HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-21-2017 PZ AgendaMa SEBAsT_iV HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting of August 17, 2017 6. QUASI-JUDICIAL and PUBLIC HEARINGS • Chairman opens hearing, attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title • Commissioners disclose ex-parte communication • Chairman or attorney swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant or applicant's agent makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Commissioners asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor and anyone opposing the request (anyone presenting factual information shall be sworn but anyone merely advocating approval or denial need not be sworn in) • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion • Commission Action A. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - New Site Plan - Dollar General/Chesser's Gap - 13,144 SF Retail Building @ 727 Sebastian Boulevard - PUD-C (Planned Unit Development - Commercial) Zoning District UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Discussion - Future development of vacant parcels located on the east side of Indian River Drive - Consideration of possible LDC amendments (Back-up materials from previous agenda) 8. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present NEW BUSINESS None 10. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 11. STAFF MATTERS 12. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 13. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. All government meetings in City Council Chambers will be broadcast live on COS -TV Comcast Channel 25 and ATT UVerse Channel 99 and streamed via the city website — www.citvofsebastian.orq unless otherwise noticed and rebroadcast at a later date — see COS -TV Channel 25 for broadcast schedule CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 17, 2017 1. Call to Order Chairwoman Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. She announced the passing of Mr. Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney. She expressed her respect for him and the contributions he made over the years. She called for a moment of silence in his memory. 2. Pledge of Alleqiance was recited by all. 06 C I 3. Roll Call �•O Present: Mr. Roth Mr. McManus C •� 0 Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Hughan (a) _0 E F Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez Q, E Mr. Reyes 0 a al Not Present: Mr. Qizilbash — Excused Mr. Simmons (a) — Excused Also Present: Ms. Cynthia Hall, Interim City Attorney .0 � C N Q o 2 a a C Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner �� N ._ Qa ¢a(� Ms. Susan Mann, Recording Consultant Ms. Dale Simchick, IRC School Board Liaison was not present 4. Announcements and/or Agenda Modifications Ms. Kautenburg stated that Mr. Simmons and Mr. Qizilbash are excused and Mr. Hughan will be voting this evening. 5. Approval of minutes A. Regular Meeting of July 6, 2017 A motion to accept the July 6, 2017 minutes as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Reyes and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearings A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Change of Use Site Plan — Pareidolia Brewery & Thomas Haynes — 712 Cleveland Street — Retail to Brewery/Bar CR Zoning District Fl 2 E co e O PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 2017 Ms. Hall read the request by title for the record. Ms. Kautenburg asked if there were any ex-parte communication to be disclosed; there being none she continued with the public hearing. Mr. Todd Smith, Engineer of Record, stated he is present representing the owner. He explained that the application before the Commission is for a change of use for a property on Cleveland Street from a retail use to an assembly use for a Brewery/Tavern. He stated that the building, parking and landscaping will be brought up to existing code as much as possible. Ms. Bosworth provided the history of the site and noted that it had served as the Post Office at one time. She stated that there had been no official site plans, but at this time staff is requiring one. She explained, regarding parking, that when the Presidential Street improvements were done the on -street parking was eliminated resulting in the site receiving six parking credits. She stated that the parking lot in the rear of the building will be restriped, compact car sites and motor cycle parking spaces will be added to meet the parking requirements. She stated that landscaping will be added, and although it will not meet the code staff does not feel a waiver is necessary as the property is grandfathered in. She concluded by stating that the improvements proposed will bring the site closer into compliance and staff recommends approval without conditions. Mr. Roth asked for details on the proposed patio. Mr. Smith explained it will be an open wood deck with no roof, it will have a handrail on the north side and will have tables and chairs on it. Ms. Bosworth explained that the seating capacity of the deck was taken into consideration when calculating the parking requirement. She stated that the deck will not be constructed at this time but will not have to come back before the Commission at a later date. Ms. Bosworth noted that there is a grease trap that encroaches the property next door. Although both properties are owned by the same individual there should be an easement or agreement addressing the situation. Mr. Carter stated that he believes this will be a good location and use of the site which has had a number of tenants over the years. He noted that the present location is successful and thanked the owners for investing back into the community. Mr. Reyes asked for details on the kitchen and food service. Mr. Haynes responded that the food served will be tavern type food with limited cooking. Ms. Bosworth clarified that the food service is accessory to the bar use. Mr. Reyes expressed concern about the parking and fire truck access. Ms. Bosworth explained that staff felt the proposed parking in the rear along with the parking on Cleveland would be adequate to meet the current needs. In the future should they need additional parking it could be obtained through parking in lieu. She explained that in order PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17. 2017 for fire department access a parking space was eliminated and the fire department approved the proposed parking. Ms. Kautenburg called for anyone from the public wishing to speak in opposition to the application. Mr. Ben Hocker, Sebastian, stated that he is not either in favor of or opposed to, but has some questions. He stated that he did not see on the site plan ADA compliant restrooms. He asked how the occupancy requirement was determined since there are only bar stools shown. He expressed concern about the parking and the location of the motorcycle spaces. He asked if this is not a commercial use since beer will be brewed, packaged and sold. He expressed concern about the fact that the use is being changed. Ms. Bosworth explained that the capacity is calculated on space and not seating and the parking is based on this calculation. She provided details on the permitted uses and stated that this conforms to those uses. Breweries are not specifically identified in the code, and this may be something the Commission may want to establish. Mr. Reyes asked for the purpose of the grease trap. Ms. Bosworth responded that it is a Health Department requirement since there will be fried foods. She explained that both properties are owned by Mr. Haynes, but possibly an easement would address the encroachment should he decide to sell the property in the future. Ms. Kautenburg called for anyone from the public wishing to speak in favor of the application. Mr. Michael Green stated that he is the owner of the property to the west of the site and feels that the brewery will be an excellent use of the property and a good addition to the neighborhood. Ms. Kautenburg called for anyone else wishing to speak in favor of the application, hearing none she closed public input. Ms. Hall asked the applicant if he is operating as a brew pub as defined in Florida Statutes. Mr. Pete Anderson, 117 Joy Haven, Sebastian, stated that is the statute that applies to breweries producing under 1,000 barrels per year and that is the one they are operating under. He explained that the law has changed and allows a brewery tasting room to have a kitchen. Ms. Kautenburg stated that she is happy to see an older building being used for an establishment that meets the current trends. She called for any further discussion, hearing none she called for a motion. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 2017 PAGE 4 MOTION: by Roth/Hughan "I make a motion that we approve the change of use site plan for 712 Cleveland Street as prepared and presented by planning staff." ROLL CALL: Mr. Roth —Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Hughan (a) —Yes Total vote was 7-0. Motion Carried. Mr. McManus —Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan Modification — New York Barber Shop — 867 Sebastian Boulevard —Additional Parking Area — C-512 Zoning District Ms. Hall read the application by title for the record. Ms. Kautenburg asked if there was any ex-parte communication that should be disclosed. Hearing none she requested the applicant to make their presentation. Mr. Todd Smith stated that he is representing the owner who could not be present. He acknowledged that he is still under oath. He explained that the property to the east of the existing site was purchased with the intent to add 10 parking spaces for the New York Barber Shop. He stated that the required landscaping and storm water management system will be installed and the two properties will be joined with unity of title. Mr. Carter commented that the applicant had been previously cited for painting his building without benefit of a permit. He expressed concern that the applicable rules are followed with this project. Mr. Reyes asked if additional landscaping could be required. Ms. Bosworth responded that the landscaping requirements do meet code for both lot 1 and lot 2. She explained that in accordance with Indian River County requirements each site cannot have their own entrance off CR512 and as a result the entrance is off Biscayne and the business parking lots are interconnected. She stated that the three conditions of approval proposed are being provided a copy of the Stormwater Exemption from SJRWMD, a copy of the Unity of Title document and a Grant of Easement across lot 2 be executed, recorded and a copy provided to the City. Ms. Kautenburg called for anyone from the public wishing to speak on this application to rise and be sworn in. Ms. Hall swore in those planning to speak. Ms. Donna Irving, President of the Italian American Club, stated that she has questions about the proposed parking lot. She noted that there is a large difference in the height of the two parking lots and asked how that would be addressed. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17. 2017 Ms. Bosworth explained that there would be an unevenness between the Barber Shop and the Italian American Club's parking just as it is between the Italian American Club's parking and the next parking lot. She stated that there would be no stormwater drainage from either site onto the other. Ms. Irving asked what action the Club would need to take if the Barber Shop clients started using their lot. Ms. Bosworth explained that the easement is for a 24 foot -wide drive aisle which can be used by the public, but does not permit the use of their parking spaces. Mr. Kautenburg called for anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the application; hearing none she closed public input. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff recommends approval with the three conditions shown in the staff report. MOTION: by Carter/Alvarez "I make a motion that we accept the Site Plan Modification for the New York Barber Shop at 867 Sebastian Boulevard for additional parking in the 512 Zoning District to include the three recommendations shown on bottom of page 6 of the Staff Report." ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. McManus —Yes Total vote was 7-0. Motion Carried. Mr. Hughan (a) —Yes Mr. Carter —Yes Ms. Kautenburg —Yes C. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Preliminary Plat — Sebastian Medical Suites Commercial Subdivision — 13035 US Highway #1 & 801 Wellness Way — CR Zoning District Mr. Joseph Schulke, Sebastian, FL, provided a description of the site and explanation of the history. He stated that the owner now wants to further subdivide and plat a three -lot commercial subdivision. He stated that the City Council can grant the requested adjustments from the LDC subdivision requirements. He explained that the exceptions are to the Right of Way frontage for all lots; environmental considerations; 2 means of ingress/egress; street characteristics and dead end streets. He stated that the right of way frontage requirement applies primarily to residences rather than commercial properties and because of the configuration of the buildings and site it would not be possible for the required frontage. The environmental concerns apply to the rear parcel which is vacant and when the site was developed in 2008 an environmental survey was conducted indicating there were Scrub Jays on the property. The platting will not impact PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 2017 the parcel and should it be developed in the future the site plan would have to come to the City for approval and comply with all the applicable requirements. The 2 means of ingress/egress has been accomplished with an easement agreement with the St. Sebastian Church for emergency vehicles will be executed and recorded prior to the Final Plat. Regarding dead end streets, this road dead ends into a parking lot providing the ability to turn around for any size vehicle to turn around. He concluded by stating that there will be minimal improvements made to the site and offered to answer any questions the Commission has. Ms. Bosworth explained that what is allowed in the Sub -Division Section of the Land Development Code are adjustments not exceptions; similar to waivers allowed in the Overlay Districts. She advised the Commission that the adjustments will need to be included in their motion. She explained that the PNC Bank property was separated from this property and now the owner is asking to separate the Medical Suites into three lots, similar to the commercial subdivision at Jackson Street Corners which was approved. She explained that once the plat is approved the proposed improvements can be done; she agreed that the 2"d ingress/egress has been accomplished with the easement agreement with St. Sebastian Church; when the third lot is developed a site plan will have to come before the Commission for approval and a full environmental survey will be required. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff recommends approval with the adjustments listed on page 7 of the staff report and the emergency vehicle easement agreement with St. Sebastian Church be executed and recorded before approval of the Final Plat. Mr. Roth asked if the agreement with the Church has already been prepared. Ms. Bosworth responded that it was drafted, but staff had some minor changes which were made and it is now ready for signature. Mr. Roth expressed concern about the roadway and asked if stop signs would be installed. Ms. Bosworth responded that the roadway is already there and does have stop signs. Mr. Roth asked if there was any plan to develop the rear lot at this time. Mr. Schulke responded that not at this time, but when development is considered a full environmental survey will be done and if the Scrub Jays or any other environmental items need to be addressed they will be at that time. Mr. McManus asked if the right-of-way would include the rear parcel and be sufficient to allow proper development. Mr. Schulke responded it would. Mr. Reyes clarified that the rear parcel is lot 1 and not lot 3. He asked what the plan is for the retention pond. Mr. Schulke responded that the retention pond is temporary and will be moved at the time lot 1 is developed. He explained that it is in the recorded agreement that it can be moved as long as the new location serves the designated properties. He also assured Mr. Reyes that it will be expanded to the size necessary to accommodate the site. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 2017 Mr. Reyes asked if there were septic tanks in the area. Mr. Schulke responded that both Walmart and the Church are connected to the county sewage. There is a lift station is on the Walmart property and one on the Church property. Ms. Bosworth stated that at the time lot one is developed the site plan full details on concerns such as sewage will be included. Mr. Alvarez asked if there are any immediate plans to develop the parcel. Mr. Schulke explained that there is no development planned at this time; the desire is to dissolve the condominium ownership and make it fee simple. He stated that the Bank is one lot, the Medical Suites is one lot and with this re -platting the rear parcel will become a separate lot. Ms. Kautenburg asked if the right-of-way will be deeded to the owners in perpetuity. Mr. Schulke responded that when the Final Plat is approved by City Council it will be done at that time. She also expressed concern about the compact car spaces and possibly larger cars using them. Mr. Schulke stated that the compact car spaces are the furthest away from the building and people would probably not want to walk that far. Mr. Reyes asked if the City of the County regulate what size a compact car parking space is. Ms. Bosworth responded that the City does which is 7 '/ feet wide by 15 feet long. She explained that a standard sized parking space is 10 feet wide by 20 feet long. Ms. Kautenburg called for anyone from the public wishing to speak in favor of the application, seeing none she called for anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the application, seeing none she closed the meeting to the public. Ms. Bosworth stated that the Preliminary Plat was reviewed by all jurisdictional agencies and all comments have been met. Staff recommends to forward a recommendation to City Council of approval, approval of the adjustments shown on page 7 of the staff report and the easement agreement with St. Sebastian Church is executed and recorded before Final Plat. Ms. Kautenburg called for any further discussion, hearing none she called for a motion. MOTION: by Roth/Carter "I make a motion that we approve the recommendation to the City Council for the preliminary plat for the Sebastian Medial Suites, 13305 US Highway #1, with the staffs recommendations 1 — 5 of adjustments and requirement #2 recording the easement." ROLL CALL: Mr. Roth —Yes Mr. McManus —Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. Carter — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Hughan (a) —Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 2017 Total vote was 7-0. Motion Carried. D. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Special Exception Request — Warehousing/Auction House in C-512 Zoning District — 971 Sebastian Boulevard Ms. Hall read the request by title for the record. She swore in those planning to give testimony in the matter. Mr. Bill Polly, 833 Barber Street, Sebastian, FL, stated that he is seeking approval to establish a general merchandise auction house at 971 Sebastian Blvd. He stated that he wants to meet all the requirements and be a positive addition to the area. He offered to answer any questions the Commissioners have regarding the application. Mr. Carter asked about what items will be sold, how will large items be handled and when the auctions will be held. Mr. Polly responded that the items sold will be small such as household items, paintings, jewelry, estate sale; the typical type items found at a consignment shop. He stated that large items will be sold at another site which has not been selected yet. He stated that at this time he plans to hold an auction one Saturday a month with viewing starting at 4:00 pm and the sale running from 6:00 pm until 10:00 pm. Mr. Hughan expressed concern about the limited parking. Mr. Polly responded that he currently has a signed shared use agreement with three of the four other tenants. He explained that the Legacy Marshal Arts business is not open on the weekend and their parking spaces combined with the spaces allocated to his location there would be a total of 30 spaces for his use. Regarding the other businesses there is only a brief overlap of time of his operations and theirs and he has assured those businesses that he will clearly mark their spaces to prevent his customers from using those spaces while they are open. Mr. Hughan stated that his other concern is with the entrance/exit on CR512 that serves not only his location but several other businesses along 512 and the fact that traffic will be pulling in and out possibly in front of each other. Mr. Polly responded that he is aware of the configuration of the entrance/exit serving his location as well as the other businesses, but does not feel it will be a problem. He stressed that he wants to be a good neighbor and will do everything in his power to be a positive addition to the area. He stated that he has spoken with neighboring businesses and received positive feedback about the auction house. Mr. Reyes expressed his concern about the parking situation and the amount of traffic that will be generated by an auction. Mr. Polly stated that the maximum capacity of the space is 100 and parking is calculated to be 3 occupants to one vehicle which would equal 33 parking spaces; he is aware that more spaces could be required and that is why he has the shared use agreement with the other tenants. Mr. Reyes asked how many PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 2017 spaces are allocated to his business. Ms. Bosworth responded that based on the square footage he is allocated 18 spaces. Mr. Reyes asked how many people will be employed. Mr. Polly responded that on the day of the auction there would be approximately five. Mr. Reyes asked if three spaces are being combined into one. Mr. Polly explained that it is the former restaurant and a portion of the former bar. Mr. Alvarez asked if the kitchen is going to be used. He noted that there is a propane tank shown in one of the photos. Mr. Polly responded that the only thing remaining from the kitchen is a hood which will not be removed because it is not in the way and the area will be used for storage. Mr. Alvarez asked about Mr. Polly's experience in owning auction houses. Mr. Polly responded he has never owned an auction house but from the research he has done he feels it can be successful. He cited some examples of ones in the area. Mr. Polly's father in law, George, came forward and was sworn in by Ms. Hall. He stated that he ran an auction house for 10 years and believes it will be an asset to the City. He stated that does not see a problem with the parking and he will be in the parking lot to regulate the flow and the parking. Mr. Alvarez expressed his concern about the entering and exiting the site and its close proximity to the Cumberland Farms. Mr. Polly stated that there are a number of shops between his location and the Cumberland Farms and he does not feel the traffic generated by the auction house will cause a problem. Ms. Kautenburg expressed concern about the number of cars, parking and the confusion that already exists with the turn lane from Barber Street and Sebastian Blvd. She stated that she is also concerned about the congestion caused by the loading of the items purchased, not only the night of the auction, but the following days with people returning to pick up those items. Mr. Polly stated that his plan is for pick up to be done using the alley at the back of the building rather than in the front; by doing that the traffic would exit further to the west. Ms. Bosworth stated that the application is before the Commission for their review and recommendation to City Council. She stated that since there has not been an auction house in the City it was necessary for staff to consider the application in components. She provided details on the uses similar to the auction house. She explained that this is a special exception because warehousing is allowed in the industrial zoning districts, but not in the C-512 Zoning District. She provided details on the capacity of the site and stated that Mr. Polly estimates 90 to 100 people attending the auctions. She stated that there are two ways to address capacity, one would be to have 90 permanent seats installed or to calculate capacity by the square footage of the area. She stated that staffs concern is the parking and there needs to be a formal plan in place to address this. She PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 10 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 2017 suggested that arrangements could be made to use the adjacent vacant lots or parking spaces of other businesses for overflow parking. Ms. Bosworth stated that a mailing was done to the surrounding residents advising them of the application and Public Hearing to which she received one objection. She explained that the objection was to the traffic and noise coming from the alley behind the business. She expressed concern about the number of cars that could be lined up in the alley to pick up merchandise and stated that an alternative plan needs to be formulated. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the Required findings of fact (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3) in detail. She stated that compliance with the three sections must be included in the Commission's motion. She stated that the requested use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances, will be determined by the Commission. She explained that requested use can be either permitted or denied by the language in this section; that decision is up to the Commission. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the Conditions of approval and explained each one in detail. She noted that there is one additional condition that is not in the staff report; the removal of the three signs above each of the units if they are not going to be used by the auction house. She stated that the condition regarding parking in the rear allows for the parking of three employee vehicles. That no pick up of merchandise will be allowed to address the concerns expressed by the surrounding residents. Ms. Bosworth stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission findings (Section 54-2- 6.2(d) should be discussed and addressed in the motion. She stated that under additional conditions there needs to be a formal plan for parking. She concluded by stating that staff will hold their recommendation until the Commission has made their determination. Ms. Kautenburg called for anyone from the public wishing to speak in favor of the application, seeing none she called for anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the application. Ms. Bosworth stated that a letter had been received from Mr. Richard May, 929 Fulton Way, Sebastian expressing his concern about the loud noise, litter and over flow parking the auction house will create. On advice of Ms. Hall, Ms. Kautenburg read the letter for the record. Ms. Hall stated that the Commissioners need to keep in mind that the letter is not a sworn statement. In response to Mr. May's letter Mr. Polly stated that the auctions will be held inside and not create any loud noises; the parking plan will be in place to ensure that all vehicles are accommodated properly; there will be no litter from his patrons. He stressed that it is his intent to make the auction house a positive addition to the City. Mr. Carter stated that from his experience attending auctions he believes that the parking concerns can be resolved. He suggested having the merchandise pick up at the front doors rather than the rear. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 11 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17. 2017 Mr. Roth stated that he understands the concern about traffic at the rear of the building in the alley with the noise it will generate. He stated that he does not believe the noise will be a factor. He stated that although this is not an allowed use he believes that a solution can be determined that will be a win for everyone. Ms. Bosworth asked if arranging pick up the next day would be a possibility to reduce the noise that would be associated with loading at 10:00 p.m. Mr. Polly responded that pick up the next day would be fine and if necessary he could arrange for delivery of the larger items. He assured the Commission that if required he would arrange for pick up to not be in the alley, thus eliminating any noise from his establishment. Mr. Reyes stated that he does not see noise being an issue. He stated that if Mr. Polly can secure written agreements from the other businesses to use of their parking spaces when they are closed he feels that would address the parking problem. Mr. Polly responded that he has signed shared parking agreements with three of the four other tenants as well as a list of their operating hours. He explained that he has spoken with Tim Borden, Treasure Coast Realty who is located next door and gotten the contact information for the building owners who are out of town at the present time. He stated that he also has the contact information for the owner of the 40 foot vacant lot and will be writing him a letter requesting a shared use agreement. If the owner is agreeable he would make improvements to the lot which would meet the City's codes for a parking lot. He stressed that it is his desire to do what is necessary to provide adequate parking for his customers. Mr. Reyes expressed concern that merchandise would be stack in front of the plate glass windows which would be unsightly. Mr. Polly responded that it is his desire to make the auction house attractive and welcoming so it will attract the mid to high end clientele. Ms. Kautenburg stated that she would be more in favor if the auction house could be located in an industrial zone, but understands that has been explored with no success. She asked if the shared parking agreements are with the tenants and expressed concern that if the current tenant moves there is no longer an agreement. Mr. Polly responded that he would attempt to enter into an agreement with the new tenant. The owner of the Tall Tree Plaza assured the Commissioners that he would not lease to anyone who would not sign a shared parking agreement with the auction house for the hours their business is not in operation. Mr. Roth asked for details on the hours of operation of the other businesses on the nights the auction house would be open. Mr. Polly responded that one business closes at 6:30 pm, one at 7:00 pm and Dominoes, which is at the far west end of the plaza, closes at 1:30 am. He stated that the preview starts at 4:00 pm which would result in about a 3 hour overlap; if that poses a problem he would be willing to schedule the preview for another day or time. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 12 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17. 2017 Mr. Carter asked what the hours of operation would be during the week and if there would be any sales during that time. Mr. Polly stated that he plans a work week of Tuesday through Saturday, during which time his wife would be working taking in consignments and handling paperwork; selling would only be done during the auction once a month. Mr. Carter commended Mr. Polly on his enthusiasm. Mr. Polly responded that he believes the auction house will be a positive addition to the community and provide something for people to do on a Saturday evening. Ms. Kautenburg reiterated her concern about the parking issue. Ms. Bosworth responded that the Code allows a shared parking agreement with another business for up to 50% of the required parking if it is within 500 feet of the business. She stated that if that option is used it will be necessary to get signed and recorded agreements with the property owners. She explained that if the vacant lot is used it will be necessary to have a site plan for the parking lot showing the type material, entry to the site, etc. which will be more involved than the shared parking agreement. Ms. Bosworth stated that what is before the Commission is the Special Exception and the other related issues can be addressed separately. She reviewed the Planning and Zoning Commission findings and noted that the motion needed to take into consideration if this application meets those criteria and the staff conditions. Ms. Kautenburg called for any further discussion. Ms. Hall advised that the findings should be reviewed individually and it determined that compliance is based on factual information. Mr. Roth read each item for discussion and the consensus was that the applicant complies with each. Ms. Bosworth stated that if the pick up on a different day or delivery is going to apply it needs to be added as a condition of approval. Concern was expressed about the use of the rear of the building for merchandise pick up. Mr. Polly stated that loading from the front entrance would be easier and he would not use the back entrance. He explained that in his experience the auction is not at full capacity for the entire time it is being conducted, as a result the maximum number of spaces would not be required. Ms. Bosworth expressed concern about loading in the parking lot while the auction is being conducted and people are coming in and out of the parking lot. She suggested that, if an overflow parking plan can be established, two spaces in front of the auction house be designated for loading only. Mr. Polly responded that could be done and he would have sufficient staff on auction night to direct parking and help with loading purchases. Mr. Carter, I will make a recommendation that we make a motion to send to the City Counsel the recommendation for the Special Exception Request for warehousing and auction house on CR 512 at 971 Sebastian Boulevard with the conditions as stated on page 4. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 13 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17. 2017 Mr. Roth asked if establishing times of pick up could be included in the motion. Ms. Bosworth suggested stating that merchandise pick-up is done at the front of the store in a designated space during auction hours. Ms. Kautenburg stated that the condition of a written agreement with the building owner for shared parking be included in the motion. Mr. Carter stated that he will include in his motion the requirement for a written shared parking agreement with the building owner which is recorded in the public records. MOTION: by Carter/Roth "I make a motion that we send to the City Council the recommendation for the Special Exception Request for warehousing and auction house on CR 512 at 971 Sebastian Boulevard with the conditions stated on page 4 and the additional conditions: large items are picked up or delivered on a different day; loading will be in front of building during auction hours; the back entrance can be used on non - auction days; the shared parking agreement must be executed with the building owner and recorded." Ms. Hall requested the motion be amended to include that the application meets the findings shown on page 5, Item 10 sub items 1 — 6. AMMENDED MOTION: by Carter/Roth "I amend my motion to include the 6 items under Planning and Zoning Rules under Section 54-2-6.2(d) on page 5. Ms. Kautenburg called for discussion, hearing none she called for a vote. ROLL CALL: Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. McManus — No Mr. Hughan (a) —Yes Mr. Carter — Yes Mr. Roth —Yes Mr. Reyes —Yes Mr. Alvarez — No Total vote was 5-2. Motion Carried. Ms. Bosworth advised Mr. Polly that the application will go before the Council in September and she will advise him of the exact date. 7. Unfinished Business A. Discussion — Future development of vacant parcels located on the east side of Indian River Drive — Consideration of possible LDC amendments. (Backup materials from previous agenda) Following discussion it was agreed that this is a subject that is important and should be placed on the next agenda to allow time to address it at length. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 14 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 2017 Ms. Bosworth stated that the next meeting will be on September 215t and there will be one site plan in addition to this item on the agenda. 8. Public Input — None 9. New Business — None 10. Staff Matters Ms. Bosworth asked the Commissioners' thoughts about how to address breweries. If they wanted language added to the Code or review them on a case by case basis. Following discussion the consensus was to review and update the code to include the definition of a brewery. 11. Commissioners Matters Mr. Hughan asked if the CR 512 road work is on schedule. Ms. Bosworth responded that completion is scheduled for November and that it is a resurfacing project and not redesign. She stated that she will get an update on completion and provide that information to the Commissioners. Mr. Reyes stated that the swales are very overgrown which prevents drainage. Ms. Bosworth stated that since the City Engineer is now a consultant position she would contact the Public Works Director to determine how that is handled. 13. Items for Next Aqenda Ms. Kautenburg noted that the only item identified for the next agenda is the discussion item postponed from this evening's agenda. 14. Admiourn Chairwoman Kautenburg called for any further business, hearing none she adjourned the meeting at 8:28 pm. /sm CITY L F SEBAST_N M Ir HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Site Plan Review - Staff Report 1. Project Name: Dollar General — Chesser's Gap 2. Requested Action: Approval of a site plan consisting of demolition of an existing Exxon gas station and canopy, followed by construction of a three -unit, 13,144 SF retail building along with required parking, stormwater, and landscaping. 3. Project Location a. Address: 727 Sebastian Boulevard b. Legal: See site plan for existing legal. Currently being platted - proposed description: Lot 1, Chesser's Gap Subdivision Phase IV, to be recorded in the public records of Indian River County, Florida C. Indian River County Parcel Numbers: 31-38-13-00000-1000-00001.2 31-38-13-00000-1000-00001.4 4. Project Owner: GEC Florida, LLC 2760 N. University Drive Davie, Florida 32958 5. Project Agent: Jeremy Anderson/Nathan Wolfe Hanlex Development, LLC & Hanlex Civil, LLC 1000 Color Place Apopka, Florida 32703 (407) 889-9400 6. Project Engineer: Robert Ziegenfuss, P.E. Z Development Services 708 E. Colonial Drive, Suite 100 Orlando, Florida 32803 (407)271-8910 7. Project Surveyor: Sherry L. Manor, PSM L&S Diversified 405 Lake Howell Road, Suite 1001 Maitland, Florida 32751 (407)381-3836 11 8. Project Description a. Narrative of proposed action: Hanlex Sebastian, LLC has filed for site plan review for the proposed development of a Dollar General retail store to be located on a 1.4-acre tract within Chesser's Gap PUD. In addition to demolishing the existing Exxon gas station and canopy currently located on the site, construction of a 13,144, three -unit retail building, together with associated parking, water and sewer service, drainage, and landscaping is proposed. Access to the site will be accomplished via an existing driveway located off Sebastian Boulevard and an existing shared driveway with the Elks Lodge off of Fleming Street. Proposed water, wastewater service, and drainage for the site will be accomplished via a tie-in to the existing Chesser's Gap master utility and stormwater system as approved by IRC & SJRWMD. The site contains 1.376 acres, or 59,968 SF of total land area. Of which, 13,144 (21.9%) is building area, 44,924 SF (74.9%) is impervious surface and 15,044 SF (25.1 %) is open area. b. Current Zoning: PUD-C (underlying zoning is CG) C. Adjacent Properties Zoning North: RS-10 East: C-512/CG South: PUD-C West: PUD-C d. Site Characteristics (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Total Acreage Current Land Use Residential Commercial Elks Lodge Bank Current Land Use(s): Soil: Vegetation: Flood Hazard: Water Service: Sanitary Sewer Service: Parks: Police/Fire: 1.4 acres Future Land Use LDR C-512/CG PUD-C PUD-C Vacant Gas Station Myakka & EauGallie Existing palms and specimen oaks Zone X Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities Lake Hardee Park - 1 mile Indian River County Fire - 1 mile Sebastian Police — 2 miles 2 9. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: Consistent b. Traffic Circulation: Consistent C. Housing: n/a d. Public Facilities: Consistent e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: n/a g. Recreation and Open Space: Consistent 10. Contents of Site Plan: a. lot configuration: provided b. finished ground floor elevation: provided = 23.00' C. contours and designating number of dwelling units: N/A d. square footage of site: 59,968 SF e. building coverage: 13,144 SF = 21.9% (30% max) [Dollar General 9,187 SF, two retail units 3,957 SF] f. square footage of paved areas and open area: Impervious 44,924 SF = 74.9% (75% max) Open (Required 25%) 15,044 SF = 25.1% (25% min) g. setbacks: According to Section 54-2-5.12(g)(2) of the Land Development Code (PUD-C Zoning District): In those cases where the property line does not abut and is not adjacent to residential development or residentially zoned land, the minimum setback shall be determined as part of the preliminary development plan review. No buildings shall be located within forty (40) feet of the outer boundary of the PUD districts excepting entryway security structures approved by the city council. 3 Based on this requirement, the proposed building must be 40 feet from the north and east property lines, as these are outer boundaries of the Chesser's Gap PUD: Front — North (Sebastian Blvd): 77.5 feet Side — East: 59.0 feet h. scaled drawings of the sides, front and rear of the building or structure: provided I. generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure: provided j. Building exterior construction materials and color: provided k. building height: provided — 29.0 feet (35 feet max.) I. location and character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display: provided M. location and dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways: provided n. number of spaces with their location and dimensions: provided Parking Required — Retail use: One space per 250 SF for buildings greater than 10,000 SF Proposed area accessible to public = 12,007 SF = 250 Total Required Spaces 48 spaces Parking Provided = 49 spaces (46 standard, 3 H/C Accessible) o. details of off-street parking and loading areas (including requirements of Article X): provided — Based on aggregate gross floor area of the retail building, one loading space meeting required size dimensions, has been provided in the rear. P. all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering: provided q. surface materials: provided r. number of employees: not provided S. type of vehicles owned by the establishment: N/A t. If there is a combined off-street parking facility, required agreements: N/A rd U. Location of all pedestrian walks, malls, yards and open spaces: provided V. location, size, character, and height or orientation of all signs: provided - location only. All signs will require separate zoning reviews and building permits, and comply with the Overlay District design and color standards. W. location and character of landscaped areas and recreation areas: provided X. location, design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities: provided Y. location, height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping: provided Z. surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida: provided - Drainage will tie into the existing master stormwater system previously approved by SJRWMD, calculated for maximum build -out of the PUD. aa. location of existing easements and right-of-way: provided on survey. Existing stormwater and access easements needed for the two, current separate lots will not be necessary for the new development, and will be abandoned through the required platting process. ab. Land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor: provided ac. Verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property: provided 11. Site location and character of use: provided 12. Appearance site and structures: a. harmonious overall design: yes. b. location and screening of mechanical equipment, utility hardware and waste storage areas: yes — dumpster enclosure to match the building, and rooftop mechanical equipment screened by parapet wall C. commercial and industrial activities conducted in enclosed buildings: yes d. exterior lighting: provided 5 13. Access, internal circulation, off-street parking and other traffic impacts: a. internal circulation system design and access/egress considerations: provided b. separation of vehicular and pedestrian areas: provided 14. Traffic impacts: provided — Traffic Impact Analysis reviewed and approved by IRC Traffic Engineering staff. 15. Open space and landscape (including the requirements of Article XIV and Article XXI): a. Name, address and phone number of the owner and designer: provided b. North arrow, scale and date, minimum scale of one inch equals fifty (50) feet: provided C. Property lines, easements, and right-of-way with internal and property line dimensions: provided d. Location of existing or proposed utility service: provided e. Location and size of any existing or proposed structures: provided f. Location and size of any existing or proposed site features, such as earthen mounds, swales, walls and water areas: provided — required landscape berm along Sebastian Boulevard g. Location and size of any existing or proposed vehicular use area: provided h. Location and size of any existing or proposed sidewalks, curbs, and wheel stops: provided i. Location of sprinkler heads, hose bibs, or quick cupplers and other information on irrigation: provided j. Calculations of required type, dimensions and square footage of landscape materials and of required landscape areas, including: total site area, parking area, other vehicular use area, percentage of non - vehicular open space, perimeter and interior landscape strips, and required number of trees: provided — Required Trees Canopy Trees Along North Property 4.5 Trees/100'(215') 9.7 (10) Trees Understory Trees Along North Property 5.5 Trees/100'(215') 11.8 (12) Trees 11 Trees Along South Property Trees Along East Property Trees Along Fleming Street Open Space Parking Area Total Canopy Trees Required Total UnderstoryTrees Required Total Canopy Trees Provided Total Understory Trees Provided 1 Tree/35'(400') 11.5 (12) Trees 1 Tree/35'(235') 6.7 (7) Trees 1 Tree/25'(183') 7.3 (8) Trees 1 Tree/2000 SF(15,044) 7.5 (8) Trees 1 Tree/5 spaces (49) 9.8 (10) Trees 55 12 51 + 7 saved = 58 13 k. Location of required landscape areas and dimensions: provided I. Location, name, height and size of all existing plant material to be retained: provided — seven existing trees M. Location, size, height and description of all landscape material including name, quantity, quality, spacing, and specified size and specification of all plant materials: provided — Additional hedge material is required. Based on calculations using length of property lines minus widths of driveways and sidewalks, and plants spaced 24" O.C., 22 additional 24" high hedge plants are needed in the landscape buffer along Sebastian Boulevard, and 38 additional 36" high hedge plants in the remaining landscape buffers. n. Height, width, type, material and location of all barriers of nonliving material: provided o. Location, dimensions and area of landscaping for freestanding signs: provided p. Show all landscaping, buildings, or other improvements on adjacent property within five (5) feet of the common property line: not provided 16. Required screening of abutting residential and nonresidential uses: not required 17. Flood prone land and wetland preservation: no known areas or impacts 18: Surface water management: The site is located within the existing Chesser's Gap PUD. Drainage for this parcel has been approved the SJRWMD as part of the overall Chesser's Gap project. The approved maximum percent of impervious area allowed for the existing lot is 75%. The proposed improvements for this lot will have a maximum impervious area of 74.9%. 19: Available potable water: Indian River County Utilities 7 20: Wastewater service: Indian River County Utilities 21: Soil erosion, sedimentation control and estuary protection: SWPPP provided 22: Performance Overlay District Requirements: Provided, and in compliance 23. City Engineer's review: Applicant has addressed all engineering comments 24. Other Matters: The following agencies/staff have reviewed the site plan. Unless otherwise noted, all comments have been addressed. Indian River County Utilities Department Indian River County Fire Department Environmental Health St. Johns River Water Management District Sebastian Building Director Although the Fire Department has reviewed the site plan, forwarded comments, and received responses and revisions back from the applicant, staff has not received their final approval. Verification of approval, or additional comments, should be received from the Fire Dept. before building permits, including the demolition permit, can be submitted. Several of the existing large oak trees on the site will be saved. To the rear of the proposed building, along the property line, beautiful oaks belonging to the Elks Lodge, overhang on to the Dollar General site. Staff has requested the applicant coordinate with the Elks Lodge regarding tree trimming (to be done by a certified arborist), and installing the necessary tree protection measures needed during construction. Written authorization between the two property owners should be received before the demolition permit is issued. Regarding the demolition of the existing Exxon gas station & canopy, and removal of the underground gas tanks, copies of soil test results and inspections done by DEP should be submitted to staff before building permits can be issued. The parcels of the proposed project are plat into the Chesser's Gap Subdivision. under review. The final plat should Occupancy is issued. the last remaining properties needed to Application for the final plat is currently be recorded before the Certificate of 0 25. Conclusion: The proposed site plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Land Development Code, CR512 Overlay District, and the Chesser's Gap Conceptual PUD Plan. 26. Recommendation: Staff has completed the review for the Dollar General site plan and finds all applicable city regulations have been satisfied. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. Final approval is received from the IRC Fire Department before further permits can be submitted 2. Written authorization is received from the Elks Lodge regarding tree trimming by a certified arborist and installation of the tree protection measurements — activities to be done by the applicant — before the demolition permit is issued. 3. Copies of soil test results and inspections done by DEP regarding the removal of the underground gas tanks should be submitted to staff before building permits can be issued. 4. Revised Landscape Plan Sheet L1 shall be submitted reflecting the additional hedge plants required. 5. The subject property shall plat into the Chesser's Gap Subdivision. The requisite final plat shall be approved by City Council and recorded before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the project. Per Section 54-4-20.3(4)c, with regards to the site plan being located within a PUD, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend to City Council whether the site plan complies with the conceptual development plan, the Comprehensive Plan, and the Land Development Code. Pvtwa� 9��s�t� PREPARED BY DATE E 0YOFLEOASi Permit Application No. = City of Sebastian HOME OF PELICANISLAND Development Order Application q Mlicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) �jaIne: Hanlex Sebastian, LLC Address: 1000 Color Place Apopka, FL 32703 Phone Number: ( 407 ) 410-0474) E-Mail: nwolfe@hanlex.com Owner (If different from applicant) Name: GEC Florida, LLC Address: 2760 N University Dr. Davie, FL 33024 Phone Number: ( ) E-Mail: Title of permit or action requested: FAX Number: ( FAX Number: ( Z IT E tj>k /Fn/ PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLFMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): Dollar General at Sebastian I B. Site Information Address: 727 Sebastian Blvd. Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: I Chesser's Gab Subdivision I Indian River County Parcel #: 31-38-13-00000-1000-00001.2 & 31-38-13-00000-1000-00001.4 Zoning Classification: Future Land Use: PUD-C Commercial General Existing Use: Proposed Use: Vacant Lot and Gas Station General Retail Commercial Center C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessa 1: Construction 7a 12,000 square foot commercial retail center with two retail uses DATE RECEIVED: 1 / * 17 FEE PAID: $ IS�b RECEIVED BY: I D. Project Personnel: Agent: Hanlex Civil, LLC 1 Name: Nathan Wolfe Address 1000 Color Place Apopka, FL 32703 Phone Number. (407) 410 - 0470 PAX Number ( ) E-Iloil:nwolfe@hanlex.com Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( E-Mail: FAX Number. ( ) Permit Application No. Engineer: Z Development Services Name: Bob Ziegenfuss Address708 E. Colonial Drive, Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32803 Phone Number (407) 271 - 8910 FAX Number: ( 407) 442 -0604 "811: Bob@ZDevelopmentServices.com Surveyor: L&S Diversified Name: Sherry Lee Manor 'address 405 Lake Howell Road, Suite 1001 Maitland, FL 32751 Phone Number. (407 ) 381 - 3836 FAX Number (407 ) 681 - 6541 E-Mall:justin.manor@LSsurveyor.com TInjo t,4,, BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSEAND SAY THAT: ,,,_ I AM THE OWNER v IAM THE LEGAL REP ENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THF, INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA ANDIOR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURATE ND TRUE TOTHE T OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. SIGNATURE \ DATE SWORNT D'SH IBED BEFORE ME BY AC(-C(WA OaQ&L� Sd� W S PERS Y KN TO ME OR PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS _22�, DAY OF J"Ani14tL NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY MGA_'Lty COMMISSION NOJEXPIRATION� SEAL: ,.. :;�:M•Nj�., AMaNDAsrncv MYCOMMISSION9FF231939 �'•. EXPIRES: May 22, 2019 Sanded ThN Wary N*Undm t m PermitApplicatlon No. The following Is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (Including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. IIWE, _ THE OWNER(S) / Y E LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE BOARDICOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MYIOUR PENDING APPLICATION. INUE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE UWE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR FIR MADE, BY ANY LOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. %7 A,i70 I SIGNATURE DATE Sworn to d before me by f�P c, M I 'A'NCUC S f11 wh s onall know me or p ducea as identl Ica Ion, this 'D7S day of W�, 0 n Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary _u-4 Commission No./Expiration Yi a9 6i:0 Ser" . _..- Q,,."rp- AMANpASTACY MY COMMISSION 9 FF 231988ij{i i FA= EXPIRES: May 22.2019 BondedThmNota P bkUnderwitem APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY`S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. DATE Letter of Authorization I, the undersigned owner of the properties located at 727 Sebastian Blvd. (PID # 31-38-13-00000-1000-00001.2) and the NE corner of Sebastian Blvd. and Fleming St. (PID # 31-38-13-00000-1000-00001.4) in Sebastian, FL hereby authorize Jeremy Anderson and Hans Pistor of Hanlex Development, LLC and Nathan Wolfe of Hanlex Civil, LLC to act as my agent to submit and obtain any applications and permits associated with the development of the property, as required from the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, FDEP, SJRWMD and/or any other jurisdictional entity authorized to issue permits associated with the development of the subject property referenced above. Any reproduced copy of this signed original shall be deemed to be an original counterpart of this Letter of Authorization. Signed: Printed Name:Pli7U/L Address: .`�760 N i Atbl&15,-r111 bV—, 04L IU FL. 3,3cp J Sworn to and subscribed before me this I I day of _ . 2017. Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires: Y U YOLANDA TORRES kF MY COMMISSION #FF02301 0 EXPIRES: JUL 13, 2017 Baoeee through 1st State f tsurince Indian River County, Florida PraDerty Appraiser - Property Data Page I of 2 Data For Parcel 31381300000100000001.2 Base Data Parcel: 31381300000100000001.2 Owner: GEC FLORIDA LLC Site Address: 727 SEBASTIAN BLVD SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 Mailing Address Address: Address Line 2: City, State Zip: [+] Map this property. 2760 N UNIVERSITY DR DAVIE FL 33024 Short Legal Description A PORT OF SEC 13-31-38; MORE PART DESC A - S FOLL BEG AT SW COR OF LOT 1; CHESSER'S GAP SUB PBI 13-76; RUN N 51 DEG 49 MIN, 23 SEC W, ALONG NLY R/W OF S FLEMING ST - 183.0 FT TO THE EXISTING SLY R/W OF CR 5 12; TH N 38 DEG 10 MIN 37 SEC E; ALONG S , AID Click here for more Photos Property Information Prop ID: 18734 Tax Code: 2 (City of Sebastian) Property Use: 1400 (SUPERMARKETS) Neighborhood: 710018.00 (SEB HLS SEC 13/24/24 AREA) Appraisal Date: 03/25/2015 Secondary Owners No additional owners found. http://www.irepa.org/Data.aspx?ParcellD=31381300000100000001.2 4/20/2017 Indian River County, Florida Property Appraiser - Property Data Page 1 of I Data For Parcel 31381300000100000001.4 Base Data Parcel: 31381300000100000001.4 Owner: GEC FLORIDA LLC Site Address: SEBASTIAN BLVD SEBASTIAN,FL 32958 [+j Map this property. Mailing Address Property Information Address: 2760 N UNIVERSITY Prop ID: 18736 DR Tax Code: 2 (City of Sebastian) Address Line 2: 1000 (VACANT Property Use: COMMERCIAL) City, State Zip: DAVIE FL 33024 Neighborhood: 710018.00 (SEB HLS SEC 13/24/24 AREA) Appraisal Date: 03/02/2009 Short Legal Description A PORT OF SEC 13-31-38; MORE PART DESC A - S FOLL; BEG AT SW COR OF LOT 1, CHESSER' S GAP SUB PBI 13-76; RUN N 51 DEG 49 MIN , 23 SEC W; ALONG NLY R/W OF S FLEMING ST - ; 183.0 FT TO THE EXISTING SLY R/W OF CR 512; TH N 38 DEG 10 MIN 37 SEC E; ALONG, S Click here for more Photos No photos were found for this parcel. Secondary Owners No additional owners found. Notes Notes: Click here to view oblique imagery through Bing Maps. Report Discrepancy GIS parcel shapefile last updated 4114120175.•10.04 PM. C4MA database last updated 41191201711:07.•27 PM. http://www.ircpa.org/Data.aspx?ParcellD=31381300000100000001.4 4/20/2017 v mwiiw I z \ / / u a.•v'a �. LLgg xpl]'H' mNG: unrI• `` 2oRS-lo Lrnen-�ioo .� Bmts'Hl+r L / / \\ BtnBw�w COMMEL 2 ) AC.RCIA/O 5 COMMl9NITY FACILITIES / ORCOMMERCIAL J!OT 1 4.0 AC. zarvwc: Ruo c PROFESSIONAL OFFICE/ LOT 2,a�"`('@FA•' /"`F COMMERCIALILIGHT INDUSTRIAL 9.7#AC. / /�?T �rr]y q b,. w,gou� u..[wwluorr .aniwL r S� raB ,4� LOT 4, b, AND 6-CASH-N-CARRY ` /pd', [Rl. us[GM1RMM1 g'/[WaMnL xR4,inxER Orr[v / `'i, ib.0.tl1 [I ut[MA5 OS 4 MULTI-FAMILY8-UNIT RESID8-UNITS/ACRE e-UNITS/ACRE 14.63 AC. ��- M) rR: W[RLIIf6. ML4 M.2CNNt ukn.funlr / I LOT 5 7'%i:::is Q% a M [r9r u[f: NY[q[a[b. MUR ttWFW✓3 ut yyy A- m- i/ C R A a - J � o : s):°p FM/NGS I U s /i6 f�• �-�� r-n.n ]r -B 3 [U/ G/qp S 4 rn e.srrro'v� COMMERCIAL -RETAIL 20.6# AC. rvt nxm I NS/+1ji°-Lf�, rn.er L W © oltlo'ao- S WNLµOS UNIT 8 5. RgGf 9]-Rv uoe: sr aw. PROFESSIONAL OFFCE/COMME a W nM^vjm f� RCAL[T�Wf Is —A6 y 4.20#AC. W I Cn3+. U][ YNquCLOMO: NIU4 M+qF/C0.VUCMw. m B-3)TI]Y]T -17 / �w-w-w w3--a.B-�Bae +�.e +ns- Pae .[w+r-Bf-s a.+w a-E�a.r, r sae-er s-wsw-emr - so'vkR/w COLLIER WATERWAY SaPa]'J.•w tea1GT � '�E-�'w�lllF rlr-11r1-RI11-.ea 311rymHSlle.MF IIRUNBGE E/SEMEW -1-11-�-- -r�f-- (--�- -F ----1--�---r-----r--T-�--r ,I 5. 2 CnNTFNTF l,l ' y4rK t *s a GENERAL NOTES: PROPOSED NEW DOLLAR GENERAL STORE SEBASTIAN BLVD. E. aeccNlwacTORi aruLL YCaT au ccrcmoxe, DETdLLe dre DFBMIGM CCwE I^IRpG1�#1i Y#irl Tre uXeec arc eruu rMl r1DtENm o aNr DlearsrrarJEA 4 aLL ebR4 N OEpTW! EL1.ICe4 M410CALe, PWEIC! ND DQJ'Xb eNa.L C! DCOImNAIED LLIIN TIC PIN.lGT HM170H! i. kk MO 11CC1NGOf. CpCMIRKTOM ENLLL OE I!M'�TCeIL rOR EIeMTTN6 dewelae be ceTawn MIR R[MOTIYL'nlEM. i. lB✓NI TO C.eIeIFY IINT ND aEBFATOe cartaMN! MAICRaL rue trial IxeD role ccTMTlercTlDN oP Tun I°IECMEe. 1 ALL MiWQI YIALL ND Sg.#b FNIbG euau GRlLY MIII H'A bl flOOJ, eEGTIw b2! a1c T4nLE seAe a TBC FFlII 19mON ffeMA NOIE. FEc elwlbaaw eYeTe•1 re'Rwana eYeTevNor R�LMIP-D. DrrlraNCT - n r e-I [LIMTpCIKN ttT£ . Ib0. ONFpl4E1® nx Nr. Fwnu aaee - e• . ie^. ]� - TAELE iq - FlK REeCTMCE R4i#b R69111R81TG KTe WLLD#Yi RC•Me 'wE1,Ner e-1.8 i•RAI•! e e1R ecaR11EA vuAu Oft9tlae el![ N1eUOR elect WD YIELLe aro PaRDTRtl illt P.Omt CL1tl11UCirCM 641e IWOF Il.�F' OG1&TIi1D1IW n!e /• RClLLf-TanLl telA-RIm gIAt.L BI!-R2CTNR paTN96 6RDP . n'e-I ma R#MeTaHr RaTla . ! HOIEi r81g DOOR! aro Y11O01n IIaVE BlCI IpCelAltD TO FGT OR BR'✓� TIC IiGlll@'BEIe OF EEG YOe O! TK R.ORDA pIILD#Ys caDE FFIN EDI11W rga4z L waR UT 061RI . 11 ]. NQINAL D! l UN el . 04 1 ILTD p ANC eM Et•® • lAe t MTD #'1'fJRIANCi 1'AL"rQe . b e. eRO IMroM!! . UT!/aDRY'G' ft MENDPDIEEIRaleAND DOGF[fA0. ALL DEVELOPERS MUST SUBMIT COMPLETE SIGNED -AND -SEALED ARCHITECTURAL PLANS PRIOR TO PERMITTING, AND AGAIN PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION FOR DOLLAR GENERAL APPROVAL. SUBMIT PLANS TO BTSPLANS@DOLLARGENERAL.COM AND IDENTIFY WHETHER THE PLANS ARE BEING SUBMITTED FOR PERMITTING RELEASE OR CONSTRUCTION RELEASE CIVIL DOCUMENTS WILL ALWAYS BE REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL ALL PROTOTYPICAL PLAN INQUIRIES TO BE DIRECTED TO THE DOLLAR GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I EMAIL TO BTSPLANS@DOLLARGENERALCOM I ALL SUBMITTALS MUST INCLUDE THE CERTIFICATION LETTER ITEMIZING AI FROM THIS SET AND EXPLANATIONS. SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA I REQUIRED NATIONAL ACCOUNT VENDORS I COMPANY I CONTACTS P#HONE REQUIRED ITEMS MC CUE CORPORATION I PRIDSGNGBRADROBINSON uecom wm _nG-503 TRIM KIT INCLUDES BUMPER GUARDS AND CART STOP 80 EXT.288 YORK NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 800 1-9736 UNITS yo#ra c-tlollargene-ban e®Ici.c IHVAC CARRIER ANDREW BROMWELL UNITS an-501 romwell®wrAecum.can IHVAC ROOF CURB SYSTEMS GREG SMYTH BW-683-5848 CURB gsmyth®rxfcum.cgm IRTU CURBS PLUS INC. ALLAN THRNLKIU_ I888-633alan.th9-2872 RTU CURB urbs-plus.com I KCC INTERNATIONAL INC. GREG CONRAD 800-382-2872 CURB IRTU SHERWIN WILLIAMS LOCAL SHERWIN WILLIAMS STORE I I PAINT, PRIMER, CONCRETE SEALER AND BLOCK FILLER I NABCO ENTRANCES KIM RAUSCH ME,Ml, MODEL #GT1 175-02 tlolageneraSCnebcoenimnces.com NTN' Y,OHPA,RI,VD STANLEY ACCESS DENNIS WEBS 256-776-8902 AR AZ MODEL #ESA200 TECHNOLOGIES DGtlaarsCsbtllnc.com MO, SC ECNNII NV,OK; D,TX,Ui,WI I ASSA ABLOY ENTRANCE ROSS MERKUNG 609-528-2580 AL FL GA, NO, SO, TN SYSTEMS tlollargenemi.besam.us®assaalboy.cc I D&P CUSTOM UGHTING I NATIONAL ACCOUNT SALES 800-251-2200 I CUSTOM POWER POLES ERSON TECHNOLOGI R NAME. dollargenen'lb'd EMS SUPPLIER NOTE: �ZIPCODIE&Ott ZED EMS L ReWIRES SATE h pB/dolargenemlbid.ecMolutions net PASSWORD. collargen2mlbltl E,. OFHVACUNT50FTHERJSTAU-SRRE (WHEN ORDERING. EUCUD PHIL BRANDT CONCRETE POLISHING SYSTEMS COMPANVEMICAL IPara tl38-3826emcalwm RETO-PLATE SYSTEMS CURTIS TURNBULL 888-942-314nBretmpalesyataT POLISHING SYSTEMS cornCONCRETE ORLON BRENDAN HARTT 9904-38800-60333 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING SUPPLIES AL,Af1,AZ,CA,CO,Fl.,GAKY.IA SGINEEERED SYSTMS,NQNM.NV,OK,SC,TN,TX,VgWJ NESCO LIGHTING NEEDHAM ELECTRIC SUPPLY 800-2 4-6980nescovreb.wm ELECTRICAL LIGHTING SUPPUES CT,DE,IAIL,IN,KS,MgMD,M1,MN,MO. NE,NH,NJ,NYOH,PNRI,SD,VT, W GIRTMAN AND ASSOCIATES MIKE MOVNAHAN MORS AND FRAMES ..fl.nn®bamcm I AND HESTROOM ACCEOR C ORI MO EMNVOK,OR,S D,N,U,M UP -0673 okaMbcaNman mm .OH!PARHVAVT.YWME,MI'NC.NH,NJ, I SOANLEY CCONVERGENT DAN GOLDSMITH INTERIOR ALARM SECURITY SOLUDONS I740-2375? _ CROSSCOM NATIONAL I ANDREA LEMAY 847-850-6297 LOW VOLTAGE & VOICEIDATA EAST: 1 EallargenerolElcroSsomreOorcl mm CT, DE FL, ILIN, Mq MD, ME, MI, NO, NH, NI, NY, 011, PA, RI, VT, W. W V ASD DWAYNE SIMMONS ATA H 4ammoe®asd�isacom I AL AR, GAVOLT KY, LA,M91N ,SC. TN, TX. BAILIWICK I COREY CARLSON -658-7975 LOW VOLTAGE VICEATA WEST. Mdwnfta mck.com AZ. ON CO, NKSB NG D, NE, NM, NY, OK, OR, SD GRAVRAR JEROME BANNISTER 615-743-32M office, 615-924-2135 call CABLE TRAY DollaKIenerolOgroybaram RAINBIRD IRRIGATION I LOCAL RAIN BIRD DISTRIBUTER WWWANNBIRD.COM IRRIGATION SYSTEMS IbEQUIRED NATIONAL ACCOUNTS FOR EPGINf=ERING AND CONSTRUC_1`16N MATERIAL TESTING I COMPANY CONTACTS PHONE# ATC ASSOCIATES, INC. LESLIE GREENWOOD 205-733-8775 www.atc.s lates.=`n tlolla,IenenA@atcass We .mm B&DING AND MATT ADAMS 205-Q36-630 w bulltlingantleanh cm S NC.EARTH ulMingantlearlh Co. EAS PROFESSIONALS, INC JERRY MARRONE 864-�8UPP 7368 W .eas-pro.com dolla PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TERESA HESNER JApL�o 77034-6200 #�gwm pslusa.com INDUSTRIES, INC. (PSI) temsa.hebner®LL��viusa mm TERRACON JOHN MEADOW M-623-0755 #%8 racoIwew tern.Com """" tlollar,mmlOtena wrn NOTE: MATERIAL TESTING IS REQUIRED ON ALL TRIPLE NET LEASES. PROTOTYPE MANAGEMENT TEAM COMPANY I CONTACTS I HONE# - r, I WM ARCHITECTS I GARY CONWAY 1244-81 vmw.mlmamh.com 4g5- I ENTECH - MITCH SIMPSON 373-2 '^^V_entechin.com -I i0 ema NATIONAL ACCOUNT & CONTACT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE DRAWING LIST AFNFRAI T1 TITLE SHEET GN01 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS GN02 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS GN03 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS GN04 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS GN05 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS GNN GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS GN07 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS CIVIL CIVIL DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED SEPARATELY BY CIVIL ENGINEER ARCHITECTURAL: F01 FIXTURE PUNT LIFE SAFETY A01 FLOOR PLAN, DETAILS & INTERIOR PARTITIONS A02 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A03 SECTIONS & DETAILS A04 ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE & SALES FLOOR ELEVATIONS A05 DOOR SCHEDULE & DETAILS _ AN TOILET ROOM PLAN & DETAILS A07 SIGN DETAILS A08 SIGN BRACING DETAILS A09 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN STRUCTURAL: SO.01 ROOF PLAN & NOTES WW2 CONCRETE SPECS & CONCRETE FINISH SPECS S0.03 CONCRETE ANALYSIS, MISC NOTES & ROOF CURB DETAILS S1.01 GENERAL NOTES S2.01 FOUNDATION PLAN S4.01 ROOF FRAMING PLAN S5.01 SECTIONS AND DETAILS S5.02 SECTIONS AND DETAILS S5.03 SECTIONS AND DETAILS ELECTRICAL E1 POWER PLAN E2 LIGHTING PLAN E3.1 POWER POLE DETAILS E4 NOT USED E5A PANEL SCHEDULES -THREE PHASE cl w E5.2 PANEL SCHEDULES - SINGLE PHASE a , Pad EMS1 EMS LOW VOLTAGE PLAN EMS2 EMS PANEL & CONTROLS Cm'I Ul MECHANICAL: of M1 HVAC LAYOUT L' " M2 HVAC SCHEDULE PLUMBING: P1 PLUMBING PLANS & SCHEDULES P2 PLUMBING DETAILS & DIAGRAMS P3 ENLARGE PLUMBING PLAN &NOTES SQUARE FOOTAGE LEGEND TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 13,144S.F. TOTAL LEASABLE AREA 13,144S.F. OVERALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS 186'-O'X70-8- SALES FLOOR DIMENSIONS 107'-4•X68'-0- DOLLAR GENERAL -SALES AREA 7,376 SF. RECEIVING AREA(S-I) 989S F. BREAK ROOM & OFFICE AREA 148 S.F. TOILET ROOMS & HALLWAY AREA 257 S.F. TOTAL NET AREA 8.770 S.F. (BLDG AREA PER CODE) TOTALBUILDINGAREA 9,187S.F. OTHER RETAIL TOTAL NET AREA 3,836 S.F. (BLDG AREA PER CODE) TOTAL BUILDING AREA 3,957 S.F NOTES. 1 BUILDING MUST COMPLY WITH ALL BUILDING(FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL), FIRE, ACCESSIBILITY AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT CODES, 2. NO TAPERED COWNINSALLOWED 3 MAINTAIN INTERIOR CLEAR SALES SPACE AS REQUIRED ON PLANS. Lu lu ILL Y Lu H I— OHM T1 OF 33 Y - as's - 1]'$ ..94'.. B'S ..3'J'.. 4'-0• r-- --- ---- r--- © -rr— I d = I � I u I L IN II �. I it II 9 a qce � 91 # II 3XOUq FIFE PATE 5 "1 11 VANI.MF II VANILA 6HE IS I z6z II '101 I II I II j I II A6 f /s q II ry IIII OAREA PENUS FIRE XCTARDADDEwING y "� II I A T F`P IT- Oi FLOOR PLAN OD1 SCALE NI$ (12'=I'SI oI� 1A11OR W llE]I ILAl4 M �R��RAAOYMK2 W LNLp1KT. p.E.1M14A ® RVBIIES..Y01 A01 ImITb LNI {lVA1NM R# MTi IM.TYltM1rTM OYr<I10 M .6L 1[LMY FBI r---P03 --�.- .� A2 .1—�-- -- _ � Z 1P 1YTd'(MINIMUM CLEAN DIMENSION. MINIMUM GINGICH MUST BE M WNINED) 1 NGTE: METALBUILDING COLUMNSSXKL ORNONpLR '8TEflS MANNUAL.YBE BESTMGM.TAPMEDOOWMNS EOUI VIEDIF 111E FASTANGLAS LE NEOUIREWAITTENMPNOVAL T HRAN 1(C�'PDQI ECTION E%GEEGETIE m IMERIORCISMAdCE OF SKIBETWEEN PENFORMANDS OFA3TMlDMG a FACEOFCOLUMNSONSAESROONRE 3 N01E:THE KOFTHRDISTANCE 3ALESFIXTURE EN RGNANDAMOUN w THE 11. THE BACKOF WARDS AU-NONEXCE UP RAND pMOUMOFTXE m THE GYPSUM BRAID SHALNJTEXCEEO EGISTEfl5 W1IX TXEMPNOVEG h 011/Y IF GREATER TM 110. FURRING IXNflE PLR. F A ETMPSSHPLLBEINSTAIEGTD EFICE Af OFTHE GYPSUMRS.O. TOP OFSTNIP3 6EE DESIGN CPDEBIAONSHEET 0 $IRA AT ]B'AEF.,pAMTO MATCFI WALL MI INDICATING MINIMUM m a rcnlL fy 0 - BVI USING ENVELOPE UTACTORS �+ T\�` A N i F NOTE IF AUNIOUE WALL p&SEMBLYI$ - IT m nvM MOEEG PEq LEGAL MEM NOTE: SALES APEp MINIMUM OIMEN3WN3 i rl REQUIREMENTS. TiEMILDING LOBE MMMNNED F i FOOTPRINT SHALGROWODUVAND TO MAMNN THE MINIMUM BASS ANG, DIMENSIONS. SALES AREA Z 02 F W fo V. IN y. qWM WNLR I WJM f-HA= TION OF WKL AT ISPADECCOIPT) 2-112'FURBINGTOGFA COLUMN OFFICE ..11 Fii-.S� I r wmnb ner Z WALLS/FREARTIM\M I Y E 11 I. 41'J 12 0 sN 54d 1 LINEOFFNEEIM �CONTRACTOq TO IMAIMEHOCEOFPEMB DRINK FI%BIPE WALL MOIIMINC.CIIPMpT y�COOLERS BEYOND PROM DEARDIF$AL fgMING BEYOND NOTES 1 2a6 VMITE PINE GRADE ANCHOR BOMO CONTRACTOR 1.PNOVIDEMDINSTPU.2X8VMREPINE- UETVM TO PBOVIDEANOINSTALUME 2pfl BETIEP MADE 20q BEREfl FUM PINEGRARE OB RUNAH. 2 PROVIDE ADD INSTALLSK4VMREPINE- Y w� _ AFTHOUTAF.TILFOBE0.USH USAGE 2 OR BETTER WITX FACE OF SRFPMIE$ y, FASTEN THE EAR TO THE WAL WITH THE FIXTURE SUPPUM ` TOP OF FIXFUPE TO BEpFHAND TO EDGEOFTHEBOAKDAT61•AF.F, gIF TO FIXNgE FILM FGfl LEMTH AVD BYOOU_AD INSTALLED DOOAIR GEMSPINALL BY LOCATION OF WIND. MERCHANDISING GENERA. DEDCHAM NI.G 4. FASTEN THE 2%4 TO THE WPLLNTMTHE DEPARTMENT MEPWAN0151NGDFPI TOP EDGE OF THE BOARD AT IY AF F. OEPMTMEM FUNK OUT MICRON REFER TO FIXTURE PLAN FOR LENGTH! AND FUNK OUT ANCHOR LOCATION OF BOARD BRUMSEAS FIXTUM MPPLIED$INSTNLED 5 PPE-0RILL PILOT HOLES IN ALL BOARDS REQUIRMTOBE i4. BY DOLLAR GENERA pgIOR TOINStALLATONN PflEVEM COMRACIORTO FLUSH ARFSTEEL MERCHANDISINGOEPT WpONTOINS PflOVIDEAO FgpME 6SEEMS EM6WITHTVMOSELFTAPPING TS NSTAL34 NHIIE 55--//�L MR LINER PANELS SCREM MINIMUMSCREWSIZE ISII I/4' PINE GPAOEIOP / 1 ]. SCFEWPMA WITH WITINIMU SCREG BETTE / ANCHOR BOARD. CONTRACTOR FASTER THEWALLSNO MI NIMUMSCPEW TOPROVIDEANDINSTALL2N SREI54NII CHUTE PINE GRADE 2 ON BETTER, 6 CAIIK THE RAGES OF THE 2%B ATMETOP l (�� FUND OW AS REDID TO BE FWSH AND BOTTOM WHERE D MEETSTHE WALL VATHSTEELFRpMES PRIOR TO PMMNG .. 9. PRIME AND PAMT WITH BOPAOS TO MATCH OANCHOR BOARD DETAIL FINISHED FLOOR WALCCLOR A91 SCALE NA`T GYPSUM BOARD POSTUU) BXK 162-16 5'P OF48-HIGH FRP OVER METALPANEL$ NTH(2)4NT12S16 WAIEggUIEq (AND FUMUNGIF FULL HEIGM PEE UIPM) BRIM. ANCHORPER 'I."ONSFELF ABOVE MOP SINK MANUFACNR RI$ MOP SINK L111DECONTIN O $gi1yIDE CONDNUW$ MOP gIXDEfl ANMR MOs TYFj pM FAUCETTXAS WAl ON MTN $IDES j1YPJ i VALSUI IflEIFI LNIM STUCCOOVERB'GMU­I COLOP:BflONTERN4H IFREQ MOP SINK DETAIL -- DETAIL AT COLUMN 0F�S'JEj`pRPORNER DETAIL p91 SCALE 1T =1'tl _I SCALE. IIY=f4' M1 r3 �A I�C1Y�A STANDING= METALROO RYI 11 PEMB MA UFACNREIR ATTAL WAILSTO SLAGS RUNNING ACOUSTCALTIE CEILING AND GRID, WHEMOWJNS. REFERTO REFLECTED GEIU-MVUW— G31NSUUTON BLANKET a TG UIT m ROAM WI - aFREPNIRF#GE BF OWMN RECEIVING AREA GALVANIZED MEFaLL FORPHERAUNG FUNNERFASTENTOSTUD$ COMPLETELY FILL VOIDS ATTOP ABOVE ATSVGU., AB OFWALLS, MOUND PENETRATION CONTINUOUS OF MISTS, BERMS, PIPES, DUST. ET4 PER Ul YXVV D. AND DEFLECTION IFFY DCWfi�MIN .-TIICKNESS RUNNER OF FILL MATERIAL IN ACL OON EMH SIDE OF WALLB DUVEEN I.-MIN GYPSUM BOARD BOTHSIDES) ON3EAP MET .DS.METAL SNOS B UP O.CTO UMERSIDEOFDECK ABOVE GYPSUM BOARD TORUNTOUMEREDE OF DECK ABOVE AT ALL `OPEN TO DECK ABOI AREASOPTOKABOVE COUNSEL USE MOISTURE RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARO AT ART ."RE, NOTES I DO NOT FASTEN GYPSUM BOAR D WITHN Y OF BOTTOM OF SLIP TRACT( 2 IN PLACE OF COMMUOUS SUPTPAIX-MEFPLSTUO CONTRACTOR MAY USE NEMICJP' BRAND SUP SENN ECTION TO STRUCTURE 3.SCREW ANCHORS SH ALL NOT EXTEND BEYOND TOP OF DECK ELEVATION. ea TYPICAL PARTITION b1 SOMA I.1.P 3 HOUR RATED ULQ419 3 HN, v 3 UYERE GYP M EACH S1DE - FIRE RATED GYP BDTOBE- US GYPSUMW-TYPESC%,SH%. AM. HIM) AN, C. WAC OR IP-%2 - FIRETAPEGYPBDINUMOF STPNDANDTMYNG ASANDING RUNNING SEMEEN PURUNS- SNOSTOMCOMNNEUS OALVANRED META. RUNNER, FASTEN TO STUDS ABOVE AT 24. O.C. YIP . 00 NOT TRACK. GYPSUM BOpPO W1T11N20FGJ1TOM IN SLICE OFCONTINUOUS 2. CONTRA TO MAY USE NTIO-1-BRANDUP TRANS - SUP STUD WNINECTION MAYUGCNEPTCLIP•BPPNOSUp CONNEGTON TR STPUCNO 3 SCREW ANCHOg55HALLNOT EXTEND BEYOND TOP OF DECK ELEVATION 60 FIRE -RATED PARTITION (IF REO'D) IS I.IP FLOOR PLAN KEYED NOTES O RECEIVING DOOR BUSIER -TOM MDUTA726 OR EI O 0.VR WORSE PETER TO DOOR SCHEDULE O WEITrER STRIPS LOW PROFILE THRESHOLD SEE DOOR SCHEDULE. O STRIPE FLOOR FOR DESIGNATED EGRESS PATH IPANT YELLOWS AND 3'U' DESIGNATED EMS PANEL CLEARANCE (PMMgED). ® STRIPE FLOOR FOR DESIGNATED SEA EGRESS PATH (PAINT YEUOVp O PROMSTANDINSTAU-ATENGALLONWATERHEATEH (OR LARGER IF REQUIRED BY CODE) ABUSE THE ATJP SINK © 3SAPMETALSND WRH I/Y MINIMUM GYPSUM BOAHO (DUTH SIDES) REFER TO METED WALL SECTION. REFER TO ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE FOR GYPSUM BOARD HEIGHTPTAMPpFRCULM WALL O METAL LINER PAN EDE TO UN RESSIDE OF PNF DECK (BY ME-ENGINEENEG BOIL W NG MANUFAMFERI. eQ HUT USED, aQ NOTUSED, O CONCREIESLAB WITH BXBXWLa WELDED VARE MESH OVER POLTERIVLENE VAPOR BA MISS (MIN 1R FIR M THIC OVERCRII3HEG STQYE RASE TYPICAL PRONCECONIROLAIMS ABSHONM ON m3 Q METAL BUILDING FRAME REFER TO NO. DUAL SECTpNFORMOBTILRALINFCRMATCN O PANELLSANOINSUuTUDAMW1-0IAvAFPOROMwI� UNFA NTEDIONATHUSIDEMMULL PINES. M GNIACC.E.POFBLOCKINRHBIEELGIRT PPONDE PROPER ANCHORAGETO STRUCIIR E, O SLOPECCNCRETE lKPI EFFOCRAWAYFROMBUILDING O BROOMFlNISN CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYPICAL BRONZE STOREFRONT SYSTEM REFER TO NOTED WALL SECTION FOR ADIXIIQNAL INFORMATION CONTINUE GYPSUM BOARD ACOV E STOREFRONT TO DECK 1Qi UNEOFMITITOiCANOPYAWRIE O AI COM DART ACOESSIBLE FAMP WRH VELLON PN NTED E DES M ACCESSIBLE PMKING STALLS 3ALI AFF ORDERTRIMKRFORTHIISPRDTOTVPE ® AD R DA-INTFU SERIES TO PLUMBINGOMWINGS OUR Q REFRIGERATION BY DORM GENERAL ® FOUND PIPE STEEL COLUMN VATH RECESSED BASE PIATE PAW SW FOUB PURE WINE WRAP COLUMN VAH TIGHTLOOP CAPPET (BLACK) FROM BASE TO 48' AF F, O POWERPIXE CODflgHATE FlNALLOCATON WiM ELECTRICAL DgAWINGSONO FlNN-OIXIARGENEA4L MIXTUREPVN(F01) CORTH ® CONIHCL.pINIS METO BEpLACEDALgVGCOLIMN UNESAND MID PoIW BEWIEIII LGWMN ONES cooMlxaTE wlrx smucruRu oRAM1uGs. ® FLOOR AREA AT BASE OF CGWMNS. WITHIN THE CONST JOINTS TO BE PAMPER BUCK MAGIC TM. ® ENDCAP COOLEEPARTMEH TO BE HMDWIREO THROUGH WIRE SO CORD WITH DUPLEX AT MD. GC TO LEAVE WTTOM RANGING ATOP AEF (SEE ELECIRICAQ CORDMCHOSEDTOPURUNSABJVE COORDINATE LOCATION WITH FINAL DCU RGENERA. FIXTURE PLAN ® KIOSK COOLER M BE HARGAMED THROUGH WH11ESO COMMOTHDUADATEND GCTOU`AVE COTTgN HANGINGATWAFF(SEEEIECRUCAQ DOW ANCHOPEOTOPURUNSABOVE COORDINATE LCCATKIN W TH PRA_ DOLLAR GENETML FIXTURE PLAN. Qn MC CUE DARLING IN FROM OF ELECR6CAL PANELS,B'O LONG WRH TOPTNORMUNGSANDNOMIDOSPOST O DART AREA PETER TO E A ASKS TERFQ NDSLAB INSHEPROTEIMON POO EITURSOFILL WOH OVER CRUSHED STUFF PoLYEREFERT VAPOR BMPIFA OVER CRUSHED $TONE R45E REFER TO G2D1 WALL TRACK( a Fll?MIN WARD BRAND (BOPS SIDES) ON3M' MRA CORROSIVE - RESISTIVE MU - STUDS ® IT C. SIDES METAL TRAP( FINISH FLOOR Oi PARTITION -OFFICE & BREAKROOM P➢1 $CAE 1'=F cD O n Lu n NY - ILO IWLILL 064Z009ZVV $& • z c z� aLBa 6 11 • �ee bm mm l 81GN/$EAL" �DA Aml OF 33 roPl W t 3-� FRONT ELEVATION == "LL D ro a Y-reru � CIIVLA — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 0 LEFT ELEVATION ..lE. Wla -- �Mmltr IIi 14 pill �V — — — — — — — — — — — — I ITE no eaese RIGHT ELEVATION ..E 1.1� -- * gr&W—T 061,Z009ZVV II DATE SHEET A02 CF 33 o� DOLLAR GENERAL 727 SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 PARCEL NUMBERS: 31381300000100000001.4 & 31381300000100000001.2 ZONING DISTRICT: PUD—C FUTURE LAND USE: COMMERCIAL GENERAL DEVELOPER & CONSULTANTS OWNERMEVELOPER HANLE% DEVELOPMENT, uC LOGO COLOR PUCE APWKA, FLORIDA 32203 PHONE 407-889-4154 EMAIL OFREMY ANDEASCNWANLE%GRWP CAA CONTACT JEREMY R. ANDERSON. P E all. ENGINEER Z DEVELOPMENT $ENTICES ZOB EAST COLONIAL DRIVE. SUITE 100 MUNDO. FLORIDA 32803 PHCNE40]-2)1-8910 FA%:407-422-MO4 CONTACT BW ZIECENRUSS, PE, LEFT µ µ RIWCT MUTTS k ROMANO ARWUECMRE, PLANNING AND DESIGN 512E S. ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 110 ORLµDO. FLORIDA 32809 PHONE 407-490-0350 EMAR: FULV06RABITS-ARCHITECTCOM CONTACT NLVO RCMANO. M ARCH L&S DIWR51RM 405 LAKE HOMLL ROAD, SUIT TOM MALLARD. FLORIDA 32751 PNGNE:46)-681-3836 CONTACT SHERRY LEE MANOR, PSM RICK ART 252 KINGS HIGHWAY DECANR. GA 30030 PHONE. 404-909-2236 PROJECT REVISIONS RD NO BATE I DESCRIPTION 1 06-05-17 10n COMMENTS 2 08-28-12 CRY COMMENTS INDEX OF DRAWINGS SHEET NO DESCRIPTION CV COVER SHOUT CO CIWL DATA AND NOTES Ci SITE DEMOLITION PLAN C2 SIM DIMENSION PUN I C3 OLDn PLAN CO GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C5 STCWMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PUN CB CONSTRUCTOR DETAILS -. L6.i S� IloIAN RI�fA LoGrlfr 1f �ais Z�2 ;I C8 I SITE DWTING CUT SHEETS Ll u LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE DETAILS L3 IRRIGAIM PLAN SURt£Y GREETS CV,CO.C1,C2.C3.C4,C6.C6.1,L1,L2,U CV,CO.C1,C2,C3.M I.C6-2 BY SCS SCS L�ei_1�»Y�1:71�1[�7►1 LEGAL DESCRIPRGN PER HDEUtt NATIONAL IDl£ INSURANCE CO. MILE CUDINENT ORDER NO SORROWS PARCEL 1: A PORPOR OF SECTOR 13, TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH, RANGE 38 UST. INDIAN ROGER GO ER COUNTY. gA. MORE PMNCUURLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT ME SOUTHWEST fgRNER OF LOT I. CHESSETS GM SUBUMSON. AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PUT GLEN 13. PALE 76, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ROM MVFR COUNTY, ELCWDA; RUN NORM 51 DEGREES 49'23' MST, ALONG ME FORMERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SOUTH RI SWEET. 183GO FEET TO ME EXISTNG SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF COUNTY ROM 542. THENCE NORTH 39 DECREES 10'37' EAST, ALONG SAO OUT OF -WAY, 254.M FEET TO A POINT ON ME FORM UNE OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST. THENCE NORTH ✓N DEGREES RT56' FAST. 230.25 FEET TO ME NORTHWEST CCIWER OF AFOODWENTONAD LOT 1: MENGE SAME M MOTORS 1637" WEST ALONG ME MSM?LY LINE OF LOT L 40081 FEET TO ME POINT OF BEGINNING LESS AND EXCEPT A PORTION OF SECTION 13, I HAI 31 SOON, RANGE 38 EAST, INDIAN DYER COUNTY, FLONUDA, MORE PARNOUIARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT ME SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT E CHESSER'S GPP SIIBBMSICN. AS PER PUT THEREOF RECORDED IN FLAT BK 13. PAGE 76. OF ME PUBIC RECORDS OF INURE RIVER COUNTY. FLCMDA, RUN NORM M DEGREES 49'23' WEST, ALONG NE NpNHFRLY MLNT-O'-WAY OF SOUTH F DIMING STWE , 1UOO FEET TO ME MSUNG SOUTHERLY RWHT-OF-WAY OF COUNTY ROAD 512. MEND£ ROOM 38 DEGREES IU37' EAST. ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, 15350 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 51 WARMS 023' EAST, 18300 FEET TO SAID LOT 1, THENCE SOON 38 DECREES 103E WEST. ALONG SAID LOT 1, 1"W FEET TO ME PONT OF BEGINNING A PO ROCN OF $ECDGN 13, TOWNSHIP 31 SOON. RANGE .38 EAST. INDIAN RNER COUNTY. FLORIDA, MORE PARTOULARLY NSCBBD AS FDLOW£ BEGINNING AT ME SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, CHESSEA'S GM SUOUMSON. AS PER PUT THEREOF RECORDED IN PUT BOOR 13. PACE 76. OF ME PU3JC RECORDS OF INDIAN ODER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN NORM 51 DEGREES 02Y MST, ALONG ME FORMERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SOUTH REWMING SMUT. 183 ON FEET TO WE EXISTINGSOUTHERLY MOLT -OF -WAY OF COUNTY ROM 512, THENCE NORM 39 DEGREES 10'37 ' EAST, ALONG SAD WANT -OF -WAY, 153 SO FLEE; THENCE YOUTH 51 DEGREES 4VUST, 18300 FEET TO DID LOT 1: THENCE SOUTH 38 DECORS 10'37' WEST. ALONG SAID LOT I. 15350 FEET TO NE PUNT Ci BEGINNING VICINITY MAP Z 0 sn Fz 0 FAI.'4 �Q'�•�r` IIIIIIII-� v ® I R C USE I NORTH I 00 W Ln �0) N Lu M J Q o LL m O w LL Z— Lu m Q Q ~ U-1 �J 1N In O 1 m 0 rl iV D I DATE DRAWN1 SR IJ _ i CHECKED: RZ 54c 80 209CV City c,`FcL1n•"fan Cl;r,olD.ld; LLE �_',I„„r,:Drt. i PROJECT NO.: 2016171 DEMOLITION NOTES GENERAL NOTES UTILITY NOTES UTILITY DISINFECTING LEGEND 1. RUN TO ME START OF CONSTRUCTOR n1E CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ME CONTRACTOR SHALL FAMIUAMIE HIMSBUF WIN HE SHE CONDITIONS AND THESE PLANS PRIOR TO UNKNOWN MY CONSTRUCnW. ME CONTRACER ENALL HELD VERITY A &TESTING NOTES ACTIVITIES AM ALL WM DRUTY SAGE BROMBERG ME AREA. ME MEADOW OF ALL POOR TO ME START OF CONSTRUCTOR ANY CONVICTS BETWEEN CINEMAS IN ME FEW EXISTING UNITES. IRCHMOND WMWT UMITATON POTABLE WATER, RECWMW WATER. TENSING UTILITIES SHOULDRESERRTW PRIM IN EXCAVATED ACTIVITIES AND MESS PLANS SHALLM SE REFORMt0 ME BROKER O RECORD At ONCE SµITARY SEWER, AND SERVICE UTILITIES, AT PONES OF CONNECTION. POINTS O CROSSING. µ0/Oi POTENT& CONVICT. NOTIFY OWNER OF µSE NXRW.QES BETWEEN ME WATER MNHS THAT ARE INCLUDED IN HIS PPOJECi MAIL RILL BE CONSTRUCTED O CONTR CTOR REMOVE 2 ME CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETELY REN04£ AND DISPOSE Cf ALL STRUCTURES µ0 OF ALL A PLANS µD HEAD CONDITIONS DO INYL CHLORIDE PPE ALL BE PRESSURE AND LEAKAGE IESTW IN ACCORDANCE WM OTHER AS NOTED W ME MIS INCLUDES FOUNDATIONS, TIME. AN ME SNAP; RAM, PAVEMENT AND BASE NATURAL AND OTHER STRUCTURES AS ALLGENERAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND IMPROVEMENTS SNgLL CONFORM IT ME SiµpgR05 AID SPE D CAMBE O ME LEGAL MNRISMETCN AND WLL BE SUBJECT N MHR INSPECTOR 9 CROWN RAW, STANDARD C605 ALLQIHEH WATER MAINS INCLUDED IN HIS PROTECT WLL BE PRESSURE AND LEAKAGE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WM AWMA STANDARD C6CD. SHORN OR REASONABLY IMPLIED IN ME CRAVINGS. AND ACCEPTANCE 3 WERE USING BURROS ARE TO BE DEMOLISHED, ALL TRACES O FOUNDATIONS AND UNDERGROUND UTMES ARE TO BE REMOVED(UNLESS MOOMUSE MORE ON PLANS) ME CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR %RATER DISPOSAL OF ALL WASTE MATERIAL 4. WERE PRANG CR STRUCTURES ARE TO BE REMOVED WITCH MIT OR µE A PART OF CONNECTED FAGLITES (MAT AA OFF -WE). ANY DAMAGE qi MIOIT MCARE9JLi b1 CONDITION IS TO BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TO OR BETTER Mµ EXISTING UNLESS SPEOHCNLY EXEMPTED BY ME PUNS. ME COST FOR SUM RESMRATON N4 GE WGOENTAL N OTHER CONSTRUCTION AND NO EXTRA COMPENSAMN WLL BE ALLOWED 5 ME LOCATION Of ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND MESS GROAN ON WE PLANS HAVE RON DETERMINED BASED UPON ME BEST AVARABRE INFORMATION. ME ENGINEER AND OWNER ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACCURACY ALL UTUTES, SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS AND WEE LOCATIONS SH W W BE VOWED BY ME CONTRACTOR 6 ME CONTRACTOR MALT COORDINATE ME RELCCATW OR REMOVAL BEALL ONWHEAO/IMDERCRWND BATES, UTLITT RUPEE, LIGHTS AND ONES IN TR RIGHT-O-WAY AND UPME PROPERTY AM ME APPRCPMAE SERVE PROVIDES ME MANAGED SHALL RUNNEL µD STORE UMAKE RS ERS AND LAND MARKERS OSNRBET DURING CONSTRUCTER (UNDER ME DIRECTION O A REISMAN NAND SURVEYOR) 8. ALL W09Oi CONTROL MEASURES NOTED BELOW AND IN THE PLANS FORM BE IN PUCE HIM TO ME START OF OEIAW TQN. B UNKNOWING AND REMWRM PENNN Ott OF S9 ARE BURNED MCA ME ASEAN DEEO2 ANY URCN CYNSIMICIIM ACTIVITY CAN BERM _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 ALL PURI S µD MODERN MEASURES HE TREES HIMG SAVOR WALL GE IN PLACE GEECRE P µSE DLMURM AN. BEGINS URGE OM TM1U AANCFNT, BUT L.A. OI T E BKS PROPERTY, P NEAR I f PROPERTY LONE SCOW W N,0 BE PROTECTED VfFRCKFAN MAT 01WINSON AW µTpMUTON FEW ME RUNS OUB W FROM RYR µ34CWT SPECMU WIDE WLL GE A P NNMTON O APPROVAL O ME SIZE PUN 10 BE AWARD ROME WE DRASMON PEMIT C'µ GE W 591f0 - - ME TPIYYWC 91ALL BE DO.£ B A 6- - MOMASi EROSION CONTROL NOTES ALL MEAN CW WCL MUNRU SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL COUPLED. OF COWTRUCflW 2. SITE LOCATOR 722 SUASTµ BOULEVARD, SMASENE RISEN 329M, 3. MIS 9E LIES IN ROOD ZONE Y. FIRM. PANEL N061CTIH, INDAN OVER COUNTY RCWDA DAEO SEEMS? 12. 2012 4 BOUNDARY, EIREMAPHIC. AND TREE SURVEY BY L&S OIVERSRED, WE LAKE HOWELL ROAD. SUITE IWI. MATEMD, KORNA 5 BENCHMARK - NEXT TO TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY LDS OVERSAW 6 NECK DESCRIPTION SHOWN HEREIN IS NRNISHW BY SURVEYOR, AND IS INCLUDED FOR PERMITTING AND APPROVAL PURPOSES AND AS A CWRESY FOR ME CONTRACTOR. ME ROPER ASSURES NO UAOUTY FOR ITS ACCURACY ON COMPLETENESS SR CEOECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PORTABLE BY PROFESSIONK GERNCE INDUSTRIES, INC ME CIVIL WONER ASSUMES NO RU N59Ntt FOR ME ERECTNESS, ACCURACY AND COMPLETµESS OF WEIR WEAR ME CONWACTOR SMALL OBTAIN A COPY CE ME GWTCNNICK WGINEU'S REPORT FM HIS SHE AND COMPLY MR RECOW WD47OW CONTAINED WEEK IF ADDITIONAL SERVICES ARE REWIRED, HE CWHACTCR SHALL MAKE A REQUEST TO HE OWNER & CONTRACTOR SHNl BROMINE AND INSTALL CHOSEN WNMO CENCES (SET FENCE OR OMER WOODS) AT UNITS O CONSTRUCTOR µ0 AROUND EACH RICBM ]NUT HIM TO MUNNETRA. AND SHALL MAINTAIN SAID ,ROGER COUI DEVICES WING CONSINEDG , ALL IN CONFORMANCE AN CURRENT WCN, COUNTY AHD STAE CRITERIA 9 ME SHE SHALL GE CLEARED AS MAY BE NOTED ON ME PEAKS. O ALL DESTRUCTORS µD DEIETEMWS RATES. SUCH AS FENCES. MUS, FWNDARCNS, LWS. SHRUBS. BRUSH 'WEED, OTHER VEGETATION, AND ACCUMULATED O BURDEN OF MATENER NATURE AFTER RECEIVING ALL APPLICABLE PERMITS FROM WE Btt O SEBASTµ Off -SIX OISP054L, INOUDWG MY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ENCOUNTERED, NAU. BE IN ACCORDANCE W H µPUCA&E LOCAL. STATE, MET FEDERAL RULES AND REOU ATCRIE IB ME NNMACTN SMALL IMMEDIATUY NOTIFY ME ENGINEER O µY MICURMOE5 BETWEEN THE PLANS µO PEW CONDITIONS PRIM TO START OF CONSTRUCTERE 11. ME COMPACTOR SMALL REMAIN SOLELY RESPCRSIBLE MIT µY TERM CHANGES WIN HE MAY INCORPORATE INTO HE PLANE WRIGHT PON WRITTEN CONSENT µD/M APPROVAL MEN ME CrR % TI"/i�nySP OR CONSTRUCTED DESIGN RANGES RUST BE APPROVED OT ME Cltt O SUASR GEICVRE iN5 If 12 ME CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WEAK AN N EACH USING TOR OF WAY AM NDIµ RIVER COUNTY AHD/M ME FLORIDA DEPARTMENT M TRµSPORTAnON AND/OM HE Gtt O S AMIµ 13 ME CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE OE -SR AREAS TO A MOTOR EQUAL TO OR SETTER MAN HE CONDITION EASING MICR TO COMMENCEMENT O CWSWUCTON 14 ALL OSNRBED AREAS SNNL BE SODDED. I. ME LOCATIONS O EXISTING MUTES. EACH AS WATER MAINS, SEARS, CAS UNES. ETC, SHOWN W THE PLANS µE BASED ON ME BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION µD ARE SHOWN FOR ME CONVENIENCE O ME CONTHACTOR THE ENGINEER µD OWNER ASSUME NO UAWUTY FOR ACCURACY µD COMPLETENESS IT IS ME CONTRACTOR'S RESPONWRIT, TO CONTACT ALL UNITY COMPARES AT EAST M HOURS MM TO CCAIMEEWENT O' CONSTRUCTION OR MINIMUM µDI M HALE NOR FACILITIES LOCATED IN ME FEW PRIOR TO µY ,CNN 2 DUE M GRAPHIC LIMITATIONS OF ME DRAANG SCALE. ALL STERN SENSE, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SMPARY SEWER MANS, SERVICES, LATWNS, CONNECTIONS, µD APPURTENANCES DEPCRO VISION - UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED BY DIMENSIONS - RERECT EMBARK LOCATIONS MLY ME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPCN9WE FOR ME SNAL LOCATIONS DURING ME CONSTRUCTOR µD INSTALIATW O ME PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING ANT AWIVIE COORDINATION AM THE RESPECTIVE GOVERNING AGENCY/UUUTY PROVER. 3 ALL WATER µD $EAR CONCRETES STALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS µD SPMMATMS OF INOµ RIDER COUNTY MUTES. µD WLL BE SUBJECT TO HER BUESCTW AND ACCEPTANCE. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT BEING AND MATERIALS BEFORE INSTALLATION TO DETECT APPARENT DEFECT, MARK DEFECTIVE MATERIALS AM WAIF PAINT µ0 PROMPTLY REMOVE FROM SIX 5 LAY SEWER PIPING BEGINNING AT LOW PONT OF SYSTEM (CONNECTION TO OF STE SYSTEM OR PUMP STATION), TRUE TO DACES AND AUGMENT INDICATED AM WMROKW CORTNUITY OF AARHE PUCE BELL ENDS CR GROUSE ENDS O PIPING FACING UPSTREAM, 6. CLEAR INTERIM O PPE OF DIRT AND OTHER ENORMOUS MATERIAL AS MAN PflONES5ES MAINTAIN SWAB OR MAN N LINE µD PULL PAST R WI EACH AS IT IS COMPLETED. PLACE PLUM M ENDS O UNCOMPLETED COMMIT WHENEVER YgRK STOPS. T WARRANT 35' COVER OVER MANS, AND IP OVER SERNCM/LAMERM S UNLESS DHFRASE NOTED 8 MEN PROPOSED CCNSPORMON OCCURS AT LOSING MANHOLES, INLETS. VAULTS, µD OWN STRUCTURES ME CONTRACTOR SHALL MODIFY ME STRUCTURES, FRAMES, µD COMES TO MEET ME PROPOSED MAKE UNLESS OTHERWISE BRUTE 9 INSTALL CWDNUWS HEATED TAPE/'MRE. LOCATED INFAMY OVER NINES WADER MAINS µD SAM ARY SEWER MAINS AT 6' TO 8" ABOVE PIPE lO WHERE APPUCAMI, UTILITY TRENCHE5 CRCSSMG PAVEMENT AREAS SHALL BE BACK PLLLU AM COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE AM A A.SH T0._T-99 11. MANAGER SMML PROVE REEVES FOR IROCATON UNES µD SE DOWNS UNDER PAYcMFNi CCUONAE WIN GONERK CONTRACTOR 12 ALL WEEKS UCAVATW FOR ME PURPOSES OF MUTY/STOM INSTALLATON GUAM BE KEPT WY FOR ME DURATION OF MERY/5ICRM CONSTRUCTOR, DEWATBMG O UlAJ1T/STCRN COACHES MAY BE gEOUIRED i0 PREVENT ROATATON O UTILITY/STORM 1 ALL NOSED AND SEDIMENT CONTROL WEAR SMALL CONFORM WIN LEGAL MY/COUNTY TWO 15 AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO µU PATED COMMITTED OR SR CONSTRUCTION, ME AND WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SPEOHCATCNS. SUBJECT TO AUTHORIZED AND FINAL CERRRCATW PROCESS WLL BEON. ME CONTRACTS SHALL PROVIDE COMMENTS PIPES WRING INSTAUAUON APPROVED VARIANCES. WN1£AS AND/M CWAIKKM& CHANGES µD INFORMATION, IN A TIMELY MANNER. TO OWNER. INCLUDING, WHEAT LIMITATION: o SMVEYW 'AS -BOLTS' MEETING ME REQUIREMENTS O ME LOCAL XRISAMON I3 HE CCN1RACi0R SXNL NOTIFY lA EHONF£R 131 DETRACT E ENGINEER 2 OREGON AND SEDIMENT CONTI MEASURES SHALL OF PLACED PRIM TO OR AS ME B COMPACTION µD DUSTY EST REPORTS, µD µD SiOMWADN S 50 D ST FIRST STEP IN, CONSTRUCTED. SEDIMENT CWTRO PRACTICES ALL BE MIXED AS A C PRESSURE DESRNG µD BACEPOWBACAL MSING RESULTS AS REWIRE, FOR BE INITAIEO. ADD AN p,9^� A Ili �F 4( PLUMMETED DEFENSE AGAINST ANY TRANSPORTATION OF SILT OFF ME ME J ALL AREAS AFFECTED BY THIS ANN STALL BE RESIGNED 10 A CONDITION EQUAL i0 WATER DISTRIBUTION AND/OR. WASEWADN COUMDW/TRMSUMPAT SYSRN, ME CONTRACTOR STALL HAW CERTIFICATED, E(1 TC (01 SE15 O AS -&TILT PLANS. SIGNED AMN REAPED BY W BETTER HAN E%ISTNG CWOITW, UNLESS YECIRCALT E%EIMPIW BY HE RIMS. WRVEYU O RECORD, W gE ME DAY OF ME CIVIL UMBERING MAL PUNCH UST THE COST FEW SUCH ESTIMATION STALL GE INCDIFNTAL TO OWN CONSTRUCTION µ0 NO INSPECTION, ME GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO DIVE ME HIM, AS -WILT PLANS TO ME ADDITWAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE ALLOWED REP MENTATVE FROM 2 DEVELOPMENT SURFACES COMPETING ME INSPECTOR IF ANY W21MOES µE NOTED. WE SET OF RED-UNED AS WILT PUNS ALL BE OVEN TO ME C HE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ME NGNETR O µY OSUUµGES BE FOR RUNNING TO BE MADE REVISED AS-OALTS ALL HEW TO BE FORMER TO ME OVER HEM PLANS AND PEW GUMMING MEN TO CONSW PICOT WOKEN BEFORE ANY CENTFICANONS Cµ BE INMATE➢. S PRIM M CONSTRUCTER THE CWIRACTW SNAL PROVE TIME PROTECTOR BARREN TO MEET ME REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL SPECREATONS 6. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL SELECIVELY GEµ ONLY ME AREAS MOUNT TO CONSTRUCTION AND STABU2E MY PETENTK PRISON AREAS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING WMRE ON CF CONSTRUCTION Z TO TRACTOR 91ALL KFFp µSE µD ALL SAND. SILT OR OTHER DENNIS Npl MOVING OFF SHE USE AND MAINTAIN SALT FENCE MST MSW ME UA3 OF CONSTRUCTION 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL BUCK INTRUSION OF BAND. SILT M DIED TEAS INTO µY MANAGE W SANITARY SERER SUPREME OR PORING W OR APMCNT M ME SHE A ALL CUUMED AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT MD/OR CWSTMCTW SHAL BE WATERED M PREVENT AND NOSED 10 FOR AWMWK IRRADIATOR µD DETAILS. SEE FDO.T INDEX N0. 102 11, UNLESS SEEMED, MT FENCES MAY BE USED IN MN O SYMNETC BARBERS 12 RATIONµ POSTS AND GALLS MAY BE NECESSARY TO SECURE AND SUPPORT BARRIERS 13 ADDITIONAL BANSON LENGTHS MAY BE REWIRED BY ME GOVERNING JU KMETIW W BY ONES REGULATORY AGENCIES 14. FILED FANIE MUST BE INSTALLED UNDER All INERT IMAMS. AT Al TIMES MIEN INLETS ARE NOT PPORCED BY SILT FENCE ON SYNTHETIC BALM/WATRES, UNTIL HE UMETCCK BASE IS ANDWED µD PRIMED 1G ME BOTTOM AND SUE SLOES OF KURDKN PONDS SHALL BE UNDER MAVAED BY RWOILY 12 INCHES AT ME BEGINNING O CONSTRUCTION ONCE ME MIKE STE 15 STABILIZE ME REMARK POND SHALL SE UCWVAMO TO ME DESIGN DEPTH AND STAGU2W AM SKY OR SW AS SPEGi1M I ME IANpSCAPING PLANS NO MUCK GROAT $CO MALL GE USED 16 ALL TRAFFIC CWIRO EVER, EQUIPMENT AND MSTNLAPW MALL MEET ME REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL MRISUCTON µD/OR FLORIDA DEPARTMENT O WµSPORTATM lT VEHICLE PARKING SPACES SHALL CORONA AM LOCAL CODE AMEMME PARKING SPACES µD ACCESS OWES SHALL FURTHER CMFWN AM CURRENT ADA REWIRUNTS 18 DISBAR PAVEMENT RATINGS µD GONAD SHALL CONFORM AM CURRENT ADA REQUIREMENTS AND LOCAL ORDINANCE. 19 LANDSCAPE SNML BE TRIMMED TO ENSURE SCOT MSOUTY OF TRAFFIC GRAMM DEVICES 20 ALL PAVEMENT IS DIMNSMED TO FACE OF WHO 21 ALL WILDING DIMENSIONS µD TIES µE i0 FACE OF DENUDING SEE µCHECMRK PLANS 22 ALL PARKING LOT WRB RETURN RADII µE 5' UNLESS OMERASE NOTED ZJ BRAIDING µD SITE IMPROVEMENTS µE PARMAU µD PMPENDIWUR TO ME AST µD EAST PROPERTY ONE UNLESS OHMAGE NOTED. 24 CONSTRUCTOR ACIAOES AMW ME On NRE SMALL ONLY BE ALLOWED DURING ME HOURS O } W A TO t.W P M, MONDAY MRU FRIDAY, µD 8' W AM T0. SON P.M. ON SATURDAY AM SUNDAY. WIN CONSTRUCTOR IS COMPLETE FON 9TWILLYyCERTITIFFICCAATE EW�M Y ENL9NEFR PRIOR T, PNAI 14. SUITABLE COUPLINGS COMPLAIN IBM ASIA SPEGHGTWS ARE REWIRED FW ANING DEDRALµ KIATERALG 15. OEFLEMEN TESTS AA REWIRED FOR ALL TRADE PPE. TESTING REWINHIENIS I) NO PIPE STALL NCEW A DEFLECTION BE5R 2) USING A RIGID BALL ON MµUSE FEW ME EFFECTOR TEST ANDA SUMMER NOT LESS MAN95X O ME BASE INSIDE DIAMETER OR AVERAGE INSIW DIAMETER OR ME PPE; 3) PERFORMING ME EST WMWT MECHANICAL KILLING DEVICES B WAITER AtS !WATERY I SEANCE PIPE SHALL A PWYMPLNE (A) TIMING. MR MINIMUM 2 WATER MAKE SHALL K PVC MCA NOX DR 18 AN INTEGRAL SELLS ANY RASTWEAC MINTS PER MAN 0I39 AND GASKETS PER AGIN F477. 3 MILE IBM ME (DIP), IF REWIRED SHALL CONFORM M AWS/AWWA A2151/ClU CUSS 50 (MIN) WE FOR ALL SUPC 4. CORPORATOR STEPS MAIL BE MASS, S2W TO MATCH ME iµ TRACER. EQUIPPED AM CONNECTIONS COMPATIBLE AND SMMPE PIPE AND INSURED IN ACCORDANCE AN SPEOFICATWS IN AIM'A C800. CURB STAB SHALL BE OUR M MATCH ME METER RE AND CONFORM AM MANN CBU] AND AWWA MR. & HTHNGS MALL BE BRASS. CAST AND MACHINE IN ACCORDANCE AM AMA CAN µD LEAKKM PUPS µE ISSUED AS FOLLOWS 1) ME LEAKAGE EXRETRATON ON INFILTRATOR DOES NOT EXCEED 200 GALLONS PER INCH O PIPE DIAMETER PER MILE PER DAY FOR µY SEEIGH OF WE PIPE: 2) REMAIN ON INFILTRATION TESTS BE FENFORMW AM A MINWUM POSITIVE HEW OF 2 MET,, 3) AIR MEn AS A MINIMUM. CONFIRM TO WE EST PROCEDURE DESCRIBED IN ASTI C 828 FOR PLAY PIPE, ASM C 924 FOR CONCRETE PIPE. ASCU F-PH7 FOR PLASTIC PIPE, AND FOR CMER MATERIALS APPROPRIATE EST PROCEDURES DISWFECTON O ME WATER DISTRIBUTOR SYSTEM SNPLL BE REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE AM AWXA C651 DISNFECMG WATER MANS. SATISFACTORY BACTERIOLOGICAL EST AEULTS SHALL BE SU&NTRp TO WGNEER PRIOR TO FEDµ COMMEATON ME CONTRACTOR SMALL MAKE PI NSON5 TO PROTECT ME ACTIVE USING MAIN FROM BACKROW CCNTAMINATON DURING HUNG, PUSHING. ANDRSDNC CE ME NEW MAIN, AS STUDIED IN MAN M51-92 CONTRACTOR SHALL TIME A MAPS CONNECTION DURING WATER MAIN ESPNG ALTERNATE TYPE O BACOWW REMEMBER MAY BE HIRED AS APPROVED BY INSPECTION STAFF AND ENGINEER UTILITY SEPARATION NOTES MARKS INCLUDED IN MIS PROPOSED COMPAN MEET RISING 0. EDGE OF PAVEMENT SIDEWALK GRADE MEAN SPOT ELEVATION DIRECTION CE ROW AND PERCENT SLOPE STORM SEVER A, NET DO M SPOUT TRANS SANITARY SEWER & MARELE CLEµOUT WA. SEANCE PRE HYDRANT WATER BEEN BAO<ROW PREVLNTOR DEVICE GAR VALI£ REDUCER UNDERGROUND TD£MONE UNDEFEACLWO ELECTRIC SHE IMD.. ZWTK OUTSIDE OF ANY EASING M NOTICED GRAVITY- ME TRANSFORMER THE SAME(U A MAINHORIAND OSSµER BE y U HBEE FEET POSED HE COMMWYX ME WATER M�NFN�AJNFO 1 WT1�510E ]Oj/+µ�FSE��EM'Ij�SJI�H}yGL dot "IODISED CRAwtt-� E SANITARY—SUMER — W SiBJ. A HORZ(AMTAL dSTA}JCE Cl AT )iASI SIX FEET BETWEEN ME WEEK O ME WATER MAN AND ME OUTSIDE CE µY EXISTING M PROPOSED PRESSURE -TYPE SANITARY SEAR, WASTEWATER FORCE MAN. OR PIPELINE CWKYNG HECTARE) WAIN NOT REOUKATED MDR PART III OR CHAPTER 62-610. FAC; AND A HMLZOWTK DISTANCE CF AT LEAST TEN FEET WOMEN HE WT50E OF ME WADER MAIN AND ALL PARTS BE µT EXISTINC W PROPOSED 'ON -NE SWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM' 2 NEW W RELOCATED, UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS THAT µE INCLUDED IN MIS PROECT AND THAT WLL MOSS µT EASING OR PROPOSE GRAVITY - OR VACUUM - TYPE SANITARY SEWER W STOM SEAR ALL BE LAID SO HE W190E OF ME WATER MAN IS AT EAST GO INCHES MOVE ME OTHER PROUNE OR AT (EAST 12 INCHES BELOW THE OWED PPUNE; AND NEW OR RELOCATED, UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS MAT µE INCLUDED IN WE PROJECT AND MAT WLL NONE µY CASTING OR HAPPENED PRESSURE -TYPE SANITARY SEWN , WASTEWATER ON REWARDER FORCE MAIN. ON METRIC CWVEYNG REWIND WATER ALL BE LAID SO ME SLURRY aME WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST 12 INCHES MOVE U BELOW ME MEN PIPELINE J. AT ME UTUTY CROSSINGS OESMOED ABOVE, WE TILL LENGTH OF WATER MAN PPE MALL BE CENTERED ABOVE W BELOW 11E ONES PPRME $0 ME WATER MAIN MINTS COAL A AS Fµ AS POSSE FRM ME OMER PIPELINE M ME PIPES SHALL BE ARRANGED SG THAT AU_ WATER MAN MINTS µE AT LEAST THREE FEET ARCM ALL JONTS IN VACUUM -TYPE SUITARY SEARS STORM SNERS STURMWATER HONG MANS, W PIPELINES CWVEYNC RECWMED WARP REGULATED UNON PART III O G1µRR 62-OD, F AC, AND AT LEAST SIX FEET MGM ALL JUICE IN MAMtt - OR PRESSURE - TYPE SANITARY SEARS. WASTEWATER FORCE MAINS OR REUSES LAPPING WOMAN WATER WEE CREATED UNDER PART III O CHAPTER M-MO, F A.0 UTILITY CONTACTS AMA 001, AM COMPRISE PIPE CONNECTORS STORM DRAINAGE Si JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - PALM BAY 6 TAKING SAODIM SHALL BE USED FOP Al SEANCE LINE TAPS SERVICE BASES 525 COMMUNITY PETERS PARKWAY, S.E. P. BAY, FLOWA 3290E SHALL BE DOUBLE STRµ, MURDER BY A MINIMUM FOUR (4) BOLT PATTERN W A WCTIE WINE 321-904-4940 IRA SµOE BODY FOR PVC PIPE. IXUOE SWAPS SHALL BE CORROSION FE45Dµi ALLOY STER. SUIT EXACTLY TO ME PIPE WfiWE DIAMETER SEALING GASKETS SHALL BE WNA-N BUSER STORM MANAGE Gtt OF SEBASIµ, USHERING DEPARTMENT 1225 MAN SfrLET T ALL POTION£ WATER PPE µD PIPE TRUNKS INSTALLED UNDER HIS PROJECT SHALL BE SEBASTµ, TUMOR 329M BLUE IN COLOR VIA AEMAL PPE COLOR SWIPING. OR OMER METHODS PHONE TT2-633-CA6 CONTACT. WHO PATRON f. MAIFR KS (RE.EP) 2 & 1 AL MAMW SEAR PIPE AND HANGS SMALL BE NON -PRESSURE PYLWNYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) COMFORTS N ASTM D 3I34, SO 26. AM PUSH -ON RUBBER GA,YET JONTS 3 ALL FITTINGS µT ACCESSORIES STALL BE MANUFACTURED ON SUPPLIED BY ME PPE MANUFACTURER OR PRIOR-APPRONW EQUAL, 3 BELONG AND INNK BACK ME OVER SEWN MAINS ANSERVICES STALL BE SAND AM NO RICK URGER MAN 1' IN DIAMEDER MATERIAIPSBSCORMU I BRACKET CONCISE PIPE (RCP) 0-DING PIK SHALL CONFORM TO MUM C 76 (CUSS III, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECTRA) AND AASHTO M 170 STANDARD SPECIDCAIWS, AND ABU C 443 STANDARD SPECRICAION FOR JOINTS FOR RCP USING BOON GASKETS 2. EWPTICAL RCP SMALL MONA TO ASM C 507 (CLASS II) AND MOWN M 207 STANDARD MOMEATIONS 3 HONE PPE AND FITTINGS SHALL MET THE REWIREMNTS OFAMUR M-252 N-294 (IT AND URGEE) TYPE S (CORRUGATE)COMBOS - SMWM ASIDE, 4"-60'), AND DRY (6D' TYPES) A. BELL/SMGM GASKET FOR KOK PIPE STALL GE SOL/SLI FONT PER AMMO SECTOR 26 AM RUBBER GASKET MEETING ASM F-4Z] 4. PVC STORM SEWER PIPE HZ' ON LESS) AND FINDS SHALL BE NW -PRESSURE P"L.I_ GEORGE PIPE (PVC) CONFORMING TO ASM DSM. SINES, AM PUSH -ON RUBBER MUSKET JGNE SEWER/ WATER WAR TERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF MUTES 1801 27TH STREET VERB BEAM. INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA 3N60 PRONE, 772-226-1636 CONTACT JESSE POAND AIR CONDITIONING UNIT PARKING SPACE TOTALS fi CURBING WH DIMENSION (TO FACE OF CURB UNO) DETML NUMBER MET NUMBER PROPOSED —T350— MEG EM SM —DSD— SE--o CH Y —UCE— I� pC O ll_ W f J C4 I R C USE W NOES: A COPY M HIS MEET CO SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALL BIDDERS AMC S18-CONWACTWS. o� Z d '" N W COI o^ Q CL uQu a LL ralp N wI O � O N w Q N L) Q ppM Q Fr�j oLL u 0 Ml z G0 g W d. O O Z s ZS � M 8 P I U, 66 _ eoee 4 S Q i [V W M J QMW L 02 z O W Q LJL z_ LuVz UJ N O m 0 r� V) DATE: 01-19-17 DRAWN: SR CHECKED: RZ Co PROJECT NO.: 2016.171 s� -- -- - - - - - - - I PED zv I OEMEAONG AND WElim PEPwR NIT REM,W I I - - FRCII ,HE att OF sfBnsnAC Ix Acn. C Nly Q Q xtt u+ BEGIN. O> v - - ._ _ "Dm. J m 8 - L _ - _--- --_ --_-- --_-_ _ _ _ nu BARRIERS >xo PPorzcuox uusuPES Ea m¢s W- BEING SAAR SHNL BE IN PACE WERE .1 DFIMMInM CA W ACPNtt BEMs VALE ow TIME ADGWNT.. BUT g y~j COUNTY ROAD 512 (SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD LOCH ED A useo us MUM A. RE ➢CN MAIY LLJ V o%m AKA FELLSMERE ROAD) UNE.DAMSON AND AUMORNARM FEW ME ELL$ am m Q N08 LEGEND MOECT MEW ADIACw, 4£dYEx ,f.£FS XLLwn MNWnCN 0, MNiOVN DF ME STE PLAN TO BE Q_ M AMB AED BEFORE ME C4WnCN PERMIT CAR BE SSIED Z u PPtlTA MEE MWWIC SNNL ff OGE BY A fFFPfIw —AT PAAMMT ANEMIA 9 O TO BE PELOVEO O • _ _ _ _ _ _ Q V a TO BE PAVEMENr ' / W �] BE PwoYFD I xOIE I ' o M, IS ARE NEEDED FXST SIGMA MET EAST 11. r _ � -_ W - ME CRY LiFOIUMNNOR AN V EMEARINGCP CbWMIX NryE ( GAS BANK MACY ) Ate. •Ye:. s •^ � _1y E� ENE IG LBEWALN Lltt OF BEAST. [fYtlI. f. EAST SAxnMY ATATN ONE - - �+ r. o�E Xw_OKD CAT SGx ro BE I. SANpN k RwoVE M u E4sr pxEWALR_\ misMNuutt PGE 51NWT ONE (rW -n - \\u5 �SAWWi AGE (rw) �EYISnNG ADCvAll) y - — _ E71 -Nz 1D R ff. IL �sC0.T[lu ME 1E0 M.lEsnxc HER IN BE 0R&AIA CW= xnnwu O- 0 EMAN �` . �SwC BURIED ILIEYICNE ONE gISAX6 FgMEYAM ONES `� p® .'� 9� z 01i oFPi.). CIXA,Mi PEBSW 5 CMMACTCR %Al EXERCISE CANNACTCR 4Vll EXERCISE GUnW c\ J/9 LDFLL PIIIXFAN 5. E�G�, VAI GImCN METNNG REAR ME EXIMAT WGRMIXG NEAR ME EAST FOflCwAN \ / - - YL� \\ 1 @JflCO IDEPNONAM NNE fY15T Ty._,W5 REMOK NNIi Ptl£---JJJ EMEI If@E (1K.) ie`• ♦ '`. K TO REGARN .....:.1 ti - s _ -a_"_ ++a w- -�_-ice_ e�SEE LS PLANS) U �� -� T _ WL Mtt ` W f E.NO SIGAR NPE J � EXISTING cuRmNG N n ME m fdllAM�s IN p, 10 RwN! EASING MET ro GEN. BE FEW 1� I111 y\� EXAM. MET To OMAN (� xo,E CH SHEET cg EASING TFSE (T W.) \ ♦ EASnxG M MAR A ; U) ra ' ' (SEE NOTE ON EvEET M) �,- z LwDSCME PLA M E AN ItKEE rG ♦ TO eE AQIOHD 'S TOMINGREA STGM PIPE NsI I4E xGN 4 v ro RnAI �� b ax sxm es) e" Ensmc OGntlEN d wlwr Io UT 4^�61 +A _ 94 a y \\ uwDERPWGInI TUN i�Ew AFNoxn 5 Si REYD4EM, OFEMEnXG $AXITMY I CWSIINC,IENe W Ay[P XPE. cAy EIA EAsnxc CIFBIxc ro RENM£ CASING w,flAxR/EAT Cs EXErv1G Ilglr ROLE ` J BE RL%f0 CCNafTF PAV. ♦ TO BE IGNOHD W y o I �'. Ip _ x 011 4 EXmuc uTuncsklo !♦'�� z s+ J / B J d S S £ (ME, VNmmMETn E uNS) EXIST UMT MITI ) AGRETE BAF m2iwux EXISTING STORM E TO 4 • 3 t '� II A` ♦ EYASnNG O'NMB fIFLINc 'A r yp� • +� ,y a • �' x F mI' W YYY Awux } 1 II +A C,21 ro AFYAvi° h ' S _ O (� E IE - �s. EACONBERAG NX,A Tro w .e 3 (/i i- O' ' I; �[.. '.i \� Jd. ITRnwAINn11tt MIT, A rvl X I L. ac=-gig �F, v •O a MI TALL $Irtyy fMISCN C5 $r EFNEE PRMI' _T4 of.YOI01TAITL"p EXSRW CM PRYPS AVD 6CIAPOS ♦•'F2 9A T "B" MAN To pryWnOH TO PE REMOVED WCONING ITS r '0'• EMISnXG 11EE \ / FIXNMnM (4 COWAPS) n REMOVE 5 FT OF EAMAG \ / //-- ////� " 15' WE SEEM NE£ TO ) \/ 0 BCUAROS G CGNF 59EWNK A l m TO REAMIY£ VAUSCNf %ANS) 1`" ({ \'r _ c �TO BENNFYUSIN NsruL xw sraMA wE, _ _ 1 1 EAsnxc sTwu uumaE 1 >=I "_' �' �� !'x B, ' Y.Y r TM' EAING TIMING M BE oENIXIEIKD. E Snxc cuRelxs RwGIE PgNI:R CF EYJSnNG \ 1 MAUDNA 16 E MITATOB m GE RwOVw ♦ I { £ T £ ' WATER SRR NET TO IT BAATE - - TEYJSnXc $rCPo1 NFE N MIAAN N EASING IR2 ' M - • - MCAWATER TFRnNOBACRFl.OW WSIWG IxfE 1W. _ ER Stl ,.EE EOM B EAST Cw&NG ro BE BEAR Q4 j1 _ (sEE ANDSCAPE PWlsl �(gE LfNGSGWE Puxs) £ WCATx,NRRPNG C NING. BGIN FAMING MET m Nwux -.'..._- _ T (TAT 117 I LL^CN WiPMNG CMpnW r (SEE COIF OR MEET = ____ =sue 's !, II -_ - + ♦ 00 ____ Ln (AT M..E MANS) R ___ _ 7 / II EMARB. sunrMY KNER £ ) _--.. -_ ___ _J�SM WT 10 REMAIN w ExmNA TREE (,AP) •' L _,rya _��e"�- III - �.s � i.. may///��/----'`. '` _ % M (SEE wxOSCAPE PUNS • ]TASTIER PLYE wST PFE TO BEGAN WS1NG WRBnG FAST NPE i0 Rw� EASi 01£PoEAD DFLMIC EASI CUR9NC m 10 MAINN m VE REGOVfD J`T P,GW E 5 BLU.U9 CCxN>E}E J N M0 \ £ - - ONE 1Q AFNNN - _R= _ N3UNNG US FCUXDATCN�EASING -RE -10 EASDXG `M' 10 o �•. g A S3(1}03) W 4o0v S.,. R. + e XEnxG I.dE TW m LL _ rmlN_u - •, 1%Euvoswi�n as) (SEE wromAff tiws) �. O -T _.-_.__--._ — __-_.___--_. LL z $AAAOJT IAR (T") a INMMI srAxm ERoval axTRa Li) f - C5 SLT FENCE PIICP ,G OwGI(IIDY z Q LL. Lu AGR �QQ - < LU J Q oO r� m N LL IBC USE 0 r� In DAiE', ill 13-17 DRAWN'. c;R CHECKED: R2 NORTH 20' 0 20' 40' 11 C 1 SITE DEMOLITION PLAN L GRAPHIC SCALE PROJECT NO.: 201E 171 SITE DATA PLAN NOTES m .9 N LEGEND _-_--_---- SJE_-EA 59,9W O SF 1.3T6 AG) , Z• - - __ XUIDILAP PARI(ING. SIRWING 8 XgIHACpp gCCESs N9£ SITE AREA 2®TY@@ p�yYl[Q Y^xNlxi�OYFD Lu AWH]LT PAWNDIT -- -_- - _ -.. __. _. Y6YUY OU1T IMPE ANEA ISOµ S.F (25.IA) (75.010 MIN O HANDICAP PARR&G SICN (3 PUCfS) cs g " ________. IVPFRNWS AREA M,B11 SF Hpli DUN TOTK 8WLDA'C AXA 111µ SF. (ZRX) �3 PAYEMpIi MARKING 3 /� Q i•'- 6 IXIIlAR =ERAL 9,18] SS ASPNAIT PAl41AENr IE1NL EPACE 3.95] Sf. Cb O ' O LL © A' WAM PAINT STRIPING J M O -._ PAX]1ENT 31.7811 SE MOM � � - 1 - �B 9' 1FlLOW PAINT SIRIPUIC (8 R OC) ` F COUNTY ROAD 512 (SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD Y� URDNG HFc T ATOG 3A FECT © 24, Mir PANT STOP RAN / V' • AKA FELLSMERE ROAD) o g R 11 nluc Ps rMr PlNwmmn z9'-o'_ (RBct) lq ]❑ IY XHIIE CROs5WN1( STRIPING N Q M WADNG SETBACKS Z J BF♦9BB@ P Q O W SrW 5C (RI-1) 9 MORT (ffBASTAN &Wk) w fr ]],5 FT 0 p _ - - - - man (scum F1EUNc sm¢0 D Fr 5• o n Z �9 '00 NOT ENIFR' gCN EMTeWtlRIE TR13£IG slCf (COMMERCE EENTER) w Ff 590 iT , W w REAR (SEBASTIAN EVS) Fr 0 335 Fn F tc --AT WNR C O DIST SRARNWAIFR - _ � -. WIDSCAFE WFFER Il 1RAN51➢W CURB NIE65 F' IL F \- a QO / - I T (¢BASTAY BLYD) 10 FT. 10 Fi. / RUNT(SWm Fl£MINC STREET) 10 R. 10 Fi. 12 ASPHALT PAVEMENT Cb x/ \ S1N6 pRl 10 10 F. TIM (COMMERCE CENTER) 10 �� \E 9..WT W E t5 \ FN 16 REAR (SEBASTIAN ELKS) 10 10 ON METE AY t6 I�O15r U➢U!Y FUF FL R 11 OiETf PAIflIENi C6 15 DIST, unuTI PUS ESCEWUII CPEIE TI 11 Y �ET5f ORMETE, _ __ PARK Na RELUIRW 10 Dm.. APRSN C6 -- - CNE SPA[E PER 2`A1 Si. Fqt BLIIDIN6 CAGiEF TIAX IO.WB S,F. 9 N10 _ _ _ _ _ _ IS Cp1(REIE WAIY, Mm EWMIgM SANrS AND $CORE MARKS e Z 21 )0 38Y0'3J E 56.58' 4 T -NSA ACCE59BIE TO P4BUC 11,00] 5 f [13.1µ S f.F. C6 Q 12 l2 _ ZET STWYNAIEft � � ll \ V N (RECEIVNG MEA) - 1w Sf (BREAK RDCY/OFFlCE)j 16 OEIEcTAN E WARNING 10 _ 2 m n N WSr SIPNWATER 6 u ♦ wWPMIRIG C6 ly 95' 10 5~ ♦ 1 = 1] WXCREIE RtlIARO _ m_ 9S m - TIP / / V: s, C6 LLI O 11P Tp O 10 ] �/ ` QARK NC PNONDED w wi) 6� HIE1 R4 " � '5 _ f11ST S1pW J 21 \ 8 ` / REW,AA w SPACES DRAINAGE O DRAINAGE STRWITRE RE£ CA..0 Nq WAINACE PLAN) II' IS5 9 NTT 10' A 81 M� ♦ XANgCAP 3 STATES U) Q - _ - 141Y� EpSL UNTY PCIE 5 ` 19 PRCPoSEO —D WASTE EN -RE C81 I m 12 3 rl 1»P 6 12 6 SO TOTAL w SPACES Ifi' 235 n 13' 815 `�' 10' u 635 v+ \ 20 PRIWM WATER METERS Alp BACNILM FNEWNTERS (SEE UTILITY RAN) Z �BWi ly 12 1 0 1 _.�10 JA 4,19 RI R3 /II ,I� ♦ 21 SITE UGNTNG (SEE PHOTWEIWCS R.W) ®®e�` J iGu�aF 12 ID T Ensr cwf Tv mgA `%� J l �ug.•X'_K' IF/ IL %a 1 �, O 9s' Iz' Iz' l�J 9s' Iz' 0 �l t0 _.� 22 MWuuENT swx (uuDEA smARArt PEnwp ye.,\° (� • �P n0' <0 () m BO __ _ ___ R30 \♦ 23 r1PET WRB A40 WT1ER 91' //�" e4•—'-w'_ Y('vLF-..a-1.f'a' O ® RE) 2S. 1] 11 p3 6� 4m9� 2A 'XO PNMING - PRE I_NE' SIGN m. ' `6J ! O 6 i" (n n 10 21 ey m (]•1 1 �.W-W B w1 I O re IB I re 17 1SYZI aAa Tm. 4 @A y f4 a //!�'�\(+ z �I I T �( , ♦ W —EAST ll 1 PIXE " M A = 2 20 12933' •6 12 V PROPOSED V " T'R $1WLIWASR� 1 � DDIIAR GENFML 9,187 S WPB IM£f EMS! SrL91WAlFP, F 1 NA4NCI£ PFE =23W 10 22 1 216 • tt 1 `MIT B2 s r n ] 13 LWpING 20N S( IB LOWNG 1 NDST IET SIWNWA _ u. 3 M EMn IRFF (Tm) 1 I6' 0 ®•P 24 23 - 18 DIST THEE1M) FNB,. XRE H19RNiT eR \`— WST 1RE• '. It I 11 �' EASIIHG 25' M y Aryl`s W� SITE DIMENSION PLAN 5' 1 2 O n I PROPOSEDj. RETAILSPACE S9575F ~ �_ F.F.E.=23M 2 .F 1 � aim fl I z69' I_ 1A3' N-✓ /i h 23 26 FAST slgMWg1FRJ NOI fDSTNG D I M'0 SRWNYIAIEA GSEYENIS RAT 0AE NFSIECIED W TE WmR ., SIT NOT IN FED W INIS PLW, AT NO LONGER WaSSANY, ONO MLL D' IrtYWID rHRW W IRE PIAmNG MBCESS E THRE FLWM NT WEL DNRE NIG MY P35 THE AND R WIRED TnTW uND MONI TRW THE r. HE AW ANY 6EWIAFO IESTNC A4OlKK11T]P31G SHNL BE WdµNA1E0 MYN lHE WWIY NEALm dN0 fOEP I R C USE NORTH 20' 0 20' 40' �k mI GRAPHIC SCALE O ®;. 1 : a 1j, it 0 00 Ln N Lu M D Q Q m LL z O w Q � v cif co wN o�m o�� DATE 01-19-17 DRAWN: SR CHECKED: RE C2 PROJECT NO.: 2016171 UTILITY NOTES . S N $ry1 rA9Y 5EMER7'N7 � N - O DROP CLEAN Wi WENV Wi =NAiglEMISRN° 8x PLINVIN1{.09 V FIRM TY AR °F FXISFINE ONIFPPNG B TOP 41oLLRELOnCW�TROGTW REPORT TO ENGINEPW AT LONI PONT BEFORE START O .,_U PVC AT I OR 9SPE WWO CLEAN WT 12\ QNCOUNTY ROAD 512 (SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD 3 INV=14"20 06/ y t� LLJ AKA FELLSMERE ROAD) LEGEND © 182 IF - 6' p", W l.ox SLOPE o OR C¢ul Wr Q'S ASH OUT O5 -- A9'HALi PAVEMENT INV =1fi 02 Z UGNT DUTY O ]4 1i - 6' PVC AT 20% SLOPE u AWIKr PAVEMENT DROP REAN WT O 0 ANITRRY SEMER STIB-OUT LOCATOR FROM BURIN6 , n O O INV IN19 `A , UZ DROP OZAN OUT INV x LL 05 �o SO INV IN 196.5E SANITARY SEWER SUB -OPT LOCADW FnOM RUINING x 12 SANITARY SEWER STUB-OUTWGATW RON BUI UR - r3 EXISTING 8' PLC SANITARY IXISIINO URT' PIX SEMR MUN V< . 13 RV I = 19P T IWV T= ] DO -_ N38"10'37 E 254.58' s \\\ - N -- - "- 15 fi PVC O LOR SIWE 0 NCU FASPHG 6' AN W T OF SANITMx I 4� V 1 896 7 MAN 1 Ei y T \ \4\ 16 6 LE - 0' PVC O FOR SLOPE w W .. �_r <e\ / lT CLEAN Dlli f Lu /< T ` v\ INV = 16.9D Q o % X/ 18 57 T - 6' PVC O 10R %OPE PPPROpYAR�CIEPN OUT o 6FMSIWG SPINTARY YYER TINE (BASED M 16 JJ DRI VWTYAP) Z ' E,♦ E.SNNG URUDEs o Iv Ix=1s91 .,ECe b C `�•d A x R O DROP CIEAR OFFx9F' ? z y J6 g f j "qi r// '� cWC1IR BAff TO AN Ixv Wr = MATDI Epsnxc SANITARY YMFR SNB-W T INVERT r .% 2 a \ �/ CIL CWTRACTUN SMALL FE1D VERIFY LOCATOR. 512E AND INVERT OF "".0 y� E� t EXISNNG SANITARY ffXER SNB-OPT AT CWNEW W PgME BE '{ 1 >¢( �, START OF %STRUCTON REPORT TO ENPNE➢t IF CUM OCIS EY -_ _ r^" - - --- l' ^� 't - - - �� y MOM THE RISER SANITARY SEVER SYR13A Mu- SE MvAmiL :,s F i �% a �r ✓r nPVR0nu4a Lacers (. fA OWNED AND MAINTAINED. u l trd e CEEXISME SWTAR NI \ I ORSEKSNB US TO pl 9If (BASER fM _ COUNT, UwR, MAP) 24 EXIST r WATER NNE I� is I, TXISTNG HRV WA RANT ANSI 6' WAIEN MAN � / y -- µ- .U., r wATEIt—`1 MAN AND WAm METER AND BAMROW \; - PREAPRER \—APPROYJMAE 6OA. g O aEVTUG SAMORI SEWW MAN (BASE, ON IXXWT NIMT MAP) k.ATE LOCAMW OF EMSIWG 12' WANPR YNN (BASED W ,WHEY URI MAP) UTILITY PLAN PROPOSED 24' RCP STORM WE O°MARGENERAL STORM MANI 9.18)F F FII'm BE HOPE I I 1 i t PROpOYD ETAULSPACE 7 1 3,9SE ] SF 5 1 FFE=]3N 1 I 1 _ eS, Ex SING UTLIT POLE +i A ` 1 \I ` k --_ II 1 NOT TOE OPAR SANTARY -- - SEWN SSRM W9. BEPRIVATRY °W1D AND uARTANED A O STORM PIPE SANITARY SEVEN CROSSNG EVE El = 2260 MST 15 HOER Snfd PIPE TOP = 20 {2 -ROE - ,88{ PROP 6' SW � _TOP = 16,74 SEMEN PVC POPE �A q CC�� -ROT. = 1620 © STORM PIPE SANITARY SEWER CROSSING 3:g -PVT EL - 2270 .REP. 15'NOFE TOP 2015 STORY %PE PREP , SA, 0 PDT = 1925 SEWER PVC PIPE -TIP = 16,79 _BOL = Om O STORM PIPE - SANITARY SEWER DROS9N0 3Yr EL = 2290 EASING IS'M[PE SNRu PIPE TOP = 2061 _00T = 1919 PROP. 6' SAN _TOP = 1637 SEWER PVC MEE o —eoT. = 1583 0 wATR REMOVE EXISTING WATONG 2 MERE AND BACKROW PREVEXIIX O CONNECT i0 EXISIWG 2 WATER FINE BAORROW PREVFNTER AND ATEN METER -EEROK START CF B CONSTRUCTOR REPORT TO OWNER FOR NE REVISE OF BACRFLOe, x> PREVENTED ANSI WATER METER O11/S REDUCED PRESSURE zWE BACMFLow a PRE\FEVE NTER RR AND 1 1/T WATER PETER 6. Vq 4 24 57 IF - 2- BLUE PE DOYESTC WATER LINE eIYP. O 6. 2•a,• RE ® 21 ME - 1- BLUE PE DCMESTC WATER LINE 21 173 T - 2- BNE PE TONI WATER UNE ® Yat' FEE WM 1' REDUCER ® 3 T - 1' BLUE PE DOMESTIC WAFER UME ® 3B 6 - I- BLUE PE DOMESTIC WATER FINELf� IRRIGATOR N£LL I I/2' NRICATUN UNE (SE..... ....TR RAN)) 'SANITARY MIRK B WT OUNDERGROUND POWER $FENCE CONTRACTOR SHALL CORPORATE UNDERGROUND PONE, SEANCE AND POLE MWXTEO TRARROPMER \ LOCATION WTH SERVICE PROVIDER BEFORE START OF ODNSTNGTCN- \ OUXDEROMNELEP O TELEPHONE SEANCE CONTRACTOR SHALL COCRDWATE NEW UNDERGROUND 1REPHONE SERVICE RUN SERVICE \ PRONDLR PROF START SE CONSTRUCTOR \ \ (;?t NORTH 20' 0 20, 40' -m-m—MI GRAPHIC SCALE E:INtI"I'l 0 00 Ln L I..I " ) Q < I= CEzo Z Q ,"( Q W AIn O 1 ` W 0 n L/) DATE Q IB DRAWN ,4 CHECKED R2 C3 PROJECT NO.: 2016,171 I � GRADING/DRAINAGE KEY NOTES 0?9 O 1 N eF FOOT ➢PE 'F' INLET (INDEX 2J3) LTOP OF COVER 2' NV = 8988 `EAST 15 HOPE) O O SE INV vl89 gI5L 15'HWE) p� BY d 3 LL O MOTOF COMA --R 32001HDEX ) G -. - _ NW INV=19W > 2 15 O __ __ \ - _ i - OS 12 25R SLOPE Cg N IE IS HOPE AT 1i F COUNTY ROAD 512 (SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD (DRM STOMANHOLE W d V AKA FELLSMERE ROAD) - - LEGEND SW NVCa�TEAR (EXIST I5' HOPE) 1q NE INV. - 1918 (EXIST 15 HOPE) m ry SE WV = 19]5 PRS 15' HOPE Ga Q m MMUM _ ASPHALT PAV NW INV = 19 15 A I C) LL ASPHALT Pq\fMLNi 1 V ISNT N O CORE DRILL AND CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM INLET O INVERT 0 p ASPHALT PAIEMFNi V a 16 �, V Z SHI US SING GC NIEr 0 NOTfY�ENIPO CWEEfl IF NIY pSPtEPANCS , ^ O I6 LF - IS HOPE O LOR MOPE 11.-i�i'rS _>,-� _ - �TM.���r..i-Y- 9-Txa., i•s �a:�or�re �n_fn+r�� . .___ a O aEAx ar INV - t9.96 YEG LLEG O9 3I IF 15 HOPE O I.O%ACPE - f _ A _ II14 s•• \ WES `}FWD y ••e 10 58 6 - 15 HOPE 0 I .7 _ AN _ _ '• __ _.—._ __ ______ __ ax ROPE Z E� 25 ` `V - INV. - EG ! F i 14 `; Is ~tea a- _ _ tt 6 LF - 5 HOPE 0, Ox SLOPE w _ �..1 ♦ .,, / W aFHxuT� IS IT, -�16 �. - 13 F2ETHG STORM U MANHOLE TO RENNN Q _ // RI4 EIEV - 22 3a F UP 11�-,✓ S£ INV = 16.8. - _ a.m{ ~ j $ STTSDUP O11TH. , _♦ A. § \ \ �� W INV 16ss S k s'/J 1 a / ! I • d '9\\\ EXISTNG STORM INLET i0 REMAIN 8 VI...per _ n�+ 71 _ _ ♦ ; \\, 4 x�ET"�"1sz 5t ;9 1911I B I9 Lu "e a 10 A �—� $c"i - \ 1\ SE N!V 19.13 J ��`g I HIS ax 5 LL d 1 F' a5 \ S _ USING STCR4 INLET i0 REMAIN no 22W \ \ � O MAX ELEV -2161 :I S pl5� 32-45\i TiAS\ i1 \\ NE INV 19.1 ° o w �� &W INV.- AJ5 ��(- r'i. --`--' ____ - ______ - __1 GWE_ ♦ ¢ - L�9 0 �blt 1s - C• 6'', 4Q 2sao __ A 1g E%IsnxG STORM INLET TO REIAgw cf)3 EOSNGIS'XOFf s// I - -92 &W INVIEV 5559 xm t i IIyyFF $Ipol %FE l� e 19, cA. 1 DONN$%XIT TRANS gILHG 'ICE I/%// I u n_ \ a70 1 FR6xT a nE auLUNc ARg}o I T �� ♦ \ 1 z µ ..� •••- zl 1 :.C4 DAnlpn nNWCN 1HE 911EW.NN \DOW \ y O ME ST MAX EL VTi0 2260uN DOYNTOUT DRALYS N➢HG THE S =,- a •w SOE 0' IHf iIuww ORE fi / \\ // . - n n USING 24" POP T� 2210 OAMGHT THROUGH THE OLM 2 I PROPLI EO N.W INV = 1889 + e !- - STOW PULP I XFAILS•ACE \ w? / is ' • N PROPOSED �,�5 WIHARO{SF I 3951m" EtlSTHG SICPN INLET i0 Rf4AW p. A 938)SF :.. _ _ _ _ _J _ \ , / AUGUST MAT EI£V. r0 21 NO Qj'A.o 13 FFE �300 IFFE S. INV=1949 ' FYJSNG CURB-O #' �fSA CIS' IIWC.. I WPNSFWi ORNNs NWG 1HE i Q 12 l� V YLb `♦ (R v{ \ r✓9 '( C Y . iA [-If/ RESR a mE Bu1Dxc ARE m •- INLET DAILpIT CHID nE P,.1fllfHT I 1 \ 1 pro 1 g am _ t am 00 1 \�' N - - - 18 CllRH ®-Im,-i �♦ TOP of Ey') 1 m \� " ♦'\ AN OUTLET COUPLING W `PAST. I6 HOPE = - - et -. _ _ -. : .,� \ \ 11472AA J V 5 - $rU& NPE' a i `3 ET15R4G 15 NpFE • \ Q 1 ♦ SrgW NPE — - \ \ �\ , 6" PVC PIPE _< i y AVE 9FAC T ab O y .« p 53810'3W 401 ®•— _ - _ - _ _ _ _ \ \ \ _ . o �o ROLL oawN PwT J [� d' Q z w MEG, M- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^� ._ CONCRETE CURB 0 \ au - \' W J Q u ASPHALT z L.L w � z �¢a Q DAYLIGHT C UNRTBS 0 � m 0 J Q 0 I- m UJ IBC USE Q � N DATE: 0I-19-1, DRAWN: SF - I CHECKED: RZ III mAND& DO GOT DUN ro BE ROu1m ro HUH UPS NORTH DXECX DO HOP CWNE M'Y CpHCENSAIE DRAM VHRS pRECRY p1r0 PANYFHI 20G 2D.. 4I C4 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN � GRAPHIC SCALE PROJECT NO.: 2016171 YN ] SIAXfS IFn 6Ur, YW1' STAeF< Q WCpNN PW5I PGMMNB HNBimWN xN Ii,r 2 POLLUTION CONTROL NOTES (Cm (C.WTED nO So ID iglYm Rpq METE N fRGMD SORWVI( ��NAMES w%2 %1 SlP SYnFflmiOx CW ro0. MEASURES SNNL WOMAN IN PEACE UNIX CWPEIgi a N tthR fA&6C --Ri RGW P .VF TIES CONSTRUCTION VADOW Alp SEDIMENT CONTROL NOW SHALL CYMTAM WM LOLAL w Ba N .. O wNN I%ixl qtt oMWY AND WATER MAYMMUHT DISTINCT BAKERY TO gCflflC'ABWS n O �.,.._SLT imw ♦ . ,. . .'^ `g1RB d WiiFn ___-- ® MIMCPoIfO AND ARROM3) VAPoANCES WAIVERS AMO/cM CONDITIONS OF SIR C a _ _ ♦ - gWWiLISOU SINnEDCBALL3HUNDESTINDURABI 2 EAUDON AND YNYmr CONRAD. YEASIRES 4VLL BE PIAGED %OCR N CX AS d ly ANCHORING BALES sl DITCH BOTTOM INI FT THE ARST Sl IN, Cwsmucnax SEDIMENT caNTROL RADICES WIL a ATIU D ORTSaIYJNS 2' %t PocnW -� PARTIAL INLET AS A RUETER DIIFXA AGAINST AW RANSHORTAMON OF RT ar ME YTE O 3 V 21/2 Y" BY, WUCO; SIRE w1Ei MADE IA p I m m/n. w) 6' YAY -� iLTN FABiry EWSE SAL PLACED BY 3. All AREAS AfrECRO BY TONS NOR SHM BE RESTORED 10 A CONDITION J m O /CWSAUCDW L2 fENCWG '^� �_ 91GNL AM LNMRY RER FARRp EQUAL TO WN BETTER MAN EMSTING CIXIMBW, UNLESS SYVCWC ELY EXEM Im w ei / D]YPAGIm 1Lplf. THE BY ME KANS ME COST fOR SUCH RSIORATIp! SHALL BE ..CkL TO OTHER LYSTREAM FOR B, WFi BIPULTIM1E CCNSIRUcMM AND NO ALWIIIXNAL W.IPENSAMH DATE R ALLOYED > Q SYxnRDO BMFS �jm m SJ 4 RM �` IffA 4 ME WIWACIOR SHALL RABB LT MOM ME ENCMUF OF ANY g _ W )SCFFPAXDES BEIWETN THEY PEAK AND F160 COMMOURS PAM TILT V MRW AC aA1SIRUCnW u LOUSE SOU. YW.kU BY 9101EL AND A �1A Y --Cti �L OXp d WIIIR 5 PRIOR TO CCXSMUCnW ME CONTRACTOR SHALE RUDE TARE PROIECnW Q M n N m ETEVAYM HORRY OSPgm ALCNO WSThEW _ / (-�G\ R\ � `r,/r .� � RADIUS to MEET niE WHEN RITO a IllN. SPEPHCAI MNS � I -L Ly FAR R S\NMERC BALE$ Fil SILT FENCE _ 1 COMPLETED INLET G ME CORMACUM STAR REEDn nr ORB x WEN, E Rus REa Rm DR o O MAIRM F61 FRO90N CONTROL EDDY CCWSTRUCION AND STMUZZ ANY POIExn.1t ERasal AREAS INWMATEY � V O Oi EROSION CONTROL DETAILS NTS �1 BAI FS BACKED BY FFNCF RUN BARRIERS FOR SI OFFS mEDWxc mllvETpxamxstalcTlw Z 151 PROTECTION AROUND INLETS OR SIMILAR STRUCTURES ] CCN RACTQU SHALL BOB ANY AN ALL SAND, SET IA 1. DENNIS FROM Room OFr-SITE. uA ART MAINTAIN %T FU%E msr wsa a PRCPERm THE CC R CONTRACTOR SHALT ROCK RIMBSVI a SAND, %I OR WHEN BONN, INTO I INSTATE s1NMEnc fR09UN CONTROL WISH MEETS B FORE START CATCH RA4x AD, 0 OR A,, OIIAxAR OR SANITARY SEND SHNCIMD al PIPING W Dt NUCFNT ro F —III socA/rnBwc UNDER Epsnxc cATIN BAAx INLETS BEFORE START a WUAWnox oR vE o CONSTRUCTION, AIR DETAILS MIS WEED} 9 ALL CLEARED . AREAS FOR MPR014MEX1 Pl%1/Cfl (YINSIRIK'IICN SANE BE WSTALL SttI UNDEETCR E NEW C CCNIROL RATES S DURING NEW CATCH BASIN LEE DE OR / 10 FOR DD ONAl- II WIND TO9AN. SNEER &NIC UN0.eR NEW CATCH BASIN YIIEiS DURMIG CONSINUCHCN (SEE DETAILS SOUS 10 FOR ACpnalpl lNraMAHCN AND METALS. SUE TOOT IFYKX NO 102 S4EET) HAND RBb / 11 uX16S Walm, SET FENCES MAY R USED IN Um R SMMEIIC BIARERS 12 AD MONAL POSTS AND RAILS MAY BE NECESSARY TO SECURE AND SUPPORT .0 R BMPoFRS 13. ACgIKKIN MURDER TERMS YAY R REp.IAO BY HE Litt/COUNTY MONETR Z OR BY MIMIC ACA'gfS N 6'NI 14 WHEB WHETS ANE MUST BEIORYBy UET RML MET GRAZESGRAZES AT TUX W - .- - - - _ UYmCP( BAR IS"ND91CD AM INUMEW i fEYCE OR SYNCOARSE THETICBAI£5, UNM M Of - _ -.Y:_-P-"•.-•.' `^•-e" _-.•___ ___ __________ 1M9ES NOTICE OF HURT POSTERN AOW 5 RUMORED TO HMSBE LWTIal a1M CONSMUCTIWRM XIp I t. - - COUNTY ROAD 512(SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD _ - - - - -- PST Im DAn)) D RommE IRaaN1R NE AT All REST AREA FELLSMERE ROAD) '- -- - -- - - -- 16'CCNMACLOR IS REQUITED By DRUID TO BEER A LOG ON SHE FOR TIE NAL RUSU"AMSIMNTRO- MSBRIMMED MEMSMEEOG MAT CONTAIN RATESF INA� LINA9®\~! 1 { f 1 I OZ CRUSHED STONE CONSTRUCTION EXIT NTS , SWUCT" RWYMES, INSPECTOR OR AT LEAST A INERTLY BASS AND !` �yy b wSPFCTIW AFTER ANY RANFNL EVENT TINT IS DD' W DRAWN'. \ `( > 1 �,/ gill \� Ir ME CONTRACTOR 5 REQUIRE) TO SUBMIT A ROM£ a 1FR WAnQEJD • • • . O e w• `i A p TOTAL AREA •DISTURBED UNO)9TURBED IMPERMWS' PERNW9•. W�uD�RIENT a WMRLIMmTN PRMECnW IlPal THE cL � (SF) AREA (SF; AREA (SFJ AREA (SF, AREA (SF) j11 �2 = ' a• Z • �t� + -- - - LAC) AREA AC AREA (AC) AREA (AC AREA (AC) 1 ic: COXIRACNR SHOT REiAw A1nIEORtgroS FOR A PFRpD a • ( {� ,�,� __ _ ___ _-__ __ __ I] FOLLOWING ME NOW a TERM / _ _ _ _ -- -----------'-------- 59,966 59,9fi8 0 44,926 15.040 ¢ gf ' ^ �' - - -'� v .� - p a = - `� a� '- - - ,- 19 RUN $IaMWA1FR p�1AAlE5 $INN AS TIFF WYRANI FLHAMjc Ay R["' ry r ac T INSTALL START mOFW _ , eXIX cMMa 96 PPAa 1376 1 P6 0 1031 0345UNDERGROUND S m _ F5 PRpR TO oEAllunw caRANCE ERN z RETUIn20. My 0ED P1ENn.MLY HAZARDOUS auLocxs BRAWINi axro I 4' �FNMAna / ERr c5 IMPERNDU a PERNW9 - DISTURBED .. • A WILED AND RPT w pDpxN CONTAINER WWINMSOS - j"^+1 Y'w SlamMa PAWED Peeml[n pm Mpxlan Pgvl fmm 1, F InWaQSO FAawaWN0Rr SHLL$1FLRUC RDWRAY d YADmx21AwmD--A 2OROADWAYS 9N. BEREYMMEL BY THE' TMN1YA$TDTHR l •'u MU ELI Of .e •, , IMP MPo6 $..I. AAMDN-m NAnYc I v • i' � �� � _ =g Ertl $tORMWA1FR W Sr S10RNWATER EpSi S10RMWAIFN A u MUTT mil'T MET 1 - - 1^ _ s -{yl _ 4 _ ECCAINNI DAY, gLL HppP,. _ , s ---.M W��. ——----- —,---------- ., - - 1 N I L G Gm! Y = Ym9da reMe mmlam[e v rm'aeanmt am llH 1 , - I J� - IN STOWED fROSM coxBAM e P v eeee role e a cepamnenl C ^ Xaae b 6e emee MA TER(s) ua sm]ImAtlre{sl MAT IlwFufNr ulY vAel R WE Q 00 I I :. ( - YIT THARE HICK TO REAREMUN D oIn USAAL/N%MOB CNWMR MEIWFS REWIND BY THE WINES WIND, ON sIN WLWR `- 7 i � c na Aee. Ln �� <5 /fir PROS STCPoAWATER W d kh-ETI-V �Ii uM' �IRIEISlamwb �Imge Imm/.�wv' Iy—_--__ LLJ i cw i 1 s6mn! ssee me umnz Hoe camPmlr xame AaeA.n d Pnme nmmbe- oabpEXIST STORMWATER - IXI£TISTCRMWATERS k ny leryd'V&ranee 1..1� _I L IxLIl `PRreTsioR'uwnRn _ w.../ ®_e._ 112 x.1m�MI'r�I-me as aax.I r—°°"amm m O 1 - I l• - , MYMNaxrmmt- LGNEEWS C X Z Q LL ^ _ �� WU „pwµa,fe,tlmW aR¢10 umEm'< AnInXre mlolmmwA h6n®vpMMdble4mwmme AION Lu �HeNLI— � LM NW. dme sgAOLre an M cw1eY INI N6 k Fer. mAryae A Ue Slmnnlo "ti'N m' Ue pe Askn'. v No=s (emnt Ee¢xl \J e .STALL- STAQm IXG9a! CMIROL Ptlb1m Pe plbn flm me IM1e Slate of flmL Gmy1c P I I SI nler LbAm M1un tl I^ M Ue /emAW- IFe Mmm4n Nei w b Wrt 4d d my 9L1 flHa PPoCR i0 CfMWHCN - larye oq Sad CmsW A. Ac4ntin I uAee ve ml mY ^a1m1s oT TIED emWenmm Mn'kdN oM D WE Inu uNe M xmgele ION Dme w egakmt qm1 NANAme rN mAmnBy IaN mlmmalvt AZYNN ue roaNNry a me ana mm®mlm,I m ��,- ImMnIgvWWa� g w ' e 1 ettLlr A^Wm Pmary o1 Im DIM um emmenl aq A aLLaXnmis .ce v,+W W u+Ec my IVY' coacv2mee wu a 5Y•Nm eeaTN m am.e ua Pdrol PamrAtl J 1 - m �mNa IUiIIroWmm�ggx 1Ae arele"mn. xi uoe`N v[mILW "� m mr ^wry o1 ue Pen FDIEIIr nEGEwWSS. RE Is61sx Dre PNsme 6rNnr mWmMNe Im wue+m IOU mlumul'm. ue nbmNo-. abnxlea A to ue Ent of mrt -NO fa 6tlitE Na4 Q N w mwle, me sonde@ an ape Na Uee ve sWAfiem1 p, a A fa ' Imu R C USE I ' ` V urm.or . Nmam we Imminr or We mE bmmemnml n IreNiy Yaeum: 11-QRrPOAmnx wumLD wle DATE: 0I-19-17 Rmc Res 2%mflE eMWTYA La Is MIAEN,YN NFEREA. Pw . MS m A . DRAWN: SR FOE161CgINFO iq 1plf I6. CHECKED: RZ NORTH ONm/6E1I111TIRMIRS I IUYE REMEWED TM RAN M9 AC#E TD .11 MM LIE IRgkRDNXI$ C 5 30' 0 30, 60' '" N°EW" STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN ��_� �� GRAPHIC SCALE Imm/AYWHYDED RdAERMAME mM I PROJECT NO. 2016.171 SEE SEPARATE DETAM PON SWAT{ INCREMENTS NOTES I. ALL IELTERS ARE I'RTEES'C �4' SWIPES AT 24' OC AT VS' 1. YPER mum � 12' J 6, MIh HµCICAP TYB[4 2 iw PERIOD OF SW SHALL r•� ` (5' w S "1 HAW A REf1ECiaxlzm (EHMEf9NG WAGE) RUE BACKGROUND WON WHITE • NT SE flFEIECiwRED UMAD AND2 D /�1 MIME (CtNC PLAIT) BORDEN ` 3. B]LiW PWOW GE 9W 91pll SOLD MIME HAW A IIERUTONZED m T I-PAMEWENT M SIxgF MNIE (FNgNFFRNIC fRAOE) NAME PAMI OISnBIEOW MOODC PNNi V. 4' $IRVE WARE MM DACE 1/2' EWP HJONT T)I fPAWE LEGEND µ0 BACEA PERurt (CWC. PWi) 1 V ERE WFMCAnW vW 91n1L ONLY C r. HALE A XfS1ECTCRIZw Xi FlWR (ENgNFfPoNC WµE) MOLE ^ TR' SE£ Pigx 1R' BACXIXWXO MM DUCK CPAWF MOD. S XC. Fli.E m NOTE$ (GONG. DWI) NLL Nppi I.5' PAVEMENT "WA T D SHALL MM4S '� 1 COST OF 2- w OMB I wgfA[E-J "WAITED &WINDOWS IV Bµ5 (LWi) SNIT BE INCLUDED. / ONE O SIGN k WINDOWS FOR ETCHER 2 %!ONCE 2-/6 42WIH 9ASS W/ MUNSON CMS AT EACH A. r1' I� d yt 1 IE 5 )STUN IG:WIRFD Eqt EACH PIAKNG EVANSON TAM.%WENT. 2U-0' O.0 SEA%. Y ul 6 IXSi�LLw NEKi1T EE yW SHALL K Ix J CUSTOMER ATN15 - wHMACIW .AMHfi SHALL HE 4= ACCOGµCE MTH BETTER 24-D OF THE IR' 12' fAp$SYN% SIHI%NG PLACED AT EQUAL WALES (10' WOO BETWEEN NW W L 1R' IT MANI W UNFCRN TRAFFIC CWIML w4as ON. MADE EXPANSION "An CONTRACTOR ANTS SNNL BE SAW (CROP). CUT IN TH QERU�CER 1/3 T qNH AND COTTER WITHIN 24 MOM I. UAKNEB MkOES OF PAVEMENT IN HE PAAMNG AND AMEMBNtt 2. SIR MAY HE MWH ED W BUIIµG/NN1, NSIE SHALL BUT EXCEED 15D KEW IN ANY p.ORGAN. YE AT PROPER HflI F WOWED MOON 12' 4 BASS OF MUSICAL wAB S4µ1 MANY ON RICO FULL TO PUNS FOR STYLE IT HAHNCM RAMP. CE GENDER CE PAWNS WAGE ER'0 HpgRS IN 3 FEET 2 HµUCAP SWUNG SMALL CONFIRM i0 STAR M EM I70M O(LATE EUP, PLAN ""U"I HANDICAP STRIPING NTs O HANDICAP SIGN NITS PAVEMENT MARKINGS NTs O 6" VERTICAL CURB Ns O TRANSITION CURB NITS (3.YO Pv (MIA INNIMUN AWHPLOC Pg4E1/ENi CWFCIENi TgCIOIESS LLYcL ( OWED CWPCHFNI(NGIES) -UM COURSE BASE IXURaE ylgOpµE (P( ONO µGM IS 60 120 Im. DUTY ENYIRMW£ wL I 20 00 U. TYPE S ASFNALIC CODCYY� A M BAff 6' WINE" FTA M%TGBMW m COHB k ME& SMWNW£ BNLOWGS CR OTHER SII5` WCOA Tr7 TUUM j }Ol > ) IAA—R]IWN k ADE MN911NME ANF!OE NATOWL ATFNIAL AS OPECIOw IN ME MONOMIAL IAL WOMI APPLY PWYE LYL9T qS 44tlilw IN STUDIED 9RWDE BAR 10(F NMMOCC/C WMN CWC#DE BAY IS ISW W A WEGRA E MPL'CME Wi WFCMICATXMI. AT A4 COMPACTED TO SIN GRCEIF M ME YATENO S ASIY D-1552 MA%YUY .1 RATTY E WL WHOM MPLICATW RATE OF P.RS - 63B 5 US A BAY NAIF%N L9GAOy/44USiw COMPETE BASEtlILWY BURR = WO) OR S L CFI01I (WO PS MSW Gt EWVAIERi) O TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION NEW f KONG WI HOG AN UNIT 4 WP.E TOTID OWES III—III•-1 I� 11-1I1�11 III=1 NOREXPA: .&A ME AINTSMID n AT BE RAW O AT NL CONAND RETE AT CORN IHIERSECACNS, AT Al WC CPfNWw µB AT 12 oc. uAAWW E>SµSW AINT (1/4' PREMtlpD ASPHALT STEP) SHALL BE Yr 1/8- BREAK ttV OF WALK_ TOWN MANN (1' DEPTH) SHM BE 4' BUI QC 3 /-1 2 ASPIIALI / PA1EYfHT (IF MNCABI£) c0 (SUBGRA 151 POI CEMENT CWCRER MM WEDGED WERE GBMC 2 WpL-pgAMVG CAW AD SUMNIAOE POUNCED TO 98 PROUD OF NNE YAEMµ'S ..S TD T-IN MWI MY DRY Dp91Y 3 1/4' MENTIONED AYWNT EIDMSC ITT SITUP. SET 2 I/3' GLOW PAWMWT TOP 011 . I' YAOMW WAGWD NTS O CONCRETE PAVEMENT ASC Asa SCH a STER WE EDGE IR SY 2J5' PpPERN WNL UP IN -ONE NOTE - GTECTAGE WARNING MM CLECTC CE DRAKI I. WflB BE ME R ON SHNT NOT BE SWEPTqµ I'12 AND4IRE cRWs weu a 002 0: IR FUTDpt Nol2 0[IECT0 A WARNING SURFACES 9WL BE CONS IUCIN BY TEXTURING ThYAA"ATEO CODE C MGNXG A 1xJNCATO MEN MATEPoK W1N IN CRRYANK MTOE US 0 0 �(aE CLINIC) OfPµ14EM BITA1SJUSTICEAOA SrµDAxOS INACCE55GE MCC, ADA OIIIIIJJJJJJ ACYYSSBNTY WERNES, SECTOR 4.292 WANSTW SLOES µE NOT TO n1 HAW DETECTABLE MAGNUMS O O O 3 WHOM A MIT ROAM IS CWSIBUCTw WMM AN USING CUI CURB 0 0 0 0 µN WOOD µD/L SMM THE USING OWN US CURB ADD WITTER Mk- SE RfWKD i0 TIf xWAEST .ANT FUND ME WHO HANKINS OR J PLAN VIEW TO TOE U13ff THAT M WARNING SECTION OF WRB OR OWN Na EXPED IS US$ MAN 5. WHO. THE EASING SWUM SHALL SE KNOWN i0 THE RAWEST MT THIBEYOND ME MONSOON 4OE WAR AMONG ON TO THE R1EVi MAP N0 TWINING MOUTH M SEE m IS LESS THAN! 5'. 09' 4 MIKE ADJACENT WINING 9RFML3 ARE DRCw C µE CgRTWCT, MM xp DAN.S OTHER IM S 22 OF T E SPE PCRIIA% JOE MOST PE M ACCCONRCE WM YcnW 522 OF ME SPEOFlCAnO15, ME PLOD xusr WN IXCE + MONTE ON OEECTAGE WARNING SURFACE COOS C MATERDLS THAT IMOVDE w NECUSHAY CONTUSE E MER DARK-ONI MITuWT-OI-ON& (SAFEPT KLLow W FORK WEB 5 RECWNAOO MANUFACTURED. AGNEERED KASBM HNC (RUNIC TI£) TRUNCATED DOME ROME roWRs. JOB PCVIL SWEET ROTE 200. KRUK, NY 14202 %ICE (BW)GB2-1525 O9 CONCRETE WALK NITS 10 DETECTABLE WARNING NTs (3.5W PS (MIX)) SETSET WVERS , IN µGS SEE HOPE 2 FPO%Y WN Tµ MAMAS — CUNT 41 "'W" FOR POSITIVE ROW tlµIME MANE k roKR WITH'STOO! OR 'SAMiµY IWITHOED _��aE�xoTE I PRECAST �ANFIRCED COICAEIE RISER 5' WX fi NX PRECAST WNFCCA ' •'• ,,•.. xCNWOTC BAY T �� I m . J WUHG p MIX 6' OWN)) WE. 1 IN UNPAKO ANUS TOP OF CAVE 91HL BE 2' MOW "A"N'T DUKE 2 ALL N-PANWfNr STRUCTURES MOST KNOWN TO N20 MAKING STANI 14 MANHOLE DETAIL NTS Asnxc 0 W L o 1,IMMINGG I ROOM OF WALL COMWASHED SW "RWJXNC BACNFlII BAY µ0 SUFFA2 YAIEAAL 10 SE AAMUS AIEDI L AM 4AIND OF WASIw µ0 CµD OYE AMED U _ RACED AND CONDUCTED PER OPPROPI YEGFEATWS WKNEW 3/B 3/8 MAIL W SUED UN911UGER C MNIWM MAY FEW MS1RFi-IB'J. B' MAX UM, MII OWNS As WLK, OEDRIS µD UAOA BIXXS CALL QU K RENOWN IN ACCORDANCE MUCH ASM 0.2321. SIZE (MIN WS DUSTY IS REWNED FIATNOD-MAEOC µEAS. MI OF RADGIWi -O - WAY) ZME%PE SHALL BE FULLY WWCIED PC I3 RTRE CNNUR RASMIL RACED AND MWGTH WIN APPROXIMATE COMPACTED Wa'R ME SHE 12' CWPACID 10 SIBS MAXIMUM AWCIES IJM 0AS1Y FO AA91i0.i-I W. MAX SIZE SH Y 3 ME PORE 5NA11 ft PUCID IN A [RY IflfNW. OWNING YATRN MINIMUM WAI 4 BAUI SHM a ME CE LNWITA%£ NAIEMAL IXNPACOW PC AAWT -T-1 W SUCH AS UMER ROCK NOW AND DEBI S DENSITY TESTS AGE BECOMES IN ME (1) FWi ARTS 4 YM J AB'JK PIPE AT NTFRVALS OF 4W R MAXIMUM, 6. ME WEW.OFR / CONTRACTOR SNNL BE RESPDXI TO COMPLY WITH ALL APNCµLE y0E5 MRA-RATTY LAWS µD DOGWOODS ODS [AND NA1:.I V YNNIAN A%MOAYAR T IF..ET .OVER WE 7 DUE AFFECTED AGA SHNL BE X6iCED N EWN SAWPE.0 SETTER COMMON CR AS SPECPIw IX SUMIT SµSMALL YNNTAIN MIMO%Wg1ELCOKR OVC COATI DOCUMENTAC %PE PFI EIEYAINYI PEVAIKKI PIFASE aE SNER CJ.AII:NS t 15 TRENCH DETAIL NTs PORTIAND CEMENT CONIC. PAVEMENT I GENERAL RIGID PAMEMDR CWSSIS W CWSINJCTNG A SPECIFIED PWTAND SFYFNi CONCRETE PANNG W A PREPARED wBGRµE ME UNITES ADD OTHER ITEMS IN AND BENEATH THE SWEET MUST W PROPERLY CMRNNAIED AM NNE COMMUCIW OF MGM PAMEMENi TO AVYMD WANFICI5 THE MWM TO IA OWE SHALL NCJDDE THE RA IS1wc CT NL SURRNSW. CABW. YATRNS MOUNT AND MOCWT& HECE!I FOR IRE PRUYMW MUD PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTOR IN ACWOMMIM III ME NwROVw CRAMNGs WHO S'ECEIGDW 2 CCNCEM STRENGTH REWIRED ALL CODCEIE %AU HAW A MINIMUM CWPgEfiVE STRENGTH CT 4,W0 WN P3 AT 28 DAYS CONTINUUM UUM i0 WAKE H GER MAIN SNAIL BE DETERMINED, BY AT SUBMIT 3I8, LATEST PISTON. SECTORS 4823 µD 483 SITS CROWN "PANAEW 6 OI0. STD sREI NPE 9ON W/ CCNF i0 PPFRN MT a IM US. CA 11 BOLLARD I .P ip 2-0 PLAN SYMBOL Gum TW GP 1NG NTS O N Lu W AWL q I..L OLu > Lu " 0. N w, a 0 ASPHALT PAYING k BASE (SEE SIN. DEPOSIT) iCgID EWE{$ CCNC. MRW MC BNaXi <rWl 4 WWF /5 SORT 0 0 MA e�F 2 ll x -- O CONCRETE APRON NTs INN PS (TUN) CONCRETE NAME k MOD ID HUMAN NO R-197 -A (ROUND) C MNROKD MAIL WM CLEAR a9AMc Eau To SIDE la FlNISIw PAYFIIEIIi� 7 ` MX WIDE REWORD / WSHED GIANT 45' 12 CLEANOUT GALE VN, TESTERS MRFSIID HOME ITN EI D NTS BA""W" PREVEOFA N ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS MPROKO BY ME BRITT PRO TER (POOL aµ AS DIEO'0 BY UTI NOTE xD MNN USED W MfH S'DE C ROµWAYS. MUM µ01 MILPOREPOUNDS 2'AND SYNI£Tt SIO1L BE aOE OF ME WOMEN MINI MAIN ME TOM aOE I THREATS)THREATS)ND PUN 4U GALVANIZED STEEL IS UP ME PAIARNT PAKMp1T WAS WE THICKNESS OF ME UP SWU DE 6'. UNLESS OTHOWSE WAR W PGNS Al OO REDUCED PRESSURE 16 TYPE 'IF" CURB & GUTTER NTS, 17 NTSI IREPAFDDT MrcK..) BACKFLOW PREVENTER FRAME @ TWO ON NECµ NO R-1974-A (ROUND) ON A}PROKO EQUAL WITH COACH, —, 13 DROP CLEANOUT NTs IRO USE jN w ^o J Q Z Q awry uf z O z Q u- LU 13 Lu m Q In 0 r__ J) DATE: 01-19-17 DRAWN: SR CHECKED: RZ C6 PROJECT NO.: M xo¢ AwArG M1InGaWIG 77— ` 2 30. 11MI1R�XINX 61Y.) J 71W 1 13/I6' Imps' 1 13/I6' 1 4/16' 1 13/16' 7/9' 6' T A L L D U Y P S T E A fEX -� C LO S UAE ----W 6' FILLED I iN CONCRFiE (1YP.) CONCRETE r10 10 CU. YD TOP AND a L ID CU. T. TOP AND CIL YD, TOP AND e V END LOADING r END°LOADING END LOADING _ ' CONTAINER OLX6•W % 'CONTAINER (fi'LY6'0 CONTAINER (6'LX6'W % a s - DIT PSIEA BAIEI 10 BE L o� CAP r .9 xAsmar snl[w (U N HWL Z ~ '�- 11 B I6.00. VERT. LIJL V v iLL AL DUDS WRR 0.WCF£R a - = X (2) N Har62. 5 (uIDWAr uP WND) 1J m O Gil r\ ry PlI WAR / Q N e' COXw Xr (� Id m v w �(2)14 GOG7 Q " ❑ Qm N Z \I 5 �0 ••TNE DU Y P S T ER MUST PATCH THE BUILDING CD N ST R U CT I ON RNSIFIILRM R FN0.691A 10 BC DY.'E fl6CP TO MK MRPIµ0. 6 M6 fNKtt EITHER SYN'i`_._ Z DIAMETER BY 1 (" DEEP RECESSES - -- n O c ¢ FOR GATE CANE BOLTS. PROKDE ME HOOD OR METAL, ti EACH AIN CLOSED AND OPEN° c =_z�_ _ _ - _ - w �� , POSITRONSNS RE FlELD 4ERI(Y EXACT LOCA11QY5. COUNTY ROAD 512 (SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD a r AKA FELLSMERE ROAD) ❑ g DU M P S TE R ENCLOSURE NTS DESIGN CONCRETE PAD TO YAIHSTAND 10.ODO LOS CONCRETE 28 DAY ST R E N 6 iH SHALL BE 4, 000 PSI (YIN) SINCE WHEEL LOADS - - -- - - - �_l _ r6 9'- ] IYC -8 -G. FEE OIL W/ comc PAINT IM M 1• DAP 2xrp' ANCIE INPIAE AND BRACES 6'- SR PIPE DLL W/ CONC. F . .A SS RW MEIO N1'- STL PIPE MANGLE WASHER 6'. Sl NEE FlLL W/ CWC. - CANE mPs (SIANIEY /101 -18') I PAX! 3/4'- S1 ROD Ktp TO G`- STD. PIPE -1/2--i2-LONGG CONDUIT SLEEKS IN DAB - 5' THICK CONC. aM W/ /3 O 1'-0' OC. EW xOl MUEO PLANK$ (OR EQUIVALENT) DUMPSTER CATE & HINGE NTS CONCRETE 28 DAY ST B E NG iH SHALL BE 4. 000 PSI (YIN) a ,.. w ... i r - - - III( @p Inoue - ���✓ lL \ � ZMY00 _ x\\ _¢•�tT ED 11 ESN`€ Y ] 2 i, 111 R30 - . \ Ln ' 7 -- __,,,___-_ _ --_ --___ . Y-.Y-� ---W__Iv�V�v�-� L Y By I'm W I - a CV rn Lu x\ 4 o a ♦� Do cl� Dom( Lu n I 92 R96' A -—� W H- J Ln Q I flC USE - 0 In 2 _ _ 2 - DATE: 01-19-17 \ R15' - DRAWN: SR \-•;;,� _ ' CHECKED: RZ 30 TRUCK TURN ANALYSIS NTS - C6.1 ' - PROJECT NO-' 2016171 og �m 1?o Z W N METERS SMALL RE LOCATED INMEOIATM.Y INSIDE 1-1/2.0 P E LOCKING SERVICE LATERAL W THE RIGHT-OF-WAY UNl£58 DIRECTED 0Y IR0.W5 CURB STWS W COPOIMERWIY METER Box �- APPROVED METER BOXES UT ANGLE LOCKING CURB STCP�SMALL BE POLYMER Z (METER NOT SHORN) 1'0 WE SEANCE i —EFLOW W.A.I� ,_ Lim 6 LL (N ACCOMMCOAIE RA-W/4'0 METER) +". Or, CAR z' CORD STOP FlNISH lY — LONG SFRMOE IML (SEE NOR s) CARING REE4E SNgEi TEAM 'MflE IU VICE ELEVATION z NOTES F SUCCEEDS TAPS INN ME MOOR MAIN MAUL BE A MINIMUM OF IBA W CENTER 2 ALL SERVICES BEDSORE X. MWIMNM . ] MINIMUM SEANCE 9)E SMALL NOT GE. MAN C., DUAL SERIAS .1 HE A MINIMUM 1-1/2'0, IMPLE SEANCE 91ALL BE A MINIMUM 2.0 µ0 WADERS E 3ANCE5 .1 BE MPROMO BY IRCOUS 4. IY h 1-I LONG YRN2S REWIRE A S MINIMUM IB. CASIO R. ITEMS SEANCES REWIRE A Y MINI UM ID CASNG PIPE CASES PIPE SHALL SE SCHADURE Si P.VC 5. ALL METERS RY MALL OR SMALLER SBE 1. BY BONDS. HEREM APPROVER MµUFACREEA5' PRODUCT MIST FOR METERS GREATER GAR 2'A 6 PIN USES SHALL BE PURNADED BY ME BEV "N" µD/Oi MORCTOR — 91AIL BE 'MS. OU ALL LOOKINGCORN 5➢WS S ... PGRUS, ANDWATER SERVICE LYXMEMOAD AT ME TIME BE ACTIVATING All WAGER MAW CR AT SUCH TIME AS MAKES BY RNUS ]. OURS STOPS SHALL BE ME SAME SM AS ME METERS MAT APE IEU7UfED. N TRACE MRE M NE INSTALLED AS PFR EETAR .-IS S. LOCATE MARKED BAILS ME IB BE PUCE➢ IN ALL MEMO BOS6 MMM 24- EACH SURFACE 1. (3) M➢ PBERI... NOES REWIRED 1. 2'I 4E1 FAS INDIAN RIVER DOE VTY O gMNG DEPARTMENT OF i WATER SERVICE °,I Pill I MEN SKRVIC&` mm W—Y- 2a4 MARKER PAINTED GREEN tAE ROAD CROWN 6" CAP ELEVATION OF ROAD w al *IN�E MINIMUMSLE 1 4 PEflusE'M EX SUEENED 90- Cl}Al1Y) ELEVATION PANER BALL TIPPED AVOID PRUDES (TYR) TO 6"x4" WYE (TYPI DOUBLE SERVICE STANDARD 'Y BRANCHES T TO BE LOCATED IN ME FIELD INSTAPLUG (1m) LLED OPER PRTY 0- - UNE {i� 9@L 1� DIIL_DBVlll1 AS BENDS REQUIRED �OF SEWER MAIN TO BE ON C OF SMFET UNLESS OMQRMSE APPROVED BY IRGAUS PLAN VIEW NOTE I. SµRMY SER TAPE SHALL BE A YINWUY GE RAIN EAMEI ER. 2 MAW ETC OEECBWNG TAR 91gLL BE INSTAl1£O OVER NL ] ALL YATERIg15 ARE N BE PER R-W AP Se ED MA IMIS MRERY PRNUCL USE A YMXBt HALLS l0 BE TIMED i0 B'�9' WI£ R4' BELOW FlXI9IFD WADE INDIAN RIVER COIINTTI STANDARD LATERAL INERA.— UTILITIESNO.0H0.OF.PARTM£NT OF SERVICES (SHALLOW SEWER) S-1 LA ERAL a a 2 BRA55 COMPRESSIC WYE BRANCH BRASS LOCKING CURB STOP WITH INTEGRAL PLAN VIEYY METER DOUBTING CENTER HIND£➢ OPENING (4Y."%TMIN) W/STAINLESS STEEL PIN 2"0 PREPUNCHED HOE FOR TOUCHTONE f..METER LID ED PRESSURE PLAN VIEW WITH GATE VALVES /—W.M W.M PROPERTY TINE Y(M,E�XE.R. E NO, 3) m GRADEFIRMEDS 2. V I'0(MIN) CUSTOMER ELEVATION\ _ _ PIPING (BY OTHERS) �- NOTES ❑ICAM MARKER BALL (WATER) ELEVATION 1. AND TRAPPI9 MINN. WEIX O1NER SH APE REWIRED TO DOUOE BACNFLOW PRENNIER WHIM REDUCED PRESECRE 2CNE FEATURE AS OLRRMINN BY UBUN NOTES N BAC -SESMY, WUN(RAANLY BERMES ME NEWIRED TO INSTALL G. 1. MUMMA OMX Y0 MUST BE MPRWFD BY MOOS AND INSTILfD 3.. APPROVED EWALS RANNO MILLUL USE, D ANNA UARCATEND MAY BY EENMACTgt BE INSTALLED DULY AFTER SPECIFIC APPROVAL BY IRCWS R BY w ETERS R'0 µD SMALLR MLL BE SVPPUFD AND INSTAUFD 4. SUPPORT SACRROW PRENNRR FROM WNL W APPROVED PIPE SUPPORT SYMAIN PIPE SUPPORT SYSIEN STALL BE BRASS S W:MUM IRS Cf MEDA ROSES YA STANCE (W I( IB7. I-I/S. AND SEANCE Or % 18') WEPER OR DIP. AS APPROVED BY IRNUS 4 METERS GREATER Mµ 9Ill S'0 L BE CO FOUND METERS. ROPER TO IRCW9 5 BENA GROUND 'MS.. IN A VA. MAY BE I. FEU A➢iEAM, K MIGULD DRADE CE Bpi)dl CF VAULT IS AT MEND £D MµUFACMeERS PRODUCT LIST . 70' ABOK ME XIOI WATER LE1II. S. TRACE MIRE TO BE INSTAHIID AS PER DETAIL M-14 G PIPING 2-I/1' WE GRATER SNAIL BE FLAWED DUCME IRON PIPE 6. CUNAM MARXER I ME TO BE LOCATED AIMKCNT TO ALL RUNE VALVE BOYSAGO O 7 ALL MATERIALS ME TO BE PER IBNµ UB APPROVED MDEMPOSEET READOUT UST PACED IN ALL METER BOYS MTpN 24" PROM SURFACE 6 NL PASTE . SXAll BE AIR STAINIEIS V. I. APFROVED EWAL). S. ALL UNE BACK FIDW FltE4IIDEg5 SMALL BE ERTE M BY MPNDMD TESTER µ0 APPROPRIATE ERT FIFO EARN WONTED TO IRKS ORAMNC INDIAN IUVIDETAINMENT COVA'I'T1*1 DRHO NG DN'LIfIEM£A'RIC METER BOX INDIAN COUNTY UTILI'IIE3 S£RVTGLB W�� E�'M�NT UTILITIES SERVICES BACKELOW PREVEN TER W-9 nor DETELTON TAPE (SEE NOTE ED 6) PROVIDE TRENCH SLOPE AS REO'D PROVIDE TRENCH SLOPE PS RED'➢ GRADE � (SEE NOTE 4) ^ I wP $ 6' MAX LAYERS OR OTHER APPROVED MAINTAIN TRENCH Ix METHOD TO ACHIEVE WITH 2'-0' ABOVE V 98% COMPACTION TOP OF PIPE E' a MAXIMUM WATER N N LEVEL ALLOWABLE �-4- MAX LAYERS DURING CONSTRUCTION �, AT 98% 3/4' DIA BEDDING ROCK OR PEA RUCK WHERE CONDITIONS REQUIRE ELEVATION UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES 1. VEERS SOR CONDITIONS CANNOT BE MAINTAMED AS SHBVN ABOWC PROVIDE APPROVED WTHM OF C@NSTRUCi10N U. SHEETING WILL BE REQUIRED AS DETERMINED IN THE FIELD 3, COMPACTION PERCENTAGES SHOWN REFER TO MEHM T-HBO A. MECHANICAL COMPACTION NOT ALLOWED BELOW THIS LEVEL 5 TEENER WIDTH 'V' - PIPE O.B PLUS 2'-0'. B. 2- VIDE DETECTION TAPE WITH METALLIC BACKING TO BE INSTALLED OVER MAIN V BELOW SURFACE TAPE TO BE MARXEO--CAUTIUM WATER LINE BROW', CADGE. FORCE NAIN BELOW. OR 'CAUTION ELSE WATER MAN BELOW TRACE VINE SHALL ALSO BE USED COMTIMIOSLY W ALL PIPE. (SEE DETAIL M-PO ]. ALL RESPIRATION M CASEMENTS OR RIGHTS Of WAY OR WHEN REQUIRED BY DRUM JURISDICTIEIAL AGENCIES SHALL CONFORM TO BREEDS SPECIFICATIONS OR THE OTHER JURISDICTIONAL AGENCY SPECIFICATIONS, WHICHEVER IS MORE STRINGENT. INDIAN RN COCN'FY TRENCH DETAIL DRAWMD A. DEPARTTMMENT OF OTOATTFS SERVICES (UNPAVED EASMENTS)�r M-1 TRENCH WIDTH MECHANICALLY TRENCH WIDTH 'W' + 4' MIN SAW EXISTING I SURFACE RESTORATION rip a 0 z 0 a z m o m .H N W YG V 08 a Z-0 0 Op V z mD, o0 TT 2 DETECTION TAPE : i i . i / / REPLACEMENT (SEE NOTE NO 8)�/ LIMEROLK RASE rc IN 3 LIFTS AT w00 98% cj� Lr) V (MAX) LAYERS OR (SEE NOTE 6) OTHER 1� Q APPROVED METHOD TO ACHIEVE W1.. CONPACIION \ N MAXIMUM WATER LEVEL Lu m ALLOWABLE DURING I1 — 4 ERS J CONSTRUCTION q; ���giY98% �l 3/4'A EDGE ROCK DR PEA ROCK WHERE 12 PIPE 12 UNDISTURBED SOIL �E m O CONDITIONS REQUIRE IT �J TRENCH WIDTHLu ELEVATION z Q LJL NOTES Lu 1 WHERE SOLL MIN TONS CANNOT BE MAMTAMM AS SHP/N ABOVE, PROVIDE APPROVED Q PMa` METHEM OF CSTRUCTIW. M 2 SHEETING WILL BE REQUIRED AS DETERMINED IN THE FlOR. Q •w• IL^ AND.A A NEW SURFACMG FNTERTALS SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH EXISTING MPTERIN_S µD SMALL ^ I GAVE LAPPED D FEATHERED IMJ S MIN THK) L I Q 4. COMPACTION PERCENTAGES SHOWN REFER TO A MM TABS J 5. ALL ROADWAY RESTORATION SHALL C@ffLY VITN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PUBLIC O 1" co WORSVIDIR STµDARDS. G MECHANICAL COMPACTIM NOT ALLOWED BELOW THIS LEVEL. 1 R C U S E r� LA 7, TRENCH WIDTH -W' - PIPE OR PLUS 2'-0', 8 2- VIDE DETECTION TAPE VUH METALLIC BACKING TO BE INSTALLED OVER MIN F BELOW SURFACE. TAPE TO BE HARKED-CRUTIDN WATER LIFE BELOW'. CAUTION FORCE I DATE: 01-19-17 MAIN BELOW'. OP 'CALTON. REUSE WATER MAIN BELOW TRACE WIRE SMALL BE USED I DRAWN: $R �O CDNTMUQSLY ON ALL PIPE. <SM DETAIL M-u% I CHECKED. RZ L 9. %% COMPACTION IN SHOULDER OF RIGHT BE MAY. INDIAN RIVER COUNTY TRENCH DETAIL DRAWING C6.2 DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES SERVICES (PAVED AREAS & SHOULDER`) M-2 PROJECT NO.: 2016.171 DOLLAR GENERAL CAMPBELL 0.0 o.a 'a.o '0.0 'o.0 '0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 10A 10.0 'DA 10.0 0.0 '00 '0.0 10.0 '0.0 '0.0 'O.0 '0.0 'O.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '00 'oi of '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '00 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 'oo 'U.0 '0.0 0.0' '0.0 '0.0 `0.0 '0.0 '00 '0.0 '0.0 "0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 0.0 a. ]CYm D 1D Eo 'o.o 'o.o 'o o '0.0 'o.o 'oa 'a.o 'o o '0.0 'D.o 'o o 0.1 '0.1 `a1 '01 '01 '01 '01 'o.a '01 'o t 'a1 01 'a 1 h1 '01 01 '0 1 '61 '01 '01 '0 1 '0.1 'a.D 'o.o 'o.a 'a.o `D.o 'o.o 'o.o 'o.o "a.a 'o a 'o.a 'a.a 'a.a 'a D 'D.o 'oA 'a a 'a.a 'D.o 'D.o 'a.o 'D.a 'D.o 'a.o 'o.o ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '00 '0.0 10.0 '0.0 '01 '0.1 `0 2 '02 '0 2 '0 2 '01 '01 '0.1 `01 '0.1 '02 02 '0.2 '0 2 01 01 ,'01 '01 '01 '0.1 '0.0 '00 '0.0 0.0 '00 '00 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '00 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '00 `0IN MIT .0 1 . - M It '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 `0.0 '00 a.p'-'0'f-'a r'o.i-''O fo'1-'0,4-'Or'o3--9T-(Sd-`or'oT'O5"°P9-'10T' O.T' oT'-`0 �., '02 '02 "oI 'o1 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '00 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 'o.o 'o.a `oo '00 '0.0 '0.0 '00 'o.o '00 '0.0 '00 '00 '0.0 0.0 ff HP1Lw®20' i - F&1-0eo QZS � :0 'o a '00 'o o "o.o 'o.o 'o.o *0.0 'D 'o t 'o J D R-�a-=ei-'-'-ya-'ra> �-'�` , �s -=q s G a ,.� , 06 'o a b 2 '01 'oa 'o o 'a.o -0.0 'a a 'o.o 'o o 'o.a 'a.o 'o a 'o.o 'a.o 'a a 'o o 'o.o 'o.o 'o.a 'o o 'o a 'o.o 'o.o '0.0 '00 '0.0 '0.0 '00 '0.0 '00 `0 '0.2 '04 0 � '1 "i iS q6 q) `� a `I s ' 2 13 ' 3 z,0 ts 1.3 09 o > `o. 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CHANGES IN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY, AREA GEOMETRY AND OBJECTS WITHIN THE LIGHTED AREA MAY PRODUCE ILLUMINATION VALUES DIFFERENT FROM THE PREDICTED RESULTS SHOWN ON THIS LAYOUT. -THIS LAYOUT IS BASED ON JES FILES THAT WERE LAB TESTED OR COMPUTER GENERATED. ACTUAL RESULTS MAY VARY. 9tls]We ; WnneYe 1pxfine v s L.sx+alnsnnwP'rvHxmammxx pmvf.�anmw. ea I +m _ 1 m HPi-DOC K I III Iw+ I uaw m I engp fa L. i eof/om ,fm aw Ifsd/ om Rwrm.m fm..+fm o-m 1 1 a nwe Ifasem.m f m If6w' 6w m Imm® ssnf+m aw 1 V e 'un.A�m�t�t mp um®aMewmv wpPfa-.euimxn� oa na Ifaswm J+ m 1+:�/m aom Nam xmfm amw I G- lumn,W a 4wc + m Ifwiw.N ism 1+6Y( + om ImAm l.w v I e 0.iw+ ao Ua+aum m Ifa� I., m I.,.. fm>Jmm om I 1 a Ixn lyliaq Nw+9mm I8 ImM +mq m I.+mm fanamm om I a IXI`n N Iaw Ua+arzm m imm� I-- fmnxm fm+amm em Ifvnmm m Imt✓// vam law Ww'. fmrz4m em I m Hurae.m Imm Ima/JJ,, 0.1 law fmmm om N� I + fwfm Ia�a+e Ifm.m.m Imm ImcJl me]+ law I� +m+,nm Iam I 1. CaWJtlM tl Wa4e. NUIE R.M REI 6a Al2NW TlIEN I B�UR�IED mvfma�rc�v'ai M1 ... NOT YMERE BUIWI 19 AliACHEDNTIE BUILDING 3 falvutl mMraNgEnwxem �mafimmmmaalma--rvyma ""•,'°'O' h WIkYn. Nwfl,& vw+ 4PdfhekRd ma tlw�Ry cl awolNNei9 PxMm McRah. BAIL eFiOC YOu m... 1-iW-Of-ma iYs 1� ur® z 0 o00 K Ln Q fV Ol > m LLI Dcm Q .00 z O zLu Q LL LD co W O (N m 0rLn DATE: 01-19-17 DRAWN: 6R CHECKED: RZ C/ PROJECT NO.: 2016.171 SOLID STATE AREA LIGHTING NdEa Ne DSDP SERIES -LED SPEC IE ICATIONS O NMi9XG UEDA YL9YlYmYWO.mIMNWn ��)) o.lm-INolgqww w�lArvF.n11 w1.e bnllV hP®t'W21�einlbn CVIDPII�Iowl MX YtlapuM11E0 uroAib mol. -- 'aiW ekV atl WlbnbmlMiw e� nwaw /�� -I\\ ��tivnbYh®YIM1Yn1EV mplp mwMY WYYfb �A V YbJbM@tYMNmOYM]tlln. VIffiOFlM MANIE _ //fug I DSDP25 EmJu6iTmAlNW WUeYmatn�AeaNb WIYd W4b YYNdmMFSp lnuanaNLgpY maE b mtl bMn ie ImbN .IieJ ally vobl iuN,,,...M6n mM.Iwu Tal.. mtl JL., ao EW �. uolmrrtns �� NPi oi16m1 um Yn aLan a Tmnw b nmPa 1 .� We1PWPbaE1�e51fi�Nbnea0M16 Wmlpllpll wW�. I[-0Y uY avktls b.LVAutl NMd MMI. R I —I P� modblacodcalls camNoewmmcam. (MNrmo�Ybetl®1® pb5. VL v4 LED iEoymN IM Aw Im b. CaMll `y 1® M1bYv .P. m tWl voMUYm Oem w mlmm. co EmbEy b mremiAe R1N b nnebiWM blsnE b o ntlWiq bv1J n41nm4V Fbml PaFY]. Pla lva Y•P IbsJv cgbitl. NnM9 mb 16y luv °Mr w,w5e.mmb. DSDP1 Iwsl FbBOMblYmEmtlP.IC wr.YrlFmYramm mbYLwP.PYmYmeEnmY..,,r� mimT.rw P�d•tl1m�F1n°�OYemE n�u"binren«s...s°� °A m,e A.�PYTm�btmibEbgaL ®�'�•' Y b. M[MiuPollNlnbV r ❑ SNTS 4" Square Straight Steel .SN2HHECTIUK / �p �anmeY.omnwYYwnrw.Fmmmi�. �YI. - 41m.agal GEUm�uSv.e PiOmIbTI NAY41NmM�sa. AilY6Ptla1 VnP+.tl19 bmW bWlYmwl qC buFY6 bim-fmYdslbn6leLgvarmwrlrwvoa - iew..nP+lPsmdmommE ESLrmaonYwn®Pw' ��Naiwa.wleYlmwbb PEEI➢rm9vwahaut rm Abms4nwee..m�.e..�Hewn.elsawn.,,,m gem®PbLY.b.T•L..lo.a..tl�tlml�e,.. r r• m.Eaamlwmw+.'Imea.nverm�alwoneYNnwimm y ocoib.rm.aaYmn�TP.basr�mdTerd® �.«.� 3 NM-NCY.avN/4TN19crtyYTNYL6Y m.Cib luu•v ..E�e1.,v1eE�.ee,awEro.+ob,Naaa ' � roYbpNenlatlyvinlm.! Eudebnun� IbbTop Blmnl HaM Nde Cper Im.aw.m, w+vllmels can-zsvoo. .�1YmY.um w�Yr eY.Yr usy wYEs �� DSDP SERIES - LED !1 MDIMNG8DIB WALLM VLEVMDq,16 OUP — �l. vuu fil➢lmiTiE 95NEn ovmrt ImA vm� A ® �n� re°aLSYEr row L!J LdJ WALLPWE w `!�1.1• _b 1 • w � luml .Y1mYY�mY16Fd�i F,�•- � RFN Q I ° i �i �.:�. �.®.m�b�.Fr °emu t d., � •�. �,.y D d OPIICS I LED INOIDDMG R M om m I DABBED sa. r� CmY Of °�• ° ED, U.5 Ncnn<eiwu LAM.- DURABLE TIVN.0110H SESISiwxT, EAST AMR EATnuvEM wLUMIMI.Y FIRM FPN ®A =�A;_ s I I :; L AIIC�1 + 1+3V1 a V.ur�s DURABLE EORRO510N PE515TAMT, EAST Ax0 EETNV°E° ALURINNY CONSTRUE DURABLE OPp051ON PE515TANT, EAST AB. EbTNU°EY ALUM... E°NSTP11ET1°N. w® Q O 'Ti REL Of U 0 Do I.d- Ln Ln (V W M � Q m O z zLu ap �ma F- ln W O r� m 1� In DATE: 01-19-17 DRAWN: SR CHECKED: RR CV PROJECT NO.: 2016.171 LANDSCAPE PLAN GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES FLORIDAALL PLANTS TO BE FLERIAN THE ',I A—. AN OTTUREN ­0ERlRANFl ADD STANDARDS OUR NURSERY PLANTS, PACT I ARMAGH PATH 11 STATE OF DEPARTMENT OF ANGROULTURE TAtUVRABBEF, BADANY AMENOM[ BixEAFT, F VERICEPARAC RESEEDED IN THE STATE DEPARTMENT ONFARRICULTURNE ADD CONSUMER PANACEA DIVINSCROFFOREATERY FREE AFFORGEREAR4 ANNUAL FOR BUILDERS AND AND A THE LANDSCAPE oRLLcwnwwTEo By SHALLIGNERVERNI AS PLANT LAND AFEALEVEM, LLPN LNALLSEUse EB AN DEBATE UNTEVERECATIMERAND EATON OF AS 4 u ED USING AwF MNNPE �viRM sr (iswi,�SPENTE) THE l ARGENCYNEE ca+ ERmTMN ANSI PERRY AOEaN.TE.RmeALFwNNAeEINA.L PLARDT BAD ABU PLAINTIFFS VERTICAL DRILLING THERNAN ARAF COMPUTED FAIL TO WELL 'A FEEL GRALL .1 CALLAYMPRE. 1. AD PERVIRE I E ALL LA BEEN EN STREEWAKRINGLAND CHALLBE TOP ADVISER AWITH THREE wL ET ACT TAKEN THE FREE DF MAY VACANT CLINUFAVER4 BE ALL THE ON ADD STEEL BE LEGALLY LIABLE FOR ANY UNUSUAL CAUSED BY THE STHENATIENLY CE AGE PLANT NATIONAL E, ALL RICAN AREAS WO RECEIVE MAN SHALL BE LINKED FOURS) TMMACY INCHESANM THE WE MEANT OR TRAIR WHEN LATER AULACHAVELOTAGEDCRTUFFERANALLANNOCCUTO 11 ALL DANDIDEPPE AREAS TO HE BEFLATE. AID ARADDENNEI INDERVERSWA SYSTEM 12 THETREE�IPEROFA�CA�YTREES��IFIEDIN�EL�8��SE WHICH IS CAUSED AN PREPARING RINSTALLING ANY ADDALL PLANT TERIAL aETDE NORTH 20' 0 2040' GRAPHIC SCALE PLANT LIST ED ? CR ry MONTH BOTANICAL WIE MINIMUM DROUGHT NATIVE OTANTITv (SCHWAB NAME) SIZE/SPACING IMPROPER FLORIMMG N(SCUT IA GWJAIFLpW 12'MIN Hi 3' GOL ITTPP3- C YES VES 3O l3WTHEIM LNK)I LTA) Q��LS 6MIN 2 LI UIDAMEDDAMERICAN SKETCUM) 12' 3' CAL YES YES 14 O (ANEfl ICAN SXEETGUN) HUNNIN+T 6'xlx SPflFAO. > V J m TV CREDIT VIRGINIANS 12' MIN HT 3' CAL YES YES B LET ED (LIVE ON() 6-MIN RETIREDw L`I \J Q DR Afl ACED AL IN 12' MIN HT 3' CAL YES YES ) w a LJ ER , (RED ME[)6-MIN 3PFA0. 0 '^ ED AN p 9' CABBAGE PALM IT CLEAN HAND, YES YES 33 Q AR PALMETIO) �IV ILEC VDAITORIA 5' MIN HT I- GAL YES NO ] z w O (YAURN RALLY) 3' MIN SPREE➢ W LI Uf#RSiPONIA IMIICA fi' MIN Hf 1" CAL SINGLE iflUNR YES NO 6 Mv® V Z (CREPE MYRTLE) 3' MIN SPREAD w g LIM LIPICPE MUDDIER 12'-14' WHAT, YES NO 161 > � (VARI WTF) TURBINE) 1 MAIL24' 0.0 PI MPHIOLEPIS INDICA 12" MINK YES NO 2ZfiLN (ROMAN INXDbRNE) 3 GAL 24- 6.0 Q VS1 VIBOR" SUSPENSUM 24- MIN HT 24' SPREAD YES NO 61 p (SANCT I SHADO LM) 3 GAL SA' 0 C C VS VIM" SUSPENSION 35' MIN HT 24' SPREAD YES NO 371 (SNOINttXA VIBUROWN) ® AMR Si, ALGURTINE DNNTITS TO BE T GAL SUN 0 C CALCULATED BY CONTRACTOR TO N0 z TREES PLANT gNNTITY O TO H TO GRAIN N xX / RANI SYMBOL > LET VOTE. WERE WLLON M CALIPEfl REFERENCES NAV CONFLICT XITI HEIGHTAPPEAD MEASUREMENTS. THE HEIGHT/SPREAD MEASUREMENTS STALL GOVERN. 1- _ Q p .1HARE a mnf PoBYn WY AN Tv 11 GUM AN SIUREM wAD ALRY N BE AREAVE .1 IWT 4'.f�PoM ITAIT AN & AN AMaWim w �.s� AFGHAN Z EN.0 E HE PAN O HRH N 1. - W21E SAL t' IGVF Ml4L itG 4Yf£ 1A J H Ore VL1 BY, EWER ANDLE N SEA MAN W4 x EEM.o P n tnlSt[o a fug K SV19FL 40.0i EICASEUfxuF - HAVEN la xAFTEN aRiEo II J RARE .o z axNEWAS uaw¢ OSC DAP EIt mD s.TR Im mn umECIFIiEOM snLTM As miYGIRIA. :�Y yip"_ - STATE - 1Q MULTI -TRUNK DETAIL NOT USED NTS © TREE PLANTING DETAIL NTS =+.d. !F',!�.'¢ - '••„X, FLoeION,`.'� RNRE MID:+sore.-1.1. 17. EY"IEN� WI &Mlf AFRIC AN �` �6 217 BINP1Amv:EIN.RAAE) W=r�ISED.TH,.A� JET' "I. EULa 11. DENI�"ARRA Y ,A..,.. NI CE TH HE o"sr�rnuTTEM PMs. . %i z.AM':;e s»aw Q 00 mIL ERA M ' IN NNIa)rrN 3NRs TA GAIN tm _ LE) AwRr TD MEnAS OR4z L" (1) FEE SPNSTe DR ANBE TIL INTOSAD SAN aw N IIS1 "A"`. MERE w m -- 6° ca¢ � x u14Mrc KINGS 6• _RA _ 'gw A _'- FALL �IN Q M➢uEo ILYttmCEIREA AS PSRA'IT ANAD HE s"' G SPECIFIEDMILE YRiw:IRn'n HA.gLpRARE.1 11 ALE A� s' RU IS I.pII CRIMINAL AS .1 I"" J m O o Rm.E.11. _$a M MEASURES AII`EFII FIELD IIQLLJJ MAtERIN -u.Ess Z 'AUGHNAtR ImsERMND. �IW 1���� W a LL a3 SHRUB AND GROUND COVER DETAIL NTS E SAILNN6Ar ® PALM PLANTING DETAIL NTS Lu LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS of m m TREE BEWIDEMENTS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING IREAB. THERE 'ILL SE THERE SHALL BE ONE TREE PER 2,000 SQUARE FEETGR PORTION Q TO ONE TREE FOR EVERY FIVE PARKING SPACES OP FRACTION THEREOF. HEflEOF.OF MEN SPACE 15.040 $0 R DIVIDED BY 200 = 8 TREED J Vi i( Y9 STALLS DIVIDED BY 5 = 10 TREED flEOUIflED. REWIRED 1 SAVED TREE AND Y CANWY TREES PROVIDED J < 11 CANOPY TREES PROVIDED TOTAL 8 TREES. O m N W N CITY NOTES SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIVING PLANT MATERIALS FALTER DATE 01-19-17 ORA CARCULACCENSE HE FORRAND NEVENTIATHER MCGREN H. AND AGALL GVERE A MINIMUM OF FIVE ART OF CLEAR TREES FRACE IF GREVERI TO DRAWN SR AND RANDY reesuesmino cARlNw 1111 1E.wis ns.CLEAR 7HTREES OFAr..F MNSPksDGGERaGvounwsli iHT. CHECKED. RZ ePOV1sIous HrneM. BE ADD AM PERCENT AN THE TREESWRALL MATTER D�rHITTT«EFwEir IF PALMS ARE USER THEY AI DEFUNI BE MAE FEAR YOF THE N�oUNEMexrs EORANr PROVISIONS HEREIN AND slNuHAVE AUMBESMECxs ATONCLEMENr L1 �TRPaR MGRETHPN w,.oE THe.LRALNU BEROpep NAICrc Aar 2G2 KINGS W. PROVIDE, Q WEST AWI PROJECT NO.. 2016171 M COUNTY ROAD 512 (SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD AKA FELLSMERE ROAD) IRRIGATION NOTES LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AN ENTIRE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHICH PROVIDES JOIN COVERAGE OF ALL PLANT AND GRASSED - - -- - AREAS WITH HEAD TO HEAD SPACING OF SPAY HEADS. PROV I IE ALL ITEMS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL SYSTEM TO INSOLE. 09 NOT LIMITED TO CONTROLLER, VALVES, PIPING, HEADS, RISERS, MACNFLOI PDEVENTER. -- -- METER, WIRING, ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PROVIDE AS-&IILT DRAWINGS UPON COMPLETION AND PRIOR TO FIRM PAYMENT PROVIDE A RAIN PERSON IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION WEN TO RAINFALL COORDINATE ALL WORK AND SLEEVE LOCATIONS WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOW DRAWINGS FOR OWNER/AJIOIITECT REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL A SEPARATE WATER METER FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR NALL OBTAIN ANY PERMITS REWIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM I I/<'IMIaoW MIN LIRE MP.) NORTH 20' 0 20' 40' GRAPHIC SCALE O ELECTRIC VALVE DETAIL NTS IRRIGATION LEGEND 0 FULL 6" P0P-LP SPRAY HEAD 570-84 a 1/4 6' POP-UP SPRAY HEAD 570-0-0 o 112 6POP-Up SPRAY HEAD 570-8-H a 1/3 6" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD 570-8-T O 2I3 6" POPiIP SPRAY HEAD 510-8-TT 9 314 6" POPTP SPRAY READ 510A-70 • FULL 6" PCP -UP SPRAY READ 570-151` • t/A 6" POP-UP SPLAY HEAD 5]D-15-0 1/2 6 POP-UP SPRAY HEAD 570-15-H i 113 6' POP-IW SPRAY HEAD 570-15-T 2/3 6° POP -JP SPRAY HEAD 570-15-TT f 3/4 6' POP-UP SPRAY NERD 570-15-TO o CENTER STRIP SPRAY HEAD 510-4t T u SHOP STRIP SPRAY HEAD 570-4-SST • END STRIP SPRAY HEAD 5I0-4-EST O OQ�DENOTES VARIABLE 6" POP-UP 5I0-15-MJ SPRAY HEAD N 15' PATTERN ® ® WN,, —DENOTES A' POPiN SPRAY HEAD CB ROTOR OR PVC RISER PW-UP STREAM ROTOR 4 ON SERIES STREAM GELLED TORO PLASTIC VALVE — — — CLASS 200 PVC MAIN LINE CUM IN PVC LAICAL LINE VALVE ZONE NO _ _ = p VALVE SIZE PVC SLEEVE 4` IN DIAMETER VALVE GPM PIPE CROSSOVER VALVES 254-06-03 3/4' VALVES © CONTROLLER EL „ROCAT IO 252-06-04 V VALVES 0 RAIN PERSON LOCATION 252-25-06 IN VALVES NOTE MODEL NOS. SHORN REFLECT TWO SPRINKLER HEADS. ANY RUN OF EWAL DUAL 17 NAY BE USED WITN THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER CONTRACTOR TO SIZE ALL LATERAL LINES ADD INSURE THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL HEADS. LECExo �' nzL rrs slwsnNE iii w \ Ixsi a 11. • IItSLED PVNI MIURINL c'w"v'e� \ s _ i RAINT TT_ avxll G F. PIPE •• / WC SON. tl P13q 3/0' Poe lgip6 \ / LL i Np WL NJ95E q PELWP SY T G' 0 "iELL NME PK,FF AN F1Aa EL QQ DRIP IRRIGATION DETAIL NTS O SHRUB RISER DETAIL NTS ® HEAD DETAIL I�IN UN Z `=RsgL w z amv Assaelr NELINE NTS .WIMLaMND NOTE: A SEPARATE IRRIGATION "GAM PERMIT IS REQUIRED FROM THE COS WNW, UW L mE © CONTROLLER DETAIL NTS DICK APT 252 KINGS W. DECATUR, GA 30D30 A04-909-2I35 00 Un N W m .J Q � Q Q m of O Lu Q LU Q Q m V) W Ln Q r� m Q r-, N DATE 01-19-17 DRAWN, SR CHECKED. RZ L2 PROJECT NO.: 2015171 COUNTY ROAD 512 (SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD AKA FELLSMERE ROAD) ' PROPOSED PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL ! RETAILSPACE 9, 1875F 3.957 SF FFE =PA.U0 FIE =3300 OIE OYIIINCTtlI 18 PLE GISTIIG INFFS ife fi,41X NO L81VE ESE IXE4WGi tIIN YINI NIL 119RC1 IH FY ISVIXC Ip ¢FAX DRNIA: 41mm. llYP. i LGNYIES T MD O\ �I L-d W e'. TREE -DEMO PLAN J M 538Y 01 400.81' R n, 9. \ A—fl2", NORTH 20' 0 20' 40' � V � GRAPHIC SCALE .11. RARN 11 HRURTLN .1. 10 TREE BARRIER DETAIL TREE PROTECTION NOTES 1 ARGUE CONSTRUCTION. PROTECTIVE BARRIERS SHALL BE M SCOW BY SITE CONTRACTOR TO PREVENT DESTRUCTION OF TREES WHICH ME DESIGNATED TO REMAIN. PROTECTION BARRIERS SHALL BE ERECTED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION WE ANY KIND ON THE SITE 2. RUN ARS SHALL CONSIST DE PROTECTIVE MAKER POSTS TWO (2) INCHES BY FOUR CLOSER THAN FIVE (5) FEET TO THE TRUNK UNLESS PROPOSED PAVING CONSTRUCTION WILL HOT PERMIT. POSTS SHALL BE NO FURTHER THAN SIX (6) FEET APART. REFER TO TREE PBDTECTION BARRIER RETAIL EACH SECTION SHALL BE LINKED TEGETIEH WIN ORANGE POLYPROPYLENE NET FENCE MATERIAL 3. PROPOSED GAMES AROUND TREES TO REMAIN SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO WITHIN FOUR (4) INCHES OF THE EXISTING SAME 4 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW TREE REMOVAL, TREE PROTECTION AM CAREIWL PANTING REOTS. AS REFINED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. 5 PROTECTIVE BARRIERS SHAH RFMIN IN PLACE AND INTACT UNTIL SUM TIME AS D]NSTPoICTIM IS DEPLETE AND ALL EQUIPMENT IS REMOVED FROM SITE. 6. HD WILDING MATERIALS SUCH AS MACHINERY OR TEMPORARY SOIL DENTS SHALL BE FEARED WITHIN THE PROTECTIVE MAIM ZONES 1 BARRIERS SHALL BE PULED AT THE TIME CANOPY LINE EXCEPT ADJACENT TO THE HUDSON COSTRJCTION AREA WHERE IT MAY BE AT ONE HALF OF THE CANOPY DISTANCE ON ONE SIRE ONLY. jH rl Ti TREE PROTECTION BAMTCADE LOCATION yy EXISTING TWEE TO HE WORKER EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED TREE SIZE TOTAL N OF TREES TOTAL INCHES 16 INCH - LIVE OAK 1 161. 18 INCH - LIVE O 1 1W I 18 INCH - LAUREL OA 1 1W 6 INCH - LAUREL OAK 1 6" 8 INCH - PALM 5 N/A 12 INCH - PALM 1 N/A 18 INCH - PALM i N/A GRAND TOTAL TREES TO REMOVED = 11 58" EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN TREE SIZE TOTAL N OF TREES TOTAL INCHES 12 INCH - LIVE OAK 1 12' 15 INCH -LIVE OA 2 1., 18 INCH - LIVE D 1 18' 20 INCH - LIVE OAK 1 20" 24 INCH - LIVE OAK 1 24' 14 INCH - PINE 1 14" GRAND TOTAL TREES TO. REMAIN = ] 1181, ABBREVIATION AND SYMBOL LEGEND CIT (DIA) CITRUS TREE © MAP (DIA) MAPLE TREE Q ELM (DIA) ELM TREE LIO (CIA) LIVE OAK TREE LAO (DIA) LAUREL OAK TREE PALM (DIA) PALM TREE PINE (DIA) PINE TREE CYP (DIA) CYPRESS TREE ® CAM (DIA) CAMPHOR TREE NTS RI CR ART 252 1112 MAY. DECANR, GA SHOT 4M-90 2]36 0 a M. WSW t7 �l` •�:� 95C49 �_. d� SE OF LpP OA, SEP 0 6 2117 0 00 otfLn (V Lu ro J Q D� Qm LL Lu O z— �aQ Q o r� Lu Ln DATE: 01-19-17 DRAWN: SR CHECKED: RZ L3 PROJECT NO: 2016.171 LO& DESCRIPTION PER FOU ITY NATIONAL TTF IM`umANFF (0 PTF FMNITIFNT TINDER NO SV9arNMa Parcel I- A paoltlN of Section 13. Township 31 South. Range 38 East, Indian River County, Florida, more particularly described as Begmnmg at Me Southwest corner of Lot 1, Chesser's Gap Subdivision, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 76, of the Public Records of Indian Weir County, Florido, run North 51 degrees 49'23" West, along the Northerly right-of-way of South Flemming Street, 183 GO feel to Me existing Southerly right-of-way of County Road 512; thence North 38 degrees 10'37' East, slang sold right -of -wog 254.58 Net to a point on the North line of Section 13. Township 31 South. Range 38 East, thence North 89 degrees 32'56" East, 2 ..25 feet to the Northwest comer of aforementioned Lot 1; thence South 38 degrees 10'37" West along the Westerly line of Lot 1, 400.81 feet to Me Point of Beginning. LESS AND EXCEPT A portion of Section 13. Township 31 South, Range M East, Indian River County. Florida, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Me Southwest comer of Lot 1, Chooser's Cap Subf,dsion, as per plat thereof recorded In Plat Book 13, Page 76, of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida run North 51 degrees 49'23" West, along the Northerly right-of-way of South Flemming Street. 183.00 feel to Me existing Southerly right-of-way of County Road 512; Medics North M degrees 10'37" East. along said right-of-way. 153.50 feet; Mwce South 51 degrees 49'23" East 183.00 feet to sold Lot 1: thence South 38 degrees 10'37" West, along said Lot t 153.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. Parcel 2 A portion of Section 13, Township 31 SoUM, Range 38 East, Indian River County Florida, more particularly described as RATIO.: Beginning at Me Southwest corner of Lot 1. Messes GOP Subdidelon, as per plot thereof recorded In Plat Book 13, Page 76. of Me Public Records of Indian River County. Florida. run North 51 degrees 48k3" West, along the Northerly right-of-way of South Flemming Street. 183.00 fast to the existing Southerly right-of-way of County Road 5t2: Mince NorM 38 degrees 10'37" East along saitl right-of-way, 153.50 feet thmce South 51 degrees 49'23" East 183 DO feet to saitl Lot 1; thence South 38 degrees 10'37' West. dong said Lot 1, 153.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. proeEWATNW AR. auo sw®x ...I Ec mus a axas¢ ® ra muNC sol.0 Now RBa sup . muPAIL aC BAp. asIVPB Cm fefipplT # Of, LWIT POE cwn 6ticnErE c0.NXACE Ful FOR Tr n4alscMlm rP EP'E OF I..T Cd aTlltt POLE win MwT ® M8 MIE PIAL ecN wA WATER t, wN C. N YMMpR ^e BEP BYw FILO, FPNftIIfA s Sa1a cal cV9 pRAW NO OFF XYB0.M'T 0. NCw = ® den 4MB QUIET YANNLVE ® was Y.VL WSx a . con. Y.T LONUIT p91 M und" r1A0 rlAC Pa1F se as_ Bp WY QL CN/➢1 III rFNCE .p W wV w1E vltl£ 4 Now . PS a. WA. upA eIXCTw Bw ® ,LW AN WrpinMNf. lib} xc xNpc.uFfeat 101 Ea ¢Ec1WCk e0K yry ,VN pELl'A vul£ H, FlH. RMR ■ w and. MCMM 1 �i aV ors y w sm BLOAraR 0 Ie Nut r�` IY xv wewnax coxma vu�E .Y OSIIWk ® No NNL N0 p9( ' SV SIMbAY VNTE R mAws' PwrT • st IPw ITN �' car NASA VNLW LS UGFNIID was. • IPc &w 0.W 6 CIA �W RyV Ta:gAym WA1Lp . KS WEs5TWF0 IICFX50 91RVEYRI O P Nw PIPE ® Ck EILcaff. YETFA Py FRCTES9g1AL 91PlfYw 0A l0.AV TGNAY PONT Add Aimi Bill ,M .. YEIFR Pc PCWror WRvAnes p NO BFXCII Mus, 0 out gAER CIEµ Our PB NAr BdM e- sm_... O EWI LLFcnani YANICCE Food PA(E(S) A�W' qW or (NA) PINS TIES © TYN 1pFPMwE YUNLNE PT PANT OF IAVCW 1 ® uM (YA) YANE 1PEE O qx Wintry M.WxOE PCP ..I POUTGI sup MOO) ( sue WEE Oa Cyr gywAc£Aussi wasN pai IE9EIEIKE YCNU. µm - (up) Us, wR neF ® eN uANIIU£ Le urExem posess4 LAO (WA) uagl ou( ONE O O ON Pu CM PpJNpry 111E , PNM (MA) PALM adds ® Nr R'lEwwE VAVti C41TFA TUNE PIE RXA) PME 1RF ® EVr EIECINLLL VALLT R/N Powr OF WAY • crP OAF) Cig6S51REE ® PNr CIg[ N WMLT CN cceUE2..T • win (YA) CNFlIce TIES ® yr vuRT M MCW RN ® as ..Cl USER ® LES WhYD F103GTw IP IRw. ® MR CAL1FNpom ® Of 0A9N NA NAIL AND Nsx m Tor TSMPwE Fusion L ou rwxp F NY QIY µwpR ® Ni9 WATER ins OUT Ni NOT PECO\f1Ea New YON UTAITY Ful r/A L9J pECeei Out Our Be eww YA9( 71 CW cwwETE URItt PEE gq SugrARY STUB OUT SCHEDULE B SECTOR II (EXCEPTIONS) 5. Subject to the terms and conditions as set forts N Ordinance No. O-B7-09 recorded March 5, 1987 in Official Records Book 762, Page 284, Public Records of Indian RIVer County Florida. Affects subject property but cannot be graphically shown hereon 6. Subject to Me turns and conditions as set forth In the Grant Of Easement In favor of Indian River County recorded sly 25, 1989 In Official Records Book 837. Page 1400, Public Records of Mdlan River County, Honda. Affects subject property as shown hereon. T. Subject to Me terms and conditions as set forth In Resolution No. R-90-46 recorded November 26, 1990 In OMda1 Records Bock 581. Page 98. Public Records of Indian River County, Florida Affecto subject property but cannot bs graphically shown hereon. 8. Subject to Me leans and conditions as sat froth in Me Deed of Eaaement and BIII of Sole of OUR,, Facilities to Indian River County. Florida recorded February 13. 1992 In Official Records Book 923, Page 2211, Pubic Records of Indian River County. Florida. Affects subject property but cannot be graphically shown hereon. 9. Subject to Me terns and conditions as set forts in the Lot Split plan evidenced In the document recorded May 23, 20M in Official Records Book THIS. Page 1634. Public Records of Indian River County. Florida. Affects subject property as shown herwn. 10. Subject to the terms and conditions as set forth In the Non -Exclusive Easement by and between The Sebastian Lodge No 2714. Benevolent and Proledlve Order of Elks of the United States of America. Inc, and Sebastian General Partnership recorded April SO, 1997 In Official Records Boak 1150. Page 1801: Partial Assignment of Easement by and between Sabast m General Partnership and Bv,rock Realty Inc. wooded June 3, 1997 in Official Records Book 1155. Page 1334. Public Records of Indian River County. Florida. Affects subject property as a bereficlal easement, as shown hewn. 11. Subject to Me terms and conditions as set forth In the Notice of Lease by GEC Florida. _LC and the Sherwin-Williams Company recorded March 31. 2006 in Official Records Book 2014, Page 2116. Public Records of Indian Rive County Flarido. Affects subject properly but cannot be graphloolly shown hereon. 12. Subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in Me Utility Easement by DEC Flodda LLC. for Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 worded September 25, 2007 in Official Records Soak 2205, Page 1628. PuNic Records of Indian River County Florida. Affecfs subject Property as shown hereon EDGE OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT UNK-UNK- BURIED UNKNOWN UTILITY BE BE - BURIED ELECTRIC BT ITT - BURIED TELEPHONE BN BN BURIED CABLE TV FM - FM - SANITARY FORCE MAIN - FIX FOC BURIED FIBER OPTICS GAS -GAS- GAS MAIN RUM- RWM RECLAIMED WATER MAIN SANSAN SANITARY TS - TS BURIED TRAFFIC M_ YOU- WATER MAIN CE OF OVERHEAD ELECTRIC ..use, 11. -m GRAPHIC SCALE N4eLF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH, RANGE 38 EAST o BOUNDARY AND CITY OF SEBASTIAN TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA 11NCH=%%FEET RPOISKONS SURVEY NOTES 1. THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS A BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AS DESCRIBED BY STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING, CHAPTER 5J-17, FLORIDA ADMINISMAIW CODES THIS SURVEY IS NOT VAUD WITHOUT ME SIGNATURE AND ME ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA UCENSED SURVEYOt AND MAPPER. 2. THIS SURVEY 15 UMMED TO. (1) ME DOCUMENTATION OF ME PERIMETER OF ME PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN HEREON BY MONUMENTING ME BOUNDARY LINES FOR DESCRIBING SAID PARCELS. (2) ME LOCATON OF SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS. (3) SPOT ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS. (4) BUILDING ELEVATIONS (5) TREE SURVEY. (6) STORM DRAINAGE AND SANITARY SEWER AS -BUILT. 3. ME SURVEYED PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON CONTAINS A TOTAL AREA OF 1.38 ACRES (59,968.36 SQUARE FEET) MORE OR LESS 4. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON ME NORMERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF SOUTH FLEMING STREE AS HAVING A BEARING OF N51'49'2YW, ACCORDING TO ME PLAT OF CHESSER'S GAP SUBDIASON PHASE 1 5. ME ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BENCHMARK DESIGNATED BM 005032. AN X-CUT ON ME FLANGE BOLT OF A FIRE HYDRANT AT ME ENTRANCE OF ME ELKS LODGE. HAVING A PUBUSHED ELEVATION OF 23.99', NORM AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 6. ME PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON IS LOCATED WITHIN FLOOD ZONE X. AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE ME 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOCDPLAIN, ACCORDING TO ROOD INSURANCE RAZE MAP 12061CM H, DATED DECEMBER 12. 2012 y. ME SYMBOLS REFLECTED IN ME LEGEND AND ON THIS SURVEY MAY HAVE BEEN ENLARGED FOR CLARITY. ME SYMBOLS HAVE BEEN PLOTTED AT ME CENTER OF ME FIELD LOCATION AND MAY NOT REPRESENT ME ACTUAL SHAPE OR SIZE OF ME FEATURE 8. ME INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS ME RESULTS OF AFIELD SURVEY ON ME DATE INDICATED AND CAN ONLY BE CONSIDERED AS A REPRESENTATION OF ME GENERAL CONDITIONS EXISTING AT THAT THE 9. ME SURVEYOR DID NOT INSPECT ME PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS in. FENCES AND WALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPRO(IMATE. ME SURVEYOR DID NOT DETERMINE OWNERSHIP OF WALLS AND FENCES M THIS FIRM IDENTIFIED VARIOUS TYPF9 OF TRFFC I W..ATPF ON MIS 9TF RAFT ON OONMAY KNOW FWF OF CALIPER INCHES OR LARGER WERE LOCATED AND SHOWN ON ME SURVEY. HEDGES AND GROUND COVER WERE NOT LOCATED AND ARE NOT SHOWN. EXOTIC TREES SUCH AS MELALEUCA, BRAZILIAN PEPPER AND AUSTRAUAN PINE WERE NOT LOCATED OR SHOWN HEREON. 12 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS, HEDGES, SPRINKLER HEADS WORE NOT LOCATED. 13. A SUNSHINE Bit TESGN- TICKET (TICKET NO. HERE) WAS OBTAINED TO DETERMINE ME UTIUTY PROMDERS WITHIN ME PROJECT UMITS. ME PROJECT WAS SCANNED FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES USING ELECTRONIC DETECTION DEVICES AND GROUND PENETRATING RADAR (GPR) ANY UTILITIES FOUND W1MIN ME PROTECT UMIM WERE SURFACE PAINTED AND FLAGGED WTH ME APPROPRIATE COLOR AS RECOGNIZED BY ME NATIONAL UTILITY LOCATING CONMACTORS ASSOCIATION (NULCA). ANY UTILITIES MARKED BY ANOTHER FIRM WILL BE VERIFIED BY AN US DIVERSIFIED UTILITY LOCATOR. 14. IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD BY ME CLIENT THAT SOME UNDERGROUND UTUTES MAY NOT BE MADE OF A CONDUCTVE MATERIAL OR MAY NOT RETURN A CAR ECHO AND THEREFORE CANNOT BE DESIGNATED WM ELECTRONIC PROSPECTING EQUIPMENT OR GIRL 15. L & S DIVERSIFIED, _LC DID NOT SEARCH ME PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR OWNERSHIP, RIGHTS -OF -WAY, EASEMENTS OR TIMER MATTERS AFFECTING ME PROPERTY BONG SURVEYED. MORE BE ADDITIONAL RESMICTONS NOT SHOWN ON MIS SURVEY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN ME PUBUC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA 16. ME INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY L Is S DIWIMMED, LLC (US). US HAS TAKEN ALL REASONABLE STEPS TO ENSURE ME ACCURACY OF THIS DOCUMENT WE CANNOT GUARANTEE MAT ALTERATIONS AND/OR MOUIFICATONS HILL NOT BE MADE BY OTHERS AFTER IT LEAVES OUR POSSESSION. THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE COMPARED TO ME ORIGINAL HARD COPY (WHICH BEARS ME RAISED SURVEYORS CER11RCATON SEAL IF APPUCABIE) TO ENSURE ME ACCVRACY OF ME INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON AND TO FURTHER ENSURE THAT ALTERATONS AND/OR MODIFICATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN MADE. US MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING ME ACCURACY OF ME INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS OR ANY DOCUMENT TRANSMITTED OR REVIEWED BY COMPUTER OR OTHER ELECTRONIC MEANS CONTACT US DIRECTLY FOR VERIFICATION OF ACCURACY. 1Z. THIS SURVEY MAP IS INTENDED TO BE DISPLAYED AT A SCALE OF i INN-20 FEET. Is. THIS SURVEY CANNOT BE RELIED UPON BY PERSONS OR ENTITIES OTHER MAN ME PERSONS OR ENTITIES CERTIFIED TO HEREON. 19. ADDITIONS OR DELETONS M THIS SURVEY MAP BY OTHER MAN ME SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES ARE PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ME SIGNING PARTY OR PARTES. 20. ME DESCRIPTION OF ME SUBJECT PROPERTY FORMS A MATHEMATCALLY CLOSED FIGURE WM NO GORES, GAPS, OVERLAYS OR HIATUS 21. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED WITH THE BENEFIT OF A TITE COMMITMENT ISSUED BY RDEUTY NATIONAL RTLE INSURANCE COMPANY, ORDER NUMBER 5929099. EFFECTIVE DATE DULY 27. 2016. SpMrwSRRTfl4nw Nus,Fs Ipa>oT _oRAYnNaNa L&S VE1 DNeyrsified .lim / /.. J AJ rxAcrA .♦ i � • snot xlGNuxos suewulsav ux1.-I¢ f i rwom'w xr � .f / � ! Je ! � � • / O / q' m 1 1 !r/ y •O p .iv% �` --�_ — b a[ _ _. ,�o/ l •` ic[xirv.. f m , eGP / a /�" b d / r a. r•r.-uW d w d e e i i J d / • raw •n fa« \ _ — 3 / J / v< • �mmlucasmlfrsw b ♦ • ♦? °e lVS �"�� / Q- ocn • N-•fe RA wmrs we onux ` ' �4e� / / 1 LY \ na ♦ n.�1. 0"'°'" • •�.'�� �.s aw rwwa ^o e, J/ si /1 d /" ) D ve. [ o.oc « / �P2y J2 P200 dp/ 4r"y d/GAGN.Hw / i o[m m'mliw.-nit 'A Ilk X eP b' / 0 `yco P2 Ro- / 2 yob ♦ �� 3P �`�oci' �;/ ♦ / + /a '� J �0 4y, 1.. _ /Gti i 0P,oC. V°�4`'~ \�.f�1 ,y Y // / ry peo QP 3 g _ 3 vv �P Y\In vlr 4 g8 •'V 89 4q J -ice acssms GaP N.VAI. PxasE I s PL'xoDD yziie. 'NDDFG GES OF PENS CF Usn INC ay P/ / y b `/aPp [�, / % GANN I y Y 0 d q / 6 / eb / / / 3 r / LDr NA?n4' / GIESSER'S GAP SUDDINN. PH15E / (PLAF NOON I}, PACES 76 AND ]6A) �r 1 \AN Feet \ \ i oDD.n<FxERAf.sPa mw I«..,EDw GRAPHIC SCALE REVISIONS N. ' 0PNN1XGXa L&S A SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH, RANGE 38 EAST -- m...,„., V-2 Diversified BOUNDARY AND CITY OF SEBASTIAN m J — — — :xPPr wyn, TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA 11NCH-NFEET DP �m �� 0 w SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 www.cityofsebastian.org MEMORANDUM TO: Local Planning Agency (Planning and Zoning Commission) RE: Continued discussion of future development of parcels located on the east side of Indian River Drive DATE: July 28, 2017 A request was made at the LPA's July 6 b meeting for additional location and zoning maps to aid in a continued discussion regarding development on the east side of Indian River Drive. With the assistance of the Indian River County Mapping Division, please find attached aerial maps with the requested information. A summary of ideas from the initial discussion is as follows: • Discourage high density development on the east side by offering incentives for the owner's west side property if they do not block river view • Encourage, and permit more creative type of structures allowed along the riverfront • Allow vendor kiosks • Mix residential and commercial uses • Create a supplemental Overlay District for the east side properties The Commission also decided to better formulate possible amendments first, and then schedule hearings to receive public input from the property owners. Please review the attached maps in conjunction with the previously distributed back-up materials. Feel free to contact staff if you have questions or need additional information. D. Bosworth, Planner VACANT PROPERTIES OF INTEREST CITY OF SEBASTIAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT C N W E S olio im sao eoo Legend Address Points O •o UOre- SeFtipmEOev Ghlu (wbpeE... F¢ umAy ReNdeMMI) D -MF(IopetlMYlo.Femly N-""F1"2200 O-GoPowc (Clp, Gmup OeMm) eO D-bped ..,. Norte Re¢itlenlul) D-COM(Cwl) ewleped Comme • D-AGR(0. Ippek erve.Nrc) D-Otllx(Da Ipp`d MOlhr) U-Untlewbp,d % OUM 3M,¢br-Recgnleed.d.-ewtlel Locallon IRC Street Centerline r �T"I"I" n_ 3 - Inlemele M-Rnitlenoel5treele 3�Pr'ulo1 elMe- d�Ml.p. ,el 5�Neel Colbabr 6-Mlnm Callecbr Remo f .-IimlleE J. ps. al Wey - 3- 1ropeeE@1m1(euio W- proposed SVen(NW Dory) M- eseel Type Exceprlon PMCMe _ I MUNcNM BourderNe ZONING mAl C CG CL COUNW CR LNA 3IN PS vuD.c RS BD RS:O