HomeMy WebLinkAbout01111997 RIVERCITY OF SEBASTIAN RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1997 Vice Chairman Smith call the meeting to order at 10:18 A.M. ROLL CALL: ALSO PRESENT: ANNOUNCEMENTS: PRESENT: Ed Moore Ken Chapin V. Chmn. Smith Steve Wild Tommy Thompson EXCUSED: Bruce Bennett Chmn. Collins Carolyn Comrm Mr. Massarelli, Community Development Director Ann Brack, Recording Secretary Vice Chairman Smith welcomed the members of the AIA to the workshop; Mr. Binkley, Mr. Schutt, Mr. Jones and Mr. Armstrong. He noted that today's session would be very informal. NEW BUSINESS: Workshop with the American Institute of Architects: Vice Chairman Smith mentioned the vision and principles of the Riverfront Committee to the AIA members. He noted the importance of the hometown charm and the desire to keep from over- developing Sebastian. He asked the AIA members for input about ordinances, designs, zones, etc., and to suggest some hard data. Mr. Chapin concurred, and noted that Committee members have an architectural theme in mind for the riverfront area, and want specific information developed to present to developers, or owners who want to remodel. Ed Moore concurred with the above comments, and added that there are usually a good number of residents in attendance at the regular meetings, they are quite vocal, and the main theme expressed by most of them is that they want to keep Sebastian's atmosphere as it is. Tommy Thompson concurred with the above comments and reminded the AIA members to watch and listen closely to the slides and comments that Mr. Massarelli is to present. RWERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 1997 Vice Chairman Smith pointed out that the Committee knows that Sebastian will develop, and they are encouraging voluntary incentives, for remodeling and for new development. Peter Jones, an AIA member, noted his interest and roots in Sebastian for many years, and has been a vocal member in wanting his AIA Chapter to get involved in the direction of development of the riverfront in Sebastian. He introduced the other AIA members and gave a brief description of their experiences in various cities in the surrounding area. He noted that AIA members are ultimately the professionals that deal with the guidelines, both creatively and regulatory. As creative people, they welcome the opportunity to have some flexibility in coming up with creative solutions, given the framework of the guidelines. To be able to participate in their formulation is of interest to them, and they feel they can be very helpful. At this point Mr. Massarelli gave the AIA members an overview of what the Riverfront Committee has been doing, the projects that are currently under way in the riverfront area. He also noted a previous attempt, in May of 1991, which depicted a vision for the riverfront with sketches, maps and different recommendations for the riverfront area. Nothing was done with this report. He suggested that this Riverfront Committee is taking a different approach at this time, focusing more on implementation. We have recommended to City Council, and they have adopted the theme of an "Old Florida Fishing Village". The Committee has also recommended development of a design ordinance, landscape ordinance and sign ordinance, to implement the theme. The eolb� information gained from the AIA members will aid in writing those ordinances. He noted that a series of recommendations have already been made to the City Council and they are being implemented in various fashions. He then pointed out the boundaries of the nverfront area, and noted that the core area is an old historic area, documented by the Historical Society, with a lot of structures on the State Registry. He also noted that not only was Sebastian a fishing village, but also a strong citrus area, thereby giving it a water -oriented, historical, agricultural aspect that we are trying to compliment. Mr. Massarelli referred to Vice Chairman Smith's comment about principles, and noted how important those principles are. He noted that when evaluating any recommendation, the committee checks to see if it meets these principles. The City Council incorporated these principles into the resolution adopting the "Old Florida Fishing Village" theme. He noted the positive influence this has had on the City, and the evaluation and appraisal report currently being done for the Comprehensive Plan includes a very similar statement of principles. He provided each AIA member with a set of the following: Principles, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, RMU - Riverfront Mixed Use District Zoning Amendment, and Access to the Riverfront Recommendations, and proceeded to go through all of these. Flexibility and implementation were noted by Mr. Massarelli. He commented that the Committee encourages citizen involvement and close contact with the media to get information out to all. When checking out the zoning for this area, it was found that there were six zoning districts and they are inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Massarelli noted that the zoning map must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. This is an area that must be addressed. 2 f . RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 1997 Mr. Massarelli pointed to other inconsistencies in this area and noted that special use permits have been used in the past. He noted that in a proposed single zoning district such as Riverfront Mixed Use, emphasis would be placed on residential; single family, and duplex or multi -family, both vertical and horizontal use. He went on to explain riverfront access, wetlands, setbacks, waterfront theme, preserving existing assets, among other things. On properties divided by Indian River Drive, he advised encouraging that the open space requirement be used East of Indian River Drive, with the development placed on the West side. He mentioned encouraging the removal of exotics, and discouraging the use of stockade fences East of Indian River Drive. Vice Chairman Smith suggested that a height of four (4) feet might be considered for stockade fences. He emphasized that the AIA members could be helpful on this subject. Mr. Massarelli described the proposed walkway that DOT is planning to install along the East side of Indian River Drive and gave a brief history of the designing process. He also noted that the City has a Community Development Block Grant which includes the riverfront area, along with a Citizens Advisory Task Force to implement the Block Grant. Both Committees, Riverfront and the Task Force are used for input in the subject area. He noted the CAV CORP property which is designated for parking, and gave a brief history of that property. At this point, he showed a sketch of a conceptual plan for the CAV CORP property. The desire of the people is to keep this property "green", but in order to satisfy the inspectors from Tallahassee who oversee the Grant, parking spaces must be indicated in some fashion. He noted that there is controversy over landscaping, but City Council will be involved in settling that. Aprons and driveways will be improved. At this point, Mr. Massarelli presented his slide show on an "Old Florida Fishing Village". A copy of his report is attached In summary, people liked porches, certain rooflines, some landscaping, some gingerbread, widows walks, certain types of windows, the Grant Grocery Store, and the Grant Historical House. Vice Chairman Smith spoke of a slide of Seaside, Florida and commented on the pigment of the paint, and noted that the Committee does not want riverfront structures to look like a movie set. Mr. John Schutt commented that the same designers who designed Seaside have been involved in Windsor, and advised that the Committee keep their requests loose; specify what you don't like, and leave flexibility in what you do like. Mr. Chapin contributed his list of "likes" as - picket fences, porches, rooflines, windows, wood materials, roof materials - tin, or cedar shingles - the rustic look. He mentioned flexibility in colors. Vice Chairman Smith suggested that earth tones and historic tones of paint might be preferable, not modem colors. He suggested that the AIA members drive around the Sebastian riverfront area and take another look at what is already here and apply what they have learned at this meeting. r_ 1 r a RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 1997 Mr. Wild reported that he had received a lot of photos from small, coastline cities in Maine, and he noted the colors that were blended in that area. He also noted the height issue and suggested that if the height of buildings in this area are kept at thirty-five (35) feet, they will be partially shielded by trees and greenery and won't stand out. Mr. Massarelli noted the importance of the height limitation - currently twenty-five (25) feet East of Indian River Drive, and thirty-five (35) feet West of Indian River Drive; that is to the top of the roofline. There was discussion on where the measurement is taken from.. He noted a recently approved hotel that has four (4) stories but stays within the thirty-five (35) foot height limitation. He suggested that the number of stories may have to be redefined. At this point, Mr. Massarelh listed some styles that are not wanted: Victorian, brick, neon colors, too much gingerbread, Colonial style. PUBLIC INPUT: None Mr. Moore defined what the committee members don't want: not big, not tall, not gaudy, not crowded or congested, not modern, doesn't obstruct view, no bright colors, no real barriers to the river, not Boca Raton, or West Palm Beach or Boynton Beach or Cocoa Beach. It is plain, simple, well landscaped, clean, has pitched roofs, picket fences, porches and balconies and the colors are light. /0 " Mr. Armstrong noted that a "Florida Fishing Village" can mean different things to different people. What does that mean to this committee? Are you applying this description to actual business, or to the type of buildings that are associated to villages where fishing is prevalent? Mr. Chapin noted that there are three (3) active commercial fish houses presently in the riverfront area. There is a fourth one beyond the city limits. Mr. Jones mentioned "expected development market" in this area and asked the committee if this had been discussed. Mr. Massarelli noted that commercial activities in the riverfront area are going through a transition and went on to explain some of the changes including an increase in ecotourism and some office space. He also noted that the Sebastian River Hospital is impacting Sebastian, making a need for more medical and professional offices with parking. He also noted the mixture of zoning in the riverfront area and the desire to keep it that way. But he reminded the group that Sebastian is a platted community, and there is not a lot of room for industry and commercial, but will be mostly residential. Mr. Moore noted that as President of the Chamber of Commerce, he wanted to inform the AIA members that the Chamber is refocusing its' efforts on promoting not just commercial, but Sebastian as a community. They are promoting tourism and related environmental issues. Mr. Schutt asked what has been done to save the infrastructure of the city, saving the environment for water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, communications, gas, electric power? 4 RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 1997 Mr. Massarelli explained the status of all utilities, educational facilities, and the new library. Mr. Wild felt that this committee was mostly interested in the architectural theme and appearance of businesses, such as the old Florida look of thirty (30) years ago. Mr. Massarelli commented that he didn't think the goal was to attract development. It's rather to preserve Sebastian for the reason that people come here. If development comes as a result, fine, as long as they conform with what we are trying to achieve. We are trying to create on the riverfront what the people of Sebastian want, for their use. Mr. Schlitt noted that it sounded more like a historical district. Vice Chairman Smith noted that Sebastian doesn't really have a "downtown" area. And we don't want a tourist trap, but possibly some small, tasteful shops that residents can enjoy and use. Mr. Chapin repeated that residents want Sebastian the way it is, maybe a little prettier. Joe Graham, owner of 805 Indian River Drive, noted that, after seeing how much fishing and boating is actually done on this riverfront, he decided to make his property a fishing lodge. He sees this Committee as a "Community Appearance" board, to keep the appearance of what you have intact. He also noted the importance of the inlet to the City of Sebastian. Mr. Armstrong inquired about public boat ramps and a city dock. It was explained that there was no city dock, and the boat ramp locations were conveyed. Mr. Jones commented that the word "preserve" is important in this committee's efforts. He also noted that any policies that come of this will protect investments made, and the look, and will keep out detrimental development, and encourage quality economies to come into the community. Lunch break taken at 12:10 P.M. Meeting resumed at 1:15 P.M. Mr. Jones noted that the committee has begun the framework for the area. The next step would be to formulate policy statements or at least statements regarding developing guidelines that can be further developed into language for regulatory use. Mr. Massarelli noted that the job of the Riverfront Committee is to develop design standards, landscape standards, and sign standards. Guidance that the AIA members can give us on how to develop these standards is what we really need. That information can be put into an ordinance format and placed in the proper places of our Land Development Code for implementation. He noted that City Council is anxiously waiting for this information. format and placed in the proper places of our Land Development Code for implementation. He noted that City Council is anxiously waiting for this information. S RIVERFRONT CO1VaVIITTEE /01111 MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 1997 Mr. Jones suggested developing an outline, which can be added to by the Riverfront Committee. He also suggested alerting any key issues that are important for further discussion. Mr. Massarelli concurred with the above comment, and requested that the AIA members point out any areas that the Committee may be missing, and make any other suggestions, because this is a window of opportunity and they want to do it right. Mr. Binkley noted that the code covering the SR 60 Corridor Plan was very well done, the local architects group was involved in that, and suggested that looking at that framework would help to develop guidelines for Sebastian. The same design criteria was involved in that plan that the Committee is looking for in Sebastian. Mr. Massarelli commented that if there is information the AIA members can offer pertaining to setbacks or density requirements, which are important to achieve our goal, we would like their input. He also noted that if they have helpful information pertaining to the open space requirement and how to encourage, when the property is divided by Indian River Drive, the placement of the open space on the East side, and transfer the density to the West side. Mr. Schlitt suggested giving them credits for transferring the density to the West side. He also suggested treating residential and commercial similarly. Mr. Binkley noted the importance of "contiguous" property. Mr. Armstrong noted that he brought the regulations for downtown Stuart's redevelopment. They have two types of regulations: urban and architectural. The urban regulations deal with property development, placement of structures, etc, and the architectural regulations deal with materials, colors, exterior finishes, porches, roofs, etc. He also pointed out the simplicity of these, and showed a pamphlet to the Committee. Mr. Jones suggested that the City identify and define public spaces, especially the three (3) major intersections on U.S. 1. Once they are defined, properties adjacent can better understand their relationship. He suggested defining these public spaces, but not making them too detailed. Mr. Armstrong suggested that at some point, do a site plan to address the concept, and show how it would look once built out under the guidelines, then people can get a sense of where it is going. He noted that words don't impress the image like drawings. Mr. Jones highlighted important areas of the SR 60 Corridor Plan. Mr. Jones noted that "demonstration" is an architectural term that deals with windows, such as style and character. Site issues, screening devices, signage and colors were also discussed. Mr. Schlitt noted that since the SR 60 Corridor Plan wasn't dealing with a village concept, this edM*) Committee will need to deal with some other issues, such as park benches, handling bike storage, 6 RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 1997 screening of dumpsters, etc. He commented that meandering the walkway along the riverfront is a good step in this direction. He also mentioned light posts and glare, low lighting along walkways, and signage in several styles that work together. He noted that "antiquity" could be a guide here, referring to what like Sebastian was like in the early 40's and 50's. Mr. Massarelli asked if there was any particular city that came to mind in respect to their signage design. Mr. Schlitt mentioned Boca Raton. Mr. Schutt suggested possibly using a raised letter signage style with pier -type poles and rope, using fishing theme items that work together. Mr. Armstrong suggested that the big items be determined first, such as parks, zoning, architectural character, and major streets. Mr. Massarelli mentioned the need for a master plan. He noted that the major features of the riverfront area are pretty much already there. 1. He noted that U.S. 1 and CR 512 are the gateways, the main entrances in the area. 2. Secondary transportation feature is Indian River Drive and Main Street. The main features of public property are the Riverview Park - CAV CORP - Yacht Club complex, the Main Street complex, the government complex (outside of the riverfront area but linked). He suggested that the future "downtown" area might be from the Post Office on Main Street to the river at Indian River Drive. He mentioned the low-income, elderly housing plans of Grace's Landing on Louisiana Ave. and Palmetto. 3. The third link between Indian River Drive and U.S. 1 is Davis Street. He suggested that the Committee is probably ready for the smaller details. 4. Remember the river! Mr. Armstrong suggested planning a few of the visual corridors. He also recommended individual guidelines for individual areas, and noted that dividing lines for districts should be placed through the center of blocks, not down the center of streets. Mr. Jones suggested that in one area, the size of a building might be more acceptable that in another area. Mr. Armstrong suggested that density doesn't have to be bad. Traditional small towns were always dense. Little pockets of density could be good. Mr. Schutt suggested that the little area between Indian River Drive and U.S. I could be more flexible than the area just west of U.S. 1. The riverfront itself should not be very flexible. East of Indian River Drive should be very specific, with little or no development. Issue credits for keeping development on the west side. West of U.S. 1 does not need flexibility. Mr. Moore noted that the Historical Society has named at least sixty (60) buildings in that area. There was discussion about uses and mixed use and zones and parking. Mr. Massarelli placed a piece of onion skin paper over the aerial view and sketched zones using Chamber of Commerce as VW RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES FROM WORKSHOP MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 1997 ground zero, northern boundary as Oyster Pointe, southern boundary Washington Plaza, as the commercial area. The resort area could be Oyster Pointe to Davis Street. The public area could be CAV CORP -Riverview Park. And in between could be residential, low density. U.S. 1 could be commercial. This is just an example of uses. Parking details should be discussed and adjusted appropriately. A fund was discussed for parking. Mr. Massarelli pointed out an area where the water is too shallow to attract piers and docks. Mr. Armstrong again reminded the committee of the fact of drawing lines down centers of blocks so the streets will remain consistent as far as design goes. Mr. Massarelli noted that this would be the design standard under the Riverfront Mixed Use Zoning. The "bubble" areas would fall within the RMU. Mr. Jones remarked that he likes the progress so far. He mentioned an outline section which shows the scope, guidelines, and uses. Then they get into the sub -categories or sub -zones, each having intensity, setbacks or open space. But it must remain simple. Mr. Binkley advised staying away from an architectural review committee, and suggested that the planning staff make decisions. e"'� Mr. Armstrong noted that in Stuart, the Planning Office reviews plans and they interpret the guidelines. The AIA members felt it was advisable to set up a Board for disputes. Mr. Jones pointed out that less interpretation leaves fewer problems; establish overall issues and allow for transition. Make requirements clear for new people coming in. Mr. Thompson asked the AIA members if any of them have had any experience in determining if a plan meets the code. All members responded positive. Mr. Smith asked the AIA members what they felt their role is in the pick -and -shovel approach. Mr. Jones responded that they might come up with a quick outline for each area, and an over-all outline, and as a chapter, could volunteer to get together with the Committee every so often for discussion and direction. In discussing the time element for this project, Mr. Massarelli noted that he would like to see it completed by March, April, 1997. He suggested that this is a new way of doing things for the City, and there may need to be more workshops. Mr. Jones remarked that the Real Estate community has taken an interest in this issue in the past and may again. He also noted that this type of effort will protect people's investments in (406� Sebastian. 8 /%OhN RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 1997 Discussion took place on organizing the issues. Mr. John Schutt left the meeting at 2:38. Discussion took place to define and identify six (6) zones to work with, density, setbacks, building narrower and deeper or higher instead of wider, and height of buildings. Limiting new buildings to three (3) stories was discussed. There was discussion about a Historical Preservation Ordinance in Sebastian. There was discussion about building height. Mr. Armstrong responded that there was no intrinsic advantage. He noted that allowing an occasional structure to go to forty (40) feet might allow a widow's walk, tower, etc., to create some interest to the skyline. Mr. Thompson noted the design of a new structure in the City that is thirty-five (35) feet high and four (4) stories. The disadvantage seems to be the flat roof. He suggested eliminating flat roofs and going to limiting the number of stories. � Ms. Westfall from the Sebastian Historical Society noted that there were never any buildings any higher than two (2) stories along the river on the West side of Indian River Drive, and only one (1) two-story building on the East side. She also suggested that some three (3) story buildings can still appear low, but four (4) story buildings look out of place. Discussion was focused on the number of stories and the height of buildings. Mr. Massarelli mentioned the subject of parking. Discussion followed including placing structures near the front of the property and placing parking behind the building. Public parking was also discussed. Mr. Armstrong brought up the subjects of arcades, porches and balconies. He noted that these can all be regulated. These were discussed, and it was noted that porches are important, and it was suggested that a porch could be counted as open space. Mr. Massarelh suggested that the core group of Riverfront Committee members present today discuss today's information with the remainder of the members, and work on each "bubble" area one at a time. He suggested that the regular meeting scheduled in two weeks be used as a workshop type meeting, and the members can use a checklist and come up with ideas. He then suggested that these results could be relayed to the AIA members for feedback. He then asked Mr. Jones for a copy of the SR 60 Corridor Plan that would be used for a reference and guide, and any change in language or materials on the architectural side could be inserted for our use. There was discussion about types of fences. At this point, it was loosely determined that it would not be possible to recreate a Sebastian of the 30's and 40's, and there will have to be some practical blending of those early days with todays appearance. 9 RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF JANUARY 111, 1997 Mr. Jones suggested that the Committee members need to look at roof slopes, roof materials, shingles, and metal roofs. The architects recommended that roof types be limited to a selection of historical types, determined by the Committee. More discussion followed. Mr. Armstrong recommended being specific on roof types and materials, window types and exterior materials. This would apply to remodeling as well as new construction. He suggested referring to the City of Stuart plans for good reference in this area of discussion. Mr. Massarelli noted that when remodeling is to be done, we must be more lenient in the code and he suggested that there must be a whole section that will apply to remodeling. Mr. Binkley noted that on the SR 60 project, they selected a color palette of acceptable colors, using historical colors, and getting away from vibrant colors, and he offered to send a copy for the Committee to look at. Discussion followed on paint - colors and types. Mr. Armstrong cautioned against using stain, as it is a modern material. Mr. Binkley noted that along with choosing exterior surface colors, keep in mind to also select trim colors. Mr. Massarelli noted that today's session gave the Committee better focus. Mr. Chapin concurred, and suggested that after some progress is attained, we could all get together again for some refinement. Mr. Binkley noted that, speaking for himself he would like to see how the Committee progresses and would be available for future reference. Mr. Jones concurred. Vice Chairman Smith suggested that future sessions should be with the same four (4) AIA members here today to avoid time spent on explanations. He thanked the architects for being here today, and noted that the workshop gave the Committee a good sense of direction. He also remarked that he hoped the Committee could count on the AIA members for continued support. Mr. Thompson concurred. The meeting adjourned at 3:51 P.M. 10 eo..N e..6N i City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 ❑ FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE WORKSHOP MEETING SATURDAY JANUARY 11, 1997 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 4. NEW BUSINESS: Workshop with the American Institute of Architects 10:00 a.m. Welcome 10:15 a.m. Introduction to the Riverfront 10:30 a.m. Old Florida Fishing Village slide show 11:00 a.m. Public Comment 11:30 a.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. AIA working session 3:45 p.m. Wrap-up 5. ADJOURNMENT. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: • Monday January13, 1997 @ 7:00 p.m. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 ❑ FAX (407) 589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING The Riverfront Committee of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, will hold a Work Shop meeting on Saturday, January 11, 1997 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers. wn M. Corapi, Secretary Riverfront Committee 2E1W NOTE: IF ANY PERSONS DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE MAY NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS INADVANCE OF THE MEETING. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 SEBASTIAN RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD //l /90/7 APPROVED AT MEETING HELD `7 71/1'ILGi�✓ - zp27. 19011 V THOMAS B. COLLINS, CHAIRMAN DAWN M. CORAPI, SECRETARY E. ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY RCMAS.WP