HomeMy WebLinkAbout05291990 PRCity of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY· May 29, 1990 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET· SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Chairman Traficante called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. FOR THE RECORD: Mrs. Traficante directed the minutes to show that this meeting was held in the City Manager's Conference Room due to the fact that the City Council called an emergency meeting; did not notify anyone on Parks and Recreation; but members came and found that they are meeting here. (However, the secretary did notify Chairman Traficante first thing in the a.m. both by recorder, then in person at City Hall.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by George Schum. ROLL CALL: Present: irene Traficante George Schum William Rogers Also Present: Glenn McLaren, Sebastian Sun Reporter Eunice Mercier, Secretary Excused: Absent: Eugene Doty Jo Anne Townsend, Liaison Cliff Hoose 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April ..~, 1990: Corrections/Clarifications: Irene Traficante - a) Page 3, Item 4, last word - remove period (.) and add" P & R March Meeting actions". · from P & R Meeting Committee '~Meeting - 5/29/90 b) Page 5, Item 3, last word - remove period (.) and add ", with City Memos to Little League Attorney Rene Van de Voode. c) Page 5, Item 2 - change to "this is the second time that the Sebastian Crime Watch conflicts with P & R." William Rogers - a) Change trout to "trot" everywhere in the minutes. b) Page 4, first line, MOTION and AMENDMENT - change "outside" to "private". MOTION by Schum/Rogers to approve .the Minutes of April 17, 1990~. as 'clarified and corrected. 5. Agenda S~eakers: a) Request by Tom Mead, Director, and rick Riedel - Vero Beach Service Recreation Department (YoUth/Running Club) Mrs. Traficante explained their interest in getting a youth~.group together .to do running, They originally wanted to know some of the streets, parks, etc., where they could run; and Mrs. Traficante referred him to Dr. Underill who does all the 1OK, Triafilon, and running. They were to get back to us with a report and a request. Not present; item placed on next month's agenda. 6. OLD BUSINESS a) Senior Citizens Park Areas: Status b) City-based Maps/Property (4/26/88 - original request) - Still waiting for since 4/26/88. d) Request for Jogging Trail Lights in Hardee Park Status (Public Request) - City Manager was to check this out with the Police Chief. e) Anchor Port-o-let Ramp at Hardee Park Status - completed? f) Information: Barber Street Complex g) Portable Ballfield Fence (1988 - Original Inquiry) ABOVE ITEMS A, ~ D, E, F, ~ ~ - Chairman directed memo.to'Jo Anne Townsend, with carbon copy to City Manager. Items placed on next month's agenda. c) Wal-Mart Fundraiser Tournament Results Glenn Mclaren reported that Walmart had dropped out of the tournament; placed under Chairman~s Matters for next month. 2 P & R Committee .~Meeting - 5/29/90 OLD BUSINESS (cont.) h) Softball League, Ages 14-17 (CC Memo 4/25/90) Mrs. Traficante directed secretary to write a memo to Gene Dory requesting him to write a letter to City Council, expl.aining in a simple language his request, for them to revote on. Membership Limitations (C.C. MemO 2/28/90) Awaiting status on Harry DiSalvio~s application as alternate member. Memo to go to Mr. McClary, referring to memo of 4/30/90 to P & R from the City Clerk: (1).requesting the City Attorney's final decision on his application~ and (2)if there is .no conflict, request his acceptance as~Alternate Member on the. P & R Committee be placed on the next month's City Council Meeting agenda. Group vote on sending the memo - all in favor; unanimously carried to send all the memo. Secretary directed to ask City Clerk (1) if applications may be handed out to public if noopening for potential vacancies, to have a pool to draw from and (2) how long do bOard applications stay on file. Sebastian River Area Little League/City Letter to Atty. Van DeVoorde 3/15/90 - Next month's agenda - "Status?" Mrs. Traficante said that we need to find out if the City wrote the Attorney that theP & R Committee did not recommend giv~ng the 20-year Barber Street lease to the Little League or transferring their current lease; and has the City heardfrom the Attorney? k) R~Verfront Property Permits/Boat Trailer Parking - Status from C~ty Attorney Mrs. Traf~cante questioned .if the City Attorneycame up with a ruling on that yet. (requested 2-3 months ago) Harry DtSalvio, P & R Alternate Application Status (C.C. Memo 4/25/90) - Already covered. 7. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTYREPRESENTATIVE REPORT - GeorgeSchum On May 3, 1990, Mr. Schum attended the IRC P & R Meeting - a) The County is finally getting a telephone installed at Dale Wlmbrow Park. 3 P & R Committee Meeting 5/29/90 b) Allowed an extra hour of airplane flying models due to the daylight savings time. c) Allowed the Sebastian Safaris the right to have canoe trips on the Sebastian River~ but did not give them exclusive rights (William Barber) at Dale Wimbrow Park. b) 'NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT - William Rogers Mr. Rogers said that he has not attended a meeting yet as when he went t° the Sebastian River Middle School as instructed by the information the secretary received, he went to all the buildings and found no meeting. Mr. Schum provided Mr. Rogers with the following specific informationfor future use: Meetinl Time: Srd Monday of the month, 7:30 p.m. Location: Sebastian River Middle School in the 2nd portable building, west of the auditorium. (Contact: Leroy Hiers, with United Irrigation) The next meeting will be June 18, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT - Gene Dory Mr. Dotynot present - next month*s agenda. 8. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS a) P & R Committee Vacancy - already covered. b) Missing City Council B-ackup(H. DiSalvio) Mrs. Traficante said we had requested amemo be sent explaining the "as needed" versus the "regular standing committee awaiting an answer. 9. COMMITTEE MATTERS a) Mr. Schum said he Contacted Mr. Fisher, City Engineer, suggesting we install a T connection to the waterline, to the Bertram Memorial-on U.S. 1, Riverview Park, where the flowers are planted. At present, gallons of water in Jugs are being carted to the garden in order to water the flowers. b) Mr. Schum also pointed out the need for an installation of a vandal-proof pump to pump water from Collier Creek or Lake Hardee at Hardee Park for the new trees that they planted.. Mrs. Traficante stressed thattheSe trees are .transplanted and need more water that new trees. FOllOW-Up, Old'Business on next month'sagenda. P & R Cosuaittee -~Meeting - 5/29/90 MO~ION by Schum/Rogers GEORGE SCH~M REFER TO ~N(]I~ERING DEPAR~T,% .<'_ CiTY OF SEBASTIAN, RI~iN~..~"WATER~INE TO '~RTR~ ~RIAL ON U.'$~.""~,"R~VERVI~ P~K~,~ ~ .... ALSO ON .A METHOD OF P~I~WATER FROM CRE~K OR ~ ~RDEE ~R THE N~ TREES T~T ARE PL~ ~N ~aDEE P~, ROLL CA~L: George Schum A_~ William Rogers ~ Irene Trafi~ante AYe All in favorl motion carries. c) Mr. Rogers a,leo stated that .sand has been bi. owing lnto.,.:the Main Street boat ramp; and the:only plloe to launch ts m~ddle of the ramp. T~ere ie enough roo~ for two (2~ to be launchad at the ra~p at m TherefOre, the sand .needs this up 'at both the County and C~ty"s~et-ings. MOTION 'by Rogers/Schum CITY ACT TO REMOVE THE ACCU~LATED SAND IN THB' CORNERS OF THE MAIN STREST BOAT RAMP. ROLL CALL: George Sc.hum W~lliam,~oger.s Irene Trafioante 'All in favor; mot'ion carries. To be £ollo~ed up tnd,pI~edon next month's agenda under Old Bu~t~e~s, 10. PUBLIC MATTSRS Glenn MoLaren requested to be heard at'this meeting aot~g,,,as the public. He stated he had wanted to Wr~te an &rticle on':~he P & R Committee. However, he has made many observations and:doeenot wish to write a critical article on the P & R Comm.itteei,,~Oauee it is not a terrible committee but composed of good, well,meaning people. He therefore made the following comments and suggestions: 1) Many of the original agenda items are still on the eg~nda~ Who is at fault? ,, 5 P & R Committee · Meeting - 5/29/90 2) Believes that the P & R Committee and the people would..be' better served if the P & R Committee. concentrated on ~isSues ·that need the P & R Committee rather than items which could be handled through a call to the Engineering Department.. 3) Speaking of not having a liaison at the meeting is because no one wants to come to these meetings. He said that the only reason he came to the meeting tonight is to make these comments; there is no news that will be generated by this meeting. 4) Mr~ McLaren feels that there is this alienation/separation of P & R Committee from every other committee and every other part of the City. He suggested that P & R make the concerted effort to go to other people and "mend the fences" because this committee can do a lot of good if they have other people helping, which they do not have now. He suggested getting together with the City Manager, City Engineer, the City Planner, Asst. City Manager, Little League, IRC Recreation, letting them know the P & R needs to get these little things done, requesting the status. Perhaps they will want to come to the meetings and not feel as though they are "dragged in". 5) A P & R Committee member needs to go to the City Council meetings to hear the Council discuss the P & R issues and be sure they are presented in the proper manner, as other committees do~ and help the Council whenever necessary. Invite to a meeting representatives of Little League, IRC, NIRC, City of Fellsmere; have as many people working with u~, ag&inet u's. not 7) Find members involved in baseball and volleyball programs; they may also ~e interested in being members of the P & .R Committee. 8) Mr. Rogers said that we need a full-time Director, as we do not have adequate representation, so,eons who could establish lines of communication with the varioUs committees and advisory boards. Suggests Mrs. Traficante d£scuss the possibility.with Jo Anne Townsend that Administrative Director for Parks & Recreation Committee be considered part Of the Assistant City Manager's Job description. She also has the expertise to pursue grants. If not she, then someone else. 9) Gene Dory needs to be off the committee becausehe technically works for the City and could'serve as advisor to this committee. If we did not get someone as Administrative Director, he could act as Recreation Coordinator, thereby having more people giving more ideas and opinions. However, Mr. Dory does not have to be "kicked off" the committee. P'& R Committee Meeting -5/29/90 Chairman Traficante explained that the P & R Committee is simply advisory and cannot go directly to Department heads with issues. She also stated that P & R has no authority, budget, or power. Mrs. Traficante felt there was no problem with alienation (to which Mr. McLaren disagreed) and that there are formal procedures which have to be met. Mr. McLaren pointed out that only 9 of the 37 cities in the State of Florida with a population between 5,000 and 10,000, had a full-time Recreation Director or Supervisor, according to the 1989 Florida League of Cities manual. Mr. Rogers said that Mr. McLaren has brought up several good points and that P & R needs to act on it. The Committee thanked Mr. McLaren for coming forward with his opinions and suggestions; and that his points were well taken. 11. a) CITY MANAGER/ASST. CITY MANAGER'S. MATTERS Amount of Taxes to City of Sebastian from CAV Corporation The public is concerned because it does not want to lose this private ~ aa a tax base. Mrs. Traficante said this question has been erty requested from the public and that she can not take this off the agenda until the question has been answered. b) Collier Creek Locks Status - To be placed on memo under 6f. 12. NEW BUSINESS a) Request for 2nd Alternate P & R Committee Member (C.C. 2/28/90) - already covered. b) Trot Lining (Bill Rogers) - Mr. Rogers has not had any updated information from Jo Anne Townsend. Place under Old Business on next month's agenda. c) Request from Veto Beach Recreation (See Item 5 above) - Available Areas/Streets - Representatives not present at meeting. d) City Board Handbook (C.C. #90.042) - Committee has handbooks now. 13. ADJOURN MOTION by Schum/Rogers to adjourn themeeting; meeting adjourned at 9:25 elm