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1989 - Application for permit
. - iv�J✓+:i1i)E1 O? SiL'r�`+v::ci: iilivi•"si=c; APPLICATION FOR PE1T11T � . GSAP'M 40C-42 r Sr. JOHNS RIVER WATER M.NMEMENr DISTRICT x w z 3 0 M w w z H 0 W z 0 H E� 0 W z H H U W h a a a a C4 w 7.L9 WUL 10: ST. JCENS RIVER WATER MT. DIST RECORDS DIVISION PO BOX 1429. PALATXA, EL 32078-1429 APPLICATION V0. FEE RSCEIVFI) — ASSIQIED REVIMER type or print. Read ALL instructlow on Use back of thin sheet. --- - (1) NAME OF CWIER ADDRESS 1225 Main Street CITY Sebastian COUNTY Tudiz., j -v -et SrATF, FL ZIP CODE 32958 1ELF.' HONE NO. 07589-5330 (2) NAME OF APPLICANT City of Sebastian ADDRESS 1225 Main Street CiT•yr Sebastian OMMY_lndian River SIATB FL ZIP OODE 32958 TELEPWNE NO. QD7) 5A9-513 0 (3) WE OF FIRi4 MosoV m Associateg • NAME OF FIRM CONIAC Patrick High ���e 1507 20th St _ CiTY Vero Beach O7UmIIY_l1dian River y •�� _� >, •1 � X11 .' 11 (4) 0jUN'I'Y,Indian RiverSECPIDN-14 T(3•d1S11IP 318 RMUE 38F US3S TOPO QUAD EIRP Sebastian ACREAGE Otvl4D, OR CDtITa,LED 13. 15 FROJECr ACRETGE 11 19 MIM OF PRa7ECT Sports Complex. CESCRIPI'11),N OF T12QTIiCr Construction of fip1d and related structures WIE(S) OF SURFACE WATERS INIDD W8.IC0 SIUPlMIER WILL BE DISCEIAFGED (5) THE DISOW-GE FACILITY IS,: X A NB9 SIURjpnUyI DISCBAi E FACILITY POINT FROM AN EXISTING Sl'O 4MATESi. DISa1AME _ A NEW DSSCBARGE OR OIHER MODIFICATION CF AN EXIST1113 __ ENUUUE1•tENr STURIVMR DTS(3311IGE FACILD — �l NEW REI3IONAL STC23N6a�17TR E FACILITY (g) DER PERMMS FOR THIS PROJECT HAVE BEEN: E — DENIED MR 110• --- DATE N/A ISSUED DER W. ___----- D*,TE �-- PgND]NG LER N0. 1TA1E ,� DER NO. 7.IEIDICA7E BE7CW THE TYPE CF DEVEUJMENI' 8'T,CilfJXr71?RE11i+J1TrONE r1FcCD (ApI3LICABLE) IROEOSED AMID ;tRMirTGE OF TEIPERVICUS AREA. ACRES aIl'LtERVIOJS _ RFSI1JENl:IAL — _j2ElurriOtl WITIi X REU2EAT)DNAL 13.15 1 2 i _x—m-m1rIOt1 EJCFILTPA'1: TDN ULM' lC:d a�•u 1EI2czAL ____ , _ TSiCJSrRW� --- —UIIDEMPAIN — crArrs TGRICULTURT,L— OTHER -- eg-rICN-ST-11'r. ARZPA CDUFRIBUTW3 IUWFF_Lj_a5- _ 1.0. o[•F-SIIE ARTA 0 (" CON11iIBUT1JG RUNOFF 0 11. FOSI�DGVr.WPI•I011! FUJIA.R F 14 i1COEFFICIE14T 77.14 [( -_12. WATER TADLE FLfVA'I'.[Ut1Se SEAR(RIAI. E' IIIGN 18.7 SEASONAL ILW nN/A 13. PEI4iN31LI1Y (.81 1N -SITU !',OILS w * 14. PFRtEIABILI'IY WAS OBTAINED FRLM WHAT 1101EI0D OR R.)URCE7 * see percolation test atteched N 15. TRENCH PIFE DIAMCIElt M 17. FF[•[• [•F FOROSITY OF TRENCH BACK FILL E+ u; 18.' TIEfE TO RECOJER TWICE VCLUNIF`_(FROVIDE DRX4DUill CALCJJLATIOtIS) N 19. DOES THIS SYSTEM INCLUDE (C71FCK IF APMOPRIA'fr) z _ a)TRENCIJES ONLY (NO OUTFALL) E N/A _ b) TRISKHFS' WITH EVENTUAL OUTFALL. ODITITUL ELEVATION C)TRENCHRR C7VfFALLIEIG TO PmuNfION/DC1ENr'OII FOIUaS d) II= SUMPS W I 20. DESCRIBE t1AINTENANCE: 21. PIPE LEISIH____4IDPF,__pIn1E'1'ER__J41N. INVEIU - 22. ATTACH A FILTER MEDIA GRADATION AUD UNDUVRAJI1 DRIAIL. 23. PER•IE- ABILITY OF FJMER MEDIA 24. UNIE011.111Y CD[FFICIPIF OF z FILTER MEDA 25. EFFECTIVE GRAIEI SIZE DIAMOIER (0.2non<D> () /,0.551un) 26.MMIEUJM FUCAl IN PIFF, _z7. TAILt1A'IEI[ mr-,VATI.ON W N/A28. DRAWCCDWN TIME (ATTACH CALCULIVrIONS) z .. 29. DESCRIBE MIUNIENANCE: 30. WALE LFI<dGT4] _ WIU fl DE -p H SuxSbDFES i 31. SWALES ARE OPEN SEGMET1fE1) BY SWALP BLOCKS. 32. TIME OF CC•CE1MM0-"1 33. RAINFALL )jTmgsITY FOR 3- yEARr 1 -SWR 61UM (HTAINED FRC M W[IAT SCJUR(-7'7-__-_- 34. VOLUME OF INFIOW�- 35. PEM RATE OF INFLEM __---- /A36. RATE OF PEROGLATION 37. TIME TO PERCOLATE 80% OF 3- YEARr 1 -HOUR RUNOFF VOLIF(r (AT1W31 C71L(U[1�'1'FU14i) - IN(RIIfENfflOt(/DE'lEtlflOtl 39. POtII75 AL STPGE-STORAGE TABULATION FUR ALL FOtM- 38. ATTACK ARR DETENTION RMTNTIOt�I - 90. CONTROL ELEVATION 20.26 41. SRIt4•IER PROVIDED?- No 42. _-- 42. BOrf0M ELEVATION OR DESIGN' NOMAL VIATIm 19.024 HOUR SLUI[M. /A 93. PONDS ARE DESIGNED FOR 25 YEAR, -__--- 44. FREEBOARD FROJIDED__ -FOR CEsi(3d s1U1u4. 45. IF N0 UNDERDRAINS, DRA14DCWN TIME FOR IIATURAL EERCDL rlON (ATTA(II CALCULATIOUS) . 46. fESC1t1BE S7aIF+LiIY+T+ ttAu71'EIUtNCE ACID OFiRAT10N SC"El'JLE EUR '1.116 MOMSED gIOW-34AT.'ER TREATt•0117 FACILITY: stormwater tracts, & swales will be noted____ -------- I m CU:iPrM 40C-42 S1DRMI 1TII1 M14rdT1;t711I71 I. GENERAL PE:1141T CA'1 UORY (CtiEZK Ct7E) A. Facilities which discharge into a stonnvnter disdrarge facility ---which-le-permitted pursuant to Section 4©C-42.041 or Section 40C-42.035 (1)(b) or (d), F.A.C., or which was previously approved pursuant to a noticed exemption under Section 17-25.03 where the appropriate treatment criteria specified in this Chapter and applied to the permitted or exempt facility are not exceeded by the:disdharge, B. X Facilities which provide retention, or detention with filtration, 'of the runoff from the first one inch of rainfalls or, as an option, for projects or project subunits vbich consist of less than 80% impervious surface with drainage areas less than 100 acres, facilities which provide retention, or detention with filtration; of the first one-half inch of runoff. llcwever, facilities which directly discharge to Class 1, Cl.wn II or outstanding Florida waters shall provide additional treatment pursuant to Section 40C-42.025(10), F.A.C., or, C.— Modification or reconstruction by a city, counl-y, state agency or special district with drainage responsibility of an existing stonnheter management system which is riot intended to serve new development, and which will not increase pollution loaning, or change points of discharge in a manner that would adversely affect the designated uses of waters of the state1 or, D.____ Factilities of stormwater management systems oanbination of management practices including but retention that will provide for the percolation frau a three-year, one -tour design storm. that iglude a not limited to of the runoff G APILICATION FOR PEMIT CR)_111CIiUD111Sai 1. MILO sets of engineering plans arid specifications for Upneral Permits, mid f2m sets for Individual Peamits. 2. 7hreq/four sets of aPlroEriatee a. Design analyses b. Calculations• c. Drewingn d. Narrative description e. other information necessary to docunent and varify that the proposed facility qualifies for a permit. 3. A drawing, to scale, indi©tings a. Routes of bothveyances b. 4he points of discharge into state waters c. the slope elevation. d. Drainage area boundaries of the stornwater twinaganent system e. The approxinnte locations of impervious plod pervious areab. f. Physical dirrensions A,Dd elevations of all treatment derives arid conveyances. 4. A reap depicting soil types or representative soil profiles Fran actual soil borings (minimun 6 foot dept)h). a rFRhi'r•] 1ridDL7L5 S IN •pptrr;; . 1. Descriptions of any ad(litional management practices which will be . used to mitigate the water quality effects of the stormwater discharge. 2. Descriptions of factors which may have a bearing on tine issuance of a stormwater discharge facility construction permit for this project, ineludings a. 97he public interest served by the discharge b. The probable efficacy and met of alternative controls CG 41he proposed water quality benefits being reaoosably'related to the cost of the control d. The provisions made for the maintenance of the proposed facility. If equivalent treatment is to be provided, it is ting applicaetan responsibility•to demonstrate that the stormwater mann emant,W as planned, will meet or exceed the requirements net forth in the rule. Describe the subject stooreeter dine arga facility. Discuss how the design is intended to achieve treatment level equivalenti to that provided by either retention or detention with filtration of thg runoff from the first one inch or one-half inch of rainfall. n EXfMPr1D� 1. Facilities designed to accanrsocbte only one sirhgle family dwelling unit, duplex, triplex, or quadruplex is not part of a larger cahunon plan of developnant or sale. grve 2. Facilities which are designed to projects, including dupl triplexes and quale rdruplexes, ily residential Ehlees than 10 acres total land area and which have less than 2 acres impervious surface provided that the stornwater system is not Part of a larger CUMn plan of development or sale. 3. stormwater discharge facilities whose furert thising exemption is components consist entirely of swales. however, valid only if the Swale, as constructed,etartdcSectons.48Ce requirements specified in Section 40C-42.021 (13) 42. 025(5). provided those facilities are 4. Facilities for agricultural lands, part of an approved Conserve Plank lhowever, 1E the 0o'iosh shall Plan is not implemented according to its temps, this exempt be void, that the facilities are 5. Facilities for allvicultural larxis, provided constructed and operated in accordance with it by ticulLureile est Management Practices Manual (1979), Florida, Department aC Agriculture ahxpoonaurmr Services, rule Division of Forestry, which is adopted and made�a tilobtained bylwrltlrhg lino reference. A Dopy of this manual may 3125 Conner Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry, inspected at all Boulevard, Tallahassee, Floridatand may bct Off ro© F.S. Department of Environmental Regulation 6. Facilities certified pursuant to o�ct�euant0to55 ctions 403.42 - (Electrical Power Plant Siting Act) ph 403.539 F.S. (Transnission Line Siting Act). II. STATF?tE2M BY APFLICPtITO' APPLICATION IS MADE FOR A IF1iV4I'f 1V ry,]•I110ItIZE •DlE ACT�IT� ��� HEREIN. ,341tional information/data A, I understand I may. have to provide any onable assurance or eviaonce o to provicie reas with the aPPll °State show that be neceesa project will ccmplY standards both before Watert1 ua the Stec tal Water Quality Stahula[ds or 0�t1�ee��9ro�� � . construction and after the project site for res to provide entry to the project aired ty nts as req In addition, I agree r identiflicstlon or dor se of making B. CtOC9 with pr Feencies for the purpose entr law f Further, I agree to 'provide Y law from the Q1Niro,unental a9 rnitted work if preliminary analysis of the site. to monitor pe to the project site for suds inspectors a permit .is grantednsiblity for the obligation and respo pmts I hereby aCknawledge staEe, federal, or local pe C. Further, of the rec,Fuired, . lx� obtainingsillOf of construction activities. i e neer registered in . to retain the design � to ensure The undersigned agrees cf construction ane D. to cot onsite °t,servatins na gement ` Floridan is constructed in °CORiverwatecMa °9 that the facility [�� the St. Johns River submitted to and app District (District).' me effective until the F,ecmits shall not �O° at all ' 4he operation Fhase of Engineer certifies th esign E. istered Professional Engince completion of a Florida Reg en constructed in accor afteric0mP a ion of facilities hatthe pistrict. Within 30 a gyetam. the approved by Plans which reflect t Of construction of bibs surface water or on m° constructed and shall sutn" the 'carnemention 0e one actual Y reacV for inspection tlhe surface water management system of the completed surface water e notify the DistUp6n that lal facilities ar uest transfer,, and aPPCOvalo Umr rmittee shall � eqthe Districto management' system, the p° permit to the responsible entity aPl� contained in this e inform edge and belief such I certifiy that I am familiar with th knowledge and that to the best 0f mI' further citify that I application, complete and accurate. activities informati0 is true, to hnxiertake the proposed nese authority PO `�> pat to Sicphatuce of ApplF�ht . all rson who de. TION KIST BE SIGNED by the uthorized act oof or I 'MIS APFLICA sed activity or list, attach pr undertake she yiig on behalf of the aPdie apPlicantq authority rarity foC the agent to.sign and bind 111NCE BY rEP-Cal RFSFONSIBLE EOR MAINS duhrge facilities III. s'�+Tn and operate the ec 40C•-42, agrees to mainta With the prwiBione of ration may be the undersigned to canply With the "' and .ope the District In such °manner as form written Notice to certifying F�..C.. Responsibility nsibilitY, transferred to another ed a� the 'entity "seaming inteenance and operation in from the undersign o. responsibility for been acCepted' that the transfer er �aC-42r F.A.C. has canpuancs with C la the entity respons ble r ma ntenance gnatuce of �ygs�— Mr. cY111i1Y1 32958 1225 Main St. Sebastian, F1. F'.