HomeMy WebLinkAbout01031985 PZ PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES - PLANNING AND Z~ING JANUARY 3, 1985 Public Hearing was held January 3, 1985 in the City Council Chambers at 7~30 P.M. to consider a change in zoning and a land u~e ~nd~nt for LOts 1,2,3, and Tract G, Block 407, Sebastian Highlands Unit #?. Those present were Chairman Gene Harris, Vice-Chairman Harold Eise~barth, ~embers Jewell Thompson, Bob Fullerton, B~ll Mahoney, MarJorie Pools, Stan Kruliko~- ski, and alternate Edra Young. Jake Jacoway and Attorney Jaok Spira repre- sented the applicant, Huntley Jiffy StoreS, Inc.. Attorney Spira presented teh concept which would include the removal of the temporary structure now housing Florida Homefinders who would become tenents of the building repla- cing the trailer, and the provision of a convenience store/gas station. General Development Corporation owns the property and there is a letter on file stating ~hey have no objections to the proposed changes. Some of the discussion that followed concerned the traffic problems that might be generated on an already busy intersection. Mr. Spira stated the studi~s indicate that convenience stores reduce traffic, having a negative impact, but the applicant would consent to providing a traffic i~act study before site plan approval. There was also concern about a trafficlight at this intersection. Mr. Jacoway agreed a traffic light would be alright, but didn't feel the Jiffy Stores should shoulder the::entire, b~trden of pro- viding one. Vice-Chairman Eisenbarth questioned the distance requirement for the sale of alcoholic beverages fro~ a church. Mr. Jacoway's&id there is a state statute that forbids cities fro~ establishing distance requirements for off-premise consu~ption.of beer and wine. There was a question concerning notification of the church.and the county adjacent pro~er~y owners.;','~ ~e~=etary is to chedk ~h~s qBestion. Jewell Thompson made a motion the decision concerning the changes be made until questions concerning alcohol sale and notificationof adjacent property owners were resolved'by the lawyer. Harold Eisenbarth seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Mr. Spira asked if approval could be ~ade contingent upon acceptable resolution of the two questions. Jewell Thoa~son withdrew his motion, Harold Eisenbarth withdrew his second. Jewell Thompson made the motion that the Planning and Zoning Board recommend to the City Council approval of the zoning change from R-1 to C-2, land use amendment from COR to CG for LOt 1,2,3, and Tract G, Block 407, Sebastian Highlands Unit #7, contingent upon legal verification concerning the proper notification of adjacent property owners and the sale of alcohol fo~':off-premis~ consumption within 450~ of a church. Harold Eisenbarth seconded the motion. ~he vote was six in favor, Stan KrUlikowski cast dissenting vote. · ttblic Hearing adjourned at 8~24 P.M. APPROVED: ~/~ GH/sb / MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD JANUARY 3, 1985 Regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board called' to order at 8~25 P.M. following the Public Hearing in the council chambers of the City of Sebastian, Chairman Gene'Harris presided. Attending were Chairman Harris, Vice-Chairman Harold Eisenbarth, members Jewel1 Thompso~ Bob Fullerton, Bill Mahoney, ~rjorie Pools, StanKrullko~Bki' and alterl Sdra Young. Minutes of the December 6, 1984 meeting were read and following moti( by Harold Eise~barth, second by Marjorie Poole~ a~pr~ved, aa read. Bob Fuilert°n asked a -uestion" ~~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ · · ~ a~out the red light question on Schuma~ Drive and U.S.#1.. The board discussed "contract zoning"~ it is illegal to make a zoning change contingent upon a financial obligation. The board discussed a letter the secretary sent to DePartment of Envi= mental Regulations concerning an application for a restaurant to be buil~ over the Indian l~/ver next to 'her home on Indian R~ver Drive. After muct~ discussion, Harold Sisenbarth read a letter he had written on behalf of t board which included ordinances whi'ch would oppose the application. .He m a ~otion that the board send a letter to the DER, Bob Fullerton seconded" motion, adding that. the DER be made aware of the length of the city ms sho line and ou~ concern. Stan KrUl~kowski asked if all a~plications of this type shoulc~ be opposed. HarOld Eisenbarth felt that a b~aitket policy ma~ be inappropriate, but felt this· particular application was-~tIlacceptable. The vote was six in favor, 'Jewell Thot~pson abstained. Bob Fullerton made the motion the bill for $25.41 payable to the Press. Journal for the Public Hearing notices be paid. Motion seconded by JeWel] Thompson. MotiOn ~assed unanimously. ..' Harold Eise~barth mede the motion that the Finance 'Department be asked to provide a complete financial re~ort for all transactions through D~cem~ 31, 1984. Jewell.Thompson seoor~ed the motion, which ~9~ u~all~tl~.~y, Jewell Thoa~son ~ade the motion to adjourn at 8:45 P.M., Marjori~ Pools seconded the mob~cul which passed u~animoUsly. GH/sb~