HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-2017 NRB MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 3, 2017 Mr. Gordian called the Natural Resources Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. Roll Call Present: James Clifton Gilbert Gordian, Jr. Rose Glaser Brian O'Neill Nicole Mosblech Charles Stadelman Members Not Present: Ann Lucier — Excused Also Present: Lisa Leger Frazier, Community Development Director, CRA Manager Margarita Hernandez, Parks Administrator Susan Mann, Recording Consultant 3. Introduce New Community Development Director Mr. Gordian introduced Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director, and welcomed her to the City Staff. Ms. Frazier responded that she is excited to be working with the City, has many years' experience and is particularly interested in the ecology. Mr. Gordian welcomed the new members. Each Board member introduced themselves, provided a brief description of their background and explained their reason for wanting to serve on the Board. 4. Nominate Chairman and Vice Chairman Ms. Frazier stated that there is a quorum present and it is necessary to elect a Chairman. She provided a brief description of the duties of the Chair and Vice Chair. A motion to elect Mr. Clifton Chairman was made by Mr. Gordian, seconded by Mr. O'Neil and passed unanimously by voice vote. A motion to elect Mr. Gordian Vice Chair was made by Mr. Clifton, seconded by Mr. O'Neil and passed unanimously by voice vote. Natural Resources Board Page 2 Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2017 Mr. Gordian assumed the role of Chairman. He advised the Board that he will not be present at the next meeting and requested Mr. Gordian be present to act in his place. 5. Approval of Minutes — June 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the June 6, 2017 minutes as presented was made by Ms. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Clifton and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Public Input Ms. Andrea Ring stated that she is the former Chair of the Board. She stated that the Board is very active and is important to the City. She explained that the concern about pesticides in the waterways has been shared by members of the board. She stressed that if Sebastian wants to make a difference the Board should contact the County in order to have a larger impact. She expressed concern about the septic to sewer moving forward and there be more money provided to residents for the conversion and the monthly rates be reduced. Mr. Gordian asked if there are federal dollars to assist with the implementation of sewer and if there is a map showing the location of the sewer line. Ms. Frazier explained the funding process and sources. She stated that there is a map showing the sewer lines. She suggested checking the County website for the map. 7. New Business Item A. Earth Day Celebration 2018. a. Date b. Budget c. Responsibilities Ms. Frazier explained that Ms. Hernandez will be discussing the details of the event and the role the Board Members will take. She stated that Ms. Hernandez's position will be to coordinate what the Board needs from the City. Mr. Gordian stated the Earth Day is already scheduled for Saturday, April 21, 2018 from gam until 4pm. He explained that Ms. Glaser has a list of vendors, bands, etc. that can be provided to Ms. Hernandez for her information. Ms. Hernandez reviewed the list of responsibilities the Board Members and stressed the need to have someone be assigned to oversee each of the activities of the event. She provided details on the items the City could help with. Ms. Glaser stated that she had been appointed Chair of the event for the coming year. She reviewed the list of items she had been responsible to accomplish and stated that Natural Resources Board Page 3 Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2017 she planned to handle the event just as she had in the past. She noted that the budget may be lower this year because a banner will not have to be purchased. She stated that help with advertising would be good. Mr. Stadelman responded that he would be happy to help. Mr. Clifton stated that Ms. Glaser has done a great job organizing the event and will be happy to keep the City informed on the various elements as time progresses. He explained that the event is discussed at each meeting so all Board Members are kept up dated on what is needed. On the day of the event all Board Members are present and help with the activities. Ms. Frazier responded to the question regarding corporate vendors by stating that she will find out and advise the Board. Ms. Glaser reviewed the list of volunteers by stating Mr. Gordian will act as DJ and Mr. O'Neill will help with the activities. Ms. Frazier explained that since the City is designated a Tree City it is necessary for the banner reflecting that designation be displayed at Earth Day. Ms. Glaser requested the banner be put in the closet with the other NRB supplies. Ms. Ring explained that the City has a Champion Tree which is listed on the website and also a brochure on Champion Trees for use at Earth Day. Item B. Role of Natural Resources Board Mr. Clifton stated that included in the agenda packet is a copy of the Ordinance which created the Natural Resources Board. He requested Ms. Frazier handle the presentation. Ms. Frazier explained that since there are new and old members of the Board she felt it may be an opportunity to review the established goals set and determine what new items might want to be included. She provided details on programs that are currently funded that the Board could be involved with. These projects would be the tree preservation/replacement program, septic to sewer, storm water management and oyster bag placement. Mr. Gordian suggested establishing a program in which the more important trees in the City are tagged and an inventory is maintained. This would be beneficial to track the type trees, age, location, etc. Ms. Frazier responded that the currently funded tree preservation program is focused in the CRA and particularly Riverside Park. Ms. Mosblech asked about where the septic to sewer is available and if it is for residential and commercial. Ms. Frazier responded that it is both residential and commercial and is available in the CRA. She provided details on the included area and stated that she will provide a map to the Board. Natural Resources Board Page 4 Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2017 Ms. Mosblech asked if any studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Oyster mats. Ms. Frazier responded that FIT has done studies and suggested that a Google search could provide more information. Mr. Gordian explained regarding the local oyster mats that it takes about a year for the oysters to get established and the Boy Scouts, who installed them, are monitoring them one day a month. Following discussion it was agreed that the Ordinance needed to be more specific and each Board Member could review the existing language and bring to the next meeting suggestions for modification. A motion to bring back suggestions at the next meeting was made by Mr. O'Neil, seconded by Mr. Gordian and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Clifton urged the members to get their suggestions to Ms. Frazier about a week prior to the next meeting to allow her time to compile a list. Mr. Gordian expressed concern about the flooding of the streets in his neighborhood and the need to maintain the swales to prevent this and to allow the water to drain properly. He provided details on the streets and areas of concern. He explained that the problem is caused by the lateral swale that runs south and requested the City explore a solution. 8. Staff Matters — None 9. Member Matters Mr. O'Neill stated that he was not aware that it was the homeowner's responsibility to keep the swales free of debris. He suggested including in the welcome package such information. Ms. Glaser stated that she has started working on Earth Day 2018 and needs the registration form updated prior to contacting the vendors. Ms. Hernandez responded that Barbara is the contact person for the form. Mr. Clifton stated that he distributed a list of his concerns. He stressed the need to look into storm water management. He asked for staffs thoughts on how answers to his concerns could be provided. Ms. Frazier responded that she had spoken to the City Manager and received information on some of his concerns. She explained regarding the bulk heads that they are on private property, not City property. She stated that City Council will be reviewing a proposal from a contractor regarding replacement of the bulk heads. She suggested possibly investigating what other GDC developed communities have done to address their bulk head issues. She suggested regarding storm water management reviewing the City's Storm Water Master Plan and the board possibly making suggestions on how it could be improved. She explained that it may be possible to receive grant money to make Natural Resources Board Page 5 Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2017 improvements. She provided details on her experience in finding ways to improve the flow of storm water from the streets. Mr. Gordian explained that the problem is not only that of keeping the swales cut, but periodically removing soil to allow them to contain more run off. Ms. Frazier stated that she will be happy to bring to the next meeting a copy of the Storm Water Management Plan and related documents. 10. Items for Next Agenda Mr. Clifton stated the storm water management should be kept as an agenda item to allow the Board to continue to investigate the problem and possible solutions. Ms. Glaser requested Earth Day be placed on the Agenda. Ms. Frazier asked if Ms. Glaser has a time line in which certain tasks must be accomplished by. Ms. Glaser responded that she has a schedule which she is updating for 2018. She stated that she emails out updates to each Board Member periodically and at the end of the last Earth Day she emailed everyone the final update which contained the names and contact information for vendors and anyone who would need to be contacted in connection with the event. 11. Adiourn — There being no further business Chairman Clifton adjourned the meeting at 7:16 p.m. _ , By: Y iairman Sa es lifton Ism Date://11,-4