HomeMy WebLinkAbout05061996 RIVER City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET i:: SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 RIVERFRONT STUDY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 6, 1996 Chairman Collins called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Chmn. Collins Mr. Smith Mr. Moore Mr. Chapin Mr. Bennett Ms. Corum Mr. Thompson EXCUSED: ABSENT: Mr. Wild Mr. Krulikowski ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Thomas Frame, City Manager Mr. Richard Votapka, Public Works/Engineering Director Jan King, Zoning Technician Dorri Bosworth, Secretary ANNOU~CEMElf~S · Mr. Thompson was voting in place of Mr. Wild, who was absent and excused. Mr. Collins and Mr. Smith would be absent from the next scheduled meeting, Monday, May 13th. There was discussion on whether to cancel that meeting. The decision would be made at the end of the meeting, depending on what was accomplished tonight. , 'Ms. Corummade a motion that the Committee not meet on Memo.r~:&~'Day6~ (Monday, May 27th). Mr. Thompson seconded the .~<%~ A voxce vote was taken. 7-0 motion carried. %~ 'c~ '. ~ ~ RIVERFRONT STUDY COMMITTEE REGU. LAR MEETING OF MAY 6. 1996 P~%GE TWO APPROVAL OF MINUTES~ Mr. ThOmpson made a motion to approve the minutes of wednesday, May 1st, 1996. Mr. Bennett seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken. 7-0 motion carried. QLD,B~INESS: A) General Meeting Procedures The Committee studied the proposed procedures suggested by staff. Cham. Collins stated "we need a motion to go bythe general meeting procedures that have been provided." Mr. Chapin so moved. Ms. Corum seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken. 7-0 motion carried. B) Review of Overall Theme Chmn. Collins reviewed that at the last meeting the Committee had decided on a theme of an "old Florida fishing village" andthat the members should come up with ideas and suggestions. A memorandum from the City Planner indicated staff would be soliciting information from communities with a fishing background and provide that information to the Committee when received. Mr. Don Smith presented and reviewed with the Committee a book he had put together of pictures of the riverfront corridor and sketches of suggested "old fishing village" adaptations. He stated he felt "color" would unite the district, and that the signs should be coordinated, not thrown together. He suggested the buildings should consist of driftwood or weather board, lattice, earth tone colors, multi-tiered roofing, picket fences, and appropriate flowers and shrubs. His sketches showed some existing buildings in the riverfront district made-over with those suggestions. He felt the district had a good start and that there were good structures already in place. Existing buildings could lighten up their color with lattice work and shrubbery. Mr. Thompson agreed but, felt the city could not legislate "colors" to property owners and businessmen, only encourage them to update. Mr. Smith stated he would also like to see a standardization of signs, and that any ideas the Riverfront Study Committee came up with could be passed along to the Chamber of Commerce to be conveyed to new businesses. gIVERFRONT. ST...UD~ COM~ITTEE REGULAR M~TING OF MAY 6, 1996 Mr. Thompson stated many large national companies/franchises starting in Sebastian have their own color schemes and it would be hard to tell them they could not use them. Ms. Corumstated she reviewed the publication "Tales of Sebastian,,. She suggested businesses look like homes - warm and quaint, such as Dr. Pamela Adan's office on U.S. #1, and the attorney's office on Washington Street, which had done a good job of using an alternate parking surface instead of concrete. She did not want to see "box type stores" in the riverfront district. She felt Nationwide Insurance did an excellent job of taking an existing building and remodeling withcolor, leaving the existing landscaping, which was important in the riverfront district. She suggested tin roofs, and wanted to keep new modern buildings out. Mr. Chapin stated color was important but not in all situations. He felt the motif was most essential. He agreed with Mr. Smith's suggestions, and would like to see more wood decks and cedar shake or tin roofs. Mr. Moore agreed he would also like to see a lot of greenery and foliage. He felt a plan like the Wabasso Corridor Plan should be implemented, and that a color theme could work, and as an example, noted there were at least 15 different shades of brown. Mr. Bennett noted in the past, most old villages had a railroad station has part of their economy growth lifeline and suggested an old historical station could be a part of the Riverfront District near the shops. He felt color schemes were unique to some businesses, noting Captain Hiram's, and businesses should be allowed to create their own uniqueness instead of one color scheme. Mr. Collins stated he agreed with Ms. Corum and liked Dr. Adan's and the attorney's offices. New businesses may be built 2 or 3 stories high but could still keep the theme with clap board siding and tin roofs and requirements of fencing and landscaping. Mr, Collins asked staff to assemble information from various cities and start to define the theme. He asked staff to also get input from local architects on roofing, soffits,, siding, etc., and compile a 2-3 page description of the village. Mr. Collins also stated he would like to see an Architectural Review Committee formulated. Mr. Frame suggested an incentive program may be appropriate to encourage new and existing businesses to follow the theme. Mr. Collins asked staff that new applications for development have communication with the Committee. RIVERFRONT S~DY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 6, 1996 PAGE FOUR Mr. Frame suggested a letter be sent to key designers - local architects and engineers - to inform what the Committee was implementing for the district. Mr. John Hill, Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc., stated the AIA would help Sebastian with its Riverfront Plan. Mr. Frame stated a motion could be made to "direct staff to compile the information, come back with what is the consensus of the group, and coordinate with AIA, and have something that will be meaningful". Mr. Bennett so moved. Mr. Moore seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken. 7-0 motion carried. (8:20 p.m., TAPE 1, SIDE 2) Mr. Thompson stated Mr. Wally Kramer had made a video of the riverfront and the Committee may review it at the next meeting, if so desired. C) MISSION STATEMENT The Mission Statement prepared be staff was discussed. Mr. Thompson made a motion to accept the Mission Statement as written. Ms. Corum seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken. 7-0 motion carried. ~ BUSXNESS3 A) BXKE PATH PRO,.TECT Mr. Richard Votapka reviewed to the Committee that the project was a combination of 6-foot sidewalks on the east side, and bike lanes on both sides of Indian River Drive. The project was a part of the ISTEA (Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act) funded project by FDOT, who engaged the engineer firm of Greenhorn & O'Meara to do the design. The Committee was presented with the 90% design review submittal from the engineers. Mr. Votapka reviewed the structural drawings, noting there would be 5 feet of sod between the bike lane and sidewalk on the east side, and a 400 foot retaining wall and handrail in front of Earl's Hideaway. Striping on the bike lanes would show bikers heading north would use the east side and those riding south would use the west side. RIVERFRONT STUDY COMMITTEE REGULAR ~ETI.N.G OF MAY 6, 199~ PAGE FIVE Mr. Frame stated the bike lanes were additions to the paved shoulders and were a part of the grant. Mr. Collins questioned why there had to be two lanes and couldn't one bike path be put on only the west side? Mr. Frame stated FDOT required two-way bike lanes to be a minimum of 8 feet wide which, would cause problems because of some of the small right-of-ways on the west side. Ms. Corum expressed concern over the sod between the paths, and would like to come up with an alternative ground cover to fit in with the theme which could save on maintenance and prevent clippings from going in the river. Mr. Collins expressed dismay over the Committee and business owners not being involved with the project. Mr. Votapka stated that even after the 100% design review submittal was done, feedback, input, and comments would still be allowed. Final design plans would be submitted to DOT in Tallahassee in August. Their review would take 3-6 months, and then it would take 6-9 months before the project would start construction, about December or March in 1996/97. Mr. Frame suggested having a representative from FDOT, the engineering firm, or MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) staff, who were responsible for the project, to come to a Committee meeting and discuss concerns and suggestions from the Committee. Transportation standards had to come into consideration with a project like this because of the liability factor. Mr. Smith stated he felt the project was not integrated with the Committee's plan but project planners probably weren't aware of the Riverfront Committee. The function and motif of this project were important. Mr. Chapin stated the bike path/sidewalk was an integral thread to tying the Riverfront project together. Mr. Collins stated staff should review minutes, send a memo to FDOT, have FDOT meet with the Committee, and address some of the concerns the Committee has: why bike paths on both side of indian River Drive?, flexibility of materials used?, has a tree survey been done and what trees are going to be removed?, can other types of vegetation be considered other then sod?, another type of hand railings? Mr. Frame suggested the sidewalk part of the project be put on hold so the City can look into having the sidewalk meander or windalong the riverfront instead of being straight. Easements and property owners have to be considered. Property owners may be interested because the sidewalk may enhance their property, and it may be worth the efforts to contact them. RIVERFRONT STUDY COMMITTEE REGU..T.~R MEETING OF.. MAY. 6, 1996 PAG~ SIX Mr. Collins entertained a motion "that we express our concerns with the plans that were presented and that they (FDOT) come and talk to us". Mr. Smith so moved. Ms. Corum seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken. 7-0 motion carried. B) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT Mr. Frame explained to the Committee that the City retained the services of Clark, Roumelis & Associates, Inc., to put together the Sebastian Community Redevelopment Plan. The plan set up the creation of a Community Redevelopment Area and the creation of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) which, is the City Council. The City had to pass a Fair Housing ordinance and a resolution declaring blight in the area. The CRA's purpose was to provide a mechanism to provide financing to address problems in the area. The CRA gives the City the ability to create tax-increment financing which establishes a base line of the assessed values within the defined area. As the values increase in the area over a given period of time, the difference between the base line value and the increased values against millage are put into a trust fund, and that money is spent back within the district for the purpose which its been identified - all improvements and projects within the area. Mr. Frame reviewed the that the CRA was created in June 1995 and very little had happened since then except the creation of a Citizen Advisory Task Force, which had only met once. The Task Force developed a list of goals of approximately $600,000 of projects. The City only received $389,000, which has to cover administration costs of operating the grant program, the development of the CAV Corp. property parking facility, and the development of a playground in Riverside Park. To date, the City has received the money, an engineering firm has been selected, the same firm is the grant administrator, and the 5-member Task Force was put together. Mr. Frame noted he was trying to contact Mr. Robert Johnson of Clark, Roumelis & Associates to give an overview of the grant to the Committee. Ms. Ruth Sullivan, a member of the Citizens Advisory Task Force, stated grant activity "would provide additional parking to the Community Redevelopment Area which provided community services to the low and moderate income households residing within the service area". Nothing had been suggested to date on how to use the money but stressed that the money had been granted to develop uses for the community, not to increase tourism or the money would be withdrawn. (9:08 p.m. TAPE II, SIDE ONE) RIVERFR0...~.....STUD¥ COMMITTEE REGULAR... M~.~TING OF MAY 6. 1996 PAGE SEVEN Mr. Frame stated he had a recent meeting with staff, department heads, and Mr. Johnson to get up to date with the grant. After seeing the plans for paving the CAY Corp. property and recreational improvements, Mr. Johnson estimated there would be some money left over, which the Citizens Advisory Task Force would be asked for their input. Mr. Collins stated he would like to see the Riverfront Committee interface with Clark, Roumelis & Associate, Inc., and the Task Force. Mr. Collins entertained a motion "that we ask the Community Development Block Grant people come and talk to a joint meetingof the Citizens Advisory Task Force and the Riverfront Committee." Mr.. Thompson so moved. Ms. Corum seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken. 7-0 motion carried. C) SHORELINE STABILIZATION Mr. Votapka informed the Committee that the City Council had entered into a mutual cost-share agreement with the St. John's River Water ManagementDistrict in September 1995. The Sebastian Watershed Action Committee had organized a project to stabilize the shoreline along Riverside Park East which had severely eroded in the past years. Currently, coquina boulders were being place on the shoreline on a sand slope covered with filtered clothwith an anchor trench at the toe and topof the slope. In April of 1996 200 volunteers place 4-6 inch diameter coquina rocks offshore for an experimental oyster bed 150 feet long. The City funded $11,000 and St. Johns contributed $14,800. The project was half-way done. He further explained that the north end of the project was the existing seawall of the Channel 68 Marina. 240 feet south of the seawall would be an 8 ft. wide observation pier extending 60 feet out into the river. Future plans included a kiosk on the shoreline, a statute of Paul Kroegel, and a telescope at the end of the observation pier to view Pelican Island. Mr. Collins commended Ms. Corum efforts and questioned if another boat ramp had been considered? Ms. Corumstated no, there were sea grass beds in the area. Mr. Collins asked if there were any plans to finish the parking in front of the boardwalk on the east side of indian River Drive?. Ms. Corum stated Mr. Jerry Thomas of Public works had suggested spreading the leftover coquina rocks over the parking area eliminating the potholes. pUBLIC COMMENT: None RIVERFRONT STUDY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 6, 1996 CHAIRMAN MATTERS: PAGE EIGHT Chmn. Collins stated he had met with the Historical Society at their last meeting. They had identified up to 75 historical buildings which may be within the riverfront district. They would like to keep open lines with the Riverfront Committee and Mr. Collins suggested they come to make a presentation before the Committee. MEMBER MATTERS: Ms. Corum stated it was brought to her attention by the Historical Society that a sidewalk could not be put in front of an historical structure and the Committee should keep that in mind for the bike path project and brought to FDOT's attention when they came to their next meeting. Mr. Collins stated he had asked Bob Keating, Stan Boling, and Dennis Ragsdale of Indian River County who were planners of the Wabasso Study Plan to come before the Committee on May 20th. He also suggested staff send copies of the minutes to the AIA and Mr. John Hill. Mr. Smith suggested Mr. Frame send a newsletter to the Department heads on the activity and plans of the Riverfront Committee and keep City Council updated. Mr. Frame stated he would set up a workshop with City Council and give them copies of the minutes. Mr. Thompson made a motion that the Committee not meet while the Chairman and Vice Chairman were off (May 13th). Mr. Smith seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken. 7-0 motion carried. Mr. Bennett suggested the Committee physically drive down Indian River Drive to input the area in their minds to familiarize with the properties of the bike path/sidewalk project for the meeting with FDOT. STAFF MATTERS: None ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Collins adjourned the meeting at 9:47 p.m. towft\ e0*61 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589 -53W -O FAX (407) 589-5570 Kwhic"WTI-1, OWL RPVE"RONT STUDY COMMITTEE MONDAY, MAY 69 1996 7:30 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS. S. OLD BUSINESS. a) General Meeting Procedures b) Mr. Massarelli's review of Overall Theme c) Mission Statement 6. NEW BUSINESS. a) Bike Path b) Community C) Shoreline 7. PUBLIC COMMENT. S. CHAIRMAN MATTERS. 9. MEMBERS MATTERS. 10. STAFF MATTERS. 11. ADJOURNMENT. - Mr. Richard Votapka Development Block Grant - Mr. Frame Stabilization - Mr. Richard Votapka IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.