HomeMy WebLinkAbout07241990 PRCity of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 n SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407)589-5330 M MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1990 - ?:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Chairman Traficante called the meeting to order at ?:10 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Harry DiSalvio. ROLL CALL: Present: Irene Traficante George Schum William Rogers Harry DiSalvio (Alternate) Excused: EugeneDoty Absent: Cliff Hoose Also Present: Jo Anne Townsend, Liaison Euntce Mercier, Secretary 4. App~oval of Minutes - June 26, 1990: Corrections/Clarifications: Irene Traficante: a) Page 2, 2nd Paragraph, 5th sentence of Item 6b - add "they" at end of line. b) Page 5', 5th sentence of 8e - change team to teen. c) Page 5, MOtion under 9 (1) ' add ("on July 4th") to end of motion. d) Page 7, Item 12, 2nd Question - last sentence, add "Main Street" in frOnt of "field". MOTION by Schum/Rogers to approve the Minutes of June 26, 1990, as clarified. 1 Parks & Recreation Minutes Meeting - ?/24/90 5. .A~ENDA SPEAKERS: a) Course in Basic Phot~ - Charles Hann Mr. Hann and Mr. Hoose both not present. OLD BUSINESS a) Follow-u~ Memo to. Asst. City Manager re Items 6A, B, D, E, and. 11B on May agenda: JoAnna Townsend reported the following: 6A - Senior Citizens Park Areas On hold in light of public negotiations. 6B: City-based Maps/Property Peter Jones working on those. 6D: Request for ~ Trail ~ in H_ardee Park Statue Ms. Townsend had no specific answer. 6E: Anchor Port-o-let ~ at Harde. 9 Park Status - completed? Ms. Townsend reported that was being taken care. HoWever, Chairperson Traficante clarified that the ramp needs anchoring; (a) afraid the ramp will be stolen and (b) wish to prevent the ramp from slipping .due to heavy rainfall. Ms. Townsend said she will check into this. Information: Barber Street Complex (1) Concern had been expressed regarding bathroom ceilings. The hatch door has been locked and the wall has been closed off; (2) the handicapped stalls - Peter Jones told Ms. Townsend the lighting has been adjusted and .there is sufficient lightthere; (3) vents in the bathrooms - the vent by the handicapped stall is blocked and the remaining vents wtll be landscaped; (4) concession stand canopy for protection of the public against fly balls - will get back to the committee regarding this; (5) fence line - the concrete pillar is in the ground and that's it; they have rearranged the bracket on the light pole, lighting readjusted and will move the fence line out - this is resolved. .. 2 Parks & Recreation Minutes Meeting - ?/24/90 6. Old Business (cont.) 6G: Portable Ballfield Fence JoAnna has done nothing on this item. llB: Collier Creek Locks Status No information. Mr. Schum said Dave Fisher said a lock would be put on; MS. Townsend to get with Mr. Fisher regarding same.. b) Follow__~on Softball League Reu__eue~Ages 14-17 ~Memo 4/25/9~) Clarification"'Stat~ent ko ~ Council fr6m ~ene Dory -- Not discussed. (Mr. Dory excused) c) Riverfront Property Permits/Boat Trailer Parking - Status fro ' Ms. Townsend said she placed a Call to City Attorney Frl'day. Ms.. Townsend questioned whether or not the City Council.would want to get into impact and user fees. Will report later. After further discussion. Mrs. Traficante requested Ms. Townsend to get a layout sketch of how many parking spaces there are on Main Street, the Yacht Club and Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Townsend to ask City Attorney if we-can present a plan. Mr. DiSalvio requested that the minutes note that there Is an overwhelming out-of-county parking spots. Mr. Schum indicated concern that Sebastian citizens should get first chance on parking. JoAnna Townsend to get together with P & R Secretary to call other counties in order to find out what ordinances they have regarding parking permits. To, be placed on next monthts-agenda. d) Follow-up Status on Vandal-proof.Pu_~for new trees at Hardee ~ark~er motion) Memo received by Committee from City Engineer in explanation. (No plans for an irrigation system or pump~ new plantings are watered with the city's water truck through Public Works Department.) e) Acquisition of Stonecrop Area Swimming Hole. from GDC~ Property ks on the cityts list for negotiation with General Development Corporation. Parks and Recreation Minutes Meeting - 7/24/90 6. Old Business (cont.) f) Review/Gather Facts Re News Release - P & R: a) Propeller Guard - Manatees b) Self-improvement Courses c) Softball League d) Misce.llaneous Placed after Public Matter. g) Discuss Proposed Lease on Barber Street/Main St. Little League (awaiting~ofproposed lease) Ms. Townsend said that after the budget is completed, she will have information. Place on September agenda - may have copy of proposed lease. 7. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT - George Schum The committee recommended. Jungle Trail (a) be made into County Park. b) NORTH COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT - William Rogers No meeting - no report. c) RECREATION COORDINATOR'S REPORT - Gene Dory Eugene Dory excused from tonight's meeting. 8. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS a) Chairman Traficante welcomed Harry DiSalvio on behalf of the committee as the new alternate member on the Parks and Recreation Committee. b) Noticed article in the Press Journal with her (Mrs. Traficante) picture in paper - good .article. 9. COMMITTEE MATTERS Mr. Schum said the dedication of the Creative PlaygrOttnd will be held on Saturday, August 4, 1990, at 5:00 p.m. 10. PUBLIC MATTERS None. (NOTE: 6F not discussed.) Parks and Recreation Minutes Meeting - 7/24/90 11. CITY MANAGER'S/ASST. CITY MANAG___~R'S MATTER__. Ms. Townsend announced that the Cit~ Picnic is Saturday, August 25, 19.90, at noon at Long Point Park and requested the committee please call Jean (City Manager's secretary) to report wh~heF they and/or families are planning to attend, for count-. 12. NEW BUSINESS None. 13. ADJOURN Motion by Schum/Rogers tO adJourn~ meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. elm