HomeMy WebLinkAbout06091997 RIVER CITY OF SEBASTIAN RiVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1997 Chairman Collins called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M., and announced that this meeting will be heard live over Channel 35, Falcon Cable's local access channel. R L L__~O~.b__(~_~: PRESENT: ALSO PRESENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by MooredComrn Chron. Collins Mr. Bennett Mr. Smith Ms. Corum Mr. Wild Mr. Thompson (a) Mr. Moore Mr. Chapin Robert Massarelli, Community Development Director Traey Hass, Planner II Ann Brack, Recording Secretary I move to approve the minutes of the May 12th minutes, as written. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. MOTION by Chapin/Wfld I make a motion to approve the minutes of May 19, 1997. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion earned. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSS RECOMMENDED PLAN OF ACTION FOR THE RIVERFRONT Chrnn. Collins complemented Mr. Massarelli and staff on doing a nice job of summarizing the Committee's work into the document for discussion tonight. Mr. Massarelli stated that it is time for this Committee to try to bring some closure activities that they have been working on. There are still many issues to be discussed, debated and recommended. He noted that the draft document provided to the members tonight is a formatted summary of issues already debated and temporarily labeled "Recommended Plan of Action". These are very specific recommendations to be presented to City Council. He also noted that this RIVERFRONT, COMMiTtEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 9, 1997 is an "~tction plan" for City Council to carry out. He went on to analyze and explain the format of this dr~tft document. Mr. Mhssarelli then listed three items that' he would like to discuss tonight: 1. Name of document 2. Format 3. Goals He not-,d that a City Council workshop for this document can't be held fill later in July, but this Corem.tree needs to get it finalized as soon aa possible. Chron. Collins commented that this is the first time anyone has seen this document, and recorca tended that it needs to be gotten into the hands of as many of the public as possible for their comments. He noted the importance of public input in this endeavor. Mr. Maasarelli noted that a copy will be placed in the Library, and copies will be available in. the CommUmty Development Department. At this point, the name of the document was discussed, and all members liked it as it is. The fo,'mat was then disenssed. All members agreed with the dra~ copy format, and mentioned page n~bers.tan , . Tho g.0~s wore then discussed and comments and suggestions were made for wording changes and correc~g typos. GOAL OF SE Under nature Distric correcl Chmn any eo sugges be to ~ busine # 1: PRJ~SERVE THE C ..IzI~J~CTER OF THE RIVERFRONT AREA OF THE CITY S^STI~ section VI, key words suggested were: preserve and protect, village, community, rural vision, and a better word for "low-rise". ank Oberbeck, 601 Layport Drive .commented about the area included in the Riverfront particularly U.S. 1 to the railroad track. Some of the misinformation that he had was ed by Mr. Massarelli and the Committee members. Collins also noted that this Committee has gone out of the way to try to keep from making momic hardships for any of the businesses in this district. Thomas noted that the work of this Committee has been at least - controversial. He Ied that this document could be put to the public as' a referendum. Another possibility could sk one of the newspapers to print it as a handout in a weekend edition. He then noted that ;s is a constituent part of this program. RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 9, 1997 In response to a question from Mr. Chuck Neuberger, the Chairman responded that the Committee has indeed investigated the history of the riverfront area, to the best of its abihty. Vice Chron. Smith also went into an explanation of numerous considerations taken by the Committee in developing the vision for the Riverfront District. He pointed out that the City has a final chance to control the growth that will inevitably come to Sebastian, and to preserve the Riverfront District in a positive manner. He noted a projected population increase in the near future, and mentioned planning parklands for a larger population, not just for the present. Ms. Corem pointed out that the Historical Society has had a great deal of input at the Riverfront Committee meetings and has provided invaluable information. Mr. Neuberger suggested getting into a better definition and description of the "character" of the Riverfront Area. Mr. Massarelli commented that this Committ~ is not trying to re-create an "Old Florida Fishing Village". It is trying to preserve a certain character that artists down there. Mr. Chapin noted that if we don't set some standards in place now, we may not have any say, because of different developers, in the long nm, that will determine what the town will look like. Mr. Wild noted that one reason the Riverfront District has not developed very quickly may be because there was never water and sewer. Now that these two elements are in place, bigger developments are feasible. He noted that it's time to do something like this because this is when development will take off. People from south Florida come up every week and they tell him they have got to get out of south Florida, and they are coming this way. He commented that if we don't get prepared for them, they will take over andwe will have lost the opportunity. Chnm. Collins suggested that Mr. Massarelli add another paragraph and tighten up on the Village theme and stress it along with the sense of community. ~C.-OAL #2: MANAGE THE DEV~i. OPMENT ,OF THE R1VI~,RF. RONT AREA .OF ~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN FOR THE ENJOYMENT ~qD BENEFIT OF ALL OF..THE RESIDENTS OF SEBASTIAN Ms. Corem suggested changing the word "manage" to "guide", in the heading for Goal 2. Mr. Oberbeck spoke again and referred to a newspaper article that mentioned a "blighted" area in conjunction with the establishment of a Community Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Massarelli explained that that issue is not handled by this Committee, and it is a different issue than what this Committee is charged with for the future of the Riverfront District. There was discussion about '~tourism". Mr. Oberbeck suggested using the word visitor instead of tourist. It was then suggested to use the phrase "preserve and protect" the character... RIVERFRONT COMM1TFEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 9, 1997 Mr. Freeland suggested that the first paragraph of Goal #2 read just fine if the second sentence is dropped GOAL #3: FOSTER ECONOMIC DEVELQ.P_MENT WITHIN THE RIVERFRONT .AREA Chmn. 'Collins suggested adding wording to include "phasing in of changes" for established properties. David logan of 431 Citrus Avenue, Sebastian, commented on the height limitation in the section desigm ted as TYPE III (Resort). He noted that at the last meeting, he understood the .height was to be t~ver ty~five (25) fe~ both east and west of Indian River Drive in this area. He was not in favor of this imitation as it would interfere with the plato he has for his property in this area. Mr. ~ try Thomas suggested striking the word "economic" from the last sentence in the first paragr~ ~h. Vice C] mn. Smith commented that this Committee should not try to change the present building height ~f thirty-five (35) fe~ on the west side of Indian River Drive. There was some discussion on this ~ubject. Vice Cl~nn. Smith suggested adding the word VISION after LEADERSFIIP. Ms. C~mm mentioned that under Recommendation #3, third paragraph, the subject of colors is missmgl This subject wa~ discussed at ler~h. At this ~omt, Vice Chrun, Smith passed out copies of his list of"unresolved issues". Mr. Massarelli suggested that he will make some recommendations on colors and if the Committee doesn'tlagree with it, the issue can be sent to City Council as an unresolved issue. ( The same tecl~.'q.~e could be done on building height.) He noted that because of the variety of opinions pertaining to colors, it seems much easier to just describe what is not wanted. Chnm. ~ollins noted the importance of getting this document in front of City Council, even with unresolved issues on it. Mr. M~ssarelli noted that several more meetings could be spent on the sign ordinance, colors, parking~ etc., but he would like to get this report to City Council. and include a list of unresolved issues. Ms. Vi~gene Scherer of Futch Way spoke on the importance of public input on any unresolved issues. Mr. Robert Freeland spoke in favor of allowing mansard roofs. RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 9, 1997 Mr. Massarelli explained a variation of the pitch roof that can be used, depending on the height of the building. Mr. Bennett spoke in favor of getting this report to City Council as soon as possible. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chron. Collins asked for an update on the sidewalk along Indian River Drive. Mr. Massarelli responded that he has not received any additional information yet. He had received the "next to last draft' for the CAV Corp property and the streetlighting on the river walkway. He noted that he has a meeting with the Citizens Advisory Task Force on Monday, June 16, and will be discussing street lighting and spacing, ere.. MEMBER MATTERS: Ms. Corum commented that First Umon Bank between Indian River Drive and U.S, 1 had the Pepper Trees cut down that were blocking the view of the fiver. She urged members to drop in and complement them. The next scheduled meeting is June 23, 1997, and there was discussion of having one on July 14, 1997~ STAFF MATTERS: None Chnm. Collins adjourned the meeting at 8:59 P.M. (6/16/97AB) 16:86 4875893662 BG DON SMITH USA <R) PAGE 81 9JUNE 1997 RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MEETING INPUT FOR UNRESOLVED ISSUES * GUIDANCE PERTAINING TO ROOFS -CURRENTLY WE HAVE A CONFLICT PERTAINING TO THE COMMITTEE'S DESIRE TO HAVE PITCHED ROOFS WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ADHERING TO THE 25f=/35ft BUILDIN~ HEIGHT LIMITATION FOR POTENTIALLY LARGE PROJECTS. - IT IS VERY CLEAR TO ME THAT THE 'VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE OF SEBASTIAN SEE LOWER BUILDING HEIGHTS AS AN ABSOLUTE QUALITY OF THEIR HOMETOWN VILLAGE. THERE IS A GREAT DEAL OF SUPPORT FOR THE FISHING VILLAGE THEME,BUT NOT AT THE COST OF SACRIFICING THE SMALL HOMETOWN CHARM PROVIDED BY THE LOWER BUILDING HEIGHTS THAT ARE ALREADY IN EFFECT. - BELIEVE THERE IS ONLY ONE REAL SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM.REQUIRE PITCHED ROOFS WHENEVER THEY ARE PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE WITHIN THE CURRENT HEIGHT LIMITATIONS. WHENEVER IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE THEM,REQUIRE AS MUCH PITCH AS pOSSIBLE(EVEN.IF THIS MEANS THE ROOFLINE WILL NOT BE COMPLETE,IE.MANSARD ROOFS,25ft/35ft HEIGHT LIMITATI'ON REMAIN FIRM.) -DO NOT BELIEVE WE ARE GOING TO BE ABLE TO LEGISLATE"A PERFECT SOLUTION" A VERY DETAILED STATEMENT OF INTENT SHOULD BE HELPFUL TO DEVELOPERS,CITY PLANNERS,PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMBERS,ETC. * COLOR SCHEME FOR FISHING VILLAG~ - WE NEED TO PROVIDE MORE DEFINITIVE SUIDANCE TO THE COM%4UNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ON COLOR SCHEME. - AGAIN, THIS IS A TOPIC THAT HAS CAUSED A GREAT DEAL OF FEEDBACK FROM THE CITIZENS OF SEBASTIAN. W~AT I HEAR MOST OPTEN:"THIS IS NOT A GATED COMMUNITY .... DO NOT MAKE THE POLICY OVERLY RESTRICTIVE." BELIEVE WE ACHIEVED THE RIGHT BALANCE AT A RECENT MEETING WHEN WE CAME UP WITH THE METHODOLOGY OF INTENT, ENCOURAGED,D~..$COURAGED,AND PRQHI~ITED WITH THE pROhiBiTED BEING A VERY SMALL CATEGORY. *' INTENT~ TO USE COLORS THAT WILL SUPPORT THE THEME OF AN OLD FISHING VILLAGE. ** ENCOURAGE: THE USE OF COLORS THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN TYPICALLY'USED IN AN OLD FISHING VILLAGE IN THE LATTER PORTION OF THE PREVIOUS CENTURY AND THE FIRST HALF OF THIS CENTURY. THIS WOULD INCLUDE WHITES, EARTHTONES,AND SUBDUED GREYS. AS IMPORTANT AS COLORS ARE, THE PIGMENTS AND TONES USED MAYBE EVEN MORE IMPORTANT. SOFTER, OLDER,SUBDUED,ANTIQUE LOOKING COLORS, ARE PREFERRED OVER BRIGHTER,SHINEY,MORE MODERN LOOKING PIGMENTS. **DI$COURAGE~ LOUD PASTEL COLORS: MODERN,BRIGHT, AND SHINEY PIGMENTS. *-PROHIBIT: FLOURESCENT COLORS THAT CLEARLY VIOLATE THE THEME.(BETTER LANGUAGE NEEDS TO BE WORKED OUT) 'SIGN ORDINANCES AND LANDSCAPING ORDINANCES-AGAIN T~ESE NEED TO BE REVIEWED TO ENSURE WE HAVE INCORPORATED OUR INTENT,ENCOURAGE___.~D, DISCOURAGE~,PROHiBITED METHODOLOGY. NEED TO MAKE SURE OUR SYSTEM OF GRANDFATHERING IS FAIR TO ALL OF OUR'CITIZENS AND DOES NOT PROVIDE AN UNREASONABLE FINANCIAL BURDEN. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 SEBASTIAN RiVERFRONTCOMMITTEE MINUTESOFMEETINGHELD ,~~ ~ DONALD SMITH, DAWN M. CORAPI/ SECRETARY E. ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY RCMAS. WP /onl'N City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 0 FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MONDAY, JUNE 99 1997 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Monday May 12, 1997 Monday May 19, 1997 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 5. NEW BUSINESS: Discuss recommended plan of action for the Riverfront. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT. 7. CHAIl2MAN MATTERS. 8. MEMBER MATTERS. 9. STAFF MATTERS. 10.ADJOURNMENT. Next Scheduled Meetings?: Monday June 23, 1997 @ 7:00 Monday July 28, 1997 @7:00 Monday August 11, 1997 @7:00 P001 Monday August 25, 1997 @7:00 ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTL WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TES77MONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF AC770N. (286.0105 F.S) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABLLI77ES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATORAT (407)-589-5330AT LEAST 48 HOURSPRIOR TO THISMEETING. ka Ir°\ City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 ❑ FAX (407) 589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING The Riverfront Committee of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, will hold their regular meeting on Monday, June 9, 1997 at 7:00, in the City Council Chambers. Dawn M. Corapi, Sec etary Riverfront Committee 2E1W NOTE: IF ANY PERSONS DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE MAY NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS INADVANCE OF THE MEETING.