HomeMy WebLinkAbout10171988 PRCity of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 O SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 AMENDED SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MONDAY, OCTOBER 17,1988 - 5:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Chairman McCollum called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. ROLL CALL: Present: Nathan McCollum George Schum Irene Traficanti Eugene Doty Excused: Lonnie Powell Absent: Robert McClary Clifford Hoose Special Guest: Mr. Nolan The purpose of this special meeting was to discuss the following: the Christmas Parade and Recreation Equipment. Recreation Equipment: Nate McCollum introduced Mr. Nolan to the committee, stating his reason for being at the meeting was to give an evaluation of our parks. Mr. Nolan's report on Candy Cane Park: 1) Equipment is 12-14 years old; 2) Park is in somewhat a confined area. Mr. Nolan stated that unless the City is ready to move the fences (OW) or expand that area, there really isn't anything his company can do. He further stated that the merry-go-round and equipment need 1 parts, approximately $200 worth; but unless the City is willing to expand that area and enlarge it, it is too confined to add anything over there. Nate to see if City is willing to enlarge the park, as the park was given to the city strictly as use of the park and uncertain on the deed what restrictions there may be. Mr. Nolan stated he thought that may be the case and for that reason did not go into any elaborate type of plans. Another problem Mr. Nolan observed there is that the Oak tree has very large roots above the ground so he hesitates to add anything because of the obstruction with the roots of that really large Oak tree. Mr. Nolan suggested that we put our resources into Schumann Drive, as that park has some equipment that has really served its purpose. A couple of the items probably should be taken out now. There is a ladder over there that is dilapitated and should probably come out. Mr. Nolan presented 3 plans of activity centers and 3 price ranges. He stated his preference as the one with towers. Nate agreed that it was just what he had been looking for, as it seems to have everything on it and is enclosed so that they will not jump off the equipment. It would accommodate 30-40 children. This 4 -way Tower, the better of 2, sells for $9800. Nate stated that he has been assured by the City Manager that eooll� there is $10,000 in the budget for that equipment. This would have to go before City Council and will have to be put out to bid. The workshop is scheduled for November 2, 1988. Nate stated that he would like to give a good presentation so requested Mr. Nolan send specs, etc., to him for this purpose. Candy Cane Park - Nate agrees it is a small park and didn't see anyone there when he was there. Irene Traficante stated that the sand diggers and swings are what we are looking for. Nate added that they accomplish two purposes: having something (1) small and (2) modern; also easily sits two people on there. MOTION by Irene Traficante/Gene Doty - SUGGEST TO CITY COUNCIL THE PURCHASE OF THE NATURE BILL, MARK FOUR, PLAY SYSTEM FOR SCHUMANN DRIVE Roll Call on the vote was taken as such: Irene Traficante: Yea George Schum: Yea Gene Doty: Yea Nate McCollum: Yea MOTION CARRIES. 2 MOTION by Irene Traficante/Gene Doty - TO PURCHASE ONE (1) SPACESHIP COLUMBIA FOR CANDY CANE PARK AND ALL NECESSARY REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR EQUIPMENT THAT IS CURRENTLY IN THE PARK. Roll Call on the vote was taken as such: Gene Doty: Yea George Schum: Yea Irene Traficante: Yea Nate McCollum: Yea MOTION CARRIES. Chairman McCollum noted that we can incorporate replacement parts for Candy Cane Park, approximately $100-200. Nate McCollum stated he will get together with the City Manager to see what we can do to get the Spaceship swing set now or to see if he wants to incorporate everything into one with the play system, etc. He further asked Mr. Nolan to send him the specs for the above item and swing set system and we will see that it will be put on an agenda. CHRISTMAS PARADE: Chairman McCollum noted that Joe Kelly hadn't shown at the meeting yet and possibly wouldn't, as she was very busy. He stated that he had misunderstood Sally Maio previously and that she actually had told him she had no extra time to be in charge of the parade, with her office duties, etc. Jo Kelly had told Nate that she didn't mind assisting someone for the parade but didn't feel she should be in charge of a City function. Chairman McCollum questioned the conceivability of having a parade during the day on Indian River Drive and stated there is absolutely no way to have one at night, as it is too dark. Nate then brought up the question of even having a parade, as too many problems were involved and no one to be in charge. Also, the Department of Traffic will not allow us to use U.S. 1; it is a Federal highway, under their control. After much discussion, the following decisions were made: 1) Gene Doty will check with the Women's Club to see if they would like to be in charge of the parade; 2) If not, Nate will ask the Chamber of Commerce the same; 3) If neither are interested in taking charge of a parade, we will put some other plans together.. 3 4) The main idea is for Santa Claus to listen to the children. Helicopter: The idea of a helicopter was introduced. Parking problems would be eliminated if softball field was used, as well as the lighting problem. Nate will check into City's approval of helicopter expense. The idea of a fire truck was discarded due to the weight of the heavy truck ruining the sprinkler system. It was decided the helicopter be the plan if the Women's Club and Chamber of Commerce will not chair the parade. Gene Doty stated that The possibility of using the ballfield opens up many ideas, such as: (1) a concession stand, allowing us to earn money; (2) a PA system; (3) record player or "victrola". It was suggested that Santa could parachute out of the helicopter; however, the problem arose as to who would want to be the Santa parachuting out. Everyone was in agreement as to all of the above plans and the committee agreed to make the final decision next Tuesday night during the regular meeting. With no further business regarding the above two (2) special projects, MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting by Gene Doty, seconded by George Schum. Meeting adjourned. P&R-SP 4 City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 A G E N D A PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1988 - 5:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA ITEMS A. CHRISTMAS PARADE B. RECREATION EQUIPMENT - MR. NOLAN 5. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. 1