HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-26-2018 PR AgendaCP Cf SE TAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX (772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mondav, March 26. 2018 6:00 PM 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Feb. 26, 2018 Meeting Minutes 6) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Item A: Recreation and Open Space Element / Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council L City of Fernandina Recreation and Open Space Element Objectives ii. City of Satellite Beach Recreation and Open Space Element Goals, Objectives and Policies 7) PUBLIC INPUT 8) NEW BUSINESS: 9) STAFF MATTERS 10) BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 11) ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE: April 23, 2018 12) ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY�s ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. .m. SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Board Meetina Date Agenda Item and Title: Recommendation: Backaround: RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM March 26, 2018 5. Meeting Minutes from February 26, 2018 If Aaenda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: n/a Attachments: Recreation Advisory Committee, Minutes of Regular Meeting, February 26, 2018 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 2018 1. Call to Order— Chairman Sims called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Matthew Sims Ms. JoAnn Webster Ms. Nicole Kukstis Ms. JoAnn White Mr. Jim Sunnycalb (a) Not Present: Mr. Greg Paschall -- Excused Mr. Jay McKinniss Also Present: Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Ms. Margarita Hernandez, Parks Administrator Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Mr. Sims announced that Mr. McKinniss, since he is not present, will be welcomed as a new member of the Committee at the next meeting. There were no Agenda modifications. 5. Aooroval of Minutes Regular meetings of January 22, 2018 and December 11, 2017. Ms. White stated there is on Page 3, in the seventh paragraph, a comment she made. She was not at that meeting. A motion to approve the December 11, 2017 Minutes, minus the comment on Page 3 by Ms. White, was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. Kukstis and passed PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018 unanimously by voice vote. A motion to approve the January 22, 2018 Minutes as written was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Mr. Sunnycalb and passed unanimously by voice vote. 6. Unfinished Business Item A: Playground Repair Status Ms. Hernandez stated the Creative Playground was reopened on January 30`h. The mulch for the five playgrounds needing surface replacement has been received, and Public Facilities has begun working on the Bryant Court Playground this week. Item B: Recreation and Open Space Element/Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Recreation and Open Space Element Draft Ms. Frazier stated this is the Recreation and Open Space Element draft that the Treasure Coast Regional Council prepared for the City of Sebastian. Staff brings it to this Committee to get their opinion regarding this updated element of the comprehensive plan. Once staff gets the Committee's recommendations, it will be brought to the Planning and Zoning Board and then to City Council. It then has to be approved by the DEO of the State before it can formally be placed in the City's comprehensive plan. She then described that the comprehensive plan is made up of 10 to 12 elements. The Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element is typically mandatory. The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council used the City's 1999 data and analysis and updated it all. They used GIS to verify our parks. They did field survey, working with staff to determine what type of facilities we have in our parks. The goals, objectives and policies that are in the comprehensive plan element generally direct the long-range planning of the City, and a lot of those policies generally become land development regulations and/or future expenditures in accordance with that element. . Mr. Sims asked if the Committee could study the information provided and then address the subject at the next meeting. Ms. Frazier stated yes. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018 Ms. Webster asked if staff agreed with this plan. Ms. Frazier stated it is mandatory by the State to have this element within the comprehensive plan, and staff feels that the data and analysis are generally correct regarding what the City asked the Planning Council to do. She then requested to move on to the Multi -Year Capital Improvement Schedule. Mr. Sims said yes. II. Systems Map III. Multi -Year Capital Improvement Schedule Ms. Frazier referred to the packet of information provided regarding Policy 7-1.5.8: Wayfinding and Voluntary Compliance. This paragraph was added, to which staff agreed: "To improve user understanding and compliance and facilitate enforcement, the City shall install a park rules sign of consistent appearance at each site." Staff feels this should be put into next year's capital improvement program, to provide consistency at all of our parks. Staff recommends that the City take some of the data from the Regional Planning Council and meld it into a systems map for all of the parks. Friendship Park has an all-inclusive playground that was in this year's Capital Improvements Project, but with the backlog of projects in the City, that is being put off until next year. The Council also is recommending that the play structure at George Street Park be replaced. Ms. Frazier also reviewed other recommendations made by the Planning Council. SEE ATTACHED. She also strongly recommended that this Committee add a line item to next year's budget of maybe $20,000.00 or $25,000.00 that can be allocated throughout the year to the parks for small improvements that the Advisory Committee recommends. Ms. White queried if they would be able to use the money without having to go through City Council. Ms. Frazier said because it is a line item in the budget, it has already gone through City Council. Ms. White then asked if the money that was not spent during a particular year could be rolled over to the next year. Ms. Frazier answered yes. Ms. White asked if the City is going to focus on one park each year. Ms. Hernandez said yes, and it is based on when the equipment was initially installed. Ms. Frazier clarified that the $25,000.00 line item already in the budget is for playground equipment only, and the proposed amount of $20,000.00 or $25,000.00 would be only for small - dollar items in the parks. Ms. White then addressed the Recreation Open Space Element and asked when the last time this was done was. Ms. Frazier said it was in 1999. Ms. White said she is very PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018 enthusiastic about having this as direction for this Committee. Ms. Frazier stated staff looks forward to input from the Committee prior to moving forward to Planning and Zoning. Mr. Sims agreed that this plan is something the City needs, and after the Committee studies the proposed plan there will be further discussion at the March meeting. Ms. Frazier stated staff has looked at other comprehensive plans and has some goals, objectives and policies they would like to recommend if the Committee would like to have those presented at the next meeting. Item C: Residential Fence Consideration Update Ms. Hernandez stated that at the December meeting the Committee asked staff to look at other options for the privacy of the neighbors surrounding the dog park. Staff had concluded that the sign listing hours of operation of the park situated near the restrooms is not clearly visible. The consensus was to make a larger sign and install it at the entrance where it is more visible to people coming in. Then, if people were still not abiding by the hours of operation at the park, the neighbors could call the Police Department and register a complaint. Ms. White stated she thinks posting the sign at the front gate is a good idea. 7. Public Input Debbie Schneider, 107 Mayberry Street, Sebastian, FL. She inquired as to when the water fountain for the small dog park will be installed as well as the benches that were promised. Ms. Hernandez stated the amenity additions were recommended by the Committee in December. She cannot state definitely when these things are going to be installed, and she will check with Public Facilities, but it is on their list of projects to do. Mr. Sims suggested he get Ms. Schneider's name and/or give her a number she can call personally. Sumanda Ashton, Cashew Court, Sebastian. FL. Last month she spoke to Ms. Hernandez and brought photos of the dog park fence where the fence was broken, as well as holes in the ground. Ms. Hernandez at that time stated this would be looked into the following Wednesday. Someone did come to the park and attempted to repair an area where the fence was broken, and thereupon two more areas of the fence were broken by doing so. At least two dogs have escaped through these holes in the fence. Several people opined that it is the lawnmowers that damage the fence. Mr. Sims reminded the public that there are signs at the dog park with numbers to call to report PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018 issues. Ms. Hernandez stated she had Public Facilities go out and look at the situation, and they returned to her stating that it had been repaired. Ms. Webster stated there are many parks in the City, and people need to be patient. Ms. Ashton stated that, as the dog park is now it is not safe for dogs, and the users of the park have tried to be very patient. Mr. Sims suggested he get Ms. Ashton's number after the meeting, and maybe this problem can be addressed in the next few days. Ms. Hernandez stated she is going to speak with the park supervisor the next day and find out why these concerns, have not been fully addressed, and she will have feedback at the next meeting. Hamilton Edwards, 182 Easy Street, Sebastian, FL. He stated his primary issue is the fact that there is no shade on the small dog part of the park. Ms. White suggested that shade for the small dog side is something that may have to be put in the budget. She stated that there has been quite a bit of money put into the dog park in the last few years, and there are more things on the agenda to be added in the near future. She suggested that the users of the park might want to donate benches and tables. She also said that the users of the dog park should be considerate of the neighbors living around the park and should talk to the people who are not adhering to the park rules regarding the hours of operation. Jeffrey Michaelson, West Lakeview Drive, Sebastian, FL. He inquired as to what a bench would cost to donate. Ms. Hernandez stated that the benches that have been purchased for the dog park that haven't been installed yet were between $230.00 and $250.00, and that does not include a cement slab. Joanna Grant, 480 Seagrass Avenue, Sebastian, FL. She stated that the people at the dog park were of the understanding that the shade structure was put into the budget for this coming year, and they need that shade structure for the small dogs. Lise Howard, 733 Carnival Terrace, Sebastian, FL. She stated that the dog park does not have enough handicapped parking spaces. There are only two handicapped parking spaces at present. She also mentioned the damage to the fence, the holes or divots in the ground caused by the lawnmowers, and the lack of shade. She asked if the people could volunteer to fix some of the problems. Mr. Sims stated there are City ordinances regarding repairs, so he would say she should contact the City staff before doing anything. Ms. White asked if the table that had been put in could be removed and at least one more space put in where the table is now. She mentioned that the parking lot was full when she was there today. Ms. Grant mentioned that when the lot is full, PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018 people park in the grass. 8. New Business A. City of Sebastian Land Development Code. I. Proposed amendments to the Land Development Code regarding recreation land dedication. Ms. Hernandez stated during staffs work with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council this matter was brought up, and these were recommendations from the Regional Planning Council. It would have to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission. It basically clarifies this matter, and staff wanted any Committee input. Ms. Frazier stated that, as the consultant was reviewing the present Comprehensive Plan Element, they looked at the Land Development Code that corresponds with that element and found several discrepancies. One of the things that was discovered was that the City has had this ordinance in place for quite a few years, and they are required to set aside a certain amount of land for recreational purposes. They get credit if they develop it into a private park or if they donate funds in lieu of land. That is completely separate from our Parks and Recreation Fund. She wanted to make certain that the Committee understands that, and staff is just showing the Committee the highlighted items that clarify the ordinance. If the Committee has no questions or comments, it will be presented to the Planning and Zoning Board 9. Staff Matters A. Recreational Impact Fees Ordinance Ordinance 0-01-15 Ms. Frazier stated it has come up several times by this Committee and by City Council regarding clarification of the Recreational Impact Fee Ordinance. Staff has provided copies to the Committee this evening to point out a few items within the Ordinance for their understanding and to emphasize that the new City Attorney, James Stokes, had made a clarification to City Council regarding the Recreational Impact Fee and what it can be spent on. It is important that this Committee understand how these dollars can be spent. This ordinance stated as it was set out that none of the levels of service in PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018 our existing parks should be reduced even if that area of the City is not growing and generating the recreational fees as quickly as another area of the City. The zone map which will be improved shows the different areas of the City. She then read what Mr. Stokes had indicated regarding these dollars, and that we can use these dollars for improvements to the facilities in our community parks. She stated it is important to have a dedicated line item for those specific low -dollar improvements that this Committee would like to do in the different parks and to recognize that there are four zones in the City, and these zones are for the neighborhood parks. For instance, in the dog park during the last calendar year from January to December the City has spent over $9,000.00, and those dollars were taken out of park facilities, ground maintenance, vehicle and equipment budget, and that means that dollars are being taken out of expenditures that are needed in the City to maintain all of the other parks. She cited the dog park as an example so that, if in next year's budget we allocate a line item for small - dollar improvements, it can be spread among the parks. Staff is working on the budget right now, and the budget year is from October 1 through September 30. Ms. Webster asked that staff remind the Committee of this item when the new budget is presented. Ms. Frazier emphasized that whatever amount is decided, that amount would be in the budget as a line item for small -dollar facility improvements in the area parks. Staff also reminded the Committee that the Easter Egg Hunt will be on March 315t at 10:00 a.m. Ms. White, Ms. Webster, and Mr. Sunnycalb indicated they would be there to help. Ms. Hernandez addressed a question Ms. Webster had asked about taking photos during special events, and that there has to be a photo and/or video permission release form distributed. 10. Board or Committee Matters Mr. Sunnycalb referenced the shade trees in the dog park and suggested that if the fence was moved instead of buying more fence, that would provide room for the table and also room to put a shade shelter in the back. Ms. Frazier stated that the staff would appreciate some directives in this matter. She stated that if the Committee is suggesting staff spend somewhere around $1,000.00 for two shade shelters, they will take that request to the City Manager and/or City Council for approval. Mr. Sims inquired if the Committee wanted to bring this matter up to City Council. Ms. Frazier stated that it could be brought up to the City Manager, and he could decide if he wanted to present it to City Council. Ms. White suggested the Committee wait till the new budget is proposed and bring it up then. Ms. Webster stated she thought the dog park PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018 has been supported very well by the City, so the users of the dog park may have to be patient on these matters. Mr. Sims stated the Committee would table this for now and wait for the new budget. Mr. Sunnycalb asked if Ms. Hernandez had ever gotten in touch with the Commissioner about the boardwalk behind the City buildings, getting that repaired. Ms. Hernandez stated she will follow up on that. Mr. Sunnycalb also mentioned that this weekend, March 3rd. is the Wildlife Festival. Ms. White stated that when she was at the dog park, she noted the parking lot is in need of repair. She also mentioned Easy Street Park lights, that the lights on the north side are not staying lit. She also mentioned when it was discussed about doing uniform signs for all the parks, are we looking at keeping the sign with the pelican on it for all the parks. Ms. Frazier said she thought that was the plan. Ms. Kukstis stated she saw a sign by the river that showed other parks and thought it was a good idea, so the signs would show where other parks are located. Ms. Hernandez stated she would follow up on that with Public Facilities. Ms. Kukstis also asked if the City contracts out the mowing of the grass. Ms. Hernandez stated that only the riverfront is contracted out, but the parks are done by city employees. Ms. Kukstis then asked how many employees that would be, and Ms. Hernandez said generally about seven, and two employees take care of the ball fields. Ms. White thanked the staff for the job they do. All members of the Committee agreed. Mr. Sims also asked members of the public to call and report things that need to be brought to the City's attention and to please be patient. 11. Items for the Next Aoenda and Date — March 26, 2018. 12. Adjourn Chairman Sims called for any further business. Hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. By Matthew Sims, Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee A Mm SEBAST_ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meetina Date: March 26, 2018 Aaenda Item and Title: 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; Item A. Recreation and Open Space Element / Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Recommendation: Review City of Fernandina's and Satellite Beach's Goals and Objectives in comparison with the City of Sebastian's GOP's for recommendation of some of these, with pertinent modifications. Backqround: During the February meeting, Staff committed to researching Goals, Objectives and Policies (GOP's) from other cities/municipalities for the purpose of possibly incorporating some of the GOP's with the City of Sebastian's Recreation and Open Space Element. Included in this agenda packet are the City of Satellite Beach Recreation and Open Space Element GOP's and City of Fernandina's Recreation and Open Space Element Objectives, for the Committee's reference, consideration and prioritization. If Aaenda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Total Budgeted: $19,600 Attachments: 1) City of Fernandina Recreation and Open Space Element Objectives 2) City of Satellite Beach Recreation and Open Space Element Goals, Objectives and Policies `FgNhND/�. V � 9 _ m F�ORI�� RECREATION OPEN SPACE ELEMENT The Recreation and Open Space Element is intended to identify and address existing recreation and open space facilities and opportunities for improvements. Consideration of the potential need of future facilities and the prioritization of capital improvements is also part of this evaluation. The Element goal is to provide parks, recreational facilities, and open space to meet the health, safety and welfare needs of City residents and visitors. RECREATION & OPEN SPACE ELEMENT HIGHLIGHTS 1. Engage in Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Planning; ?. Inventory parks, recreation and open space based on the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP); 3. Establish equitable distribution of parks to ensure equal access to recreational facilities; 4. Utilize green building standards/sustainable practices for new construction/renovation; 5. Utilize sustainable materials and low -impact development practices in park construction; 6. Plant native landscaping and employ xeriscaping in parks to reduce irrigation, fertilizer and pesticide use; 7. Coordinate to ensure that fleet of vehicles and maintenance equipment is sustainable and energy efficient; 8. Emphasize pedestrian and bicycle access to parks and recreation areas; 9. Identify how open spaces are to be utilized; 10. Identify and map lands for potential acquisition as park space; 11. Develop recreational boating needs assessment and assessment of waterways networks; 12. Identify shoreline and waterway accesses as part of the overall park and recreational facilities; 13. Continue variety of community services available to the public and continue community outreach and involvement; and 14. Address specific resources such as Egans Creek Greenway and Bosque Bello Cemetery. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT GOAL 6 GOAL 6.0 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT THE CITY SHALL ENSURE THE AVAILABILITY OF PARKS, RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, AND OPEN SPACE TO MEET THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE NEEDS OF CITY RESIDENTS AND VISITORS. OBJECTIVE 6.01. PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE MASTER PLANNING The City shall plan for a coordinated parks and recreation system that takes into account access to and availability of parks and recreation facilities and open space areas, the impact of parks and recreation facilities on ecological systems, community education opportunities, and community health. OBJECTIVE 6.02. AVAILABILITY OF PARKS, RECREATION T- 1CILITIES, AND OPEN SPACE The City shall ensure the availability of parks and recreation facilities and open space. OBJECTIVE 6.03. PARKS AND REC The City shall improve and maintain the existing park and recreation facilities inventory. OBJECTIVE 6.04. ACCESS TO RECREATIONAL AREAS The City shall ensure the availability of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle access to public recreational areas. OBJECTIVE 6.05. OPEN SPACE Open spaces shall be protected within urbanized areas for their aesthetic, health, environmental, and economic benefits. The City shall continue to maintain standards in its land development regulations for the provision and maintenance of open space in the community, including in private developments and publicly- owned lands. OBJECTIVE 6.06. LAND ACQUISITION The City shall maintain a program to continually evaluate the potential purchase of land for parks, recreation, conservation, and open space needs, and shall identify and map potential land for acquisition as recreation or open space. OBJECTIVE 6.07. BOATING AND The City shall include boating and waterways in parks and recreation planning efforts by 2017, in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. QOBO C011PREHENSl1`E PLAN CITE" OF FERNANDINA BEACE6 - 6 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEME\T GOAI 6 POLICY 6.09.03, OBJECTIVE 6.08. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMUNITY SERVICES The City shall continue to provide community services through the Parks and Recreation Department. OBJECTIVE 6.09. BOSQUE BELLO CEMETERY The City shall protect Bosque Bello Cemetery as a reminder of the community's heritage, and shall maintain the cemetery in a dignified manner while ensuring community safety. OBJECTIVE 6.10. EGANS CREEK GREENWAY The City shall protect Egans Creek Greenway for its value as a recreational asset, for its significance as an outstanding natural resource, and for its role in providing wildlife habitat. OBJECTIVE 6.11. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDI`< \T1nN The City shall seek to increase intergovernmental coordination regarding parks, recreation, and open space. (2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CITY Of FERNANDINA BEACEb - 7 Sa+.�II i+'c f3cac% M"o k 24rj IF' u�lrc++'n1 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES The provision of recreation and open space for the citizens of Satellite Beach shall be in accordance with the following goals, objectives, and policies: GOAL Sufficient parks, recreation facilities, and open space areas to provide the citizens of Satellite Beach with a wide variety of leisure time activities in order that the City continues to be an attractive community in which to live. Objective 1.1 The City shall continue to provide, within its financial capacity, recreation and open space facilities which meet residents' expectations. Policy 1.1.1 - The City shall continue to use a system of user fees to support recreation programs. Policy 1.1.2 - The City shall continue to encourage volunteerism and participant involvement in planning and operating recreation programs and in the construction of support facilities so as to supplement available City resources. Policy 1.1.3 - The City shall continue to cooperate with the County and adjacent communities regarding inter -community sharing of recreation and open -space facilities. Policy 1.1.4- Acquisition of recreation/open space facilities by the City shall be prioritized in accordance with expressed desires of the community and in response to availability of grant funds and other incentive programs. Policy 1.1.5 - The Recreation Advisory Board shall continue to assess the need for and potential location of additional open space, beach and shore access, and recreation facilities. The assessment should take into consideration community interests, availability of public and private facilities, fiscal capabilities of the City, and potential development partners. Policy 1.1.6 - The City shall continue to use the Recreation Board to assess the need for, and assist in implementation of, additional open space and recreation facilities/programs. Policy 1.1.7 - Upon approval by the City Council, the Recreation Board's proposed recreation and open space improvements each year shall constitute the annual revision of the Capital Improvements Schedule for the Recreation and Open Space Element of this Comprehensive Plan. Objective 1.2 The City shall prevent overcrowding and provide for adequate light and air circulation. Recreation and Open Space Element Goals, Objectives and Policies 6-1 Policy 1.2.1 - The City shall continue to require within its development regulations the provision of open space as a condition of land development by limiting the percentage of land that may be covered by structures and impervious surfaces, by requiring setbacks, and by relating structural bulk to land area. Objective 1.3 To the extent fiscally feasible, the City shall continue to pursue environmentally sound and affordable means of providing convenient access to open space, parks, and recreation facilities in the City. Policy 1.3.1- Samsons Island Nature Park shall be retained by the City as a pastoral open -space area with fiscally feasible improvements, including increased access via the Banana River. Policy 1.3.2 - To the extent fiscally and environmentally feasible, the City shall continue to maintain existing Atlantic Ocean and Banana River accesses and improve access facilities. Policy 1.3.3 -To the extent fiscally practicable in cooperation with, private, County, State and Federal partners, the City shall implement efforts to develop an oceanfront "greenway" so as to preserve and improve public access to, and views of, the beaches and ocean. Policy 1.3.4 - The City shall implement and improve upon, as resources permit, the recommendations of the Citizen's Ad Hoc Bicycle/Pedestrian Committee for development of a network of recreational trails connecting the significant destinations in the City and passing within 500 feet of 90% of the residences within the City. Policy 1.3.5 - The City shall, as resources and opportunity allow, improve public parking and access to water bodies and beaches. Policy 1.3.6 - The City shall, as resources and opportunity allow, create new or improved greenways and recreational trails in the City. . Policy 1.3.7 - The City shall, as resources and opportunity allow, continue to use public acquisition and actively seek opportunities to develop a linear recreation/conservation corridor of public open space along its oceanfront shoreline. Policy 1.3.8 - The City shall coordinate with Florida Communities Trust, the St. Johns River Water Management District, Brevard County, and non-profit organizations to acquire natural areas and open space for outdoor recreation. Recreation and Open Space Element Goals, Objectives and Policies 6-2