HomeMy WebLinkAbout05201996 RIVER City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 n FAX [407) 589-5570 AGENDA RIVERFRONT STUDY COMMI'iTEE MONDAY, MAY 20, 1996 7:00 P.M. e 8. 9. 10. 11. CAZ~ TO OI{DEB., APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Regular meeting of May 6, 1996 ANNOUNCEMENTS · OLD BUSINESS. Indian River Drive Bike Path Project- Mr. Robert Keating, Representative Metropolitan Planning Organization NEW BUSINESS. 1) The Indian River County Experience - - Mr. Robert Keating, Director Community Development Department - Mr. Stan Boling, Planning Director 2) introduction to existing Land Development Regulations PUBLIC COMMENT. CHAIP~4AN MATTEP~ · MEMBEP~ MATTERS. STAFF MATTERS. ADJOURNMENT. INCOMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET o SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 RIVERFRONT STUDY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 209 1996 Chairman Collins called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chmn. Collins Mr. Smith Mr. Wild Mr. Moore Mr. Chapin I4�Mr. Bennett (arriving late) Ms. Corum Mr. Thompson ABSENT: Mr. Krulikowski ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Thomas Frame, City Manager Mr. Robert Massarelli, City Planner Dorri Bosworth, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Thompson was voting in place of Mr. Bennett until he arrived. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of Monday, May the 6th, of the regular Riverfront Study Committee, as printed. Mr. Moore seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken. 7-0 motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: INDIAN RIVER DRIVE BIKE PATH PROJECT Chmn. Collins presented Mr. Robert Keating, Staff Director of the Metropolitan Planning Organization. ~.IVERFRONT STUDY COMMI. TTEE REGULAR M~TING_ OF MAy... 20. 199~ Chmn. Collins reviewed the concerns the Committee had regarding FDOT's 90% completion of the plans for the sidewalk/bike path project, which none of the property owners or businesses had any input to. Mr. Keating informed the members the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) was an area-wide transportation planning group that was formed after the last census. The MPO was responsible primarily for "big picture" items - long range transportation planning, transit planning, etc. The Organization's purpose was to make sure all of the transportation planning efforts county-wide were coordinated. Mr. Keating reviewed the organization's involvement with the FDOT's Enhancement Program, which was basically to accept applications, review them, and rank them. The Jungle Trail project and the Indian River Drive bike path were ranked high and received the allotted funding. The project itself was planned by the City and consultants from FDOT were called in. The MPO was no longer involved in the project at that point. However, the MPO was available to help the City work with FDOT to adjust the plans. Mr. Keating relayed he had contacted FDOT (Mr. Jim Fitzgerald) to find out want the City should do and FDOT informed him that the City should first determine exactly what they do want, then write a letter to FDOT informing them what the City wants the project to be. Mr. Keating was not surewhat the results would be and whether or not there would be any delays or implications. Chmn. Collins questioned what FDOT's involvement in the project was. Mr. Keating replied that the enhancement money was Federal but the State actually did the project, administering the funds, contracting with designers, going out for bids, and hiring contractors. Chmn. Collins stated the Committee had directed staff to set up a meeting with FDOT to work on the design but did not want to waste anybody's time if there were certain construction standards that couldn't be deviated from. Mr. Keating explained there were FDOT ,,greenbook" standards, that had to be followed, clear zone regulations, and procedures to follow for acquiring right-of-ways. Mr. Smith questioned if there was a funding time limit on the project? Mr. Keating indicated money allocated for the 95/96 fiscal year could be moved into another fiscal year. However, some funds have already been used and any changes would have to consider how much funding was still remaining. RIVERFRONT STUDY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 20. 1996 PAGE THREE Mr. Smith and Mr. Collins both stated they understood changing the right-of-ways were difficult but would still like to see if FDOT could interface with the Riverfront COmmittee and see what modifications could be made. Mr. Richard Votapka stated he had tried to set up a meeting starting with FDOT but was directed to the consulting engineers who directed him to the ISTEA coordinator, who directed him back to FDOT. The ISTEA coordinator finally indicated a meeting could be arranged possibly for June 14th or 28th. Mr. Frame stated given the constrained right-of-ways on Indian River Drive, meandering the paths may be tough. Mr. Smith stated that even if the paths couldn't be changed, perhaps the sod could be modified or there could be some other additions to make the project fit in with the Old Fishing Village theme. Mr. Bennett arrived at 7:26 p.m. Mr Collins suggested that if funding was a problem, maybe the City or businesses could absorb any change. Mr. Dennis Ragsdale, Planning Director for the City of Veto Beach, discussed a project his city had withFDOT, how they weren't happy with the submitted plans, and how they resolved it working with FDOT directly on the site, working with the engineers making modifications. Mr. Collins suggested a meeting be set up with FDOT, staff, and the Riverfront Committee to be conducted on Indian River Drive to go over the project plans. Ms. Corum stated the Committee should have an actual plan to show FDOT what they would like to see, including drainage plans. Mr. Collins agreed and suggested sketches be made for the meeting. Mr. Frame stated having the bike path on both sides of Indian River Drive bywidening the shoulders would psychologically make the road feel like a high speed thoroughfare vs. a local street because it would appear wider. A one S-foot bike path should be planned for if possible. Mr. Chapin suggested the Committee hold a workshop to come up with a sketch/plan for the meeting with FDOT. Ms. Corum asked staff to locate any plans which show the drainage plans for Indian River Drive as they are now. RIVERFRONT STUDY COMMITTE~ ~EGULAR MEETING OF MAY 20, 1996 PAGE FOUR 1) THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BXPERXENCE - WABASSO ~.ORRXDOR PLAN Chairman Collins presented Mr. Bob Keating, Director of Community Development and Mr. Stan Boling, Planning Director from Indian River County, and Mr. Dennis Ragsdale, Planning Director for the City of Vero Beach. Mr. Keating gave a brief overview of the process it took to create the Wabasso Corridor Plan going over its grass roots efforts, diversity of non-conforming uses and zoning, and concerns: Property rights Costs Design professionals Trade-offs (i.e. signage) Themes Voluntary and mandatory requirements and Incentives. Mr. Stan Boling gave a summary of the actual Corridor Plan reviewing requirements for new commercial developments including free-standing sign requirements, roof-line requirements, colors, and landscaping. He stated they made the plan to become not another layer of the development process but rather part of the normal building process. Mr. Dennis Ragsdale explained how his department went through planning for the Royal Palm Point project. First, the planning was done incremently so any mistakes were found earlier. Other available resources were checked into, such as other projects in different municipalities. Costs estimates were done first, then a budget created. Property owners in the project area should feel like they have ownership of the plan - help with the planning process. Be flexible to accommodate, and have the right attitude. Mr. Moore asked if there were any incentive plans in place for existing properties to conform to the new plan? Mr. Ragsdale stated waivers for setback requirements, use of right-of-ways, and modifications to right-of-ways could be flexible. Mr. Collins pointed out that enhancements to an area would increase values to all properties and would be an incentive for existing properties to conform. Mr. Thompson questioned how the county plans changed the zoning and permitted uses. Mr. Keating stated there were no changes in the zoning. The planners worked with the existing uses only eliminating a few. RiVERFRONT STUDY COMMITTEE REGULAR ME~TING OF MAY 20, 1996 Mr. Keating noted the Committee 'should not be too stringent and find common ground for all property owners. The Corridor Plan had no penalties for properties grandfathered in. The new rules were for new developments. Chmn. Collins asked for any public comments. Mr. Alan French spoke regarding his concerns about the proposed bike path/sidewalk project. He did not think IndianRiver Drive needed two separate bikeDaths plus an additional sidewalk. He felt the proposed plan went a~ainst eveything the Committee wastry_inu to accomplish on the riverfront and would rather see no maths be put .in than what was planned. Ms. Nancy Moon questioned if there was a completed plan for sewer and water along the riverfront. Ms. Ernestine Park also had questions regarding the sewer system and lift stations. A break was taken at 8:25 p.m. The meeting resumed at 8:33 p.m.. Ail members were present. 2) INTRODUCTION TO gXISTINGLAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Mr. Bob Massarelli, City Planner, reviewed the purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and its status with the State. Any developmental order must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. He reviewed the evaluation and update process of the Plan done every 5 years, currently being done by the Local Planning Agency (Planning and Zoning Commission). He stated by October 3, 1996, the updated Plan would be presented to the City Council, and any changes to the Plan the Committee might need to do should be made by August. Mr. Massarelli also briefly reviewed current Land Development Codes relating to the riverfront district. The members had been given copies of the codes in their agenda packets for zoning requirements, site plan requirements, sign and landscaping ordinances. Mr. Massarelli stated he was currently re-writing the Land Development Code to correct inconsistencies and any proposed code changes could be done while he was completing that project. Mr. Massarelli also touched on Floodplain ordinances affecting the riverfront district. (8:45 p.m., Tape II, side I) RIVERFRONT STUDY COMMITTEE PAGE SIX REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 201 1996 PUBLIC COMMENT: Ms. Joan Kostenbader, President of the Historical Society, stated the Society would like to give the Committee a presentation on the historical buildings in the Riverfront district and review a map from 1925 of the City. Mr. Collins stated the Committee would appreciate the Society's help in the planning of the theme and a time should be set up. Mr. Massarelli stated a meeting in June was planned for all interested groups to present the Committee with their ideas for the riverfront district. The Tree Advisory Board and Seafarer's Group had requested to be invited. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Mr. Collins requested staff to prepare a summary of the suggestions the Committee has come up with to present to City Council. He wanted a letter to be sent to key designers with the Committee's ideas to have sketches and proposed plans drawn. Mr. Collins also inquired if the Committee's agendas could be advertised in the newspaper for public information and requested copies of the minutes be forwarded to City Council. MEMBERS MATTERS: The members confirmed their plans and date for meeting with FDOT regarding the bike path. Mr. Bennett inquired about viewing the riverfront video tape made by Mr. Kramer. Ms. Corum would like to see the speed limit on Indian River Drive changed or policed at more times, and discussed landscaping ideas for the Riverfront Park East parking lot. (9:31 p.m., Tape II, side II) STAFF MEMBERS: Mr. Massarelli informed the Committee about an invitation from Florida Atlantic University for a focus group being held in St. Augustine on May 31, 1996 regarding how the State can assist riverfront planning organizations. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Collins adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET r', SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 o FAX (407) 589-5570 RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE THO S H. COLLINS, CHAIRMAN CORAPI, SECRETARY RCMAS. WP