HomeMy WebLinkAbout04141997 RIVERCITY OF SEBASTIAN RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1997 Vice Chron. Smith called the m~ing to order at 7:12 P.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Vice Clunn. Smith Mr. Moore Mr. Chapin Mr. Bennett Ms. Corum Mr. Thompson EXCUSED ABSENCE: Chnm. Collins Mr. Wild ALSO PRESENT: Robert Massarelli, Community Development Director Tracy Hass, Planner H Ann Brack, Recording Secretary APPR,0VAL OF ,~IINUTES,: MOTION by MooreJCorum I move that we approve the minutes. A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT~: (March 24, 1997) Vice Chnm. Smith noted that Mr. Thompson will be voting m place of Clmm. Collins. Mr. Chapin suggested that the Committee further discus~ the subject of signage in .m~%rence to a public letter written by Mr. Ed Moore, a copy of which was included in each members packet: Ms. Corem suggested that, since tonight's agenda was full, the subject of signage be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. MOTION by Thompson/Corem I move that we place the sign ordinance on next meeting for further discussion. Di~~~syONT COMMITTEE OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 14, 1997 ION: Mr. Massarelli noted how important commenm from the Committee are, as well as from the public. Thes~ comments are important to the staff for new ideas, as well as helping in wording, or adjustments or alternatives in preparation for the next meeting. He noted that this type of exchange from the public also helps in clearing up any misinformation the public may have. Mr. $ ,mith concurred and commented that he felt that a short mount of time to respond to Mr. Moo~e's letter and concerns, as well as to public comments would be beneficial to the Committee and ~tff. He also noted that this Committee has been run very informally and it has served them well __ Mr. Mr. discu A voi lennett asked if the next meeting would be a workshop type meeting. ~Iassarelli noted that the next meeting would be on April 28th and it certainly could be a ;hop type format. He noted that the ordinances will need much more work on them and isions could take place at workshop meetings. vote was taken and sorted as follows: Vice Chmn. Smith - No Mr, Moore - No Mr, Chapin - No Mr. Bennett - Yes Ms, Corum - Yes Mr. Thompson - Yes The motion was a split vote. MOq~ION by Chapin/Smith I make a motion that we take a few minutes, not a lengthy discussion, but discuss a little bit. the sign ordinances, now. Roll ?all was taken. Vice Chron. Smith - Yes Mr. Moore - Yes Mr. Chapin . - Yes Mr. Bennett - Yes Ms. Corum - No Mr. Thompson - Yes The ~ote was 5 - 1. The motion should have ~ed, but Ms. Corem stated that "to place anFthing on th~ agenda it has to be unanimously approved . Chnm. Smith noted that members have tried very, very hard to nm this Committee on a very infoqual basis. There have been many discussions with faithful people who come night atter night. There was a polite conversation between Vice Chnm. Smith and Ms. Corem on the above issue. Mr. Massarelli suggested at this point to deal with this issue under public input. RIVERFRONT COMMrTTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 14, 1997 OLD BUSINg. SS: DISCUSS PROPOSED STREET LIGHTING ALONG INDIAN RIVER DRiVE. Mr. Massarelli gave a presentation about lighting along the proposed walkway along Indian River Drive as part of the Community Development Block Grant. He noted that he is looking for a recommendation from this Committee to give to the Citizen's Advisory Task Force who will be making a recommendation to City Council. He also noted that it is important to have this Committee's input into process and discussion. He then explained that street lighting is a major pubhc investment that will help set the architectural style and tone and feeling in the riverfront area. He also felt that the lighting style that is chosen here would be encouraged for incorporating into developer's site plan designs, and could be used to replace the old lighting in Riverview Park. He noted the importance of the streetlight fixture in daylight for setting: a .f~ling for the area. At night the fixture becomes less important, but the lighting pattern is more important. He noted that staff recommends that the use of pole lights be minimized to avoid creating a curtain of light to block the view of the Indian River boat traffic or lights on the barrier island. He agreed, however, that pole lights, set at cegain places, would be more desirable, such as Main Street and Riverview Park and a couple other areas. At this point there was much discussion on lighting styles as depicted in several catalog-type brochures distributed to members and public. Ms. Arline Westfall of the Sebastian Historical Society spoke on historical infommtion that showed a gasoline lantern at Main Street and North Central in 1915 at the Tompkins Store. There were others on the North side of Main Street in front of the original City Hall and the Hardee Estate mansion, the bases of which were still in the concrete in 1985. She noted that there were at least three (3) of those. She felt that there was some justification for pole lights to be used on the entrance to the n'verfront, along Main Street, but recommended another type for along the riverfront. Ms. Corum suggested planting shrubs around the bollard lights to hide them. Mr. George Izzo, business owner on Indian.River Drive, spoke against planting shrubs around the bollards as he thought this could block the view of the river, but was in favor of low lights on the east side of the road and some pole lights at specific spots. Mr. Bennet was in agreement with the bollard and pole light concept, and mentioned that maintenance and price were an important issue also. Ms. Cindy Dierkes of indian River Drive mentioned that any lighting will attract a lot of bugs where people are to be walking. She agreed with the bollard type lighting. Mr. Wilard Siebert spoke in favor of choosing nice looking light fixtures so they don't have to be hidden. He agreed with the combination ofbollard and pole lighting. RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 14, 1997 Mr. I Chapm spoke in favor of the combination bollard and pole lighting. l/ir prol that proI The~ that for Mr. pric( the~ ,~sponse to a question from Mr. Bennett, Mr. Massarelli noted that if trespassing becomes a dem, the City will post signs that indicate "private.property, please respect". He also noted the property owners have the option of placing their own no trespass/ng signs on their · e was discussion on the color, typ~ of mater/ai, and height of selected fixtures. It was noted tbe bollard types are available from 1'6" to 42" high. And Mr. Massamlli agreed to arrange ome sample fixtures to be made available for inspection. ~ determined that the group leaned toward a nautical style fixture, and directed Mr. Massarelli vestigate a less plain pole than what was depicted. Massatelli noted that he would contact a representative to bring some examples of fixtures and :s, and schedule a workshop session s° that the general public could also come by to look at r.. Izz M o stressed the importance of construction of these lights, as they will be exposed to salt Mr. ~rh°mpson brought up the subject of what to do with the lighting that is already m placelm the riveffront area. He suggested it should remain in place, and he felt the Committee should give their ideas to staff. This refers to the FPL lighting.. Vice Chron. Smith suggested that Committee members and public alike, take the time to check out thc p~esent lighting in the riveffront ama and report back at the next meeting. Arli~e Wesffall suggested that someone should check out the bollard lighti~ at Corm Beach in Veto Beach,. Mr. ~ not 1: in ge lighti Vice recor~ Ms. boll: Nilard Sicbert noted that at Corm Beack, there is lighting installed in the railing and they are ollards. sponse to a question from Ms. Corum, Mr. MassareHi re~ that as part of this nitt~'s mterirn report, they should probably make a policy stateme~ in reibrence to lighting aeral in the Riverfront District. He also not~ that there should be more discussion on the theme as/t relates to the cc~netery, private property, ~tc. Chnm. Smith spoke of ambiance and noted the importance of security 'and what the trnendation from this Commit~e would be. )at Izzo spoke of the iightiag in St. Augustine and described it, having pole lights separated by 'ds. Whet{ seemed to be no objection to the indications of the discussions tonight. KIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 14, 1997 In response to a question from Mr. Bennett, Mr. Massarelli responded that there is not enough Grant money to do the entire length with bollards. He noted that there may be some reprogrammed money for the lighting as discussed. After consulting with some lighting salespeople, it seems the spacing is very important, resulting in more fixtures needed. SET URBAN SPACE CRITERIA FOR DIFFERENT AREAS ON THE RIVERFRONT Mr. Massarelli noted that he has only a rough dra~ of the document to be discussed and was unable to refine it for tonight's meeting. He commented that it sets the six (6) areas that were discussed as: General Commercial on north U.S. 1; low-intensity ResidentiaFConmmrcial in the Nor~ Central Avenue area; the Resort area, Davis House down to Oyster Pointe; the Downtown area at Main Street; a medium intensity Residential/Commercial which is Washington St. down to the southern end of the City; and the Riverfront which is everything east of Indian River Drive. In these areas, we will be discussing building placement, out-building, parkins, additional architectural requirements, building heights and open space requirements. He will have it ready for the next meeting. He also noted that in addition, he will have a draft of the landscape regnlaZions. He went on to explain special points of this regulation. Mr. Chapin asked if there would be some flexibility for smaller current sites, and Mr. Massarelli responded that yes, there would be flexibility for parking requirements with possibly a fund for off- site parking, and the same technique could be applied to landscaping, with a minimum number of trees on-site and a contribution to a city-wide tree fund toward planting trees in the riverfront area on public properties or right-of-ways. He noted that these are options for discussion, and suggested more flexibility and incentives for these additional require~nents. He made further comments on using less sod. Arline Wesffall of the Historical Society spoke on the large oak tree in the park just east of the Museum, and noted that they need some attention more than fertilizer. Mr. Massarelli noted that he will make sure it is looked at. NEW BUSINESS: With little time left in the meeting, it was suggested by staff to postpone the topic of color selection for another meeting. In response to a question by Vice Chron. Smith, Mr. Massarelli responded that he would like to bring to the next meetin~ the Sign Ordinance, and an introduction to the other two (2) ordinances, being the Landscape and Urban Code. The Sign Ordinance will be discussed in a workshop type meeting. The following meeting could be devoted to colors. Ms. Corum had comments on color selections made so far, and spoke of her preference for white on white. M ~R~RsOoNT COMMITrEE F REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 14, 1997 Mr. Massarelli noted that he had the impression that this Committee was not trying to "recreate" an Old Florida Fishing Village. Therefor, to severely limit color selection may not be appropriate. He n ~ted that he felt the Committee's goal was to follow a theme with colors, etc., that would corn Ms. what Mr. ~ PUB Mr. prog~ keep the u ~ncol helps basis liment the theme. 2indy Dierkes commented these Ordinances were too restrictive and didn't want to be told colors she could paint her building. ~rilard Siebert suggested that the offensive colors should be eliminated and let the choiecs up individuals. LIC COMMENT: ~arl Yamma suggested setting positive parameters as to what can be done as oppos~ to what rt be done. Ho noted that after reading the principles list, the Coranfittee is encouraging ess while protecting property rights, both homeowner's and business owaer's. He advised to those in mind. He also referred to item #4, Maxirmz' e the use of voluntary incentives - limit ge of regulations to what is required in the best interest of the citizens of Sebastian, and to xage new businesses to come to town and existing businesses to grow and prosper, which to increase the tax base. His main comment returned to keeping the regulations on a positive Ms. Dierkes again commented on her obje~on ~o this Committee ~ to ufll her what color to paintlher business. Mr. Massarelli commented that the architectural code that has been drafted would apply to new development or substantial redevelopment. For signs, there is a five (5) year period to bring curreat signs into conformance. In reference to color standards, he noted that in project after proje to sp4 tO es pro~e ~t. /~ impo: Mr. that that Plan Mr, consi, everywhere, they have learned that it is important to set architecuual standards. He wants ,md a lot of time discussing the color issue. He also noted that the public does have the fight mblish architectural standards as long as they are reasonable and there is a variance dure. There are many opporumities for public input before City Council would finally adopt rchitectuml codes from several other areas have been obtained for refers. He noted the ~ance of public input at every stage. ~ae VanDeVoorde of Sebastian asked about the exemption of Government sig~. lassarelh responded that that exemption ~ to standard strut signs, warning signs, .etc., ~e cannot violate. He noted that the City Manager made it clear when he entered his position ae City shall comply with City regulations. He referred to a site plan prose~tly going before lng and Zoning for the first time for the Barber Street Sports Complex. ~ompson commented that many of the merchants m Sebastian are outraged that we have iered taldng neon signs out of the windows, RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 14, 1997 CHAIRMAN MAT..TERS: Vice Chron. Smith reaninded Mr. Massarelli to give a brief wrap-up on the agenda. MENiBER MATTERS: None STAFF MATTERS: Mr. Massarelli noted that the next meeting is April 28 for the Sign Ordinance discussion and the in~oduction of the other two (2) Ordinances meationed above. He recommended that the second and fourth Monday in May be scheduled as customary, but April 26 is Memorial Day and the City is closed. It was d~ded to tentatively schedule the ~$ for May 12 and 19. The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 P.M. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET g SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 n FAX (407) 589-5570 SEBASTIAN RIVER, FRONT COMMflTEE COLLINS, CHAII~MAN E. ANN BRACK, P~E~ORDiNG SECRETARY RCMAS. WP City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET g SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1997 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. APPROVAL OF M3[NU~S: Meeting of March 24, 1997 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 5. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Discuss proposed street lighting along Indian River Drive. 2. Set urban space criteria for different areas on the Riverfront. 6. NEW BUSINESS: Select colors for the Riverfront area. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT. CHAIRMAN MATTERS. 9. MEMBER MATTERS. 10. STAFF MATTERS. 11. ADJOURNMENT. Next Scheduled Meetings: * Monday April 28, 1997 ~ 7:00 ANY PJ WILL ~ FERBA TESTI~ BE FI~ (28~01~ IN CO~ NEEDJ ADA C~ ~.J~SON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS,~ VEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDIJVGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A TIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHI~ RECORD INCLUDES THE tfONY AND EVIDENCE UPON tVHIC~-i APPEAL IS TO BE ~. SAID APPEAL MUST ED WITH THE CITY ~S OFFICE ~YiTHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. 4PLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABI~ ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR IYHS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S )ORDINATOR AT (407)..$89-$330 AT ~T 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING The Riverfront Committee of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, will hold their regular meeting on Monday, April 14, 1997 at 7:00, ia the City Council Chambers. Dawn M. Corapi, Secretary Riverfront Committee 2EIW NOTE: IF ANY' PERSONS DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE MAY' NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY' NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS iS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING.