HomeMy WebLinkAbout01021997 PZ City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET : SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 n FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1997 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 7:00 P.M. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CALL TO ORDER. ROLL CJLT.T.. ANNOUNCEMENTS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: OLD BUSINESS: HEN BUSINESS: A. Public Hearing - Regular Meeting of December 19, 1996 Rome Occupational License - 314 Pineapple Street - Don & Karen Bobish - Carpet Cleaning B. Public Hearing - Rome Oocupa~ional Liaense - 21 Treasure Circle - M/M Steckler - Vending Machine Service C. Public Hearing - Rome Ocaupa21onal License - 431 Joyhaven Drive - Rebecca Bazyler - Floral Arrangements D. Site Plan Review -Grace's Landing - Housing for the Elderly - Sebastian Housing Development Corp/Bethany Carpenter E. Site Plan Review - Cornerstone Residential Construction Corp. - Residential Dwelling in COR District - 10615 U.S. #1 F. Recommendation to City Council - Proposed ordinances - Procedural Changes to the Land Development COde 7. ~HAI,~ MATTERS: 8. MEMBERS MATTERS: 9. DIRECTOR MATTERS: 10. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 11. ADJOURNMENT. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON 'THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHXCH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE' FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 'AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 2, 1997 Chairman Fischer called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. PI~SENT: EXCUSED ABSENCE: UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: ALSO PRESENT: Ms. Kilkelly Mr. Pliska lVls. Vesia Mr. Dfive~ Chnm. Fischer Mr. Math~ Mr. lohns Mr. Schulke Robert Massarelli, Community Development Diroctm' Jan gin~, Zoning Technician A,n Brack Record~ Smr~tary ANNOUNCEMENTS.: Chmn. Fisl~r announced that Mr. Driver and Ms. Kilko~ will b~ voting on be, haft of Mr. ~ Mr. Massarelli suggest~l that items 6.D and 6.E be m,nnsed on tonight's agenda as 6.E oan be APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Dr~.r/PUska I make a motion that wo ~ the minu~ of Decetnber 19, 1996. A voic~ vot~ was takea. 6 - 0 motion carri~l. OLD BUSINESS: None PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1997 NEW BUSINESS: PUBLIC HEARING - HOME OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE - 314 PINEAPPLE STREET - DON.& KAREN BOBISH - CARPET CLEANING Don Bobish of 314 Pineapple Street was present. There were ei~htee~ (18) notices of heari~ seot out. We received ooe (1) objection amino non- objectio~ letters. A copy of the objectioo letter was given to the applicant. The.public hearing was opened at 7:07 P.M. There was no public input and the heating was closed at 7:07 P.M. MOTiON by Vesia/Mun~-t I make a motion that we approve the Home Occupational License for Don Bobish, Carpet Dry-cleani~ at 314 Pineapple Street, Sebastian. A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion canied. PUBLIC HEARING - HOME OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE - 21 TREASURE CIRCLE - M/M STECKLER - VENDING MACHINE SERVICE Bert Steclder of 21 Treasure Circle was present. There were seven (7) notices of hearing sent out. We received no objection or non-objection l~cers. Jan King l~ve staff presentation and reminded the applicant of the limit on de~es made to his residence. Staff recommended approval. The public hearing was opmedat 7:10 P.M. Therowas no public iuput and the heari~ was closed at 7:10 P.M. MOTiON by Muns~/Ve~i~ I move that we graat a Home Occupational Licmse to Mr. and Mrs. Stedder, ~ as Case ~rises, at 21 Treasure Circle. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1997 A voice vote was take~. 6 - 0 motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - HOME OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE - 431 JOYItAVEN.DRIVE - REBECCA BAZYLER - FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Ms. Bazyler of 431 Joyhaven Drive was present. Tbere ~¢~-two (22) ~c~ ofhearing seot out. We r~x~dved one (1) objoc~ion ami no non- objection letters. A copy of the objection letter was given to the applicant. Jan King gave staff preseatation and reccmngaded approval with a remimler to the applicant that she may have only one delivery a week. The lmblic lgarin8 was Olmned ~ 7:13 P.M. There w~ no public input andtbe beariag was closed at 7:13 P.M. MOTION by Vesia/Munsart I make a motion that we approve a Home Occupational Liceme for Retmc,~ Bazyler, 43 l A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion carried. SiTE PLAN REVIEW - CORNERSTONE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUC~ON CORP. - RESIDENTIAL DWELLING IN COR DISTRICT. 10615 U.S. #1 Mr. Bill Adair with Cornerstone in Sa~,~lite Beach was present. Bob Massarelli gave staff preseatation for this minor site plan and recomngaded approval. H~ noted that there would be no pavemeat at this site. Mr. Pliska noted a contradic~on b~wem two separate sbe~ that indicate a ~ (16) foot concr~ driveway on one sheet, and a sixteea (16) foot mulch driveway on another sheet. Mr. Massarelli noted tbat the code does not require a concre~ driveway - it's "momuaged" ! MOTION by Munsart/Dfiver I make a motion that we approve the site plan for Cornerstone Select Homes, lncorpo~ as shown on drawings by William J. Sut~, Land S~, Inc., job aumb~ 96-141 dated March 18, 1996, and furth~ shown on plato as submitted by Design Maaia, Inc., reflected on sheet #1 of four (4) sheets, dated November 2, 1996, sheet #2 of four (4) sheets dated November 2, 1996, sbeet #3 of four (4) sheets, dated November 2, 1996, and sheet #4 of four (4) sheets, dated November 2, 1996. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF RF~ULAR MEETING OF IANUARY 2, 1997 A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion camed~ SITE PLAN REVIEW - GRACE'S LANDING - HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY - SEBASTIAN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP/BETHANY CARPEKrER He noted that Pahnetto has apprczfimately a thirty (30) foot ri~ht~: ~ this property with a thirttzn (13) to ~ (15)foot wide paveme~ ~ is basically substandard. Lousiana Ave. also has a thirty (30) foot right-of-way, and is more of running a water line down Louisiana Ave. 2. Trces Tho applicant is required to have all necessary .pennits in place by early Fob~, which is hor deadline. At this point, Mr. Massarelli placed a s~ plan with the recently ~ ~ ~ m a ~ in the center of the room and c,a~3'one pn~t had an oppommity to look at it. In response to a question from Mr. Pliska, Mr. MaSsarclli noted. ~ any shifting o~ Imildings en the site plan would be minor modifications and, w~fldn't chansc thc square fl~t .o~ thcil/t/es or appemance of the buildi~s. If any chaz~s arise ~ requi~ tho Commission's ~ it would 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION .. MINLrI'ES OF REGIH.,AR MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1997 entrance by signage. Mr. Massarelli responded ltmt the Fire Departm~ and ~ Official will play a part in these requirements. The Commission can require lights and sisns. Mr. Munsart suglp~uxi that since this is an elderly facility, good lisiaing would be important. At this point, Chnm. Fisher opened the discussion period to the public. Philip Hyde of 1049 Palme~ Avenue stated that he tried to purchase a ~ co .north Louisiana Avenue several years ago, and was told by Mr. Cooper that he wouldbave io pay to widen the street. He susgested tbat some staiute might have be~ missed in this respect. Mr. possible, that the code be amended to require projects to address off-sit~ improveme~. He also numlioned that the Twin Pairs Project of Rt. $12 may have a bearing on louisiana ~ad Palmetto Avenues. Bruno Cristofori o£ 1044 Palmetto Awnue complained that Palmetto Argue is so nm'row, it will rover ha~e the ~ traffic that will be gemra~ by this Brace's Landing project, lie also with many more cars. Mr. Massar~lli noted that because o£the grant ~ involv~l, it could not r~vert to any other use for fifty (50) years. Carol Phelps of 1053 Pahne~ Avenue, and owner of Pbelps Garage at 1102 Louisinns Avenue asked how many feet would be taken east of Louisiana Avenue for realigning Louisiana Avenue? She noted that her buildin8 on Louisiana Aveoue sits so close lo the road that ~ (15)-feet would enter her structure. She also noted that to approve such a project as this ~ a plan ~o improve the affected roads didn't seem reasonable. that this Ordinance will be adopted within a year and will prevent situations like this from Mr. Cristofori commtmted that Louisiana Avenue was surveyed a few years al~o, and it was decided that straighumi~ it would be a major problem. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REG~ MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1997 Mr. Munsart suggested that with the road situation tm Palmetto and Louisiana, this project violates public safety and 8ene~ health and welfare of the community. Unless the road situation is clearly corrected along with the building_ of this project, he felt the project should not be Mr. Massarelli pointed out that this oginioa is valid. He also noted that if this is the.desire of the Commission, you must cite specific sections of tl~ code. that it is in conflict with, so that if it is Janet Cfistofori of 1044 ~ Avenue spol~ about problems with the street traffic. Sh~ noted that two cars cannot pass each other on Palmetto A~e. Because ~ ate f~w ~ on this str~ and everyone knows e~h other, th~ take tums pulling off. Strangers using ~his road tend to play "chick~" and don't pull off. She also noted that because there are more large ~ ~ ~s street, tlte~ doesn't seem to be anything to pt~nt another developer building a ~ proje~ (m additio~ 210 trips per day, as depicted £or this project, demands an improvnmmt in the roads. Mr. Cristofori offered to give up fifteen (15) feet of his land on P~ for street'S. Chnm. Fisher s~ ~ the residents of this area ~ this problem to City Coun~ as they would handle this problem. December 31, 1997. (A break was taken at 8:40 P.M. The meeting resumed at 8:54 P.M.) five letters of ~ since August of 1996. Ms. ~ explained the rant structure of the anticipated project: 15% of the o~ bedroom units will be at $175.00 per unit plus utility allowance 15% offl~ two bedroom units will lm at $211.00 per unit 85% of the one bedroom units will be runnin8 at $365.00 per unit 85% ofthc two bedroom units will be running at $439.00 per unit The one bedroom ~ ~ 794 sq. ft., two bedroom traits at 1,012 sq. ft., a ommmmity building of 1815 sq. ft: Withinthe ~building~is a kitcJmn which will provide acomnmnity area PLANNING AND ZONI'NG COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1997 a week, at the owners expense. These exercise classes may be open to the public, but the project owner will only pay for residents. The lnd/an River County Council on AsinA has agreed to provide a transportation stop at the project. She noted that she expects many of the residm~ will residents will be vddows, many do not drive, and many depend on public ttampottation. application in the Spring. Chnm. Fischer noted that primary ingress and egress will be from Louisiana Avenue, and secondary' would be Palmetto Avenue. Discussion took place on the ingress and egress points .on Palmetto Avenue. Mr. Massarelli suggested that an enmanc~ sign be placed at the entrance on Louisiana Avenue to urge the use of Chnm. Fischer suggested that Mr. Cristofori and his neighbors on Palngtto and Louisiana Avenue get a notarized p~fifi~m and write letters to City Council, City Manager and the press to get some improvemm~ plans going ~r time s~e~. 1. The slaffis au'd~orized to approve adjusunam to the location of smmtm~, parld,~ and walkways to save and prou~ spechnea trees. brought back before this Commission before final approval. 3. Require the applicant to put lighti~ at tl~ entrances ~ Palmetto ~ ~~. 4. Require the applicant to put a m&n at the northeast corner of the property designating the entrance o~ Louisiana'as the main enum~. PLANNINO AND ZONING COMMISSION MINtH~S OF REGULAR MEETINO OF JANUARY 2, 1997 5. The applicant provides us with a ten (10) feet of risht-of-way along Pahnouo and fiReen (15) feet of right-of-way along I.ofisiana. MOTION by Plisha/Driver i make a motion that we accept the Orace Landing project submm~ by G-race Landing, ln~. of Florida as of SP-I, noted projoct ~6141, A1A, dated 10/16/96 of tbo projoc~ A2A, clau~, 10/16/96, same project, 6141, A3, the same, A4, 5, 6, ?, 8, 9, that th0y aU bo of the location of the ~, parking and walkways, that saves son~ prOjoct speom~ 1igniting at each entrance would bo ~ and ~t~ signs, and the tm (10) foot right-of-way on Palmetto, and the fifteen (15) foot right-of-way on Louisiana. Roll eau ~ talcm. 6.0 moron cardod. MOTION by Driver/Pliska I make a motion that we recomme~ to City Coun~l ~hat we ~ ~ dom~ about the Louisiana Awnu~ and P~ Avmue while we have willing ~ ami property ~ in that area to upgrade Louisiana and P~ Ave~ue~ for Ch'ace's Landing and A voice vote was taken. 6-0 motion carried. Commission ~ require~ a pre-application ~ on site plato. It will bo ~. was sorn~ discussion on notification to tbo public on certain projects such as this one. Mr. gm~rge~cy ~ or chanse pan of a oode ungl the entire code can bo ~'. He rdated this to the problem with pil~s in swales and under driveways. Mr. Massarelli r~a'red to Ordinance 097.2.E deletes tho emtire section on structures in the right- of-way because we need to come up with a complete right-of-way manageme~ ordinance. We will immediately come up with this ordinance. RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL PROPOSED ORDINANCES - PROCEDURAL CHANGES TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1997 Mr. MassareHi explained how the new ordinance numbers referred to the old ordinanc~ mnnbers: 0-97-1b, no chanses; 0-97-1c, no changes; 0-97-2b, unnecessary words eliminatfd- no chan~es; 0-97-2c is new, needed for consistency,.accessory buildings; 0-97-2d, no change; 0-97-2e, (delete this s~tio~ but regulate in a different forn~); 0-97-2f, no chnnge; 0-97-2g, no change; 0-97-3b, added new subsection 5. - Action of the Planning and Zoning Cotmnission m~y be i~ to the City Council pursuant to ~ection 20A. 11.3g.4; 0=974b; no change; 0-97-5b, short~; 0-97-6b, no change; 0-97-7b, no change. MOTION by Kil~lly/Munsnrt I move that Ordinances 0-97-1b, lc, 2b, 2~, 2d, 2e,, 2f, 2g, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b be recormne~l~ to C/ty Council for approval. A voice vote was tak~. 6 - 0 motion carried. Mr. Munsart asked Mir. Massarclli to repeat his ~ of this mor-in~ in. refimm~ to tenninatioa of a nonconfo~ usc. only remodeled the buildin~ and did not need a site plan. for that, DIRECTOR MATTERS: Mr. Massarel~ noted that there would be a full agenda at the nextme~ing. Applications.have been received for the City Phnner II position, and we hope to fiH the position by April 1, 1997. The Chron. Fisd~ adjourned the mmfi.g at 10:00 P.M. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET g SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 [] FAX (561) 589-5570 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF I[EGULAR MEETING A~PROVE, DATM]~T~GHELD :~/~tLA~ ..!(o. tqq'] ' E. ANN BRACK, RECORDINO SECRETARY DORI ~OSWORTI( SECRETARY