HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-2017 PR MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2017 1. Call to Order — Chairman Sims called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Alleqiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Matthew Sims Ms. JoAnn Webster Mr. Jim Sunnycalb (a) Mr. Greg Paschall Ms. Nicole Kukstis Not Present: Ms. JoAnn White Also Present Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner Ms. Margarita Hernandez, Parks Administrator 4. Agenda Modifications -- None Mr. Sims stated that Ms. White would not be present this evening, and Mr. Sunnycalb would be voting in her place. Mr. Sims also welcomed Ms. Kukstis to her position on the Committee and that it will be a pleasure to be working with her. 5. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting of September 25, 2017. A motion to approve the September 25, 2017 minutes as written was made by Mr. Paschall and seconded by Mr. Sunnycalb and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Unfinished Business Item A: Update on Pickle Ball courts. Ms. Hernandez indicated that the meeting would be turned over to Mr. Joe Schulke who would provide an update on the pickle ball courts. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 25, 2017 Mr. Schulke introduced himself as representing the firm of Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard of Vero Beach, Florida, stating that his firm had been retained by City Council, under the direction of this Committee, to design pickle ball courts near Friendship Park. He indicated that the planning has gone through a lot of changes over the last year, and the City staff has requested a brief update on what has happened. He indicated that the last time he had met with the Committee we were going forward with a project involving the pickle ball courts, parking lot, driveway improvements, baseball field improvements, a gazebo, electrical work, etc. His firm was given a contract by the City to go forward with this project, and that sometime in August or September Mr. Griffin had called and put a stop to any further work for a while. At that time the City decided to not do the baseball field, the parking lot, the driveway, and to just basiclly do 4 of the 8 pickle ball courts, the earthwork for the future 4 pickle ball courts, no gazebo, and just basic electrical work for the lights for the 4 pickle ball courts. The City gave his firm an amended contract in October to go forward with that proposal. Mr. Schulke handed out drawings of the planned site to all members of the Committee. Mr. Schulke indicated that when Mr. Griffin had decided to stop any further work, he asked Mr. Schulke to put together a revised estimate. So they just did the full pickle ball courts, the storm water earthwork for the future, and they put together an estimate. The original estimate was $435,000.00. That was for the four pickle ball courts, baseball fields, parking lot, etc. Mr. Sims requested that Mr. Schulke place the plans on the screen. Mr. Schulke explained what the changes were: where there used to be a proposed driveway extension and parking lot (which he pointed out on the screen), where they would fill in the retention area, and there would be a parking area and a driveway extension. He indicated that everything that was proposed is not shown on the present aerial view. It has now been scaled down to just the 4 pickle ball courts and earthwork for the future pickle ball courts. He stated that Mr. Griffin had asked his firm to put together an estimate of what it would cost for that. The price had been $435,480.00, which is just a cost estimate — engineering and construction — and now it is $212,806.00, which includes the design fees, the construction of the pickle ball courts, and the earthwork. Basically, the grading, paving and earthwork portion is about $24,000.00. There is some storm water work which can cost a couple thousand dollars, the pickle ball courts themselves $103,000.00. The engineering and survey fees $32,000.00, the electrical $32,000.00, and there was a contingency of $19,000.00, which brought it up to $212,806.00. That was the new estimate, and Mr. Griffin asked us to move forward. Mr. Schulke stated that as of the present time they have the plans about 80% complete, that he had given the Committee some of the construction drawings for the Committee to look at in case they have any questions for him. He described what was on the sheets, and the last sheet PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 is the paving and grading and drainage plan. It shows the earthwork, directs the contractor on where to excavate, where to place fill, where to modify some drainage inlets, and also provides the grading for the pickle ball courts and the land area around it. He provided those sheets to the Committee so they could study them and if they had any questions, he could come in again. Mr. Schulke stated that Mr. Griffin had asked that he discuss a schedule/time frame. The plans should be ready to bid February 1st, and he expects that they would have bids in by March 1st. They could probably go to Council by the end of April, it would be under construction in May, and the work should be done by about July. Mr. Schulke then stated he would be happy to answer any questions the Committee had. Mr. Sims called for questions by the Committee. Mr. Sunnycalb asked about the type of lights that would be going in. Mr. Schulke explained that there would be 4 lights per court, and they meet the IES standards for tennis courts and pickle ball courts and there would also be receptacles at the light bases for additional electrical needs. :k Ms. White commented about the handicapped designation and questioned whether there is handicapped pickle ball. Mr. Schulke stated that the courts are not designed any differently; it is just the access, to make sure that the gates are large enough so a wheelchair has access and that the sidewalks are wide enough, that everything is at a 2% slope or less getting to the pickle ball courts, and that the most important consideration is making sure that the gates are wide enough for handicapped wheelchairs, as some of the athletes' wheelchairs have slanted wheels, and so the gates need to be 4 feet wide. Mr. Paschall asked about the final resolution on the piece of property on the east side regarding parking and emergency access. Mr. Schulke explained that they did title work for the City. He then put the drawing regarding this property up on the screen. It appears on the drawing that this parcel goes into the church's property, but it actually belongs to the City. He explained that in the future if the City wants to expand and have more parking, there is plenty of room for it with some modifications for drainage. Mr. Paschall asked if potentially in the future you could still put parking in that area where it was first proposed. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 Mr. Schulke indicated that that was correct. Mr. Paschall then questioned if there was any change in the emergency access, if there would still be the same emergency access to the ballfield, etc. as it exists. Mr. Schulke explained that it is kind of informal now, but if we were to put the driveway in, it would make it formal, at least to the northern part of the tennis courts, so it would be more defined than it is now. Then there would be no change to the north. Mr. Griffin had talked about at one time maybe putting a formal driveway up to the tennis courts. It was going to get a little tight, and there is already a driving path there now, and they talked about maybe putting some shade there or something like that. That was not followed up on, but there is still room to do it. Mr. Paschall asked if there is a code that dictates what Emergency Services are needed, and he was just making sure that we do not inadvertently do something where we have an emergency access problem that we create. Mr. Schulke explained that the pickle ball courts are not placed in that area whatsoever, so we are not blocking anything. We still have the same access to the baseball fields and still have the same access to the new pickle ball courts. We still have access from the south where you can go around the tennis courts. Mr. Paschall just wanted to be certain that, in adding space, we don't inadvertently cause a problem, when seconds save lives. Mr. Paschall also wanted clarification that the lights will be on a timer. Mr. Schulke stated yes, the lights would be on a timer; they are already talking to Mr. Griffin about what controls he wants. But they will already be on a timer, with an override to be able to shut them off. Mr. Sims then questioned the clearance between one of the initial pickle ball courts and one of the future pickle ball courts. Mr. Schulke stated the clearance will be about 10 to 12 feet at that corner, and there will be 8- foot fences on the back and for 16 feet along the sides. He said that there are some pickle ball courts of 8 in a row, and it's not an issue. They are even showing a future sidewalk in that area. Mr. Sims thanked Mr. Schulke for his presentation and called for any public input on the pickle ball court updates. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 Ms. Holly Dill gave her address as 11675 Roseland Road, so she is not a citizen of Sebastian. She stated that she had seen other pickle ball court venues, and she questioned whether there is going to be fencing between the individual courts. Mr. Schulke explained that in pickle ball, there are 2 distinct player areas in each of 2 distinct courts, and they are surrounded in the back and the front by 8-foot-tall fences, and 8-foot-tall fences extend 16 feet on either side, which reduces down to 3 feet, 6 inches on the perimeter. On the interior, they proposed 3-feet, 6-inch fences as an add alternate. What that means is we are going to show it, but we are going to ask the contractors to bid it without it and give us an add -alternate price to include it. They are considering some add alternates, including the type of surface that is being put in. So once we get the prices, City Council will have the ability to accept an item or reject it, depending on budget concerns, etc. Ms. inquired if it would only be 2 fences to start off, and Mr. Schulke replied that it would be two 3-foot, 6-inch fences, and they will go within about 5 feet of the handicap access. Ms. Dill thanked Mr. Schulke for his explanation. She mentioned that if and when the pickle ball courts are ready to be used, if the City has a ribbon -cutting ceremony or such, that she has a group of friends who would be happy to organize a ground -breaking event, if the City does that. She stated that there is a great deal of interest in pickle ball. Mr. Sims replied that once we get to that point, there are numbers within the City where she would be able to contact someone about a project like that, and he thanked her for her input. Mr. Sims called for any more public input on the pickle ball updates. There being none, Mr. Sims stated that the Committee would continue the agenda with Item B, update on the playground repairs and asked for a status report. Item B: Update on playground repairs. Ms. Hernandez reported that the staff wanted to update the Committee as to how the playground repairs have evolved since the last update to the Committee. She included in the packet an Excel spreadsheet that lists what items are still pending. She stated that mainly it is surface and/or ADA access. They don't want to do the ADA access just yet because the surfaces have to be worked on for 5 of these playgrounds. So staff just wanted to give the Committee an update as to what the status of the playground repairs is. Mr. Sims called for any public input on the playground updates. There being none, Mr. Sims stated that the Committee would continue the agenda with Item C, the Riverview Playground funding source. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 Item C: Riverview playground funding source Ms. Hernandez stated that at the last meeting in September, Ms. White wanted some clarification on which funds are used for what. This is when staff gave an update to the Committee as to the Riverview Playground. One of the new playgrounds has been installed, and there is another one that is for smaller children, 2- to 5-year-olds that will hopefully be installed by December 22nd, which is the target date. She told Ms. White that, because it was a brand new playground, it would be funded through Renew and Replace. She had inquired then about the other playgrounds which would be repaired that we had to purchase parts for etc., and Ms. Hernandez had told Ms. White that it was through the Parks and Recreation budget. Ms. Hernandez had promised Ms. White and the Committee that she would come back once she had gotten clarification from Finance, and Finance has clarified that normal repairs, because they are part of normal operation, are budgeted through the Parks and Recreation budget. Because the Riverview playground and the upcoming one are brand new playgrounds, that money is going to come out of Renew and Replace. She also wanted to inform the Committee that, as of this fiscal year, they have begun to allocate $25,000.00 for this type of expense. She further explained that some of the equipment is not new, so they are looking ahead and now allocating $25,000.00 each year out of the General Fund, and the project is labeled as "As - needed Replacement of Components of Playground Equipment." This is to make certain that our equipment is safe. Mr. Sims asked for clarification that $25,000.00 each year would be allotted and that this amount would not roll over. Ms. Hernandez stated that it does not appear that it will roll over, but she can find out for sure. She stated that the total amount after the fiscal year 2022-2023 is $150,000.00. So she thought that it might get rolled over because of that total at the end of 2022-2023 fiscal year. Mr. Paschall stated that the question would be, is it an established fund that continues to be filled. Ms. Hernandez stated yes. Mr. Paschall then questioned that, after the upgrade to the parks, if you are not starting from scratch like you are now, then you are not going to deplete that fund, because hopefully you're catching things before they become serious. Ms. Hernandez stated that yes, they are trying to be proactive. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 Mr. Paschall reiterated that, if it is an established fund that is in the budget from year to year would be the question. Ms. Hernandez stated that staff would find out and report back at the next Parks and Recreation meeting. Mr. Sims then questioned if we go several years and the money is not being used because all the playground equipment is up to par, then at some future time if something were to happen, those funds could possibly be used. Ms. Hernandez stated that she really does not know, but she can find out. But in looking at the project description, it is specifically to "allocate funds on an annual basis toward replacing rusted or damaged components of playground equipment in parks throughout the City. Many of these have been in service beyond their expected lifespan and need to be regularly inspected for problems and replaced immediately." She stated that it looks like these funds also cover the outsourced playground inspections, which are very necessary, because this will keep us up to date as to the maintenance of the playgrounds. Mr. Sims asked if there were any more questions. Ms. Kukstis asked if the outside inspections are currently completed now. Ms. Hernandez stated that earlier this year they did outsource a playground inspector who came and inspected all of our playgrounds, which the last item on the Agenda was to touch base on that, as to where we were with repairs based on his inspection. Mr. Sims asked if there were any other questions from the Committee. There being none, Mr. Sims stated that the Committee would continue with the agenda with Item D, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council update. Item D: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council update. Ms. Hernandez stated that staff met with Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council on November 28, at which time the Council presented staff with a draft of the parks element and, because staff requested that they incorporate some other things, they asked staff for a few weeks to update this draft, and hopefully by the next Parks and Recreation meeting, staff will be presenting the Committee with what the Council has presented. Mr. Sims called for any public input on the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council update. There being none, Mr. Sims stated that they would continue with the Agenda, Item E, Dog Park Amenities, Location, and Dog Park Layout. Item E: Doo Park Amenities and Doo Park Lavout Update Ms. Hernandez stated that in the packet staff included a proposed amenities map, which includes 4 benches, a shade shelter, a water fountain, as well as a 20 x 30 canvas shade. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 Before Public Works actually installs these amenities, as the benches will have a concrete slab underneath, staff wanted to present this to the Committee so they could make a recommendation to move forward so that Public Works can begin working on this project. Ms. Hernandez then placed the map on the projection screen. Mr. Sims asked for clarification on whether there is already one water location present, and another one would be added. Ms. Hernandez stated that there is presently a water fountain in the large dog section. Staff thought it would be more cost effective to keep both water fountains on the same water line, so they placed the new one directly across from the existing fountain, in the small dog area. Mr. Sims asked if the concrete slabs are going to be where the proposed seating will be located. Ms. Hernandez stated that a Public Works employee suggested the small concrete slabs because the dog owners are washing their pets on their way out, and that creates a muddy area. So he suggested we install a couple concrete slabs so that hopefully the area will remain cleaner and maintained. Mr. Paschall asked if the idea is, based on what has been said tonight in Committee, to go forward, or are you looking for more public input regarding the dog park. He suggested that perhaps the map could be posted at the dog park for a week or 2 and see what types of comments were received from the people who actually use the dog park. Mr. Sunnycalb stated that there are a lot of opinions about the dog park. He would like to have the benches separated, not all in a cluster. As far as the water fountains, he felt that there should be some distance between the large dog fountain and the small dog fountain. He also questioned whether there were going to be more shade canvases installed. Ms. Hernandez stated that, so far, the only shade canvas proposed is the 20 x 30 shade in the large dog area. Mr. Sunnycalb noted that the small dog area has several trees, so a shade canvas would not work there. He also asked whether there is going to be another shelter -type seating area. Ms. Hernandez stated that the 3 triangles on the drawing are the shade shelters. There are already 2 existing, and there will be a third installed in the large dog area. Mr. Sunnycalb stated that the existing shelters are very difficult to enter and they really don't protect you from the sun. He suggested perhaps a shelter with a picnic table —maybe a handicapped picnic table —as they are easier to get into. Ms. Kukstis suggested that, rather than moving the 2 water fountains, perhaps a barrier of netting or something else could be installed between the 2 fountains so that the dogs would not see each other. Ms. Hernandez stated that staff will definitely keep in mind a visual barrier if that will prevent conflict between the dogs. Mr. Sims inquired whether a vote was needed on this matter. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 Ms. Hernandez stated that staff prefers to have a vote, as these matters have been pending for a few months, and because of the numerous preferences regarding the amenities, it is hoped that before the amenities are actually installed, the Committee would make recommendations so that staff can move forward. However, if the Committee feels that this drawing should be presented to the public, that's another recommendation that could be made tonight. Mr. Paschall commented that, if the shade is put in where it is indicated, there is no seating in conjunction with the shade. Mr. Sims inquired whether this matter is something that would have to go before City Council. Ms. Hernandez indicated this would not have to go before City Council, that staff only wanted input from the Committee before making the amenities installation decisions. Ms. Kukstis suggested that maybe some picnic tables could be installed underneath the canvas shade. She also inquired as to whether there would be a concrete pad underneath the shade. Ms. Hernandez stated that there is already a picnic table, and it could be moved underneath the canvas shade, and for maintenance purposes there would probably be a concrete slab underneath. Mr. Sims then called for a motion. MOTION: by Webster/Kukstis "I make a motion that we accept this plan as is." ROLL CALL: Mr. Sims — Yes Mr. Paschall --Yes Ms. Webster —Yes Ms. Kukstis—Yes Mr. Sunnycalb (a) -- Yes Total vote was 5-0. Motion carried. 7. Public Input Mr. Sims requested anyone from the public wishing to speak to come forward at this time. John Tenerowicz, 310 South Wimbrow Avenue, Sebastian, FL. inquired as to whether anything has been done about paving the parking lot at the dog park. Also, the walk path has not been sprayed. Ms. Hernandez stated that concerning the parking lot at the dog park, there have not been any plans to update it. She stated that the City Engineer inspected the parking lot some months PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 10 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 ago, and the number of handicapped parking spaces compared to the total parking spaces was adequate per ADA guidelines. As far as the spraying issue, she will look into that. Mr. Sims called for any further public input on the Dog Park Amenities Updates. There being none, Mr. Sims closed the meeting and continued with the agenda. 8. New Business Item A: Residential fence consideration and fence quote. Ms. Hernandez stated that this item was requested to be placed on the agenda by Mr. Sunnycalb, and she will turn the discussion over to him. She first wanted to state that she made an error on the agenda transmittal. The total to build this fence is actually $1,595.00. Staff also wanted to point out that this would be for one property located near a park, and if the Committee were to make a recommendation to go ahead and install this fence for Mr. Tenerowicz, it would be opening the door to having other property owners request a fence be provided by the City because of privacy issues, etc. Also, that if the Committee does make a recommendation, that this would be an item that would have to be presented to City Council for approval. Mr. Sunnycalb stated that the City has put up other fences for other houses in that area for privacy. The City put up trees some years ago for privacy, but half those trees are dead and are only 3+ feet tall. He feels that the City should install the fence. Mr. Paschall asked for clarification as to just where this property is and that the map of the dog park be put up on the monitor so that everyone can see where this particular property is. Mr. Sims inquired of Mr. Sunnycalb to elaborate on the other fences that have been installed by the City in this area. Mr. Sunnycalb stated that there is a 6-foot vinyl fence around the dog park now. He mentioned that the trees that the City put in years ago as privacy for this property have not grown, and a fence would be instant privacy —we wouldn't have to wait years for the trees to grow. The City has put up a fence around the other part of the park for the houses that surround it for privacy. Ms. Webster inquired if he was referring to the fence that is next to the chain -link fence, and Mr. Sunnycalb stated it is. Ms. Hernandez then described the map that was put on the monitor. She pointed to the property that is highlighted as the property in question. Mr. Paschall inquired as to what is the area that is proposed for erecting the fence; is it on the property line or outside the property line. Ms. Hernandez opined that it is outside the property line or close to the property line. Mr.Paschall then inquired about the properties adjacent to this one and how is that not an issue. He stated that everyone impacted by this issue be considered at the same time rather than doing it piecemeal, Mr. Sunnycalb described the area in question and how the trees that the City planted years ago do not work. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 11 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 Mr. Sims brought up the question of what happens if a fence is installed, and it is damaged or blown down by weather, who is responsible for repairing it. Ms. Webster asked about the idea of putting a fence up close to the parking lot or planting trees close to the parking lot to solve the problem, so that when people pull into the parking lot, the light would be deflected off the trees or the fence. Mr. Sims stated that it would make more sense to be done on City property so that a precedent would not be set with other neighbors in the future. Ms. Kukstis inquired as to what are the hours for the dog park. Ms. Hernandez stated that most of the City parks are open from dawn to dusk. Ms. Kukstis also suggested that a gate with a chain be erected that could be opened at 7:00 a.m. Mr. Sunnycalb stated that there are lots of rules for the dog park, but the rules are not being enforced. Ms. Webster stated that there should be some way to give Mr. Tenerowicz some relief without having to put up a fence along the whole road. Ms. Kukstis also had a question about the drawing where it says "proposed Viburnum hedges" at the parking lot, as to whether this would be feasible if the hedge is tall enough. Ms. Hernandez stated she would look into this. She stated that hedges were included in the original plan. Ms. Kukstis suggested that they be 6-foot-tall hedges. Mr. Sims added that having a fence installed on the parking lot property may be feasible, and having a fence behind the hedges would block out light also. Ms. Hernandez stated she does not know how feasible this is, but staff will look into it and report back at the next meeting. Mr. Sims stated he would like a consensus from the Committee about staff further studying this matter. Ms. Kukstis stated that yes, staff should look into a tall, dense hedge to block any light. Mr. Paschall stated that he would like to hear input from people who would potentially be impacted so that we know what some alternatives are. Mr. Sunnycalb suggested that members go to the dog park so as to get a visual perspective. Ms. Webster also agreed that some alternate solutions be studied. Mr. Sims agreed that members of the Committee should go to the dog park in order to familiarize themselves with the situation. Mr. Sims called for any public input on the Dog Park Amenities. John Tenerowicz, 310 South Wimbrow, Sebastian, FL. Mr. Tenerowicz stated that the dog park was put in approximately 7 years ago. At the same time, the shrubs were put in behind his house and the duplex on his right, which is a corner lot. He stated that his house is the only house that has windows facing the dog park. There was a sprinkler system put in for the shrubs, but when the bathrooms were built the line to the sprinkler system was cut, and that's why the shrubs are not growing. They've grown 2 inches in 7 years. He stated that if there were 5- or 6-foot shrubs put in, he would be satisfied. Regarding the PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 12 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 fence, if the fence is only 40 feet, it would not cover all of his property; his property line is 80 feet. Mr. Paschall asked if the biggest annoyance to Mr. Tenerowicz is the lights from the parking lot. Mr. Tenerowicz stated that he wants some privacy. He stated that if shrubs high enough were installed, that would probably block the light coming onto his property. He also has loose dogs running on his property, and people are at the dog park at 5:30 in the morning. He states that his property is the only property from which the dog park can be seen, plus the duplex next to him, and the duplex has only one window. When the shrubs were put in, the neighbor was asked if he wanted a fence or shrubs, and he said shrubs. That is why the shrubs were put in. Mr. Tenerowicz said that the shrubs are on the City property. Mr. Sims closed the meeting on the fence consideration and fence quote and continued with the agenda. Item B: Update on Playground Surface Options Mr. Sims asked Ms. Hernandez to elaborate on the product and price options and specifications. Ms. Hernandez stated earlier in this evening's agenda, staff gave an update as to the status of the playgrounds and their repairs. As she mentioned earlier, there are 5 playgrounds needing surface replacement. Staff made an analysis as to the price between the engineered wood fiber and as far as quality and maintenance. She explained that on the first spreadsheet included in the packet, she included all 5 playgrounds, their dimensions, whether in cubic yards or in square feet, inches required, and the next 2 columns are the quotes for the engineered wood fiber from 2 vendors. She then showed on the projection screen the 5 playgrounds that need surface replacement, the dimensions —cubic yards or square feet. The first quote for the engineered wood fiber is approximately $23,624.00, and the second quote is about $21,465.00. Regarding the rubber mulch, depending on whether we would like it to be colored or black, which is non - colored, the non -colored would be approximately $20,523.00, and the colored would be approximately $28,500.00. The non -colored and the colored is a quote by one vendor. The next vendor quoted $37,000.00 for the rubber mulch. These were the two least expensive. Regarding maintenance, engineered wood fiber has to be maintained annually, about 3 inches each year. So it would be about $800.00 or so each year. For the rubber mulch, it is approximately 10% every 5 years, which would be about $400.00 each year. Staff felt it was important to include the specifications of both in which maintenance is discussed, the pros and cons of each. Staff then had made a few calls to local municipalities which have one or the other surfaces to find out what they prefer. Most of them indicated that the engineered wood fiber is better. Staff is looking for direction from the Committee as to which product we should procure. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 13 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 Mr. Sims asked if, when staff contacted the other municipalities, there were any injuries associated with the wood fibers. Ms. Hernandez stated that she would not say none at all; she is basing her opinion on what she was told regarding the wood fiber being tested for the drop test and not failing. She also provided samples of the 2 products. Ms. Kukstis stated that she felt the wood product might be less hot than the rubber. Ms. Hernandez stated that yes, that was a comment from one of the municipalities, that the rubber mulch was too hot. Mr. Sunnycalb asked if there are any chemicals involved in the different products. Ms. Hernandez stated that she had not specifically studied the chemical content of each, but that they meet ADA specifications. Mr. Sunnycalb mentioned that there have been playground substances removed because of chemicals in the wood. Mr. Sims stated that a lot of the playgrounds we have now have the wood, and the only one that did not was the Pirate Ship at the Creative Playground. It had the rubber chips. Ms. Hernandez stated that some of our playgrounds, including the ones that are in question tonight, actually have sand. Some need to be redone because of some patches. Staff has asked for quotes to repair these patches and were told they would have to be completely replaced. So there are different surfaces in different playgrounds. Mr. Paschall stated that he had done some research regarding the chemicals in the rubber tires, and that it is inconclusive, but it is being looked at through the EPA concerning the amount that children are exposed to, and that the particulate matter it takes to expose a child is less than it would be for an adult. So if we did the uncoated versus the coated, where they put in different binding agents, particularly here in Florida because of the heat, they can potentially leach out over time. There was not enough to say that it is completely safe; it's inconclusive. Alternatively, if it's wood, we can find definitively that there are not other harmful chemicals added. So he would prefer wood over rubber. Ms. Kukstis asked to clarify whether they are considering switching the playgrounds that are currently sand. Ms. Hernandez stated that they are basing all this on the inspection they had done for the playgrounds. So if it was recommended to replace the surface. That is what they are basing it on. Ms. Kukstis stated that sand is easiest to maintain and the least expensive, and a lot of the people prefer sand. Once you switch it you can never go back. So if the park itself is not ADA accessible and the playground is not ADA accessible, there is not a reason to have the surface ADA accessible unless the other components are, and you're now attempting to make the entire site ADA accessible. Ms. Hernandez stated that yes, they are. Probably 3 of these 5 playgrounds, if not more, do require ADA access. Staff does not want to go forward until they know in what way they are going to replace the surface. But staff is attempting to make it an ADA-accessible playground. Ms. Kukstis stated that in her experience most parks have, if not sand, the wood. She stated the cost of replenishing the mulch could be much more than what was discussed by Ms. Hernandez, as the mulch disintegrates and turns into dirt. Ms. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 14 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 Kukstis stated that it was easier to replace the sand and it involved low replacement cost. Mr. Sunnycalb stated he favored the natural wood. Mr. Sims inquired if the staff was looking to the Committee for a suggestion for the surface. Ms. Hernandez stated that staff is seeking input from the Committee as to which product to procure —the engineered wood fiber versus the rubber mulch. Ms. Kukstis commented that, when the product is purchased, you ask for the thicker pieces of it; that way it does not disintegrate as quickly. Ms. Hernandez indicated they would. Mr. Sims called for any further discussion; hearing none, he called for a motion. MOTION: BY Webster/Mr. Sunnycalb: "I make a motion that we go with the engineered wood fiber for replacement at the parks" seconded by Ms. Kukstis. ROLL CALL: Mr. Sims -- Yes Mr. Paschall --Yes Ms. Webster-- Yes Ms. Kukstis -- Yes Mr. Sunnycalb (a) -- Yes Total vote was 5-0. Motion carried. Mr. Sims closed the meeting on the Update on Playground Surface Options and continued with the agenda. C. Sponsorship Request for Special Events Ms. Hernandez stated that staff is considering offering sponsorship opportunities for our special events. The City either sponsors or co-sponsors 6 events. Each year, these cost approximately $35,000.00, and starting next year this cost might actually go up to $47,000.00. So staff is considering requesting sponsorship not only from the local businesses, but also from the residents. So staff wanted to present it to the Committee for their input. Staff included some web site pages from Vero Beach which they included in the agenda packet. Ms. Webster stated she thinks is a great idea. Mr. Paschall asked staff to identify the events that are now up for sponsorship. Ms. Hernandez stated that the City fully sponsors the Easter Egg Hunt and the Halloween Costume Contest. The City co-sponsors the Clambake, the Fourth of July festivities, which include the fireworks, which is already in the City Council agenda because the contract had to be renewed. They received one bid, and Council is going PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 15 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 to vote on that. The City also co-sponsors the Pelican Island Wildlife Festival, the Sebastian Fine Arts and Music Festival, among others, totaling 8. Ms. Webster stated she thinks it's a good idea. Mr. Sims agreed. Mr. Sunnycalb also agreed. Ms. Kukstis also agreed. Ms. Hernandez stated staff only needs input from the Committee as to their thoughts. D. Maintenance Report Ms. Hernandez stated that in some meetings the question has arisen about when the parks are maintained. Staff wanted to share with the Committee and the public as to when they try to maintain which park. She made it clear that while the schedule provided in the agenda packet is something that staff tries to abide by, it is not set in stone due to emergencies that arise, such as hurricanes. 9. Staff Matters Ms. Hernandez reported that there were no staff matters at this time. 10. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Sunnycalb brought up the Christmas tree in Riverview Park. He said that people like to take pictures, and so could we have a bench there so people could sit and take pictures. Ms. Hernandez said that staff would look into it. Mr. Sunnycalb mentioned that in the past there were barbeque grills in the Park and asked if they were taken out for some reason. Ms. Hernandez stated that this was before her time, but she believes it was mainly for safety. Mr. Sunnycalb mentioned regarding the new playground at Riverview Park, some adults have been using it. He stated at Easy Street Park there is a sign with an age -limit preference, and he suggested that a sign also be put up at Riverview Park. Mr. Sunnycalb stated that when he got on the Committee, he was supposed to get some Parks and Recreation shirts, and he wondered if that is still something the City does. Ms. Hernandez will look into that as well, and she has made a note as to the age -appropriate sign for the Riverview Park Playground. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 16 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 2017 Ms. Webster stated she had someone with Baseball on Barber Street mention that the fields are kind of a mess, and she was going to check it out. She asked who maintains those now. Ms. Hernandez stated, as far as the fields, the City does. Ms. Webster then asked who is in charge. Ms. Hernandez stated that we have 2 permanent employees to handle the maintenance of that property, and she would check on it. Mr. Paschall stated regarding the tennis courts at Schumann Drive, on court 3 one of the lights was not turning on. He also mentioned that the courts there may need to be resurfaced in the future, and maybe this should be looked into. Mr. Sims asked Ms. Hernandez whenever there are any special events going forward, if she would send out invitations he and others on the Committee would probably be willing to help. Ms. Hernandez thanked him and expressed appreciation for their help in the past. Mr. Sunnycalb mentioned that at the park at Periwinkle, there is no sign for the name of the park. Blossom Park does not have a sign. If there is an incident there, where do you call and have people sent? Also, Schumann at the boat ramp there is no sign there. He opined that for safety sake, especially the parks with water should have signs with their names. Ms. Webster asked if, for the special events, pictures were taken, but she was not sure if they could be used or not, and she wanted to know if someone could find out. 11. Adiourn Chairman Sims called for any further business. Hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 7:43 p.m. 12. Items for Next Aoenda and Date — January 22, 2018 By: 00 Matthew Sims, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee jmg a�n`. v— -FT E ► 14 in" r.—' 11M[� GRAPHIC SCALE In m � pp 3 3 WeE=00 IL qq1- 5 PROJECT INFORMATION �C�7o �� �w.,ar �ii'ui�mlrv.cm rnwwcEx A.,.n.a .nMRp ag°g4�a� _ u1E u lIZIMz9 lr� , 1p°1in4_i11, EXISTING LAND USE J J m PROPERTY TAX ID NUMBERS <c # 11.tatavaw _,o _ PROJECT LOCATION MSFluxsnsese 3 n �$$$2® Eae Q _CONSTRUCTION SCHEOUL E wre1R1c1w wm wnws Na.m1s 0 i' ow z:¢ F GROSSAREA >W V! 1T1 AG FLOOD ELEVATION 8rvm d. °E res w roeElry �u w _ _ nm XT m RrTEnMoE�E.EER4 PROJECT PHASING F Oj cTISRpP �Eoi00EC01.P0£lEOWttAPHYtE. �� - cwmsSnrvo4 w,lce MM >N' UTILITY PROVIDERS crxv>-eEinE. er J f5; ad EECTnc ,Px Lcc �DEVELOPMENTSUMMARY (� EYJSTING' L PROPOSER I �f HRFq I SP) 1%) ISF) lsFl 1%)I I,OTk aEVEwP.ENrARP� sxR a I nr� l IE1n o o� I,nas�rvsEsslONs ,sn a9n I 0 - IRESTtmw.s rm Inn � I1a.mEmv.m oso w 1ao a1. J I9Em..1nVz 1. 9.,a l a .m a'. 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