HomeMy WebLinkAbout06281988 PRCity of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY JUNE 28, 1988 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chairman McCollum called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Lonnie Powell led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Irene Traficante Cliff Hoose Lonnie Powell Chairman Nathan McCollum Also Present: City Manager, Robert McClary Absent: George Schum (excused) Gene Doty (excused) 4. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve May 31, 1988 minutes Irene Traficante said the motion on page six regarding the Sebastian Sun should include the word "accurate" before "coverage". MOTION by Powell/Hoose I move we approve the May 31, 1988, minutes as amended. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 4-0. 1 eo"N Approve June 6, 1988 Special Meeting Minutes Irene Traficante questioned the word on page one, third line from the bottom, first word. She was told the word was "carrying". Irene Traficante said page three, fifth paragraph add, "fenced roof" instead of "fence". She also corrected tonight's agenda item on this subject. MOTION by Powell/Traficante I move we approve the June 6, 1988 minutes as amended. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 4-0. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. Eugene Doty _ Score Board at Barber Street Field Due to the absence of Gene Doty, this item was postponed to the July meeting. B. Robb McClary - Final Decision on Havens Proposal The City Manager said that since there are no funds budgeted for this proposed program, he would hesitate to recommend approval at this time. Cliff Hoose recommended this be postponed until there is a full time Recreation Director on board. MOTION by Hoose/Powell I move we put a program similar to Reverend Haven's proposal in the 1988/89 fiscal year budget and leave it up to the City Manager to pursue. Lonnie Powell recommended a letter of thanks be sent to Reverend Havens. The City Manager said he would take care of it. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 4-0. C. Irene Traficante - Purchase of a Fence Roof for the Schumann Park Racquetball Courts Irene Traficante explained the need for a barrier above the racquetball courts to the City Manager. She said that since the nets previously purchased for this purpose were returned an alternative should be found. K Nate McCollum said Public Works Director, Jerry Thomas, was concerned nets may create a hazard if they ripped and was investigating an alternative. Cliff Hoose suggested heavy duty chicken wire. Irene Traficante suggested chicken wire with net or screening between to stop rubbage from falling on the courts, or corrugated roofing. MOTION by Hoose/Powell I move we request Public Workks Director, Jerry Thomas to do what he can to put a barrier above the racquetball courts on Schumann Drive. Nate McCollum said Parks and Recreation should get credit for the returned nets. He said the funds come out of the 86/87 fiscal year budget. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 4-0. 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS No report due to absence of George Schum. NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS Cliff Hoose had no report. RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORTS No report due to absence of Gene Doty. 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS Nate McCollum said he would be away from July 10 through July 26, and any questions should be directed to Cliff Hoose. Nate McCollum said the Parks and Recreation secretary had located a 1979 resolution listing the duties of the Parks and Recreation Committee. Copies of the resolution were distributed to the members. Nate McCollum said he had spent time at Riverview Park this month and found that the majority of people he spoke with are satisfied with the park. 3 i e"� 8 . COMMITTEE MATTERS The City Manager said the committee's request for phones and water cooler at Hardee Park would go to Council in the near future. Nate McCollum requested that if the request is on the July 13, 1988, Council agenda, Cliff Hoose attend the meeting. Cliff Hoose said he had spoken with Dockside Builders who said they could construct a handicap lift for the Yacht Club for less than $1000. He said he had given Jerry Thomas their number. 9. PUBLIC MATTERS Sebon Baker made a request to Parks and Recreation for support in her quest to use the Community Center on a regular basis for a teen club for ages 13 through 18 until such time as she may attempt to establish a permanent club in another location. Lonnie Powell concurred with the need for a teen club but expressed concern for running it as a private business. Nate McCollum said he was in full favor of the request. r1ft1 A lengthy discussion of the pros and cons of the request took place. Kevin Baker recommended they rent for a three month period on a trial non-profit basis and then come back to Parks and Recreation for support. The City Manager said the city had problems sanctioning such programs. He explained that the Community Center and Yacht Club cannot be rented for profit making operations unless the group is state chartered non- profit. He said the city is getting numerous requests for fee waivers and will someday have to pay utility and repair costs at the Community Center and will not have funds available. He suggested that the group contact North County Recreation for sanctioning. MOTION by Hoose/Powell I move we support Sebon Baker's efforts to establish a teen club and recommend reserving the Community Center one time within the next six weeks and see how it works out. The City Manager reiterated that the Community Center may not be rented for profit making by a private individual. He said it may be rented without a cover charge. 0 e'N Motion and second were withdrawn. Nate McCollum placed this item on the July 26, 1988 agenda. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. Robb McClary - City Base Map Identifing City Owned Property Zoned for Parks The City Manager said he had not brought the base maps with him to this meeting. He said there were still 27 tracts held by GDC. The City Manager requested input from the committee on a request he would bring to City Council regarding renovation of the Yacht Club to 1) not replace the shuffleboard courts; 2) replace chain link fence with split rail fence at a increased cost of $400; and 3) replace the concrete sidewalk with a boardwalk. MOTION by Powell/Hoose I move we concur with the recommendation of the City Manager regarding the renovation of the Yacht Club to 1) not replace the shuffleboard courts; 2) replace chain link fence with split rail fence at a increased cost of $400; and 3) replace the concrete sidewalk with a boardwalk. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 4-0. The City Manager requested input from the committee on a request he would bring to Council regarding the use of $21,000 set aside for Little League use for Barber Street Ballfield for a consulting engineer to begin plans for the entire Barber Street Sports Complex. MOTION by Powell/Hoose I move we concur with the recommendation of the City Manager to recommend to City Council the use of $21,000 set aside for Little League use for Barber Street Ballfield for a consulting engineer to begin plans for the entire Barber Street Sports Complex. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 4-0. The City Manager said there were three projects that North County Recreation may potentially fund. He listed them as follows: 1) Hardee Park fitness trail; 2) playground equipment for Schumann Park; /00*) and 3) playground equipment for Candy Cane Park. 5 110� Nate McCollum said Hardee Park was his number one priority. The City Manager said grants may available from the National Fitness Campaign for the fitness trail with the possibility of the balance coming from North County Recreation. MOTION by Powell/Hoose I move we concur with the City Manager's recommendation to seek possible grants from National Fitness Campaign and funding from North County Recreation for the Hardee Park fitness trail. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 4-0. The City Manager said, regarding the playground equipment for Candy Cane Park and Schumann Park, that he did not have time to review these two projects for North County Recreation funding and questioned whether a Parks and Recreation member would volunteer the time to review catalogues and come up with specific dollar figures to present to North County Recreation. Cliff Hoose volunteered to review the playground equipment and present to North County Recreation. Discussion of playground equipment for Candy Cane Park and Schumann Park was placed on the July meeting agenda. B. Nate McCollum - Possible New Shuffleboard Court for a City Park Nate McCollum recommended waiting until a full time Recreation Director is appointed and include this item with other proposed recreation. 11. Nate McCollum adjourned the meeting at 9:00 P.M. C�