HomeMy WebLinkAbout05121997 RIVER CITY OF SEBASTIAN RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 12, 1997 Vice Chairman Smith called the meeting ROLL CALL: PRESENT: EXCUSED ABSENCE: ALSO PRESENT: to order at 7:06 P.M. VC Smith Mr. Wild Mr. Moore Mr. Chapin Ms. Corum (arrived at 7:10 P,M.) Chron. Collins Mr. Bexmctt Mr. Thompson Robert Massarelh, Community Development Director Tracy Hass, Planner Ii Ann Brack, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MiNUTES: MOTION by Moore/Wild (4/28/97) I'I1 move to approve the minutes as written. A voice vote was taken. 4 - 0 motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT~: Vice Chron. Smith welcomed the public to the meeting and announced the scheduled meetings for May and June, 1997. OLD BUSINESS: Discuss proposed Riverfront District Landscape and Urban Codes. Mr. Massarelli explained that there is a landscape code m the City Code of Ordinances, and within the Riveffront District there will be additional requirements in terms of landscaping. He suggested creating incentives to promote the preservation of the old oak trees in this District, and for planting larger trees than required. There was discussion on lava reek, types of mulch, and assorted ground cover. Mr. Ma meet the public trees. :RONT COMMITTEE ES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 12, 1997 ssarelli mentioned the subject of a Riverfront Parking Trust Fund. Projects that cannot parking requirements would pay into this Fund, which would then be used to acquire arking areas. This proposal would also serve to preserve and protect the green areas and Mr. Moore inquired about the Purpose and Intent section for these codes under discussion. Mr. Neglia spoke on green ground cover, (not sod), such as ivy, etc. Ms. Ech river ftc Mr, Ma better d~ to keep a Young spoke on the source of pine mulch, and objected to seven (7) foot trees along the hZ, as now exists in the City Code. ~sarelli notexi that m working with the Tree Advisory Board, he is trying to come up with a ~finition of what a tree is, and what the minimum tree requirement should be. The intent is view of the river. Vice Chnm. Smith suggested that staff develop a checklist of questions for site plan analysis to achieve tan effect in the riverfront. Mr. Massarelli concurred with this suggestion and noted that the Plax~ning and Zoning Commission can make a "finding" using criteria from this cheeldist. Interior landscaping requirements were discussed. Mr. Cl:~pin mentioned maintenance of landscaping. / Mr. Massarelli noted that maintenance plans will be spelled out by the owner of the property, but after planting, enforcement could be difficult. City Council could direct the Code Enforcement officers on this issue, if they desired. Vice Chron. Smith suggested that planting and maintenance plans, as suggested by the City, would help th~ individual property owner to get his p ,l~n ~.t~., established, and save the extra cost of replacement for improperly planted materials which don t survive. There was discussion on some type of recognition and incentive for businesses who beautify their properties toward redevelopment, and it was suggested that the Chamber of Commerce could make this a p'ojeet. Mr. Moore noted that using incentives instead of penalties would be a much better approa( Mr. Co Washin trees th produce trees wl the Stat anelly commented on environmentally acceptable trees and nougd that the palm trees at ~ton Plaza don't do a thing for clean air. He suggested that the Tree Board might suggest ~t are acceptable for the landscaping. He also explained that the Cabbage Palms don't much oxygen from carbon dioxide. Mr~ Massarelli asked if Mr. Connelly bad a list of rich were low oxygen producers, and Mr. CouneLly responded that Indian River County or of Florida has this list. Vice Chmn. Smith suggested that the Tree Board lOOk into this list if they don't already have it. RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF KEGULAR MEETING OF MAY 12, 1997 Mr. Massarelli pointed out issues involved in the redevelopment of Washington Plaza and the challenges it presented. Mr. Neglia suggest~l using citrus trees in landscaping. Mr. Wild mentioned the care required for citrus trees. k was noted that there is no penalty for removing a large tree, although a permit is required to remove it. Ms. Corum suggested establishing a cost per inch of diameter as a penalty. Mr. Massarelli noted that on a positive note, when preserving a large tree on a site, every inch in diameter over a certain size could be counted as one (1) tree. It was suggested that Mr, Massarelli come up with a list of disincentives for removing large trees from sites. It was determined to add another item, "D." to section 5. to cover property east of Indian River Drive. Mr, Chapm itemized issues as: flexibility, add a definitions section, expand the citrus tree idea, ground preparation, and purpose and intc~at section. Mr. Wild agreed with the Tree Trust concept, and suggested planting a row of trees m the right-of- way in front of Wal Mart, using funds from the Tree Trust, since Wal Mart is grandfathered in. Mr. Mazsarelli also suggested a Memorial Tree Garden for the Cemetery, for contributions for trees. He noted the sand ridge at the Cemetery, and that only certain kinds of trees would survive there. Ms. Corum asked for clarification on the subjects that she would speak to the Native Plant Society about. Mr. Massarelli responded: groundeover, understory and canopy; also the species they would recommend specifically for the riverfrontarea. There was discussion about sand pines, and it was suggested that Ms. Corum also ask the Native Plant Society about tree species that would grow on the sand ridge in the north City area. There was general consensus by the Committee members that the Urban Code would not be reviewed tomght. There was also general consensus by the Committee to extend the meeting for one4mlf hour. PIg.B.,.L. iC COMMENT: Ms: Jean Bauer of A+ Signs was present and was interested in proposed sign requirements for the riverfront, and how she and her husband could plan their future business supplies accordingly to cooperate with this new ordinance. RIVE~RoNT COMM17WEE MINUrI~S OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 12, 1997 C~ .... N MATTERS: Vice Chron. Smith commented on the progress attained at the Committee's last meeting. He also commented on the parking issue in the Riverfront District. He noted that the present reconu~ende~ parking is minimum, and urged the City to take a leadership role in helping to provide more adequate parking.. He asl~ed Mr. Masserrelli to give the Committee a vision of the final steps in wrapping this up, when that time come~. MEM SER,.,MATTERS: Mr. Wild suggested that the next meeting agenda contain only discussion on the Urban Code. Mr. CI moin commented that he feels that this COmmittee has really made progress. He cox aplimented Mr. Massarelli for doing a tr~us job, providing great leadership, and being a real ~se~ to tho City of Sebastian. At this point Ms. Corum brought up the subject of adopting a "color", and this was discussed. Mr. C grocer Mr. lV. appro, Ms. C barrio: would Mr. lV Parki~ Vice Sign, STAY Mr. 1~ brmg goals contin ~apin then asked Mr. Massarelli for an update on the proposed project for the old Keene's store, and the Sembler's project. ~ssarelli provided these updates and noted that the Sembler group is appealing the P & Z al with conditions. ~rum asked for staff to obtain the sign ordinance from Vero Beach which should 'include the island. She also noted the new. Tiki Restaurant on Indian River Drive, arid asked if they be able to buy into the proposed Rivea'from Parking Trust Fund, to gain more parking and increase their seating capacity. Mr, Massarelli responded that they could. iassarelli noted that there needs to be a managemem plan formulated to govern a proposed g Fund. ;hmn. Smith noted that in connection to Ms. Comm's comment on neon, the wording in the )rdinance must be written very carefully, F MAT,,TERS: [assarelli noted the Urban Code will be covered at the next meeting. On June 9th, he .wilt report, as yet untitled, which will sunmmrizc the work of the past year, the principles and >f what this Committee is trying to achieve. He also recommended that this. Committee be aed, possibly on a quarterly basis or project to project basis. /00*• RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 12, 1997 On June 23rd, 1997, he would like to set a goal to adopt these ordinances, with spillover of unresolved items to a following meeting. Mr. Chapin asked for a review of the "bubble" areas before next week's review of the Urban Code. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. fn*\ /00*1) 5 (5/20/97 AB) City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET u SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 SEBASTIAN ~ERF,R.,ONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APPROVED AT MEETING }{ELD H · COLLINS, CHAIRMAN CORAPI, SECRETARY E. ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY RCMAS. WP City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MONDAY, MAY 12, 1997 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of April 28, 1997 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 5. OLD BUSiNESS: Discuss proposed Riverfront District Landscape and Urban Codes. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT. 7. CHAIRMAN MATTERS. 8. MEMBER MATTERS. 9. STAFF MATTERS. 10.ADJOURNMENT. Next Scheduled Meeting: Monday May 19, 1997 ~ 7:00 ANYPE~ WILL N~ VF. JZP, AT. TESTIM~ BEFILF. (28~ 0105 iN COMJ ~ON WHO DECIDES MADE ON THE ABOVE MA~.~~~ ~ :ED A RECORD OF AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A ?M RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINC~ IS MADE, WHICH RECORD iNCLUDES THE )NY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST ~ nqTH THE C~TY CLF3~'$ OFF~CE ~ TENDAI~$ OF THE DATE OFAC~7ON. F.S) 'LL4NCE nqr~ THE AMER~C4N$ s'rrH o~Sm~L~rrF. S ACC (ADA), A~rrONF. ri'HO NEEDS .fiPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA CO( ~RDINATOR AT (407)..$89-5330 AT ~T 48 HOURS PRIOR TO TtHS MEETING. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE [407) 589-5330 [] FAX {407) 589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING The Riverfront Committee of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, will hold their regular meeting on Monday, May 12, 1997 at 7:00, in the City Council Chambers. Dawn M. Corapi, Secre(~ary Riverfront Committee 2E1W NOTE: IF ANY PERSONS DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE MAY NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABIIJTiES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THiS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING.