HomeMy WebLinkAbout04201998 RAC City of Sebastian Recreation Advisory Committee April 20, 1998 7:00 PM Minutes Meeting was called to order by Chairman Richter. Roll Call: the following members were present: Maura Raborn - Sebastian Panthers Inc Cory Richter - Sebastian Soccer Association, Inc. Clifford Moss - Sebastian Old Boys Virginia Nichols - Friendly Tennis Group Robert Bates - Craft Club of Sebastian Nancy Diamond - Indian River County Parks and Recreation Liaison Carol McConnell - Citizens at Large David Nisbet Alternate - Sitting in for Mrs. Schaub Marge Schaub - Sebastian River Art Club, Excused Absence Randy Snyder - Sebastian River Area Little League, Inc Excused Absence Larry Vickers, Alternate - Absent Staff members present were Tom Frame, City Manager, Pat Brennan, Public Works Director, Chris McCarthy, Parks Supervisor, and Linda Kinchen, Recording Secretary. Approval of Minutes March 23, 1998 - Motion to approve as written by Ms. Diamond, second by Mrs. McConnell, passed unanimously Old Business; None - But Chairman Richter asks staff about cost of bocci courts. Chris McCarthy hands out information on costs for the courts and the practice field. Bocci Courts to cost $7500 to $8500. Also, practice field will mn approximately $6500. Mrs. McConnel stated that someone from City Hall used to give out the equipment and then you return it to City Hall. Chairman asked for recommendation to send the request for funding of the courts and field to the City Council - Mrs. McConnell asked what happened with the shuffle board courts Mr. Nisbet asked what is involved in maintaining these - Chris states that they would have to be groomed every day. Chairman asked if maybe we could put something in the paper to get a response from the citizens with regards to interest in the courts. Tabled to the next meeting pending report back from the secretary regarding citizen involvement. Motion to send the cost to council for next years budget funding for the practice field by Mrs. Raborn, second by Mr. Bates passed unanimously. New Business; Tennis Proposals John Danise unavailable but sent a representative named Woody Newtson who is the St Lucie County Tennis Director - He stated he is here to answer questions based on John's presentation - Mrs Rabom asked about fee structure - he stated it is set by the area and is well within the ballpark as to what they should be. Page 2 of 4 Minutes Recreation Meeting April 20, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. Mrs. Nichols asks about item F - low cost program, He stated that the Play Tennis America Program has just been replaced by USA Tennis 1-2-3. Then goes to USA Teen Tennis. Reds are paying $15.00 for ten weeks, Adults $45.00 for nine hours of instruction including racquet and second lesson includes membership in USTA. $30.00 for competition tennis. Mr. Brennan asked what the hours of open play at no cost would be. He stated that he would assume that two or four courts would be left open at the same time as programs were going on at the other courts. Public play should not take precedence over program play. Program play should be backed by the community fathers. Also Mr. Brennan asked about locking up the courts when finished but it only states will lock up the building. Mr. Brennan asked would Mr. Danise be responsible to lock the courts at the end of the day. He stated I'm sure he would. Ms. Diamond asked about open play and he stated the tennis professional would tell the public which courts are open. Mr. Bates stated that maybe a bulletin board would work. Mrs. Nichols stated that the Friendly Tennis Club uses the courts every morning and they would not want to give up any courts during that time. Gary Berkheimer now stated he will answer any questions there might be. Mr. Brennan asked the same two questions about opening hours of play and locking the courts. He stated the facility should be open from 7 am to l0 PM and the goal would be to have a 95% usage. The courts should be divided based on interest. Mr. Frame addressed the committee regarding the approach by the Friendly Tennis Group to curb vandalism. About the same time, Pat Callahan came and approached the Friendly Tennis Group and the City about June Kelly being assigned to the courts almost on a 7 day a week basis. The City Council raised a number of questions. Such as whether the County would take over the City courts. Mr. Berkheimer and Mr. Danise expressed desire at the same meeting to offer programs and that's why the City Council sent the proposals back to the board. Mrs. Raborn stated that she felt the County should give the services to offer the service to the citizens at the lowest possible rate. Mr. Berkheimer stated that he understood the County would staff the courts and private pros could handle the programs. Programs will specifically go after each age group, Provided you keep the courts open from 7AM-1 OPM. Lesson fees can be charged in addition to the pros fees. This money stays with the City for use to keep up the courts. Mr. Berkheimer stated that he also agreed that free play depends on interest by the public rather then wanting tennis lessons. Mr. Nueberger 357 Melrose Lane spoke regarding the meeting when this came before the City Council. Not representing the council tonight just here to listen and clarify questions regarding why it was sent back to the Recreation Board. Mrs. Callahan unavailable this evening to discuss the county proposal. Mr, Richter asked Mr. Berkheimer about the Friendly Tennis Club request for security purposes and would he be opposed to them having the courts in the mornings. Mr. Berkheimer stated they are flexible as far as times go. But stated once you set aside times for one group you will need to do it across the board. Mrs. Nichols final comment stated that the Group wanted to control the vandalism and this needs to be done as soon as possible. Friendly tennis group has reviewed all the proposals and felt that the County proposal best suits the needs of the community. Mr. Bates is worried that the County will take over and the City will lose control. Page 3 of 4 Minutes Recreation Meeting April 20, 1998 at 7:00 PM Mr. Berkheimer stated that the County facility in Vero is only doing 3-5% and no programs are offered for the kids at all. He stated the Recreation Board should do serious thinking about bringing in the County so they don't lose control. Cory asked if anyone from the public would like to speak Don Scott 151 Filbert St - spoke from the public, President from the Friendly Tennis Group. Everyone who comes to the courts is allowed to play. The reason that the group supports the County is because the County is offering a service we need. All in favor of programs for the children. He stated in fact, one of our members got there at seven in the morning and taught the children 5 days a week while they were waiting for the school bus. The times that the courts are used by the group are from 8 am to 10 am. rarely there will be anyone there after 11 am. The reason that we wanted this in the first place is protect the city property. All programs proposed are wonderful but go back to the basics - protect the property first then go ahead and offer more programs . Protecting the courts are a seven day a week job and the Friendly Tennis Group had offered to lock the courts but that never came about. Ms Diamond asked Don Scott what is your first concern. They stated the courts but they have people in the group who would take lessons. She asked if the courts could be locked. He stated that they offered to lock them but it never came about. Four new courts should be locked at night. The older courts have lights which also light the basketball court and need to remain open longer. Mrs Raborn questions will this be like the golf course operation. Mr. Frame tries to answer this. Mr. Frame stated maintenance is the most expensive cost, building the facility is nothing compared to maintenance. Mrs. McConnell asked if the county and the pros could work together. Mr. Frame stated they were not looking at it from that prospective but stated it could be possible. Mr. Frame stated that there is no permission given to give lessons on these courts. Mr. Berkheimer stated that if someone is already giving lessons can other people start giving lessons as well. Mr. Frame wants to make a suggestion - not all the participants have been available to sit down together and openly discuss to get a real feel to suggest what every one has to offer. Mr. Frame's suggestion would be to ask the council to pass an ordinance for trespass signs to allow for better enforcement he has been reluctant to lock the courts because there is concern when this should be done. Mrs. McConnel questions a college girl wanting to work seven days a week. Mr. Frame stated we could perhaps generate a different request to compare apples to apples. We could see if public and private can work together. Mr. Nisbet wanted to know if we needed a motion requesting the city manager to send a letter to the different individuals interested. Cory stated that Mr. Frame feels he knows what the committee wants. Mr. Frame stated that the board could sit here all night discussing the parameters the City will put in the specifications but he felt that staff could come up with something with which to compare apples to apples. Then they would be forwarded to the three parties for the uniform response and bring it back to review it. Jeannie Doyle Landover Drive - thanked Ms Diamond for attending the meeting for the softball complex. Would f1001� like to go forward for the Filbert Street property with alternate activities since the ballfields are not going in there. She stated that she would like to see the practice field or the bocci courts. Chairman Richter stated we would have to recommend to the council to go to the County to see if we could use it for other activities. Page 4 of 4 Minutes Recreation Meeting April 20, 1998 7:00 PM Mr. Frame stated this piece of property was the old water treatment plant and the zoning allows for recreation facilities or they can surplus and sell it. The County should give the ownership back to the City or the County should lease the property to the city. Mr. Frame suggested that the Council be asked to consider a resolution for use of that property. Mr. Frame stated that he would be glad to report on that at Wednesday nights meeting under managers matters. Then based on feeling a resolution would be passed in May. Chairman Richter asked if Ms. Diamond could bring this up at the May 7th County Recreation Meeting and Mr. Frame stated that he will get the feelings back to Mrs. Diamond before the meeting. Jeannie Doyle also stated that keep indian River Beautiful gave them trash bins for one of the spoil island and she wondered if the City could also give her some bins. Mr. Frame stated that there would be no reason why the City could not provide some bins for this purpose if the islands are found to be in the City limits. A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Bates, Second by Mr. Nisbet, passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned 8:45 PM Motion to approve by Ms. Diamond, Second Mrs. Schaub - Passed unanimously at May 18, 1998 meeting