a year at least send us a letter and say The committee agreed with Mrs. Traf~cante. Mr. Sohum al~o said the Vol.u~teer F~re Department sho~l~ also be included - 9. PUBLIC MATTERS a) Councilman 'Robert McCollum of 50~ Durant Street, Sebastian, introduced to the committee the idea (suggested to him by Peter Jones, City Planner, previously) regarding certain improvements to Hardee,'p.ark. · . Handicapped people..oould use 'it with""t~e fac'ilttiee in a way where it would be used by any and everyone not ~ust handicapped people. ' 6 His examples were: 1) making the walk a little wider 2) putting more benches around planting.trees 4) a shuffleboard §) tennis courts 6) little piers out over the canal - where people could sit and watch the water, birds, etc. ?) picnic table underneath the trees (Australian pines) Councilman requested that if the P & R Committee approves of this undertaking, to give their endorsement; then he will bring it before the City Council under Council Matters, along with some of the suggestions the P & R Committee made tonight regarding the committees. This would be with the idea that there would be volunteers, voluntary contributions, the city throwing in some of the physical work as with machineries to widen the path and also make the parking a little larger; and to see if we can get different organizations around the city to sponsor us. Councilman McCollum requested the committee consider this; when they have an answer, he would appreciate it. and Though Mrs. Traficante stated that this had already been approved by both P & R and the City Council, Councilman McCollum said that he is aware of that but this is in addition to that. Mr. Jones has a list of these items and stated that this is patterned after the Orlando facility. He said that this would create an elderly playground. He further stated that the idea is to accommodate wheelchair, arthritis, blind, alzheimers disease victims - so that they could participate in events along with everyone else. He said that this would generate community spirit and that staff would be willing to planning, etc., and maintain this. Voluntary community help would be relied on. Mr. Jones said that this would not be a duplication of the P & R Committee and would be done with the P & R Committee~s blessings. He confirmed to Mr. Schum that whatever the committee decides to do will come to P & R from public matters. The sole purpose of the committee would be "brought to life" to do the playground and then when they are done, they go away. (construct) 10. CITY MANAGER~S MATTERS a) Follow-upon Memos ~.irman Traficante directed a follow-up on memos and to be placed on next month ts agenda. 11. N]~ BUSINESS a) Tennis Courts ~or Hardee~Park~ Motion has been previously made and Mr. Schu~ said t.e~nis courts should be put in at Hardee Park as soon as, p~ssible. Traficante stated that bids Previously' received were OUtrageous; that is where it last stood. Follow-up next monthts agenda. b) Carswe11's Resign~ti~n GS Motion to accept Howard Carswellts resignation not seconded due to the fact that the City'Council had al.ready accepted his resignation. Chairman Trafioante.~xplained that his resignation letter was received at City Hall on 11/16/89; our meeting was the previous evening (11/15/89). She' confirmed that the Secretary did verbally inform her of the letter of resignation;, however, it was received the day after the meeting. The point being, this was not done .according to protocol. She also stated that Mr. Carswell had been offered the regular membership rather than alternate but declined the offer. ¢) Appli.cmtion for Com~ittee~ ~ - #illia~ J. Rogers Mrs. Traficante stated that William J. Rogers subm/tted his application on li/16/89; but due to the process of police investigation, we are ~ust now able to accept his a~plication. After reviewing hie application, the committee made the following motion: MOTION by GS/GD ACCEPT WILLIAM J. ROGERS AS A REGULAR MEMBER ON THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE. Roll Call: Irene Traficante W~ George Schum Eugene Dory Motion accepted unanimously; momo to Cit~ Manager requesting the City Council's approval of Mr. Rogers as a regular me~ber of the P & R Committee. He will be filling the balance of'Lonnie Powell's term of two (2) years, until June, 1991. d) Application for Committee Alternate Membershi~~ Chairman Traficante stated that there had been no applications for this position at this time. Mr. Schum entered Harry DiSalvio's name as an alternate and said that Mr. DiS.alvio had already been investigated and approved by the Police Department due to his Handicap Committee application. Mr. Schum said he would pick up an application for Mr. Di-Salvio at CirC.-Hall 8 tomorrow. d) Riverfront Property (behind Chamber of Commerce) - Parking Fees Chairman Traficante stated that the city owns the property behind the Chamber of Commerce. Various comments from the public are that since we are losing tax base with the property and it is being used for parking, we could not do this as part of it is county -owned. Since the city does own this full piece of property, the city does have the right to charge parking fees or issue permits or stickers, etc. The public would like to see that happen. This would also generate revenue to the city. Mrs. Traficante directed this be put off until a later date to fully discuss this. To be on February agenda under Old Business, "City -owned Property Fees". (Refer to 1986/7 when discussed) Mr. Jones informed the committee that there will be no entrance from U.S. 1 (not desirable) but the entrance will be from Main Street right by the oak tree just to the west of that, one way in, with angled parking and one-way out coming at that end at the north and eastern -most end of the lot onto Indian River Drive. f) Appearance by Gary McCarthy _ Request for Jogging Trail Lights in Hardee Park Mr. McCarthy not present at meeting. Irene Traficante reported it is very dark at Hardee Park; to be on next agenda under Old Business. Also next month's agenda - discuss "Bleachers" 12. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn by GS/GD; meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. elm 0