HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-2017 PZ Agendama SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 2017 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting of July 6, 2017 6. QUASI-JUDICIAL and PUBLIC HEARINGS • Chairman opens hearing, attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title • Commissioners disclose ex -parte communication • Chairman or attorney swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant or applicant's agent makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Commissioners asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor and anyone opposing the request (anyone presenting factual information shall be sworn but anyone merely advocating approval or denial need not be sworn in) • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion • Commission Action A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Change of Use Site Plan — Pareidolia Brewery & Thomas Haynes — 712 Cleveland Street — Retail to Brewery/Bar - CR Zoning District B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan Modification — New York Barber Shop — 867 Sebastian Boulevard — Additional Parking Area — C-512 Zoning District C. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Preliminary Plat — Sebastian Medical Suites Commercial Subdivision — 13035 US Highway #1 & 801 Wellness Way — CR Zoning District D. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Special Exception Request — Warehousing/Auction House in C-512 Zoning District — 971 Sebastian Boulevard 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Discussion — Future development of vacant parcels located on the east side of Indian River Drive — Consideration of possible LDC amendments (Back-up materials from previous agenda) 8. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. STAFF MATTERS 11. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 12. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 13. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F. S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. All government meetings in City Council Chambers will be broadcast live on COS -TV Comcast Channel 25 and ATT UVerse Channel 99 and streamed via the city website — www.cityofsebastian.orp unless otherwise noticed and rebroadcast at a later date — see COS -TV Channel 25 for broadcast schedule 2 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 6, 2017 1. Call to Order Chairwoman Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3 9 Roll Call Present: Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Hughan (a) Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Alvarez Mr. Roth Mr. McManus Mr. Carter Mr. Reyes Not Present: Mr. Simmons (a) — Excused Also Present: Mr. Ken Kilgore, Finance Director Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner Ms. Susan Mann, Recording Consultant Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was not present Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications Ms. Kautenburg stated that Mr. Simmons is an alternate, therefore a substitute will not be required. 5. Approval of minutes A. Regular Meeting of June 1, 2017 A motion to accept the June 1, 2017 minutes as presented was made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. Carter and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearings — None 7. Unfinished Business — None 8. Public Input — None 9. New Business A. Discussion — Future development of vacant parcels located on the east side of Indian River Drive — Consideration of possible LDC amendments. y Cc CL E 5 O I c.o �E a. E_ dj C fn c (n -E d1 $a f!)N M. Q <( Ms. Kautenburg stated that Mr. Simmons is an alternate, therefore a substitute will not be required. 5. Approval of minutes A. Regular Meeting of June 1, 2017 A motion to accept the June 1, 2017 minutes as presented was made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. Carter and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearings — None 7. Unfinished Business — None 8. Public Input — None 9. New Business A. Discussion — Future development of vacant parcels located on the east side of Indian River Drive — Consideration of possible LDC amendments. y Cc CL E 5 O PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 6, 2017 Ms. Bosworth explained that this matter is before the Commission at the request of City Council for discussion on how the City would see development of those properties on the East side of Indian River Drive. She stated that included in the Agenda Package is information on the parcels, zoning districts, etc. She introduced Councilman Dodd and stated that he would further explain what is before the Commission. Mr. Dodd stated that he has presented his concerns about the development of the parcels East of Indian River Drive and the consensus was it would be worth pursuing. He stated that he is before the Commission at the request of the City Manager and is not representing the City Council. He explained that many of the parcels are owned by those who own the property on the West side of IRD. He stated that the desire is to discourage high density development on the east side; that could be accomplished by offering incentives to those owners for their property on the west side. He described the "Main Street" of Sebastian as being Indian River Drive between Riverview Park and Jackson Street. He stated that vision is to make it an attractive and welcoming area for all residents through low density, mixed use development. He explained that the Land Development Code protects the property owners and with thoughtful modifications it could work to protect both owners' desires for their property and the City's future development. He stressed the need to take action quickly so as to limit the amount of time those against change have to provide misinformation to the public. He stated again that he is not present as an official representative of the City Council but offered to answer any questions the Commission may have. He stressed the fact that the Land Development Code is what gives control of development to staff, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. Ms. Bosworth explained the zoning district regulation RM -8 allows for 8 units per acre, such as duplexes. She stated that hotels are not controlled by density as residential units are. She provided a detailed explanation of the applicable codes and their requirements. She noted that her understanding of what Mr. Dodd is referencing is maintaining the open space along the river. She suggested possibly providing the owners of property on both sides of the road an incentive to construct something that does not block the view of the river. She stated that staffs concern is setbacks and density on those parcels. During discussion Mr. Qizilbash expressed concern about the flood zone; Mr. McMannus stated that he does not believe many of the lots are buildable; Ms. Kautenburg stated that possibly being more creative with the types of structures that are allowed and be very careful to not have it appear that private property is being taken from its owners; Mr. Reyes stated that his vision for the river front is to have walkways connecting the shops and restaurants possibly have vendors selling their merchandise from Kiosks along the walk; Mr. Roth stated that if the river front is transformed into a destination where people want to walk, the kiosks could be successful. Following an in-depth discussion about how the code could be changed to accommodate a variety of uses both residential and commercial it was agreed that PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 6, 2017 having a zoning map with all the properties in question being indicated would make it easier to determine how to proceed. Ms. Kautenburg stated that possibly mixing residential and commercial uses could make the area more attractive and welcoming to visitors. Ms. Bosworth explained that the Overlay Districts were created to address the use of the property without having to rezone the property. She suggested considering another Overlay District for the East side of Indian River Drive that would accomplish this. Ms. Kautenburg stated that she would like to get public input to determine what the property owners want to do with their property. Mr. Roth responded that it would be better for the Commission to review the larger map before seeking public input. The consensus of the Commission was to have staff prepare a zoning map with the properties indicated so the entire area could be seen on one sheet. It was also agreed that the next meeting would be for review and formulation of ideas prior to scheduling a public hearing. Ms. Kautenburg called for any further discussion; hearing none she continued with the agenda. B. Recommendation to City Council — Review of Capital Improvement Program and Capital Outlay Items Greater than $50,000 — 6 Year Schedule FY 2017/2018 through 2022/2023. Mr. Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director and Chief Financial Officer, stated that he is present to review the Capital Improvement Program for FY 2018 to 2023. He explained that this is before the Commission for their review and input before it goes to the City Council for adoption. He reviewed his PowerPoint Presentation on the CIP Projects by department, he explained the proposed projects, the associated expense, and the Fiscal Year the expense will occur. He reviewed the summary of the proposed Capital Improvement Program and explained the percentage of each category and its funding source. He noted that the Enterprise Funds are the higher percentage because of the proposed improvements at the airport and the golf course, these projects will be funded largely by grants. Mr. Reyes expressed concern about the amount of money that is budgeted for improvements at the airport and golf course. He stated that the income from those funds may not make the expense worthwhile. Mr. Alvarez expressed his concern about the sidewalk repairs, signage, etc. and stated that in his opinion there are a lot of expenses in the budget that may not be necessary. Ms. Bosworth responded that the signage expense is coming from CRA funds. The proposed signs will be decorative, placed at the end of each Presidential street and PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 6, 2017 direct people to the businesses on that street. Mr. Roth agreed that could enhance the image of the City. Mr. Alvarez stated that he would like to see some of the amount budgeted go toward signs alerting people to tortoises, birds, etc. on the roadways. Ms. Kautenburg supported the use of the CRA funds because they come from the County and the funds will expire in a few years. Mr. Reyes asked how many mowers the amount in the budget will purchase. Mr. Killgore responded the budget is for one and one is scheduled to be replaced each year to maintain the fleet of mowers the City has. Mr. Reyes stated that the amount budgeted is a very high. He suggested rather than having to replace them so often to look at purchasing a better mower or maintaining them better. Mr. Roth asked for the funding source for the golf course shown on the PowerPoint Summary Page. Mr. Killgore responded it is revenue from the golf course. Ms. Bosworth explained that, as required by code, the CIP is before the Planning Commission for their input regarding projects they would recommend to be included. The intent is not to review the dollar amounts in the budget. Mr. Reyes stated that he would prefer to see more budgeted for the swales. He expressed concern about the amount of money that is budgeted for the airport and asked about how much revenue it generates. Ms. Kautenburg stated that the enterprise funds support themselves and the amounts budgeted are not coming out of the general fund. Mr. Killgore stated that Ms. Kautenburg is correct and that enhancements to the airport promote economic growth and increased employment in the City. He provided details on the grants that fund the airport projects and the source of the matching funds required by the grant. Mr. Alvarez expressed his concern about the amount that is budgeted for computer upgrades. The consensus of the Commission was that the budget is already set and it would be difficult to make changes at this point. Ms. Bosworth suggested that next year the Commission meet in January or February 2018 and prepare their list of Capital Improvement Projects they would like to see in the CIP budget. This would allow the Budget Committee to know in advance what the Commissioner's recommendations are before the budget is prepared. The Commissioners all agreed that would be an appropriate procedure to follow. Mr. Roth asked about the CRA Master Plan. Ms. Bosworth stated that would be addressed after October 1St, the City is planning to hire a Community Development Director who would oversee the project and a vendor would be selected. She stated PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 6, 2017 that the Commission would have the opportunity for input prior to any action being taken. Ms. Kautenburg called for any further discussion; hearing none she called for a motion. MOTION: by Alvarez/Roth "I move that we accept the proposed Capital Improvement Program and recommend to the City Council with no changes." The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 10. Commissioners Matters — None Mr. Roth asked if a formal request needed to be made to have staff prepare the zoning map. Ms. Bosworth responded no and stated that she will prepare the map and a meeting could be scheduled in which the most members will be able to attend. She stated she will email the notification to each member. 11. City Attorney Matters -- None 12. Staff Matters Ms. Bosworth stated that the matter reported by Mr. Alvarez has been forwarded to Code Enforcement. Mr. Alvarez stated that a barber on CR512 has a large sign on a trailer and asked if that was permitted. Ms. Bosworth responded it is not and she would forward the information to Code Enforcement. Ms. Bosworth reported that staff is reviewing Site Plans which will come to the Commission in August and September. 13. Items for Next Agenda 14. Admiourn Chairwoman Kautenburg called for any further business, hearing none he adjourned the meeting at 7:49 pm. /sm CnOF SEBAST�" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 www.cityofsebastion.org STAFF REPORT MEMORANDUM DATE: August 8, 2017 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission RE: Request for Change of Use: Retail to Brewery/Bar Pareidolia Brewery — Peter Anderson/Tom Haynes 712 Cleveland Street Mr. Thomas Haynes as property owner, has applied for a Change of Use for the existing site located at 712 Cleveland Street. Most residents know the site as the former Ace Hardware store, and recently as a resale and consignment shop. The building, also, at one time, housed the city's local Post Office. Mr. Pete Anderson, Master Brewer, would like to re -locate his existing brewery and bar business to this location from 482 U.S Highway #1. As this is an old site, staff worked with the applicants to bring the property into, or as close to zoning compliance, as the site allowed. No increases to the building or additional impervious areas are being proposed. The property has recently removed the septic tank and drainfield, and hooked into to the Indian River County Sewer System. The parking plan for the former Ace Hardware store had six parking spaces which backed out onto Cleveland Street. With the construction of the City's Presidential Streets project, those spaces were lost. This site was one of two properties in the Riverfront district that were given formal off-site "parking credits" for the parking spaces that the city made inoperable. However, those spaces remain public and cannot be marked exclusively for the building. To further meet the parking needs for the brewery and bar, the area behind the building is being restriped to include regular, compact, and motorcycle spaces. The cycle spaces are of the same dimension as those approved for Earl's Hideaway, which received 1 regular parking credit for every two spaces. Also, a future, outside deck area is shown in front of the building, and the required parking spaces for this use were also added to the plan. Landscaping, in accordance with the Riverfront Overlay District, is being requested by staff for the buffer along the front property line only. The city does not have an existing formal site or landscaping plan for this property because of its age. Hence, staff considered the difficulty, and lack of available planting areas to be able to get the site into compliance. Requiring landscaping in the front will at least bring the site closer to meeting current landscape codes. Review comments from Engineering and other jurisdictional agencies have been addressed. In summary, the proposed changes to the site — re -striping of the rear parking area, and supplemental landscaping — in addition to formalizing a site plan, support the request for a change of retail use to a brewery and bar. For this reason, staff recommends approval of the application for 712 Cleveland Street. D. Bosworth, Manager/Planner 4 0' 4 D CrOF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND City of Sebastian Development Order Application Permit Application No. Applicant If not owner, written authorization notarized from owner is required) Name: Lot: Block: Ga t5L� � � Unit Subdivision: N,tz A Indian River County Parcel #: Address: �v a V s� V hJ 194me 1 L S z- c Phone Number: ( ) FAX umber: ( ) - P, lA__ Existing Use: el;:,_ E -Mail: U Owner If different from applicant) Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: S ITS ff� A PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-112" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM, A. Project Name (if applicable . B. Site Information Address: Lot: Block: Ga t5L� � � Unit Subdivision: N,tz A Indian River County Parcel #: 22 I` _p -4. 20_ -- 404!q0(o,� Zoning Classification: Future Land Use: C P, lA__ Existing Use: el;:,_ Proposed Use: FA C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets If necessarvl: RECEIVED BY — DATE RECEIVED: S Rl L FEE PAID: $ RECEIVED e-" Sebastian ue. lo,^,ment Dept. Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number. ( ) E -Mail: Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number. ( ) E -Mail: Engineer: Name: Address r 7� 71i Litt ELL 2 - zap Phone Number. ( ) M2L �� (� FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Surveyor: Name: Address o b5c_o f lvE yr i ` / l Lff 2 �s Phone Number: ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: I,S BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: I AM THE OWNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVF THE O V R OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, 6THAT ALL TH TION, MAPS, DATA AND(OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THI APPLICATION ARE ACCU UE TO TH NOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. �1l SIGNATURE SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY e-5 WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TOME OR PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS o; i�`k'15AY OF _ /L-�%1 CY.�JV�//20� NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY 7'i7Do%l COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: ,,'!'.`•:'1y�,, RHODA M. JEUABY MY COMMISSION 4 FF 106964 k'• •; EXPIRES: July 26, 2018 �;'pr4�• Bonded Thtu Notary Puck Undeiw,Yen Permit Application No. The following Is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (Including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. IlWE, 19THE OWNER(S) l _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE A" 2CD,t4.µ1S1(er— BOARDICOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. IIWE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARO/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MYIOUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. 7 THIS WAIVE AND CONSENT IS SI ED MEIUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PR MADE, BY ANY , CONTRACTOR OR OMCMLL OF TH CITY OF EBASTIAN. IG TURE DATE Sworn to and subscribed before m by Thoma 5 rTac�i��5 who is personally known t9 Q me or produced D d !✓ as ldentlfica8on, this�75 day of i 20 Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary hczY4 Commission No./Expiration Seal: RHODA M. JELMBY .: MY COMMISSION R FF 106964 �'•. EXPIRES: July 26, 2018 Bonded Thm Notary Public Uneewriten APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE Permit Application No. Supplemental Information NE�Pt,u Site Plan Approval _ 1. Site size in acres or square feet: e'2-1 x2. Area of impervious surface in square feet: 1 , 5 IV-k5� A3. Area of pervious surface in square feet 19 0& Arljf-e� 4. Attach the ?� a. TWELVE complete sets of site plan with lot configuration, finished ground floor elevations, contours and designated number of dwelling units, and setbacks to scale indicating compliance with regulations. (Two sets must be sealed.) Xb. A scaled drawing of the sides, front and rear of the building or structure, generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure, building exterior construction material and color, and building ridgeline height. c. A surface -water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida (3 SETS) d. TWELVE copies of land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor. r.Xk e. A traffic impact analysis, if required (3 SETS) f. An erosion/sedimentation control plan (3 SETS). ?� g. A copy of the landscape plan to meet the requirements of Article XIV. Tree Protection and Landscaping, or Article XXI Performance Overlay Districts, as stated in the Land Development Code. h. A verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property except publicly held corporations whose stock is traded on a nationally recognized stock exchange, in which case the name and address of the corporation and principal executive officers will be sufficient. Permit Application No. 5. The following infon•nation is required on all site plans: ,/� a. Locate on the site plan and describe the character of all outside facilities for \, waste disposal, storage areas, or display. n b. Locate on the site plan and show the dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways, including the number of spaces with their location and dimension, details of off-street parking and loading areas, all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering, surface materials, number of employees and number and type of vehicles owned by the establishment. Any combined off-street parking facilities shall be submitted with an agreement specifying the nature of the arrangement, its anticipated duration, and signatures of all concerned property owners. c. Locate on the site plan all pedestrian walks, and height or orientation of all signs. X d. Locate on the site plan and describe the character of landscaped areas and/or recreation areas. e. Locate on the site plan and describe the design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities such as water and wastewater disposal facilities, underground or overhead electric lines, gas transmission lines, or other similar facilities or services. 7S f. Locate on the site plan and describe the height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping, including berms and other required screening devices, and any other plans for protecting adjacent property owners. g. Locate on the site plan existing easements and rights-of-way. 712 Cleveland Street - Pareidolia Brewery f '4 tM f41 r 4.4 Y i Ij c�4 1 �,•, Y f ; Y' q 3 t e August 9, 2017 1:1,200 0 o.0o7s 0.015 0.03 mi Points i. r l i l i I 0 0.01 0.02 0.04 km Override 1 'R eWver CauXy G15 RM IMen Fivar CninN %amvrg �epeNrerrt IRWIS BOUNDARY SURVEY OF LOTS 6 AND 7, BLOCK 2, EDGEWATER PARK, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page(s) 25, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida, and according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 23, Public Records of Indian River County, Florida. (Contains 0.29 acres) INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BENCHMARK DESIGNATION #BM005059 PUBLISHED ELEVATION 3.64 NAVD 1958 I CERTIFIED TO: I THOMAS & DONNA HAYNES 11 PYO.. &Lj y PARCEL I.D. -A A 131390600020002000003.0 GSS SURVEYING & MAPPING, LLC. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER LB 8006 A/ Z. 45' BEND GROUND ELEV=5.98 -. To TOP OF PIPE ELEV= 4.78 01. N: 1264198.558 C E: 828769.955 Ory„ C 45' BEND GROUND ELEV=5.94- TOP OF PIPE REV= 4.14 N: 1264187.117 E: 828791.997 FENCE C ASPHALT PARKIN Q AREAS 7 \ CI LOT 6 �1 BLOCK 2 :P g eylya a3 ORNER W FIR 1/2" SURVEYORS NOTES: GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. TERRY H. DRUM PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER NO. NOT -VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL OF A ADDRESS: 712 CLEVELAND STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 TOP OF GATE RIP =FOUND IRON PIPE"NO IDENTIFICATION" VALVE BIRD = SET 1/2" IRON ROD WITH CAP -LB 8006" BM SITE BENCHMARK • rV��B*/_ 1/2' .N 6a N� BPS N: 1264270.923 0Eph0 p0�D) E: 828736.245 A, \rlR g011( 45' BEND SN&D=SET NAIL AND DISK GROUND ELEV=6.75 ' TOP OF PIPE ELEV=5.06 Srr SEPTIC TANK N: 1264248.498 \ E: 828745.504/ 45' BEND (P) PLAT (D)=DEED (M)=MEASURE GROUND ELEV. 6.15 • TOP OF PIPE ELEV.--4.9. CMP= CORREGATED METAL PIPE N: 1264244.744 INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BENCHMARK DESIGNATION #BM005059 PUBLISHED ELEVATION 3.64 NAVD 1958 I CERTIFIED TO: I THOMAS & DONNA HAYNES 11 PYO.. &Lj y PARCEL I.D. -A A 131390600020002000003.0 GSS SURVEYING & MAPPING, LLC. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER LB 8006 A/ Z. 45' BEND GROUND ELEV=5.98 -. To TOP OF PIPE ELEV= 4.78 01. N: 1264198.558 C E: 828769.955 Ory„ C 45' BEND GROUND ELEV=5.94- TOP OF PIPE REV= 4.14 N: 1264187.117 E: 828791.997 FENCE C ASPHALT PARKIN Q AREAS 7 \ CI LOT 6 �1 BLOCK 2 :P g eylya a3 ORNER W FIR 1/2" SURVEYORS NOTES: GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. TERRY H. DRUM PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER NO. NOT -VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL OF A ADDRESS: 712 CLEVELAND STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 C.B.S= CONCRETE BLOCK/STUCCO RIP =FOUND IRON PIPE"NO IDENTIFICATION" EL = ELEVATION BIRD = SET 1/2" IRON ROD WITH CAP -LB 8006" BM SITE BENCHMARK CONC = CONCRETE FPR= FIXED POINT OF REFERENCE FN&D= FOUND NAIL AND DISK CS=CHORD BEARING /CH=CHORD SN&D=SET NAIL AND DISK PCP= PERMANENT CONTROL POINT FF EL.= FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION PC= POINT OF CURVATURE Srr SEPTIC TANK PT= POINT OF TANGENCY BE SQUARE FOOT RAN RIGHT OF WAY (P) PLAT (D)=DEED (M)=MEASURE FIR= FOUND IRON ROD' NO IDENTIFICATION" C/L=CENTERLINE EOP=EDGE OF PAVEMENT FIRC= FOUND IRON ROD WITH CAP CMP= CORREGATED METAL PIPE UPDATES and/or REVI90NS BY DATE JOB A 14-0846 AS BUILT FOR SEWER AS BUILT I LD 03-30-17 DRAWN BY: LD lata PAGE: MAPPER. 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROVIDED BY CLIENT. ADJOINERS SHOWN HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED. 2. THE EXPECTED USE OF THIS PARCEL IS COMMERCIAL. THE MINIMUM RELATIVE DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR THIS BOUNDARY SURVEY IS 1 FOOT IN 10,000 FEET. IN THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS (6,117 F.A.C.). 3. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 4. SEPTIC TANKS AND WELLS IF SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS AND SHOULD BE FIELD VERIFIED BY A LICENSED CONTRACTOR FOR CORRECT POSITION AND SEPARATION. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR FOOTERS HAVE NOT BEEN LOCATED. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED AND BASED UPON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CLEVELAND STREET AS SHOV ON THE PLAT OF EDGEWATER PARK (DESCRIBED ABOVE). 6. ALL RIGHTS-OF-WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE OPEN TO TRAVEL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 12061CO112H, HAVING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECEMBER 4, 2012, THIS PROPERTY APPEARS TO LIE WITHIN ZONE X, OUTSIDE SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. S. ALL DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES AND ARE REFERENCED TO U.S. SURVEY FEET. 9. THE BOUNDARY DETERMINATION AND DELINEATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP OF SURVEY WAS BASED UPON THE PROFESSIONAL OPINION OF THE REGISTERED SURVEYOR PURSUANT TO NORMAL PRINCIPALS AND PRACTICES OF LAND SURVEYING AND IS NOT INTENDED TO IMPLY OR DETERMINE OWNERSHIP. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT INTEND TO DELINEATE LOCAL AREAS OF CONCERN OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION. 10. THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT AND USE OF THE PERSONS AND/OR ENTITIES NAMED HEREON FOR THE PURPOSES IDENTIFIED HEREON ONLY. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, CERTIFICATION OF THIS SURVEY MAP APPLIES ONLY TO THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 5J17 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PU RSUANT TO SECTION 472027, FLORIDA STATUTES. THE CERTIFICATION IN NO WAY CONSTITUTES NEITHER GUARANTY NOR WARRANTY TO ANY OTHER INFORMATION NOT SHOWN HEREON. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR REVISIONS TO THIS DRAWING BY OTHERS ARE NOT PERMITTED AND THIS SURVEY MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE SIGNING SURVEYOR. THIS SURVEY IS NOT VALID FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAN INTENDED BY THE SIGNING SURVEYOR. 11. COORDINATES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON FLORIDA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NADB3IFLORIDA EAST ZONE 901. 12. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED UPON THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAND ae =WATER METER = FIRE HYDRANT =WATER VALVE LM =EXISTING WELL Q = SANITARY MANHOLE =STORM MANHOLE CB =CATCH BASIN = CABLE PEDESTAL -(> = WOOD UTILITY POLE E- =GUY ANCHOR ❑e = ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER Two = TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX =LIGHT POLE C = CALCULATED END =FOUND C # = CURVE NUMBER & = AND A/C = AIR CONDITIONER I.D.=IDENTIFICATION I CM = CONCRETE MONUMENT = CHAIN LINK FENCE = WOOD FENCE =TOP OF BANK =TOEOFSLOPE =OVERHEAD WIRES = BUILDING SETBACK LINE Surveying and MapjpAngLLC t 4690 Ulpscomb Street logy Suite SA _a Palma Bay, FL 32905 321.914-3978 LOT 8 1P I& BLOCK 2 C4 f FENCE CORNER CLEAN OUT 0.6' N.E. P954%4217.299 •O E: 828863.344 `N. 45' BEND TOP OF PIPE ELEV.=4.51 GROUND ELEV. 5.91 13� N: 1264216.607 E: 828863.623 45' BEND )S/ TOP OF PIPE EV=5.9646 �-+ GROUND .96 N:1264213.838 TOP OF B'x8 WET E: 828862.501 STATIN ELEV. = 6.27 N: 1264212.602 _. FENCE CORNER 5.87 E: 828859.985 FIRC 1/2' 1.0' N. .54.47 �Op CARTER t1�p0• 9 LOT 22 BOCK 2 4"PVC PIPE PARCEL I.D. #31390600020002000003.0 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROVIDED BY CLIENT. ADJOINERS SHOWN HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED. 2. THE EXPECTED USE OF THIS PARCEL IS COMMERCIAL. THE MINIMUM RELATIVE DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR THIS BOUNDARY SURVEY IS 1 FOOT IN 10,000 FEET. IN THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS (6,117 F.A.C.). 3. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 4. SEPTIC TANKS AND WELLS IF SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS AND SHOULD BE FIELD VERIFIED BY A LICENSED CONTRACTOR FOR CORRECT POSITION AND SEPARATION. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR FOOTERS HAVE NOT BEEN LOCATED. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED AND BASED UPON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CLEVELAND STREET AS SHOV ON THE PLAT OF EDGEWATER PARK (DESCRIBED ABOVE). 6. ALL RIGHTS-OF-WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE OPEN TO TRAVEL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 12061CO112H, HAVING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECEMBER 4, 2012, THIS PROPERTY APPEARS TO LIE WITHIN ZONE X, OUTSIDE SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. S. ALL DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES AND ARE REFERENCED TO U.S. SURVEY FEET. 9. THE BOUNDARY DETERMINATION AND DELINEATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP OF SURVEY WAS BASED UPON THE PROFESSIONAL OPINION OF THE REGISTERED SURVEYOR PURSUANT TO NORMAL PRINCIPALS AND PRACTICES OF LAND SURVEYING AND IS NOT INTENDED TO IMPLY OR DETERMINE OWNERSHIP. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT INTEND TO DELINEATE LOCAL AREAS OF CONCERN OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION. 10. THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT AND USE OF THE PERSONS AND/OR ENTITIES NAMED HEREON FOR THE PURPOSES IDENTIFIED HEREON ONLY. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, CERTIFICATION OF THIS SURVEY MAP APPLIES ONLY TO THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 5J17 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PU RSUANT TO SECTION 472027, FLORIDA STATUTES. THE CERTIFICATION IN NO WAY CONSTITUTES NEITHER GUARANTY NOR WARRANTY TO ANY OTHER INFORMATION NOT SHOWN HEREON. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR REVISIONS TO THIS DRAWING BY OTHERS ARE NOT PERMITTED AND THIS SURVEY MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE SIGNING SURVEYOR. THIS SURVEY IS NOT VALID FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAN INTENDED BY THE SIGNING SURVEYOR. 11. COORDINATES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON FLORIDA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NADB3IFLORIDA EAST ZONE 901. 12. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED UPON THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAND ae =WATER METER = FIRE HYDRANT =WATER VALVE LM =EXISTING WELL Q = SANITARY MANHOLE =STORM MANHOLE CB =CATCH BASIN = CABLE PEDESTAL -(> = WOOD UTILITY POLE E- =GUY ANCHOR ❑e = ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER Two = TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX =LIGHT POLE C = CALCULATED END =FOUND C # = CURVE NUMBER & = AND A/C = AIR CONDITIONER I.D.=IDENTIFICATION I CM = CONCRETE MONUMENT = CHAIN LINK FENCE = WOOD FENCE =TOP OF BANK =TOEOFSLOPE =OVERHEAD WIRES = BUILDING SETBACK LINE Surveying and MapjpAngLLC t 4690 Ulpscomb Street logy Suite SA _a Palma Bay, FL 32905 321.914-3978 � i"of GPiO, V SOP JPLJOS p6 F\R 6 41 3o 5 0-0 eE ao��lMl bJ) SITE PLAN I- = 1D'-01 ORNOR FF-NGp;t �F\R 1 P�a � FSR IZ LANDSCAPE DATA (RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICT) 1. EUPDA G AENVE = I. WISE TYPE VNOSCIPE SHIP 16EF5 REWIRED = 5 CANOPY 5 UNO OR! NIU CONI-- 02/3 .1 EGGO 3= ]BRAE CAROM ®LANDSCAPE LEGEND GAR. DOE CONNOR GLITM.-CAL NI. .11V 'DAN I EXISTING CANNORY A-. 1- Ls v PROPOSED CANOPY ONE PAL 1PURET PROPOSED WMARIORY PROPOSED i }I�T�"TTI e�OP�NG � �i'TREPI D \'W 2� iye�c of a 8 � , c\��sEsl 5 FOR Si Pi\oE� PiOR F 00L 0 5P POO TERN 1M1P5 cpo500 R yG\' N 11PSNc��jG. i PRN M�1 . N00p0�e�i5 f0 i 5 00Aa?G4 5P PC05 F\cPRi�� PRoc�sla�ol Sp P \ goo r Nii: L Tm rrg#� �N9Y3 � J LOCATION MAP D SIM INFORMATION OWNER 1NOMA9 AY AND CORONA, NNES 6306 R. RUN DINE S GRAMN. FlIENGA 32955 ]OJ -631-9300 SURVEYOR -6$ AIRYEIiNG h RAPPING. LLC M90 NECOMB SINES! NE. SURE GA PNN PAY. FL 32905 321-919-3H71 ®ZONING GLAND USE CR (WMNERCUL ASYSO RONT) AMU (RNFRiRONT NIXEp VSE) SETBACKS REWIRED PRAIDE0 PROM - o fEEr zs.00 FEET 5mEs FEEr L9apa FEEr AEM lD RE"33.]0 ROOT- MOY RI➢O. FEET = 12t FEET SITE DATA SIZE MG = 11.500 SF = 0.29 Pc = IODAR BVII➢INC MFA 2.936 sf = 0.03 k 33.01' WN�REIE MG ]]3 SF 0.02 k Rax PAVEMEM AREA 6.390 SF - 019 k - S1.IS ]Diu IHPEIMOUS ARG - 10.091 BF - Q2] k - NO 1. DPFN AREA = 2A59 9P .OP Ot 1DID ®PARKING DATA PMNINGREWIAED SORAGE = I SPACE/1.000 BF(]I6 sN - 0.] SPACES DUIWOR SENG 1-1/2 SPACES/ICO SN340 SFJ - 5.1 SPACES NGDOA SG11NG = 1 PERSDN/I5 SF(5R0 S� - 3].1 PERSONS - PAR SEXING - 1 PERSON/13 Ff(22 FTJ - 11.] PERSONS TORN. SEXING CAPACITY - E. PERNNS(1- SPACE/3 PFRSGM) - 13.3 S TOIk SPACES REWIRED - V SPACES PAGING, PRAISED - 23SPACES µD STAN...ROGROIIBE'R YE, MPACF. PAGEs)Dn FLOOD ZONE TOO SO. PRall. Is LOCATED Ix IGAA zaxE 'x' PFR F.LYN. MAL No. 12061MI12 K. RATED DECEMBER A. 2DU SURVEY BENCHMARK EI£VAnoxs sxOWN NONE. ME .. J. xPw'e6. Ix0W1 6MA COvxrc NONCOMOU9GNAGON gA.SOs9 PUBIJAIEO FIEVAIpN - 3.64. NAW 1986. WATER/WASTEWATER SOURCE 1. DAA COMMIT IlllUD- WATER MVN INDIAN RNFR OCIONrc NOUDEs ---- TAX PARCEL I.D. NUMBER(S) 31-l"G-ODEED-WRC-GCO06.0 SITE ADDRESS - Jl2 CIEY . SHEET A DOCRAM, ft..W MD. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOA, 8 MO ]. &CCK 3. EWEWX— Pr ACCORDING TO ME FGT ONE A9 RECO60E0 IN PGi BWK PAOE(5) R]. N TRE PI1911C RECORW OE Na. ROGER .... FLOANA �1 I" a F H (n C1 A-. 1- Ls v II uF u STARON - GAS METER COLD GRAIN ❑QUID STORAGE TANK L—J BREW KETTLE H2O HEATER BmLDlnc GALcuwnoNs TOTAL BUILDING AREA - 2,874 SF BREWERY AREA = 690 SF RAR AREA - 2,164 SP EXISTING 4' -O'.6' -B° METAL DOOR rTRAVEL DISTANSTORAGE /FERMENTER FEI ga I SHUFFLEBOARD --------- MERCHANDISE J (wur STAFF) TRAVEL DISTANCE = 52 LF I� 1 ERMEMER i �L F FUSE 3.DOW 7 W CUSS SIDE PAN &I NEW 220 PMP ELECTRICAL SERVICE. FLOOR PLAN z 1/4° =.1'-0' COLD ROOM # 'T WSIN CAREER II STORAGE AREA ACCESS WALKWAY f M1 TABLES AND CHARS AREA O J--, -1 I/ / - RANO/MUSIC / AREA N / L — / YPREBCONY. CNESTOVEN FREEZER P FRIDGE Fl2EEZER 36' DDDR _-1 KITCHEN (WAR' STAFF) TRAVEL DISTANCE = 54 LF ACCESS WALKWAY STORAGE (WATT STAFF) PROPOSED GB -75 GREASE TRAP 75 GPM 125 GALLON CAPACITY LINE TO EXISTING MFT STATION I-800-<9 K40 Y' p 0 SHEET S1 5TH ED FL BLDG CODE & 2014 EL FIRE PREVENTION CODE NA Y515 EXISHNG DOUBLE GLASS DOORS APPLICABLE CORES A. FIFTHEDITORFLORIDA BUILDING CODE (2014) TO BE CONVERTED TO A SINGLE B. FIFTH EDITION FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE (2014) N-0' DOOR WITH SIDE LIGHT -0. FIFTH EDITION FLORIDA MECHANICAL CODE (2014) p. 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE E. FIFTH EVIDON FIRE PREVENDON CODE (2014) UTESf MSIDA F. NFPA 221 (2014 EDITION) 2. WARDING OCCUPANCY TYPE 1)'CROUP -A-2' -TAVERN/BAA (F.B.C.. 3(13.3) 2) GROUP -A-Y -TAVERN/BAA (NFPA101 6.1.2) 3. CONSTRUCDON TYPE AME V UNSPRINKIEO (F.B.C. A. ME V (000) UNSPRINKI£O NFPA 220 h NFPA 5000) _ 4. BUILDING AREA - A BUILDING AREA = 2.678 SO FT - 5. BUILDING OCCUPANT LOAD (F.B.C. TABLE 1004.1.1 & NFPA 101 TABLE ].3.1.2 �F NOTE: NFPA 101 GOVERNS BECAUSE KITCHEN ARU IS 1 PERSON PER 100 WHERE FL BLDG. CODE REQUIRES 1 PER WN PER 200 SP A BUILDING IS BROKEN DOWN INTO USES PER AREAAS SHOWN ON LIFE HARDY PLAN KITCHEN. WITSTAFF SERWCE AADS AND BAR AAU . = 294 BE 1/100 = 2.9 PEOPLE 2. eAR 6RDNG AEU ; 22' OF BAR X 1 PENSON/N` m 14.] PEOPE£ 3. STORAGE ROGM = 640 SF X 1 PERSON/300 SF a 2.1 pEOPEE 4.$HUFFIEBOARD < 2 PEOPLE S SUPNG ANO DECK AREA (UNCONCLNTAATED CHAIRS & TABLES) - (DOWDING HALLWAY. AND EGRESS PATH ARU) 1900 SF X 1 PERSON/15 BE 60.D PFAFLf B. TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD = B1.) 62 PEOPLE 6. BUILDING COO CMACUY (F.B.C. 1005) ANUMBER OF COTO REQUIRED: 2 (F.B.C. 1015.1) B. NUMBER OF EX85 PROWDED: 2 - TABLES AND CHAINS AREA - C EGRESS WIDTH REQUIRED 1J BLDG = .2" (PER OCCUPANT) % 82 = 16.4' Il ECRE55 WQ`N PR- 1) 1 860-&1 036'&1 ®46'-144 E. EXD IN. MIN. WIDTH: 32 CLEAR OPENING (FAC. 404.2.3 & NEPA SOOD - & NFPA 101 - 7.2.1_2.3.2 ]. ARRANGEMENT OF IXRS (F.B.C. TABLE 1016.1) A GROUP -A-z' NON-SPRINXIEO - 200' M>X. TRAVEL DISTANCE TO FXR B KO'EFNTHE SODS To OM4X CE. LBUIESSLDINGJ ONNGS E -AIF OOi THE % LL DUGONA.G1 DIMENSION OF THE BUILDING OR THE AREA TO BE SERVED. (F.B.C. 1015.2.1) DISTANCE BENEEN DOORS - 39'-C' C GRGEST AOU A TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXIT FOR BUSH - 61'-2' 6. PLUMBING FlXNRE ANALYSIS A OCCUPANT LOAD IS DOCUMENTED IN REM a5 ABOVE. 82 TOTAL PEOPLE (41 "AEG41 iflMLES) - B. A-2 ASSENDIY-TAVEflN/&W I MAE AND 1 FEMALE WATER CLOSET PER 40 OCCUPANTS ANO 1 LAVATORY PER 15 OCCUPANTS C MENS AND WOMENS ROOMS FRWIIOED IN ACCORDANCE ..FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE WON ONE WATER CLOSET AND ONE UVATORY BROADEN IN UCH OF THE NO WOMENS' BATIROOM5 AND 1 WATER CLOSET AND 1 UVATORY IN EACH OF THE NO MENS BATHROOMS. D, PRINKING FOUNTNN NOT REOUIRED BECAUSE BAR PROWDES WATER FREE OF NOT CHARGE - FLORIA CODE 410.3 I-800-<9 K40 Y' p 0 SHEET S1 CROP SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Site Plan Modification Staff Report 1. Project Name: New York Barber Shop — Additional Parking 2. Requested Action: Modification of site plan to formally add 10 parking spaces on the .15 acre parcel (Lot 2) located to the east, and adjacent, of the existing Barber Shop along with the requisite landscaping and stormwater management system. 3. Project Location a. Address: 867 Sebastian Boulevard b. Legal: Lots 1 and 2, Block 187, Sebastian Highlands Unit 8, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 9 through 14 inclusive, of the Public Records of Indian River County C. Indian River County Parcel Numbers: 31-38-13-00002-1870-00001.0 31-38-13-00002-1870-00002.0 4. Project Owners: Jose Hernandez & Nora Bonilla 867 Sebastian Boulevard Sebastian, FL 32958 (772)388-0007 5. Project Engineer: 6. Project Surveyor: Todd N. Smith, PE, Inc. 914 20`h Place Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 559-3699 William B. Zentz, PLS 684 Old Dixie Highway Vero Beach, FL 32962 (772) 567-7552 1 7. Project Description a. Narrative of proposed action: A site plan modification for additional parking has been proposed for 867 Sebastian Boulevard. Property was cleared and millings placed on Lot 2 without formal permits. To bring the property into compliance, a plan, along with the requisite stormwater and landscaping details, has been submitted for approval. The new parking areas will be concreted, with the removal of millings for the new stormwater area. Landscaping will be planted in accordance with the 512 Overlay District. b. Current Zoning, Future Land Use and Overlay District: C. C (1) Zoning: C-512 (Commercial 512) (2) Future Land Use: C-512 (Commercial 512) Adjacent Properties Site Characteristics (1) Zoning Current Land Current Land Use(s): (3) Use North: RS -10 C512/residential East: C-512 private club South: RS -10 residential West: C-512 vacant commercial Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: (2) Current Land Use(s): (3) Soil: (4) Vegetation: (5) Flood Hazard: (6) Water Service: (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: (8) Parks: E Future Land Use LDR C-512 LDR C-512 .16 + .15 acres = .31 acres Barber shop and vacant EauGallie fine sand removed, none Zone X n/a n/a Barber Street Sports Complex:''/2 mile (9) Police/Fire: Indian River Fire —'/2 mile Sebastian Police — 2 miles 8. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: consistent b. Traffic Circulation: consistent C. Housing: n/a d. Public Facilities: n/a e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: consistent g. Recreation and Open Space: consistent 9. Contents of Site Plan: a. lot configuration: provided b. finished ground floor elevation: 22.9 G. contours and designating number of dwelling units: n/a d. square footage of site: 7,066 SF + 6,400 SF = 13,466 SF e. building coverage: 1,018 SF f. square footage of impervious areas and open area: Total impervious area 6,584 SF = 48.9% (80% maximum) Open space 6,882 SF = 51.1% (20% minimum) g. setbacks: None required for additional parking spaces h. scaled drawings of the sides, front and rear of the building or structure: n/a I. generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure: n/a j. Building exterior construction materials and color: n/a k. building height: n/a I. location and character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display: none proposed 3 M. location and dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways: provided n. number of spaces with their location and dimensions: provided Required parking: 1 space/200 (1,108 SF) = 5 spaces Existing parking = 4 standard spaces, 1 H/C Proposed parking: 10 new standard spaces 1 reconfigured H/C 3 remaining standard spaces 14 spaces o. details of off-street parking and loading areas (including requirements of Article XV): provided P. all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering: provided q. surface materials: provided — concrete r. number of employees: S. type of vehicles owned by the establishment: none t. If there is a combined off-street parking facility, required agreements: n/a U. Location of all pedestrian walks, malls, yards and open spaces: Provided. V. location, size, character, and height or orientation of all signs: Location provided W. location and character of landscaped areas and recreation areas: provided X. location, design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities: n/a Y. location, height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping: Provided Z. surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida: Provided aa. location of existing easements and right-of-way: Provided 0 bb. Land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor: Provided CC. Verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property: Provided 10. Site location and character of use: Provided 11. Access, internal circulation, off-street parking and other traffic impacts: a. internal circulation system design and access/egress considerations: Provided. b. separation of vehicular and pedestrian areas: Provided 12. Open space and landscape (including the requirements of Article XIV): a. Calculations of required type, dimensions and square footage of landscape materials and of required landscape areas, including: total site area, parking area, other vehicular use area, percentage of non- vehicular open space, perimeter and interior landscape strips, and required number of trees: Provided b. Location of required landscape areas and dimensions: Provided I. Location, name, height and size of all existing plant material to be retained: Provided M. Location, size, height and description of all landscape material including name, quantity, quality, spacing, and specified size and specification of all plant materials: Provided n. Height, width, type, material and location of all barriers of nonliving material: None proposed o. Location, dimensions and area of landscaping for freestanding signs: Existing P. Show all landscaping, buildings, or other improvements on adjacent property within five (5) feet of the common property line: Provided q. C-512 Overlay District special landscape requirements: Provided 13. Required screening of abutting residential and nonresidential uses: Provided - Existing opaque fence located behind the building facing south 5 14. Flood prone land and wetland preservation: N/A 15. Surface water management: Provided 16. Available potable water: N/A 17. Wastewater service: N/A 18. Soil erosion, sedimentation control and estuary protection: Provided 19. Additional considerations: the application and reviewed than 10 acres, with less than modification to the existing certification form will need to when the construction begins. Stormwater calculations have been received with by the city engineer. Because the property is less 2 acres of impervious area being added, a formal SJRWMD permit is not required. An exemption be submitted to St. John's by the project engineer Most of the properties along Sebastian Boulevard in the C-512 zoning district have been platted as 40 -foot wide lots, as is the width of the subject property. The county determined that it will not issue individual driveway permits for each lot, and has developed a Master Curb Cut plan for CR 512, which is incorporated into Article V of the LDC. Parking areas are required to be in front of buildings and interconnect with adjacent properties. To facilitate the interconnections, owners must grant an access easement through their parcels. Lot 1, which has the existing barber shop, has already granted the requisite easement via a recorded document. The same easement is necessary for Lot 2 and the proposed additional parking area. 22. Staff Conclusion: The site plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and Land Development Code. 23. Recommendation: Hold public hearing regarding the proposed additional parking for the New York Barber Shop. Staff recommends approval of the site plan modification dated August 3, 2017 subject to the following conditions: The project engineer shall submit a copy of the Stormwater 10/2 Exemption Certification form to SJRWMD and staff when construction begins 2. A Declaration of Unity of Title is recorded combining the two lots, and a copy is submitted to staff. 3. The required Grant of Easement pursuant to Section 54-2-5.15(e)(1) for the 24 -foot wide utility and access easement across Lot 2 is executed and recorded, and a copy is submitted to staff PREPARED BY DA E !Wm F August 9, 2017 Points I ;- Override 1 867 Sebastian Blvd - New York Barber Shop �yrt 4 T f R \• r. Ay I 7 \ �. . f`r \ •� •A�v \, I, *1 •rx 1i1� F..fi R iC r3r� a 'r u Aht..,t: y' r /1f�. / vrr�� •\ ;r 1:1,200 0 0.0075 0.015 0.03 mi 0 0.010.02 0.04 km IWan Rver0=tyGI8 RMIS RC A IWan River C mty Rarcu Gep� IRC S anor SE�?�1 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND City of Sebastian Development Order Application Permit Application No. Applicant if not owner, written authorization notarized from owner is required) Name: p .--�o.SE 1��(LNPND£ �� iVoRaIC Dbrv�ctso Address. "T6 7 s� 5 Ti ��+ ��sd • , Si �1„e ,, �� 3195 �f Phone Number: (7?1) 3TT 00 0 ? FAX Number: ( ) E-MaiC Owner If different from applicant) Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: SiT>r � rrf fef- �ia1L+�i/�1� ��• PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2” BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. B. Site Information Address: Lot: hh Block: Unit: Subdivision - :i,97 S S"iPrJ ! 6�I LANDS UN `T^ ),97 Indian River County Parcel #: 3 t- 3'-Y- 13- a000 - l �� o - oaoa �• c Zoning Classification. C 5 Future Land Use: Existing Use: ✓Pcf.. T' Proposed Use: �ARK�NG Lrr� Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): 1�CZoPa52D/ 2� 4�i S� / G T �A ll ON �7e�n� Cp 1 oT fX Pio s, o i L�� C �bS JFL74 S�i10N /30JF. / DATE RECEIVED: /&/i(2 RECEIVED BY: RECEIVED n. stian D...e'_pnent Dept, Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Engineer: Name: �--i7D til SM r-1 'PI .SnC Address ) a 1 c�^ A�� SE�As-F� 3a%4 Phone Number: (-27a) Ss t 3 (act 0) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: ---i^n5 @ Surveyor: Name: fS L13.1 it p 41'1 �- Z4Aa+Z Address Gqq Nt Phone Number: '•-)a)S;o - -'SSQ FAXNumber:(17a)S�7 )-(S E -Mail: r1�2- wbT-@ �¢mc�aST. n BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: I AM THE OWNER_ IAM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE AC2TE TRUE TO THE T OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. 9/r9/6 SI T DATE SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN - �TO ME OR PRO f -r AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS — DAY OF NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: -019-0 dial.... JWX.ARZUAGA W �'•.. =+° [•°- Notary public -State oiFbrida Commission A FF 962979 --i;,Fa•' ,My Comm. Expires Feb 21, 2020 Bonded through National Notary Assn Permit Application No The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, -&,— THE OWNER(S) / -_ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE 'P to w..i.bt 4[, l T 43 y . NfC7 BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, ORISES DE, BY ANV LOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. x 2/1/(4/ SIOWTURE DATE e Sworn to and subscribed before me by�-lose-� %r rt JA-& who is personally known to me or roduced &_ L a - PB Y P as identification, this _4)_ day of 20 Notary's Signature LJL Printed Name of Notary Commission No.lExpiration Seal „Rave,, JOSE A. ARZUAG]202?0 1 WNotary Public -State of = Commission#FF96 l� My Comm. Expires Feb .....Bonded through National N APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE If c FORBEARINGS(PER PLAT) V� Map Of Survey GEND O = STORM MANHOLE '$ = WOODEN POWER POLE '=REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE =EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION -=CONCRETE MITERED END C= IRON ROD WITH CAP =IRON ROD, NO I.D. B.=TOP OF BANK V=OVERHEAD WIRES V=RIGHT OF WAY dC.=CONCRETE =ELEVATION =MEASURED 2.=CORNER ).=FOUND Description Block 187, SEBASTIAN T 8, according to the s recorded in Plat Book -ough 14 inclusive, of the of Indian River County, Vied To 6e and Nora Hernandez iot reflect or determine ownership on were not abstracted for rights— nts of record. '.his drawing are not valid without the nal raised seal of a Florida licensed er. Flood Zone "X' per Flood Insurance 1CO111H, dated December 4, 2012. ;s and improvements were not located. irements shown are consistent with unless otherwise noted. reon are in feet, referenced to NAVD'88, ver County Benchmark "BM005204", elevation of 21.15 ft. NAVD'88. GRAPHIC SCALE O 10 20 40 ( IN FEET) 1 inch=20 ft. r © COPYRIGHT 2016, WILLIAM B. ZENTZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS SIGNATURE & SEAL Boundary &Topographic William B. Zentz & Associates InC. NOTE. THIS SMEY IS CERPFlED AS TO THE DA 7E OF THE nELD SURWX NOT7HE S7GNA7URE DA 7E. Pro)*eeabnwslrveykyjcm4w*w Survey for ,111 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION (LB) No. 6840 684 Old Dixie Highway / Jose and Nora Hernandez Vero Beach, FI 32962 Phone: (772) 567-7552 W7LUA6I S. 2ENP DATE DRAWN BY BOOK/PAGE FIELD SURVEY DATE JOB No. Fax (772) 567-1751 STATE OF FLORIDA R'vEYDR Na. 5276 W.B.Z. WZ 29127 4126116 101-611 SITE PLAN 1"- 10'-0• To 1 / J J T IDD O k _aY2o N II O � rn r—__—_— 10/ p J 20.00' R ° 2 ao BISCA YNE DRIVE T L— — a� _; zo so ASPHALT ROAD �0 30" R1-1 STOP SIGN 50' R/W J J 6 Co o o- � I n I xo A� BOJ COs _ EDGE PAVEMENT i I 2 SITE PLAN 1"- 10'-0• To 1 / J J T IDD O k S51 *49'23"E N II O � rn N51°49'23"W 20.00' R IN ao _ T L— — FENCE LINE — — — — — � F' 50.22' o o- � I �a- + _ 3338 .L xo A� m zn PMIDHD REDUIfEp - I YI6/ROD 5f(I.DIB SF) - 3 SPIC6 PROPOSED STORMWATER Q Lt a Z C4 I Do a� ;C ti ,m mom O� O I r p10 O� C4 rri MANAGEMENT TRACT C FFI I V r L I r'<S sPAs ArD s sIUIDPnD oI� N Z I U, D PM / I I DATA (LOT 2) 9° I r L O �? x disc r �o I �/ P.WAW NSI- O SM CIO J o (P SIR n d.sc 2 /",. I / I y /991 ° I � EXISTING COLLAPSED® a a - A WOOD RETAINING WALL o �i n` a A SITE PLAN 1"- 10'-0• To 1 / J J m S WA L E t, R/W LINE u � f) •2J HANDICAPPED SIGN— PER FTP -25 (TYP.) O O T IDD O k N N N II O � rn N51°49'23"W �O� m IN ao INV. EL. = 19.40" T L— — FENCE LINE — — — — — � F' 50.22' b p o- � I �a- + _ 3338 .L xo A� m zn PMIDHD REDUIfEp - I YI6/ROD 5f(I.DIB SF) - 3 SPIC6 PROPOSED STORMWATER 6.00 SPoMf - ,C FEEL - ]).le FER MANAGEMENT TRACT SM - 0 RE3 - 3.M POT �i 50M SED a� ;C ti ,m mom a r 5 Y Z }m .INHD AAFA U19 5f . DD3 Ae COxLADE IAG 134 5F - 000 MANAGEMENT TRACT 1� o P4AEYEM OAEA A. EF 1m.LL IMPEMMR ARFA . 5.n0 W MG - 3.3Da ]S - w .V: TM oPfx OZ r L I m S WA L E t, R/W LINE u � f) •2J HANDICAPPED SIGN— PER FTP -25 (TYP.) O O T IDD O k N N N II O � rn m �O� m m ao o O '49' 23"E 2 °L6LI L) ILI?Y 5 % ; MITERED END SECTION ao INV. EL. = 19.40" na NA CH'.FLi]GE OF X STING'3PAVWEN,T>•, 1 MAI(H EI C �B CXISLyyIN F' IIB b p o- � I �a- + _ 3338 O-113 GpIYEWYL 513 L75 SETBACKS I& PMIDHD REDUIfEp - I YI6/ROD 5f(I.DIB SF) - 3 SPIC6 PROPOSED STORMWATER 6.00 SPoMf - ,C FEEL - ]).le FER MANAGEMENT TRACT SM - 0 RE3 - 3.M POT �i 50M SED o O '49' 23"E 2 O % ; MITERED END SECTION ao INV. EL. = 19.40" na NA CH'.FLi]GE OF X STING'3PAVWEN,T>•, 1 r vl 00{ q0 W3E RIDHNxY AERO OWN. FLORIM 32. LF OF 12--0 ]]2-50]-]5M NT ADS N-12 PIPE nET O-113 GpIYEWYL 513 L75 SETBACKS I& PMIDHD REDUIfEp - I YI6/ROD 5f(I.DIB SF) - 3 SPIC6 PROPOSED STORMWATER 6.00 SPoMf - ,C FEEL - ]).le FER MANAGEMENT TRACT SM - 0 RE3 - 3.M POT �i 50M SED W%. 01L8. M. - 55 iFEf - 13 FELT . a EXISTING SITE DATA LOT 1 (NOT INCLUDED) EXISTING STORMWATER m .1..O. .INHD AAFA U19 5f . DD3 Ae COxLADE IAG 134 5F - 000 MANAGEMENT TRACT o O O 2 O % ; 2 °x I .. 131 t �• NA CH'.FLi]GE OF X STING'3PAVWEN,T>•, 1 r vl 00{ q0 W3E RIDHNxY AERO OWN. FLORIM 32. DEV '-� ]]2-50]-]5M NT 7 —9 n �" +rw,••' en n 1.20 clnA /B D I ISI IJ I O (D O `o N00 I� VpO E O ,rrS s MoD VI �� 2j I 11 Y N AIA EASEMENT P E',uu/rI q\IFFt 0 - ISTINC of II MlLU, . 20 00' 22 00' V 20 OD II I 1 .74b 14 m �o II VI c ov m m LEGEND —0. SIpW WVIHdE MP9. WOWEH POMER POLE PCP-ROIFpiCED CCRCRE]E ME -EAMG SPOT ELEVAnM CME-CIXIGREIE W"ERED END R/C- IRM RON "M CAP LR-RGM RW, NO, I.D. TOB. -TOP OF RAM( ,:NR O,,UNEAD MMES R/W-MRIT OF NAY CMC.-C4WC FC-E1EVAnM (M)-MEAAIIRD C.. -CW m M.-F"D r nNA ' �._AF^�s�R.3 f ♦ P /may � 11 'lam Ai F�'/I A •� I LOCATION MAP " SITE INFORMATION OWNER �o ° 2 % ; 2 �I Zn �a n V! !� � I M.WM R. zrm"AWC xIC. r vl LEGEND —0. SIpW WVIHdE MP9. WOWEH POMER POLE PCP-ROIFpiCED CCRCRE]E ME -EAMG SPOT ELEVAnM CME-CIXIGREIE W"ERED END R/C- IRM RON "M CAP LR-RGM RW, NO, I.D. TOB. -TOP OF RAM( ,:NR O,,UNEAD MMES R/W-MRIT OF NAY CMC.-C4WC FC-E1EVAnM (M)-MEAAIIRD C.. -CW m M.-F"D r nNA ' �._AF^�s�R.3 f ♦ P /may � 11 'lam Ai F�'/I A •� I LOCATION MAP " SITE INFORMATION OWNER JOSE.D 1KM HEWN. Oe] $eAf1PN 60UN3RD ; SER .. I. 5.. C ti SURVEYOR N Z M.WM R. zrm"AWC xIC. •` �':`• �• ° p L' 00{ q0 W3E RIDHNxY AERO OWN. FLORIM 32. ° Qom. - ]]2-50]-]5M ZONING LAND USE CO O-113 GpIYEWYL 513 g SETBACKS I& PMIDHD REDUIfEp - I YI6/ROD 5f(I.DIB SF) - 3 SPIC6 REDWED PRDALfD 6.00 SPoMf - ,C FEEL - ]).le FER o•:, SM - 0 RE3 - 3.M POT �i 50M SED W%. 01L8. M. - 55 iFEf - 13 FELT . a EXISTING SITE DATA LOT 1 (NOT INCLUDED) .M. - SOW SF -01.Ac .1..O. .INHD AAFA U19 5f . DD3 Ae COxLADE IAG 134 5F - 000 x BRiQI nRG 5u EF : o P4AEYEM OAEA A. EF 1m.LL IMPEMMR ARFA . 5.n0 W MG - 3.3Da ]S - w .V: TM oPfx OZ . tax . - a]x P �.0 o O a' m F m (y y C I PflMOSED BeBpxO AYA - DSS - 000 b o.ox ?� ? O PPOpSEp coxcRE1E ARMw D sF - D a0 ae D.Dx 2 .30 ~~_ J O x` o m z O7 vRDPDsn MYFIIIXI MVA- R. B4. SF - DO] x AiAM 10 v] I ioDi OPEN : a'°n 7 : o °ae k um V OIL ; O O C ti U, N Z PARKING DATA (LOT i) •` �':`• �• ° p L' ° Qom. - CO g O I PMIDHD REDUIfEp - I YI6/ROD 5f(I.DIB SF) - 3 SPIC6 6.00 o•:, veJ a \ IP Q° J, r 's PMwNO PXNOm - 5 SP.•L6 (t SUNW MN 1 HWdCMPED) PECDNF.TJREp FDR I 1,.IWYDIGWPEp 60.00'_ c sS o r'<S sPAs ArD s sIUIDPnD JJ oPARKING 2.52 N Z m I I DATA (LOT 2) r L O �? I �/ P.WAW NSI- O SM L 3, BLOCK 187 J /",. Rg C PNOANED - N, � SNM OVERALL PARKING DATA EXISTING COLLAPSED® a - TOTX SPIKES PIYIAED - 14 SPICES (13 SUNK AND 1 XVIDIUPPED) WOOD RETAINING WALL �i n` PERMITS REQUIRED 0 GRAPHIC SCALE0 10 20 ft IN FEET 1 x TODD N. SMITH, PE, INC. 914 20TH PLACE VERO BEACH, FL. 32960 Ph. (772) 559-3699 cm CF 5E0.SSW SIZE PVN eWROVLL FLOOD ZONE E AIRIER PI, s EOGIm w RCOO F.IN,x PEx 1.11N. PAtEL NNq 13001 W111 N. MRD CELEM.BER PROPOSED 4' WIDE SURVEY BENCHMARK CONVEYANCE SWALE SURFACE AREA LEGEND w®"sR♦s¢oM`w�muw cwwn"�"`'' mNUA�w To 'BMOCfi3or. IYNNO A PIBt15FE4 DFM]pN - 31,13' XAw'08. PROPOSED TYPE "C" INLET WATER/WASTEWATER SOURCE TOP EL. = 21.30' M"KC a QXTE AREAS IN. AertR coexW Imns wARR ww INV. EL. = 19.50' ON SITE sEPnc vwx ANO DMvsm TAX PARCEL I.D. NUAIBER(S) BOTTOM EL = 19.00' ,',' Ewsnxc Mlwxcs AREA 3 -30-is-05W1-iWo-P%03.0 38 3-PoLp3 51D-M.A3D (LOT (L i) 31 3) F PROPOSED CMCFEIE AREA SITE ADDRESS (LOT 1) Ofi] SEMERW B]IREAMOI SEHtS11W. RdTA J34b PROPOSED SOO AREA DOflTE .e ...M OE DDPNO SIADDRESS (LOT 2) qu 1O'` /I6 0[3 5[MSNN B]LLNM01 reoo-a�-ano . R� aRM au LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT 2) LM Z OLMM l0]. sEM511W 1 W1xAg5 OMT0, AECDFDN0 10 INE PMr DesR.OF. ,LS ucc2O9 m RAT BWN 0, NINES P 1NROe61 1. N0.ushE OF TIE w@1L nECOROs OF . Rxp MMfI, FLO$.l NOT VALID<h}�`�'6) 'WE SIGNATURE AND THE w+.1 - _MS NEW YORK BARBER SHOP _ ORIGINA �1Fi9 FLORIDA LENSED TMS `<s°¢"""' •• ENGINEEP u SF':= % ®m "w µ : o. -Z,, 0800 TNS SITEPLAN �� m TSEPT 2016 w 9.. ... ��° tM,x T•=10_0. ®`&^I+°".vaP" .: " ,m PPRP>P AUG 0 3 iP11_ _' Pm 1 OF 3 867 SEBASTIAN BLVD., SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA p w"? n ,E 142082 _-- DRIVE -�- RI I 'i L _---�—__ = - ISC50 E a.. r`0 E� 0, A�lIALI FOAO / L SWAIE v�,.'E a° N51_�9'23i $ Aur a^`•. b• o� $BRr 2• E� w 1 .. IB JR aim Jti 4,ri 'C ' ^ .'.Pj h vi g a I r�:y♦ ym V I XSIVP"I Ad,a c� ' - rvCNr (F RI r�a RI TXISONG„ C ��� 55P49'23'EVY �� B � arrar Lau P4 — tn B ; i rcAmw SWPPP 1, - 10'-O' \_ R d- COURSE ODOR NIN. It TN. 1NOT NI.�TXE EMR4ICE SNAIL RE WIMNNFD IN A OhfltSmX PoDOE REQUIRED EfC—SNAAB BXE CONFIAT WILL PREYEM TPACPWC OR MKKI wW0 pi WXERE ORAL ExcEEDs zx R ODOM iLOBFNC OF SEES OI 1R _OP -WAYS. MIs IllR ROWSE TOP SI. (z ll BARE) Ill =N me PLSTRC Ul RQFF EADRIc WAPPLY AM SECTION B -B pHY MFASLPES USED f0 FPA, SEdMEM. SECTION A -A EELS F WASE If E. FN NMEEI ... SIAL. BE XELESSARO WY. $PILLWRY ELAN SIANE KNIT -OF -WAY. 1. ACRYI Lt. MOSONMED M ]. WXEN WAAIINO IS REQUIRED. R SNAl BE m $RW. It $ANORA43 OR .: • a THE WNONEIE co,rDl &RM OF IT\.I, - - SEDIMEM TMP OR SEDIMENT RSM. TEMPORARY NUIYAMUNIAILENf XEIDXi. ENTRANCEZENIT—N.T.S. 10 . PIASIIC UNINC ]OOft _ImUWSE�SV TMIllNBACS, S. OR .0 APPROVED NEM0D5 m WA91W1 EACIUIY. 10 LIVHNFLZE PUNOfi TO " PIAN BASIN AS RECUwCO. R d- COURSE ODOR NIN. It TN. 1Ecw0 te==e � vri R4Y DRAPE VgV FAPPIC 0000 �ItF N�IN�PROTECTION-NTS. $RAPES 1NOT NI.�TXE EMR4ICE SNAIL RE WIMNNFD IN A (R PEP BlO, EfC—SNAAB BXE CONFIAT WILL PREYEM TPACPWC OR MKKI wW0 pi - wll£ iLOBFNC OF SEES OI 1R _OP -WAYS. MIs IllR ROWSE TOP SI. (z ll BARE) Ill =N me PLSTRC Ul OR6SNC, REPAIR AND/OR CEFLN OFR CE FIN. lEPw SECTION B -B pHY MFASLPES USED f0 FPA, SEdMEM. E. FN NMEEI ... SIAL. BE CIFNIED PRIOR TO ENTWWCE WO Ill ELAN SIANE KNIT -OF -WAY. 1. ACRYI Lt. MOSONMED M ]. WXEN WAAIINO IS REQUIRED. R SNAl BE m ON .W ARFA STARRIZED WAIF CRUSHED NOW a THE WNONEIE SNOW RNT AWNS IMO AN APMMID MN - - SEDIMEM TMP OR SEDIMENT RSM. TEMPORARY GRAYEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEZENIT—N.T.S. 10 . PIASIIC UNINC 1Ecw0 te==e � vri R4Y DRAPE VgV FAPPIC 0000 �ItF N�IN�PROTECTION-NTS. $RAPES 1NOT (R PEP BlO, EfC—SNAAB BXE ENG wW0 pi - wll£ SI. (z ll BARE) Ill =N me PLSTRC Ul .®m FIN. lEPw SECTION B -B M \.® cA f �r INTSl SIANE 1. ACRYI Lt. MOSONMED M SIPAw wE (,SEP.)BARD m ME fiE10. a THE WNONEIE ANEW. SPM SI BE HIED LIIMX 10 . PIASIIC UNINC ]OOft 1EYPOIUA! WA91W1 EACIUIY. PIAN TYPE "ABOVE GRADE" WITH STRAW SALE CONCRETE & STUCCO WASTE MANAGEMENT—N T S F` t--. PDSTwPp1RCe FDET -1/PDSONs POSIgN CAN RD ..../FpW RL) M MIF.. ((IN FILTERRYRL ELEVATION SEC. BDS 1. aSECTION SFEC.) RENES, SILT NEWS M BE FID EOR MEN THE LAMMCI UNIT NYE FOR SERNED .1 FENCE (LR) ;:IIISILT FENCENOIE: SPACWC ANE I tllWE i0 SE IN ALCgNAfILIX cW A I. sMEET 1HSEWA:1 KK15Ai I DPLCIU9E5 $WELT t DID TYPE Id 9LT FENCE INEW nIt ARDUIm MCM Y Dtd M. W NOT DEPLOY IN A BANNER R10i Ell FENCES M1 Al Al A RAN ACROSS PENWJRM 1.MAlF1CNA9S BUT DENCES ARE W BE 19D M SRI LCGTIX4 AND RMBIDRY BARRENS VYD AT FFW VMNT WARES DF BAl SILT FENCE APPLICATIONS—N.T.S. TODD N. SMITH, 121 HINCHMAN AVE. SEBASTIAN, FL. 32958 Ph. (772) 559-3699 TRENCH DETAIL INSTALLATION WITHOUT TRENCHING TYPE N SILT FENCE-N.T.S. P.E. NEW YORK BARBER SHOP SWPPP SEBASTIAN BLVD., SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1 Y" -'l ."4, PM —I n Nd., dl,T,"drd wllI.. 1 p' 1 J ,wl 44. 1 enl ..n ns J p 1 1 k Il M 'l 'U (» b N.e.9I, "1, x1111 Id ,cl ore Ic ve ell All 1 N. lu mcn ,.1.n .eamu .vYPe a c eci a be Ar I-III,dIlJ n I, a L 1 N ,M1 I Y p.,m.re.t a P s h n m tI,t "I I F eM'menl se mNw ' AIIdAF .. W 4 9 i Y 4E" NN k It 1 PoY gIl d ItIl II wY r N % ItI1 Al.M emn.. re "n1e uTEw,Cl. 1.1 IM 1 F.,C,. Al III Ld"l re I,. c.m..., w Pae, l.,.n . I., Al ortIl m. m,., A..m': Itt,l- Ifi. C..I,zl., mut mevpw.l. .11 PNp, rc.. ..,Y 1. m,.l ...,v.N ,1.1. rvk pu.hl, wd SYFPP rgwun,.l,. 17 111 me . hlb..,rv. tttl III . , minimum Illm Y. eddNbml RYP', n , .ecmwY u ,.ntrrtic, ID NDI . 1, 1-1 m .:1," iP. "'D`:::eea: .: u ..It M1.ve lmIddl IlltIt,"I" watie SR'VIO YC.n,ump4w V.. ua.InrlIt. m M1, n1LIF I' dA,d I­ ...� ..e —d F, I'll..n n,w. .. ... 1NOT Ol ENG - xaDRs I 1-8D0-4.91-4770 O rtOO c� 6L'l` �� DSIGNATURE AND THE �B6f Al LICENSED 71�IS DF c -- l.aAUG P 3 Pdti TODD N SMITH, P.E. #42082�.mm- FLEXELE PAVEIAENr SECTION I.,. (ALTERNATE) /I- E PAVEI&M SAW -CVT AND B11T JONf x.rs. (ALTERNATE) YOe¢gPp �En.A/nA Yr m 6'®A W 9i�rt BtliN�� Is u � Y. fvN¢I[ LTIAVI T6rs F Z NWOf®A RUST Nm; A Al NGT WZ lm uIN wYd NOM M'1 Al Bp'xY NO YA Iw 9na CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION HA �� $-1 A�INMnc sEE /PNM 61R logo WYMI 7N BAR mlNr. p'EE EIFX.I(W CbAPxA W. A, sTABEPm ONB-WANE CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAL xiS T M)�W b RAM'... PFE-CAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOP DETAL Nrs. 9 7 RENNcO PER THE On E EBMAN OONAENTN Ml DATE I= 1. TW PoIMON OE fRa6 sIMLL IWh A NOT VALID WIT.40�{O�.QlSED4 ATURE AND THE RERECINE GONE GSRPWINO WxN RERECINE mBE AND BORDER gl/E WE a. PWNgN W.YE A PAl£CTNE ENGINEER NO Y20, = ITEEXN7ONW OPLL Wnx ➢ALN OPADUE .EN AND MRND EDwo Mo MPOM. O. FND$5 R EOi VSE W AEAS NNEE E. ..'0, � O' N, 5 lIYI1E0. .EEM . NDtlIT S1WL E) fEfT YFMIII® fPGY ME ORDUND OR Egw.W( TO TIE BDINGI ONEACf. WN AR ,TpOA 9 E Mr ONLY SIGN OR B HU i0 ME BOTTOM OE 32. FIE' ... — HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL N.T.S. N` 1AO"—AREEaTamTaN'u�re�NOiavwxo�M OR T� NAR,W GML - Iw�1BjarreTWmOANN wL RARNa.TBwSBIABpMNYYN wAIBICP WB OIu'vO1G01WLEPpUNETH MOTI¢WEB CEIBPAO4M1/Y/xBTM6olo 1N' MI ry R68 e NNEBB..uAeu4AONmattEmeVMCFFMT W EN6BNLWB FBOP M^P.E �l �)fiCREMGVAIMXOMAYID .pFIROMJFV W B W [MW I.0.1>x0➢11A LwwmiVMMm T�'OmowSn STREET 81 STOP SIGN DETAILS TODD N. SMITH, 121 HINCHMAN AVE. SEBASTIAN, FL. 32958 Ph. (772) 559-3699 RROEwn I -RE B O�IY AREA E ENN NAGE EAT M AIER LLv MANAGF1Rlli 1RACT 1NRALi � 5 pP1WAlw ryD T SIMS 1± �I Y SECTION A -A 6.Y RATER 8a' .ANMF MT RACT PMWIO� IB.O IL JI 4 S.D A NO P TTRACl E. WAIM T— L PNM up:C T TYPE 'c CATCH BASIN SECTION N B -B 1. EMNAA4TXM R RES°CNABU FOR CNE"➢ ACTIAL SITE . .TEN E EEOE ETMTWO CMSIRACTCMM TI . a, MY pCP2VAMPES E pUMNES EI BE BPWGIL TO ME ATIwMM OE ME wa.. PEEK 0.... NANN. ? CCNMACTON SxAU oB.. RE.RE0 eul➢Ix0 .1. BEFORE BEf(R COYMwPH6 MFM. A PRPRACTM SXALL BE IE59p151BIE RR LOGMM Ci ALL E5STN0 n,l ME CONTRACTOR VI IT CONTACT ICONOERNEO VTVTES VUTT.. AT LEAST AS ..IN AOVMCE NR CONSIM 00N s NO TIM OHMORE ON OMATERS FROM DESIGN M BE NUDE MTIWT AXOR APn10VM G ME wOHEnI. B. ALL CON.TLN SHALL 6E WNT ETD W ALYVflDMCE MM TE APPI.I ARU MpNANMS G tlTY CO SEOASTM. RWOA T. BONDMY AND nTO1EG5U, IC INTGPyATON AAEO BY WwM B. ,IN BEM?IYM ma .0 AfETFrFNCEO ON M$ DATE, 4/18 ¢. ALL EI£VATOI$ ME S. RETEA M MLS REPWi PREPARED P NBY ENONCENINO AND TEYRNO INC.• OATEP M/U/I. PON EgSIWC SOL CGIOTONS. B. CONM/.CTON y1A1L NEWLY OEN9n TSIS . MPNEw ON ALL 9A- OANE ANO BASE TE516 WALL BE AFFAIR➢ PER M91M L -IN NEMW. fO SLOPE TRADES FROM EIEVATONS SNOYT TO EIOENNC PUDE AT `NNM Y WNE 11. w011mi SNAX E N... AT .1 ASI NWPS & ADVANCE EQ MY WSIi .. 12 CLROK2 PMFYENT ENI E ANONED W M CONTRACTOR AYMS (S' YANOVMWAMO) RIM 1-1/2• DEPTH. 13. IX ORrz PAYEYpIT O Au BE SRONDED AM A NOLENT:O uWD MEMBRWE aEIO COW. CpFa . M ME REWIPEL01rz O' MTM EOGUTCN (Sp). tf ALL TRAFTO CPNMG EV.RS 9tUL E IN ACEMANCE MM ..U.'.. srIN0.11, 15,LL OONSIRUCTON MAX BE IN ACMOME TI MM E MOMOA MPM1Exl OF HUNS MTATON "STAN. VELFIGnONS EQI ROAD MO MIEi CWSIRUCTION'. LATEST MITpl. 11. ALL TAWONO VAE MMg M MM ME ENRPTON Cf NAN MMP PAIIXING SALES ENALL E YMROO IN XXIx EIItOAFELECTK 01 PANT ANA IN ACCONOMCE WM ME ROYDA DSM.MT OP TRMYWTATM (P.00.T.1 STMDMD ..FOATONS POR ROID ROM AND ME£ CdIBTNCIIW. LATEST ETITMN. ECTW ]t0 17. ALL NMOCMPED PMNMO OMCES OVll BE PRCVEINI SWM MD MNM W ACCWDME MM TOOT ROMMY MO NAAT IC EORN E STANDARDS MN W. 17W. VATEST EOTON. Na Al OCRA i SAm SNAu E YNOEO -.,.T W ETNL W nE .E. ECMI MITERED END SECTION F.D.O.T. INDEX NO, 273 P. E. NEW YORK BARBER SHOP DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS 867 SEBASTIAN BLVD., SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA w 1'D.. NA pa.w I�BOi0�432-4770 NOT VALID WIT.40�{O�.QlSED4 ATURE AND THE M.. ORIGINAL INK SE4,GlrE* RIDA LICENSED ENGINEER NO Y20, = D Aa,n3Nr, �.,.E, TODD N SMIiTl"'P.'E"1#42082 SITE PLAN 1' . 10•-0• Jam— i—i g •- BISCA YNE DRIVE 'D i-: ASPHALT ROAD Fn' PAN r2 �� 10 tir— � H'O1 9 _ LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 ( IN FEET) 1 inch=10 ft. SURFACE AREA LEGEND EESTNO CCRCNETE AREAS CRUSTING MILLINGS MEA PRWOSED CONCRETE AREA PROPOSED SW MEA ?'i �6 PROPOSED SIZE DATA LOT 2 (DEVELOPMENT AREA) DOE MFA - &\W 4 - EHS AA - I. PrR'P03m OPLLYNO AREA - 0 BE . Om Pe OM %iCPMm mNC.RIE AREA o SF ..m AF NM PBW Wm PMEAEMR MFA. - SAI. Sf RUE b .0S TOTAL'. MG - SAH Sr . 0.0] . - ...M . CPEO MFA - 3.390 SE - aoB A. - A.. &LANDSCAPE DATA L(BNpI NyE HIISBMCLL NNE HE L CRBIS ..- M' ROME THE mRER CAL nv m TME" REgIFiEO - . Y. 3 SMCf16TA0'AS Im) .' NUN XFOCES/tW HE (w V) . 3 GN3Pf. 3 VN[B16Tp(T AA 30 SNRV"3 S. WEST INCRMY VE - 1 TREC'. IE a @DDILWR n n v TREES . - 1 TR6/35 lE(iPo-10-10.6" IFI - " TNCER 2' YES ". BABY PRa4TFI IRM - I TREE/"S IF 2 TREES MW Mm - I TBV/N IE(t60-lo-lo-u IE) - . -us C�IFLWP IY M ® l soNX PQUIREPmM1 EEE - 11REE/25If YE$ YES n TREE" REQUIRED . 1 1XEF/3" IE(w-M In - I TEE n 12' s' 3. VE SEAM VIESTMpO YES YES }PEES REWIRED . I THV s SP.H. SPACES) - 2 THES 4 OPEN SPACE LANDEWMD s 2 TREES 1 TE . V BE OPEN MEM".Y6 SN 4 mT. E10mXG TME�CAmRS .CWO%CR61R6MOD61aBr a (Dm( G %MPOSED TMS - H CANOPY. S wCEBRV(f ®LANDSCAPE LEGEND It snnn L(BNpI NyE HIISBMCLL NNE HE FLEA CAL nv m PROPOSED CANOPY C LIVEWFACVS 61( @DDILWR OP. 6' 2' YES YES 2 NPI MAGNOLIA C�IFLWP IY 6' Y YE$ YES 8 BE. Am PEAS ELLUTTH 12' s' 2' YES YES ...ED WDERSTE E PAIN IA LVIESCEX$ 26' WA WA YES YEs ,A.., SNOBS m COroLW IGW 1U S. WR WR 'CS YES AN I RED TIPI CIXPLN MYSDBAW01 IEP& SS . SED IS. ®LANDSCAPE NOTES ®1. ALL LMDSCMIN3 SHILL SE INSTALLED M ACCORDANCE WITH THE LL PLIUBLE PREVISIONS V THE CITY OF SEBASi1M LER'. E. ALL PIAVi1H3 BEGS 9W.L BE FULLY MULCHED TO A DEPTH V 3' WITH A BARK OR SIREDESD O AAUL MATERIAL RURAL ALL LMIOSUPm AREAS SMALL BE INS IRRIGATED WITH M AUTOMATIC SPRMNLER SYSTEM L AREAS MET INDICATED AS PLANTING DOS CONTAINING TABLES AND/DR SHRUBS SMALL BE FULLY SUDO:O. S ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIALS SMALL BE FLORIDA AS. 1 OR BETTER AND FREE FROM PESTS MO DISEASE 6. ALL SHIXNm LANDSCAPE MATERIALS QEKLESS. MOSTLY LEAFLESS) ILL 1°T BE ACCEPTED AS FLORIDA NEL MATR10L Al. BURRED MATERIAL MUST MET FLORIDA IN. 1 STANDARDS AT 1HE TIME V CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY INSPECTION. ITLD Y .. — TY.MI L..• A16. /l 51ITIFIEDPROE SIGNAL DESIGNER 7 w xauM moRc DWEw Eao6m t-aoo-.,arm �T ILS1 AAI �I WBYNE SFEGiIG1WJ ITR! 1: 4fNWL CPYMpHf AAI M brawam mnYo[1 BW Wee It. " M W. •planlp In mnMW nea1d b Ua •uw✓W Iq•IN..nI nA ne.vntywe M.eF^ ane -,WWW". erwu4'.n m rm [I IM mq &I., I.oz xalc Xt... A =it .mb t- ol.dgmWl n I•Ima Xne smug W n Jl.iu. 'Wrl favi. : mammw° a qty W Sml• �fkneo pWNMm d Mri.uMx•, Tdlon[emn, Mian. w S11f fYN1lWI ' 4 Tn. w W., c.nw[w xnu pn.mdr wmlq u. al..m nim/ a.puWrl ovn/Mm tWI a dm. e. n, .1,.1 F.wr btmm.. In Nmnvmry .X.nwb mW mmu. alml el W Xwmae, ane neaiLLneh. In naw m o[nw N 6/Ae,eM wU tll , 0,1wm m M Taal-Wuew 1[ .wpl Ngav bµ �grMwn. Ib m nIn nm[nwxm pwnl•a pr mry unrarW 6Y n.nunlnrea a IM n•nnbn a mNMnw d w mmo^ fmM9X ,Am awwom: A 1M pant IM b n Pon or In. bnlM. apW b ImrMM wxde mnww apWm.6d n4aly X+ Y1. nM WIWX m .1 q•uh n m bWW`P. M, UWW mq GMrWw , I. rw M/lel ow tWnw mM, nM I abwnbq n n., nna Wt .. M mnnavna n uomm ov n tWWW. .. WWI -1 bM Io d •inn n anmien b 1M B. µpm4'vwepe W.= fW IW -..i M yon tl IWI •nm we Wr Ye LMVL.MW, -Inn � w. q-y �• vntn.n .Mn M nurW M .A1 W.rmA m. rw..e.wr b .W C. Xwrwgwwnv -I,"HWII WMX M IN IWPo +Wn MUMa. I. b o•new, M 1.0J M. C MEWIt WJPo.: A iM WM.wp Conlro Fw .'111 naw Ne bW.K,, IMM.IdnMM XWPNb. mM emrirWm W. }M wY .eery in abw b • . I.. aon•.q wb in n My mwnrv. B.M.mW` Cw ..1 qch mn a pd•nl "In'" S ,Wnnnl m IM walMd dI oleo .M .nal M Mb m ... w . .W.I. name « IM rpma "W.-aM daX . -Wk d reWmq eM Du:wlh oamd.mMq 0. baaml.t w Nwelr.,W MMII«A. M I. -;WWWWnt) IW b Ynmwnlb r.W..e. c M W WW W W Cmbn.l« WI M aIWW, Inc on,, mMnae xu 0. Onn'W/« law`,.nwt d r.xa w °ate ar In.. lmrmmap, 4.nrw.n,Iex a. r.lm'nnrw•.n'alwan vll M IM r•ww.Ity It tW n nq N,MGKox X, w9UX mo p`XWUY r: w 1WW ...q .. MI pnbd W melerbb nW -Q , I'- am inn• nW -n-tmnlba iwmea mmw. wnm rou pr'nwa°IMn Iw w r mnr'u[Mr;y :md w rMM Iwl n. -A'. ^ In $. .moan d u. tyro. i... d.'q In M.pmme pbW I.o> cxucfs .no rnAv A m. cmwmw.tae-xenwun.m.WM..n .wn•auue. w.WWI elan wWn pprnnred WVnq lam rl. oelrww pl® nw Man eaaba q M t Wnwtlw. rwni a mmpwrnwIn q W mnlnb eb[nuwndan W a .min .-t np x mM AmTW I, ynuuln pwI rurrvn I, nllbn w -W .nrmnolp aX mdnwb..o-anaWo nplm.•nq yp�LaMemM MdrlXnl eq Oen'. SMI M G 0 m•w to W m In, olur a[[eganu q u. bdxpq HNRM nal 1. 111Npana im'Ien�NauW eine om rrl nlidWuy t ' Mwaa fMIwM m�miry W UW ar p I . e n win ee grLM. lM pumm•tlM [I Whin d W s+n• wbuM b mwn _Wt. awM IWmmeda M npbcemwrl xU pnM nMaM M4'. bw. W<, .0 1' • n I d Ina n ,Tiny egdM maln[I. Bunrq IM aWrclNn Pope x oMll W Itlr. Wde[oPo CmWCIN• r l ibb[IIUM IRra awl Wlo nMe .e eWwnul` wArnl .'mmll"'d x v IPom mumu a i aamo9%a h Xtr num.nnae/ww .iMn v my emn «b d 4M. n Wtl n wnafgm « lour xP,,WrmdrMnmx. B. U• no pl W marN'-nW WWII. gt''Wl rwawl .11. [mhml oat .0.M w InWin 1LWWM' --J.. '.71 1M Un. xeAWWL rNa«e. M1vl nplomenI ma . Mnpvm WWW all (e) W- W Wb .TAI m D.MI. Mpg U. ,WWWma Wnt lav b nn,t,n. C' ramiel• MO raW .11 m nt. If.IM mnv kM aM W. a. .pnX'rM m ow IWW W. Try MI M P. :m vin Mnm.a. �, plan M ...panes. In u. m,..nm mdmrrann a M pain -.1 .1 Dmf wmMa. q tlr. o.nn w WI -W, -0-d w we. . LnrMaW wnwtl.r I. bmbnl LW � w x x mXlenwb -0-wlulm w aeVWntmamrm Xm fn W w[M .n d d PW p W Woe nr WI emplun. 8. T. Dere[ a9wve In vxva 1M ivlrvNm In n[n inn ane Int.1 rce. X e4re Wr u. WmWW, ' r ue Lane.I canv[[m m pmt-.[ - Iwm -il as m x .1 dMmM amgv.. .wd. wminv tri... 1. M pingo ane "I"I Winn; W e ✓ IIM tl. mNox. WW,WWW'W .In., la mnmm . In.l -xr S aev nM Ind , M rw[w o.moaland wlely 1.11 cpMIcKe OuuFlf iKKl: A mummmn W Onw II mM repun• W appannl .mWda (e) In pudtlY Nm/MmM b a rine wi rtemmee� nn wW dd Udrq wxa reJalw v t W mwmA' mmW1 Lo ed•. i' , wMwmr ..draw d ewme:. •n"ve..mq w ur.. .If mm -,A, W, u• wµnbaun me IugU d ume Im {• nmlvn me Mm N ..n., IM'unt mne. Part 2: WiEBW.J Xtti At PWlfw•ts A�b Xd d p. b •Ian m IM aw.ln9a. Hbdln9 a v.M le d in. Wnt m)r �Mr:galnm•nb an -W mase«n n me uml d.l. o.m. w ,oenmmew. w un am.nq Mu 9m.m. 6 bnm c aMumwn. d qnl mM.raa w awWwamp a be w.p[[Ine d .a W p.mmm aAY API, .x1W a tlm M u. ovn. w u. L n W nI I.aNlwl. pint mineral b .. b ..t dl• b nW aPLMa. Aer. a . : Mitt Imm Ar„ �m�Il. aaw.b muel M WWI. h LM ConDWar wbr b i•Wrce a1 In, W, �IIm1. le Ins. .v4 -1. tWt'a ge�dmA Yqa moIMI Nag Howe. nl c. mmom rmWbu ly IW, Mo MNI d 9wM nal b -,,Wt f" uv Wntl M MII M Mdlm. Ngaw. pwI n Inn -I lM --n. W -W. n It. &.an IbW. ,I.N a IMI a°WlnpleN• .I ... . wA M - a M.i f- pmnmq mama t.nY w.w.no Pn n9 IMAM ear. d ons .I P -I'. p. Mgall -'. eWn.., gmn. AnbW MIWnW nba, Pbn./1n MWr ane .W [off.M W I.. a.ppiwrw arMIM .=Ne I.na plml ra9ulq gas's .x raN q W pepWnem'f priWlvei 4TWu M Slakaw x.rvery eine. Pwl mbM aW Iarx M Gad. eM slnanm W Wn.ry PM:b. rot n, I« vwm me irwv, mn.w In. ;"A E Pbn. AM W M Mn Ue mmol Wain d Wg. Wd pine bol- fw IM ImpaIXW Nml Nn W W n ..m Te L' d- CmbMn NN A.L wan pb 1 m aRplry xe Ma vow. W Wwape naI uI� rwdrW x pad' W In W ,W", w apps w M W AIH 1M �1mMW W and Onm mq Agct uW pM drnrnv It qm d vromn parWq, fn amplame .M npWnxnb II. q iwWwIb6'•InMlmmr.nw.l6lmWdar�an e%mW'WmF- wad1 MoPw.oN..dwmmmm..nab.l �'.bA hPIMNIla.,an.w.• II aWenud. ew. nMWy,W do ntw lar InW aAM1p woprau Inwlw Wont mdaMl• A.DJ Pe02CIM1 Cf ;ullExPAS` Belka ma dugWWTw qmu (B tl B) den . ou9 dU nm nftod Ema d wmn d natty wd dpm m enmmWn 1M namue [M leselM m mane erbnw<nl ea._abpda'r`WW, n m Lnd�An t,, Wp t M Wild Ind elm � " b na°°r�a W�rrna°:x° B. In. nU b anra9W n Nall 1 WTI. NI . nlrcln, a p C. M dint nw1wY dA M t"'WWl WW WWX W Mh 10', w boot n or 1... NI WWW IlawWW, , wW .. W W WWWt, vvaraa b WanIn .:xWm, 1', nr eomrye to rbun D au mww . plwxW RmmWa.b n aeswry rowme nl. Nn . .H wW n mall w'm..Me W rr.:.mp 4 w Lwdww. manta wu ba dl a.rl.menn .pKx Mr me mgrp.<.i Je 1, b Shcn, f[ 1.11 In J111Y x S.V I ATmr. A Al I jAvpq AtlNe1 er 0.'w vrcy n1.W W. In en,9�vlva ate, vlsl. xM q 1M 8 1M {bM1 m+IV W xW M vmne W, .. -t"-. P.) nwwv. c me lamwum. ANX- nwrw IM Mm b .ebd .m Pwn matn:.1. net In ovn •Hn tWW XW fiWV- D. W WWW1 .1 WWqi.-dI Q•nvry I leem W I. ane ngaw •iU Wn,WWv rrMbal d ..ul b r. 2m Pg1ECIYJX PIUp PVNIWD: A lrer n,on3 wq .I.l..:«Iinoviwn mIm - am..Inoea -K ,Mcn-W. w bil�etlemlmnp� 0. A wells, .W lw dl WWWW, elwf -1. nl Wl" w m .1 W! m e wfr- d mw emu, b, etwnq pan. w Wnr anon ...b •Nan pnt M e dnIIM 1. w dnlrnemx b IWW A rP,n,-WWI WXIw IoW-I*.Ill W aae B.�qR mrmmmNwKwwl'e 9✓�^I..e m.Ma. MrM IedrfU'MMhiw..I. mgwk wry= 1m,.Fun�rcgl gMMM aJxmlwMwwipgMmnpMgdmwnmmmNee1lMnW fwi[wvMI M, ebwwWe nabenmmmreaen9I/ wbpm weM1 n31. Y^ 3 Ib Unntp .11 q;vg wIM -1) vM M WcW eM Ilvopnry mva W. a'M c. TW.wae WI- .Wi M rgnrwm Irmo It. 9o-1.11.. 21 . N Ww, 1WAW,tall.Mi.l dbr.f a Wt, WWW W deme aaplmmwn m xre�nm�aB-wvoYpna.gn n .mWaw.. .xn A fi0-iM wl:.: n ] pJmr ewmoi- 3 ode. X WWW -W- Jun., pM JbdW .n< WW'. p b.Po, pm W W .re bwlgpra mdnal'Wi Inv bl In, ear /3 twl N trove eamvin (mnwM J led Imo 9m^a) er In ewn lad d Mgrt w praW tl M aMcq MN.d runty . MM b WWW aM mlu IM INW. r d lar4xiv. A.m W-. d u.EumnWW « WIW- MNan Im o1 Wwe. veW nWe . mtlxenN d l.. I. penal .nq Pe..' I. r.wa. J'd P- An- n.a.n -Wtd•h anw pnb.p .W YwWgnry tlaamav r'Jnl 11,s 1M lnrgvq CrnlIt., .nnx a.a{n in d9 W aM tl - eM ro n m1 m n,n,, wnein9 .' .w...n .mww qm. nw Wx, mebw pwwmlwwwe n, � . nW- 10.1w°YOe ve IWI t. widlM va nI IxtmW IM b[a1'un W WW. U dw :�wdbuWFI. m n w Mx W ,npnWbl. Iw A. lm nW. ..p.I, a am dmow qW..m A4 G wX 4wa+q ry ereneq, welt'. do b nI1Fn { mW d Uv fnMe 9nd^ Ip M ppvye q dMre. a x Me M uw'.Wk .1 Xn =nbape WnaMor b Wn.. W xnel gMYy b.NM me muse ob bdepq inmdbtlm wM pbn w Ip M1r prepr x.wWne M .W! N U ivlalgYn d eM[to Mwn .1 d,W- my m n p Nm Im rrvSlYe. J.6J pUWI&4: A bnwp We bkv pero awlM Impfb Wdnar aw+axlaa. 8 Ue Cm4eaw anpll .wWdn.n b .X«, m d uN'eiw .W wnmenb .e pnwr peaweinrre inn M \e.n 1 wast Uem. E EWIW, ewl M -t. dal 11 Ww In n ova ppuWr. xa IWW' Iwl.v MI W fp nM W'. b.. M .n I Ue 91WM by Y. cnDWw. D, E00waw d.1..1 WWd b A w III nWW. m epos mM inU MWwtlrymwpn.I I. I .W= eMl M <fMw N W. eM B I po .tbt wnfnm. n Tw aM SIM Pbnlnq LM9m^'. E d vamp 0. 11 w as re�pMC:mmawrn M wdm In' wnpn'WWW' W d�°n•[ew. Wt. %r I-Pn. niev"lnrrnUwe r. 'y pL Mn W .nwmW b +M w tl'r2) aYn.neknv ad ,malty du n mwun al aw w tMX ro mwl. Wr .wXn9 nXW Wig; oeI- nW.. 1 In.. I' Ir 12 12' Mn. J Wlbn m.INd J 9x . `M.1an udwa v �w w 30 . . z{• mel. grwn mWdd - /2 linin dmn It MII mx eept <I pall pM 12' min. 4 W mrM m bring dm -t M'll M In.. W. ww Inv p.m It --d d .1 even 9mee. aW^W Or I pLnnl�.l. MWMY eWuv vc J pow n mW 9w'.+e Inv WAt I. an d Ewn I. MW W pWIWa N m .1 NY v Int. iw WW. NrvW, eM vbaa L rut IW. W ex b t.. rnuaw I.. W mBrp . M agq I.'w Awn. w Imo Inb Nm •1®IMp. e1wu. nu. ME M ramw win ee lop m Ue Mu we nmmJ J. M WK W, dtlm doll M rwla+w Imm Irm m1 Wt. Wlm pbnK I. K fa.ee. a®wlbn (IP9 Imm n lav M W reline Mm IM w..1 n' M6Wm1 arrow b mmm. L MI. W. MX M pWbIl M eine, xWIW;Wy mp.e N auM1p gwLep1. -[gable WM WinI Om.ea LW- I- lz praeprmmMdw ewp .m W -A wlee«dwwint Nlo'M.m. .1wr. m.nMl. 1 M Im- AW En.-a'we'iM Nmem nrwMee Wnt . WI -t.Ml. Www b nlaa�^wll N W. of pwM's mWd tlgmtn. MFM .M W. m W Wi. in I -I-.1l 1 F^^m e.I, We.im.W,, xu4umwlb n.n on. wax w'ai^+M b.'In. In .,In' minty w M Aen W.- .1 .. Cub rwN al MM W,. b lim or gwdp .AI nd M gmeXw. C. L... Wnt M M mae w mp.. D. K.-. ulna w 1r.m .M. E. Polm d1 mm n' -nal (1/2, In e oWn, we WW,..M MlrpnW IIW'db the WM, A.m a tnt _ Uree wb I N; -W; xaln 3n1pu9• .Awd l t . -. AIWA. M bi-J 1.n 9uY<a niu WW1 1. mMW .M IM bee W MN M [wu'3 .iN nb.r IrpW al I-. pd .. W bWuad In eM. I mmner av In WIN pMry -t. Wq o. slelw .W W r e 2' WAI, d mm'em Ir to Wnpra[bir uNW L wM Yw. f. fdW rn purbp W. W Al -A. w .. W. 1. NWI W d paeoWb pbe nd vMMU In p.gwlr I -W. Lgnt pry bin in win .L What w h I . W Ilrwwgler W t w n e I oWm w nr all -1, M1nlalaa qo 1 Wm Na W u. -IIWmmq eenl.oew bW in Wool pw.plmtt q A r"dm""p< mm1lma. E u Ina MAW MP -1. Iw. WWII d nwb (w) ay. Wr poling. Cn WdbW I.. xW b We - o .1 W q yVaWWwwWI WW -W. I« WI nw ..W, al u.w.Wn IW vwriw r« looz mnwW. E IMgallrn e�oB mmom. b'A ov. wtl mI dine boa. f. mWm 1'W WWa0p " b W"n. W Wtm,, memW n nom w Wnnin dWb. GIn M .p% W W b W rmunM pr W IWNan m b nW --p'en erry W'W" -KI, Imm. i:mbl .ala ewp.r... H. u b[Wam PlU,eW" A,WW WW te. «r9iN b ma WXtIn (.Weml 2 Snm.l) lm n H -Buil Bw.n9e ]m m ppy A aMrppuirr'u�i of Ant Wbl Mnngpl�ra vt ar aepin of on•vinIn . 1I It nry re.•FMp m1. 9. M tatraJe Cm4vclII Ntll M W vao• 4dna. m Ue ewxrq•. c. eUroWa..I. ame..e Mw W`WWnp l -1 qnWnt WW,, , ..rbN[nm. D. lM X,m. "I I.. mmnqu mngad60.1, el Winn .1 pu0 and a..wPo..L II mWn m Www .Wd. M ww wiwdnaw. Ian, Imm.A wmWaw.1W a1 -..I rn. M.1.11 M 9M awn wrn III E �• elq u• 'imwrq • W -1. bww•wrwegv WIW1. om s W. m• .W peX wmedy'wl tnb mlbrm W --Wm. y E 6-X xN w b«. •4nwb b le M yglba N IM rn1• ar w Yo. wr UXM w. fl- It LIt gape W dW M iaa uu ewvry nedxM Immo IMn o mmge « w4p, u.n wrw. I. M banal aW d a eM num 9w WtW,Gll vnm Mem (1') Im WIW U• W m pMXM i''wino WW .me bere.. m W- r« WWII, bn. WW! w ell• W. o Wn, U• Wm WIWI,I, elle a nwwwY Wl 1. dwn ubn Pvegnh wx<a ln. Fm >W mrWOAe CmbwIwMW wand w< ep rope - I.reeMe b MA , (. I N pan . •wnh u< erw. mery rwaer m e tyle d xo bo- mr pm. B. Wet .m .,W°M°le., .men- 2m pwx..w In. w srml nom. ppwe vw W mmdapMw'e immasn. 1 C W. 6mMulry Ww WWW% •ln [ mYimwn NX ppM w4r. Um appy ova mind It IM mdtam p.nd rmm.. D. ryyy Iwlabar d me Me of I. IM. In, wv {J -m dl Nb .1. Am aFwvwc Im R.e nn4aaw Twp u• v • nal from w[pulWwrM• or wW mmerkM w m�npnm .;m u :�wdarm w .wr. • ear 'dmn [r: .nm J.lo fL.•IIRuML A im Wm'Wmnwwle q the tl.. LIIld A�tlnXwvldauIn�Ixwwn-... pMqn,pWn, mtmebn d pbnGq •.ennlmmr una/egem d n•.-Inrota• w W$011 g rd AW 8 Rmw wpe.W r..nrdvW In." In ml a a nM rmp en -I., bow ;W.'wwwm. Me r<m� wamgm- c a IIII-Il I, dem. W'" A. nwm.mnq gone It'll W ue Imp -AHK In. cem,mM m wnadwn « Wnn w n M ovn a oAwn. Wnlna. n, MdI'n wtt .Aa .W and pw.plorv+. D. plMr 'namebb uprmian M.ew. p. -Int, it .1.1 M IM . mpwiNfry b roan IMm. E Trr.vl «Wer qsl -.1 nM IW'r'n WMn aunp Ue -min n.e qnd. .fl M q'aWM faem.lw m m ..-W- b W Amy. IM wrh Wn,WWn WFq I..ww NHTLIM4 MJPfCIICN MV ICCETNr¢: (amWxm d us Wn M1 m.In W run M -n . mmdarw w -,fnnnt, .xn ue w WW of Aw.w. waa"'.'aae:teur°.°w.w.°n' iw nti 1."i`wawnw "o`leM�"9ett- wmdm d tyre b a MwLn maps u.d .pmracl, encluw• al In' vlbe e. 'maw q .W Wel IM' myul e1 Uwg1'Wm f Itraw foMec'Po .,I., It ms -In".d t. N pb,l -.1 Wx W pfm vq In wee pInW, -Wt- t- In -1 padlaa YM d pan! e1 tla bin b maw. i CMm11ao rn wT d'^t «emfip U 1.v . DwMv [n• Sb1Mwa�. .Inial eqW w Um for n tlw pbns J Sa.Ml.atlm pIt WWWW <M empinm. D.W .. W I -Im W,t-t:r .0 be Intl. q u. o.mr d m•'aa.pW- d en �r.l Fufid eta .nanpnenq, vnw:ro 'r u. p'wleb nq'en.rM ar p'nb e„nlrcl b THIN BRANCHES BY 1/4 OF - TOTAL MASS. RETAIN NAT. WAI 1/2' DIA. BLACK RUBBER HOSE TIED W/ DOUBLE STRAND 12 Q GALV. WEE. 3 GUYS PER TREE WHITE RUN �•�_ 3' MULCH FORM SAUCER WITH 2. 4'X36 -LAWS (PM FINIS XD STAKE (P.TJ FINISHED GRADE SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX WATER & TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS 2 X BALL DIA. MULTI -TRUNK TREE STAKING NTS R EQUAL Rt SAUCER VATIR 4" CONI 4' CONTINUOUS RIM � a U iJ' MULCH 9- SPECIFIED PLANING MIX. WATER & TAMP TO REMOVE NR POCKETS SHRUB PLANTING NTS PLANT SO THAT TOP OF ROOT BALL IS EVEN WITH THE FINISHED GRADE PAINT ALL CUM OVER le DIA.{ FLAG GUYING WIRES WITH 1 SURVEYOR TAPE 4 BRACE HT. w 1/3 OF TREE W OR 6' MGM GRADE VMICHE F iS GREATER FLAGGING TAPE 2'X4' BRACE 2'%4'X36' STAKE IRRIGATION BUBBL\ REMOVE BURLAP 1/3 OF SPECIFIED PUNTING MIX WATER It TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS NOTE: STAKING AS REQUIRED 3' MULCH /4' SAUCER TREE PLANTING - ANGLE STAKES NIS SPREAD WRAP TRUNK IN BURLAP & SECURE BATTENS W/ 3/4' HIGH CARBON STEEL BANDS FLAGGING TAPE- 21Xe BRACE � IRRIGATION BUBBLER 2'%4'X36' STAKE 3" MULCH .......12" FORM SAUCER WITH 12' I 4' CONTINUOUS RIM S DIA. ROOT BALL ROOT PRUNED FOR 4 NEEKS MIN. ( Iltrlll 12. - 12- SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX 1 WATER At TAMP TO II -Isr REMOVE AIR POCKETS 2 X ALL DIA. PALM PLANTING - ANGLE STAKE NTS (5) 2°x4' . 16` WOOD BATTENS SECURE BATTENS W/ (2) 4 NIGH CARBON STEEL BANDS TO HOLD BATTENS IN AF LACE DURING PLANTING PROJECT. DO NOT NAIL ATTENS TO PALM. HEIGHT OF BATTENS SHALL BE BE OCATED IN RELATION TO THE HEIGHT OF THE PALM OR ADEQUATE BRACING 5) LAYERS OF BURLAP ' STEEL BANDS F� BRACING DETAIL 'e°p NTS a xau_ 6cItE BGG'ND 1-800-43,14770 M ao U N LS2 OF 2 tAN SST"_ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Preliminary Plat Review Staff Report 7. Project Name: Sebastian Medical Suites Commercial Subdivision 2. Requested Action: Preliminary Plat Approval 3. Project Location a. Location: 801 Wellness Way & 13035 US Highway #1 b. Legal: Provided — See Survey C. Indian River County Parcel Numbers: 30-38-21-00015-0000-00000.1 30-38-21-00015-0001-00001.0 30-38-21-00015-0001-00002.0 30-38-21-00001-0000-00022.6 4. Project Owners: Sebastian Medical Suites, LLC 2050 US Highway #1, Suite 200 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772)234-8164 Health Srtems of Indian River, Inc 1000 36' Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772)567-4311 RBC Bank (USA) c/o PNC Legal Dept. 249 Fifth Avenue, 215` Floor Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 (772) 589-3182 5. Project Engineer: Jospeh W. Schulke, PE Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 201 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772)770-9622 1 6. Project Surveyor: Project Description: C1 C. Charles H. Blanchard, PLS Meridian Land Surveyors 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 201 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 794-1213 Narrative of proposed action: The subject area, 8.91 acres of property located between Walmart (south) and the St. Sebastian Catholic Church (north), was divided into two lots in 2006 to facilitate construction of the existing bank site. Approval of the division was conditional that 1) future subdividing would require full compliance with the LDC's subdivision procedures; and 2) the bank site must be included in any subsequent subdivision platting. When the medical offices were approved and built in 2007, all requisite access, utility, and stormwater easements between the two sites were executed and recorded. The owners have now applied to further subdivide the property and plat a three -lot commercial subdivision. All lots will have ingress/egress to a shared access easement from US Highway #1, and to a proposed emergency access easement granted by the St. Sebastian Catholic Church. An existing stormwater pond located on the medical office site also attains drainage from the bank parcel. A drainage plan for the third and vacant lot will be site specific and reviewed when future development occurs. The subdivision has access to the public water and sewer systems. Current Zoning: CR (Commercial Riverfront) Adjacent Properties: d. Site Characteristics: (1) Total Acreage: (2) Current Land Use(s) (3) Soil: (4) Vegetation: 8.91 acres bank, & medical condominiums Archbold & Satellite fine sand Sand Pine scrub to the west Zoning Current Land Use Future Land Use North: PS church INS East: CR medical/retail RMU South: CR retail RMU West: IN/C industrial/conservation IN/C d. Site Characteristics: (1) Total Acreage: (2) Current Land Use(s) (3) Soil: (4) Vegetation: 8.91 acres bank, & medical condominiums Archbold & Satellite fine sand Sand Pine scrub to the west (5) Flood Hazard: Zone X (6) Water Service: Indian River County Utilities (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: Indian River County Utilities (8) Parks: Riverview Park — 1 '/ mile south (9) Police/Fire: Sebastian Police — 1 mile south IRC Fire — '/z mile north 8. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: a. Future Land Use: Consistent b. Traffic Circulation: Consistent C. Housing: n/a d. Public Facilities: Consistent e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: Consistent g. Recreation and Open Space: Consistent 9. Contents of Preliminary Plat: a. name of subdivision: provided b. vicinity sketch: provided C. legal description including section, township and range: provided d. north arrow graphic scale: provided e. date of preparation: provided f. name, address, and telephone of applicant: provided g. name, address, and telephone of owner of record: provided h. name, address, and telephone of mortgage holder: final plat info I. statement that they will join in the dedication: final plat info 3 j. name, address, and registration number of engineer: provided k. name, address, and registration number of surveyor: provided I. name of adjacent subdivisions, if any, including plat book and page number reference: provided M. names of owners of record of adjacent acreage: on file n. contour map including a perimeter strip up to 150 feet in width. Existing site plan information o. all existing watercourses, drainage ditches and bodies of water, marshes, and other significant, natural or man-made features: provided P. name, alignment and width of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, rights-of-way or easements including name, right-of-way width, street or pavement width and established center line elevations: provided q. all existing and proposed property lines, easements and right-of- ways, their purpose, their effect on the property to be subdivided, and the proposed layout of lots and blocks: provided r. access points to collector and arterial streets showing compliance to the access requirements: All lots will have ingress/egress to a shared access easement from US Highway #1. Applicant is requesting an adjustment from this subdivision requirement — see Additional Considerations, and Exhibit B. S. all existing drainage district facilities and the ultimate right-of-way requirements: provided t. utilities such as telephone, power, water, sewer, gas, etc., on or adjacent to the tract: provided U. a statement that all utilities are available and have been coordinated with all required utilities: The property is located in the Urban Service Boundary for water and sewer, and existing sites are currently serviced for electric, telephone, and cable V. sites proposed for parks, recreational areas and schools: n/a W. location of all temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use: n/a X. if borders public water, delineate the mean high water line: n/a M 10. Y_ plan for stabilizing shoreline with natural vegetative cover or other environmentally sensitive manner acceptable to DEP and the city: n/a Z. permanent reference monuments shall be shown at all block corners, at all points of reverse or compound curvature, and at all points of tangency occurring with block limiting lines: to be provided on final plat aa. block perimeter returns at block corners or other block line intersection: to be provided on final plat Required Supplemental Information: a. existing land use policy and proposed policy changes: n/a b. on-site wastewater disposal data: Existing sites are connected to the public sewer system C. surface water management plan: An existing stormwater system is in place for the two developed lots. A drainage plan for the vacant lot will be reviewed when a site plan is submitted. d. traffic impact analysis: Traffic information for development of the vacant lot will be provided when the site plan is submitted, based on proposed use and size. At that time, traffic impacts for the subdivision as an entirety could be re-evaluated with regards to the access design onto US Highway #1. e. required park land and/or facility improvements: n/a f. required potable water improvements: Indian River County Utilities g. required wastewater improvements: Indian River County Utilities h. erosion and sedimentation control improvements: provided reference to required improvements L access: provided ii. alleys: n/a iii. blocks: n/a iv. bridges: n/a V. comprehensive stormwater management system: provided — future development of vacant lot will be reviewed separately vi. easements: provided vii. lots: provided viii. seawalls, bulkheads, piers and docks: n/a ix. soils: provided 9 X. streets: n/a A. bicycle/pedestrian paths: n/a xii. off-street parking areas: provided xiii. utilities: provided xiv. utility installation: provided xv. central water system: n/a xvi. central wastewater system: n/a xviL individual sewage systems: n/a xviii. water and sewage treatment and processing plants: n/a Ax. median strips and entranceways: provided XX. traffic control devices: n/a xxi. monuments: final plat xxii. commercial and industrial subdivisions: provided xxiii. mobile home subdivisions: n/a j. schedule of multiple phases: n/a 11. Zoning district dimensional regulations: All lots in compliance: a. minimum lot size: 10,000 square feet provided b. minimum width: 75 feet provided c. minimum depth: 125 feet provided 12. Fee paid: yes 13. Additional considerations: Because of the depth of the property, existing site configurations, and location of US Highway #1, strict compliance with all of the subdivision platting requirements cannot be met. Section 54-4-19.1(d) allows the City Council — after consideration and recommendation by the PZ Commission — to authorize adjustments from the regulations after deliberation of the criteria listed within that section. (See Exhibit A). The applicant has requested five adjustments, which are explained in detail in a letter that was submitted with the application. (See Exhibit B). The letter also describes the reasons for needing the adjustments, and how the plat is proposing to address the requirements. 14. Other Matters: The preliminary plat has been reviewed by all applicable jurisdictional agencies. All comments and concerns have been addressed. 15. Conclusion: The proposed three -lot subdivision is consistent with the Land Development Code, Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances. 16. Recommendation: Staff has completed a thorough review of the proposed Sebastian Medical Suites subdivision preliminary plat and recommends approval with the following conditions: 11 1. City Council grants the requested adjustments, pursuant to Section 54-4-19.1(d), from the following LDC subdivision requirements, as noted and explained in Exhibit "A": • Section 54-4-19.11(b)(2): • Section 54-4-19.11(d): • Section 54-4-19.11(i)(2)a.3: • Section 54-4-19.11(i)(4)(g): • Section 54-4-19.11(i)(4)(h): Right -of -Way frontage for all lots Environmental considerations 2 means of ingress/egress Street characteristics Dead end streets 2. An easement agreement with the St. Sebastian Catholic Church to secure an additional means of ingress and egress for emergency vehicles is executed and recorded before approval of the Final Plat 7! ,PREPARED BY - E:� Sebastian Medical Suites Commercial Subdivision AL �. � •i p /WA �. '. � •. c y�} St. Sebastian Catholic Church �`a `;► "�* �' +� y} L . +!ice - �' - ; :� •" _ / - _. '� P[_�j'.' • ��'� �^tr.�'t �c , `•i �./• "�jkk��•-tt� , Walmart _ "'°`' _' `+�..' .:'`—AM. w • August 9, 2017 0 0.0175 0.035 0.07 ao7 mi Points Lines i - 1 0 0.0225 0.045 0.09 km Override 1 ®� Override 1 1n°a"w"e`c«vcls IRC A Wen IMen Rver CnunH Flanrtng Del+arhnxtl IRMS EXHIBIT A § 54-4-19.1 SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (c) Lot splits and subdivisions. All future divisions of land within the corporate limits of the City of Sebastian shall be classified as either a "lot split" or "subdivision" as defined herein, and shall be subject to the regulations of this code as they apply. (1) Lot split. Any division of a lot or tract in a platted subdivision into two parcels that abut an accepted street right-of-way and does not require any off-site improvements to any roads, drainage system or utilities and conforms to the improvements, design, and construction standards of this article and chapter III, Performance Criteria, as may be applicable. Any tract of land that is divided as a lot split can only be further divided as a subdivision. (2) Major subdivision. Any subdivision not classified as a lot split. (d) Adjustments. After consideration and recommendation by the planning and zoning commission, the city council may authorize adjustments from this chapter when in its opinion undue hardship may result from strict compliance. In granting any adjustment, the city council shall prescribe only conditions that they deem necessary to or desirable for the public interest. In making its findings, the council shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of land and the existing use of land in the vicinity, the number of persons to reside or work in the proposed subdivision and the probable effect of the proposed subdivision upon traffic, the public health, safety and convenience conditions in the subdivision and in the vicinity thereof. A fee schedule may be established by resolution of the city council. (e) Recording of plats and lot splits. No final plat of any subdivision or lot split shall be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County until the subdivision or other subject change shall have been duly approved by the city in the manner prescribed herein. Any such plat or lot split or other record of change in land configuration must clearly display a written certification demonstrating city approval prior to being duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County. If any unapproved plat is recorded, the city council will request that it be stricken from the records. (f) Unlawful sale or transfer of property. It shall be unlawful for anyone who is the owner or agent of the owner of any land in the City of Sebastian to transfer, sell, agree to sell, convey, or negotiate to sell such land by reference to, exhibition of or other use of a plat of a subdivision of such land without having recorded an approved subdivision plat as required herein. If such unlawful use is made of a plat before it is properly approved and recorded, the owner or agent of the owner of such land shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in section 775.082. (g) Building permits subject to final plat approval and recording. No building permit, except for those related to amenities, shall be issued nor shall any city services be rendered until a final plat for such impacted land has been approved and recorded pursuant to requirements herein stipulated. (h) Creation of subdivision by joint owners of land. Where it may subsequently become evident that a subdivision is being created by the recording of deeds by metes and bounds description of tracts of land, the city may, at its discretion, require all the owners involved to LDC19:2 EXHIBIT B JOSEPH W. SCHULKE, P.E. I SCHULKE, BITTLE He STODDARD, L.L.C. JODAH B. BITTLE, P.E. WILLIAM P. STODDARD, Ph.D., P.E. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING • LAND PLANNING • ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING February 6, 2017 Joe Griffin, City Manager Dorri Bosworth Community Development Planning & Zoning City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Re: Sebastian Medical Suites — 801 Wellness Way RBC Bank — 13035 US Highway 1 Dear Mr. Griffin and Ms. Bosworth: Enclosed for your review and approval, please find the following: • Preliminary Plat application ($1,500.00 fee) • Site Plan Minor Modification application ($700.00 fee) • Twelve (12) sets of the site plan and preliminary plat (2 signed and sealed) • Check in the amount of $2,200.00 The Site Plan application is submitted for City Staff review and approval of the following: 1. Minor revisions to parking at the SW corner of Lot 2. 2. Site data has been provided for each newly created lot which will permit Staff to confirm setbacks, open space, etc., is met for each lot. The Preliminary Plat application is submitted as the first step necessary to obtain approval to subdivide the property. The approval of the subdivision will require several adjustments from the subdivision regulations of the Land Development Code pursuant to 54-4-19.1.(d). On July 27, 2016, we attended a City Council hearing and discussed the code adjustments necessary to subdivide the property. While there was no formal action taken, council appeared unanimous in their informal support of this proposal. The adjustments we believe are necessary, and the reasons for the adjustments are explained as follows: 1. 54-4-19.11(b)(2)) — Right -of -Way frontage. The code requires that all lots have frontage on a dedicated Right-of-way (50' min.) An adjustment is required to permit the platting of a lot without frontage on a dedicated Right-of-way, but with frontage on a dedicated easement at a common lot line. 2. 54-4-19.11 (d) - Environmental considerations. The code requires that all performance standards of article XI, Environmental Protection, shall be satisfied, including but not limited to: preservation of natural resources; preservation of wetlands; species of 1717 INDIAN RIVER BLVD., SUITE 201, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 TEL 772 / 770-9622 Fm 772 / 770-9496 Emma info(gsbsengineers.com Certification of Authorization No: 00008668 Page 2 of 3 special concern; soil erosion, sedimentation control; and shoreline protection; protection of groundwater aquifer recharge; preservation of wildlife habitats and protection of upland vegetative communities and endangered or threatened flora and fauna; land use and soil compatibility; and floodplain protection. An adjustment is required to eliminate or postpone the need for an updated environmental assessment. The undeveloped Phase 3 site (Lot 1) was historically identified as Scrub Jay Habitat (a listed species- bird). Since the site (phase 1 and 2 ) exists and are operating commercial sites, and the proposed platting will not include any substantial construction or improvements, and none at all within the phase 3 area (Lot 1) — the need for a new environmental assessment should not be necessary. Any proposed development of the Phase 3 site (now or in the future -regardless of whether it is platted) will require an Environmental Assessment at that time. There is no increased risk of harm or impact upon the endangered species associated with the platting of the property. 3. 54-4-19.11 (i) Transportation systems. The code requires that all subdivisions shall be designed with at least two public means of ingress and egress. An adjustment is required such that only one public means of ingress and egress is required, provided that the subdivision shall be designed to provide at least one additional means of ingress and egress for emergency vehicles. The development team has contacted St. Sebastian Church and is preparing an agreement to secure an easement for emergency ingress and egress to fulfill this requirement. The easement location is depicted on the plans. Approval of the subdivision would be contingent on this arrangement or a similar alternative solution. 4. 54-4-19.11 (i) (4) (g) Transportation systems. The code requires that all subdivisions shall have certain street right-of-way characteristics. Right-of-way width shall be a min. local road with curb and gutter, and shall be 50 ft. wide. An adjustment is required to allow a 48' / 42' " Access, Drainage and Utility easement" in lieu of a Right-of-way. 5. 54-4-19.11 (i) (4) (h) Transportation systems. The code requires that all subdivisions shall have certain street right-of-way characteristics. Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except when designed as a cul-de-sac. Such streets shall not exceed the length of 600 feet in length. When constructed with a curb and gutter, cul-de-sacs shall have 50 feet of right-of-way approach to a 90 -foot diameter turnaround circle. Width of surface course of pavement shall be 20 feet on the approach and 60 feet diameter for the turnaround. An adjustment is required to permit a "T" turn around that is 670 ft. in length in lieu of a round (60' paved diameter) 600 ft. max. length cul-de-sac. The proposed dead end street will also provide a secondary/ emergency access easement only 430 ft, from the entrance to the dead end street, which is routed through an existing parking area and loops back around to the terminus of the dead end street, providing ample room for vehicle circulation and accessing the subdivided Page 3 of 3 lots. The proposed design also provides for a minimum of 32 ff of pavement width at the approach, and at the `T" turn around. Upon your review, should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Schulke, P.E. cc: v William Stewart Permit Application No. �.s TuW City of Sebastian NOMEOF PELICAN ISLW[I Development Order Application Applicant If not owner, written authorization notarized from owner is required) Name: Sebastian Medical Suites, LLC Address: 2050 US Highway 1, Suite 200, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: (772 ) 234 - 8164 FAX Number: ( 772 ) 234 - 2576 E -Mail: dproctor@proctorcc.com Owner If different from applicant) Name: See attached list of owners Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: preliminary Plat PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): Sebastian Medical Suites Commercial Subdivision B. Site Information Address: 13035 US Highway 1 and 801 Wellness Way Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: See attached legal description Indian River County Parcel #: 30382100015000000000.1 / 30382100015000100001.0 / 30382100015000100002.0 and 30382100001000000022.6 Zoning Classification: Future Land Use: CR and Riverfront Overlay District RMU Existing Use: Proposed Use: Medical Office and Business and Professional Office C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): Subdivide 3 non- residential lots (see attached cover letter for detailed explanation) DATE RECEIVED: bZ /(o IRP FEE PAID: $;�LQQ. Qa RECEIVED #�f7 g3 an�v HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND City of Sebastian Development Order Application Permit Application No. Applicant If not owner, written authorization notarized from owner is required) Name: Sebastian Medical Suites, LLC Address: 2050 US Highway 1, Suite 200, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: ( 772 ) 234 - 8164 FAX Number: ( 772 ) 234 - 2576 E -Mail: dproctor@proctorcc.com Owner If different from applicant) Name: Same as applicant above Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: Site Plan - Minor Modification (administrative site plan review) PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): Sebastian Medical Suites Commercial Subdivision B. Site Information Address: 13035 US Highway 1 and 801 Wellness Way Lot: Block: Unit Subdivision: See attached legal description Indian River County Parcel #: 30382100015000000000.1 / 30382100015000100001.0 / 30382100015000100002.0 and 30382100001000000022.6 Zoning Classification: Future Land Use: CR and Riverfront Overlay District RMU Existing Use: Proposed Use: Medical Office and Business and Professional Office C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): 1. Minor revisions to parking at the SW corner of proposed Lot 2. 2. In support of a proposed subdivision of a developed site, site data has been provided for each newly created lot. DATE RECEIVED: alb? 1 t7 FEE PAID: $ RECEIVED BYC Mff 3(I t3 Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: Joseph W, Schulke, P.E. - Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: ( 772 ) 770 - 8622 FAX Number: ( 772 ) 770 -9496 E -Mail: jschulke@sbsengineers.com Attorney: Name: William J. Stewart, of Counsel - Rossway, Swan, Tierney, Barry, Lacey & Oliver, P.L. Address 2101 Indian River Blvd, Suite 200, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: (772 ) 231 4440 ext. 206 FAX Number: ( 772) 231 - 4430 E -Mail: wstewart@rosswayswan.com Engineer: Name: Joseph W. Schulke, P.E. - Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number:( 772) 770 - 9622 FAX Number: ( 772) 770 - 9496 E -Mail: jschulke@sbsengineers.com Surveyor: Name: Charles Blanchard - Meridian Land Surveyors, Inc. Address 1717 Indian River Blvd Suite 201 Vero Beach FL 32960 Phone Number: (772 ) 794 - 1213 FAX Number: ( 772) 794 - 1096 E -Mail: rls5755@bellsouth.net O(1 adazC ph=0 r BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: _ I AM THE OWNER I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT AL HE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE CCURATE AND TRUE TO THE S F MY! WLEDGE AND BELIEF. V-1 It I. -I -1 k. I . SIGNATURE DATE SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY I[_')QA Ay/7P 0, Y-0cr4 r `WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO MR PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS fit— DAY OF , 2011.. NOTARY'S SIGNATURE 0— � p �" PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY Qj(d a.:Ao A- f: COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION Ga 121 C (�u tQ SEAL: Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. IANE, _ THE OWNER(S) / —THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE City Staff and Boards BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE INVE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMISES MADE, BY ANY EMPLOY GENT ONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. L 'll—J I I SIGNATURE DATE Sworn to and subscribed before me by L J � n+ -!F; t.l�ty 1 wr, h�is personally known to melor produced as identification, this c9A day of /y Notary's Signature ( '� Printed Name of Notary Commission No./Expiration '�r)Mqif C, tk Seal: Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: Joseph W. Schulke, P.E. - Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: ( 772 ) 770 - 9622 FAX Number: ( 772 ) 770 -9496 E -Mail: jschulke@sbsengineers.com Attorney: Name: William J. Stewart, of Counsel - Rossway, Swan, Tierney, Barry, Lacey & Oliver, P.L. Address 2101 Indian River Blvd, Suite 200, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: (772 ) 231 4440 ext. 206 FAX Number: ( 772) 231 - 4430 E -Mail: wstewart@rosswayswan.com Engineer: Name: Joseph W. Schulke, P.E. - Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number:( 772 ) 770 - 9622 FAX Number: ( 772) 770 - 9496 E -Mail: jschulke@sbsengineers.com Surveyor: Name: Charles Blanchard - Meridian Land Surveyors, Inc. Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: (772 ) 794 - 1213 FAX Number: ( 772) 794 - 1096 E -Mail: ris5755@bellsouth.net I, Jeffrey L. Susi , BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: I AM THE OWNER X I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURATE A_ND-FAUE TO THE BESTiOF 44Y KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. AS NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: DATE =ORE ME BY Jeffrey L. Susi, President of Health Systems of Indian River, Inc. ME OR PRODUCED DAY OF N , 20 a Notary Pudic Stare of FloridaWilliam J StewartMy Commission FF 202553Expims 03/30/2019 Permit Application No. The following Is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (Including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, _ THE OWNER(S) / X THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE City Staff and Boards BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMISES MADE, BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. who as is Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary Commission No./Expiration Seal: �Ooo DATE (fore meby Jeffre L. Susi, President of Health Systems of Indian River, Inc. me or produced tT day of (++ 20_ wAaw-c" . RliRD state or Flontlaewartn FF 2025531079 Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: Joseph W. Schulke, P.E. - Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number:( 772 ) 770 - 9622 FAX Number: (772 ) 770 -9496 E -Mail: jschulke@sbsengineers.com Attorne Name: William J. Stewart, of Counsel - Rossway, Swan, Tierney, Barry, Lacey & Oliver, P.L. Address 2101 Indian River Blvd, Suite 200, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number: ( 772 ) 231 - 4440 ext. 206 FAX Number. ( 772 ) 231 4430 E -Mail: wstewart@rosswayswan.com E(a lneer• Name: Joseph W. Schulke, P.E. - Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number. ( 772 ) 770 9622 FAX Number; (772 ) 770 `9496 E -Mail; jschulke@sbsengineers.com Surve olt Name: Charles Blanchard - Meridian Land Surveyors, Inc. Address 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number( 772 ) 794 1213 FAX Number. ( 772) 794- 1096 E -Mail: rls5755@bellsouth.net I,: Andrew Hoyt ; BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: _I AM THE OWNER X IAM THELEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER- OF THIS APPLID M AND -THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS. DATA ANDiOR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE AAC - --rrE NO -TUE: THE.@ESTOF MY KNOWLEDGEAND BELIEF. PNC C, 1Vata.o ciation, successor—by—merger to RB B k (USA) a pa`s IGN#PURE Andrew oyt, Vice President DATE: e -clonal Property Manager JORNTOAND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY Andrew Hoyt, Vice President WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PRODUCED I0Rlo 1L - AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS,AaA_ DAY OF Axh!! 4& , 2D 11-. // _ NOTARY'S SIGNATURE - PRINTEDNAME OF NOTARY COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: Carmen Judith Cabrera qQ n NOTARY PUBLIC c STATE OF FLORIDA a Cantu# FF948325 ��'tee 1910 Expires 1/6/2020 Permit Application No.. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments. (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, varlanceS, exceptions, and appeals. IME, _ THE OWNER(S) I x THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE. City Staffand Board BOARD/COMMISSION OP THE. CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND -VIEWTHE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MYIOUR PENDING APPLICATION. to WECTION OR, DEFENSE IME MAY HAVEj DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE. OF THE �M ANY BOARDICOMMIMON MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING -THE -PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY MEIUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF A14Y COERCION APPLIED, ioYYEssoOAGENT, CONTRACTOR CgoFtoER�GOrineA�USciatn, sr bymereA) -ew Ho t, Vice President DATE ,erty Manager ;cribed before me by Andrew- .Hoyt, Vice President mown me il- day;i Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary. Commission No./Expiration Seal: y Carmen Judith Cabrera NOTARYPUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA Comm# FF948325 • CE10A� Expires 1/6/2020 Permit Application No. Supplemental Information Preliminary Plat Approval V1. The following information is required on all preliminary plats: a. A vicinity sketch showing the location of the boundary lines and distance of the land proposed for the subdivision in reference to other areas of the city. b. A north arrow, graphic scale, and date of preparation. c. The name of adjacent subdivisions, if any, and the plat book and page reference, together with the names of the owners of records having interest in adjacent acreage. d. The names, alignment, and width of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, rights-of-way or easements adjacent to or within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed subdivision including name, right-of-way width, street or pavement width, and established center line elevation. Existing streets shall be dimensioned to tract boundary. e. All existing and proposed property lines, easements and rights-of-way, their purpose, their effect on the property to be subdivided, and the proposed layout of lots and blocks. f. Access points to collector and arterial streets showing their compliance to access requirements. g. All existing drainage facilities. h. Existing and proposed utilities such as telephone, electricity, water, sewer, gas, etc. on or adjacent to the tract. The preliminary plat shall contain a statement that all utilities are available and have been coordinated with the required utility departments. N/A i. Site for proposed parks, recreational areas and schools. NIA j The location of any temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use. NIA k. If the proposed plat borders upon any public water bodies, delineate the mean high water line. I. Permanent reference markers shall be shown. Permit Application No. 2. Attached the following: `/a. Six copies of the preliminary plat. (Two sets must be sealed.) b. The name, address and telephone number of the mortgage holder or any other person having a legal equitable or beneficial interest in the land together with a statement from such that they will join in the dedication of the proposed subdivision. On Filar. A surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer registered in the State of Florida. V d. A land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor. N/A e. A traffic impact analysis, if required. N/A f. An erosion/sedimentation control plan. NIA g. A contour map showing ground elevations at intervals of not more than one foot of the area to be subdivided and of a perimeter strip at least fifty (50) feet and up to one hundred and fifty (150) feet in width around the area. N/A h. A statement concerning required potable water improvements, wastewater improvements or on-site wastewater disposal data. N/A i. A schedule for multiple phases, if appropriate. j. A list of the names and addresses of all owners of parcels of real property within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel to be considered. ROvoR OF o.Wer: • n suwvE GGo (-. IRF.13EDsr roN #I O. ScxulxE elmE asrliDGRD.Irvc. RRABOURGESSOBBEDR.O. ' VERO.GMBFACH ROPIOA]3960 CHARLES L SANCHVtO, ALE ARM E GEECTEO USE DEME LW O. As CLASSIFIED IN THE FLORIDA • ATPN..OF PRACTICE (5U11, NOwoAADMwISTRUG E CODE) M COMMERCWU HIGH RISK THE MIMMUM RELATIVE ACCURACY FIGURE WAG FOUND TO BE IN EXCESS OF THIS ACCURACY REOWREMEM. THIS SURVEY MEETS ALL APPLICABLE REOUIREMENB OF THE FLORIDA GTANOAROGOF PRACTICE AS CONTAINED IN CH,, FLOWOAAOMINISTRATVE CODE. • THE BEARING CASE FOR THIS SURVEY IS GNU NORTH • ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE MEASURED IN FEEL ADD DECIMAL WORDS THEREOF. • THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CERTIFY To ME EXISTENCE OR LOCATION OF MY ON COMPOUND IMPROVEMENTS: URLIPES FOUNDATIONS, OR ENCROACH MNNS. EXCEPT PS SHOWN. NO I FULGONI OF RECORD REGARDING EABEMENTs • RIGHT-OFWAYB. OR OWNERSHIP WERE SUPPUEO TO THIS SURVEYOR. EXCEPT AS SHOWN. • UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, FOUND MONUMENUCHON. IS • ME PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN HEREON APPEARS TO BE IN FLOOD ZONE W PE R FLOG OMBONWCE MAP 9 l sort CORO H.GATED DECEMBESCOI L • ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO SURVEY MAPS OR REV ORIS BY OTHER MAN ME SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES IS PROW BITEO WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SI GNI NO PARTY OR PARTES, Legal Description 9 P A PARCE L OF IAN D LYING I N THAT PART OF LOTS 22 AND 23. AND THAT PART OF NUE,BLOCKSCH55 Sfi STAND 58. AND PARTS OFABANDONEDAVENUE, A W GRT$ OF WAY OF SPRUCE STREET. B AVENUE. T BOOK 1. STREET PNDIC RECORDAVENUE,SASHOWNON PIAT OF W REFILED I SUBDIVISION. OFFICE FINECIRUIT 1. PAGE 75. LUGIE RECORDSOFDA, AS SHOWN IN,LATBOP. REFILED I NTHEOFFIC EOFHE CIRCWTCOURTOFGT DESC COUNTY. FLORIDA, SHOWN IN PIAT BOON 1, PAGES 178 ANO tr9, BEING MORE PARIILULARLT DEscRIeEDAS Fouows: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TWIT PORTION OF LOT 22, LYING WEST OF U S HIGHWAY No. 1, RUN SOUTH WYOVP EAST, 21465 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTINUESOUM WHIMS V EAST ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY FORA DISTANCE OF 39465 FEET. THENCE RUN SOUTH 9523'38 WEST 1061,50 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE MUSLIM FAST COAST RAILROAD: THENCE RUN NORTH 53.3857 WEST, 397.69 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY. THENCE NORTH 972898EAST,625.48 FEET TO THE CENTERUNE OFABANDONEDWAUREGAN AVENUE, THENCENORTH 95'2833' EAST, 55802 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS NOW SITUATE IN INDIAN RIVERCOUNN. FLORIDA GRAPHIC SCALE ( TN . ) L IBoe - 9B x Legend & Abbre' g vladons fl3 PSN - I.M. IAV. A - PR GERR0 AL SURMOR RE - Wl. MR.. .USN I, - 6]nE1NME R L - RUDDE - IpOM DATT, IOINI16 FIR Pa DELTA AN. E/Y ./C - PANypT - .AIX BE MIM PCC - MINT OF one MEN .E BOB - PONT OF BEgNHW4 - PWM.WMT GOI1n1OLP RFFFAMCE E - WM (IP) RFM N - C.S RS ! CM Or - MaxuyENT N HUNG - BIND EEB FP� - Ga. 1. sYTn bols not scaleable for size BUY WRE 'M Al UTILITY Ftl£ IEIERIME 91M6 CODE 11 .. N ULD BOX LIMr "BUT Yql XBTRMS, GTE VK E - IIwGnM vuvE - w ro XEMI SVIITARY SONNpE BABIGNEY- BER.4.4x7£ YPTC iAXX SUREDIFURIIN NINNCOE Owa IN Or. ERG R G - MI1D SEGTM MVCFPNK OP/JHA(£ - STPIET 9TH TYPE: BOUWi DARY REVISIONS PLAT OF SURVEYFQR" THIS SUR VEY IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE p MERIDIAN LAND SURVEYORS 1717 INDIAN RIVER BLVD, SUITE 201 V ERO BEACH, FL. 32960 LB#6905 PHONE: 772-794-1213, FAX: 772-7941096 EMAIL: LB6905@BELLSOUTH.NET ® SEBASTIANMEDICAL CENTER ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND ER AMEDBELOW. �'QS"' PROIFCTa06I6p DATT, IOINI16 FIR Pa ORAR7BBY:SPT CHECKDBT CRR +. 1111,06 REVISEEE6 Ger SCALE: I- =9v SHEET r Ow NO DATE DESCRGAVHh' By CHARLESH. BLANCHARD, P.L.S.#5755 SEBASTIAN MEDICAL SUITES COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT A PROPOSED PLAT OF A PORTION OF SECTION 30, FLEMING GRANT — INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA ,AM srtF naia nF SFMS I 1 I AN sfDASTwN MEDICAL SURES UE'RO/w S'A'S S— I siifx IX151. pPNIWf 1 oe w UEAT SEE WalExxI.I6�R 35 1 I s uc I� aLSOx „ 1 aFHS1 J39a0RES, 1 I ISS ] I °nan MISS, EMA, oRepe°EN I zLucx 1. u�MUNK � SUFFEEII ST ME _'E��' U(.)sl fn4ixEEx 333 3.33 All. ROI MEI SPE. E'�LI I ....)�� SVx¢vpx ME L" DEAD MEAMEAUES 1717 RM tm "y I1 I I II II BL0.x 11 (rig Tei Fx1411xE USE LET SINAI EST I —I E Rmxs - N 5= °W ME. - N ME. FEEREEEn Lm ]. eUa°/amx mssS ax° Pxx °ncE°HIMER D nxR - <,uw IF EPA ARWAXTI SEE, U— AT �15 ES AAY SEEMEASM T1 U953 3 I]p]] u5 nl[.xwI 1. P— iu I°. SE.— AS I—TF 5 TUEE °FS". Ixc;. 0'U-- SLUES : ) ME .o (I — u�lw RUES m) ]c]azi°°o°m°Ew°°zz. E (—A PAUER) —D U- RxVMUL E,,MMEGY bFAui O.sIMi. ,AM RE —eroR xz�I I 1 I P6 II MET °,.I I IX151. pPNIWf 1 ,,.: o.m WalExxI.I6�R 35 1 I s E",Brcs 9. I� aLSOx „ 1 1 I I °nan OT 1 SE845su MEDICAL oRepe°EN I SUITES u�MUNK SF it ffi 333 3.33 All. (FUTURE DEVELOPMENT) E'�LI I „91 I "y I1 I I II II BL0.x 11 Legal Description: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN TIWT PART OF LOTS 22AN023, AND THAT PART OF BLOCKS 55, Be, STAND SB, AND PARTS OF ABANDONED RIGHTS OF WAY OF SPRUCE STREET, BREVARD AVENUE, CHESNUR STREET AND WAUREGAN AVENUE. AS SHOWN ON PIAT OF WAUREWN SUBDIVISION, AS IN PLAT BOON 1. PAGE 75, PUBLIC RECORDS OF BREVARO COUNTY, FLORIDA, REFILEDIN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ST LUCIE COUNTY. FLORIDA AS SHOWN IN PIAT BOOK t. PAGES 178 AND 179, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FDLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT PORTION OF LOT 22 LYING WEST OF US HIGHWAY NM. 1, RUN SOUTH 36'400,FAST, 214.65 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COMINUE SOUTH 36.4044" EAST ALONG BAD RIGHT OF WAY FOR ADISTANCE OF MAN FEET. THENCE RUN SOUTH 05'23'36' WEST. 1081.50 FEET TO THE FAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE FLORIDA FAST COAST RAILROAD: THENCE RUN NORTH 53'3655' WEST, SEEM FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY: THENCE NORTH 05'26'46 "EAST. IDEAS FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF ABANDONED WAUREGAN AVENUE. THENCE NORTH AS°2833" EAST, 55602 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID LANDS NOW SITUATE IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. FLORIDA 6.A. ACRES LEGEND: DRAINAGE E ACCEASEMENT PROPOSED TILItt S 8 ULC. -U PROPOSED ACCESS EASEMENT ROPo TSEG UOR RAINPGE EASEMEEME NT (PER PLAN) MST. EASEMENT PER PLAN (NOT HATCHED) O - SET PERENT CONTROL POINT (PCP) 'I] - SET PERMV4MANENT REFERENCE MONUMENTERM) B - SET OR EAMST S/6" IRON ROD B CAR (IRC) NOS '48"E 619. .'/Ol fiZ NaS�B'seT "SUI 9'19'96[S5B /S' NAS TB JJ'F SS29L 3C6 JT �� EE 1 3451148 w,BBJ "f £I LOT i —�PAR MASSO. E, IRS, s OESSEAFIF14./r 2 ---LOT 2 rag 5�TZ6 °B A9JI /ItV 100.91 I I 0.S JT 49s,v>,I5w(_ 1JJ5 cJ Jerio9.Jl✓) ST. s. NAN CATHdJC CHURCH g4D119T: ZONING: PS Re" M., HD usE: IxsT =.'zF OLR 5D MET MAE n45Ye'tB8 uxtbr(TA) \,\Na J Ir zw Berz — T t EMEMEM FAA L ___ Bwn x361 Pa 1. Iwew� SEB4SINNMFDICAL \ UT 199,392 SF \ PERM. 11 4M AC. Ip 11. (IXI5f. MED. omcE) o/ I SOUP UO � '�T41: ^CLED � 1 L HPC ea vswExl $ggg�iiJ]] q _ � 569'1608w'14./I' IP IN4J'JI'IYF S091' pT. RYt LAO �94JD9'Oe'W 1<9l''��29'4BT✓LOS SI' p0.0. B]aXi1S6 J IDell I I § / 5R eon sr IX61, UPS $ I'll ER III SRF _ e M na R 599RJ'J5W 60/l0ME' � B s _N� sJlnrr�rJrcz_zrls°r I I WPLMPRT ZONIND: 4R uND usf: RMu Il: City C` �._.6= stizn ,,-- - crt Gept. RT IS °RIA LOT DE'I'A1L LOCATION MAP FgP—E.a CCMR�OI/INj'I�] I InxF rtmwVPs �OmICi. 1 I I I I 1 ®®I lu 1 o ssnx'w'w sn' GRAPHIC SCALEARM AM wME � — li i A If 1. / I / (tx— _ _ _ _ t wch � AO xt / /..i a 50 / / I P.O.B. I I µ 1=19984 — J -- —45 T 99B/J_) AAUGB'JJT 9m az'ry_ 29e Ta— I £�iS ESwwoE TAux 1 PEIFMAN PoXp Dee mT. m wa SID 1 1 N EASE GS @E 1 APNCIEAST. WmNwE NER `Q� �x fuse K) ° � I I I 1 °RM"RR BEm3v6 1 � I / 1 i RAI �N� ♦p6i. IN4EER EEA6[ nu,so ��on I 7 0. PNWUS AE NNtt Iw £ G __ FEES UP pilon SM PIGS ml AL I �L E ISfYAN iN uy ) ISSr 2 C v6 M. I�Hr I xo.6. m 1 WfT fPAt � I I FISEMEM P@ __ _--_._.—� __ _i.2 RE —eroR xz�I I 1 I P6 Fwor,P, MET °,.I I uUT u T ,,.: o.m , I E",Brcs 9. I 1 I I I Legal Description: A PARCEL OF UWD LYING IN THAT PART OF LOTS P2 AND 23, AND THAT PART OF BLOCKS SS 5& 57 AND 58, AND PARTS OF ABANDONED RIGHTS OF WAY OF SPRUCE STREET, BREWING AVENUE. CHESNUTT STREET AND WAUREGAN AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON PIAT OF WAUREGAN SUBDIVISION, AS IN PIAT BOOK t. PAGE 75, PUBLIC RECORDS OF BREYARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. REFILEDIN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF AT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA A5 SHOWN IN PIAT BOOK 1, PAGES 17BMD 179, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT PORTON OF LOT 22, LYING VJESTOF U S HIGHWAY Nn 1 RUN SOUTH 3G°409 ” 0 E48i, 214.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COMINUE SOUDi 35°40OF EAST ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY FOR A DISTANCE OF 344.80 FEET: THENCE RUN SOUTH 45i33B' WEST, 108150 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILROAD: THENCE RUN NORTH 53'38'55" WEST. WEI FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY. THENCE NORTH 45°28'40'EAST, AREAS FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF ABANDONED WAUREGAN AVENUE, THENCE NORTH 45°28'33' EAST, 35802 FEET TO THE FOIM OF BEGINNING. BALD LANDS NOW SITUATE IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA 690YACRES. LEGEND: PROPOSED ANSEMENTWTY &ORVINAGPROPOSED ACCESS. PROPOSED ACCESS EASEMENT II SIF ESTA FOR em DF SEENCEII IR aTxON, cxuxcx SEBASTIAN MEDICAL 'I -RES mmevsjA=euwna -cs[Hss HASam RI NS m+EU N15YB aBE IrH1.61(M/ EEs. I ENE 1. SYST 15499' '. REAUSINS IL �SNER T57JLW SPEAD I I PROPOSED gUTf OR n \ A 9Ecu5L0 MY AD 5 JEFFERSOU IT ME RA ENNINCH .N,EMIE, BIUCTM III DRAINAGE EASEMENT BASEMENT EUGAIN sex m3 Ew MARREEF. IiSA .. 7D HCE NEANSEN, MERINK, -A SUNNI SEBIISRM MEDICAL nE oE 11"N2" .B t [PER PLAN) rI?, ., --,ED MSE naINBNNAE m �E AUNk BANK)�U' 1 II LEE T. eus ANDEAlwerszw,w DANO YE BE BAR coWrmioa„r,) U E. m1 Louno. - _ rcs. E, ME zievNtmv: n ux'se HAS, A, ASIEAST ISAA YfsE W Lo. xuuaeu spRES sDMFS _11 oDUE B�A].WEEi J°) 1C ARE U. c�„mlc, Iur I Z BSE ER ANN�,TxEYEAN,.'N°5(fiB..rc .M Legal Description: A PARCEL OF UWD LYING IN THAT PART OF LOTS P2 AND 23, AND THAT PART OF BLOCKS SS 5& 57 AND 58, AND PARTS OF ABANDONED RIGHTS OF WAY OF SPRUCE STREET, BREWING AVENUE. CHESNUTT STREET AND WAUREGAN AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON PIAT OF WAUREGAN SUBDIVISION, AS IN PIAT BOOK t. PAGE 75, PUBLIC RECORDS OF BREYARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. REFILEDIN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF AT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA A5 SHOWN IN PIAT BOOK 1, PAGES 17BMD 179, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT PORTON OF LOT 22, LYING VJESTOF U S HIGHWAY Nn 1 RUN SOUTH 3G°409 ” 0 E48i, 214.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COMINUE SOUDi 35°40OF EAST ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY FOR A DISTANCE OF 344.80 FEET: THENCE RUN SOUTH 45i33B' WEST, 108150 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILROAD: THENCE RUN NORTH 53'38'55" WEST. WEI FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY. THENCE NORTH 45°28'40'EAST, AREAS FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF ABANDONED WAUREGAN AVENUE, THENCE NORTH 45°28'33' EAST, 35802 FEET TO THE FOIM OF BEGINNING. BALD LANDS NOW SITUATE IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA 690YACRES. LEGEND: PROPOSED ANSEMENTWTY &ORVINAGPROPOSED ACCESS. PROPOSED ACCESS EASEMENT II 18'18'0 625N ,4JIY.W A,. rx¢ uau'I 511OMRSTv aG BS' a� nl LOT 11 rl r `111 sa5P84B'xps.11' 2 sa11 JE 53 rpS JT JJ SAN 31 Naa Jrla'W I00I— — �9;-1111—i'sew ioer..sa'(AI �--x5saesB'c_sB _ JJ'E s_`5,99 — 11(12 CA ZONINQ DISTRICT REQUIRFACENTS- IR aTxON, cxuxcx LOT 3 p6T. L HASam EISFMMI N15YB aBE IrH1.61(M/ II 15499' u em E1(_44 .e. T57JLW SPEAD I I PROPOSED gUTf OR n \ A 9Ecu5L0 MY ___- r ..11 ..+ . DRAINAGE EASEMENT BASEMENT P\NIa J,1z'n AFazl m3 Ew MARREEF. S, wmrcs.o +-- SEBIISRM MEDICAL SD 5/B' EM [PER PLAN) I _om I'L m 1 II \ IIIN _ rcs. -" HAS, A, ASIEAST $ERAS uN MED CAL BM CASEMENT PER PLAIN sDMFS V`- 1C 144, $F 3 3.33 AC. v — (NOT HATCHED) STAN � �� 1- ,T =, RE No, I cEFwwF»T BAR AT wMAP ` wE a lCL lAS, I,aRST]4 I 0 SET PERMANENT CONTROL POINTIPCP) RmiWS MEn A. lxul P��:B�a/:S¢AJZp.� nssz sr (Im MI [I - SET PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT IPRM) wio/N MFm B - SET OR EAST USE IRON ROD S CAP (IRO) 18'18'0 625N ,4JIY.W A,. rx¢ uau'I 511OMRSTv aG BS' a� nl LOT 11 rl r `111 sa5P84B'xps.11' 2 sa11 JE 53 rpS JT JJ SAN 31 Naa Jrla'W I00I— — �9;-1111—i'sew ioer..sa'(AI �--x5saesB'c_sB _ JJ'E s_`5,99 — 11(12 oxc/=ms PECIS AMMON IR aTxON, cxuxcx LOT 3 p6T. L HASam EISFMMI N15YB aBE IrH1.61(M/ II 15499' u em E1(_44 .e. T57JLW SPEAD I I -e ARA eia�ers_.e'ro/._> n \ A T II MY ___- r ..11 ..+ . LOT 2 P\NIa J,1z'n AFazl m3 Ew MARREEF. + _ +-- SEBIISRM MEDICAL SD 5/B' EM Io\ I a\ Iy ]ses BLDLK ..5 14.53 1 II \ I OT 1 -" REELTY /EIGLEM FFA I $ERAS uN MED CAL BM Y KID AM w, sDMFS V`- 1C 144, $F 3 3.33 AC. v — (FUNRE DEVELOPMENT)AT STAN � �� 1- nim I cEFwwF»T ^r I 18'18'0 625N ,4JIY.W A,. rx¢ uau'I 511OMRSTv aG BS' a� nl LOT 11 rl r `111 sa5P84B'xps.11' 2 sa11 JE 53 rpS JT JJ SAN 31 Naa Jrla'W I00I— — �9;-1111—i'sew ioer..sa'(AI �--x5saesB'c_sB _ JJ'E s_`5,99 — 11(12 N IR aTxON, cxuxcx LOT 3 p6T. L NO USE. INS, EISFMMI N15YB aBE IrH1.61(M/ _ 15499' T57JLW SPEAD I LOT 2 LOT DETAIL NOTES: 1. COMMERCIAL/MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS POST MINIMUM B INCH NUMERICAL ADDRESS PER IRC0951.0Z(3){D). (\)) 2. COMMERCIAL COMPLEXES VIITH MULTPLE SUITESSBNITS SHALL POST A MINIMUM ( 41NCH NUMERICAL ADDRESS ON OR AOJACENi TO THE FRONT AND REM ENTRY 1)) DOOR PER IRGO 8510713)(c). 3 BUILDINGSHOTVIM LE FROM THE ROAD, MUST HAV, SIGN RIFFLE ENTRY ROAD NTH THE ADDRESS RANGED) PER IPCO 9510]. I I � I 1 I 526 tl2 rd'F 3..11' SO MENJ� -4 J IR aTxON, cxuxcx ZONING' PS p6T. L NO USE. INS, EISFMMI N15YB aBE IrH1.61(M/ 1 � _ . I I I � I 1 I 526 tl2 rd'F 3..11' SO MENJ� -4 BE I I 5 N,1 IIP W.rO� II I �sanso4 vJ<9z I III 31MCK SB e 1 E a[�� }La w ..T ICY FLu R0. uYr`iIe 3' a EAU 0.01. I _ _ � Jrnz�r_ Jr� E e, _ e=,9 x,.J422x Itl�. 19a�J QTN,x 91-- . III E- A I I I I I I L WART ZONVNAT CR MU .c_ /IT I 141h,IJ P 11 {• 1 P LI /C IM rscr) i 1 W n 40 slsJn I vz99 es �/ sx°Ntl// a -\ T' PNC BANK 43,502 SF I I 1' I �ONve6 ILET AC L: -- -- 1 (EXIST. BANK) _— r 1 � I `/ 1 I ' ML 1J_LI N� - EXIST. F DEBT INGESS, ANSI F.sEANDNENNERNE r mP5 a. ` :rine PFO OR 9RK PPC£ 11>1 , . LOCATION MAP FLUME 3/4' IRGx I I , Til PIPE NO CM I I I I I P.O.C. MEMEi LEIR BAN, m M s Emmen I1 I I III I I I I II I I I I I II III I I ry,. 1 1 1 111 III' II I I I II I I I I�I I I II I SI11 911 J. A, `rvnl IB�� �I n`m°o Irl I III I 1 �I I11 unrvrsx %IA I I II I II jj ,II P.OB I;A U vB nC 491 J - -{ II I 1[9ffiUSiGbii 1 � _ . I I n T -- I ___- r ..11 ..+ . LOT 2 �_. + _ +-- SEBIISRM MEDICAL - I F I� I I 14.53 VIINVE IV AC. -" _ C- uudcunllwT (EXIST. MBO. OFFICE) M 1 I — + sG xP -}�15 -1 �--_ STAN � �� 1- nim 2B,s 1T. cEFwwF»T BE I I 5 N,1 IIP W.rO� II I �sanso4 vJ<9z I III 31MCK SB e 1 E a[�� }La w ..T ICY FLu R0. uYr`iIe 3' a EAU 0.01. I _ _ � Jrnz�r_ Jr� E e, _ e=,9 x,.J422x Itl�. 19a�J QTN,x 91-- . III E- A I I I I I I L WART ZONVNAT CR MU .c_ /IT I 141h,IJ P 11 {• 1 P LI /C IM rscr) i 1 W n 40 slsJn I vz99 es �/ sx°Ntl// a -\ T' PNC BANK 43,502 SF I I 1' I �ONve6 ILET AC L: -- -- 1 (EXIST. BANK) _— r 1 � I `/ 1 I ' ML 1J_LI N� - EXIST. F DEBT INGESS, ANSI F.sEANDNENNERNE r mP5 a. ` :rine PFO OR 9RK PPC£ 11>1 , . LOCATION MAP FLUME 3/4' IRGx I I , Til PIPE NO CM I I I I I P.O.C. MEMEi LEIR BAN, m M s Emmen I1 I I III I I I I II I I I I I II III I I ry,. 1 1 1 111 III' II I I I II I I I I�I I I II I SI11 911 J. A, `rvnl IB�� �I n`m°o Irl I III I 1 �I I11 unrvrsx %IA I I II I II jj ,II P.OB I;A U vB nC 491 U. 7•`lu? I I I �I 1 III .q 0_.< O 2=0w C /- � p V' a IN N p RA m W I _b 2oNER W 2�mM w�K L u> Y 2 AN >AN S AN " (n 9 "" F- SL�N a Z Z yHw w Z O Of_ED Q a V BI P I/ II I 1 � } I _.J I F I� I I U. 7•`lu? I I I �I 1 III .q 0_.< O 2=0w C /- � p V' a IN N p RA m W I _b 2oNER W 2�mM w�K L u> Y 2 AN >AN S AN " (n 9 "" F- SL�N a Z Z yHw w Z O Of_ED Q a V BI CR ZONING SHE DATA FOR CRY OF SEMI RD LET ESE SERI MEDICAL SMITES xnxEws/A==ucwrs LErs I V 2 AN SPEND OFFERSEEND -HN- O'STEWS UP I RIVER xc. TOTAL FEELER aPOSTER 1. UENT ONES SIR.FnCx, R III,, -/A Rl 3 AS 1. UNNEVEROV A, a. Az R)0 M VIA RI ARIA WTUNAL s \ \ 1-4,IUP UE 1 T ARE ]H sum 144,896 SF 0 NOON) US a (NESE 1717 1 RIVER III SU. SCOR 'z3 IR, n m INCEL ROD & .AP EIRP) CONS„ CTE MDNNMENT;CY) STEP (FUTURE DEVELOPMENT) F. Sor I w11 w 'N ISN ". FROAS FUND, NIS71A 1.zi] Is SUS OF N.vn 1) 1111 SAsluE us=EOEE ri P trmT PVA Pz] 0{'mns - DSUREIEO Ss SLFEAR- 30.100 IS BLW NaTRIM1 Ls E x u, v CEM— DANE (PARS) IT 11 - I,aw E, 0-0: ,aFNroDmSIND 1 ]N S I'E EvswD = Naa s ' "SPENT Tu 0. HEIDI EPO NPOUR E T ENTER N NAMEx, ) (smsnw s'EUOOr MEEMEHAEER OUR no-FOUPOIREENGs MEmw swrtE NE) w] ziEE OVEREG,0z21 (wa:.1, cR AND RNERFVNT MERI NISLRIET --Lor 3 LOT 1 LOT 2 --� PROPOSED LOTS DETAIL CR ZONING - RD LET ESE aw 9 ;1ANN 11 .IN 11 IN DO AN SPEND OFFERSEEND K6 (Det) TOTAL FEELER aPOSTER NSA ONES INSI 47- -/A UP AS 1. UNNEVEROV A, a. ON. RNAG VIA RI ARIA SON RRAA OOr/NAAVExF,T MIN. xo/MADE/F VAI.IVNEI FACE E �:nensL zN .,A" AR.) s1133 kl "N"./xz. z z 11 SO AID maz/.vz. z OF [�n0 uJ nom - PgOwS - LED'I K6 (Det) TOTAL FEELER aPOSTER NSA EVI UP. INSI 47- -/A UP LOT 1 N/A l = SEBASTIAN MEDICAL \ \ 1-4,IUP RESIflW sum 144,896 SF 0 NOON) US a (NESE FIDES G'G ax) INCEL ROD & .AP EIRP) CONS„ CTE MDNNMENT;CY) IF, (FUTURE DEVELOPMENT) F. Sor I w11 - N.1.11. ENO SECT'LY. - SUS OF N.vn 1) IS.09< SE (]}OF, I NUNN OF "I I) ri P trmT PVA Pz] P 1 ]N S I'E EvswD = Naa s P;R2 XG "."ResMENTS- ". Omsxx Fa.4EA 5F x , SPENT / $Tz IF = ON FEwNED "ARESSUP 119 ISSUES (IRE) IW OPPOSES x RIANNAuzm E) NEO=_)�6.1 11.11 IFEERFUR 22. STREPER LOU ] ,n 1 I, uj — .,A" AR.) 41.g„IF" /NeIF=,EFAMIREJ PIPPOR n sPc[s - PgOwS - LED'I K6 (Det) TOTAL FEELER aPOSTER a SPAc�cN I 1. 'SUE" PREPAREDTO SUPPORT PROPOSE. PLATTING OF PROPERTY (SUBOIVIDE INT03 TESTS). ALL IMPROVEMENTS DEPICTED ARE FAIRNESS, NTH THE EXCEPTION OF MINOR PAVEMENT/ DRAINAGE IMPROVEMEMENSAT SW LOT 11 S.E. LOT 2. 2. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTSARE. 2. A.. PARKING I RESTRIPE. 22. sT.60UT PREFERENCE PIPE. I I 23. INSTALL LIVE OVER TREE. 3 REFERENCE APPROVED SITE PIANS: 31. SEBASTIAN MEDICAL SUITES OIDIA) 32. INDIAN RIVER NATIONAL EARN (2007f (NOW PNC BANK) NRw A ANN ( n4538'M"E "'Pax') sroe-ren /T. SEBASTIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH . N E PID IDOF ,VsFll,IE,ErFEET ------- — SEISMN MEDICAL SUffES 199,392 SF 4.58 AC. EXIST. MED. OFFICE �t Existing Conditions Legend & Abbreviations: (symbols not scoleable for size) PLSROfEs - 4ONAL LAND FUJI- P - PROFEs9ONAL waVEMR ,n 1 I, uj — TA .1RE - .1 UTUT' 11.6 \ bffiI PN SERVICE ABLE v, A. - PgOwS - LED'I / I I - T POSTTON It —1 - -v F A INNER FACEUIN� B UP LOT 1 \\\ l = SEBASTIAN MEDICAL \ \ 1-4,IUP RESIflW sum 144,896 SF \ II & 3.33 AC. INCEL ROD & .AP EIRP) CONS„ CTE MDNNMENT;CY) IF, (FUTURE DEVELOPMENT) F. Sor I - VB - N.1.11. ENO SECT'LY. - fIllEFA Urt AK SONCEPAL...ADE - 1REET AGN ri P US I � sroe-ren /T. SEBASTIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH . N E PID IDOF ,VsFll,IE,ErFEET ------- — SEISMN MEDICAL SUffES 199,392 SF 4.58 AC. EXIST. MED. OFFICE �t Existing Conditions Legend & Abbreviations: (symbols not scoleable for size) PLSROfEs - 4ONAL LAND FUJI- P - PROFEs9ONAL waVEMR A, MAPPER TA .1RE - .1 UTUT' 11.6 nxG BUSINESSLEPrME LAPECIPL SERVICE ABLE v, A. - PgOwS - LED'I / I I - T POSTTON - AN'..YEFELL EiP - EOGEA OEPAREMEET - -v F A INNER FACEUIN� B 4ACE VALVE n - Or POC - P011.T of C MMLHCEMENT l = - kp ITGLpPON V PC -PONT ENINE PERMANENT �ON'ROL PONT (PF) - SANITICI MAN1DA Rv SERE VC -: PERMANENT TENDERED TENDERED _ IRA! PIPE (HO MUCUMT PPO) W RIFTED HE _DRAINARE MANHOLE INCEL ROD & .AP EIRP) CONS„ CTE MDNNMENT;CY) IF, - .NRR INLET - OFFICE MET TO He _^ pHSPAIen SPARE. - IF - N.1.11. ENO SECT'LY. - - SONCEPAL...ADE - 1REET AGN Legal Description' APARCELOFLANDLYINGIN THATPARTOFLOTS23AN023, ANDTHATPAREG BLOCKSSq 55.".OSB,AND PARTS OFABANDONED RIGHTS OF WAY OF SPRUCE STREET, FREEPRT) AVENUE, CHESNVET STREETAND WAVREGAN AVENUE. AS SHOWN ON PLAT OFWASTEGAN SUBDIVISION, AS IN MOST BOOK I, PAGE 75, PUBLIC 11 ( I RECORDS OF BREVAND COUNTY, FLORIDA. RE -FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ST. LUCIE I I I II COUNT FLORIDA AS SHOWN IN PIAT BOOK 1, PAGES TFIAND 99, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY OESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS_ I I {I II COMMENCING ATTHE NORTHEAST CORNER THE F THAT ION BEGINNING; LOT FROM LYING POINTO BEGINNWAY NEST I I I II' II RUN SOUTH 3UTH S4" EAST, 21055 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING, I I III 11 I SON➢NUEBOUTH3ST, IO EASTALTO S410 RIGAST RIGH 0 FOR UNEGFNCEOF FLORI ee FEET, THENCE JURRUN I I III Ill THENCE RUOUTH NNORTH RTH5 t31INST FEET TO THE EAST ALONG BAD RI HTOF THE HENCE NORTH W2848AILROAO: II IDEAS OTHED UTERONSOF, 347.69 FEET ALONGSAID AVENUE, THENCE NORTH NOT2033- AST. SEE I I I j III 625.03 O THE P THE CENTERLINE OF ABANDONED WAUREG9NAVENUE THENCE NORTH 45'28'33' EAST.558 M FHOPUE X S/C IRA. I I I FEETTOROSS SI OF BEGINNING. NNIDIA OPO I I I ! I SATO VW05 NOW BITDATEININOIAN RIVER COI FLORIDA PQ C. II Iii FINE, ACRES U., ANETrc RE PA. I Il,' III III I II I I 11 I I I i III ® III I II II n I I II , II I Itt �I II I I rh Ilvl r GRAPHIC SCALE ^I1' PIT 1; n o m v Ow I I. Ear) - N / 1 L TAPE= 40 IT, P 0.6. zaUw=E PsI I 3s ASSURED LP Al LTA\ N\\ - I fV" DEDII SNL ¢ , T N P. gp MORI ICT PLLc, qE RE &' .Is 1W -AIA I \ - ' sLlre-an AD Hw 1 _ -- r- -� ireesa�/ol z»ew DO MP mm gT 7 FIND. rM. WA Do N .DING: CR IANe USE: RMU NOR ASN) N ,\ Pwwss°Is( TPRI I 3 PRIG RANK 43,562 SF (EyjDo Ac FREEPT -- o- NET1 } =I JIP In rf 1- ,-J' T EAR+ u } a V7� Sro'cvea TrPAJ �` + p u i ® I L. 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Project Location a. Address: 971 Sebastian Boulevard b. Legal: Lots 5 through 10, Block 185, Sebastian Highlands Unit 8, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 9, Public Records of Indian River County, Florida 4. Applicant: Bill Polly 833 Barber Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 (772)228-846 5. Property Owner: 971 Sebastian Blvd, LLC Mr. Francesco Lofaso P.O. Box 1392 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 503-8442 6. Project Description: a. Narrative of proposed action: Bill Polly is requesting a special exception permit for property located at 971 Sebastian Boulevard to allow an auction house and warehousing as a permitted use in the Commercial -512 Zoning District. The existing 9,000 square foot building contains multiple rental units with businesses including a martial arts training gym, hair salon, mobile phone retail, and a pizza delivery restaurant. Mr. Polly intends to lease a portion of Unit 4 and Units 5 & 6, a 3,600± square foot area, to warehouse items that will be sold at an auction. The auctions are proposed to be held at the same location, approximately once a month, within the same units. Mr. Polly is proposing 90 seats. Actual capacity will be determined by the Florida Building Code. He has stated there would be no outside storage of larger items, which would be kept off-site, and not physically brought to the auction. b. C. Current Zoning: C-512 (Commercial -512) Current Use: Retail, gym, salon, and restaurant Adjacent Properties: Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: .88 acres (2) Current Land Use(s): commercial building (3) Water Service: public water (4) Sanitary Sewer Service: public sewer 7. Staff Comments: As detailed in Section 54-2-3.1 of the Land Development Code, a special exception is a use which is provided in the zoning regulations for a particular zoning district or classification and, if controlled, would not affect the public safety, health, or general welfare by allowing the use in an additional zoning district or classification. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may permit such uses in such zoning districts or classifications as special exceptions only if the applicant meets specific provisions and conditions deemed appropriate. Procedurally, staff reviews the special exception application and makes a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission shall hold a public hearing and shall indicate whether, in their opinion, the proposed special exception meets the required findings of facts and review criteria established in Section 54-2-6.2(d), including specific criteria of Article VI. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall then make a recommendation to City Council to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for the special use. 2 Zoning Current Land Use Future Land Use North RS -10 residential (across CR -512) LDR East C-512 commercial tenant bldg C-512 South RS -10 residential LDR West C-512 commercial real estate offices C-512 Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: .88 acres (2) Current Land Use(s): commercial building (3) Water Service: public water (4) Sanitary Sewer Service: public sewer 7. Staff Comments: As detailed in Section 54-2-3.1 of the Land Development Code, a special exception is a use which is provided in the zoning regulations for a particular zoning district or classification and, if controlled, would not affect the public safety, health, or general welfare by allowing the use in an additional zoning district or classification. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may permit such uses in such zoning districts or classifications as special exceptions only if the applicant meets specific provisions and conditions deemed appropriate. Procedurally, staff reviews the special exception application and makes a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission shall hold a public hearing and shall indicate whether, in their opinion, the proposed special exception meets the required findings of facts and review criteria established in Section 54-2-6.2(d), including specific criteria of Article VI. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall then make a recommendation to City Council to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for the special use. 2 Warehousing, as an industrial activity, is allowed as a permitted use in the Industrial (IN) zoning district. An auction house is not specifically regulated in the Land Development Code, but could be considered "assembly." To approve a special exception permit to allow warehousing and an auction house in the C-512 zoning district, specific criteria must be met, as well as the following code required findings of fact. 8. Required findings of fact (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3): a. The approval of the application for a special exception will not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare, or be injurious to other properties or improvements within the immediate vicinity in which the property is located based on criteria established in Article V1. The proposed location for the auction house will be within a commercial tenant building with existing businesses currently in operation. Month-long deliveries of items to the site in preparation for the auction should not generate any additional activity to the site that a normal commercial use might have. Traffic generated on auction night may be similar to other assembly uses (private clubs) approved within the corridor, i.e. the Italian American Club, and the Elks Lodge. However, the site was not developed for an assembly use, which may have included consideration for an overflow parking plan, and reserving adequate parking for the businesses still in operation while the auction event is occurring. If written agreements/acceptance from the adjacent businesses regarding the auction house use, in addition to shared parking & overflow parking plans are made as conditions of approval for the Special Exception, the proposed use may should not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare, or injurious to other properties in the area. b. The use requested is consistent with the purpose and intent of the respective district, and can be demonstrated to be similar in nature and compatible with the uses allowed in such district. Although warehousing is not consistent with the intent of the Commercial - 512 district, the smaller delivery trucks and non-invasive activity of this proposed storage use probably would not generate any additional activity not already found in the corridor. The additional traffic generated for the auction event may be similar to other assembly uses in the corridor. However, the proposed site does not have the amount of parking spaces to accommodate the proposed capacity, and will need to have an overflow parking plan in place. 3 C. The requested use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. The Comprehensive Plan lists retail sales and services, and other commercial activities and community facilities as part of the Commercial - 512 land use category. Theoretically, an auction house could identify itself as a "community gathering place for time -specific retail sales." However, the Comprehensive Plan also states the land use designation expressly excludes merchandising of second-hand goods, including flea markets, and industrial uses, or any other activity "which may generate adverse impacts associated with more intense commercial and industrial activities." If successful, the once -a month auctions may generate additional traffic activity with greater parking needs for customers intending on buying second-hand goods. The PZ Commission should considered, and determine if the use would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. 9. Conditions of approval (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(4): In approving an application for a special exception under this section, the City Council may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, substantially secure the objectives and intent of the zoning regulations. If the Special Exemption request is approved, staff recommends the following conditions of approval: • Written verification of business hours of all tenants, and agreements with those who have nighttime hours regarding auction events. Temporary signage will be required to keep parking available for those units during auction events. • Submittal of an overflow parking plan, including shared parking agreements with adjacent commercial property owners for off-site parking, and measures necessary for pedestrian safety. • Commercial regulations for signs will be applied vs. special event regulations • Parking to the rear of the building along the alley will be prohibited except in approved parking spaces • Overflow parking along Sebastian Boulevard will be prohibited • Outside storage or display of items anywhere on the site will be prohibited. 9 10. Planning and Zoning Commission findings (Section 54-2-6.2(d): Any approval with or without conditions shall be rendered only after a finding by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council that the proposed use satisfies the following criteria: (1). Is so designed, located and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. (2). Does not present an unduly adverse effect upon other properties in the impacted area in which it is located. (3). Based on the scale, intensity and operation of the use, shall not generate unreasonable noise, traffic, congestion, or other potential nuisances or hazards to contiguous residential properties. (4). Conforms to all applicable provisions of the district in which the use is to be located. (5). Satisfies specific criteria stipulated for the respective conditional use described in this article in Section 54-2-6.4(34)b, which states: There are no specified conditions for warehousing or auction houses identified in the Sebastian Land Development Code. (6). Is consistent with the Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan. 12. Additional Comments: After examining the approved site plan for 971 Sebastian Boulevard, original parking requirements were 1 space for every 200 square feet. The site required 45 parking spaces, which 43 standard and 2 handi-capped spaces were installed (three spaces are located in the rear off the alley). Mr. Polly's space will be 3,600 SF. Based on original use (retail), Mr. Polly's lease area would require 18 spaces. Calculations for the proposed auction house use are based on actual area of storage (1 space for every 1,000 SF) and assembly capacity (1 space for every three persons figuring maximum capacity). Using only the proposed 90 seats, 30 parking spaces would be required. However, until a formal review by the Building Dept. is done on a final floor plan with areas and spaces determined, actual capacity has not been calculated. The capacity may be higher, requiring additional parking needs. When the auctions are held at night, most likely some of the business will be closed, adding more available spaces. But spaces will also need to be marked, and retained for those tenants with nighttime business hours. Adjacent business sites may have additional parking spaces that could be used. However, on either side of the building, there are single 40 -foot wide vacant lots. For pedestrian safety, patrons using off-site spaces should use the sidewalk along Sebastian Boulevard to walk to the auction house, and there should be consideration that access through the vacant lots is barricaded, or receive approval to be used from the property owners. 13. Staff Recommendation: Planning and Zoning to hold public hearing, and make a recommendation to City Council. PL-A-u,,,r?'/If /I 7 Prepared by Dater CITY OF SEBASTIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT and services; highway oriented sales and services; and' other general commercial activities defined in the land development regulations. General commercial designations are located in highly accessible areas, adjacent to major thoroughfares. The maximum intensity of general commercial development measured in floor -to -area ratio is 0.6. Policy 1-1.4.3: C.R. 512 Commercial (C-512). The purpose of the commercial C.R. 512 corridor is to accommodate retail sales and services and other commercial activities and community facilities that are compatible with nearby residential areas. This land use designation expressly excludes vehicular sales and services; bars and lounges; parking garages; enclosed and unenclosed commercial amusements; indoor theaters; merchandising of second-hand goods, including flea markets, wholesale trades and services; industrial uses or outside storage activities, or any other activities which may generate nuisance impacts such as glare, smoke, other air pollutants, noise, vibration, fire hazard, or other adverse impacts associated with more intense commercial and industrial activities. The maximum intensity of commercial development measured in floor -to - area ratio is 0.5. Policy 1-1.4.4: Riverfront Mixed Use (RML]). The Riverfront Mixed Use designation is intended to provide a mixture of residential, commercial, recreational, and institutional uses in the Riverfront District. The City anticipates that by 2025, the mix of uses in RMU will be 25% residential; 20% institutional/recreational, and 55% commercial. The maximum intensity for commercial development and institutional/recreational uses shall be 0.6 FAR. The allowable residential uses are single family, duplexes, multiple -family up to eight (8) units per acre, and commercial resort residential uses. Policy 1-1.4.5: General Pattern of Commercial Land Use. In order to promote efficient flow of traffic along major thoroughfares cited in the Traffic Circulation Element, achieve orderly development and minimize adverse impact on residential quality, commercial development shall be concentrated in strategically located areas having location characteristics which best accommodate specific land, site, public facilities and market location requirements of their respective commercial uses. Similarly, proliferation of strip commercial development shall not be extended. The existence of commercial areas on one corner of an intersection shall not dictate the development of all comers with the same or similar use; nor does the existence of commercial development on a major thoroughfare dictate that all frontages must be similarly used. Policy 1-1.4.6: Allocating Commercial Land Use. The allocation and distribution of new commercial land use shall consider the location and space ZanarDesi9n 9nnava&ns, 9nc. ADOPTED April 22, 2009 I-38 August 9, 2017 Points I ,0- Override 1 I 971 Sebastian Blvd - Dewlands's Auction House 41�fK m ✓OM1 Y ��' �j WAIk 00 b •i 71 q ''�. q•.; 1018 r v' • \ . 1 ., -'S 1:1,200 0 0.0075 0.015 0.03 mi 0 0.01 ' 0.02 0.04 km Irdan River County GlS RCGIS RCPA iman IMian River Cowry Planning pepar�M IRCGIS KAWN7 o4' a i'A y 77 M .fj� 5 r, M Permit Application No. HpMEQPELICAN 19UNp City of Sebastian Development Order Application Applicant If not owner, written authorization notarized from owner is required) Name: 971 SEBASTIAN BLVD, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 BILLY POLLY Address: 5,8,7,0,9,10 185 08 SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS 833 BARBER ST. Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) 772-228-8464 E -Mail: Future Land Use: C-SI'a. BI LCOROOFI NGI NC@YAHOO.COM Owner If different from applicant) p Name: / ./ Stj-"4 -IAN 8i0b kl-l;, r Address: / /!! 7 3d? -49 V B4 U A L�r2 / Al✓ i �9 J Phone Number: (561) 3-0 : - Yyyz FAX Number: N ( ) E -Mail: o r 7 Title of permit or action requested: exCEpTI d- - SPECIAL44%-AUCTION HOUSE. RETAIL/ASSEMBLY/wAkeHousiN PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): DEWLAND'S AUCTION HOUSE B. Site Information Address: 971 SEBASTIAN BLVD, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: 5,8,7,0,9,10 185 08 SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS Indian River County Parcel #: 31381300002185000005.0 Zoning Classification: Future Land Use: C-SI'a. C-5'1 Z Existing Proposed Use: wU^s-e,:�., LC VR<Ay[ NtM iF AIL {}taC1t6`t\ Mou&T WA-12ErfoccttuG— C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets If necessary): WE INTEND TO PROVIDE A GENERAL MERCHANDISE, FURITURE, PAINTINGS, JEWELRY, ECT. AVAILABLE FOR AUCTION ONCE A MONTH. DATE RECEIVED: /I FEE PAID: $D _oz) RECEIVED Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: BILLY POLLY Address 833 BARBER ST. SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 Phone Number: ( ) - 772-228-8464 FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: BILCOROOFINGINC@YAHOO.COM Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Engineer: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Surveyor: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: q�/ Sclras�iga BLVDAJC jFRnI)k kvFAsa �/ I, BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: _ I AM THE OWNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURATE AND TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY tn E S WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS 1 DAY OF 7U.t5 , NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: 1� 13 �o> DATE 11Av9, 2 of q Brigida Carolina Medina Notary Public kv State of Florida My Commission Expires 12/26/2020 Commission No, GG 57634 Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. 1/WE, IV THE OWNER(S) / _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE IIWE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY MENUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMISES MADE, BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. X1,3 211I ---�- SIG�NCiURE DATE Swom to and subscribed before who is personally known to me c as identification, this _L_3_ day Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary Commission No./Expiration Seal: Brigida Carolina Medina Notary Public kv State of Florida My Commission Expires 12/26/2o2o COmm1881on No. GG 57634 PACE 3 OF 4 Permit Application No. """` ,�*1 Supplemental Information Y�� Special Use Permit _--- - (ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY.) HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1. Describe the use for which this special use permit is being requested: GENERAL MERCHANDISE AUCTION HOUSE 2. Describe how the granting of the special use permit will not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare or be injurious to other properties or improvements within the immediate vicinity in which the property is located. (Attach additional pages, if necessary) THIS PERMIT I BELIEVE WILL BE BENIFICIAL TO THE NEIGHBORING BUSINESS, DUE TO INCREASED EXPOSURE FROM POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS. CAUSING NO HARM TO PUBLIC SAFETY OR WELFARE OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. 3. Describe how the use requested is consistent with the purpose and intent of the respective zoning district, and that the use is similar in nature and compatible with the uses allowed in such district. (Attach additional pages, if necessary): IT IS SIMILAR TO EXISITING ZONING AS WE WILL BEA RETIAL STORE WITH ASSEMBLY. NOT UNSIMILAR TO THE MARTIAL ARTS SCHOOL LOCATED NEX DOOR. _ 4. Attach a list of the names and addresses of all owners of parcels of real property within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel to be considered. PAID -�- � y PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN ------------------- w r— ga s`oi- FL 32956 BILL POLLY - AUCTION HOUSE NTSI 6/24/20171 KDB ix a ASSE BLLY)�� (90lSEAlap Lp U U QUUOUuQOLD -I-QIDQ- ig2 2 WrcQ� T-10" 3 Nom¢ o cPIMP (T0P OF PIAIFORY: 21' NGi) FL 32956 BILL POLLY - AUCTION HOUSE NTSI 6/24/20171 KDB a ASSE BLLY)�� (90lSEAlap Lp U U QUUOUuQOLD -I-QIDQ- FL 32956 BILL POLLY - AUCTION HOUSE NTSI 6/24/20171 KDB July 19, 2017 Re: City of Sebastian Development Order Application for Dewland's Auction House To whom it may concern, Dewland's Auction House does not intend to sell large scale items such as cars, boats, motorcycles etc. But in the rare occasion that we do offer these items for auction, these items will be kept at a different location and we will provide pictures and designated viewing times for preview. If you have any questions or need additional information, I can be reached at 772-453- 6142. Sincerely, �.... _�, �t4' F h �` flf 1... p � av � r sem. >! L s� a a� a tlt .cc ''�1� �r�� I � �• ♦ z. yy!ei .�`Y t wt ye. K J� .Ij G YH T+ � T 4 :.. mow•. 1. �� ;� � 4f. s x �€3 �- _ - �... � ,.r �� a .._ ... � ��- � _. a �,�> ;w r 'i� -�---�k __ _ � v _ 1. .`_. ED: N PAVEMENT ----7/ / / / / / / M MR4 8EFJRE JIJGHG C'.LL IVG /1PE t-aao-as2-ano �RLIDL M. G(( Vp}S / EDGE DF PAVENEW �// / LANDSCAPE LEGEND OZ p) .M� EV FMY rz In O<RLO.I IEE a" nlLw (cWRE55 MJLCX sW]L xor AE eT0.1zm) m1Y (9) ponu 5Ru¢e nTx A" -B" wLTlnnrs EunxM n ARJuxo Pwnxe wE EIOVMON 212"ne' mGe $T.VB pi4EN S eEtW f(UCE NNvrx�rtF (IR) (e Y1@JPNIIN NEJCE N 8� *OSN. -E iPEF M10 SIEE (1]I T.7X BQ MFE .WJ 9 TE wcNFu ,wmNo RmrePLL u SPE6 rc ixl]'. ,..D RE Wm LANDSCAPE DATA 1. iRFES IIPW C.R. 511 . . • (I .W µ0 0 JNC£ASiJ ,. V) (N G N MO 5 UNDERSIGN/ICJ VK210 M 5 CMG%. 11 YXJfRSfJNI }. TREES ILMJ 5WM P TY UNE IU V (5J {f) a 0 ,PEES '. T. M.Vq FAST PP0,2RM1 YNF 1REE 1 V l50 1� } WM . rAE3 NMtl MT PRJPFNTY eK • 1 1REE/A V (M LF) a } 116E5 A IqN-`2MJ1LNf JPEY SPYE TXEf/}.p]0 Sf IA, ( 6 JPf SfREEI PI81XIp 1 1REE/5 SP[6 (r5 SYILES) a 9 1PE6 TO-4T�EFs REp:Wfo - tl iNEss T.I. MFLS PRgRDEJ � RB TREES LANDSCAPE NOTES r µt 41OS SIVLL BE iHSTµIEp W AwI R0.nCE wRX ra sPRr.NLcIE RRensmns a TIN wr rc sEmnux mR's. x HL PWnM Bm5 EXV1 DE rvur uettlrtU ro A DEmI OF ]" bIM A BNM q! wPELJEO JMeNC VAIEPW. YYLCX ]. NL wwrum AREu suit a Ioox IRRurzo RnX u xrtNwrc sNmtRlEx ssw. 4. IAEhS WT NJGTED u RIHTIN6 BEN .1K TRM TMJ/w SUNB$ sXLLI RE FIN1Y .... B. .LLL LC jANG µ4}EpI{] IX L BE . Iq. 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