HomeMy WebLinkAbout07141997 RIVERCITY OF SEBASTIAN RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MiNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JULY 14, 1997 Vice Chnm. Smith called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. PRESENT: V. Chnm. Smith Mr. Moore EXCUSED ABSENCE: API~ROVAL OF MiNUTES: MOTION by Chapin/Thompson Mr. Collins Mr. Wild Mr. Benn~ Ms. Corum 23, 1997) Mr. Thompson (a) Mr. Chapin · I make a motion that we approve the minutes. Discussion: V. Clmm. Smith asked the s~cretary to break down Sections IV, V, VI, and VII with some '"oull~' and explanations. The motion was amemled by Mr. Chapin: MOTION by Chapinfl'hompson I make the motion that we approve th~ ~ of Monday, june 23, with th~ addition of the items that Don numtioned, specifically the issue of the City taking leadership role in the A voicc vote was taken. 4 -' 0 motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Mazsarelli called attention to the vehicle with the display of park benches parked in thc parking lot. Mr. Richard Bamhill would like Commi~ member's comments on these benches. Mr,. Ed Moore read from his letter of resignation (attached) in protest of the actions of City Council to restrict membership on City Boards to only City residents. He also passed out copies to all Committee members. He then left the dais and the Committee amid comments from all RIVERFRONT COMMITI'EE MINUTES 9F REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 14, 1997 members, and left the Riverfront Committee without a quorum. 7:13 P.M..) Mr. Massa~ remaining m DISCUSS RiFERFRI V. Chmn. S~ I~verfront citizen inpu Mr. Massa~ close scru~ then went o, at tonight's'. Areas of 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ( Mr. Moore IoR tho meeting at ~lli commented that no formal action could be; taken by this Commits, but felt that the embers could offer input on the final report. FINAL REPORT OF RECOMMENDED PLAN OF ACTION FOR THE *NT. ruth ¢o~ on the great job Mr. Massarelli had done in capturing the intt~ of the ',ommittee. He noted that the report was not done in isolation, but it is filled with on items including'color, building height, signage, and landscaping. ,,Iii noted the comments already given to him by Mr. Moore, which indicated that ai~r y, Mr. Moore felt that all issues that be had questioned were adequately covered. He ,er a list of written comments that Ms. Corem had provided him since she couldn't be zideration in thc final report were: Introduction -last sentence, first paragraph was reworded to eliminate the phrase "urban blight" Backgro~ of the Riv~rfront Committee - include dates of resignations Titles of maps to be insem~ Page seven (7) - add ,'at every meeting" at the end of the last sentence. Page eight (8) - change date of 1980 to 1880, reword sentence about Paul Kroegcl. Page twelve (12) - add paragraph about intercoastal waterway and access to river and ocean; add phrase - "and arc also found in the Comprehensive Plan" at the end of the second paragraph. . Page fourteen (14) - add "intcrcoastal waterway" at end of second paragraph. Page sixteen (16) - add "Reco~ons in this report can be used as a model in addressing some of these deficiencies". Page seventeen (17) - add the word "implementing" in last paragraph; add sentence '~l~tis should be a priority of the City's leadership for the future." Page tw~nty-ene (21) - Add "...the fi~mdation ofthis study" in first sentence. Page twenty-four (24) - Add the word "Performance" in the title; include descriptions of "rustic", and "natural materials' Page twenty-six (26) - include Grandfather Clause in first paragraph; in second sentence, place the word "not" before "...be required..."; insert map showing the six types of design standards. Page twenty-seven - insert '~rhe Florida Yards and Neighborhoods' concept of putting thc right vegetation in the ri~ place, is encouraged. Page twenty-eight (28) - second paragraph - insert in fu~t sentence - ".....support the Old Florida Fishing Village theme and avoid visual clutter in thc Riverfront area".; third paragraph- insert "...or bas been sold and the sign changed."; RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF fULY 14, 1997 Recommendation #7: Prcsemng tho Rive~front Charac~ Comprehensive Plan Amcudm~t Mr. Richard Barnhill spoke on bench~ for tho Riverfront that might used for diaplay. Mr. Sal Neglia spoke on boat sales along U.S. #1. Mr. Harry Thomas commend on landscaping in the Riv~fixmt aga and tho wording to cover small lots, and the Tre~ Trust. It was de~mnim~ to'limit thi* flexibility to tbe Ri~ area only. A break was taken at 8:25 and'the ~ resmn~ at 8:36 P.M., with all pr~-vious me~bers present. 15. 16. Page twenty-nine (29) - move third paragraph to page nine (9). Page thirty (30) - add ~ to paragraph four (4), '~rbe uses thatm allowed in GMC and MCR are included in tbe RMU district.' Mr. Tut Conn~lly asked if the RMU zoning distri~ would continue to allow living quart~ to be built into commercial establishments. Mr. Massarelli notml that the recently built commercial building with apamnent on the secoM floor was approved as a special use under tho current zoning classification, and he not~ that tho ~ort being discussed tonight does not specifically allow V. China. Smith and Mr. Cha~in both ~q~r~l ~ that did not objoot to tbe mixture of residential and ~ in the Rive~t area, Th~ also noted that ~ issue was never specifically discussed by tho Committ~. Mr. Connelly objected to residential over c, omngrcial. City Manager, Thomas Frame, commented that in his ~imation, the Sebastian Riverfront does not aplgar that a lot of residential over commercial is going to happen. Alter some discussion, a suggestion was mad~ to includo a scnt~ on pa~ 30 "to discourage locating commercial and r~sidential uses in the sang building". V. Chnm. Smith noted that this issue needs to be given attention as soon as tigrc is a quorum present. Harry Thomas noted that paragraph four (4) on page thirty (30) is very ambiguous and needs to be very clearly and carefully defined so that everyone knows what the Committee is talking about. 17. Page thirty-one(31) - move first paragraph to page sbaeen (16) under deficiencies and parking; the last paragraph would not refer to new construction; insert the phrase "of an existing structure" after 'property ovagr' in third line; in,mn '~i~y would be r~luir~ to me~t a minimum number of parking spacos on site, and then..." in the last scnt~ce. Also insert "Rivcffront" before the words 'propcrty owner' in two places. 18. ,ONT COMMITTEE OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 14, 1997 Page thirty-two (32) - ~ thre~ - ~ the words "developed or". There was some discussion about "street parking". Mr. Massarelli noted that the parkin~ issue needs some in depth analysis by the City, but it hasn't been done for this report. V. Chnm. Smith noted that it was not his intention that the Parldn~ Trust would be used by commercial developers to avoid rt eating adequate parking in the Riverfront area. Mr. Tom fully unde must be together Mr. Bob area~ and Mr. SalN · Chmn 19 20 Mr. Mas~ meetings; sent a cop The Conu Frame, City Marker, spoke on the issue of the Parking Trust, and noted thai he hasn't ~ the advantages of this Parkin/Trust. He also agreed that the public parking issue van attention by the City. He sugg~i that private business owners might want to go ~d develop a parking area. :rceland noted that parking is going to be one of the bigger problems in the Riverfront loted that parking was what the CAV Corp property was supposed to be used for. ~glia co~ that businesses should solve their own parking problems. · Smith suggested that the issue of the Pm~ing Trust be put to a vote by the Committee ~rs at the next meeting with a quorum. Page thirty-six (36) - item 1. - There was discussion to add "for cxnxstmction" Page thirty-nine(39) - Strike tho first santence, and paragraph two (2); last paragraph - r~lace the word "~t" with '~ng'tbod of expansion of the system", ~ inset "efficient service of' before ...water and s~v,~r.., in last sentence; and end last :sentance at ... '~in the Riverfront." arelli summed up the anticipated direction that Appendix A would take and thc many md hearings that it will go through alon~ with probable changes. He noted that he has y of it to the local AIA for their review and comment but has not yet received a reply. uittce procee/~ to go through Appendix A with the following suggestions: Page one (I) B.3. - chan~ the word %light" to "clutter" Page two (2) - S~c. 20A-19.1,2 - insert "Special Performance" in title Page eight (8) B.2, - insert ~met~ tlberglass' before corrugated or ribbed panels Page nine (9) B.6. - insert "...ss building trim.." after the word 'Msible"; B.8. - strike last sentence; C.1. - question on fourth sentence Page thirteen (13) G.6. - second sentence, change "acceptable" to "encouraged"; G.7. - ins6xt "or secondary" after the word '~oase". Page fifteen (15) J.4.f. - substitute with "...consistent with Old Florida Fishing Village Theme." after the word- pattern Page sixteen L. - add the term "in-law aparUnents" ai~r "granny fiats". Page seventeen - add a chart with a table to include all the Types and descriptions RIVERFRONT COMMrlTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 14, 1997 10. 13. 14. 15. Page twenty-four (24) - remove 1 .a. ( 1 ); renumber following items Page twenty-six (26) - add "canopy" and 'hmderstory" to the definition section Page twenty-eight (28) - eliminate 5.d. Page thirty (30) - D.7. - change "6 square feet ..." to "15%" Page thirty-one (31) D. 12. & 13. - rework these two paragraphs. Page thirty-three (33) H.2.a. - insert "on the face of a sign"; Sec. 20A- B.c. - add provision for "property being under same ownership", and include a time element for abandonment. Page thirty-four (34) - C. 1. - rework paragraph to put more emphasis on style, and make pole signs and monument signs acceptable. Brief attention was paid to Appendix B. STAFF MATTERS: Mr. Massarelli noted that ho would have the revised edition ready by the end of the week, and it will ho discussed at tho July 28th meeting. ARer being cleared by Mr. Frame, it is thought that it will ho presented to City Council sometime in August. MEMBER MATTERS: Mr. Chapin asked to ho notified of the Council meeting when this report will be presented. Mr. Massarelli ~ and commented that this Committee should present the report to Council, since it is their report. V. Chnm. Smith noted tho importance of having a quorum at the July 28th Riverfront Committee meeting to approve the report. V. Chmn. Smith adjourned the meeting at 10:52 P.M. (7/22/97 AB) City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET n SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 n FAX (407) 589-5570 SEBASTIAN RI~.ERFRONT COMMITT~ MINUTES OF MEETING ]{ELD APPROVED AT MEET ING }{ELD -'DONALD SMI , E. ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY RCMAS. WP City of ~ebastian 1225 MAIN STREET r-I SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407} 589-5,330 r'l FAX {407} 589-5570 AGENDA RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MONDAY, JULY 14, 1997 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Monday June 23, 1997 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 5. OLD BUSINESS: Discuss final report of Recommended Plan of Action for The R~verfront. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT. 7. CHAIRMAN MATTERS. 8. MEMBER MATTERS. 9. STAFF MATTERS. 10.ADJOURNMENT. Next Scheduled Meeting: Monday July 28, 1997 ~7:00 ANY PERSOI~ WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, NrlLL NEED ~4 RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM I~CORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED vt~ TH THE CITY CLF_J~'S OFFiCE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (2S OlOS F.S) IN COMP~CE WITH THE AMERI~S WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPEC~ ACCOMMODATIONS FOR llrtls MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINA TOR AT (407)-$89..$330 A T LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. ! City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 0 FAX (407) 589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING The Riverfront Committee of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, will hold their regular meeting on Monday, July 14, 1997 at 7:00, in the City Council Chambers. a�uh�� el Dawn M. Corapi, Secretary Riverfront Committee 2E 1 W NOTE: IF ANY PERSONS DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE MAY NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS INADVANCE OF THE MEETING.