HomeMy WebLinkAbout06231997 RIVERCITY OF SEBASTIAN RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 2~, 1997 Vice Chairman Don Smith called the meeting to order at 7:06 P.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: EXCUSED ABSENCE: ALSO PRESENT: V. Chmn. Smith Mr. Wild Mr. Moore Mr. Chapin Msl Corem Mr. Thompson (a) Robe~ Massa~lli, Community Development Director Tracy Hms, Plaun~ Ii A~a Brack, ~r, or~ S~'~ V. Chnm.' Smith noted that Mr. Thompson would be voting for Chnm. Collins tonight. APPRQ.¥AL OF MINUTES: (6/9/97) MOTION by Corem/Moore I move approval oftbe minutes of Monday, Jun~ 9, 1997. A voic~ vote was taken. 7.0 motion cauried. OLD BUSINESS: DISCUSS FINAL RIVERFRONT. REPORT OF RECOMMENDED PLAN OF ACTION FOR THE V. Chran. Smith commented that he would ne~ more time to study this report. He suggested going through it tonight, and askod for a reasonable e~,~afion of when this report would be completed. Mr. Massarelli recomme~led doing an overview of first impressions tonight. At the July 14th meeting, the Boards final input on the docume~ would be given, as well as public input. And the final report would be complet~ by July 28, 1997. Ms. Corem commented that she would not be in town during the month of July. Mr. Wild will also be out of town. The other members indicated they would probably be present. R1VEPd MINUT Mr. M~' their ¢o~ Ms. Cor V. Chrm go throu In respo~ seethe r Mr. Mo made Ol~ these iss Mr. Ben Mr. M~ 'RONT COMMITYEE ES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 23, 1997 ~ ~sarelli suggested that the members who would not be available during July should give tments to him before they leave town. am asked about the issues of signs, colors, height, and roof. ~. Smith commented that unresolved issues should be resolved as the Committee members h the final report. ~e to a question from Ms. Corum, Couneilmember Taraka responded that he would like to ,'port finished up. ~re noted that he would' like to see the unresolved issues discussed and a determination each one. He commented that this Committee has worked too long and too hard to let aes go unresolved. aett suggested listing the open issues and setting a timetable for discussing them. ~sarelli noted that the section dealing with colors was arrived at throw a consensus of eommen~ made by the Committee members, which dealt with colors prohibited, and colors encouraged. He felt this was a compromise. H~ noted that on the matter of heights, as a compromise, ev~ east of Indian River Drive would be twenty-five (25) ft., and west of Indian River Drive would be thirty-five (35) feet. He also noted that there will be future opporttmities to fine-tune this document. ! At this l~oint Mr. Massarelh and the Committee went through the Recommended Plan of Action and various comments were made. There some discussion on the future six (6) laning of U.S. 1 through Sebastian and the impact of the sBrrounding communities on the level of service on this highway. Mr. Massarelli noted tsues that could prevent the increase in the number of lanes, and noted that at sometime in e, the City will have to deal with this issue. several i the futm ion I. INTRODUCTION Page four (4) - added two pmagraphs and made three (3) minor changes. ion Ii. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON THE COMMITTEE Page seven (7) - Discussion; made one addition and noted resignation of Mr. Krulikowski ion III. BRIEF HISTORY AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF THE ERFRONT AREA Page eight (8) - reworded information on paul Krcegel; and 2 minor changes. Page ten (10) - Map 2 - Current Land Use Page eleven (11) - Map 3 - Current Zoning Page twelve (12) - C. Appendix A, Present. Policies for Riverfront RIVERFRONT COMMITTE£ MINi. F~S OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 23, 1997 (Page twelve (12)com'd) D. Discussion - future six-laning of U.S. 1 in Sebastian Added two phrases - Comp. Plan & intercoastal Waizrway Page thirteen (13) Map 4 = Future Land Use Page fourteen (14) = D. Add paragraph on In~ Waterway; typo correction Discussion - D.Water and Sewer Page fifle~ (15) Map 5 - Historic Sights Page sixteen (16) F. Add sentence - use rcl~rt as model Section IV. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE'S ACTMTIES Page seventeen (17) Soctr'taty to provide number of mce6ngs and dates Discussion - he, up public input;sidewalk on Indian River Drive Section V. STATEMtiNT OF PRINCIPLES Page nineteen (I 9) Paragraph 4- begin s~amce - The Committee recommends... Pa~ twenty (20)begin each section with - The Conunitt~e recomnm~... Section VI. GOALS Page twonty-one (21) Spelling correction; addition of second paragraph · Goal 1. Add - 'natural shoreline' - to second paragraph Add ... 'and mcourago existing propen~ to improve or onhance following this tirade at end of paragraph ~'. Section VII. ACTION ITI~MS Page twenty-four (24) Recomnm~a,alon #2: Add th~ word 'Pmformance' to title Page twmty-six (26) Ro:ommendaiion #3: Change last s~,once to ...'not' require... Reeoaenmdation #5: Landse~ ordinance 'stncifically' for riverffom. Third paragraplx, fifth scntonce - 'Some sites, for various reasons, may not have th~ required number of trees.' Par, ommendation #6: ~x~ paragraph -add 'a rustic atmosphere and avoid visual clutter.' Third paragraph - inse~...or business sold and the sign is Discussion on the issue of signs and parking. Not all members were in agreem~ on monument style signs. ~on #7: Change tide to - The ~ of Riverfront Character ComprehensiVe Plan Ammendm(mt Staff will rework this section. RIVERt MINUT City Ma At 9:02 · VIII Discussi MOTIO A voice Mr. Ma 14th for Mr. CI~ this deci previous Ms. Co~ and 15 Mr. Th educafio Mr. Ma., 'RONT COMMITTEE ES OF REGULAR MEETING ,IOF ~JNE 23, 1997 Recommendation #8: Last paragraph - insert 'are included in RMU zoning district.' at the end of the first sentence, and eliminate the words 'no longer necessary', and the last sentence. Recommendation//9: Added a paragraph Recommimdafion # 10: Delete first paragraph. Thc issue of the City taking a leadership role in providing parking in the riverfront area was discussed, as was the subject of a Riverfront Parking Trust, mad parking m general in the riveffrom. nager, Mr. Frame had input on this parldng issue and the Parking Trust. He cautioaed ~ver-development at the cost of parking. ?.M., a consensus of the members agreed to extend the meeting and continue working. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ~n took place on the issue of colors in the River~ont. N by Thompson/Corem move that we remove the second paragraph on page thirty-nine (39) of Additional nformation. ~ote w~s tak~. 7 - 0 motion carried. lsarelli asked the members ~ review this report and come back with comm~,s on July afinal report. in asked about future meetings of this Riverfront Committee and it was detmmined that ion would be made by city Council. urn mentioned the Florida Yards and Neighborhood concept which was discussed aX a m~qirlg. Mr. Massarelli responded with an. explanation. tun also asked for pictures of examples of windows and doors as described on pages 14 a she could mom clearly understand what they looked like. mpson commented that this document is a beautiful, wonderful document, and shows the a and experience of Mr. Massarelli as a City Planner. .,sarelli reminded the members that it is the Commission's report, he is only a facilitator. PUBLIC COMMENT: None R1V~RFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 23, 1997 CHAIRMAN ~.T..T. ERS: Vice Chron. Smith commented on a bit of frustration for some members who will not be present at the next couple of meetings. He reminded everyone that there are all kinds of opportunity for input. Committee members can meet with Mr. Massarelli in person, or submit their comments to him. These comments will be considered at the next meetings. Mr. Wild asked how firm the July date is for completion of this report. City Manager, Mr. Frame, responded that he has not received any directions from the Council as a whole, but there are individual feelings among Council that they would like to see this brought to some end. He also noted that the efforts of this Committee have taken a lot of Mr. Massarelli's time and effort, and he is needed elsewhere, in other directions. Vice Chnm. Smith encouraged the Committee members to get their final comments turned in very soon for consideration in the final draft of the report. He also commended Mr. Massamlli and Mr. I-hss for their work aod effort on this report. MEMBER MATTERS: Mr. Moore thanked the Press for sticking with this Committee. He also noted that he was very disappointed in the business community for its lack of concern for this entire issue. He commented that the fact that none of them were here tonight is appalling. He thanked the Council members who have attended many meetings, specifically Mr. Taraka, who has attended many meeting, and he wished more had shown up for support. Ms. Corum conunended Mr. Massarelli and City Staff on doing an excellent job, and noted what a real accomplishment this report really is. Mr. Wild agreed with Ms. Corum's comments. STA t ,,TTERS: Mr. Massarelli noted that he was just waiting for the Committee's comments. Vice Chmn. Smith thanked all members for their hard work and commented that it had been a pleasure to have worked with them all. The meeting was adjourned at 9:47 P.M. (7/9/97 AB) (~ 7/17/97) City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 13 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE(407) 589-5330 n FAX (407) 589~5570 SEBA$.~ RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APPROVED AT MEETING HELD /DONALD SMITH, VICE CHAIRMAN DAWN M. CORAPI~, SECRETARY E. ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY RCMAS. WP R p4� o �� 0I AFLiCAN City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 ❑ FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE.- MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1997 7:00 P.M. Y 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL. 3. APPROVAL 'OF MINUTES: Monday June 9, 1997 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 5. OLD BUSINESS: Discuss final report of Recommended Plan of Action for The Riverfront. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT. 7. CHA RMAN MATTERS. 8. MEMBER MATTERS. 9. STAFF MATTERS. 10.ADJOURNMENT. Next Scheduled Meetings.: Monday July 14, 1997 @7:00 Monday July 28, 1997 @7:00 Monday August 11, 1997 @7:00 Monday August 25, 1997 @7:00 ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, r WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A i VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE,, WHICH RECORD INCL UDES THE TESTIMONYAIVD EVIDENCE UPON WIHCH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABIL17IES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO TIDSMEMING. /00*1 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 ❑ FAX (407) 589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING The Riverfront Committee of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, will hold their regular meeting on Monday, June 23, 1997 at 7:00, in the City Council Chambers. awn M. Corapi, Secretary Riverfront Committee 2E1W NOTE: IF ANY PERSONS DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE MAY NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS INADVANCE OF THE MEETING.