HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 Community Rating System ApplicationINSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE, INC.
2382 Susan Drive, Crestview, FL 32536, PHONE/ FAX 850-682-1998
December 8, 2005
Ms. Jan King
City of Sebastian
1225 Main Street
Sebastian, FL 32958
Dear Ms. King:
This letter is to follow up our verification visit of December 7, 2005. The following
documentation is needed to complete your NFIP/Community Rating System
application. Please provide the missing documentation listed below no later than
January 17, 2006 to the letterhead address.
✓ Activity 230: Please return the Application Cover Sheet I left with you (form
AW230) completed and signed by the CEO.
Activity 310: Please provide a letter stating that all elevation certificates will be
reviewed for completeness and correctness from here forwarded, and all
elevation certificates will be corrected prior to releasing them pursuant to any
public request.
V--'Activfty 320: Please provide the 2005 publicity notice, updated to include the fact
that copies of elevation certificates are available, and the mailing list for the
realtor, lenders and insurance agents who were mailed the notice.
` Activity 420: Please forward copies of the FIRM depicting the 4 open space
areas, and indicating the ownership, acreage, and use(s) of the parcels.
j/Activity 450: Please return the checklist I left with you, completed and
accompanied with the supporting documentation. In addition, please forward a
copy of the recently adopted Master Stormwater Plan on CD, and a copy of the
adoption ordinance for the plan.
Activity 501: Upon receipt of the 2005 repetitive loss list, please prepare a map
of the repetitive loss property and include a description of the cause of flooding,
along with a copy of the annual mail out. Additionally, please return the AW form
�u 502 1 left with you, completed and signed. If you have any updates to the
Q� repetitive loss list, please return those updates to me as well. I understand your
,p Activity 540: Please provide a copy of a map of the stormwater system, a
description of any areas that require maintenance more frequently than the rest
of the system, maintenance records, and documentation that funds are spent in a
planned capital improvements program.
It was a pleasure working with you during your CRS Cycle visit. Should you have
any questions or if I can be of assistance in any way, please contact me at 850-
682-1998. 1 will be happy to assist you.
Sherry Harper, AICP, CFM
ISO/CRS Specialist
cc: Mr. Bill Trakimas, ISO/CRS Technical Coordinator
NFIPICaS Community Rating System
Activity 540 -Drainage System Maintenance (CDR)
Capital Improvements Program (CIP)
Documentation Checklist
The Community Rating System credits communities for an ongoing program, such as a Capital
Improvements Plan, that eliminates or corrects drainage problem sites or that constructs "low
maintenance" channels or other facilities. (A one -time -only project would not be credited.) It is
designed to recognize programs that make structural or permanent changes to the channels or
basins to reduce flooding or maintenance problems.
In order for a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) to be approved for 50 credit points, the following
information must be provided to the ISO/CRS Specialist:
❑ A master list of the community's drainage maintenance problem sites that are in need of
elimination or correction. (544b.1)
The master list could be of problem sites or choke points submitted in relation to the credit under 541.a.2, provided the commu-
nity intends to "eliminate or correct the problem sites." In other words, the list must be related to the capital improvements
program. It cannot be just a list of problems that are not slated for an improvement project. The list can be prepared from master
watershed plans, complaints, or reports from maintenance crews. Projects do not have to be prioritized or listed in any order.
For example, the community may determine which projects will be funded at the beginning of each fiscal year. If the program is
administered by a county ormulti-community district (i.e. an organization outside the community's jurisdiction), then the list must
be prepared from master watershed plans and not solely on complaints or other ad hoc basis.
❑ The problem sites must be part of the drainage system that the community has mapped for
CDR credit (544.a.2)
Credit can only be provided if the projects are tied to the community's drainage system as defined in it's drainage maintenance
procedures (Section 544a.2). Projects to improve road drainage or storm sewers can only be credited if the roadside ditches or
sewers are identified in the community's procedures and regularly inspected and maintained.
❑ Recommended correction measures for the
They do not need to be the result of detailed plans or studies.
proach (e.g. "enlarge culvert," "bank stabilization, " etc.)
problem sites (544b.2).
They may be one sentence statements on the most likely ap-
❑ Documentation that funds are spent on improvement projects each year (544b.3).
This could be in the form of a multi-year capital improvement budget or line items in several years' budgets that fund drainage
improvement projects.
Activity 450 — Stormwater Management
Program Documentation Questionnaire
Community Name np Stba"-\,a,,,� NFIP#
Questionnaire completed by Kehe+;K% .7o v+e c Telephone SAQ - 5¢90
Stormwater Management Regulation (SMR): Documentation
See Attachment
1. Does the community have a regulation, code or ordinance that L pc /fir+. XTf
requires that new development not increase runoff from the pre -
development levels? (Y)m 6,4 -3 -la.
If there is no requirement, SMR = 0 and SMP = 0.
2. (a) What storm(s) is the requirement based on (check all that appA) (DS):
Less than the 10 -year? i
The 10 -year? 2
A storm between the 10- and the 100 -year? ( 3
The 100 -year? ( v y
(b) Is the release rate less than the design storm? (Yo
If the design storm is less than the 10 -year, SMR = 0 and SMP = 0.
What development is regulated (check all that apply) (SZ):
All development, including single family residences?
(Y/ 1�
All residential development, including single family?
All non-residential development?
All development except single family residences?
All development over '/z acre?
All development that increases impervious area by 5,000 ft'?.
sy - 3 - la .7
All development that increases impervious area by 10,000 ft2?
All development over 5 acres?
All development that increases impervious area by 20,000 ft2?
Other. Describe: _ O v e r �CJU U ;4-2
5,9-3- 12.. $
If development larger than 5 acres is exempt from stormwater management regulation,
SMR = 0 and SMP = 0.
Stormwater Management Regulation (SMR) continued: Documentation
See Attachment
4. How are stormwater facilities maintained (PUB)?
Are all stormwater facilities dedicated to the community? (Y/9
Does the community have access to all facilities for inspection Cole of owdihs
and repair? N)
Does the community have the right to enter all facilities and
repair them whenever necessary? 1.o, (3 (I(
Does the community inspect each facility at least annually? (Y
Does the owner inspect the facilities at least annually and
submit a report to the community? (yQ
If stormwater facilities are not inspected at least annually, PUB = 0.
5. Impact adjustment for SMR:
Does the community wish to use Option 2? (YO rSMR = 0.25
Ignore the rest of this page.
Is the community entirely on an island, and does it cover the entire island?
Ignore the rest of this page. (YO rSMR = 1.0
Does the community regulate an ETJ? (Yo
If the community regulates an ETJ, is it included on the community's
Do upstream communities regulate stormwater*? (Y/N) NIA
What is the area in acres or square miles that is regulated by the community? CS, (gO(.) c,.CfeS
What is the area of all watersheds that drain into the community**? N/A
* If the community wishes to receive credit for stormwater management by upstream
communities, it must complete a questionnaire for each community. If the community
requests credit for stormwater management by upstream communities, it must provide an
impact adjustment map as described in Section 452 of the CRS Coordinator's Manual.
** See Section 452 of the CRS Coordinator's Manual for exclusions from the watershed area
above the community.
Stormwater Management Master Planning (SMP):
If SMR = 0, SMP = 0. There is no need to continue with this questionnaire.
I . Has your community adopted a stormwater master plan? Cm
2. Has your community adopted management standards based on
the stormwater management plan? (2)N)
3. Do the plan's regulatory standards manage future peak flows
so that they do not increase over present values? ON)
4. Do the plan's regulatory standards require management of runoff
from all storms up to and including the 25 -year event? 0)
See Attachment
Ci pf Segcc5i-ictY1
MS fKP ff
—Sr,c: tz iFacltie d C�
If the answers to questions 1— 4 are "yes," SMP.a = 80. If any of the answers are "No,"
SMP = 0. There is no need to continue with this questionnaire.
5. Does the plan provide management of fixture peak flows AND VOLUMES so that
they do not increase over present values? If the community can demonstrate that its
stormwater management plan prevents damaging increases in peak flQws at all points
within its watershed(s) and downstream, SMP.b = 40. (Y(
6. If the plan manages the runoff from all storms up to and includingthe 100 -year
event. SMP.c = 25. afrh ) S.(
Does the plan manage the runoff from all storms up to and including the 5 -day
event? SMP.d = 25. (y
8. If the plan identifies existing wetlands or other natural open space areas to be
preserved from development to provide natural attenuation, retention, or
detention of runoff, SMP.e =15. & 2 , q
9. If the plan prohibits development, alteration, or modification of existing
natural channels, .SMP.f =10. (Y/N) NIA
10. If the plan requires that channel improvement projects use natural or "soft"
approaches rather than gabions, rip rap, concrete, or other "hard" techniques,
SMP.g =10. (YO
11. If the plan was prepared in coordination with or as a part of the community's
floodplain management plan credited under Activity 510, SMP.h = 20.
SMP.a go
SMP.c a�
SMP. e
SMP = total of the above = _/ Z 0
Stormwater Management Master Planning (SMP) continued: Documentation
12. Impact adjustment for SMP: See Attachment
Does the community wish to use Option 2? (Y& rSMP = 0.25
Ignore the rest of this page.
Is the community entirely on an island, does it cover the entire islan , and
does the plan cover the entire community? (Y10
Ignore the rest of this page.
Does the community regulate an ETJ? (y
If the community regulates an ETJ, is it included on the community -s
FIRM? (y
Do upstream communities regulate stormwater according to the stormwater
master plan*?
What is the area in acres or square miles included in the plan?
What is the area of all watersheds that drain into the community**?
rSMP = 1.0
* If the community wishes to receive credit for stormwater master planning by upstream
communities, it must complete a questionnaire for each community. If the community
requests credit for stormwater management by upstream communities, it must provide an
impact adjustment map as described in Section 452 of the CRS Coordinator's Manual.
** See Section 452 of the CRS Coordinator's Manual for exclusions from the watershed area
above the community.