HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-2017 NRB MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, 2017 1. Vice Chair Progulske called the Natural Resources Board Meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Vice Chairman Bob Progulske James Clifton Vicki Tunker Rose Glaser Members Not Present: Gilbert Gordian, Jr — Excused Ann Lucier — Excused Nicole Mosblech — Excused Also Present: Frank Watanabe, City Engineer Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 4. Agenda Modifications — None 5. Approval of Minutes — May 2, 2017 Meeting Minutes Mr. Progulske asked if there were any corrections or modifications to the minutes. Hearing none he called for a motion. A motion to approve the May 2, 2017 minutes as presented was made by Ms. Tunker seconded by Mr. Clifton and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Unfinished Business Item A. Earth Day — Saturday April 22, 2017 Update of event by Rose Glaser Ms. Glaser reported that she has sent to all the members an email with the final updates. She stated that the event is still getting good coverage on Facebook. She stated that all the vendors and bands want to return next year and were very happy with the event. She concluded that it was a very positive day. Mr. Progulske thanked Ms. Glaser for all her efforts in making Earth Day such a big success. Mr. Progulske requested that Item C be addressed at this time since it relates to Earth Day. Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2017 Page 2 Item C. Discuss asking high school senior students to assist at future Earth Day events. (Agenda reordered) Mr. Watanabe explained that the previous Chair had requested this item and Mr. Gordian was going to look into it. He suggested that since he is not present, the matter be tabled to the next agenda. Mr. Progulske stated that the matter is tabled. Item B. Storage of NRB equipment at City Hall (Agenda reordered) Mr. Watanabe reported that he has purchased a large container and has a locked closet in the Engineering Department and will be happy to house the NRB event materials. He explained that the tent will be housed in another area because of its size. Item D. NRB Calendar of Events Mr. Progulske called for input on the NRB Calendar. Following discussion it was agreed that the NRB would not participate in the July 4th celebrations. 7. New Business Item A. Letter regarding building docks on the spoil islands. Mr. Progulske directed the Board to the letter from a resident concerning a dock being built on the Spoil Island across from Mulligans. He requested Mr. Watanabe explain the City's authority is in such a situation. Mr. Watanabe stated that the City has no authority over the waterways or spoil islands; that authority is with DEP, Army Corp of Engineers and Fish and Wildlife. Although the island is within the city limits it is the responsibility of the other agencies to address the problem. During discussion regarding the City's responding to the letter, it was noted that there was no return address or email address provided. Ms. Glaser stated that during the clean-up that is held in June such items as outhouses, docks, etc. are removed from the islands. Item B. Presentation on Tulip Retention Pond by City Engineer Mr. Watanabe explained that the Tulip Retention Pond was constructed to handle the storm water runoff on Tulip Drive. He stated that it was grant funded by the EPA; construction was started in August 2016 and completed in December 2016; the project is now in the monitoring and testing phase. He provided details on the storm water discharge system in the City; showed pictures of the site before and after; and stated that creation of this retention pond resulted in a pocket park. He explained that the monitoring is for water quality and with the drought that monitoring time has been compressed into a shorter period. He stated that the pond is approximately 10 feet deep in the middle with sloping sides to prevent possible accidents. He stated that all the feedback he has received from surrounding residents is positive. Natural Resources Board Page 3 Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2017 8. Public Input — None 9. Staff Matters Item A. Attached is the NRB roster Mr. Progulske stated that the NRB roster was not included in the packet. He explained that his and Ms. Tunker's terms expire in July, but they can remain on the Board until a replacement is found. Mr. Watanabe confirmed that was correct. Item B. Confirmation of Earth Day for Saturday, April 21, 2018. Mr. Progulske stated that Saturday, April 21, 2018 is the date selected for Earth Day and ask Ms. Glaser if she would act as chairperson again in 2018. Ms. Glaser responded she would. Mr. Watanabe stated that date is confirmed for Earth Day to have the park. Item C. Schedule July meeting date due to July 4th being the first Tuesday A motion to not hold the July meeting was made by Mr. Clifton, seconded by Ms. Tunker and passed unanimously by voice vote. Ms. Glaser stated that she agreed because of summer vacations. Mr. Progulske stated that the next meeting of the NRB would be August 1, 2017. Mr. Watanabe reported that he has in hand the Army Corp of Engineers permit for the reconstruction of the piers at the Yacht Club and expects to have the remaining 3 permits shortly. 10. Member Matters Mr. Progulske reported that he had received an email from one of the Eagle Scouts that worked on the Oyster Bag project to earn a merit badge expressing interest in doing another project in Sebastian. He stated that he plans to meet with the boy and determine his interests and find a project that would be beneficial to the City and challenging to the boy. Mr. Watanabe stated that there are possible projects associated with the storm water areas and another Oyster Bag project that could be developed if there is interest. 11. Items for Next Agenda Ms. Glaser asked that Earth Day be removed from the agenda. Mr. Progulske asked that interim election of board members be placed on the agenda. 12. Adiourn — There being no further business Vice Chairman Progulske adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m. By:"-- w Date: 1Aol?�t� T� V' e Chairman 8 Progulske �iames Q'&J Q Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2017 /sm Page 4