HomeMy WebLinkAbout12091996 RIVER CITY OF SEBASTIAN RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1996 Chairman Collins called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chmn. Collins Mr. Smith Mr. Wild Mr. Moore Mr. Bennett Ms. Corum Mr. Thompson EXCUSED ABSENCE: Mr. UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: Mr. Krulikowski ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Massarelli, Community Development Director Ann Braek, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Me~Y6ng of October 28, 1996 Mr. Collins noted a change on page five (5) of the October 28 minutes: Insert "of the AIA" after the word chair. Chnm. Collins asked for a motion to approve the 10/28/96 minutes as amended. MOTION by Thompson/Wild I so move. , A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. Meeting of November 18, 1996 Mr. Moore noted a change on page three (3) of the November 18 minutes: In reference to the motion on "Recommendations for Maintaining Access to the Riverfront", the vote should have shown - Mr. Moore - No, Mr~ Chapin - Yes. RIVEI MINU MOTI A voic ANN( [FRONT COMMITTEE rES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1996 3Iq by Moore/'rhompson I move to approve the minutes of November 18, 1996 as amended. ~ vote was taken, 7 - 0 motion carried. ~UNCEMENTS: Coffins mentioned the dates of the forthcoming meetings and there was some discussion. ~ermined that the next meetings will be: ~ber 16, 1996 January 13, 1997 January 27, 1997 with a ~vorkshop meeting with AIA when Mr, ~lli can schedule it. Mr. Massarelli noted that AIA wants some input from this Committee and the public m the morning, then have a brain session in the a_etemoon. He met with a couple of the member, went over th" ~ slides and comments, and they want to discuss these in the morning, then brainstorm in'the ai~m~ on and make some recommendations. MOTI A voic~ 'Mr. M on Fri¢ work ti parkinI OLD 1 1 CH )N by Thompson/Collins I move that our next regular meetings be Docember 16, January 13 and January 27. vote was taken. 7-0 motion carried. ~sarelli announced that thc Tree Advisory Board is sponsoring an Arbor Day Celebration ay Janua~ 17, 1997 at 1:00 P.M. It will be held at Riverview Park and will coincide with mt:the Riverfront Committee is doing, as well as the Citizen's Advisory Task Force, and thc and tree planting at the CAV-CORP property. U$INE$S: kNGES FOR MAINTAINING ACCESS TO THE R1VERFRONT Mr. Massarelli noted some changes on the list of recommendations that the Committee had decided upon at the last meeting. He distributed thc updated list to all members. He also recommended that the size'of properties that the City should be interested in acquiring be changed to 75 feet. At this point, be noted that staff recommends approval of the Recommendations of Aceess to the Riveffront. Them was much discussion on the issues of setback distances and the taking of peopl(s property. Mr. MassareHi noted that there is no uniform system of setback distances at this time, and that was staff's goal. RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REOULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1996 Mr. Collins suggested that the setback distances as recommended would be severely restrictive to the property owners along Indian River Drive. Since Ms. Ruth Sullivan was in the audience and is a property owner along Indian River Drive, Mr. Collins asked her about the size of her property East of Indian River Drive. She noted that owners have been paying taxes on buildable lots for many years and if the setbacks are too restrictive as to make them unbuildable, there could be a problem. Mr. Moore asked that in item #6 of the Recommendations list, that Mr. Massarelli add "and walls" afar the word "fences". Mr. Wild suggested lessening the rear setback to keep some lots builda~le. He noted that once a structure is built on a waterfront lot, the viewis, already obstmcted; Mr. Massarelli noted that one of the purposes of the rear setback is for environmental reasons to protect the waterline, and this is very important for preservation of'the river. Mr. Thompson noted that one of the main purposes of this Committee is to try to keep the riverfront open as much as possible. He is in favor of the 30' front and 25' rear setbacks. Mr. Bennett agreed with Mr. Thompson's view. Ms. Virgine Scherer who lives on Fntch Way, commented that the 30' and 25' setbacks would accomplish the Committee's desire to keep the East side of Indian River Drive for view to the fiver. Ms. Ruth Sullivan, 1215 Indian River Dfive, President of the Indian River Property Owners Assoc. spoke of first hand knowledge in looking at the setbacks. She does not want the value of her property East of Indian River destroyed if it becomes unbuildable. -. : She noted.that there are very limited pieces of property that.are buildable, and a great deal of property that is already non-buildable along the river. The numerous unbuildable properties will continue to give us more good views of the fiver than most other communities. Owners of these properties pay a lower ta~ ram because of that. She feels that if these setbacks make some properties unbuildable, then it constitutes a '~king of property", and noted that the Supreme Court has declared that illegal. She suggested that if the City of Sebastian remains reasonable in looking at property that had always been considered buildable by County standards, you won't go too far wrong. Mr. Tut Connolly of 149 Kildare Drive recommended using the word "prohibit" in items #5 and #6 of the Recommendations list. He also called attention to the Sebastian Trailer Park which will come into reality in the future. At this Point Mr. Collins asked about the logic in limiting the size of properties along the riverfront that would be of interest to the City for acquisition, to 75 feet. RIVER MO'II( Discuss; FRONT COMM1TI~E ES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1996 Mr. Massarelli responded that larger parcels with significant depth would have greater impact than a small piece. Ms. Corum.noted that she would like to see item #6 use the word "prohibit" in reference to opaque walls along Indian River DriVe. Mr. Massarelli noted that variances are always a possibility. He also .agreed with using the word "prohibit" at this point, then as the Committee goes along, it can be fine-tuned with suggested variances, otc. Types and sizes of fences, wails, otc. were discussed. N by Collins/Moore I make a motion that we approve the "Access to the Riverfront Recommeodations" of the Riverfront Advisory Committee that was tumded out by Bob, with the change that the City should prohibit the use o£ stockade fences and walls in excess of three (3) fe~t high, east of [Indian River Drive, with the ~ that the property owner would have .the right to oO, to the variance Board to obtain an exemption to build a higher fence in appropriute cases. (Please see below for the final wording of this motion.) ,on~ Mr. Wild noted taking a stand on the issue of "discourage" or "prohibit" in reference to removing exotic vegetation in item #~. Mr. Massarelli noted that presently, the City prohibits the intentional planting of exotics and at the time of new construction, all exotics must be removed from the site. He also noted that this Committee may rocOnunend to City Council that the City get involved in helping to clear out established exotiCS, even on private property. He suggested asking the City to "participate" in the removal of these exotics. Mr. Collins suggested wording such as '°The City should encourage and participate m the removal of...." (exotics). Mr. Wild suggested changing the setbacks to 2~' from the front and 10' f~om the.back. Mr. Massarelli mentioned that another way to approach this is to provide, within the Code, fl~at the City Council may grant a waiver to this requirement to another minimum, if there is an impractical or ~nable taking of the land. This is already in the OMC Code. Mr. Collins suggested that a variance could be available to a mimmum setback of 15 feet. He amended his motion to have #2- "allow for the ability for the property owner to ~btain City Council approval wherein the frontyard setback and the rear yard RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MiNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING 'OF DECEMBER 9, 1996 setback could be reduced to a minimum of fifteen (15) feet in each instance, based on criteria that staff would put together. Mr. Smith felt that it is important to include some mention of the "unreasonable taking of the land" as a result of setbacks. Mr. Massarelli read several sections of the Code to clarify points about setbacks, variance by Board of Adjustment, .and exceptions granted by City Council. Mr. Collins suggested leaving Item #2 as it is and recommend variance not through City Council but through the Board of Adjustment. He suggested the following addition to Item #2 "that a vm'iance for a unique situation be available". He referred to amending his motion to: (Item ~6) prohibit the use of stockade fences and walls in excess of three (3) feet high with the variance ability, and we would add the variance ability to item #2. Mr. Collins also add~ to the mo0on '~here it would result in unreasonable taking of the land". MOTION by Collins/Moore I make a motion that we approve the "Access to the Riverfront Recommendations" of the Riverfront Advisory Committee that was handed out by Bob, with the change that the City should prohibit the use of stockade fences and walls in excess of three (3)feet high with the ability to apply for a variance from the Board of Adjustment, and, where it would result in unreasonable taking of the land, allow for the ability of the property owner to obtain City Council approval wherein the frontyard setback and the rear yard setback could be reduced to a minimum of fiReen (15) feet in each instance, based on critoria that staffwould put together. A voice vote was taken. 7 - 0 motion carried. 2. DISCUSS HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS Mr. Massarelli noted that the staff is looki,g for some guidance in what the intent of the Committee is in dealing with the height msmctions. He listed many reasons for wanting to resmct the height of buildings in the riverfront area as a reminder of issues discussed at previous meetings. He also note~i that the current building heizht in the entire Cj~..of Sebastian is 3.5_f_eet. Mr. Collins hotel that there is no allowance in the Code for peak roofs, sloping roofs, otc., and it almost encourages fiat roof design which is something we are not encouraging. He also mentioned that in some codes, the higher the building, the greater the setbacks which provide more open space and greater view. (The th CHAIR MEMB ~RONT COMMITTEE ~S OF REGULAR lVlEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1996 Fhcre was much discussion on this height issue. There were suggestions of 25 feet on the ~.ast side and 35 fe~t on the West side of Indian River Drive. Other suggestions were to timk the buildings to thr~ (3) stori~; requir~ a specific roof pitch; allow a little bit of flexibility in.the architectural design, of the roofline to keep within the Old Fishing Village Mr. Collins suggested looking at somo ordimmces from other cities with a similar ~aterfront area. It was also determined to 8e~ mpu~ from the AIA in a work~op meeting. Ms. Sullivan suggested stating the number of stories and having 25 ii. height to the East, md 35 ff. height to tho w~st of Indian River Drive. She noted that we have a small town unbiance and we need to be ~ of~ buildings. She also noted the Davis house as ~eing a perfect e~ample ofgood building in keying with the Old Fishing Village theme. Mr. Harry Thomas spoke in favor of 25 feet on East side and 35 f~ on West side of Indian River Drive, and noted that the~ was nothing to preyer propm~ owners fi*om ~uilding over the water on piUngs and using erea~ivc archi~'ure. Ms. Scherrer spoke in favor of one story on East side and two stories on West side, which ~ouid allow good roof lines, wi'th the number of stories being specified in the Code. Taller ~uildings could be allowed on U.S. 1 which would allow a view of river over the lower ~uildings to the East. She also spoke against flat roofs. d item on tonight's agenda, City Owngd Parcels Along Main Street, was postponed till the ~sarelli noted that he has a preity good understanding of what the Commit'ge warns to md we will work with the AIA. Ms. Corum announced that th~ will be "Pepper Bashing" this Friday~ Dec. 13, 1996 mu'ting at 7:30 A.M. umil 3:00 P.M. at the riverfi'ont and any help would be appreciated. MATTEl~; Non~ was adjourned at 9:03 P.M. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET u SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 cl FAX (407) 589-5570 $1~BASTIAN RIVERF, RONT COMMITTEE RCMAS. WP City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET n SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE MONDAY DECEMBER 9, 1996 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. APPROVAL OF MZNU~ES: MEETING OF OCTOBER 28, 1996. MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1996. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 5 · OLD BUSZNESS: DISCUSS RECOMMENDED CHANGES FOR MAINTAINING ACCESS TO THE RiVERFRONT. DISCUSS HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS. DISCUSS CITY OWNED PARCELS ALONG MAIN STREET. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT · 7. CHAIRMAN MATTERS. 8. MEMBERS MATTERS. 9. STAFF MATTERS. 10. ADJOURNMENT. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: MONDAY DECEMBER 16, 1996 AT 7:00 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 MAIN STREET INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA THE RXVERFRONT CX)MMXTTEE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, WILL HOLD THEIR REGULAR MEETING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1996 &T 7:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. DAWN M. COP, A~I, SECRETARY RIVERFRONT COMMITTEE NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. RCPUBMT1.WP