HomeMy WebLinkAbout02231998 RAC City of Sebastian Recreation Advisory Committee February 23, 1998 7:00 PM Minutes Chairman Richter called the meeting to Order. Roll Call: the following members were present: Maura Raborn - Sebastian Panthers, Inc. Cory Richter - Sebastian Soccer Association, Inc Virginia Nichols - Friendly Tennis Group Marjorie Schaub - Sebastian River Art Club Robert Bates - Craft Club of Sebastian Nancy Diamond - Indian River County Parks and Recreation Liaison Carol McConnell - Citizen-at-large David, Nisbet, Alternate - sitting in for Mr. Moss Randy Snyder, Sebastian Area Little League was absent. Clifford Moss, Sebastian Old Boys absent - excused Larry Driver, Alternate - Resigned Staff members present were Patrick Brennan, Public Works Director and Linda Kinchen, Recording Secretary. Approval of Minutes January 12, 1998 - Motion to approve as written by Mr. Bates, second Mrs. Raborn passed unanimously. Old Business: Mrs. Rayborn brought up Filbert Street as a site for ballfields. Mr. Bachlor's girls softball had applied to the County for a lease for this location per Mrs. Diamond. Mrs Diamond said the Bailey street property is still available for soccer per Fran Adams, County Commissioner. Cory Richter stated he looked at Bailey street and felt it would need a lot of work and he felt the access road was not very safe since it was only one lane. Mrs. Diamond stated she had an agenda of the programs offered in the north county if anyone was interested, She stated if we feel we need anything else to let her know. New Business: Cory asked Mr. Brennan to discuss the Schumann Tennis Courts Staffing issue. Mr. Brennan gives a brief overview of what was proposed. Mrs. Nichols of the Tennis Group stated they are in favor of the staffing. Mrs. Diamond made a motion to recommend to City Council that they approve the County's offer to supply a person to staff the tennis courts, second by Mr. Bates. Passed unanimously. Mrs Schuab stated that she felt the City should look into putting in shuffleboard courts, bocci ball courts and horseshoe pits for the older residents of the City. Mr. Bates stated he has been asked if the seniors can get a break at the Golf Course. Such as a free residence pass or reduction in cost. Mr. Brennan to check on possibility of this. Input from the Public: Jeannie Doyle 110 Landover Drive - asked for more information about the Filbert Street softball league lease. Mrs. Diamond told her it was not finalized yet but 4 softball fields are proposed for this location. All work to be done by organization. Page 2 Of 2 Minutes Recreation Meeting Febmary 23, 1998 at 7:00 PM Cheryl Grotke of 358 Main Street - wanted to know if there were any plans for kids in the 12, 13 and 14 age group so they don't hang out at the Creative Playground. She stated we need to try to get them out of there and find somewhere else for them to go. Mr. Bates feels Sebastian is short on programs for this age group. It was suggested that perhaps a skateboard or roller blading location or something of that nature would be good. Even a swimming pool. Don Scott 151 Filbert Street - Stated that the Tennis proposal was great and felt it would cut down on vandalism at the court. Mrs. McConnel stated that Pat Callahan is easy to deal with and very helpful if any one needs to get in touch with her regarding programs. Mr. Bates said 9-12 year olds need somewhere to go. The next meeting will be on March 23, 1998 since the third Monday set aside to swear in Council members. A motion to adjourn was made by Mrs. Rabom second by Mr. Nisbet, Passed unanimously Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. Approved unanimously on March 23, 1998