HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 06 10 - Site Preparationt AIA bocurrrellf AIOf
Standard Form of Agreement Between
Owner and Contractor
u)bew The bests of Peyrrferrf Is n
sTIPULAm.9 suM
Vile 1�R7 F.diffon of AIA Vonmr¢nf A201, G¢tr¢rat CotrdfffonS of the C.onfract for Cdocti lielit f is ndnpf¢A
br fids dnrurn¢ttf h3• reference. IM nor use ,Pith nlher genera, conditions rotleSs fills donunenf !s rnndlf!¢d.
This drxamenl h2s been approved and endorsed by *tile Assrldatecl General contractors of America.
nlaLle as of the
day of in the year of
Nineteen Ilundred and
BETWEEN the owner: city of 1225 MainStreetSebastian, Fl 32958
loll tilt t',rmlracttx: Fischer and Sons
(A,,,,,,,, ,,,,,r ,,,r,A r«) P. O. Box 780068
Sebastian, F1 32978
•1.110 Project is: Site Preparation for Ballfield Four
of the Barber Street Sports complex
'the Architect is:
(ASnnr and addor,<)
The owner and Contractor agree as set forth below.
CnPjt1Rht 1915, 1919, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 161, 199163, 1967,
xla tl9l of®Ie ntae17 il 11 "ere"' of l%lbstanli I gtmlallon
te.c15. 1735 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington,
tit ns prnvl9ons a•Ilhoot written permisslnn of the AIA vlolates the coPTrlght laws of the Vnlltd Sates and a'lll he 5a ttt n —
ltgal Prnannlnn.
I he Contract IMcnntents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions),
Drawings, specifications, Addenda Issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed In this Agreement Old
Modifications Issued after execution of this Agreement•, these form the contract, mid are as fully a part of the Contract as If attached
to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and Integrated agreement between the parties hereto and
supersedes pilot negotiations, represenutlors or agreements, either written or Dial. An enumeration of the Contract Documents,
other than Modincatlons, appears In Article 9.
The Contractor shall execute the entire work described In rte Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically Indicated In
the Contract 0ocumenls to be the responslblllty of ethers, of ZS fellows:
The contract documents include the latest revision dated
6-10-93 as prepared by the Engineer of Record, Mosby and Associates
and the bid specifications and bid package as prepared by
the City.
Notice of Bids.
3.1 the dale of connuencenlent Is the date from which the Contract lhne of Paragraph 3.2 Is measured, and 511a11 be the dale of
this Agreement, as fi1sl written above, unless a different dale Is stated below or provision Is made for the date to he fixed Ina notice
to prorced Issned by the Owner.
nsrf r the date n/,•rmrnrm rnvn 1. If it dlJfrn from the fah, of /hit Aprrmrnf or, If appNr oldr. stale 1 11 rhe dnrr rrlll Ix ford In n n•atrr r" pnrrrrd )
within 14 days of approval by the Sebastian City Council
Unless the dale of ctmm�leocemen Is esubllslled by a notice to proceed Issued by lite Owner, the Cmllractor shall notify lite
Owner in writing not Icss than Ove days before commencing the work to permit the tmcly filing of mortgages, rllcchallic's fico
and otitis sconfly Interests. ,
3.2 'I he Contra, Inn shall achieve substantial Complelon of the entire Work not later than
(rat",I th, n h ho d,Nr a, nurrrbe, of calendar dais •"/ter the doltM r"mmenr ement. Aho l,,.•erf nrrl' 1111011th nr, far tap llers,thtlmr hil Carnphylmr of crr
,a(rrp,nfhm,1111"lr;"itIt"a 'rated eftenberrI" the C11"nac)IA1,mte"o1 Notwithstanding any language herein
to the contrary, "completion" shall mean a fully constructed
improvement in complete comformance with the plans and specifications,
ready for intended use without further expense to owner as determined by
the City Engineer.
sublrcl lu ad(usltnenls of dds Contract hole as provided In the Contlact "willilalts.
Ilrnrrrprnrhhrnt. if Dirt'./r+r 11g11.(alyd dam„Rrt re/,r,fnR rn J0(h,,r m,arrgrrrle nn rhnef If one hundred (100%) percent
of work is not completed within 45 calendar days after date of commencement
ekcept as may be extended by the City Engineer in writing for good cause, tha
the owner may deduct seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per calendar day as
liquidated damages and not a penalty for each day spent to one hundred percen
(100%) completion. This deduction will be taken from final payment due.
AIA DOCUMENT A191 • owptli CON7 RAC/ OR A iRF.EMCIII • 75t'Et F 111 cut wit • AIA” • 01987 A01.1987 2
111P. AMERICAN INSI111112 OF ARC1117ECTS. 17.45 NEW YORK AV ENIFF. N W., WASIIINnTON. 1) C. 2111116
IMtIc:LE � '
4.1 1'be owner shall M the Contactor M current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Contract the Contract uin a'
(! 112,500. ), subject to additions and deductions as provided In the Call -
Tract t)xuments.
towing alternates, If any, which are JescrllxJ h1 the Ctmlact ihxumenls an are
4.2 The Contract sum b based upon the fol
hereby accepted by the owner: to
IFhteT hKmrnlF,tnnnrF n f. F<AnI�nJ nn F�fFrrtnittrnnrn rFnu9tna be amm" 1 fart tml A "'d the date mrlll .+(,b flint mm�m r U I-n11A) r thr tnrut/un uJ
4.3 Unit priers, If any, ale as follows: As indicated in the bid documents.
5.1 Nased upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Cetilficates for Payment Issued by fire
Architect, the owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as Provided below and
elsewhere In the Contract Documents.
5.2 1 -be period cov,:red by each Appllcatlon rot Payment shag be one calendar month ending on the Inst day of the month, or as
1. pay request to be submitted to the Engineer of Record
by the 25th of each month.
2. Final upon acceptance of improvements to the satisfaction
of the City Engineer.
5.3 Provided an Appllcafimr fur Payment Is rectiday'by tire of2 month,thecownert nor ashall make1CF 111111 )paym nslo Ute Contractor not later thmr
Twenty Fifth y
the Tenth 10th day of the month. If an Appllcatlon for Payment Is received by the
Architect ahcr file application elate fixed above, payment s11211 be made by the Owner not later than 10 days
days after file Architect receives the Application lot Payment.
5.lKduL- of
111 2ccofd;ulcc with
die c n tray fxxunhenis.11 Payment Schedule obe
Values shbased all allocan the te the entire Contras Sura among the varioustportions of the Work
and be prepared In such form and supported by such data to substamlale its accuracy as the Architect may recplire. i'hls Schedule,
unless objected to by the Architect, shag be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Application for Payment.
5.5 Applications for Payment shall Indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work asof the end of the perlod
covered by the Appllcntkn for Payment.
5.5 Subject to tire proerble s of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows:
6.5.1 'I"ake that porton of the Contract Sum properly alkxable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the Percentage
eonglleton of caclh portion of the work by the shale of the total Contract sum allocated Io that portkn of the Wur perceIII lr t
Schedule of Valucs, less retainage of Ten
cost to the Owner of changes In the Work, amounts not In dispute maybe
( 10 9^)• Pending final oetcor inatlnn of
Included as provided In SubParagraph 7"3.7 of the General Conditions even though the Contract Sum hu not yet been adjusted by
Change Older;
5.6.2 Add tlut Punion of file Contract Sum pra(xdy allucabte u) n,atal.ds anJ cqulpnrcnt delivered mid suitably stated at fire
site for subsequent Incorporation In the completed construction (or, If approved In advance by the Owner, sulUbly stoted off the
site at a location agreed upon In wilting), less tetalnage of TED
Percent ( 10 %6 ,
5.5.3 Subtract file aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner; and
5.5.4 Subtract amounts, if any, for which the Architect has withheld or nullified a c cofficale for Payment as provided in Pan -
graph 9.5 of the Cenral Condltlong.
5.7 the progress payment amount determined In accordance with Paragraph 5.6 shall be further modified under the following
circumstances: yy
5.7.1 Add, upon Subsuntlal Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to kxreze the ( m al payments Nine percent CIO l,fie Contract
Sum, leas such annnunb as the Architect shag determine for Incomplete Work and unsettled clalnra; and
5.7.2 Add, If final completion of the Work h thrrcaficr ntatedlally delayed drruugh no fault of the Contractor, any additional
annunts payable In accordance will, Subparagraph 9.10.3 of the General Conditions.
5.5 Roductint, it ihnlutlon of relalnage. If any, shall he u follows:
(I/ 11 Il brlrnAtA, nrinr In Suhrinrlllo, enmfrlrllun,V Ibe entire tr'uri, fn r,diet, tar tinal We relnlrrnRr rel"111n8 j�rum 1W' l�rrtenlrrl■tnr Irarrtr11I11 Subpnrn
Rrrydn f fi 1 ed. S rr 7 nbslebas e, and Ibit n nM eafrforined ersrufiere In The Cnnlrnrl fkn'nmarla. /rr:rrl Ar•rr 1"'n' """I Jnr nrrb rrv/la'Ifrm nr 11"111011018)
AIApGCUMENT AIOt • O`11'NlRCONtKACTOR AGR!!MlNT • MIMI Ro11NtN •AIA" a 019!1 A101-1887 4
TIIE AMERICAN INSI11In E Of ARC.'""CTS, 1135 N!w YORK AVLNIIl, N.w., wAS111NOTl1N, nd:. 211491(l
10 lite C
or he y lite Owner'
tilerinni pay"nent c unlit til llytil erfogire rmed bytthe Contractor excebalancerpt rottireCnnt actorhall lie d's a sfxul 1 Illly to correct nuoco+dor onn� ly
Wolk s Provided In Subparagraph 12.2.2 of the General Conditions and to satisfy oilier requirements. If any, %evil
Shall necessarily
the Oe nn3Inef Ntymnra,and tlun`i) final days Certificate
fic tlssuarlce n 11 erot P3ymcnI ltArcas h t cten ss Mal Certificate ined by tire tfor tPaym uchntarn snfollow : be made by
Additionally, completion per 3.2 and delivery to owner uired
of a Contractor's Final Affidavit per F.S. 7.3 shall be req
prior to final payment.
r Con
7.1 where reference refers to tent Is made
In this A r ed e t 10 2 erred by other provisions of the Contracnditions of t DocumetNgetekxumenr, tile ref
place Jllicill x 21 tile � stated bdoa, or In
7.2 pa isduean unpaid
rIle ont allbeat
Inlacit from tilets located
the ablenee the rnepreva from time m the ahateuehe Pru�
(hNpl rnfe of Inferrfl apred nprm, V any )
Per relevent State Laws
the hnapun,y N•e fn Jral r,nrl rbanhrn nr,n •gfrrfl/rr nlNAil)arJ lhls(rnlddmr Irxnl ndrlre slxndd hr ahfnhn•A
(l9n[I' Inn•a n,rA rrgrdl tmrnb mldn the f tdanl 1 rufh In Lr nJrrB Ir 1, aindln, sntr r rrf LIIn nI. url<umer orAll Inuv mid other reRldnflnrq al Ibe rhrnp s nn.
I""rjacsnr's its Im Ipal pima of woless. nrldnlsnr IN, regtictrmrnH nub nc err urn rfHalmums nrCfl8f1)e Orders must be
uilh res(wrf In drksl,rns or m-Ifflcnllnns' rRr All requests t S f Or g
Change Orders: q extra work
7.9 other provisions: contractor to owner before any
presented in writing by a for same.
is done or the owner is not obligated to pay
le Own" Of the
actor :Is
9.2 the Wont mays Is' tcoolumed
suspended byltl elOaner as Provided lInri
MNde 14 ld tilerArticle
( lit icrlcralC111BIhIOt1Sc (iCI1CIt1I CUI1tIIlIn115,
AIA ocUMENT11^wIIn F.TIFAR or.otitEr:TT.5.1ON 1)ss G" l KAENT/vENI P'N.a.Fa 151 INUi1/N I1 CR2"('
A101-1997 S
^' MTKU i ••
9.1 lite Contract nocuments, except For Modifications Issued after exectitkm of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows:
9.1.1 lite Agreement Is this executed Standard form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, AIA Ikrcumcnt A101, 1987
9.1.2 '1lie (:cnrlal CondNknts are the (lcneral Condklons of tile Contract for Construction, AIA Document A2111, 1987 Edition.
9. 1.3 the Snppicnlcntary and other Conditions of the e as fnllose contained In the project Manual dated
and ar
7'I1e contract documents include site plan with the latest
revision dated 6-10-93 as prepared by the Engineer of Record,
Mosby and Associates and the bid specifications and package as
prepared by the City.
Notice of Bids.
9.1.4 the Specifications ale those contained In the. project Manual dated as In Sul)palaglaph 9.1 j, and ale as follows:
lF.11lh•r IPI 11rr SJrry Iff„tl(n,lt herr n, refer In an rahthll Otto, hrd fn Ihl,Thleruenl.) page,
10 of
9.1.5 'f he brawings are as follnwr ^I are dared
(EIOrr. 110 0" nr�rr prar herr nr rr�w ra arr e.•hlhll allnrhrd to hh ^arl Irle I""")
BSSC Ballfield No 04
Sheet 2 of 16 revised
Sheet 3 of 16 Fevised
Sheet 6 of 16 revised
Sheet 8 of 16 revised
Sheet 9 of 16 revised
Sheet 10 of 16 revise
Street 11 of 16 revise
9. 1.6 '1 he Addenda. If any, are v fllllnwS:
d 6-10-93
d 6-10-93
Von'm a different (isle Is shown blow:
porllons of A(idcnth relating a) bidding rectulmnlents are not part of the E O"Ita(t ",cuolents unless rile "t"1119 lcgNlt cnvnt5 arc
also enunleraled In Ihh Article 9. ---� _—
A101-1987 7
9.1.7 other documents, If forming part of the Contract Documents are lows:
(1./rt bene any additional dacamenn o blob are Intended to fora, part of The (.n"~ Documents. 7be General Conditions provide ftr bidding requlrenrenrs such
m arim,11sement or inalration ta bid, Instructions to Oidde, sample fa mr and The Contractor i bid are not part of the Contract Document., urAess ermnre,ated
in this Agrrement. Diet' sbould be listed ben only If Intended to be part of the Contract Documents.)
This Agreement is entered Into as of the day and year nrsl written above and is executed In at least three original copies of which
one is to he delivered to the Contractor, one to the Architect for use In the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to the
({igrrrtlure) L nie Powell, Mayor
(14iuted .,.,arae and title)
Igrrnnnr) ,
%� A Fy.eAer VP
(printed 6one and title)
ATTEST. Approved as to fo and Content:
Cit Clerk
Charles I. Nash, City Attorney
9.8 The Contractor shill review, approve and submit to the
Architect Shop Drawings, Product , Samples and similar
submittals required by the Contract voeuments with reason-
able promptness. The Work shall be In accordance with
approved submllerls. When professlonal certlnc2don of Per-
formance criteria of materials, systems or equipment b required
by the Contract Documents, the Architect shall be entitled to
rely upon the accuracy and completeness of such certifications.
9.9 The Contractor shall keep ire premises and surrounding
area free from accumulation of waste materials or rubblsh
caused by operations under the Contracit At completion of the
Work the Contractor shill remove frmn and about the Pgolect
waste materials, rubbish, the Contractor's tools, construction
equipment, machinery and surplus materials.
9.10 The Contractor shall provide the Owner and Architect
access to the Work In prcparatlon and progress wherever
9.11 The Contractor shall pay 211 royalties and license fees;
shall defend sults or claims for Infringement of patent fights and
shall hold file Owner harmless from toss on account thereof,
but shall not he responsible for such defense or loss when a
particular design, process or product of a Pafrlcular marlufJe-
nhrer or m3luh6crurers is required by the Contract Documents
unless the Contractor has reason to believe that there is an
Infringement of patent.
9.12 To the fullest ext_nt rtnihied by law, the Contactor
shall Indemnify and bold harmless the Owner, Architect, Archb
tecl's consultants, and agents and employees of any of than
from and against claims, damages, losses and expenses, Includ-
ing but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting
from performance of the Work, provided that such claim, dam-
age, loss or expense Is amribuable to bodily Injury, sickness,
dtscue or death, or to Injury to or destruction of tangible prop-
erty (other than the Work itself) including loss of use resulting
therefrom, but only to the extent caused In whole or In put by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor, a Subcontractor,
anyone directly or Indirectly employed by them or anyone for
whose acts they may be liable, regardless of whether or not
such claim, damage, fuss or expense is caused In part by a party
Indemnified hereunder. Such obligation shall not be construed
to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of
Idemnity which would otherwise exist as to a party or person
described In this Paragraph 9.12.
9.12.1 In claims 2galnst any person or entity Indemnified
under this Paragraph 9.12 by an emplojee of the Contractor, a
Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them
or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the Indemnlnca-
tlon obligation under this Paragraph 9.12 shall not be limited by
a limitation on amount or type of damages, compensation or
benefits payable by or for the Contractor or a Subeomractor
under workers* or workmen's compensation acts, dlsabilky
benefit acts or other employee benefit acts.
and will be the Owner's reptesenatve 11SLuln nstrucdun,
(2) until Mal payment Is du r n the Owner's concur.
rence,from h��/gigrth C uringtheeurrectonperioddescribed
10.2 The R+e-Triieet 111 wish the site -at Intervals appropriate to
the stage of construction to become generally familiar with file
progress and quality of the completed Work and to determine
In general If the Work Is being performed in a maturer Indlol
Ing that the Work, when completed, will bin ac rylance Will)
the Contract Documents. Ilowecer, the It nor be
required to make exhaustive or continuous on Inspections
to check quality or quantity of the Wo�% Ont b 'Is is +Eu�
site observations u-en-are6hee►, fix
.-owmw informed of progress of he Work and will endcavmr to
guard dre-Owner against defects and deficiencies In the Work.
9.12 shall not extend to the liability of tire Archltt5�Afcm
tect's consultants, and agents�utjOf
("any of than
arising out of (1) the preparatioaps, drawings,
opinions, reports, surveys, Construction
Change Directives, deli specifications, or (2) the giving of
or the (allure to tectons or Instructions by the Archliect,
the Archit ' consultants, and agents and employees of any of
tine uvlded such giving or (allure to give Is the primary
will not be responsible for construction means, n55!110,15, teen
nlques, sequences or procedures, or for sa ecautions and
programs In connection with it ' Since these are solely
the Contractor's '
tesp pvldcd in Paragraphs 9.1
and 16.1. The A!rbttcef will not be responsible for the ConlrJC-
tot's fail carry out the Work in accordance with the Con -
119.4 filed
the Contractor's Applications f ' le Architect Will
review and nlmnts due Zile Conlrjcttu` Jud will
Ing 7erfurmance under and requirements of the Contra' ucu-
ments on written request of either the Owner ontcrclur.
The Architect will make initial decisions o claims, disputes
or other matters in question hetwccn Owner :and Contrac-
tor, but will not he liable for 1pArs of any Interpretations or
decision, rendered In gas th. The Architect's decisions bra
matters relating to 2gkInc effect will be final if consistent Willi
the Intent expt in the Contract Documents. All other decl-
sions of 1 rddtecl, except those which have been waived
by ng or acceptance of final payment, shall be subject to
10.8 The Architect will have authority to reject Work which
does not conform to the Contract Documents.
10.7 The Architect will review 2nd aPProve or take other
2pproptiate action upon the Comractor's submittals such :is
Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for the
limited purpose of checking for conformance will, infunnatinn
given and the design concept expressed in the Contract
II clalms or dlsputts between Ilse C Muactor and
Owner hg tau tar relating to the CunuJct, or xcxln
thereof, shall guided by arbllalhnl It ('Atlee tt'116 the
(.mlSlfu(tilln IIl(loSlr Oulu us of the Aloctican .Alli
O21lon Association curie free, unless the partes mutu
ally agree otherwise • sublect tn • far prescnadun of the
claim or disp til lilt Afcilllect aT,requir under Paagrlph
111.5. Not of file demand fur arbitlaton sha 'filed in writ -
Ing w the other party to this Agteelllalt Gild wit It Anlct-
c• ArhlOaton Assoclatlun and sha11 he made w'hhh, J •• In
able time after the dispute has ulscn. The award rcndcrc
..,�u, aIII I i,yntcut mayu
rr led upon It In accordance with applicable law In any r(
hav urfsdlction thereof. Except ^wrluen corse the
person entity sough to be )olne�. J a,, loado slog out
of or relaU11 to the Contract Documents shag ude, by con-
solldatlon, join r or In any other manner, person or entity
not a party to tit Agreement under of ch such arbitration
arises, unless It is sh n at the time tdemand for arbluntion
Is Ned that (1) such per n or entit substantially Involved In
a common question of Fac r 1 ' , (2) the presence of such per-
son or entity is required If lete relief Is to be accorded In
the carburation, (3) the crest o esponsiblllty of such person
or entity N the mat r Is not Insub dal, and (4) such person
or entity Is n the Architect or of the Architect's
employee, 'consultants. The agreeme tereln among the
parties a Agreement and any other writ agreement to
atbl a referred to herein shag be speelncag enforceable
er applicable law In any court having jurlsdlctio hereof.
contract with the Contractor to perform a portion of tine
at the site.
2 Unless otherwise stated In the Contract Docu nts or the
bg requirements, the Conuactor, as Soo practicable
aaward of the Contract, shall furnish welting to the
Or through the Architect the names the Subcontractors
feach of the principal pardons of oro. The Contractor
sot contract with any Subcon clot to whom the Owner
ochhect hu made reasorta and timely objection. The
Cactor shall not be req ed to contract with anyone to
wthe Contractor h made reasomhle abjection. Comtbetween the C tractor and Subcontractors shall (1)
rre each Subco clot, to the extent of the Work to be
prmed by Ih ubcontnctor, to be bound to the Comnc-
ty the tc sof the Contract Documents, and to assume
td tit ontnctur all the obligations and responsibilities
wContractor, by the Contract Documents, assumes
tthe Owner and Architect, and Q) allow to the Subcon.
tr the benefit of alt rights, remedies and redress afforded to
operidolu related to the Project with the Owner's ow v
and to award separate conincts In connectlon other par.
tions of the Project or other construc110 perations clothe
site under condition of the cont emlcal or substantially
slmgar to these, htcludln a portions related to Insurance
and waiver of subr n. If the Contractor claims that delay
or addltlon Is Involved because of such action by the
Ow9g,ttre Conrnctor sluff make such claim as provided else.
melon reasomble opportunity for the Intro and star
age of their materials and equl cot performance or ItheIf
activities, and shall and coordinate the Contractor's
coruttvct tr operations with theles a1 required by the Can—
.1 A.osts caused by delays, Imptoixrly uuhcd aalvlucs tat
defective eonstrus,(lon shall be borne by the party responsible
13.1 The Owner, without Invalldadng the Contact, nlav order
changes In the Work consisting of additions, deletions or mndb
Fieations, the Contract Sum and Contract Time being adjusted
accordingly. Such changes In the Work shall be 3udturizcd by
written Change Order signed by the Owner, Contractor and
Architect, or by written Construction Change Directive signed
by the Owner and Architect.
13.2 The Contract Sum and Contract Time shall be changed
only by Change Order.
13.3 The cost or credit to the Owner from a change fn the
Work shall be determined by mutual agreement.
14.1 Time limits stated In the Contract Documents are of the
essence of the Contract. fly executing the Agreement the Can.
1r2clOr confirms that the Contract Time Is a teasumble period
for performing the Work.
14 2 The-dal"t4ul t• t r pilo t 1 1 rin .l
b-rThe-Afeldreet In-seserdow4-wkh-pur-limpltil;;. ,
14.3 If tits Contractor Is delayed at any time In progress of the
Work by changes ordered In the Work, by labor disputes, Fire,
unusual delay fn deliveries, abnormal adverse weather cundl.
dons not reasonably alulcipmable, un3vuldable ca;ualtics or
any causes beyond the Contractor's control, or by other causes
which the Architect determines may justify delay, then the
Conflict Time shall he extended by Chomge Order for Stith na-
sone I tone as the Architect P a detenni he. Contractor
ShJgjv�y owner wrA�aY�en gogleYopr a�l� such
dconryacttfor sevenTICLE15 theadyelay se
15.1 Payments shall be made as provided In Articles I and 5 of
this Agreement.
15.2 Payments may be withheld on account of f;*d rtcdve
Work not remedied, failure
of the Contractor to make payments properly to Subcontnc
tors or for labor, materials or equipment, (My-teasmonW-evf•
dcThcc-tharthc-vPerk-cannot fit,
dan»ge to the Cana or munhrr
ages'ferrhtanlkipaeed-delay-urf7jpershtent (allure to carry
out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
1i.9—VtgterFrheAse#dreet agrees text the -Werk -IS 64,1 uWlt.
cum plctertha.Aschhset--wlU-lrsu�-p_�rtffiwr a -u F-t:uhstanHal.
CocihpihEllee, ,
15.4 final payment shall nut b�ho ne due until the Cuntuctur
has delivered to the Owner a complete release of all liens uri,ing
out or ads Contract or rrcell;6 In full covering all lahur, note.
rials and equipment rnr whiclh alien could be filed, of a Ixhnd
aatlshclory N) the Owner to Indemnify the Owner against such
lien. tr such Ben remains unsmisnedmger payments are made,
the Contractor shall refund to the net all money that the
Owner may be compelled to pay In dischmging such lien,
Including all costs and teasonable attorneys' fees.
claims by the Owner e.cept those mbing from:
Bens, claims, security Interests or encu en orb•
Ing out of the Contract and unseal
.2 f28ure or the Work to comp) the requirements
of the Contract Documen , or
.3 remits of special war les required by the Contract
Acceptance of fin 2yment by the Contractor, a Subcontrac-
tor or mater ppller shall constitute a waiver of claims by
that pay ceps those previously made In writing and Idend-
Bed hat payee as unsettled at the tkne of Mal Application
16.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for Intuiting, miln-
ralning, and supervising all safety precautions and programs In
connection with the performance of the Conflict. The Con•
tractor shall take teasonable precautions for safety of, and shall
provide reasonable protection to prevent damage, Injury or loss
1 employees on the Work and other persons who may
be affected :hereby;
.2 the Work and materials and equipment to be Incou
potted therein; and
.3 other property at the site or adjacent thereto.
The Contractor shall give notices and comply with 2ppllcable
laws, ordlnmces, rules, regulations mad lawful orders of public
authorities bearing on safely of persons and property and their
protection from d2m3ge, Injury or loss. The Contractor shill
promptly remedy d2mage and loss to property at the site
caused In whole or In part by the Contractor, a Subcontractor, 2
Sub -subcontractor, or anyone directly or Indirectly employed
by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts they may be liable
and for which the Contractor b responsible under Subpara-
graphs 16;17'2 and 16.1.3, except fat damage or loss attributable
to acts or omissions of the Oo7ner or Architect or by anyone for
whose acts either of them may be liable, and not attributable to
the fault or negligence of the Contracior. The foregoing obliga•
dote of the Contractor are In addition to the Contractor's obll-
gmlons under Paragraph 9.12.
16.2 The Contractor shall not be required to perfonn without
consent any Work telaling to asbestos or polychlorinated
biphenyl (PCB).
Itself, to ptopc^vvhIch may arise out of or result from the
Contractor's o dons under the Contract, whether such
operations be by rhe Contractor or by 2 Subcontractor or any
one directly or Indirectly employed by any of them. This Insur-
ance shall be written fat not less than limits of liability specified
In the Contract Documents or required by law, whichever
coverage Is greater, and shall Include contractual liability Insur-
ance applicable to rise Contractor's obligations under Paragraph
A9.jj,_[ae' ales of such Insurance shall be filed with the
i m the commencemerg of the Work.
17.2 The Owner shall be responsible for purchwing and main.
Wiling the Ownei s usual liability Insurance. Optionally, the
Owner may purchase and maintain other Insurance for self-
protection against claims which may arise from operations
under the Contract. The Contractor shall not be responsible for
purchasing and maintaining this optional owner's Ilahlllry
Insurance unless specifically required by the Contract
Documents. cion aebor
17.3 Unless otherwise provided, the shall purchase
and maintain. In a company or companies lawfully authorized
to do business In the jurisdiction in which the Project Is
located, property Insurance upon the entire Work at the site to
the felt Insurable value thereof. This Insurance shall be on an ill -
risk policy form and shall Include Interests of the Owner, Ilse
Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub -subcontractors in the
Work and shall Insure against the perils of lire mid extended
coverage and physical loss or damage Including, without dupli-
cation of coverage, theft; vandillsm and malicious mischief.
17.4 A loss Insured under Owner's property Insurance shall be
adjusted with the Owner and made payable to the Owner as
Fiduciary for the Insureds, as their Interests may appear, subject
to the requirements of any applicable mortgagee clause.
17.5 The Owner shall file a copy of each pOlicy with the Con•
tractor before an exposure to toss may occur. Each policy shall
contain a provision that the policy will not be cancelled or
allowed to expire until at least 38 days' prlor written notice has
been given to the Contractor.
17.6 The Owner and Contractor waive 211 rights against each
other and the Architect, Architect's consultants, separate Con-
tractors described In Article 12, If any, mid any of their subcon.
tractors, sub-subcolnracmrs, agents and employees, for dam•
ages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by
property Insurance obtained pursuant to this Article 17 or any
other property Insurance applicable to the Work, except such
rights as they may have to the proceeds of such Insurance held
by the Owner as fiduciary. The Contractor shall require similar
waivers In favor of file Owner and the Contractor by Subcon-
tractors and Sub -subcontractors. The Owner shall require shot.
far waivers In favor of the Owner and Contractor by the Archi-
tect. Architect's consultants, separate contracmts described In
Article 12, if any, and the subcontractors, sub-subconfracfots.
agents and employees of any of them.
17.1 The Contractor shall purchase from and maintain In a
company or eomp2nle3 lawfully authorized to do business In
the jurisdiction In which the Project Is located Insurance rot
protection from claims under workers' or workmen's compen-
satlon acts and other employee benefit acts which are appllc-
able, claims for damages because of bodfly Injury, Including
death, and from claims for damages. other than to the Work
16.1 The Contractor shall promptly correct Work-rejeered-brr
the -Architect or falling to conform to the requirements of the
Contract Documents, whether observed before or after Sub-
stantial Completion and whether or not bbrlcated. Installed or
completed, and shall correct any Work found to be not In
accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents
within 2 period of one year from the date of Subs,..I.r Colo.
plcdon of lite Contract or by terms of2n applicable special war•
tansy Iequlied by the Contacl Doc nu. The provblonl of
this Ankle 10 apply 10 aln1, . he Contractor.tol9 Ne, M
to Work done byemployees
19.2 Nothing contained In this Article 10 shall be construed to
esubthh 2 period of Ilmiutfon with respect to other obligations
which he Contractor might have under the Contr2d DOM
menu. Esubllshment of the time period of one Yost as
described In Faragraph 10.1 relates only to be specific obligr
lion of the Contactor to correct the Walk, and has no 0:311011-
:3110mslip to the little within which the obli88adon to comply with the
Conooct Documatu may be snught ib be enforced, nor to the
lime within which proceedings may be commenced to estab-
lish the Conlractor's Ilablllty with respect to the Contractor'/
obllgmlons 011ier Thar, specifically to correct the Work.
19.1 lire Contract shall be governed by the law or he place
where the FIOJccl Is located.
19.2 As between lite Owner and the CorOaUor, any appil-
cable statute of Ilrniutlons shag commence Io nm and any
alleged nose of action than be deemed to have accrued:
A not liter tlnn the dale of Substantial Completion for
act, of f2lturcl 10 act occurrlog pilot to the relevant
date Of Suhst2m121 Completion;
,2 no later tltarl the date of hsuance of the final Certln
cite for payment for ecu or raliures to act occurring
subsequent to the rclev2nt date of Substantial COm-
pictlon and pilar to Issuance of he final CertiOcate for
Fayrncnt; and
,11 not Incl than the dale or the relevant act os fanwe to
act by lite Contoctot for acts or failures to aU occur
ring ahcr lite d2fe of the 0,121 Carinate for Payment.
Alit ICLE 20
20.1 little of So days througiect 1211510 h no fault f site conu� lor,toftrut �t he Owner
tans to nuke payment thereon for a period of 30 days, lire Con
113cmr may. upon seven additiowl days' wrbren nuflce Io lire
Ownet and lite Architect, lennloate the Conflict and recover
frog" the Owner Payment for 211 Work executed and fur Prove"
loss with respect to materlill equipment, fools, and cunsintc
lion equipment and machinery. Including reasonable overhnd,
plant and d2rn2gcs applicable to lite Prolect.
20.2 it lire Contractor defaults or persistently falls or neglects
to carry out the Work In accordance With the Contract 0001
menu of falls to petfarm a provision of the Contract, lire
Wwner ' Art seven days' written notice 10ithout prejudice to any other remedy lite lowner tmay have,
may make good such deficiencies and may deduct lire cost
utarav . a
an expenses made necessary thereby, Iron the paYute wncr!s
or thereafter due he Contactor. Allemmh•cly, 311
Option and upon cettlncatlon by the Atchlf at sufnclent
cause exists 10 justify such action, the Ow may termhute the
Conflict and like possession of tit a and of all matcdal$,
equlpment, tool$, slid construe equlpment and mxhlncry
lheuon owned by lite Co tot and Oily finish lite Wrsrk by
Whatever method tl wort may deem expealem. a lite
unpaid balance o e COr111act Sum exceeds costs or nnishing
fit, `.Ehnk, I s Ing compensation for file Architect's senkcs
and ex ses nude necessary thereby. such excess shall be
0 o file Conrr2Uor, but If such cults exceed such unpaid
fran Ute payment then or thereafter due Ute Contractor, or if Use failure of
Contractor Involves items Cos L ive tractorfthl.rtyiaig (30)alid daysabor for written noticelcil exceed
to cure
$1,000.00, owner may 9
aril if tt�t so cured witliin that timer Owner may tetml.rtate osis contract
inarrxi is to l y .
- E!lltivtalEDo'oNIItCONTMCTUg x611t[MEt1f•MNttl llNtlON•AtA• •vl7er
711E AMERICAN I"Inu TE or AaCtllitcTs, 1111 Nlte Y0111t aVlNlle, Nom, O'ASIIIIrG10N, n C EptIIG
The venue for any action brought to interupt
or enforce the Agreement, or any action arising
out of the provisions of the Agreement shall be
brought in the appropriate state court having
jurisdiction located in Indian River County, Florida
This Agreement entered Into u of the day and ycar first written above.
(stralum) Lon ' e Powell-,- Mayor
(Printed "arnr and title)
_lv-'h!4 A,Et—scg� r VI'
(Rimed rtamr and title)
Approved AS to Fo and Content 13
Charles I. Nash, City Attorney
�I,Ultle aunt Ct•Iu•.W•uu�. �.'.u..,. cL..,
ibis sworn statement Is submitted with Bid, Proposal or Contract No.
2. Tb Ls sworn statement Is submitted by
, iname of entity submitting sworn statement
whose business address Is
(If applicable) Its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is
(if the entity has no FEIN, Include the Social Security Number of the Individual signing this sworn
3. My name Is �and my relationship to the
IPe print name of Individual signing]
entity named above Is
4. I understand that a 'public entity crime' as defined In Paragraph 287.133(1)0), Lilla�l�l.
mean, a violation of any lute or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the
transaction of buittim with any pvbUc estiry of with an agency or political subdivision or IaE other
state or with the United Staten, Including, but not limited to, any bid of contract for goods or
services to be provided to any publle entity of an agency or political nubdlvhlon of any other sate
or of the United States and inwlving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, 0011021011,. racketeering,
conspiracy, or material m1areprde11ation. _. __- . -
S. 1 understand that 'conrkted• of'eonvIction' M defined in Paragraph 287.133(t)(b) $gM Statri
means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public endty crime, with or without ars adjudication of
gufit, to any federal or ante trW eoatt of reoord reiadng to charges brought bf Indictment or
Information after July 1, IM, as a result of a Dory verdict, nonlmy vial, of entry or a plea of ganty
or nolo contendere. y
6- 1 undersand that an 'alRiLte' as defined In Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), poddiii-Slithilft Mew":
I_ A predecessor or successor of A person convicted of a public entity crime: or
2- An entity under the control of any natural person who Is active In the management of the
entity and who hats been convicted of it public entity crime. The term 'Ifdliate' Include, thou
officers, directors, executives, patiners, sherrholders, employees, members, and egersis who are ANve
In the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of share! const [ming a controlling
interest In another person, of a pooling of equipment of income among persons when not for hit
market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima lade ase that one person controls
another person- A person who knowingly tate" Into a Joint ve11ture with a n who has been
convinced of a public entity crime In Fulda dining the preceding 36 months shall be considered an
7. 1 understand that a 'person' as defined In Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Satatesmeans any
natural person or entity organized under the law•" of any sate or of the United States with the legal
paver to enter Into a binding contract and which bids ora p11es to bid on contracts for the provision
of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or app11es to transact business
with a public entity. The term 'person' Incudes those ofllats, directors, executives, partners,
shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity.
9. Based on Information and belief, the statement which I have matked below Is true In relation to the
entity submitting this sworn statement_ [Please Indicate wh" statement applies.]
Neither t. entity submitting this sworn statement, any officers. gemeors, the
partners, shareholders, employees, members. or agents who ` active In management of the entity,
nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of man:
publle entity crime
subsequent to July 1, 1989. directors,
The entity submitting this sworn statmemme�rs or agents who feOne 01 more ta theofficers,
execudva, partners, shueholde», employees,
the entity, or an affiliate of the entity � eel rrrhlcb additional asst mk chaged With and convictedoent applies.) dty me
subsequent to July 1, 1989, AND [Pl
There has been a proceeding concerning the coovlctloe Wore a hearing ed by e
the§iate of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The AnaI order entered by the
hearing otfloer did not place the person or affiliate on the convicted vendor 1131. [Please
spach a copy of the final order.]
The person or sMIIste was placed on the convicted vendor list rids,TherDivision
subsequent proceeding before a beating officer of the State of Florida
Administrative ctMtngs The final order entered by the heating officer determined that It
was in the public Interest to remove the person or affi11ate from the convicted vendor list-
■ttacb a onP7 of the final order.l
The person or &M11110 has not been placed on be scot vi Gemmel o9er.icea 11.1 )please
desa'ibe any action lateen by or Pending with the Depart
PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME. the undersigned anthorlry,
who, after Asst being srrorn by me, off" Ile' signature
(named IndiyldnA slgningl
In the space provided above on this
day of 19
µy commission erpira:
Form FUR 7068 (Rev. 1189)
Extent of building demolition wto
contracis shown on drawings
d de
anscribed as follows. existing 2 -story
responsible to demolish and remove the ng existing water line
concession stand. He shall disconnect the ex
Themethe xistbnglaulvarti&remove headwallsvice shalline be removed.ck to thAll
material shall be disposed in a legal manner. The owner
shall be respo nibble tohave the electrical service
disconnected Prior
Demolition includes complete wrecking of structures and
removal and disposal of demolished materials.
Condition of Structures: Owner assumes no responsibility for
actual condition of structures to be demolished.
Conditions existing at time of inspection
purposes will H maintained by
owner practicable. However, variations within structure
priory to
occur by Owner's removal and salvage operations p
start of demolition work. The owner may elect to remove &
salvage the existing fencing including the ownerll ashall be
gate's and etc. osedm's not salvaged by the contractor•
removed and dip
Partial Removal: Items of
salvageable value to
Trensportr may
be removed from structure as work progresses.
salvaged items from site as they are removed.
Storage or sale of removed items on site will not be
Traffic: Conduct demolition operations and retreets�fwalks,
to ensure minimuminterferencesusedhfaoiaities.
and other adjacentoccupied or
Do not close or obstruct street, walks, or other
used facilities without permission from the City.
Dames: Promptly repair damages caused to adjacent
facilities by demolition operations at no cost to owner.
Utilit_Services: Maintain existing utilities indicated to
keep in service, and protect against damage during
demolition operations.
Disconnect andato
start iof demolitiones serving work.
to be
demolished, prior
n„ilding Demolition: Demolish building completely and
remove from site. Use such pVeiningas required regulations. comp
work within limitations of 9
Proceed with demolition in a systematic manner, from top of
structure to ground. Complete demolition work above each
floor or tier before disturbing supporting members on lower
Below -Grade Construction: Demolish and remove below -grade
construction and concrete slabs or footings on or below
Fillin�yoida: Completely fill below final grade areas and
voids resulting from demolition of structures.
use satisfactory soil materials ng of stone, gravel,
and sand, free from debris, trash, frozen materials, roots
and other organic matter*
fill materials, ensure that areas to be
Prior to placement of
filled are free of standing water, frost, frozen material,
trash and debris. ers not
Place fill materials in horizontal18Y
ateiconng tentn
loose depth. Compact each lay
of fill material to a density equal to original adjacent
ground, unless subsequent excavation for new work is
compaction, grade surface to meet
After fill placement and
provide flow to surface drainage
adjacent contours and to
is, rubbish,
Diosal: Remove from site all on operation and dispose d other
spdispose in
materials resulting from demolition op
legal manner.
ials from demolished structures will
Burning of removed mater
not be permitted on site.
Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including
General and Supplementary Conditions and Division -1
Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
The extent of the work is indicated on the drawings and shall
include all material and labor with proper supervision for
site preparation consisting of the following:
Clearing and Grubbing
Site Grading, excavation and Filling
Strip and Stockpile Aggregate Parking Lot
Subgrade Preparation for pavements
Strip & Stockpile - Clay Infield
The contractor shall be responsible to strip the clay infield
and stockpile on site at the location determined by the
owner's representative. He shall strip existing vegetation
including the grass outfield and 20 ft beyond the proposed
fence line unless otherwise directed. The striped material
shall be hauled by the contractor to designated areas within
a 2 mi radius of the excavation. The primary location
considered shall be Tracts A & B of Unit 11 at Periwinkle and
Caravan Terrace. The contractor shall use aggregate from the
existing parking lot adjacent to the concession stand. This
material shall be used to stabilize the subgrade for the new
parking lot. Following stripping operation the contractor
shall have applied an acceptable herbicide to insure
vegetation control, to protect weeds or other obnoxious plant
material from invading new sod.
Excavation for Mechanical/Electrical Work: Excavation and
backfill required in conjunction with underground mechanical
and electrical utilities, and buried mechanical and
electrical appurtenances is included as work of this section.
Definition: "Excavation" consists of removal of material
encountered to subgrade elevations indicated and subsequent
disposal of materials removed.
Codes and Standards: Perform excavation work in compliance
;with applicable requirements of governing authorities having
Testing and Inspection Service: Owner will be responsible
for the initial soil testing and inspection service for
quality control testing during earthwork operations. The
contractor shall coordinate with the testing company to have
the technician available at the site to take the necessary
test for compaction. The Contractor
expense. Required compaction test
all retesting, at his own expense.
are indicated on the drawings at intervals as recommended by
the testing laboratory. ThEngineer. Of all testinging shall be ll be done
sent directly to the City
in the presence of the Cily Engineer. The Contractor shall
notify the city Engineer or his representativepr for the
or to any
test being done, failure to do so will be grounds
City Engineer to require retesting at the contractor's
Site Information: Data on indicated subsurface conditions are
not intended as representations or warranties of accuracy or
continuity between soil borings. It is expressly understood
that Owner will not be responsible for
Cont interpretractor.ations ormade
conclusions drawn therefrom by
available for convenience of Contractor.
Additional test borings and other exploratory operations may
be made by Contractor at no cost to Owner.
Existing Utilities: Locate existing underground utilities in
areas of work. If utiliies aprotectionremain
adequate means of support
Should uncharted, or incorrectly charted, piping or other
utilities be encountered during excavation, consult utility
owner immediately for directions. Cooperate with Owner and
utility companies in keeping respective services and
facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to
satisfaction of utility owner.
Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities
occupied and used by Owner or others, durigoccupied tours,
Engineer except when permitted in writing by City
only after acceptable temporary utility services have been
Provide minimum of 48-hour notice to City Engineer,
and receive written notice to proceed before interrupting
any utility.
Demolish and completely remove from site existing underground
companies forshut-off of services ifolines ate w
Use of Explosives: The use of explosives is not permitted.
Protection of Persons and Property: Barricade open
excavations occurring 'as part of this work and post with
warning lights.
Operate warning lights as recommended by authorities having
Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and
other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral
movement, undermining, washout and other hazards caused by
earthwork operations.
Perform excavation within drip -line of large trees
to remain by hand, and protect the root system from
damage or dryout to the greatest extent possible.
Maintain moist condition for root system and cover
exposed roots with burlap.
Satisfactory soil material are defined as those complying
with ASTM D2487 soil classification groups GW, GP, GM, SM,
SW, and SP.
Unsatisfactory soil materials are defined as those complying
with ASTM D2487 soil classification groups GC, SC, ML, MH,
CL, CH, OL, OH and PT.
Clav/Sand Mixture: Ballfield No. 4 shall include all grading,
excavation and or fill, including clay/sand mixture for the
infield and warning tract for field No. 4. All work and
materials shall be in accordance with the standard
specifications and accepted local practices. The warning
tract is to continue along the fence line westward and
connect to Ballfield No. 3. The clay/sand mixture is to be a
minimum thickness of eight inches (8") below finished grade.
The clay/sand mixture shall be 70/30 as provided by Melbourne
Sand Co. or approved equal. All construction shall be in
accordance with the plans and specifications.
Subgrade Material: Naturally or artificially graded mixture
of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, crushed slag,
natural or crushed sand, aggregate from the existing parking
lot adjacent to the concession stand.
Drainage Fill: Washed, evenly graded mixture of crushed
stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel, with 100% passing a 1-
1/2" sieve and not more than 5% passing a 3/8" sieve meeting
the requirements of No. 5 Aggregate, per Section 901 of F.
D.O.T. Road and Bridge Specifications.
Backfill and fill Materials: Satisfactory soil materials free
of clay, rock or gravel larger than 2" in any dimension,
debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation and other
deleterious matter capable of
when properly rolled without
pumping, clumping, etc.
obtaining required compaction
adverse consequences, such as
Excavation is Unclassified, and includes excavation to the
top of the subgrade elevations indicated, regardless of
character of materials and obstructions encountered. The
Contractor is required to stablize the subgrade using in
palce material mixed with rock, marl or other suitable
material to obtain road stabilization as indicated on the
Excavation Classifications: The following classifications of
excavation will be made when rock excavation is encountered
in work:
Earth Excavation includes excavation of pavements and
other obstructions visible on ground surface; underground
structures, utilities and other items indicated to be
demolished and removed; together with earth and other
materials encountered that are not classified as rock or
unauthorized excavation.
Rock excavation in trenches and pits includes removal and
disposal --of and obstructions encountered which
cannot be excavated with a 1.0 cubic yard (heaped)
capacity, 42" wide bucket on track -mounted power excavator
equivalent to Caterpillar Model 215, rated at not less
than 90HP flywheel power and 30,000 lb. drawbar pull.
Trenches in excess of 10'-0" in width and pits in excess
of 30'-0" in either length or width are classified as open
Rock Excavation in open excavations includes removal and
disposal of materials and obstructions encountered which
cannot be dislodged and excavated with modern track -mounted
heavy-duty excavating equipment without drilling, blasting or
ripping. Rock excavation equipment is defined as Caterpillar
Model No. 973 or No. 977K, or equivalent track -mounted
loader, rated at not less than 170HP flywheel power and
developing 40,000 lb. break-out force (measured in accordance
with SAEJ732C).
Typical of materials classified as rock are boulders 1/2 cu.
YD. or more in volume, solid rock, rock in ledges, and
rockhard cementitious aggregate deposits.
no not begin rock excavation work until material to be
excavated has been cross-sectioned and classified by City
Engineer. Such excavation will be paid on basis of contract
conditions relative to changes in work.
Rock payment lines are limited to the following:
Two feet outside of concrete work for which forms
are required, except footings.
One foot outside perimeter of footings.
In pipe trenches, 6" below invert elevation of pipe
and 2 ft. wider than inside diameter of pipe, but
not less than 3 ft. minimum trench width.
Neat outside dimensions of concrete work where no
forms are required.
Under slabs on grade, 6" below bottom of concrete
Unauthorized excavation consists of removal of materials
beyond indicated subgrade elevations or dimensions without
specific direction of City Engineer. Unauthorized
excavation, as well as remedial work directed by City
Engineer, shall be at Contractor's expense.
Under footings, foundation bases, or retaining walls, fill
unauthorized excavation by extending indicated bottom
elevation of footing or base to excavation bottom, without
altering required top elevation. Lean concrete fill may be
used to bring elevations to proper position, when acceptable
to City Engineer.
Elsewhere, backfill and compact unauthorized excavations as
specified for authorized excavations or same classification,
unless otherwise directed by City Engineer.
Additional Excavation: When excavation has reached required
subgrade elevations, notify City Engineer who will make an
inspection of conditions.
If unsuitable bearing materials are encountered at required
subgrade elevations, carry excavations deeper and replace
excavated material as directed by City Engineer.
Removal of unsuitable material and its replacement as
directed will be paid on basis of contract conditions
relative to changes in work.
Stability of Excavations: Slope sides of excavations to
comply with local codes and ordinances having jurisdiction.
Shore and brace where sloping is not possible because of
space restrictions or stability of material excavated.
Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in safe condition
until completion of backfilling.
Shoring and Bracing: Pro,jtde mnterin)s for shoring and
bracing, such as sheet piling, uprights, stringers and cross -
braces, in good serviceable condition.
Establish requirements for trench shoring and bracing to
comply with local codes and authorities having jurisdiction.
Maintain shoring and bracing in excavations regardless of
time period excavations will be open. Carry down shoring and
bracing as excavation progresses.
Provide permanent steel sheet piling or pressure
creosoted timber sheet piling wherever subsequent
removal of sheet piling might permit lateral movement of
soil under adjacent structures. Cut off tops as required
and leave permanently in place.
Dewatering: Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground
water from flowing into excavations and from flooding project
site and surrounding area.
Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Remove
water to prevent softening of foundation bottoms,
undercutting footings, and soil changes detrimental to
stability of subgrades and foundations. Provide and maintain
pumps, well points, sumps, suction and discharge lines, and
other dewatering system components necessary to convey water
away from excavations and receiving bodies of water.
Discharge shall be to upland area and bermed as necessary.
Establish and maintain temporary drainage ditches and other
diversions outside excavation limits to convey rain water and
water removed from excavations to collecting or run-off
areas. Do not use trench excavations as temporary drainage
Material Storage: Stockpile satisfactory excavated materials
where directed, until required for backfill or fill. Place,
grade and shape stockpiles for proper drainage.
Locate and retain soil materials away from edge of
excavations. Do not store within drip line of trees indicated
to remain.
Dispose of excess soil material and waste materials as herein
Excavation for Retention Pond:
The contractor shall excavate the retention pond well below
final grade to remove hardpan and backfill with clean fill
suitable for drainage. He shall meet the requirements for
FDOT Specifications 902-4 Filter Material for Underdrains.
Excavation for Structures: Conform to elevations and
dimensions shown within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10',
and extending a sufficient distance from footings and
foundations to permit placing and removal of concrete
reinforcement is placed. Trim bottoms to requuired lines and
grades to leave solid base to receive other work.
Excavation for Pavements: Cut surface under pavements to
comply with cross-sections, elevations and grades as shown.
Excavation for Trenches: Dig trenches to the uniform width
sufficiently wj.de to provide ample working room. Provide 6"
to 9" clearance on both sides of pipe or conduit.
Excavate trenches to depth indicated or required. Carry depth
of trenches for piping to establish indicated flow lines and
invert elevations. Beyond building perimeter, keep bottoms of
trenches sufficiently below finish grade to avoid freeze -ups.
Where rock is encountered, carry excavation 6" below required
elevation and backfill with a 6" layer of crushed stone or
gravel prior to installation of pipe.
For pipes or conduit 5" or less in nominal size and for flat-
bottomed multiple -duct conduit units, do not excavate beyond
indicated depths. Hand excavate bottom cut to accurate
elevations and support pipe or conduit on undisturbed soil.
Areas which have been over excavated, the Contractor shall be
required to compact bottom of trench to 6" above final
elevation and then hand excavate to proper elevation.
For pipes or conduit 6" or larger in nominal size, tanks and
other mechanical/electrical work indicated to receive
subbase, excavate to subbase depth indicated, or, if not
otherwise indicated, to 6" below bottom of work to be
Except as otherwise indicated, excavate for exterior water -
bearing piping (water, Steam, condensate, drainage) so top of
piping is not less than 2'-6" below finished grade.
Grade bottoms of trenches aA indicated, notching under pipe
bells to provide solid bearing for entire body of pipe.
Backfill trenches with concrete where trench excavations pass
within 18" of column or wall footings and which are carried
below bottom of such footings, or which pass under wall
footings. Place concrete to level of bottom of adjacent
Concrete is indicated on the drawings.
Do not backfill trenches until tests and inspections have
been made and backfilling authorized by City Engineer. Use
care in backfilling to avoid damage or displacement of pipe
ror piping or conduit less than 2'-6" below surface of
roadways, provide 4" thick concrete base slab support. After
installation and testing of piping or conduit, provide
minimum 4" thick encasement (sides and top) of concrete prior
to backfilling or placement of roadway subbase.
Cold Weather Protection: Protect excavation bottoms against
freezing when atmospheric temperature is less than 35 F
(1 C).
General: Control soil compaction during construction
providing minimum percentage of density specified for each
area classification indicated balow.
Percentage of Maximum Density Requirements: Compact soil to
not less than the following percentages of maximum density
for soils which do not exhibit a well-defined moisture-
density relationship (cohesionless soils).
StructuresBuilding Slabs and Steps, Pavements:
Compact top, 12" of aubgrade and each layer of
backfill or fill material at 98% relative density for
cohesionless material.
Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Compact top 6" of subgrade
and each layer of b�ckfi.11. or fill material at 90$
relative density for cohesionless soils.
Walkways: Compact top 6" of subgrade and each
layer of backfill or fill material at 95$ relative
density for cohesionless material.
Moisture Control: Where subgrade or layer of soil material
must be moisture conditioned before compaction, uniformly
apply water to surface of subgrade, or layer of soil
material, to prevent free water appearing on surface during
or subsequent to compaction operations.
Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, soil material
that is too wet to permit compaction to specified density.
Soil material that has been removed because it is
too wet to permit compaction may be stockpiled or
spread and allowed to dry. Assist drying by discing,
harrowing or pulverizing until moisture content is
reduced to a satisfactory value.
General: place acceptable soil material in layers to required
subgrade elevations, for each area classification listed
In excavations, use satisfactory excavated or borrow
Under grassed areas, use satisfactory excavated or borrow
Under walks and pavements, use subgrade material, or
approved satisfactory excavated or borrow material, or
combination of both.
Under Steps, use subgrade material.
Under building slabs, use drainage fill material.
Under piping and conduit, use subgrade material where
subgrade is indicated under piping or conduit; shape to
fit bottom 90 of cylinder.
Backfill excavation as promptly as work permits, but not
until completion of the following:
Acceptance of construction below finish grade
including, where applicable, dampproofing,
waterproofing, and perimeter insulation.
Inspection, testing, approval, and "as built "
recording locations of underground utilities.
Removal of concrete formwork.
Removal of shoring and bracing, and backfilling
of voids with satisfactory materials. Cut off
temporary sheet piling driven below bottom of
structures and remove in manner to prevent
settlement of the structure or utilities, or leave
in place if required.
Removal of trash and debris.
Permanent or temporary horizontal bracing is in
place on horizontally supported walls.
Ground Surface Preparation: Remove vegetation, debris,
unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and deleterious
materials from ground surface prior to placement of fills.
Plow, strip, or break-up sloped surfaces steeper than 1
vertical to 4 horizontal so that fill material will bond with
existing surface.
When existing ground surface has a density less than that
specified under "Compaction" for particular area
classification, break up ground surface, pulverize, moisture-
condiredndepthpandupercentags ofr�maximumndensity. to
reqPlacement and Compaction: Place backfill and fill materials
in layers not more than 12" in loose depth
r material 6"
compacted by heavy compaction equipment,
andin loose depth for material compacted by hand -operated
Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary
to provide optimum moisture content. Compact each layer to
imum dry density orrelative
required percentage or maxplace backfill
density for each area classification. Do y, frozen, or
or fill material on surfaces that are
contain frost or ice.
place backfill and fill materials evenly adjacent to
structures, piping or conduit to required elevations. Take
care to prevent wedging action of backfillagainst structures
or displacement of piping or conduit by carrying
uniformly around structure, piping or conduit to
approximately same elevation in each lift.
General: Uniformly grade areas within limits of grading
under this section, including adjacent transition areas.
Smooth finished surface within specified tolerances, compact
with uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations
are indicated, or between such points and existing grades.
Grading Outside_ Building Lines: Grade areas adjacent to
and to prevent
uiidlnq lines to drin away from structures
Finish surfaces free from irregular surface changes, and as
Lawn or Unpaved Areas! Finish areas to receive
topsoil to within not more than 0.10' above or
below required subgrade elevations.
Walks: Shape surface of areas under walks to line,
grade and cross-section, with finish surface not
more than 0.10' above or below required subgrade
Pavements_: Shape surface of areas under pavement
Eo line, grade and cross-section, with finish surface
not more than 1/2" above or below required subgrade
Grading Surface of Fill under Building Secbfiedraendsmooth
and even, free of voids, compacted as sp
ovide final grades within a tolerance
required elevation. Pr
of 1/2 when tested with a 10' straightedge.
Compaction: After ercentagepoftmaxbimumdorsrelative density
urfaces to the
depth and indicatedd percentage
for each area classification.
General: drainage course consists of placement of drainage
fill material, in layers of indicated thickness, over
subgrade surface to support concrete building slabs.
Placing: Place drainage fill material on prepared subgrade in
layers of uniform thickness, conforming to indicated cross-
section and thickness. Maintainopimum moisture content for
compacting material during placement
When a compacted drainage course is shown to be 6" thick or
less, place material in a single lace materialainrequale
n shown to be
more than 6" thick, p layers, except no
single layer more than 6" or less than 3" in thickness when
Qualit Control TestingDuring construction:
subgt d fill olayers
service to inspect and app performed.
before further construction work is
Perform field density tests in accordance with
AASHTO T-180 (necular method).
Footing Subgrade: For each
lacedrata of soil on
conduct at least
which footings will be p
one test to verify required design bearing capacities.
a es.
acitiaciti g
Subsequent verification and app
roval of subgrade may be based on a visual comparison of each
subgrade with related tested strata, when acceptable to
City Engineer..
lding Slab Subgrade: Make at least
Paved Areas and Bui
one field density test of subgrade for every 2000 sq.
ft. of paved area or building bleb, but in no case less
than 3 tests. In each compacted fill layer' overlaying
make one
field density test for every 2000 sq.
building slab or paved area, but in no case less than 3
Foundation Wall Backfill: Take at least 2 field density
test locations `-and elevations as directed.
If in opinion of City Engineer, based on testing service
reports and inspection, subgrade or fills which have been
placed are below specified density, p
compaction and testing at no additional expense.
Protection of Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from
traffic and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris.
Repair and re-establish grades in settled, eroded, and rutted
areas to specified tolerances.
Reconditioning compacted Areas: Where completed compacted
areas which are disturbed by subsequent construction
operations or adverse weather, scarify surface, re -shape, and
compact to required density prior to further construction.
Settling: Where settling is measurable or observable at
excavated areas during general project warranty period,
remove surface (pavement, lawn or other finish), add backfill
material, compact, and replace surface treatment. Restore
appearance, quality, and condition of surface or finish to
match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to
greatest extent possible.
Removal to Designated Areas on owner's Property: Transport
acceptable excess excavated material to designated soil
storage areas on Owner's property. Stockpile soil or spread
as directed by City Engineer.
The work specified herein comprises the
ction base of a
bituminous pavement consJ-`ting of graded aggregate
course, bituminious prime coat, bituminous tack coat, and
bituminous surface course central plant hot mix. The
subgrade for the base course shall be prepared at accordance
with SECTION; 02200 Earthwork of these specifications. The
construction of the bituminous pavement components shat of
conform to the requirementsof
the t1Flo
lonsrfor Roadida randnBridge
Transportation, Standard Spor
Construction" 1991 edition except for the modifications ha
additions specified herein.
Ineadditignbase materialthe ofor
be responsible top P placement of
paving. This shall include regrading, P rime coat,
additional base material, compaction, testing, P
and asphaltic surface course.
Wherever, in the Florida Department of Transportation
Standard Specifications, hereinafter referred to in this
section as the "Standard Specifications," the following terms
are used, the intent shall be understood as follows:
"Owner" ------------- -- City of Sebastian
-- City Engineer of Sebastian
"City Engineer" -----_---or his representative
"Proposal Form' --------
General Provisions, Special
Conditions, or Technical
The Bituminous Plant Mix Surface Course shall be applied
in accordance with the Standard Specifications using
asphaltic concrete indicated on the drawings. The Job -Mix
Formula together with the test data shalll be
fu nidays toithe
CJ.ty Engineer for review
Coo beinning mixing op
Base (Section 911 & 9150 for the paving shall be gra
aggregate base course as indicated on the plans. The
se ance to
construction of the base courLimrockshall material be in cfor dBase andthe
requirements of Section 911
Stabilized Base) and 915 (Cemented Coquina Shell Material) of
the Standard Specifications.
Bituminous Prime and Tack Coat: (Section 300) shall be
appl accordance with the Standard appliedattheo
rate of
rate ofeprime shall be Grade RC 70 or RC 250 app
0.20 to 0.35 gallon per square yard. .Emulsified asphaltmay
be used upon approval of the City Engineer. If the prime
coat is not fresh, clean and free
l f traffic
tely a to
bituminous tack coat shall be app
application of the asphaltic
accordancerwith theface rStandard
tack coat shall be applied
Specifications using 0.02 to 0.08 gallon per yard of
emulsifiedasphalt. Engineer, asphalt may be used upon
approval of the
Bituminous Plant Mix Surface Course (Section 320) shall be
appl accordance eiindicatedhe aonathe drawingsrd Sp .Mix
ons using
asphaltic concrete troved by the City Engineer before being
designs shall be app
used in the work.
The Contractor will be required to furnish the ob-mix
formulas and all pertinent laboratory and field test data
of --all in the mixture to be used intheiCity k and
the Marshall test properties for approval by
Engineer at least 10 days before the start of paving
operations. The above mix design data, sufficient size
samples, and source materials shall be furnished to the
Testing Laboratory for review and check testing prior to
start of placement of bituminous pavements. The Testing
Laboratory will notify the City Engineer of the
Satisfactoriness of the mix design. The Contractor shall
perform the necessary density tests pf the compacted base
course and the compacted bituminous pavement.
During the performance of all work coveredinreferenced
section, the Contractor shall keep 1 copy
of thehighway specifications at the jobsite.
Davin Place mixture at not less than 225 F (107 C), spread
and strike off. Place each course to required grade, cross-
section, and compacted thickness.
Provide Joints between old and new pavements and between
successive days, work for continuousbo ackecoatn adjoining
work. Clean contact surfaces and apply
Rolling: Begin rolling when mixture will bear roller weight
asvrolling aprogresses. Cut outcement. Repair and defects with
and patch
defective areas and roll
paving. Continue rolling
roller marks eliminated.
to blend with adjacent satisfactory
until maximum density attained and
Protect pavina from damage and vehicular traffic until
mixture has cooled and attained its maximum degree of
Traffic and Lane Markings, Apply 2 coats of chlorinated
rubber type traffic -lane marking paint (FS TT -P-115, Type
III) over cleaned paving surface.
se aand
review color
with Engineer before paint application.
for directional arrows and white for 24" stop bars.
The unit of measurement and payment for the work covered
by this section of the specifications will be made on a job,
lump sum basis for "Site Preparation and Development,
shall be
Complete", which contract lump sum price and paymentebor, tools,
full compensation for furnishing all materials,
equipment, services and incidentals necessary to complete the
work as required.