HomeMy WebLinkAbout04051999 TREE/dO*N City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 ❑ FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA TREE ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MONDAY APRIL 5,1999 5:30 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 3. ROLL CALL. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of March 1, 1999 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. No applications have been received for any of the positions. 2. K.I.R.B. is having their first tree planting at the Heritage Center Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 9 o'clock am. 6. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Review update of the Model Planting Project - Charles 2. Review report of meeting with high school 3. Discuss future plantings (Memo dated 6/1/98) & tree planting list - Charles 7. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Discuss flow chart - Charles 2. Discuss work plan for FY '99 8. PUBLIC COMMENT. 9. CHAIRMAN MATTERS. 10.MEMBER MATTERS. 11. STAFF MATTERS. 12.ADJOURNMENT. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE LARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OFACTTON. (286.0105 F.S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDEVATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE w City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 ❑ FAX (407) 589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING The Tree Advisory Board of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, will hold their Regular meeting on Monday Apri15,1999, in the City Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. &�2 4• 624A- - Dawn M. Corapi, 6ecretary Tree Advisory Board NOTE: IF ANY PERSONS DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE MAY NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. L CITY OF SEBASTIAN TREE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 5, 1999 VChmn. Fielding called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Shirley Kilkelly Danne Herlan (arrived late) Charles Cardinale VChmn. Clay Fielding UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: Charles Roth(a) ALSO PRESENT: Ann Brack, Recording Secretary John Almada, Advisor APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (3/1/99) MOTION by Cardinale/Kilkelly I move that we approve March 1's minutes as stated here before us. A voice vote was taken. 3 — 0 motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS: VChmn. Fielding noted that no applications have been received for the Tree Advisory Board. There was discussion on the advertisement for this position, and it was pointed out that a newspaper ad has been run each month of the early part of this year. He also noted the K. I. R. B.'s first tree planting at the Heritage Center on Thursday, April 8, 1999, at 9:00 am. Ms. Kilkelly and Mr. Cardinale indicated that they would be attending. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Review Model Planting project — Charles Mr. Cardinale noted that George Anderson will bring his class of students to the City Hall property for visual analysis at approximately the third week of April. 2. Review report of meeting with High School He then read his report on the meeting of March 24, 1999, with George Anderson and (OOIN several Tree Board members, along with Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director, and John Almada, Advisor. TREE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1999 It was suggested that Mr. Cardinale coordinate the meeting with Mr. Anderson, and a letter of verification will be mailed to him. Mr. Cardinale discussed the following issues: Flow Chart - The process for this project Trail in the wooded area at the back of the property (future project) Utilities — Specifics Island planter in front of the main Building Irrigation or sprinkler zones Elevation illustration including parking lots Students working up plan for entire property, but doing it in phases Fiscal Budget List of vendors used by the City Mulch needed at High School for the seedlings Tentative visit during third week of April by the above. mentioned High School Class and Mr. Anderson Referring to Mr. Cardinale's memo of 4/5/99, it was suggested that the following information be included in the flow chart: 1. The High School Environmental Academy to visit the City Hall property and work up a landscaping plan. 2. Submittal of the design to the Tree Advisory Board. 3. Review plan with City Engineer and anyone else in the City that would have input. 4. Finalize the plan and. keep the students informed. 5. Final plan to be sent to the City Manager for his presentation to City Council. It was noted that a survey of this property is needed. There was discussion about the issue of a wooded trail at the rear of the property being included in the Model Planting Project. The consensus was that it is. It was also noted that a survey or indication of actual property line in the rear needs to be established before the entire class visits the site. It was advised that Mr. Cardinale visit the Engineering Department, and Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director, about the property lines. It was determined that the "wooded trail" could be another phase of this project. Mr. Cardinale noted that the elevation drawing would enable the students to visualize what trees and shrubs would look like against the buildings. He will also write up a memo to the City Engineer requesting the elevation plan. 2 TREE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1999 There was discussion about adding a zone to the present irrigation system. There was some discussion about funding for this project. A list of vendors was discussed. It was suggested that Janice Broda be consulted about additional vendors, and also review the plan. Mr. Almada suggested using some native plants that are not easily obtained from the normal vendors. All items on Mr. Cardinale's March 24 report were discussed. 3. Discuss future plantings (Memo dated 611/98) & tree planting list The need for water on the newly planted trees was discussed. It was noted that plants planted by the Tree Board on City Hall property have not been watered by Public Works and approximately six (6) slash pines have died for lack of water. It was also noted that Ms. Putman carries 40 or 50 jugs of water to apply to young trees on the west end of the City Hall property, when water is available on the outside of the Engineering Department building. 1 It was agreed that VChmn. Fielding and Mr. Cardinale will look into a better watering system. It was also agreed that future planting projects be put on hold until the drought is over. There was general discussion about choosing the site for the next planting project, and it was agreed that Hardee Park would be the site. MOTION by Kilkelly/Cardinale I move that the next site for planting should be item number three (3) on Tom Frame's memo of June 1, 1998, that it be number three (3), around Hardee Park, the placement of additional cypress trees and selected locations for oaks. Roll call: Charles Cardinale VChmn. Fielding The vote was 3 — 0. Motion carried. - yes Shirley Kilkelly - yes - yes It was determined to involve the Boy Scout troop in the next planting project at Hardee Park. There was discussion about seeking a liquid refreshment for the scouts for the next planting project, and since Hales donated for the last event, it was suggested that we approach a different establishment, possibly Bruce Bennett at Wal Mart, or McDonalds, etc. TREE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1999 Ms. Kilkelly reminded the members of the importance of proper watering, and also selecting sites that might have water nearby. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Discuss flow chart This issue was discussed previously, on page 2 of these minutes. 2. Discuss work plan for FY'99. The following issues were suggested for this plan: 1. Arbor Day ceremony 2. Arbor Day display at library 3. Care of tree seedlings from the National Tree Trust 4. Moved seedlings to High School 5. Model planting project by High School class 6. Involvement with Keep Indian River Beautiful organization 7. Update recertification with Tree City, USA Board members were encouraged to suggest new projects. /01.\ Danne Herlan suggested involvement of the Board with the Pepper Tree Eradication program at University of Florida Extension Center on Oslo Road. He noted that there are several new trial products available at no charge for experimentation on eradication of pepper trees. He gave a brief description of one of these products in the form of a "spike". Ms. Kilkelly remarked that this would be a good project for the Tree Board, since they could be instrumental in getting this information to the general public. Mr. Herlan noted that he wants to get information on it and be comfortable with it before he recommends that the public use it. Mr. Almada noted that FPL cuts trees, including pepper trees, under power lines at quite a yearly expense, and the eradication of these pesky trees would be advantageous to a lot of entities. There was discussion of this subject. Mr. Herlan offered to head a committee to investigate this subject. It was determined that this will be discussed at the next meeting and if approved, could be another item for the FY '99 work plan. There was discussion on the new Tree and Landscape Ordinance that was worked on by this Board. Ms. Kilkelly commented that it is waiting for City Council approval. The subject of clear cutting was discussed and it was noted that clear cutting is discouraged by staff in the Growth Management and Building Departments. 4 4.0th� ?4mb\, TREE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1999 It is requested by the members of this Board that Mr. Hass discuss the status of the proposed Tree and Landscape Ordinance at the next meeting (May). Mr. Almada commented that he has reserved one of the display cases at the Library in November, 1999, and asked for any items for educational display. He will discuss this at a future meeting, but he has in mind to display some less known native plants in rotation, with information about them. Ms. Kilkelly noted that the City has received no response to the requests for Tree Board members. Mr. Herlan commented that he will check with a couple of people about this. Mr. Almada indicated that he may apply for membership. MEMBER MATTERS: Ms. Kilkelly noted that recent mail is available for anyone interested. A break was taken at 7:30. Previously present members returned at 7:38 pm. Mr. Cardinale noted that Mr. Anderson at the High School is again requesting a load of mulch for the seedlings. This will be passed on to Chris McCarthy. f� It was noted that the following people will care for the seedlings: Ann Putnam - April Charles Cardinale - May Shirley Kilkelly - June The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 pm. W (417/99 AB) -V 140,111) IQ /001� City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ❑ FAX (561) 589-2566 TREE ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of Regular meeting held: Approved at meeting held: Clays Fielding, Vide Chairman A0a6z06-x Y, I - 607&xU'- Dawn M. Corapi, Secretary E. Ann Brack, Recording Secretary April 5,1999 May 3. 1999